217 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH FOSSIL RESOURCE CONFERENCE Edited by Vincent L. Santucci and Lindsay McClelland Edited by Vincent L. Santucci and Lindsay McClelland Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-01/01 Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-01/01

United States Department of the Interior•National Park Service•Geological Resource Division 218

Copies of this report are available from the editors. Geological Resources Division 12795 West Alameda Parkway Academy Place, Room 480 Lakewood, CO 80227 Please refer to: National Park Service D-2228 (September 2001).

Cover Illustration Photo of Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite footprint (upper left); digital contour of track (upper right); Digital Terrain Model of track, planar view (lower left); and Digital Terrain Model of track, oblique view (lower right). 219



Vincent L. Santucci National Park Service PO Box 592 Kemmerer, WY 83101


Lindsay McClelland National Park Service Room 3223 - Main Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20240-0001

Geologic Resources Division Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-01/01 September 2001 178


REBECCA SCOTT1, VINCENT L. SANTUCCI2, AND TIM CONNORS3 1Bodie State Historic Park, PO Box 515, Bridgeport, CA 93517; 2Fossil Butte National Monument, PO Box 592, Kemmerer, WY 83101; 3National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division, 12795 West Alameda Parkway, Academy Place, Room 480, Lakewood, CO 80227


ABSTRACT—The National Park Service (NPS) currently administers eleven park units within the state of Colorado. Most of these parks and monuments have been established and are recognized for their significant geologic features. Two monuments in Colorado, Dinosaur National Monument and Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, were specifically established for their significant paleontological resources. Fossiliferous rocks of , Mesozoic, and/or Cenozoic age have been identified in all of the National Park System units in Colorado. In 2000, the first comprehensive inventory of paleontological resources in the national parks and monuments of Colorado was initiated. A wide diversity of fossilized plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, and trace fossils has been documented. Paleontological resources identified from within the parks and monuments have been assessed for their scientific significance, potential threats, and management as non- renewable resources. Baseline paleontological resource data obtained during this survey will assist National Park Service staff with management of the paleontological resources and protection of fossils within their park. ______

PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCE monuments are also considered in this study in order to as- sess the potential for stratigraphically equivalent resources MANAGEMENT AND PROTECTION within park boundaries. Baseline paleontological resource he paleontological resources in the national parks and data will enable park staff to enhance the management, pro- monuments of Colorado provide valuable information tection, research and interpretation of park fossils. Tabout ancient plants and and their environ- Ongoing and future paleontological research in the vari- ment. Fossils are recognized as non-renewable resources that ous NPS units within the state of Colorado will expand our possess both scientific and educational values. The NPS man- knowledge of the fossil record and the ancient environments ages fossils along with other natural and cultural resources in which these organisms lived. for the benefit of the public. All fossils from NPS areas are protected under federal law and their collection is prohibited except under the terms of a research permit. BENT’S OLD FORT NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE Paleontological resources are exhibited in a number of Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site (BEOL) was au- national parks and monuments in Colorado. The Quarry Visi- thorized on June 3, 1960 as a national historic site to pre- tor Center at Dinosaur National Monument provides visitors serve one of the important trading centers on the Sante Fe with the opportunity to view the world famous dinosaur bone- Trail. The site is one of the smaller NPS areas administered bearing rock wall as an in situ exhibit. Several thousand in Colorado. The fort is located on the flood plain of the macrofossils, representing 110 species, have been collected Arkansas River in the southeastern part of the state. from Mesa Verde National Park and there are excellent dis- Bedrock at Bent’s Old Fort consists of rocks plays of fossils at the park. Florissant Fossil Beds National identified as the Bridge Creek Member of the Greenhorn Monument has an in situ exhibit of giant petrified stumps, Formation. The Greenhorn is overlain by approxi- Sequoia affinis, along an interpretive trail. mately twelve feet (3.6 m) of (Wisconsinan) sands More comprehensive paleontological resource invento- and gravel deposited between 11,000 and 8,000 years ago. ries are underway in a number of the NPS units in Colorado. This unit is overlain with clayey sand that is also of Wiscon- These surveys are designed to identify the scope, significance, sin age (Moore, 1973). and distribution of the paleontological resources and to as- Twenty-eight specimens of the rudist Durania sess any natural or human-related threats to these ancient re- cornupastoris were collected from the Bridge Creek Member mains. Fossils reported from areas adjacent to the parks and of the just outside the park boundaries


(Cobban et al., 1985). Rudists are an extinct group of bi- tiary volcanic eruptions covered the area with lava flows, valved (pelecypod) mollusks. The rudist-producing bed in breccias, and tuffaceous deposits including the West Elk Brec- the Bridge Creek Member extends into the national historic cia (Fig. 1). site; thus, the potential for this resource in the park also exists. COLORADO NATIONAL MONUMENT A fragmentary mammoth tusk was discovered at Bent’s Colorado National Monument (COLM) was established Old Fort by Jackson Moore, a NPS archeologist. Tusk frag- by presidential proclamation on May 24, 1911. The Monu- ments were collected by Jackson between 1963 and 1966. ment is located in the west-central portion of Colorado along The remains were found in a gravel bed overlying a white the eastern margin of the Colorado Plateau and preserves limestone unit at the historic site (Moore, 1973). The frag- scenic sheer-walled canyons and towering monoliths. ments have been tentatively identified as Mammothus columbi COLM contains rocks dating from the to (personal communication, Nancy Russell, 2000). Accord- the Cretaceous. Basement rock consists of Precambrian schist ing to the park’s museum records, an additional three mam- and gneiss. During the Paleozoic, the area was uplifted form- moth tusk fragments were found in 1992 by archeologist Jerry ing the Uncompahgre Highlands. Precambrian rocks are Dawson. overlain by Mesozoic sedimentary units including, from old- est to youngest, the , Wingate BLACK CANYON OF THE and . The Chinle Formation is GUNNISON NATIONAL PARK the oldest sedimentary formation in the COLM and Black Canyon of the Gunnison (BLCA) was originally unconformably overlies Precambrian crystalline rocks, re- proclaimed a national monument on March 2, 1933, to pre- flecting a major unconformity. All of the sedimentary units serve a twelve mile stretch of river gorge carved by the in the park are Mesozoic. A theropod track site was discov- Gunnison River in west-central Colorado. The Monument ered in the Chinle Formation in 1990 (A. Hunt, personal com- was given wilderness designation on October 20, 1976 and munication, 1999). The Grallator-like track site is located was later redesignated as a national park on October 21, 1999. near the east entrance to the Monument. Hansen (1987) provides a comprehensive overview of Where the Kayenta has been removed; the Wingate Sand- the geology of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. stone weathers into rounded domes and forms most of the Hansen (1971) published a geologic map, which includes named features within the Monument (Dubiel, 1992). The the national park. During 1999 and 2000, the National Park of the San Rafael Group is usu- Service Geologic Resources Division produced a digital geo- ally salmon colored and crossbedded: it is topped by the logic map for BLCA, compiling maps by Hansen, at 1:24,000 Wanakah. The Entrada Sandstone of Rattlesnake Canyon scale. has been referred to as the second largest concentration of The geologic setting of BLCA consists of a sequence of arches in the world and is of a different origin than the arches Precambrian rocks including arkosic , graywackes, at Arches National Park. The overlies and granite (Hansen, 1967). Renewed crustal movement in the San Rafael Group and is fossiliferous. The Morrision the area accompanied the intrusion of the Vernal Mesa and Formation consists of the Tidwell, Salt Wash and the Brushy Curecanti plutons (Hansen, 1981). Most of the Paleozoic Basin Member (Turner and Fishman, 1991). The Jurassic section in the park has been eroded away before or during section is topped by the Cretaceous Burro Canyon Forma- the time of the Uncompahgre uplift. The only evidence of tion and Dakota Sandstone (Fig. 2). Paleozoic rocks in the canyon are diabase dikes dating to the or . In 1900, a famous dinosaur discovery was made in an During the Jurassic, sediments accumulated on the older area just outside of the current boundary of COLM. Elmer Precambrian rocks in the Black Canyon area. The Entrada, Riggs uncovered the forelimb of a sauropod dinosaur Wanakah, and Morrison formations preserve Jurassic (Camarasaurus grandis) in the Brushy Basin Member of the paleoenvironments in the park, but these are poorly exposed Morrison Formation (Armstrong and Kihm, 1980). The site within BLCA. Fiorillo (1996) reports on a Morrison Forma- is marked today with an historic marker and is a local tourist tion vertebrate locality within the boundaries of BLCA with stop known as Dinosaur Hill. the most significant fossil locality being a badly weathered During 1977, an inventory of the Morrison Formation sauropod bone impression found on the North Rim (Fiorillo, in COLM documented fourteen fossil localities (Callison, 2001, personal communication). One locality in the Salt Wash 1977). Fossils identified during the inventory included Member of the Morrison Formation, located just outside of bivalves, gastropods, , crocodilians, and dinosaurs, the park, has yielded fragments of a theropod posterior cau- including an ischium of a dryosaur. Most of the specimens dal vertebra, a sauropod rib, and numerous other dinosaur were found in the lower Salt Wash Member or Brushy Basin bone fragments (Anonymous, 1990). Member of the Morrison Formation. In 1985, many of these Overlying the Morrison Formation are the Cretaceous sites were resurveyed by George Engelmann yielding unionid , and Mancos bivalves, gastropods, and a sauropod caudal vertebra (Hansen, 1971). A few marine invertebrate fossils are (Armstrong and Kihm, 1980). Engelmann and Fiorillo (2000) known from the in the park. A series of Ter- resurveyed these sites again in 1995 and reported several 180 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

