Kirk Jing, Will Alston, Nick Jensen

Modern World Tournament 2014 Round #4 Tossups

1. This color is worn by Chacha, the most famous anime character in Filipino history. When painted on Zakus, this color invokes the “Char Custom Rule.” With white, this color names a popular NHK New Years Eve “Song Battle.” This color provides an alternate name for the South African land rights group Abahlali baseMjondolo. In 8­Bit Theater, a mage of this color is a genre­savvy transgendered half­dragon. A band with this color in its name released the songs “Make You Feel Better” and “Strip My Mind” as well as one about a (*) “sarcastic mister know­it­all.” Chinese strings of fate are this color, which was worn by supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra. This color’s best­known Ranger was Jason Lee Scott. Women over fifty may wear hats of this color, which names a 2012 Taylor Swift album. Disposable minor characters often wear shirts of this color on Star Trek. For 10 points, name this color used on AIDS awareness ribbons. ANSWER: red [accept equivalents or shades of red]

WARNING: YEAR AND COUNTRY REQUIRED 2. During these elections, Marjorie Margolies was annihilated for providing the two hundred and eighteenth vote on an unpopular budget. Ben Nighthorse Campbell party­switched after these elections where Jim Sasser and Harris Wofford lost in upsets. A year earlier, these elections were foreshadowed by victories for Frank Lucas, , Richard Riordan, and Christine Todd Whitman. A third party candidacy by J. Marshall Coleman helped Chuck Robb defeat American Hero Oliver North during one of these elections in Virginia. (*) “Boll­weevil Democrats” retired en masse during these elections, which ended the so­called “Conservative Coalition.” Bob Dornan called these elections “the year of the penis” which the mainstream media called the “year of the angry white male.” For 10 points, name these elections preceded by the Contract with America by the man elected Speaker during them, Newt Gingrich. ANSWER: 1994 elections [accept 1994 Midterm Elections or Republican Revolution or Gingrich Revolution before mentioned; prompt for country on 1994; prompt on generic answers like “congressional elections” or “Senate elections” for the year]

3. One of the largest of these organizations is the one centered in Dongbei, which controls China’s massive fishing market and has recently been at odds with a much smaller example headquartered in Chongqing. Hunger strikes against Article 41­bis were undertaken by members of these organizations, which are the subject of The Hundred Steps, Equal Danger and The Day of the Owl. Investigations into these organizations included “Spartacus” and “Maxi.” Observers commonly view the (*) krysha as one of these organizations, which are exemplified by the 'Ndrangheta. In the US, these organizations declined after the passage of the RICO Act. Initiated members of some of these organizations are called “made men.” For 10 points, name these organizations aided by the code of omertà in Sicily. ANSWER: mafias [prompt on organized crime or gangs or protection rackets or equivalents]

4. As defense minister in 1998, George Fernandes described this country as “enemy number one.” Though it does not contain the town of Gilgit, some workers from this country who died constructing a “Friendship Highway” are buried there. Companies in this country include the manufacturer of the JF­17 and one that was given control over the port of Gwadar in 2013. After a 2006 deal, this country’s citizens could take the Nathu La pass to sell goods duty­free in Sikkim. In December 2010, four hundred businessmen accompanied a leader of this country on a visit to its (*) southern neighbor, with which this country disputes control over parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin. This country enjoys a 90% favorable rating in Pakistan, which is connected to it via the Karakoram Pass. For 10 points, name this East Asian country, which has border disputes with India along the Himalayas. ANSWER: PRC [or People’s Republic of China; prompt on China or Zhōngguó with “which one;” accept Mainland China or Dàlù or Communist China or really anything that indicates we’re not talking about Taiwan]

5. A member of this organization jokes that the US cares more about cats than his country’s people in the fifteen­minute propaganda piece Not Anymore. This organization’s official logo is an eagle with a golden head, one green wing, and one black wing. After the seizure of some of this organization’s warehouses by members of the Islamic Front, its leader Salim Idris fled to Doha. Controversy has arisen over members of this organization (*) summarily executing people they suspect are shabiha, as well as its connections with the al­Nusra Front. This organization has received high­level military defectors like Mustafa Sheikh. It provided most of the fighters for the aggressors in the Hama offensive and the Battle of Aleppo. For 10 points, name this armed opposition to the Assad government in the ongoing Syrian Civil War. ANSWER: Free Syrian Army [or FSA; or al­Jaysh as­Sūrī al­Ḥurr; I suppose you can antiprompt on the Free Officers Movement or other groups that merged to form the FSA]

