The Compassionate Contrarians The Compassionate Contrarians A history of vegetarians in Aotearoa New Zealand Catherine Amey Anti-Copyright 2014 May not be reproduced for the purposes of profit. Published by Rebel Press P.O. Box 9263 Marion Square 6141 Te Whanganui a Tara (Wellington) Aotearoa (New Zealand)
[email protected] National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Amey, Catherine. The compassionate contrarians: a history of vegetarians in Aotearoa New Zealand / Catherine Amey. ISBN 978-0-473-27440-5 (pbk.)—ISBN 978-0-473-27441-2 (PDF) 1. Vegetarians—New Zealand—History. 2. Animal rights activists—New Zealand—History. 3. Political activists—New Zealand— History. I. Title. 613.2620922093—dc 23 Cover design: Kate Logan Bound with a hatred for the State infused into every page Set in 10.5pt Minion Pro. Titles in Futura Std Heavy 18pt Contents Foreword i Introduction 1 1. A fig for the vegetarians! 5 2. Perils of the flesh: 31 Seventh Day Adventists and pure foods 3. Is meat-eating a necessity? 51 women’s rights, temperance, and vegetarianism 4. The kinship of all living beings: 75 peace, vegetarianism and animal rights 5. Spuds, parsnips, and swedes: 99 vegetarian conscientious objectors in detention, from the Second World War to the Korean War 6. ‘Glorious is the crusade for humaneness’: 121 theosophy, vegetarianism and animal rights 7. Flavours and recipes from many traditions 143 8. Diet and the revolution: 169 vegetarianism in the counterculture 1960s—1980s 9. Chickens, pigs, cows, and the planet 193 1980s—2000s Looking backwards, looking forward 211 Endnotes 217 Index 267 Foreword The rat was white and very clean, with a sensitive, twitching nose and a gentle expression.