Homemade Fudge and Salt Water Taffy Made Fresh Daily in Our Candy Kitchen!

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Homemade Fudge and Salt Water Taffy Made Fresh Daily in Our Candy Kitchen! OUTDOOR DINING, CURBSIDE PICK-UP & SWEET JERSEY CRABS COOKED TO ORDER TAKE-OUT DAILY AT MULLIGAN’S • SEE PAGE 28 AT CANALSIDE • SEE PAGE 10 HOMEMADE FUDGE AND SALT WATER TAFFY Ask About Our Homemade Dog MADE FRESH DAILY IN OUR CANDY KITCHEN! Treats Homemade Fudge • Homemade Salt Water Taffy • Made with Only the Finest Quality Ingredients We're no longer at the Boardwalk Mall, but find us at: 2418 Boardwalk, North Wildwood SPECIAL 609-522-7502 COUPON SPECIAL $1 OFF (3) 1/2 LB. BOXES Buy 1 LB. of Fudge 10% OFF ANY ITEM of Salt Water Taffy with this coupon Get 1 LB. FREE (Excludes other specials & discounts) PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS STUMPERS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE TheSPORTS PGA Championship TV CHALLENGE SPORTS By George Dickie 8) What rookie benefited The PGA Championshipfrom Nick Price’s withdraw- The PGA Championship ByQuestions: George Dickie 8)al, What as he rookie entered benefited the 1991 By George Dickie 8) What rookie benefited 1) Who won the first PGA fromtournament Nick Price’s as the withdraw ninth - from Nick Price’s withdraw- Questions:Championship in 1916? al,alternate as he entered and won? the 1991 al, as he entered the 1991 tournament as the ninth Questions: 1)2) Who What won three the players first PGA won 9) In 2000, who became 1) Who won the first PGA tournament as the ninth Championshipthe PGA Championship in 1916? alternatethe first andback-to-back won? PGA Championship in 1916? alternate and won? 2)from What 1921 three to players1929? won 9) In 2000, who became the PGA Championship Champion since Denny 2) What three players won 9) In 2000, who became 3) Nicknamed “the Squire,” the first back-to-back PGA the PGA Championship from 1921 to 1929? ChampionShute in 1936-37?since Denny the first back-to-back PGA 3)this Nicknamed golfer participated “the Squire,” in 82 10) Who won his second from 1921 to 1929? Champion since Denny matches, winning 57 and Shute in 1936-37? 3) Nicknamed “the Squire,” this golfer participated in 82 10)PGA Who Championship won his second and Shute in 1936-37? matches,losing 25, winning all PGA 57 Champi and - this golfer participated in 82 10) Who won his second losingonship 25, records. all PGA Who Champi is he?- PGAfourth Championship career major and at last matches, winning 57 and fourthyear’s career tournament? major at last losing 25, all PGA Champi- PGA Championship and onship4) Who records. holds the Who record is he? fourth career major at last 4) Who holds the record year’sAnswers: tournament? onship records. Who is he? as being the tournament’s year’s tournament? as being the tournament’s Answers:1) Jim Barnes 4) Who holds the record youngest winner (at age 20) 1) Jim Barnes Answers: youngest winner (at age 20) 2) Walter Hagen (five as being the tournament’s asas well well as as its its the the oldest oldest par par- - 2) Walter Hagen (five youngest winner (at age 20) 1) Jim Barnes ticipantticipant (at (at 70)? 70)? times),times), Gene Gene Sarazen Sarazen as well as its the oldest par- 2) Walter Hagen (five 5)5) What What golf golf great great won won (twice)(twice) and and Leo Leo Diegel Diegel ticipant (at 70)? times), Gene Sarazen thethe first first of of his his nine nine career career (twice)(twice) 5) What golf great won (twice) and Leo Diegel majorsmajors at at the the 1946 1946 PGA PGA 3)3) Gene Gene Sarazen Sarazen the first of his nine career (twice) Championship?Championship? 4) Sarazen, in 1922 and majors at the 1946 PGA 6) Whose rounds of 68-68- 4) Sarazen, in 1922 and 3) Gene Sarazen 6) Whose rounds of 68-68- 19721972 Championship? 4) Sarazen, in 1922 and 69-6969-69 at at the the 1964 1964 tourney tourney 6) Whose rounds of 68-68- made him the first player to 5)5) Ben Ben Hogan Hogan 1972 made him the first player to 6) Arnold Palmer 69-69 at the 1964 tourney post four rounds in the 60s 6) Arnold Palmer 5) Ben Hogan inpost a major? four rounds in the 60s 7) Jack Nicklaus made him the first player to in a major? 7) Jack Nicklaus post four rounds in the 60s 6) Arnold Palmer 7) Who won his fifth PGA 8) John Daly 7) Jack Nicklaus 7) Who won his fifth PGA 9)8) Tiger John Woods Daly in a major? Championship by a record 8) John Daly sevenChampionship strokes in by 1980? a record 10)9) BrooksTiger Woods Koepka 7) Who won his fifth PGA seven strokes in 1980? 10) Brooks Koepka Championship by a record 9) Tiger Woods seven strokes in 1980? 