Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 ______Asia Pacific Journal of Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics Multidisciplinary Research of Selected Genres of Music Vol. 5 No. 4, 37-46 November 2017 Part III Celeste L. Aglipay, Ivy D. Evangelista, Mikaela C. Sones and P-ISSN 2350-7756 Lourdes P. Panaligan E-ISSN 2350-8442 College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Lyceum of the University – Batangas CHED Recognized Journal

Date Received: July 5, 2017; Date Revised: October 27, 2017

Abstract - This study specifically described the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and grade level; identified the importance of music; determined the level of awareness on the different genres of music; and tested the significant difference in the level of awareness when grouped according to profile variables. There are 305 respondents participated in the study from High School Department of one academic institution in the Philippines. The findings showed that the respondents agreed with the positive awareness of the different genres of music and the positive relationship of Music and the level of awareness on the different genres of music. Keywords: Genres, Pop Music, Rhythm and Blues, Classical Music, and Rap Music

INTRODUCTION educated and skills to be established. A meaningful Greatest music consists of people singing with their program of study should take in common teaching with voices or playing melodic instruments, such as the class time programmed during the school day. And that piano, guitar, or drums. Music is sound that has been in a way that it affords for long period student systematized by means of rhythm, melody or harmony. involvement, earning and accomplishment, the Example, if somebody knocks glasses while eating, it program will be continued throughout the school years. makes noise. If a person knocks glasses in a rhythmic As Secondary Education students who will be a way, they are creating a modest kind of music too teacher someday, the need to have more knowledge on abrupt. the awareness of the students to music because the According to Dorrell [1], an expert expressed that, teacher contributes a lot in the achievement of a student the mechanics like, the song, notes, mood, beat, in music. Help students to discover, improve, create instruments, harmonies, agreement, and bass would and improvise music. In addition, it is important for the likely join to deliver great music. Furthermore, it is teachers to know the interest and likes of the students. likewise partitioned into disparate classifications or The researchers conducted this study because as a sorts that separate one style from another. These kinds future MAPEH majors, it is a part of our responsibility can be isolated by the instruments included and how to know what genre of music catches the interest of our they are finished. There is additionally a social or social students. That despite today’s generation, that the element that aided in their development as a different technology is very high, the researchers wanted to kind, because of every type being performed in a know if the students of 20th century are still aware of marginally assorted manner. Music is for all ages, but the different genres of music. some teenagers nowadays are exposed too much with music of different genres. Since they are still young, OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY their choice of genres sometimes is affected by their The study aimed to describe the profile of the environment, peer group or the members of the family. respondents in terms of age and gender and grade level; Music is an essential subject in schools because it identified the benefits of music; determined the level of bonds the instruments at home and in the community, awareness on the different genres of music; and tested who listen responsively to the diversity of music with the significant difference on the level of awareness appreciation and a serious ear, who support the hard when grouped according to profile variables. work of others to make music, and who share their harmonious awareness with family and friends. Meanwhile, the subject contains both ideas to be

