= "' ASSOC. R. I. JE~II Sll J-1 I S T ORICAL 13 0 SESSION S S T. PRO V IDENCE , RI 02 9 0 6

Support Read By Jewish McxeThon Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership,

'Hf r)N,r ENGLISH JE,VloH hffl([r 11\./ P I ANO SOUTHEAST MASS

VOLUME LXII, NUMBER 47 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 25c PER COPY Jewish Expert On Nazis Israel Asks U.S. For $3.45 Billion WASHINGTON, (JTA) - The State served that for the current fiscal year, Israel Department said that Israel has "formally'' is receiving $1.785 billion, of which SI billion asked the United States for $3.45 billion in is in military sales credits hair of which is Under U.S. Surveillance military and economic aid for fiscal I 981, "forgiveable," and $785 million in security $1.85 billion in military aid and $1.6 billion supporting assistance of which he said 56 By Rochelle Saidel Wolk neglects to mention. The statute was ex­ in economic aid. The Department said it was percent is "forgivable." NEW YORK, (JTA) - The State tended at that time by the West German not yet prepared to announce a figure from Israel, Carter continued, received a grant · Department's Office of Security has in at Parliament and eliminated by the Parlia­ Egypt for the same purposes. of $800 million to help build air bases in the least one instance protected an accused Ger­ ment this year. In addition to Allen, mem­ Department spokesman Hodding Carter Negev to help replace those bases Israel is man Nazi war criminal by placing under sur­ bers of the New York department of Jewish said the U.S. ·•will look at the requests in the giving up in Sinai under its treaty with veillance an American expert on Nazis and War Veterans had been leaden of the context or our close relationship with both Egypt, and $2.2 billion in loans to help meet leader in antifascist causes, it was learned by protest at the Consulate. countries," but he declined to forecast the the cost of military relocation in the Negev. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. FBI Onlettd To COlltiae PtOM totals the Carter Administration will ul­ "As always," Carter said, "it (the new aid Through Freedom of Information Act re­ In another document dated Oct. 16, 1967, timately present to Congress for action. The request) will be viewed in the context of our quests, Charles Allen, Jr. of New York City, the Crimiqal Division of the Department of fiscal year 1981 begins Oct. I, 1980. Con­ close relationship to Israel." Asked whether widely considered as America's preeminent Justice directed the FBI to continue an in­ gress has not yet completed action on the aid there would be any difficulties in the Con­ authority on Nazi war criminals, learned vestigation that they had begun on Allen. A appropriations for the fiscal year 1980 that gress on the aid for Egypt and Israel, he that he was the subject of a memorandum prominent New York auorney who has suc­ begins on Oct. I . replied '"the Congress has always taken a between the State Department and the FBI cessfully reversed FBI procedures against In ~rting that Israeli Ambassador sympathetic look" at Middle East aid for a during the visit to the U.S. of West German civil rights leaders at a Supreme Court level Ephraim Evron "submitted formally" number of countries. Jordan, Syria and Chancellor Kurt George Kiesinger in said that this document meant that a Israel's aid request last evening and dis­ Lebanon also receive U.S. aid. August 1969. "veritable frameup" was in the making cussed it with Secretary of State Cyrus Will Stick 0- To Prnnt Aid Le•el Remarks in the memorandum regarding against Allen because of his anti-Nazi ac­ Vance, Carter said that "we will seriously, An auth~ritativc Congressional source Allen say that tie was a "member ofa delega­ tivities. carcfolly, consider" the request. Carter ob- (Continued on page 12) tion from demonstrating group organized The attorney who asked not to be iden­ by Committee to combat Nazism and Anti­ tified, said that the struggle for continuing or Semitism and picketed the West German abolishing the statue of limitations was Two West Bank Mayors Republic consulate in N.Y. 2/3/65 delega­ deemed important enough to be the basis for tion submitted message of protest to Ger­ what had all of the earmarks of a frameup man Chancellor." against Allen, and that it probably was con­ Support Sadat Initiative tinuing. JERUSALEM, (JTA}--Two prominent Shawwa's statement in the Israeli Arabic ,,, The demonstration and message referred The government documents a.id not reveal Palestinian figures on the West Bank daily, Al Anba, the Democratic Front for to in the memorandum had the purpose of any information about the Nazi background revealed their support for Egyptian Presi­ the Liberation or Palestine, headed by Naif protesting the eKpiration of the statute of of Kiesinger, whose security they were dent Anwar Sadat's peace initiative but a Hawatma, issued a death threat to the limitations for Nazi war criminals in West "protecting." Beale Klarsfeld, who, like third figure, who was also reported as sup­ Mayor. Germany, a fact that the State Department (Continued on page 12) porting Sadat, has denied upholding the In a recent interview in the East Jerusalem Egyptian leader's initiative. According to a daily, Al Quds, a-Shawwa said his statement report in Yediot Achronot. the three Sadat to Al Anba was grossly distorted. He main­ supporters were Gaza Mayor Rashad a­ tained that the PLO is the sole and legitimate Team Comes First For Shawwa, Bcit Jalla Mayor Farah Sabah al­ representative of the Palestinian people. Araj, and Hebron Village Union chairman Considered one of the most moderate Mustafa Dudin. public figures in th.e West Banic and Gaza Brown Soccer Player Strip, a-Shawwa 's support for the autonomy A-Shawwa noted that Sadat's initiative plan is considered essential. It is especially would, in the final analysis, improve the significant if the self-rule scheme is to be the team jumps to the forefront. status of the Palestine Liberation Organiza­ tried in Gaza before the rest of the ad­ "My primary hope is that this team makes tion in international circles. In fact, he said , ministered territories. Until now, the Gaza it to the national championships again this the meeting between United Nations Am­ Mayor has refused to take part in the year (in Tampa Bay, Florida). The seniors bassador Andrew Young and the PLO ob­ autonomy talks if they arc not publicly on this team, including myself, have tasted server at the UN came directly as a result of linked to an eventual scheme of full deter­ the feeling once, and they really want the moves taken by Sadat. In response to a- mination. another shot. "In terms of my own performance, I would like to score a lot of key goals. It's not as important to me to score four goals in an 8-0 game as it is to score one goal in a 2-1 Win. "Also, I would like to increase my assist total. Basically, I am the type of player who moves a lot without the ball, and creates a lot of situations that way. Playing like that, I should be able to get more assists than I have." Dominic Starsia, assistant coach of the JONATHAN RESNICK team, readily agrees that Jon is the essence of He is a team player in all respects. He has (Continued on page 12) 1 the type of attitude all coaches want their players to have, in any sport. Ask him about himself, and he talks about the team first. NOTICE As a matter of fact, ask Jonathan Resnick, Rapidly escalating postal costs senior forward on the Brown varsity soccer have forced an increase in the sub­ team, what his most exciting moment has scription price of The Jewish Herald to been in his soccer career at Brown and he'll S9 per year, effective October I. tell you it was a game he did not even play in. Although cost efficiencies and "In my sophomore year (1977), when we technology advances assist in con­ beat Clemson at their home field, that was trolling some of our costs, these ef­ the greatest thrill I've had here," he recalled ficiencies do not offset the exorbitant enthusiastically. "I didn't even play in that increases in postal delivery expenses. ·pme, but what a game it was to watch. This year it will cost,_on avera~, SJ.90 "Talent-wise, they were far superior to us, m postage to deliver The Jewish and t~ey were unbeaten and untied on their Herald to you, 30% more than it cost RECEIVE PEACE MEDAL: W~et bllnken ,...._ Sta of lerNI Puce Medal home field. But it was !he strangest thing, in 1978. While we are always reluctant from Arthur -S. RobblM, lerNII Bond chairman for Rhode 1•nd. The medals - even though we were down by one goal at the to increase The Herald subscription p,Neni.cl to Herbert L. MIiier, president and John Q. l"Hzver■kl, chairmen of the board half, I knew we were going to win. price, we are even more reluctant to of the Wooneo.cket Institution for S ■vlnp ■ta luncheon ■tthe KlrkbrH Country Club In "And that game sent us to the Division I allow cost pressures to affect or recognition of' ~r $250,000 loan to the State of l ■rHI. National Championships in Berkeley, diminish the quality and utility of our The prtnclplN Involved In arranging this unique floating prime-rate loan ■re, from left California. It was a sensational game." product. We are sure you will agree to right, Herbert 8. Stern, ,,..ldent of Conor-getlon B'nal lll'NI, LNter A. Macktez, Then ask the 21-year-old Pleasantville, that The Herald at less than 18¢ a Woon■ocllet lll'NII Bond chairman, Arthur S. Robblnl, H--■,t MIiier, John FlfzVer■kl, New York native what his ex_°"'-R"'>~.-.rr. week is still a valuable investment. Samuel ·Medon, IIOfed communfty INder, and Lawrence B. S■ctwln, Immediate pnt for his own performance th~ year dapi-e, prNlclentofCtN9 ..l1nB'nalllrNI. ------=...;;.-=.,_;;,.~~--~------


ago. in the Providence area for o ver 30 years until She was born in Providence on July 22, retiring 10 years ago. 1912. a daul(hter of the late Samuel and He was a member of the Roosevelt Lodge Obituaries Mollie (Lieberman) Konopky, and had been 42 AF&AM and a member of the Jewelers a lifelong city' resident. and Silversmiths Manufacturers' Associa­ She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Eisen­ IRENE SILVERMAN She lea ves a daughter, Mrs. Martha tion. berg of Culver City, California, and Mrs. Irene Silverman, 48, wife of Max Silver­ Nyari, with whom she lived, a son, Ivan Surviving is a brother, Dr. David Troup Gertrude Max of Pawtucket. man, died September 16. She was a resident Waldbauer of Providence, and' .a of Cranston. of West Warwick. granddaughter. Funeral services were held in the Ma~ Funeral services were held the following She had lived in Providence before mov­ A memorial service was held Thursday in Sugarman Memorial Chapel. Burial took day at the Max Sugarman Memorial ing to ·warwick seven years ago. the Swan Point Chapel. place in Lincoln Park Cemetery. Chapel, with buri~I taking place in Lincoln She was born June 13, 1931. Mrs. Silver­ Park Cemetery. man was a member of four bowling groups: MYRON PESKIN JOSEPH S. TROUP The Monday Morning Mixers, the Atlantic Joseph S. Troup. 71, o f 7300 North west Myron "Mike" Peskin, 44 of 5913 Ber­ 17th Street, Plantati ons, Florida , died Sep­ Couples, the Invitational League, and the nard Place, Edina, Minnesota, died in Congressional Resolution Wednesday Afternoon Pyramids. tember 15 after a brief illness. He was the Waltham Hospital, where he was taken after husband of the late Ethel (Fai n) Troup. To Remember Holocaust Besides her husband, she is survived by suffering a hea rt attack while on a business He was born June 7, 1908 in Providence, two sons, Peter Silverman of West trip to Waltham, Mass. He was the husband WASHINGTON (JT A)-Ajoint resolu­ son of the late David and Dora (Sinberg) Greenwich and Richard Dearduff of of-Carol (Shanis) Peskin. tion bea ring bipartisa n support has been in­ Troup. He had been a Providence resident Chicago;. two brothers, Walter Beaudwin of Mr. Pes kin was senior a na lyst and troduced in both ho uses of Congress that until moving to Plantations five years ago. Warwick and Oliver Beaudwin of Paw­ manager of the corpo ra te budget for would design ate the week of April 13 Mr. Troup was a manu fa c turer's tucket; and two grandchildren. Honeywell Informatio n Systems of Min­ through April 19, 1980 as " Days of Remem­ representative for seve ra l jewelry concerns Services were held Tuesday at the Max neapo li s for about 10 yea rs. brance of the Holocaust." The resolution Sugarman Memorial Chapel. Burial was in A member of MENSA. and the executive was presented to the Senate by Sen . John Lincoln Park Cemetery. · co uncil of the Minnesota Sta te C hess Robert Lipson Danfo rth (R.Mo.) with 34 spo nsors. An identical measure was introduced in the STEVE SHAPIRO Association, he was regiona l vice president and national tournament director of the House by Rep. James Bl a nchard (D.Mich.). Steven Shapiro, 30, of Tacoma Park, Dead At 64 U.S. Chess Foundation, and the editor of A sim ilar resolutio n was adopted last year Maryland, died ~eptember 12 in The Northern Chess News. PHILA D ELPHIA, (JTA) -Robert Lip­ memo ri ali zing April 27 and April 28 of this Washington, D.C. He was the husband of He was a past president o f the Sudbury son, a member o f the professional staff of year in connection with the observance o f Carol (Smyers) Shapiro. (Mass.) Drug Acti on Committee. A 1957 B'nai B'rit h who dedicated his adult life to the nati on's honor to the victims o f the Nazt Born in Fall River, Massachusetts, June graduate of Boston Unive rsity and a mem­ local and Jewish communi ty service, died in depredatio ns. The week-long peri od next 11 1949 he was the son of C harles and ber o f Phi Epsi lo n Pi fraternity. Nahari ya, Israel, on September 11 at the age yea r coin ci des with the int ernatio nal period M~tilda (Turcott) Shapiro. He had been liv­ Born in Providence, Sept. 5, 1935. he was o f 64 . Lipson was attend ing the in ter­ o f the Holocaust remembrance. ing-in Tacoma Park for the past two yea rs, a son of Irving and Ruth (Schechter) Peskin, national B'nai B'rith sem inar in Israel. Sen. John Hei nz (R.Pa.). a co-s ponsor of working as a graduate student at the Univer­ now o f East Providence. He moved to Edina the Senate resoluti on. sa id that " it is im­ sity of Maryland. He had lived in Providence in 1976 fr o m Sudbury, Mass. Lipson was executive director of B'na i perative that America ns always remember previously. Besides his wife and pa rents, survivors arc B'rith Dis trict 3 se rving over 35,000 mem­ th e planned program of atrocities and exter­ Besides his wife and parents, he is survived two d a ug hters, Bre nda L. Peski n of bers in Pen nsylva nia, New Jersey, Delaware mination carried out by th e Nazis so th at 111 s by a sister, Mrs. Bette Ann Weinstein of Bl oomington, Ind., and Ba rba ra A. Peskin and West Vi rginia. He was th e recipient of never repeated ... Bethesda, Maryland. of Edina, and a sister, Sa bra Cicilline o f the 1977 Israel Award for his advancemen t Mr. Shapiro was buried in Lincoln Pa rk Narragansett. of creative Jewis h life and hi s dedicatio n to Cemetery ·on September 14, after services at The funeral service was held at the Max the cause o f Israel. He was a member of th e the Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. Sugarman Memorial Chapel. Bu rial was in Board of Govern ors of District 3 and a fo r­ Peres Optimistic On Lincoln Pa rk Cemetery. mer B'nai B'rith regional director and in­ Labor Party JORDAN FEINSTEIN surance director. N EW YORK (JTA)-Shimo n Peres, the Jordan Feinstein, 65, of 2 Sherwood ISAA C G. CHORNEY leader of Israel's La bor Party, told Labo r Road, Middletown, owner of Jordan's Isaac G . "Chuck" Chorney, 7 1, o f 200 Lipson was also a past presi dent o f the Zionis t Allia nce leaders fr om the U .S. and Jewelry, Newport, for 30 years, died Sep­ Tenth St., Providence, a past boa rd member B'nai B' rith Hillside Lodge a nd former Canada that while there a re political " skir­ tember 13 . He was the husband of Jean of the Touro Fraternal Association, and a president o f the Northern New Jersey mis hes" in the Labor Party, they are not (Druker) Feinstein. retired scrap metal dealer, died September Council o f B'na i B' rith . He was a dis trict serious but rather a sign that Labor will win Mr. Feinstein was a charter member of 12 after a six-month illness. He was the hus­ life delegate a nd Youth Organi zati on com­ future elections to head the Israel govern­ Temple Sholom and treasurer of its Men's band of Lillian (Alberts) C horney. missioner of B'nai B'rith International. He received the 1979 G olden Key Awa rd of the ment. Club and treasurer and member of the Mr. Chorney retired in 1973 after45 years B'nai B'rith Youth Orga nization. Fraternal Order of Police. He was a member as a partner in the former J . Chorney &Co. of Judah Touro Lodge of B'ani B'rith. _He He was a past treasurer of Congregation served in the U .S. Army in Europe during Mishkon Tfilah, and a member of Temple World War IL Beth Israel and the Jewish War Veterans. He Holtzman Charges U.S. Harboring Nazi War Criminals Born in Providence on Nov. 29, 1913, a served in the Army during World War IL son of the late Alex and Clara Feinstein, he He was born in Providence on June 27, NEW YORK, (JTA)-Rep. Elizabeth Ms. Holtzman observed that just recently, moved to Middletown about 30 years ago. 1908, a son of the late Joseph and Annie Holtzman (D.NY), speaking on the " Hunt " after three years of legislative battles, a law He leaves his widow; a son, Alan (Herscovitz) Chorney. for Nazis in America," said, "The U.S. Im­ has been passed which now, for the first Feinstein, and a daughter, Patti Feinstein, Besides his wife he leaves a daughter, Ber­ migration Authority has a long li st of names time, makes it illegal for Nazi war criminals all of Middletown, and a sister, Mrs. Ella nice H . Engle of Cranston; three brothers, of Nazi war criminals who arc currently liv­ to come into the United States and demands Deutchman of Miami, Fla. Harry Chorney of Miami Beach, Simon ing in the United States. These war criminals the prosecution of those who are already liv­ The funeral service and burial was held in Chorney of Barrington, and Maurice Chor­ have been so confident of their freedom ing here as U .S. citizens. It is a great achieve­ Beth Olam Cemetery. ney of Cumberland; two sisters, Frances from prosecution that they have not even ment, but there is still much to do." The U.S. Chorney and Hannah Rabinowitz, both of bothered to change their names. When I "has got to take an unambiguous stand on ISABEL WALDBAUER Providence, and two grandchildren. asked the Immigration Authority how such anti-Semitism," she declared. "We are used Isabel Waldbauer, 81, of 41 Sessions St., The funeral service was held September 14 criminals can be allowed to live peaceful to seeing anti-Semitism nourish in places lives here in the United States after this Providence, died September 16. She was the at the Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. like Argentina and the Soviet Union, and country waged a war against Nazism, they widow of violinist lmre Waldbauer. Burial was in Lincoln Park Cemetery. now it has become a growing treat in the Born in Budapest, Hungary, on Dec. 7, had no answer for me." U .S. as well." 1898, Mrs. Waldbauer was a daughter of the BELLE FREEDMAN late Janos and Isabel Aich. She came to this Belle Freedman, 67, of 97 Douglas country in 1947 and worked for 10 years for Avenue, Providence, died September 15. She Deadline Data, a news-clipping service m was the widow of Alfred W. Freedman. New York City. Mrs. Freedman had been employed as a She has been a Providence resident for the salesperson at Guttin 's Bakery, Douglas past seven years. Avenue, for 20 years, retiring three years Alrah ~ENTER PETER J. LEWIS, D.P.M. Is pleased to announce that his North Providence practice has been assumed by Podiatry Servlc:N Ltd. ROBERT W. GIBBONS, D.P.M. EDWARD L. HOCHMAN, D.P.M. 0t;~l}{~ls !~fN~~LL Podlatrlc Medicine, Surgery PARK SQUARE BLDG .. SUITE 450 I Spam Medicine BOSTON, MASS. 02116 (617) 423-0868 - 423-7491 Kooloian Bldg. 1830 Mineral Spring Ave. 353-6050 North Providence R.I. ID.W~&l

WOMEN'S MEDICAL CENTER Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel ABORTION SERVICES Rhode Island's only home ... of your family traditions and recorJs :~.:;;~-(~ • CXlMPlETE GYNEca.oGICAL CARE c," 331 .. 8094 :cAPPOINTMENT CALL: 272-1440 458 HOPE STREET, PROVIDENCE Corner Hope&. Doyle Avenue 1001111Uft)AVE,-UTE 104 --•-... - ··-IIIIAM)CIZIOI LlWIS ~ llOSLEa. ll L IN FLORIDA (305-) 861-9066 ,\ ,. \ ...... THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-3 Temple Beth Torah Cranston Rosh Hashana Services Friday, Sept. 21 Family Services ...... • ...... 6:30 p.m . Temple Beth-El Saturday, Sept. 22 Providence Shacharit ...... •...... 8:00 a.m . Torah ...... • .. •...... 9:15a.m . Friday, Sept. 21 Sermon ...... I0:30a.m. "Past Imperfect, Future Tense" ...... ·. . • ...... • ...... 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23 Saturday, Sept. 22 Preliminary Psalms ...... • ...... 8:00 a.m. Shofar Sounded by ...... 10:00 a.m. "lfyQII were arrested for Judaism, ...... would there be enough evidence ...... • ...... Tashlich in Roger Williams Park ...... 6:00 p.m. to convict you?" ...... • ...... 10:00 a.m. Services will be led by Rabbi Gerald B. Zclermyer and Cantor Aaron Marcus. · Max Rothkopf will chant Shacharit, Mo rris Filler will read the Torah and Henry Children's Service ...... • ...... 3:00 p.m. Rabbi Gutterman will be the speaker. Bucheister will be Baal Tekiah. Services fo r yo ungsters will be under the direction of Isaac Klausner at 10:45 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Congregation Mishkon Tfiloh Congregation Beth David Providence Narragansett Friday, Sept. 21 Friday, Sept. 21 Evening Service ... . . • ...... 6:45 p.m. Evening Service ...... 6:15p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 Saturday, Sept. 22 Morning Service .. . 8:00 a.m. Sha bbat . 9:00a.m. Evening Service . . . 6:45 p.m. Mincha . .5:40p.m . Sunday, Sept. 23 Maari v ... 6:00p.m. Morning Service ...... 8:00 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 23 Rosh Hashana Se[vices at Congregation Mishkon Tfiloh will be conducted Service ... 9:00a.m. by Canto r Tzvi Zigelman, Pesukei-Dezimrah by Abraham Linder, Shacharit Tashlich ...... 5: 15 p.m. Services by Edward Spencer, president of the Congregation. Mincha ...... 6:15 p.m. Temple Emanu-EI Canto r Jack Smith. Fred Scheff and Joseph Bl ock will conduct the serv- Providence ices. Friday, Sept. 21 Temple Beth Am Even in g Services .... 6:30 p.m. Warwick Saturday, Sept. 22 Friday. Sept. 21 Preliminary Services ... . 9:00a.m. Mincha-M aa ri v Sc:rvict.: !> .. .. 6: 15 p.m . Shacharit ...... •...... 9:45 a.m. Saturday. Sept. 22 Mincha ...... , ...... 6:15p.m. S~acharit Service ...... 8:00a.m. Sunday, Sept. 23 Junio r Congregation and Prc- Hcbre" School 10:00 a.m.- 12 : 15 p.m. Preliminary Services ...... 9:00 a.m. Min cha-M aa riv Se rvice .... '...... 6: 30p.m. Shacharit . 9:45 a.m. Sunday. Sept. 23 Mincha .. 6:30p.m. Shacharit Service . .8:00 a.m . On Sunday a ft ernoon at 4:30 "Tashlich" Services will be held at the Seekonk Junior Congregation an d Prc-Hcbre" School ...... 10:00 a .m. River. C hildren's Services will be at 11 :30 on both days. Mincha-Ta hlich-Maari v Service ...... 6:30 p.m. Heading the Services will be Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman, Rabbi Alvan H. Kaunfer and Rabbi Yaakov G. Rosenber, who was formerly Ra bbi of Congregation Adas Jeshurum in Philadelphia. Also leading the Services will be Cantor Ivan E. WiANutOurs,.-1 Perlman, Cantor Jack Feder and Dr. Jules Rosenberg. Rabbi Zaiman and Cantor I P.M. - I A.JI. .... Perlman will officiate in tlie Main Sanctuary,; Rabbi Rosenberg and Cantor . .,._,_.._. . k Feder will officiate in the Meeting Ho use and Rabbi Ka unfer and Dr. Rosen­ berg will officiate in the New Synagogue. P,a.ce a.nJ la.ppinu6 Congregation Ahavath Sholom­ •11t~fll-lfU Sons of Zion Temple Beth Sholom 'l• Friday, Sept. 21 llrou,loul ll. Evening Service .6:30p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 , Dorothy, Irving Shacharit ...... : . .. . 8:00a.m. AA ·\vie""iier Mincha . ... . 6:15p.m. Sewing and Sandy Wiener Candlelighting .. . 7:27 p.m. Machine Hospital Sunday, Sept. 23 ------272~200--"·- Services ...... 8:00 a.m. 1&2PlttA11 .. Cr1111W Shofar . 10:30 a.m. Repairs and Pam Mincha .4: 15 p.m. On All MalrH Participating in the Services will be Carl S. Woolf, conducting Shacharit (Guaranteed Repairs) SHARON MEMORIAL PAR& Services. Mr. Nathan Paldor, chanting the Tora h Readings, Rabbi Avi Winokur, FREE ESTIMATES iMIII. MS\MINffl 11111 So unding the Shofar, and Cantor Peter L. Barron, of New York, conducting the Howe Calla It makes good sense for young families to own Musaf Services. Mr. Joe Connis. Mr. Stuart Rubin and Mr. Alfred Weiner will lln: 111 . ■ . · 5 ,.. .. --- cemetery property befoce it is needed. serve as Gabbaim with Rabbi Ja ke S. Rubenstein offici ating. 785-2268 Child care activities are scheduled for I 0:45 on both days. PROTECT your family from having to decide under pressure. Congregation Ohawe Sholam THE WORLD . There are absolutely no future care Pawtucket or maintenance charges. Friday,Sept.21 OF Light Festiva l Candles...... 6:24 p.m. FINE FOODS Easy payment plan wilh absolutely no interest or service charges . Mincha and Maari v Services ...... 6:30p.m. TED TAVERNIER >- _ Saturday, Sept. 22 ...... 8:00a.m . GOURMET'S GA LLERY Enables survivors to proceed with dignity Reading ofTorah (Genesis 21) ...... 9:30a.m. in our memorial park atmosphere of · Sermon: "Human Aspirations" ...... I0:15a.m. Today not on ly ladies but many men are watching their natural beauty and serenity. Musa f Service . ... 10:35 a. m . waistlin es, so be careful when Saturday. Sept. 22 it comes to calories .. . If you CALL Sumner Woolf .. 401-751-3104 Mincha and Maa riv Services ... 6:30p.m . serve a hi gh-calorie di sh, give Li ght Festival Candles...... 7:30p.m . the die ter a chance: Pass the Or CALL 1-617-828-7216 collect sauce sepa rately; fill a tray Sunday, Sept. 23. . 8:00 a. m. with a choice of very rich For free literature and information. Reading ofTorah (Genesis 22) ...... 9:30 a.m. cookies or finger fruits; in­ Sermon: "The Superior Call" ...... •... .. 10: 15 a.m. clude low-calorie toast in the NO OBLIGATION. Blowing of Shofar ...... 10:35 a.m. bread basket; have a few raw relishes for hors d'oeuvres; in ­ SHARON MEMORIAL PARK MusafService ...... 11:I0a.m. clude to mato juice on your Serving the Jewish community of Rhode Sunday, Sept. 23 tray of cocktails A Mincha and Maariv Services ...... 6:30p.m. minimum of courses is in good Island for thrN decades. Tashlich Service taste . . . Did you know that an all-on-one plate meals can be delightful if the items are properly selected ... Three courses are quite proper today MOUNTSIN~I for the most formal of meals MEMORJALCHAPBL \\..: wdcome you and y9ur·· family to enjoy delightful din­ i ng at BOCCE CLUB New England's Most Moclern RESTAURANT, 226 St. .Louis Ave., off Diamond Hill Jewish Funeral Home Rd .. Woonsocket. R.I., 762- · OJ 55 . The Boccc Club features 825 Hope Street at Fourth i11 Providence . . .. Chick en Family Style" as its specialty. Enjoy the finest in food, service, atmosphere and cocktails. Our varied menu in- for over 100 years our director, 1cludes Broiled Swordfish, Mitchell, his father and grandfather ' Scallops. Alaskan King Crab. Steak and other trea ts. Our have been serving Jewish f amities delicious wines and appetizers of Rhode Island arc moderately priced. Ask /U~A'U;. abo ut o ur party facilities. : Open Wed .-Sat. 5 p.m.- 10 p.m. Sunday Noon to 8. Visit ,17 - J,f. 2rtJO our other location, SANDY'S CALL MITCHELL AT 331-3337 ~i~f.TA!.JRAN"I:, in Plaj~-- FOR 24 HOUR S~RYl<;E,,CALL ~OLLECT _F_ROM ANYWljE!lE l!'! JtiE. UNIIED_STATES. t ,. - ' ' , ~• I • • ' 1 r ' ~, --, ',, ! 4-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Academic Study Of Religions: FROM FRIDAY TO FRID,\ Y The Pathos And The Power Jacoli N-, Conversation With A Student Brown Unhersity (Part One) t This is the first of a four-part essay, ex­ observe that the curriculum of a fair num­ By BERYL SEGAL cerpted from Professor Neusners lecture in­ ber of departments, particularly in smaller, augurating the Department of Religious church-related colleges, replicates too ac­ The day was pleasant and the sun was Literature for a solution to a problem in Studies at Arizona State University, Tempe, curately the principal interests of divinity benevolently shining on the trees and on the Physics. Neither can you expect me to on Oct. 25, /979. faculties, is to bring no news. To point out two of us sitting on the wall of the temple _ answer your doubts. Go to your Hillel When we ask what we do in the study of that an alternative in both scholarship and garden. It was intermission time in the Rosh Director and he will give you books dealing religions, we discover ourselves in the very teaching has yet to be worked out and made Hashana service and I inquired of the pupil with such perplexing questions about the ex- center of a field of learning which, at its to stick is another matter. foundations, is interdisciplinary and cross­ of mine what had happened to him in the in- istence of God, about the uniqueness of cultural. It relies so heavily upon so wide a Our vision of the subject remains pretty tcrvcning years, and what his plans for the Jewish religious practices and about the es- future were. The usual question a teacher sence of being a Jew. range of disciplines as to be declared the much what it was. We have the breadth of quintessential form of humanistic learning. concern which is the virt ue of the Protestant asks of a former pupil, now a grown man, "You are not the first one to ask Who am who is about to graduate from a prestigious I? What am (? People have been asking these Religious Studies cast a net over land and conscience. But we also exhibit the in­ sea and everywhere find treasure. Whether c a pa city t o attain critical s elf­ New England college. questions from time immemorial. I myself or not there is a discipline distinctive to the consciousness. the conviction of majorities Maybe it was the mood of the day, or had these doubts. The Rabbis were torn by study of religion I do not know. I am cer­ that how we see things is pretty much how maybe because he was now older and had doubts the sa me as haunt you . Doubts are learned the value of a Jewish teacher, but the not so 'bad. They provoke your curiosity. tain that there is no discipline of the they are, which is the vice. The caring for all student. my former pupil, wanted to unbur- Only the mediocre st udents foll o_w the academic curriculum in humanistic and things is fo rmed into a utensi l of o ne shape den what was o n his chest. He started by ask- leader blindly. You will come out purified'" social studies which Religi o us Studies can only, by limited sympath y. No one has to ing que tions, the kind of questions I have the end by seeking answers to your perplex- afford to neglect. choose a posi ti on of entire relativity of heard before and cou ld ne ve r find answers ities. This is surely so if we wi sh to understand va lues to noti ce that, in the study of !his protean fo rce, this ubiquitous thing, religions, we tend to bring a rather limi ted to. "As 10 Wh at is a Jew. I ca n tell yo u one "Does someo ne li sten Lo the prayers and thing. A Jew is a very complex being. religion. For to study religio n is to study program of interests and concern s. That is human it y in it s full humanness; integrated why some, who work on rel igions essen­ supplications we have been saying and "He may observe all the commandments and whole but frail, vulnerable. full of fa n­ tially unl ike Protestant Chri stianit). turn to chanting on this Rosh Hashana day' wi th out understandin g them . But don 't feel " Wh y is our prayer book full of praises to inferior because you do not. You, too, arc a tasies and fears, and in perpetual quest. It is anth ropology for categories of inquiry. We the Almighty" Does He need o ur praises' Is good Jew . no wonder that one religion finds its find the narrowly th eological intell ectual evocative symbol in a criminal in his death definition of issues of Religiou Studies to He human' "To some . pursu in g justice. hating throes, and another finds its vindicatio n in be of limited utility. That is wh y others turn " What is the purpose in life? Is there a oppression. and emhracing peace are of purpose to life?" great importance. They fo ll ow a tradition of the very suffering of it s communicants. In to approaches borrowed fr om other data, These and other questions my fo rmer the prophets. these ways and in others Christianity and for instance, taking from literary cri ti cism pupil piled up o ne upo n the other and ex - "Some Je ws practi ce charity. To them this Judaism, am ong the religions of hum anit y, slructuralism as a mode of interpreting peeled to find answers to them . is the cornerstone of being a Jew. They give express that vulnerability and frailt y which , ritu al. The inherited, philoso ph ica l Then he began doubting himself: charity at home. They contribute 10 the through religions, humankind has so ught to categories of the field do not present a " Who is a Jew? Was my fa ther a good suppo rt of Israel. They are good Jews . express and to overcome. viable hermeneutic for reli gions as they arc Jew? I remember him speaking of Ju sti ce, ··1 chose st udy. Together with th o usa nds, Thus far I ha ve explained what I believe practiced outside of th is country's Protes­ to be the remarkable power of Religious tant Churches and cu lture. Equality. Freedo m as Jewish characteristi cs . perhaps millions of Jews I study for the sa ke Studies: First, their capacity to make their But aren 't non-Jews for Justi ce, fo r of studying . Tho ugh we do not even scratch Eq ualit y, for Freedom? th e surface of Jewish wisdom, Jewish own nearl y the entire spectrum o f A further trai t of the field derives. if by " My father always taught us to abhor kn owledge accumulated through the ages, humanistic, and most of the social scien­ somewhat remo te connecti on, fr o m yet war. But every man or woman of good wi ll Jewish poetry, we still continue our studies. tific, disciplines of learning, and. second, another strength of Protestant culture: the abhors war. He always qu oted to us from the Though we know th at we wi ll never reach their reaso n for studying virtua ll y every power to respond to the events of the mo­ Prophet s in Israel wh o spo ke out against war the other sho re of the ocean of Jewish learn- kind of expression of our humanness. But ment. It is its capacity to rem ain relevant to and fo r peace. Isn't it true of all religio ns' ing, nor ever touch bottom in the depth of the power of the field is also its problem a changing world, to address each hour and its pathos. If we can do so much, shall " In New York I saw Hasidic Jews walk Jewish wi sdom, we keep on studying . We are afresh, which has made Protestant culture aro und with their felt hats, black garbs, and also Jews. we not do most of it superficially, and the so functional to the industrial West. A their pale faces framed in black beards, sum- "They are all Jews. Who is to tell which is rest incompetently? That question by no natural attitude of mind in our field is mer and winter. Arc they the real Jews?" the ri ght path to foll ow' means is to be dismissed. When, years ago, quickly and relevantly to respo nd to what And he finished with a challenging qucs- " As to yo ur question am I a Jew? Do not our department searched for a scholar in happens in ways which some of us, out of ti on to me and to himself: worry. Your fellow st udents will let you the social scientific approach to the study of more "traditional" cultures, find ad­ religions, we found it difficult to locate an .. Are you a good Jew? Arn I a Jew?" know. Neither name, nor manners, nor mien mirable. At the same time Reli gious Studies Now it was my turn to come up with some will mask yo ur origin. That does not ')lean appropriate social scientist willing to join as a field tend to go from hula-hoop to answers. But before answering I asked the that you will be pointed out for derision. Not us. The more intelligent ones preferred to frisbee, taking as evanescent slogans ideas be sociologists of religion in departments of student whether there is a Hillel House on at all. You will be labeled, just as we label which the framer means to be handled very the campus? He answered that he seldom everything else. sociology. The sociologists who wanted to seriously indeed. After twenty yea rs in the goes in there. "As for the rest, go and search. You have join us did not find academic sociology field of Religious Studies I have learned to " It is a pity," I said. Because there at the an inquiring mind and a· sensitive heart. engaging. And the work of both sorts - approach with meas ured enthusiasm the Hillel House he would find some of the There is a great library of books that will with its s~ress on counting and measuring intellectually-salvific theories of the mo­ answers from the Rabbi or Director. guide you on your way." things - seemed to us not very interesting ment. When I find at the American "You don't go to the professor of English Shanah Tova. Have a good year. anyhow. Academy of Religion pretty much a single It is one thing to say that we are in­ slogan sweeping . from one section to the r----· -- ~-~-,- -~~-~~--, terested in everything. But it is quite next - whether it is " the social construc­ High Holy Day Message From The R.I. Board Of Rabbis . another to specify the things that, in tion of reality," or "phenomenology," or l "Fifty years from now, no one will ever know." Down the line, you general, scholars in Religious Studies do structuralism, or even something so specific well, and to confess the things which, in as black, women's, or Jewish perspectives may have said it. Once or twice, 1 resorted to it. . I general, they tend to do poorly. So any ac­ on Religious Studies - I go back to my Only in el(tremities, though. If you were a "pusher" for that logic, why I count of the field as it takes up its duties in room and watch television. For there at would you bother? Why build family, house, career? Why back your I a new department of Religious Studies must least the fads are an honest way to make a. word to the hilt? Why sacrifice? Why believe? Why be loyal to a friend1 I address this very question. 1 see four prin­ living. Why, in a world that does not insist on it, do much about being a Jew? ; cipal sins of Religious Studies in the past "Fifty years from now, no one will ever know." As you inch further j twenty years. What is wrong with the perpetual fad­ along and your own chronology has you for constant company, the l' dism and sloganeering of the field is not • tempter will prompt you to say it.. . . . / The subjects we tend to treat expertly are that slogans contain no truth or' convey no Still, how do you stake even mm1mal behavior on 11? The whole thmg I familiar ones. They derive from Western insight. It is that in our faddism we forget then becomes a farce. Each new year becomes a countdown to what? I civilization. The kinds of sources we handle the roots of the academic study of religions. Some Mahzor commentary .. . Ha-yom ... Today, strengthen us. with skill normally are literary. The types of What is new in the marketplace of ideas I Ha-yom .. . Today, the world is born ... problems of the study of religions we co_n­ turns out to be a repackaging of what is old. front with confidence arise from the Chris­ The second sin elf the field thus is academic Ha-yom ... Today counts very much. Today is short, and our I tian and Western philosophical perspectives consumerism. How many steps do we take, workload is great, to paraphrase a Mishna. But today is ours all the same. I upon religious experience and thought. In after all, from Durkheim to Douglas? And As for fifty years from today ... 'Till then, G-d is a father! Shana I other words we do well what we know, less how far a journey do we travel from Weber tova! I well what we do not. So while we may to Bellah and Geertz? The classicism of the Rabbi Gerald B. Zelermyer, president / rightly claim to be interested in everything, · Judaic tradition and of the Roman Catholic ----- ____.....__.. ___ --.------1 we arc disingenuous if we offer that claim at forrn of Christianity - to name accessible face value. This is the first of four sins of modes of belief - has yet to make its con­ citing new and the doubts of the experi­ Religious Studies. The field's diffuse tribution to the shaping of attitudes of mind enced old shall we succeed in retaining charaoter conceals its cultural sameness, its in our nascent discipline. Only in preserving some sort of balance and prudence in our origins in Protestant divinity schools. To the tension between the claims of the ex- intellectual venture. ..J-"=::~n. Editor's · Mailbox --_ .._....., -.ol/lCM ___~ _

