Journal of Administrative and Business Studies JABS 2016, 2(6): 304-314

PRIMARY RESEARCH The effect of and Ůirm size towards the difference of market reaction around -split announcement in Indonesia

Edric Julio Kinata *

School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Index Terms Market volatility The primary objective of a company is to increase the wealth of the shareholders. Every decision, Firm size Abstract. policies or action must be made to favor the shareholders. Corporations conduct corporate actions to improve their performance or increase the wealth of the shareholders. Stock split is one of the several corporate measures Cumulative abnormal return perceived to be a positive . In this paper, the researcher wants to study factors that can affect in- ’ reaction vestors’ reactions towards the same corporate action: stock split. It is believed that market volatility can cause a One-way ANOVA difference in investors’ reactions towards the same positive corporate action (stock split) as studied before. To analyze this, the researcher will ūirst classify the stock split result in Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) based on the volatility of the period that the stock split is conducted in and the ūirm size that performs the stock split. The researcher will use one-way ANOVA to ūind out if there is a statistically signiūicant difference in market reac- Received: 24 August 2016 tion towards the stock-split event based on those two classiūications. The researcher found that investors react Accepted: 19 November 2016 differently towards the stock-split event in different market volatility conditions. It is also found that there is Published: 19 December 2016 no difference in investors’ reaction towards stock split based on ūirm size. The researcher also conducts further research and found that investors react differently in different market volatility conditions in ūirms with small and medium market capitalization. While as in ūirms with large market capitalization, it is found that there is no statistically signiūicant difference in investors’ reaction towards stock splits that are conducted in various market volatility conditions.

© 2016 The Author(s). Published by TAF Publishing.

INTRODUCTION When the stock price has already reached certain level of The primary purpose of a company is to add beneūit for the price, the liquidity decreases as more individual investors shareholders. This means that all corporate actions con- can’t afford the high price of the stock. To make sure the ducted by a corporation must beneūit the shareholders to liquidity of the stock is maintained at the same time with- establish -term cooperation. In a listed company, the out changing the value of the company, company usually liquidity of the stock is one of the factors that can increase executes “stock split.” In a stock split, a speciūic number of the attractiveness for investors to invest in the enterprise. new shares are substituted for each outstanding share. The

*Corresponding author: Edric Julio Kinata †Email: [email protected]

