SECOND OF : Sunday of Divine Saturday / Sunday April 22 & 23, 2017

MASS INTENTIONS Confessions of a Roman Catholic

Sat. Apr. 22- 5pm: Chuck Rowles The more I thought of it the more I thanked God for His wonderful revelation. However, do not Sun. Apr. 23- 7am:†John Vennari 8:30am: Pro populo misunderstand me. I was not beginning to doubt the 10:30am: †Dina Parini whole truth of the Bible, nor was I doubting the value 12:30pm:Monica Roberts of the Bible where Christian learning is con- cerned. These things I shall never doubt. I was simply Mon. Apr.24- 8am: Aslihan Kutlu facing up to the fact that the Bible, venerable book of 6pm: Gerardo & Pat Baccay truth that it is, is not the teacher of its own truth. The obvious was forcing itself upon me: Instead of a cata- Tues. Apr.25- 8am: †Alfredo Parfan log of truths God wants taught, and taught so that all 6pm: Doug Zeitz & Family Christian generations, including the blind and illiterate

Wed. Apr.26- 8am: †Sinan Suer of those generations, can hear and understand. 6pm: Ivana Kirola Hence the Church. Quite obviously, a living church possessed of Thu. Apr.27- 8am: †Peter Doan an audible voice was needed to carry the great tidings 12pm: Adam Sr., Veronique, Adam of Salvation to all generations; therefore God in the Jr., & Victoria Larnach Person of Christ founded such a church, and He said to it: "Go ye into the whole world, and preach the Fri. Apr.28- 8am: †Titus Ekanem gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). Note that he 6pm: Peter’s Martinez Family & said preach His Gospel to every creature, not distribute Friends His Gospel to every creature in the form of a book. He Sat. Apr.29- 8am: †Titus Ekanem ordered His Church to speak to the world because 10am: †Cristina Martinez through His Church He would be speaking to the 5pm: †Rev. Ervan Donald Beers world. (Luke 10:16). How anything so obvious could OFM have escaped me before, I do not know, unless my training had erected a mental block. It certainly is as There are Masses still open for intentions on June plain as can be in Sacred Scripture. 22,24, 28, and 29. Now my earnest desire was to seek out this church that could teach with the voice and authority of Please keep in your prayers….Fr. Stan Zak, Fr. the Lord. I wanted this singularly blessed church to Bill Marshall; Mary Walker; Alex Porcuna; Lewis teach me. I wanted the wonderful assurance of Christ's Mullen; Carmel Mahoney; Nancy Duenas; Brad own personal guarantee that my Christian was the O’Leary; Elisa Mancarti; Vic and Nancy Miloslav- true Christian faith prescribed by Him for the salvation ich; Kathryn Rieger; Judy & Louis Delligatti; Rose of the world. Bloom; Stella Lurton; Sue Weber; Laura Montgom- So the months that followed found me once ery; Sara Zendejas; Rosaline White; Josephine Pala- again engrossed in a great assortment of books on com- cios; Francis Martinez, Mike Rodriguez; Paul Ehr- parative Christian religion. Once again the library and furth; John Ehrfurth; Lily McWilliams; Anaidel Pe- all the sectarian books stores in the vicinity became my rezarevalo; Janice Siliger; Robert Martinez, Laverne favorite spare time haunts. Seliger; Eddie Martinez; Sylvester Bell, Keith And once again my search ended where I least Borchers; Arthur Connick; Theresa Kunihira, Lianne expected it to. That is right, dear reader, the church I Claver, Paul Oei, Mike Bozzardi, Betty Garland, was looking for turned out to be none other than the John Benish, Diane Kasdan, Michael Quinones. same . How could I consciously say that it was not?

In Memoriam: †Titus Ekanem, †Cornelius McCauley, †Jeffrey Garland, †Myrna Lanzar, (By Paul Whitcomb) †Barbara Shadix, †Bridget Connolly, †Virgil Garcia, †Wanda Krawczyk, †Bill Leitao, †Michael Smith, †Eugenia Hunter. Requiescant in pace. Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

Rev. Canon Olivier Meney Episcopal Delegate for the Extraordinary Form of the in the Diocese of Oakland

Canon Meney - (510) 604-0391 or [email protected]


The Traditional Latin Mass (now called by the Holy Father: Mass in the Extraordinary Form) is brought to you through the ministry of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.

WHAT IS THE INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST? The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right whose goal is the honor of God and the sanctification of priests in the ser- vice of the Church and souls. Its specific aim is missionary: to spread the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ in all spheres of human life. Our work is carried out under the patronage of the , to Whom the Institute is consecrated.