6. Claims by these people have led to the “foreshore and seabed” controversy. Pita Sharples is a minister assigned to the affairs of these people, who include Whina Cooper and the socially conservative party leader who introduced the SuperGold Card, Winston Peters. Seven of one nation’s parliament seats are reserved for them. Bionicle was criticized for trying to trademark words from the language of these people, who name a party that supports the (*) National Party cabinet and is led by Tariana Turia, a supporter of Prime Minister John Key. Rātana is a religious movement among these people, whose culture inspired Keri Hulme’s The Bone People. These people originated the haka performed before matches by the world’s greatest Rugby team, the All­Blacks. For 10 points, name these indigenous people of Aotearoa, which I suppose can also be called New Zealand. ANSWER: Māori [prompt on New Zealanders or Kiwis or equivalents]

7. Bodyguards of one holder of this position were charged with the assassination of Shaariibuugiin Altantuyaa. Paul Keating apologized to one holder of this position after calling him “recalcitrant.” Holders of this position are appointed by the Yang di­Pertuan Agong. Its current holder is opposed by the Pakatan Rakyat coalition and comes from the UMNO party, part of the BN coalition. The assassination of one holder of this position was foiled by a man who can’t take left turns but founded a namesake Center for (*) Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too, Derek Zoolander. A deputy to a holder of this office named Anwar Ibrahim was accused of homosexuality; Ibrahim leads the opposition to its current holder, Najib Razak. For 10 points, name this office whose holders have included Mahathir Mohamad, the leader of a Southeast Asian nation. ANSWER: Prime Minister of Malaysia [or Perdana Menteri Malaysia; give automatic power for Mr. Prime Rib of Propecia]

8. In early 2014, this man was found to have paid Ignatius Leong in exchange for votes, though in a 2008 election, he was unable to gain enough funding to run for President. The namesake Foundation of this chair of Committee 2008 supports an educational cause he promoted in the Moves for Life initiative. The Signal and the Noise claims that a bug was a primary cause for one loss for this man, who was put up “against the world” in an 1999 contest sponsored by MSN Gaming Zone. In another contest, this man defeated Nigel Short, though he later lost to (*) Viktor Kramnik. This man, who is running for President of FIDE, accused IBM of cheating after he lost a series three­and­a­half to two­and­a­half against the supercomputer Deep Blue. For 10 points, name this Russian political activist who was World Chess Champion from 1985 until 2001. ANSWER: Garry Kimovich Kasparov [or Garry Kimovich Weinstein]

9. A crown prince from this nation slugged Northern Ireland’s First Minister Ian Paisley in the face for mocking John Paul II as the Antichrist. The European Union put sanctions on this nation until three so­called “Wise Men” recommended lifting them. During this nation’s 2013 elections, the Social Democrats and People’s Party lost ground, but still cobbled together enough seats for a grand coalition. A 2008 car crash killed the leader of this nation’s right­wing populist (*) Freedom Party. In this nation, a self­titled party was founded by the founder of Canadian auto company Magna International, Frank Stronach. This home nation of Jörg Haider contains such landmarks as the Mariazell Basilica and Schönbrunn palace. For 10 points, name this nation whose tourist destinations include Innsbruck and Salzburg. ANSWER: Republic of Austria [or Republik Österreich]

10. In a namesake Total War story, this kingdom authorizes kamikaze attacks at the Battle of Northmarch. In a Fallout spinoff, this kingdom’s Ministry of Arcane Sciences launches a super­weapon at its enemy, causing it to be annihilated by a Pink Cloud retaliation. This kingdom is the setting of two horror games, one that tells you “Your fate is already sealed” if you try to open it again, the other the Story of the Blanks. A prophecy about a ruler of this kingdom claims that “the stars will aid in her escape” on the thousandth day of the (*) Summer Sun Celebration. This kingdom borders an empire menaced by King Sombra. During the reprise of the “This Day Aria,” this kingdom’s capital is invaded by Chrysalis and the Changelings; in another instance, it is nearly destroyed by Discord. For 10 points, name this kingdom ruled by Princesses Luna and Celestia, the setting of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. ANSWER: Magical Kingdom of Equestria [prompt on “My Little Pony World” or similar answers]

