^ "T ML 1069—Vol. XliV. ts»«*«rf/or tvo«™^<,»jj »^a


P«cB 3d. April I , 1882 . to. lll ew


—~ — - ¦ — -^— - - — — ih —^^^m^w r - -^ — --»——- — NEW EDIT IONS AND BOOKS-^^^- -^^-^^^^^— -^^ LATELY^ —^ ^»^^ ^^^^^™ ^h^vh ^^^^ PUBLIS^^^^ ^^^ —^—~ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^-^^^ HED^^h^^^V ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^p ^f ^ ^V ^^ V ^^ ^V ^ ^F ^ ^* ^ ^* ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^F ^ ;. 303—328 BOOKS IN THE PRESS 303, 305, 310, 313 MIS CELLANE OUS 331—344 BUSINESSES FOE SALE 337, 338 ASSISTANTS WANTED 338, 339 WANT SITUATION S 338, 339 BOOK S WANTED TO PUR CHASE 339—343 USTIDIE S: TO ADVERTIS ERS Andrews & Co. (Durham) 334 Hodder & Stougb ton 319 Newman (G.) 338 r«-» -«wv .-¦»¦-» ^^ w~m AJLA» * ¦L_^-»- • • vv VVV « ¦—. -—-—. J aker & •*••••• • • # •¦ • • * % \J%J\J V AVIV U \ 1H * * / ••••••••••#•••**#••¦•**-^ ** ^^ * * ^^* A A MM 333 ••••333 HoldenAA. (A.) 338 Norman Si Son jonroae & 325 Holmes & Son 337 Olle ndorff (B.) 329 Bonfc&Son 335 Hu ghes (J.) 344 Partridge (S. W.) & Co. 334 Z"™Bntkh ""A ««¦ Forei" ! vi^iign Artists^.rtLsos 'Association-association 332ooz Hurstix ura v &ot Blackettx>iacK.evjf 303avo ;• neeyesBeeves ^»t(Williajujiiiui m); ...... 4.•> 314o*t, 325u-»t» wowne fc Nelan (Dublin ) 312 Johnson & Aubert 334 Religious Tr act Society.. ^ 316 JWKhes (A. M.) 337 Johnston (W. & A. K.) ( Edinburgh ) 324 Seoley & Co ^. 315 Cj«UWlWl., PettPettft err , SiXr GalpiHa !n{n n.. 320ion , 321QOl , 332UQO JutaTii + q , HeelTTo.nl iBi" a , &Jtr Corir» 335!i :t K SlmpkinSl mnVIn , Mareliall\farait all , &Ai. CoC.n 312 JJ ambers (W. & R.) 327 Kelly & Co 322 Smith , Klder , & Co 305 ihrittjan Age Office 307 Leight on, Son , Si Hodge 335 Spalding & Hodge 331 5£y « Son 312, 313 Longley (F. E.) 306 Stevens (W.) 329 JJ ton (T. Gates) & Co 336 Longmans & Co .-.. 332 i Sunday School Union 315 JPck (W .) 338 Low (S.) & Co 306, 308A 8, 326 ! Suuderland Librar y 338 **>wde (Henry) 311, 313 Macmillan & Co ;.... 310 TTnwi n (T. P.) 309 I oSSS? 8. there has always been a certain amount of fre e trade in the selection of books 1 bfh man I 1 agers of the respective schools , an-WT d the National Society , as a trading compa ny , has ¦ ¦ CQIHTkAf *»/l m^ il. J^l-iihe 1. 1 . 1 1 r^l T TT» -1 _1 ' 1 lA. 1. ~~ ) WitJl ^ tra but > ttn (ier the London School Board , a more exclusive spirit lias I Pt« ^ an( all other I matS, ' ^ P11*6" 1?^ legislation by the Board has been the rule in this as in | I r *1161^. Rememberinff^e memDenn g that the School BoardJBoard outlayoutla y is met bvDy precepts to whichwnicn themo rate-ra ce- I Pa n II S^ > 01111** ^prth esented e bycan the vestries , have to yield instan t obedience , it is difficult to see on II j ^ J ^ ** Board defend a monopol y which virtua lly excludes the London publish- 8 from e b II mLr T? * the supp ly of books for the Board Schools ; and the pro test now mad y rma wil1 at the mind as to the Boar d's policy, even R «it h 7 ^ ^ast inform public HI /"J* no effect upon the conclave on the embankme nt. From the ra tepayers ' point of view ft ^ Pwnciple of an open supp ly at the discreti on of the teachers and managers has the primd ^ If m ; " ^il II 282 The Publishers' Circular April h I

II facie recommendation that competition in the publishing trade is likely to result in the ^pro. II vision of the best wares at the lowest prices, while, on the broad ground of fair trading the interference with ordinary traders II Board is bound to show no favour. The by religious I societies which have become neither more nor less than large commercial companies, working 1 with a capital supplied by the benevolent public, has already been allowed to pass unchallenged II until it has developed into a serious evil, and it would be absolutely monstrous if a Board which is spending, not the alms of the charitable, but money often wrung from persons who II the same lines. If the protest leads II can ill afford it, were allowed to work on the Board ^ reconsider the matter, it will not have been framed in vain ; and if it fails , we should recom. mend the signataries to try the effect of a deputation to Earl Spencer and Mr. Mundella, or even to carry their case to the true Court of Final Appeal, by appealing to the ratepayers in the prospect of the approaching election of a new Board.

The jaded Londoner may now turn out of the hurly-burly of the Strand, and instan- ' taneously find himself amid the beauties and sublimity of Swiss scenery. Mr. Thomas, tie director of the Grap hic, has opened a gallery at the Grap hic office , entitled ' Ten Years' tionaays in Dwitzeriana. Itit consists ofui 128a^o water-colourwaier-wiuur drawingsuiawuiy», buyy theme aidaiu of01 wnicn IIJ Holidays in Switzerland.' which,, in a brief space, such a tour of England's playground can be made as few of us have the good fortune to achieve. We see, immediately about us, as they have presented themselves to the **»¦ W-r W~r ¦— -v —• ns ^ *. ** ¦ v» ^» w b*«v wm^ « ^ | ^ 1 eye of a painter, snow-capped mountains, ^ t t , and smiling valleys. The^ tin years of patient attention which have been given to sights familiar to many have enabled Mr.

W*r w-^ ¦ ¦—' ¦ ¦ ¦ * * ¦ J , ^^to ^^_B ^^4^ ^ |^ mk ^^ta ^H ^h^^ F ¦ r w h ~ ~ — -^ ¦— — r -^ y j ThomasJ ^^^ ^L ^L ^^^ F A ^k ^k ^^^ V P^bP to^v lay^b ^^ w ^M thema^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ beforeJ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ v ^ ^ ^^^ us in^^* theirw ^^ ^^ happ^ iest^ ~^^ ^ ^^ aspects™ -^^ ^^^ -^^ ^"*^ ."^ For~"^ oftentimes—^ ~^ a~^—~ fine^^^^^ ^^ ^™ -^^^ view^ ^h ^^^0 is^H^J hidden.A A. I I II I I I I from the traveller who is immediately in presence of it by some accident of mist, rain, tempest, or darkness. Those who have been in the habit of visiting Switzerland will, we think, eagerly ¦—¦ W-* fc»^ ^ . ^ ¦¦» ¦ -«^ -—- ¦— —• — — — — —¦- - — —— — — — » ¦—- embrace^^ A A * *s ^ n, ww ^^ ^^ this^ A a m***j opportunityv^ •—r ^S •» V ^^ ** w of^^ ^ renewing^" ^^ ^ ^ •* ^^ » • — wk theirw^^ ^'^— recollections.^— -^ — — Those who have not^^ t^r *s beenw-^ ^^ ^m'A A thereVJA W*4 t cannot better learn what it is that draws countless English men and women yearly to a corner of Europe, than by visiting the Grap hic gallery. And those who do not propose to go, may j almost feel as if they had done so, af ter making a tour at 190 Strand. For ourselves, in a my I cursory survey we were arrested by (2) ' From the Rigi,' a view like a relief map ; (10) * Unterseen,' the suburb of Interlaken ; (15) ' Runaway Diligence ' ; (19) 4 White Cross at TLeuk.iPnV ' Tt,It maynrm.v beV>a worwnr+,lith saying»fl,vinor thatfhat. this isia TLiPAik&vbcLdLteukevbad ;• in JueukLeuk itseltitself the V>at.hbathsa arenrA not.nnf (27)($7\ c Monk, Eigher, and Jungfrau.' The first of these wonderful mountains*j\j is the Mdnch. (35) .a c \xi «* i/Zj, a noblenuuic vviciewn ;, (43b. 58) ' Reminiscences of steamers on the Rhine ' ; (80) i In a street, Leuk.5 This is the Baths of Leuk. Leuk is not a * village,' nor at the ' foot of the Gemmi,' but a town midway between the hot springs and the railway station. (89) * View from the Gemmi.' This is ! m.A.v^ VO.AV> UiAUtV V/W »-» AlAi^ w A».v***,*. » W4AJI&V vw*.jfcv-^ ^/kj |»/ X^ VilVXAJ T H_TJ.'\-'» f^/V> VAUVJ » ^^ v^ * v* w WVV » XV TT « V V V' / XVIUVUU especially valuable, because you may ^go many a time and not see the view ; (90) ' Riblxm Road.' This, the descent of the St. Gotthard pass towards Italy is so curious in its windings | that the traveller can scarcely believe what he sees before him ; (94) c Valley of Gastein.' This ; is the (jrasterGasternthaLntlial, theth« look down into wliicnwhich iromfrom the northern Jieightsheights orof thethft GemmifrRmini passnasa is , one of the most striking things in Switzerland. * Gastein ' is 250 miles away among the pines | of the Salzkammergut or Austrian highlands. (100) ' From the Miirren.' This is one of the j grandest spectacles in all Switzerland. Only, the mountain one looks on is the Eigher, not the VUi ¦¦¦ * ¦ (^7\^ 1 1> Vkl •*. .*. AM. V A JLV^ V«.kJ A^VUf T «Jk 1 V VJW «_^ -A VA AJ. Lf VJX V- Fs^ \J». V \J V UVOVl J VA« --- - Eag^~A PS le.^^ * ' V* arious**'•*¦ ' Leaves from at^f Note Book/- V^ V^ * numbered* *. *^*. ,• but not described , in*** the catalogue, are worth the visitor's careful attention. The proceeds of Mr. Thomas' gallery an* to be given to the Artists Benevolent Institution.


"~ ^^ ~" ^ ^~ * —~ -^ ^^a^ ^r ^^ ^b ^k ^ ~^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ a i— W*** r- * ^h^ '^^ ^^ ^^"W V^ «» — -~ ^^ ^K >«• ^h ^' Vl ^1^ ^K «*^ Til J %. »^f ¦ « ^V ^K Jb ~-| .T * ¦ ^*m X-^ V V *^ J^ ^ W^b «k ^ki^ "*b* ^h' Jk ^ . rfb Xri ' ¦ * L ^^ V ^ ^ ^— — yV At a MeetingV*^ of the Association held^^ ^^ this^^ day,^^^ the following'^ ^^^ resolutions^ ^^ ^^ P*^ wereV V ^^^ ^ *B unanimousl

adopted, and are respectfully submitted for your consideration and supportJLV. . 1>11U HJ jr -«.»/^o^i i/^tt/ j l Jiiai u V^ .11 *^ ^1UKV;OU OilllOU «JliV3 |;aDOOi ^ / x«* »/«. ^ Resolved,j That we*¥ hereb* \^ y protest againstU ^ the passage>J ofVJL the H.JLJ . R. BillJLJX±±, 3709«-f|Vfc ,j introduced into the House of Representatives of the U.S. by Mr. Hardenbergh, and referred to the Com- mittee on Ways and Means, Janu ary 30, 1882 , entitled ' A Bill Removing the Duty of twenty- five per centum ad valorem on Newspapers, Periodi cals, and Magazines,' for the follow^ I reasons :— 1. It would be injurious to American printers, wood engravers, type and stereotyi* founders, electrotypers, paper makers, bookbinders, and publishers. X. J. _ _ 4- l^of 1)11 2.O ItT4- wouldiiryMil J\ be!-. /¦» unjust-.-. -w-^4.. ^. x to^^ all^11 of^U theseJ.1 - interestsi a andJ partiesi_ * , fori?_ theji reason~ _--^« that , vli"|W v creating an untaxed foreign competition with them, these domestic interests couM net ant I would not be relieved of any of the many local , state, and national taxes, which form so con- I

-_ ¦ ^ '^ ^ - ^— -_ -, - _ , — , — -r- r^ -^ -^r ^^ - ^ -^ ' sidera' ' ble a part^ of the cost of all.^^^ ^^ ^ of^ their^^ ^ ^ ~^^ ^ g^^ own^^ V V J * *» productions.W<^ rf^ ^ W^ V^ . ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^k ^ ^^ J» A V^J « 1 1 I¦ 3. It is uncalled for3 for the reason that American publishers are now furnish^ j I American readers aupplies of i newspapers, periodicals, and magazines/ which are at once i*» I good and cheap, and these two desirable qualities are not to be retained and further develop* » I but rather destroyed, by untaxed foreign competition. , I Resolved That the Secretary be and he is hereb attested copies of tw^ II , y requested to send rep I resoluresolutionstions to thetne Chairmanfjnairnaan ofot thetne UommitteeCommittee on WavNV ayss andmid MeansMosepose which still furtheriurther diversitydiversifv tnethe series.aeries. ItTt has long been conceded that English photographers had the pas in landscape. It would seem as if the first rank in portrait-work were also to be theirs. now_» -¦ 1 • ¦ ^ I I i ill•* • ¦*¦ h^ ^—>* m m « « V^ *» « ^ w * I We draw our readers' attention to the advertisement of the Cambridge and Oxford Uni- versity Presses announcing their simultaneous issue of the Parallel Editions of the Revised Jsew Testament, for which, owing to the facilities they afford the reading public of noting the textual changes, there will doubtless be an enormous demand. In our last issue we inadvert- I y mentioned the Oxford editions only of these books. The statement applied equally to entl .« ^. • * ^ • • > V i Tr" ^ r • a. a ^« a*. . & _ — — _ the Cambri* dge editi* ons, the two Universities being joint proprieto* rs in these publications.

__. "« ¦ — ^^— ^^_ —m' — ¦ - ^ — - - — - - — - — ^^ ^ ^ b — — -—¦ — ^— — -^ — — — — -¦¦ — — '^ ^ —w- i — — '^^ ~^%^ » " ^^ Messrs. Puttick & Simpson will shortly^ j sell,j amongst other valuable books^^^ and^^ ^ ^"^^ ^^» MSS.^B* ^^^** »^*^^ ¦> ,laf anB^^^^^^^» early Italian wor k of which not a page is without marg inal notes in the autograph of Torquato Tasso, written while confined in the Hospital of St. Anna , Ferrara, by the order of Duke AAlfnnsa.lfonsa. WeWe understand it is iromfrom the llibraribrarv y otof the late Sir WilliamW ilJiam Tit.e.l ite, butbut , notnot, soldanlrl with his collection. Besides notes on the work itself , it cont ains some verses by the renowned poet of Italy. We hear that Mr. Joseph Hug hes has just published the first number of The Governess, a ladies' literary monthl y. Among the contributors are Prof. Coup land , Rev. Sir Gr . W. Cox, Bart., M.A. , Rev. J. G. Wood , M.A., F.L.S., Lad y Benedict , Miss Emily Shir reff , Miss Emily G. J ones, James Bailey, J. L. Kinton , B.A., Mrs . Wigley, and other well-known t authors. j Messrs. Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, of Edinburgh, have just published a new two- volumei ijiuihv novel»u< vi. envuvivjit/utitled ' Am *. Storyuuvij r of\jx Twox n v Years/x cai o bkjjy Mrs.i.uio. Meldrum.xvxcxui uiii. Mr. Dunkin c ^ , author of the Church( Bells of Cornwall/ has in the press, to be issued in _ i royal„ quartot ,7 a-. new— work entitled The Monumental Brasses of— Cornwall/_— 7 containingo sixty-j | one illustrative plates, with descriptive, genealogical, and heraldic notes. , The City of London Publishing Company announce a new shilling monthly, edited by Mrs. Marion Drake, entitled the St. Peter ' s Magazine. We learn that Messrs. Thurgate & Sons, of Paddington, will shortly publish an important ¦v^* f J_ two-volumeuni w worv V-/ X kXV ,« evXl.ntitled UJL Ulvvl ' Poetry—L. V/Vx vi, y andCCjJIXVA, theIfll^/ Poets.V-f t* *. Om ' ! A fourth and cheaper edition of e My Lord and My Lady/ by Mrs. Forrester, has just been , -~ ~^» ..,* yji ! issued in oneM^ volumeVUlUiUC/ by%j y MessrsXfJLCCJOJL O.. HuX-1.U-1.OOrst &VX/ BlackettJLJ1CIi\jZ\.*JVU,j wIT hoil^ alsottlOU announce ^ ceremony beine: performed by the Rev. J. A. Mackay, D.D., minister of the 8h Episcopal Church X wt^ in Paris. ^. ^ coming number of Good Words contains six engravings after sketches by Princess 6 (Marchioness windows (jf lJ" of Lome) of views in Quebec, including that obtained from the «e Governor-General's quarters, n country sympathy tlian ' ^, -on the Continent has Longfellow's death been noted with deeper m *ra;nce. In Paris, on Saturday, all the leading papers gave an account of his career. ^m© > Aeaii • ?lia P°ems, ' Excelsior included, have been translated into French verse by the " -«. M.viwj r lYj iar ¦t ^j ^^ ^.^/ > iuier. — — t ' '" ' " ' ' ' " :-^ ^ m 284 The Publishers ' Circular April , l8fe R

In reference to a resolution remonstrating against the Poet Laureat e's recent Ode, in wHch I ' dri nk ' is used as an expression of loyalty , Mr. Malins , the Chief Templar , has received the I following communication from the poet s son :— * 86 Eaton Square , London . Sir ,—My I begs to than k the committee of the executive of the Grand Lodge of England Good Templars I fortor theirtneir resoluti on,on. Noxso one honounonours rs more highlymgmy theine guougood workw ui-jl doneuuiie hyvy themtu«::i thanman mvmy fathtather. *» I I must , however , ask you to remember tha t the common cup has in all ages been employed as I a sacred symbol of unity, and that my father has only used the word " drink " in reference to I this symbol. I much regret that it shoul d have been otherwise underst ood. Faithful ly yours I Hall am: Tennyson .' ' I Messrs . Sotheby, Wilkinson , & Hodge hav e sold, at their rooms , Wellin gton Str eet I Strand manuscri pts and books, selected from the library of the Right Hon. A. J. , 6 Beresford- I HopeXiope, M.P.JM-.Jr. TheI lie bestuest priprices ces werew ere as»» followsxu±±ow» \r—;•:— Huumcnomer i Oyjpviapera , Greecevjricevt), / thenie earlitja.rn.esx est editioneaition I¦ Florence , 1488—^71 (Qu aritch) ; ' Biblia Polyglotta / 1514, the first polyglot Bible published I —£16C (Quaritch) ; * The Venerable Bede' s Exposition of the Gospels and Acts of the -I Apostles/ on vellum , written for Ferdinand , King of Castille , and illuminate d in gold and I colours— £55 (Quaritch) ; * Lib er Elyensis cum Calendario ,' a man uscript containing the lives I of various saints , formerly belonging to the Priory of Ely—£50 (Dutton). I

-r „._ _ ^. _ ^_ ^_ - - _ m^^^f ^- ^- - — wtj Canon Fleming,j a pup il of Macread y,^ j and one of the most finished readers and elocutioni sts I^^_ among the Eng lish clergy , made an eloquent reference to the death of Longfellow in his ¦ sermon at Westminster Abbey on Sunday night: ' While on the top ic of eminent men who I have stood in the realm of letters , must I not linger , in this venerable place, on the name of I

~- _ _ 11 "™ —" ^ » - - - j— j — — *—B f J £|"y - — — • w y age of 15 began shun delight s ^^^K Wadsworth Longfellow^ ^ who at the earl ^ "to Henry^ , and live I laborious days ," and then showed the hidden powers which afterwards made his name a house- ¦ hold word whereve r the English tongue is spoken and read ? There are now, happ ily, so many ¦ objects of common inte rest which make America and Eng land one in friendshi p and sympath y I _ ^ . ___ . _ .. that— ———-- — the— — — pure^~ -~ — poet will. be__ as sincere_ _ ly mourned_ here_ as there . We are sitting near to nionu— _ - - ¦ mental stones that rem ind us no nation^ owes so much to her good and great men^^ as ourselves. ¦ ^^^^ And in the deat h of Long fellow, ju st recorded across the Atl antic , we feel a touch of sorrow I that bids us claim him, if not as one of our own to lie in our Abbey , yet as one of the men of ¦ Tt LXKJ J.1 V CU CblJVL UCV-LXk. ^V4. dtlJLVA. ia UUUlUU Cbl&VA W±\JU\s XKJi. UO CtlJ. * ¦ thisVM.UO centuryl/t/Jl V UlJ who lived and talked and laboured and wrote for us all,' ^H An idition de luxe of Mr. R. D. Blackmore 's celebrated work e Lorna Doone ' is in the I press fully illustrated. It will be published by Sampson Low & Co., who will also have read y I at the same time a new stor y, in 3 vols. , entitled * The Lad y Maud , a Narrative of the Loss I of a {SchoonerSchooner Yachtx acht /' bvby WilliamW illiam Clark KussellRusselL, autau thorhor 01of *c The WreckWreck of the UrosvenorGrosvenor. , ' I¦ * A Sailor 's Sweetheart ,' &c. A new novel entitled ' The Heart of Erin ,' from the pen of I y\ V^vr notn TH*TYl E.Li' Owens#1¦»»» y-k«-»r n/\«i of^-\4- '• Molll»/r/-wIl*Ty Cf"arew*r\ mu-i-rrv , ' &c.w-rs* , willrtrill ber\. r\ issuedinni^ /\i^ in^ ApriA rvwi l by the^V\ ^^ sameA firm. ¦ i^ l^ li Messrs . Black wood & Sons are about to publish , by subscri ption , a work by the well-known ¦ Frenc h arc haeologist M. Francisque Michel , entitled ' A Critical Inquiry int o the Scottish ¦ r^v ~««. ' ¦ LanguageJJCUl gUWKVj, withIT 1VU the\IAM.\J ViewV J-V» »T ofKSX. IllustratingJL11 UO 1/lUl l'XU g thebUV RiseJL\IM.aKS andt*XlV«. ProgressJ- 1 Vgt VOU of\S-M. CivilisationVI f mDUIUlUll in•"» Scotland^ . ^^ _ Th e aut hor seek s, by an elaborate comparison of mediaeval French and Scottish social life , b ; ¦ prove that Scottish civilisation is of French ori gin. ¦ <^..-^>~-— ) ¦ J.TJLA. • X/UV1U JL/V/ UgiMO VA. JUU.J.11UUX gll . XO Wl UU.U«jlllg. Ill CW XXCI>J.X ^4. V ilJ.£jC t* lib n t*•»*¦> -* uniform i^^ _ Mr. David Douglas ^, of Edinburg h , is producing , in a hand y size,j a new and edition of the novels and miscellaneous writings of Mr. W. D. Howells, the Amer ican aut hor. H The first volume , conta ining c A Foregone Conclusion ,' is now read y. jH A new atorvstory iais now appearinannearinc g r in Society, entitled * A strugglStrn o-o-lee forior jam"Famee, ' fromrrom thetne ppenen ofw >h ¦ Mrs. J. H. Riddell , Author of * George Geith ,' * The Senior Partner ,' &c. &c. ¦ uc ! ¦ Messrs.xtjlc»»i». W.it . H.jj l. Allen^YiAtsii &i\j Co.kju . 'sa new workswui ks willwin includeiiiuxuue thetut? second»t ;^_ of Cliina ,' by Charles Boulger , M.R.A.S. ; * Franz Liszt : Artist and Man / by L. Ra mann , \m trans lated fro m the German by Miss E. Corrdery ; ' The Plays and Poems of Cha rles Dickens, |H collected and edited by Richard Herne Shepherd , in 2 vols. ; ' The Belgium of the East , by h Blan chard Jerrold ; and ' On Dut y,' a novel. H Mr. Charles Marvin , the well-known writer on the Turcomans , has been despatch ed on a H special mission to St. Petersburg by the Newcastle Dail y Chronicle , to ascer ta in the actu a H 10l OWWUU V*. UU.W11 U 111 VUUUXMJL X LO1C * U11U VAlf JLUUUX C \JX. XvUOOXOill UUlll/lf tUVAOa J.1M *. . O-»-^«^" • ,7 w . , state of affairs in Central Asia and the future of Russian policy there . Mr. Ma rvin ?H^^ H / a now in that city, expect s to be a month away pursu ing his inquiries , and on his ret urn wi» H » »» H I at once pupublishbiisli thetiie work liehe liashas liaahad some time in hand , describin gg the latest RuKussian ssian »uadvan h , towards India. » H The Rev. Alfred Ainger, who has j ust published a volume on Charles Lamb for t H < Essays of Jw«^ H ' ' English Men of Lett ers ' ser ies, intends to follow it up by a reprint of the h with introduction and notes , which will be published soon by Messrs . Macmillan in tfttf ' Golden Treasury Series. ' . f H Booksellers and stationers ar e promised a great saving of trouble , an d ultimate 1} H expense, by a new invention entitled Billings' patent folding packing-cases and cra tes. A" H the advantages are that returned einptiea will tak e about a sixth of the space now cropJ o)_^^ H that nails are dispensed with in packing , an d that , the cases being packe d and unpacked H out the strain or violence incident to the method now in use , the cases will last a great ^ ^ H longer. . »c»ilt r illB Mr. T. B. Aldrich is busily engage d prepar ing his biograp hy of N. P. WUlifl, wJ ¦ form an earl y volume of the * Americ an Men of Letters ' ser ies. ., s at in H A * Q.C. / writing to the Times on the vexed quest ion of dramatic copyr ight , say n(J relH ins opinion jyxiss juut II , on nas nit tri e mar K hy pointing out that wnateve r an "" " ^ J ^ ^^ s : ^ -I iU' ': ' . 4^ 3^ '

April l f l 882 The Publishers ' Circular 2S5 can do to prevent its being dramatised by unauthorised persons must be done before he pub- lishes the novel. If he composes a drama, he acquires, under 3 Will. IV., c. 15, the sole of representing it, and he does not lose that right by subsequently publishing a novel liberty the and his rama. w^t:^hichu contains™T-i+A.in« the dialogue and incidents of his drama.d An indirectindirect, protection¦nrnt&ct.in -n ofr>f aa. novelnnrpl isi« thus obtained, because a person who subsequently constructs a drama based upon the novel must be very ingenious or fortunate if he does not indirectly borrow in a substantial manner

.-_ __.. .__ _ v — ._, — — ^_ — __ _ ^ ¦¦ ¦ — b-h ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ j « fpfa ~^^ » ^» —~ ——¦ — - m — — — — ^ ¦ ¦ -^— — — ^^ w iv ^ ^^ b ,^» ^k ^ ^»j ^ ^»^ . * » » ^» ^ n*^r —r ^ j 1 w ^p ^p A the^ ^ ^^ previous play,^ and thus infringe the author's rig^^ ^ ^ hts in that play. This is what from -. . -m «¦ Tfc J_»_ 1 _ __l • _ • _ l ik jr.. /~i j Tf -%r i-r n< i •«•• •¦ happened in Mr. Heade's second action against Mr. Conquest. If Mr. Hollingshead had com- posed the drama which gave rise to the action of " Toole v. Young," before he published the __ —. **• ,_, _ _ /4 v ^-— — — -- the result would pro a l j — — — ^ -w- storvf^(^_ in Good Words ^, ^ b b ^y have been different. Eut, to avoid a contest as to whether or not the play was in reality composed before the publication of the novel, and —______^_ ... _ .. ______„_ _„ *~ ^_ _ _ — _ — — ^_ „ v ,v, » MMm fj ^j \^ a. ^-* ^ ~ " ~ *[* to settle a pointj ^ of law which Toole v. Young — i- avoid having " " left unsettled,^ it is undoubtedl^y to • #• i 1 T l • IT publish i 1 • 1 the1 1 play1 in some form or other, and this^ can be done by1 publicl1 1 • ^ y representi« •ng vise to 1 lUi V^> sugges** ted byV Miss Litton,t before the novel is published.M. *Q.C>*-> adds : ' My«/ object,# in as ™0O ¦ ¦ it ¦ • •» • ' . . . ii.i . . i jii/»i «i i i i i i iii « writing is to add the suggestion that after the drama has been represented it should be regis- Stationers' Hall, under 5 and 6 Viet., c. 45, s. 13, the date of the first public repre- tered at » • nft JF ~r • i « ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ /" vi« • nrti • • i ¦ -w . ¦« <> sentation being, as Miss* Litton points* out, the^ date• of^ first» • publication.• This will^ not, I think• , involve printing the drama. Neither publication nor registration is required under the earlier I statute. If the play is published for the purpose of getting the additional protection of the later statute, it should also be registered under that statute.'

^^^^ ~^_- -^_- — ~ — — - — - — - j — ^— - . — — — ^^ ^^ ^^^ ¦ ¦ ^^^^^ ~^ ™ ^^» ^^^^^^ The^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, U.S. ,M have in press^B. a uniqueH and com- prehensive work, which has been prepared by Lieutenant-Commander Henry H. Gorringe, United States Nayy, to be entitled ' Egyptian Obelisks : their History and Characteristics. This will be a folio, with artofcype and other plates. The volume is to be sold only by sub- ixi v±x\j mix l/c vy tii ^i iy ifiiio c*iJi *ais scriSVUUbiisiiption, andtMixi^-*. the edition^/vaiuiv u will be limited.uuiiuvu. Other workvi nos this firmui announcei^*i\s*3 forx'-»a immediituuicaiabvate issue are ' Our Merchant Marine, its Rise, Progress, and Decline,' by David A. Wells ;

' CurrencymJ ,? or the Fundamental PrincipE. les of MonetaryiJ Science/J by%f the late HugC7h B. Willson, formerly of Canada ; ' The Creation and the Scriptures the Revelations of God/ by Gilbert C. Monell, M.D. ; ' The Present( Religious Crisis,' by Augustus Blauvelt ; * Pen Pictures of Authors ;' by W. Shepard ; Naval History of the War of 1812 ,' by T. Roosevelt ; a volume on the ' Sunday Question ,' bj the Rev. Leonard W. Bacon , of Norwich, Conn. ; ' The Defence of the Bride, and other Poems,' by Anna Catherine Green, author of ' The Leavenworth Case ' ; and an illustrated book of travel, ' From Pole to Pyramid, by Way of Palestine/ by Samuel S. Cox, author of c Winter Sunbeams.' The next volume of importance to come from Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin , & Co., of Boston, U.S. , will be ' The Artistic and Domestic Life of John Singleton Copley/ the distinguished

«^st> ^ .fc i-W ¦> »¦ — "~ ^ ¦—-»»^ - -* a •«** _ I— ~ ipA. J ^ «>> V » • ^ ««¦ ^^- » ^pf -«pT -^^ -^w-wm «. .«•. «t* «w ^ American ^^ ^ V Jk '^w **" r' n f v ^^ *> • V V w V ^^ 4<& >\ ^ w f pT t • ^•**l^%J*i Jk ^ -A ^*L^tT * M • ^ V^ ^ * ^v '•^ ^ ^ m** ^^ 0 k. ^ .^ portrait painter, written by Mrs. Martha B. Amory,^ one of his descendants. It will f<>rmF a large^ octavo- , wh_^ icha ^k , in^ ad^b di^^ _ t_ ion^. t. o t . he^b '^ Life^p^^b ^ ^^ of^h Copii i le^^ y/^ willM ^A fc contain^ reminiscencesd a o£^h iiis son, Lord Lyndhurst, who became Lord Chancellor of Great Britain. An engraved steel por- trait of Copley will be given as a frontispiece to the book from the artist's own oil portrait oi himself. Messrs. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, U.S., have in press ' The Elements of Forestry/ b"/y Dr.at. FranklinJ ranJtun B.tt. Hou^h.iiougn, otof the JJepartmentDenartment otof Agriculture at Washinw asnnigtonsrton,. a work aesigneadesigned to afford information concerning the planting and care of forest trees for ornament or profit , *nd giving suggestions upon the creation and care of woodlands, with the view of securing the greatest benefit for the longest time. It is to be illustrated. The proposed new l History of America/ which has been undertaken by Mr. Justin insor, the Librarian of Harvard University, will be the largest literary undertaking in the ^department of history which has ever been attempted in the United States. There will be JJj5»it volumes, similar in proportions to the * Memorial History of Boston/ just completed. first J»e will be devoted to America before Columbus ; the second will treat uioof the Sicopanish • n,o and ts in ^overies— caixkjL conquesnvof Uniteduni tcu Statesomiu» downuun u toto 1850i ouv ,; andtuiu thetno eici^iju/ulghth andu>uu volume will cover the later history the Spaniards, Portuguese, Dan es, and Dutch, and ^ei descendants in The printing of the third volume lul H W I ^V _ _ the « ^_ — ^ ppl West Indies and South America. . beg m^ * ¦ ^ ^h ^H A ^^k ^p^k ^A f ^ ^ ^ ^K A ^ ^^ J^a un, and it is expected that this and the fourth volumes will be published in 1883, and vo umes will follow as rapidly aa possible. Mr. Winsor has enlisted the co-operationthe of i ^ le and the a ^* h^torical specialists in America leading members of chief liia^ ^ 8ocie^ torlT u t ^ es > and many of thorn will be contributors to the third volume. The plan of K to b<> followed will be essentially the same as that of the " Memorial History.' Each ^ W e in two sections, the first being the narrati ve, and the second and more imi^Jfai1 *^ ^ C0|Jr !' containing a critical survey of the original authorities on which it is based and a of JfiVV0 estu^ate of their valuo, with the existing conditions, favourable or unfavourable, * Ulr thpivr advancon/1 -...i in• knowled-i iige. _ Mr • wV> ait jaa Whitman is preparing a volume of his prose writings for the press. non Harland ' Eve's , nMtton has in press and soon to be issued a new book entitled LZ^^ Sense for Maid. , and ' Mfc**, ¦• ¦¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ii i i i ¦ ' ** ¦ ¦ ' * ¦•'* 6MB >——- i— - - - ' . ''- ...... ,¦ ¦ ' ' ' -. " . - ' —.~—. »— „ .. ' ji& QM] ' ' f T^m ^jj m^_wn

286 The Publishers' Circular April I| lSfe

I Messrs. T. B. Peterson & , Philadelphia, U.S., announce that they have in preag and nearly ready for issue, ' Mrs. Mayburn's Twins,' by John Habberton, the author of ' Helen's Babies.' Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, U.S., have determined to meet the popular demand for cheap editions, and have just commenced the publication of a new and cheat** edition of the complete works of William H. Prescott. It will be known as the ' !N"ew Popular Edition,' and will be printed from the plates of the new revised edition, with the author's latest corrections and additions, and is edi ted by J. Foster Kirk, editor of Lippi ncott^ JXLMagazine,agazzne, whowno was forior many years theine private secretarysecreta ry ofoi Mr.±yj.r. Prescottjr resuut/t. . Thexne same fifmnpm haveIiava in press a new and complete edition of Thomas Buchanan Read's ' Poems,' which will be issued in one volume, uniform with the Edition of American poets published by Mifflin , & Co., of Boston, U.S. Messrs. Lippincott & Co. also announce Houghton, "1 as <¦ Tf-k T~» TIT ¦ T"V TV in rm TV .1 1TT1 ITri I A 4 1 • 1 1 1 I • . . press ' The Bible* , Whence and^ What?' by Richard B. Westbrook, D.D., a rationalistic1 • dis- « cushion on the origin and authenticity of the Scriptures. The frontispiece to the April number of the Century is a portrait of Mr. Matthew Arnold . A critical article accompanies it, from the pen of the young Englis h poet, Mr.