Recognizing the importance of a deep harmony between faith, liturgy, life, and the power of beauty in attracting the human senses to the things above, an integral part of the Institute’s charism is the use of the traditional Latin Liturgy of 1962 for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the other . Great care for a solemn liturgy, complete fidelity to the doctrine of the Church and the Holy Father, and awareness of the central role of Grace, especially – these are essential elements of the Institute’s spirituality, which is drawn from its three co-patrons, St. Benedict, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Francis de Sales. Our motto is “Live the truth in charity." The Institute operates in more than fifty places in twelve countries, where our priests focus on the care of souls in many different ways. To assist our priests in their apostolic work, the Institute also has clerical oblates. In 2004, a community of religious sisters was canonically established to aid the priests in their mis- sion through prayer and apostolic work. The Institute was founded in 1990 by Monsignor Gilles Wach. Today, the motherhouse and international seminary of the Institute is located in Gricigliano, in the Archdiocese of Florence, Italy. The Institute serves the faithful of the Bay since 2005 at St. Margaret Mary in Oakland and at Five Wounds in San Jose (Mass at 12:30 pm on Sunday, 12:15 pm on Weekdays but Sat. at 7:30 am)

TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS SCHEDULE Homebound Visits, House Blessings,

Monday - Wednesday, Low Mass at 6:00 PM Spiritual Direction

Thursday, Low Mass at 12:00 PM (Noon) Do not hesitate to call Canon Meney to have a visit Friday, Low Mass at 6:00PM or the blessed brought to your beloved Saturday, Low Mass at 10:00 AM ones. Cell phone number is (510) 604-0391 Sunday, Low Mass at 7:00 AM Spiritual direction is available upon request. High Mass at 12:30 PM Reception Every Sunday after 12:30 PM Mass CONFESSIONS Confessions are offered half hour before daily Feast Days Masses, during Sunday Mass, and upon request for Mass at 6:00 PM those who cannot make it to on the Please refer to the Institute’s online bulletin for updates above mentioned schedules.


The to the will be of- fered this weekend—Divine Mercy Sunday (Second Sunday of the Season of Easter), April 23. The schedule is as follows: 2.30pm: Rosary 3pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacra- ment and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy followed by Adoration and confessions. 4pm: Benediction ● The following are the dates in our CCD/ Religious Education Program: —April 23: No classes —May 7: CCD classes meet —May 14: Final CCD classes —May 21: First Holy Communion —June 16: Confirmation rehearsal & confessions —June 18: Confirmation (10.30am Mass) ● For our CCD/Religious Education pro- grams, the classes offered include: Pre-First Com- munion (1st grade); First Communion (2nd grade); Post-First Communion (Grades 3-4); Grades 5 and 6; Pre-Confirmation, Confirmation, and our St. John Paul II Youth Group. Please share this notice with others that may have an interest in Catechism Classes ANNOUNCEMENTS: (continued) at St. Margaret Mary Church. Contact Valerie at [email protected] or the parish office those in their 20’s and 30’s meets on third Fridays at 510.482.0596 for more information about our pro- 7PM in the parish hall. Please join us to discuss in- gram. teresting topics. ● ● The Parish Library (dedicated to St. Joseph To all parents that have a child graduating Guardian of the Redeemer) is open on weekends af- from College, High School or Junior High, save the ter Masses. The book collection is extensive and date for our 3rd Annual Baccalaureate Mass on contains the best in Catholic books, video and au- Saturday, June 3rd, 2017 at 5:00PM. RSVP to dio. [email protected]. We need parishioners who would like to give ● a little of their time on a rotating basis after the Sun- Young men ages 13-18 are invited to join day Mass they regularly attend. Their task will be to Quo Vadis Camp: a three-day camp (July 9-12) to assist patrons checking out materials and to return assist young men in discerning their vocation as they them to shelves. Training will be provid- grow in relationship with Christ. Activities include ed. Interested in helping or have questions? contact fun, games, music, prayer, and talks. The Camp is to Lily Mullen at [email protected] or (925)827- be held at the Diocesan Youth Retreat Center in 1946. To donate books, audio or video, please con- Lafayette, CA. tact Lily. We will take all categories of books. Mark For registration forms, visit your calendars: Used book sale: June 10 & 11 in Fr. For more infor- Kozina Hall. mation you may call the Diocesan vocations secre- ● tary Cielo Branco at (510) 267-8356 or email at There will be a new schedule for the devo- [email protected]. tions to Our Lady of Fatima. The devotions will ● still be held on the 13th of every month from May to St. Margaret Mary’s Young Adult Group for ANNOUNCEMENTS (continued) The Great Mystery