11. This nation requires a four­sevenths majority to pass education reforms. Each of this nation’s senate districts gives one seat to each of the top two parties unless one doubles the other. Much of the government revenue in this nation comes from the state­owned Codelco. 2006 protests in this nation were nicknamed the “March of the Penguins.” The GANE program was introduced in this nation by a billionaire president in response to 2011 student protests featuring the activist (*) FECh president Camila Vallejo, who has criticized this nation’s high tuition costs and extensive school voucher system. Speak Truth To Power author Ariel Dorfman was exiled from this nation, whose Concertación bloc is led by Michelle Bachelet. For 10 points, name this Latin American nation where one of its many copper mines collapsed on thirty­three miners in 2010. ANSWER: Republic of Chile [or República de Chile]

12. On this series, a character hip­fires an MG­42 with a Doppeltrommel drum at a musketeer and ends with the phrase “WER HATGETRÄUMT?” Scenes from this series include Anthonies singing the Hexeneinmaleins and Clara Dolls tossing tomatoes at a statue while chanting, “Gott ist tot.” The author tweeted that due to this series, “It's time to recognize me as a healing­type writer.” This series includes themes like Wo ist die Kase, Conturbatio, and Credens justitiam, as well as a character who notes feeling nothing while smashing Elsa Maria, and the orchestral (*) Octavia von Seckendorff. In one scene from this series, characters sing that they are a raspberry, apple, cheese, pumpkin, and melon, not a cake, while earlier, a character tells another they should die in despair for the sake of entropy. In the episode “I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore,” Tiro Finale fails against Charlotte, who then bites off a girl’s head. For 10 points, name this series where Kyubey offers a Faustian contract to become a magical girl. ANSWER: Puella Magi Madoka Magica [accept Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica; prompt on Madoka; accept Madoka: Beginnings or Madoka: Eternity or Madoka: Rebellion specifically]

13. An unofficial team called the Cavaliers was founded to play against this sports team, which had Errol Tobias as a member. Francis Bennion supported this team against H.A.R.T. and C.A.R.E., gaining the support of Robert Muldoon, who then violated the Gleneagles Agreement. Journalist John Carlin has covered this team, including its “Black Pearl,” Chester Williams. This team earned one of its greatest victories after a goal scored in second extra time by (*) Joel Stransky. This team pondered changing its symbol to the protea before Edward Griffith’s “One Team, One Country” campaign. It was once led by Francois Pienaar, who was portrayed on film by Matt Damon. For 10 points, name this sports team that defeated the New Zealand All­Blacks in the 1995 World Cup, a much­needed victory dramatized in the film Invictus, which takes place during its nation’s recovery from Apartheid. ANSWER: South African national rugby union team [or South African Springboks or Springbokke or Amabokoboko; accept equivalents; prompt for sport on South Africa or equivalents]

14. In one novel in this language, a tree that eats its own apples is burned down in an owl­haunted village inhabited by a miller’s daughter who sacrifices her virginity to obtain passports. In another novel in this language, a boy’s days of cruising for gay sex in the Alder Park come to an end when he is deported to a labor camp where “one shovel load equals one gram of bread.” A man obsessed with the sinking of a (*) cruise ship learns that his son frequents right­wing websites in another novel in this language, which climaxes when Konny shoots a Jewish boy for spitting on an assassinated Swiss leader’s memorial. The author of that work recounted his paramilitary past in a memoir in this language entitled Peeling the Onion. For 10 points, name this language used to write The Hunger Angel and Crabwalk by Herta Müller and Günter Grass. ANSWER: German [or Deutsch]

WARNING: DESCRIPTION ACCEPTABLE 15. Linda Hoaglund directed a movie about this document, which names an Early War 4­Ops Twilight Struggle card that takes control of a country and bans realignments in it. To stop a vote on this document, protesters assaulted James Hagerty and opposition party legislators physically assaulted the Speaker before police carried them out. A Pulitzer­winning photo shows an opposition leader being stabbed to death while giving an oration against this document, which, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t mandate a sympathy budget. The first Prime Minister from the (*) DPJ resigned due to issues with this document’s Article VI or Status of Forces Agreement, which puts an undue burden on one signatory’s southernmost prefecture, a supposed “unsinkable carrier” in the Pacific. For 10 points, name this alliance treaty that lets one nation station forces in MCAS Futenma in Okinawa. ANSWER: Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan [accept US­Japan Security Treaty, US­Japan Alliance Treaty, or US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact or reasonable equivalents; or Nippon­koku to Amerika­gasshūkoku to no Aida no Sōgo Kyōryoku oyobi Anzen Hoshō Jōyaku; or Anpo Jōyaku]

