Western attire required: Jeans, Boots, Long Sleeve Shirt, and Hat Senior Division: 13–17 years; age as of 1/1/16 (Proof of age may be required.) Junior Division: 12 years and under; age as of 1/1/16 (Proof of age may be required.)

General Rules

1. Contestants WILL NOT be allowed to tie on; DALLY ONLY! 2. 3 minute time limit on all events. 3. Abuse of either personal or event animals is strictly prohibited. 4. No alcoholic beverages. 5. Ride for Jesus - No profanity or unchristian-like conduct. 6. The violation of any conduct rule by any team member or parent could result in team disqualification. 7. Ropes must be completely removed from horse before dismounting. 8. There will be four legal head catches: neck, horns, half-head or head plus 1 front leg. 9. 4 or 5 man team 10. Judges decision is final.

Point System Points will be awarded in each event based on the number of teams entered in the event. Example 12 teams: 1st - 12 points 5th – 8 points 9th – 4 points 2nd – 11 points 6th – 7 points 10th – 3 points 3rd – 10 points 7th – 6 points 11th – 2 points 4th – 9 points 8th – 5 points 12th – 1 point

Bonus Points (1 point for each team) will be awarded to teams that receive a qualified time in all events (in this example there would be 12 bonus points).

Tie Breaker - In the event of a tie the winner will be chosen by the following: 1. Fastest time on all events total 2. Fastest time in the mugging 3. Fastest time in the trailer loading

Events and the number of events will be announced the day of the rodeo, but may include the following:  Senior Events: Sorting, Doctoring, Mugging, Trailer Loading, Wild Card (optional)  Junior Events: Sorting, Break-Away Roping, Mugging, Trailer Loading, Wild Card (optional)

Junior and Senior Sorting Event 1. Only one sorter will be allowed in the herd at a time. 2. Time starts and number will be called when sorter crosses the line and judge drops his flag. 3. Three head will be sorted from the herd, in order. Example: Announcer will call out the number 4; number 4, 5 and 6 will be sorted consecutively from the herd. 4. No loping into the herd; loping into the herd will result in a 30 sec. penalty. 5. Disqualifications/No Times will occur if a. Cattle are sorted out of order b. A sorted calf crosses the line back into the herd c. More than one person is in the herd d. An incorrect number crosses the line

Junior and Senior Trailer Loading 1. Three minute time limit 2. Time starts and number will be announced when sorter crosses the line and judge drops his flag. 3. Designated calf will be sorted and then pushed to the other end of the arena and loaded in trailer. 4. Center gate must be closed and latched and then one horse loaded into the back of the trailer. Cannot ride horse into trailer. 5. Back gate must be latched and all team members dismounted and on pickup before flagman stops your time. 6. If the wrong number crosses the line, the animal must be returned before your time will stop. 7. In animal returns to the herd, it may be sorted out again. 8. If panels fall due to cattle hitting them, or malfunction, a re-run will be given at judge’s discretion. 9. Disqualifications will occur if… a. Contestant rides into the trailer b. Two or more wrong numbered cattle cross the line c. The wrong number calf is loaded into the trailer d. If the gates are not shut and latched – road ready

Senior Doctoring 1. Three minute time limit 2. All team members must be mounted and start behind a chalk line. 3. Steer will be released and the time starts when the judge drops the flag when the steer crosses the steer line. 4. Cattle must be headed and heeled. 5. Must be one of the legal head catches and a legal heel catch (one or 2 feet). 6. When animal is stretched and the horses are faced; one team member will place a mark on the steer’s head with paint stick and raise hands to stop time. 7. Disqualifications will occur if…. a. Illegal head or heel loop and rope is not immediately dropped b. The steer is not visibly marked with the chalk

Senior Mugging Event 1. 5 minute time limit 2. No loop limits 3. All team members must be mounted and start behind a chalk line. 4. Steer will be released and time starts when the judge drops the flag when the steer crosses the line. 5. Contestant will rope steer, must be one of the legal head catches, heel loop optional. 6. Any three legs can be tied in a cross-bone fashion with a pigging string or tie rope. Must be 3 legs. 7. Time will stop when contestant releases the string, and all ropes and contestants are free of animal. 8. Steer must remain tied and not touched for six (6) seconds, if not it will result in a no time. 9. Disqualifications will occur if….. a. Illegal catch b. Steer does not remain tied c. Rope is not clear of animal