10) Brooks Koepka SEARCH WORD SEARCH SEARCH A BGWACHALLENGESWORD WORD R TURTNKOEQZDRPD A BGWACHALLENGES A BGWACHALLENGES S IXTYSIXXORUCIJ R TURTNKOEQZDRPD R TURTNKOEQZDRPD U GVZELEBPCQFXSY JS NARNELCEELEVENIXTYSIXXORUCIJ S IXTYSIXXORUCIJ RU KFJDQUSDAFVISJGVZELEBPCQFXSY U GVZELEBPCQFXSY YJ IMOUNTAINSCEJANARNELCEELEVEN J NARNELCEELEVEN XR LQMRYSKTSNRWJBKFJDQUSDAFVISJ R KFJDQUSDAFVISJ EY OLPAGVLIKUVYSUIMOUNTAINSCEJA Y IMOUNTAINSCEJA DX MFSNZIFOTDDELRLQMRYSKTSNRWJB X LQMRYSKTSNRWJB SE ENOCXGVNWHLIXNOLPAGVLIKUVYSU E OLPAGVLIKUVYSU D MFSNZIFOTDDELR PD TFHETUEIAGLZMEMFSNZIFOTDDELR M ELIK PVFINISHBT S ENOCXGVNWHLIXN S ENOCXGVNWHLIXN O RXNVDXNURGMGGT P TFHETUEIAGLZME NP SEZAEYJHVAFVAHTFHETUEIAGLZME M ELIK PVFINISHBT “World’sM ELIK Toughest Race:PVFINISHBT Eco-Challenge Fiji” on Amazon O RXNVDXNURGMGGT O RXNVDXNURGMGGT(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Bear) Grylls Challenges Unforgiving N SEZAEYJHVAFVAH (Mark)N BurnettSEZAEYJHVAFVAH(671) Kilometers Mountains “World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji” on Amazon Sixty-Six“World’s (Teams) ToughestEleven Race: (Days) Eco-ChallengeJungles Fiji” on Amazon (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Teams of) Five (WordsAdventure in parentheses not in puzzle)Oceans (Bear) Grylls Challenges Unforgiving Expedition(Bear) Grylls (Race) EnduranceChallenges FinishUnforgiving (Line) (Mark) Burnett (671) Kilometers Mountains (Mark) Burnett (671) Kilometers Mountains Sixty-Six (Teams) Eleven (Days) Jungles Sixty-Six (Teams) Eleven (Days) Jungles (Teams of) Five Adventure Oceans Custom Features (Teams of)Release Five the Adventureweek of August 9 - AugustOceans 15, 2020. Expedition (Race) Endurance Finish (Line) Expedition (Race) Endurance Finish (Line) Custom Features Release the week of August 9 - August 15,PAGE 2020. 5 Custom Features Release the week of August 9 - August 15, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS The PGA Championship By George Dickie 8) What rookie benefited from Nick Price’s withdraw- Questions: al, as he entered the 1991 1) Who won the first PGA tournament as the ninth Championship in 1916? alternate and won? 2) What three players won 9) In 2000, who became the PGA Championship the first back-to-back PGA from 1921 to 1929? Champion since Denny 3) Nicknamed “the Squire,” Shute in 1936-37? this golfer participated in 82 10) Who won his second matches, winning 57 and losing 25, all PGA Champi- PGA Championship and onship records. Who is he? fourth career major at last 4) Who holds the record year’s tournament? as being the tournament’s Answers: youngest winner (at age 20) 1) Jim Barnes as well as its the oldest par- 2) Walter Hagen (five ticipant (at 70)? times), Gene Sarazen 5) What golf great won (twice) and Leo Diegel the first of his nine career (twice) majors at the 1946 PGA 3) Gene Sarazen Championship? 4) Sarazen, in 1922 and 6) Whose rounds of 68-68- 1972 69-69 at the 1964 tourney made him the first player to 5) Ben Hogan post four rounds in the 60s 6) Arnold Palmer in a major? 7) Jack Nicklaus 7) Who won his fifth PGA 8) John Daly Championship by a record 9) Tiger Woods seven strokes in 1980? 10) Brooks Koepka WORD SEARCH A B G W A C H A L L E N G E S R T U R T N K O E Q Z D R P D S I X T Y S I X X O R U C I J U G V Z E L E B P C Q F X S Y J N A R N E L C E E L E V E N R K F J D Q U S D A F V I S J Y I M O U N T A I N S C E J A X L Q M R Y S K T S N R W J B E O L P A G V L I K U V Y S U D M F S N Z I F O T D D E L R S E N O C X G V N W H L I X N P T F H E T U E I A G L Z M E M E L I K P V F I N I S H B T O R X N V D X N U R G M G G T N S E Z A E Y J H V A F V A H “World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji” on Amazon (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Bear) Grylls Challenges Unforgiving (Mark) Burnett (671) Kilometers Mountains Sixty-Six (Teams) Eleven (Days) Jungles (Teams of) Five Adventure Oceans Expedition (Race) Endurance Finish (Line) PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of August 9 - August 15, 2020. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 THIS WEEK AROUND THE CAPE 8:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. Boot Friday, August 7 - Byrne Plaza, Camp Interval Training will take 3400 Pacific Avenue, in Downtown place every Monday, Wednesday Wildwood. 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Friday ($10 participation fee.) Yoga will take place on Tuesdays Sip, Shop & Stroll events will feature and Thursdays ($5 participation local artists displaying and selling fee) – be sure to bring your mat! their creations.
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