37 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______METHODS frequency distribution, weighted mean and Analysis of Design Variance (ANOVA). These tools be based on the This study used the descriptive method utilized a objectives of the study. The data were treated using subject in the questionnaire, to describe the profile, to statistical software, PASW version to further analyze identify the different genres, and the significant the results of the study difference between the profile variable and awareness on music. Different genres included pop music, country RESULTS AND DISCUSSION music and last is rhythm and blues. Table 1. Percentage Distribution of the Descriptive research is a helpful technique for social Respondents’ Profile occasion data about uncommon marvels that couldn't Profile Variables f % be repeated in a lab or about subjects that are not surely Gender knew. It doesn't test particular connections between Male 132 43.30 factors, be that as it may, they give data about practices Female 173 56.70 and properties with the objective of achieving a Age superior comprehension of a given theme [2]. 17-19 years old 4 1.30 14-16 years old 202 66.20 Participants 11 – 13 years old 99 32.50 Year Level Number of students Year Level Grade 7 61 Grade 7 61 20.00 Grade 8 64 Grade 8 64 21.00 Grade 9 71 Grade 9 71 23.30 Grade 10 109 Grade 10 109 35.70 Total 305 The profile of the Junior High School students from Instrument Lyceum of the Philippines University-High School The study used a self-made questionnaire which includes gender, age, and year level. Table 1 contains was validated by experts in music and education and the distribution of the respondents according to their underwent pilot and reliability testing administered to gender. Table reveals that 173 or 56.70% of the total 15 students with Cronbach alpha value of 0.814 which respondents were females compared to 132 or 43.30% implies that the instrument was considered good to be males. utilized. This includes Part I, the profile variables. Part This means that females dominated the male II, the importance of music. Part III, the level of respondents. In terms of age, most of them fall on the awareness on the different genres of music. age bracket of 14-16 years-old which obtain the highest

Procedures frequency of 202 or 66.20% it was followed by 11-13 The researchers submitted a request letter to ask a years old with total number 99 or 32.50% respondents permission to distribute the questionnaire to 305 and the lowest frequency falls on the brocket of 17-19 students of LPU. Then, researchers distributed the years old with the total number of 4 or 1.30%. It is questionnaire to the respondents. Some of the students evident from the table that the grade 10 students form from grade 10 refuse to answer the questionnaire, but the biggest group with 109 or 35.70% of the total instead of forcing them to answer they look for another population of the respondents. Next to this are the grade student that will answer the questionnaire voluntarily. 9 students which has 71 or 23.30% number of After they collected the questionnaire and tallied the respondents. Grade 8 has 64 or 21% of respondents and result. After tallying they submitted the result to the the smallest group belongs to grade 7 that has 61 or university statistician. The result was explained and 20% of respondents. analyzed by the researchers, and hand over to their According to Christenson & Peterson [3] they found adviser to be checked. After the final defense the that even in by and large homogenous youth gathering researcher revise the study based on the comments and of spectators there were two specific culture a male and suggestions of their panelists. a female. They found that males and females use and respond to music in different ways. Dees and Vera [4] Data Analysis found that music and its qualities suitable for an all- All data gathered were be tallied, encoded and male and an all-female social event contrasted. Also, interpreted using different statistical tools such as females were more probable utilize music as an 38 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______optional satisfaction. Lott [5] states that, young ladies mean of 3.65. Among the items cited, music provides a raised to be ladylike, sustaining, and put family before sense of achievement, happiness, and satisfaction work, while guys, are raised to be autonomous, topped on the list with a weighted mean score of 3.82 focused, and put individual objectives in front of social and rated strongly agree. It was followed by music and family thought. Subsequently, youthful male, helps in the release of emotions and in the expressions music regularly individual and of focal significance to of one’s feelings via the lines of a song or the melodic their lives. movement of an instrumental piece with the weighted mean of 3.82. Music provide entertainment for Table 2. Benefits of Music different occasions, celebrations, and programs got a Indicators WM VI Rank weighted mean of 3.74. 1. Music provides a sense of Strongly According to Davis & Palladino [6], discovered that achievement, happiness, and 1 3.82 Agree regardless of what kind of music the psyche will inspire satisfaction. 