i X „ TIIE LETIIBRIDGE i)AHA" HKKALD Thursday. •Julys,1913. ^ j have been a great disappoinlmcnl to these lravi;llcrs" from'Mhme- j QUEEN MARY OK ENGLAND REVIVES AiNCJENT CUSTOM 'sola, for they must appear I he only'tind'of .d'jiliri's'thl'y would hitve any chance of iiossi'ssing, '•'.'.'.•• '-• ' • LETHBR1DGE DAILY HERALD However, the Canadian Norlhwesl will.'iiot .iufl'er^ijne \\hil v ' ESTABLISHED DECEMBER \Kl Putllihed by. the Lethb'ldgc Herald Printing ,Co., Ltd, ev«ry law- in rejiulation so long as the icports of the variety ttiul languid fut evening at its office, Sixth Street, tethbrldge, , . 1 of men like'George'Menu and his suitd c'onlinue lo l>c ilissemiii- W. A. ftUCHANAN mled. People of the present generation .are)nol,'s.o.simple as.to PHONEl - . Man.jlni Director PHONE: T. W. CUAYLE< ,be credulous enough to Ijclieve "travellers' Uiltsi'.ofJhis dcscrip- Editorial, Managing Editor lion. RepirtoriaJ ... JOHN TORKAKCE Circulation •And- Nfw« Bualn Manager And Jct> To our American friends SHY '"Come and'see for vour-. Department bepartmeiitt selves." •• • ' - •' " v l 2 '2 i ^ 12o2 ; TO PRESPPoE A NATIONAL,LANJftMAKK ' ; . • [ , j "TMIr', CRYSTAL PAL.ACK is H Iniikliug'\VjiicK is » jioinfof at- j : DAILY SUBSCRIPTION BATES, I * ttaction to all visitors lo Kugland.'.'\'o Uic "people of London i- • 1 year delivered ..._... $4-W 1 year, by mail ...... $3.00 t»"mo>Hhs; delivered"..^ $2.00 6 monies, by mall ..... (1.50 'ils hirfie plriiMir£ grounds, within easy read], furnish ;i ycrjlublu ! 3 mouths, Silvered ... J1.00 3 monlhf, by mall ...... 75c ihoou lo Hie miuiy tired \\orkoi-s of. Ihu:'rlnigjiiy. metropolis. 3 months, delivered ,.., 35c. 1 month, ty- mail ...... 25c. jKIVorls, Iliercfore, lo mski1 it n iiuliuunt pdsM>ssiou.m-i;-!.ud]iasj .. Afiiliwists charged as i'ften RS desired.- l>ul botb neir aM old addr^sa-s must be.j'.Yen. ; dcsene every-eiicoiiMgeiuenl and roniinejiilatiqu, =-.•.,. > ". . j , . • THE DAILY HERALD FOR SALE AT The tyfttl pniace <)f ylii^s, in Ihe liunds'tif pt'ivule-enter|irise, | : Lethbrldge—-Red C'joss Drug Taber— Weetlako Bros. IJIus not allogctlu'r pi-ovcd u coinmcn;);il'succfess.'iii-llie mutter o'fi] < i Book Store; J. G. Hob- - .VjBC()uver _ Wide World I dividend paying. "Vhe expenst's uttackcd Id ils, keeping up..are]" crUon fc Co.; Jackson ft N-c>.s c Netts shop m Co.: Alexandra Hotel; Peo- .. GraBWe!l Slr(,cl. .. ^ .... heuonnous, even* to"healing the large are». ihV luiilding omipics.j -'-- || Allliough dill'eren( inunagcmeiits have'-liad ii \\ia\i\ in ejideavbr-i . Allin; -. Lethbrldge Hole! . 70S River Side Avenue. r Cigar Staid; Empress Buf- Graisy Lake—Grassy . Lake int; lo organize it as a p"ayi 'j5 conti-iil life result, from llic'poiiilj fet Lucctt. - - - . 1 Hotel." " : ' of view of slmrt'.lipldeYs in Ihe coiiyern.Mjtivcjnol^beeir.fOiy. .Ill Diamond City—Dr. B'Arc. Minneapolis—-Kemp .£ .Co- Medicine'Hat — Assln'lboia uen News Agency. appears then thai' the oiily means foh.presevyiug. thp Palace, and Hotel.' -.'-"- —Leading Book and grounds for-lhe purpose-they were originally i'ntOndcd lies, in its Macleod—'A. D..Ferguson. - - .-News Store, 10? A Stb Ave. Cranbrook—nellUe & Mur- West; World Sews Co. jmrchsise for the niilipn. ' . - ,.--.