FIGURE 1. Stratigraphy of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and Curecanti National Recreation Area. SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 181

FIGURE 2. Stratigraphy of Colorado National Monument. 182 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

new sites. Only one of the original sites inventoried in 1977, specifically the site adjacent to the Black Ridge Trail, appears to have been vandalized (Engelmann, personal communica- tion, 2000). A historic newspaper clipping in the COLM files indi- cates that a mastodon tooth was found in 1965 in Thorough- fare Canyon. The tooth was reportedly discovered by Dr. Jack Roadifer, a local geologist. The whereabouts of the specimen are currently unknown. Ichnofossils in COLM, all of which occur in the Chinle Formation, include Scoyenia gracilis, Koupichnium nopsca and Camborygma (Hasiotis, 1997), crayfish burrows, and plant roots (rhizoliths. Horseshoe crab traces were discov- FIGURE 3. Dinosaur excavation at Curecanti National Recreation ered in the lower units of the Tidwell Member of the Morrison Area. Formation (Hasiotis et al., 1996), representing the first re- DINOSAUR NATIONAL MONUMENT port of these traces from Jurassic rocks. Dinosaur National Monument (DINO) was established by presidential proclamation on October 4, 1915. The site CURECANTI NATIONAL RECREATIONAL AREA was originally established to protect the famous dinosaur Curecanti National Recreational Area (CURE) has been quarry discovered in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Forma- administered under a cooperative agreement between the tion by Carnegie Museum paleontologist Earl Douglass. The Bureau of Reclamation and the NPS since February 11, 1965. Monument was enlarged in 1938 to include the spectacular The site contains three reservoirs: Morrow Point Lake, Crystal canyons cut by the Green and Yampa Rivers. Lake, and Blue Mesa Lake. Blue Mesa Lake is the largest Although the dinosaur-producing Morrison Formation lake in Colorado with a surface area of 14 square miles. has been the principal focus at DINO, the geologic record The geologic setting is similar to that of the Black Can- extends from the Precambrian through the Cretaceous. For yon of the Gunnison. The park is recognized for having ex- more information on the geology of DINO, see Gregson and posures of rocks that date to over 1.7 billion years in age, Chure (2000), Untermann and Untermann (1954, 1969), making these rocks among the oldest in western North Hansen et al. (1983), and Hansen (1996). America. (Fiorillo and Harris, 2000) (Fig. 1). The oldest sedimentary rocks within DINO are in the The Brushy Basin Member and the Salt Wash Member Precambrian Uinta Mountain Group. Hansen (1996) reported of the highly fossiliferous Upper Jurassic Morrison Forma- on fossilized algal globules Chuaria sp. from the Uinta Moun- tion are exposed at CURE. Trujillo (2000) prepared a de- tain Group near Manila, , about 70 miles north of the tailed report documenting the paleontological field activities Monument. Thus there is a potential for these fossils in the undertaken at the Dino Cove locality at CURE where the Monument. remains of two dinosaur taxa have been recovered from the The Upper Cambrian Lodore Formation consists of Morrison Formation. The remains have been identified as a variegated, glauconitic and sandstones that contain sauropod (cf. Apatosaurus sp.) and the theropod Allosaurus marine invertebrates and trace fossils. , gastro- sp. (Fig. 3) (Fiorillo et al., 1995, 1996). There is a reptilian pods, and trilobites have been identified from the Lodore caudal vertebra in the park museum collection (Frank, per- Formation in DINO (Herr, 1979; Herr et al., 1982; Hansen, sonal communication, 2000). Conchostracans are very abun- 1996). dant in the Morrison at Curecanti, one location is Dino Cove Corals, brachiopods, gastropods, and echinoderms are (Fiorillo and May, 1996). There are several types of preserved, but rare, in the Lower Madison ichnofossils preserved within the Morrison Formation at Limestone (Hansen et al., 1983). Upper Mississippian bra- CURE including crayfish burrows, termite nests, root casts chiopods, fish, and coal beds are present in the Doughnut and unionid clam burrows found near Red Creek (Fiorillo and Formation (Hansen et al., 1983). The Lower Harris, 2000; Fiorillo, 1999; Fiorillo and McCarty, 1996). The Round Valley Limestone contains bryozoans, brachiopods, invertebrate trace fossils predominantly occur in sandstone mollusks, and echinoderms (Hansen et al., 1983). Sponge layers and suggest that during periods of non-deposition spicules, corals, brachiopods, echinoid spines, , fora- there were an abundance of small life forms (Fiorillo, 1999). minifera, and are common in the marine facies of The first collection of Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) ver- the Middle Pennsylvanian Morgan Formation (Driese, 1982). tebrate remains from western Colorado come from Haystack The Park City Formation (equivalent to the Cave, located just outside of the CURE boundary. Speci- Phosphoria Formation farther north) consists of limestone, mens include remains identified as cf. Miracinonyx trumani, sandstone, and some layers (Fig. 4). Marine inverte- Equus sp. and Phenacomys intermedius (Emslie, 1986; brates including brachiopods, bivalves, cephalopods, gas- Jefferson, personal communication, 2001; see Appendix tropods, and other invertebrates have been found in this unit A). (Hansen et al., 1983). SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 183