__. ______. W^— ¦¦- ______^_ ^^ ^H^^^ B ^^- - - ^ — ^^ ^-^ —— — - ^ ¦ Andrew^ Lang^^^ , author of ' Ballades in Blue China.' Mr. Henry^ i Watterson, the editor of^^ ^ the^P»^ ^ Louisville Courier-Jo urnal , contributes a paper to the same number on the ' Oddities of Southern Life.' Mr. D. Van Nostrand, of New York, U.S. , will publish at once, in one volume, quarto 6 , — — — la- - t- es— - and helio— type»/ A engravings^J / ReporJ> t upA on ExperimeA n »»»»^^ —illustrated —— — by%J 28 full-pageM * * ^p ^^ , a ts and Investigations, to Develop a System of Submarine Mines, for Defending the Harbours of the * United States,' submitted to the Board of Engi neers, by Lieut.-Col. Henry L. Abbot, Corps of Engineers, Brevet Brig. General, U.S.A. Copies of this work can be had from Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. Terms on application. Messrs. Henry Holt & Co., New York, have almost ready c Elements of Plane and Spherical

Trigonometry,— — — %j j ' byv Prof. Simon Newcomb. ^^ Mr. William T. Comstock, the architectural publisher of !N"ew York, will issue at once two new and important works in his special line of publication. The first is ' Interiors and Interior Details,' by Wm. B. Tuthill, architect, which will contain fifty-two large quarto plates,

^^ h r ^h ~ — ~ ^v ~^ including^I^^^^ B ^^B ^^^T ^^^ ^^'^V ^^WV ^^ ^^^ ^^ desi^.^^^ ^^r V^^p ^^^ gns^^ |^ h ^^* ^^^ w"^^ for^^^ ^.^F ^^^ wor* * ^^^ ^^^ k^v^r^^^v o™ fvh^b a^^v ^v ll«^^ ^^^> k^^^ ^^ i^>^ nds^^" ^^» ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ,^H from^^v ^^^ ^^v ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i ^ t^^^^ he— ^^~ ^^m~ sr^^r i^^^r^^^>^^^^^^mp h ^ lest^^^ ^^r "^^^ ^^ to^^^ ^b^ the^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ most^^^^^^^^^^ ^^r ^^ ^^ elaborat^^^ ^^^ i ^~ ~-^ ^^ — — ^m~ ^ ^^^ e ^^^ , with accom- I panying description and notes. The other work is on ' Modern House Painting,' containing

r 1 B -—¦ ¦ ¦ ^ p^ h ^» '^ ¦ H ^^ ^» W ^ r ^B M ^r « ^i ^ Bk^^ ^^^K^Vk ¦ lrf r tf^ ^ »^B ^V ^^^ ~™ ^ ™ ^~ ..V ¦ ^ ^^ -^ ^^- ~^r twenty^^ V V ^^^ ^m ^ ^V coloured^^T ^^^ .^B ^^^ ^*^* ^^ ^ .^ ^V^" lithograp^^ ^^ V ^^ ^K ^>^ hic^i^ plates^ ^>^ V^^ , exhibi t^^ ing^^ ^^^^ #*^V the^^ ^^^^ ^^^ use«« ^ ^^^ ^1^ of^ ^ ^H» colour^^ ^i^ ^ ^* ^>^ ^^^^*^ in^^ ^ ^V exterior^V^ ^^ ^~ ^^ and interior house ^ H painting, with special directions and suggestions on harmonious colour treatment. I Prof. Robertson Smith—who has just been elected by the Senatus of Aberdeen I University to receive the honorary degree of LL.D.—wilL issue in a few weeks a volume on I * The Prophets, their Works and Times.' The substance of the work has been delivered in the I north in the form of lectures. I Messrs. P. Blakiston, Son, & Co., Philadelphia, U.S., have begun the issue of The Mediad I UegisterReaister., which is to bebe dedevotedvoted to the literature of medicine and the allied sciences.sciences, mIt willwin m appear monthly, and will replace the AmeHcan Specialist , heretofore published by the same firm . 1 Mr. George Parsons Lathrop, author of Study of Hawthorne ' has just published with ¦ 'A , ¦ SamDSonfeampson Low.Low &oc Oo.Uo. a new novelnovel,, entitled * In the Distance . ' It is a storystorv descriptivedescript ive ofvi New England country life. I An interesting paper on printed books has been communicated to the Asiatic Society• of* I as early as ¦ Japan by the accomplished Oriental scholar Mr. Satow. He says that in China, ¦ I a.A. d.D. 175175., thethft text of the classicalcla.KHir.A.1 bookshonk s was cut on tabletstahletn whichwhirVh were-were put¦nut upUO outside the^ ¦ rubbings ¦ university. Of these, impress ions used to be taken with paper—at first as we take ¦ of brasses, and afterwards by covering the stone with Indian ink ; the transferred characters r\ /-v r\£ I-» ¦ » bVkfkieingVfcrv int-w\ that4- r» r»4- case/tnaA read-»»/-*r» /-I throug+1-» ¦»»*-» 11 ^-w hl-« the4-T-» paper.rvn nnn SomeW*^»v-» of these4- ^M~i /-k arer\ w/-v said««»/-! still« + ill to4-S\ berid inTT1 existence.fiXlfllCI'^' ' H Portions of the same classics were engraved on wood towards the end of the sixth century, »n I v;iunese They -» ¦• 11 i y-\»> nliv\n t-^ ( novtnM nrvn ^ ninirxv rlJ * W 1_ orCW ta"tJlll S" ' *^ . ¦ ^ 1 the middle of the eighth century. A million slips of paper containing dharani, j}^ ¦ sentences out of Buddhist Scrip ure hout Japan in a.d. 7C4-770 ; ^ t , were distributed throug t j^ ¦ -«— -^# ¦^#-«. **~.m. ^*j K'Vl.AJL VC^f&AV^ I.V/VAV 1-ilVUt. IlTUVII JIIAUVV1 rather PVw s ^ ^/ C«fcJ XJL UX1V L/J. 1JL I/UI V/V^ WJ yj ^JM. V^ *. p^.».w— some of these,j still ex^^ tant, look as if theyJ had been printed from copper or bronze ^ h from wooden blocks. » ¦ VM& - Messrs.messrs. JJohnohn WilevW iley ifc& »onsSons. NewJN ew YorkY ork . ITIJ ..S_. will soon issueisfliie the thirth ird d AppendixADDendix to¦« - - Mm , , tS., • ¦ * Mineralogy ,' which will comprise all new disco veries in the science down to the present y A work likely to prove of consid erable been wr itten by ¦ value to book collectors has uiu, j ¦ J. H.JzL . WlaterSlater , solicitor , otof Manchester , and will shortlfihorf.lvy behe publishednnhi islierl byhv Mr. L.Xj. Upcottu pcut. —, . London . The work is entitled ' Books and their Value. ' . Sketch ¦ I Messrs. Jainea R. Osgood & Co. , Boston , U.S., are about to publish a ' Biogr aphical s* of James BusseU Lowell/ by Francis H. Underwood, illustrated with six heliotype ®n^^it ¦ which are views of the poet's home, Elmwood, and familiar scenes in the vicinity, with *P? ¦ Qf the poet. The very elaborate work with which Mr. William F. Poole, the w0"'"' ^ ¦ librarian of the public library of Chicago, U.S. , is identified as editor—the nevr f * *^ ^ ¦ , Periodical Li terature '—is to be published by this firm , and the printing will begin in *\ ¦ royai v0 H with the expectation of completion in December next. It will make a large j^ I volume of twelve hundred nacres, a monument to the industrv of the editor ^^M ¦ - - ,.. ¦ , - - ¦ A ' , ^^fe

Apri l i, 1882 The Publish er s' Circular 2g7 _^^~ -—— — collabor ato rs, and a wonderfu l testimony, too, to the volume and importance of our periodical

._ _ _._ .__ _ _ ._ __ vw^™ ¦ ¦ I ¦ r ^ ¦ § b ^J ^— — — — ^^ .^ ^ — _^_ ^ — _^ - — ^— ~— » » »~» ^— w ^-^ ^^ ^a ^ m ^mr » m\ m ^mr w ^m ^ m\w V r ^kw ^»^ ^H mw ^B^ literatu^^ ^fe re ^^ .^ The references are bro ught down to January 1882^m^ , and^» ^v^v app^ m ^.^ l4^ yw to ' *m ^ over^* two^^ hundred^ ^*^ »^» ^M r ^p per iodicals, embracing the whole list of Eng lish and .Americ an reviews and magazines. Mr. poole has been assisted in his work by Mr. W . S. Fletcher , of the Watkinson Library mmmt^m^^mr mm m% mi ^^^ p^^ b mr ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ » — ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ~ — ™ ™~ ^— °"™~ — — ~~ -w ~ ~™~ -^ ~~ " ¦ ^^ "^^™ ^" r ^^™ ^^^i^^H^ p ^^ n ^k ^^^ » ^^^^ ^^^ mrm^^ ^^r ^^^ vv ^^ p ^^ p^^ p Har^^^^^^^^^ tford (Conn^^ .),^^ ^ U.S.,^. and has had many^_^B collaborators , both in Engj^^ ^^ lan^^ ^^. d^k^"^^ and^^^^^^^" ^^" ^^"^^. America.^p of ^A t A ^B ^P ^B M ^m\ I ^1 I ^B ^ m ^m\ f ^ m\ Over forty American librarians have been volunteers , each one taking the refe rences to one or

__.__. _~ ¦ ¦ ¦ H H W m\ m^^ _ _ ._ _^ ___ r ~^_i ^_ v —w— ^_- v~ ¦ more sets^ ^ ^mW ™^ of periodicalsM in its preparation^B J , and a number of Eng^^^ ^^ lish librarians have^^^w ^*~^v V ^^^ alao^^^^T^^W-^ ^^ come-^^' -— ™ ' ^ -^mW to his assista nce in the same way . Mr. Poole was the ori ginal projector of the work , having I begun it while an undergrad uat e at Yal e College as earl y as 1848, in which year the first I edition appea red , the edition latel y kn own to the public being published in 1853. Nature summa rises some inter esting statistics fro m the return of works licensed to be pr inted during the past two years by the Japanese Department of the Interior. The figures tha t considerable mental activity exists in the country . Last year 545 works on political show ¦ r— -^fc. ¦ m « j ao> I * ^ • fc. v -« • " ¦ " . —fc. ^v V - subjects wer e issued , aga inst 281 the previous year. Law was represented ^ by 255 works

---» -»- - - — — M — — — — — — " -— - " —- —' ~—' — — ¦— — — M —¦ » J^ %^ » ^ ^ —^ ^ g against 207 in 1880 ; while in political economy^ the numbers were 25 and 15 respectivel y.^ Geograp hical work s declined from 170 in 1880 to 164 in 1881 ; while in medicine the incre ase from 229 to 267. In scientific subje cts we find 25 works on chemistry , an d 22 on natura l vas * ¦ m ~^m j>- * » ^A ^^ ^^ h ^^ W ^ ^A ^^ h ^ ^^ *** mm a ± -^ ^^ ^^ > ^ ^^^ ^ ^ 4 histor y in 1880, reduced to 17 and 20 respectivel^ y in 1881.^^ Natural ph ilosophy also shows a

^^^ . ¦ — - — — — — — — !¦ — — - -^ — -^— — — -^— — — — — - — — —^ — — — — — j a ^^ ^^ -^ ^ - w " ^~ ^~^ ~^ — ^ ^^-^ ^-^ — ^-^ ^-^ — — ~ m ! decline^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ from 19 to 13 ;g so do mathematics from 116 to 107^ . Similarl y^^ wor ks on astronomy^^^ have declined from 9 in 1880 to 7 in 1881. In other classes of books , however , we find a great Ethical and moral works have increased from 32 to 93 ; historical works from 196 increa se. m\ m^m\ _ ~ _ m^ . ^— ^k\ ^k A ^n ^ a to 270 ; books on poetry and poet ical works from 491 to 55G ; books on draw ing and writin g

^_ ^——^ * ~ ~ — - — — -^— — — — " — —»— — - — g — — ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ 127^ — ^p to— 330. EngJ H ineering works have increased from 8 to 28 ; and books on commerce from- _ „ a from 70* to 113.-A ^*m^ School-books^^A ^B ^m% *mW ^B againa this. AA A\ year are nearl^m% y half^m\ ^h ^h as numerous as all^ ^ft other— ^M books^B 4B put together , numbering 704 against 707 last year . Lighter literature is by no means neglected , for 193 volumes of tales, novels, &c , were published during 1881. During the year 149 new newspapers started but the larg e proportion of 114 never saw the commence- .a mm* _ ^^»- _ , ~- mm, -_ _ ^^ _ ^ ment of the present year. In 1880 the publication^ ^ ^ of^»~ 2G6-^— ^- new journals^ ^A commenced^M , 47^ ^ of^M when we which soon succumbed. The operation^^* of the Press laws cannot be very stringent _ _ a. . . ^ , mmm ' find that^ . during^_ . ... two years , of 415 newspapers , 1G1 of which ceased^k , onl^m± y one was prohibited^h ^ m%\ — ^^B by the Government . In addition to those above mentioned , we find in the list works on

--- -- j - - - j , total etiquette1 ,I accounts,7 nava l an d military^ works, dictionaries , enc^yclopaedias A , &c. The

number of work s published during the year was 4,910 aga instv^j. 3,792 last year. Very man y of \j i. AJ ui xiuiui tKiiv/heseov booksuisv^rvo areaic translations*jt. f *i.t.oxaiVXKJxxo or adaptationsOi\a.(X\jicx\jl\jilc> of\jx Europeanu ^ cau or Americani^uu w«viorks. ao. Amongniuuu g sucht» v*v^»* books recentl y ' conveyed ' we find Srniles 's < Character / Roscoe's ' Chemistry / Leone Levi's l ' ' ' — — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^mm-mmum ^^^^ i« ^k ^» 4fc ^g "^ .^^^ mr ¦ T W ^» ^ |^ ^B -^ •¦ W «> ¦ ' International^^ ^^ ^^ Commercial^^^ ^ B^' ^V ^» ^k ^^ ^Bl ^ "^ ^^ ^^^ ^& Law/^¦M ^H ^V^ V T V -Bouvier^^B *^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^* ^^ ^^ 's^ ' Law DictionaryM ^H^r ^^ ^^ 1 ^ " ^^ Pal^ ^^^ -™ gra^pV% ^^ ^ ^ ve" "^^ 's^^ "^ Chairman^"^ ' ' "^ ^— " -~ """ " — — — 's' — Hand-^ — ~ t_ 1 t T -m s>* i n i i t / -r «< -m -m at ¦« • -f / 1 fT» m I ~A m !• ^1 T ?„ book / Lord Chesterfield'^ s ' Lett• • ers/ * Every Man his own Lawyer / Tay lor '* s ' Med ical Juris- rfVl ~" MB. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ^^ ^-^ - mmWmW *^mW ^^^ PK » F^ ^ »^ ^«>^B F^«^ ^^^ ^fc^ ^fc "^"^*»i W^mmmf ^m* mW* ^fc^ ^B>^B ' ¦ ' ^ W ^ ^ '^' »J ¦«¦ * " W ^^ ^"> ^»^^ mmmt ^" »i.^^»j W^ ^¦P ' -^^" ^ ^— ^*^ ^«^-»^ w ~ i^ "*——' -^ — ^— "^ ^ ^^^^^ '-^ — ^— " —' » pru dence/^ Thompson^^ 's^^ ' Social Science^^ ^^ and Nat ional Economy/ Barker¦« 's * London Statistics -m -w ~B "V " ¦' "V rt / 't ThTWW e ScienceC*4 • ofa Familiar-tr -* • ¦* • Things>»«« m /*% Mill'-m mr • ti ^ • s '* Threm-w*% e Essays on Reli• gion/• 4 Draper '4 s '/ Conflict^*

»» ¦ - ¦— -^^ »- a^T — */ B^- .^B mi-m ¦ ¦Vrf' -». W • ^ ^w •fcrf 1 ¦ ** ¦ - - ¦-* ¦ -r -m - - — ¦ T "— — — the -^ *S^ «^F«k T mrmm%\mmm*jmtV * *mmW ^f J ^ ^^ ^ .^ *_-* fc A^ ^^ • ^k^W ^ » • ^ t * T T ^-^ »# ^ «fc " ^^ ^* -^ — — — we ma nstanc Necessar y Laws of Thoug^^ ht/ &c. As to the price of these work s, y^ i e Smiles's ' Character / the translation of which by Nakamura , a well-known English scholar , in two volumes, costs only 50 sen, or about a shilling at the present rate of the paper currency. The fi gur es an d facts here recorded show at least that the path of Western prog ress , which the

~ ~ m\ mmm -^f ¦' ¦ ¦ -^ I Government^^ ^mr is^^ —*mw rm^mmmr ^m^^m , rsniTidV* m^m* ^m*^t ^^ ^K ^m\ or0m^ H is^^ «^^ f nnft^^ ^ ^^^ p -^^^ #VK whifvhV V MB m* mmm- mmf ^.« ^ ^ the^ r m neoDleW ^ -m^ —^ m —™ " ^^ ^—' — r>rove.¦ — — Imr ^^ r>f ar> ! I i Since our last publication the following Publishers have issued books , full titles of which ! ! *ill be found in the New Book List :— Messrs . Sentley A. Son. —Serjeant Ballantine 's Experiences , 2 vols. Me8Srs 1 ' ^^ cltwood A. Sons.—Revolt of Ma n. Sermons preached befor e the Queen at oalnioral , by A. A. Cam pbell . Beggar My Neighbour , by E. D. Gerard , new edition. Bush *-«*«kiie inui QueenslandQueensland , hvby A.A. O.© ata Sue A. Co.—Wild Tribes of India , by H. B. Rowney. Historic China , b)'H. A. Giles. 11 Messrs. Ctri mtH 4l Parran .- Daily Thoug hts of Comfort for the Year , selected by E. G. Mary Cecil Hay , 3 vols. The Ptf *?*****• Kttrs t 4t Blacltett. Doroth y's Venture , by apiera of Regent' s Park , by J. C. Jeaffreson , 3 vols. II tm>mm I Messrs. Cr osby lockwoo d A. Co.—Burn ^ s Subu rban Farming, new edition. eM tive i^1!* »». lon rmMi A Co.—M arine Steam Eng ine , by R. Sennett. Out lines of Pri mi 2u• ' hy 0. F. K^ary. Erichsen 'a Concussion of the Spine, Nervous Sho«k , &c , new Text-b ook, : • Vibrato*y Motion aiid Sound , by J. D. Everett. Qoodeve's Steam Engine jLrzI 2w^* ^Uion. Christ our Ideal , an Ar gument from Analotrv. II ' ^ ^ — » ¦ " -

Messrs. Sampson &ow, Mariton, Searl e, A, Atvlng rton.—Out of Court, by Mrs. Cashel xioeyHoey,, nnewew edition.edition, Throughi nrougn Siberioioenaa, byDy n.H. j^ansaeiiLansdell, new edition, z2 voistoIs. JLngianEngland.a, Withnn4Without and Within, by R. Grant White, new edition. Dick Sands, the Captain, by Jules Verne Wanderings South and East, by Walter Coote. Narratives of State Trials in the Kineteenkli Century, by G? L. Browne, 2 vols. The Hand of Ethelberta, by Thomas Hardy, new edition I illustrated . ' I Messrs. Xtfacmlllan 4. Co.—Mathematical Papers of W. K. Clifford. Facsimiles of Unfinished Mathematical Papers, by W. K. Clifford. The Holiest Manhood, Sermons, by J. Ellerton. Tom Brown's Schooldays, by Thomas Hughes, sixpenny edition, illustrated. Vaughan's Lectures on the Revelation of St. John. National Budget, National Debt, &a. by A. J. Wilson. Oxford Warehouse.—Reign of William Rufus, and the Accession of Henry I., by E. A.

-j ¦ -^— —- — - — j - j — — — — — — — m — — — ^^ ^^ ^^ p Freeman, 2 vols. Ancient Liturgy^ of the Church of Eng^ land,M bymJ W. Maskell,M new edition.^ "^ * • ^^ &A h Monnmenta Ritualia, by W. Maskell , 3 vols., second edition. Messrs.mxessrs. Smitbsmun, EldEiaerer , &.a. Co.co.——ShakespeareCMiaKespeare, Selrejectionsections forior thetne Youngy oung,, bvoy S.o. BrandramxJrandram second edition. Sir Theodore Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, People's edition. A Poor oquire, by Holme l^ee, Z vols. OBITUARY . We regret to record the death on the 24th ult., of the American poet, Longfellow, whose , .^m Ik a ^ft ^B A ^K ^A ^H ^K . ^T ^V ^H _ writings are equal l^ y known and<^ admired^^ on both sides^ of the^H Atlantic.A — ^ - ^ Henry^^^ ^^^ Wads^^^ worth

Long^_? fellow was the son of the Hon. StepI. hen Long<___ ¦ fellow,/ an eminent lawyer«/ of Portland,y Maine, U.S. , and was born there on the 27th of February, 1807. He had consequently completed his 75th year. After graduating, at the age of 18 , at Bowdoin College with high honours, he entered the office of his father to study the law. Soon afterwards, however, he left America for Europe, where he travelled for upwards of three years in order to qualify himself for a Professorship of Modern Languages, which had been offered to him in the College where he had received his education. In 1829 he entered upon the duties of his professorship, which he discharged for five years. In 1835 he succeeded Mr. George Ticknor as Profess * of Modern Languages and Literature at Harvard University, previously r ¦¦Jill 0^>VUUH1 ^ >_> til VJ» erm^JJL llt*anyMl±J andUUU. tli1/Jl. Vs 11V1 UJLJ. KJXof iilir:, JLJJLIn _!.*_» t_/T: heXiC* lUOlgUVU UillO spending a** yet J ^i G e north Europe. 1854 resigned this *appointment 1 T ', and was r ^oeeded by Mr. James Russell Lowell (the present United States Minister in - xijlx ij uii i viinj u. iij- v/ Uix cc? jl vt \ju ±lkj nun «**•»» v/» Lond<~juj v^a*v« ,.y. Mr.. Longjjfellowii commencedvuiiiiu^/nv/V/ hiso career asc*s» anail authorauwiui whileuuo yetj he was ant***. under- gr' ^uate, and has continued to write almost to the last. He began with a translation of the Spanish j>oem by Don Jorge Manrique on the death of his father ; and the romance of ' Hyperion ' was issued in 1830. !N"ext came his firs t poems, ' Voices of the Night/ published in the same year. In 1841 appeared his ' Ballads and other Poems ; ' in 1842, ' Poems on Slavery/ and the ' Spanish Student, a play ; ' in 1843, ' The Poets and Poetry of Europe ;' J in 184 5, ' The Belfry of Bruges, and other Poems ' ; in 1846 , ' Evangeline ; ' in 1847, ' Kavanagh,' a Prose Tale ; in 1849 , < Courtship of Miles Standish ; ' in 1851 , ' The Golden Legend ' ; in 1855 , ' The Song of Hiawatha ' ; in 1858 , ' Tales of a Wayside Inn ; ' in 1863, ' Flower de Luce ; ' in 18C7, a translation of Dante's ' Divina Commedia ; ' in 18OIT-7O, ' The I Divine Tragedy;' in 1872, ' New England Tragedies ' and ' Three Books of Song ; ' I in 1873, ' Aftermath -/ in 1874 , the ' Hanging of the Crane ; 3 in 1875, the ' Masque of I Pandora ; ' in 1878 , ' Keramos ' ; and in 1880 , ' Ultima Thule.' Most of these works have been I ¦ freauentlfrequentlyv reprinteareprinted in GreatUreat JtsritainBritain,, and manymanv otof them translatedtranslated into the conuneuuucontinental languages. Mr. Longfellow was D.C.L. of Oxford and LL.D. of Cambridge, and he was also a I member of the Russian A The funeral cademy of Science and of the Spanish Academy. ¦ | ceremony took lace at and large p Mount Auburn Cemetery on Sunday, the 26th inst., ¦ numbers of Americans were present to pay the last tribute of respect to their distinguished , Oliver ¦ countryman. Among these were Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Greenleaf Whittier ¦ Wendell President Holmes, William Dean Howells, Alexander Agassiz, Mrs. Louis Agassis, ¦ Eli±iliotot,, otof Harvardilarvard ColCollegelege ;: BrrmBronsonfum AlcottAlootf., andn/n rt GeorgerTpnr(rA William^WillinTn Curtis.Onrfia The ifuneralum«<» ¦ eulogy ¦ address was pronounced by Professor Everett, but it took the form, not of an elaborate ¦ of a world-renowned poet, but rather of a brief and simple memorial of a neighbour, a towns- simply ¦ man, and a friend, who was also a poet. The arrangements altogether were studiously ¦ a single spray of passion-flower laid across the affection ana , plain coffi n , symbolising the fervent c( ¦ unity of thought towards the departed which could not have suggestively conv«)' been more m ¦ by the utmost profusion of wreaths and immortelles. The day was recognised formally "R elsewiu^elsewhere. ¦ evervevery churchcJiurcii in CamCambridgebridge (Mass.),fMaas. V andanri bhvy manymn.nv at«.+. BostonTinR+r»n , Buffalon fT»1n , Chicagoniiion frn , andand ' ¦ We regret to announce the death of Colonel Laurence William Maxwell Lockhart , vine Locklia ¦ occurred at Mentone, after a lingering illness, on the morning of the 23rd . Colonel ¦ was the second son of the late Dr. Lockhart, of Milton-Lockhart, representative of an ancien Lanarkshire famil and the nephew of John Scott's son-in-l^ * I y, Gibson Lockhart, la ¦ biographer, and editor of the Quarterl y Review for more than a quarter of a century. The Colonel Lockhart, who was heir-presumptive to his , General Lockhart, the Pre8^ I aw vu vn % v^/j . i/vrjL v/jl i/iiu luiiiiij r JIL All i atl proprietory- of the estatesu ^ o, wasrv »o borniLf v^l in lOUZi. JL JL O lUtlUti XX UOX^OlvACJJ L«. IL»J.vj rePutvj' *- ?njLrPj H 1832. He made a considerable ^ j I literary man, and his best effo rts were contributions of some stray stories to i&lC*"**% I Magazine, stories overflowing with the fun and kindly humour for which the writer ™** Jkm ¦¦¦¦ '! ¦¦¦¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ m. ... h ^CK ' ~ ~ " ' - —— April I f l882 The Publisliers' Circular 289 11 II known among his friends, and reminding the older readers of the magazine of Aytoun'a gayest (I j euz-desprit. These were followed by * Double or Quits/ a clever military ' comedy of errors,' If abounding in grotesque scenes and ludicrous situations, and written in a singularly rollicking I vein. The advance in his next novel, ' Fair to See,' was very conspicuous to connoisseurs and I critics. The fun was irrepressible as ever, but it was counter-weighted and toned down by I earnestness and pathos ; and there were characters who laid a firm hold on the gentler or I deeper sensibilities of the readers. The growing promise of * Fair to See ' was amply fulfilled

—¦— - ______. III f * _» — ~^ — ' c j j — — — y — - — — * * Thine which again showed an extraordinary A is ,^ development of constructive power in ' Mine ^ with that magic gift of charming the feelings as well as the fancy, which is one of the rare

¦ ~ — -_-¦--- -— — _- - - —— -- __m - - — ¦—— — _____ -_. —__, —— -_¦ -_ _-_- -_- —-_- _— ——,—_-__ -_- - _- ! Illt> L \ mT MBk *'' ¦¦ ' ^^^ • ^~ ^ real genius.g J In fact of ,^ Colonel Lockhart throwing himself heart and soul into i __ , 4B _. prerogatives ~ _¦_ __fci ' I; ^^ m __ ^ 9 ^ ^_l * • _L ^ ^ ^ _ A « A « ^ ^ A __ i work to which he brought a wide knowledge of the world, had naturally impressed on his individuality of the singularl — -- — — — -- - — — i; »ii--. w> -* the c y genial and affectionate nature which__ had_t endeared f writings*rt _W -^ -V " _> _i _¦__ ^- ^ — ^ 4 ^ ^V # ^ ^ •*4 — ^ ^ « «* . _l him to a wide circle of friends and made him valued beyond measure by his few intimates. i During the Franco-German war he acted as correspondent of the Times, and the writer of an

¦»--— _ * ' \ J KJ A W »-• j notice in that journal» eulog^_jt ises him as one of our most capablj ^ e novelists.' j obituary • j ' The«m death i jI is announced1 of,_C the_ 1 Rev.T~* Dr.T~\ JohnT1 MulheisenTi Jf IT • Arnold i 11, an EngT^ lish1*1 clergym1 an, 1 noted for his work as missionary among the Mohammedans and for his literary labours. ¦ ¦ _ 1 a _» ^ • curacy in* Staffordshire_^^_1 _ _«_^B *A— _• he^ «^A ^ ^«_* ^^ ^ _ _P«V_- 41 I While holding a ( published his first important work, ' True and _¦ — — — — ^— ^^ — — ^ ¦ __—— -^^ _———¦- ^_ ¦ —» -^^^r _v ¦ ¦ r _¦ ¦ ' T ___¦ JL B^ ^ta^ ——^ ^^ ^*^ ^^ ^^^% ^^ ^P '— ^— ^^ '^^ _—'^ ^^ ^ —" ^^ ^^ '^^ ^^^ ———i ^^ ^^ v -^ —— ^ ^-^^ ^^ ^^ — ^*^ ^^^^ ^^ '^^ m^ — ^^— ^^-^^^^^ i^^ «^ ^^ ——— ! False^^ Religion,' and his second was The Bible and the Koran.' In 18G4 he published ! 1 — _ _¦. -—r- -^ ¦ ^ ^ # ^ ^^^ —> i* # ^.^ _ _ -¦ ^ m —-. - ^ -^ _^ ^. ^__ ^-k_fe ^_k I English Biblical Criticism and the Authorship of the Pentateuch,' which soon reached a ' i —— . — — — — -_- — — — — ^_- _ — -_- — — - — — — -^_- — — — — — -_- —— _- — -_- -^_- -^ — ¦ — _ j ^^ ^^ m ^ -^^- - ^ ^j ^^^ ^^^ edition. From 1871^^ to 1875^ he wrote and published his book Genesi3 and Science ;^m second _1 _> _t «B «M ¦¦ ! "V «a ' * _. !¦¦ ¦ m • ^tfP* J ^ ¦ ^ ^ # « * A ^ ^ * * A . ^k * . ^ ' ^ ^ _« i or, the First Leaves of the Bible/ which likewise ran to two editions. He also remodelled his book on Mohammedanism of which a third edition appeared in 1874 , with the new title, j l Islam : its History, Character, and Relation to Christianity.' A translation of it appeared i in Germany in 1877. '. Dr. Joseph Pancoast, the eminent American physician and medical author, died at his

¦ ¦ in Philadelp_L hia on the - residence 7th inst.,7 after a brief attack of pneumonia._L Dr. Pancoast for several years had been Emeritus Professor of Anatomy in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He was 77 year3 old , having been born in Burlington County, N.J., in 1805. j At the age of 23 he was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pensyl- ! vania, and at once began practice adopting surgery as his specialty. Three years later he « _ H A ^m . , ^_. _ _ .a _m b _m « _h a _K wa3 teaching practical( anatomy and surgery, obtaining prominence by publishing an annotated edition of Lobstein's Treatise on the Structure Functions and Diseases of the Human Sym- j | _¦ ^M a , V A ^Bh ^k' A _ ^_ l , _ ^^^_ ^__r _ _m ^_ _te ^m ^ ^^ ^ i^ ^ ^^^ — a ^ 4ft ^ i pathetic Nerve,' having himself translated the work from the Latin. In 184 4 he published j his ' Treatise on Operative Surgery, ' a work which soon passed to a third edition, when he ;i enlarged anaand revised it. In nine yearsvftar?; nearlyn parl v asl halhalf-millionf-mi l lion copiesconies orof the bookbook were soldsold,, and ; it became an accepted authority. During his constant connection with the medical schools

v vj». Jt. l/V-F C4AJ , |/A. L«V/U&Vr t«A*^-*. and~" hosp-• +*£sm.ital «^w*.*sSs of PhiladelAlXXi«Vt.V/ApilXi«phia he11\J gaveft^C%w\> closeViV/OL' attentionIVltUlltlVU to an extensiveV/AI/V/11U1F V private|'i*TC*W> practiceV/^, and de-VAV^ ; voted much time to authorship. His contributions became marked features of prominent

v/ KJ AW V-^ a. vka j medical J v "*-» » ••.% ***^*m *rj ^m>aa -v« j l-m. £^«-

¦wv> V^*-J VlCVOOvO "^^ - introductory- - — — -r^. w leA% ^\^vctures V» A, toU\^ his1A1«J college\^V/JJLVti V classes wereT» Vji. Vy alsoCfcAO V/ collectedX^\_/ 11V V-/ VVUi and14 11 V*. publishedms V* »_r I1MAAVV* inA A A. bookP«r V^- *^ formA -v_r » a a* under the titles of ' Essays and Lectures ' and ' Professional Glimpses Abroad/ He was a 1I memberlULiuoer ofor thetne American-Philosonhical.fhilosophical SocietySocietv ,. ofot thethe PhiladelJt'liiladelphiaDhia CollegeUollege ofoi Pharmacv,I'Jiarmacy, andana many scientific institutions. The death is announced of Mr.i;iJ. Charles Hale, of Boston , xixaooaU.S., ^uat the age of 51, who was ivjlll .; for- llctllri clliii l^oiiM-^o r »t many—^*-*j yearsj x^cjujl o conspicuous^uuo ^iiu u. ^^ u,k> in thet5 journalisml lj and politics of\jl Massachusettsuou t to , U.S.v> • kj . Hej l-m. ^> wasc*c? at» sjm of Nathan Hale, founder of the Boston Dail y Advertiser , a brother of the Rev. Edward Everet t Hale, and nephew of Edward Everett. In 1853 he became part proprietor of the -i(/cer< J5cr , and in 1855 assu med the chief editorship of that paper. Mr. Hale's connection to ,;• Wlth"jui theme Ajidveavertisertser ceased in 1804,. wwhonhen lie\\n \vaswas appointedaDT^ointed UnitedUnited statesStates UonsuiConsul to EirvptHigypc, i *mch position he held nearly seven years. We have also to rocord the death at Ontario, Canada, of Egerton Ryerson, D. D., who had maiiy \j i. [^r yearsv.mao 4UDUIJLUVU the and J.HU%JX ^OL.o n»c«u 'kj ^ kaamvm. . f|J t j , J j identified himselfJX1U1SU1JL withVVltU UllCJ educationalUUUtdllUUdl. (111U literaryHUVltH Jf interests of that countryj . • «e was also the au thor of an important work, ' The Loyalists of America and their Times/ of i which the Timc3 recently published a long and appreciative review. i TRADE CHANGES. ! "e have much pleasure in recording the fact that on the recommendation of the Syndics, ^r. John , : Clay , B.A. , of St. John's College has in association with his father, Mr. C. J. av , , » j >> who»^iu hasna.s forior manmanyv 3"earsvears enjovedenioved tliotho privilegeDiivile^e., been admitted into tnethe co-partnershipco-parcnersiup ^Prising the Cambridge University Press. r i ~ : \ {- F- Ferrimnn has taken the management of tho Christmas card and chroino depart- I lueilt (>tof Mi'aovd rvu:ii:_ i.i ci .-ii_ f u_. .. i in /-% w Messrs. Phillip Brothersx> , Silk Street, E.G. I *c"ssr« Hill t from Cheapside to 1 *>11 - & Heath, wholesale s at ioners and printers, have removed - Gutu!r Lane, E.G. * ¦» J Al Al 1IIf A»»Kerb o*-v«Xrt SoutligateC*1 ._ iT I , who1 has•* been-m well¦* «¦» known in• the. book» 1 trade¦ "^ for1* many year*__. _^ -_ __-. --. -> , liasT___ -___ -- been ^inted I X ofa ^x ono of the country travellers for tlie Society for Promoting Christ ian Ktioyv- _ t» "* -_^* __ ii 29o - The Publis hers ' Circular April l Ig&

Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, who will be known to many in the publishing and bookselling trad * as connected with Messrs . Hodder & Stoug hton , of Paternoster Row , durin g the past eighteen years , has purcha sed the business of Messrs . Marshall Japp & Co., of 17 Holbo rn Viaduct re- w^»«» ^bJfcA A «-<¦ 1_r» ¦ fiX > -w ^™ ™ — — — — — the responsiblA e head of the firm ^^^ • II «W ^^ ^^ ill-health of ill the continued . ^^ linquished through^^ Mr . Unwin will car ry on the business of a pub lisher and export bookseller under his own name for the -— —— ¦ ¦ —i - — - ^l i|i| ¦ E/A ^^ W+ ^^«« *F mi ^^ ^ ^^ -^ — —- — — — — h satisfaction that it is Dr. ^s w y wit Ja pp ^^ We may mention ^^ present at the old address. ^ ^^ 's intention to co-operate with Mr. Unwin in the way of literary assistance . The prin ting and stationery business at Nos. 2, 4, and 6 Drury Lane , Liverpool , established in .1 785 by Mr. McC reery , and carried on under the style of Harri s & Co. by Mr. Wm. Stanley Harris , andana hisnis fatherlatn er beforeoetore himmm ,. since 1810iolu , hasnaa beenoeen purcuaseupurchased byuy Mr.iyjut. Wivv iuiamlliam S.o. WW.irmW ootto n , the eldest son of Mr. William Wootton , of the firm of Messrs . Buck & Wootton , 126 West- minster-br idge Road , London. The style of the firm will be continued as Messr s. Harri s & Co. The transfer was effected and the valuation made on behalf of both parties by Mr. A. m! Burg hes, of Paternos ter Row.

¦ ¦ ¦ Booksm m^j x^ A^. *J Received^& ^ ^L^ ^s *-* * * ^--' ^^ :— — — ^ — — - — — -^— —- ¦ w w ^^^0 m Prom Messrs. W. & H. Cham bers. —' Life^ ^^ of\j A ' Pol lot Bible/ ¦ IT /"It % • A A « . Fro m Messrs. Bagster & Sons. — yg W. Chambers/ A few week s ago we had the This is a miniature issue of a work which has pleasure of noticin g the number of Chambers to Biblical students all over the been familia r -mr- ^m^ Jo urnal whicli marked the fiftieth— — year X^» I*O ^ of its world in various sizes down to foolscap octavo. publ ication. The volume now before us consists We hav e it now before us in a still more porta- of Mr. W. Chambers ' ' Reminiscences of a Long , the exact dimens ions being by 3| ble form fc ft 5J ^ ^ ^ a ^* A ^K ^B _ ft • . ^ # andana Busvrmsy i^iteLife , ' whichwnicn were t>arbpart ofot that number , inches by about f thick . Notwithstanding, with additions. The result is a crown octavo Messrs. Bagster & Sons have contrived to in- of nearl y 120 pages. It is mad e still more

¦ ¦ clude^^^p ^ ^» ^^ ^V^p -^^^ an^V^^p ^^^^ ' al^ ^— pH ¦ habetical'^ -^-^~ ^»" ^— —^ — — — index— -— — — — to— the— HolyM Scri- p-^t interesting by a portrait of the author. tures / a series of coloured maps , and various

— - -. ^_r ¦»¦ illustrative matte r . From Messrs. Chatto & Windus.^ ^ ^ ^ — ' ™ — ' Memories^^— ¦ ^» ^^*^ B ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ of ^^ ^ |1 our Great Towns ; with Anecdotic Gleaning s con- From Mr. J. A. Berly.— • J. A.Berl y's British and cerning their Worthies and th eir Oddities. ' By Continental Electr ical Directory and Advertis er.' Dr. Joh n Dora n , F.S. A. One of the losses inevitable This volume , which is apparent ly intended to take in a day when periodical , not to say ephemera l , its place among the ' annuals / professes to supp ly literature asserts its supremac y is occasioned by * a complete record of all the industries directl y the bestowal , upon work intended onl y for the

connected with electricity , mag- — — — — — — - — — — -^^ — — ¦ •** ^^ -^r ¦ ^" w » ^^^ ^"^^ ^** ^^^^ ^H "^ ^^» ^^^ ^» ^^^^^ W*^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^" ^^ or indirectl y j moment , of labour which would , if employed^^ else- net ism , and the names and addresses of manu- where , bear fruit in valua ble additions to our facture rs , &c. In the chapter of ' Remark s on the permanent literature. Such , we gather from tbe

' which is now taking ^» — ~ ^-^ ~^ — ^—^ — — ^—^ — ¦ ¦ ^^^p — — of the science ^^^^^^ —^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^H V ~ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ W^ Past Years preface to the work" before^^^ ^^^ us^^F^P^^ , was'^^^ the opinion such a foremost place , we have a chronicle of the entertained by the friends of Dr. Doran , and various improveme nts and discoveries of each shared by tbe proprietors of the Athena um, as to year , and a review of the jou rnals and book s his annual contribu tions to that paper on the I devoted to the subject. The various machines towns chosen for the British Association meeting s, and inventions in connection with the electric and they therefore consented to their pu "bl:ctf ion j light are then catalogu ed , an d next follows a in a volume , of which this is a second edition. ! classified directory of all the associate! trades The towns descri bed are Doncaster , Cam bri dge, : and their leading representati ves in London and in Bath , Birmin gham , Not tingham , Dun dee , Nor- | the country . To person s commerciall y interested wich, Exeter , Leicester , Liverpool , Edinb urg h , i the volume will be indispensabl e , while even to Bri ghto n, Brad ford , Belfast , Londonderry , Bri stol , %J WW M, WS M. I; ¦ t|; hiiVe gl» enVll eraV* A. IA1l public1^ *.ii KJ M. *.\S itA willJLM. be^S usefulUWV -*. »-«. forJLXSM. referenceAViVJL V *A^ *-/J, Glasgow, and Plymouth , and a more inte res ting 1 and as an evidence of the vast progress made of sketc h of their * Memora bilia ' it would be difficult

— ,f on the future adaptatii, on late years^/ in the science to desire. The thirty-ei ght illustrati ons incor- of which to practical purposes so much depends. porated in the work add much to its attrac tive- t ness, and make it well fitted for a pi ft-book. >^^M*« ii A. A. V III ,*™B P JL ^ V M. X^. tM + ^m ^^^ ** V Mm U * *- K*T a. Mm %*• M M, \* \f From Mr.• Davi** d Bogue.• — 'Spark s from the -*- v*« a. Ik^ lst-? II »»V L 111 U tk, \J M. (J LJ l»t*fc Easter ' Tourists who think of spending\jl±\AlMlfo their Philosop her s Stone/ By James Lendall Basford . holidays at any of the towns named in the above I A vo lume of t noughts expressed in brief sentences , list would do well to make the book their tr avel j some in the form of definitions , others in the shape ling companion . of argum ents from solf-evidont t ruths , and others

-*- •*• \S mMA aMMM i W »Jk7JL U« ^Jl A AA1JL VAX %J O J. v Younp¦*" ' agai n bein g mere statements of opinion. The From Messrs . Griffith. & Farran.JLI CVX A CV1 *-1 — ' The*^ contents of tho volume are classifi ed under a Wife's Own Book ,' a manua l of person al and family variety of he-id s : the mind and its mysteries ; hygi ene. By Lionel Weathcrl y, M. P., C.M.

