Many Indy Stars Revere the Salt
Many Indy Stars Revere The Salt Astonishingly, until this year, I had awhile and get your lakester running! other car was a rear engine. racing luck with mixed results. never covered “the greatest spectacle”, End personal segue. Reaching way back, we find my all- Indy Ace Tony Bettenhausen drove aka the Indy 500. As a veteran motor- Let’s start with names that most LSR time land speed racing hero, Frank on the salt in 1955 setting 18 Internation- sports journalist, my brain would have folks know, but may not realize they had Lockhart who, at the 1926 Indianapolis al Records in the F Class (1.500 cc) exploded to just be a spectator, so I put ties to Indiana oval. Those people that 500, was a relief driver for Peter Kreis’s records in an OSCA sports car with together a little track lapping activity. have a year and speed in parentheses indi- eight cylinder supercharged Miller. He c-driver Marshall Lewis. The idea was for land speed, drag, jet cates Bonneville 200MPH Club won the race becoming the fourth rookie Among other Indy racers who also and rocket racer Paula Murphy, aka “Miss membership. ever to do so. Lockhart, you will remem- drove on the salt you’ll find such names STP” to reprise her milestone role as the For instance, cheerful and always ber, together with the Stutz Automobile as: Dan Gurney, Rex Mays, Jack McGrath, first woman ever allowed to drive a race charming Leroy Newmayer (1953 Company, broke World Land Speed Cliff Bergere, Wilbur D’Alene, Bud Rose, car upon the venerable brickyard oval.
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