Peabody (1948) studied some unusual tracks in the Lower Triassic in the vicinity of DINO. These include some swimming traces now in the collections of the Utah Field House Museum of Natural His- tory in Vernal, Utah. Scoyenia traces have been reported from the Moenkopi at DINO (Lockley et al., 1990). In the 1960’s an important vertebrate tracksite was dis- covered just northeast of DINO. Today over two dozen tracksites have been identified within the Monument. Nu- merous tracksites have been discovered in the Upper Trias- sic Popo Agie and Chinle Formations. Fossil tracks are di- verse and include those identified from dinosaurs, mammal- like , phytosaurs, aetosaurs, lepidosaurs, trilophosaurs, and tanystropheids (Lockley et al., 1990, 1992a, 1992b, 1992c; Hunt et al., 1993). Among these is a swimming track- FIGURE 5. Paleontologist Earl Douglass during the excavation of a way of Gwyneddichnium that shows webbing between the Diplodocus skeleton in the Douglass Quarry at Dinosaur National toes. In addition, there are examples of both walking and Monument, circa 1923). swimming types of these tracks. Horseshoe crab-like tracks and petrified wood are documented from the Chinle Forma- Theodore White was hired as the Monument’s first pa- tion at DINO. leontologist in 1953. White focused his attention on the prepa- Tridactyl theropod tracks and a rich Otozoum tracksite ration of the in situ bone-bearing layer and talking with the are known from the Lower Jurassic Glen Canyon Sandstone, public about the world of dinosaurs. He hired and trained which is equivalent to the Glen Canyon Group farther south two maintenance men, Tobe Wilkins and Jim Adams, to ex- and the Nugget Sandstone farther west and north (Lockley et pose in relief the bones on the Carnegie Quarry cliff face. al., 1992a; Santucci et al., 1998). The Carmel White published both scientific and popular articles about Formation is a shallow marine deposit that locally contains the fossils at DINO (White, 1958, 1964). White liked to call gypsiferous beds. Bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms, and a himself the “Chief Ramrod of the Hammers and Chisels” until few rare tridactyl vertebrate tracks have been reported from his retirement in 1973 (Ann Elder, written communication, the near DINO. 1999). Russ King, Dan Chure, Ann Elder, and Scott Madsen Chure (1993) reported on three plesiosaur specimens that have recently worked as staff paleontologists at DINO (Chure, may have been collected from the Redwater Member of the 1987, 1992; Chure and McIntosh, 1990). Elder (1999) pro- Stump Formation (Middle to Upper Jurassic) near the west- vides an historical overview of the Carnegie Quarry at DINO. ern boundary of DINO. Belemnites, ammonites, gastropods, Between 1989 and 1992, George Engelmann conducted and bivalves occur in the Middle Jurassic Curtis Member of a comprehensive paleontological survey of the Morrison the Stump Formation in the DINO area. Formation at DINO (Engelmann, 1992). More than 270 fos- The Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation is widely rec- sil sites were recorded during the survey. Most of the sites ognized as one of the most prolific dinosaur-bearing units in were dinosaur bone localities, but sites containing plant re- the world. In addition to dinosaurs, the Morrison Formation mains, invertebrates, and small vertebrates were also reported. has produced important collections of Jurassic mammals and A number of new dinosaurs have been collected in re- other vertebrates (Chure and Engelmann, 1989). The cent years from DINO. In 1990, the first large carnivorous Morrison Formation at DINO contains four members includ- theropod dinosaur was collected from the Salt Wash Mem- ing, from oldest to youngest, the Windy Hill, Tidwell, Salt ber of the Morrison Formation (Chure and Madsen, 1993; Wash, and Brushy Basin Members (Turner and Peterson, Chure et al., 1993). Chure (1994) reported on the oldest 1999). known troodontid dinosaur that was recovered from the Utah’s first theropod dinosaur (also recognized as the Monument. A partial skeleton of a hatchling dinosaur, iden- second dinosaur discovered in Utah) was found in 1870 near tified as Camptosaurus, was discovered at the Monument in what is today DINO (Marsh, 1871; Bilbey and Hall, 1999). Earl 1991 (Chure et al., 1992) and represents the only hatchling Douglass made his famous discovery of the dinosaur bonebed of this known in the fossil record. in 1909. Under Douglass’ direction the Carnegie Museum Chure et al (1989) reported on non-mammalian verte- worked the site until 1922. During 1923, the U.S. National brates collected from the Brushy Basin Member of the Museum (Smithsonian Institution) paleontologists collected Morrison in DINO. Evans and Chure (1999) reported on a specimen of Diplodocus, which was mounted for display in lizards from the Morrison Formation that were collected in that museum (Fig. 5). In 1924, the University of Utah col- the Monument. The remains of the Glyptops sp. and lected a skeleton of Allosaurus from the quarry. Holland the crocodile Goniopholis sp. have been collected from the (1912, 1915, 1916, and 1924) and Gilmore (1924, 1925a, 1925b, Monument. Several tiny frog skeletons and many isolated 1926, 1932, 1936a, and 1936b) published extensively on the frog bones have been collected from a Brushy Basin dinosaur discoveries from DINO. microvertebrate locality in DINO. These amphibian remains 184 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

FIGURE 4. Stratigraphy of Dinosaur National Monument. SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 185 represent at least four different species of frogs including most complete Cretaceous sauropod specimens found in Comobatrachus sp., Eobatrachus sp., and a new pipoid anu- North America (A. Elder, written communication, 1999). ran (Henrici, 1992, 1993, 1998). The Dakota Formation of Late Early or Early Late Cre- Engelmann et al (1989) reported on microvertebrates, in- taceous age consists of shoreface and terrestrial strata de- cluding mammals that have been collected from quarries in posited along the western margin of the western interior sea- DINO. The quarries are in the Brushy Basin Member of the way. Petrified wood and fragmentary invertebrate remains Morrison and have yielded hundreds of isolated teeth and a have been found in the Dakota. Fish scales and bones are few partial jaws. The skull of a new multituberculate, Glirodon locally abundant in the Upper Cretaceous , while grandis, was also found at the Monument (Engelmann and bivalves, ammonites, and shark teeth are also known from Callison, 1999). Other mammals identified include a this unit within DINO. The Upper Cretaceous Frontier For- triconodont, a symmetrodont, at least two species of mation contains bivalves, gastropods, ammonites, petrified dryolestids, and a paurodontid. wood, and some thin coal beds. The Mancos Shale is not Yen and Reeside (1950) described freshwater mollusks well exposed in the Monument, but locally this unit is very from the Morrison Formation. Sohn and Peck (1963) identi- fossiliferous and preserves a high diversity of marine inver- fied the ostracode Theriosynoecum wyomingense as a guide tebrates. Ammonites are reported from the Mancos Shale at fossil to the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation. Ashley Creek and Brush Creek near the Monument (Kennedy Ash (1993, 1994) reported on an unusual leaf and Cobban, 1991). Czechanowskia sp. from the Brushy Basin Member of the Sharpe (1991) reported on the and Holocene Morrison Formation in the Monument. This plant is consid- flora in DINO that was collected to assess vegetational ered by some as an indicator of humid paleoclimates, but, the changes. discovery of this plant in deposits of an alkaline-saline lake farther south brings this interpretation into question (Turner FLORISSANT FOSSIL BEDS NATIONAL MONUMENT and Fishman, 1991). A gingko leaf locality occurs in the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument (FLFO) was middle of the Brushy Basin Member . Tidwell (1990) reported established by presidential proclamation on August 20, 1969 on a plant locality in Orchid Draw in the western part of to preserve the unique fossil and plants found in the DINO. A palynological (fossil pollen) assessment of the area. The Monument is located in central Colorado approxi- Morrison Formation, including several sites within the Monu- mately 35 miles west of Colorado Springs near the town of ment, was conducted by Litwin et al (1998). Florissant. Recent evidence shows that dermestid larvae (Co- The Florissant area is underlain by Precambrian Pike’s leoptera: Dermestidae) borings (Fig. 6) are preserved in dino- Peak granite. This unit has a distinctive pink color and was saur bones collected from the Carnegie Quarry (Hasiotis, et formed more than one billion years ago. The massive gra- al., 1999). These trace fossils suggest subaerial exposure of nitic pluton was uplifted during the Laramide the dinosaur carcasses prior to burial and represent the earli- Orogeny (approximately 65-70 million years ago) (Meyer and est evidence of dermestids in the paleontological record. Weber, 1995). Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments were eroded Recent work in the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain away during the uplift, and a widespread erosion surface Formation has produced some spectacular fossil specimens. developed by Late time. One site in particular, a river-deposited bonebed, has yielded a nearly complete articulated sauropod skull, elements of a The Wall Mountain Tuff (36.6 million years old) second disarticulated sauropod skull, numerous sauropod unconformably overlies the Pike’s Peak granite in the vicin- post-cranial elements, and a few isolated theropod bones. ity of Florissant and is exposed in isolated outcrops (Henry, Though only a preliminary analysis of these fossils has been et al., 1996). It is believed that the source of the Wall Moun- completed, the cranial materials appear to be some of the tain Tuff was the Mt. Princeton caldera (Wobus, personal communication, 2000). The Florissant Formation overlies the Wall Mountain Tuff and is composed of shales interbedded with volcaniclastic deposits (Fig. 7). Early eruptions from the Thirty-Nine Mile volcanic complex produced lahars (mud- flows) that buried the giant redwoods and other trees with 13-16 feet of debris. An influx of silica-rich water saturated tree stumps and preserved them by permineralization, which accounts for the preservation of cellular structure in the stumps (Fig. 8). The lahar layer containing the petrified stumps is the lowest layer in the Florissant Formation. Subsequent volcanic eruptions, also from the Thirty-Nine Mile volcanic field, impounded the stream drainage to the south and formed ancient Lake Florissant. Plant debris and insects were trapped within the volcanic sediments that slowly washed into the FIGURE 6. Small borings on the surface of dinosaur bone from Carnegie Quarry, Dinosaur National Monument. lake. Diatoms flourished in the lake and contributed to the 186 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