MM9G Allllllis, - -. I .I. - Dear Editor: women chose to work outside the synagogue woman practicing rabbi was ordained only 7 ,.,._, (401) -~ The title of your article concerning should not be interpreted as our inability to years ago and that there arc only 22 women ftANT,-•n•--.--.it.•--•• - Woy, ,If - ... - . I.I. 02161 women in the rabbinate on August 30, docs obtain employment in the synagogue. It is rabbis. Tremendous progress has already ...... a..-...... -.. not accurately reflect the current situati~n . . essential to realize that many men in the rab­ been made. As the number of women rabbis ...... ,._,_,_...,. ... _.., __ ,. , binatc also seek positions in Hillel and other steadily increases, and as we gain the ex- ...... , ...... 1::::--- ·...... _ "22 Women Rabbis - Most Without organizations. The challenges of Jewish life pcricncc essential to solo positiors, women -...... _... ,_...... Work" is misleading. In fact, the vast ma• today are not limited to synagogues. confidently and Cl(pcrtly will assume more ::..~~..:....=.•::,.n~______...... ,.,.., jority of women arc employed. Women prominent positions in synagogue life...... , ... __ rabbis arc currently involved in many areas It is true that very few women currently Sincerely, _ of the Jewish community - synagogues, are solo rabbis in congregations. However, it Rabbi ShFila Russian --- Hillel and organizations. The fact-that some is important to re-melhber that the lint Baltimore, Maryland THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-5 CARVALHO-LEWIS Jennifer Wheelock Car- , valho, daughter of the late­ Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bolton Pierce Carvalho of Stowe, Vermont, was married on · Sunday, September 16 to ·~1ETY · David Charles Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Lewis of Providence. Rabbis ENGAGED American Association of Teachers of Max Wall of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Newton B. Cohn of French Contest. She was a member of the Vermont, and Leslie Y. Gut­ Cranston announce the engagement of their Junior Allianecc Francaise, the Soci~te terman of Providence of­ daughter: Ellen Sue to David Bruce Sugar­ Honoraire de Francais. the French Club, ficiated at the ceremony, man, son of Mrs. David Elias of Cliffside and was treasurer of the Latin Club. held at Temple Ohavi Zedek Park, New Jersey, and the late Earl Sugar­ in Burlington. man. A reception was held at Miss Cohn is a magna cum /aude. Phi Beta EEC Ministers Put Off the temple. Kappa graduate of Clark University in Wor­ Maid of honor was Lisa PLO Resolution cester, Massachusetts. and received her PhD AMSTERDAM, (JTA) - At the in­ Fusco. Bridesmaids were from Temple University in Philadelphia. Nancy and Debbie Lewis, sistence of Dutch Foreign Minister She is presently an assistant professor of psy­ Christoph .van der Klaauw and West Ger­ sisters of the bridegroom, cho logy at the University of New Christine Willard, and Mrs. man Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Hampshire. Genscher, the Foreign Minister of the Karen Williams. Mr. Sugarman also received his Peter B. Lewis was best Europea n Economic Community (EEC) bachelor's degree from Clark University and meeting in Dublin refrai ned from extending man for his brother, while is a doctoral candidate in developmental Neil and Jeffrey Brier, political recognition to the Palestine Libera­ psychology at Yeshiva University, New tion Organization as a rightful partner in Robert Goldberg, and York . They plan to marry in May. 1980. David Farber, all cousins of the Middle East peace talks. the bridegroom, served as president of Howard Keeney Philad.clphia. when that A statement by the ministers regarding the ushers. Yachts of Massachusettts, city's Jewish community was SECOND CHILD PLO. proposed by France and Italy, has Rhode Island, and Ft. forming in the late I 700's. Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Elliot Goldman of been shel ved for the time being. The bride works as a Lauderdale, Florida. He was The bridegroom is the 268 Merry Mount Drive, Warwick, an­ benefit analyst at New schooled at Hamilton Coun­ grandson of Mr. and Mrs. nounce the birth of their second child, Scolt Van dcr Klaauw and Gcnschcr stressed England Mutual Life In­ try Day School and 'Benjamin Brier, and the late Randall, on September 7. He is also their that now is not the time to politically boost surance Company. She was Northeastern University. Mr . and Mrs. Nathan second son. the PLO by recognizing this organization as educated at the University The bride is a direct [cwis. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. a partner in the peace negotiations. He told of Massachusetts, having descendant of Emanuel Herbert Schindler of Roslyn Heights, New reporters that developments in the Mideast been graduated this year. Nunes Carvalho, who was The couple will reside in York . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goldman of during the next two weeks will determine The bridegroom is vice the first rabbi of Quincy, Massachusells. Pawtucket arc the paternal grandparents. whether a statement on the PLO will be issued by the ministers. ENTERS DARTMOUTH Rebecca A. Rossncr of Providence was Message From Pope among the approximately 1,050 students en ­ TEL A VIV (JT A) - Pope John Paul II tering the freshman class as Dartmout h has sen t his heartfelt greetings to all Polish College. located in Hanover , New Jews and expressed his hope that the BECOMES BAT MITZVAH Janie Klein, 32 Ponderosa Drive, West Hampshi re. began its academ ic year in Sep­ Almighty will relieve the world of hatred. Jodi A. Guy, daughter of Isabelle and Warwick . Kathy Blade, an RN service tember. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Pope's greetings and wishes were in­ James Guy of East Greenbush, New York, coordinator for the Summit Medical Lawrence F. Rossncr of 50 Montague cluded in a lcllcr. written in Polish, to Anszcl became Bat Mitzvah Friday evening, Sep­ Building will speak on stress and how to Street. Re is. president of the World Federation of tember 7 at Temple B'rith Sholom in Troy cope with it, at home with the family and on A recent graduate of Classical High Polish Jews, who had sent greetings to the New York. Jodi conducted the entire Friday the job. School, Miss Rossncr is a National Merit pontiff on his ascent to the Holy See. The night Torah services in addition to her Haf­ For further information. call 943-7746. Finalist and a Presidential Scholar Finalist. Pope stressed in his lc1tcr that he has torah. She received the Rcnscllacr Medal for out­ "prayed to the Almighty that all those who Her brother, Adam, and sister Michele MOTHER"S ASSOCIATION The Mother's Association . of Temple standing junior in mathematics and science , arc ac ting on behalf of and for humanity also a participated in the service. and was a winner in several levels of the would be blessed." Jodi's maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Beth David-Anshei Kovno will have a Mrs. Murray Leif, of Royal Palm Beach, regular meeting on Monday, September 24 Florida. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and at 8:00 p.m. in the temple social hall. Mrs. Leonard Guy of Cranston. There will be refreshments and a penny A reception and dinner in her honor was social after the meeting. held Saturday night, September 8 at Valle's DANCE Join Our Winter in Warwick . Guests altendcd from Florida, B'nai Zion Connecticut Singles Chapter New York State, Connecticut, #189 will hold a Yorn Kippur Night Dance Massachusetts, Maine, New .Jersey, and on Monday evening, October I at 9:00 p.m. Rhode Island. at the Agudas Achim Synagogue, 1244 KOSHER TRIP TO FLORIDA CHAMBER MUSIC North Main Street, West Hartford, Con­ CONCERTS necticut. Dancing will be to the music of the The Rhode Island Chamber Music Con­ Anthony Trio. Refreshments will be served. at the Saxony Hotel certs this season brings to Providence four All proceeds go to the B'nai Zion Home groups: Guarneri String Quartet, ETHOS­ for Retarded Children at K far Hashwedi, Woodwind Quintet, Rhode Island String Jerusalem. Quartet, and Banchctto Musicale. All con­ PAWTUCKET HADASSAH certs will be held at Alumnae Hall, Brown The Pawtucket-Central Falls Hadassah University ·on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. opens the new season with a wine and 21 days/20nightsforon/y$980 per person, double occupancy Inquiries should be addressed to Box cheese membership night, Monday, Sep­ 1903, Brown University, Providence, R.I. tember 24 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish Com­ 02912 or call 863-2416. munity Center. Sara Cokin, president of the The first of the series will be given on Sep­ chapter, announced the theme for the tember 25 by the Guarneri String Quartet, evening is "Wine, Women and Song." which will play quartets by Haydn, Faure, Entertainment will feature a series of 7 additional nights for $2 65 and Brahms. popular show tunes performed by the Paw­ tucket Community Players. PIONEEER WOMEN MEETING Ruth Shaffer, Kayla Flamer, and Leona The Pioneer Women of Rhode Island Malkin are coordinating the evening's fare Dates: Club #I will hold its first regular meeting of with assistance from Rose Cohen, Sylvia the eason, Thursday, September 27, 12:30 January 23, 1980 - February 12, 1980 Diamond, Carolyn Gereboff, Bella p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. ( return on 7 nights odditionol is February 19, 1980) Goldberg, Sara Cokin (ex-officio), and Mrs. Harry Sklut, program chairperson Miriam Plitt. of the day will present Rhode Tang, who will The public is invited. speak on "Nutrition." our trip includes: Mrs. Maurice Schwartz, chairperson of • Round-trip tronsportotio_n via scheduled jet Eastern Airlines from Boston, some limited EFFECTIVE PARENTING the presidium, will preside. seats from Providence The Parent Ed.ucation Committee of the Jewish Community Center is pleased to an­ • Transportation to Boston or Providence airport round trip OSTOMY MEETING nounce a ten-week workshop on effective • Accommodations at the lovely SAXONY Hotel directly on the Ocean at 32nd to 34th Street The Rhode Island Ostomy Association parenting. • Breakfast and dinner doily, nightly entertainment will hold its first meeting of the season on The series of ten two-hour discussions for Tuesday, October 2 at 7:30 p.m. in Sopkin parents of preschool and elementary age • Three meals on Shobbas • All taxes and tips Auditorium at Miriam Hospital. The chap­ children will begin Monday, October 8 at • All baggage handling ter recently received a national award for its 7:30 p.m. at the JCC. The sessions will ad­ • Free chaise lounges and mots expanded membership. · dress problems and solutions involved in Charles B. Kushner, chapter president child rearing. · · · · • Bingo nights, movies, TV, in oil rooms • Round-trip transfers from Miami Airport to Saxony Hotel . and newly appointed state representative The class will be led by Dorothy Zimmer­ • Optional sightseeing available will display the latest products developed ing, M.Ed. Mrs. Zimmering has done exten­ by manufacturers of ostomy equip~ent. sive study in the area of guidance and The meeting is open to anyone concerned Adlerian Family Education.- She has led with ostomy problems. An invitation to . parenting education programs at Roger Limited Seats join the chapter is also extended. Williams College, where she has also taught child development and family relations Contact PROVIDENCE ORT courses. Sophisticated Traveler The Providence Chapter of Women's American ORT will hold.its first meeting of There is · a fee for the program, and 120 WAYLAND AVE., PRQVIOENCE the new year Thursday, September 27 a~ enrollment is limited. (401) 274-1646 7:45 p.m. . For more information, Paula Goldberg The meeting will be held at the home of coordinator of children's services, may, be \

lI I Fracas Among Israeli Jews Your Money's Over Sabbath Traffic Tensions h ave been mounting in successfully to mediate a solution between Worth Jerusalem between Orthodox and secular the two groups. He has offered the Orthodox By Sylvia Porter Jews, and on Saturday they erupted in a more closed streets on Saturdays and gave in rock-throwing fight. For several Saturdays recently to Orthodox protests about the Orthodox Jews, who live in a high-rise apart­ proposed location of a sports stadium . Foreign Ownership Of U.S. Banks - Good Or-Bad? ment house along Ramot Road, have been "Our children are Jewish as much as theirs throwing rocks at passing automobiles to are Jewish." said Raziel Tavor. a represen­ The black veil of secrecy that almost the U.S. economy. A great innux of foreign protest what they considerto be the sacrilege tative of the secular Ramot residents. "We always obse,ures all takeovers of U.S. banks money must have an impact on the com­ of using machinery on the Sabbath. tried not to wage war. We wrote letters. We was torn wide apart recently when the munity in which the bank is located and on On September 15th residents of 1he talked tenderly. At this time we think o ur Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., the economy of the nation as a whole. Ramot Road area decided to retaliate in war is no t only Ramot·s war. It is a struggle la rgest bank in Asia outside of Japan. bid While the risks are not denied either by their efforts to keep the road open. About for democracy in this country ... for ownership of the Marine Midland, bankers or policymakers, the assessment 500 people. mostly you ng men. gathered on Some secular Jews have organized to dominant bank in upstate New York and va ry widely on how real they are and about the two-lane highway. Arguments began at block the co nstructio n of Orthodox schools 12th largest bank in the nation . whether reg ul ators can deal with them. once between the two groups. The lures of fo r the fear that the Orthodox will infi ltrate Even this giant invasion into our coun­ At hearings before the Senate Banking battle were clearly drawn: black-coated and the neighbo rhoods and impose their strict try's banking structure might have gone Committee a few weeks ago, covered by my bearded Hasidim o n one side: no nreligious Sa bbath observance on o ther local residents. unnoticed-but the courageous. brilliant associate , Brooke Shearer. pros and cons Jews wearing jeans a nd sport shirts on the They have a lso reacted with a la rm to repo rts woman who is New York's Superintendent were told. other. that religious zealots a re gaining key posi­ of Banks, M uric! Siebert, rejected the bid For the takeovers: fir st. foreign-owned ti ons in the publi c schools. Hundreds of Orthodox men stood a long a despite brutal pressure from New York's banks, like domestic ones, are subject to ridge above the road shouting --shabbos ... Governor Carey and the taunts of other U.S. laws which prohibit discriminatio n each time an automobile drove by. The major banks as well as the two directly in­ against borrowers and require them to se rve Ramo1 residents. positioned o n the opposite volved. the interests of their communities. In the Curb Inflation ba nk. applauded a nd cheered each driver. Now, to make an end run around Siebert, words of Federa l Reserve Board Governor Bv Barbie Zelizer So me drivers res po nded b) blowing their Marine Midland is seeking to drop its state Henry Wallich. the re cord to date has J ERUSALEM.(JTA) - The Ministerial horns . and one lruck driver drove charter in favor of a national one. shown foreign-owned institutions " live by Economic C o mmittee has decided to deliberatel y back and forth several times That will place the bank under the the spirit as well as the letter of .S. take a series of measures to hall the spiraling blasting his ho rn . jurisdiction of the Com ptro ller of monetary policies." rate of innation. in cl uding cooling the Teddy Ko lleck. the Mayor of Jerusalem . Currency, John Heimann, who has in­ Second, new capital. fresh ma nagement eco nomy and freezing all wage agreement s. arrived o n the scene to try to pacify the dicated he wi ll approve the acqui sition. skills and increased competition which of­ Following five separate meetings on the crowd. Mr. Kollcck has been attempting un- With so many other W as hington ten come wi_th foreign investment in U.S. subject in recent weeks. the committee policymakers in favor of the takeover of a banks, help strengthen the banking system decided to reduce investments in the U.S. bank by one with extremely close ties and the economy a nd at times have meant economy by some IL 4 billion. a step con­ to the government of Hong Kong, it seems lower interest rates for consum~r and Begin Coming To U.S. sidered essential if economic activity is to be a virtual certainty the deal will go through borrowers. To Honor Rothberg slo wed down. The cool-off is expected to a nd one more U.S. institution will fall un­ But against the takeovers: can foreign hurt the country's industry only minimall y. der foreign power. owners be counted on to make the kind of NEW YORK. ( JTA ) - Premier "If the step is really implemented in o rder to The secrecy has been pierced, however. loans that a city, state or nation needs? At Mcnachcm Begin o f Israel will make a reduce the government's deficit, then there is And this is far from an isolated case of the Senate hearings, Siebert revealed that of special trip to the United States to address a a chance we can reduce the rate of innation," foreign takeover-in the sensitive field of the more than 100 foreign banks operating dinner in ho no r of Sam Ro thberg. general said Bank of Israel Governor Arnon Gafny. banking as well as industry and commerce. in New York, only 30 held any New York chairman of the Israel Bond Organization, "While I can't say I'm totally happy with the • A leading Dutch bank has applied to City o bligations in their portfolios in "77. who wi ll be honored for a lifetime of service decision taken, we will have to wait and buy the LaSalle National Bank of Chicago, Second, wi ll this nation's present policy to Israel at a n International Tribute in judge it by its implementation ." with assets of close to $1 billion. toward foreign banks put U .S. banks at a Washingto n on Nov. 18 under the auspices The committee also decided to freeze all • Earlier this year, the Standard and competitive disadvantage? U.S. restrictions of the Bond Organization. wage agreements until April, 1980. "We now Chartered Bank of London bought the Un­ arc designed to prevent any single bank or Robert Smith, of Washington, a com­ see 1978-80 as the end of a period," said ion Bank of Los Angeles, the 25th largest group of banks from controlling the munity leader and real estate developer, Finance Minister Simcha Ehrlich. "There commercial bank in the country. resources of any area. Will foreign banks be serving as chairman of the Tribute, who wi ll be no more demands and no new agree­ • Since 1970, foreign banks have ac­ similarly restricted? made the announcement, said Rothberg ments. "Wage agreements currently under quired more than 59 American banks with Third, what about foreign curbs on U.S. will receive the first Golda Meir leadership negotiation arc to be finalized by the end of assets at the time of their purchase of more control of major banks within a particular Award. The award, authorized by the September. than $20 billion-a total much larger by nation? Will these curbs be lifted? family of the late Premier of Israel, is to be A third decision taken by the committee now. Fourth, foreign ownership may make it prescn1cd annually to a national Jewish that will affect the public to the greatest • And the takeover bidders are coming impossible for our regulators to assure a leader who has distinguished himself in degree concerns housing. Persons entitled to from all over the world-England, Israel, bank's financial soundness, fo r the foreign promoting Israel's economic and social an apartment according to the point system Switzerland, Italy, Luxemborg, Hong institutions simply don' t publish the progress. Rothberg. a principal founder of used by the Housing Ministry, such as young Kong, etc. (How much Arab money is hid­ statistics we demand of U.S. banks. Can we the Israel Bond Organization, has been a couples and soldiers, will no longer have to den behind the outfront institutions is im­ force these disclosures? Dare we proceed key figure in the growth of the program pay the value-added-tax (VAT) o n their new possible to estimate, but there's plenty of without the knowledge? which has produced more than $4.5 billion apartments. It is estimated that this step will it.) And finally, a nagging worry all of my for Israel's economic development si nce cost the government some IL I billion and The risks inherent in this particular own. What if in the future we go to war 1951 will reduce the price of a given apartment by aspect of the overall worldwide trend with a nation which owris crucial money While Begin is ·in the United States he will some 20 percent. toward an international economy must not banks here? How will they or we handle the also meet with leaders of the United Jewish "This is a social question of the first or­ be shrugged off! Banking plays a key role in entanglements? I, for one, shudder . Appeal in New York City on Nov. 19. der," Ehrlich said. " Housing is one of this nation's most foremost problems." Housing Minister David Levy agreed. New Year Greetings Jeanne Stein believes in .. . Letting Mom Relax and Enjoy Moran Air Cargo the H~liday Dinner BY USING ALL HEAVY DUTY PAPER & PLASTIC extends greetings T.F. GREEN AIRPORT DISPOSABLES SUCH AS: for a 30 Coronado Road, Warwick • Plates • Cups • Napkins happy holiday • Tableware • Table Coverings, Etc. 737-8989 AT DISCOUNT PRICES! MICHAEL J. ROSSI, SEE JEANNE Reg . Ph . Lie. f41 AT THE Party Warehouse Prol-idence 334 EAST AVE ., PAWTUCKET TEL. 726-2491 ,1288 Oaklawn Ave. ~oniott Inn .. VISA MASTERCHARGE Cranston, R.I. The In-City Resort - Charles at Orms, Providence, I.I. 02904 (401) 272-2400 S. Deborah Murphy, M.D. We have Eye Physician and Surgeon Ask About Announces The Opening Of Her Office CANDIES Our For The Practice Of ]3cffionl :,.... Ophthalmology Weekend Escape RUSTCRAFT CARDS Subspecialty Interest In Program Glaucoma and Diabetic Retlnopathy ·ForAII JEWISH 265 Waterman St., Providence, R.I. ~ OfflceHours9-5 · (401) 751-2112 SPECIAL OCCASIONS When Marriott ,does It, they do it right. THE R,ijODE ISLANP HERALD, THVRSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-7 Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El Leeman To Conduct .., Bethlehem Mayor . Slates Dr. Berger to Speak Supports Fed_eration Services At Sharah Zedek D~. Graenum Berger, founder, former Mr. David Leeman, son of Rabbi and president and current vice-president of the JERUSALEM, (JTA)-Bethlehem Mrs. Saul Leeman of Providence, will con­ American Association for Ethiopian Jews, Mayor Elias Freij came out in support of a duct the High Holiday services of the Jewish will be the guest speaker at the Sisterhood of confederation between a Palestinian state in New Year and Yorn Kippur at Westerly's Temple Beth-El's first meeting this year on the West Bank and Jordan. The idea was Congregation Sha rah Zedek Synagogue this Monday, Sept. 24. A and coffee hour worked out between King Hussein of Jordan year. Observance of the Jewish New Year at 12:30p.m. will be followed by the meeting and Palestine Liberation Organization chief will commence on Friday night, September and program at I p.m. Yasir Arafat, according to media reports 21, Yorn Kippur on Sunday night, Septem- Dr. Berger, who has been deeply devoted abroad, although Hussein while in Paris, ber 30. · to the plight of Falashan Jewry, will present declined to say if he and Arafat favored a A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Harvard in an illustrated lecture on the present situation confederation. 1977, Mr. Leeman is a third-year student at of Ethiopian Jews. the New York University Medical School. Dr. Berger, a Jewish ~ommunal ad­ Freij, in an interview with Israel Radio, His extensive Jewish background includes ministrator and institutional planner, said he believes the majority of the people in graduation from the Maimonides High retired in 1973 after 43 years of professional the administered territories accept the con­ School in Brookline, Massachusetts and service. A teacher, author, lecturer, world federation idea. In a separate interview, more than a year's study in Israel. In I 973, traveler, consultant to many Israeli and another West Bank leader, former Jorda­ he was the second-place winner in the Inter­ American Jewish organizations, Dr. Berger nian Defense Minister Anwar Nusseiba national Bible Contest held in Jerusalem. agreed with Freij that any such confedera­ was honored by Yeshiva Univecsity in 1973 DR.·GRAENUM BERGER During the summer of 1978, Mr. Leeman led with the degree - Doctor of Humane Let­ tion would necessitate the prior establish­ the services at Camp Ramah in Palmer, ters. ment of a Palestinian entity. Mass. and, that fall, conducted services at Group Formed To Expose Congregati o n Anshe Shalom in Ayer, Mass. Jewish Intermarriage " Jordan and the West Bank complete The High Holiday services are open to the each other," Freij sa id . "The east bank is general Jewish community of Westerly and Documentary An ad hoc committee has been organized one lung, the West Bank is another lung. So surrounding communities. Christian Heroism to expose and oust Jewish public figures who we arc two lungs in one body." Contrary to During Holocaust are married to non-Jews. the situation until 1967, Frcij suggested that The group, known as the Comminee to each side of the Jordan River would have its ADULTS READ one or more Joseph Finkle, former Chairman of the Eradicate Intermarriage fr om Jewish Public own government but with one «police force, newspapers every day, in markets of all New England regional board of the Anti­ Life, will gather information on inter­ one army and one passport" for both states. sizes. Defamation League of B'nai B'rith an­ married Jewish leaders, then publicly expose Both states would function on an equal BE AW ARE of the evcnll in your com­ nounced that on September 30 from one to them and lobby ror their ouster from Jewish basis, he said. munity. Sub,cribe to the Herald. two PM (1-2 PM) Channel 12, WPRI TV in communal affairs. Providence, Rhode Island will air "It is a disgrace that so many of our "A VENUE OF THE JUST," a documen­ Jewish 'leaders' - men who make lifc-and­ tary about acts of heroism by individual dcath decisions for American Jewry - arc Christians who risked their lives to protect married to non-Jews," declared Randy Jews during the Holocaust. Medoff. long-time Jewish activist and The program, produced by the Anti­ Acting Chairman of the Comminee. "How Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, probes can we condemn intermarriage when the questions of conscience and morality during very men who lead the Jewish community World War II , asking why some Europeans arc themselves intermarried'" felt compelled to help, while others did Medoff added that the Comm inee's fir st nothing. According to Fink le, "It is par­ target would be a "very prominent Jew who ticularly titting that Avenue of the Just will occupies an important position in the be shown on this day - the day before Yorn Anglo-Jewish news media." While declining COURTNEYS Kippur - the Jewish Day of Atonement. It to specificall y name the individual, Medoff WITH A PANORAMIC V1EW OF NEWPORT HARBOR will have particular meaning to those of us, warned that "he and his scandalo us LUNOI DINNER FROM 5 P.M. Jew and Christian alike, who understand the behavior will become well known very 11:30-3:00 OPEN SALAD BAR WITH DINNER significance of this holy season in the Jewish shortly." community. And coming as it does on the 95 heels of Yorn Kippur and the Pope's visiting Man Shot By PLO SUNDAY BRUNCH 3 New England this important documentary JERUSALEM (JTA) - The Palestine dealing specificall y with Christian heroism Liberation Organization has claimed ~--- will have deep impact." responsibility for the murder of Moshe BEST WISHES FOR A The title for the film is taken from the path Yoskovitz on September 16 near the Church HAPPY NEW YEAR at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Memorial to the of Gethsemane in the Old Ci ty . The PLO Six- ~illion, which is lined with carob trees claimed that he was murdered because he planted to commemorate the valor of was a member of the Gush Emunim. 65 LONG WHARF, NEWPORT "R,ighteous Christians," whom the film 's Yoskovitz, 47, of Bnei Brak was buried in 84M004 narrator describes as "human roadblocks on the Mount of Oli ves cemetery, not far from the avenues of death." where he was fatally shot at close range. RAC MC VISA AMX