2. Music, melody, rhythm, tone the feelings and it swings feelings to decide the like and Strongly color, lyrics, and harmony 3.72 5 abhorrence for the music. The feelings and the music Agree are a unique experience go hand and hand. It influences the most critical organ 3. Music helps in the release of in the body, cerebrum, and it is effective device. emotions and in the expressions of one’s feelings Strongly Generally speaking, the significance of music has come 3.82 2 via the lines of a song or the Agree acknowledge in more than part foundation of our melodic movement of an selves. instrumental piece. On the other hand, music promotes products now in 4. Music is an effective means to develop nationalism, the market got the lowest mean value of 3.43 and rated strengthen emotional Strongly agree only. Next is music used to venerate and worship 3.63 9.5 discipline, and transmitting Agree the Supreme being with the weighted mean of 3.52, it cultural values, history, and was followed by music used to convey ideas which got oral traditions a weighted of 3.56. 5. Music facilitates Strongly 3.61 11.5 understanding other cultures Agree 6. Music is used to convey Strongly Table 3. Level of Awareness on the Different Genre 3.56 13 ideas Agree of Music as to Rap Music 7. Music elevates the level of Strongly 3.63 8 Indicators WM VI Rank artistry of performers Agree 1. It was the popularity of 8. Music is used to Strongly 3.66 7 electronic dance music and Fully communicate with God Agree 3.53 2 9. Music is used to venerate and Strongly hiphop that made rap music Aware 3.52 14 worship the Supreme Being Agree Extremely popular 10. Music stirs people to noble Strongly 2. Rap songs often can use the 3.67 6 thoughts and feelings Agree same pre-recorded 11. Music keeps workers Strongly background music but the inspired to do their best in 3.63 9.5 3.3. Aware 5 Agree difference in the lyrics of the their tasks song makes them stand apart 12. Music provide entertainment Strongly from others for different occasions, 3.74 3 Agree 3. This rhythm is known as the celebrations, and programs 13. Music helps to uncover Strongly flow of the rapper and is a 3.26 Aware 4 3.61 11.5 musical talents Agree distinguishing trademark 14. Music allows appreciation of Strongly 4. The lyrics are often sang fast 3.74 4 3.34 Aware 3 musical skills Agree and shouted out 15. Music promotes products 3.43 Agree 15 5. Abra, Loonie, Andrew E, now in the market Gloc-9 and Francis Fully Strongly 3.70 1 Composite Mean 3.65 Magalona are the famous Aware Agree rappers in the Philippines Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Strongly Agree; 2.50 – 3.49 = Composite Mean 3.43 Aware Agree; 1.50 – 2.49 = Disagree; 1.00 – 1.49 = Strongly Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Fully Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware; 1.50 – Disagree 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware

As seen from the table 2, the over-all assessment of the respondents was strongly agree with a composite 39 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______Table 3 illustrates the Level of Awareness on the weighted mean of 3.56. And the least among the items Different Genre of Music as to Rap Music. This shows is pop music use a combination of rhythms that are that singers like Abra, Loonie, Andrew E, Gloc-9 and dance oriented and energetic to satisfy the audience the famous rappers in the Philippines which got the weighted mean of 3.51 and all the items got the highest weighted mean of 3.70 and verbally under the pop music is verbally interpreted as Fully interpreted as fully aware. Then, it was the popularity Aware. of electronic dance music and hiphop that made rap music extremely popular got the second highest Table 4. Level of Awareness on the Different Genre weighted mean of 3.53 and also verbally interpreted as of Music as to Pop Music fully aware. Next is, the lyrics are often sang fast and Indicators WM VI Rank 1. It is usually recorded and shouted out got the third highest weighted mean of 3.34 Fully listened to on the radio or at 3.65 1 and verbally interpreted as aware. Then, rap songs Aware often can use the same pre-recorded background music home. 2. one direction, Lady Gaga and but the difference in the lyrics of the song makes them Fully little mix are the famous pop 3.60 3 stand apart from others got the fourth highest weighted Aware music artists in the world. mean of 3.30 and also verbally interpreted as aware. 3. The lyrics of modern pop Fully And the least among the items is this rhythm is known songs focus on love and 3.56 4 Aware as the flow of the rapper and is a distinguishing which romantic relationships. got a weighed mean of 3.26 with verbal interpretation 4. Pop music uses a combination of aware. of rhythms that are dance Fully 3.51 5 Generally, the level of awareness on the different oriented and energetic to Aware genre of music as to Rap Music got the composite mean satisfy the audience. 