^- »**-»«. A'AUli ^44 UUiUUIDlAJL «i C&i JUI O UlLlU T IJ1V/1> adh•-» ¦«-- orents man and his Maker ; pul pit , pen , and platform ; Until^ Maltlmsi anism gains many more^ tho Bible and rel i gion ; sentim ent ; human life ; than it possesses, or is likely to possess, in tin* morality, an d miscellan eous. couuuiiiij,untr y, manuajijuiiiuui»ls forlur mothersmomer o on theiuo tureatmentw"— , of their personal ailments and on tho car e of th eir i» Fro m the Cambrid ge Warehouse. — ' The Book ctuuhilduifur en wwinill alwttiwiiysays findiina a rereauad y saleonio, »»"and ••it of Jud ges.' Ed i ted by J. J. Li as , M.A. A new well , as in the case of Dr . Weath erl y's littl e book , I volume of tho Cambrid ge Bible for schools , edited when they nre supp lied by the recognised member I

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^m w h ^BVWB -*^m -^^ ^^ ^^- ^— — -—— —w —^- - — — h - - m -^ — - — — v ^ ^i^ on by Professor Lias, whose authori ty as a wr ifor^— -* -^^ on~m^ ^^b^^V of the medical profession. The auth or wr ites I BM^k. _«. ,. * * »-w-^ Biblical interpretation is now general ly acknow- coJ-». ^^ aMmmon-sense ^-. .^ *-w *-« ^» princi__. _ p__!_les . , andJ hisI_ _ -_ remark»^ ^^ *\ «« V sQ on/^Tl t»L iJ e*' H ledged. An i nteresting introduction deals with vicious contorti - ns to which the ' huma n f orm the literary charac teristics of the book and its divinoU.1V111 U ' isin subjectedHuujecieu ait me dcj iootswj ofui that«. »»»»• capn-. at tho behes # * o chief features , then follows the text of the ciowe goddess , FkbIuod , ought to be pro ductive Authorised Version with copious foot-notes , and considerable good if those who read them , xu*° flomo addit ional notes on speciala. pointsm are cjgiven but go a step further and act upon them. . section II in an appendix. more distin ctly pro fessional ana medical ^ |- , _ . . ^ April 1, 1882 The Publi shers ' Circul ar 29I

the book is equal ly plainspoken , and indicates characters of the tale , are amon g its most con- ¦ ¦ v — of diseases to which women pp theLUC var» *** ious~—' symptoms•*itj c— icuous incidents. There are several illustr a- ar e specially liable , with such clearness that the tions. s patien t may almost make a diagnosi s of her own aim of Dr. Weatherly is, however , not Fro m Mr . F. B. Longley .—• Regg ie's Boast , and case. The other Stories. ' supersede the practitioner , but to enable the By F. M. Holmes. A bud get of to Maaar — -- — _._ v ___ ^_ ^^^ _ maar ¦ ¦ vr *r tales intended to— illustra^ ^^ te^tar the^ar ^ . ^ ^^ evils^arr- taW ^» Vfe^ ^^T *^ ^V ^^^P % ^^ ^k^^^V reader-aorW totr. know wnenwhen advice is reareai llviy wantedwante d, and of intern- be commended for the evident care perance, and to set forth the necessity of making the book may total abstinence a attention to detail which mark its pages. rule of life and a national habit. and The fe tory which gives its nam e to the book is From the same.—' The Anniversary Text-Book .' tra gic enough to satisfy the most ardent lover of This little volume is for those who wish to have sensation , for it tells of the son of a countr y *. -____ — - — — — ^^ - *kW^aa ^ squire^- g, who goesg j to London to walk^ the ^ —^ ^^ h^^^ osp^ ^aW im tals^ W^ ,¦ some remembrance of bir thdays and other an- ^ • ** «* **^« A aa* aa. _ ^^ niversaries . On ono side of the page is a verse boasting of his ability to resist all tem ptations to

mt »*- ™— -- — - - - — — - - — — — - excessive drinking, Wtmaf t m — ^ " and who within a few I | months ^ J ± ^* and sacred poetry , opposite is a of Scripture ^ ^ I space provid ed for the nam e of the person whose is taken into custody by the police, and by a birt h is to be commemorated . It is a neat and curious coincidence is broug ht past the door of attra ctive little volume and a suitable birthday St. James 's Hall at the moment when the

mW, mM) aaja~m v v — aam -^mr ^^ ^m a *9 ^ ^a- am frW aaw h ¦ m ^^ '» mm mf W am m* aW V^ ^a^ ^^ *W • ^V V A ^k^P V <¦ fj^^^ ~ gift. whom he played^ wi th in^ ^ the^^ country^ ^ ^ isi^T leaving^K ^^ a^^^^ concert. This ' fall/ followed by a conviction for

^- fc — — — — - From^ ,J A^^h Mr.^m' Maraa^aaaW *^ mr ^ J^^^ olin— Hey^^V wood.—' Lancash i re Folk- a billiard-roo m assault , led to an abandone d life _ m m *m • mtm . * « « m m * *^

Lore : ' illustrativ e of the superstitions , beliefs and its— usual— — result- - —emi_ - gration— | — - - — ;-m but^*mw* —— ^a- the- ^ ^^ ^ar- sequel^^^ ^ |^ ^aH ^9 ^UaT ^* I¦ and practices , local customs and usages of the does not lift the cloud , and * Gracie Man ton ,' the I people of the County Palatine. Comp iled and heroi ne of the tale , never marries , while her some- edited by Joh n Harland , F.S.A., and J. T. Wil- time lover dies in his exile. j kinson , F.R.A.S. A volume of curious and enter-

mjm From Messrs. Macrnillan & Co. a—— — — — -— — -— — - — - m — The National » «^ ** ' ^ ^ taining^ ^^ notes of the traditions of the county^ which is now more commonl y associated with high chim- Bud getaw——^a : the Nation al Debt : Taxes^ — and— — ^^ ^^^^Rates. ~— !¦ ™ ^mr ~— —^* *r ' neys and cotton famines tha n with charms and By Alexander Johnstone Wilson. A nother spells and fairies. The work is divided into volume of ' The English Citizen Series ,' which is chapters treati ng of superstitious beliefs and well— — — calculated— — — — — — - — - to— m~ g^^ h^h ive— the— — — -^— general^ ^^^ b ^ — — ^ ~ "^ ^^~ reader~~^ ^ ^ v ~— ~~- ~mar ^^» a^^-^aw fairm^r ^^.^^ ^" aa^p pract ices in general ; charms and spells ; the knowled ge of the social and economic problems of

¦ the age. Mr. Wilson whose long trainin g ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ — — as a devil^v^v ^r * aw ^" ,v demon™ -^w •^^^^—^^ ~~~ s~— ,j &c;g divination^ — — ;y miscellaneous— writer and thinker on public questions , ives him ja ^. g folk-lore ; miracles ; omens and predications ; ^ a\ — Mat am. a Ma, ^a* ^ Mt *. Mm a witches and witchcraft ; and local custom s and peculiar facilities for dealing with such a subject , usages.—. _ To_ natives. ____ of or residents _ in the County_ as National Taxation , has broug ht together in a — — — — __ ^ -_- ..__ ^ — comparativel y brief space ,W a vast amount of j | Palatine the work will have a special interest , ^ ^ ^ but all rea ders who care to go below the surface historical and stati stical information ; and has and tr ace will find treated what m ight at firs t sight see m to be a dr y out the waysV of our

aaw || much to entertain them , and not a little amuse- a—m -— ndm ~m -^ heavy~^m*^— — -^ — - w subj—— - — -^ m\ ect^^ ^^ ^^ in ^ — ¦ a— ^ very™ ~^ ~- w attracti^ ^ ^ ^^ i ^^"^» ~^aw ~*w ^^ ve» ^a ^ manner.*w ^av ^w ^^ ^waaw m^ aw -aaar ^am ^p nient, in these well-stored pages. After giving a succi nct account of the finan cial I history of the country , Mr . Wilson clearl y de- J Fro m the same.—' Lancashire Lege nds , Traditions , scr ibes the sources from which the revenue of the i Pageants, Spoits , &c , with an A ppendix contnin- countr y is now collected , and then gi ves a detailed ' ing a rare tract on the Lancash i re Witches / &c , account of the objects on which it is spent , and

^^^^^ ¦ mt ^a ^^r aw ^aa ^mt ^a** a^kvm^^ar^aaiat V ^B» Mam mmw&a»aal ^W ^~ V am^a ^ a' ^**^ * aw* ^^~ ^~ V ^ ^^ ^ » -^^^^ ^^-^ ^ ^^^^^ ^v ~ ~ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ w ^- -^ of ' the way the money%j goes.n ' Altogetherl l>l'A^U to the volume, an d the portrai t of the well-known with its red bor ders , red edges , and chaste cover, "will form a welcom e Easter gift-boo k in circles local anti~"" «-«*ji*t»*quar yy form±\Jt,M*lSs thebile frontispixuubioLfitiece. *^v. TheAiJU firstinuu part of the work consists of legends associated where the teaching of the old monk meets with w fa vour. IHI >th the--.w ancienI»«JVA V- 1.1 tU mansionsMIM. UI M.ty I \JliCf of\JM. theIllVv county,V.UU11WJ withMILi* H S^ealogica l notices of the princi pal persons Elder, Life of I panned ; next follows an account of local pageants, From. Messrs. Smith , & Co.— ' the m% — BV r — ^p ag^^ ^aai aJma~Aaa %w ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ * ^ n f ^^ T^ am ^V V ^* ^"^ H^ ^« ^m* ' "^^ —— — -^ "— -^r' »» -^ ^ "—^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ aaat^ ~*a^ ^f -^^^ ^| ^ -^^ ¦ ¦ 'ncluding the Prestonfield ; the third section is Prince Consort/ peop le s edition. Sir Theodor e ¦ ¦ c« Martin 's Li fe of Pr ince Albert a few months ago votedan to local sportsof and past imes ; t he fourth ¦ ¦ was- onl— y procur able in five volumes ,r eac h of them the ^ J^ ^ves ft_ ««. account am old pun ishments ; the ^ ^m\ l .^ __ _ M ^ ^m * I " I L ¦* ^ J" *l S*m. wm-^ ^k ft^mllK^^^ ^^ H ^-* " I ft* M*^ 4ha^mTm* *-m< a ^ | « L^ ^^ ^^ ¦ ¦ "uh and sixth contain a collection of rh ymes and publi shed at eighteen shillings. Tho work has I P^erbs^nd notes of Tniscellaneous superstitions now been issued in five pa rts at sixpence each , -~ V w ^—^™ v ^fc* a^amm ¦ ¦ ^^ ^^ ^ "~—' b - — — — - —" — — - — — — ^r-m — — w — ~ ¦ ¦ and observa nces. which are to be had ,^ bound together^ , for four-and- sixpence. The book is greatl y increased in value ¦ ¦ rom ' Homo AXTor ds » Publish ing Office. — an d interest by a copious index. Fro m it is Iore th ¦ ¦ -V an Conquerors Frederick Sherl ock. seen instant l •Jy the CJgreat rangeC- of Mapublic occur- r ,' by ' ¦ I¦ !---h ® ««iuurauthor ofoi thistnis little temDeraneetemperance storvstory is.is, wo rences which como undtr notice. One of them , ¦ ¦ ^fiieve, tho Edit orial Secre tary of the Church of for example, and perhaps not the earliest , ia the

a m^^ " ^~ ^ ^ ^"^ — — Tem u mY a^a^a ^m^mf ^^^^ V^^F v^v ^^ ^^^^" ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ' ^ ^^ ^^ ^~ ^ '^ ~~ -* -~ ^ —^ —~~ *1^ peran ce Society , and his aim is, as assassination of Sir Robert Peel's private^^ ^ secre- ¦ ¦ I "NRhtTrih be ex I drn v exDeeted.pected, totf> snhowhow thetli« mischiefmisfhi«f which tary. Wo must add that a curious freak of H ^nkennese work s among the labouring popula- pag ing makes the uso of tho index laborious .

Wnawmw-^^ " am mm ^- - — ^_- . ^_ ^__ he mr^mmmw ^MOI W^ ^ *aW ^mW "— ^ ' '^ *^ "^ "^ '^^ — — - ~ — ^ ¦ ¦ ^ transf ormation of tho Cock Tavern Each part^ of the book has its separa ta pag ing. I ii# ee ¦ ¦ I t^JJ ^ Tavern , and scarcel y less marv ellous Each entry in the index names a part as well as » ^ fmtr ormation•'-' "hwibs in thomo lives ofoi somebohio ofoi thewio chiefcmei a page , but the pages themselves do not show the < m ¦ ¦ —¦ - "¦ ¦ ' - "¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦" ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - -¦ ' " ' " ' ' ' " -»V : ¦ ¦- ' T-- ¦ ¦ ' ' ' 1 - ¦ •" " • • " - - .- - . ¦ -• ' " '¦ ' " " ' " " " ¦ '*" ' ' ^ ^ . :. ' ,. 7 . - . ¦^• . ¦.> • ... - -; *¦ • • • •'¦ "* * • ¦ ' " ¦ * " ' > ' < . v . . ,, ;v ¦ : •< >¦ ¦ r - ¦¦" **? : ,;. , . . , . . . . .;. • , ' . - : . • . r ' ' >^^ ^ ' ^ ? ^ . ^ j ; , . . ; ^ ^- iS R' 5j | ^^^^^^^^ B

The Publishers' Circular Apri, , _ I 292 ^ j es e erha s t ll be comp I part they bel ong to, which may be gu s d if you P p i wi * leted by ogiving b the^"O Iir8 ^__k .*_. ^___ _p^__^_--_ *a -i ,L& _k ^L ^L, -— ^a m _> _. _. " t^^ | ^___ _** _-v^ . n iL^ _^ _^ - _^ ^^ first I II happen to know the date of the occurrence you paragraph of the preface :— I || || look for. Each page bears the date of its events. The following pages arc not for the purpoee of making I proselytes, f or they embody the sentimen ts and -I I the same. Love the Debt/ 3 vols. The Tiction8, and aspirations of a majority of the people I¦ I From —' large to need the conversion of anyone. ^ > t™wo j | | story is one of English country life, and the scen e is laid chi efl y in England. Thb principal dramatis persona are a youn g lady of good "W e have also receired —Illustrated British _^. Ballad * f _fl ._ _ _ _ . 1 ¦ A _ __ _ _^ _A. ___ _U_ _¦» ______r~sd K • I position in th e world, whose father loses his ( Cassell)-- "-. - co! -_ nk.. tainingA. a « ^a« _- the4- 'i Mermaidim/M __n. --ka- -^_-^ . 1 of_T^ ^^ H ».• " ¦ --- Gallovav ' I \A Vl tav ".^. ^^ w- » ¦• " ¦ "«¦» —— — — — — — — - • — \ J \ X-M. t*J I 111 t^ * * W •»•*¦**- ^^ J a fortun^ ^ e through the failure of a ba nk, nd two _ __ _ _, . • . V -« • v _*-¦« v • ' ,' * ' The Miller s Son ' The Monks of Kilcrea ,' &c. I young clergymen belonging to the ' High Ch u rch ' ' —' Childe Harold/ canto IV. (Collins) with I » - — — — — - — — — ~ 0 ^^ ^^ ^u ^ -^ ^»«* ^_* ** ^^^ ™^ ™ —^ The younga j sec^^ tion of the Establishment. Jady ^^ ^^ notes and biographical sketch.— Universa l Instruc- I the post of national schoolmistress in a takes tor (Ward, Lock, & Co.) new part.—Frienilt I village, while retaining her position among small Greetings (Rel. Tract Soc.) new part.—Beeton' i I the aristocracy of the neighbourhood. This, of _f_/ - __ Encyclo/*c-yotc^/ccpcediaw'tct (Ward^Ti ttiu, Lock_vjua , &ix/ Co.)v/u,^ papartrt 6o , witjwitii i I¦ , affo rd s good * situat ions/ in a literary course numerous interesting articles, illustrated.—Th e I ense. Of the clergymen, both bra ve and high- s Welcome (S. W. Partridge) illustrated new part — I ^^b ^v^_> ^r _* ^_* —— —¦ —"r — ~ —-—-—- — - ,v one leaves the Church and destroy^^j s minded men, __. _. _ « —• Sunday at Home (Rel. Tract Soc.) new part, with I consci ence Fake ; the other* his prospects for numerous engraviugs.—Zfo y's Oe^? r (' Leisure I rescui ng a min e full of men, his P^^ perishes in Hour ' Offic e) new part, with much entertaining I parishioners, from certain death . The narrative, and stirring matter, illustrated. — Disra _ _ _r _ ¦ ¦ eli's I______! at rs , in stead of fl agging as the f * • * * n • . *_r vw-i- -w . . not remarkable fi t ' Curiosi ties of Literature' (Ward, Lock, & Co.) I third volume is reached, becomes intensely i nterest- new part , 64 closely printed 8vo. _¦ pages._ _^____ —_ I______! •» ~r 1 * "¥^ v • . • f% ~r~*. . «_.___ * • ing— towards the close. The progress of the story c? ¦*- *—' *' Haydn's ' Dictionary of Dates/ 17th ed. (Ward, I gives the author an opportunity of delineating Lock, «fe Co.) containing Haarlem to St. John's I ' West Riding people, the ' kindest in the world ; Gate, Clerkenwell.— Land, Sea, and Sky (Ward, ^_^ « _^ _^**j \ . _k __^ -_i -^ _ I I^_____l the struggle to gain a living in Australia of a Lock, & Co.) part 6, wi th tinted page engravings. I young man of gentlemanly antecedents ; the and otlier graphic illustrations.—Bectoris Greet I humours of an election , the speeches, and the Book of Poetry ( Ward , Lock, & Co.) part 17 , I

V -W^_ V -w —*- -^ — "— — — — - - — " | g ' J various manoeuvres employed to ' g^J et a seat ; extending from Heber to Coleridge.—AH and m Engli sh travel l ing lif e in Italy ; the life of a Letters, edited by Comyns Carr (Remington) ¦ conscientious clergym an wh o has to minister containing masterpieces of tapestry, the church ¦ among an exceptionally slow ;ind heavy people, &c. of Santa jMaria dello Grazie, at Milan , &c. &<., ¦ Altogether, the reader of novels may look for with numerous full-pag e and other engravings, I good entertainment in ' Love the Debt/ —' Arabian ^Ni ghts,' sixpenny edition (Ward , I Lock, & Co.), illustrated by Millais, lenniel , &c ¦ From Th.e Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.—'Bible Picture Book : Old Testa- ' Picture Book : New Testament.' ; I ment ; ' Bible Books received for Notice— j ¦

^^h. v B «^ ii ¦ -"^ -^^ ' —— ' — — — — — -^^ ^^^ ^^ J M m 9 V Two books of illustrations, with accompanj'ing^

— - ^ -mr —r r _r — ^r ^w^ -^^^ —— -^— - g of the Bible stories which possess the Tho Hol iest Manhood (Macmillan^^ & Co.) I^^^^^^^^_ letterpress, ¦ est attractions for young readers. The plates The National Budget, &c. (ditto). great N" ¦ are printed in colours on a gold ground, and will The ew Conveyancing Act (R. Amer) . j Co. ) ¦ be voted by young folks to be remarkably eff ecti vo. Of the Imitation of Christ (Kegan Paul & j How India is Governed (d i tto). ______I ! Alfred A. Holme ( Jarrojd & Sons). j ¦ From Mr. Edward Stanford.—'Wholesome ' ¦ Houses : a Handbook of Domestic Sanitation Memories of our Great Towns (Chatto & Vnnih-) and Ventilation.' 35y E. Gregson Banner, C.E. Boggie's Boast (F. E. Longley). I The Foster Brother's Story (ditto). ! ¦ ._ _. _ — ______New.— — and— revised edition. The author,j who adopt^_ s ¦ Lord BeaconsfieUV s unful filled programme, ' Sani- Lancashire Folk-Lore (John Hoywood). j ¦ tas ganitatum, omnia sanitas,' rs his motto, gives Lancashire Legends (ditto). ( ^neidos Li bor Sextus (W. Collins, Sons, & Ca) j ¦ us a practical treatise, with copious illustrations ¦ Li foof the Prince Consort, People's Edition (.Simtb, I of House Ventilation foe which his own system , ! ¦ ystem,' has received a large Elder *, & Co.) ... _ -,. \ i __¦ named ' the Banner S * Fan-an). ¦ The Over the Seas and Far Away (Griffith & | measure of public approval. importance of Stoct)- ¦ the subject has been recentl brought home to the Affluence, Poverty, «nd Pauperism (Kllio t j y ^Il ) ¦" ¦ public mind by the occu rrence of blood-poisoning Our Home bejond the Tide (David Jiryco & Twelve Sermons on Various Subjects, by C. H- ' ¦ duringCJ the convalescence of the Duchess of Con- •Spurgeon ( Passmore & Alabaster). H naught, and there are, it is to be feared , very few Son;- • ¦ ¦ persons in tho range of whose private acquaintance The Koign of Christ on Earth (S. Ba^^r & similar instances of disease directly attributable From the Kel i gious Tract Society : H to sewer gas Jun e not occurred. Mr. Banner The Happy JResolvo. H gives evidence from clergymen as to the benefit The Blind P>oy of tlio Tsl:ind. ¦ resulting from tho application of his princi ples to Hungering and Thirsting. H tho ventilation of churches, and he also adds a Herbert and his . jH chapter on the ventilation of railway carriages, Easter Greetings. H which, in these days of constant travelling and Heaven's Sunshino. i H long journeys, is a matter of almost equ.il im- AVithout Intending It. ¦ portance. The Sunny Valley. I Little Strokes fell Gro.it Oaks. : ¦ From Messrs. "Wade & Co. — RiiSHoH'a ' Free Harry Blalv o's TrouhU-s. j H Trad e the Exterminator.' The title continues : Talks with Undo Morris. i I * tho whole case stilted , with full elucidations on Winter and its Five- Sennon.s. H the subject, and i rresistible statistics which free- Do you Wjm t a Friend ? H tradors find it convenient to garble or ignore. ' Bertie's Question and its Ans»v«T. ¦ I Tho critic's task in this cas e is a li ght one. I houghts on Prayer. ~ _$fl April i, 1882 The Publishers' Circular 293 II

The Tr uth of the Christian Reli gion . Sy lvia' s Home Journal . ¦ Talks abou t Chr istian Reli gion. The Girl 's Own Pa per ) m i_ _ T3 » _ /% t~» ' Golden , all Golden.' Tract Society). Char ley's Log. %£ *gl H^f^ f (*"g*»

xm j ^» » ^"^ ^— ^^ — — ^ ^^^ \ ^ 9^ ^^ Jack 's Adventures . The Tract l&a gazine J The Pa tched Frock. Th e Church Worker (Church of Englan d S. S. Canning's Lor d Macaulay (Smith , Elder , & Co .) Institute). Childe Harold , Byron 's (W. Collins . Sons, & Co.) The Churc h S. S. Ma gazine (Church of England Story of a Long and Busy Life(W.& R. Cham bers ). S. S. Institute ).

— — w — — ^~^ AM ^l Shadowedp g f ^ a %j^ ^^m ^r » ^ Love (W^L . Stevens).* From Ward , Lock , & Co. The Doctor of Rungapor e (F. Warne & Co.) Land , Sea, and Sky, April. Ma p of Wales (W. & A. K. Johnston ). Hay dn's Dictionar y of Dates , April. Ha ndboo k to accompany ditto , wi th Remarks on Holy Thoug hts, Part 7. Teaching Map Geogra phy (ditto). D'laraeli 's Curiositi es, A pr il.

i V V ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ — ' ^^ —^ ^^ — — — — ^^ J M — ^^ W ! W.^ &^^^S^^r A. K. Joh nston s Statistical Atlas , part XV., Beeton's Book of Poe try , April. Popu lation (ditto). Beeton's Encyclopaedia , April. Uaiversa l Instructor , A pril. Pamphlets and Magazines. History of the World , Part 6. Fami ly Altar_ ,9 —Part — _ 12._ . Kevised Vers ion of the New Testament , what is Househol^ d Medicine , Par t 6. to be said for and against it (St. Giles Pri n ting Jt ollin's Ancient History, Part 6. Co.) Epochs and Episodes of History , Part 5. Art and Letters , April (Remington & Co.) Thrift Book , Part 7.

-- -_ -__ __ — __— — ' ^- — _ |_—j — — _ v _ - _ Frase r s Magazine,—, ,f April (Longmans & Co.) Scientific R ecreations Part ^ , 7. Our Little Ones (Griffith and Farran ). HaHam 's Literat— ure- and- Europei #, Part 7. Cassell's Concise Cyclopaedia , Part 2. Amateur Work , Part 5. Golden Hours , April (rassmore & Alabaster) . C larke s Commenta ry , Part 12.

Index to tlie Books published between March 16 and 81.

77k? Words in Italics are those under uh ich the Titles are given Alphabetically in fuU 9 with the Publisher ' s Xame.

Acoustics, Ligh t , Heat , &c. Lees (W.) new edit. Is. ed. Builder ' s Prices , ilv/ringf ' s, 1882, 43. i ' *£sop s Fabl es, new edit. Cd. Building Leases * BaiMingContracts , Law , Emden (A.) 1003. I Agricultur e, American Cyclopcedia , 42? . Burgomaster 's Wife, Ebers (C.) 4s. & -Js. 6d. AUx-rt, Prince Consort , Life, Martin (T.) People ' s edit. 4s. Gd. ! Iiyron , Poem3 . carefu lly selected , 2 rols. 2s. 6d. All, and in All , Nixon (W.) Is. <5d. Culiforaia & Yosemit i Vulley Guide Book , Whitney, 7a.6d.& 15s. Amer iran Toetry and Art , Pia tl (J. J.) 2nd ed.6s. j ' - r — - — — — —— -— ^"— -^p* ^^ ^ aylor j (Jeremy ) 7s. 6d. Evening^^^ s Christ , Life , T ^ ^ , Series 2,^ 15a. Anooymoua Pers onages , Young (R.) 5s. Church Histo ry , "Un iversal , A lzog (J.) Vol. 4, 7s. 6d. 4nri »a/i Nights, illustrat ed by Millais & Tennid , new. ed. Gd. Civil War Ca mpaigns, Vol . 7, by Gen. H. M. Cist , 5s. ^ ™&ar , Niglits, illustrat ed , 6d. Cocks of the Wood, by F. O. B. 4d. Arctic Regions, liar twig ( G.) Codes, Foreign aad English , S»nnensche\n ( A.) Teacher 's ed. 1p. Arithmetic, Aid, Z)/t*v- ( E.) 6d. Colours , Mucklry, Pa inter 's & Student 's Hand book , n .c. 3s.6d. Ar ithmetic, Prog ressive Example? , Ar/ree(G . F.) pt. 1 , n.e. Is. Constable 's Pocket I' ook , Lees (T. O. H.) Arithmetical Table , GtKteridge (M.; new edit. Id. Convey. &Law Pro pert y Act, 188 1 , Cla rke &. Brett , n. ed. 7s. Cd. Amu, America n, Improve ments, Norton «pH« (J.)M ^ 110s< Od.n,l. Corinth ians II. Mawn (W. T.) Questions & Notes, 6d. I Atlas, 6'atf and Inglis ' British School , new edit. 3s. G I. Corporation , Pri vate , Law , A ngell (J. K.) Ames

i »-«wAtlas, ¦¦ f — ^ — — ' Johnst on —» ™ — — — — — — j r ^o/an. ^on's# National , la. & 6d. Countess-^^ i r~ ^^ ™ ™ ^ ^ *^ ^ of^"^ St. Altan , Haeklaiidcr , 2a. At ye»R Gre ene Gr iffin , 77oW (Emi y S.) 2a. 66. Creation in the Earth, Strange (T. L.) Development , 2a. 61. U Ter e, General , Laws and Customs , Gourlie (J. If.) 52a. Gd. Creed. Pearson on the , by Chevall ior (T. ) new edit. 12a. D ^ lada Und ¦W 01 .n-— — - Logcndfl of Hindustan , Dull (Toru ) 5-« . Cu r l,y L ittle R ubyt*» 's,W la. ^lllul8nf Life CJo mmen tar y. 5a. I , Love and Humour , Buchanan (K.) Gi . Dan iel, Robinson (T.) Homiletlcal I *"*°»"n r , Serj t ant , Experie noca, 2 vols. 2Hd. Daphni», Pastoral Poem , /M lon (H. G.) 3a. Cd. ?at h //0/ J - °) «3 Dau ghte r of Niglit , Fullom (S. W.) 2s. iw Rar ' ^^ < - p? my NelKhboor, Gerard (B. C.) new edit. Ch. David' s Bible, Green (8. G.) Is. U B*W %v.. ' Prim itlTO»« •», Kmryiicu/ y (C^\>. pon.f 188ioa, Decorative Art , iTn iversa l Quido , Is. Ha > and Notes, Cases on the Law , A mes (J. B.) 2 vote. 73*. 6d. Doepglcn , a Novel , by Aforv.n (U.) 3 vola . 31 i. 6d. B rt hday Book > Moort, l8. 0d. Deserted Ship, Story of the Atlan tic, CuppTe* (G.) 6a. Cd. J »cWr iarB Brid ge, Mttcalfc (Rose) 10a. 6d. Dick Sands, the Boy Captai n , Verne (J.) new edit. 2 vola. Sa. €d. n MaB8 , la.la. ea. 1l volvoi. 3oa.a. 6d.oa. ^T° » Memorial History, Winsor (J .) pa ^t 2 , 31s. 6d. Dick SimdsSands., VermeVerne (J.) new edit. 2 parts Dictation and Ajnalyaia , Short Eaaays and Letters , Is. I tt £ir.?evi^N 0.i, iB. DictionarieDtr.tionariea a andan d GrammarsGrammars. , TrilbnrrTrilbner ' s$ Catalo gue, 503.s. I , FoUitrgi ll (J. M.) 4s. Gd. - D igeation , Imperfect , Leare *!, Cau aea Si Treatment , 7th e. 4e.6d. | t g^^^ Chr oDl o '& ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -• • • ¦-¦ ¦ • ¦ • • • ¦ • • • ' •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' v ' ¦ ¦- . ¦ • • ¦ - • ¦ ¦ • • ' ' ¦ ¦ • ¦' ' " - < - : • ^™* ^jm ' | fc" y ; " ; ; ' 294 The Publishers Circu lar April i, l882 |

I Directory, International, Scientist's, Cassino, 12s. Gd. & 10s. Horticultural Buildings, Fawke *(F. A.) 10s. 6d. Directory , Newspaper, and Bank of the World, 2 vols. 24b. House Specification , Palliser, 3a. Directory, Paper, Stationery, & Print .Trades, Lockwood, 10s.6d. Humphrey Clinker, Smollett ^T.) 6d. Divine Patriot, &c. Sermons, Blunt (R. F. L.) 6s. /« Marc in ma, Ouida, 3 vols. 31s. 6d. Doctor Claude, Malot (H.) 2 vols. Is. ea. Immortality, a Philosophy, Noel (Roden) 7s. Gd. Doctor of Rungapore, Gordon (Ross) Is. Imitation of Christ, Kempis, red line edit. 2s. Gd. Dorothy's Venture, Hay (Mary Cecil) 3 vols. 31s. 6<2. India, Da-ys of Grace, Newman (H. S.) 5s. Douglass (P.) li fe and Times, by J. Lol)b, 6s. India, Wild Tribes, Rowney (H. B.) 5s. 6

» » 3rd edit. Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, Day (F.) 12s. Liturgy*_r «r of the Church,r Ancient,w Maskell (W.) 15*. Flirting Made Easy, Wilson (Dower) and Ross (C.) Is. Lookhart's Life of Scott, n. ed. vol. 5, 3s.

German Grammar, Colloquial, Lavpc (F. K. W.) 4s. Cd. Mathematical PaperA s,¥ CliffordAr (W.X w K.)r 30a. Golden Poems, Browne (Prances F.) 12s. 6d. Matthew, Biblica l Treasury, No. 2, new edit. 2s. Graphic Arts, The, Hamerton (P. G.) 12Gs. & 210*. M Chtyne (R. M.) Memoir and Remains, Is. Graphs, Mathematical Papers, Cliffo rd (W. K.) 10d. Gd. Meditations, Holy, for Every Day, by B. C. D. 2s. Greoillea Atlas, 10s. 6d. Mensuration Questions, Pupil Teacher's, Lawren ce, n. ed. K Qrins and Groans, Gd. Meteorology, Loomis (E.) 7s. Gd. Gustavus Vasa, Alberg (A.) 4s. Gd. Microscopical Section Cutting, Marsh (S.) 2nd edit. 3s. 61. //air-Splitting as a Fine Art, Is. Miles, Our Ilome beyond the Tide, new edit. Is. Hair, The» its Treatment, Pincus (J.) Is. Gd. and Is. Miner's Manual , Jones (L. A. A.) 2s.

Oat of Court, Hoey (Mrs. C.) new edit. 6s. Songs and Games for Oar Little Ones, Mulley, &c, Is. »• "" Songs in the Sha de, ¦ ¦ ii|y fc Harlyw Burly,— - Adeler (Max)- r 6d. Daman (H.) 4a. Oat of^^ the ^^^^m h ^B^^k _ A. 9 - ¦ ^^% _—^ — ^ —_ .—^ ^^a. «_ ^ Ou try (P- T.) Practica l Sermons , 4s. Sophocles, Paley (F. A.) 3s. 6d. Over the Seas, Ltuhi ngton (Cecilia) 3a. 6d. Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, Basf ord (J. L ) 2a. 6d. Pa inting, Hou se, Rossiter (E. H.) & Wrigh t (F. A.) 25s. Spinal Cord, Diseases, Bramwell (B.) 1 5s. ParParis is , Old Conventsconvents , Reybaudueyoa.ua andan a Sandeana , 2s.*s. Spine, Concussion, Erxchsen (J. E.) new edit. 10s. 6d. Pa rliam entaryChronic le, 1882, 6d. Spiriilum Fever, Carter (H.) 21s. Pa rlia ment , Short History, Bi&sel (A.) 4s. Stars, Hah! Hours with the, Procte r (It. A.) new edit. 5s. Pa rty Giving, 2nd edit. 2s. 6d. State Trials of the 19th Century, Browne (G. L.) 2 vols. 2Cs. perm anence and Evolution , Pusey (S. E. B.) 5a. Steam Engine, Goodeve (T. M.) Text-Book, 4th edit. 6s. Pet oi the Consulate , a novel , 3 vols. 31s. 6J. Steam Engine, Marine, Sennett (R.) 21s. Phiedr us, Short Selections, Harman (James L.) Is. 6d. Steam Engine, Theory * Action, tfovthcott (W. H.) 2nd e. 3s GJ. Photograp hy, Emuls ion Process , 4 6/2 ey (W. de W.) 2nd cd. 3s. Steps Across, Everard (G.) new edit. 3s. Physiology, Mapoiher (E. D.) by J. F. Knott , 14s. Stories, Boy's and Girl's own, parts 1 & 2, Is. each. Pilgrim Chimes, Bulfern (W. P.) 2s. 6d. Story of a Long and Busy Life, Chambers (W.) Is. fixfi and Poetr y of Poland , 21s. Story of Two Years , Afeldrum (Mrs.) 2 vols. 12s. PolanPoland. d, AvftPoets and .PoetPoetr ry, y, 2 Is.is. Statistical Atlas , England , Scotland , & Ireland , Bevan, 126s. Pole to Pyrami ds by "Way of Palestine , Cox

V V^ » -w — V W - — — w - —^ v Political^ Economy,^ Practical , Pric e-^ (B.) ^ 2nd edit. 5s. Suicide , Studies , O'Dea (J. J.) 9s. Poor Squire , A, Lee (H.) 2 vols. 21s. Swiss Family Robinson, new edit. 2s. Port of Refuge, Hopkins (Manley) 3rd edit. 3s. 6d. Tea Cyclopaedia, 28s. Prtenom ina, Charnock (E. S.) new edit. 6s. Text-Book, Anniversary, Is. 6d.