OLD GRIST MIU TAVERN CHINA SEA 3~ FaH R~er Ave3::ill:A, S..bnlc, Mass. 1271 ,_. Id., Wawicll The hi-c Gmt Mill built iii 17"5 on the Runnitls Rl.., is now one of 467-7440 the oreo', finest rwstourorm. The Old Gri,t Mill T°"'"' 1ecmnes Steal< 'Teriyoki, Prime Rib, Aknlca King Crob, Swordfish, !hid< sandwiches. ...,__c-~.s....,.~ ...... Open Mon.-Sat. 11,30-2,30 luncheon; S-10 p.m. Din-; Sun. Dinner codltails. Pupu ,._.. r•""' ...... _ s...-n.u... .12 - i. .w. 12-9 p.m. AE, MC, and BA acuntad. """"19 ba-focilities,. . nliM- Fri. Cllld Sat. 12 - 19 1 - · RECTOR'S THE COACHMEN _ ']l,_MY'S on _Y,ashintf~n- . .,__._1M• ..... 1M 10 Walhington St., P'ro¥iclence - 35l~~332 ...... 614-1423 ., a..-...,-v__,Julr30-...,...-.-14 .NORTH MAIN ST. -~ 100 ...... ______,_._..,....,._....,_..,._ - ·, ,...... , ...... '.italNn f"°' at its finest. Noor Civic c..,,..., Open daily lo< lunch and' !ljinno, 11,30 a.m. lo 10 p.m. Monday tt,.._t, Thunday. fridoy and 351-4927 ...... __,..._...... ~2519ML Ja!unlay until 11 and Sunday f.- _., lo 10 p,m. · LUNCH 11.:30-2:aO DINNER l:»11 PM New Japan Restaurant ·_ . , RICO'S RESTAURANT . w·: 511 'Warwlclc A-, W-'cli IAR I lo MIDNIGHT 11-F-lt3i-t • _Sit. S-H• Cltsii-~ - ,• . , 467-'901 , CLOSID MONDAY 145 Wcnhington Sltwt, P\o,W.a, R.I. . ~zing in f...i. s,afood daily and fine_ltalionlood . ,..;,,...... Cll!Cl,lails. Open, 1h30 lo ·:.10 :p.111., ~ ~ Good food at Tel. 401 351-0300-0IOI ·- . ·____ . ,,.....,. ~ prices. - . ~--- __ .. _,_"""" .... ·· ·- ..... -Einstein Commemorated in Mexico - HONOLULU (JTA): - The deplorable MEXICO CITY (JTA) - The Jewish state of the boat people and the callous treat­ a nd Zionist activities of Albert Ei nstei n ment these refugees from Indochina are were described at the third of a series of receiving in many parts of the world has programs commemorating the centennial of prompted the trustees of the Hawaii Jewish Einstein's birth attended by both Jews and Welfare Fund to authorize a special fund­ non-Jews. The presentation was made by raising appeal on behalf of the boat people Sergio Nudelstejer, secreta ry genera l of the who have found safety in this state. Fund Central Jewish Committee and representa­ president Mort Feldman appointed Dean tive of the American Jewish Committee for Jerrold Michael as chairman of the appeal. Mexico and Central Ameri ca. In aii address to the trustees, Michaei Several thousand people attended the se­ pointed out that many parallels exist be­ ries of lectures, symposiums and the show­ tween the boat people and "our Jewish boat ing of a film . "The Education of a Genius" people of 1937-1939." IJl both cases they on Ei nstein. Outstanding Mexican scien­ were singled out for attack and ultimate tists, intellectuals and philosphers took part death because of their -racial or ethnic in the programs which were held al the Na­ background, he said. And in both cases the tiona l In stitute of Anthropology and Histo­ rest of the world ignored them as they were ry. The centennial wi ll be completed with being systematically destroyed. the unveili ng of a statue of Einstein in a As a result of the decision to launch the park in th e Jewish neighborh ood of Hipo­ appeal, 195 responses have been received dromo. The statue was presented by the totalling more than $6700. Preliminary Central Committee to Mexico C it y whose meetings have been held with Indochinese BECOMES BAR MITZVAH: Ari Covitz reed from the Toreh on the occasion of his officials will participate in the unveiling. volunteer relief agencies, and some tentative becoming Ber Mltzv ■ h , In ■-,, 1,;e,; held In perent8' home neer Philadelphia recently. The fund allocations have already been agreed ■-,,left..,. directed by the Bu Mltzvah ' sgreat-gr■ ndfather, Rabbi Abrahm Klein, for­ upon. merly of Providence. Ari I• the ■on of Howard ■nd Mart.ha Covitz, the grandson of Carter's Milton and Anne Covitz, formerly of Providence, Murray and Annette Perlman of East New Plea For Wallenberg Providence, ■ nd the great-grandchild of Mrs. Minnie Perlman ■ nd Mrs. Samuel Rosh Hashana Wlntman, both of Providence. The Bar Mltzv ■ h la a student at the Beth Jecob YNhlv of LONDON, (JTA) - The Soviet Union Philadelphia. Greeting has received a new request to disclose the fate or whereabouts of Swedish diplomat diplomatic relat ions with Israel after the Sept. 9 (JTA) - President Carter Raoul Wallenberg, missing in the Soviet Young Urges Yo rn Kippur War in 1973. the gradual iss ued the fo ll owi ng Rosh Hashana Union since the end of World War II. The withdrawal of Is rael fr om Si nai as pa rt of the message: ·· My fellow Americans: As request was made. in a letter to President African Leaders Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty may have you celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Leonid Brezhnev by U.S. Sen . Joseph Biden N EW YORK (JTA)-Outgoing U .S. defused the issue. But one of th e potential beginni ng o f the High Holy Days, (D.Del.), head of an American Senate mis­ Ambassado r Andrew Yo ung, who is stumbling blocks to a dialogue with Israel is Rosalynn and I se nd our warmest sion which recently visited Moscow to heading a high-level .S. trade mission to the Palestinian problem Tolbert referred lo greeting to you as you gather together discuss arms reduction . Africa. has been urging Black African heads this at the OAU su mm it meeting in in· homes a nd synagogues lo we lcome Bi den's letter is the fourth appeal for of state to open a dialogue between their Monrovia. Liberia last July when he said a new yea r , Wallenberg in recent weeks. There have countries a nd Israel. Young, who resigned that no Mideast solution is poss,hlc witho ut " I know that your liturgy fo r this been two inquiries by U.S. government of­ last mo nth foll owing a stormy controversy resolvin g the "pli ght'" of the Palc,1,nians. sacred season includes prayers for ficials in Washington and late last month the over hi s meeting with the Palestine Libera­ AfteJ Young talked with Tolbert, the reconcili ati on between neighbors, af­ Swedish Prime Minister Ola Ullsten wrote ti o n Organization observer at the UN. has Liberian President was asked if Israel \ rela­ firmation of life and recommitrnent. to Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin requesting since then declared publicly several times tions with South Africa would bca barrier lo and at this time you renect on eternal a new in vestigation of the entire affair. that it is stupid for the U.S. not to talk 10 the convin ci ng other Black African states lo questions concerning life and death. Wallenberg, who would have been 67 years PLO. open a dialogue with Israel. Tolbert said it The word s o f these se rvices echo old on Aug. 4, was kidnapped in Budapest in Before leaving on his mission las t week. was " difficult 10 say if I wo uld anti cipate universal human concerns. 1945 after rescuing thousands of Jews from Yo un g said: " If I say that my government anything negati ve o r positive"' from other "With you. we recommit o urselves the Nazis and has been reported to be still in o ught to ta lk to the PLO. I also have lo say Bl ack African leaders. But Young sa id, 10 cherish the freedom of a ll peoples a Soviet prison. that Africans ought 10 talk with Israel." On "from our informati o n·· Israel has been a nd lo strive peacefu ll y for its realiza­ Interviewed by the Swedish news agency this basis he met with President Aristides "observing the 1977 UN arms embargo ti on. With you we pray not for an es­ bureau in Moscow, Biden is reported to ha ve Pereira of Cape Verde and President against South Africa" and Israel-South cape fr om challenges, problems and said he was personally convinced that William Tolbert of Liberia wh o is also chair­ African trade is "insignificant.·· decisions, but for th e wisdom, in sig ht Wallenberg was still ali ve and it was ex­ ma n o f the 40-nation Organizatio n o f Breakfast"Eaten Up and courage lo choose wisely and tremely urgent that the Soviet authorities African Unity (OAU) and urged them both bravely. sho uld trace him. Whatever had happened to begin a formal dialogue with Israel to By Inflation "Let us st ri ve to make common to Wallen berg in the past, he said, he saw no lessen the Jewish States isolation among J ERUSALEM (JTA) - The fa mous Is­ cause with decent people of a ll fa iths reason fo r condemning the present Soviet Black African countries. Both Presidents in­ raeli hotel breakfast. which served as a and nations. Let us stri ve to p reserve government which had nothing to do with dicated "interest'· in Young's suggestion. pleasant eat-as-much-as-you-can challenge the values of our democracy and to the case. · While most African countries broke fo r tourists, is no more. The breakfast. with broaden the areas of it s bless ings. its choice of ro ll s, cheeses. vegetables and Your religi on, like mine, seeks to help juices, is but another victim of the soaring all people learn to live in harmony in nation. Food is just too expensive. Hotel with one another and with God. May owners have complained that to uri sts took the coming year bring us closer 10 the advantage of the rich Israeli breakfast by just a nd lasting peace for which we loading their plates wit h food they could have yea rned and prayed so lo ng, and not eat. Others prepared sandwiches they bring to each of you new strength of .smuggled out of the dining room, to last fait h and purpose." •acq•••bNcLUBS them as a day's supply of food . Thus, with­ in a few weeks, the hotel morning breakfast Commerce Woy, Warwick, R.I . wi ll be the regular continental breakfast. No Plan For PLO (OIi Airport Rd.} Any extras will cost more. Commemorative Stamp NEW YORK (JTA) - The Postal Ad­ Land-Sale Policy ministration of the U nited Nations has no Racquet BaJI Decried By Arabs plans for the next two years in issuing a stamp commemorating the PLO, The JERUSALEM (JTA) - Arab leaders in Workmen's Circle has been assured by H . Tennis Health the administered territories reacted bitterly Edgar Stock, Assistant Postmaster General today to the Cabinet decision to lift the ban of the United States. The Jewish labo r on the purchase of private lands by Jewish fraternal order, through its President Ber­ "We have it all for you!/' citizens in the territories. nard Backer, had sought assurances that the Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij, considered U.S. postal authorities would not honor Our well est.ablished Econo Tennis Club, now a moderate, said the decision was "a death such a stamp after the U.N. Palestine Com­ renamed Racquetime, Offers: warrant for the so-called autonomy." There mittee had recommended its issuance. will be "very deep repercussions," he pre­ In addition, The Workmen's Circle was • New Air Conditioned Racquetball Courts dicted, "throughout the Arab world and es­ informed by Stock: " I have brought your • New leige and lrown Tennis Courts - Proven Optically Superior pecially among the Palestinians, who will mailgram to the attention oftheOfficeofln­ • New lounge Area. With Salad Bar stiffen their resistance to the autonomy plan tcrnational Organization Affairs at the and the Camp David accords." Department of State, which will give the The mayor said it was "blatant dis­ matter appropriate attention." • New Exercise loom With Unive11GI Gym, Exercydes, Running Machines and More crimination" lo aHow Israelis to purchase Backer was told that "The Postal Ad­ • New loman Whirlpools West Bank land. "Will Mcnachem Begin ministration of the United Nations has in­ • New Steamrooms and Saunas permit West Bankers to buy land in Israel?" formed us that its stamp production • New Decor and Full-Time Staff To Assist You he asked. "I feel deeply disturbed by this schedule is drawn up for two years in ad­ decision, but it justifies our suspicion that vance and that there are no plans for a stamp the autonomy talks arc simply a hoax." commemorating the Palestine Liberation SEASON OPENS SEPT. 9th There was a general agreement in the Organization." territories that landowners would refuse to In his original communication to Join Now deal with Israelis. There is a general con­ Postmaster General William F. Folger, ComeandS..UsorCall 1-800-2~5-2811 sensus that any Arab selling land to Jews was Backer had predicated his opposition on risking his life. press reports with. authoritative U .N. by­ Arab leaders in the territories sent cables line~ that the U.N. Palestine Committee of protest against the decision to world had, among other PLO promotional· ac­ OPEN HOUSE -leaders, ·including President Carter and tivities votcdJavorably on the issuance of a · Egyptian Prcsideni\ Ariwai' Sadat. Several PLO commenro~ative sfani~, ' ; Wcdcnds of Sept. 15 -16 and Sf·pt. 22-23 mµni~ipalities publish,;.

Rosh Hashana, the MARION'S HONEYCAKE Jewish New Year, is a I lb. time of new beginnings I cup strong coffre I tspn. baking soda and the .hope that the , ¼cupoi/ next year will be even I ispn. ground allspice 4 eggs better than the one past. I cup sugar Traditionally, sweets 4 cups sifted flour have been a symbol of the I tspn. baking powder · new year, especially Dissolve honey in strong coffee. Add bak­ honey. ing soda and coo1. Add oil and allspice, and set mixture to one side. Here are a couple of Beat eggs with sugar until eggs arc light recipt?s to help you and fluffy and sugar is dissolved. Add bak­ ing powder to flour. Alternately add small celebrate that tradition. portions of fl our mixture and honey mix­ ture, to beaten eggs, beating well after each addition. Bake in 9x 13 inch greased and floured pan in 350 degree oven for one hour. TILLIE"S T AIGLACH CHEESE Something I pkg. shredded coconut ' 3 cups flour 8 eggs beaten lightly KNISHES ½ cup sugar Wasn't Kosher I rounded tspn. ground ginger ½ lb . bu11rr ¼ cup oil By Yilzhak Shargil 2 cups flour 4 cups unsifted flour ½ yeast or active dry yeast HAIFA (JTA) - While Egyptian Presi­ ½ tsp. baking soda I cup sour cream dent Anwar Sadat's visit to Israel ran Mix all together to form firm dough. Cut 7 Tbs . Spry I egg smoothly for the most part. o ne segment of it off 2-inch pieces. Roll between well-floured ¼ tsp. baking powder turned out not to be kosher - his food . The ha nds to form rope ¼ inch thick and 3 or 4 Mix fl o ur and butter with tips of fingers or Mashgiah. who supervises at the inches long, and tie in center. Put on well­ ¼ ISp. salt pastry blender, add rest of ingredients and Da n Carmel Hotel where Sadat stayed. was floured board. Do this until dough is all used ½ cup warm water form into dough . Refrigerate overnight. shocked when he spotted the Egyptian Presi­ up and set aside. I Tbs. sugar Next day remove from refrigerator. roll dent's personal cook in the kitchen prepar­ Prepare ho ney mixture as follows: I egg twice as wide as long. fold V, of dough over ing one of Sadat's favorite dishes- mutton. J lbs. honey middle third and fo ld over last third (looks T he meat was brought fr o m Egypt and thus J cups sugar Sift together flour. baking powder, soda, like a boo k). press edges together and turn was not kosher. I cup water salt , suga r. add egg well beaten, Spry, and dough so that folded part is toward you, roll The mashgiah was faced with a dilemma 2 heaping tspns. ground ginger warm water. Mix and let stand for I ½ again and repeat folding. C ut pastry in half. si nce the meat would be placed o n hotel ho urs. roll out. cut into squares, fill with cheese and dishes which were being used for the two Combine ingredients in large pot and Then cook 4 potatoes and mash fine; 1/4 fold over and pinch edges firmly together. banquets given for Sadat. He could have bring to boil. Drop taiglach pieces into boil­ lb. liver broiled, and ground together with Pl ace on greased baking pan. Bake in 350 declared both dinners treifah . But first he ing li q uid . Simmer for 10 minutes and then that has been fried in any fat. Add egg degree oven until nicely browned. Serve with checked with the head of the Haifa Kashrut stir so that a ll pieces a re coated with honey wel l beaten and blend all together. sou r cream . Department, who in turn consulted the city's mixture. Let simmer uncovered for 45 Ro ll cut dough, and cut into small two chief rabbis. Their solution was that the minutes and stir occasionally. Turn off heat. sq uares, place portions of potatb and meat dishes used by Sadat would not be used by and add I cup boiling water immediately. mixture in center. Bring edges together and filling: ½ lb. the hotel any longer. Everyone was happy, Using slotted spoon, remove pieces from seal firmly. Place in greased pan. Bake fo r 15 I egg including the Egyptian cook who could take honey mixture and roll in coconut. Store in minutes at 400 degrees, reduce heat to 350 I tablespoon sugar the dishes back to Egypt with him as cool, dry place. degrees and bake until golden brown. Mix together. souvenirs.

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ly Robert E. Starr ... -4 . ******************************** No question, Bridge is not an easy game same bid with a good hand as they wo uld but it is not nearly as difficult as most players with little. tend to make it. Today's hand should have After the Double here some Souths bid been a simple one both to bid and then to two Hearts, some three and others did go play yet almost every pair made a problem right to game in Hearts. North, with nothing out of the bidding and o nl y one player out of to spare -should pass whatever South bids thirteen saw that he had an almost sure way but again few players play that way. They to make the hand. bid again even though their partner may have nothing. The main burden should fall North on the Responder but not enough follow • J2 / that theory. In this hand South should 9 8 6 4 2 realize that beside having an opening bid his ♦ A Q 5 partner should also hold four Hearts. With ♦ A Q J 3 that four opposite fou r fit and-his own 13 points, game in Hearts should be easy so the correct response is to jump right to game. If WHt East North doesn't have those Hearts he will have ♦ AKQ73 ♦ 10 8 5 enough extra to make whatever he goes on 9 K J 9 10 7 5 to. ♦ 9 6 3 t 10 8 7 4 2 To ma ke the hand after losing the first two ♦ 10 7 4 ♦ 8 2 Spade leads, the Trump losses must be held OUR YOUNGER SET: Scott llerllamln Bromberg, 4, and MattMw Brian Bromberg, 14 to one. However, I watched as all but one South Declarer went to Dummy to lead a Trump monlhe, a,- the - of Mr. and M..._ H-ard Bromberg of W..icti:. TIier are the ♦ 9 6 4 gra~ of Mr. and Ml'9. Bernard SIiverman of Stoughton, M-■chuNtta and Mr. and finesse against the King , their Queen 9 A Q 9 3 losing and. of course, a nother trick still had and Mra. Malcolm C. Bromberg of NsnganNtt. GrNt-9r~ le M..._ Benjamin t K J • Bromberg of Providence. to be lost for down one. ♦ K 9 6 5 The hand should be made easily because of the bidding. After West opens the bidding his hand becomes an open book . East can­ West was dealer, both sides vulnerable Dayan, Schmidt Assess Relations not hold the Trump King so how can the with this bidding: taking of a sure losing finesse be right? It BONN (JT A)- Israel's Foreign Minister Germany's Micleast Policy Quescioned can't so the only way to make the hand Moshe Dayan ended his talks in Germany Dayan expressed concern that Bonn has w N E s knowing this is to hope it is a doubleton. If on September 10 . Observers agreed that the departed from its balanced Middle East IS Dbl p 4H not the hand can never be made. So simply differences or opinion between Bonn and policy and moved closer to the Arab side. p p p pl ay the Trump Ace first and then a small There was-and still is -irritation in Israel Jerusalem were not resolved entirely but that one and pray. This docs work out and over some or Genscher's remarks, over the they are by far not as dramatic as they ap­ should and is the only way. meeting between Social Democratic leader peared. The bidding should have gone as shown Moral: One is foolhardy not to take ad­ Willy Brandt with PLO leader Yasir Arafat Dayan had a first, unofficial round or but rarely did. After West opened the vantage of everything his opponents tell talks with Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich in Vienna and a Beirut visit by the Liberal bidding, North has a perfect Take-out Dou­ him . Genscher and a visit to the Jewish com­ foreign policy spokesman Juergen ble. Most Norths did make that call but it is munity in Cologne. He and Genscher dis­ Mocllemann during which he talked to South ·s response to that bid that created the cussed the Middle East situation for three Arafat and other PLO leaders. problem. The reason is two-fold. First, Israeli Currency De~alued hours. Following that, there was a long In his talks with Schmidt, Dayan raised because not enough players understand how meeting between Chancellor Helmut the question or the Chancellor's postponed and when to make a Take-out Double. They J ERUSALEM (JTA)-Thc Israel Pound Schmidt and Israel's Foreign Minister. visit to Israel. Schmidt said that it would seem to think that all it shows is an opening has continued its rapid decline relative to the Genscher informed his colleague at length only be useful if it was accepted as a con­ bid but that is not all of it. U.S. dollar precipitating a rush on ba nks to about Bonn's diplomatic offensive in the purchase dollars and a trend away from tribution to secure peace in the Middle East. Used correctly, the Take-out Double is a Middle East, urging Arab unity as a prere­ government bonds linked to the cost-of. Observers agreed that Dayan presented his bid also looking mainly for a Major suit. A quisite for further peace efforts to which the living index. As of midnight September 16, government's criticism in a diplomatic man­ Double of one Major should have four oft he Israeli-Egyptian peace-treaty was only a first the Po und stood at IL 28 .63 - $1, an over­ ner though in the tough style he is known other. A Double of a Minor should show at step toward a comprehensive peace. night drop of 20 Agorot. One hundred for. It was agreed however that he was not least four cards in one Major and three in the Bonn diplomats stated that there was no other. You will find, in Bridge, that your Agorot equa l one Pound. interested in worsening German-Israeli rela­ expectation that agreement could be reached partner will usually bid what you don't want The Pound was devalued by 1.25 percent tions. As he said before the talks, West Ger­ on all differences or opinion with Israel. But to the Swiss franc and by one percent to the many is not pursuing a policy directed him to so if you arc short in a suit, that's the obviously, some progress was made. A com­ one he'll often choose. So if that is the case West German mark. Public fears that the against Israel. munique issued after the talks said they had the Doubler had better have a much better government will soon tighten foreign bcc11 good, worthwhile and very construc­ Genscher assured Dayan that Israel could hand than a minimum so he can keep currency controls was seen responsible for tive. Both sides explained their position. rely on the Germans but added that un­ bidding to extricate himself. the panic buying of dolla rs. Under present Genscher assured Dayan that Bonn would pleasant realities must a lso be discussed Even more prevalent is the scarcity of regulations, every citizen may purchase up support all efforts toward a comprehensive, · among friends. Sources here said Gcnscher players who know how to respond to a Dou­ to $3000 but recent reports about Israel's just and lasting peace. ·11 was stressed that pleaded for Palestinian self-determination ble. True, unless the next hand bids it is a worsening · balance of payments situation Genscher used the same arguments in his and referred to European Economic Com­ forced response so the pam,er must bid even have given rise to rumors that the govern­ talks with Dayan that he used during his munity criticism of the Israeli settlement with nothing. That is the point I am trying to ment sooner or later will have to reduce the visits to seven Arab nations in the past few policy and the military raids on southern bring out, the responders will often make the foreign currency supply. months. Lebanon.

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Jon Resnick: ' Living Judaism Day- io-Day

Continuedfrom Page I Subbing is something he did not do a lot of the team athlete. in high school. A graduate of Byram Hills "Jon is the quintessential team player," he High School, he was the star of his squad. said. "That is true for two reasons. Playing mostly at the striker position, he "First of all, he has a tremendous made All-County his junior and senior kno"'ledge of the game of soccer. He is, a years, and was Most Valuable Player in his thinking man's player. Since he knows ex­ conference in his senior year. His senior year actly what should be done in any given situa­ scoring total was an impressive 30 goals, 12 tion on the field, he can't help but help the assists which happened, he says, "because team. thev iust kept funneling the ball to me." "Also, he does not possess the really out­ At Brown , his duties arc quite different. standing skills, the blazing speed or the "We don't expect a whole lot of scoring booming shot that some of the other guys from Jon this year," said Starsia, "although have, so he has to play ateam oriented game. he certainly is capable of putting the ball in Basically, that's the most effective way for the net. What we expect from him is that he him to contribute." will create a lot of opportunities when he is Starsia does- not mean to detract from out on the field, si nce he does move so much Resnick's talent altogether. without the ball . His sense of positioning "Oh, his shot is pretty good, and he cer­ should allow him to set up people for good tainly is not slow," he explained. "It's just shots up close. that playing a one-ma·n, showy type of game, "Since he will be coming off the bench he would not be as successful. The team quite a bit, we expect that there will be no Jon RNnlclt, In dark jwMy, In action l•t HNOn agalMt the Unlveralty of Connecticut game is his game." drop-off in the tempo of play when he comes tcrests arc as abundant as the descriptions of Part oft he reason for his lack of interest in He should also get more assists by virtue· in . We look for him to come into the game Bill y Carter's in telligence. attendance al services is, frankl y, he feels he of more playing time. After two seasons of and slide right into the fl ow, as if no one even Ed Barry, Brown's promotions director, has been spoiled. sub-varsity soccer, he joined the varsity al ca me out. described Jon Resnick as a "kid wh o had his "My fa mily belongs to Temple Beth-El in the end of his sophomore year.just in time to And we'll be more controlled with him in nose in everything. The guy does not sit still. Cahappaqua, New York, and the Rabbi travel to Clemson for the New England there." It seems like he belongs to everything." there, Rabbi Stern, is great," he said. " He Championships'. His first full varsity season Th·c success that he has attained in the Not quite everything, but not far from it, rea ll y runs a beautiful service. I am literally was last year, when he frequently came off sport stems from a rather humble initiati on. either. In addition to bei ng a history major, in awe of his ability to sustain my interest the bench. "As a little kid, I used to play on Saturday which consumes a great deal of his time, he and rea ll y make me feel part o f the service. mo rnings, when the high school coach used belongs to several school organizations. He "I rea ll y haven't found the services to have clinics. I had a lot offun , but the soc­ is on the Athletic Advisory Commission at around here to be as interesting or inspiring. cer bug didn't really hit me until ninth grade. the school, because, he said, "I wa nted to be I really was used lo him . Of course, you Surveillance That's when I really started getting heavi ly apart of a university commission, and it really sho uld be able to feel at peace with * involved. seemed the most suitable one fo r me wi th my prayer, no matter who is conducting the (Continued from page I) "We had a strong winning tradition at our background." service, but I can't help feeling like Allen, is a non-Jewish leader in anti-Nazi school in soccer, and I wanted to be a part o f He wo rked at WJAR-TV this past sum­ everything else is second best next to him ." work, called attention to the Chancellor's it. Of course, we had a winning tradition in mer, and has worked at radio station Second best is something that Jon Resnick fascist past by publicly slapping his face in football too, but my parents wouldn't let me WBR U-AM& FM. He is presently working docs nol like lo settle for in anything. When November 1968 in Berlin . play." With a hint of a smile he adds, "that as sports director al the AM affi li ate, and he is perfo rming for the Bruins on the field Kiesinger's Nazi Background sort of helped me decide which sport to will periodically do play-by-play coverage of this season, he'll make that very obvious. As the deputy director of Hitler's broad­ play." football, basketball, and hockey. casting department, Kiesinger was responsi­ Jon was recruited by a few colleges in his As a matter of a fact, although his major is ble for the dissemination abroad of anti­ senior year, and even had a few offers for full history, he leans towards some form of Jour­ Jewish propaganda broadcasts. The aim of scholarships. nali sm as a career. Military Aid his radio propaganda was to arouse anti­ But Brown had a lot going for it, as far as " History has helped develop my thinking * Semitism throughout the world, according he was concerned. process," he says. "I doubt I will do Continuedfrom Page I to Klarsfeld. A member of the Nazi Party " My main concern was getting a good anyth ing wit h it as a career, though. Com­ told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that since May 1933, in 1941 he joined the board education," said the American history ma­ municatio ns arc more the thing that I would Carter Administration policy seems to be of directors of lnterradio, Nazi Foreign jor. "I knew Brown could offer me that. probably like lo pursue after school. " " to stick awfully close to the present level of Minister Yon Ribbentrop and Nazi " But I also wanted a place with a good Another ve ry important facet of Jon's life dollar aid" to both Egypt and Israel. This Propaganda Minister Goebbels' vehicle for soccer team, which Brown also had. And I is his philosophy and practice of Judaism. source, like others, noticed that this means propaganda abroad. had friends going here who raved about the " I would. say that I am a practici ng Jew, actually a cut in the buying power of the ap­ After World War II, Kiesingcr was school. but not in the sense that I go lo services every propriated dollar of 10 lo 15 percent as a "deNazified" by a . commission which in­ "We also have a friend of the family wh o Saturday or · anything like that," he ex­ result of inflation. In addition, the cost of cluded his father-in-law, but he was is an alumnus of Brown, and he was always plained. " My strongest ties lo my religion weaponry has risen beyond those figures . classified as a Nazi unfit to hold government talking about how great the school is . Suffice arc in the day- to-day living si tuations. The Senate Appropriations Committee is to office. He was later examined a second time it to say that many factors went into my deci­ " I love and respect my family . My parents consider the aid funding, probably next by his father-in-law and classified as one of sion. I feel I made the right one." were loose enough to let me learn values on week . the least important Nazis. Sports in the Ivy League arc also treated in my own, but also stern enough lo take me The House approved the aid appropria­ A number of related incidences of U.S. In­ a slightly different way, Jon bas found. away from the wrong things. I like the tions for fiscal 1980 in which Egypt is to telligence surveillance have recently been "Sports in the Ivy League arc just a little , partly because of the tradi­ receive $750 million in economic supporting brought to light. The Philadelphia bit more mellow than in other places," he tion behind them, but more beca use it brings assistance. f ' also receives more than "Bulletin" reported last month that the FBI contends. "The athletes here do not live, eat, my family together. $300 millio• Jther forms of economic aid, had made plans to tie the late civil rights and breathe their sport. When I get together .with my family including 1-ood for Peace. In addition, leader Dr. Martin Luther King, and civil "The athletes here are out for an educa­ (which includes two older sisters, Johanna Egypt gels $1.8 billion in special military and rights and anti-Vietnam War activist Dr. tion as well as playing a sport. li's funny, if and Leslie, and a younger sister, Maxannc economic aid under the Israeli-Egyptian Benjamin Spock to the Communist Party · you take a team bus to a game with us, you 'II who also attends Brown), I really enjoy rheir treaty. through "counterintelligence action." see cvery,onc with a book in their hands. company. My real concern with Judaism is Carter noted that 16 of the 35 F-4 Phan­ The Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry "The athletes here also have many outside with the values it teaches, the true-to-life, tom warplanes the U.S. has agreed to supply reported to the JTA on June 29 that is had interests." . realistic morals it teaches. You can't go to Egypt will be delivered in "the next few been under FBI surveillance almost from the Now there ·is what really separates services every Saturday and belt out prayers _ weeks." It is understood that the cost of day it ;.,as founded 15 years -ago. This Jonathan Resnick from the other type of stu­ like there's no tomorrow, then on Monday these will come out of the $ 1.5 billion in organization has pressed for cmigrati6n and dent athlete, the type who, without some cheat your business partner out of all his credits to Egypt spread over a three-year civil right for Soviet Jews, J>ut eschews constant form of contact with his sport, suf­ money. You've got to live the religion, that's period as a r esult of the Israeli-Egyptian violence. · , fers physical withdrawal. Jon's outside in-. most important." treaty.

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NO JOB TOO SMALL '(411) 111-4711 111 Co-It Aft, 751_-5596 · 751-1476 Wnt Warwick, R. I. - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 13 . ,. Arafat Hedges Answers During ABC-TV Interview NEW YORK (JTA): - Yasir Arafat, Arafat denied he was anti-Semitic. "We head of the Palestine Liberation Organiza­ arc anti-Zionist. We respect the Jews and the tion, refused flatly in a television interview Jewish religion." He characterized Zionism September 9, to say whether a Palestinian as expansionist. Walters, who was irked state would agree to co-exist with Israel. throughout the interview by Arafat"s refusal Although pressed repeatedly by inter• to directly state whether the Palestinians viewer Barbara Walters on ABC-TV's could exist with Israel, noted that the PLO "Issues and Answers," Arafat would not seemed to be getting more support in the answer the question directly. Instead, he said U.S. but at the same time Americans did not the decision would have to be made by ,the want to sec Israel destroyed. Arafat again "democratic establishment" of a Palestinian refused to give a direct answer implying only" state once that state was created. The inter• that Israel was strong enough to prevent its view was taped in Havana where Arafat was destruction. attending the meeting of the nonaligned na­ On the issue of Andrew Young's resigna­ tions. tion as U.S. Ambassador to the United Na­ When asked whether the PLO would tions, Arafat at first said he agreed with a abandon its call for the elimination of Israel, statement by a PLO official that the resigna• Arafat replied that this was a foolish ques­ lion has increased anti-Semitism in the U.S. tion since Israel has a " huge force" with 15- He said Young was fired for doing his job by PREPARES FOR RECEPTION: A group of Temple Emanu-EI INdera of the .,_.... 20 atomic weapons backed by the United meeting with the PLO observer at the UN. Theologk:111 Seminary of America met ,-tty at the home of Mr. and MrL Metwln A. States. He denied the Palestine Charter calls But then Arafat seemed to change his posi­ R- of Newton, M...chUMtta with OIiier _,nary INdera from the .... England for the elimination of Israel. tion, saying the resignation has increased Region. The purpoee wN t0 prepare lor the Thunday, October 25 lrdormal din.--=ep­ The PLO leader also said he did not want "anti-aggression," opposition to Israel's at­ tlon to greet the 1171 Seminary Natlonal Community 8ertlce Award reclplenta. changes in United Nations Security Council tacks against south Lebanon. Pictured left to right are Me!Yln A. R-, chairman of the N- England Frlenda of the Resolution 242 but a new resolution which The PLO leader said that he still wants an Samlnary and '-I for the reception, Manfred Wail, Ewaiyn lhlllon, Mffllnary patron, provided for Palestinian self-determination Arab oil boycoll of the U.S. because Israel is Rabbi Emarttua Ell A. Bohnen, Temple Emanu-EI, and Ruth and MH Alparln, and a Palestinian state. He said that Presi­ using the most "up-to-date" American patrOM. -·nary dent Carter was "not accurate" when he said weapons in its allack on the Palestinians. He recently that no Arab leader had told the said the PLO leadership has not yet decided President privately that they support a whether he should go to New York this fall Palestinian state. Arafat said all Arab for the UN General Assembly session . Haifa Mayor Impressed leaders support such a state. Acanes Sadat Of ~trayal Arafat again accused Egyptian President Libyan Embassy By Sadat's Sincerity Anwar Sadat of "betrayal" of the Arab peo· pie. He said evidence of this was that when Printing Sadat' yacht sailed into Haifa it was NEW YORK (JTA)-Before the arrival streaming down her cheeks," Gur-EI said . Anti-Semitism guarded by Israeli pla nes, the same planes of Egypti an President Anwar Sadat for his The Mayo r was with Sadat a nd Deputy !hat bomb "my people" and the Lebanese summit meeting with Premier Menachem Premier Yigael Yadin in one car. while his C R ESSK ILL. N.J . (JTA) - A top o f­ people in Leba non. The PLO leader ma in ­ Begin in Haifa, Arye Gur-EI, the mayor of wife, Jiha n, and the Sadats' daughter, Maha, ficial of the Anti-Defamation League o f tained that he wa a "moderate." He said B'nai B'rit h cha rged here that " Billy Cur­ the city, had doubts whether the Egypt-ian were in another. !hat "to be a moderate in the Middle East is leader's new policy of peace with Israel was Haifa And Alexandria Sister Cities le r' s friends in the Libya n Embassy in ve ry difficult." explaini ng that " I try to deal Washin gton have begun a newsletter which sincere. But today he is not onl y convinced Sadat was so enthusiastic over the recep­ wit h a ll the camps around me ." that Sadat wants peace, he also is deeply ti o n accorded him that. still riding in the car. is dispensing raw anti-Semitism." Address­ impressed with the Egyptian "Rais" he agreed in stantly th at Alexandria and ing the a nnual dinner of ADL's Bergen (President) a nd trusts his intentions. Haifa be declared twin ci ties. Gur-EI said. Strauss Discloses Meeting County Society of Fel lows, Abraham Fox­ "The truth is that after I spent a few hours He quoted Sadat as saying: "There are no With West Bank Palestinian man, the ADL associate national director, hosting Sadat and his wife, I si ncerely barriers between us a ny more . We are described the first edition of " Jamahiriya believe now that he wants peace," G ur- El friends. You want to fo rge a pacl between WASHINGTON (JTA)-Robert Newsletter'' as "an Arab version of the told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in an Alexand ri a and Haifa-you have it." Sadat Strauss, President Carter's specia l Am­ Nazis' 'Der Stuermer.'" interview here before leaving for Columbus, also suggested that G ur-EI extend an in vita­ bassador to the Middle East, disclosed that Foxman told some 300 guests who were Ohio to attend a meeting of the Inter­ tion to the Governor o f Ale xandria to visit he met here with a prominent West Ba nk paying tribute to David Goldman, a Fort national Union of Local Authorities. the Mount Carmel c·ity. In addition, ac­ Palestinian for more than an hour. Lee industrialist and benefactor to com­ "Sadat is sincere," Gur-EI continued, cording to Gur-EI, Sadat invited him to visit Speaking to reporters prior to his depar­ mu nal causes, that the in augural issue of the relaying his impressions. "He wants a Egypt. ture for the Middle East with a U .S. busi ness magazine carried a cartoon of a procession genuine peace. He has a few problems, of G ur-EI said that Sadat's visit to Haifa delegation. Strauss at first would say only of bearded figur,,,; wearing skullcaps and course, with the other Arabs and with the focussed international attention on hi s city, that he had visited wit h a "distinguished carrying money bags destined to Israel from Palestinians, but that he wants peace there is with pictures and articles all over the world. West Bank Palestinian" and that " I won't the United States. The cartoon has U ncle no doubt in my mind. This is my une­ " This attention underlined Haifa's assets as give you his name." But he relented and Sam stating: "Now I see who's 1he cause of quivocal impression of the man." And, as if a tourist attraction and the fact that the city identified the Palestini an as Al Masri, chair­ inflation!" to bolster his own impression, he added, is an important scientific and industrial cen­ man of the Board of Trustees of An Najal Declaring that while "this kind of anti­ "My wife, Miriam, was also deeply im­ ter, with good prospects for investment," he University in Nablus. After identifying Semitism may be acceptable in Libya, it is in­ pressed with the sincerity of Jihan, Sadat's said. Masri, Strauss said, amid laughter, "I trust tolerable for it to be disseminated in this wife." In addition, he continued, "Jewish and he won't mind. We will soon find out." country by the press office of a diplomatic According to Gur-EI, both Sadat and his Arab residents of Haifa have been living for Masri is in the United States for about a mission in Washington." Fo·