-... -V-.f" . .. - ': .J "* phy Co.; Cranbrook Book Pincher Station — Edward •The scntimeiil. alUiclied lo Ihe Crystal-gftlnce.makes this, a A ctistorn that had almost.be'en forgotten was revived by ^Jueen Mary when on her way with the King to th. Company. . ' Head. '-- " ' —Provincial Xews St. Paul—World News Co. desirable object.' il is one of the landmark's.which LWricvwilh •*LRVby7:at Eptom Downs; .She cast pennies'm the wake of the carriage- Children and'their" elders engaged in i Company. Carmangay—Clarence Knol- il gt-.ileful association;; of IIit- reiyn/uf Yiclpriai^y;iili recollcclioris wild scramble- in-attempting to become ihe, proud possessors of such coveted souvenirs as'the pence from the Queer Pincher Creek—Dr. McCrei; den. """ ofher consorl, Princi; Aiberl. The glass" biiildiii^lfu' design :of Mitchell Drug Co. il -News Co. ;i gardener on wlium was coufetrcd I'lfdigiiji ' ,- ._ ,-_.,- . jast ,VPC^ auQixxiiHe rain 'LIVING ON PORRIDGE bought outside tiulidivipioiis ttltd mirj- , the'^crops-^'ere not dooru- •- •'(Tbo "Canadian :Courler) ing stocks. Aii(j;tbfcy o.ugbt to Buffer.' iiml whose name. Sir Joseph Pas Ion.' becamjr >nK^shot. - At tins writing •-,. ' THE WEEKLY HERALD E'.cry man \\\m owns an>thing in About a-million Xowu.lols have bee»f uriginally housed in llic":faiuuns Hyitd Parlitv n the Y.elwobd district are Published every Wednesday in elefct jr more iwrcs. and conulr.? a 1 aiiada''"at lh"e'- jn-cscftr Urce should solil In the wett. and a few II;du£aud in - -. summary o! the nlv-s of the week," local nnd district known ;is Ihe "Gival Exhibition of ihc InduSi j > . . . isbiug toudltio'u and *-thc lie-Id i{ if'he haa io li\e 0:1 jiorridgo. [lie east, thai will keep their owners farraerd are ail looking forward to a 1 year in advance $1.00 G months in" uuTEncs'-.., 50c Fonnully opened by'lhe Quceii'in" person." its"object wii-i.to 1 And. *af(ef 'all/^jorridgc is u-jood. living oil rjo'rridee. for A' great man^. good crop, ivtth [rrobably one excep- wh'qlefpmc foba". It lias heen the >tars—rr.cre than tcti.' .But all tbe ' y |)ave;the [paths'of pea'ue'liy providing'ajie'altny'rivalry in Ih'c'arls tion. •*' "• . - ' • •' - : cliief "brnhi' niid - muscle pioducer of inside stuM Is'still good-and gomo of. of manufactur;aetureeamoiifi'sl the nations. 'Ill Ihisjl was symbolic'.of '•'The man \\ho writes iliese articks Die-greatest "race of,all tbe Dritisb the outside. Bui >ou-ra.UBt keep jour the policy which'was'ever the desire of.VlctoVUi and her. brilliant misrspreEenting;' tbe Yclvvoad district peoples'.. -• Most oT t]s'.ba\e been IMtig" taxes palJ 'ar.il live on oatmeal. gets paid for his1 work, and the people consorl. As chairman "of." the cuuncil-or]lh'e01i:eal Exliibiliqn-of on" lendefloih-'steaks and -As for C. P. H. "aud;Po.wer and Mac. ' THOSE WHO COME TO US of 'the district should see" to it tliat duck'until our ta'sto IE .f llltlc \-itIitcd. kny. anil all the Canadian railways »o=i .-!._ !.:_«. —:i:_.. jlnj siicccss'.ib"ijyliicj['it',at()uuMl"were due the-newspapers publishing the same V 1851, flie high position.; A' few 'inonihs "on porridge will Irrlng snj industrials, iliey are just as good • . |^1E NUMBER of-British emigrants;, since, (he commencement lo the liislc, judgment milnndl Itad of Prince'AjbSrtjVv ..-:• \ :,". ' . are made aware of tbe stamp of man back that-anclerif^rest fo'r good food. as they ever wore. 