5. Instruments used by pop of 3.43 and verbally interpreted as Aware. This genre Fully artists include electric guitar, 3.62 2 the least composite mean among the other genres Aware because its lyrics are somehow violating others feeling bass guitar, and keyboard. Fully especially women. And since our respondents are Composite Mean 3.59 Aware majority of women, they overruled the decision of not Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Fully Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware; 1.50 liking the rap music. – 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware Much rap music, at any rate rap created by male craftsmen, runs counter to this bigger pattern. Generally, the Level of Awareness on the Different Undoubtedly, a section of rap music naturalizes certain Genre of Music as to Pop Music got the composite asserted qualities of men and ladies and, as per these mean of 3.59 and verbally interpreted as Fully Aware. ascribed contrasts, looks to limit, as opposed to widen, It got the second highest composite mean because as ladies' appropriate parts and revive male mastery. The per the millennial today, they tend to go with the trend messages are accordingly both essentialist and and follow the famous artist of their ages which standardizing embracing an arrangement of direct produces pop songs. I admit as my opinion that the pop standards for every sex's legitimate conduct toward the songs of this generation can literally catch the attention other and approvals for the individuals who damage of the millennials in an effortless way because majority these standards [7]. This can be the reason why all of of the singers are well known and idolized by most of the genres, rap music got the lowest composite mean. the millennials. Table 4 illustrates the Level of Awareness on the According to Roszak [8], numerous millennials Different Genre of Music as to Pop Music. This shows are not yet presented to the assortment of melodic that it usually recorded and listened to on the radio or classifications that grown-ups might be. Moreover, at home got the highest weighted mean of 3.65. Next they effectively dismiss a large number of melodic is, instruments used by pop artist includes electric classes to lighten the estrangement more pervasive in guitar, bass guitar, and keyboard got the second highest puberty level, which is having a few reasons weighted mean of 3.62. Then, One Direction, Lady As seen in Table 5, show the level of awareness of Gaga, and Little Mix are the famous pop music artists respondents in different genres of music as rhythm in the world got the third highest weighted mean of and blues, the respondents fully aware that there is a 3.60. Then, the lyrics of modern pop songs focus love awareness on different genres of music as to rhythm and romantic relationships got the fourth highest and blues having an over-all composite mean 3.54. 40 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______Table 5. Level of Awareness on the Different Genre to make you become hopelessly enamored, strike down of Music as to Rhythm and Blues an adversary, or sob for lost companions. Style is a Indicators WM VI Rank wellspring of compromise, invigoration, and 1. Rhythm and blues lyrics expectation that never comes up short. Without music and melodies are related to Fully 3.59 1 in regular day to day existence, the world would be an the stories of very personal Aware amazingly threatening and possibly an appalling spot to experiences in song. be. Music has turned into the most intense blessing 2. Drums, bass, piano or given by performers. organ, and guitar are some Fully 3.58 2 of the most commonly Aware used instruments. Table 6. Level of Awareness on the Different Genre 3. R & B deal with emotions Fully of Music as to Classical Music 3.51 4 and pain of suffering. Aware Indicators WM VI Rank 4. R & B is combined 1. Classical music is elements of rhythm and generally in written form, 3.45 Aware 5 blues, soul, funk, pop, hip using staff notation, such that the performance of a hop, and dance. Fully piece is a literal 3.63 1 5. Vocalists are often known Aware for their use of melisma, interpretation. Fully popularized by vocals 3.54 3 Improvisation or Aware such as Michael Jackson, embellishment by the artist R. Kelly, Stevie Wonder. is limited. Fully 2. Whether as accompaniment Composite Mean 3.54 Aware for concert performances the use of orchestral Fully Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Fully Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware; 3.56 3 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware instruments is used such as Aware wind, percussion, string In terms the highest among was the rhythm and and bass instruments. blues lyrics and melodies are related to the stories of 3. Use of difficult form and very personal experiences in song was their awareness composition, advanced technical proficiency its that drums, bass, piano or organ, and guitar are some of Fully artistic performance and 3.54 4.5 Aware the most commonly used instruments was the second exclusivity in taste and with 3.58 mean score and has a verbal interpretation as appeal are evident in Fully Aware of