-= 14-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Special Repprt Cancer Society's Newport Ball Israeli Team Prospects· Most Successful Ever Over eight hundred guests turned out for a Newport Ball Committee, attributes the in­ gala evening at Marble House on Saturday, creased attendance at the Marble House August 25, making the American Cancer evening, more than double that at Belcourt In Moscow Olympics Society's Annual Newport Ball its most suc­ Castle last year, to the unique cooperation cessful special event to date. Approximately and concentration of her 50-member com­ By Hllllkell Cohen rough time from the Soviet authorities when $28,000.00 was raised through regular, mittee. "Everybody threw themselves into TEL AVIV (JTA)-;: Chaim Glovinsky, the time comes for them to depart for the sponsor and patron ticket sales and a 34- this event with great zeal. They were really treasurer of the Israel Olympic Committee, USSR and enter Moscow. pagc ad book. inspired. I think a good part of their inspira­ has reported that from all indications the 40 Atllletes Might Qualify From 8 p.m. to I a.m. guests were served tion came from realizing how important and Israel Olympic contingent at the Olympic Meanwhile, Shmuel Lalkin, chairman of cocktails and hors d'ocuvres inside the man­ necessary a role the American Cancer Games in Moscow in 1980 will be accorded the Israel Sports Federation, feels that Israel sion, on outside terraces and under a Society actually plays in Rhode Island." All all honors and treated with utmost respect. might be able to qualify as many as 40 spacious pink tent on the Marble House proceeds from the Marble House Ball will go The veteran Israeli sportsman told this athletes for the competition, depending on lawn. The Ed, Bo and Bill Winikcr directly to the American Cancer Society for reporter that "My meeting, together with ' how the sports teams make out. At the Orchestra entertained in the gilt elegance of the support of ongoing research. public and the international Olympic representatives present moment there is a strong likelihood the Gothic Ballroom, where dancers professional education and service and from other countries, with Vice President that the basketball team here could qualify crowded until closing time. rehabilitation programs. Co-chairman for Vitaly Smirnov of the Soviet Olympic in the final eliminations which will be held in Mrs. Connie Tarro, Chairman of the 1979 the event was Mrs. Lenore Siegel. organizing committee, indicates we have Switzerland in May. nothing to fear. Since we have no diplomatic Local hoop aficianados feel that if and relations with Russia, we shall be repre­ ' when M ickcy Berkowitz returns to the sented by the Finnish Embassy." squad. the National Team will have enough Glovinsky said that Smirnov "took us on power to qualify. Lalkin feels that another a tour of the playing venues and showed us team which stands a good chance of making around the Olympic village. Off-hand I feel it all the way to Moscow might be the water the facilities I saw there are nicer than those polo squad. As it turns out. the Asian in Munich and Montreal." The outdoor eliminations will be held in Israel, provided. stadium scats 100,000 people and organizing of course. if three foreign nations participate plans call for the entrance of the teams open­ together with Israel's polo squad in the ing the Games to be less tiring and tedious eliminations. As of the moment. Japan . • than in the previous competitions, he said. usually reluctant to come to Israel for fear of "We have a slight problem in the food offending the Arab League nations, has ac­ department which should not cause too quiesced and definitely will appear. much difficulty," Glovinsky noted. "There Lalkin indicated that with the acceptance is no way we can get kosher meat for our of one more Asian country the elimination athletes. There isn't any available to the will take place shortly. In the event that no Soviet organizing committee and they have other Asian countries enter the qualifying · asked us not tc import meat products for round to be held in Tel Aviv. then Israel and fear it may be~ome tainted. However, the Japan automatically go on to Europe to menu will be changed every live days and we fight it out with the European National co n­ shall have a hig selection of fish products, tender for the I 6 spots which will be open in vegetables and fruits." the water polo field . Synagogue Will Be Mailable As Lalk in secs it, there is good possibility The synagogue in the Olympic village will that the Holy Land squad will have at least be available to all members of the Jewish two shooters, particularly in the ri0c com­ faith participating for the various countries petition, two or three wrestlers, two yacht entered in the 1980 Olympiadc, he said. crews comprised of four men, possibly all of "All Israeli athletes will enter and leave the American and/ or pseudo-Israelis who the Soviet Union without requiring visas," have come over to participate and arc willing Glovinsky stated. "Of course, the 170 Israeli to go to the Soviet Union on Israeli visitors will have to secure the necessary passports. This could number a minimum of 1.-. Siegal, co-chairman of the Newport Ball CommlttN, and Bernard E. Bell, chair­ visas before they enter the country and these four participants, the swimming squad will man of the Rhode laland Cruude CommlttN. will be obtained through the good services of be very strong and may go up to five or six the Finnish Consulate in Tel Aviv. All coun­ contestants. Fencing will qualify one or two tries will be restricted so far as the number of athletes . United States and Israel to desist from their supporters permitted to attend since Russia Glovinsky. in his discussion with Soviet Jewish Groups no-talk policy with the Palestine Liberation wants to make certain its own population authorities as to the certainty of the Israeli Organization, while at the same time has the opportunity to take in the Games. citizens getting to the USSR, was told by the Upbraid NCC challenging those nations hostile to Israel to With a population of 286,000,000 people, tourist people in the USSR that IL 40,000 have good relations with it. He underscored obviously the number of outside visitors will per person was required in advance. In the NEW YORK (JTA) - Three national also the futility of a continued policy of be restricted." • event that visas, for one reason or another, Jewish organizations have charged the mutual violence. A quite similar position has A Tel Aviv source indicated that it will arc not obtained, the fans who shell out the National Council of Churches (NCC) with been expressed by the NCC over the years." cost each Israeli a minimum of IL 80,000 to money will just lose their dcoosits. evasion of its moral and religious respon­ spend 15 days in the USSR. sibilities when it endorsed outgoing UN Ambassador Andrew Young's challenge to Too Much "On ,my trip I was accorded every cour­ Billy Carter On 'Zionist Campaip' tesy, including the use of a car, guided tours the United States and Israel to desist from KUWAIT - Billy Carter was quoted as their "no talk policy" with the Palestine Extravagance and splendid social hospitality," Glovinsky having said that he would continue to sup­ concluded. However, Israeli observers arc Liberation Organization. port the Arab cause despite what he called a A joint statement released by the Anti­ JERUSALEM (JTA) - Less is better less enthusiastic over the reception the than more. This is the lesson from the suc­ Zionist campaign against him. Defamation League 0 of B'nai B'rith, the · Israeli team will receive, remembering the "I am determined not to surrender to any American Jewish Committee and the Syn­ cessful summit meeting between Egyptian hardships encountered by the athletes in the threats and will not back down whatever agogue Council of America, including the President Anwar Sadat and Premier Soviet Union during the University Games "the cost may be, because I believe in the lnterrcligious Affairs Department of the Menachem Begin in Haifa last week. Ac­ conducted in the summer of 1973. justice of the Arab cause and receive sup­ Union of American Hebrew Congregations, cording to Gen. Ephraim Poran, Begin's In addition, many Israeli sportswriters Clt· port for my views from an increasing num­ expressed regret that the NCC's Executive military secretary, the summit suffered from pressed considerable pessimism as .they ber of Americans," the President's brother Committee upheld Yollng's position an embarrassment of riches. recalled the difficulties they experienced was quoted as having said in an interview "without demanding that, as a precondition, For example, there was an endless now of with Soviet censorship and getting their published in the magazines Al Nahdha and the PLO abandon its covenant which gifts, especially and 0owers, which visas cleared. They said they anticipate a Al Yaqza. specifically calls for the destruction of almost smothered Sadat. "Please," Poran Israel" and ceases it "self-confessed acts of said, "no more gifts in the future." He also terrorism against innocent civilians . called for a return to "normal dimensions" throughout the world." of official receptions instead of the "car­ "The failure of the Executive Committee nival" atmosphere during Sadat's visit. of the NCC to demand the cessation of these Poran said he thought Haifa "exaggerated a acts and the rejection of the notorious PLO little with its reception ceremony for Sadat. electronics Covenant is to avoid the moral issue that Of course, we are all guilty for approving religious organizations must not evade," the most of the requests, but we have learned the joint statement said. "The representatives of lesson, and in the future we shall ask that America's largest grouping of Protestant such ceremonies be more modest." Come in and talk with us about your future in: and Orthodox Churches have failed to face the moral and religious issue underlying Microwave & Radar Aside from the excess of gifts and hoopla, • Basic Electronics • America's no-talk policy with the terrorist there were also too many dignitaries invited Medical Electronics Radio & TV Servicing · Palestine Liberation Organization." to be on the receiving line. After drastic cuts, • • The NCC's Executive Committee paid there were still 50 persons on the line waiting Industrial Electronics . Video-Tape Systems "special tribute" to Young on the occasion to shake Sadat's hand. This was much too • of his resignation as the chief U.S. delegate much, Poran noted, adding that the custom Computer Electronics FCC Training to the UN, "surrounded by issues in the elsewhere is for 15 or 20 dignitaries to receive • • Middle East connict which have been the the guest of honor. special concern of the NCCUSA for many Day and Evening Programs. Approved for Veteran's Benefits. years." Consequently, the ministerial ceremony Accredited Mem~r of NA TTS. Financial Aid Programs Available. After noting that Young, an ordained committee will be asked to work out a per­ clergyman, is a former NCC staff member manent format for those invited to receive a and "a long-time partner of this Council in head of state. "Once we have a permanent its struggle for racial and economic justice, format," Poran said, "the number of those "the Executive Committee said: who feel insulted because they were not in­ ~ Call 861-9664 (collect) · "We find ourselves in fundamental agree­ vited will be much smaller." Poran said that ment with the remarks he made to his UN heavy pressure was exerted by those who Rhodf' Island .School_~; El,ec tron1cs Security Council colleagues on August 23, ~ISi! 1 wanted to be invited to the state dinners in 1979. Consistent with his belief that dialogue honor of Sadat. Tbae also will have to be is indispensable to pea<:e, he challenged the limited in the future, he said. ....

THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-15 Year In Review S.12.ecial Interview Israel's Precarious Jewish Youth and Zionism By Barbie Zelizer programs for high school youth. These con­ JERUSALEM (JTA) -The head oflhe stitute an important way of introducing E~onomy teenagers to Israel, most of whom have World Zionist Organiza\ion's youth and hechalutz department contends that Jewish never been here before. By Yitzhak Sbargll possible to pay for a home of their own. It youth must look beyond their movement Katz stresses the program's "educational TEL AVIV, (JTA) - While Israel is contributes to the phenomenon of emigra­ affiliations and focus on the one basic com­ dimension," which acquaints the partici­ engaged fo r the first time in its history in the tion among lsraelis-yordim. In recent mitment which unites them - Zionism. pants with histo rical aspects of the country process if implementing a peace treaty with months the emigration rate was 2000 per Avraham Katz, department head and and introduces them to Israeli youth, with one of its neighbors, the precarious state of month and it is not likely to be stemmed Likud (liberal) Kncsseter, observes that "'It whom they work side by side for a two­ the nation's economy poses a threat to its unless the price of housing can be brought is imperative that the 12 percent of world week period. This year, some 8,000 teen­ s urvival. The d a nger is compounded down to affordable levels. Jewish youth who belo ng to Zionist youth agers visited Israel through the summer because in the economic sphere, ap­ Israel has just informed the United States movements uwte above and beyonll their programs. pearances are deceptive. that its budgetary deficit for the fiscal year specific loyalities to their movements. The OM Of The SensitiYe ls.wes To the casual observer, Israel this year beginning Oct. I, 1980 will amount to about department will assist in this approach by One of the most sensitive issues among was a country booming prosperity, a $3.4 billion. But hopes arc not high that the having movement emissaries simultane­ department staff members since Katz as­ flourishing health y ccomony, f ull U.S. will cover that deficit with grants, con­ o usly serve more than one youth movement sumed his position last year (meanwhile employment- too full in fact-and a well­ sidering the recession and innation in during their two-year stints abroad." stepping out of the running for the chair­ heeled consuming public enjoying the good America. Some American aid will, of course, The move, Katz acknowledged, in an in­ manship of his party's Knesset caucus). has things of life. At least a half million Israeli s be forthcoming. On the other hand, the U.S. terview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agen­ been whether o r not he would exercise his vacationed abroad during the past summer, wi ll indirectly feed Israel's in nation by pour­ cy, has in part been necessitated by the power to in nucnce the department along each allowed to take $3000 in foreign ing money into the new airfields to be built in severe budget cuts recently imposed o n the Likud's ideological line. currency. New car sales soared to an all-time the Negev, replacing those in Sinai. department. resulting in a 20 percent reduc­ Katz is vehement in his denial of any peak despite astronomical prices and the Because of that danger, the entire project tion in the number of emissaries who can be such contention. "No nsense," he observes, highways are jammed . Israel has yet to in­ will be a closed venture. But no o ne will be sent abroad by the department each year. noting that any alleged reconstruction of troduce colo r television; nevertheless, 11 0,­ able to prevent the foreign workers from (These emissaries include both those sent to the movement emissaries. in favor of the . 000 colo r TV sets were sold in recent spending their money in Israel nor will the represent the 11 different youth movements Likud-aligned youth movements is o ut of months. American contractors deny themselves as well as those who serve Jewish federa­ the question. "The propo rtio nate constitu­ Every Israeli fit to work has a job or can products and services on the local market, ti ons and community centers.) tion of the movement emissaries is deter­ have one and the labor market is seekin g at thereby competing with Israeli consumers. Mo reover, at present. Katz says. the lim­ mined according to an established key. least 30,000 more workers. In addition to Picture Not £.atirely Bleak ited emissary personnel is no t being full y fix ed according to each movement ·s size Israelis, the counl'ry provides regular em­ Still. Israel's economic picture is not en­ ut ilized. He cites the recent transfer of a and potential innucnce." Indeed. a recent­ ployment for some 70,000 Arabs from the tirely bleak. Export industries have made Habo nim (Labo r youth movement) emis­ ly-drafted emissary index which conveys the occupied territories who get their jobs enormous strides. Only last year. S550 sary from Santiago, Chile. where he served extent to which the number of movement legall y through the labor exchanges and an million worth of Israeli goods that were the a lo ng with three o ther representatives from emissaries will be reduced. shows that these estimated 20,000 mo re who circumvent the result of local research and development his movement. to Buenos Aires. where proposed reductions are proportio nate to legal channels. Several tho usand Lebanese were sold abroad. The entire industrial ex­ Habonim was not represented at all. ratios followed in the past. from south Lebanon commute to jobs in port was $3 .5 billion a nd there was a signifi­ "The department must sec to it that there Israel daily. cant export of military hardwa re such as the is a logical distribution of emissa ries. " he A Grim Realit y Gabriel missi le and the Kfir jet interceptor. note . " And we must be reali stic and send But this rosy picture conceals a grim Industry is shifting mo re to sophisti cated the emissaries to the places in which they US Repudiates reality. Israel this year was caught in the electronic systems and there is a continuous will be most successful. " He adds that the worst innationary spiral in its histo ry. The stream of investments. Havana Declaration department must work according to a gen­ innati o n rate is expected to exceed 80 per­ Regarding the gradual normalization o f eral overview o f all the youth mo vements. WASH I NG TON (JT A)-The Carter Ad­ cent by the end of the year. probably the rel ations between Israel a nd Egypt. experts and realistically keep in mind the extent to ministration "repudiated ent ire ly" the highest in the world, and at the moment expect it will have little effect on Israel's which it can realize the different move­ dcclarauo n in Havana of the non-ali gned there seems to be no way to control it. Inna­ economy in the year ahead because local in ­ ments' needs. nations th at equated Zionism with racism. tion is fu eled by feve ri sh consumerism. dustry, geared to the requirements of the State Department spokesman Hoddin g Car­ Israeli s do not save thei r mo ney because it Plans For Expanding Leadership Institutes European market. will need time to adapt it­ ter voiced the repudiation in re sponse to a shrinks rapidly in value. Those who do save Kat, has plans for the expansion of the self to Egyptian market demands. reporter's question that his previous com­ invest in cost-of-li ving index related govern­ Moreover. it will take several years of peace department's Jerusalem leadership instit ute for youth (w hich brings select youth from ment o n the declaratio n did not expli citly ment bo nds which only adds to the internal before trade relations between the two coun­ cover th at clement. His o ri gi nal comment debt. tries wi ll develop to a point where it will be a abroad for leadership training in Israel), the building of a third leadership school in was that the U.S. "profoundly disagrees" But Is raeli s are buying everything significant factor in their economies. wit h clements in the declaration and he availa ble. They are spending their money Paris (in addition to those a lread y estab­ li shed in Jerusalem and Buenos Aires), and si ngled out the attack on Egypt while saying mainly on expensive durable goods such as that rhe U.S. record indicates how it stands cars, refri gerator and TV sets at ever higher the institution of a cen tralized unit for screening emissary applicants which will o n o ther parts. prices. As demand increases, manufacturers Cultural Carter also was asked whether the state­ hire mo re workers a nd are ready to pay supervise from Jerusalem the individuals selected for emissary work aboard. The ments on nationa l TV by Palestine Libera­ hi gher wages. But the more Israeli s con­ ti o n O rganization chief Yasir Arafat, plus sume, the less there is to export. leadership institute, meanwhile, is the only Exchange section of the department whose budget has the declaration's call fo r "the in alienable Exports increased a.t the meager rate of national rights fo the Palestinian peo ple and three percent this year and the country may HAIFA (JTA)- President Anwar Sadat not been cut. Another major activity of the youth and the liberation of all the occupied Arab face a $4 billio n ba lance of payments deficit. of Egypt and President Yitzhak Navon of territories" do no t reassert the PLO's posi­ Its cumulative foreign debt now stands at Israel have decided to begin an extensive hecha lutz department is what it calls " mifalci Hakaitz," or short-term summer tion to d is mantle the State of Israel. Carter about SI 7 billion. At the current rate, it will cultural exchange, including the admission replied that the U.S. position towards the reach the danger point of $25 billion in four of Israeli archaeologists to Egypt. This was NEW RADIO STATION IN PLO has not changed. years at which time the government will ex­ reported following a meeting between the LEBANON perience great difficulties in getting foreign two leaders at the Dan Carmel Hotel on Sep­ TEL AVIV (JTA)-The credit. tember 4. Christians in south Lebanon Tryina To Flgllt Inflation Both leaders pointed to the congenial and have opened a new radio sta­ Fighting innation is not an easy task for a "instructive" manner in which the talk was tion called " The Voice of New Location government which depends on coalition conducted, the first time the two Presidents Hope." It commenced broad­ partners to muster a majority in parliament. have met for any length of time. "I have en­ casting with remarks by When the Likud government came to power joyed the discussion with President Navan Westcott. S1acte I B,1com Christian militia commander two years ago, the controversial American and hope we will have more opportunities to Paint • Decar.ung SuppllN Maj. Saad Haddad, followed economist, Milton Friedman was invited speak together in the future," Sadat said by music, the theme from the 275 Smith St. here to offer suggestions. Friedman's con­ following the meeting. Jliavon agreed, and film "Exodus." The station is Prowl111c1. RJ. 02908 servative philosophy and especially his view characterized the talk as "pleasant and operated from Marj Ajoun, a that a degree of unemployment is necessary instructive. ., Christian town north of Tel. 421-7256 to reduce inOation, raised an outcry in labor While both leaders voiced their hopes that WJ· Metullah. It is heard both in ~,_,.,..,...... ,.,.. circles. they would have more opportunities to ~-- south Lebanon and northern The Likud government cannot permit ii­ meet, the Egyptian leader apparently did not Israel. °"'"·"- self to create unemployment for that would invite his Israeli coul\ terpart for a visit to surely lead' to its downfall. So the govern­ Egypt. It is expected, however, that such an ment has taken only half-way measures invitation will be forthcoming as the nor­ TEL 942-7106 against innation with very little success. 11 malization process continues. has been unable to cut down on its own ex­ While most of the discussion was concen­ penditures primarily because defense needs trated on cultural issues, the two Presidents BEST WISHES FOR THE swallowed a third of the present IL 320 also discussed political concerns, notably billion budget. And because of in nation, the the oil issue, the future of Jerusalem ·and the NEW YEAR budget will have to be increased by about IL pa rt played by Saudi Arabia in the peace 70 billion. · process. Following the meeting, Sadat said The Housing Problem that he would work for the inclusion of Jor- • I Connected to the innationary spiral is the dan in the peace process. COMMUNITY housing problem which is a social as well as While thei r husbands were busy discuss­ an economic problem. Housi ng construc­ ing their nations' more practical issues, tion, a basic branch of the economy is slow­ Jihan Sadat and Olira Navan also held what FRUIT ing down. In the last two years, the price of they termed "a pleasant and interesting an apartment has tripled, the price of land meetin g." Mrs. Sadat, here on her first visit, FANCY FRUITS FOR THE HOLIDA vs· went sky-high and construction starts have lavishly exclaimed that " I reall y feel at home FRESH - ~RESH - FRESH PARSNIP diminished. Israel's construction industry is here and l'_m very happy to meet with Olira not highly mechanized. Buildi ng is time con­ Navan and to be here among you." Noting suming a nd more costl y than in other coun­ that she wants to meet " t~e people and the DEALERS IN FANCY FRUIT & VEGETABLES tries. A small two-room nat in Tel Aviv, children," Mrs. Sadat said she was·sorry that ' FRUIT BASKETS MADE TO ORDER Jerusalem or Haifa costs over IL I million the time all otted here was so short. and there are no apa rtments fo r rent at Both women expressed their desire to 1350 PARK AVE. reasonable pJ\ces. further local interest and commitment to This situation carries the kernel of socia l education, arts and culture and the status,pf 1 unrest,as, newl)! 411orried,coifples•nnd h int.,,rJ wclhilr/!-I 1 Jr.rt J 1:,,1'1) ,..1r. ift, .,, tn-J~1,1flf\ J . ,. lJJL .. ~n -~ uu,1 ::.rll n1 h A11 ,Huf !>dl b 1~n~/I ·rb , rt :.iJt.~·11 oJ JldLtll~~-11bm , , 16-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979

New Year Greetings The Jewish Woman A HAPPY NEW YEAR Abby Construction Company and the High IZZI & SONS Kane Road, Smithfield 181 VALLEY STREET 331-4555 Holiday Season PROVIDENCE, R.I. - 751-4860 SWEET CREATIONS By Diana Lerner then to lips in supplication MR. and MRS. WOLFE. MYROW 1 84 WAYLAND AVE., PROVIDENCE All over the Jewish \\Orld, that He may listen to their 274•3377 both in and out of Israel. the prayers. It is their way of con­ and FAMILY Best Wishes for a Jewish woman would appear versing with the Almighty. 31 Arthur Avenue, East Providence to remain the dominant force Very Happy New Year confident that He is heeding Extend Best Wishes for a Happy New Year behind preparations for the their pleas. To All Their Relatives and Friends High Ho liday Season - a As the community tradi­ month of feasting. fa sting tions vary. so too do their prayer and celetration. In Is­ symbolic foods. For a sweet rael. the Festivals are given new year. Jewish women all Christy's Li~uors individual interpretation by over the world take out their 579 Reservoir Ave., Cranston, RI different ethnic groups in ac­ honey jars to dip bread. ap­ cordance with the tradition of ples or other fruit. They eat Mogen David Carmel their country of origin. Wo­ tsimmes (carrots) cooked in Greetings from the Mother Goldestein men chant the " Techinot" sugar o r honey. as a symbol 467-4700 (special women's prayer of sweetness and prosperity. translated in every country There is a practical basis for With Best Wishes for a from the Hebrew into the na­ the use of carrots; because tive tongue) in Persian, Buk­ they are bright colored and & EAST SIDE New Year of Health Happiness harian, Greek or other lan­ have coin-shaped heads. they guages, adding a few impro­ symbolize money and " Par­ visations from their life in nassah" - livelihood. modern Israel that touch on "." honey cake also their hopes. pleas and aspira­ popular to represent sweet­ RESTAURANT tions. ness, comes from the Hebrew Ed Nappi's "May I~ Lord Recompense word for "portion." and is and Reward Her" taken from the prayer "For I In the Italian Synagogue of give you a goodly portio n." EAST PROVIDENCE Jerusalem, for example, Jew­ "Sins as Light as the Lung" ish women of today recite as It is a M itzva to make the did their grandmothers in . blessing over the first fruits of CHRYSLER Rome: " May He who blessed the season and so Moroccan our mothers Sarah, Ri vka. Jews. and others. usher in the PLYMOUTH R achel. Leah bless every new year with these. Fruits daughter of Israel who makes and vegetables arc eaten fo r 500 Taunton Avenue a robe or an ornament for the the Rosh Has hana meal. DR. RENEE VOGEL Lord and lights a candle to Their name, shape or taste rc­ East Providence hallow His name. May the ncct the ques t for a good 144 Waterman St. Lord recompense and reward year. Oriental Jews cat beet Providence, RI 02906 Best Wishes to our friends her." (sclek in Hebrew) so that the Though paying homage to enemies of Israel may be and customers for a Jewish women, this is in fact beaten - a pun in English Healthy and Happy New Year a blessing similar to that for and Hebrew in which the men. But even without spe­ word salek means to reject: 725-1550 cial blessings, the role of the also. seed-packed pomegra n- woman in teaching and per­ ates to indicate a multiplying petuating Jew is h tradition in of rights and privileges; fi sh With Best Wishes the home is especially evident to denote fertilit y; the head o f for a New Year of 212 THAYER ST .. PROVIDENCE on Festivals. a fi sh o r o f a lamb so that Some Eastern women. even Israel will be at the head a nd Health & Happiness if they a re unable to read. at­ not the tail o f the natio ns and 331-5544 tend religious services togeth­ a lung o f a sheep "so that o ur er with their husbands. Dur­ sins be light as the lung." ing critical days in the Jewish Persia ns season their tea State, the entire community with hail (cardamon seeds) to went to the sy nagogue to allract a sweet year. They pray. Among the wo men con­ make a fatless and mea t gregants. some offered their pilau for their main holiday own form of wo rship in the fare and sprinkle sugar in­ way of their ancestors - by stead of salt during Rosh • OPEN DAILY FROM 11 :30A.M. gestures. wailing a nd tears. Hashana. Even the C ha ll ah GEORGE R. THORNTON A.GENCY s,,..i.u,;ng 1n Each community has its own loaves vary a mong different 943 Namquid Drive CANTONESE SZECHUAN I Synagogue. When wo men peoples. Most Jewish women MANDARIN CUISINES walk past it , they are inclined buy or bake a round C ha ll a h Warwick, RI 02888 to kneel and put fingers to to denote happiness all yea r 463-7676 LUNCHEON SPECIALS AND T,'KE 111~-~M...tF.li:lf{f~~iffa· OUT ORDERS lips. then throw their hands round . Some decorate them palm outward to the sky. in with birds o r ladders to infer • COCKTAILS & EXOTIC DRINKS worshipful acknowledgment the steady ascent of their With Best Wishes that this, is the House of the praye rs to Heaven. But many for a New Year of Lord. They follow the Mach­ Eastern women still bake pit •'1111•---a.,. •-e.- zor (holiday prayer book) and kayek, (salt bis­ Health & Happiness with their eyes. their lips cuits) which are used instead -~ moving in a chant they have of bread to break the. fast of themselves devised, as they )'om Kippur. lraqui Jews .._ __. touch fingers to forehead and (Continued on ______following page)

·· ~~ . - ' .'4 CROWN SUPPLY WITH BEST WISHES CO., INC. FC>R:A~•·. ·26 Silver Spring Street - HAPPY AND HE)\tTHY NEW YEAR 861-6329 NEW YEAR GREETINGS

Best Wishes to all our friends and customers BEST WISHES for a Happy & Healthy New Year from all of us at FOR A HAPPY &

"'.M we~ ~ /1Jl"'171Ut ~ HEALTH-Y 'N• Clt#RJ,~ reffo, f~#,,,{ S,ias " NEWYEAR TO OUR JEWISH MEMBERS cooks C(?NN£CCJON D CLIENTELE 158 ~ Stred Prwuunce, 'R.g_ ~l•'•''' 27,1,-1060 BARRINGTON 300 County Rd • 245-1050 CRANSTON 1035 Reservoir Ave • 944-7300 'JC..-s..t. 9-6 'fn. ta{,, •. ~ 11·~ FALL RIVER l 0 North Main St. • 678-8333 '!'.At·'Jl&-k.,- ~fl~ IIWllf,/(,, NEWPORT 27 Long Wharf Mall • 847-6384 'B,w(~ PROVIDENCE .n Wqbo,spt St • 277-6353 W .AKEFIELD tiJ low.,, Htll Rd • 7 89-9 7 01 ----c~,...,...,,.,...... ,,...-:------:.:------·--~ -...... ~ - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-17 l l New Year Greetings From • . . I The Jewish Woman Happy New Year I I RHODE ISLAND TREE SERVICE and the High 'I B. F. ROSEN 275 SOUTH MAIN STREET Wholesale linens for Bed and Bath Holiday Season COVENTRY, RHODE ISLAND - 821 -8998 ~ 1875 Mineral Spring Avenue 1 (Continued from Preceding Page) North Providence - 353-2628 J sprinkle into their around her head and then 455 Main Street coffee and Yemenites break both a hen and rooster for the the fast with kubane, a light­ sake of the unborn infant, of GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES East Greenwich - 884-9577 weight white bread, and mint yet unknown sex. Others use FOR THE NEW YEAR l tea. money to give to charity. Healthier Yemeailes Soon after the ending of t According to nutrition ex­ Yorn Kippur, the first nails THE 133CLUB HAPPY NEW YEAR/ pert Lilian Cornfeld, author arc put into the building of of " Israel Cookery" and a n the Sukkah. Tunisians make 133 GANO ST., PROVIDENCE authority on ethnic foods, fhe the sides of palm leaves and use by Yemenites of food in an arched roof of myrtle 751-3212 THE HOME CENTER its natural slate keeps them branches, built low so one healthier than other groups. has to stoop slightly on enter­ d ~--&leai~tJfo, Their consumption of fat in­ ing, a sign of awe and respect take is lower than average for the Almighty. They deco­ even though they arc meat rate the interior with velvet, Residential - Commercial - Appraisals caters and cook every part of embroidery and pictures as NEW YEAR GREETINGS 41, The Arcade 272-5910 the animal. They rarely cook well as fruit and sayings from vegetables and use heavy the sacred books. spicing. For festive occasions, On Hashana Rabba, Ori­ Yemenites as other Orientals, ental ·Jews may take the wil­ drink served with pea­ low twigs home from the syn­ nuts or sunnowcr seeds. agogue, lapping members of FOR PURE WHIPPED CREAM In the ten days that pass the family with them as if ~i""" HAPPY NEW YEAR between Rosh Hashana and conferring the blessiTlg for a BIRTHDAY CAKES Yorn Kippur known as " As­ better year on them. On the screl Ycmci Tcshuva," the night before Simchat Torah, PARK AVE. DELI ··Ten Days of Penitence," when the men arc up all night s575 &up just as in Elul the month be­ studying the Zohar of Rabbi 840 PARK AVE ., CRANSTON 533 Pontiac Ave. 781-8855 fore when Slichot (the pica Shimon Ben Yochai, the wo­ 785-0020 for forgiveness) is said, many men arc there too , helping Oriental Jews fast, or vow to them to slay awake with cof­ gi ve charit y. Kaparot (atone­ fee and cakes served through­ ment offering) is observed by out the night. On Simchat each member of the Oriental Torah, they may be seen or strictly religious Ashkc­ dancing alongside their men, naLi family with the use of stamping their feel and mak­ SEEKONK BOWLING LANES fowl - a rooster for the ing their own music with tam­ MR. and MRS. BEN ASKINS male. a hen for the female. A bourines as the men dance FALL RIVER HIGHWAY, RTE . 6 pregnant woman twirls a hen with the Torah. of East Providence HIGHLAND AVE ., SEEKONK, MASS. MR. and MRS. FRED MARGOLIS 336-9400 of Newport and Grandchildren Scott, Seth, Wayne Israel's Arabs and Staci Margolis By Gideoa Wefaert the Egyptian military occupa­ Best Towards the end of 1979 tion. which ruled the area Extend Wishes there were close to 3 million during the 1948-67 period, For A Happy New Year Jews in Erctz Israel together did not grant them Egyptian To Relatives And Friends with alm ost 1.7 million Arabs citizenship. Over half of them living under Israeli rule. Of arc permanent residents of these Arabs over 800,000 arc the Strip, some 150,000 arc inhabitants of Judea and Sa­ refugees from the 1948 War TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER maria. They (like the Arabs of Independence. They arc at of East Jerusalem, 100,000 of present in an advanced stage 245 York Ave. whom arc included in this fig­ of voluntarily resettlement Pawtucket, RI 02-860 ure) arc Jordanian citizens. outside the original U.N. ref­ BEST WISHES FOR A They li ve in a n area, previous ugee camps. HAPPY NEW YEAR occupied by Jordan ( I 948- It is of these 1.2 million Extends Best Wishes 1967) and generally known as people, former Palestinians, for a Very Happy, the West Bank of the Jorda n inhabitants of Judea, Samaria River. and Gaza, that the Egyptian- Healthy & Prosperous Some 400,000 Arabs arc 1s rae Ii peace agreement New Year residents of the narrow Gaza spea ks as the people for VALLEY GAS Strip. They arc stateless, since (Continued on following page)

