CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER, ANNEXED TO THE ALBANY DIRECTORY 1833. NEW-YORK, ALBANY AND TROY STEAMBOAT LINE. Bails* Day Line at 7 o'clock, A. M., (through by Day Light.) FROM THE PIER, FOOT OF STATE ST THE LOW PRESSURE STEAM-BOATS North America, Capt. R. G. Cruttenden, Albany, Capt J. G. Jenkins, Erie, Capt. J. Benson, Novelty, Capt. T. Wiswall. Champlain, Capt Gorham. Daily Evening Line, at 5 o'clock, P. M PBOK THE PXER, FOOT OF ECA.UII.TOSr ST. THE STEAM-BOATS Ohio, Capt. M. Bartholomew, De Witt Clinton, Capt. G. E. Seymour, Constitution, Capt. A. Hoyt, Constellation, Capt. D. Brown, jr. For passage apply to the Captains on hoard, or at f ithcr of the offices of the New-York, Albany and Troy Steamboat Lines, foot of State or Hamilton ets. Landing of the Day Line in New-York, foot of Barclay-street Landing ef the Night Line, foot of Courtland-street 1 2 CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER IX>C<XXX!©0<>OOOOOC<HX<>00<XX>0< XXX TRANSPORTATION ON jjjl • • • • l|*^ffiffqfflf- THE CANALS. TRADERS' LINE, [INSURED.] TREAT & HUGHES, ALBANY, PROPRIETORS. OFFICE IJVJ1LBAJVY, JVO. 60 QUAY-STREET REFER TO Otis Clqpp, South-at., J\~. York, Sam'l T.Mwaier,PortQibstm Field S( Robinson, Palmyra, Wilmarth Sf Collins,BushnclU Brook's & William, Pi/isford, A. Voorhees,\Pittsford [Basin Jonathan Child, Esq. Rochester, Joy &f Webster, Buffalo. fl^/" N. B. Liberal advances will be made on pro perty stored at Pittsford, Bushnell's Basin, Palmyra and Port Gibson. June. 1833. SENECA LAKE ©aAH?®E>©R®AE>8e>?£e.
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