'Their profits may. - 'their corre u'derjl- really Canada has had onfe - Innings and ; ' '•* of thiS'year iotulled 133,350. Their distribution has been as' . Removed to ils preseni-f'cpnit nn«;iH(inp'ositioii''ohvS)' "riii~-Sv"fInnli:nvdcri)ja']n F-lilHill,,L 1^J.:fc_\Yti -fpw-i ..jhere-i5 ho'bettjr farniitig.disifict not ht iiuil« ?s biehifgrj'a ulille. I "follows: Canada, 66,911; Australia,'23.-J32;'New Zealand, 4,881; ; arlother.-Is sur*. lo come." • Don't sell The manager may , be- forced lo 'get anything nt a 'Eicrlfice.. Cache It and clown an hour earlier in;trje-morn[ng i •' British South Africa, 3,3.1)0; olher'colohios arid possessions, y,-118. get a bag" of oatmeal. AH these stocts and play golf once. or twjce less per | • ; The lola! of immigration lo parts of-'the-British Empire is 102,- and iiocils and--"InEide" rral.e<-tntD week. But'1 Uie value Js still there, a,n'd other'good properties are just as Don't be a coward chuck any of j . ' U08/ Of the. remainder;- IVe United Slates accounts for 28,522, \aluable-"today'-'as they ever -were.' !-...„-. ' aji)l')lielfqrj}igri'coianjries"_2,82d. ''."..,'.-• them. Porridge,is,a ^hdleeomc food. view, eo:oppration'for.the Our"-"unbounded" natural resources" f ;.. • A pleasing feature of Ihe-above is ihc number of Britishers asset becomes jiarl of a cjuiy, 1101. omy copuiwii.'^o. me. people.of anrfust as unobundcd as they were n WHEM THE BABY'S GONE AWAY ' 5 - _•_' who'havc found thei/ way lo Canada; What is considered Eng- 5 ear ago. Tbe "soil and the water-, When he's playln* 'roubd,*rae here he's England, but to those in:lhe outlying poi'fioilS of 'Empire.. thi^"| :. -,J\ist-FoY.a Jojce poivcra and-the forests and the mines jist so dadburned small- )- - land's loss as voiced by Lioyd-Gcorge is Canada's gain. Those has been pleasingly marked by .the dondlioa'df $5,000 by Jfr. • havcn[l mp\ed .away. -And tbes»e ore 1 scarcely ever.notice liiw or ECS tho ; :l! tbe basis, of prosperity. Tbe popula- ? j "'.- jvyhosc departure,from the land of their birth is regarded as de- Perkins BulV'prc'sident of Ihe Brilish-r ;l "'•''-'-"" '"- • •'""' tyke at all!— '_-•" -fc.?" " . "| _ puding tlW'Same pf shores. * They will, help considerably: in building up a virile by.day." .' • 1 l g gathers up bis riliyiu -tools an' j • nation; j ;.;•;'' ' -'.-!'°- ' ..,'''_!' ••--•• Yes, bang 6n;."Uon't let the bank lakes* Usself awayj. > I ' [•"- 'Btil"'wiiile we show pleasure thai ihe Dominion absorbs so manager 'scare you. Don't listen- to the- broker Vlio advisis you to sell He's Jist a iiUle spect o'~pIpS, a^ort > .-' " W.any of the "sons of Great Britain, as compared with olher parls because ^ market: will go lower." "rovin'-tklnd T.',''^JT.L -.- < , "!_ - ' of•'the-Empire; there should riot appear any^discrimiriatidn so GriiT the' saddl with both knees. nnd That1 bides amongatt the .-Sowers an1 Mt tight, - . . i far as sentiment is .concerned in "regard lo those of oilier jiatipii- iMIegc Without a.Yell lie's most- too, small-:to find; reiguf the exanifilcs sel'should.urKc Uipsc^vijli a .-. ;•. nlni:y jThere. is_a man in Guelpb. ivbo-baV('ot^er iliiuea tint, | alilies who'come into our midsl. They also" when Ihey urrnclliis.world's goods;lo,help to ' a couple of streets of town- lots in. bother men, like, me ,'' "_fjf > serve .'