CUMBERLAND, RHODE -ISLAND Best Wishes For A Happy and Healthy New Year NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS from

CAROLYN and CO. 2401 Hospital Trust Building Providence, R.I. 331-19.32

Best Wishes For A Happy And Healthy New Year HARBOURS/DE LOBSTERMANIA Water Street PETER BLIEDEN Vill•Gl ROWER shop · East' Greenwich · Wampanoag Mall 1803 Cranston StrMI 884-6363 Cranston, 'R.I. 02920 Tel . (401) 942-8550 Best Wishes For a Healthy and Prosperous CAU 10 RESERVE YOUR DATE New Year FOR YOUR Sl'IING, SUMMER 01 fAU WEDDING

..... ·..- I ------~- --=~------~-=-- -,,,,...... --==--:-: -·-r---.-..... -·==- ---~----~- ,18~TH !i RH@DE ISLAND HERALD. THURSDAY. SliPTEMBER20; 1979

HAPPY NEW YEAR lest Wishes For The New Year Israel's Arabs AUBURN RADIO (Continued from preceding page) Holiday Greetings @. and TV CO, 516 Pontiac Ave. whom a five year transitional two quotes hint at the dilem­ WE SIT BETTER Cranston, RI 02910 autonomy status should be ma of Israel's Arabs. 421-1213 941-5810 instituted. Some of the local In the 31 years of Israel's leaders in the areas accept statehood . its minorities ROTELLl'S DISCOUNT CENTER this lsraeti-initiated plan, more than doubled in num­ some reject it. ber - from 110,000 to close 228 Atwood Ave., Cranston FOLGO FORD SALES, INC. The remaining half a mil­ to half a million people. The li o n Arabs live in Israel numbers of their elected rep­ 942-7450 proper and have been Israel resentatives rose from two citizens ever since the estab­ before the first elections to CARS ·. TRUCKS lishment of the State. The the Knesset to eight in the e bulk are Moslems, along with Ninth Knesset. And most im­ some 80,000 Christians and portant. their enti re structure SALES - SERVICE the rest Druze and members and outlook has undergone a of other religious minorities. revolutionary change as they Best Wishes For 334 PROVIDENCE ST., WEST WARWICK They live in over I 00 villages adopted new, ever-changing A Happy and Prosperous New Year in Galilee and along the patterns. VA 1-8900 coastal Strip, in the Arab Today, in an era o f peace NEW YEA_R GREETING~ towns of Nazareth and Shfar with Egypt . yet mo unting Am, and in five mixed Jew­ tensions with Jordan a nd the ish-Arab towns. Some 70,000 Palestinian groupings in Best Wishes For A of them are Beduin, at pres­ o ther parts of the Arab ent in various stages of per­ world. the problems of Isra­ Happy and Prosperous New Year manent urbanization and rc­ el's Arab citizens may be de­ scll lement. IL is to Israel"s scribed as a mosaic of hopes :l:';h \\ ,•~ hol'Joo l' I ~t .• l'rm id1·1u·1• • l21-6CHHt MR. and MRS. half a million Arab citizens and disappointment. 0f ligh t thal this article is devoted. and shadow. During . three SHERMAN PRICE A Way Must lie Found major wars fought by the "'I have my own Arab dig­ Jewish State (in 19S6. 1967 nity and identity, yet I am and 1973). Israel" s Arabs time and Children loyal to the State of Israel and again proved their loyal­ and expect it to trust me - I ty 10 the Stale by donating MICHAEL ~nd JAN cherish both values and wi sh blood and mo ney. volunteer­ Extend Best Wishes for the Holidays lo preserve t hem bo th ." ing for civi l defense a nd other Sheikh Hamad Abu Rabiyaa . emergency se rvices. As the one of Israel"s first Arab la te Premier Gold a Meir said (Beduin) Knesset members. ,n the Knesset on October 10. "' I accept Israel and am 1973. "" Israel" s min o rit ies With Best Wishes For A "' illing to be a loya l Israel ci t­ ha ve shown unprece· New Year of Health and Happiness i,en. although rem aining a dented loya lt y lo the Stale true nati onal Arab. There is and a gen uine spirit of sacri­ no power in the world which fice and vo lunt ar)ism for the can dri ve the Jews into the general war effort . _.. In sea o r the Arabs into the de­ ,pitc of growing incitement se rt . Therefore. they must from the surrounding Arab find a way to live together in co untries a nd the Palc~tin ian peace and understanding org anizations, the va!'lt ma­ ... The late Abdul Aziz jo rity oT Israel Arabs re­ rumm:RS • HABERDASHERS Zu"abi. of Nazareth. deputy mained loyal to their Stale. In 13 EXCHANGE mm (401) 331-5000 PROVIDENCE · Minister of Health in the all these yea rs nn ly some 4S0 FWANCIALDISTRICT Government of Israel. These (Continued on following page)

SCHMIDT Electric Co., In,. 137 0...tnut St . Provid•nce 421-3423


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RESTAURANT POST ROAD, RTE. 1 F WOONSOCKET INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS and TRUST WESTERLY. R.I. _ 32 Goff Ave. 721-3600 FOIIESEIVATIONS322-0314 Pawtucket; R.I. 02160 ttWe Take Pride In Serving You" Fine Travel Inc. Visit any of our Nine Banlcing Oflices In Northern Rhode Island 105 Medway Streer Providence

Rhode Island 02906 Cumberland, Woansadcet, (401) 274-2255 1975 M.ndon Rd. 144 Main SfrMf 2CMI Diamond Hill Raad' Walnut Hill Plaza 2020 Diamond Hill Rd. Johnston: 1416 Parle Awnue 1414 Atwood Awnu• N. Smithfield: Smithfield, S/afenville Plaza HAPPY HOLIDAYS 440 Putnam Pilce

Momber f.0.1.C. ------=- . - .. ----

' 'l'HE'RHODE tst/4Nd HERAtri,'Tl'IIJ R!iDA Y', SEPTEMBER·20; 1919.::.... 19

Happy New Year MR. and MRS. CRANSTON SAMUEL I. WOODMAN Israel's Arabs H()LIDAY GREETING& FANCY WIRE CO. 99 Laart-,n Street (Continued from preceding page) NEPCO PRODUCTS 00 11 Teaih St. 101 Blackst- Stl'fft Wish Relati- and Friends SPECIALTY Providence of them were sentenced for we, the Arabs in Israel are Eui Pl'onilew A Happy New Year 331-2500 partic ipiiling in subversive weil on the road towards GE 8• '558 CLEANSERS activities against their State. complete equality, there a re Quiet Re,olution no poo r people among the INC. NEW YEAR GREETINGS In many econo mic and de­ m ino rities of Israel ... . " 1241 Smith St. NEW YEAR GREETINGS velo pment fields, Arabs in Frustration' · CALUORl'S SHOES UN 1-4844 VIVIAN & WILLY the Jewish State have wi t­ Yet alo ng with the li ght A HAPPY ANO 6140 Post Rood nessed the most far- reaching comes the shadow . . . a mo­ HEALTHY NEW YEAR North Kingstown SCtflESINGER changes possible. Livi ng stan­ saic of lrial and error. Pres­ FROM THE 814-2452 dards have risen beyond all su re from the surrounding PAUL HEYMANN . New Year Grwttng1 comparison for townsfolk Arab world on Israeli Arabs FAMJLY a nd villagers alike. Every to show their loyalty 10 the HAROLD E. Arab a nd Druze village is " national Palestinian cause" BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR BEAUDOIN connected to a piped water has caused a growing radi­ A Happy New Year Insurance DR. and MRS. MICHAEL L. RUBINSTEIN system, all have all-weather calization but Israeli Arabs SUPREME roads. the majority have elec­ also point to internal reasons Oairy Farms, Inc. 81 Taunton Avenue and ANDREW, MAHRA and UW tricity, their heallh standa rds fo r continued frustratio n . 111 Kilver! Street East Providence and life expectation are the They note the absence of an 26 LORING AVENUE, PROVIDENCE Warwick 434-4000 highest in lhe entire Arab Arab cabinet member, or 739-8180 world. doclo r-pa1ien1 ratio is even a Depu ty Minister . I lo 500. compared 10 1.475 Arab and Druze intellectuals MRS. ISRAEL B. DICKENS in Lebano n a nd 3,863 in Sy­ have nol yel been able to oc­ I " Best Wishes f a, ria. Arab women have under­ cupy seni or executive posts in New Year Greetings DR. and MRS. MAYNARD S. BURT The New Yea r and Family gone a quiel revolution, lhe Establi shment : they de­ reaching even the conserva- mand lhal an Arab, not a Charles J. Wish Their Relatives and Friends a Happy 1i ve Dru ze society where Jew. sho uld head lsracl"s Ar­ Capaldi Bros. and Prosperous New Year you ng vi ll age girls are em­ abic services in the media. in Whelden pl oyed in local. modern, in­ the Arab departments of the Corporation dustrial enterprises and acl as Hi stadruth. in the Labo r and Company, Inc. MR. and MRS. MAX TIPPE c ha irpersons o f wor kers ' other pa rties. The failure lo cO mm ittces. promote industry in lhc Arab 61 Pilsudski Street Contraeton - Enstneen 20 Sparrow Strfft The long process of inte­ secto r o n a n adequate scale is Providence, R. I. Wuhln&1on Hla'h...,. Wish Relati,... and Friend, gration (nol assimilation) has another cause for complai nt SMITHnELD, R . I. A Happy and been particu larly visi ble and o ne of the reasons why so 944-4000 among the country's Druze, many Arab villagers have to CE l-1S50 Praaperou1 Year New living in 18 vi ll ages in Galilee 1ra vcl long distances to work. and o n Ml. Carmel. In 1977 Continued expropriation lhe fi rsl Druzc ex-soldier was of land in Galilee had res ult­ WITH BEST WISHES WE WISH OUR elected to Israel's Knesset ed in 1975 in the fi rst armed NEW YEAR GREETINGS JEWISH FRIENDS AND PATRONS Druzc and Circassians serve cl ashes between security FOR A NEW YEAR OF H. G. DYER, A HAPPY AND HEAL THY NEW YEAR in lsrael"s Army o n a compul­ forces and the Arab popula­ HEALTH AND HAPPINESS , sory basis. while Moslcms ti o n. wi th the loss of six Arab INC. and C hristians may volunteer lives ("'Land Day'"). The 30- STEEL SHELVING CABCO TWIN OAKS for lhc Forces). Today there ycar-old problem of resclllc­ ENGINEERING "Where Good Friends Meet and Eat" '· arc 3 Druzc M Ks, all Israeli men t of Israel's 50,000 ex-servicemen. When Presi­ Bcduin in the Negev has been 157 Crary Strfft co. 100 SABRA STREET dent Sadat visi ted Jerusalem, pcrmillcd for too long to l'rovidence, I .I. at the edge of Spectacle Lake in November 1977 , it was cause friction widely ex pl_oit­ 372 Druze M .K . Amal Nasser ed fo r political purposed in­ 421-6586 QNTRAL AVENUE CRANSTON, R.I. 781 -9693 c- Din, (Likud) who told him side the country itself and PAWTUCKET, R.I. in simple frank words " . .. (Continued on rouowiq pqe)

A Happy New Year ASSllll CIIIYIOlff CO. 137ChlWSt. w..... - 245-3500 We Wish all our Friend• and Custom.,. A Hap_l)Y and Healthy New Year A HAPPY NEW YEAR R.I. CESSPOOL Ann /Je,r'I ~ IJeaul'I S/i°I' CLEANERS • Permanent Wave • ,__,1uc1 St-t!!."I and 315 WASHINGTON AVL - WASHINGTON PAlK SQ. TOWN & PIOVIDENCE S, L I. COUNTRY FUEL 941-9986 F. W. SLINEY & SONS 737-9177 2157 West MR. and MRS. IRVING A. ACKERMAN Shore Rd. 200 Hoffman Av-, ~ Ml. encl MIS. AltHUI M. ACKBMAN end -PAMIUr J. .1. Warwick, R.I. 131 Alvin St-t, Warwick . MR. and MIS. EDWAIID D. IOTMER MIOtEUE ond GHGO.V 51 Tupele HII Drive, Cran.ton DI. and MRS. HARIY E. PASS New Year Grwtlng1 JODI and 1011 j~ I1t6pplf neuf lJear jif 71 II- Woy, Cranston REGAL BEST W ISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR T T AUTO BODY & RADIATOR NEW YEAR GREETINGS WORKS INC. EDWARD D. ROTMER, ~alttpuut~ 722-9200 ARTHUR M . ACKERMAN, 370 Pawtucket Ave. & STAFF AT Pawtucket PARAMOUNT OFFICE at 24 Hr. Towing Service SUPPLY CO., INC. 819 Westminster Street, Providence, R.I.

NEW YEAR GREETINGS BEST WISHES BEAUTIFY FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR YOUR" HOME WITH FLOWERS Rolo Manufacturing Co. from CLARK'S 27.4 PINE STREET Flower Shop, Inc. P~ovidence, R.I . 02903 ~94 Thayer Street 421-6700 521-0800 ______. _, ______. 20-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979

BARRINGTON UQUORS INC. NEW YEAR GREETINGS 611 WAIIIN AYI. EAST fllOVIDINCE Israel's Arabs JOHN J. HUDSON, INC. 434'-9556 (Continued from precedina page) BEST WISHES FOIi A HAPPY-NEW YEAR causing Israel's image abroad a more favorable view of Is­ l Senk,e Road, Fields Ft. Provklence serious damage. The problem rael's Arabs and much on the of the villagers of lkrit and suspicion, widespread before Bir'am o n the Lebanese bor­ the 1973 War, has been al­ D' AMBRA TEXACO ST A TION der. who in the 1950s won layed. On the basis of 30 NEW YEAR GREETINGS their case in Israeli High 761 HOPE STREET 621-2348 years of progress and Court lo be permined 10 re­ achievement, perhaps this is WALDORF TUXEDO COMPANY WISH THEIR CUSTOMERS turn 10 their villages, evacu­ the time for a "New Deal," lo A HAPPY NEW YEAR ated during the 1948 War, encourage Israel's Arabs to has not been solved. Finally, devote themselves 10 building PIOVID!Na • WARWICK "the Israeli economic estab­ bridges of peace to their fel­ CUMBERLAND • GREENVIUE lishment has so fa r failed 10 low Arabs in the neighboring EAST PROVIDENCE BEST WISHES FOR A make the necessary effort 10 countries. , VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR , co-opt Arabs. and the Hista­ In the complex network of druth's economic enterprises problems and dilemmas with­ ARMBRUST CHAIN CO. (accounting for 25% of the in which Israel's Arabs live - HAPPY NEW YEAR national product) arc no ex­ as Israelis and as Arabs - 735 Allens Ave ., Providence 781-3300 ception." the head of the this bridge-building is no easy MONTGOMERY Arab department of the His­ mailer. Apart from political DISTRIBUTORS INC. ladruth charged recently. Mr. aspects. not all of which are NEW YEAR GREEI'INOS ,Yaakov Cohen added that in 1n Israel's control. fortifying Auto Parts the Federation's "Hcvrat the feeling of equality of Isra­ and La Point's Wheel and Brake Service t-la'ovdim" there were "only el's Arabs involves renewed UO BARTON STREET, PAWTUCKET five o r six Arab employees." effort by all those concerned Accessories Problrms and Dilemmas on the economic. social, edu­ 135 BROADWAY, PROV. (OOl'DIII' ol Dexter SL) 7H-IIU Light and Shadow ... cational and psychological there is still a long road to levels. Surely for all con­ 421-4253 complete equality for Israel's cerned, peace with Egypt, 110 BROADWAY, PAWTUCKET GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR half a million Arabs. to a sit­ and the temporary lack of 724-7050 THE NEW YEAR uation in which they will feel peace with Is rael's ot her PETTERUTI MOTOR SALES themselves full partners in Arab neighbors. now gives their home State. Y cl in the new importance lo the fate 1051 Chalkstone Ave., Prov., R.I. 02908 fall of I 979 there arc signs and future of Israel's Arab BEST WISHES FOR 831-5400 1ha1 Israeli public opinion has minority. A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR

BRIDGE CLUB OF BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Children of Egypt RHODE ISLAND TC OUR CUSTOMERS & FRIENDS By Malkah Raymist sincere. 1hal Teddy Killek, the II is a small exhibition. not Mayor of Jerusalem. decided 259 Wayland Ave. over 60 exhibits, all painted by 10 host the exhibition in the CHASE AUTO BODY WKS. Providence children between 10 and 16. Israel Museum. Needless 10 318 WEST FOUNTAIN ST. all on the subject of peace be­ say - the presentation of 621-0323 PROVIDENCE tween Egypt and Israel. The Peace differs in every picture initiative belongs to the Israeli yet the main theme is rejoic­ journalist and writer. Amos i ng. approval, praise, 274-3684 Elon, who went to Egypt sometimes even thanksgiving. Best Wishes For A (representing the daily paper Without a shadow of doubt Happy and Prosperous New Year "Haaretz") together with the pictures in the exhibition other journalists. during the arc all painted by children, meeting of Begin and Sadat. and obviously without any BEST WISHES FOR A He visited a number of participation of teachers, nol Equitable Ele

BEST wisHES FOR A 11.APPY AND PROSPEROUS . NEW YEAR · PAULA'S-PLACE OF BEAUTY _ New Year Greeting• To Our Many Friend, And Cu,tomers Specializing in • PERMANENTS • COLORING • BLOW DRYING -• PRECISION HAIR CUTS HOt,JRS IICII.TS o 5CIIEJIS Tueadoy & Wednesdoy_.,00-4:00 Thursdoy-9,00-7,30-Call far appointment · ._==:=s o AI.U■lNU■ • IIClf ULVAIIIZED , Friday-9:00-6:00-Call far appointment ·o-.,, Hew En,1-r,· Saturdoy-9,00-4:30-Call far appointment lMvNfStecbo#,.,.,,._,, 1076 HOPE STREET, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 739-9200 274-7487 r ..


NEW YEAR GREETINGS BEST WISHES FOR MEW YEAR GIEETINGS A HAPPY NEW YEAR UNION CAMP COIP. AIIIY Children of Egypt BELMONT FRUIT MARKET Plastic Packaging Telep/tone S.,.ice (Continued from precediq pap) Featuring Highest Quality Fruits And 16 Weybeuet StrNI _Vegetables At Lowest Poulbte Prices 50 Niantic Avenue Strange that this cross crs, with their ha nds lifted, 521-3411 be- 944-3300 . tween a vulture and a pelican ·a re whipped by soldiers. The Wakefield, R.I . . 783,-4656 is supposed to be the Peace lower part represents peace - dove! A ll the other doves arc people walking, danci ng, HOLIDAY GREETINGS more conventional. eating, child ren at play. VY'S BEAUTY SALON T ho ugh naive, everything is 373 NARRAGANSETT PARKWAY Joy and FrieMlilless sincere, stra ight from the WI TH BEST WISHES One of the most striking heart. the bright and warm WARWICK pictures that speaks to the colors adding to the convic­ FOR A HAPPY AND HEAL THY 781-7450 heart and enchants the eye is tion. There arc several poor NEW YEAR that of a young woman si tting collages and one s tilted in a meadow amidst nowcrs reproductio n of a magazine BEST WISHES FOR on the grass, spreading her picture correctly representing CAMILLE'S ROMAN GARDEN A HAPPY NEW YEAR arms a round three small Sadat being greeted by Begin Bradford St., Providence ·c hi ldren. all happy and ob­ and several Israeli ministers. 71 GEORGE ARPIN MOVERS Inc. viously relishing her embrace. T he la tter was t he only 751-4112 85 Carlsbad St., Cranston 02910 942-6151 II is peaceful, lova ble. cx­ painting in which the Israeli huding quiet joy and friend­ nag "as shown accurately. It Ii ncss . Another pic ture, could no t be otherwise si nce it rather pretentious, is the in­ was a handmade copy of a NEW YEAR GREETINGS side of a ho use; severa l rooms co lo red magazine 0. AHLBORG can be seen and in each of photograph. On others the & SONS, INC. them people arc recli ning and Israeli nag was a black Magen WE EXTEND BEST WISHES relaxing in armchairs. Several Da vid on a plain white ricld o r CONTRACTORS child ren arc at play on the car­ a black Magen David with a 41 Malt,, Strfft, Cranston 467-6300 pel, with dolls, toys and a cat. red middle. but best of all - FOR A VERY HAPPY While it is the city child's sin­ the French tricolor wilh a cere idea of peace and relaxa­ Magen David in the center. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR tion at home, it lacks the AND HEA LTHY spo ntaneo us atmosphere of Common A!pira lions l he no wcrcd meadow. As fo r lhc ot her painlings, SAMMARTINO DIAMONDS most tended 10 repetitive: NEW YEAR Repealed in a number of be dove . branches and paintings arc themes of an­ children, many of them with 1468 ELMWOOD AVENUE, CRANSTON cient Egypt. Like all the non­ pyramids in the. backgro und. Semitic peoples who em­ There is little greenery and lit ­ braced Islam. Egypt kept her tle vegetat ion, and o nl y a few art and her traditio n of a palm trees o n yellow sand. BEST WISHES FOR THE millcnia up lo these days. Many children arc obviously a total c;er 11 :c P sa1on NEW YEAR The warmth and sincerity 962 Mpe st pro" • innucnced by the frescoes and of all the paintings speaks 272 )710 statutes of Egypt·s ant iquity. more loudly of the desi re fo r 22,000 titles • Come in & browse so much so. that one shows an peace th a n a ll the Egyptian goddess (most likely loudspeakers in the wo rld . Isis) th o ugh in an unusual Israel i schoolchildren are :>-- Brown position. She is kneeling in visi ting the ex hibi ti o n wilh :>-- Bookstore prayer. probabl y fo r peace. their lcachers, a nd in the Another striking picture is course or one hour I saw no 244 THAYER ST., PROV. 863-3166 that of a pyramid, golden less than four classes of yel low, with a vei led beauty children aged eight lo 12 come seen inside it , pro bably sy m­ lo sec the Egyptian children's bolizing Egypt - . o r peace. paintings of Peace. They like it and undersland it fo r they From the Heart are of the same age and sha re WITH BEST WISHES FOR A T here are some covers of the same basic aspiratio ns. II HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR schoo l magazines. ·their is hoped 1h a1 it is known in rig ures st illed, their colo rs Egypt how wc11 the exhibitio n 333 NIANTIC AVENUE ga udy. One painting is was recei ved - because each PROVIDENCE WEXLER'S INC. divided in two. the upper part pict ure springs from the deep showing war, the lower - and authentic aspirations of 944-~500 113 TAUNTON AVENUE peace. Tanks shooting into those, who know no thing yel EXTENDS BEST WISHES SEEKONK, MASS. crowds. People are chained to of politics, but long fo r no poles, executed by soldiers. more pain. no more terror, no FOR A 336-9103 Others, chained to iron gird- mo re pri vati o ns. just PEACE. HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR

GREET INGS Our Best W is hes BEST WISHE S, FOR FOR THE NEW YEAR HAPPY NEW YEAR fo r a Happy and A HEAL THY AND PROSPEROU S NEW YEAR Healthy New Year to all Your BEST Move Private Facilities Our Friends and / Relatives COMPLETE and MOVING SERVICE The Perfect Setting C., ~'4~D~ Restaurant DR .. and MRS. ,,· ~ ~, ~ ~H -~I.4 & Lounge FOR SHOWERS .t WEDDINGS ROBERT DUCOFF L-ANS WAREHOUSI. CO. - -- r, ~~ 333-1300 MICHELLE ~ ~1 ~ . ~ of WAYLAND SQ, and : ti ·. PAlTI 17 S..k~k St. irlSro~◊ Prov~ Cantonese & Polynesian Food _ Best Wishes For 1134 BALD HIU ROAD, RTE 2, WARWICK country club Exotic Polynesian Orinlcs A Happy and Prosperous ~CSU,~ Old Rmr ltAJld, Uncoll, Rllode lslud New Year r--=-~ ELEGANT DINiNG &61~1 lounge ·take Out Orders no .Proper Dress Required 828-2311 Edray Whirlpool Service

NEW YEAR GReETINGS A Happy Ne~_y _ear J808 Smith Street . EDWfN S. SOFORENKO To Our Jewish Friends & Customers 231-6730 . . M.ICHAEL H! SILVERMAN ' J°. HAROLD McCORMICK ROBERT J. JANES South Provid,nce CUMBERLAND COIN CARk F• . CORBETT HOWARD s. GREENE I 325 Main St., Woonsocket Oil Co. .· STEVEN E. DEW ARE . 767-3530 293 Waterman Aire, 232-0650 . ~ INSURANCE UNDER-WRITER$ We buy, sell & appralH · Wishes All Its ~ • Rare Coins e Stamps e Gold & Sliver_ .. Friends - I NCORPQRA TED - large Selection of Coin & Stamp Supplies and Customers Harold F. Chorney, A.N.A. A Happy and ' Planned Protection Prosp~ us New Year 211 Ato.GELL STRIIT,.... PROVIDEH~E-- UNion 1-1923 ----·.::::~==~====..,,______,, ---


,;.•.•:····:· ~·,:zu·;:::{ ...... : ::::•.:::.: . ." !•:POX.\ .u::..u).:....• :.: ...... : ...... i LEA VITT· - COLSON CO. NEW YEAR GREETINGS BLEC'TRIC EQUIPMENT & 8lJPPLIB8 Shmitta- EDGEWOOD BEAUTY SHOP . - 1832 Broad s, .... , SIi Edd7 St.· The Seventh Year Cranston Extend Best Wishes for the New Year 781-5677 By Dvo.-. Waysman After wandering for fo rty This Rosh Hashana, mark- years through the ba rren A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR ing the beginning of the d ese rt, Moses gat he r e d Consumers' Moi,in~ Co. TO OUR FRIENDS ANO RELATIVES Jewish year 5740, wi ll have a together the Israelites at the . MR. and MRS · special signi11cance. It will be foot of Mt. Sinai, a nd gave Complete Household Moving Rl(:~ARD b. GREENBERG a "Shmitta" (Sabbatical) yea r them a detailed law about the Kenneth Scott and'locll -Robyn - a seventh year, a sabbatical soil. For as soon as they en­ 785-0152 · ·127 Marf,ury Ave., Pawtucket yea r of rest fo r the soil. tered Eretz Yisrael, they were NEW YEAR GREETINGS " Shmilla" literall y means to become people of the la nd. renunciation. We reno unce wit h their whole lives bound the right to work the land, and up in agriculture. NEW YEAR GREETINGS HOLIDAY GREETINGS Ile t it lie fa ll ow: " The seventh For many generations (u n­ TO FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS year shall be a Sabbath of til the system of crop rotation The · Kaplan Family solemn rest for the land" was devised , o nly at t he PETROLEUM HEAT & POWER CO. I (Lev. 25:4), and we renounce beginningofthe20th ccntury) 375 Allens Avenue Providence of · o ur right to coll ect debts: "At both Jews and gentiles saw the 941-0050 RAINBOW BAKERY the end of every seven years logic of le tting the land thou sha lt make a re lease. periodically rest and even un­ And this is the manner of the "'illingly followed the law of release; every credito r shall the Torah in agricultu re. For FEDERAL BEST WISHES FOR A HEALTHY, release that which he lent unto cen turies, as the Jews in the CESSPOOL CLEANERS HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR his neighbor." (Deul. 15:1-2) Diaspora become a largely Seven has a l ways had non-agricultural people, the 15 EVERGLADE AVE. FROM m ys tical conno ta tions in act ua l law of "Shmi11a" WARWICK, R.I. Judaism. T he most beloved rega rding the land was just a 737-0600 Bernard and Harriet genera tions was the seventh theoretical problem to be dis­ - tha t of Hanoch - " And cussed by Talmudic schola rs. Hanoch wa lked with God ." Wi th the establishment of the Gladstone T he most beloved of the State of Israel, however, it BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND FAMILY 'Fathers' was the seventh, again became a practical AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Moses - "And Moses went problem fo r the se1t lcrs. BRUCE, JEFFREY AND SCOTT up to God." The seventh son There a rc many reasons for ANDREA AND RICHARD SALZMAN was the dearest - David was the Shmilta year. Firstly, to the seventh son o f Yishai. T he teach ma nkind that the earth seventh day was chosen above docs not belong to them, but a ll others to be the Sabbath. only to God. It also teaches Th e seven th yea r was man to have conlidence in proclaimed a year o f rest fo r God, for even tho ugh he rests th e la nd . And until the from his work fo r a year, the destructio n of the Fi rst Tern - lord will invoke a blessing for pie, e ve ry seve n Shmilla him . Another reason i, that years, a Jubilee yea r was o ne year in seven. ma n is freed sanctilied. · j ust to study Torah. fo r he is HAPPY NEW YEAR not preoccupied with worki ng ProWem for Fa,-rs the land. IN ISRAEL? Although the laws of the sabbatical remillancc of debts Di..-tloe Anywhere in the World! apply lo Jews everywhere, the It seems that during the We'll Help You Get There . obligation lo let the land lie Seco nd Temple period, the fallow is limited 'to the boun- , Jews r ig idly a dhered to daries of Israel, as these laws Shmitta in Erelz Yisrael. Dur­ LOTTE POVAR begin only " . .. when ye ing the Hasmonean War. the come into the land which I fall of Beth Zur was allributed 132 Gansett Ave. 328 WARREN AVE EAST PROVIDENCE give you." (Lev. 25_i 2) (Continued on following page) 942-8300 Cranston, R.I.