FIGURE 7. Stratigraphy of Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 187

(Betulaceae) and Elm Family (Ulmaceae), respectively. The flora represents a much warmer temperate to nearly tropical climatic regime than what is found here today. Paleoclimates were calculated using floristic and physiognomic methods and different lapse rates. The Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) at Florissant during the Late Eocene has been esti- mated at approximately 10.7°-14°C (Meyer, 1986, 1992; Wolfe, 1992; Gregory and Chase, 1992) with an estimated paleoaltitude of 6230 - 10,500 feet (Meyer, 1992). One of the most famous of the Florissant fossils is no longer part of the park but is on display at Disneyland in California (Fig. 9). During the summer of 1956, Walt Disney visited the private Pike Petrified Forest (later to become Florissant Fossil Beds) and purchased a petrified tree stump. FIGURE 8. Petrified tree stump at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. According to the plaque placed on the tree at Disneyland, the stump is seven feet six inches in diameter, weighs five sedimentation processes by forming mats. These mats con- tons and came from a tree whose original height was esti- tributed to the preservation of the and plant fossils mated at 200 feet (letter, Walt Disney Archives, 1999). (Harding and Chart 2000). These sediments compacted over There are currently 59 fossil localities identified at time forming fossiliferous “paper-shales”. Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. The Monument’s Although the first official report of the fossil beds was museum database contains historic information about each published in 1874 by A.C. Peale of the Hayden Survey, the specimen, accompanied by a digital photo. A bibliographic first known collection of the fossil deposits was made in 1871 database has also been developed by the paleontology staff by Theodore Meade (Meyer and Weber, 1995). Other re- at the Monument to include all publications related to the search has been done by Shaler from Harvard and Cockerell geology and paleontology of the Florissant area. A new from the University of Colorado To date, the Florissant For- database is being developed to compile all the most recent mation has yielded more that 50,000 specimens, represent- taxonomic designations for all plant and insect species. ing approximately 140 species of plants and 1400-1500 spe- cies of insects. The world’s most diverse collection of fossil GREAT SAND DUNES NATIONAL MONUMENT butterflies has come from Florissant, representing 12 species Great Sand Dunes National Monument (GRSA) was es- (not including moths). The most common plants found at tablished by presidential proclamation on March 17, 1932. Florissant are Fagopsis longifolia and Cedrelospermum The Monument received wilderness designation on October lineatum sp., extinct members of the Beech Family 20, 1976 and was upgraded to a national monument and pre- serve on November 22, 2000. It will become a national park as soon as a land purchase is completed. The Park is located in south central Colorado in the San Luis Valley and pre- serves the tallest sand dunes in North America. Individual dunes can reach 700 feet in height. The dunes cover ap- proximately 39 square miles along the western edge of the Sangre de Cristo Range. The sand dunes were created by northeast winds transporting quartz sands and volcanic de- bris across this valley and depositing them at the base of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The Great Sand Dunes area consists of thin layers of alluvium between layers of lava and tuff. These deposits are in age and are known as the Sante Fe Formation (Fig. 10). This unit is overlain by post-Miocene sands and clays of the (Merk, 1960). Johnson (1967) provides a more comprehensive overview of Great Sand Dunes geology. Bruce and Johnson (1991) published a geo- logic map that includes the Great Sand Dunes. The Park museum collection contains some columnals and a rock specimen with the casts of three partial brachiopods. These specimens were collected Figure 9. Petrified tree stump on display at Disneyland, California. The stump was collected by Walt Disney from Florissant prior to along the Mosca Pass Trail. A mammoth femur and bison the site’s establishment as a national monument. phalange have also been collected in the park. 188 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

FIGURE 10. Stratigraphy of Great Sand Dunes National Park. SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 189

FIGURE 11. Stratigraphy of Hovenweep National Monument. 190 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