Scot t ish Heireaa" vmij l/vi»l(»o lUlO. XW. JU../ XO. ,i Daniels ^(Mrs. It. M.) 2s. With the Colours , JepAson (W. M.) new edit. 2s. Sea sickness, Nature and Treatmen t , Z?e.irrf (G. M.) 5a. Women , Exemplary, Adams (W. H. D.) 4s. & 3s. 6d. the at ^rmona befor e Queen Balmoral , Campbell (A. A.) 4b. 6d. Woolcarder 's Vade-Mecum , Bramwell (W. E.) 12s. 6d. Sermons for Bvery Sunday In the Year , Weninger (F.) I Gs. Worcester , Flora of the Clent and Lickey Hills, Mathews, 1». *rmon«on Int ernati onal Sunday School Lessons , series 7, 7s. 6d. Workin g People , Better Days for , Blaikie (W. G.) n. e. 2s. 6d. Sevenoaks , a Sto ryan, Holland (J. G.) 6s. Worth Winnin g, Cameron (Mrs . II. L.) 10s. 6d. from of •^Akspear e Americ an Point View, Wilkes (G.) 18s. Wright ( II.) Friendship of God , cr. 8vo. pp. 356, 6s. vwhpeare,Select Play s for the Young, Brandram (S.)2nd e. 6s. Wr ong Train , Everard (G.) new edit. Is. 6d.

Urtoia Tlir ough ULl KJIO, ! « O"», Lansde«-»**/»OU4 C.»«' ll (H.)y JLJL« y 2nd^ edit.CiUlVt 2A vols.V 30s.O^/Oa Yale , City of EIoib , Decrow (W. E.) 7s. 6d. 8alvation , Griffiths (T.) 8s. 6d. Year Book , Pictorial , of Celebrities , 1881 , Is. tin ^_ Diseases, Atlas , Duhring (L. A.) 126a. Young Wife's Own Book , Weathrrly (L. ) Is. ««W Boe., Our , Wynter (A.) ne Je edit. 5s. Zeal of the Ministry , Dubois (Abbe) 1 0a. *ial Ka leidoscope, 5/wi « (G. It.) Series 1 & 2, Is. Zululand and its King" , Dixie (Lad y F.) Defence , 2b. —«c« oi Thr ee Centu ries, 16s.

UEW WORKS PUBLISHED FROM MARCH 16 TO 31. Th * ZPcc**ionul Notes in italics after the titles are onlygiven in eases of short or obscure titles appearin g for the f irst time. !~V ar * not intended to be general, or to express any opinion on the literary merit of *M books ; the sole object being t? ~£~"i ine luie-pag e, or to give sue/) additional information concerning tn * nature oj v\e wort as may appear w ue ™l

on de About (E.)—The Notar y's Nose, and other Stories. 12mo. TrrtTiJ^" theW.)—Photo graphy with Emulsionsof : a Novels). .Vizetelly [1071 C(lll^ Tljeory and Practical Working the pp. 222, sewed, la. ( Popular French 1 *™ an<1 Gel • I2aic12m. n« . o« atine Emulsion Processes. 2nd edit. Adama (Charlott e)—La ura and Lucy ; or, the Two Friends. I PP 250, sewod, 3a Piper & Co, [1070 Post 8ro. pp. 282, 2s. 6d Warne [1072 I] ^ I . .. _ . . _.. . _ _ _ _ II ¦ L. .

Ikik, . . . ' Publish ers' Circular . 2q6 The ADril - » »wvan Farming. 2nd edit. I2mn ' A^free (Q. F.)—Progressive Examples in Arithmetic ; pp. 366, 4s Lockwood [Ho? together Tables of "Weights and Measures, Signs, with Byron (Lord )—Poems. Carefully selected. 2 vols. 32mo m r « m m M a ^mmaw mm &a s* v A m mmwmm » ^v ^h w ^* mW mr T¦ ¦to erms^^ *** , Definitip* &m o^^ ns% *^ ,V &c.^^w Part^^ ^»* 1. 4thfc^" edit,*mt *-* 4 *^ V revisedmW ^ * ' ^»^^ ^w-#4 andbv^ * *-• 2s. 6d corrected. 18mo. pp. 114, Is .. Hamilton [1078 Kent [1108

m. mW " ¦" ¦' ^^^ ^mrvM* ^^^^^^^ ^m ' ^^ ^^^ ^K ^p ( ^ w ^gmf* ^m ^ *^ ^ ^^^ p^^ v mi ^^ vv V M w w ^^ — — — — — J J ~ ^^^ mw ^* ^ j mj 1 Cameron ^ Mrs. H. I..)—Worth Winning : a Story, ^ ^ ^ Alzoft (J .) —Manual of Universal Church History. Trans- Post lateilated,, wiwithth AdditionsAdditions,, from the ninth and Ia3tIa3fc G ermanerman 8vo. pp. 310, 103. 6d Rowortb [1109 edition by Rev. F. J. Pabisch and Rev. Thomas S. Byrne. Cam pbell (A. A.)—Sermons Preached before the Queen at Vol. 4. 8vo. (Dublin , Gill) pp. 430, 7s. 6d.. .Simpkin [1079 Balmoral. Post 8va. pp. 154, 4s. 6d Blackwoods [1110

mm ¦ ¦ ¦*¦» -¦ g-w ^^ ¦^^ ¦ ^ ¦^ V ^VH ^mr «• 9MW V^^^ H mr * mWi^^+^w^^mU mmmr W mmm^ ^^ • ^mw w ^^^— w -^ "^ - — m-^ h -*r — -^^- ¦«• mi ^ v v ^m -*tr m 'W ^w V^B ^ ^^y ^^ ^^ ^ Cant- all (E.)~Ireland under the Land Act. Let Angler's Evenin gs. 2nd series. Large paper edit. ry.^ 4to. ters to (Manchester, A. Hejwood) pp. 266, 15s Simpkin [1080 the Standard during1 the crisis in Ireland. Cr. 8vo. 63. Anniversar y Text Book : a Manual of Scripture Verne Chatto [1111 and Sacred Song. 32tno. Is. and ls. 6d. G riffith & F. [108 1 Carl yle (T.)— Sartor Resartns : the Life and Opinion s of Herr Teufelsdrockh. New edit. 4to. 64, sewed, Aquinas (St. Thomas )—Life of. 8vo. 4s. pp. 6d. Washbourne [1082 Chapman [1112 Car penter (A.)— Health at School. 12mo. pp. 102, Is. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Illustrated by J. E« (Hughes Millais, J. Tenniel, J. D. Watson, &c. People's edit. roy. ' Educational Course) Hughes [1113 8vo. 3ewed, 6d Ward & L. [1083 Carter (H- V.)— Spirillum Tever, Synonym3 famine or mmm*w vmw ^^ - -m^m^m^m'— i^^^ b ~^mw~m'

mr mmr m- ~mm- v w ** ' ™ JV » ^ — ^^ — — ^m' ^ ~WT " *r m ^p _—gf -mw ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ » ^^ ^ *mW ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ . ^p ^i^ ^ ^» » ^tf ^^F • ^ ^^ M m W W ^^ ^ ^" f Story. Thoughts in thort pithy sentences on the various phases^^ ^^ of^^ ^ China Cup ; or, Ellen's Trial ; a Worcestershire human life. 18mo. 9d Religious Tract Society [1118 Bastlat (F.)—Popular Fallacies regarding Trade and ChristUJiriBi our Idealluutt i : anmi ArgumenJiiguuicutu fromxiuui Analogy.iviiaiut,;- By"j the"¦" « Sro. — ~— ¦ ¦¦ ™ '— ^~ r —^ ~r ™ " ^^ ^ ^" —* VV '^ • ^ -.» ~^mw mi mr r- -%+*- ^_ « ^ b ^ .' T— ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^b ^^ ^^^^^ "^^ ^ .> a ™ ^ .W ^^ *^^ Century ForeiK-n Duties. Being fhe * Sophism^s Economiques**^ ' Author of The Gospel for the Nineteenth adapted to the Present Time by Edward Robert Pearce. pp. 256, 8s. 6d Longmans [1119 12mo. pp. 74, sewed, 6d Cassell [1088 Discourses o n the Imitation of ChristChrist,, and on the analogy of the Few Creation to the method and order of tfu 01J ¦ ¦ r m ¦ ¦ ^^ H ^^ " ¦ mr mj -mmm-m^ Vt ^V ^H^ mj ^^^ W J — ^^ mw — * ^m- rw* ^tmW ^ ^ ^^ ^~ ^tf ^ ^-^-^^ ^^ ^^ ^% ^V ^ ^ ¦ ^B^K m^*mr mmt ~**m§ « i i -i' "^^ ^^ AW ^m- mi %\ t\ VUmm, ¦ S ^^4 ^to^^ I Bevan (G.^ P.)—Statistical Atla3 of England^ ^ , Scotla^^ nd, and acco rding Co certain theories of evolution. Ireland. Folio, half bound, £6. 6s Johnston, [1089 Church^suu& uu Musici» udiu iniu Townx The Bible for Youn g: People. By Drs. Oort and Hooykaas, Stranger Within thy Gates . 12mo. pp. 66. sewed , la. _ with• w *-. ^,*_* thet#>'^> assistance«-w» m^k«^ m^^ AAA^/^-f ofv«- Dr.*- * a * A.-*.*- • Kuenen.A m. uviivil* TranslJL Jl tkivn I atedulAJU A A. V/JLL& ¦ ¦ A *ma [1120 ^.^h . . V A m A m A 4 a - -_ . > fro_ m * Bern rose the Dutch , with the sanction and assistance of the Authors, es in village by Philip H. Wicks , Experiences of the author in various church teed MA. Vol. 1 : From Paradise to and la rge towns, with suggestions how to overcome diffi- Joseph in Egypt. 2nd edit. cr. 8vo. 4s. Williams & N. [1090 culties informing a choir. Biblical Treasury : St. Matthew. New edit, revised and Classic Tales ; comprising Johnson *3 ll a?8el as, Goldsmith * re-arranged. Post 8vo. pp. 248, 2s. Vicar of Wakefield.Wakefield , Swift s Gulliver's Travels, andana ™en.cSterne *. Sunday School Union [1091 Sentimental Journey. 12mo. pp. 670, 3r. 6d. ( Hohn t Bisset (A.)—A Short History of the English Parliament. Standard Library) Bell & Sons [M. i I Cr. 8vo. 4s Williams & N. [1092 Clerke (A. St. John ) and Brett (T.)—The ConTcyancinK Bisson (F. S. Do Carteret -)— Our Schools and Colleges. and Law of PronortvProperty Act.Act, 1881.1881, totogethergether witnwith tlieuie \ u-«-en'ior Solicitors' Rcmunerntwn Vol. 1, for Boys. Post 8vo. pp. 1,130, 12s. 6d. and Purchaser Act, 1874, and the row Simpkin [1093 Act, 1881 . With Notes and Introduction. 2nd edit, ButterworW) [U- * Blalkie (W. Q.)— Better Days for Working People. New 8vo. pp. 268, 7s. 6d Edited by Bota*1 I c lit. revised and enlarged, post 8vo. 2a. 6d. ClifiFord (W. K.)—Mathematical Papers. miwi- . Religious Tract Society [1094 Tucker. With an Introduction by H. J. Stephen s 8vo. 69G, 30a Macmillan [H-* Blunt (R. F. tO— The Divine Patriot, and other Sermons, preached in Scarborough Clifford (VT. K.)—Mathematical Papers. Being f^*™* and in Cannes. Post 8vo. pp. Theory o f OrH^'l 268, Ga Paul [1095 of Unflniahod Papers relating to the ]ii [ll-7i« I Folio.Folio, 1103.03. 0d.Cd. MMacmillanacnii»»» 1 •- Booth (W.)— Salvation Soldiery : a Soriea of Addresses on 12ma TV the Requirements of Jesua Cocks of the Wood. By. F. C. B. fy Christ's Service. By the General sewed.sewed, 4d Whittinwi»itun g«»»" g liam 1[1" — ¦— — ~-m —— — -m mw-m — m 0. -»,» ¦ w -s ^ w »_, , -, —, q m ^ m^ % ¦ Kj~ of the Salvation Army.j Po*t 8vo. pp. 156^ ,^ Is.*»'^ Od' ^ * .;• sewed^-< VV ^. * • ,• Boers, Jrc. Is Partridge [1096 A politica l skit en the tea r with the VUAWU11\%».f X>IUI/1CJ Fox«,i'UAUIl;, Kim . theHID LIUloiJiv"^ S—- Colwoll (J.)-T.lttle or, t^^XnT\\\V- ¦ Bott (T. H.)—Robinson Crusoe in Verse. Post 8vo. (Bir- Christian Character. 12mo. pp. 74, Is >V oolmcr i' «n -m- -™— m- m- m, i. g^mm ** W-" vw maw m—» «¦ ¦ ¦ B ~ — -^ ^ --» ^v ^^ - — ^ — «r ¦ ma ^ m.r m -m^ ¦ minghamm ^ ,^ Midla" nd Educational^ ^ ^ Com-^^ pnny)M^*?^^* J M pp.m^ P * • ** ^* ^" ,fc ^B T F A Wm M M ^M 162 2s. and and East. 3b.; sewed, Is gimpkin [1097 Coot e ("W.)—Wanderings South ^JJjL^5flirec" I and 47 Wood KnprravinRB, executed under the t | T, I 9 tho Auttl°'" Boys and ' Own Stories. Packets 1 and 2. Post Edward Whymper, from sketches by T ' r ,iJ7 I and 8vo. (Edinburgh, Ollphant) Is. each Hamilton [1098 drawings, &c. 8 vo. pp. 380, 21a '%" : " ///.^n, Im Travels in Australia , the Pac ific Islands, CUm Brad don (M. E.) —Mount Royal : a Novel. 8 volii. cr. 8vo. America. , I pp. »03, 81s. 6d J, -fe ll. Maxwell [1099 (Lord )—Th o Earldom of Mar, in S1!"" !^ !*) I Crawfor d (Kdinburgi1, Bramwei l (B.)—The Diseases of the Spinal Cord. 8vo. Shade, during 600 Years. 2 vols. 8vo. £ nJg J 11 (Edinburgh, Maclachlan) pp. 314, 16a Blmpkin [1100 82b no»»»^»J_J^| 9 ' '-" ¦ Apra r , 1882 The Publishers ' Circular 297 II II Thought * of Comfort for the Tear. Written Freeman (E. A.)—The Beign of Winiam Bafiw and the I n*ilr Q. Sq. 16mo. 3a. 6d. and 5s. 11110amT Selected by B. Accession ofor Henryiienry I. 2 voterote . 8vo. pp. 1^901J0O., 3«s.3«s. frideTride Griffith & P. [1120 Adv- 214j Frowde fllW run lets (Mr «. R« M.)—The Scottish Heiress. 12mo. pp. Fallom (8- W.)—Th Weldon [1130 e Daught er of Night ; or , a Poor I 293, boards , 2s Girl a Fortune. 12mo. pp. 252, board s, 2b. .. Weldon [1U7 I Day (I>r. F.)—The Piahes of Great Britain and Ireland ; Fun Burst. A Book History of such as are known to inhabit for all Seasons, for both Sexes, and I being a Natu ral for every Country : provoking Laugh ter, yielding Innocent I the Seas and Fre sh Waters of the British Isles, including Amusement , and affo rdi ng Joyous T>*Tn«rk « on their Economic UUsesses and VariousVanons Modes of Recreation to Old and Remar ks on Young.___..„. Illustrated-..w^-^.^w.^ . winiwith jiuuuicua ui v^uiuic ;t>u«i. ¦ ¦ hundre ds of Comic Cuts._ Editednniwa Captu re. With an Introduction u pon Fishes generall y. byWtVW HenryLJa#« M li L. Williams.iTTlHf a^_ PostT~* ^ a f\ _ _ *m. ^ ^ . — plates . , Imp.imp. 8vo.»vo. 12sizs Williamvv nuam &at, in.N. [1131 8vo. 2a. 6d. ; boards , 2s. ParPart t 4 , 25 iii6i J. & R. Maxwell [1158 jfay(«r.)—Hirto ry of Sandfo rd and Merton. Corre cted and QftU A In grlU9 Bri tlah School Atlas of Modern and Hartle y. New edit, post 8vo. 2«. ( Excelsior w v^v«« mu g »»-¦ revised by Cecil Ancient G-— eograp-~~~o ' "f '^j hy. • Containing•»*•• 34 royali uj rt»t quartoqu iu iiU HapsJH ttLB, withvvlbfX .frrto ) Routledge [1132 Index. New edit. 4to. 3s. 6d Gall [1159 Dennett (E.)—Typical Teachings of Exodus : bein^r a Gardner CD.)—Q aatre Bras , fcigny, and Waterloo : a Nar - Simple Exposition . Post 8vo. pp. 400, 3s. 6d. Brown [1133 ra tive of the Campaign in Belgi um , 1815. 8vo. pp. 520, 16s Paul [1160 Dickens (C.)—TAte and Adventures of Nichol as Kickleby. Poet 8vo. pp. 250, sewed, 6d. {Notable Novels). . Warne [1134 Genj i Monaffatari , the moat celebrated of the Classical Japanes e Romance s. S Translated by Sayematz Xenchio. Direct ory-—"Post Office London Director y. pri ng edit, Post 8vo. pp. 256, 7s. 6d Trtibner [1161 roy. 8vo. 40s Kelly [1135 Diver (E.)—An Aid to Arithmetic. 18mo. pp. 5<*. Pd. Gerard (E. D.)— "Beor gar my Neighbou r : a Novel. New Griffin [1136 edit, port 8vo. pp. 434 , 6s Black wood & Sons [1162 Dixie (Lady Floren ce)—A Defence of Zulu Land and its Giles (H. A.)—Historic China , and otheT Sketches. Post King : Echoes from the Bine Books. With an Appendix 8vo. pp. 414, 9s De la ltue [1163

mi H« m •*»¦*•¦ containIT^ii 1 1 * *ing * Correspondence^^ v *> A ^^ ». " Wr VMwVM ^^*^ on%^*a thewas ^* subjectm^*-m ^J ^r ^^ W of^^ » thev* Release^w«V«* fc-*^rf of\ * • Cetshwayo &c. 8vo. pp. 128, 2s Chatto [1137 Goodevo (T. M.)—Text Book of the Steam Engine. 4th edit. Post 8vo. pp. 298, 6s Longmans [1164 Doma n (H.)—Son gs in the Shade. 12mo. (Lymington , , Simpkin [IU8 Gordon (R.)—The Doctor of the Bang apore : a Tale of Doman), pp. 220, 4a To-Day. 12mo. pp. 170, sewed, Is Warne [1165 Doran (J.)—Memori es of Onr Great Towns. New edit- Gore (G.)—The Scientific Basfa of National Prog ress, in- pott 3vo. pp. 344, 78. 6d Chatto [1189 cluding that of Morality. Post Svo. pp. 214, 3s. j Douglass (F.)—Li fe and Times of Frederick Douglass, from Williams & N. [1166 1817 to 1882. Wr itten by Himself. Illustrated . With an Grant (A. O— Bash Life in Queensland ; or, John West's Introdaction by Bight Hon . Joh n Bright. Edited by John Colonial Experience . New edit, post 8vo. pp. 402, 60. Lobb. 8vo. pp. 464, 6s. [Tide Adv. 122] Blackwood & Sons [1167 ChrUtian Ag * Office [1140 Grant (J.)— The Cameronlans : a Novel. 12mo. pp. 444, Dubois (Abbe)—Zeal in the Work of the Ministr y. 10s. boards , 2s Routledge [1168 Washbourne [1141 Grattan (T. C) —Jac queline of Holland : an Historica l Dntt (Torn )—Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan . Roman ce. 12mo . pp. 428, boards , 2s Weldon [1169 I With Intr oducto ry Memoir by Edmnnd W. Gosse. 12mo . I! pp. lM, 5s Paul [1142 Green (S, G.)—David 's Bible , and oth er Addres ses to Children. 18mo. pp. 128, Is. ..Sunday School Union [1170 Eaton (C.)—The Workin g of the Irish Lan d Act : a List of the Jud icial Rents fixed by the Sub-Commissions a^d noti- Grevillea Atlas : Thirt y-seven Coloured Plates of Hymeno- iujv A> mycetal Fungi. 8vo. 10i. Gd Williams & N. [1171 fied>¦«•«• tom^ the IrishJAAQAA LaC«UU nd CommiVVliJUAlfOiVU ssion xvp***r ^ to* /^-' Januar** ********* Jr y 28.***** 1882.m. i^*smr» With Summary Tables and Index. 12mo. ( Dublin , W. H. Griffiths (T.)—From Sin to Salvation : the Pau line Pict ure Smith) pp. 54, sewed, Is Simpkin [1143 of the Redem ptive Process. Po3t 8ro. pp. 194. 3s. 6d.

AJV Hodder [1172 Hler—•••^i ton«VfAA (J.)—The\« ty^X llC HoliestX1U11COU ManOK& CfciaslVn-rvt hood andCftll' i its i *X> LessonsOOVTUO for*.\/4 Bnsy Lives : Sermons pre ached at Barn«B Ch urch. Post 8vo. Grins and Groans , Social and Politic al . 12mo. sewed, 6d. pp. 170, 6s Macmillan [1144 Sonnenschein [1173 E richsen (J. E.)—On Concnssion of the Spine, Nervous Comic plates, with imitation rhyme * on political and other Shock , and other Obecnre Injuries of the Nervons System questions of the day. j.^^»t in— their~uv*« Clinicalv^iiuavo * anduuu Medico-LegaliuvuiiA/*Juc(}iu Aspects.ae ^ i/oii New andouu Gatteridg r© (M.)—Arithmetic al Tables and Notes. New xevijed edit. Post 8vo. pp. 35$, 10a. 6d. . .Lon gmans [1145 and revised edit. 32mo. sewed, Id West [1174 ETer ar d (Q.)— Steps Across ; or , Guidance and Hel p to the Guy (W. A.)—John Howard 's Wi nter Journ ey. Post 8vo. Anxious and DonbtfnlDonbtfnl. . New edit. 12mo. pp.dd. 2*28.2*28, 3s. pp. 74, Is. 6d DeU Rue [1175 Niabeb[114*5 A kind of biograp hy of John Howard , the philanthropist, ETerwrd (G.)—The Wrong Trai n ; or, Common Mistakes describingmore especially his journey in 1773-74. I to Religion. New edit. 12mo. pp. 160, Is. 6d. ITisbet [1147 1 Hachette's Chil dren 's Own Fr ench Book. Edited by the Eytr ttt (J . D.)—Vibratory Motion and Sound . 8vo. pp. Re v. P. H. Ern est Brette and Gustave Mass on. New edit , Itt. 7u. 6d Longmans [1146 post 8vo. pp. 202, la. 6d Hachette [117S fl p._ M H Family Her ald Supp lements. Vol. 9. 4to. 2s. 6d. Hacklaender —-The Counte ss of St. Alban ; or, Lost and W. Stevens [1149 Pound. From the German by Franz Demmler. 12mo. pp. I WeldonWeldon [1177 I P*w*«« (F. A.)—Horticnltural Buildin gs : their Construe- 848848., boardsboards., 2s. eating. Int erior Fittings , Ac. With Remarks on U ^ ? Hair-s plittin g as a Fine Art : Letters to my Sou fl S? «* the Princi ples involved and their Applica tion. 123 Herbert. 8vo. pp. 56, sewed, Is. Tinsley Bros. [1178 Hta str ations. 4to. pp. 258, 10s. 6d Batsford [ 1150 An attack on Afr. Qladt tonc in Vu fo rmof imaginary UUer» and advice to his son. IW[ Cour t ; or , Who Maketh thee to Differ. 12mo. 1«« , t ¦ ¦ Volumefor th * Young) Religious Tract Society [1151 Hamerton (P. G.)—Th e Graphic Arts : a Treatise m»mon the JLr >W JL w varietiesV C&A lwVIvO of\^*V DrawinA •• A*vApL g, * Paintin#*I*JiiMI&A g, f^ and4*>&4Vb BngravtnAVtAQ M ¦*> *>*>*>^^ g in com-^*v^»** (W C') —How to Write Music. The Student' s Copy ^ ¦fl1 ^Sjv"j ot Specially' parison with each other and with Nat ure. Folio, £5. fi«. ; I Q adap ted to assist Candidates for Kxaml- large paper, £10. 10a Seeiey [1179 I ¦ ¦ *a«n«. 4to. pp. 24, sewed, 6d. West F1152 (T.)—The Hand of Ethe lbert *: a Comedy in Chapters. 1 ®* ^-)—Lond on Governmen t and How to Reform Hard y ¦ ¦ I ^fc liI 2nao.. . NewK«w edit,Mitt , with 6 Illustrations.ninstratioxis - Post 8ro. DD.pp. 413.413, to. pp. I32f l8. gewed, 6d Kerbj & E. [1153 Low [1180 1 I cSu!!? ®*' ¦^•)~Th6 School of Design Drawiu g Book : a Harman (J. I*.)—Short Selections from Phj edrn s and Ovid. ailt hentio Drawings of differ ent Periods and Tw itu x I miou iiavuO Vocabulariev vfV/**»*^i*jt«»» ivo *. ,| s and¦ »<¦ thew**«w Parsin«. —»m« i»»^ g of^r-. the^—-^ I SJSr t• r°l With Translations f, I ft fc3L? J >rnMa ent8 as applied to DccoruUve Art , formin g Inflected Words. Inte nded as a First Readin g Book for I bS nlfL? 0081 intwfBtuag and instmcUve Studiesto be in Prc e- Belf-Ta nght Students. Poet 8ro» pp. T«, Is. 6d. {Stemtrfs ¦ ¦ 1 copied from the beat Models found in Stewart [1181 Si WrJ? ^Mu««ttmB ' and Art of the Educati onal Series) I la Kni? 1 Galleries Continent. ^ ™°**> ito- aewed, fid. each ; or printed on cards, 9d. Harris (J. C.)—TTncla Beams and his Legends of ttt e Old H *eh [118) B fc Barnard [1154 PUnUtion. 2nd edit , post Svo. pp. 101, 0s. . .Boffne II iSJSJSJ (J - M->-Chronic Bronch itis : ita Forms and Harris (WJ- ffomlletical Oommentar y'on tne Book of IL W. tlL ^ With nume rous Ulustrattons. 8vo. pp. lfiS , Proverbs. With copious Illustrations. 8vo. pp. 780, 13a """ octuiicro i tiva irrtacAer s IIomMetu L'ommenuj trp) xncrawn iuo« ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ¦S ^ * ^_^_ L. I cf -y r-Tj ^ .^^^^^^^ ^^^ '^-; ^ '/jf^¦ - .¦^^ T*17 ^ £j{ggg ^ ?^ :^ >'-#; yj ^ l^^ B^ ^j ^ BMMBBMHBiBpiWMBWWPW ^^^^^^^^ P^^iP^^ ^^^ P^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ?^^^^^^^^^^^ The Pub lishers' Circular I ?&8 April i.^p I ough Siber ia. * Harrison (C.) — Theatricals and Tableaux-VIvante for Lanade ll (H.)—Thr 2nd edit. 870. mv im II \ \ • - Amateurs ; giving f ull Directions as to Stacre Arra nge- SOa. [vide Adv. 573 ,i Iov [Sw \ I menU, * M akin g up/ Costumes, and Actin g. With 9$ Illus- (J.)—Forensic Anecdote s 1 GUIuili [(118411W4 IeArwo od ; or, Hu mour and ' '! taationa.tmtiona. Post 8vo.8vo. t>».pp. 130., 2s.2s. CdGd Curiosities of the Law and of the Men of Law . 12mo 290, 2s. 6d€d (Mayfair( Mayfair Library) ^ J HartwiiT« *.)—The Arctic Regions : a Popular Descri p- . ChaChatf Uo ^ [llfjnSr ; '-... • tlontion of Man and Nature arou nd the NortNorthh Pole. Extracii-x:tractea ted Lawrence CW.T.)—Pupil Teacher 's « World/ Roy. 8vo. pp. 64, sewed. 6d. Mensu rati on *<» *. ¦ from The Polar tions. With fnll Solution s and Rules, and 52 Diagrami¦ (Sunbeam Series) Lon gmans [1185 New and enlarged edit, post 8ro. pp. 64, Is. ^ ^ Hay (Mar y O—Dorothy 's Venture. 3 vols. post 8vo. J. Heywood [1216 . 8tB. 6d. Hurst [1186 Leared < A.)— Causes and Treatment of Imperfect Dia»tion 7th edit. 12mo. pp. 288, 4s. 6d .Churc htt l Heine (H.)—Religion and Ph ilosophy in German y : a [1217 Fra gment. Transl ate d by John Snod grass . 8vo. pp. 180. Lee (H.)—A Poor Squire . 2 vols. cr. 8vo. pp. 618, 21s. e*.(English and Foreign Philosophical Library) Trttbner [1187 Smith 4 E. [131g , Littl e by Little. By Darley Dale. Lees (T- O. H.1-The Constable 's Pocket -Book: a Helen's Secret ; or mw Concise ¦-•¦h^^ w- ¦ ¦ ¦^^ W^T fTAVU ^^ ¦^*—^^*^ —-» »*^ PoliceD.pp. 108,. Is Longley tii»2[1192 [lift Temperance tales. Little Ruby 's Curl ; or , Tom Foster the Railway Porter . Post 8ro. Is. (Large Type Snries) Holt (Emil y 8.)—At Ye Green e Griffin ; or, Mrs.Treadw ell'a Keliglous Tract Society Cook : a Tale of the Fifteenth Centu ry. 12mo. pp. 186, [1223 2s. 6d. .. c. J. F. Shaw £1193 Livy- Books II. and IIT. Edited , with Introduc tion and Notes, by the Rev. H. M. Stevenson . 12mo. pp. 310, 5a. Holy Meditations for Ever y Day. Compiled and Macmi Qan [1224 edited by B. B. B. from Ancient and Mod ern "Writ ers. 32mo. pp. , Warne [1194= Lucy Miller 's Good "Work. 18mo. 6d. ( Little Dot Series) 366 2s. Religious Tract Society [1225 Hood's Own * People's Edition. 4 to. pp. 64, sewed, 6d. Lnshing rton (Cecilia ) — Over the Seas and Far Away. Ward & L. [1195 Post Svo. pp. 27S, 8s. 6d Gri fflth [1226 Hopkins (M.)—The Port of Refu ge ; or , Advice and Instruc- A tale. tiouiuuons two theuu ^ > Mastejj llcio wa- r Mariiii.t»i iuv;ine r i* .in * Sittwivuawiviiauations ofv*. Dojl/wuubtw w Sic.wwv. Lyster (Annette )—Those Unluck y Twins. New edit. 3 edit , post 8vo. pp. 196, 3s. 6d Bumpus [1196 12mo. pp. 112, 2a. 6d * Griffith k F. [1227 House hol d Science. By Author of ' Golden Sands. ' Macaula y (Lord)—La ys of Ancient Rome. With Ittj 16mo. 3s Washbourne [1197 and the Armada . New edit. 12mo. 20. 6d. Longman [1228 Hn fthes (T.)~Tom Brown's School Days. By am Old Boy. M'Che yne (R. M.)—Memo ir and Remains. Abridged from With Illustration s by Arthur Hu ghes and Sydney Prior the larger work. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh. Oliphant) pp. 144, Hall. 4to. pp. 64, sewed, 6d. [vide Adv . 170] Is Hami lton [12» Macmillan [1198 In Maremma : a Story. By Ouida. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. pp. Machlavelli (Wiccolo)—Th e Prince. Tranalated from 978, 81a. 6d Chatto [1199 the ItaUan by N. H. T. Post 8vo. pp. 180, 6s.. .Pawl {12J0 Ra piers of Regent' s Park. 3 vols. Malot (H.)~Poctor Claude ; or , Love Rendered Desperat e. JeafTreson (J. C.)—The 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 456, sewed, Is. each ( Popular Fr ench cr. 8vom pp. 986, 31s. 6d Hurst [1200 Novels) Vizetelly [1231 Jenkins (E. E.)—Addresses and Sermons. 8vo. pp. 192, 5s. Woolmer [1201 Ma pother (E. D.)—A Manual of Phys iology. 3rd edit. ByJur y J.V# F.A.' « Knott.JU.JAWV * PostAm. \JOV 8vo.V W \*0 (Dublinli/UUliil,i Fanin)JLW BtMAMMAJ pp.±*Y* 656WJ, 14*.• ~* • Je phaon (R. M.)—With tbe Colours . New edit, post 8vo. Bailliere [1282 pp. 364 boards , 2s Routledge [1202 , Marr yat (Captain )—Masterman Read y ; or , th« Wre ck Johnson (Q. W.)—Tho Gardener 's Director y. New edit, of the ' Paciflc ' Written for Young People New edit. MAI VUV iw»[12J5 withWW sv*« amm Itevieed^.W V *»~V*» SupplementMUrf*vu*vuv ,) includingkliV&^lVlil*^ all the Ne4b^ V^ w»T Plants*. 1U14VU 12mo. pp.dd. 204204., sewedsewed., 6d BellBell&S. & 8. and Varieties to th e end of the Year 1880. Post 8vo. pp. 1,020, 7b. 6d Bell & S. [1203 Marsh (8.)—Microscopical Section Cuttin g : a Pr actical GuideVXUIUC toIAJ theIIUQ Pre«. !C|j pa a((llllUU ration andW1U MountinJU.ULUZVtJU ({g ofV- SectionsOW/»TO» for—- tbe Johnston 's Shilling Nation al Atlas of General Geograph y. Microsco pe. 2nd edit. 12mo. pp. 166, 8s. 6d. Churc hill [1«« 4to. la. Joh nston [1204 Martin Gay f tlie Singer , and other Stor ies. Selected Johnston 's Sixpenny Nati onal Atlas. 4ta. sewed, 6d. and edited by J. Erskine Clarke , post 8vo. Is. 8d. Johnston [1205l W. W. G ar dner [1231 J one s A. Atherle y-)—The Miner 's Manual : a Legal L Mas tell (W.>—The Ancient Liturgy of tho Church <* I (X*. York, 101 Handy -Book for Employer and Employed. Post 8vo. pp. England according to the Uses of Sarum, Hg* . 1 I 116 , 2s. 6d Cassell [120(3; aanund Bangorjt>angvrf, andana theline Romanxvoman Liturgy,iJitargy, arrangedarnu *«cu *«in P- *~-~1*"^ : ¦ h Col umns. With Preface and Notes. 8rd edit. 8vo. PP > «•• ¦ Julicn (F.)—FiTst Lessons in Conversational French Gram - 16s. [vide Ady. 2U] Fro wde [W»» ¦ mar. 8rd (revised) edit. 18mo. pp. 114, Is Low [1207 Mask ell (W.)—Monumenta RltualU Eccleslue Anglican^ I Kear y (O. F.)—Outlines of Primitive Belief amon g the > tho Occasional Offices of the Church of England •«»ra"3 I Indo-European Baces. 8vo. pp. 500, 18s. Longmans [1208 to the old use of Salisbury, the Pr ymer in ^ng m,^°((¦ otherotner Prayersjtr ayers andana Forf or mB ms andana Dissertati^ia8eix »u ions "«B •"and ** . «[™2f ¦ wlj^t xtkj iiiiv riotj A» ^*»» J Wmr "»-*-» ^ •-•»-• \r *m. ¦*. H wJ ^/XJl M dWi* <<^ IU\ *t m • HLIVA \S MAV/1U& V-/ IQDOViO ¦ Kelly' s Handbook to the Titled,y Landed, an d Official Classes• 2nd edit. 8 volB. 8vo. 60s Fro wde [w^ Ori ginally published as ' The Upper Ten Thousand .' Posi ) Cort ntbiw* I 8vo. 12s Kelly [1201 Mason (W. T.)—Questions aud Note* on 2 ¦ 12mo. (Manchester , Ghilt) pp. 28, sewed, 6&. Simpkin i«*« BTempift—On the Imitation of Christ. Four Books. Nev « edit. Red Liotfl , 12mo. pp. 270, 2s. 6d Paul [12K) Matthews (C.)— Hiawa tha, and other Legend* of I ompile^ frj l ¦ Wigwams of the Red America n Indian s. C ¦ , Kettlowel l (8.)—Thomas a Kempia, and the Broth ers ol r~rs, *~ ¦ l«*^ OriV« IglUni ginal Sources.UVUlUCDa PostJk UDU 8voVT/ Vt.. pp.J |'l' » 244<**»>, 6b.va. Sonnen schein H Common Life. 2 vola. 8vo. pp. 920, 30a Pau l [1211f » Mm. m-w v«« W m mm frpjtf w «r>««r w ^r mv ^m w %vmr v v ffl"V Llckey A**m. lifev of^ ^J Kcmp*S is^4 ,¦ with^^ m shor* t biographies* byW him of^ J theUw%* Mathewfl (W.)—The Flora of the Clent and ¦ | Brother * of Common Life, and Neighboarin g Parts of the County of Worcester, w ' and and (Stourbrid ge pp. sewed, Is. Simp*"1 1 ¦ Kons ^taxn (Oertrade A^ Oasolla (Ella Nelia v , Mark & M.) 04, —Dreams , Dances, and Disap pointments. 4to. sewed, Is. 1 2 Meikle john (J. M. !> .)—The Standar d Q****? '^^ I Be la Rue [121:* a Complete View of the Words and Sentences of toc m Lange (F. K. "W.)—Colloqnial G erm an G ram mar. WItl 1 liah Lang uage, with Parsin g, Analysis, and 8W» ** ^^ ¦ ¦ a f f»fe*~ «.-« 1 *1*\ t «-» / /Vi _-—1.*^-^¦T^«#^ uv/«VkMiT C €.Ot$r ..Ait ¦ Special Reference to the Anglo-Saxon Element In thi b lamo.-^ pp. 172, is.— 8d. (Chamber *MdwxUionat CourMJ"J J< t ^ 1 K»gl i»h Lan gua ge. Post 8vo. pp. 388, 4s. 6d. Trtlbner [121:n Chfli nw" " * _ «¦ April i, i88« The Pub lisher* s Circular 299 I