16. In 2010, the long­time leader of this non­Japanese political party visited the Yasukuni Shrine while his successor flew to Washington D.C. and met with Illinois Republican Joe Walsh. After this party’s strongest­ever showing in the 1997 elections, it was torpedoed by a splinter by the National Republican Movement. This party’s current leader gave a foreign policy speech on the seventieth anniversary of the Appeal of June 18th. This party lost a presidential election in which the winning candidate printed a poster reading “Vote for the Crook, Not The (*) Fascist.” In that 2002 election, this party’s leader was crushed by the founder of Rally for the Republic, whose daughter currently leads it. In 2012 that leader of this party came in a narrow third behind Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. For 10 points, name this far­right French political party led by Marine Le Pen. ANSWER: FN [or Front National; or National Front or NF]

17. Paul LePage used this action as a metaphor for Troy Jackson’s budget proposals. Colorado Representative Joe Salazar tweeted his desire to perform this action on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. A board game celebrating this action was marketed by the son of Kathleen Sebelius. Reggie Walton was appointed by Bush to chair a commission to address this action. Human Rights Watch wrote a landmark paper about the illicit performance of this action, (*) No Escape, which helped convince Congress to pass the PREA in 2003. A 2012 BJS report found that this action disproportionately affects the group that is the subject of the JJDPA. Fleece Johnson bragged about performing this action on MSNBC, earning him the nickname “Booty Warrior.” For 10 points, name this subject of the John Sebelius board game, Don’t Drop The Soap. ANSWER: prison rape [or forced stimming in prison; accept any forms of rape or clear­knowledge equivalents like non­consensual sex; accept sexual assault or equivalents; prompt on generic answers about sex]

18. In one game, this organization opposes the NSF, distributes Bob Page’s Ambrosia, and is led by Walter Simons and Joseph Manderly until J.C. Denton kills them. Following the overrunning of a recommissioned high school that served as one of this organization’s centers in Atlanta, Otis is betrayed by Shane Walsh. Agents of this organization are immune to fire and drop bile bombs when killed; they are an uncommon infected. Huey Freeman describes this organization as the leading killer of black men, ahead of pork chops and (*) “nigga moments.” Cynthia McKinney accused this organization of summarily executing five thousand prison inmates. Michael Chertoff led this organization when it shared blame with Kathleen Blanco and Ray Nagin, who extolled the “chocolate city” of New Orleans. For 10 points, name this federal agency defeated by Hurricane Katrina. ANSWER: FEMA [or Federal Emergency Management Agency; prompt for agency on Department of Homeland Security]

19. A set of policy proposals designed to make this state’s university system more business­like were called the Seven “Breakthrough Solutions.” High school students in this state were once required to pass its Assessment of Knowledge and Skills in order to graduate, but now take the STAAR test. This state’s governor was criticized for weakening education standards with HB 5, but challenged its universities to offer degree programs that cost ten thousand dollars or less. The public university system in this state (*) automatically admits students in the top 10% of their public high school class. Because of its affirmative action program, a university in this state was sued for not admitting unimpressive Louisiana State student Abigail Fisher. For 10 points, name this home state of a noted Agricultural and Mechanical University from which Rick Perry graduated. ANSWER: Texas [or Tejas; or TX; accept goofy nicknames like the Lone Star State]

20. The UN’s Commission for Africa lauded this nation’s New Community Movement as a model for rural development. In 2015, this nation’s namesake Electric Power Company will controversially from the capital to its Southwest and its Economic Planning Board once promoted the Heavy Chemical Industrialization Plan. Export data from this nation is considered the “global economic canary in the coal mine.” This country’s economic policies are often referred to by the initials of its leaders, such as DJnomics, a reform package passed in order for this nation to receive the largest ever (*) bailout in IMF history. This nation attempted to build a Grand Waterway between its two largest cities along the Nakdo and later signed a free trade agreement renegotiated in 2010 by Barack Obama. For 10 points, name this export powerhouse home to companies like Kia and Hyundai. ANSWER: South Korea [or ROK or Republic of Korea; or Daehan Minguk]


21. This man sued the Federal Election Commission in a namesake case that upheld the constitutionality of the McCain­Feingold Act. The incumbent Walter Dee Huddleston was unseated by a mere five thousand votes by this man, who later squashed Bruce Lunsford by one hundred thousand votes. This politician negotiated an end to the fiscal cliff crisis with Joe Biden and initially endorsed Trey Grayson in a primary to succeed , before firmly embracing the (*) ophthalmologist who won that primary. A Tea Party challenge by Matt Bevin was beaten back by this man, who was the target of a Texas Tea Party ad calling him a turtle. For some reason, this man is considered the most vulnerable Republican incumbent of 2014. For 10 points, name this Senate Minority Leader, a Republican Senator from . ANSWER: Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell, Jr