HOVENWEEP NATIONAL MONUMENT shallow water conditions. Some cephalopods, gastropods, Hovenweep National Monument (HOVE), in southwest- and shark teeth also occur in this bed. ern Colorado, was established by presidential proclamation Above the , about 45 feet of the Bridge on March 2, 1923. The site preserves a concentration of Creek (Greenhorn) Limestone Member of the Mancos is Pre-Columbian cliff dwellings, pueblos, and towers. The found. The Bridge Creek Limestone crops out north of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation is exposed along the Mesa Verde National Park capping small erosion remnants south edge of Hovenweep National Monument. Locally the of the soft Graneros Shale. It contains a varied molluscan Burro Canyon Formation (Lower Cretaceous) and the Da- fauna including numerous inoceramids of the genus kota Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) cap the fluvial deposits Mytiloides, and ammonites of the genera Mammites, of the Morrison Formation (Fig. 11). Watinoceras, Baculites, Kamerunoceras and others (Leckie, The only report of paleontological resources from the et al, 1997, p. 171-173). The Bridge Creek Limestone does Monument is an unidentified bone fragment found by Mike not contain many fossils in Mesa Verde National Park, but it Hylland, a Utah Geological Survey geologist (M. Hayden, has a very rich assemblage of fossils to the east near Pueblo, written communication, 1999). Although there are not many Colorado (Cobban and Scott, 1972). Pyritized clams are reports of fossils from within the Monument, judging from known from this unit in the park. their nearby, invertebrate fossils most likely are present in About 92 feet of light gray Fairport Shale overlies the HOVE (Santucci, 2000). Bridge Creek Limestone. The shales are soft and include many thin bentonite seams. The most common fossils are found in beds crowded with juvenile Collignoniceras MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK woollgari (Mantell). No adult C. woollgari are found in these Mesa Verde National Park (MEVE) was established by beds, but small , fragmentary inoceramids, Congress on June 26, 1906 to preserve the famous Anasazi fragments and shark teeth occur in association with the am- cliff dwellings and ruins of the southwestern Colorado high monites. mesas. The park received wilderness designation on Octo- Overlying the Fairport Member of the Mancos, is nearly ber 20, 1976 and World Heritage Site designation on Septem- 250 feet of dark gray, sparsely fossiliferous Blue Hill Shale. ber 6, 1978. The Blue Hill does not crop out within the Mesa Verde Park Mesa Verde National Park lies on a broad, flat-topped boundaries and is not easily recognized topographically. mesa with deeply cut and steep-walled canyons. The can- The of the Mancos is the oldest yons are oriented north-south reflecting the regional dip of part of the formation to crop out within the park. The wide- the rocks to the south. Wanek (1954 and 1959) provides a spread, highly fossiliferous Juana Lopez consists of approxi- comprehensive overview of the geology of Mesa Verde Na- mately 140 feet of calcareous shale and beds of solid tional Park. calcarenite. Calcarenite is composed of sand-sized grains of The oldest exposed geologic unit in the park is the Up- calcium carbonate, mostly broken fragments of mollusk shells per Cretaceous Mancos Shale (Fig. 12). The Dakota Sand- and some recrystallized . It is relatively resistant to stone directly underlies the Mancos Shale in southwest Colo- erosion and caps many of the small buttes along the north rado, but the Dakota is not exposed in the Park. A few fine edge of the park. The calcarenite is a dark solid rock in freshly specimens of Tempskya sp. were collected from the Dakota broken specimens, but weathers a characteristic rusty color Sandstone adjacent to the park. These specimens were sent in most outcrops. The Juana Lopez is highly fossiliferous, to Dr. Bill Tidwell who concluded that these specimens prob- especially in the calcarenite layers. Ammonites and bivalves ably represent a new species and are younger than any other are common and well preserved. The most common and known specimens of this taxa. stratigraphically useful ammonites are the several species of The 2000-foot-thick Mancos Formation was deposited Prionocyclus; P. macombi Meek, P. wyomingensis Meek, P. in a fluctuating inland sea, mostly far from shore. The type novimexicanus (Marcou), and P.quadratus Cobban; the section of the Mancos is exposed below Point Lookout on Scaphites, S. warreni Meek and Hayden, and S. whitfieldi the north side of Mesa Verde National Park. Pike (1947) Cobban, and the Baculites, B. undulatus d’Orbigny, and B. originally identified five faunal zones in the 2191-foot sec- yokoyami Tokunaga and Shimizu. Four faunal zones within tion of Mancos Shale at the park. A detailed revision of the the Juana Lopez are based on these ammonites. Bivalves type section divided the formation into eight distinct faunal dimidius White, Inoceramus perplexus and lithologic units (Kirkland, et al., 1995; Leckie, et al., Whitfield, and Nicaisolopha lugubris (Conrad) are also use- 1997). ful guide fossils in this member of the Mancos Formation. The oldest member of the Mancos is the Graneros Shale Some silt, but no quartz sand, is present, as these sediments Member, about 79 feet thick. The Graneros does not crop were laid down in quiet water far from a source of coarse out within the park boundaries, but is found a short distance clastics. to the north. The lowest part of this bentonite-rich member About 50 feet of calcareous shale named the Montezuma has a very limited fauna, but in the upper part is an almost Valley Member overlie the Juana Lopez (Leckie, et al., 1997). solid bed of small oysters, newberryi (Stanton) Numerous prionocyclids, scaphites, baculites, bivalves, (Hook and Cobban, 1977). These oysters indicate warm and inoceramids, and oysters occur in this sequence of shales SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 191

FIGURE 12. Stratigraphy of Mesa Verde National Park.

but not in the abundance of those found in the Juana Lopez. platinus(Logan, I. (Endocostea) balticus Boehm, I. Nearly 300 feet of limy shales and limestone overlie the (Magadiceramus) subquadratus Schluter and the ammonites Montezuma Valley Member of the Mancos. This unit is cor- Desmoscaphites bassleri (Reeside) and Scaphites related with the Smoky Hill Member of the Niobrara Forma- hippocrepis (DeKay). tion. The Smoky Hill forms prominent benches around the The uppermost portion of the Mancos Formation con- north edge of the Mesa Verde. The oyster sists of almost 1300 feet of sandy shale and thin shaly sand- congesta (Conrad) encrusts very large Inoceramus stones, previously referred to as the Transitional Zone. (Volviceramus) grandis (Conrad) and form compact solid Leckie (1997) has named it the Cortez Member. It repre- beds within the Smoky Hill, which makes an easily recog- sents the beginning of a regressive stage of deposition and nized stratigraphic horizon. Scaphites depressus (Reeside) consists of shallow water, near shore deposits. Within this and Baculites codyensis Reeside are found in the middle part thick sequence fossils are sparsely scattered, and include of the Smoky Hill sequence, and in the upper part are baculites, occasional scaphites, a Placenticeras planum inoceramids such as Inoceramus () Hyatt, and rarely the crinoid Uintacrinus. 192 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

FIGURE 13. Stratigraphy of Rocky Mountain National Park. SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 193