•/aMmm (Mr *.)—A Btory of Two Tears. 2 rote , p oat Pears on CJ.)~An Exposition of the Creed. Revised and I OUphant) pp. 510, 12s. ..Hamilton [1242 -_¦—- —^ .-nthly during the Session) .. W. J. Johnson (1267 Williams &N. [1296 The Hibbert Pr ixs Essayfar 1880. (E a Thon hfca of Peace I *St S!?16t iT~ 8 for the Christian Suf- ¦ ¦ ' n «lifc. 18mo. pp. 192, Is . 6d. ..HamUton [1268 Shad ier (F. J.)—Beauties of the Catho lic Churcb. Cr. tbe ode 8vo. 8s. Wasbboorne [ 12a7 8Ifch 11 Every Scale ; or, the Cast of Enter- I tl Sn?. }^ ;.? Pfi«"ionablc ¦ ¦ &I tt« A^*^ 4 M of Arrangement. ShadO'wed Lov© (A). By the Author of * Marjorie 's I tiAiSu _no*" of Monner8 and Tone of Good Society.' Trials. ' Post 8vo. pp. 220, Is, «d. ; sewed, Is. (Family Story- ¦ ¦ _ •"*• P°* «^o. 2s. 6d Warne [126D Teller) W. Stevens [1298 i "w'er ha By Plays. Abrid ged for the II Sr j SiILjr 2. rden.to. pp. Professor Undley and Shaka peare — Certain Selected ¦ I Obloon??!lat ?• eiLxton Vol. ? wvtacd by l»o.Ihomnn Baf nes. With Use of the Tonn g by Samuel Brandram . 2nd edit, pos t; M ™« f l. 4 ?i-. . Cnxp on {ino ' Hvo. pp. 84(1 on. [vide Aav. i»oj r*mnn jc. iiwm ^^ . ¦ <* " *" ¦ ¦ — - ¦ -¦¦ i m ¦ ¦ ' -nn in ii ... . —_. - _.„mmmmmm " ^ * ¦ " mm ^m^mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^mmmm ^mm ^mmmm ^ " g^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦M ¦ -¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ k - -^ - . . v ¦' . ¦ ' . - - '. ; _ _ ' '" ;^, ¦ ^ r r ^ ± ^ ^ S ^ ^^ M | The Publisher s' Circular 1 30° Aprii ^, H

I Snort Essay * and Letters, in Simple Sentences for Verne (J.) — Dick Sands, the Boy Captain. Antw I Copying, Dictation , and Analysis. 32mo. (Manchester, Illustrated Edition. 2 parts, Is. each; 1 vol. 3s. 6d. I Ledsham) packet, 1b Simpkin [1800 Low [1327 I Simmons (H.)— Farnborough Hall ; or, New Life on the Vinaya Pitakam , one of the Principal Buddhist Hrd» I Old Farm. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. pp. 714, 3Is. 6d. Scriptures, in the Pali Language. Edited by Dr. nH uiaom^t I Tinsley Bros. [1301 berg. Vol. 4 : Suttarichange, ii. 8vo. 21s. - ea- Williams & I Sims (Q. R.)—Social Kaleidoscope. 1st and 2nd Series. N. [13% 12mo. sewed, Is Fuller [1302 Virfiril*s Poems. Translated into English Prose by John Conington. Post 8vo. pp. 420, 9s Longmans [1329 Sketclile y (A.)—Mrs. Brown on Jumbo. 12mo. pp. 152, boards, Is ;....Routledge [1303 Warner— Stories of Vinegar Hill. New edit poet 8vo 3s. 6d Ntabet Skyrln ff ' 0 Builder ' s Price s, 1882. 8to. pp. 180, 4s. [1330 Simpkin [1304 Weatherl y (I..)—The Young Wife's Own Book : a Mannai of Personal and Family Hygiene, Smith . and Pints. 2nd edit. 12mo. Is. 6d Temple [1319 half-bound, 55s Blactae [1343 Terence—The Hauton Timorumenoa "of Terence. With Notes by W. Wagner. 12mo. pp. 84, Is. 6d. (Cambridge I Texts) Whittaker [1320 BOOKS REDUCED IN PRICE. Tiele


Manual of Historical Literature: com- Crol y (J. C.)—American Cookery Book. Revised and rC K.)—-A- of the moat ^ ^rinlr Brief Descriptions Important Histories enlarged. With a Supplement on Carving. Illustrated. LPPSiSmoIi fnriish Frenchltonch., and German, together withwitn Practical 12mo. (New York) Txmdon, £s [ 1376 and Courses of Historical Study. E,c££tioDS as to Methods Cup ples (G.)—The Deserted Ship : a Storj of the Atlantic. r«iVZ +*>*,f h« UseTTsfi of Students, General ReadersHeaders, andana Collectorscollectors of01 London 12s. 6d [1355 Being Adventures in the Early Life of Cupples Howe, bX Cr. 8vo. (New York) , Mariner. 12mo. (Chicago) London, 6s. 6d [1877 i m*HcAn Classics for Schools. Longfellow. A Americ a." *-'*•*,, LongfellowT «« o,*«n««r 'as Writingsw*.{ffn»o «fornr Schoolck^i Use.rroa Davis (L. C.)—The Stranded Ship : a Story of Sea and election from Mr. Shore. 16mo. (New York) London, 5s [1378 With a Biographical Sketch of Mr. Longfel low, and Notes eiplainiD g tie historical and personal allusions. 16mo. Dayton (A-)—Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New (Boston) London, 3s. 6d [1356 York. 12mo. (New York) London, 6a. 6d [1379 American Encyclopaedia of A griculture. A Treasury Decrow (W. E.)—Yale, and the City of Elms. Illustrated. of Useful Information for the Farm and Household. Edited Sin. 4to. (Boston) London, 7s. Gd [1380 narrated. Koj\ 8vo. by the Hon.- Jonathan Periam. Ill Donnelly

-y -—¦ i q—) — ^^ ^— — ^— — — ^pv^^ ^^ W» •# ^* " ^*^ —-^ — — - — edit, 7 ^ ^ ^ Aggregate.^f 11th revised cor- Private Corporations ^^ , Edwards (J. F.)—Vaccination. The Reasons for being xected, and enlarged. 8vo. (Boston) London, 31s. 6d. [1360 Vaccinated and the Hygiene of Small Pox, for General Ayer (N. W .)—American Newspaper Annual : containing Headers. 16mo. (Philadelphia) London, 2s. 6d [1385 • Catalogue of American Newspapers, and a carefully pre- pared List of all Newspapers and Periodicals published in Faraham (E. P.)—James Abram GarQeld . Memorial the United States Territories and Dominion of Canada. Sermon delivered at Friendship Street Baptist Church, 4to. (Philadelphia) London, 15s [136 1 Sept. 25th, 1881. Sro. (Pro vidence, B.I.) London, sewed, Is. 6d [1386 fi&inbridge (Lucy S.)—Hound-the-World Letters : an

*~ ¦ Account^V ^* ^" ^v ^p V ¦ ^^^v ^* of^» ^B Two^^^» w v ^™^ Years^^^^ ^.^ ^^^^ ^B *^^ ' Travel^^^V^ ^^ ^^*^^ * ^^*^^v Around^^^^^^ ^ ^^P ^^~— °"^™^™ ^^P^^ the^^ ^^^» ^v WorldV V ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^" ,^p in^^^*^B a^V^V Series"^*^^ ^^V ^^ ^^ ^^V Fitzsimon (E. A.)—Historical Epochs with System of of Letters to the ' Providence Daily Journal.' Illustrated. Mnemonics. Contains an Outline of the World's History, 12mo. (Boston) London, 7s. 6d [1362 with an ingenious but very simpl e system of Mnemonics, by which the reader i3 enabled to f ixin the memory the Dates Barnum (S. *W.)—A Vocabulary of English Rhymes of the most Important Events in H istory , from the arranged on a new plan . 12mo. (New Haven, Conn.) Creation to the Present Time. 12mo. (2sT ew York) London, London, 12s [1363 iJs [1387 Blanchard (R.)—A braham Lincoln, the Tjpe of American Genius :; an Historical Romauce.Romance. With Portraits. 8vo. Fuller (A. W.)—Artistic Homes in City and Country. (Whcaton , II.) London, 5s [1364 Illustrations. Folio (Boston) London. 183 [1388

— ¦ •¦ -4-^ tVUUA UM'A VfCA B«ar" ~ d** (Q.\ ^n M.)—Sea-?ic]cnessA*^« / —'X^ VW k. l\^iUlVUU :• itsJ. VO NatureV7 and TreatmentJ- A. V«-*' V***.* «/.* Fulton (J. A.)—Peach Culture. New edit, revised , en- New enlarged edit. 12mo. (Philadelphia) London, 5s. [1365 larged, and in part re-written. 12mo. (New York) London, 7s. 6d [1389 Blgelowoigeiow (M.(1»T.. M.)—A Treatise on the Law of EstouDelEstoppel,. and it« Application in Practice. Third edit, revised and Golden Gleams of Thought. From leadfng Orators, eckrged. 8vo. (Boston) London, 31s. 6d [1366 Statesmen and Divines. A Collection of Striking and Forcible Thoughts, selected from a Wide Range of Blaine (J. G.)—Eulogy on James Abram Garfleld. De- A uthors, arranged in Departments, and with a Full Index. lijered before the Senate and Housa of Representatives of Compiled by the Rev. S. P. Linn. 8vo. (Chicago) London, the United St ates, Feb. 27, 1882. With Portrait of General 12s. 6d [1390 li arfteld . 16mo. (Boston) London, 2s. 6d [1367 Golden Poems. By British and American Authors. Em- Bramwell (W. C.)—The Wool Carder's Yade-Mecum : a bracing Selections of the Whole Field of English Poetry, uraplete Manual of the Art of Carding Textile Fabrics. from Chaucer to the Poets of Our Day. Edited by Francis F. i mm edit, revised ( and enlarged . Illustrated. 12mo. Browne. 8vo. (Chicago) London , 12s. 6d [1391 ^iladeli)hia) London, 12s. 6d [1368 British Eloquence. Now edit. If rCt naftn TVn T «i_ _ js t> i_/~< -i ^i j~« i • Goodrich (C. A.)—Select i, i ?? rte"~ Thc Luck— of Soaring Camp, and other Stories, 8vo. (New York) London , 20s [1392 including Earlier Papers M»a , Spanish and American Legends, edit, a portion of the Tales of the Argonauts, &c. New Gouge (H. A.)—Now Sj Htem of Ventilation. Fourth W cr. 8vo. ( Boston) London, 10s. 6d [1369 enlarged , with Illustrations. 8vo. (Chicago) London, 103. 6d. ; [ 1»»3 BKr?a5,t0~Poetical Works (including-, with many New (J. H.)—General Average : the Laws and Customs l iwf Vl°,Tolumes origi"^lly published under the titles of Gour lie 8 and West of the United States, Argentine Republic, Austria, Belgium, iniK ' rocm8,' ft nd ' Echoes of the l oot , Egypt a, tho arnatic Piece, * Two Men of Sandy Bar.* Brazil, Canada, Chili , Cuba, Denmark Ecuador, , With U' ^'0111 1 Finland, France, Germany, (J rcece, Hayti, Hol- h\HVl ft " J"'"wuuuaiontro{1»ction byoy thetne Author and a Portrait. New England, «"t . cr. 8vo . (Boston) London, 10s. 6d [1370 land, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Peru , Portugal, Russia, Spain, "*^^" Western Empire Sweden, Turkey, Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Walla- 1 ; or, the Now West chia. Cr. 8vo. (Philadelphia) London, 52e. 6d [1394 iJ^.h^Uk*J *»B8iBBlppi. Rov . 8vo.« With Illustrations and M aps. ' With her Trials | "°j ( Philadelphia) London, 38s [1371 Habberton (J.) — Mrs. Haybuni s Twins. with Them in the Morning, Noon , Aftern oon , and Evening , E*) ~~Life and Public Services of James A. of One Day. Sq. 12mo. (Philadelphia) London, Cfl. 6d. OaJTi?i /?: v ei cladino , ' ltIoth President of the United States. In- sowedsowed,, 2a. 6d(id iiavo[1390 t an( ftccur"v;v; or trati,tratldii,, a ? uruteftte Detailsi^eiaua of Maills EJU ventfulventrul .Admints-iVdannts- . By ff^n^tion, Last Hours, Deatli , &c. ; together Hale (B. E-)~June to May. Tho Sermons of a Year *ith ^ Edward E. Hale. 12mo. ( Boston) London, 6s. 6d. ..[ 1396 ICino ml Extra<*s from his Speecbes and Letters. ' (Uo8^«) London , 8s. 6d [ 1372 Halo ( !¦. P.)—The Art of Knitting : Containing Careful variety Of th Clvil War - Vo1 7 : Th0 Army of Directions for BeglnnorH , as well as Instruction in u ^ C\fm2ii , 2 - of Knitting Btitchea , Patterns and Novelties for those (Boston) sewed , v^tow York) London, 5s [1873 advanocd in Knitting. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 4s C 1807 LoxJcii SV"80101100 of ft Ncw ^^ o 8vo. (New York ) 8 - Harrison (J. A.)—French Syntax , on the Basia of Edouard ' [1374 Lan- C^ 0111 Po Motzner. By Jamos A. Harrison, Prof, of Modern l *tt k nS'iit^ l° *° Pyramid , by Way of Palestine. fruaffca In Waal j ing ton and Lee University. 12mo. (Pbila- P;_ ^««rfttlon8. 8vo. (New York) London, 12a. 6d. [1875 delphia)delDhia) London., 12a. Gd Li»»o[1898 r^ — > The , I ^>3l Pub lisLers * Circular April x I%

If Harwell (C. H.)—Engineers* and Mechanics' Pocket-Book : Monntford (V7.)—Euthanasy ; or, Happy Talk towawm 11 containing Weights and Measures; Rules of Arithmetic ; the End of Life. New edit. 12mo. (Boston) London, lOajJa II Weights of Materials ; latitude and Longitude; Cables CU20 I and Anchors ; Specific Gravities; Squares, Cubes, and Nason (E.)—Life and Public Services o* Henry Wii«™ I Roots, &o.; Orthography of Technical Words and Terms, Author of' « The Kise aod PaU of ww»*-v» vmm *« the Slave-Poww ft Im to.w^f« &c.wvi 41st^aww edit,vu«vt revisedav^'^ wu and enlarged.o vmi Pdcket-BooJc* vvmvv ^w^ * , " America.America. ' Wn iuuith Portrait.rurwmu , 12mo.x«^»"" X^^" —^^ —-^^ m^ - 1 1TI mt .f \Jm «m.v in Breech-Loading*^ y^ Small Arms" ,J Heavy^ * Ordnance, «UlM/ UlUC ^m ^^ MB ^V ^fc ^B A __ ^ All Machine mamm ^ ^ l^^^ t ^^m— ^b ^^ p^^ ^ ^^^ ¦ m^-w «»¦ ¦ ^f m* «««-a ^S ¦ ¦ i «w .containing^" »™ ^^ » ^™ ^»™^ ^ the Namesm^*m * of one^tr ^m\ *^ or^' —' more*MV * ** of^^* the Leading»< —« w j ^ andww»^ i - Guns, Magazine Arms, fixed Ammunition, Pistols, Pro- Most Reliable Attorneys in nearly Three Thousand Cities jectiles, Explosives, and other Munitions of War ; including and Towns in the United States and Canada ; a Synopsis of a Chapter on Sporting Arms and Life-Saving Projectiles. the Collection Laws of each State and Canada, with Instruc- 2nd edit, revised and enlarged. Illustrated with over 250 tions for taking Depositions, the Execution and Acknow- : Engravings on Wood, Steel Plates, Lithographs, and Platei . ledgmeot of Deeds, .Wills, &c ; to which is added a Lift? of in Colour. Compiled by General C. B. Norton. 4to. prominent Banks and Bankers throughout the United (Boston) London, 52s. 6d [U2b Skates. 12tn year. 8vo. (New York) London, 80s. .. [H€>4 de on O'D.ea (J^ J.)—Suici : Studies its Philosophy, Games, HadBOtt (H. N.)—Daniel Webster : a Discourse. (Boston) and Prevention. Svo. (New York) London, 8sf ..<,,.p^28 London, sewed, Is. 6d. [1405 Ogilvie (J. 8.)—Life and Death of J. A. Garfield , from the

International Scien tists Containing the ^m- v ¦ p^^ -^^ -w^^ Directory* A^ WV*^ Vr^^ VF^b^^V ¦ m ^mr ^ ^^ .^^^^ ^^ ^^* rf " w w ^ ^v^h^B ^^ ^y ^™^ v..^^rvws* v V" ' Towpath4^ ^^ ^ ^ to the White House, r With complete Accoxuttof Names, Addresses, Special Departments of Study, &c, of his_ ^ Assassination^ « ^ ; History^m*^^* ^ ¦ of^k C.^4 . J.^^^ h Guiteau^m A * ; Commenta^NA . ¦ of a Amateurand professional Naturalists, Chemists, Physicists, the Press on the Assassination ; Peeling throughout the Astronomers.Astronomers, dec.,&c. in AmericaAmerica., EuroXSnrone.pe, AsiaAsia., AAfrica,frica, and Country; Words of Sympathy from all Parts of the World, ¦ Oceafaica. Compiled by. Samuel £7. Casslno. Cr. fivo. .and Voices from the Pulpit. Portraits and IUnstratfctas. . (Boston) London, 12& «d.i paper, 10s...... ;;[1406 12mo. (New York) London, 7s. 6d [1427 Jenniflon (L. W.)—Love Poems and Sonnets. 12mo. Oswald (F. £¦¦)—Physical Education ; or, the Health-Laws (Boston) sewed, London, 5s [1407 of Nature. 12mo. (New York) London, 6s [1428 Johnston (E. B.)—Original Portraits of Washington : Oar Young Folks at Home: Illustrated Prose 8toricg Sixty Portraits, reproduced by the Heliotype Process, from ¦ by American Authors and Artists. Sq. 8vo. (Boston) Paintings and Sculptures by Copley, Peale, Trumbull, ' LonLondon.don, 7s. 6d6d. L^[1*W Stuart, St. Memin, fioudon , Can ova, Chantrey, Greenbugh, Crawford, Powers, "Ward, and others ; including Descrip- Palllfler ' fl Specifications for Frame or Frick Honse, costing I ttionion., IncidentsIncidents., AnecdotesAnecdotes,, and Biographical¦Rioo-ranliirai Details.T)a*h.Mh_ from $500 to $5,000. Oblong (Bridgeport, Conn.) seved. • A. Memorial of the 150th Anniversary of Washington's London, 3s C1430 I Birthday (1732). 4to. (Boston) London, $2s. 6d. .... [1408 Fodder (H. C.)—Garfl eld's Place in History : an Es»y. Kip (I-,)—Nestlenook: a Novel. By Leonard Kip, Author With Portrait.. 8vo. (New York) London, 6s. 6d.,. ..[1431 • of Under the Bells ' Ac. 16mo. (New York) London, 5s. Inter- [1409 Felonbet (F. N.) and (M. A.)~-Select Notes on tbe national Lessons for 1882 : Gospel of Mark. 8vo. (B<»ton ) Lockwood (H.)—Directory o/ the Paper, Stationery, and London, 6s. 6d l l4<" Printing Trades. 8vo. (New York) London I , 10s. 6d. [1410 8rd Perr y (^. HV-.)—A Treatise on Trusts and Trustees. LoomiB (E.)—Treatise on Meteorology. New edit. 8vo. edit. 2 vols. 8vo. (Boston) London, 63s l 14tW CNew York) sheep, London, 7s. €d [1411 Pitman (M. J.)—European Breezes : Chapters of Tiajdin Malsch (J. M.)—A Manual of Organic Materia Meclica : Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Switzerland, abmo. being a Guide to Materia Medica of the Vegetable and (Boston) London, 7s. Cd l " Animal Kingdom-, for the Use of Students, Druggists, Pharmacists, and Physicians. With P^«+« n«r1 PoAtn; Poland. A Collection of Fotf»|» Illustrations. 12mo. Poets and Foetry n^of Poland. row (Philadelphia) London, 16s [1412 Verse, including a Short Acconnt of thepo^^^JSK H istory of with 60 Biographical Sketches of Poland «1«JJ Manton (W. Poetry, mon +yi into *«*-*«. P.)—Field Botany : a Handbook for the and««^ Specimensav^nt o of^»f their/»*r Composition.nnm nnnifJnn. TranslatedTrans late d imo Collector. Containing Instructions for Gathering and Paul Soboleski. Preserving Plants English Language. Edited by »^ , and the Formation of a Herbarium. (Chicago) London, 21s L Illustrated. 12mo. (Boston) London, 2s. 6d [1413 Wit ami Hmiwnr ta Manry (M. Prentice (Q. W.)~ Prenticeana ; or, uj F.)—Elementary Geography, designed for Paragraphs. With a Biographical Sketch of the Anuor Primary aud Intermediate 9ni Qm/> Lon on , /». oa.WJ * « Classes. Bevised and abridged G.i~i W.117- Griffin.n ^iPttn 3rd edit.~Aih 12mo.i (Boston)/ TU*atstn\ London, 78. ... from the First Lessons ' and * World we Life in.' Illus- ^ trated. 8vo. (Now York) boards, London, 3s. 6d [1414 of Reading Club and Handy Speaker. ^fy <**. F.)— Manual Com )»W'^^SS! —London , Geography : a plete M.in , Baker.x>UA.uir. Nosxiub., 1a totu 10.iv. 12mo.j. *ut\/ . ^vn(Boston «v / ^4j;fl4«J < Treatise on Mathematical. Physical, and Political Geo- • ' I graphy. Now each and revised Edition. Illustrations and Electricity ^ Maps.jnaps. 4to.«o. (New{new York)xork) (Boston) bds..bds., Ldndon. 7s.Gd.ri415 Rockwell (A. D.)-Lectures on (^J?"^ Ldndon, 7s.6d.D415 Franklinic) in its Relations to Medicine and Surgery. Ma y (J/ W.)—A Treatise on the Law of Insurance as ap- 8vo. (Now York) London, 6s plicablepncaoio to Fireif ire edit. , LiLir faa., Accident, and other RisksItiakR notmf. Mari-Mnri. . - ¦. T-v_I_ lrln(T • Oft t" time. 2nd edit, Drinkers ««d revised and enlarged. 8vo. (Boston) Rogers (R. V.)-DrinkP, ^"^/l^mo. ^iiiij)U3 London, 3ls. 6d \ . [1416 Law and History of Intoxicating Liquors, j 9 London, 10s. 6d ^ Mears (W. P.)—Schematic Anatomy ; or, Diagrams, Tables, and Notes, Treating of the Association and Systematic Ar- Rossiter (E. K.) and Wright (F..^^S^ •«• rangement of Structural Details of Human ^ithograpnican d *pS* Anatomy. 48 Painting : coutalniug 20 Coloured ntt I Hooje DUgrams. Oblong 13mo. (Philadelphia) >iiHifi n e9Ct Special Topics : ment of Old Styles of Houses; together ™i»J»» Ap|)u. I . 4to. (Boston) London, QIb , 6d [1418 <#* to ¦ tive Letterpress, covering the ^^^^^'^' ^10 I Mortimer (A. O^—Helps Meditation : Sketches foi cation of Colours, with BpaoW Everv in the . Suggestion*W«K^ on !5^KB I JDav Year. With an Introduction by the » ighti Bxamplo. With Hints and 01*J »Bal idlnf- | ¦ I rin M Vol. 1 : Advent to Trinity. Colour Treatment, auitable to every variety 2nd5?J- -2^ 5^°?.^tt - . ^ edit. 8vo. (New York)^ London, 12s. 6d. £14111? 4to. (New York) London, 26a II—rsasM

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e PuWw!herflf I ^pfii i; i*fe ^^ Circular 303

_ 1-TW»ft ( j H.)—Pul pit Topics of the Times. 12mo. (New Tuthlll (W. B.)—Interiors and Interior Details : Fifty-two B dik •++*¦ ^k) London, 18. 6d [1141 large^ »W*QW 4to.^W» Plates*W V%M, '| comprisingW1M |/A IV4UK a*• large+%m*^p -% * number»» "^ »»»«*"** • of-rn ^m. Originalm m^^mmm ^m Designs of Halls, Staircases , Parlours , Libraries , Dinin g* a*nborn (Kate)—Purple and Gold : Poems. Illustrated Room s, &c. ; together with Special Designs for Low-coat, ?S Borina Emmet. 8vo; (Boston) sewed, London, 6s. 6d. Medium, , and Elaborate Wood MantelsMantels. , SideboardsSideboards., Furni-Fnrni- ture, Wood Ceilings, Doors, Door and Window Trims, J.)—Beliefs about Man. 12mo. (Boston) Wain«co£8 ; Bank, Office, and Store Fittings, in Perspective, 8o.«d fffl (M. LoX,5s [1443 Elevation, and Detail, suggestive for Architects and Archi- ¦vvw mm •_•»• ¦**«? -»w^ tecturalmi %m* Designers.rf^vcMQMVAv* And4*um a large*«w» O^* Collectionvv *4vvv *vm ofv* Interior sermons on the International Sunday School Details suited to the requirement of Carpenters , Builders, Letfona for 1882. By the Monday Club. 7th Series. 8vo. and Mechanics , reproduced from the Drawin gsof prominent (Boston) London, 7s. 6d [ W44 Architects of New York , Boston, Chica go, and other Cities. flhA&peare (W.)—Love's Labour Lost : a Comedy. Edited With an Introduction , Description of Plates , and Notes on ty W. J. Rolfe. 16mo. (New York) London, 3s. 6d... [1445 Wood Finiah. 4to. (New York) London , 42s [ 1453 Shepard (H. £.)—An Historical Reader. For the Use of Weeden CW. B.)—The Social Law ol Laboui. 12mo. Academies, High Schools, and Grammar Schools. i6mo. (Boston) London, 7s. 6d [1454 (New York) London, 6s [1446 Wilkes (G.)— Shakspeare from an American Point of View ; BtUlm&n (J* D. B.)—The Horse in Motion, as.Shown in a including an Inquiry as to his Religions Faith and to his Series of Views, by Instantaneous Photography, with a Knowledge of Law ; with the Baconian Theory considered. m-^+^ir HXU W&& /• M w V *0v *-& mm **\A\ ^v& AWVVU **J fc***^* ******* • ^* w ¦**** w ww by 3rd _edit, __• revised_ and corrected by the author. 8vo. (New\™ mm Study on Animal Mechanics. With a Preface Leland - . _• .» ^ ^ M mi Stanford. 4to. (Boston) London, 52s. 6d [1447 York) London, 18s. , [1455 Sullivan (M. F.)—Ireland of To-Day : the Causes and Aims Woodb ur y (C. J. H.)—Fire Protection of Mills : a Prac- ¦¦« ¦ ¦ of Irish Agitation. With an Introduction by Tuomas ticaly^yffA and|,§ ^Vft ScientificP^^^^ »W» * «*»»»" ^ View« A^f WW of^*m- themfmtmi ^f Best^mmwmmm *^ Methods^^^^ "-w mm towv Prevent^m» *v * Ifll u Power O'Connor, M.P. 12ma. (Chicago) London, 10s. 6d. Conflagrations in Cotton, Flour, and other Mills. Showing [144 8 Forms of Apparatus for Extinguishing Flamesand Methods of Preventing their Occurrence. With a Chapter on Proper Town send (Mary A.)—Down the Bayou, and other Construction of Floorsand Proportioning of Floor-Beams Poems. 12mo. (Boston) London, 7s. 6d [1449 With Illustrations. 8vo. (New York) London, 10ft. 6d.tl456 Tonrgee (A. VST.)—JohnEax and Mamelon ; or,the South "Wri ght (Mtb. M.)—Practical life ; or, Ways and Means without the Shadow. 16mo. (New York) London, 6a.[1450 for Developing Character and Resources. Illustrations . Underwood (F. H.)—James RussellLowell : a Biographical 8vo. (Philadelphia) London, 18s ,[1457 Sketch. Illustrated with 6 Heliotype Engravings. 1 vol. Yosemlt© Guide Book and the Cal ifornia Survey : small 4to. (Boston) London, 7s. 6d [1451 a Description of the Yosemite "Valley and the adjacent Union of American Poetry and Art . Compiled and region of the Sierra Nevada, and of the Big-Trees of Cali- l>» ryrm ¦.Vfi ^—--—.— —¦¦^ Edited by John James Piatt. Containing over 600 of the fornia.^^ £ U *CM PublishedIW ¦ B under****V*^ rf ^ thewaav Superintendencen_f ^ m ¦ r~ i * ¦ ¦ f » ^ , 1-—-^ —— -^ of-^r^ Professor^^ ^-^v ^^ r^^^ r-^^^

Wcitney. New edit, revised¦ and corrected, Jiwi *mth 4 best Poems written Uy American Authors, ana. over aw , _J. — D. • - . - . «. >* . mm *% m > a u jlM Engravings by noted American Artists.- 4to. (Cincinnati, •* Maps. ^'—lomo. (.w^t$oston > ^L»onaon , vsk-oci.^ , ^»*xuosuaiea jmuca^ Ohio) London, 84s [1452 8vo. 15s. *..... ?. ,...£1458 atorttemmte rf ^eui %mU. |

13 Gbbat Mabiaobou qh Stbbet , London , W. ' HURST & BLACKETT 'S NEW WORK S.

PLAJ N SPEAKING. By the Author of _ ' John Halifax, Gentleman.' 1 vol. Cro wn 8vo. 10^. 6d. GRIPPIN, AHOY ! A Yacht Cruise to the Levant, and Wanderings in Egypt, Syria, The Holy Land , Greece, and Ital y in 1881. By G eneral' E. H. Maxwell, C.B. 1 vol. dcmy Svo. with Illus- trati ons. 15*. LODGE'S PE ERAGE AND BARONET AGE FOR 1882. Under the Especial Patr ona ge of Her Majesty, and Corrected by the . 61st Edition. 1 vol. Royal 8vo. with tbe Anna beautifull y engra ved, handso mely bound , gilt edges , 31*. 6rf. A. CHR ISTIAN WOMAN - By Madame De Witt, nee Guizot. With a Pre face by the Author of * John Halifax.' 1 vol. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. NEW AND POPULAR NOVELS. THE th RAPIERof it S OP REGENT'S PARK. By John Cordy Jeaffreson, r ' Live Down/ &c. r*/\T^ ° 3 vols. DORO THY'S VENTURE By Mary Cecil Hay, Author of < Old Myddelton's Money,' &c. 8 vols. GEHENNA ; or , Hav ens Of Unrest . By the Hon. Lewis Wingfield, Author Hef M*J est 'aKe lto T»P To * «P S ' &c. 8 vols. NO "WONDER a Story of Bohemian Life. By J. Fitzgerald Molloy. s ^is : JHE QUESTION OP CAIN. By Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 3 vols. T x AND CHEAP ER EDITION OP MY LORD AND MY ip-l-JlT5!l * ?By M«- Por rebtbr , Author of • Viva,'' Mignon,' Sic. 1 vol. 0*. of By v^turea 8avftgoND CHEAPER EDITION OP SOPHY ; or , tlie Ad- ?2S A.a ViOLKT FANB. 1 vol. 6*. jp fr **OKEN LIIjY. By Mrs. Mortimer Collins. 3 vols. tin aphi. *U.S. B c I y Mrs. Randolph, Author of Gentiahella ' &c 8 vols. [/« April v ¦¦¦ ¦ W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SS SSSz rr ^rrr- " " _ *" ¦ ¦ r - - - .1 ... ' (tffrl ¦¦¦¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ '" ¦>-' - ' ' " • ' - - ' : •» - > . . . ' • *' ' ¦ ' *•• ' ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' '-'• ' " " -iMBf- . {.? .. . ¦ ._¦ ¦ .. . - . , ' . -pH&SSSSjPZ''' !

The Publishers' Circular 304 April i, l8g2

Just published, Fourth Edition , 120 pages, 1*. 2d. post free. THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MISSION ON THE CON GO. By Mrs . H. GRATTAN GUINNE SS.

CONTENTS :— I. The New World of Central Africa. I II. Stanley's Long, Long Journey. III. Village Scene in Ulionibo. IV. The Livingstone, or Congo River. V. Christian Missions in Central Africa. VI. The Nature, Principles, and History of the Livingstone Inland Mission. VII. The East London Mission Institute. VIII. The First Mission Steamer on the Congo. IX. Mission Stations now on the Hiver. X. The Hansom of Children Slaves. XT, Last Days of Adam McCall. XII. First Specimen of Scripture in the Congo Tongue. TOGETHER WITH Fifty Illustrations and Large Coloured Map , showing Lake Victoria N' Vanza, Lake Albert N^Yanza, Lake Ta nganyika, and the %vhoU course of the neivly-discovered Congo Hiver. I

¦ ' One of the most graphic sketches of Mission AVork wo have ever seen is Mrs. Grattan Guinness s account of " The First Christian Mission on the Congo." Its beautiful map of Central Africa and the I Valley of the Congo, and its vivid illustrations, will create interest wherever the pamphlet goes.' I Tii E OlUtlSTIAK. I

Order direct from the Author, I HARLEY HOUSE, BOW, LONDON,^. I

CHEAP EDITION OF MR. F. W. ROBINSON'S NEW STORY. I ( 1ou»urt ¦ I On the 3rd A pril will bo published the Fourth and Cheaper Edition, price One Shilling, Picture Cover , of I TIEUE BLAOZI SFBC K , I BY THE AUTHOR OF ' GRANDMOTHER'S MONEY.' I ' Exhibits genuine power.'— Dait.y News. ' Cnn hardly fail of success.'—Tkutii. ¦ * Well written, forcible, and deeply earnest.'—Daily Chiioniclk. ¦ ' Should find a place on the bookshelves of all societies.' —City Press. j I * Tho moral of the story is excellent. '—Echo. * Full of graphic power.'—Sunday Times. , v \i' « ¦ I¦ • Mr BoblnBon , as a painter of rea l life pictures, is admirable—he Ja, in fact , a master painter.'—Lloyd s M^> • | I ' The tale will certainly win the cordial eympathies of all.' —Graphic. I • Mr. Robinson haa written with his accustomed power.'—Birmingham Dail.y Post. I ' Decidedly superior in literary quality to most fiction of that kind.' — Scotsman. I The abo ve story can also be had bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. I I BICHARD WILLOUOHBY, 27 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row __ ^^__ :rJ^^ l i.m& ^^^^ I • i. ' i . ..¦¦ - ,, MkiS2Z^^^^~i' " ' ' " — ., «Mgp

rr*t Tk__ " i_i?_T 9 f\: i II 1882 -i ne jruonsners circular ApflI, ^ SMITH, ELDER, & CO.'S NEW BOOKS A STORY OF LA NCASHIRE LIFE.

WILL BE READY EARLY IN APRIL, A 'PEOPL E'S EDITION ,' in Pictorial Cover , price 6d. of MARY BARTON : gD. 6D. A TALE OF MAICHE STEB LIFE. By MRS . GASKELL. Author of * Ruth,1 * and Daughters? * Sylvia' s Lovers? $c

UNDER THE SANCTION OF HER MAJ ESTY THE QUEEN. Now ready, with a Portrait, bound in cloth, price 4*. 6d. THE ' PEOPLE'S EDITION ' of the LIFE OP HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE CONS ORT , By SirTHKODOUH M"A.RTIN~ , K.C.B. *V* The Work may also be obtained in Six Parts, price €d. each. Now ready, Third Edition, with a Por trait, Two Vola. crown 8vo. 18*. MEMO RIE S OP OLD FRIENDS : being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Caroline Fox , of Penjerrick, Cornwall, from 1835 to 1871. To which are added Fourteen Original Letters from J. S. Mill, never before published. Edited by Horace N. Pym. Just published , crown 8vo. Is. 6d. IRISH ESSAYS AND OTHERS. By Matthew Arnold. Contents :—The Incompatibles—An Unregarded Irish Grievance—Ecce, Convertimur ad Gentes—The Future of Liberalism—A Speech at Eton—The French Play in London—Copyright—Prefaces to Poems. Ready this day , crown 8vo. Gs. LORD MACAULAY , ESSAYIST AND HISTORIAN. By the Hon . Albert S. GL Canning, Author of ' Philosophy of Charles Dickens,' * Religious Strife in British History,' &c. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION OF BRANDRAM'S SHAKESPEARE. Ready this day, crown 8vo. 6.5. SHAKESPEARE. Certain Selected Plays Abridged for the Use of the Young. By Samuel Biundram, M.A. Oxon. THE SCIENCE OP ETHICS : an Essay upon Ethical Theory, as Modified by the Doctrine of Evolution. By L.eslie Stephen, Author of *A History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century,' ' Hours in a Library/ &c. Derny 8vo. 1G*. [Shortly. KOTE S AND JOTTINGS FROM ANIMAL LIFE . By the late Frank Bucxland. With Portrait and Illustrations, crown 8vo. 12«. 6

NEW NOVELS AT ALL THE LIBRARIES. BY THE AUTHOR OF ' THE ROSE GARDEN/ SCHLO SS AND TOWN . By F. M. Peaed, Author of ' The Rose Garden/ ' Cartouche,' &c. Three vola. post 8vo. BY HOLME LEE. 1 A PO OR SQUIRE . By Holmb Lee, Author of l Sylvan Il olt's Daughter.' Two vole, post 870.

j CORNHILL MAGAZI NE.-NEW STORIES. NOTICE—THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE 1 FOR AP11IL 1 IN THE FEBRUARY NUMBER Contains the Firgt Part of a New Storj, entitled Was commenced a Novel, entitled NO NEW TIII3X O.' 'D.VMOOLES.' By Uie Author of * Mademoiselle do Mersnc/ * Mfttr lmony,' 61c. By the Author of ' For Pcrcival/ ^ITn ILLUSTRATIONS BY MR. DU MAURIER. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY Mil. W. SMALL.

