\:1 l(d)(;l (I CS~l(;l (I \if"' l~i ~ Cf)(UI (~ 4RCI~"1 ~ 'tlut'wf ¥i~l<'5ll, 'fffif ~) 111{(1'1 1{'11 National Highways Authority of India wmt• *'!1!1 'R 3llllR (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India) ~~: "1WTVCR', ~m, jq~~~(~~)~ilim, Wf~, ~~~-44ooot ~ Regional Office: "Narang Towers", 1~ Floor, Opp. to Office of Dy. Commissioner of Police Traffic (Nagpur City), Palm Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur· 440 001 Maharashtra Tel/Fax: 0712-2520091, 0712-2980554 ~-frfli/ Email:
[email protected] NHAI/RO/NGP/6/8/Fee Revision/2020-19/ 3~o F? Date 24.03.2020 To, The Project Director, National Highways Authority of India • PIU Dhule, Mangal Bunglow, Plot No. 14, 15 & 16, Mansaram Nagar, Near Circuit House, Sakri Road, Dhule 424002 (Maharashtra) ~ub:- Design, Engineering, Finance, Construction, Development, Operation and Maintenance of the 4 Laning of MP/Maharashtra Border- Dhule Section of NH-3 From Km 168.500 to Km. 265.000 in the State of Maharashtra Under NHDP Phase Ill on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) Basis. -Revision of User Fee for the FY -2020-21 w.e.f. 01.04.2020 in accordance with the provisions of the National Highways fee Determination of Rates and Collection Rules, 2008 and the Concession Agreement of the project stretch-Reg. Ref.: Your office letter no. 514 dated 20.03.2020 Sir, Please refer to the above subject and reference. In this context, approved revised rates of User Fee to be applicable from 01.04.2020 for the year 2020-21 as under- • Toll rates for Toll Plaza- 1 at Km: 205+000-Shirpur Toll Sr.