Overlying more than 2000 feet of the Mancos Formation senting a new species and possibly a genus, was also col- is the Mesaverde consisting of three formations from the lected. oldest to the youngest: the Point Lookout, Menefee, and Fossil vertebrates from the Cliff House include jaw, fins Cliff House. and isolated teeth from the bony fish Enchodus, shark teeth, The Point Lookout Formation consists of a series of amphibians, and reptiles (mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, turtles). about 300 feet of thick sandstones deposited in shallow wa- Trace fossils including the Crustacean burrows Ophiomorpha ter and along beaches of a regressing sea. The contact with are abundant throughout the sandstones. In 1934, during the upper Cortez Member of the Mancos is gradational and the construction of an addition to the Mesa Verde park mu- difficult to place. The is a cliff- seum, many excellent upper Cliff House fossils were collected. forming unit, which makes the resistant cap rock around the Holocene insect fossils have been reported from a num- rim of the Mesa Verde. There are few identifiable fossils in ber of the Anasazi archeological sites within the park (Gra- this formation, but trace fossils are common and a large ham, 1965). Analysis of fossil insect assemblages indicated Baculites cf haresi, some broken inoceramids, and drift wood that the synanthropic insect population remained virtually are present. unchanged from the Basketmaker culture through the Pueblo The sea drained off to the northeast, and the area be- culture (Elias, 1997). Insect fossils were found associated came a lowland, coastal plain. Thick deposits of the Menefee with human remains, coprolites, and in food storage contain- Formation totaling up to 800 feet in places, were laid down ers. in swamps, lagoons, and along broad meandering streams and include woody shales, coal, dark carbonaceous shales, ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK and discontinuous irregular stream sands. No invertebrate or vertebrate fossils have been found, but a rich paleobotani- Rocky Mountain National Park (ROMO) was established cal record is present, especially in the sandstones of the middle as a national park on January 26, 1915. The park was desig- part of the formation. Although plant fossils are common in nated a Biosphere Reserve in 1976 and given wilderness this unit, identification has been difficult because of prob- designation on December 22, 1980. Rocky Mountain Na- lems in preservation. Paleobotanists who have been helpful tional Park has the highest elevation of any of the NPS areas in making identifications of specimens brought to them from in Colorado and includes the highest peaks of the Front Range MEVE include Jack Wolfe (USGS retired), Gary Upchurch in the Rockies. This area is sometimes referred to as the (formerly USGS), Kirk Johnson (DMNH), Elizabeth Wheeler “Roof of the Rockies” as the Continental Divide crosses (NC State University), Una Smith (Yale Univ). Petrified wood through Rocky Mountain National Park. The park shows is common in the sandstone units and has been identified as extensive evidence of several different glacial episodes. Gla- conifer. A few pieces of wood, along with bark and twigs, cial features including cirques, moraines, icefields, glacial have been identified as Auricaria. Palms identified as Sabal lakes, striations, and glacial debris are evident within the and Sabalites are quite common and well preserved in the park. sandstones and make a thick hash of broken fronds in one The oldest rocks in Rocky Mountain National Park con- layer of the Menefee. Other paleontological material includes: sist of Precambrian gneisses and schists dated to approxi- grass blades, a crushed stem of Calamites, a twig of a prob- mately 1.8 billion years old (Fig. 13). These metamorphic able Sequoia, an unknown fern, a monocot, Brachyphyllum, rocks have been intruded by granite batholiths. During the and leaves from Sycamore, Theaceae, Laurel, Camelia,and Tertiary, the Laramide Orogeny caused regional uplift and Ficus trees. Kirk Johnson identified a well-preserved flower increased volcanic activity. Glacial activity started during bud as probably Paleoaster iniqueriende, but is much smaller the Pleistocene Epoch around 1.5 million years ago, repre- than any other known specimen. Una Smith (Yale Univer- senting the Bull Lake glaciation and the Pinedale glaciation sity) indicated that the specimen resembles a paleoaster, but (Wisconsinan age). The last of the Pleistocene glaciers dis- cannot refer it to a known species (Griffitts, personal commu- appeared in the park region about 7500 years ago (Harris, 1977). There are still several small active glaciers within the nication, 2001). park boundaries. The youngest Mesozoic sediments on the Mesa Verde Paleontological resources known from Rocky Mountain are the marine sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous Cliff National Park are limited to the Pleistocene and Holocene. House Formation deposited in a shallow transgressive sea. Although the Mancos Formation is exposed in the park, there The formation consists of two massive sandstone beds sepa- are no documented fossil specimens reported from this unit. rated by a shaly sandstone unit. The prehistoric Puebloan There are a few enigmatic specimens in the museum collec- cliff dwellings were constructed in alcoves in the massive tion at ROMO, including several pieces of petrified wood, sandstones. Invertebrate, vertebrate, and trace fossils are Stylommatophora, several molluscan specimens as well as found throughout the formation (Siemers and King, 1974). other marine fossils. Additional specimens in the park col- The ammonite Baculites maclearni Landes is common within lection include teeth from Ursus americanus, Equidae sp. the unit and more rare are fragments of a Placenticeras sp. and Bovidae sp. and ten plant fossils from the Willow Creek Bivalves include Ethmocardium whitei, Cymbophora, Pass area just outside the park boundaries. There are 35 Modiolus, Dosinopsis, and Inoceramus. Several echinoids different Holocene insects identified from the Mount Ida have been found and an excellent sea star, probably repre- 194 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