BEST WISHES NewY-o...tingt IUSSO 1105: FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Oistribvfors of NEW YEAR GREETINGS I. J. IIAot CANDIES 567 Minenol Sprine Ave. DeB'lOIS 726-1500 OLD COLONY ASSOCIATED NEW YEAR GREETINGS COOPERATIVE BANK WIGWAM AND OIL COMPAN'IES Sport Center THE NEWPORT 915 Charles St- 722-8000 North Prvvldence NATIONAL BANK Dependable Service _ 727-0160 Fuel Oil • Heating • Air Conditioning 353-1260 21 Convenient Offices

The Staffs And Management of the Wayland Square Offic·e and the Hope Street-Office of


extend sincere New Year's Greetings Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Reserve System to their Friends and Customers T.HE RHODE ISLAND.HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-23 ... m7i=ta·=-=-==i= .=.=.=.=,.=.E .=.=-=.=.=.=-=.=.:.,_,_, ,_, _: _:::::.:.,...... NEW YEAR OREBTINOB ;si, .. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR CEDAR FENCES FURNITURE - GARDEN DOUSES The Seventh Year ARNOLD'S APPLIANCE SERVICE CEDAR CRAFT CO. WASHERS.DRYERS.RANGES 1400 Bald Hill Road, Warwick 821-8500 (Continued from preceding page) Any make or model serviced to a famine in the city since it How does the Shmilla year Authorized Norge Service was a Sabbatical year. Julius affect the orthodox Israeli Caesar exempted the Jews consumer? Throughout the e RCA e Kenm- e WestinghovM e GE HAPPY NEW YEAR from taxation in a Shmitta yea r. there are regularly • Whirlpool and all popular makes year si nce "They neither take published in the newspapers HELEN OLEVSON fruit from the trees nor do lists of shops from whom it is 29 Greenslitt Avenue. Pawtucket, R.I. they sow." After the abortive permissable 10 buy fruit and Call 723-3305 Garden City Bar Kokhba Revolt, however, vegetables: and there are also 274-9554 Providence the Jews were again com- chains of shops that market pelled to pay taxes, causing only Arab or imported grave hardships whi ch in turn produce. Many Jews buy their convinced the Rabbis to relax fruit and vegetables in the GREETl ► lGS AND BEST WISHES BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR THE NEW YEAR many prohibitions. Ar ab market in E a s I In modern times, the Jerusalem, or the y travel to KUNZMANN CHAIN CO. problem of Shmilla in Israel, Arab cities where they are EVERGREEN TREE with its unbearably heavy sure that the produce was not & LANDSCAPE SERVICE 111 Plan Way Warwick, R.I. economic load, became too erown 0n Jewish s0il. much for the young State to - "Until the Time Is Ripe" bear . Learned R a bbi s It is n0t easy in Israel to ob­ SEEKONK, MASS. (amongst them the late Rabbi serve the Shmitta year: "And BEST WISHES Abraham Isaac Kook) agreed , six years you shall sow your to the use of a "heter" (special land. and you shall gather in 761-5505 FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR di spensa ti on) to sell the land its produce. And the seventh to non-Jews during the Sa b- yea r yo u shall release it from batical year. to permit the wo rk a nd abandon it , and the MR:andMRS. land to be worked. In recent poor among your peo ple cal. years. there have also been And" hat they lea ve the beast perfected other methods of of the field sha ll cat. So you NEW YEAR GREETINGS BENJAMIN M. FALK u ing a " heter'" - such as shu°II dea l with your vineya rd ea rl y sowing o f veget ables and )O ur olive grove.'" before the New Year (rel yin g Although different dispcn­ on the view of Rabbi Shimeon ~a t ions have been permitted in INDUSTRIAL fr om Sens). a nd the growing re-cent) cars to ma ke it less dif­ of crops by hydroponics or f ic ult , the y a rc rea ll y Best Wishes For SHOE REPAIRING A soi l-less systems. The bracli emergency measu res as 1m ­ HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR bo1anist. Meir Schwart£ was pl ied h) Ra bbi Kook in his in­ the fo under o f the first full y troduct10n to h,, work on the automatic hydropo ni c fa rm al Shm illa '"Shabb;it Ha'aret, .. DYEING AND CLEANING the Agudat Israel kibhul l (Sabbath of the La nd). where SENA TOR & MRS. "Ha fcl l Chaim."· There are he ,-,01c : " We tod ay a rc now other hydroponic fa rm s charged with preservin g the FOR ALL YOUR SHOE REPAIR SERVICES al Ei n Gcdi and Ei lat whic h mcmor) of th e command- RICHARD LICHT use wa ter culture. and the mcnt unti l the 11mc is ripe fo r preva iling medium used is ii to be ca rried out v. it h a ll its 124 UNION STREET gravel. min ut iae (BETWEEN WASHINGTON AN> WESTMINSTER)


NEW YEAR GREETINGS GAMACHE COSTUMES, INC. We Extend Our 23 BROAD . STREET PAWTUCKET Best Wishes-for a MIDAS MUFFLER SHOPS 725-91.19 Happy, Healthy and BEST WISHES FOR A VERY -, HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Prosperous New Year N. PROVIDENCE BEST WISHES FOR THE HOUDA YS 1640 Ml.,_I Spring Avenue ( ac,- from Doutlcn Drug) ... 353-7121 PROVIDINCI . A. PRIMIANO 1290N. Main St. (ac,-fromMurray's) ... ;., ...... 272-0300 MR. and MRS. WAIWICK & SON 9991alcl Hlllld. (lt.2, S. of Midland Mall) •...... : ...•.. .828-2550 0.-""9 "-lucts Cents MORTON SMITH WOONSOCKIT 211 1645 Diamond HIii Id.<- from Walnut · 766 lowllngCtr.) ...... \ "...... •7100 WGNCa Aftnue iarrlngton, 1:1! 2~THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979

lest Wislt.1 For • Happy N•w y_,,, Mr.• Mn. Happy New Year ·AM Welnsfeln Risk and Reason A HAPPY NEW YEAR SANTAGATA Ml. and MIS. .; GIZZARSll:I "Judaea. Samaria and the Gaza Strip: Equipment Co., W■NSTIIN'S IIUCT&IC BBOP Station The Prospects ·for an Agreement" SAM FLESCHER Inc. Service ,41!) Atwood A.. . 272-1663 -~ ..... by Aloll Bell-Meir and famlly Cranston 785-9050 221 Smfth St. l'twldenee -··~ca 1-na, ler the Romans destroyed 64 VASSAi AVENUE Jerusalem and renamed tbe PARTI area Syria Pa1e1t1u (135 CE) PROVIDENCE asSl'OOl CLEANERS A Happy New Yea, The historical record on were Jews ever wholly driven lanington MRS. MAX I. GREENBERG Judaea, Samaria and the from the land. Even after the 245-5686 282 Chatham Circle Wethersfield Commons, Wc.r..,lcl, Gaza Strip extends back some Arab conquest in 636 CE, PALUMBO SANITATION DR. and MRS. ROBERT GREENBERG thousands of years, and it is when persecution, dispersion, Happy New Year 30 Maple Avenue MR. and MRS. LEON GREENBERG necessary ~to refer to that exile and massacre made ii NEW YEAR GREETINGS record to understand the con• almost impossible for Jewish .,______a_ncl_,,san.,..M .. ICH...,A;;;E_,L ______, llicting claims of Jews and .... communities to survive in Arabs to these territories. The Palestine, a token Jewish fflOWBRAY MR. and MRS. ------names "J udaea" and presence was maintained in ,. , IRA S. GALKIN BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR "Samaria" themselves refer Judaism's four "Holy Cities," MR. and MRS. MARK H. RHDMAN generally to the united Jewish Jerusalem, Safed, Hebron, FINE_ J'RINTING . and Family PLATES and d_au;.,,ht~ . SHELi. Y •• a -_-R kingdom under David and and Tiberias. The now of Jews Wish Their Relatives • •• - 1 Solomon (1004-928 BCE) and returning to Eretz Israel, and THAT COST LESS! . 21 GlllNIIIH IOAD to the divided kingdom (928- the Diaspora's support for the Highest Quality and Friends w.. , Warwick, I.I. 70 I BCE), when the Samarian Jewish remnants in the land, of Phato Engraving t. Happy and Prosperous •------• area came to be known as the continued unabated And lithography ------, kingdom · of Judah, and throughout the centuries. UNlon l-llff New Year HAPPY NEW YEAR Judaea, the kingdom oflsrael. When finally, during the (Thereafter, however, the nineteenth century, it became JAY'S SUBS 'n' STUFF whole area was generally possible for Jews to return, El • d G di' called "Judaea.") Gaza wu they did so in ever-increasing NEW YEAR GREETINGS BEST WISHES FOR A t ame an Jay ert an ercy already sellled in the 12th cen- numbers. The final re­ HAPPY NEW YEAR 76 I Hope Street, Providence 521-4512 turyBCE,anditsubscquently creation of the Jewish stale is gave its name lo various testimony to the vitality of minor states, administrative what may in fact be the oldest ATLANTIC iii districts, and regions that nationalist movement in New Year Grwllnts used the town as a center. In history. COAL CO. ifiiiiffiilili MR. and MRS. JOSEPH SALTZMAN any case, the important point Second, the historical SALES & SERVICE is that the historical fortunes record makes ii abundantly Dr. and Mn. Paul Feldman, Uta and Adam of Gaza have been and are in­ clear that the Arabs neither ex I rica bly linked lo the owned nor consistently con­ FUELS WM. N. HARRIS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lubin, Scott and Allllon broader history of Palestine, trolled Palestine over the cen­ INC. lo Eretz Israel, and to the turies. The Arab era itself only CONO,HO N>NG Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saltzman Oil BURNERS ® '"C O N lRA( l rN G shifts of occupation, con­ begins in 636 CE, with the CO MMERCIAl Evan Brian quest, and rulership that have conquest of the country by Rff RIGUA TI O N marked this area. three of Muhammed's com­ 77 On what then are Israel's manders after the Prophet's PILSUDSKI ST 751-4774 944-9000 claims, particularly to Judaea death in 632 . These Arabs ~h • h• & H•I ,.._ J .J ... Jerry's Service Station and Samaria based? were Muslims from the Ara­ First, the Jews' historical bian Hijaz, culturally similar , W OOUOlAS AV t . ,-OVIDfNCE 1101 Hope Street claim lo Palestine is not to the nomadic Christian and Tel.: TE 1-9261 merely grounded on the pagan "Arabs" (or "desert Divine promise lo the Jewa, peoples") allied to the Byzan­ BEST WISHES FOR A Wishes To Extend Greetings and Best Wishes but Is foaNN prlaarily OIi die tines, but markedly different VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR fact of a~ J~ from them in their possession For the New Year ,._ta dlelaN, and on of a new unifying religion, CENTRAL SCALE CO. M08ILGAS the continued yearning of political outlook and con­ those who were dispersed lo quering zeal. The Muslim 2027 Elmwoad Ave., Warwick 467-7500 return to the land of their an­ "Arabian" period lasted until 1099, when the Crusaders cestors. Since the days of NEW YEAR GREETINGS BEST WISHES FOR A Joshua Jews have always lived took Jerusalem and es­ from in Palestine, despite the ef­ tablished their own kingdom HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR forts of its many rulers and in Palestine. The Crusader (}al.,,,,.tulll conquerors to obliterate the period ended in 1291, when QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHERS traces of the Jewish national the land returned lo Muslim DE 1-5946 MR. AND MRS. character. Neither during the rule, but this lime under the 236 WESTMINSTER STREET Babylonian captivity, nor af- (Continued on following page) JOEL ROBINSON Natlenal Cen,___ of Chmtians BEST WISHES alNI Jews GARY, MICHAEL, JAMIE br.ndlNew r-G-,,.. Wlflt Thesinnte;i.. FOR A HEAL THY AND HAPPY Tito• The r- 57.0 - 197'-IPN WII 1,1,,, '-e And u...... ,_...,,, Jo AJf _,. Of The Wond CHAll,OTTE I, PENN, Dli.ctor NEW YEAR Soutt.ea,,-,n N.E. '-Ilion HOLIDAY GREETINGS BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR KING AUTO PARTS CORP. From the Citi:lens '-'fnand~Mot.. of the City of Pawtucket 935 Hlth StrNt 725• 1291 Harold & Mary Central Palls Sanford & Francine


11 Stadium Rd., Providence 02906

BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR CENTRAL DIRECTORY 14owis1ies Cti~" ~,"·Je FOR NURSES VCltlNEH' tl1..~HICAN A I--laJ5w, I-:lealtfuJ cr,t"",."fft - & fflOIII . ' 17 EXCHANGE STREET t ALL FJW LUNCH MEMJ .• PROVIDENCE Prosperous New Year. SERVED FROM 11 :30 TO 3 EXCEPT l!UN, a HOLl>AYI 421-50,56

WIDE CHOICE MENU AVAi.AiLE BEST WISHES FOR ~A.Gordon,Lto. OPEN 7 DAYS 11:30 A.M. A HAPPY AND A~-at-Law FRL & SAT. TiJ.'IIDIIGHT HEALTHY 353-2123 or 353-2120 NEW YEAR 1801 MIIEMI. IPIIM AVE. NO,"¥JVIIENCE --·------·-· ------··-

1 ------~-:-:-:~~""!"!""------:-:--.------.....,..,-,,..------. . r


LOUISE SIMONE GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES JANTON ELECTRIC BEAUTY SALON FOR THE NEW YEAR Risk and Reason 133 Bakers Creek Road (Continued from preceding page) 18S Kearney St., Cronston Warwick - RE 7-1978 942-0007 . PROVIDENCE CHAIN CO. Extends Best W ishes to Egyptian Mamelukes, whose Israel , including East Extends Best Wishes Our Fnends ond Patrons 225 Carolina Ave., Prov. 781-1330 dynasties were more Egyptian Jerusalem. About 670,000 live For ~e New Year For o Very Happy ~ w Ye o r than Arab. The Mamelukes in Jord~n and a re citizens of ruled Palestine for 260 years that country. Another 670.- until 1516, when they were 000 li ve on the West Bank and replaced by the Ottoman have the same rights as their CARL LARCHWOOD THE OTHER DOOR Turks, Muslims to · be sure, brothers in Jordan. There are but certainly not Arabs. In 400,000 in the Gaza Strip un­ ZIMMERMAN INN THE COOK'S STORE fact , the Ottoman period is der Israeli administration, and SONS U.~. laute 1A 50 BAY SPRING AVE. regarded by most Arabs as a and only 600,000 Palestinians BRUCE and Wakefield, period of alien occupation. scallercd throughout the lhode Wand BARRINGTON The Ottomans finally gave Arab world, a large portion of LESLIE ST 3-54_54 246-0242 way, in 1916-17, to the British them in Lebanon. 21 Sixth Street and their subsequent Man• Providence, R.I . FRANCIS J. EXTENDS BEST WISHES FOR date, which in turn, was Wish All Their BROWNING replaced by the reborn state of A HAPPY AND HEALTHY Relatives and Friends Israel in 1948. In 1922 the PART II Innkeeper NEW YEAR A Healthy and British turned the Palestine There is no doub1 that 8est Wishes Hoppy New Yeor area east of the Jordan over to Israel's future policies toward for the Holidav the control of the Amir Ab­ Judaca, Samaria and the dullah, who later, with British Gaza Strip will be determined A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR by the Israeli experience in the help, created the Kingdom of BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEA! region and by Israel's percep­ Jordan out of what had TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND REIA TIVES BET'ER BAKE SHOP previously been known as tions of its own historical, "T ransjordan." Bet ween 1948 religious and political rights. MR. and MRS. JOSEPH ACKERMAN Pure Vegetable Shortening and 1967 Jordan occupied Israel had no plans to take the and Family Used in All Our Postries. (and in I 950, annexed) the Samaria and J udaca region WE'VE DONE IT AGAIN!! , eastern half of Jerusalem, in­ from Jordan in 1967 . In fact, We just won our 35th Award on June 5th, 1967, Israel with a Holiday Cake cluding the Old City, and the . at the Annual Boston Bakeoff. Arab-inhabited part of pleaded with King Hussein of 8EST WISHES FOIi THE NEW YEA/I 4 western Palestine, the so­ Jordan not to enter the con­ You sltould lty ill called "West Bank ," or, f Ii ct. Hussein decided Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greifer otherwise, and once the 373 Smith Slrfft 331-5167 Judaea and Samaria. Egypt and Family occupied the Gaza Strip dur­ region came under Israeli con- , ing the same period. In 1967 trol, other political a nd 244 Taber Avenue Providence Jerusalem was reunited and strategic facto rs had to enter JOE MARZIW'S BEST WISHES FOR Gaza, Judaea, and Samaria the picture. were recaptured by Israel. To begin with, almost the entire central region of Israel ~A~Y-HOLIDAY Third, Israel's rights in the MR. and MRS. IRWIN R. GREENBERG (If I h_ -~ J udaea and Samaria region falls within effective enemy and Sons Gary, Todd, Eric and Lonn and Gaza Strip arc at least artillery and/ or rocket range. m~INC. equal to if not more valid Israel could be cut in half Wish Their Relatl- and Friends than, the rights of the Jorda­ within hours of renewed A Happy and Healthy New Year :lamouJ ITAUAN RESTAURANT nians and the Egyptians who hostilities unless it can insure occupied these territories that no adversary force would ITALIAN:INNERS 751-5544 before 1967. Egypt asserted ever again occupy the Judaca no more right than naked and S a maria region . BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR LOBSTERS - STEAKS OKI aggression when it seized Moreover , throughout Wit. TIN M01. history, the Gaza Strip has ASQUINO'S RESTAURANT 120 ATWELL$ AVE., PROV., R.I. Gaza in 1948, and in fact, used ClOSEIOO. the strip to pen up hundreds been the principal staging $84 North Broadwa~ East Providence of thousands of displaced area for armies seeking to in­ fellow-Arabs and organize vade the land of Israel from GE f-9720 guerilla and terrorist attacks the south. Eighty-five such in­ BEST WISHES upon Israel. Jordan's record vasions have taken place over with respect to the "West the past 3500 yea rs, the latest WITH BEST WISHES FOR A FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Bank" w as n o more being in 1948, by Egypt. Dur­ NEW YEAR OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS enlightened; it simply moved ing the 1948-1967 period R.I. ELECTRIC PROTECTIVE CO. into the former mandate to Egypt o rganized a Palestinian 111 MATHEWSON STREET seize as much territorial booty arm y in Gaza to "liberate" WARWICK FEDERAL PROVIDENCE , R.I. - 274-0250 as it could. The "West Bank" Palestine. SAVINGS was defined by the armistice of Jordan. while in control of A HAPPY NEW YEAR 1948, not by any prior Arab the West Bank . never carried and Loan Association historical or legal claim. out the armistice agreements Fourth, Jews from Arab intended to lead to peace. BEST WISHES lands have every right to im­ Israelis were to tally barred 1050 WARWICK AVENUE migrate from any part of the from worshiping in East FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Mideast .,-and resettle where Jerusalem, and for 19 years 467-6100 they can be free from abuse, not a single Israeli was oppression and expulsion . allowed to visit the Wailing 685 BALD HILL ROAD These Jews constitute no less Wall, which is considered the ♦: than 55% of the current Israeli holiest place of Jewish 828-7900 population. In fact , consider­ worship. Although the Arab CITIZENS BANK ing the Palestini an situation, states claim that Jerusalem is an actual exchange of popula- sacred to them, ii should be We Try To Do Things Your Way tion has taken place. noted that the holiest shrines Finally, the majority of th e of Islam, Mecca and Medina, 26 CONVENIENT BANKING OFFICES Palestinian Arabs li ve in th e are located in Saudi Arabia, area of mandatory Palestine far away from Jerusalem. (In if not all in their origina

New Year Gr•tings BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Risk and Reason HAPPY NEW YEAR _SHORE'S MARKET (Continued from preceding page) 1590 Mi,...a.1 Spring Aw. MR. and MRS. HERBERT and LEE ROTHSCHILD sacred to Islam not because North Providence AARON COHEN Security will ha vc to be the Muhammed had so decreed, key word for any arrangement Awnue Children and Grandchildren 353-)9.2Q 309 Lowen but because a later interpreter related to the West Bank and of the Koran identified the Gaza Strip. Both areas, as Jerusalem as the terminus of noted earlier, arc vitally im­ HOLIDAY GREETINGS NEW YEAR GREETINGS Muhammed's famous "Night portant from the strategic Judge a_nd Mn. Jacob J. Alp!in Prom Journey" dream.) For Jews point of view. Until Israel can and Christians, however, secure its borders and its pop­ and FAMILY Concord A. RICCI, Jerusalem is central to their ul ation centers, no arrange­ 200 Hoffman Ave., Apt. 505, Cranston Manufacturing religious identity. ment will be worked out in Extend Best Wishes for a Since the beginning of the which the Palestinians can Happy and Prosperous New Year Corporation INC.- Israeli administration both find fulfillment. the Gaza Strip and the West For - these -reasons, the - CHAINS - 225 Dean Street Ba nk h ave experienced Begin government has ad­ IIEST WISHES FOR A HAPP\' NEW YEAR lN lllaller B&ree& dramatically improved social vanced a plan for the Palesti­ MR. and MRS. IRVING DICKENS of Prflldenee, a. 1. Providence, R.I. and economic conditions. nians that calls for self-rule. Although the inhabitants of Such a plan would offer the tel-Int BELWING TURKEY FARM 421-0261 these regions do not want to Palestinian people for tbe first 773 TAUNTON AVENUE remain under Israeli control, time ia their history a realistic they as vigorously reject a fu lfillment of their national SEEKONK, MASS. 336-9142 I BENEFICENT CHURCH return to Egyptian or Jorda­ aspirations and needs. While I 300 Weybosset Strfft, Providence Inian administration. self-rule may not meet all the I Congregation draws people from all lands For these reasons Israel Palestinians' requirements, it E. L. Freeman Co. docs not envision a solution in docs offer a great deal of hope lo serve the present day PRINTERS AND STATIONERS f, which it will relinquish con­ for the future. It offers Palesti­ &st Wishes for o Healthy and Hoppy New Yeo, trol and then depend on Arab nian self-determination. and a I' Stores located at: Providence, Pawtucket good intentions lo live in future in which no Palestinian East P'tovidence, Woonsocket, Newport, Wakefield I will be treated as a refugee in BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY peace. Political instability continues to be the norm in his own ho meland. 33 i-3400 - 434-7370 & HEAL THY NEW YEAR Ii the Arab world, and Arab WEBBER CHEVROLET radicals still reject the ve ry ex­ Best Wishes For A Happy New Year istence of Israel. Inter-Arab PART III 885 QUAKER LANE, WEST WARWICK rivalry, the lack of The provi ions of self-rule 884-5800 mechani s ms to ensure for the Palestinians have been legit imate succession to the subject of intense discus­ power in Arab countries, the sion within the Israeli cabinet HALL'S DRUG, INC. ri se of Islamic militancy. and and between the Israeli and possible intervention by the the Egyptian negotiators. On Moshassuck Prescription & Surgical Center Soviet Union in the region all December 28. 19 77 Prime Extends Best Wishes For force Israel to view the situa­ Minister Begin submilled his tion from a different point of plan for Palestinian self-rule A Happy and Healthy New Year THERMOFOLDING 431-6116 COVERS view . to the Israeli Knes cl. From FAHICAT0IS & m w_._ •- PlASTlC CARDS A return to the prc-1967 then on. the same twenty-six SUPPLIEIS Of L l'IIOVIOalCI. ■ . 1. 149 ELMGROVE AVENUE ACETATE MATEIIIALS BEST WISHES FOR border lines has been totally point plan constituted the PROVIDENCE, R.I. A HAPPY NEW YEAR ruled out by the current Israeli basic blueprint for the discus­ government , as it undo ubt­ sions al Camp David. After edly would be by any o f its days of intense negotiation 861-5200 successors. The choice in rela­ Israel and Egypt agreed in NEW YEAR ORE~OS tion lo the West Bank and the principle lo the general provi­ Gaza Strip is not between sions of the plan. New snags DORIC DAY SCHOOL peace and territ ory: developed when Israel and realistically, it is between Egypt sat down lo negotiate Best Wishes For A Happy New Year 145 PONTIAC AVENUE, CRANSTON • WI 1-6051 security and suicide. Other their peace ag reement, but than Jerusalem, for which all finally. the problems were ANDREAS RESTAURANT Accredited by R. I. Board or Education Israelis and Jews have an af­ resolved when they agreed on STATE LICENSED finity that emanates from linkage between /he peace 258 Thayer St. Providence I) deep religious beliefs and con­ agreement and the Palestinian i, victions, the attachment of the issue. Currently, Israel and TRADITIONAL SOUVLAKI Israelis to the West Bank is Egypt have entered a new, ex­ related more to security than tremely complicated set of GREEK SALADS NEW YEAR GREETINGS lo emotional considerations. negotiations on questions To the extent that the Palesti­ which a r e n ot only SHISH KE BOBS, ETC. nian leaders arc not prepared emotionally charged, but lo deal with Israel without which have serious security PROVIDENCE PAPER CO. prior conditions, and to the implications for Israel. extent that the PLO continues Among the im portant Printing Paper - Industrial Paper BEST WISHES AND to profess that Israel's problems that the Israeli and A HAPPY NEW YEAR Offim Equipment and Supplies destruction is the ultimate Egyptian statesmen will en­ from solution to their problem, counter is how to deal with the Israel will not be able to absence of Jordan from the I 00 Avenue Boyd demonstrate much flexibility negotiating table. Both the the FOUR WALLS East Prwlde- toward the Palestinians. (Continued on following page) and

New Year Grwting, BEST WISHES FOR NEW YEAR GREETINGS Decorators JINNll'S BEAUTY SHOP -i• ~--•-"' A HAPPY NEW YEAR UUY and STEVE 9 5outh Angel Street PIISB 1240 Oaklawn Ave., Cranston 41 Jennie Soletnik, Proprieto< WINGATI RD. 463-6080 PIOVIDINCI CHINA SEA 421-7161 1278 Post Road A HAPPY NEW YEAR Thank You For Your Patronage Warwick, -R.I. During The Post Yeo.r NARRAGANSETT Good Health, Happiness And Prosperity In The Coming Year 467-7440 LUMBER CO. I cwu-. All Types of Jre-J\mble ,Antiques r' Building Materials BEST WISHES FOR THF. HOLIO.\' 274-1322 I - = 550 Jefferson Blvd. "SPECIALISTS IN CHOICE AREAS"• ..... FRED LUCHESI - Warwick, R.I . . 736 Hope Street, Providence, R.I. -· Open Monday-Saturday, 10 to 5:30 - • - fardlln- 739-4000

HOLIDAY GREETINGS BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR RUTH RIDDELL ROFfER/ALFREI>' J. ROFFER ·ce· LANCELOTTA ESTELLE RIDDELL RESNICK From • REALTORS REAtro•• PAVING, INC. COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE State Wide Sooiiillii"° Ill 5 I 10 "Sterling Engineering and ' Multiple 655 --C,0111 421 8814 Listing Commonwealth Ave. - Service w...... ,.... S.UthA..._ Warwick. R. I. Construction Co., Inc. RES. 1so·APPLE GATE RD. .,. 9 414 w.,,... ·­ CRANSTON, R.I. - 944-7422 ,...... ,. .... _ 737-9477 38 North Court Street, Providence 751-1234 434-3131~~ · ;,• ,t,,;_;,.,11 ,-. , M1R(ii ~~~~c~~I\J 107~=:=~~:-~.~=--J, .~ ~rr.~ ••----~~-~•,._==-==·==::-===-=-~•)L.j 'l,,,,.,.!--._. - ..-- ,-La_ __ _.;.;_ __.;;~ _;.;.;;.;.;.;;._.;_;.__ _n-. ----..J · THE RHODE ISLAND_HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-27

New Year Greetings NEW :tEAR GREETINGS Risk and Reason N- Year Grwting1 a.,tWishes DAVIS IIOOICNII IIOIIST (Continued from Preceding Page) For TIie New Year CUT RATE STORE MAR_Y'S ,.__,_Alo..i.. original Begin self-rule plan national aspirations: Family Care 75 Wuhinl1on St. and the Camp David agree- a) abolition of the Israeli BEAUTY 1005 lnBonk Building 204 ...... Wed Warwldl ment require Jordanian par- · military government; b) es­ Providence 421•2S• • 7S1-SSSS V Alie:, 1-8989 tic i patio n in the peace ta_blishment of administrative SHOPPE ' -421 -1213 process. Further. the Israeli autonomy for the residents; c) 7 Camey load concept of self-rule requires freedom to administer educa­ (Cor. Strawberry Field Rd .) Worwidt HOLIDAY GREETINGS Best Wishes for the active Jordanian involve- tion, religious affairs, finance, New Year's Greetings ment. Without Jordan, Israel transportation, housing, in­ 737-7156 Garden Oty la~, Inc. New Year from and Egypt would - ac- dustry, commerce, 115 Sodu,- 6- ••. OAKES ON THE Hill cording to both the Treaty agriculture, health, social C.W. Miller Co. Cran1ton, I.I. .at 10 Thomen Street and the Camp David agree- welfare, justice, and local 1 Hodsell St. Cranston 02910 944-1772 - Art Supplies - ments - be compelled to deal police; d) exercise of the right NEW YEAR GREETINGS exclusively with the Palesti- to vote and to stand for office nians, who insist on self- without fear or pressure; e) GIL ENOS HOLIDAY GREETINGS determination. However, Jor- freedom to seek employment Ov•r 25 -,.ars exp.rience NEW YEAR GREETINGS dan, as time will show, is not in both Israel and Jordan, and Upholsterer -McCOY crucial to the negotiations, f) the freedom to travel CREST CHELLEL'S provided that the Palestinians anywhere in Israel, Jordan of Fine Furniture OIL are prepared to negotiate in and Egypt without restric-0 Tufting a Specialty BEAUTY SUPPLY SUPER MARKET earnest. (It is DOI clear what lions. 12 Ave. COMPANY COMPANY happens if the Palestinians These provisions, once in­ 1u,,,_. 1S6 COUNTY ROAD East l'rovidonco refuse to negotiate, but the stituted, will become the per­ 121 Mathewson St. 434-43S0 BARRINGTON, R. I. "Our Service implied threat that the Egyp- manent basis on which the 331-0S89 24S-4900 11 The Real McCoy"' tians could negotiate in their Palestinians can build. In place may be enough to bring return, all that is required of Holiday Greetings 213 Broad St. them into the discussions.) them is to demonstrate a Cumlterland In spite of all the difficulties degree of moderation and a Holiday Greetings HOLIDAY GREETINGS 722-1920 that the Israelis and Egyptians readiness to cooperate with PHYWS and HERB may encounter. several im- Israel. While Israel will main­ County Road LEAPMAN portant factors deserve to be lain its sovereignty over the Pharmacy, Inc. of New Year Greetings noted: entire region. both Begin's , Beautiful HOll>A Y GREETINGS I) For the first time in the original plan and the Camp Prescription history of the Palestinian peo- David agreement to not rule Delivery ROLLING pie, a negotiation process out the possibility of cs­ Service GREENS designed to offer them a better tablishing a new and more GREEN prospect for the future has permanent arrangement a!lcr CAU 24S-4412 Golf Course begun. For the first time the five years. Provision 24 of the 1585 Ten Rod Rd. Palestinians arc not being original Begin plan reads as 222 County Road No. Kingstown, R.I . BROTHERS used as a pawn in inter-Arab follows: "Israel stands by its 1285 R... rvoir Ave. rivalry. The Egyptian and right an d its claim of Barrington Cranston 294-9859 Israeli governments, each for sovereignty to Judaea, Membershlpa INC. good reasons of their own, arc Samaria and the Gaza dis­ Available genuinely trying to find some trict. In the knowledge that MR. and MRS. Public Invited acceptable solutio n to the other claims exist, ii proposes Palestinian problem. for the sake of the agreement THOMAS H. ROSENFIELD 2) Regardless of the out- and the peace that the ques­ and Children, JOB. JAY and USA comc, Israel is on record as lion of sovereignty in these Wish Their Reloti"9s ond Frifflds NEW YEAR having agreed not to per- areas be tell open." The Camp A Hoppy, Healthy and ProiperCMn THE New Year GREETINGS PASTRY BOX petuatc the present state of af- David agreement stipulates fairs in the administered that "as soon as possible but Paramount ~zing in . areas. Whether or not the not later than the third year NEW YEAR GREETINGS C.ket.._AIIO..-• ♦f Pktinc:tion Palestinians in Samaria, after the beginning of the Fountain Complete line of Judaea, and the Gaza District transition period, negotiation COUNTRY CASUALS arid Restaurant Bolt~ Gooch on::I are completely satisfied with will take place to determine Go.emcw Francis Shoppi"9 Center Porty Posfrie\ the new developments, they the final status of the West Warwick Supply Corp. 739-6590 will nonetheless be able lo Bank and Gaza and its "N•w Arrival al Fall foshions" capitalize on the situation and r c I a Ii on ship w i I h i Is 711 Branch Avenue move slowly toward achieving neighbors." Nothing could be Providence, R. I. increasingly greater measures more explicit: given satisfac­ 272-8000 HOLIDAY GREETINGS of independence. tory progress in Palestinian- MR. and MRS. WIWAM ORLECK 3) Some of the main points Israeli relations and a MYRNA and GARY that self-rule offers the peaceful atmosphere, Israel is 71 Grand View Avenue, Lincoln BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Palestinians arc milestones P!epared even to reconsider EXTEND TO THEIR FRIENDS CHINA STAR toward the fulfillment of their (Continued OD foUowiq pqcj BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR 140 NEWPORT AVENUE EAST PROVIDENa, R.I. Best Wishes Por . . 438-5559 A Happy And Healthy New Year _ _.MIS, SUNDERLAND'S ARNOLD SOIOll SAMSAN CO. Be It STEAKS and 1M ... CHICKEN LOBSTER -. .. us. wish their friends a Happy New Year J.J. WHITE MFG. ~·co. ()pea 4 P. .M . Division of the SAMSAN CO. to 10 P.M . Closed MCNNbys NATHAN VlllER PWOVIDENCE . . RHODE ea.AM) '2:1- 1033 I S1mda)'I and 136 CORLISS STREET, PROVIDENCE 331-6024 HolNlays ...... EXTEND BEST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAYS 12 no011 to 10 P.M DINNU AND HEIDI • DEIORAH C'OCllTAIL"' Wlah All Their NEW YEAR GREETINGS Girt & Pastry Shop Friends and Relat(,... R-servatlons Coll A Happy and Prosperoua Now Year EAST PROVIDENCE BEST -WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAI 1};;7:399{ PAINT 6' WALLPAPER CO., INC. Sunderland's Dlntn( Room Ox-Line Paints 11nd Cocktails SCHUMACHER - IMPERIAL Old Matn Road UNITED 437-1444 SEASIDE FISH CO. 200 WILUTT AV(., EAST , ■ ov1ofNCt:

BEST WISHES POR A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR 9 WARREN AVENUE MR. & MRS. GERALD 5. GOLDSTEIN & Jill EAST PROVIDENCE HEALTHY NEW YEAR 434-3283 BARRETT & CO. A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR INVESTMENTS fstaWitltedin f929 H. CARR & SONS, INC. r?. 4' ' ALBERT J. BENHARRIS 1130 Hospital Trust Building INTERIOR CONTRACTORS ~'ii~~ Providence, I.I. 762 Hope SlrMt · 278-4939 PIOVIDINCI, .. ,. ·- A ...... Happy New Year1.... ~ .... ~---:,,, ... -