.a useful purpose in nation building Ss-hen.'Ihey become so quiet?", ....^ ' ' T lliing of Empire history.; ' "Well, >'ou sec;" lie "gritduc *"' ' " somewhere about 1 guess I'd gnt.the'hablt b'f:oyerloo"Rin J .' .•^assimilated lo our idea!s; Considering the expanse of our coun- the- school' of experience, of real. estate went him, >' see*., - / " , - -]' ,.. . try, and llic gi'eal need for population we cannot be enlirely de- j institution .lias no college ; , . mill people said the rppertX would 'b~e~ farmed" some day. But now he's'.lone'afiis!Ufi*. 1'lell y" -| pendent on British immigration. II, thereforc'/bcconies a'nalion- Paul Dispatch. . ;."..'• OUR-. POINT:;OF • VIEW .; ju_niersat tight.iud li\cd on oatmeal. what it's sUH!,;;^ . 1 js__£^Juty4l^l^tjiese_newconiers'should 'be treated -vyilh resp,ecl. ^•".'•L. Her Problem '. . -.;• "or .lepiieaTs he walled and then it Tlie ral-ins churp more "sbfnj* an / tho e'san ^o| cdii|0\ "file started to"sell If,a'nU-not regarded"as. "foreigners^' JIany o/ these have made .' ''Half the worid dOESnt knoSr Iipw ydadbufrncd". jy.hjPpW'^iJt . - r II is now over a nionlh since parliament prorogued, and the Ule by li.ttle^ and finally cleaned up Is mournfulle*r ,t)ian V comniori, _an' il ' good in this'country, and have shoW.themselves to be in posses- the oOier half.lives.'.' ; •• ^; . -' •• CanadialailiimnL Scnatc.jmd IhC-Brilis~h .Empir , * e still. .survive r . V : ... gocd.fmlf ^million. - Today be is a along the" edgfe o' jilgjil -"I l\r,otv. I've jusl betn vi-ondering il ; '!«' j --. Mon_<>r many of those virtues whicH \vo arc-a.ccuslomcd lo expect bow.c^er the Greens can a/ford a Mlllonaire lining In' an Ontario city Therehero''s som'ethln -scetn"5 to buibhlcl . up — not Tdroblo. If you 'want his ad- -, nn1 tlo'g my "'vrizzon'tiEbtlt-,.': • frorii those of oiir own.slock. - ','-"". The nexl cry that will be heard in Ihc land will be-(he call lirobusino when jou can't cvcii buy 1 l : gasoline for a molorctUc."—Detroit resE In" order-to confirm the story,' "*- * i •. r J :". «'••! - ' Yv; This rhaltfir was some lime buck very forcibly referred to' for harvest hands. _ •'. f , , Iron a-;po5t'-."^ .'!l' I'tlp they furnish uti'wijh brawn, but with brains. where prisoners can'fool Ihe guards. to allovv about $500, according 10 rujr jack.to-tcn'derloin steak with mush- around this lonesome place, •. estimates, for*clerical expenses," ooms. That little blt-o1 feller fiUs DD awful rjVyho.iij -. ii.;' a . I'i'ij ',]:, l.iiil.'iiigiof .jhc Panama Canal? A Ger- Candidate (bis first experience)— Jnan. , \V '..;i }. »,:. ti (. r.:i (!j,"i[ rcsearcji in pur connlry? A Jew. Dori't be stomr>cdcd. The only peo- - lol'o* space! =' '" ."' t ( \Viiafcver.may he tlip conditions elsewhere, Ihc Herald has "Clerical expenses?/ Gosh! Docs a le, who' will • suffer are those who •-. f •' —Jolm.D.- Wells.-- id/is at; the -head 'of the great .tuberculosis campaign? An no hesitancy in proclaimjng iliat Ihe crops in Soullici'ii Alberla man- that's runnin' for sherrif liave Italian. And 59 on, all thi."-.i.:h':!'•. Y.'lTiTPi'llVli.X.:.. you/will to' hire a chaptem?"—Chicago Tri- 'are the-beslaver. bime", " i flnd llicm furnishing brains i(n !•.:•> iln ,'ii ciim.li •'.". . . ' ,'.,' So in welcoming our !liil.