Ridge Pond (Elias, 1985), with additional specimens from the The Juana Lopez calcarenites bear a rich fauna of ammo- Roaring River and La Poudre Pass sites that are listed in nites and bivalves. Prionocyclus wyomingensis Meek and Appendix B (Elias, 1996a, 1996b). Pollen samples were also P. novimexicanus (Marcou), Baculites undulatus d’Orbigny collected from these localities. and B. yokoyami Tokunaga and Shimizu,. and Scaphites warreni Meek and Hayden and S. whitfieldi Cobban are com- mon ammonites. Common bivalves include YUCCA HOUSE NATIONAL MONUMENT Nicaisolophalugubris (Conrad), Inoceramus dimidius White, Yucca House National Monument (YUHO) was pro- I. perplexus Whitfield and various small oysters. This mem- claimed a national monument on December 19, 1919 to pre- ber is so highly fossiliferous that almost every block of serve a complex of unexcavated prehistoric Native Ameri- calcarenite shows at least fragments of molluscs. A collec- can pueblos. The site is administered through Mesa Verde tion of fossils from the monument are catalogued and stored National Park and is currently not open to the public. The at the Mesa Verde Museum. monument located on the west side of the broad Montezuma The paleontologic record is especially important to the Valley south of McElmo Creek consists of a group of archeologist because many of the building blocks visible in unexcavated mounds outlining kivas and room blocks origi- the rubble mounds have well-preserved fossils of the above nally described and sketched by W.H. Holmes during his species (Fig. 14). The closest outcrop of this fossiliferous 1875-76 field excursions (1876). zone is about ½ mile to the west. Where the Juana Lopez is The bedrock geology at Yucca House consists of the cut by gullies, ready-made building blocks, shaped by 3-6 Upper Cretaceous Mancos Formation. The Mancos Forma- inch bedding planes plus vertical jointing, are found. The tion has been divided into eight members at the type section layer that caps the low hills is usually thinner bedded and at Mesa Verde National Park by R.M. Leckie (Leckie, et al., would not make good building material. Some of the building 1997). However, at Yucca House only the top four members blocks are boulders from the terrace gravels and landslide are exposed within the monument boundaries. The lower debris, but a large part is the highly fossiliferous Juana Lopez four, the Graneros shale, the Bridge Creek (Greenhorn) Lime- calcarenite. stone, and the Fairport and Blue Hills Shales crop out to the Two small outcrops of the Smoky Hill Member of the west of the monument. The older Dakota Formation crops Mancos are found several miles to the east of Yucca House out about 2 ½ miles north and about 2 ½ miles west of the with typical bivalves, Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) en- present boundaries of Yucca House. crusting Inoceramus (Volviceramus) grandis (Conrad), and The oldest sedimentary rock cropping out in the monu- Inoceramus (Platyceramus) platinus Logan. ment, the Juana Lopez Member of the Mancos, is most im- portant to Yucca House both in paleontology and archeol- ogy. The low mesas just west of the monument boundary are ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS capped by the rusty calcarenite of the Juana Lopez Member. We thank the many National Park Service employees The gullies between the small hills cut into this member. The who provided their time and expertise during the inventory Juana Lopez is a highly fossiliferous unit composed of dark of paleontological resources in the various NPS units of Colo- soft calcareous shales and hard calcarenite layers. The rado including: Nancy Russell and Jackson Moore (retired) calcarenite is a granular, solid rock that resembles a sand- from Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site; Ken Stahlnecker, stone, but is almost entirely composed of calcium carbonate. Joanie Budzileni, Kelli Trujillo, and Mitzi Frank from Black It is dark gray, almost black in fresh specimens, but weathers Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and Curecanti Na- to a rusty brown. Solution of pieces of this calcarenite in tional Recreation Area; J. Lofland, Pat Perrotti, William Hood, hydrochloric acid leaves only a very small residue of fine silt and Dave Price from Colorado National Monument; Ann El- and clay. The Juana Lopez represents a period of quiet depo- sition far from shore, with little clastic material being brought into the area. Although the calcarenite is largely composed of bioclastic debris such as broken shell material, some prob- ably represents a chemical recrystallization of calcium car- bonate derived from the molluscan shells. Much of this part of the Montezuma Valley is underlain by the Juana Lopez Member. The dip is gentle, rarely more than 3 degrees, so that a relatively thin formation, less than 140 feet thick, crops out over a large geographic area. Most of the valley is covered with alluvium and terrace and land- slide deposits, so bed rock outcrops are not common. The area has been cultivated for generations and soil covers much of the flat area. Bedrock crops out west of Yucca House Monument in the low foothills below the Ute Mountain lac- FIGURE 14. Fossil bivalves in the building stones at an archeological coliths. site in Yucca House National Monument. SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 195 der and Scott Madsen from Dinosaur National Monument; ______, 1992. Leaping lizards, frolicking frogs, swimming Herb Meyer, A. Cook, and A. Kinchloe from Florissant Fossil salamanders, and minute mammals: the non-dinosaurs Beds National Monument; Andrew Valdez and Sue Judis from of Dinosaur National Monument: Park Science, v. 12, Great Sand Dunes National Park; George San Miguel, Jack no. 3, p. 7. Muller, and M. Colyer (photographer) from Mesa Verde Na- ______, 1993. The first record of ichthyosaurs from Utah: tional Park; and Bill Butler from Rocky Mountain National Brigham Young University Geology Studies, v. 39, p. 65- Park. 69. ______, 1994. Koparion douglassi, a new dinosaur from We extend an additional thanks to William Cobban the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Dinosaur (USGS), Wally Hansen (USGS), Jim Kirkland (Utah State National Monument: The oldest troodontid (Theropoda: Paleontologist), George Engelmann (University of Nebraska Maniraptora): Brigham Young University Geology Stud- at Omaha), Mary Griffitts (retired geologist), Tony Fiorillo ies, v. 40, p. 11-15. (Dallas Museum of Natural History), Scott Elias (University ______and G.F. ENGELMANN, 1989. The fauna of the Morrison Formation in Dinosaur National Monument, in Flynn, of Colorado), Jason Kenworthy (Fossil Butte National Monu- J.J., (editor), Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrate paleon- ment), Steve Hasiotis (University of Indiana), and George tology: classic localities, contemporary approaches: 28th Jefferson (Anza-Borrego Desert State Park) for technical in- International Geological Congress Field Trip Guidebook formation and review of this document. T322, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., Finally we would like to acknowledge our appreciation p. 8-14. of J. Gregson, B. Heise, B. Higgins and D. McGinnis of the ______, and J.H. MADSEN, 1993. A new carnosaurian dino- National Park Service, for providing the opportunity to in- saur from the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison For- clude paleontology as part of the Geologic Assessment of mation of Dinosaur National Monument, in V.L. the Colorado National Parks and Monuments. Santucci, (editor), NPS Paleontological Research Ab- stract Volume: NPS Technical Report NPS/NRPEFO/ NRTR-93/11, p. 47. REFERENCES ______, and J.S. MCINTOSH, 1990. Stranger in a strange land: ANONYMOUS, 1990. Resource/Boundary evaluation for lands a brief history of the paleontological operations at Dino- adjacent to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National saur National Monument: Earth Sciences History, v. 9, Monument, Colorado, United States Department of the no. 1, p. 34-40. Interior, National Park Service. pp. 76. ______, G.F. ENGELMANN, and S.K. MADSEN, 1989. Non-mam- ARMSTRONG, H.J. and A.J. KIHM, 1980. Fossil vertebrates of malian microvertebrates from the Morrison Formation the Grand Junction Area, Grand River Institute, Grand (Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of Dinosaur National Junction, CO, 230 pp. Monument, Utah-Colorado, USA: Journal of Vertebrate ASH, S., 1993. Plant megafossils of the Upper Jurassic Paleontology, v. 9 (supplement to no. 3), p. 16A-17A. Morrison Formation, Dinosaur National Monument, ______, J.H. MADSEN, and B.B. BRITT, 1993. New data on Utah, in V.L. Santucci (editor), National Park Service theropod dinosaurs from the Morrison For- Paleontological Research Abstract Volume: NPS Tech- mation: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts nical Report NPS/NRPEFO/NRTR-93/11, p. 44. with Program 13 (supplement to no. 3). ______, 1994. First occurrence of Czekanowskia ______, C.E. TURNER, AND F. PETERSON, 1992. An embryo of (Gymnospermae, Czekanowskiales) in the United States: the ornithopod dinosaur Camptosaurus from the Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 81, p. 129- Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Dinosaur Na- 140. tional Monument: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 12 BILBEY, S.A. and J.E. HALL, 1999. Marsh and “Megalosaurus” (supplement to no. 3): p. 23A-24A. – Utah’s first theropod dinosaur, in Gillette, D.D., (edi- COBBAN, W.A. and S.C. HOOK, 1979. Collignoniceras tor), Vertebrate : Utah Geological woollgari woollgari (Mantell) ammonite fauna from Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1, p. 67-69. Upper Cretaceous of Western Interior, United States: BRUCE, R.M. and B.R. JOHNSON, 1991. Geologic map of parts New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources of the Zapata Ranch and Mosca Pass Quadrangles, Memoir 37, p. 51. Alamosa and Huerfano Counties, Colorado. U.S. Geo- ______and G.R. SCOTT, 1972. Stratigraphy and ammonite logical Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map, MF- fauna of the Graneros Shale and Greenhorn Limestone 2168. near Pueblo, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Profes- CALLISON, G.L., 1977. Inventory of fossil vertebrates in sional Paper 645, 108 p. Morrison Formation rocks on the Colorado National ______, P.W. SKELTON, and W.J. KENNEDY, 1985. Occurrence Monument, Colorado National Monument Association, of the rudistid Durania cornupastoris (Des Moulins, Inc. , p. 33. 1826) in the Upper Cretaceous Greenhorn Limestone in CHURE, D.J., 1987. Dinosaur National Monument: a window Colorado. Geological Survey Bulletin, Chapter B 1985, on the past, in Averett, W.R., (editor), Geology and Pa- p. D1-D8. leontology of the Dinosaur Triangle: Museum of West- DRIESE, S.G., 1982. Sedimentology, distribution, ern Colorado, Grand Junction, Colorado, p. 75-77. and carbonate diagenesis of the Upper Morgan Forma- 196 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