Ji London : SMJTH, ELDER., & CO., 15 Waterloo Place. (19.3) K^^^^ m 3o6 The Publishe rs' Circular April l882 ^_—_ ___ EVERY BOOKSELLER SHOULD H ATTJ3 A SUPPLY OP

GAOL. BIRDS AT1 LARGE: DRODyC-A-IsrTIO STOB IE S OIF ZF ZROISOIlSr IiIIFI E. By JAMES GREENWOO D (' The Amateur Casual '). Read y in a few days , sewed, wrapper in four colours , price One Shilling. F. E. LONGLEY , 39 Warwick Lane , London , E.C. (195*)

Just published by the Midl and Educational Company, Birming ham ; and Simpkin , Marsh all , & Co., London ; at Is., 2s., and 3s. Illus trated. ROBINSON CRUSOE, IN VERSE. By THOMAS H. BOTT. (196) ID ILT CrW tttt JLJD ^T , TIE ILTTH TIHIOTTS ^IfcT . ; In Tricolour Cover, price Is. t^ I How Joh n Bull Lost London ; OR, THE CA P TURE OF THE CHANNEL TUNNEL . |

' Not vinlikely to have a considerable effect in settling the question of the Channel Tunnel. ' St. James 's Gazette.

i London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINOTO N, j Crown Buildings , 188 Pleet Street , E.C. (196*) j

At all Libraries, now ready, 3 vols. 31s. Qd. I THE HEART OF ER.IN ss | ISH TOR ^ A^ IR S Y OF TO-DA Y. BY Miss Owens Blackburne. I

London : SAMPSON LOW, MAKSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, ( l9 Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E.C. ^ (fe ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ fSWpH-.r - , . —- Ty AprU i , 1882 1Ji e Jru blishers (Jircular 3O7


ILLUSTRATED. WITH AN IKTRODUCTION BY THE RIGHT HON. JOHN BRIGHT , M.P. Edited by JOHI LOBB , F.R.G.S. I1 I g3p° Nothing since the p ublication of ' Uncle Tom' s Cabin ' has equalled this hook in thrilling incident.

Post 8vo. 50O pages, toued paper, cloth , gilt lettered , post-free, Six Shillings.

J ' CHRISTIA.N AGE O FFICE, St. Bride Street, E.C. (198) Special Notice. JULES VERNE'S VERY POPULAR STORY, DICK SANDS, I THE BOY CAPTAIN, HA.S CTTJST BEBU I^TJBXj ISiarEJX) In TWO VOLUMES, in Coloured stiff Wrapper, with some Illustrations, At ONE SH ILLING p er Volume.

I London : SAMPSON LOW, MAESTON, SEAKLE, & ItlVINGTON, m Crown Buildings, 188 l^loet Street, E.C. (199) ¦ - ¦ - ¦ . - :¦ :¦ ' ^^ m j»m

' 3o8 The Publishers Circular Aprn ,, l882 * " UNION JACK EVER Y BOY'S PAPER. Edited by GK J±. HEI^TY.


In No. 119 , 2^ublished on April §rd , Three highly interesting Serial Stories by celebra ted Authors will be commenced, viz.:— RED CLOUD, THE SOLITARY SIOUX. A TALE OP THE GREAT PRAIRIE. By Lieut.-Colonel W. F. BUTLER. The well-known Author of ' The Great Lone Land ' ccc.

r THE MUTINY OF THE ' lEANDER.' By BERISTARX) HELDMANN, Author of ' Dorrincourt,' ' EawJon School,' &c.

WINNING HIS SPU RS. .A. T^X-iIE OIF1 ' T ITHE OBTJSADEBS.' By THE EDITOR , 1 ( Author of Cornet of Horse,' ' In Times of Peril ,' ' Young Buglers,' &c. j



In Part 27, published A pril 1 , will bo issued th© First of a New Seiies of be auti ful CHROMOL ITHOG RAPHS , illustrating the Early Days of our NATIONAL SPORTS, designed from Original Drawings in tlio British Museum and elsewhere. No. 1. FIRS T OXFORD AND CAMBRI DGE BOAT RACE, 1829. The Seri es will bo completed in the present Volume

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON", SEARLE, & RIVINGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleot Street , E.O. ___J^-—-fl I 1 ¦ i. —,,-¦¦ ¦ ¦-_ .—„¦¦¦ ¦_ .. _ _ ¦ ¦¦ _ .. _ ^ ^*^ ^ ^ *^** *^^' ^' ' -¦ }^——Z—-m I I -n ———.._, — —.- — - - . . - - - i j ffiKiB p^^ il-^ M ^ . 1. ' ij ll _ ll_L_^jPj ' April i, 1882 The Publish ers Circul ar 3o9 MR. T. FISHER UNWIN'S LIST. Pr ofessor GIBB. GUDRUN", and Oth er Stories. From the Epics of the Middle Ages. With 20 Illustra- tions. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges, 6s. ' Certain to charm youthful readers ; and a safer or more acceptable gift-book it would be difficult to find "Without some such work, these precious prototypes of Anglo-Germanic romance would have remained sealed volumes for all youthful readers.'—Ada demy. 1 SARAH TYTLER, Author of' Papers for Thoug htful Girls $c. FOOTPRIN TS : Nature seen on its Human Side. With 125 Illustrations. Crown 870. cloth extra, gilt edges, 6$. • * A. book of real worth/—Spectator. ROBERT YOUNG, Assistant Secretary to the Missions of the Free Church of Scotland * MODERN MISSIONS : Their Trials and Triumphs . With many Illustrations, Portraits, and a Mission Map. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, 5s. * A. happy idea Should certainly be placed upon the shelves of every parish, con gregational and Sunday-school library.'—Christian Woivj d. 1 ED WARD GARRETT, Author of ' Occupations of a Retired Life $c. THE HOUSE BY THE "W ORKS. Cheap Edition, with Frontispiece. Crown 8vo. cloth extra , bs. \ ' The picture of the Enticknapp household , with its Moravian and Quaker traditions, is one nearly perfect of its kind.'—Graphic. ALEX. 7L JAPP, LL.D. GERMAN LIFE AND LIT ERATURE : In a Series of Biographical Studies. Demy 8vo. cloth, 12*. 'No better introduction to the study of modern German literature could be desired .'—Mr. J. Sxodg ilass, in his Translation of Heine's ' Religion and Philosophy in Germany,' just published . SEASONABLE HANDBOOKS. THE FRESHWATER AQUARIUM : How to Begin and THE BATH AND BATHING. Bj Dr. J. FarrAR, How to Maintai n It. By James Weston. Profusely F.Tt.C.P.E. Crown 8vo. limp cloth, 9d. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. 6c?. HOW TO DETECT THE ADULTERATIONS OF FOOD. FERNS AND FERNKRIES. By the Author of * Anatomy By the Author of ' Ferns and Ferneries.' Well Illus- of an Earthworm.' Beautifully Illustrated. Cr. 8vo. (id. trated. Crown 8vo. 9d. HA LF-HOLIDAY HANDBOOKS : Guide s to Rambles roun d London. Intended for the Bicyclist, the Antiquarian, and the Lover of Nature. With Maps, Illustrations, Bicycle Rcutes, and Natural History Notej . Crowu 870. cloth, Is. each ; or, in paper covers, $d. each. Note. — The atten lion of the London and Suburba n Trade is esp ecially called to this admirable Series of gossiping Guide-Bools, pr onounced by the b 's J authorities ' to meet a grea t want for the intelligen t rambler , who desires more interesting reading than is usually supplied in local " guides.''* ' The following Volumes are now ready :— I. Kingston-on-Thames and District. "VT. Roun d Tunbridge Wells. II. Round Reigate. "VII. G reenwich and District. III. Do iiKixG and District. VIII. F kom: Ckoydon to Leatherhead. IV. Hovsd Richmond. IX. Housd Svdexha.v. V. Geological Rambles round London. X. Buomlky and Keston. XI. Eppino Forest axd District {nearly ready). %* Others in prepa ration . Booksellers are in vited to apply for Show-Cards of the above ; also for Catalogues. (201) T. FISHEB UNWIN, 17 Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. (late Marshall Japp & Co.)

Now ready, crown 8vo. cloth extra, 65. THE FRI ENDSHIP OF GOD. By tlie late Bev. HENR Y WEIGHT , M.A.

EDIT ED, WITH POEM c t jst j sa::m :l\£ o :r, i .a. im:/ By th e Rev. E. H. BICKERSTETH.


London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, __ Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.C. (202) ^^ __^^ II jflT ' . ¦ • ; • . ; ... . -g-j BI The Publishers' Circular | 3io_ Apri t> J Messrs. 1ACMIL LAE " & CO. 'S LIST.

Messrs. MACMILLAN & CO. beg to announce that they have made arrangements • with Mr. CHARLES DICK ENS to publish his well-known Series of DICKE NS'S DICTIO NARIES. Each Is. ; cloth, Is. 5d.

New Editions for 1882 will be publ ished, on May 1. DICKENS'S DICTIONARY OF LONDON AND DICKENS'S DICTIONARY OF THE THAM ES. DICKENS'S DICTIONARY OF PARIS, i "W hich has been some time in preparation, will be published on the same date. DICKENS'S CONTINENTA L ABC RAILWAY GUIDE Is published on the First of every Month. The Number for April is now ready,

A LITERA RY HISTORY OP THE NINETEENTH CEN- TUKY. By Mrs. Oliphant. 3 vols. 8vo. [Immediately. A TEXTB OOK OP GEOLOG -Y. By Aechibald Geikie, F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Survey. With numerous Illustrations. Demy 8vo. I [Immediately. I ENGLISH MEN OP LETTER S. Edited by John Moelet. I BENTLEY. By Professor Jebb. Crown 8to. Is. 6d. I THE HOLIEST MANHOOD , and its Lessons for Busy Lives. I By John Ellerton, M.A., Hector of Barnes. Crown 8vo. 6s. I CLASSICAL WRITERS. Edited by John Richard Green, M.A. LL.D. I TACITUS. By A. J. Chujrch, M.A., and W. J. Brodeibb, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. U. 6rf. I ENGLISH SCHOOL CLASSICS. I Edited , "with Introduction and Notes, hy Professor I GOLDSMITH. Select Essays. ¦ C. D. Yonge. Fcp. 8vo. [Imj iudiattl.v. ON THE STUDY OF WORDS. By B. Chenevix Trench, D.D., Arch- I bishop of Dublin. Eighteenth Edition, Enlarged and. Revised. Fcp. 8vo. 5s, I MACMILLAN^S POREiaN SCHOOL CLASSICS. New Volume I MOLIERE'S IjE MISANTHROPE. Edited by G. E. Fasnacht. I8mo. u. I Medita- I MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS. Book IV. of the ¦» ¦ with Translation and Notes b Hastings Chosslkv , m- tions. The Greek Text Revised, y ry. m Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Belfast. Demy 8vo. 6*. [ Class ica l Libra J OHN. I LECTURE S ON THE REVELATION OP ST. n JV ¦ C. J. Vaxjghan, D.D., Dean of Llandaff, Master of the Temple, &c. Fifth Edition , crou 10*. 6rf. I MACMILLAN & CO., London , W.C. ^Lz*I TW— TT ii&2 The Publishers ' Circular Apri i, , 3^ CLARENDON PRESS LIST OF NEW BOOKS.

Ju st read y, in Two Volumes (Vol. I.—Text. Vol. II.—Plates), demy 8vo. cloth , pri ce £1. 1*. A TREATISE ON RIVERS AND CANALS. Relating to the Control and Impr ovement of Rivers , and the Design , Construction , and Development of Canals. By Levesow Fkancis Vernon-Harcourt , MA., Balliol College , Oxford , Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers . In Two Volumes, demy 8vo. cloth , price £1. 1 6s. THE RE IGN OF WILLIAM RUFUS AND THE ACCESSIO N OF HENRY THE FIRST. By Edward A. Freeman , M.A., Hon. D.C.L., LL.D., Honorar y Fellow of Trinity College. ^__ Two Volumes , demy 8 vo. cloth , price £2. 1 0*. Vols. III. and IV. 1401-1 682. A HISTO RY OF AGRICULTURE AND PRICES IN ENGLA ND. Fro m the year after the Ozford Parliament (1259) to the commencement of the Continental Wa r (1793). Compiled entire ly from ori ginal and contem poraneous records. By James E. Thorold Rogers , M.P. Second Edition , in Three Volumes , demy 8vo. cloth price £2. 1 0s. MONU MENTA RITUALIA ECCLESIAE ANGLICANAE : the occasional Offices of the Churc h of England according to the old use of Salisbury, the Pryno er in English, and othei Praye rs and Forms. With. Dissertations and Notes. By William Maskell , M.A«

Third Edition , demy 8vo. cloth , price 15*. THE AlfOIENT LITURGY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND , according to the uses of Saru m , York , Hereford , and Bangor , and the Roman Liturgy a rr anged in parallel columns. With Preface and Notes. By William Maskell , M. A.

Crown 8vo. cloth , price 5s. 6d.

NOTECOUNCILSS ON . THEBy Will CANONSiam Bright, D.D.,OP Canon THE of Ch.FIRST Ch., Reg iusFOUR Professor GENERALof Ecclesiasti cal History. Small 4to. price 3s. 6d. ANECDOTA OXpNIENSIA. Classical Series. Vol. I. Part I. The English manuscri pts of the Nicomachea n Ethics descri bed in relation to Bekker ' s Manuscri pts and other sources. By J . A. Stewart , M.A., Classical Lecturer , Christ Church. Under the general ti tle of ' Anecdota Oxon iensia ' it is proposed to pub lish materi als , chiefl y inedite d , taken direct from M»SS. preserved in the Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries.

Extra fcp. 8vo. cloth, price 3$. EURIP IDES.—HELE NA. Edited , with Introduction, Notes, and Critical Appendix , for Upper and Middle Forms , by C. S. Jerram , M.A., lato Scholar of Trinit y College, : Oxford . Editor of ' Alcestis ,' ' Cobet is Tabula / ' Lucian 's Vora Historia / &c.

New and Enlarged Editio n, extra fcp. 8vo. cloth , price 2s. SOPH O CLES. In Single Plays, with English Notes, &c . By Lewis Campbell, M.A., Profe ssor of Greek , St. Andrews ; and Evelyn Abbott , M.A., Fellow of EulJiol College, Oxford. (EDIPUS TYRANNUS. ; Extra fcp. 8vo. cloth , price Is. 6d. H OMEE.—ILIAD . Book VI. With Introduction and Notes. By Herbert Hail stonk , M.A., late Scholar of St. Peter 's College , Cambridge.

Extra fcp. 8vo. cloth , price 3s. 6d. LIVY.—Books V., "VI., and VII•, from the War against Veii to the Beginnin g of the Samnite Wars. With Introduction and Notes. By A. R. Cluer , B.A., Balliol College, Oxford. Extra , fcp. 8vo. price 2s. SHAKE SPE ARE .—SELECT PLAYS. THE LIFE OF KING HENKY THE FIFTH . Edited by W ixxiam Aldis Weight , M.A., LL.D., Fellow and Burear of Trinity College, Cambrid ge. London : HENRY FROWDB, Oxford University Press Warehouse, I Paternoster Row (204) II g ^ ^ _^^ 7 i2 The Publishers' Circular April 3 ^ i8g2 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW PUBLICATI ONS.

THE GROWTH OF ENGLISH INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE. By W. Cunningham, M.A., late Deputy to the Knightbridge Professor in the University of Cambrid ge. With Maps and Charts. Crown 8vo. cloth, 12*. THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. With a Translation in English Rhythm, and >"otes Cri tical and Explanatory. New Edition , revised . By Benjamin Hall Kennedy, D.D., Regius Professor of Greek. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. THE OEDIPUS TYRANNUS OF SOPHOCLES. By the same Editor. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. PEARSON 'S EXPOSIT ION OF THE CREED Edit ed by T emple Chevallier, B.D., late. Fellow and Tutor of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge. New Edition , revised. By R. Sinker, B.D., Librarian of Trinity College. Demy 8vo. 12s. GAI JULI CAESARIS DE BELLO GALLICO COMMENT. VI. Map and Notes by A.. G. Peskett, M.A., Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. NEW VOLUME OF THE CAMBRIDGE BIBLE FOR SCHOOLS. • THE BOOK OF JUDGES. By the Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. Extra fcp. 8vo. with Map, cloth, 3s. 6d.

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An Advanced Series of Class Books for the use of Senior Students and University Candidates, edited by Classical Scholars of recognised eminence. All the Vols. in this Series are of uniform, size, clearly printed , and strongly and neatly bound in cloth. NOW READY. EURIPIDES: The TroadeS . With Revision of Text and Notes, chiefl y intended for Schools. By Robert Yklverton Tyrrelt,, MA. , Fellow of Trinity College, and ; Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Dublin . Crown 870. cloth, price 4s. ; HOMER : The Odyssey, Book IX. With Introduction and Notes for Schools. By Malcolm Montqomrev, M.A., University Studont and Ex-Scholar of Trinity College, Dublin. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 3s. 6d. ( For London University First 13.A. Exam-» \. Juno-1882.) LIVY : Book I. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by Louis Claude Purser, Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Dublin. Crown 8vo. cloth , price 3s. 6d. HORACE : Select Satires. With Introduction, Notes, and Appendices. By rown 8ro. J John I. Bbauk, B.A., Unive rsi ty Student and Scholar, Trinity College, Dublin. C cloth, price 3s. 1 Other Vols. will follow in this Sories. 0} Messrs. BRO WNE & NOLAN will forward (post-free) on app lica tio n, to any one desirous hecoming acquain ted, with their Educational Series, a List g iving Specimen Pages an d Opinion ^ ef the Press. BROWNE & NOLAN , NASSAU STREET , DUBLIN. I London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. _J ^~Ld§ 1 April i, 1882 The Publishers Circular 3I3 "Will be ready shortly after Easter.


This Yolume contains, in parallel columns, the two English Versions which were published in 1611 and 1881 respectively. The left-hand column contains the Authorised Version, with its Marginal Notes. This Version has heen reproduced, substantially, as it was first given to the public, no notice haring been taken of the changes which were made from time to time (without known authority) in subsequent Editions. Typographical errors, and false references, have, how- ever, been corrected. Italics have been used for the words which were printed in small type I in 1611, and for these only. Inconsistencies in the employment of capital letters in the Edition of 1611 have sometimes been removed when they seemed likely to perplex the reader. The punctuation of 1011 has been generally followed : in a few instances, in which it was inconsistent, or tended to obscure the sense, ifc has been altered. The spelling has been generally conformed to modern usage. The right-hand column contains the Revised Version of 1881, with its Marginal Notes. The Revisers' Preface, and the list of readings and renderings preferred by the American Committee and recorded at their desire, are also contained in this Volume.


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ME. HAMERTON S NEW BOOK. JUST PUBLISHED. THE GRAPHIC ARTS; A Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting, and Engraving in Comparison with Each Other and with Nature. By PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTOK With about Fifty Illustrations, nearly all of which have been specially Engraved for this work. 1,250 Copie3, Columbier 8vo. with Fifty Illustrations, price £5. 5s. 350 Large-paper Copies, with Proofs of the Plate?, very few remain. The greater part of the Edition has been already taken up. 'The appearance of Mr. Hamerton's splendid new volume is in every way worthy of its subject, the author, and the I publisher. Ike greatest care has evidently been taken with the illustrations, which are exquisitely printed.'—Acapemy.

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Maggie's Message. 72. Lottie Freeman's Work. i 12. Sturdy Jack. BV Mrs. Lamb. 73. The Voyage of the ' Steadfast.' By W. H. G. i 13. The Story of the Nile ; or, Adventures in Kingston. ¦ ¦ Nubia, &c. 74. Dreams and Deeds. 14. Sunshine and Shadows in Kattern's Life. 75. The Story of Two Islands. Part I. Brown 15. Ralph Harding's Success. Island. Part II. Green Island. 16. Deepdale End. By the Author of ' The Cottage 76. Leslie's Scholarship. j . on the Shore.' 77. Little Mike's Charge. i 17. Fanny the Flower Girl. 78. Waiting for the Ship. By Mrs. Coates. : 18. Rambles and Adventures in the Wilds of the 79. Robert Dawson ; or the Brave Spi rit. ¦ West. By Catherine C. Hopley. 80. Harrie ; or, School-girl Life in Edinburgh. 19. Bookstall Boy of Batherton. By Edwin Hodder. 81. The Rutherford Frown. • 20. Fireside Stories for Winter Evenings. 82. Norah and her Kerry Cow. • Mrs. G. Glad- 8 Nurse Seagrave's Story. 1 21. Waiting for Sailing Orders. By 3. stone. 84. Tim Peglar's Secret. 22. 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Hugh Templar's Motto. I Alice Deane's Life-work. ior. My First Place ; or, A Life's Lesson . ¦ $3. ¦ i 34. Tales of Village School Boys. By Miss Parrott. 102. Ups and Downs : Adventures of a Newsboy. \ 35. Sketches of Insect Life. By M. and E. Kirby. 103. The Lost Baby. I ; 36. Saved from the Wreck. 104. Isabel ; or , Influence. I 37. Geordie's Ti yst. 105. Stories of Red Men. I 8. Reuben's Temptation. B ¦ 3 y Mrs. Coates. 106 . Holidays at Newhall . I 39. Hilda ; or, The Golden Ag-e. 107. My Brother Ben. By G. E. Sargent. ¦ • 40. Christie's Old Organ ; or, H ome, Sweet Home. 108. Harold's Reveng-e. I ¦ j . By the Author of ' Little Dot.' 109. Harrie t Russell, the Young Servant. I 4 1. Kitty Bright. By Mrs. Coates. no. Daybreak in Britain. By A.LO.K. ¦ ; 42. Harry's Perplexity, and What Came of it. nr. A Low ly Li fe with a Lofty Aim. ¦ ' 43. Schoolboy Courage and its Reward. 112. Our Sister May ; or, Number One. ¦ I 44. Guy Beauchamp's Victory. 113. Monica's Choice. A Story of Youthful r iclclitjr. The Forest Crossing. ' ¦ I 45. 114. Frank Harrison s Story. I 46. ' Another's Burden. ' By Crona Temp Grey's New Home. „ ¦ le. 115. Emily ¦ ; 47. Seed and Fruit ; or, Young People who have 116. Life Scenes fro m a Children's Hospital. 'I j become Famous. Lizzie Barker. ¦ j 48. Mabel's Faith . By Mrs. Coates. 117. Kate and Her Brother. I Life at Hill Farm. B 49. y Crona Temple. 118. Pleasant Tales for the Young. Tie ¦ j 50. The House at the Corner of Broad Street. 119. Pearl ; or, Lost and Found ; and Tot , I 51. Stick to the Raft. By Mrs. G. Gladstone. Child Pilgrim. ¦ 52. Steps Downward ; or, Sarah Seddon. 120. Pictures and Stories for the Young:. ¦ 53. Only a Beggar Boy, and other Stones. 121. Our Honolulu Boys. By Mrs. Owen. ¦ 54. The Old Brov\ n Book and its Secret. 122. The Eldest of Seven. I The Lost Found ; or, Brunhild's Trials. . Little Strokes fell Great Oaks. I 55. 123 e 56. A Sailor Boy's Adventures in the Land of the Sun. 124. Charley's Log. A Story of Schoolboy l-» - ¦ Sunshine after Rain ; or, Will in America. The Blind Boy of the Island. 1 57. 125. Dinervtfr. I¦ 58. Nobody Cares. By Crona Temple. 126. Field Court ; or. Who Maketh Thee to THK RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, |l 56 PATERNOSTER BOW, LONDON. __ i _-J^^B ¦ I I ' Apri i,, 1&S2 The Publishers Circular 3,7 - ¦ =- — Griff ith & Farran 's New Boo ks. A STARTLING BOOK. THE SECRETS OF SPIRITUALISM EXPOSED. J TTJST OUT. THE CONFESSIONS OF A MEDI UM . Crown 8vo. Illustrated, price 3s, 6d. From THE ATECENuffiJUM. ' But when the reader turns to the book he realises the full ex tent of the f olly of which these worthy people are guilty There is every appearance of honesty in his account of the steps by which he passed from whole dupe to part dupe, and part accomplice, and so to the last stage of con- federate in a system of organised and conscious imposture. Uut what is most in favour of the genuineness! of his narrative is its style/ 4 We have not before met with so complete and thorough a disclosure of the manner in which Seances are conducted as appears in this book.'—Daily Chronicle.

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• * ¦

JEfcE ^JDY during- JkJE*JEtXT^ 9 Pric e Is., or cloth gilt , 2s. ( THE LITTLE FOLKS ' CRAYON BOOK,

CONTAINING I A large number of Illustration s by LIZZIE LAWSOJST and I KATE &REENAWAY, suitalDle for Colouring with Crayons, together with STORIES and VERSES. N.B.—This book is uniform in size, number of pages , and genera l aj>vearaMt!' with the ' LITTLE FOLKS ' PAINTING BOOK {of which the lM* Thousand is now ready), and will be f ound equally attra ctive. ^ I CASSELL, PETTEfl, GALPHST, & CO., Ladgate Hill, k^^^JU^I ¦ - - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ '" ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - - - - ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ ¦- ¦ ' • •¦ -¦ - 'r- • ¦ ¦ . . v , - . - ...... , BBS"*- - - ¦ ¦ . • ¦ • ¦ ¦ „ . ' " ¦ < - . - . . * _ ' .' ' •¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ :-._,. ' :' ' ¦ ' ¦ 1 rf r - lm -| n-'-«ii -Tn -- nmi —r-r— ir -^ ~ i - - - -—rrrrmrttt: '

f ie Polish ' I a ni i, i8^2 ^"" ers Circular "" 321 an edition of the bible With Illustrations in Colours.


The beautiful COLOU RE D PLATE S, from ORIGINAL DESIGNS by Eminent Artists , with which thi s New Edition of the Bible will be illustrated , have been pre pared with much car e and consideration. It is believed that in ori gi- nality, in authenti city of detail , and in tr uth of char acter and of circumstance , they will display a marked advance uPon all previous attempt s to convey to the mind the act ual scenes, costum es, and events of the Scripture narr ative.

KB .—Messrs. CASSELL, FETTER, GALPIN, & CO. request that any Bookseller who has not alread y received a Speci men of the COLO URED "LA TES with a supp ly of Prospectuses %vill at once communicate with them.

L CASSELL, PETTER, GALPIN, & CO., Ludgate Hill, London. (218) " ^^^^^ ^ . fr • The Publishers ^ Circular 32a Aphi i,^! kelly ^m^RM^ B00K8- POST OFFICE Ii ONBOH BIBB Oa? OR ^ : * j 46/- HANDBOOK TO EEELEI }, LANDED, A2STD OFFICIAL QTt,ASSES . , . . ->-¦ ,. . . f 12/- DIRE OTOBY OF MEROHANTT S, MANTT - FACTUB ^KS ;:AND SHIFPEBS " » . . 30/- 2,344 pp. 8uper-roya L8vo« This Edition contains some of the Princi pal Manu facturer s and Merch ants in the Princi pal Cities Abro ad, together with much Statistica l Informa tion, ; y • .s .[ BIBMI2 TGSAM ^TD StfBIJBBS . . 15/- iiANOASHIBiE , *WTTS LFTEBPOOL AND MANTOHE STE B ...... 60/- LAXTO IsT^S iBOTI ^PE^?fp|OB; 8C ^$§|832 4/- OFFIOlCaLi DIBEOT OKY OFlS iil W SOXJTH I " WALE S . * . . ^ ? . . 42/- 1 NJB Tha Second Edition -of ' The Jjondon Directory V is nearl y exhausted ; and only a few copies ^ ' » ?¦ •-¦- ¦- ' i e . i! .' ' \Jj~ , iL ? .remaiii of ' ££$& Handbook ^«odt ^ Merchant 's Directory. ^ -- ' -' ^ €7 ^ Copies of STAFFORD, WMWlCK , and WORCESTER will be bought by - KELLY $ CO. f .. ¦-V IN PREPARATION. . I ! SIX HOME OOUI STTTES. I K"EWOASTIiE-OIT-TYITE . I 'SHEFFIELD AND EOtHEEHAM. I BBEKS, BUCKS, AND OXOK. I , LISTS ON APPLICATION. I j Now read y, large 8vo. cloth , 390 pp. 106 Woodcuts , price 8s. I GBO LOaT OF THE COUNTIE S OF ENGLAND, I A2STD OF NOR TH AND SOUTH "WAL ES. I By W. JEROME HARRI SON, F.G.S., I Science Demonstrator for the Birmi ngham School Board , late Curator Leicester Town Museum. ¦ ¦ I To the detaile d descri pt ion of , the (Geological Features of each Count y, there are added Liat* of more ¦ I the Local Scientific Societies, J ^Cuseums , Ma ps and Memoirs of the Geological Surv ey, and the i important Books and Papers written by Privat e Work ers. ~ I ; ' TIME,' , l ¦ .: .. of IB \ JFot Aphil , price Ohh Shilling, contains "the commencem ent of a New Novel by the Auth or 'Ph yllis,' ' Mrs. aeoffre y,'&c , viz. :— ¦ ' ; ' PORTIA ; orOF, By Passions Hocked. I I . TH E S^ IZUEE THE CHA2STNBL TUNNEL. I « ' Also the First of a Series of Papers , entitled II l lTHE AG-E OF BiiiS CTKIC ITY. I ^ 21 j By WM. HY. PBEBOE, F.E.S. < *' I j l ,Ix>fldon : KEL LY & GQ. j SIMPKIN , MARSHALL, & CO. ; and all Boo^^M ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦¦ L ^ L ^ ...... - . ' ... '. .1 . . ' . " . ' ' WM F^- 1 , 1S8? The Pub lisher s' Circul ar i ¦ 323 ** —. . . - - April¦¦ * ' ™ * ~" [ -- - _ ^ .M I I 1 | * /> , WAR D, LOCK , & GO.'S — UCL NEW * ^ \ ^ **>**^ \ XtQ

5 ^l/V^^^5**^ Medium 4to. ^ I ^^^re**^ In Coloured Wrapper. Eaeft. j The Cheap Editions of 'Hood's Own ' and 'Out of the Hurly- Burly ' having proved a decided success, Messrs. War£>, Lock, & Co. j have made arrangements for the immediate publication of tlie following \ Volumes. The,valuable Engravings which appear in these Editions lead the Publishers to believe that this Series will ' command a| large sale. . ' » ——.—_^_^— ^——— .. i ^ ^ ^ AR^iiyiR Night s' HO QD^SC^^Wtlfli ; i E NTE RTAIN M E NTS. Or > Lausllter from Year to Yeax- SECOND SERIES. gitt Ac, fflnstrationfe by MLL&IS , TEMIEL , - Mth tteOMfiffliL aMSTMTlCIIS by^Ol). ' ' ^ ™ nro ELBOW ROOM. PIni|LGRInn M 'S By max adele k i PROGRES S. Author of « Out of tlie Hurly-Burly ,' &c. ' I tth;iOO EngraYtogs by THOMAS DALZIEL. Prof usely and Humorou8ly ,lJustra ted. \ f \* T VT f ^iTT^ ¥^ T X /^ TXjT^ QJ Already published in this Series:— ; poet i cal works . OUT of the. HDRLY BUELY With ILLUSTRATIONS. By MAX ADBLBE, " Author of ' Elbow Room/ ^UN QU IXOT E. With the Original Illustrations by the Author 3PART 2. THE SATURDAY REVIEW says :— thanks 17ii/;., ' JVfessrs. Ward & Lock deserve our special nh Upwards Of 100 IL L US TRA TIONS. for this republicatian of " Hood's Own/" I Price 6d. each, in Coloured Wrapper. i ^^JLiondon : WARD, LOOK, & GO., Salisbu ry Square , E.C. (220) ^j^^^ J 324 The Publishers ' Circular April i, ^ — i Just published , in super royal folio, half-bound in russia or morocco , with gilt titl es and edges, price £6. 6s.

THE STAT ISTor ICA L ATLAS ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND. Edited by Q. PHILLI PS BEVAN, P.S.S., F.G.S., fcc ", The work is divided into fifteen Groups , each Group including three Maps (with small plans of the Capitals), one for England , one for Scotland , and one for Ireland , on the same scale. The whole Atlas thus contains forty-five Maps , and each Group is accompani ed by copious Letterpr ess, brin ging its Statis tics up to the lates t date. THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS ARE TREATED UPON:— I. BELJGIOUS. VI. MABINE (COMMEBCIAL). XII. GEOLOGICAL and MINING II. EDUCATIONAL. VII. AGRICULTURAL. XIII. HYDRO GRAPHICAL (WA.TEB III. INDUSTRIAL. VIII. MILITARY and NAVAL. SUPPLY). IV. CRIMINAL. IX. LEGAL. XrV. POLITICAL. V. POOR-LAW JLND PAUPERISM. X. RAILWAY and TELEGRAPH. XV. POPULATION. XL SANITARY. ' It is evident that an Atlas of this kind, under such competent editorship as that of Mr. Bevan , will prove of Beirice for a great variety of purposes.'—The Times. NE W TIONS. EDITION, SHO WING ALL THE LAfoTEST ALTERA Pebicateb feg Special ^evmission J *er 'gKajesfg . In imperial folio, hal f-bound in russia or morocco, with gilt titles and edges, £6. 6s. ; full bound , j russia or morocco , gilt , ^10. 105. (to order). THE Royal Atlas of Modern Geogra phy. BY A. KEITH J OHNST ON, P.R. S.B., P.R. G.S., Author of ' The Physical Atlas' &c. In a Series of 51 entirel y Ori ginal and Authentic Maps , Coloured in Outline. With a complete Inde x of easy reference to each Ma p, compri sing nearl y 150,000 Places contained in this Atlas. REVIEWS. ' Since this fine Atlas was issued, sixteen years ago, it has had no rival in England, and certainly no superior. It was then and is still a credit to British chartography.'—The Times. ' Altogether the new edition is a triumph of knowledge, skilled labour, and liberality.'—The World. * In its present form the " Royal Atlas " is worthy of the unique reputation it has enjoyed as a wori: alike of science and liberality.'— Daily News. ' For amplitude, and, so far as we have examined it, for minute accuracy, leaves nothing to be desired.'— Standakd. * This magnificent work has long been the Standard English Atlas. In the new edition which has just been issued all the maps have been revised itp to date, and two new maps have been added—one of them of great interest and value.' Manchester Guahdiax * No atlas stands higher, or deserves to stand higher, than the " Royal Atlas."' —Liverpool Courier.

NEW EDITION , FULLY BRO UGH T UP TO DATE, to of Qebicateb h& Special ^crwiooio n J b.^gl.J b. f*> e ^xince ~g$aie$. Imperial 4to. half-bound morocco , with gilt titles and edges, £2. 1 2$. 6d. ; full-boun d ru ssia or morocco gilt, £5. 5s. (to ord er). THE _ _r HANDY ROYAL ATLAS of MODERN GEOG RAPHY. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON , F.R.S.E ., F.R.G.S. A Uniform Seri es of 46 New and Accurate Maps , accom panied by a Comp lete Index of upward s ot 50,000 Places contained in the Atlas. REVIEWS. ' Is probably the best work of the kind now published.' — Times. . i [ a ' Not only are the present territorial adjustments duly registered in all these maps but the latest aiscoven ^ , oi Central Asia, In Africa, and America have been delineated with laborious fidelity. Indeed the ample iUustration nj^^^ discovery, and of the great groups of dependencies on the British Crown , renders Dr. Johnston's the l>eat of ail ^ for English use.'—Pall, Mall Gazkttjc. rfvieW.¦ * He has given us in a portable form geography posted to the last discovery and the last revolution.'— Saturday i fairly Il .^ * This is Mr. Keith Johnston's admirable Royal Atlas, diminished in bulk and scale, so as to be perhaps Atlfl8 to the name of " handy," but still not bo much diminished but what it constitutes an accurate and useful geneiui^ , for ordinary /—Spectator. ~ t tbc ' Thus we are inclined to give Mr. Alexander Keith Johnston every credit for the production of a handy, ft" 1 same time accurate and excellent Atlas, and bringing within reach of everyone the advantages without the bui* ^ ^ admirable Royal Atlas.*—Examiner. - . , wuty it* * The " Handy Atlas " Is thoroughly deserving of its name. Not only does it contain the latest information size and arrangement render it perfect us a book of reference.'—Standard. *¦* Pa Any of the above Aliases can be had on approval f or a week> provided that if unsold the return carr iage * I and the Atlas received in good condition. (221) I W, & A. K. JOHNSTON, Edinburgh ; and 6 Paternoster Buildings^ondon^C I ^ f §1 1 lg82 The Publi shers ' Circular 325


London : BEMRO SE & SONS, 23 Old Bailey ; and Derb y. (222)

The CO UNTR Y TRADE is invited to app ly for Ilarlborough's List of Publications FOB THE USE of BOOKSELL ERS and NEWSAGENTS, COMPRIS ING THE FOLLOW ING I Pk ln Cale nda r for 1882. General Ordering Books. Ihts for Distribution j at per 100, Booksellers ' Ordering Books. 1. Monthly List of New Books. Booksellers ' Record Books. 2. Magazines. Newsvendors ' Ordering Books. 3. Newspapers, Periodicals, &c. Trade Show Cards. Trade Account Books, 1 to 5. Yarions—Words only. 1, 2, and 6. Magazine Delivery Books. 12' Specimens of Relief Stamping. 3. Magazine Order and Delivery Books. 14 « Specimens of Bookbinding. 7. Weekly Periodical Delivery Book. 15 - Specimens of Card-plate Engraving. 9. Daily Newspaper Delivery Books. The Compositor' s Guide. 10. Advertisement Books. The Letterpress Printer . &c. &c. &c. Full par ticulars of the above on app licbtion.

E. MA BLBOROUGH & CO., 51 Old Bailey, London , E.C. ENGL ISH ETCHINGS. ^ Volume now ready, super bly bound , pric e 4,5s. Contains 34 origin al Etchings , comprising , amon gst a great rariety of subjects,

THE LATE{ Copies qf wh ichVERY were accepte d byREV. the Queen andDEAN the Princt of STANLEYWales). jj ewa of Old London. I roquoi s, the Winner of the Derby, 1881. l6 > can 'it WonM >? » —W H ITEH AIX REVtBW. this EXPRE8S. !^,^ni a be extre mely difficult to impro ve on capital 4 We give " English Etchings " our heartiest ©ommen- J **NCHE8nsa Courikr. datlon/— Belfast News-letter. W. REEVES , 18ft Fleet Street. (223) ^^ ^ ^^ j_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^jjg ^^^^^ j ^ji ^j ^^^ jjj ^j^jjI ^^^ jjjjj ^^ jl^^ jlJI ^jjj, ^^ JlJj j^JMtWM^MM^BWBM__ ^M^^ BWWMiWtBiBW ^BM^MMMWM ^^^^ M^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^. ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^_ ^^^^^ ^^ ¦: sH | . The Publishers' Circular A ay,^ ^ ^ HARP ER'S IM ^M Ibr APREJ ;! .. NJB.—iNr early tlie wjiole of the 24,000 Copies of tfap April Issue are alread y sold.