28-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 . . WE,W YEAR-GREETING!> Risk and Reason Ml. and MIS. MR. and MRS. VICTOR GOLD (Continued from Prcq:ding Page) GILMOliE'S ARNOLD FEIT AL Happy New Year and Children .FLOWEI anti BITS'Y' HOPE its own sovereign usefulness. If the PLO persists prerogatives. in its present course, it will not .-ooNSOCKET JUDITH ANN SHOP "Ai;:!i:lw Clearly, it is time for the only condemn its own people GLASS and MIRROR SHARI CYNTHIA 76 Taunton Ave;. Extend WWW. Palestinians to demonstrate to even more unnecessary CO., l'.\C. 32 Dartm-th Road Cra111ton East Providence To RelatlWil and Frlendt their readiness to live in peace. hardship and sacrifice, but !'11r.&!\1n • . Ml. and MIS. 434-3667 for the ~ Year The PLO ' s intensified demonstrate its moral terrorist activities will do S h e ppie 0tt88ler and DAVID GOLD 434-3668 bankruptcy for all the world nothing but harden the Israeli Family Joshua Martin position. If the PLO is truly to see. Israel will not succumb Daniel Reuel under pressure, and the 37 Core.v S t·• W'oon•odr~t ;~ 1 • concerned with the interests A Healthyanoftai>PY ortei1on well~ of the Palestinian people, it Palestinian cause will be New Yeor must accept the fact that severely damaged by con­ before deddiig terror has outlived its tinued senseless bloodshed. call 111 for u NEW YEAR GREETINGS accurate, . sincere PAGODA INN analysis of Codrtall Lounge and Dining Room your weU problem Contones. and Polynesian Dishes Persia and the Jews 7315 Post load, North Kingstown, R.I. 294-9900 wm. c. oalll PVT W ft> TAU OUT ~rthup & son - J.,l~U-A- a.. CE ntredale 1-6590 By Dr. Jay N. Fllllllela Li ons al the royal court. These 42~ ·~ ~~1/, Iran was once called Persia, wealthy Jews fin anced the BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR WE SELL & SERVICE JACUZZI Ar-c•_• - -- and when we speak of that an­ PUMPS TANKS . WELL SUPPi.i~ return to Jerusalem . ~ -..:_ - cient land our thoughts go The exiles wh o set fo rth on ROBERTS STUDIO no,...... ·..et ~im- \,t• .. l'rm .. IC .!_: back to the delightful stories their homeward journey in 0111 or Tu11n f 'ull f '. .. 11, ·,·t we remember reading during the spring of the year 537 PASSPORTS e GLOSSIES • pORTRA/TS Best Wishes For o ur childhood of the fabled B.C. E. fo und utter desola­ 26 ARCADE 421-7698 Providence A Happy, Healthy and WITH BEST WISHES Arabian onc-thousand-and­ t io n . Jeru sa lem w as Prosperous New Year FOR A ftAPPY NEW YEAR onc nights. We recall with devastated and in utter ruin. great pleasure the tales o f Th ey fo und o nl y a fe w BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Scheherazade, Aladdin and shepherds who eked out a his wo nderful lamp; the sto ry wretched existence. The coun­ E.P. Anthony, Inc. Ni:W YEAR GREETINGS fr°"' of Sinbad the sailo r, and Ali try had been in vaded and oc­ Apothecary Shop NA THAN SAMDPERll, President Ba ba and the fo rt y th ieves . cupied by surrounding tribes. R.A. Yacino, 8.S. leg. P'tt.- Notary Public ALAN M. SAMDPERll, Vice President We think of Pe rsia as the w h o l oo k e d up o n th e Since 1895 at New England Metal Co., Inc. land of myrrh and roses, the Israelites wi th suspicion and Angel & Thayer Sts., Providence 421-2S 12 vast empire of Da rius-of ha tred . NEMCO 66 Brarich Avenue Providenc,e King A hasuerus a nd t he T he ri rst task the return ing courage and cha rm of his exi les sci for themselves was famous Jewi sh Quee n Esther. 10 put up an alta r on the si te of _BRAE CREST SCHOOL OF BALLET Jews li ved in Persia in great 1he old one . amid the ruins of HOME OF THE BEST WISHES etc. from num be rs fo ll owing the cap­ the Temple, and eagerly Don Henson & everyone at the ture o f Jerusa lem by lhe began layi ng the foundations ST A TE BALLET OF RHODE ISLAND Babylonian King Nebuchad­ o f a new Temple. during Artistic Director TENNIS CENTER nezzar on Tis ha n-B'Av, in 586 which time the y we re content HERCI MARSDEN 934-1530 B.C.E. when the Israelites to li ve in te nts, satisfied wit h a SHERMAN AVENUE, LINCOLN we re carried o ff into captivity. meager existence. so great was BES T WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR The highly deve lo ped their longing to live again in economic life o f 1h e empire o f­ their own homeland. BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR fered unusual oppor1u ni1ies The laying of lhc founda­ 10 the exiles and when the Per­ tion stone of the new Temple THE MILLERS sian King Cyrus conquered di sturbed the neighboring HAPPY HOLIDAYS Miller Corrugated Box Co. Babylonia and offered the tribes who had usurped th e from AMY ond FARIDA of Jews the oppo rtunity of re­ lands the Jews had occupied 11 289 Kilvert Street, Warwick 739-7020 turning 10 Jerusalem. many fo r a thousand years. Since WAYLAND YARN SHOP 1) fo und the country to the ir lik­ the new arriva ls we re under 201 WAYLAND AVENUE I ing a nd perferred lo rema in . the protection of the king of t' Those that returned had Pe rsia, lhe host ile tribes PROVIDENCE I -BEST WISHES- been un able to adjust to a li fe rea lized that a ny dis play of I FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR MANY in exile, and the aged wh o violence would be dangerous 861-4437 I wanted to be buried in the and smothered their resent­ FRIENDS AND PATRONS la nd of their fathers. Many ment. I Jews had become prosperous Since ma ny of the Jews that VERY BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY BALLOU, JOHNSON merchant s in Persia, and some r e m a ined h a d b e en even attained prominent posi- (Continued on following page) AND .PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! Bernard Green I AND from I Best Wishes For A and NICHOLS COMPANY Samuel Green I Happy And Healthy One Wholesale Way Cranston, R.I. 02920 New Year I· pravidence r I corpet 467-3242 I . HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM 626 Reservoir Avenue I UNITED . Cranston, Rhode Island 0291 D r lf I Al(,:et/,, RESTAURANT I OUR SINCERE SUPPLY BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR I 280 fHAYER STREET PROVIDENCE BEST WISHES I\ FOR THE I Specializing · in Italian-American Cuisine co. NEW YEAR SEASON Clarke, Kendall and I· Located on the East Side 621-5397 Bradley, Inc. Open Monday Through Saturday · 361 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS _ Jefferson Blvd. Insurance Service Since 1872 Warwick, R. I. ~ 1216 MAIN STREET WEST WARWICK With Best Wishes For A Very Happy New Year 739 8000 l I NENS e LING ERIE ·- - Wayland SquaN GaNNf! City ALL THE KAPLAN'S . . . BAXTER Jim e Melba • Jerry • Sheila • Dick e Nancy Mindy Beth • Ronnie • Donna • tori BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY & HEALTHY YEAR " ELECTRIC And the Entire Staff At Louis Fink & Co., fine. JAMES KAPLAN, INC. CO., INC. ' "Junie is our business Our truclcs will coll" JEWELERS Established 1901 72 HILLSIDE ROAD GARDEN CITY 24 HOUR SERVICE 2 Ambrose St. DE-1-6135 CRANSTON 8WARREN AVENUE Mr. & Mn. JACK FINK Holiday Greeti'!_f1S and Best Wishes

East Providence . .. ~ .:,-. • I ~ family For a New Year of ..: ) ,_ L, ,t.34.398-l --en ,...... 1aac1;- &aMhln ·- J ~olth, ·Pecn:--e and~Pten,1 -- - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-29

HOLIDAY GflEETINGS New Year Greetinos from HAPPY NEW YEAR A VERY, HAPPY NEW YEAR_­ MIS. COIA OOU>MAN WT SIDI AIINOUYS .. GANNON 1i5a.ac.Aw- Persia and the Jews PRESCRtPr1()N CINTH MOTOICYQI CO .. INC. Morine Division MI. and MIS. (ELGIN PHARMACY) & 516 .... SfrNt MILTON GOU>MAN 632 Hope Stroot SCOTT Ma_,__tts • 421-3391 (Continued from Preceding Page) 751-1430 INC . . assimilated, their hope was great similarity wlth present A Hoppy New Year "R.linets of that this comparatively small day Israel, a beleaguered state . llOL. and IISS. Gold & Si/yer," ANDIE'S number would also ultimately completely encircled by BEAUTY SALON BERYL SEGAL lost W...,_. for tho Now v- 530 Wellington Avenue merge with their neighbors. belligerent Arab countries. 176 Mothe-n St. ChlJdnn OaMton, I.I. The Samaritans were par• They were compelled to be on ~ l'roviclence ticularly flexible. They them• constant guard against raids Grandc,hl)d,- VIENNA BAKERY 711-2230 621-3611 selves were a mixed race-a and attack, and grew even N Ondlill Road blend between the remnants more inclined to adopt a con• 110 Maple Avenue of the ancient kingdom of ciliatory policy towards the Wlah Their Relatives Barrington NEW YEAR OREETINOS Samaria; and the Assyrian surrounding tribes. It became and Prlenda colonists whom King Sargon a policy not of assimilation A Happy New Year 245-2355 SGAMBATO BROS . . had introduced to help but of concession. - -- - - rebuild the devastated towns. Such an attitude could have 603 WooDa.8/iuatucket Avenue North Providence Even their Teligion was a proved extremely dangerous - CE 1-9781 mixture, a combination of the had not the Babylonian Jews HOLIDAY GREETINGS old Samaritan structure of the recognized the danger, and NEWELL FUEL & LUMBER CO. worship of Jehovah , the resorted to the Torah, which YARNS AND NEEDLECRAFTS Almighty God , and the was a compendium of the 30 Monticello Road, Pawtucket, R.I. paganism the new arrivals Law, a collection of the rules 728-7900 59 Putnam Ave., Johnston brought with them . The that regulated everyday life, 231-1570 Samaritans looked favorably placing it above the writing of ~EST.WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW .Y_EAR upon the Israelis as kinsmen, the prophets. The Jewish law and extended the hand of was a record of life itself, and NEW YEAR GREETINGS friendship. The chieftan, San- the Babylonian Jews made it NEW ENGLAND FINANCIAL GROUP ballat, sent a messenger to themeaningoftheirexistence. and NORTH CENTRAL AIRWAYS, Inc. Judah, requesting to be ad- Thus, when the Jews lost their KATES PROPERTIES milted into the Judean com- kingdom. and were dispersed Executive Cliarter. Sorvic~ ond , 1.« WESTMINSTER STIEET 751-1600 Fliglit Training munity, and to share in the for almost two thousand rebuilding of the Temple. The ' years, the essence of Judaism Nortli Centro/ State Airport pious elders would have no remained intact. Israel Terminal Bldg., Smitlillold part of these people whom remained ever present as a BEST WISHES 1"0R A HAPPY NEW YEAR NEW YEAR GREETINGS 333-1212 they regarded as pagans, and spiritual homeland for the LUMB MOTORS, INC. rejected their offer. Jew. o.,._oblle Best Wishes For A Happy Holiday The Samaritans angry at The tremendous problems being repulsed, resorted to the Jews faced in Judea caused OUR QUALITY POLICY C06TS YOU NO MOHS' Conimicut · every means at their disposal concern in Babylon. They PA 6-IHI to hinder the work on the realized the plight of their Phar:macy, Inc. Temple. By appealing to cer- co-regionists, particularly the tain friendly Persian officials, priest Ezra, who worked with WE WISH All OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS 739 West Shlore Rd,, Warwick' 737-M25· that the Jews were spending great zeal among Jews of A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR all their time on the Temple Babylon and Persia in per­ BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR instead of rebuilding the city, suading them to accept the ARTHUR and JUDY BERGEL s ucceeded in h avi ng its Torahasthelawoflife, which BPCCE CLUB and children reconstruction halted, and for they were duty bound to obey. STEVEN, LORI and RHONDA fifteen years the Temple After firmly establishing tbe 226 ST. LOUIS AVENUE remained uncompleted. T o r ah in Pc rs i a, he . WOONSOCKET, R.1 . As soon as the work trans,crred his activities to stopped, the zeal which had Judea. Having A Party? inspired the people ebbed. The conditions Ezra found · Finally the prophets Haggai on his arrival here filled him CALL A HEALTHY AN> HAPPY NEW YEAR and Zachariah arose, who with dismay. He was appalled rekindled the interest and by the prevalence of mixed The Curly Caterpillar energy of the population, ap• marriages. So great was his in­ RENT ALLS, INC. pealed to the Persian King, fluen ce that all mixed , ..... a-s Dhlin 283 Main St., Downtown Pawtucket, R.I . and secured permission to marriages were dissolved, and 724-7480 resume work on the Temple. everything pagan was ex­ 0 , •• ~ With renewed interest the eluded from Jerusalem. Ezra Israelites set themselves to the considered these extreme 725-3779 task and in four years time the measures necessary for the BEST WISHES FOR NEW YEAR GREETINGS Temple was completed, and preservation of the race and A HAPPY & h.:ALTHY NEW YEAR WEINTRAUB'S DISCOUNT STORES consecrated with great solem• its religion. nity. Ezra's reform confirmed WARWICK PAWTUCKET Although the rcconstruc- the people in a new way oflife, lion of the Temple had been but by doing so provoked the Post Road 467-8963 320 Dexter St. 726-9170. ):lT\:>n i\:l,t> i'"\'l'\ll') - accomplished, Judah still hostility of neighboring tribes remained an insignificant Per- . who felt that they were re­ THE BUREAU OF . NORTH KINGSTOWN sian province, surrounded by garded by the Jews as inferior. JEWISH EDUCATION 6835 Post Rd . 884-9656 · hostile neighbors. There was a (Contfoued onrollowing page) ------OF RHODE ISLAND BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW -YEAR 130 Sessions Street, Providence

MR. and MRS. EARL J. RESNICK btends Best Wishes For A Happy New Year ESCO DRUG To The Entire Community And CordKJlly Invites All &FAMILY To Make Use Ot Its Foc ilities For The Advancement And Enrichment Of Jewish Education COMPANY 51 llchloncl lcl. EQUIPMENT & SUPPUiS CraMten Wi,h Their friend, & relati- a Happy, Healthy, New Year PRESCRIPTIONS ', NEW YEAR GREETINGS 421-1887 ... Office Buil~in!! ~t R. I. Hospital BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR SETIAN 110 LOCl

Roberts Best Wishes For A Happy & NEW YEAR GREETINGS A VERY HEALTHY NEW YEAR . TQ Ot)R FRl~NDS & CU$TOMERS Woodworking Co. ·I from HARBAR'S SHOES UNITED SURGICAL CENTERS· WAYLAND A~UI 274-3666 . 27 CENTRE ST., PAWTUCKff and Its employNS 190 Specializing in wood turning 685 Parle Ave., Cranston, R. I. "Sltop lot "1ppagallo" and repairing . of fine furniture 711-2166 0po,." Menday ~h Pric1aJ Ito 4:30 p.m. "Headquarters Fo, Ali , MR. and MIS: ALIHT MANDL Call 722-9578 Your. Surgical Needi" andlARIAIA I .; --·------f J ·1 I ~ \_ . d 1: ' ' I I I ) I ,_, f • • • I ' ' - l I I ) :J, • I - ' 30-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979

NEW YEAR GREETINGS BIIBT WlSBBB POR A HAPPY, . HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR DYNAMIC AUTO PARTS Persia and the Jews 479 SMITHFIELD AVI., PAWTUCKET 725-3444 DUll.~TOME CO., IMC. ~SSSUSSSSSAUCW4-4SSSSSSSASW! 126 POST ROAD WARWICK ·u~n. R. 1: - (Continued from Prccedjng Page) 715-2334 To ensure unity, the Torah tyranny of Rome. was arranged in ita final form Ong: again the Jews easily NEW YEAR GREETINGS by Ezra, and proclaimed as defeated a Roman army un­ W. ROUNDS MR. and MRS. SAMUEL WEINBERG the law of the Jewish people. der (he command of lupus. . T. CO. and son, DR. MARC WEINBERG It gave the Jews a realization However, the insurrection and 17 Tulip Circle, Garden 0ty of the spiritual treasure that proved hopeless. Trajan dis­ T. W. ROUNDS 1Nt WW. for a Happy and Healthy New v- lay buried in their past. patched new armies that he Under the protection of collected from the provinces, TRAVEL SERVICE Persia, die Jews enjoyed a and in the year 117 A.D. long period of peace, but in Lucius Quietus suppressed HOLIDAY GIIHTINGS A Healthy and Prosperous time Persia was conquered by the uprising with great Alexander the Great. The slaughter. Enraged about the New Year to All fr.om Romans that came on the endless revolts, the Jewish EDDY'S EXXON scene later, were less for­ colonists in Alexandria and tunate, and army after army Cyprus wwere completely ex­ SERVICE STATION Antonio's Coiffures, Inc. was destroyed by the Persians, terminated. 713 HOPE STIEET and for a time Palestine During this tragic period formed part of the Parthian Trajan died and was followed 131-9619 837 HO_fE STREET Empire. When Palestine by Hadrian, who negotiated TOWING SERVICE - became a Roman province, with the Jews and promised PROVIDENCE Parthia aided the Jews in that they could rebuild many of their battles against Jerusalem and also the Tem­ 861-8887 Rome, and the Jews of ple. They no sooner lay down .______.., toPalestine aid their also Parthian supplied allies troops, as their arms than Hadrian an­ nounced th a t Jerusalem Rome was constantly engaged would become a pagan city GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR A in border wars, in an attempt and the Temple a temple to NEW YEAR to put an end to Parthian in­ Jupiter. OP HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND · PROSPERITY cursions, but never succeeded • from all the four quarters in subduing them. of the Diaspora men poured During the dyn as tic into the country for th is last FRANK DUPUIS struggles that often occurred struggle with Rome. The in Palestine, Parthia would of­ Jewish leader, Bar Kochba, a ten render aid to the rival man of gigantic strength, was COMPANY Israelite claimant to the appointed on the authority of 599 Main _Street, Pawtucket throne, and if it became Rabbi Akeba. The revolt 'PAwtucket 2-0080 necessary to nee the wrath of s pread with lightnin g the Romans, could always be rapidity. FUEL .(>IL AND AUTOMATIC HEATING ass ured of sanctuary in Unfortunately, there was Parthia. The Roman Emperor no Josephus lo write an a'c­ Trajan finally inaugurated a counl of this final revolt. great campaign against Although, as in other in­ Parthia and invaded surrections, ii met with con­ NEW YEAR GREETINGS Mesopotamia and Adiabene. siderable early success and which had a large Jewish pop­ with the recovery of Jeru­ l ulation, and which in its turn salem, but was doomed to I\ initiated a Holy War against failure. This tiny country was I I NORWO.OD MOTORS Rome. The revolt quickl) no match for the massive I spread to Palestine where power of Rome. I hope was renewed of finally The lea d i ng Roman I CHEVROLET being liberated from the (Continued on following page) I


Our Very Best Wishes 208 Wayland Avenue FROM ALL OF US AT · Providence For A Happy & Healthy GA 1-2712 CHARLEY'S TWO New Y~ar DISCOUNT SHOE STORE To All Our Relatives & Friends NEW YEAR GREETINGS ' Jerry & Sheila GISO BROS. 480 RESERVOIR AVE., CRANSTON WHOLESALERS Shaulson and-sons, 81-85 ROLFE ST. 461-5530 CRANSTON 401-467-7810 J .David, Joseph & · ,.....,.., caily, IINllll&....,.W., MR. AND MRS...... ,,,..., , Samuel · ....,.._ ..... BRIAN NIHILL 98 sheffi.ld Rd. Cranston THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979-31

AL'S SHELL "SERVICE Persia and the Jews BEST WISHES POR THE NEW YEAR BATTERIES & ACCESSORIES­ BARNES RUBBER CO., INC. FIRESTONE TIRES-TUBES -•DD DIAlH FOIi - lllANO n&ESTONE TJJU;S 820 HOP£ STREET 621-0060 (Continued from Preceding Page) 750 .._,,_ _Avenue, Crcw,st"'!_ 143-1616 BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR ' general, Julius Severus, was new city, Aelia Capitolina recalled from Britain, and the erected, into which no Jew powerful Roman military was all owed to enter. The BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR j machine with its huge, well devastation brought abo ut by trained army proved invinci­ the Romans in suppressi ng VIC GEMMA'S UNION TOOL CO., INC. b I e . P a l esti n e w as these revolts left a permanent GRAND JEWELRY 387 CHARLES STREET, PROVIDENCE methodically reduced, and mark , from wh ich it did not Jerusalem recaptured. The recover until the creation of DIAMOND APPRAISERS 421-8696 last place to offer resistcnce the State of Israel - nineteen 187 Wfttminster Street, Providence 421-4051 was the mountain fortress of hundred years later. Beth-Ther, which fell after a Like the phoenix , that an­ Happy Mew Year stubborn defense on the 9th of cient bird of mythology, Israel New Year GrNtlng• MR. and MRS. EDWARD 0. ADLER Ab, whi ch was the anniver­ arose from its ashes more TOURTELLOT & CO., INC .. Elan and Susan sary of a double national vigorous and more beautiful disaster. than ever: a symbol of immor­ Harris Avenue MR. and -MRS. ETHAN J. ADLER A harrow was drawn over tality, an emblem of resurrec­ Jenifer Ho~ and Dori Kaye the site of Jerusalem. and a tion . Providence, R. I. MRS. HARRY A.-SCHWARTZ Growing Up In The BEST WISHES FOR A VER Y HAPPY NEW YEAR and FAMILY Moritz Beauty Salon 71 Hartshorn Road WISH RELATIVES AND FRIENDS A HAPPY, HEALTHFUL Jewish Tradition 97 New London Avenue f- Of'" Appointment CALL 9◄◄ - 9717 AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR By ROlli 8orHn Rosh Hashana is a time for big family meals, for getting I stuffed to overflowing, we MR. and MRS. have an additional tradition. TOWN ELECTROPLATING CO. WILLIAM BUTTERMAN Tradition In order to assure ourselves a 1 78 George Waterman Road, Johnston 718 ARMISTICE BLVD., Weight Watchers said it's sweet year to cornc, we start PAWTUCKET · all my fau lt. That I was the New Year by eating slices 231-5011 Extend Best Wllhet for a Happy, Healthy responsible for the extra of apples that have been dip­ NEW YEAR GREETINGS and P-rous New Year ' pounds that keep hanring pcd into th ick, rich honey . around my frame . And, rather Naturally, since I don't want than argue, I used to accept to have just a borderl ine year Best Wishes For The New Year the blame. But no more. Let of sweet, I am very generous BES T WISHES FOR Tt

BEST WISHES BEST WISHES FOR A NEW YEAR FOR A HAPPY LOUIS L. ROTTENBERG .OF HEAL TH , HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY NEW YEAR CHILDREN and :J)e Un Elizabeth GRANDCHILDREN &aul'ISafon Webbing Mills Co. Wishes His Friends and Relatives 1563 CRANSTON STREET 521 Roosevelt Ave. Central Falls A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 723-0500 CRANSTON 942-2660


HENRY W. COOKE CO. ilLAtfDER FROM f hinese and Polynesian LILA and JOHN 623 HOSPITAL TRUST BLDG. Restaurant PROVIDENCE, R. I. 2318 West Shore Road, SAPINSLEY 421-5350 Warwick, R.I. RTE. 117 738-9861

BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY.AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Our Sincere Best Wishes For -Health, · MR. and MRS. LOUIS ROTH of Happiness and- Prosperity THE FAMILY AT TICKET John luke and - Hor ROTH AGENCY China Palace 130 Westminster Street (Arcade Building) Would Uke To Take This Opportunity -Congressman and Mrs. To Wish All -Their Friends . 75·1-0200 - 751-0202 A PROSPEROUS & HAPPY NEW YEAR Fernand J. St Germain Catering for a/I occasions 438-5227 :_ CHOICE SEATS FOR AU ATTRACTIONS -:.:._ We Now Serve Your fovorife Cocktails 332-334 Warren Avenue E. Providence BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Growing Up In The NEW YEAR GREETINGS ' .SETH LEWIS .SHOES MARBIL CLEANERS SHOPPEIS'TOWN, TAUNTON AVENUE ns HOPE STREET Jewish Tradition 1'19VIDINCE EAST PROVIDENCE (Continued from Preceding Page) 434-6155

maybe a hard-boiled egg and Passover celebration unless some slices of - and NEW YEAR GREETINGS BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR one is at least ten pounds then I go home to a lavish underweight. & HAIRDRESSERS DR. and MRS. JOSEPH BELINSKY meal of several gourmet In the first place, we eat TOWN COUNTRY 739 POST ROAD cour~. through two Seders, one on Hair Styling by Mr. Leigh WARWICK · By this time my clothes each of the first two nights of have gotten too tight to zip the Passover. Either one 705 PARK AVENUE WI 1-6690 CRANSTON up, so it's just as well that the would rival the fallcning scason·s arc beginning to power of the most lavish change and the winter clothes Thanksgiving feast. And then NEW YEAR GREETINGS arc reappearing. Not that the Lhcrc is that Jillie side treat, SEASON'S GREETINGS UNIVERSAL WIPING CLOTH COMPANY winter clothes fit any better . True, matzo isn 't fat­ than the summer ones, but tening all by itself. but who AMERICAN CARD CO., INC. 25 Morris lane, East Providence their bulk provides excellent cats matzo all by itself'! The 421-0841 camouflage while I diet. And true matzo afficicnado covers 35 BAKE& STREET, PROVIDENCE IAIIIIY LEVINE just as my winter clothes begin it with (rendered ROpkjna 7-8%78 to look as though they might chicken fat) or, not having be my size after all, I run schmaltz, with butler and salt. WITH BEST WISHES FOR A NEW YEAR headlong into Chanukah. Either way. I need a calculator BEST WISHES . FOR THE NEW YEAR OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS ANO PROSPERITY Althoug_h the symbols for to add up the calories. )l Chanukah arF menorahs and · After Passover. it takes a MR. and MRS. IRVING PALOW candles- all non-fattening­ few weeks lo even think about _ 5'.:anJ,nu.),uu H~ there is one traditional food dieting, but then , just as rm and son, BOBBY that is eaten during the eight beginning lo achieve a lillle 1194 South Broadway, East Providence 1507 POST ROAD, WARWICK 739:0053 days of the festival , crisply success. I bump smack into MR. and MRS. GARY DREYFUS fried polalo . And no Shavuoth. the holiday 1ha1 and son, BRIAN LEE one can cat just one potato A HAPPY NEW YEAR traditionally features dairy lalke, especiall y when ii is foods. During Shavuoth. Oshkosh, Wisconsin . DA PONTE BROTHERS smot hered in either sour tradition dictates 1ha1 I eat FURNITURE CO. cream or applesauce . such slenderizing delicacies as II takes a long time to blintzes and sour cream and 245 Child St., Warren recover from Chanukah. Bui, c heesecake. All of which 245-67~ with great will power, I do ii. brings me back 10 and beyond 64 Hillside Rd. And I am trim for about a my Passover problem. Gorden City week . Then I come face to face Needless 10 say. 101al figure &ottet1s and MRS. HAROLD HANZEL wit h Tu Bi-Shcvat. recovery is a monumental MICHAEL, DONNA, JODI , ROBBI, ARI DR. Tu Bi-Sheval isn't such a task . By the time I can finall y U LEHNER DR. and MRS. JEFFREY HANZEL fattening holida y-the begin lo ,ip up my clothes, P "We All Wear Le-,is " traditional foods arc dates, WISH YOU A JOYOUS NEW YEAR and IOD, MICHAEL there ii is. Rosh Hashana figs . raisins and bokser (the again . DR. MELVIN HANZEL fruit of the carob trce)-all of which may have a lot of EXTEND BEST WISHES calorics. don't have 100 much II FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR staying rower. Bui enough BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO THEIR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS docs stay 10 make sure I am New Clothes not 100 thin al the start of As far as I know. clothing is ~ C.t,,

ROSS~SIMONS DICK CRANSTON FORD SALES, INC. RTE. 2, EAST GREENWICH, R.I. 02818 Officers and Board of the JEWELERS 884-4000 New England Region With Best Wishes For A 136 Route 5 290 Westminster Mall New Year of Health And Happiness Warwick, R.I. -Providence, R.I. , Rhode Island District 738-6700 351-9280 of the

308 County Road IJ.RIJ,1&S-DIU NUIUIIIY Zionist Organization Barrington, R.I. FvN la""- Senion 245-5350 New Lawns • ,_ Service Tep IINNI,. Of America Sa...... ia-.. Select Nursery Stock MlniatvNS Novelties Extend Their Greetings ._,. Plants BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY, BEST WISHES To The Entire Jewish Community _ FOR A a Farnum StNet, '1awtvcket HEALl-HY Af;ID PROSPEROJJS NEW YEAR For The New Yeo r HAPPY NEW YEAR _72~05


145 No. Broadway HAMPTON, STEIMLE & WING INC. East Pro.,W.nce, I. I. . ' ,. . - 4340551 923 ..,.Ital fruit ...... Oven-Kin• Product• ~. I.I. 02903 (401) 274-3750 ______.,,..,,,....., = =- - - -

BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Growing Up In The BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR EXCELL Manufactuf'ing Co. . TO . OUR- JEWISH- FRIENDS... . AND CUSTOMERS.. - CHAINS ·- Jewish Tradition American Insulation And Roofing Co. 200 Chestaut Street 421-5957 (Continued from Preceding Page) CUSTOM MADE STORM WINDOWS & DOORS had me dress in a neat, clean, something that would be very 141 Mo«e s,,..,, Warwick 737-7316 proper fashion. But "neat,"- fashionable, very nattering, , Mr. and Mn. Theod- H. Such "clean" a nd " proper." do not very eye-catching and still be 'i necessarily coincide with utilitarian enough! to please " new" or "stylish." Clothing my mother. To find the right in my family was strictly a outfit took very close BEST WISHES utilitarian commodity, and if watching of newspaper and what I owned would keep me magazine ads, took weekly FOR A HAPPY AND HEALTHY warm in the winter and com- browsing through the depart­ NEW YEAR fortable in the summer, my ment stores to check the man­ parents could see no reason nikins, but most importantly, for further discussion. took hours of discussion with LOUISQUISSET GOLF CLUB In fact, no argument on the my_girlfriends. .&ALbENPACifAC~ 600 WOOOWARD RO .• NO. PROV .. R.I. 2276 WARWICK AVE., WARWICK subject ever succeeded. • "Would it be too shocking "The colors a rc fading in if I bought a kelly green my dressy dress. And the blouse to go with a navy jum­ RHODE ISLAND'S FINEST party on Saturday night is per0 " really special. Can't I please .-.This backless dress is PUBLIC GOLF COURSE get a new one?" I pleaded. gorgeous, but my mother charlesgate "Are there holes in the wouldn't let me try it on, let dress• No!" - my mother alone buy it." BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR . Nu-silg Center a lways answered her own "Maybe I should get a suit IIAIN TO·DIIVI questions-"So what if the this year instead of a dress." --~ dress is a lillle paler than it After all. my friends would ALBRIGHT AUTO ~~; used to be. It still fits good." be gelling their new dress out­ Or fit s too, and I wouldn't want !tit --- .~-· ,;Couldn' t I have a dress 10 be the only one who bought DRIVING SCHOOL coat0 My school coat looks so something less than perfect. One ol Ille 1o,_, and Old•t s1,,.. 1941 bea_t up," I nagged. Looking back at the whole Dual StNri"I Con,..,, • lnturanco Dncount C.rtlflcatos "Will a dress coat keep you thing now. I realize that Rosh Compot-1, C-rt_, Service • l'ay A, You Leam any warmer than your schoo l Hashana and Passover were coat O No' And you take your probably only mino r con­ Tel. 274-0520 coat o ff once you get inside sidcrations in my gelling new "Gift Cerllficalft Available" anyway_ .. - clo thes a t that time. True, fo r The o nl y a rgument that Rosh Has hana my mo ther might ha ve ha d any weig ht in wa nted me to greet the New gelling me new clothes was a Yea r in the synagogue look­ A New Conclpt In Nlning Care complaint that the garment in ing as spec ial as po ssible. and Offlring Thi f°IIINt In HNldl Care Serw:a ques ti o n was too small fo r me. ii made her happy to sec me But that never happened look as fes tive as I felt when I Char1esgate is a !l-;11. Clca4>ationa1 Reaeatoonal therapistsl si,e 100 big. mo re to the point was the fact fo, •11•1io11 plNN c:a11 ...• , .... My mother's st ubbornness that I was a growing child 0,..,,,. llrodwn. never stopped me from and, even with buying my last 100~ SnM. ,_.._, dreaming about the world of year'< dress outfit a si,e too BEST WISHES located opposite Moll-,c:t Medal Canter. fa shion and elegant styling. big. I had probably outgrown however, because I knew my it. ' A Happy & Prosperous Holida lo all our friends. dreams weren't wasted . I Years have passed and now knew that eventua ll y Rosh I make my own decisions Hashana or Passover-would about what kind of clothing to be here and. even without b11 y. I can even buy new out­ having Lo as k. my mother fit s whenever my budget FORA would take me s hopping for a allows it. And I have fina ll y new outfit. come to the mature un- Because that new outfit dcrstanding of the would be my only fancy significance a nd beauty of the c lo thing for the next six Rosh Has hana a nd Passover lfapt>J months, I s pent several services, holidays to be valued HAPPY, months. at least, planning for their own worth. None­ w hat it should be. I wanted (Continued on following page) NearYear HEALTHY AND . -f«/ams-DRUG The Sholar Sounds ... the day for contemplation and prayer is here . . God is the creator of the wor1d , remember­ PROSPEROUS ing all things. revealing Himself &tends Best w~11es to us. Awake ( for A New Yror of Health, Happiness and NEW YEAR! Prosperity

Best Wishes For A New Year of Happiness, Health and Prosperity from outlet department-stnres THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS FOR A COMPf.ETE LINE OF HOLJDA Y FOODS OF TEMPLE BETH DA YID­ V ANSHEI · KOVNO Ylelt Your Local , ,.' ··- "'--" . Flnast or Big Buy 8upermarket .THE MOTHERS' ASSOCIATION Oeftll8 Flah • NoodlN • Honey .. - · · and the · ? Honeradlsh • • Soup. _( Nuts•MatzoMNl•CalCIIM=.:· _. , ,._ ·.·,,, . ·--™ ~MEN'S CLUB -~'