tion (Middle Pennsylvanian), northern Utah and Colo- nical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-99/03, p. 42-46. rado. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Geology, University of Wis- ______and R.L. HARRIS, 2000. Late Jurassic (Morrison For- consin – Madison, 280 pp. mation) Continental Trace Fossils from Curecanti Na- DUBIEL, R.F., 1992. Sedimentology and depositional history tional Recreation Area, Colorado. Park Science, v. 20, p. of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Uinta, 28-30. Piceance, and Eagle Basins, northwestern Colorado and ______, R.L. HARRIS, and C.L. MAY, 1996. Late Jurassic northeastern Utah. USGS, Chapter B 1787-W, p. W1- dinosaur remains from Curecanti National Recreation W25. Area. Park Science, 16(4), p. 14-15. ELDER, A.S., 1999. The history of Dinosaur National ______and C.L. MAY, 1995. Depositional environment of Monument’s Douglass Quarry – the Park Service years, the first dinosaur remains from the Morrison Formation Gillette, D.D., editor, Vertebrate paleontology in Utah: (Upper Jurassic) of Curecanti National Recreation Area Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99- (Southwest Colorado), Geological Society of America 1, p. 71-76. Program with Abstracts, Rocky Mountain Section, vol. ELIAS, S.A., 1985. Paleoenvironmental interpretations of Ho- XX, p. 11. locene insect fossil assemblages from four high-altitude ______and ______, 1996. Preliminary report on the sites in the Front Range, Colorado, U.S.A. Arctic and taphonomy and depositional setting of a new dinosaur Alpine Research, vol. 17(1), p. 31-48. locality in the Morrison Formation (Brushy Basin Mem- ______, 1996a. Late Pleistocene and Holocene seasonal tem- ber) of Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado, peratures reconstructed from fossil beetle assemblages The Continental Jurassic, Bulletin of the Museum of in the Rocky Mountains., Quaternary Research, vol. 46, Northern Arizona, vol. 60, p. 555-561. p. 311-318. ______and D.K. MCCARTY, 1996. Paleopedological evi- ______, 1996. Rocky Mountain National Park: Life in the dence for a humid paleoenvironment in the lower part rarified air. The Ice Age History of Rocky Mountain of the Bushy Basin Member, Morrison Formation, of National Parks, 170 pp. the Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado, The EMSLIE, S.D., 1986. Late Pleistocene vertebrates from Gunnison Continental Jurassic, Bulletin of the Museum of North- County, Colorado. Journal of Paleontology, 60(1), p. 170- ern Arizona, vol. 60, p. 575-590. 176. GILMORE, C.W., 1924, Expedition to the Dinosaur National ENGELMANN, G.F., 1992. Paleontological survey of the Juras- Monument: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, v. sic Morrison Formation in Dinosaur National Monument: LXXVI, p. 12-16. Park Science, v. 12, no. 3, p. 8-9. ______, 1925a. A nearly complete, articulated skeleton of ______, and G. CALLISON, 1999. Glirodon grandis, a new Camarasaurus, a saurischian dinosaur from the Dino- multituberculate mammal from the Upper Jurassic saur National Monument: Memoirs of the Carnegie Morrison Formation, in Gillette, D.D., (editor), Verte- Museum, v. 10, p. 347-384. brate Paleontology in Utah: Utah Geological Survey ______, 1925b. Osteology of ornithopodous dinosaurs from Miscellaneous Publication 99-1, p. 161-177. the Dinosaur National Monument, Utah. Part I. On a ______and A.R. FIORILLO, 2000. The taphonomy and pa- skeleton of Camptosaurus medius Marsh. Part II. On a leoecology of the Upper Morrison Formation determined skeleton of Dryosaurus altus Marsh. Part III. On a skel- from a field study of fossil localities. Geo Research, vol. eton of Laosaurus gracilis Marsh: Memoirs of the 6, p. 533-540. Carnegie Museum, v. 10, p. 385-409. ______, D.J. CHURE, and S.K. MADSEN, 1989. A mammalian ______, 1926. A new aetosaurian reptile from the Morrison fauna from the Jurassic Morrison Formation of Dino- Formation of Utah: Annals of the Carnegie Museum, v. saur National Monument, Journal of Vertebrate Paleon- 15, no. 2, p. 326-342. tology Abstracts with Programs, v. 9 (supplement to no. ______, 1932. On a newly mounted skeleton of Diplodocus 3), p. 19A. in the United States National Museum: Proceedings of EVANS, S.E., and D.J. CHURE, 1999. Upper Jurassic lizards the United States National Museum, Article 18, 21 pp. from the Morrison Formation of Dinosaur National ______, 1936a. 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Appendix A: List of fossils from Haystack Cave Gunnison County, Colorado. Midwest Archaeological Center, National Parks Service Radiometric dates 14, 935± 610, 12,154± 1,700 yr BP 14C

Taxa: Bufo sp B. boreras or B. woodhousei Mustela frenata Sceloporus undulatus Taxidea taxus Buteo sp. Spilogale putorius Lagopus sp. Canis latrans Sialia sp. Vulpes vulpes Ochotona princeps Vulpes sp. or Urocyon sp. Lepus sp. Ursus americanus Sylvilagus sp. Acinonyx trumani Marmota flaviventris Felis colcolor Spermophilus richardsoni Equus sp. Thomomys talpoides Odocoileus hemionus Thomomys sp. Antilocapra americana Peromyscus maniculatus Ovis canadensis Microtus longicaudus Bootherium sp. Microtus sp. Euceratherium sp. Lagurus curtatus 200 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

Appendix B: Taxonomic list of fossil insects found in Rocky Mountain NP

Class Order Family Genus and Species Mount Roaring La Poudre Ida Bog River Pass Insecta COLEOPTERA Carabidae Agonum bembidioides X Agonum sp. X X Amara cf. apricaria X Bembidion cf. trasversale X Bembidion incertum X X Bembidion striola X Bembidion spp. X X Calathus advena X Carabus taedatus agassii X Discorderus sp. X Elaphrus cf. Clairvillei X Metabletus americanus X Notiophilus directus X X Patrobus septentrionis X X Pterostichus sp. X Stenelophus conjunctus X Selenophorus gagatinus X Selenophorus planipennis X Trechus sp. X X Trichocellus mannerheimi X Dytiscidae Agabus inscriptus X Agabus sp. X X Enochrus sp. X Hydrospous occidentalis X Hydrospous sp. X Hydrospous spp. X Genus indet. X Hydrophilidae Cercyon sp. X Helophorus linearoides X Helophorus sempervarisns X Helephorus sp. X Hydrobius sp. X Staphylinidae Acidota quadrata X X X Deinopsis sp. X Eucnecosum brunnescens X X Eucnecosum tenue X X X Eucnecosum spp. X X X Geodromicus sp. X X X Gymnusa atra X Hapalarea sp. X Lathrobium spp. X Lordithon sp. X Microedus sp. X Micropeplus laticollis X Mycetoporus sp. X Olophrum consimile X X Olophrum rotundicolle X X X Olophrum spp. X X X Orobanus sp. X Oxytelus sp. X Quedius sp. X X Philonthus spp. X X Phlaeopterus sp X SCOTT ET AL.— PALEO INVENTORY OF NPS AREAS IN COLORADO 201

Appendix B: (continued)

Insecta COLEOPTERA Staphylinidae Stenus (Colonus) sp. X X Stenus dissentiens X X Stenus immarginatus or formicetorum X Stenus leviceps X Stenus spp. X Tachinus elongatus X Tachinus frigidus X Tachinus sp. X Tachyporus sp. X Unamis sp. X Xantholinus sp. X Genus indet. X Histeridae Genus indet. X Byrrhidae Genus indet. X Elmidae Genus indet. X X Elateridae Genus indet. X X Cantharidae Podabrus sp X Anobiidae Genus indet. X Bostrichidae Stephanopachys sobrinus X Scarabaedidae Aegialia lacustris X X Aphodius sp. X X X Lathridiidae Genus indet. X Nitidulidae cf.Epurea sp. X Genus indet. Cucujidae Laemophloeus sp. X Mycetophagidae Genus indet. X Cerambycidae Genus indet. X Chrysomelidae Altica spp. X X X Oedionbchis sp. X Plateumaris flavipes X Genus indet. X X Curculionidae Apion sp. X X Magdalis hispoides X Rhynocolus marcops X Genus indet. X Scolytidae Dendroctonus cf. brevicomis X Dendroctonus rufipennis X X Dendroctonus sp. X Dryocoetes affaber X X Dryocoetes autographus X Dryocoetes sp. X Polygraphus rufipennis X X X 202 6TH FOSSIL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS VOLUME

Appendix B: (continued)

Insecta COLEOPTERA Phloeotribus lecontei X X Pityokteines minutus X Pityophthorus spp. X X Scolytus piceae X Genus indet X X HETEROPTERA Lygaeidae X X Genus indet TRICHOPTEREA Hydropsychidae Arctopsyche sp. X Limnephilidae cf. Asynarchus sp. X cf. Clistoronia sp. X Dicosmoecuss sp. X cf. Limnephilus sp. X Genus indet X X X Rhyacophilidae Himalopsyche sp. X Rhyacophila sp. X HYMENOPTERA Formicidae Camponotus herculeanus X Formica rufa cf. marcida X X Leptothorax sp. X X Myrmica incompleta X Myrmica (incompleta) sp. X Hymenoptera parasitica Genus indet X ARACHNIDA Aranaeae Genus indet X ARANEIDA Genus indet X X ACARI Oribatidae Genus indet X X X CLADOCERA Daphniidae Daphnia spp. X