Junior Doctoring/Break-Away Roping (no loop limit) 1. Rope must have a flag on the end large enough for the flagger to see and tied to the horn with provided string. 2. All members have a chance to rope. 3. All team members must be mounted and behind chalk line at the opposite end of arena. 4. Steer will be released and the time starts when judge drops the flag when the steer crosses the steer line. 5. Catch as catch can (wrap around any part will not be considered a catch). Steer has to be standing to be roped. The steer must look through the loop. 6. Roper may rebuild loop. 7. Time stops when string is broken and judge drops flag. (Rope has to be on steer long enough to break string). 8. Disqualifications will occur if…. a. No flag on rope b. If string is broken by contestant then the rope is considered dead and it can’t be retied.

Junior Mugging Event 1. All contestants must be horseback, ride to a designated area, dismount, mug, and tie calf. 2. The calf will be tied on a 6 foot rope inside a circle. 3. If calf is not standing then calf must be day-lighted before mugging. 4. Any three legs will be tied in cross-bone fashion with pigging string, or tie string. 5. Time will stop when contestant releases the string and all other contestants are free of animal. 6. Calves must remain tied and not touched for six seconds, if not it is a no-time. 7. Disqualifications will occur if…. a. Calf get up before the 6 seconds are up b. Calf is not day lighted c. Contestant rides into the circle, no penalty if horse walk into circle after dismounting

Wild Card Events

Steer Dressing

1. Three minute time limit 2. One member is the designated roper, the remaining members are on foot. 3. THE ROPER MAY NOT DISMOUNT!! 4. The steer must be caught with a legal head loop. 5. The remaining member must get the skirt onto the steer and the bow onto the steer’s tail. 6. The time will stop when the steer is dressed and contestants put their hands up. 7. Time WILL NOT stop until the hands are up (except for the roper). 8. Disqualifications will occur if a. Illegal head catch b. Roper dismounts

Bedroll Race

1. 3 minute time limit 2. Each team member must participate. 3. The rider must run down, and dismount placing their reins in the hands of the holder. 4. The contestant must remove their boots and get into the bed roll and zip it up. 5. The time will stop when the team has placed their hat over their face. 6. Disqualification will occur if a. Boots are not removed b. Horses are not given to holder c. The bag was not attempted to be zipped up

Junior and Senior Flag Relay Race

1. 3 minute time limit 2. Each member must participate. 3. The first rider will be given a flag. 4. They must run down, and stick the flag in the barrel. 5. They must go on the back side of the barrel. 6. The second runner will leave once the first runner has crosses the chalk line, they must retrieve the flag and hand it off to the next member. 7. The third runner will stick the flag in the barrel and run back to the line. 8. The time will stop when all contestants have either taken or retrieved the flag, and last horse crosses the time line. 9. Disqualifications will occur if a. One member runs twice. b. The flag falls out of the bucket or the contestant drops the flag. c. Contestant knocks the barrel or the bucket over.

Senior Mini Wild Cow Milking

1. 3 minute time limit 2. Only one contestant is mounted and will act as the roper. 3. Remaining contestants must be afoot. 4. The roper will rope the calf by the neck. The roper MAY NOT dismount. 5. The remaining members must retrieve the ribbon from the calf’s tail and run it to the judge, all members except the roper must be in the circle for time to stop. 6. Disqualifications will occur if a. Roper dismounts. b. Ribbon is not returned to the judge.

Junior Mini Wild Cow Milking

1. 3 minute time limit 2. All contestants are mounted 3. The calf will be staked at the end of the arena inside a circle, contestants may not ride their horse in the circle. 4. All members will run and dismount, and will take the ribbon from the calf’s tail and run back to the judge. All members must be to the judge for time to stop. 5. Disqualifications will occur if a. Riders ride into the circle. b. Ribbon is not returned to the judge.