. - 1 M+ _. .. ~ ••~ ~ ~ '1~•..:J,:.'-A' , l/\/ -,Y,...J * ~ • ;, ..'ft. ..►.,.~ .,.._ ...,...., <.' • '!: • "!'\I • ., -:...... _ , t ~ !( , ..~ ..•~ 4 ~'j'>, :1',"- ' . " '-."'- •~ :, ~,.I _.,•,1:•~•"."'"''" -U::,.~ :.~ ,/II ~~.n~~~~!"-!",,!"."!"'_,..,~~~•~•-.aTIONS stay in business. 754 Branch Ave., Prov., R.I . TEl-2150 MAIN PLANT: 821-4850 "I want sou pen greens," I III would announce to the man who owned the fruit and Language vegetable store. No, he didn ·1 Arden Engineering Co. A child who is born and hand me a bowl of soup and a grows up in New York City is head of lelluce. What I got With Best Wishes For A 4M-2500 guaranteed to be able to speak 60 T&J'lor Drive East Pro'tidence was some parsley, a leek. a New Year of Health and Happiness English. But a child who is parsnip, a carrot and a few BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY, HEALTHY born and grows up in a home stalks of celery, all wrapped in AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR where is the basic an old newspaper. These were language albeit in New York soup greens. used to navor the City - means that the child Friday night KEVIN A. McKENNA will speak English tinged with that was eaten from a soupen a Yiddish Oavor. plate with a soupen leffel. l 010 Turks Head Building Best Wishes For A And so it was with me . " Please give me the patron Although I spoke Yiddish that my grandmother o r­ Providence, R.I. Happy and Healthy New Year almost exclusively until I was dered." I said to the lad y in three. I had no problem with the dry goods store. And the English by the time I entered saleslady didn't pull out an kindergarten. In fact. all the embalmed customer for me . Kelley Metals Corp. word th at I needed to use to What she handed me was a get along in school-book, dress pattern which she had 115 Valley Street pencil. May I please leave the stored underneath the coun­ East Providence, R.I. room'-1 could pronounce in ter. a proper. unaccented English . Eve n when I breathlessly 434-8795 Outside of school. however, told my lilllc Christi an friends SYDNEY SUPPLY CO. I sometimes confused English that my parents had been in­ words with Yiddish words. vited to "a real banket," my TAKE TIME For example, I was surprised friends were not co nfused. Take Time la think - II is the source af power . to learn that in American Not for a moment did they Take Time la play - II is the secret af perpetual youth . consider that my parents had restaurants one could not get Take Time la read - II is the fountain af wisdom. a guppel or lcffcl. Those uten­ been invited to something th at BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR si ls worked fine for me at wa s a cross between a blanket Take Time la pray - II is the greatest power an earth. home, but how could I get and a miniature savi ngs in­ Take Tim, la lave and bt laved - II is a God -given privilege. hold of them when eating out0 sti tution. They knew al o nce Take limo la bt friendly - II is the road la happiness. But between extremes of that my parents were going to Take Time lo laugh - II is the music af the soul. nuent Yiddish and perfect a sumptuous feast, a banquet. MAGCO PLASTICS INC. Tako Time lo give - II is tao short a day la bt selfish . English I also spoke a hybrid It was only when the Yid­ Take Time la wart - II is the price af success. 4 Mill St., Cumberland English, which was really dish pronunciations were ac­ English tinged with a Jewish ci dentall y transformed into Take Time la da charily - II is the key la heaven. 723-8200 viewpoint . (Continued on following page)


23 Dexter St. Pawtucket, R.l. 1 726-8937 BEST WISHES

FOR THE NEW YEAR SYLVIA • ARLENE • MARTY lol"IWlldif•Mlnlltl By ltttlnt Your Husband Teach You ..., WNdt ,_ C. By Latting A Frlffld Tuch Ytltl BEA • LIL

BenBaker IE5HANA TOVA TIK05IVU , .. 550 Pawtucket.. Ave., Pawtucket I ... 15 Winslow Strttt, Eat ,,.,; R,t

l·I ~ ~-...··" ,._ -...... _...... ~ ,...__._...._ ...... ).•--- THE R HODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER020', 1919_.:_35

MB. AND MRS. A Happy New Year HOWARD & FIIEDDA Growing Up In The EDWARD GOLDIN NEW YEAR GREETINGS . TOlMAN from PAYETTE TRUCK Ellen, Sherry 15 JUDY TEHACE BODY MFG. CO, and Donna NATHAN, MARTHA WEST WARWICK Jewish Tradition GAIL and STEVEN 65 Dyervllle Ave., Johntton BEST WISHES FOR Extend Best Wishes LURY . EL 1-071 I A HAPPY NEW YEAR (O>ntinued from preceding page) For A Happy 90 LYNDON ROAD · other English words that there breakfast, d inner and supper. New Year CRANSTON was any real confusion. Like Lunch, the meal. was going to the sliding pond. Best Wishes For A ANNA DEL SANTOS something the Gentile ladies and AU THE GIRLS of When I told my mother that I ate at Schrafft's al noon time. Healthy and Happy was going to spend an afler­ A lunch for th.e Jewish lady Our Best Wish.. For A New Year To Our COZY CORNER noon at the sliding pond, she was a status symbol, a piece of Healthy and Friends and Relatives BEAUTY SALON ne ver worried that I might furniture upo n which one AJ. SPOKES Happy New Year 224 Capuano Ave. d rown, although my Gentile could recline during the day if 795 HOPE ST. MR. and MRS. MR . AND MRS. Cranston friends might have wondered one were tired - and had the PROVIDENCE HAROLD N. 942-9851 where I had fou nd a pond in time. MORRIS WINKLEMAN Wish their friends the middle of the concrete that "M y Abe bought me a 751-8129 SATLOFF AND FAMILY a Happy New Year is New Yo rk City. What I beautiful purple ve lvet lunch and Sons, David Paul mea nt , of course, was a slide for our anni versary." EXTENDS BEST WISHES Lewis Marc and up on, located in the Today. of cour e. we use a FOR A VERY Robert Barry playground section of o ur lounge. rather tha n a lunch. HAPPY AND HEALTHY schoolyard . Apparently Yid­ but it is no less pleas urable. NEW YEAR 19 Ray Street Best Wishes For The New Year dish cound not cope with a n At this poi nt in my life I Providence " upon" so the two -. ords. have become so Americaniud Providence Watch Hospital thrown together became a that while I can still under­ 69 Dorrance Street, Providence po nd . stand and speak Yiddish. m} NEW YEAR GREETINGS And then there was the accent is totall y buried . For­ ELMGROVE BEAUTY SALON mailer of lunch. Lunch. in tunately, though, I ha ve not All Branches of Beauty Culture case you've never heard the buried my Yiddis h strengths 421-3274 NEW YEAR GREETINGS term. has nothing to do with or my affection fo r th ose im ­ 1:ating. ~ince lhc three meals nugrants wh o me!t a foreign 141 Elmgrove Ave. NEW ENGLAND EGG SERVICE eaten in a Jewish househ old in la nguage head-on and made it New Y o rk Ci t y were their own . 257 Jewett Street HOLIDAY GREETINGS 521-9170 RAPHAEL PAOLA, INC. High Holidays For Insurance for Every Need MR. and MRS. JEROME HOROWITZ ' 183 Ninth St,Ht 617 PAIi AVENUE 711-6060 CRANSTON MR . dnd MRS . STEl'tlEN BAUTISTA Jewish Military Personnel MR. and MRS. SIDNEY CARL HOROWITZ Sharon Beth and Jeffrey David and MR . and MRS. STEVEN HOROWITZ Jeremy and Jonke NEW YORK - The High use during Rosh Hashana, MR. and MRS. J9SEPH BLOCK Extend Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year Holy Days this year will be Yorn Kippur. Sukkot, Shem­ observed by U.S. Jewish mili- ini Alzcret and Sim hat 1 Summer Street, Narragansett tary personnel and their fami- Torah. Extend Best Wishes For a Happy New Year NEW YEAR GREETINGS lies in such fa r-flung places as Services will run the gamut Germany, Grcccc, Turkey, from large assemblies in base E. P. FOURNIER CO .. INC. Italy and the Far East as well chapels to small gatherings New England'• No. 1 as in the U.S .• 1hrough ar- on isolated sites or ships at American Moto, Dealen rangcments made by Jewish sea. They will be held in the BACK STREET SALON chaplains and the Jewish earl y snows or freezes of 939 Newporl Ave., Pawtud

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH W. RESS Ml. and MAS. WAUAa H. GENSEi MR. and MRS. and Family High-Holidays For And Family LOUIS I. SWEET 486 COLE AVENUE 40 c.da, Pond Dr. W-'

I a good year" 1 ( Best Wishes For A Healthy and Happy New Year " THE MING GARDEN

Rosh Hashena. .. Yorn Kq)ur: The beginni'1g ol a New Yea, with new hopes Md a-eatns for health, P E R S I M M O 'N RO 0-M prosperity and peace in the wor1d.


.NEW YEAR GREETINGS Yom Kippur in Israel Best Wishes ·For How A Whole Country Closes Down A Healthy and SCHOOL BUS RAY MON,D L. HORRIDGE a.ntals & Otart•ing For A Day Of Spiritual Stocktaking Happy New Year and AS SOCIA TES CALL 166 Lavan, Warwick, RI 02888 (Continued from preceding page) COLBERT'S SECURITY 467~8844 785-2150 And then we have a uni­ sheds accurate light on the SERVICES INC. UNITED TRUCK With Best Wishes for a quely Israeli phenomenon: on subject. In this project about & BUS· Yom Kippur the crime rate 1,600 people were asked to 150 Carolina Ave. SERVICE; _CO. New Year of Health & Happiness decreases dramatically. All express their level of ob­ Providence 12$ ~--Sttttt types of crimes plummet. It servance of various Jewish 467-7790 appears that even the Jewish · customs and ceremonies. Providence, I .I. 02907 criminals (and there arc This national survey showed, such!) tend to take a break. for instance, that 6% of all HAPPY NEW YEAR Maybe they want to give the men pray at a synagogue policemen a chance to pray! daily, while 23% pray there BUFFERMAN (One of the fathers of each Shabbal. FLOOR CARE SERVICE CORP. Zionism once stated that we Proleuional Carpet and Upholstery Cleanins, Ser-vice would not have a truly nor­ Three Out or Four Fast mal country until we had the In regard 10 fasting on 731-4728 first Jewish burglar. From Yo m Kippur. on the other this point 9f view, Israel is in­ hand, no less than 74% of all deed, for belier o r wo rse, a men and wo men clai m that normal country.) they fast o n that day. This Best Wishes For A Shedding Accurate Llght mea ns that three out o f every Who then docs "mind the fo ur peo ple in the entire Happy New Year sto rc··o Of co urse. there a re country do fa st. This o bserv­ many army units which a re a nce is exceeded o nl y by o n duty, as arc the members those wh o use Kosher mea n BETTY SCHLOSS 187 WESTMINSTER STREET (3rd floor) Best Wishes For Peace and Health of the police force. altho ugh (79%). who do not cat bread both try 10 free as many men o n Passover (82%). li ght the PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND To Our Friends in the Year 5740 as possible fo r Yo m Kippur. Ha nnuka h candles (88%). 421-4586 Mickie Goldberger, Connie Maurice Hospitals maintain skel eto n who have a Mezuzah o n their sta ffs, as do the electric com­ doorpost (89%) and who o b­ Tom Morris n pany and the water company. se rve th e Passover Seder (a Ed Rosenberg ,A,, In additio n the international full 99% o f the populati o n!). telepho ne system remai ns Thus we sec that Yo m Kip~ Nancy Schwartz w1,te o pen . In sho rt, o nl y the most pur is indeed something " dif­ GREETINGS essential ser vices keep a ferent " th a n a ll o ther davs of minimal number of peo ple o n the year fo r most Israel ;°,. travel-t1meJ FROM duty. All in a ll . Yo rn Kippur isan Ho w impo rtant is Yo m extraordinary day in the life Kippur in the natio nal con­ of the country and probabl y sci o usness of Israel' U ntil unparall eled thro ugho ut the Best Wishes for a Healthy & Happy New Year recently no o ne had do ne any entire wo rld. II is a day in CLAIBORNE PELL BRIDGE CLUB OF R.I., In<. in-depth research. There was wh ich vi rtuall y a wh o le peo­ o nly a feeling that. while ple comes to a hall, lea ves a ll 259 WAYLAND AVE., PROVIDENCE, R.I. most other holidays mean a that is materia l and devo tes CLASSES NOW SYLVIA LE SAVOY m ass exodu s of n o n­ itself lo the spiritual- lo an I observant families 10 all parts introspection into actions FORMING LIFE MASTER of the country for picnics and a nd a stocktaking of the ALL LEVELS TEACHING PROFESSIONAL so on, Yom Kippur seemed events of the previous year. DUPUCATI GAME -7 DAYS, 6 NIGHTS AWit lo be entirely different. The Yom Kippur in Israel is in­ NOVICE GAMl. - 2 NIGHTS wanderl ust seemed 10 be deed unique. One can try 10 stilled . All thi s was describe ii, but it is necessary COMPUMENTARY ENTRY TO NEWCOMERS nevertheless merely conjec­ lo be here and to experience it ~arvel'sDELUXE ICE CREAM INFORMATION CALL 621-0323-274-1430 ture. lo really appreciate its im­ A recent study, however. pact. GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Happy New Year Holiday 1775 POST ROAD, WARWICK Greetings from . 884-7480 GRAY JEWELERS Providewct llrri111loa ON THE HIGH lA«od11l4'. , 170(.,.tyld. HOLIDAYS 331-0'31 l4S -7777 REMEMBER ... #fRAVEl "EACH MAN 34 Fountain Street HARRIET COHEN SHALL GIVE AS BEST WISHES Travel Consultant HE IS ABLE" TO OUR FAMILY AND STAFF Deuteronomy 16:17 AND FRIENDS FOR We Are A HAPPY AND HEALTHY A HAPPY AND Completely NEW YEAR HEALTHY Automated During this most holy time of year, we and We Are remember all the contributions we NEW YEAR bonded and insured meant to make last year ... and forgot; for S 1,000,000 lor MR.and MRS. your protection. VICTORIA and SEYMOUR and what we intend to give in the coming ISAAC BROWN You can trust Aylsworth year ... and FAMILY 331-1300 331-4700 LEDERBERG The Jewish National Fund .. . the land TARZANA .developmElnt agency of Israel . . . has CALIF . changed a land of rocks and desert, into a habitable country. The JNF UlfAT COffl£S In ALL SIZES· needs your contributions to continue its New Year Greetings historic mission of reclaiming the land of Israel. · AnDIS This year, on the High Holidays, make a PIANOS promise ... and keep it: help the JNF. NEW&USED OVER .., ..... 50,o ...... CHOOSE FROM \'f..(:j ...... • (lllr1f 1111b • •-1 II I D Enclosed please find my tax-

' ' i Books and Readers in NEW YEAR GREETINGS Happy New Year BEST WISHES I FOR A ' HAPPY AND HEALTHY Contem PC?rary Israel PARTY WARE HOUSE 334 East Avenue, Pawtucket NEW YEAR By Jmaifer Areutem events from sports cham­ Chez Jeanne The People of the Book are pionships to hit movies will Stein Lenore still living up to their reputa­ usually affect book buying. . tion in modern times. Despite Always a comparative the country's economic and 102 Waterman bargain in Israel, books arc Happy New Year ! political problems, Israel con­ becoming in increasingly from 331-0303 Woylancl Squore tinues to publish, report, and MARVIN, HOUY ond LORI SILVERMAN 421-6623 fashionable gifts. The mark­ i buy more books per capita up o n imported b ooks, Eagle Coin Co. - "The Eagle's Nest" - than any o ther country in the though still formidable for a n Upstoirs a t 287 Thayer St., Prov. 751 -0507 ~----- world. What is more, this Israeli salary-earner, is still Open 10-5 Mon.-Fri. Sundays 11 •4 year's International Book considerably less tha n the BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY Fair in Jerusalem· enjoyed un­ AND HEAL THY NEW YEAR mark-up o n other imported precedented success. items. At the same time, the Jock and Betty Poljak and Family Mr. Leo Kofman At the twentieth a nnual advent of ultra-modern local Hebrew Book Week (or Book printing presses ha s send Best W ishes and Greetings Mr. & Mrs. Israel Kofman Celebration~ the Publishers' heightened the attractiveness for a Healthy and Happy New Year Mr. & Mrs. Soloman Kofman Association prefers to call it), of many Hebrew books and - held in June in twenty-seven rendered them suitable fo r to the Alperin' s Family ci ties a nd towns thro ughout gifts. LOVE, FAMILY POU AK East Avenue Bakery Israel, thirty- li ve tho usand Hebrew cook boo ks. home new books and new editions a nd c hild care books, and 463 EAST AVENUE, PAWTUCKET were introduced. The chain of handicraft g uide are ex- publishers· booths extended 1 rem c ly p op ular . Sur -' May You and Yours 728-0260 as far as lwo kilometers in pri»ngly. i_n the face of t_hc BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR some maJor cities. M o rdecai cconom1c s1tu at1 o n . expensive Be Inscribed and Sealed Bernstein, president o f the a rt . Jnd "coffee-table" books For a Sweet, Healthy and Publishers' Associa tion. cs- acluall) sell more and more. 111nates that o ne hundred One hookseller allri bu tes this Prosperous Year to Come BEST WISHES FOR A million Israeli pounds were to the "nouvea u ri che" clas, ,penl b) Israelis during Book in hracl. who buy o rn amental HEAL THY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Week . book, so a, no l to appear MANAGEMENT OF Wha t books do the Israelis ta stc:lc!!ts . bu)? More children's books The Literacy Rare than ever before, e peciall y The Hope Street Kosher Bakery Notarantonio Brothers Inc. Is rael 1> a cult ural a nd educational volumes for the li11gu1> tic melting pol. and Ford Dealer fa mil y libra ry . Generally grea t ca re 1s taken to gauge , peaking. men lend to like lhc increasing literacy rate. biographies, or boo ks written According lo a 1979 census of by current leaders such as the reading public. fift y-three Best Wishes for a North Providence, R.I. 353-2300 Moshe Dayan, Ezer Weiz­ percent o f those fo urteen a nd Healthy and Happy New Year mann, o r Abba Eban. The over read at least o ne book a women prefer novels. or often mo nth. a nd half of these read poetry or classics recom­ three o r mo re books a month. mended by the bookseller. Ladies' & Men's Three quarters read in Detective novels a rc in­ Hebrew. Best Wishes For a creasingly popular with both Only o ne third of these Ski Wear and Outerwear sexes. readers borrowed books from Healthy and Happy New Year Whal Sells? the libra ry. This is, in part. The Israeli reader. who also due to the lack of a satisfac­ reads more newspapers than to ry comprehensive library anyone else, is in0uenccd by Franconia Sportswear system in Israel, but also a world events in his choosing result of the traditional Israeli Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Guttin of non-fiction books. An desire to own books. and Factory Outlet American President's visi t. build up the fa mily coll ection. for example, will empty the 641 Quarry Street and Family TM Consulllff's Complaint shelves of hi s biography, as The problem, however. Fall River, Mass. well as other material on American governmenr. Other (Continued on following page) L------Best Wishes for a Best Wishes For a Healthy Happy New Year and from the Citizens Happy New Year of the Dav.id City of Cranston Newman EDWARD D. DiPRETE, and Mayor Family

Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year

Moseley, Hallgarten, Estabrook & Weeden In,. Investments Since 1850

· Member New York Stock Exchange, Inc. ond other prlncipol He hang•• 320 The Turks Head Bldg., Providence, R.I . 02903

401-423-0066 401-351-6000 All M-t.yclienl accounl1 prole

Copyright 1919 MolrNy, Hollgorffll, f1tobrOCHI & Wffd9n Inc. Membtr Sec:urit~1 ln'tflto, Prot.ctlon Co":°ro~ (SIPC ) THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDA Y,SEPTEMBER20, 1979-39 producing six to eight Israeli Books and Readers in textbooks every year. Begin Assails Non-Aligned "Yachdav"s newest project is a series called "New Trends Contemporary Israel In ... " which is already un­ s ·ummit Resolutions (Continued from preceding pagc:)this financial situation, as well derway in the fields of is that the price of He- . as to bring Israeli publications philosophy, pedagogy, and .,. JERUSALEM (JTA) - Premier ' of the Palestinian people, of the principles of brew books has been rising 11110 the highest scholastic cir­ psychology. Menachem Begin assailed the resolution the Charter of the Organization of African steadily, while that of import-. cles. Although they. cannot Still Trying condemning the Is aeli- Egyptian peace Unity and of the United Nations, and of ed reading material, upon hope to co~er the entire field Finally, it should be noted ,. treaty that was adoptecl by the conference of resolutions adopted in various international which twenty-five percent of for a long time IQ come, a new that Jerusalem's International non-aligned nations at its concluding session forums on the Palestinian issue and which the readers rely, has been company, "Yachdav," is Book Fair is now the second in Havana September 9 and said that re­ impede the realization of the aspirations of skyrocketing along with in na- work mg towar_d that end. largest book fair in the world. gardless of such statements, Israel would the Palestinian p,!:Ople to return to their tion. The price of retail books Composed of thirty-s,x_mcm: This year. 1,280 publishing persist in its pursuit of peace. homeland, to self-determination and to ex­ in Israel, unlike in Europe, in- bers of the Book Publishers houses from 55 countries par­ Addressi ng a conference on psy­ ercise full sovereignty over their territories eludes value added tax. In ad- Association, "Yachdav" is a ticipated, with countries like chosomatic medicine, Begin observed that it and violates the inalienable rights of the dition to this, Hebrew printers mutual shareholding com­ Singapore and Kenya con­ was paradoxical that 100 nations have to Palestinian people." must pay customs duties on pany which sets !ts goal at tributing for the fi rst time. convene in order to condemn peace instead Egypt's delegate, Foreign Minister the raw materials used in of war and "all the vehement protests of the Boutros Ghali, accused the conference of printing books. Egyptian delegation (in Havana) could not setting itself up as a court to judge Egypt and The distribution and sale of HAPPY NEW YEAR change that resolution." · branded the resolution an illegal act. He imported reading material in STANDARD BEAUTY SALON The resolution on the Middle East, charged that a "brutal minority" sought to Israel is concentrated in the adopted by the 95-member non-aligned bloc place the entire movement under its control. hands of a very few agencies. 897 BROAD ST., PROVIDENCE a nd incorporated in the Havana con­ Endorses Use Or Force For paperbacks, the company CAU 785-9823 WINIFRED H. COMSTOCK ference's fi nal declaration denounced the In addition to its assault on the Is raeli­ is Steinmatsky's, which acts as Camp David agreements and the peace Egyptian peace treaty, the conference reaf­ its own importer, wholesaler, treaty that followed as "a nagrant violation firmed that the Middle East situation con­ distributor. and retailer. with of the rights of the Arab nation and of the tinues to be a serious threat to world peace thirty-eight outlets Best Wishes lo, o Happy & Healthy New Yeo, Palestinian people . " "as a result of Israel's determination to pur­ throughout the country. The resolution set up a special committee sue its policy of aggression. expansionism QUALITY CARE NURSING SERVICE Bronfman·s. the other big 187 Westminster Street to consider the suspension of Egypt from the and colonial settlement in the occupied company. holds near ex­ non-aligned movement for concluding "a territories with the support of the United clusivity on periodicals. Providence, R.I. 02903 separate treaty which signifies a total aban­ States . " Smal ler . family-owned 274-7300 donment of the cause of the Arab countries The conference demanded that " The city bookshops could be disap­ . " The committee will submit its recom­ of El Quds (Jerusalem) . must be pearing. Young people arc mendations to the next non-aligned con­ evacuated in its entirety and restored uncon­ not drawn into retailing in the ference to be held in New Delhi in 198 I. ditionally to Arab sovereignty." It endorsed face of the giants in the trade. Best Wishes For a Happy New Year In Cairo, President Anwar Sadat com­ the right of the Palestine Liberation The consumer. as is mented that if the peace treaty had been con­ Organization and the Arab states to pursue generally the case in a MR. and MRS. EDWARD SEGAL cluded in the Soviet Union instead of in the "the liberation of the occupied Arab monopolistic situation. is and JAMES U.S. it probably would not have been con­ territories . . through all possible means. defenseless against near­ demned by the non-aligned nations. including force." It called for sanctions uniform prices found at the MR. and MRS. JOEL SEGAL Calls For Elimination or Zionism against Israel and its diplomatic and retail shops. The exchange and JOSHUA The final declara tion called for the economic isolation. rate in effect among the book­ "eliminat ion of colonialism. neo­ In an apparent reference to the emigration sellers seems to remain about DR . and MRS. KENNETH SEGAL colonialism and racism including Zionism." of Soviet Jews, the conference deplored "the twenty-percent ahead of the The latter was equated in the text with exploitation of the right of individuals to banks, with periodicals even apartheid and "all forms of foreign aggres­ leave their country for political purposes, hi gher . For example, a sion, OCC(!pation, domination, interference such as the implementation of the Zionist magazine whose printed price of hegemony ..." program of uprooting Jewish communities is the equivalent ol lorty Happy Holiday With respect to the Israeli-Egyptian peace from the countries of their origin in order to Israeli pounds will frequently treaty, the conference said it "energetically resettle them in Israel and in the Jewish sell for around sixty pounds. condemns all partial agreements and colonies being illegally established in the oc­ Silverman's Swan Liquor Store separate treaties which constitute a nagrant cupied Pa lestinian and other Arab "Yachda," 813 Hope St. (Corner 4th and Hope) violation of the rights of the Arab nation and territories ... U niversity students arc among the ha rdest hit by the high prices o f imported Complete /in• ol lsroeli Wines & Cordials volumes. An assigned text can W11 o/so hove im ported and domestic wines easily cost as much as five 421-5760 hundred Israel i pounds serious(about twentydent in dollars) a student's - a · .,______, budget. I The Book Publisher's Association in Israel has I taken a giant step to rectify BEST WISHES FOR A YEAR OF . Happy New Year . HEALTH AND PROSPERITY BEST WISHES MR.and MRS. MORTON YOUNG Mr. and Mrs. Myron Gutt in 74 Sargent Ave. FOR A Providence Sheryl, Karen and Ilene

New Year GrNtings HAPPY & HEALTHY ••--~--'-­... .., 2511.. ..._,_ NEW YEAR , ....w....,u. JOSEPH W. WALSH


MRS. HYMAN STONE and CHNESE WISINE DR. JACOI STONE Serving Lunch & Dinnw ... hit hally, TJP~Slna Mr.NII Mn. COCktails HARRY AUEIIACH Open 7 Deya A Wffk wislto//our 728-16215 relatives and lriendr z,, ...... ,...... o very Happy ...... , __ ,,._,,M:Cor...... , and NEW YEAR GREETINGS Healthy N- Yeat

.II 40-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1~79 lacttue Ill 1-11ratloa Some 3900 new immigrants Canadian Campaign For Ida Nudel arrived in Israel in August, marking a dramatic 72 .5 per­ By Michael Sol- place of exile to the hospital ;,a real punish­ CLASSIFIED cent increase over the number MONTREAL (JT A)-Elena Friedman, ment." She said that Nude! relics exclusively of olim who arrived in August the sister of Prisoner of Conscience Ida on parcels she receives from time to time CALL 724-0200 1978. At the same time, the Nudel, arrived here from Israel several days from her friends in Moscow for the medicine number of Soviet Jewish ago to·meet with government officials and she desperately needs and for supplemental ------• dropouts for August declined the media to convince them to publicize the food . She docs not get enough of either in Antiques General S.VlcN by 2 percent compared to plight of her 49-year-old sister who is in exile her place of exile where she works as an July, from 70 to 67 .7 percent. in the Siberian village of Krivosheian. ' assistant bookkeeper, Mrs. Friedman said. ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE, In an interview with the Jewish Central Baptist Church, Uoyd CAK PAINTERS, Interior and exterior painting. Clean work Telegraphic Agency, Mrs. Friedman said Meanwhile, Mrs. Friedman and a delega• at Waytand , Providence. Oc­ tion comprising a group from the Canadian tober 4, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dona­ and reasonable rates. Please Havin, APc,rty? that all her letters, parcels and telegrams ad­ tlon $1.50. 9/'ZT call 831-5405 or 231-5398. dressed to Nude! were returned to her branch of " Women for Ida Nude!" and 9/27 stamped by the Siberian post office "Ad­ Prof. Irwin Cotler of McGill University who CALL dressee refuses to accept the mail." She said is Nudel's attorney met with Secretary of Apartment For Rent ELECTRICAL: Wiring, repairs, State for Foreign Affairs Flora McDonald homes. apartments, shops. 24 that a Soviet Jewish refusnik, Arik hours, licensed and Insured, RENT ALLS, Rachlenko, who visited Nude! several in Ottawa. Miss McDonald told the delega­ EAST SIDE: Modern 7 rooms, reasonable. Call 738-7835. months ago wrote to her in Israel that Nude! tion that she always had a special interest in 3 bedrooms. Sunroom, stove, 10/4 INC. the Nudel case and that even before she relrfgerator, garage. L- & was hospitalized in Tomsk, the nearest town depoelt. 861-35a1 . 9/20 became Secretary of State she was honorary PAPER HANGER, speclallzlng Tabin Chain Dhlin to Krivosheian, for a kidney infection but In Walltex, vinyls, lot!. Painting, that after one month she W'!S discharged and ~hairperson of Women for Ida Nude!. IIHIIAII HOSPITAL AREA, Interior and exterior. Quality Ch1111p1111 Fe.nhJhn sent. back to her place of exile. 4 •~ rooms, 2nd, heat Included. work, reasonable price. Free Miss McDonald said now that she is Available October 1. $285. But, Mrs. Friedman said, Nudel has dif­ Secretary of State she intends to do estimates. Call Ken, 9«-4672, 725~3779 Matured adult(s). 421-3603. 942-9412. 11 /22 ficulty walking, her left arm is paralyzed and everything both as a Minister and in her per­ 9/20 she is actually "a 100 percent invalid ." She sonal capacity to bring about Nudel's . Help Wanted )ermed her sister's 8-hour trip from her release. Appliance Repairs

KAD APPLIANCE eervice and BABYSITTER, with light HAPPY NEW YEAR parta - wuhers, dryera, houaekeaplng duties. Sundays, from FRED SPIGEL'S ralrlgeratora, dlshwashera. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Cell 751-5654. Prompt, raasonable, guaran­ 9/20 Oscar and Martha Finger Bob Remington Meat & Deli teed NrVlce, 723-0557. 10/18 Order your MATURE, LOVING WOii.AN to Mildred Chase Natalie Higgins Calligraphy sit lor Infant on Tueadaya. Own lulov & Etrog 1'' Jlwlu New Y• tranaportatton. Eat Greenwich \ , Caroline Pitman Joyce Salemi for Sukkot Frt .. ... Zl . ZZ I Z3 l!LEGANT, HANDWRITTl!Jt, arM. 884-3749, 884-3785. 9/20 Ann Cook Nancy Kochanek envelopee lor wedding lnvtta­ tiona, bar mitzvaha, apeclal oc­ PART-TIME, dependable, nowl casiona. Mlchaala, 7111-1207. mature woman to ualat In ol­ CANDLELIGHTING llce dull ... Cell 272-2925. 9/20 Condominiums Frtday,8ep1Mnber21 , Photography Beautiful Israeli 1:27 p.111. CONDOIIINIUII FOR RENT, apecloua o,,...bedroom apart­ PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROB Woll mant. 1 •~ bathrooma, com­ SHERWIN pletely furn ished, all modern Decorations A UNIQUE and creative ap­ ~-::::::·Ten:-:.•c~~ l:,1:':' proach. Candid, aenaltlve ond Srreamen Hollybrook, Pembroke Pines, photograph• that capture the ro decorate Florida. Available November 1- l414tllng of that special moment. your Sulclcoh February 20, S600/month. Call Bar Mitzvahs, weddings, etc. 766-0&47. 9/27 434-8800 (days). 861-1656 (evenings). 11/20 77-l H op,· S• Pro..-,d,•r~,.- As the year 5740 approaches, POii PANO BEACH, 8 J l l 7 l 0 FLORIDA, 2 bedrooms, 2 we extend to all the traditional bathrooms, convertible. Com­ · Private Instruction OPEN SUN ll AY S grNtln9 of this Inspiring MC1son:­ pletely furn ished, prime area. "L'1honah tovah tllcosevu" Recreation building, beach, 2 M pools. Rental or aale. Call 421 - PIANO LISSONS, classical/ 8989. 9/20 popular/music theory . WANTED Specializing In teaching chHdren claaalcal piano. B.A. In Entertainment music theory and piano. Studied at Hunter College/­ COINS Julllard, N.Y. Call 942-1035. D..I. STEVE YOKEN • Proleaalonal SOUND and 9/20 LIGHT show lor Bar and Bat I Mltzvah parties, or11anlzatlon Situation• Wanted socials, and otdles night. Also, DISCO DANCE TEACHERS plua top album giveaways. Call FEMALE LOOKING lor room­ Steve In Fall River at 617-679- m ate ( s) and apartment, 1M5. 12/27 preferably Eaa1 Side. Call 726- 2281 alter 6:00 . p.m. 9/20 BUYING L For Sale •ALL Special Notlcfl Coirll.Slanpa.Andqia. Jawalry, Old Watchel, STERLING SILVERWARE, Diamandl. u.. 111d Gold. service lor eight. German NOVA : Uneven slices. manufacture, 1940's, Fritz Voos $3.75/ pound delivered. Three INST ANT CASH pattern 100. Call 294-2494. pound minimum. Pickled her­ 9/20 ring, $2.75/quart. 828-3766. OCEAN STATE COIN 9/27 L WATERBED, newest guaran­ AND tees. Solid frame and pedestal, ------ANTIQUES lap mattress, liner, UL heater. FOR THE BEST results, Wahington $199. Call 1-617-399-8775. advertise in the Herald.- 125 St. 10/4. Providence, R.l E 751-8105 ·rcLAssiF1ED AD ORDER-SHEET! '\ i Name ______Phone ______R I Address ------I Classification ------Headline ------I Message ------s "May you be inscribed for a good year!" RATES PAYMENT 14 words for $2.50 Payment MUST be received by Tuesday MILLER'S 11¢ per word afternoon, PRIOR to rhe Thursday on ".THE INTERNATIONAL DELICATESSEN" each additional word which rhe ad is ro appear. PAWTUCKEf WARWICK CRANSTON Muslbo..aivodby PROVIDENCE Twsdoy noon to run ;,. 774Hope St. · 542 Pawt. Ave 161'9 Warwick Ave. 20 Hillside Rd. following Thvrsday paper 725-1696 737-3696 942-8959 751-8682 I .I. MIii~, P,O. ._ 64161, ...... _, 1,1, OIMO