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?E$E&Ahhassistants' 12 THE MORNING O ItEG O NIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2J. 191G. WITH HIS CLUB ON TOP, THE PEERLESS LEADER IS DISPLAYING SERAPHS' PLAGE AT THAT HE IS STILL "SOME" MANAGER. ' DODGERS LOSE AS - . r4 in 7v;, AhhAssistants' TOP IS THREATENED PHILS IKE GAIN ?e$e& ' f - 1 "Beavers to Open Ten-Gam- e Cards Check Brooklyn, While Series With Angels Today, Quakers Enjoy Batfest at Oaks Meeting Tigers. Expense of Cubs. VERNON PRESSING LEADERS BRAVES DIVIDE HONORS Chance's Club Seems to Lack Power Pirates Take First Game by Slug at Bat With Wolter Only .300 ging Hard, but Are Beaten In , 4 & - ...V ::. y, 'x Hitter Bees Have Cliance '.. ':::..' ' Second Reds Rout Giants. to Take First Division. Blgbco Makes 4 Hits. Paclflce League Standing:. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 28. Meadows was w. l. pet.; w. i pet. In good form today while St, Louis hit TosAngales 7 57 .SSl'salt Laka. 67 67 .BOO Vernon SI 63 .rH2 Portland... 60 fl .401 Pfeffer and Dell opportunely and shut S.Franclsco 73 70 .511Oakland. 66 89 .386 out the Brooklyn Nationals 4 to 0. Yesterday's Remit. Horsby injured his leg trying'to score No gamei played, teams traveling. on an attempted squeeze play In the Today's Games. inning was At Vaughn street (Portland versus sixth and carried from the 'Angeles. Los field. He was replaced by Corhan. At San Francisco San Francisco versus Score: Fait Lake. Brooklyn SU Louis 1 At Los Angeles Vernon versus Oakland. B H O AE S H O AB Mowrey.8. 4 1 1 OiLonr.r. 4 J 2 u 0 "With his club In first place with but Stengel.r. 0 0;Snyder.l. .. 1 14 0 0 a three-gam- e lead over the Vernon Merkle.l.. 2 llBescher.I.. 1 0 0 0 Wheat.l. 0 OiHornsby.s 1 8 8 0 Tigers, Frank LeRoy Chance and his Cutshaw,2 4 liCorhan.s. .. 0 10 Angela will arrive in Portland In time Myers. m. 0 0Wllson.m.. Olsen.s. 4 O.J.MIUer.2. to clash with the Beavers this after- Meyers.c. 0 0 Gonzales,c. noon at 3 o'clock in the first of a Pfcffer.p.. 1 OlBetzel.3. .. O'Mara. 0 0 0iMeadowi.il series. There will be double-heade- rs Dell. p. ... 0 0 01 Saturday and Sunday and two Gets" 0 0 frames next Monday (Labor day), one Miller". 0 01 in the morning and one in the after- Totals. 84 8 24 13 2! Totals.. 84 10 27 14 0 noon. V Batted for Pfeffer in 8th. Batted for Myers In Wh. Unless Oakland performs in the man- Batted for Dell In ftth ner which it has against San Francisco Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 and Los Angeles in 2XD St. Louis 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 the last fortnight Runs. Long. Bescher. Corhan. J. Miller. against Vernon at Los Angeles this Two-bas- e hits, Hornsby. J. Miller 2, Merkle. week, Frank LeRoy"s Angelic horde is FR1XK LB ROT CHAXCE. Three-bas- s hit. Long. Stolen base. Horns- likely to Hampata on top by. Sacrifice fly. J. Miller. Double play. find the or Merkle to Mowrey to Merkle. Bases on else crowding the present leaders balls off Meadows 2. Hits and earned runs closely before this series ends. Boehling. Speaker. Stolen bases, Milan, off Pfeffer 8 and 2 In 7, Meadows 8 and 0 Oakland took four out of seven from 2: Smith. Shanks. Sacrifice hit, McBrlde. In 9. Dell 2 and 1 in 1. Struck out. Pfeffer Los Angeles last week, while the Double-pla- y. Moeller to Chapman. Bases on 3. Dell 1. Meadows 8. Umpires, Rigler and Tigers 4 MANAGERS SORRY balls, oft Johnson 2. Earned runs, off Kason. were winning five out of seven Boehllnfr 2. Struck out. Johnson 3; Boehl- from the Seals. Thus Henry Maler's ing 3. Wild pitch, Boehling. Umpires, Tal- and Brewers gained a little ground on the lin and Dlneen. Philadelphia 8, Chicago 2. TVJOTHER Nature Father Time made Angel choir. If the Oaks are slaugh- CHICAGO, Aug. 28. The Philadelphia tered, as they usually are by the Ti- Chicago 1, Philadelphia 0. diamonds out of carbon. But pshaw! gers, and the Beavers hold the Angels Nationals hammered Hendrlx today, in hand, the team from the Los Angeles Gifts to Northwestern of Four PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 28 Chicago the Cubs, except In the seventh, when Look what their