The Publishers of HARPER'S MAGAZINE' beg to , announce that the April Issue is a Special Number, which they expect will rival the success of the Christinas issue. The first Edition is 24,000 copies. The number includes 23 contributions and over 60 illustrations , five of them full-page, includ ing three on plate-pape r. Mr. WILLIAM BLACK S leiXXofd, ' SHANDON BELLS/ Commences in this number, with full-page plate illustration by Mr. W, Small. I This story, of Irish scenes and journalistic London—both specially interesting I subjects at the present day—will, they believe, prove to be one of the most I popular of Mr. Black's novels. I Besides another strong instalment of c Ann e,' with illustrat ions by Reinha rt, there is a I capital humorous tale , ' Poor Ogra-Moga,' with " 6 clever illustrations by A. B. Fr ost, With I these may be named, ' In. days gone by/ a true love story from real life, with two engrav ings I from miniatures. I ' Mr. GLADSTONE AT HA WARDEN/ I Written by EL W. Lucy, with Illustrations for which Mr. Gladstone has kindly I furnished facilities, is a peculiarly timely and interesting paper. The illustrations I include a fine portrait of Mr. Gladstone, full-page, on plate paper ; portraits of I Mrs. Gladstone, W. H. and Herbert Gladstone ; Mr. Gladstone in his Library, a I lovely miniature of the child Gladstone at two years old, with his sister ; views of I old Hawarden Castle and the new residence, and facsimile of Mr. Gladstone's I autograph letter to Lord Beaconsfield. I 1 Spanish Vistas,' I., by G. P. Lathrop, commences a series of superbly illustrated I papers on Spain, with a full-page illustration, 'A Dreain of Spain/ on plate-paper, forming I the frontispiece of the number, and 16 other wood engravings. I I 1 A Trial Balance of Decoration ' shows the real progress of decorative art in the past ¦ , three or four years, with six fine illustrations from recent American interiors. ¦ I i The History of Wood Engraving/ a sketch of the origins of the art, with &ve examples from early blocks, will be especially interesting to Harper readers. I c m a ¦ Silver San Juan/ with 12 illustrations of Colorado scenery by Thomas Moran, gives picturesque account of the American silver-mining region. I ' Athena Parfchenos,' on the recent discoveries at Athens, includes an engraving °* ™* ¦ I statue, the finding of which was telegraphed by the chief magistrate of Athena to the Lord Mayor of London , I . tne ¦ The only non-illustrated paper, on ' What we owe to the Trees/ while interesting to general reader, will be of special value to the agricultural provinces. ¦ € Ah Indian Poem, LOVE AND DEATH/ by Mr . EDWIN ARNOLD, I covering some pages, is of remarkable beauty. I ¦ Another of Robert Herrick's Poems is given in Mr. E. A. Abbey's characteristic setting of illustration. There is also a great variety of other poems. ¦ The usual Editorial departments are also included. I PRICE ONE SHILLING. I SECOND EDITIONS of the March and February Numbers are just ready. For Oon^^ I but flD ¦ Advertisement in April Number. Copies of the fi ne- Christmas Number may still be Lad, . ftDy ¦ ordered at once, as t his "will not be reprinted. All other back numbers are now to be had, throng Bookseller, except December 1880, which is reprinting. I

London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SBARLE , & BIVINGTON. | | I . 188 FLE ET STREET , KO. ^^ i ^ ^ f I r print l882 The Publishers ' Circular ^ J OHN HEYWOOD 'S RECENT PUBLIC ATIONS. In cloth, handsomely printed on toned paper . Small Pa per Edition , to Subscribers, 5s. ; Non-Subscribers , 7s. 6d. La rge ,, „ „ 15s. „ 21s. A COIXECTE D AND COMPLE TE EDITIO N OF EDWIN WAUGH'S WORKS. In Tea Volumes, Illust rated by Caldecott and other eminent Artis ts. The following are now read y:— Vol 1. La ncashir e Sketches. I Vol. 3. Besom Ben Stories . 2. Fact ory Folk during - the Cotton Famine. | „ 4. The Old Fiddler and other Tales. " ' Vol. 5. Snowed-Up and other Tales . In crown 8vo. cloth , toned paper , price 3s. 6d. LANCASHIRE FOLK LORE. Illu strative of the Superstitions, Beliefs, and Pra ctices, Loca l Customs, and Usages of the Peopl e of the County Pa la tine. Comp iled and Edited by John Habland , F.S.A. ; and T. T. "Wilkinson , F.R.A.S. In crown 8vo. cloth, with Portrait of the late John Harland , price 3s. 6d. LANCASHIRE L EGE N E> S , TRADITIONS , PAGE A NTS, SPORTS, &c. With an Appendix conta ining a ra re Traet on the Lanca shire Witches, By John Habulnd , F.S.A.; and T. T. Wilkinson , F.E.A.S. In demy 8vo. cloth , price 9s. ; Large Paper Edition , pr ice 21s.

LANCASHIRE(Second Sebies). WORTHIES Conta ining Nineteen Biograp hies of Eminent Lancashire Men. By Francis Espinassb. JOHN HEYWOOD , Manc hester ; an d 11 Paternoster Buildi ngs, London. (225)

Just published , price Is. STOEY OF A LOM AND BUST LIFE . Amplified from the Rem iniscences which appeared in Chambers ' s Journal for 1882. WITH PO RTRAIT. By W. CHAMBERS, LL.D.

Just published , pr ice 4s. Chamber's Etymological Dictionary OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. ENTIREL Y NEW EDITION. Edited by ANDREW FINDLATER , M.A. X,I,.D. Cont aining th e Meanin gs of Words , their Pronunciation and Etymology ; with ^ Appendix giving list of Words and Ph ras es from other Lan guag es, Abbre - viati ons, Pre fixes and SufHx es, Myth ological and Classi cal Nam es, cfcc. iu W. & R, CHAMBERS , London and Edinbu rgh . (226) ^ 328 The Publi shers' Circular April ,, 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ wi ^ ¦— 1 ¦ . , — — — —^— —— W ^ %

In a few days, in Oolonre d Wra pper, price One Shilling, A Balloon Ride Across the Channel, AND OTHER ADVENTURE S IN THE AIR.


Of" the Royal Life Crii. arcl »5s

Author of l A Ride to Khiva,9 i On Horseback throug h Asia Minor,9 8fc .

The Work describes Colonel Burnab y's man y previous perilous Balloonin g Adventures , includin g one in which an aerial machine burst with the Autho r when at an elevation of 2,000 feet, one in a Fire Balloon , &c , and his Views on the Channel Tunnel Scheme , &c.



I Messrs. SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, & CO. beg to inform the Trade that they have arra nged with i j Colonel Frrd Burnaby f or the Publica tion of the { : above Work, which cannot fail to a ttract universal a ttention. They will be glad to receive orders at once.

\ London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SBARLE, & RIVINGTON, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.C. J^=^==IP ¦ ¦ ¦ * ¦. - . . *- - . . . _ . \ t '" ¦ .. ' . - I^ PKj*'.'^ '. * ' ' - -1 / ^^ flk '^

April i, 1882 The Publi shers ' Circular 329


FAMILY STOEY-TELLER, VOL. XVIII. In stiff paper covers, Is, ; fancy cloth, Is. 6d. A SHADOWED LOVE. By the Author of ' Marjorie ' s Trials,* 'A Simple Yeoman,' &c.

: C

WILLIAM STEVENS, 421 Strand, London, W.C. And all Booksellers and Ne\?SYendors. (228) BERNHD. OLLENDORFF, 4 JEWIN STREET , E.C. , In drawing attention to his removal to new and commodious premises, as above, desires to inform the Trade and Shippers that his Sample Book of Ye^ Ofl^igTMTJg 7IJTO ]\[ew O^Dg for the forthcoming season is now ready for inspection, and will, he is confident , give ent ire satisfact ion. The specially artistic turn the Christmas Card Trade has taken during the last few years has encouraged him to procure designs by the most distinguished Artists, an d to entrust the wor k of re pro duction to the most eminent Chromo-Litiiographic Printeks. In addition to this, he has cont inued to pay special att ention to the selection of Original ^d Appropriate Poetry to thd designs. The resul t of th is combined enort will fully sustain his reputation of publishing only first-class Goods. A complete descr iptive Catalogue will be forwarded free upon aPplication, and the Sample Book can be inspected by appointment.

I D Mfcsjjj ^ BERNI1 - O LLENDORFF, 4 Jewin Street, E.C. ¦ ¦ - [ ' "" - ' ¦¦ ¦ ' ' ¦- ' ' • - -—r - rffir —-w 330 The Publishers ' Circular ApriI r i% I

Now ready, No. 76, Vol. VII. 4 to. in Wrapper, price Is. 6d., the APRIL Number of MEN OF MARK: A Gallery of Contemporary Portraits of Men distinguished in the Senate, the Church , in Science Literature, and Art, the Army, Navy, Law, Medicine, &c ' The Three Permanent Cabinet Photographs of this Number, taken from Life by Lock & Whitfield for this Work only, are of ' SIR HE NRY EVE LYN WOOD , V.C., K.C.B. R EV. CANON TRI STRAM , LLD., F.R.S. SIR MICHAEL COSTA . With brief Biographical Notices by Thompson Coopeb, F.S.A.


Now ready, royal 4to. Part XVI., for APBIL, price 2s. 6d., of PATHWAYS OF PALESTINE: A Descriptive Tonr through the Holy Land. By Canon Tristram, F.R.S. Each Part (the Series "will comprise 22 Parts) contains Two Magnificent Permanent Photographs (5x8 in.) of Views in the Holy Land, those in the January number being of NAZARETH FROM THE WEST. NAZARETH FROM THE SOUTH.


Now ready, folio, Part XXXIV., for APRIL, price Zs. 6


Now ready, folio, Part XX LV., for APRIL, price 3s. 6d., of The GREAT HISTORIC GALLERI ES of ENGLA N D. Edited by Lord Ronald Gower, F.S.A. Containing Th ree Large Magnificent Permanent Photographs from the following Pictures :— JUAN DE PAREJA By Velazquez, Castle Howard. ST. JO HN BAPTISIN G CHRIST By Francia, Hampton Court. Castle. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY By Isaac Olitm, Windsor "With Descri ptive Text. 0 A handsome cloth Case for binding the first eight parts has been prepared, and can he obtained 1 Publishers, price 6«.

London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & RIVINGTON, | Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street , E.C. _-_-J^^$

...... j tim Th e 1 a nil, 1882 Publ ishers Circular 33I

Q^^^^ r w^B> Ec^k ^vuD ^^^^^^ 9^^ B^^^^^^ b^^^v^WMD X^B^^^^^^ M ^ ;^^ ^^ ^^b. ^^ S^^^ 3^^ fc.^fc^^ P^^^^^^ t"^^^^ DB^»¦ TjBBI^B^^^^ ^ l ^^^^^ l^ ma ^^j ^ ^^^r^j^^^*^ s ^^^ ^ ^\ ^^^^ B ^ w ^^^ B ^ U^^^^ B ^^ Ew^^ k^^ l ft BS ^Sm^Ww inW^V WTi^^^ QlEi^PQ^^ K.«^ ^^ j^^ rxr rtfcMB ^BK^f% ^^ 4?LHft^ f^HH^K^^ r ^P *^l ^Wii *lw^l I

bi^ ^ "A^H^^^^^^ B^ j ^^^ BB^^ B^M^rt ^^ ff^ttiMi ^SliO^ i^M»j ^^ WJ& 1 IkBHRHii I JM ^^^ BL^^^ ^Mi/J ^ >?^ci ivBh ^5^^ h5^^^ K ^^^ BS^^ ^^Bi^^^^ H ft

9uj//HBjAi ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ B^j ilw^0Bi ^l^3 ^ ^ ^^^^ f^fv M^/TsJBil (Sp wiSS^^^ ^^ A«w75B^fl^RjBn^pij ^B r^^ ^^^RPw ^^ wki ^^ vv^^ h 11 n ^^ B^ *^' l 'BiiMMf W3u 1 ^ mHDT! ^ 1^^^% ^UM |H )^f^^ H ^^ B' *^^ K^^^^^^^^—^^^^^ ^^k ^^^^- Bff h -^^V rnimLify ^ j j frt ^A ^L. ^^ ^B^ !vt ^^^^ |^^ ^^ * Vj Il ¦ iiitlf \^ ^^^^ m ^z2HKH0 ^^o^^^^^^^ 3A£flO0> Bl^^^^ vf&^Hl* ^R ^^I^^ H B^^ V^^^ v v^y/Z ^^^^ CS? ^^^^ I^^^ u^^^ ^^ c^B^^^ . ^ *^k 11J ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ 3^^^^^^ H^^^ k?^ ^^^^ T^^ v^l

^ J@^palXiins anli !Oot>ae, g» Manufa Siurers of Hand-made Printings and Writings,




Machine-made Pr intings & Plate P ap ers^ PRICES AND SAMPLES ON APPLIC ATION. * * * * LONDON, Wa rehouses, 145-6-7, Drury Lane. City Office, 34, Cannon Street, E.C.

PARIS, ; 20, Avenue Victoria.

I > ¦ ,w ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .'J' rT' r^'T- - "r»: :-.:-> ^\-»r -: v .: * - < . •; .— i;¦;¦¦ -r ;- v "' ¦ ¦' " ;¦' ¦ ¦ - "' ¦ " - " " ' • ¦•- •• >¦ .;-- •?¦ - " * ¦ •" ' ":" * ¦ ' ¦ ¦ T '^ / r :. Tv^-. , - ,;;_ fcift . _ -. - .; \' ,v / •* " : *• „ T ._ - ' ' • . v < - . . * . . * . '> / - - . , ,t >•- . . \ ;; - - ,; •- ; ' -' > ^ >^T^^7^*wfT' -^ "?^^'^HWHII ^^^^^ H

I li ^ ; 332 Tte Publishers' Circular April t : : - — _ - 1 - - r882 I r . ij_ _ i ¦ 111 i ._. . 1 1 11 i ^ j u ii 1 1 _ >

1 rjlHE aUAETEELY EEVIEW. ADVERTISEMENTS and BILLS for j j JL insertion in the FORTHCOMING NUMBER of the above Periodical must be for warded to the ! \ Publisher by the 12th inst. [ JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. ;: __^ I 5 ^ _ I rjlHE EDINBUEGH EEVIEW , No. CCCXVIIL , will be published on -*- Satuedat, April 15th. ADVERnsEMENTS intended for insertion cannot be received by the Publishers later than Wednesday Next, April the 5th.

1 * \ : London, L0NOMANS & CO., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. ; i _ ^ — . . . .—.—_—.—. -—_—. . i ~—— - 1 REPRODUCTION by FAC SIMILE in RELIEF -BLOC KS, FROM ARTISTS ' DRAWINGS FOR BOOK ILLU STRATIONS, ETC. In Pen and Ink, Black or Lead Pencil, Charcoal, Sepia, Mezzo-Tint, Old Manuscripts, and Old Drawings.

BRITISH AND FOR EIGN ARTISTS' ASSOCIATION, 19 Cockspur Street, Pall Mall, London, S.W. (Entrance—19 Warwick Street.) ¦ Representative—Mr. Herbert Badcock.

>»mj S^^ uHlOv4i7LtikL ' r^*^^* w -^^^ ^* i^^ 8^ Bj k .^ft v % \ * f * ^ ^^^ ^

m ^^ ^ 1 ^t\ \t *\ k * *iQBr >3 ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ % b\ v ^^ ^^ ^^ ImmJ ^ *- * j DKn ^B^^^ li k . w ^^^*^feC^^s ^ ^^^ *i ^^ • ^^ K" *^t«*^71 ¦ ^^ J i i 111 ^ • * ' % • • ^^ 4 % ^0m ^ _^^^^— L 1 "~ 1-^^ ^^^^ ¦*^ --^^ ft

I : ¦ ' • ' • • »;?: ' IV' *l ^^— I , THE GON AND ITS DEVELOPMENTg "wirriEa: ^roo?^ !S o asr shootiit - I By W. "W. GREENER, I yy ' X'C 11 Author of i Modern Breech Loaders,9 c Choice Bore Guns, 9 • ¦ 500 Illustrations, fcp. 4to. 680 pp. fancy cloth, gilt, 21s. I finds a ¦ This book is in great demand among6t sportsmen and oth ers, ana ¦ and ready sale. Is extensively advertised in all sporting journals and re purchased when once seen. I r r (23O> CASSELL, PETTER , GALPIN, & CO., London, Parts, and New York. I I THE FRENCH COPYRIGHT IS FOR SALE. __ A j i - ^~--3 ^ CPU B ^ P BJ ^ - " " iff *

A ril , l882 The Publishers ' Circular 333 I

IR, IE l ^L O "V" .A. Xj . GEORGE NORMAN & SON, lattntcrg, FORMERLY 29 MAIDEN LANE, GO VENT GARDEN, Be" to inform tleir Customers and the Public generally that they have REMOVED to their New and Extensive Premises in

HART STREET(Facing- ,Garr-ick COVENT Street), GARDEN where, by the aid of increased Plant and improved Machinery, they have every facility for executing Printing in all its branches, with the greatest promptitude. J. BAKER & SON , IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, CLIFT ON , AND 13 FREDERICK STREE T, EDINBURGH.


FINE ART MEDALLIONS OF LOCAL SCENERY Prepared in a special and novel manner. This is entirely new. Our Travellers now have samples. Local and general celebrities done in the same fashion . This new style is charmingly effective. FINE ART MEDALLIONS. .' We have over 1,000 subjects , and, in spite of our imitators, keep up a very great sale, as our subjects are the favourites with the public. SPECIALITIES IN PO RCELAIN PLAT ES AND PLAQUES. Our Speci al Artists paint Portraits from Photos and descr i ptions sent. This is an important item of Trade, as satisfactory prices can be had for good work. ; A New Series of INKS in. Glass &c. of choice and striking hues. A la rg e variet y of BOXED CO UNTER GOODS at rather lower than the ordinary rates. | MATHEMAT ICA L INSTRUMENTS. Oar Special ' Letter ' Series, and for better School use, our 4th Quality, are generally liked , and are ¦ decidedly cheap- PHOTOGRAPHIC FRAMES . A very large selection of good-selli»g, low-priced varieties. BOOK BIN DING AND ACCOUNT -BOOK MANUFACTURING , T AND SET SQUARES , KINDERGARTEN MATERIALS , GLQ3E? , &c. &c. ; STATIONERS' SUNDRIES OF ALL MAKERS. ; i Messrs. WARD , L OCK , & CO. beg to announce that they haye for Sale ELIEOT^OT-^ IF jES; OF UPWARDS OF ! 70,000 WOOD ENGRAVINGS. Sp ecimens fr ee on ajyp licaiion. Address, Messrs. WARD , LOCK , & CO., Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C.

Iwv 334 The Publishers ' Circular April ,( F ... . . t88a i JTJST OUT. The ' BIG WAYERLEY ' and the ' BIG J ' PEN. 'They come as a boon and a blessing to men. The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen / Patentees—MAONIVEN <& CAMEROIN", Edinburgh. I Established 1770. i i . . ¦ Just out , price One Shilling, Illustrated. Now published. Dedicated , by pe rmission , to Henri/ Richard , Esq., M.P. THE DURHAM UNIVERSITY CALEN- BRITISH OPIUM POLICY, and its Results DAR for 1882. Price Is. dd. post f ree. •*-* to India and China. Durham : Andrews & Co. (232) London : Whittaker & Co. , 13 Ave ' A well-digested and able pamp hlet.' Maria Lane. NATION'S CURSE and CURE . A Tern- WANTED.—CASES for ILLUSTRATED A perance Wa ll-Sheet. Illustrat ed with eighteen LONDON NEWS , Vols. 66, 68, and , Id. ; Colou red , 3d. 69. spirited Engravings. Plai n Purp le.—App ly Eaton & Son , Bookselle rs, Wor- S. W. Partri dge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row. (231) cester. . g Clerkeh well Bookbindin Works. ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ J OHNSON & AUBERT {Late J OHNSON fy EARLEY). fIHf~~^^— SlfSL^k ^=^^^^^^ = ^^M^^M GOLD & INK BLOCKING | j | | OHfTlJ 1

g Special facilities for gettin out long numbers H BKB I iSfflittmBffiiiBl£££w ESS^

Aid CT T AUU CTDUCT PT I'DVT7WW17I T 17 P ~~ ririi ^ ¦ w ¦^^ TiBiHilMPrtBffWwnfflffi'^ r llU bl. u Unn ulilr iEjl , l/LliUivririn iiLL, d.\j, '^* m ^S ^^m£ ^ £ ^SBS ^^ ~* £ ^


Protecting Covers for Newspapers, Magazines , Reviews, and Publications in limp bindings present all the advan tages of a removable binding of a substant ial charac ter and effectua lly protect the original cover while in use. Half-bound, roan, lettered gil* " Academy , 2«. Fiold, 3*. NaTal & Military Gazett e, 3*. 6<*. All the Year Round , I*. 6d« Fortni ghtl y Review , la. 9d. Nineteenth Century , 1«. 9<*» Army and Navy Gazette , 2a. Fraser 's Magazine , 1«. 6d. Notes and Queries , 2fi. Army List , la. 6d. Fun , 2«. Public Opinion , 2s. Athe naeum , 2s. Gentleman 's Magazine , 1*. 6d. Publishers ' Circu lar , 1*. «»• Beigravia , 1«. 6d. Grap hic, 2s. 6rf. Punch , 2s. Blackw ood's Edin. Ma g. 1*. 6d. Guardian , 2s. Quarter ly Review, 1*. 6a. Builder , 2«. 6d. Harper 's Magazine , 1*. 6d. Q,ueen , 3«. Chamb ers* Journ al , 1*. 6d. Il lustrated London News, 2s Ad. Saturday He view, 2s. 6». Cornhill Magazine , \s. 6ci. Illustra ted Sporting and Dra- Spectator , 2,8. Qd. Court Jour nal, 2s. matic , 2s. 6d. Sunday Mag azine, 2a. Engineer , 3*. Jud y, 2s. Sunday at Home, 2s. Engineering, 2e. 6d. Leisure Hour , 1*. 6d m Temp le Bar , Is. 6d. Fami ly Herald , 2«. Macmillan 's Magazine , 1*. 6d. Etc. etc. etc. London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON. ^ a rii i, is*2 The. Polishers ' Circular 335 J. HADDON & CO., Expor ters of Pa per, Printing Materia ls, &c, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 3 BOUVERIE STREET, FLEET STREET, LONDON. HADDON & CO. confidentl y offer their services as Buyers for Booksellers, J • Print ers, Statio ners , Bookbinders , and all connected with the Trade in the Colonies . J . H. & Co. give their Clients the benefit of a lengthened experience and practical acquainta nce with all the require- ments of the Trade. They believe that the complaints against middle-men arise from ignoranc e, on the part of some Houses employed, of the good s requi red , and are satisfied that Colonial Buyers are better served by one [qualified House , charg ing a small Commission for servi ces ren dered , than by corresp onding with twenty so-called Manufacturers , who are all more or less middle- men. Reference can be given to Clients of twenty and thirty years ' standing. Corres pondence invi ted as to terms , &c. Mention this paper.

9 & 10 ST. BRIDE'S AVENUE, FLEET STEEET, E.C. SOUTH AFRICAN PUBLISHING AND BOOK SELLING AGENCY. jrxjrrj±9 heelis , &, 00- AGEN"CY, BEG to announce the establishment, at the above address, of a SOUTH AFRICAN for the sale of all Publications relating to the South African Colonies, and will be bappy to execute all commissions entrusted to them either here or abroad for English and Foreign Literature. Second-hand Catalogues can be disposed advantageously. EIETOIjOSTJ IR/IES RECEIVED FOR CT- O. O"UT-A., G-A^ETO^TV-IfcT . ALii Parcels to bh accompanied by Duplicate Invoice. LEIGHTON, SON, & HODGE, WHOLESALE BOOKBI NDERS, 16 NEW-STREET SQUARE , FLEET STREE T, E.C.

L., S., & H. beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS , PRINTEKS , AUTHO ES, &c, that they execute in the best style and on the moat reasonable terms every descri ption of Wholesale Bookbinding , eith er in Cloth or Leather. Their Stock of Engraved Brass Dies is most extensive and varied , and their powerful Mach iner y and Steam- power give them unrivalled advantages in the rap id execution of large orde rs. L., S., & H. hav e a separate departme nt for Account -Book Bindin gs and are pr epar ed to undertake every descri ption of work , includi ng the supply of Paper , Ruling, Prin tin g, Perf oratin g and Paging of Books for Commercial purposes. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention.

V^^M/ WHOLESALE BOOKBINDERS, l85i. 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Stree t.^^^^^^ i56** Publishers, Booksellers, and Trade in town and country are herewith informed that this f irmexecute rapidly•, punctually, and in f irst style, all orders far jPlain, Ekgant, and Ornament al Binding; original designs by good artists. Additional tteatn po werand new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other f irms, in taste, speed, and pri ce. Estimates and samples by return post. iWiffi giff S^ ^ * 336 The Publishers' . Circular April __ ^ ^ -^ c 5S7 —¦$ £ ¦iiiW ESTLEYS & CO.M- kS^Bsco—§>-k——•—-^—^—^— •—->§—4-—° °j e;a/ I BOOKBIND ERS"! "SI " iP^ London : 10 FRIAB , STREET , DOCTORS 5 COMMONS , E.C. k* ——4 POKEIGN LITERAT URE . SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, & CO., English, Arrwri can, For eign,and \ Colonial Booksellers and Publishers, 188 Fleet Street,London , will f orward,post free, to any address, a List of French , German, and American Newspapers and \ Perio dicals, with Rates of Subscription ; also Catalogues of a large variety of Foreign Books always kept in stock. Books not in stock, or Rare Books, pro- cured with the leas t delay. Express parcels from the Continent Twice a Week Six Copies of Catalogues of Old and Rare Books sent, free of eocpense, to the most likely Foreign Purchasers . They 'must be delivered (free of expense), ! addressed Foreign Department. Catalogues of Old and Rare Foreign Booh can also be had. Agents in all the principal Cities of the World. Commis- sions executed in all matters connected with International Copyright, both at Home and Abroad.


T. GATES DARTON (late of thejlrm of Westleys fy Co., JF?*iar Street) has newly erected pivmtses, supplied t7iroughout with Engine poiver, at the above address. They (ire central , accessible, ainp le, and convenient, and furnished with machinery and implements of the newest and most approved character f or Bookbinding,


OUPPLIBD to the TRADE on the MOST LIBERAL TERMS. A large Stock of ^ Popular Foreign Education al, Literary, and Scientific Work s always on hand. JV.J9.—Fas t-Train Par cels received from the Continent twice a week, SAMP SON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON ourt ), ( Proprietors of th.e business of the late firm of William Alijlv & Co., Btatio ners *-ha ll C Crown Buildings , 1 8& Fl eet Street , London , E.C. . c*s ' April i, 1882 The Publishers Circul ar 337 Messrs. HOLMES & SON , Mr. A. M. BUBG-HE S, & ©altar s VALUER & ACCOUNTANT Qztouni mtB TO PUBLISHERS , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS , TO jjBOOKSELLERS uujvo , STATION ERS , PRINTERS , NEW S- PRINTERS , tte., TO pApBR PR OPRIETORS , &c. &c. la PATERNO STER ROW , 66a PATEENOSTER ROW, Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses : * instructed to sell the fo llowing businesses :— Are PAPEK MERCHANT and PRINTER'S j STATIONER S and PRINTERS.— BUSINESS. Established 30 years. Splendid TO The Propr ietor of a hi gh-class and old- tow n , west of England. Fine corner premises , established Business, which, he has carried on ver y Moderate ren t. Returns £11,000 per annum . About successfully for upward s of 40 years , is desirous of £3 ,GOO required. A thorou ghly sound concern. ret iring, and wishes to meet with a Gentleman to the Ha lf-Share with his Son. Cap ital OLD and RARE BOOKS, &c—A valuable pur chase Business near the Strand. Uni collection req uired about £2,000. The "Returns are about , que hi h pro fits. An exceptionall of Forei gn Stamps , Autograp hs, &c. First-c lass £8 ,000 a year at g y , opportuni ty. premis es ; very good position. Rent £100 ; 16 good years ' lease. A profi t of £1 ,000 a-year ; very safe. TX)OKSELLING, STATIONERY, a^d About £2,500 required. Suitable for a gentleman D FANCY TJRADE. —An old-established first- who has some knowled ge of anti quities. class Business in South Coast Watering-p lace. The T>RIN TLN G.—Large first-class Business in pre mises are in the finest position of the town , and -!• the heart of the City. Splendid premises at held on lease at very low rent of £70. Returns moderate rental ; 21 years ' lease. Present retu rns I abou t £3,000 a year. Total purchase about £2,000, nearl y £15,000 a-year , and increasing. A Hal f ; of which part may remain. Share would be sold at hal f valuation of stock : ab out £4,000. TO STATIONE RY and FANCY TRADE. End A first-class Business, in th e best position in PRINTING.—Leading B usiness, West *- -*- of London , in good position. Very fine plant. the Isle of Wight. Business established over 40 , ,800 years , and has changed hands but once. A very Rent £80 (very low) ; long lease. Returns £1 good living. Has always been manage d by a Lad y; a-year ; good profits. First-c lass connection ; a could be much increased. About £500 required. growing business ; thoroug hly sound. A Half Share may be purchased for about £800. DRINTING & STATIONERY BUSINESS pANCY TRADE.—A good Business, ¦*• ( Commerci al ), in the finest business town in *- established 20 years , in important London England. Established ab out 20 years . Cap ital thoroug hfare. Rent £60 ; very fine premises , seven- j premises , in very good position . Return s about roomed house ; long lease. Returns £1,000 a-year , £2,000, mostl y cash. About £750 in cash , balance read y mon ey. • Abou t £300 required. easy. pRUM TIN G and STATIONERY.—Old- , O -*• established Business in the city of Liverpool ; T STAT IONERS and BOOKSELLERS. suitabl e for an energetic pract ical man. Very fine -*- An opportunit y presents itsel f to a good busi- plant ; excellent position ; good commercial con- ness Young Man , with a thoroug h knowled ge of the trad e nection. Return s at present , £2,000 ; capable of | and with a capital of £500, of entering much increase. About £600 in cash ; balance easy. int o Partner shi p in a first -class improving Business at a favour ite resort of the"South Coast . STATIONERY, PRINT IiNG, and BOOK- ^ SELLING. —Leading business , in first-class STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE, in Cathedral town , Midland Counties. Rent £150 ; a capital main position , West End. Established finest premises in the town. Returns £3,000 a-year. 25 years. Eetur ns about £ 1 ,200 Under the man- Established 100 years. Proprietor retiring, having agement of a Lad y. The business could be much made his fortune. About £1,500 requ ired. Full increased . About £500 to £600 required. investigation allowed. First- BOOKSE STATIONERY and PRINTING.— LLING, STATIONERY, a__ d class manufacturing town in Lancashire . Profits , r MINTING BUSINESS.—A fine old Business very over £250 a-year. Rent only £43 , good prem ises, |? attr active town, North of Eng land. Estab- requ ired. A lished half- in leading thoroughfare. About £500 a-centur y. Returns over £3 ,000 a year rare bargain. Business capab le of large increase aUngh pro fits. ^ Purchase money about £1 , 800. 0T^ IO N __TRir"and BOOKSELLING.— STATIONERY and IfANCyHbUSINESS^ £5 Pleasant town in Kent. Establ ished over 30 in firs t-r ate Suburb years. Eeturns average £800 a-year. Ten-roome d u of London . Established * year s. Rent now reduced to £25 a year , by house an d fine shop. About £300 requir ed. »; , £ a P a *t of the pre mises. Returns about End of London. Returns a T> AZ A AR.—West *M00 year. About £600 required . J-> £15 a week. Established over 20 years. ; Propri etress retir ing. No charge for goodwill. An ' STAT IONERY and FANCY BUSINESS About Sout h , excellent opportunity for one or two ladies. Coast , near the Isl e of Wi ght. Capital requi red . On Cing £250 ^ftr« V the Po8t Office - Establish ed 30 ~ 7 IoW ren fc Businees T^^^CY WAllEHOUSE.--Fir3t-cla8s Lon- com£ ? if , - prod uces a. very premise s. ^fortableJLmpg. About £300 requir ed . J- don Busines s ; main road , S.E. Pine Rent only £33 ; long lease. Profits over £200 nett. About £500 require d. A thoroug hly sound business. B°?i^^ G5^r~^TA^ BUSINESS. Established 40 years. ^abhshedErta blUhSF!? —Midland Counties , ^o years. A finear old Business. Bo- iJdontMy Register of Businesses fo r Disposal for- 7 a y° AU to Mr. A. M. Bur ghks, aCJZj ^*^«.you requir ed - < * valuation. warded post-free on application a^ ^'T. 1a Paternoster. Row, London f E. C. " ¦'¦-' ¦ ¦ I m ' '

¦ ! _____. .. . , - - -V ¦ '_J ; ^^_ 2. ^ _.^_1_1 ^ 1^ ' ' ^^^^^mI m ^M?|» ^^^MM M ¦!¦ ' ' * #—^^ ^^^ — — ^^^ ^^— ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^U ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

338. The Publishers' Circular April 1, ^ TiTR. W ILHELM FRICK (late Faesy and " ¦*• Friek), Bookseller to the Imperial and Royal SDNDERLAP LIBRARY . Court , Vienna , Graben 27, will than k English Publ ishers and Booksellers to forward Pro spectuses and Catalogu es of New Books as well as of Old and Rare "Works , and will be glad to undert ake the SE COND PORTIO N. disposal wholesal e of important Books.

TlfESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an , 47 -*- assorted Stock of all interesting subj ects. Leicester S " quare , W.C., beg to announce that Olyett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre, Lond on, W.C. the Sale of the Second Pobtion of the Sundeexand Libeab y will take place on Monda y, April the 1 7th , and nine following days (Sunda y excepted) . A very 'TENDERS wanted for 21 year s' Illustra ted A- London News, 1848, 1 851-71. Gr ood large number of literary rarities will be found in condition, unbound. —J. W. Hudson , Bookseller , 39 London the Catalogue , which includes several extremel y rare Street , South port. chronicles in Latin , French , Spanish , Portuguese , &c , including Verard' s edition of the ' Chroni ques de S. pUBLISHERS of LOCAL DIRECTORIES Denys ' 14D3 ; and the ' Chroni ques de Normendie ,' ¦*¦ please forwa rd Prospectuses and Terms to by G. Letaille ur , H87 ; an edition of the ' Chronica Man ager , British Pub lishing Company, 8 Argyll del Rey Don Rodri go/ printed by L. de Q-ayanis in Street , Regent Street , W. Seville in 1499 ; a ra re edition of the * Chr onica de Guarino Mesquino ,' Seville, by Juan Yarela , 1527 ; an exhaustive series of the collected and separate T RAD E VALUATION. works of Cicero , including editiones pri ncipes of ME. ADAM HOLDEN, Bookseller &c, 1 the Rhetorica , De Oratore , Opera Philosop hica, 48 Church Stre et, Liverpool , having had a e in the d ifferent branches GTusculanse Qusesti ones, De Officiisf long and varied experienc , &c., by Fust and of tlje Trade of a Booksei/ler and Stationer , offers Schoiffer , 1465—also the second edition by the to undertake the Valuation of any Business for same printers—E pistolae ad Familiares , Epistolse ad Probate Duty, or for Sale or Transfer , in any part I Brutum. Ther e are also firs t editions of the , of the Country. I following Authors :—Chrysos tom, Claudian , Clemens Terms (moderate) on app lication, I Alexandra nus , Clemens V. Pap a, Quintus Curtius , Cypria n , Cyril , Demosthenes , Dictys Cretensi s, Dio 48 Church Street , Liverpool. I : Cassius , Dto Chr ysostomus , Diodoru a Siculus , Dio- genes Cynicus , Diogenes Laertius , Dionysius Hali- and I carnassus , Dioscorid es, Euclides , ME.' GEO. NEWMAN, Auctioneer Eurip ides, his services in all I Eusebius , Eutr opius, Fontinus , Galen , Aulus Valuer to the Trade , offers G-ellius matters of Sale, Transfer , or Valuations for Par tner- I , &c , &c. There are no less than fifteen orough I books printed upon veliAjm: ship or Probate ; his long exper ience and th , amongst which are the enab le him to I Rationale of Duran dus, the first and second editi ons knowledge of the var ious branches render very valua ble assistance to either Vendor or I of Cicero 's Offices , and the Constitutions of Clemen t ~ expense I , V. all printed by Fust and Purchaser on very moder ate term s. No Schoiffer ; the Rhetori c, ister. Offices: I and Tusculan Disputations , by Jenson ; the Aldine in placing parti culars on th is Reg Rhetorica , De Ora tore and Orationes ; and the 51 Londo n Wall , E.C. I editio prince ps of Aulus GrelHus , by Sweynheym and Pannar tz, 1469. The following MSS. occur CUTTING I also in this portion ; Opuscula of Chry sostom , WANTED.—A Second-l and MACKIN E of good mak e, knife must; be I Gre gory of Antioe h and Gr egory of Nazianze n ; a I , Palim psest Codex 30 inches vide. Also small PERF ORATING containing an uncial MS. of the ball action , ¦ Gospels (8th centur y) ; works of E MACHINE and PAPE R PRESS , with phraem Syrus in lists invited. ¦ Greek , and two Greek Service Books of the 13th to take demy. Manufactu rers ' price and 14th centurie s. The Catal ogue contains like- A. Wheaton & Co., Exeter. ______I wise a num ber of interesting and valuable editions , -I of Dante 's jDivina Commedia ; beginnin g with a , ELECTKOS I Nearl y contemp orar y MS. of the Inferno with npO PUBLISHERS.—Wanted » ¦ copious J- of Wood Engravings , histor ical , trav el, natu comments in Latin , by Guido of Pisa, and on »p ¦ including the first and history, or juvenile subj ects.—Pr oofs sent Ul most ancient pri nted editions. & ¦ There will also be found a series of ori ginal editions proval to • Publisher ,' care of Messrs . Castle ^ of Dugdale 's work s, Clarend on's Histor y illustrated Salisbury Square , Fleet Stree t, E.C. I with 360 portrait s—half of which are drawings in sepia— a very extensive series of Frenc h Historical LEICESTER. —TO BE LET. I Books and Tra cts ; extendi ng ¦ over a period of a /TO BOOKSELLERS, PR INTERS, Sl£ hund r ed years (1563-1663) ; a series of rar e Italian , PI"* Plays ; several editions of the A TIOME #S, BOOK BINDEBS I Memoirs of Commine s cl0lx * ** -—beginnin g with the first—Collecti ons of Councils ; SELLERS , &c.—Tha t lofty and *V* {se$i I to in Dwelling-house , and extensir e Business ±J «j ¦ rare ^orks relatin g America ; books fine Marna Kci ftC0| ¦ bindings with situate in the best busines s par t of tho the Arms and Names of forme r pos- Gallery ^ * sessors ; &c. &c. Leicester ; with large Fine Art „, II y to Mr. W. "• ¦ grap hic Galler y.—App l mr.Ko. mte . . .. Catalogues , .price 5s., by p ost 5s. 6d. are now Lofii^by Eane , Leicester ; or to the owner , ™ t Leicester . 1. read y, and can be had on applicati on. Browne , Bufton Lod ge, Pesford, _, ^&M • ¦ ¦ • F' ... . ' • .. - . / flfc f A^ —"" ' "~~" " " " QBr

rii i, 18S2 ^ e Publishers ' Circula r 339 A MBMMMMMBM n MMMMaHBMia ^ HMHHnMHtHB a VHM M naMMMMM ^ MMH M MMMMiBa ^ aa ^ ^ *

BOOKSELLE RS WANTING ASSISTANTS. T3OOKSELLERS' and STATIONERS* -L> ASSISTANT seeks HE-ENGAGEMENT. f AD ASSISTANT or MANAGER Age 23 years. Good window-dresser3 etockJkeeper, ; HE wanted, experienced in a publishing house. and salesman. Seven years' flrst*class experience. Good salary to an energetic and competent man.— Good references. Town or country.—Address F. E. Bacon, Map and Fine Art Publisher, Hodge, 4 Suffolk Road London, S.E. Address Mr. , South Norwood^ 127 Strand , W.C. •noOKSELLING and STATIONERY.— ENGAGEMENT wanted by a, Young Man, V A qualified JUNIOR ASSISTANT, accustomed j *-l age 23, as Clerk or Bookkeeper. Willing to to a high-class trade. Good address and smartness i assist in the Stationery or Publishing business. indispensable.—Apply, with references and salary ' Four years in first- class house. With good re- required, Beta, Publishers' Circular Office , 188 ferences.—Address A. A., Publishers ' Circular Office, Fleet Street, London. 188 Fleet Street, London, E.O. WANTED, a Young Man as ASSISTANT to the Book, Stationery, and Fancy Trades. EE-ENGAGEMENT wanted as General Address H. Nye, Tunbridge Wells, inclosing C. de V. ASSISTANT in the Book and Stationery Busi- and references and stating age, height, and salary. ness, by a Young Man, having a thorough knowledge of a general country trade. Good reference.— 1 F. Brown, care of E. & S. Brackett, Booksellers &c, BOOKS ELLERS ASSISTANT S WANTIN8 Colchester, Essex. SITUATION S, A DVERTISER seeks a situation as D00KSELLING and STATIONERY.— -£*¦ ASSISTANT. Good window-dresser, sales- i> SITUATION wanted by a Young Lady. Four man, and stockkeeper. Or would take entire years' experience. Good saleswoman. Could assist management. 15 years' experience. Apply = with bookkeeping. Good reference from present E. J. B., 147 Mount Pleasant Terrace, Hastings. employer.—Address • C.,' Montacute House, Sutton, , : : : rr\ ) Surrey. PRINTER'S ASSISTA NT WANTING SITUATION. TO BOOKSELLERS &c. — Wanted, a A SITUATION as Assistant in a good trade. TO MASTER PRINTERS. — Wanted, Nine years' first-rate experience. Well acquainted L MANAGEMENT of Country JobbiDg Office , with leather goods.—Apply J. O. ~B., Mr. Rowley's, or Situation in such, office. Good testimonials.— Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. G. Curtis, 2 Bread Street, Warminster.