awareness. Vocalists are often known classical music. for their use of melisma, popularized by vocals such as 4. Some classical era Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, Stevie Wonder was the components include Joseph Fully Hayden, Wolfgang 3.54 4.5 third. R & B deal with emotions and pain of suffering Aware was the fourth. The lowest was the R & B is combined Amadeus Mozart and elements of rhythm and blues, soul, funk, pop hip hop Ludvig Van Beethoven. and dance with 3.45 mean score and Aware as the 5. Classical music is noted for its use of sophisticated Fully verbal interpretation. According to Machlis & Forney 3.59 2 interpretation of musical Aware [9], R&B is known for its overwhelmingly vocal sort, scores of noted artists. highlighting an execution craftsman joined by a touch Fully Composite Mean 3.57 of get-together including guitar, piano, drums, acoustic Aware bass, and tenor saxophone. As the name deduces, the Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Fully Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware; 1.50 style is depicted by a strong, driving beat, generally in – 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware a fourfold meter. As the effect of various styles of Rhythm and Blues, dim urban qualities have infested a Table 6 the level of awareness on the different genre wide variety of various social orders, most exceptional of music as to classic music was Fully Aware with 3.57 of contemporary Euro American youth. composite mean score. Their awareness on Classical In spite of the fact that rhythm and blues not a music music is generally in written form, using staff notation, most loved by numerous, it was that style is the most such that the performance of a piece is a literal intense relying upon the age. It would listener be able interpretation. Improvisation or embellishment by the 41 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______artist is limited was the highest among the parameters this genre of music its superior rock and roll taste is with Fully Aware interpretation and 3.63 mean score. even better. Followed by 3.59 mean score in Classical music is Table 7. Level of Awareness on the Different Genre noted for its use of sophisticated interpretation of of Music as to Rock Music musical scores of noted artists and a 3.56 mean score Indicators WM VI Rank on Whether as accompaniment for concert 1. Rock music is accompanied by performances that use of orchestral instruments is used 3.77 Fully Aware 1.5 such as wind, percussion, string and bass instruments electric guitar, bass as the third. However, the lowest was seen in 4.5 mean guitar and drums. score in Use of difficult form and composition 2. It is usually has a strong back beat advanced technical proficiency its artistic performance and revolves and exclusivity in taste and appeal are evident in around the guitar, 3.70 Fully Aware 3 classical music and Some classical era composers either solid electric, include Joseph Hayden, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart hollow electric or and Ludvig Van Beethoven. acoustic guitar. According to Milner [10], classical music is up 'til 3. Rock has three now a class had a great time best in its purest edge, the chords, a strong, live execution. Classical music in the show passage insistent back beat 3.54 Fully Aware 5 states the total thought of its crowd individuals; they and a catchy have set diverse activities aside to hear it. Nevertheless, melody. 4. A group of a segment of the gathering of people individuals who musicians go to indicate anterooms to hear it and a bit of the specializing in rock 3.66 Fully Aware 4 specialists who perform it there put a comparative music is called rock music on while they eat or read or talk or play. These band. crowd individuals seem, by all accounts, to be certain 5. , that they can listen shy of what one ear to the music, Spongecola, which they acknowledge merits their total thought in , Itchyworms and various conditions. 3.77 Fully Aware 1.5 are Table 7 shows the level of awareness of the students some of the rock bands in the to Rock Music. As seen from the table, the over-all Philippines. assessment of the respondents was verbally interpreted Composite Mean 3.69 Fully Aware as fully aware with the composite mean of 3.69. This Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Fully Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware; 1.50 – implies that the respondents are very familiar to Rock 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware music. The results showed that most students enjoyed listening to rock and roll music the most, whether it was Next in the rank, a group of musicians specializing hard, heavy or modern. in rock music is called a rock band and rock group The indicators cited, that genre of music with a which got a weighted mean of 3.66. On the other hand, prominent vocal melody, bass guitar, and drums and the lowest number of awareness of students to Rock Parokya ni Edgar, Spongecola, Kamikazee, Music was the indicator number 3, rock has three cords, Itchyworms and Rivermaya are some of the rock bands a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy melody got a in the Philippines were tied and got a weighted mean of weighted mean of 3.54. 