«.j iM/Mlifis IM .•'••:>u: Pnorlose -11. may"l>t;tlial-ii!ie jieoplc feel il rather a lengthy wail for Unwelcome Caller tight of Ihe fact Ihal'those^li.i'n c:! ••:• li'-ii«lr!. ^ )!!•<• Ihcir'uscs'- "Opportunity really liiiocks r»t many : icre is the consolation llial we al- a door." jn-thc'sersice of our counlr... !'(. B( i I:K. Ix-sl iiom them-by 'Then wby' don't more of us suc- ihaking them feel lhal [heir destiny Is" wrappc(l" up iri ours is.pne ceed, belter?" W the missions of nation builders.!.'; - •'',-, ''I "'..'.' ';'.","^.77^- ' "The trouble is' lhat -opportgnity f This is' the/-tlay;of opportunity for British Columbia- fruil wants us to go to work/'—LoulBvHie gfo'wc'rs lo'clciiio'tihlratc (Ka\ they can place berries.on llie fnarkel Courier Journal. .' cheaper Ihanlhe fruil iii^n across the line. ; -.Our', negro Jaundrcsa works also for OW RIDICULOUS the allempfs *Hich ft'ri'ar: l p'rcsont bdini ' "'' '" ="'•--' 'V-V-''""/^ ' ' ' '• some friends of ours. Soon afler their H made over the border lo stem JlKi [ide' "- '".''""." '" "'" ' '' ' I-'oyd'.OTOige-feck" free lo lalk .Marconi slock now and H daughter had announced her rnjage- the Canadian.West, is sliown by Ihe pubiicai " ' 'Si',!1!1" &\ t".1^0^^ crit!c-s ll) c'liiwl in-under Ihe barn. nuiil, I said to '.V.e negross: "Vfrgle, Uic'Cliancctloc^pncc gets well under way there will.) Jia\e you seen Mlanchc's nance?'' [ • in the-Argyle, Minnesota, Banner: '-'','?'•'.' *.-.-• ••.•','" 'l!aw! I don't fcnow, Loney/1 aJic ; Sonic langii'ygfi'HinJvln-'&vcl- Hits scenery. ' ".'/"' :. Gco/gc Morin and i)arty,;cpiik is1ing",p'f'.Cnleb J'a'r-'i \- j -* _. ; - - answered "11U aln'l beca In dc wash • CIlI. OoIplVTC flrtllTftf ~llne\ Vt.im'.. tn,.~.. Jl.'.- '_'..'. -","'' , _•** jit.'"' last Friday it nil poinls whc-rc llicrc Wore cclcbralinns where ncrsi ;irii viewing thc.pro.spccl.s of haryo^L On the Face of It ' Tho inloimaUon editor received * summer on elevator conslruc I . . nhd- PpOplc do nol usually cclebriilc \vliqrtioiible this feller from a frtsh .tbiitli: . , ~ian Northwest is cx[>criencing.Hlniosl;a'.panic,at'ihe'..'"' -j'Kinnly, icll me why a «lrl atnayb tl6=e3 her c>es when a fellow Ktsfica ' . nrf'fiPhprtscnft 4llll(>lime'; fdia 1>nl nir*n(nmontiyr IPs \\^A',-.{^.l'.,A.i~ *~ i.* 11~ •. ' '. . her." _ " •' C5"e.ry lowi th'ey^ycre in."nog ,'i'hc-yuimg men wlioSvcnl home fo thtir Minnesota - The editor rei-lied: Hat. and olhcr places, f1 — "• "If jon \\ill send Jb >our jifiOto- . looking for work. ' The «• • graph wo may be able lo lei] >ou tbe reason." ': . < ailds of. emigrants poii , Morin saj-s Ihf5 gas wel1 '.' - pco])le-up-t!)erc somewl • ''You worship jour antebtprs, EOlutely false and la, creating n bad you not?" ' -,'wclicnr (IqVii iwrc'aboul Impression In financial cifcles about '.Tcfi." replied IJiow lii. t^c cmhi , is nothing more' thalr'aii these particular districts. -This week ml Chinean philotoplier. "1 note with the S:m read a letter from i loan com- Interest thai you follow precisely Ihe of Minnc-' pany In which they staled that owing op|x)ilte-idea. You evolve the doc rlnc ,An, Injutllce .to";Yetwo'4ou ari were on-slnkc, crc3Un0 a peculiar trnbjrfsssmont for tovtnl diy> am on* Thei editor'of tue.Sun sva» qu'i oier'i/iarricd,"—Judge, the Jewl»h feljo-.v cltiicns , " .