method does with tobacco. suburb may once again be resting on defeated Philadelphia today, 1 to 0. The Williams doubled with the bases full, w the top rung of Allan T. Baum's ladder. Bushers Mourned. Visitors got the only run of the game were unable to do much with Alexander Two years of it make VELVET. Eighteen pastimers will accompany in the sixth inning. Then Benz, who and champions won 8 to 2. Fast the Peerless Leader to They singled, was forced by Weaver, who the m Portland. secored on E. Collins' single. Benz fielding cut off several Chicago hits. are Pitchers Oscar Horstman. Hogg, Score: Jack Ryan, Charley Hall. Pete Stand-ridg- e. held Philadelphia to three hits. Score: George Washington Zabel and Chicago Philadelphia Philadelphia I Chlcsgi Lefty Scoggins; S ti J A Hi B H O A E ail ti a e B H O A E Catchers Walter Boles ALL ARE SOLD TO MAJORS Weaver.3. 0 0 4 liWitt.s.... 4 0 4 Paskert.m 4 0 3 0 o;Zelder,3. 4 10 3 0 and Johnny Bassler; Infielders Phibl J.CoIlins.r 0 3 0 O: Walsh. r O 2 0 0 Nlehoff.2. 4 1 5 4 0; Klack.r. 2 1 0 0 Koerner, Jim Galloway, Polly McLarry, E.C'llns.2 1 1 3 Ol Strunk.m. 2 O 0 0 Stock. 3... 5 2 1 2 0,Mann.l.. 0 2 OO Jackson, 1. 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 Cravath.r. 4 2 0 0O;Saier.l.. 0 12 0 0 Johnny Butler and Herb Murphy; Out- Schani.I.. O: Ness.l. 113 0 1McInnts,l 0 10 3 0 Whined, I. 4 2 4 0 Kelly. m. 0 4 0O il fielders Jackson, Harl Maggert, Harry Felsch.m. 1 3 0 0 Plck.3 0 2 2 0 Luderus,l. 4 2 10 O 0(Elllott.c. 2 0 Wolter and Rube Ellis. Secretary McCredie Lets Blgbee Go Seals I.app.c . 1 5 1 O'Lawry.2.. O 2 2 0 Bancrofts 4 11 4 0Archer.c 0 1O Weber and Trainer Finley Terry.s. .. 0 O 1 0,Haley.c... O 7 3 O Burns.c. ..3 0 3 1 0'.Knabe.2. 2 6 0 will be Benz.p. .. 1 0 C OiMyers.n. 6 0 Al'x nd'r.p 4 2 0 10 Wormian, s 4 0 2 3 2 along. Turn Bohne Adrift Bees Swap 10 Menarix.p. 2 1 0 10 For a club which has been leading Totals. 28 8 27 14 21 Totals. 29 3 27 17 2 MoCon'll.p OOl is league Eldred for Lemon and "Oaks O O Williams 0 0 0 matured the for the major part of the Chicago 0 0. 0 0 1 O 0 1 pOR VELVET eeason, Los Angeles has many - .Philadelphia 0 O I rv not hard Fail to See Kalllo. 00OO00OO Totals. .36 12 27 12 0 Totals. ..30 5 27 16 8 hitters. Wolter is the only one hitting rtun, weaver. eacnnce nits, t.. voiuns, Ba'.ted for KiUott In seventh. it irry. Schang, Pick. Struck out, by Benz O 1 0 0 5 0 S ageing IS In the charmed circle. is .311. s, Philadelphia 2 two of His mark Double-play- wry O0 by full years Angel Myers 6. Pick to La Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 The attack is led by the fol- managers In to Mclnnls, Haley to Witt. Base on errors, S lowing players and their batting aver Four the Pacific Coast Chicago 2, Philadelphia 1. Bases on balls, Runs. Paskert. Niehoff. Stock. Cravath. ages League are kicking themselves. off Myers 2. run, off Myers 1. Um- Whltted. Luderus. Bancroft. Alexander, in vay. The result is that are as Earned se Nature's shown: Maggert, .280; Ellis, Flack, Saler. Two-ba- hits, Luderus. Will- - .263; Wolter, .311; Koerner, .280; Gallo- Walter McCredie, bosa of the Beav- pires, Chill and Connolly. m way, .268; McLarry. .265. ers: Cliff Blankenship, skipper of the Stolen base, Whltted. Sacrifice ly. Whltted! Bassler is Detroit-Ne- w aged - - - hitting .294, but neither Boles nor Bees; Harry Wolverton, manager of the The Tork American Double plays, Bancroft to Nlehorf to Lu- mellow, in the wood bhortstop game at New York and the St. Louis-Bosto- n derus: Kaabe to Salar. Bases on balls, off Butler is setting the league Seals, and Del Howard, Oakland pilot. game Alexande-- 6. off Hendrlx 3, off McConnell 1. aflame. are the leaders whose clubs let likely-- American at Boston were Hits and earned runs, off Alexsnrler. 5 hits no other mm looking youngsters go outright to postponed yesterday because of rain. and 2 runs in 9 innings: off Hendrlx. 9 hits smoothness that Two games will be played tomorrow. and 7 runs In 7 1- innings: off McConnell, A real hot aeries Is In store for San Northwestern League clubs. Each 3 hits and no run in 1 2-- 3 innings.
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