3.77 and the highest number of the student’s awareness. Cited from the study of Dr Gonzalez [11], rock and Next in rank was, usually has a strong back beat, and roll utilize fundamental steady rhythm and rearrange often revolves around the guitar, either solid electric, rhythms of musicality and blues to request a physical hollow electric, or acoustic which got a weighted mean reaction and offer a test to individuals to slacken up and of 3.70. This implies that the respondents are aware to ease stress and stress. It has been logically rock music; its characteristics and instruments used by demonstrated that music with a quick rhythm, and the artist. Listening to great rock music is fun, so that written in a noteworthy key, related accurately with the the listener catches their attention and they attracted to acceptance of bliss. It is no big surprise that stone and move music has, and keeps on inspiring such positive, 42 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______glad, vivacious and stimulating feelings from its According to Levitin [12], the best artists have the audience members additionally found that stone, the capacity to make an interpretation of immaculate music of decision, made pretty much every one of the feeling into symphonious sound; consequently, many understudies’ hopeful, happy, neighborly, casual and metal performers would populate this gathering. quiet. Additionally, the music in itself would contain an This implies that the respondents are not fully aware overflow of feeling and immense affect a group of to the rock band or group of this music genre. On the people that draws an association with some specific other hand, there are a rock bands that have existed melody. throughout the decades ever since the dawn of rock and The Rhythm and Blues rank third and got a roll, but the greatest ones have stood the test of time weighted mean of 3.57. The respondents are verbally and continue to be classic and popular bands to listen interpreted fully aware that the rhythm and blues are to their timeless music so that the respondents are not similar to jazz music. The Classical Music got a familiar to the rock group of this genre, instead they are weighted mean of 3.54 and it rank fourth and the attractive in music when it is joyful, friendly, relaxed respondents are verbally fully aware. Davis and and calm. Palladino [6] Expressed that classical music is said to diminish stretch, melancholy, nervousness, and even Table 8. Summary Table on the Level of Awareness actuate rest or enact the body. Albeit one can assuredly on the Different Genre of Music discover traditional music in the musical drama house, Indicators WM VI Rank classical music is not bound to this one field. Rap Music 3.43 Aware 5 Traditional music for instance can be found in restoring Fully offices, and in learning conditions. Pop Music 3.59 2 Aware The lowest and rank fifth was the Rap Music which Fully Classical Music 3.54 4 got a weighted mean of 3.43. Rap music is known for Aware its beat and its capacity to make individuals need to get Fully Rhythm and Blues 3.57 3 up and move. It can be heard in numerous films and Aware network shows and various specialists have won Fully Rock Music 3.69 1 Aware Grammy's for their achievements in making melodies Fully that fit this mainstream sort. According to Devos [13], Composite Mean 3.56 Aware the crucial beat of rap starts from hard funk rather than Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Fully Aware; 2.50 – 3.49 = Aware; 1.50 Jamaican rhythms, and it is honest to goodness that – 2.49 = Slightly Aware; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Aware there are fundamental complexities among rap and reggae. Regardless, the system actuating to the time of Table 8 indicates the Level of Awareness on the reggae and rap is essentially the same. The gifted Different Genres of Music. As seen from the table, the laborers rap their lines to rhythms taken from records. respondents are verbally interpreted fully aware in the different genres of music with the composite mean of Table 9. Difference of Responses on the Level of 3.56. Most of the students aware in Rock Music which Awareness on the Different Genre of Music When got a highest weighted mean of 3.69. This implies that Grouped According to Profile Variables the respondents are more familiar in rock music. This Profile Variables genre of music is attractive to teenagers. The study Sex Age Year Level found that rock, the music of choice, made just about Genre of