BOOKS WANTED TO PTTRC HASE. Partic ulars of price $c. to be sent direct to the pa rties whose names and addresses are given.

Notice.— We desire to draw attention of Correspondents under this head , 'Books Wanted,* to an oft-repeated caution to J> e

ar or mm careful not to remit cash or stamps without— - being— f-ully - - satisfied of the bona fr ides of^ the communications,— as ^ ^ Swindlers have adopted the plan of reporting books and requiring stamps in payment; but their only address is f ound to be a local p ost-offi ce ; on the other hand , our nibscribersshould be careful in supplying books to advertisers unknown to them. 1

Acock, J. a., 21 Broad Street, Oxford Baily ndon News. May 29.29, 18801880 Oesoniue' Hebrew Thesaurus, 4to. dish Square Wm ¦ ' Oiiwfi fnf°and A* Fra'*f°rt. -o-M., Germany Beet, T., 60 Mortimer Street, Caven , H J^we Cavalowwdle's Painting, in Italy, 3 vols. Chrysal ; or, Adventures of a G uinea, 4 vola. ;, I Hlii»Ti»i_I " Painting In Northern Italy, 2 vols. I*a Fontaine's Tales, 2 vols. ;,ory of Indla edited by Wilson Trial of Lord Baltimore for Rapa ' J Bo»K«PnrghT a » . r,- • ¦ I ¦ I Wora Indica. 2nd odit. Vols. 1, 2, or complete Gardiner's England, from James -X. : . . :r. > ikl 34o The Pub lishers ' Circ ular April h mz


BickersA Bon, 1 Leicester Square, W.C. Cornish, J. E.% 33 Piccadilly,Manchester >^K^l/a A.\J\J\J v> JwA. *»v> ^ «J *.UV A A% ^ V «/ MUU J Hayward's Biog. and Grit. Essays, 2 v. 8vo. 1st. Ser. 1§58 Magazine ofV^ Art.V* Jul«^ UiJy 1879 and Oct. 1880 (Cassell\ V lVjO t?li )J PercyL-Vl VJ onYSX1. IronX1VU andMUM Steel#>^»#^*w* Morley's English Writers. Vol. 1, Parts 1, 2 Lech's Rationalism in Europe, 2 vol3. 8vo. Sandys' The Fourth Gospel Brown's Forester Calvert's Mechanic's Reference Book Archaeological Society. Complete set Tommy Try and What he Did in Science ¦ m ¦ ¦ ¦ » A'Becket'/\ f mwzm.

> , VestigesV ¦^-' P«J*«

^ aj ^ ^^KusbcII' »»j lani— i r~>n-» r^ sk^ Life^ aa n ^ of^^ a, Moorev^ ^^ .Jk ^^ Beautiful Poetry. Vol. 3 (Cruckford ^ JHawshead on Wills. 1826 (London) Fawn , J., & Sen, 18 Queen' s Road , Bristol

-™ Cornish Brothers, 87 New Street, Birmingham ManningAJu.«^» AA4AA*p juavaj oui Vols.f ^ r ^f—rm 3^r ,m 41 Kelly's Worcestershire Directory. Last published East Anglican. Vol. 1 Hervey's (Lord) Memoirs, 2 vols. Campbell's Justices. Vol. 3 Chesterfleld' B Letters, by Lord Stanhope, 6 vols. 8vo. 1848 Bewick's Somerville Chase History of Remarkable Characters (Chatto) Meredith's (Owen) Wanderer Baird's British Enfcomostraca Lee's (General) Life (Chatto & W.) rurmjnu&v 6 vviu. jLjeuwey )y Holt's Oonius of French Language Koddebon uuue uu Parsonage, 2 vols. ^(Bentley Dtfllinger's Jew and Gentile Cornhill. 1873. In parts, clean, for binding

Cornish, J +E.r 16 St. Ann' s Square, Mancliester George , W.,2<5 Park Street, Bristol ->« ofl lytJ DO VVia. jlCJAi*. Volfl.» v— 12--,, I« . Moran's Persecution of Irish Catholics BritishX>I.tl)ltl U EssayXaBOW iJ 'ltJists, 38 vols. 1823. ^'^ Peacock's Headlong Hall Burke's Landed Gentry. 1852. Vol. 1 Tytier's History ol Henry VIII. JLorna Doone, 8 vols. James' Henry Smeaton Scenesficenes fromfrom Clerical Life,. 2 vola. 1 ^ aMWI! Clarke's The Iron Cousin Bentham's Flora. Vol. _^<^ 1( -~ ¦ ¦ ' - : ¦ ' ' " ' I ' ¦ n ... i • ¦¦ . ! • ii. ¦ i ii.i i i iii ' . i i i ¦ ,, , . i i - a iffi ' ^ .. ' . ~- mmmjA ^> '

l882 The Publishers' Circular 34I rili ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ - —i i ¦ i _ _


, a *nt S E., Sl High Street, Belfast Jarrold A Sons London and Exchange Streets, Norwich Annual Register. Vols. 53 to 1864 Edgeworth'a Castle Rackrent «V ** ¦ Engineer.J IMJ»i»» *VV * a Nos.^^ ^^ **rw 1227-» M ^ V toWVS 1239Jh. ^ Gill E. W., 21 King Street, Stroud Cobbett's Political Register. Vote. 20 to 29 life of Madame Tussaud, 2 vols. Pie rotti's Jerusalem Explored Pitman's Phonographic Dictionary Sunday at Home. Feb. 1881 Churchill on Hypophosphites Gladding, J., 28A Paterno ster Square , B.C. Cambridge Mathematical Examination Papers . Strickland'3 (Agnes) Pilgrims to "Walsingham Wright's The Churchman. Vols. 3, 4 1831 Hunter's Gazetteer of India, 9 vols. Hall's Life with the Esquimaux. 1862 ( London) Johnson , E., 30 Trinity Street, Ca mbridge Smith's ( Mrs. Pearsall) Frank Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 8vo. 1838 Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 1st edit. Oun Robert, 6 Prin ceof Wales Road , N. W. Longfield's Chaldee Grammar London Gazette, with Supplement. June 23, 1881 Desperate Remedies, 3 vols. 1871 Weekly Notes. June 9, 1866 Luc an, ed. Weise, 8vo. 1835 ' Journal and Reporter. April 28, 1860 Solicitors_ . __ .1 TT1 _• f\ *m f\ t* "I *" ¦ .1! _ 'J t T^ 1 * * f* Legal Observer and Solicitors' Journal. Feb. 10, 17, 1855 Juta , Ueelis, & Co., 9 & 10 St. Bride' s Avenue, F..C. De Bernardy's Next of Kin Register Goodall's Exposition of the Gospel of St. John Conrad's Story of the Reformation in Bohemia Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 32 Paternoster Row, B.C. s Dictionary of Political Economy Werner's (Patrick Synies) Nomenclature of Colour Macleod' _ Spencer'k s Socialj~ * m m Statics/"t * I • Significance of Christian Names Infinitesimal Calculus, 4 vols. or separately Page's Noble "Workers Price's Daisy. Vols. 2 to 6 Il ayward , T., 35 Oxford Street , Manchester Dolby's Vocal Score for Soprano and Contralto. Four copies Booker's Blackley Bamford's Walks in Lancashire Kerby & Endean , 440 Oxford Street, W. W&4 «A> V^«««ifc *n* VA4WVAAW v\»»»«»**^jj a~»W 1 vr A MMM ^f%J W Scott's Waverley Novels, 25 vols. Library edit. Lear^b4 's Nonsense* 1 ,| containing * The-^ Owl"s^ and the^«4^^ Pussy^ %-*' Cat^^ W ' aa.j u.j ChetbamViiv UUCwUX SocietyK-TVrWJkV/ w^y 'sw Publications.» ** *^* .^^^ »« »/*. v *-* w» Any vols.t vr«u * and * Mrs. Jingly Jones ' (J. R. Bush) British. Association Reports. Birmingham, 1839 ; Glasgow, Vanity Fair. Dec. 4, 1875 1840 Nonsense Vorses, illustrated by Lord Mark Kerr Ha zdly Watson , & Viney, 6 Kirby Street, Hat ton Ga rden, B.C. Day of Rest. March and July 1878 Any Book on the Treatment of Oils, on the Manufacture of Varnish or of Printing Ink Kirberger , W. /?., Amsterdam Garden. 1880, 1881 Eigham , C , Farrin gdon Street, B.C. Hill's Homes of the London Poor Etheridge's Syrian. Churches D'Arblay's Diary, 4 vols. or 7 vols. Kramers , H. A., & Son, Rotterdam Priest to the Altar. 1st edit. bnd. Cockayne, Seinte Marherete, in Old English. 1862 Cox's Private Letters of St. Paul Quest of Chief Good Lachlan , F. C , 11 Colebrooke Row, iVL HiscoJce UJ,Ui>J ofVr l. VariationsT %M»M. X.€JkVl.\JJL1 0 Bolingbroke's Letters and Correspondence, cloth Hibberd*s Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste Hervey's (Lord) Memoirs (Croker) Barrington's (Jonah ) Memoirs Walpole's Memoirs Sheraton's ^t _ • ¦ Cabinet-Maker_ ^__ _ Cowley* '8 (Hannah) Works LHghton, J. A J. f 40 Brewer Street, Golden Square , W. English Mechanic. Nos. 394, 710 Janius' Letters. Wcodfall's edit. 1772 m.a Thornton— -.^#«. wviA 'so Translxiauoiatiuii ui JT JciUtUo 9 ¦*- ation_ of__ Plautus_ _ , 8 parts ^ l_ . 1I v a —~ » — Middlemarch Cairnes Leading Principles of Political Economy Daniel Deronda, 8 parts Gardner's England, 1603-16, 2 vols. 1863 Roberts' Egypt and Nubia, 3 vols. folio. Coloured copy : 1607-23.1607-23, 2 vols. 1869 Cobbctfs Rural Rides Lippincott ,J. B., uu.a iy 8 . _ ?r Blrd 3 (o^^on > 180.1OU4 £&5S!S? nd » 3 vote, cloth,- - let edit . Lowe, C , Broad Street Corner, Birmingham e ar Bret 1773 Vol.4 Lamb's Works, 12mo. 1818. Vol. 1 OiS ' ,P ' - Vol. 1 2 c Fplates . 182L Robinson Crusoe. 1719. *;arisPari s SketchfiS££.*i?' Book. t ?^«red ' Howitt'a Remarkable Places. 2nd Series alea Vol 1 of Irish Life, 12mo. Vol. 2 (Cruikshank) Letters, Conversations, &c, of Coleridge. 1836. Vol. 2 /<3 or rf Coleridge's Table Talk. 1835 . Yol. 1 2 4 Gf X. UIiV/U« A Al OV ^» » V*O» p o' ^v^ : ?. rM ' ^ ^ " ^ ^/ , ft. Punch. First 6 vols. JamL£Sr r ne> Memoriesof of Old Friends, roy. 8vo. 4 copies Priestloy'a Works, 8vo. Vol. 10 ^eson s Legendsnd the Madonna. 1st edit. Farmer's Magazine. 1834 and 1835. First 4 vols. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! »¦« ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦» ~HZI SV5 rya of J^Kendary Art, 2 vols. lat edit. >-——— ' 1848.^V*JKtf« Vol.» ^*»^ 18* "v^ _^~~ Histo^ Our Lord, 2 vole, lat edit. Universal Biography. Vols. 8, 11 HE^r- w»wua w ^no ittonasne urders, 2 vola. let edit. Harleian MluoeUany, 4to. vol. o ??^ 7?7£MBiiF£ ??^^^^^

The Publishers' Circular W Aprii ,> l8gg f BO0XS WANTED TO PURCHASE— continued.

Low, Marston, Searle, •• • Thackeray 's Newcomes. 1855. Vol. 1 Fleet , (Bradburv ^ I Peacock's Novels. A set (Ben-ley) Dickens' (C.) Child's History of England. 1852 v«i u I Tyrwhitt and Gilnllan's Canterbury Tales. I860 V*£ i « I bj-bt b» b»- ™ b* ^^ f bt — — ^ ~ b _^^^^ b ^B » ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ™ ^^ ^^ _i ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ™^ ^^ ^b^ ^ ^p " ^^^ ^V^^' £ Marstonb^M^^^L ^^^ W • ^b^ ^" ^^r • ^F , Searle, 4c Riving^ 7 ton {Medical^fc DepartTnent)^ , Low Wb B b ' "Works ,bb ^^h. b _. ^ ¦b b' ¦ Spenser s Poetical ^^ " ^1 b^^0 , by ^ ^^^ « Gilfillan. I859 18& Fleet Street , E.C. Vol 4 I Cyclopaedia of Agriculture, edited by J. C. Morton Pearson , /., 46 Pa/Z 2/a7Z, ^Sf. TT. I Thackeray's Vanity Pair. Parts. Parts 5, 13, 16 i<\ on Maclachlun & Stewart, 64 South Bridge, Edinburgh Byron's Lament of Tasso. 1st edit. > **i ^u v^^v^ fe ¦ London^b^b^b ^^ ^^b W» ^«v " .^ b* ^fc Medicalb^b Wb^^ ^b* ^^"^ .k ~i g- Record.^""' ~* " ¦» ^^* ™* ™* w Sep* ^" b" r~ t.™" v 1877~^ * ~ Waverley Novels. Bed cloth Nature. 1878. No. 471 edit. Vols. 38, 47 Hood's Whims and Oddities. 1826. 1st edit unenf- Hood's Works. Part 1 (E. Moxon & Co.) Price's (I\ G. Hilton) Ye Marigolds Farrar's Primitive Manners Macmilian A Bowes, Cambridge Phillipso n Jc Golder , Eastgate Row, Chester Sowerby's Wild Flowers. 1st edit, in Nos. preferred Irving's (Washington) Sketch Book, large type. Illustrate

¦¦ ¦¦ ~^ ~ ™ ~"™^ " » —bbbb_» —_b ^ «* ~—W^^ "V V ——« ™bb V ™b- .—.B^, —» *bb - bj -bbt V —- V *" M - b-T •»¦ ¦• ¦ V —' •"* ~ edit. Complete ~| b^™ frl ^^ ^ JL^' ^ __/ ^_ ^ ^ ^ ^#>^' Neale^J^ ^ ^^ b^ ^j * 'sfrj Views^ V V ^ of,^ ^_ the Seats of Noblemen &c. 11 vols. roy.^ 8vo. Mayor's Cambridge in 17th Century (Nicholas FerraT) Cambridge Philosophical Society's Transactions. A set or Pickering, W. & E., 3 Bridge Street, Bath any Vols. or Nos. Baskett's Book of Common Prayer, witli plates, 8ro. 1794 Problems and Solutions. Any A gooderond priceTvricp. willvn\\\ behe gierivp.nven Byron's Life and Works, fcp. 8vo. Vols. 15, 16,17 (LoDgmans} MacmVlan & Co., 29 & 30 Bedford Street, Covenf Garden , W. C. Macaulay's England, post 8vo. Vol. 8 ' Wordsworth's (W.) An Evening Walk, an Epistle in Verse, 4to. 1793 (London) Platt, R.,2 Standishga te, Wigan The Camp of Refuge, 2 vols. (Knight) Smith's Old Yorkshire. Vol. 1 (Longmaas) Austen's (Jane) Novels. Vol. 4 ( Bentley) Boyle and Manning's Tibet Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand, W.C. Cambridge Shakspeare, cloth. Vol. 4 Maggs, U., 155) Church Street, Paddington Green, W. Bell's British Theatre. 1777. Vol. 15 Webster's Dramatic Works. "Vol. 1 (Pickering) Leland's Collectanea. Vol. 4. 1774 Martin's Life of the Prince Consort. Vol. 1 Bartlett's American Scenery. Canada, Part 12 Boccaccio's Decameron, 16mo. 1822. Vol. 3 B^BB BBBBi B^B- BI Bi ^BB| «^ IBB B^B^BB ^BBBB , ^BBl BBB—B- BT ^^ BB>W BH -^^ BT »* ^F » ^ B^ ^" « ^«» Froude England^ , Laxdner*s Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Vols. 43, 107, 108, after 109 's 8vo. Vol. 9 Bab Ballads WUson's (Prof.) Works. Vol. 11

fB^BiBV _T ¦ ¦ «# ^B ~- ^ B Bf BJBi B.V Mark & Moo iy, Stourbridge R^B^BI ^h* eligious^^ ^ ¦> ^- V ^^ ~1^ ^ Tract—* ^ ^T * 4^ ^B- ^ Society,r^B^ *B^ ^BlT ^^ ^ - B^ ^ ^ B^ Edinbu^ ^ . ^^ rgh* ^~J ^B* Knight's Pictorial Shakspeare. Part 15 Finest of the Wheat (Kennedy, Edinburgh) Leopold Shak-peare. Part 14 Kir by and Spence's Entomology, 8vo. Vols. 3, 4 Rivington s, 14 Magdalen Street, Oxford Antiquary. Nos. 4 to 10 Rock'a Church of Our , 4 vols. 8to. I Good Woods. Feb. and June 1877 Dolby's Church Embroidery Smith's (George) Chronology of the Eeign of Sennacherib. Marks Brothers, 107 High Street, Barnstaple 1871 Oliver's Monasticon. Devoniense Cambridge Shakspeare. Vol. 3 Birch's Hieroglyphics I Masters, J., dt Co., 78 New Bond Street, W, Mayne^ s Hindu Law and TJ3age I Froude's Remains, 4 vols. Marryot's Children of the New Forest, 2 vols. I King's Rites of the Greek Church in Russia A Cruise upon Wheels I Bri

~ | ~ ^^ » ^T ¦* ^B» m 'B^ ^B^ I BI-BBV BBBB B> Bi -BBT BBB BB I ¦ BBBBB BB-B. BBBbBBBH, r«# BB B^B^bB* « BbB. V^BB> B ^ ^ Brown's Lecture on Symbolism Catalogue"" *~ ^^ ~J of Sund«rland Library.^J Part 1 I^^^^ H Maskell's Church of Sarum ¦ Maxwell, J. & R., 4 Shoe La ne, Fl eet Street, E.C. Goodwin s (Harvey ) Sermons I London, Is. Vol. (G. Vickers) ' Women of London, Nos. and Is. Vol. BjB~ ^^ B sewed. Id. Nos. and ' BJ*BJ M ^ ~« ^WB ^BBT B^BB BB-I -^.B BV ^ ^B- ^V ^BT BBT ^^ V^b ^ bB ^B ' *B^ ^**^^^ ^^ .V^to* V_T ^^ B*J B^B^BB Dugdale's Monasticon,J 6 vols.^ ^^ in 3 I Serpent on the Hearth. Do. Neale's Unseen World ¦ Women with the Yellow Hair. Do. Sarum Missal, in English (Ch. Press Co.) I Jukes Types of G-enesis I 11 , ' Median , B. Jc J. F., Pulleney Bridge Bath Mitfordirii uuLu' .os TalesM exico ofui Oldwiu Japano ayaiM.,, 2_v vols.vuis. 1siout edit.cui«i ¦ h Friends iti Council, cl. small 8vo. 1849. Vol. 2 (Pickering) Shakspeare's Poems. Pickering's Aldine edit. ¦ Mrs. Leicester's School , 12mo. 1808 Dead and Gone, aa Examination of Two False Doctrines ¦ Casaubon's Treatise proving Spirits, Witches, &c. 8vo. 1672 Crcvier's History of the University of Paris I Howitt's (Wm.) ViBits to Remarkable Places. 1842. Vol. 2 ¦ Alisou's Europe.' 1877. VoJ. 4 Turner's Annual Tour. 1834-5. Vols. 2, 3 Ranke's Popes. 3874. ' Vol. 1 I Fishing Gazette. Complete Napier's Peninsular War. 1877. Vol. 1 ¦ Moore's Ireland. Lardner's Series. Vol. 4 ¦ H Midland Educati onal Company * Birmingham Winter's Translation of Hermann and Dorothea (Simpkin) Jago's Poems «/uo the ¦ Barlowxhu iotv 'sa v.(Hn.. C.)\^.) Critical^nt-iuiu Contributions\juuLriuuLiu ii » toi " the Study^v~»j of— h Shenstone^ s Poems Divina Commedia, 8vo. (Williams &l N orgate) ¦ WilBoa's (Bishop) Parochialia ¦ Milne, A. 6c R.% 199 ct 201 rTnton Street, Aberdeen Mosaic Gardening I Anderson's Domestic Constitution The Forest Youtb ;: or,. ShaS|iatsocaretspcare as lie JLivedLived ¦ The Brahan Seer Burns' Poems, 4 vols. (Chambers) Robbers , J. Q., 83 Flaringvliet Rotterdam, ¦ yols. , Child' B BJ /^^ B B| B B s Ballads 8 « BB V> Bf ^ .^ . * — B^ b , j _- B_ ~B , B B^b tf^B ft B ^^^ * ** f 1^ ^% .^ ^^ b ^ « ¦ * WV ^^^ ^^ * ^^ ¦ Potavel's Struggle for Eternal Life ^^^^ . 1' rancis' History of the Bank of England Knight's Life of Erasmus I Gregory's Animal Magnetism Babington's Benefit of Christ I Hopkins' Handbook of Average ¦ Murray, JI/>.,-60a A Ibemarle Street, W. Beehive of the Romish Church. 1598 or 1636 ¦ Jenning'a Eighty Years of Republican Government in the United States, post 8vo. Roche, J., 1 Southampton Row, Jlolbom, W.C. ¦ Rock's Church of Our Fathers. Part 1 of Vol. 6 ¦ Newton, C, 146 //i(/A Street, Croydon Kuak in'e Modern 1'ainters. Vol. 5 ¦ Little Dombcy. Original edit. La Fontaine's Con tea. 179C. Vol. 2 ¦ Hine's Wreck of the Grosvenor. 1790 Erskine's Speeches. Vol. 2 ¦ Cassoll's Magazine. Nov. and Dec. 1880 Raskin's Stones, cloth. 1st or 2nd edit. Vol. i m Faber's Many Mansions in the Mundane Houfle ot the Father oroug h ¦ Nisbet, J., A Co., 21 Berners Street, W. Roper, E. R., 3 St. Nicholas Street, Scarb ¦ Mm — — j vols. K-* V V* V -l«~L_' _jr KJ -»-* m » v_* l»bKR \a .r . %* "-»"»_ «-* m r-•— - r, G Simpson s (Sir James) Life Soutliey 's Life and Letters* '* , by ^^^ k ' .-, , ¦ -~— -—¦ History of Brazil —¦• ¦ ¦ ^ - » /• •0*^ ^^ Mr«» » m «%, m^ w t ^^ ^ ^^ '^ ^ ^— (1871) Bonar's Words Old and New No. 144 , vou H Kerr's Prophecies of the Last Days All tlic Year Ro u nd . How Series. ^ Bridge on Faith to 1C9, Vol. 7 (1872) ¦ Wagner's Wanderings of the Children of Israel ¦ Melville's Voices of the Year Sandeli A Smith, 186 CTI*D Acts^X^lKS , blackkNUOA cloth. ^H Viollet-lo-Duc's Annals of ft Fortre»s ¦ . ^ . . _ s_ Proverbs.. . __ Vol._B 1 « » . Dolitzsoh' ~^BB B. Bi — B^^ O .BBL B^K » ^ B^B^.1 Law's Serious Coll to a Devout Life *M Haira (Bishop) , vol. l u 1 Grant's f James) Works. All or anvof fche orkinal edits. Work** ^ f^_Z-l--^---^_ir=---^^ I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [|jjW p ^M ^j ^BlM p^Mrf ^W^MWWMWBM.1I ^BMI ^I^^ .^^I ^I ^ ¦ ~ ¦ W*^ ^^^^^ >^^^^^ M ^I^ [^ [^ [^9ur ' -

i, 1882 The ^wblishers ' Circular Apni ¦ ii . BI * ^ BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE —continued.

chin's American Agency, 8 Silver Street, Bloomsbury Treacher , H. A C., Brighton -—*¦ -¦—¦ ¦*¦» »¦ ¦ k/Lf^Mr Criirip y l. v ** !-¦-*••****^^ ¦* orks~ ~y, largc? e^ paperx jc—~ ,? — » %/»* m v* a VJkl W^^ A^.« * f MUCMkV Shirley 'so Dramatic*- W uncut Nell ; or, On and Off tbe Stage Booksellers' Catalogues. Early copies Hart's Annual Army List Sterne's Works. 1799. Vol. 6 Berkley's Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany Johnson. Murray's 10-vol. edit. Vol. 5 Riddle's Family Prayers s Final Memorials, 2 vols. cloth Collins' (Wilkie) After Dark, 3 vols. Lamb,' ^ChaucerOT1 Pr's Poetical Works, 6 vols.vols. Aldine edit. No Name, 3 vols. Churchill 's Poetical Works, 3 vols. Do. Butler's Poetical Works, 2 vols. Do. Virtue & Co. (Limited) , 2t> Ivy Lane, E.C. Hudibras, 2 vols. coloured plates Collins' Voyasre to New South Wales Sixty Portraits to illustrate Phillips' Voyage to New South Wales Burke's Vicissitudes of Families, 3 vols. White's Voyag-e to New South Wales Romance of the Forum. 1st Series. Vol. 1 Flinder's Voyage to Australia, 2 vols., plates by We stall Evans' Catalogue of Portraits. Vol. 2 ism, 2 vols. 8vo. , Walton, F., Castlegate, Malton Lecky's Rational The Lamps of the Temple. 1852 (Partridge) . Three copies Gronow's Celebrities of London and Paris Johnson's Works, large paper. Oxf ord Classic edit. Waterhouse, S., Sun Buildings, Bradfor d

large paper. ¦ v ~ ~ , Do. ^-^^^ ~ f s Works ^ ^ ^~-^^^m^^ h ^ ^ ^k^ B^b^^bi ^m^*r ^r ^h^ ^^ i i ' ¦ ^^ ^ ^b^ ^^ ^^p ^^ T V i Robertson„. • i r . _ J _ _ .#• •% r\ *\r * n i Milman's History^ of the Jews Literary Souvenir, large paper, India proof s. 1833-34 Stanley's Jewish Church, and other Works Macaulay 's Speeches, 8vo. cloth Strauss' Life of Jesus, translated ~ O^^l^i^ p^w v^p^^^^ — ^K _^P ww v ^^ ~n i ^ ^™^^p »^—^^ -^^ ^— -^p' ¦ ^- ^^ ^ ^^ -^ ~^ ^^ ^^^« v »*^ ^» v ^^ ^^ ^» —~ ~- Lay^ s of Ancient Rome-,j uncut. 1845 Morris' Earthly Paradise, 4 vols. . Essays, 3 vola. 1860 Encyclopaedia Britannica, red cloth. Vols. 5 to 13 inclusive Shot-land, W., 33 High Street, Southampton Wesley, W., 28 Essex Street, Strand , W. Gibson's Dilston Hall Zoological Society's Proceedings. 1859 Edwards' Botanical Register. Plates 949-955 and 1128-9, Simms, S. VT., George /Street, Bath with text Lear's Corsica Napier's Peninsular War. Vol. 6 Midland Florist. 1856, 1858, 18G1, 1862 Wallace's Malay Archipelago Gard ener's Chronicle. 1849 to 1854= Stokers and Pokers Gazette, by Glenny Magazine of Art. OLd Series. Part 19 Phytologist. 1st Series Joan. Vol. 1 Wash bourne, R., 18 Patern oster Row, E.C. Pettit's Book of Mottoes Lacordaire's Life of Montalembert 8mith, W.,97 London Street, Reading Wheldon, J., 58 Great Queen. Street, W.C. hk ^v » ¦ ^^ ^ r Mr ^™ ^pf ' Lodge^p^ 0 ^^ ^4 ^^ 's^/ Portraits.J^ ^^ & ^V^ h *^ " • * w CabinetI | — ^^^^ ^^ ^ edit.v ™ ^ ^^ V Vols.* T n ^ ^* * ^ 5*^~ ,j 8^^ Braid's Researches in Hypnotism and Electro-Biology. 1852 Taylor's (Bayard ) Under Egyptian Palrm Cooke's Handbook, British Fungi, 2 vols. India and Japan Denny's Treaty Ports of China and Japan. 1867 ^pr ¦ A w Ritchie^pt w 4 ^rf * 's"^ -^ Worldi v ^^ ^ ^fe ^^^ b of^^^ ''^^ India^^^^ ^ ^ ^**^ v ^ ^'^^ Early English Text Society. Nos. 13, 15, 19 "Whiting's Romance of a Garret Gardner's History of England, from James I. to Smith, W. IT,,

Visitation . 1.V ¦ *^ ^^^ ^^ ~ *^ ^hN' V ^>^ ^ pr of Lancashire (Chetham Society) 1862^^ ^^ ^^ , 1863^^ ^^P* ,V 1805^^ , I860^ ^ ^ ^ Pictures fjom Italy. 1st edit. Telegraphic Engineers. Parts 1, 2, 13, 14, 24, 28 to Luke's Common Sense of Water Cure Zoologica l Society 's Proceedings, coloured. 1859 r orster'8 Lancashire Pedigrees, 4to. Society of Arts Journ al. Vols. 8, 10 ' Yorksliire Pedigrees, 2 vols. 4to. Williams

Al perly p«¦ Vit i ^ 'H ox"A. HuntingA AUJlLLUif Wilson <£• M'Connick, 120 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow 8 l-tory of the Northmen Laveley 's Socialisme Moderne MorifTVe"vnlo a Rome" Burton >f JX , 8vo. Vol. 7 's Lake Region of Central Africa s Literature-^uiure ofor the Sabbath QuestionQuestion., 2 vola.vola. 18G5 Stocldart's Angler Smith's (Alexander) Life Drama Ure> Dec- 1, 188 1 , or monthly part for Dec. Wyllie, D., A Son, 167 Union Street, Aberdeen ^ Coleridge's (Derwent) Sermons vilUW f.r56 SoM^ ^^^«» Edinburgh (Hartley) Poems MaliS-V*? rks» bj Fr«nkHn and Smollett, 37 role. Etsays and Marginalia Strickland's Queens of England. 4th edit. Vol. 3 No 8 oon Jil0 ManMan.«if.sfi^ Li -e, ,t>.i?. n B1< > tiede JnneiroJ aneiro, 44to.to. 1820 Fielding's Complete Works oS ?!i <»la»cWonl ) Paragfuay Ac. 1856 1861 k*Pedition a 1'iLtnerique Central©, C vole. 8vo. Yu' e, J ., 7 Aberdeen Walk, Scarborough Nicholas N ick leby. Original edit. Page 447 h a Travel3 >» So»th America Ln 1819 2 vole. 8vj. Pickwick Papers. Original edit. Pages 07, 161, and last leaf L ^nSl_^^Languap°IlS T , J:::: ::: = ro, 2 vole, po^t 8vo. Young's History of Whitby. Vol. 1 l T^ ^ ^ ^rQ ^- ¦ ¦ ¦ -- ;- l r>r - .r - . - - ' ' ¦> v- - - jj , Wg% * '~ : \o$; "*- i 7 X-"-*^jr ^.^:i: - >:_ . -; :- i " , ^ ^ ^ T r .T^-'- ^^^ ^ "(^ ^^^ T:- - ' ''"¦ ' ¦:¦ ' ; * : "-. :_ ^sri ^c^-^ ; ^.- ^.^ , ' - "-y ^ B^ M ' 344 The Pub lishers' Circular April i, \M HUGHES 'S EDUCATIONAL MO NTHLIES? Jf CyOIN JL f Ut^ J JL 'Jti -iJLP Jt5 X «J ^ r ?»_tLi JtJL Jni - l^ /^jridL lti W. THE GOVERN ESS. A. LADIESJ LITERARY MONTHLY. Price 6d., post-free , 7£&. ; Three Months , Is. lid. ; Six Months , 3s. 0d. ; One Year, 78. 6d. ; Chief Contbibutohs to Yolumb I. PROFESSOR BAJN, of the University of Aberdeen, Author J. R. GREEN", B.Sc. of * Education as a Science.' W. H. HARVEY", B.A. W. 0. COUPLAND, M.A.., B.Sc., lecturer on Mental and EMILY SEIRRBPF, President of the Proebel Society Moral Science at the Bedford College. Mrs. WIG-LEY, Author of * The Marahfield Maidens ' Rer. Sir Gk W. COX, Bart., M. A.., Author of ' The EMILY G-. JONES, of the London Institute for the Mythology of the Aryan Nations ' &c. Ad vancement of Plain Needlework. Rev. J. Q-. WOOD, M.A.. P.L.S., Author of * HomeSiWithout P. L. GREEN", late Aikin Scholar of Newnham ColletB Hands.' THOMAS CRAMIPTON. Lady BENEDICT. JOHN R. LA.NaLER,B.A.,P.R.G.S., one of theExamirrn JAMES BAILEY , Head Master of the Southlands Training in G-eography to the College of Preceptors. College for Schoolmistresses. J. S. FLETCHE R. THE AUTHOR OP < A TOUR AMONG- TEACHERS.' J. L. KLNTOtf, B A., of the We3tminster College. OTHER SPECfAL^ FEATURES. Our Exa miner . 1 Private Help Column. (1) Elementary Schools. Not only will bond J ide jn this column we shall be happy to give our Examination Questions be set, but Model Answers Subscribers help (without charge) in any question or Siven to eTery Question. subj ect whicU present* a difficulty . (2) Oxford, Cambridge, and College of Precep- -*,-„ fiirfv,ol. r,c.«nM,1ftT.a aan +"L n A m ^t u will be set accompanied P ^ P Number °f ^ ^ roRS.-Specimen Papers , TheHB aov^OVERNKSSKXsq - by Model Answers to each Question. L Freehand Drawin g Copy. Reviews. Liter ar y Gossip. Art Notes. Science Notes. Music Notes. Dr ess. THE PRACT I CAL TEACHER. Price 6d., post-free, 7J d. ; Three Months , Is. lid. ; Six Months , 3s. 9d. ; One Te ar , 7s, 6d. of Chief^Contents Voi/ume II. School Sur gery. By Alfred Carpenter, Pu pil-Teachers ' Examination Questions M.D., G.S.S., Author of " Health at School.' 1882. With full Model Answexa to every Question. Eminent Practical Teachers. Scholarshipw Questions , 1882. With full PESTAT^OZZI. By the Rev. Canon Warbuiiton. ~ -Model Ans vvera to every Question.

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