October. The new schedule is as follows: The pro- The abundant references in the Scriptures to cession and the Rosary will begin after the 6pm Mass the Church as the Body of Christ have, as their basis, (including on Thursdays) on weekdays; after the 8am the idea that the Church is the Mystical Bride of and 10am Masses on Saturdays; and after the Christ. The Church is His Body, because it is His 10.30am Mass on Sundays. Spouse. In developing the analogy, St. Paul speaks of ● Christ as the invincible Head of the Body, and this is If you are interested in becoming part of the because: "The head to which a wife is united is her Legion of Mary at St. Margaret Mary, a new group husband." (1 Cor. 11:3) It is very likely that the Di- (praesidium) is being planned. For more information vine prohibition against women appearing in Church about the Legion, please call Tessie de la Paz at (510) with their heads uncovered is related to this idea. As 693-1096. the Church can have no Divine Head other than Christ, so the woman should have no head except her ● husband; therefore, her natural head should be cov- Two programs of interest from ered. The first is an audio talk by Fr. Francis Peffley St. Paul was not saying that the union of called “The Passion of Christ: In Light of the Holy Christ and His Church is like a human marriage, but Shroud of Turin.” The Holy Shroud of Turin was rather that the human marriage is like the union of called the greatest relic in Christendom by Pope John Christ and His Church. The realities are eternal; what Paul II. In fact, the Shroud is the most studied scien- happens in time is its shadow. For example, earthly tific object in the entire world. Fr. Peffley presents fatherhood is a reflection of Heavenly Fatherhood. new and detailed scientific and medical evidence for "Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that Father from the authenticity of the Holy Shroud. This presentation whom all fatherhood in and on earth takes its brings greater clarity as to the depth of the agony of title." (Eph. 3:15) Because human marriage is an im- our Lord's sorrowful Passion, which he voluntarily perfect reflection of a Divine-human unity, it follows took on for love of us. that sex does not enter at all into the analogy. "No The second is the award-winning documentary more male and female; you are all one person in entitled “The Nun.” It tells the beautiful story of Mar- Christ." (Gal. 3:28) A worm's-eye view of marriage ta, a young Catholic woman in Sweden and her coun- from the pasture or the stable makes it seem as if its ter-cultural choice to follow a calling to become a substance were sex. A heavenly view makes marriage cloistered Carmelite nun, and to live her life for God seem precisely what Paul calls it: "a great mystery." alone. Documentary filmmaker Maud Nycander fol- To the Christian, however, there is added an lowed Marta and her family for ten years to tell the additional sanction for the perpetual bond of husband story of her vocation, and the Carmelite convent made and wife to love one another until death do them part. a unique exception to its strict regulations by allowing Every true marriage is lasting because God so or- the filmmaker to meet with and interview Marta both dered: "What God, then, has joined, let not man put before and after her five-year postulant period. The asunder." (Matt. 19:6) But in the supernatural order Carmelite convent in Glumslöv in the south of Swe- of baptized souls, the marriage between Christians den is normally closed to outsiders. recalls the union of Christ and His Church. "Yes, Marta comes from a large Catholic family, one those words are a high mystery, and I am applying of nine children, a close-knit family who live on a them here to Christ and His Church." (Eph. 5:32) As farm in Sweden. This film explores that decision that Christ took His human nature not for three years, nor is seen as a radical one in the eyes of the world, and for thirty-three, but for all eternity, so do husband and follows Marta and her family during that period of her wife take one another not for a time, but until death life before and after her becoming a Carmelite. do them part. This is the basic reason why the mar- Marta gives her own insights into why she riage of two baptized persons is absolutely unbreaka- made this challenging decision to give up the possibil- ble, because it is the symbol of the unbreakable union ity of marriage and family for the life of a cloistered of Christ and His Spouse. As Christ has only one nun, and we get a good glimpse into that hidden life Church for His Spouse, otherwise He would be guilty the Carmelites live. We also meet Marta's family in of spiritual adultery, so a husband may have only one the documentary: her supportive father and her moth- wife, and a wife only one husband. As Christ would er, first pleased with Marta's choice but later struck by never leave His Spouse, so neither may one spouse a great, unexpected sadness. Helena, her closest sister, leave the other. (Fulton Sheen) who has also considered joining a convent. Big ANNOUNCEMENTS (continued) Vocal Prayer brother Samuel, a doubter who lives a Bohemian life When one of His disciples said to Jesus, in Paris. And little brother Emanuel, to whom Marta “Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk. 11:1), he taught them a was practically a mother. Emanuel tried to stop her very simple vocal prayer: the Our Father. It is cer- from joining the convent and still wishes she would tainly the most sublime formula possible and contains come home. He comforts himself with the faith that the whole essence of the most elevated mental prayer. they'll meet again in Heaven. However, Jesus gave it as w formula for vocal prayer: “When you pray, say…” This is enough to make us These programs and more are available to the understand the value and importance of vocal prayer, people of St. Margaret Mary by visiting which is within the reach of everyone—even children, and registering with your email and the Parish Code: the uneducated, the sick, the weary...But we must re- 7328CP. The Parish is subscribed through Decem- alize that vocal prayer does not consist only in the rep- ber 2017. etition of a certain formula. If this were true, we ● should have a recitation but not a prayer, for prayer The Diocese of Oakland will host a Rachel’s always requires a movement, an elevation of the soul Vineyard weekend healing retreat the weekend of toward God. In this sense, Jesus instructed His disci- April 28 - 30. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats and Post- ples: “When thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, Abortion Healing groups offer hope, help, and heal- and having shut the door, pray to they Father in se- ing for the soul in a loving, supportive environment, cret...And when you are praying, speak not much as and result in life-changing transformations. Confi- the heathens” (Mt. 6:6-7). It is interesting to note that dential sign-ups for women, men, and couples are in St. Matthew these prescriptions concerning the ex- happening now. Don't delay your healing and renew- terior and interior dispositions necessary for well- al in Christ any longer! To register or find out more, made prayer immediately precede the teaching of the contact Gloria Maldonado gloriamal- Pater Noster. [email protected] or visit After- Therefore, in order that our vocal prayer be real prayer, we must first recollect ourselves in the ● presence of God, approach Him, and make contact 2017 Bishop’s Appeal Update: St. Marga- with Him. Only when we have such dispositions will ret Mary’s thus far has raised $6,762 which is the words we pronounce with our lips express our in- 36.70% of our goal of $18,424.95. Many thanks! terior devotion and be able to sustain and nourish it. Unfortunately, inclined as we are to grasp the material part of things instead of the spiritual, it is only too The second collection this weekend is for the easy in our vocal prayer to content ourselves with a Insurance & Diocesan Assesment. The previous mechanical recitation, without taking care to direct collection for Bishop’s Appeal totaled $816. Next our heart to God; hence we should always be vigilant week’s second collection is for St. Vincent de Paul. and alert. Vocal prayer made only by the lips dissi- Thank you for your support! pates and wearies the soul instead of recollecting it in Weekly update Apr. 8 & 9 Year-to-Date God; it cannot be said that this is a means of uniting Actual - 1st Plate $5,589 $76,640 us more closely to Him. St. Teresa wanted to educate souls and to dis- Parish Pay 1st $1,160 $24,840 pose them for intimate converse with God. Thus, she Plate orientates vocal prayer to this end by saying: “I shall Total 1st Plate $6,749 $101,480 always recommend you to join vocal prayer with men- Goal $6,400 $96,000 tal prayer (Way, 22). She explains her idea in this way: “If while I am speaking with God, I have a clear Variance $349 $5,400 realization that I am doing so, and if this is more real MUSIC to me than the words I am uttering, then I am uniting Organ Prelude: Concerto in A minor, Mvt III, JS Bach mental prayer to vocal prayer.” The Saint does not Hymns: #613 There's a Wideness; #412 Ye Sons and Daugh- mean that we should disregard the care which is de- ters; Recess: #546 Regina Caeli manded by the recitation, and which is of great im- 5pm (Sat.) Heritage Mass, Alstott. portance—especially in liturgical prayer like the Di- 10:30am: St. Vladimir's Mass, C. Ellis vine Office—but she does mean that the most im- Offertory: O Love Eternal; Communion #412 portant thing is to be always attentive to God. (From Organ Postlude: Concerto in A minor, Mvt I, JS Bach Divine Intimacy by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, OCD) INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST





Commemorating the slaying of the true Lamb of God and the Resurrection of Christ, the corner- stone upon which faith is built, Easter is the oldest feast of the Catholic Church, as old as Christianity itself. Pope Saint Leo I calls Easter the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year, stating that is celebrated only in preparation for Easter. The order of Sundays from to the last Sunday after , the , Pentecost, Corpus Christi & all other movable feasts de- pend upon the Easter date. Throughout the entire Easter Season, the Angelus prayer that is offered, when possible, at the ringing of the Angelus bells at 6am, 12:00 noon and 6pm, is replaced by the joy- ous Regina Coeli (to be sung from Easter to Pentecost)

V. Regína caéli laetáre, allelúia. R. Quía quem meruísti portáre, allelúia.

V. Resurréxit sícut díxit, allelúia. R. Ora pro nóbis Déum, allelúia.

V. Gáude et laetáre, Vírgo María, allelúia. R. Quía surréxit Dóminus vére, allelúia.

Oremus: Déus, qui per resurrectiónem Fílii Túi Dómini nóstri Jésu Chrísti múndum laetificáre dignátus es: praésta, quaésumus: ut per ejus Genitrícem Vírginem Maríam, perpétuae capiámus gáudia vítae. Per eúndem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum. Ámen.


Please donate to the Institute for our Apostolate. You can give your donation to Canon Meney. Checks payable to Institute of Christ the King. Enve- lopes are provided in the back of the church. You can also go to the Institute’s website at and click on “St. Margaret Mary Oakland, CA,” then click on “Donate.” Many thanks for your support.