F- p- F- p- F- p- all the students „optimistic, joyful, friendly, relaxed Music value value value value value value and calm (Research Links Music and Listeners' Rap Music 2.682 *0.008 0.663 0.516 1.359 0.255 Emotions, 2009). Pop Music 4.863 *0.000 0.370 0.691 1.530 0.207 Next was Pop music which got a 3.59 weighted Rhythm and Blues 1.011 0.313 1.608 0.202 0.999 0.394 mean. The respondents were fully aware that the pop Classical music were typically songs by the pop artist, this type Music 2.298 *0.022 0.173 0.841 2.219 0.086 of music should listen in radio, television, using Rock Music 2.775 *0.006 0.227 0.797 2.325 0.075 technology rather than live performances. It has Legend: *Significant at-value < 0.05 common instruments using by the pop artist include electric guitar, bass guitar, piano and the keyboard. 43 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III Aglipay et al., Exploring the Benefits and the Characteristics of Selected Genres of Music ______As seen from the result in table 9, only sex shows found that music and its qualities suitable for an all- significant difference on the level of awareness on the male and an all-female social event contrasted. Also, different genre of music (rap, pop, classical and rock females were more probable utilize music as an music) when grouped according to sex. This was optional satisfaction. Lott [5] states that, young ladies observed since the obtained p-values were all less than raised to be ladylike, sustaining, and put family before 0.05 alpha level. This means that male students viewed work, while guys, are raised to be autonomous, these genres of music differently compared with the focused, and put individual objectives in front of social female students. and family thought. Subsequently, youthful male, According to Roszak [8], numerous millennials are music regularly individual and of focal significance to not yet presented to the assortment of melodic their lives. classifications that grown-ups might be. Moreover, they effectively dismiss a large number of melodic CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION classes to lighten the estrangement more pervasive in Majority of the respondents are female, ranging puberty level, which is having a few reasons. 14 – 16 years old and belong to Grade 10. The Epstein [14] said that youths, especially utilize benefits of music for the respondents is that it music to help depict themselves. Numerous youngsters provides a sense of achievement, happiness, and give music a focal place to their life. Basically, they satisfaction to them. Among the five (5) different utilize music to make their own subculture, recognized genre of music, they awareness was on rock music as by the unmistakable qualities, convictions, and millennials who are more exposed to this kind of activities which youth utilize to go to, and to adapt to, music. Female is more adept in distinguishing the their common social experience. For the most part in sounds and different genres of music. position to, and regularly in direct disagreement with, The current and upcoming educators emphasize societal qualities, standards and desires. Subsequently, the rudiments and techniques in music and expose the young people especially in male youths may hold fast students more on the different genres of music to to at least one melodic classes. acquaint on the variation of elements of music. The According to Christenson & Peterson [3] they found teacher may be equipped with audio of the different that even in by and large homogenous youth gathering genre of music to enhance the listening skills of the of spectators there were two specific culture a male and students. The teacher may expose the student on a female. They found that males and females use and performing arts such as music, theater, film, dance, respond to music in different ways. Dees and Vera [4] and cultural performances.

Table 10. Action Plan Persons Objectives Strategies/activities Success indicator involved 1. To expose students on musical 1. Provide a library of musical videos of Teachers Students can with different genre. different musical genre accessible to and students identify different students. variation of 2. Field trip to different cultural musical music through presentations. visual and audio 3. Provide a musical room with pictures devices. presentation of the different genre of music. 2. To provide venue where the Contests on the different genre. Teachers Recognition of students can showcase their and students talents. talents in music. 3. To hone the expertise of the Teachers attend special trainings and Teachers Expertise of teachers students on the rudiments and seminars related to rudiments and and students handed down to techniques of music. techniques. students.

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46 P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, November, 2017 Part III