© The Author(s). Published by TAF Publishing. This is an Open Access article distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives 4.0 International License 305 J. Admin. Bus. Stud. 2016 main changes are par-value and number of shares outstand- a. To prevent the share price from being too expensive so ing adjusted by the split variable. All publicly-traded cor- the number of shareholders can keep growing. porations have a set number of shares that are being traded b. To return the price and average trading volume of the on money markets. A stock split is a choice by the corpo- stock back to the targeted range. ration's board of director to build the quantity of shares by c. To signal information about future investment opportu- issuing more shares to current shareholders. For instance, nity regarding proūit growth and . in a 2-for-1 stock split, each shareholder with one stock is Stock split is executed when the share price has already given an extra share. Along these lines, if an organization been considered too high that can limit the buying power had 10 million before the split, it will of the . By performing the split, the stock price will have 20 million shares outstanding after a 2-for-1 split. fall and is expected to attract small investors. The stock A stock's price is likewise inūluenced by a stock split. split will automatically result in the increase in the num- Brennan & Hughes (1991) after a split, the stock price will ber of shares so that investors related to the activity can be diminished following the quantity of shares outstand- rearrange their investment portfolio. For that, information ing has expanded. In the case of a 2-for-1 split, the offer about the stock split and the motives of the company are a cost will be divided. Along these lines, in spite of the fact crucial information for the investors in making the decision that the quantity of outstanding shares and the stock value to buy, hold or sell the based on the analysis of infor- change, the business sector capitalization stays consistent. mation that comes with the stock split (Ikenberry, Rankine Conroy & Harris (1999) a stock split is generally done by & Stice, 1996) However, based on the history of stock split organizations that have seen their share price increment to actions done by companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange levels that are either too high or are past the value levels of (IDX), not all companies gain beneūit as mentioned above. comparative organizations in their division. The essential It is true that stock split is considered as good signal and thought process is to make shares appear to be more rea- many companies have gained beneūit from the stock split sonable to small investors despite the fact that the under- announcement. But, there are several companies that ex- lying value of the corporation has not changed. Ikenberry perienced negative abnormal return on their share price & Ramnath (2002) while a stock split is just a change in the after the announcement of the split. denomination of the value of a ūirm on paper, it has been The author wants to research if market volatility has a researched that a positive cumulative abnormal return usu- role in the different results of the stock split announcement. ally occurs around the announcement dates for the splits This paper concentrates on a more reūined expectation of (Fama, Fisher, Jensen & Roll, 1969). the data content hypothesis. On the off chance that the These mean stock splits can also result in a stock price data substance of the declaration is value-pertinent, then it increase following the immediate decrease after the split. takes after that a signal might be more darkened amid times Since many small investors perceive the stock is presently when market volatility is high and business sector "noise" more reasonable and purchase the stock, they wind up rises, and that a sign might be better to be sent when the boosting interest and drive up share price. Another expla- business sector is moderately quiet, such that hand-waving nation behind the cost increment is that a stock split gives is more successful consideration. Also, we analyze whether a sign to the market that the organization's offer cost has any conclusion can be pulled out regarding stock split in been expanding and individuals accept this growth will pro- large versus small ūirms. In this research, the researcher ceed later on, and once more, lift demand and prices. The will focus on the stock split announcement, speciūically the primary concern is that a stock split is utilized essentially by split-up only (excluding reverse stock split) of the compa- corporations that have seen their share price increase gen- nies done from 2010 to 2015. The research aims to test erously and despite the fact that the quantity of outstanding whether market volatility can affect the difference of stock shares increments and the decrease in price per share, the split results between companies who experienced positive market capitalization (and the value of the corporation) impact after the split and companies who experienced the do not change. Therefore, stock splits make shares more negative impact regarding (CAR) before and after the split. buyable to small investors and give more noteworthy attrac- The research will identify whether the stock split, whose tiveness and liquidity in market. Martin, William, Arthur & initial purpose is to increase the liquidity and the price of David (1999) mentioned several reasons that managers the share by boosting the attractiveness of the company’s perform stock split which are: stock price is affected by market volatility and ūirm size

ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 2016 E. J. Kinata – The effect of market volatility . . . . 306 which can cause the stock split news to be perceived dif- pany can be a two-for-one stock, which means each of the ferently. The researcher will determine the result to be shareholders will receive two shares for each share owned positive or negative by dividing the stock split event into previously, whereas the new share price will be half of the three major parts; The pre-split event which ranges for two previous share, or with three-for-one- stock, which means days before the stock split announcement, the stock split the shareholder will receive 3 shares for each share owned day which is the date of the stock split being executed and previously, with the new share price for a third of previous the post-split event which is analyzed until two days after share price and so on. By doing so, the total equity of the the stock-split execution. Within this time measure, the re- company stays the same and will not experience change searcher will decide how the stock split affects the stock (Rohana & Mukhlasin, 2003). According to Dewi (2000), price performance. CAR was recorded during the window the in America that is represented by New surrounding each stock split announcement. During the York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has a regulation regarding the 5-day period, the researcher will analyze whether market stock split. NYSE classiūies the stock split into two, which volatility and ūirm size affect the result of the stock-split are partial stock split and full stock split. The partial split execution in terms of the cumulative abnormal return. The is the increase of shares distributed by 25% but less than objectives of this research are: 100% of the current shares outstanding. The full split is the 1. To ūind the difference in abnormal return around the increase in shares outstanding as much as 100% or more stock split announcement during high and low market based on the current shares outstanding. By all means, the volatility purpose of stock split is to ensure the stock to be liquid due 2. To ūind the difference in abnormal return around the to the increased trading volume and attractiveness for the stock split announcement done by small ūirms, medium investor. ūirms, and large ūirms Stock split can “wake” a “sleeping” stock that will be 3. To ūind the interaction between market volatility and very beneūicial to increase company’s performance in the ūirm size that can affect the result of the stock split stock market. Two possible factors can cause a stock to be inactive; the ūirst is because the stock is prospective and THEORETICAL FOUNDATION issues regular dividend which means the stock is very at- Stock split is executed when the stock price in the market tractive for the long-term investor, so the stock is not regu- has been considered too high, and the company believes larly traded due to the hold action by the investor. Secondly, a lower share price will result in better marketability and the stock is considered unattractive and not prospective. broader distributions. By this, the company can decide to With this condition, the stock split is responded by investor exchange the shares outstanding by using a corporate ac- positively, which is shown by the increased transaction fre- tion called a stock split. Stock split is a corporate activity quency that is resulted by the increased liquidity of the that splits some shares into n number of shares, whereas stock (Basir & Fakhruddin, 2005). the new price per share after the stock split is 1/n of the According Sutrisno, Soffy & Francisca (2004 ) stock dis- previous price per share (Jogiyanto, 2003). There are two tribution in the form of stock split is executed just for the kinds of stock split that can be executed; one is split up, and sake of cosmetic changes because stock split doesn’t af- the other one is split down/reverse split. The reverse split fect the cash ūlow of the company and investors’ ownership is the increase in price per share and decreases the number proportion. But, different opinion was stated by Sutrisno of shares outstanding. et al. (2004 ) which states that a stock split can bring back Example for reverse split are split factors of 1:2; 1:3; a stock price per share to an optimal trading range and in- and 1:4. Split up is the decrease of price per share which crease the liquidity. Company that executes stock split on results in the increase of shares outstanding. The example the stock will attract investor by lowering the share price for split up are the split factors of 2:1; 3:1; and 4:1. The which will result in the increase of shareholders after split comparison between the previous number of shares out- announcement. The impact of stock split towards the re- standing and the new one is called split ratio. For example turn for investor was explained by Sutrisno et al. (2004 ) 2:1 means one share will be split into two shares with new that there is abnormal activity in the stock trading around nominal (Basir & Fakhruddin, 2005). A split up can attract the split announcement. Meanwhile, Sutrisno et al. (2004 the investor, making the stock be more liquid in the market )conclude that the existence of anomaly caused by the split (Widiastuti & Usmara, 2005). A split up executed by a com- will increase the company’s proūit. Theoretically, the mo-

ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 307 J. Admin. Bus. Stud. 2016 tives behind the stock split as well as the impacts are aligned as a measure of the data environment (Lang & Lundholm, with the theories below (Rohana & Mukhlasin, 2003): 1993). Also, stock market volatility indeed has an impact a. Trading range theory on overabundance of stock returns around another corpo- b. Signaling theory rate announcement (Docking & Koch, 2005). Our intent is Bar- Josef and Brown in Marwata (2001) stated that in to provide further insight by separately examining the price signaling theory, the stock split provides information for impact of stock splits during different volatility regimes by the investor about the substantial return growth in the fu- using the standard deviation of the market return as volatil- ture. The growth in return can be predicted and is a signal ity measurement. Two techniques are utilized as a part of for -term and long-term proūit. Doran in Khomsiyah this study to measure volatility and evaluate changes in (2001), stated that analyst would perceive the signal and its level after some time: (1) substantial single day price use it to predict long-term-earning growth. Market reac- changes and (2) the standard deviation of returns. tion towards stock split is not because of the split action Considering the main technique, the essential issue is itself which is economically valueless, but about the future the way everyday price changes ought to be ūigured. Fre- prospect of the company that is signaled by the activity. Not quent volatility in the stock exchange is represented by all companies can execute stock split. The only company outright price changes. At the point when looking at infor- that suits the signaling condition can beneūit from the stock mation after some time, which is the embodiment of market split. The company that provides invalid signal will receive volatility, percentage price changes must be utilized. More- bad impacts. If a company without good prospect tries to over, percentage price changes or returns can be ūigured signal through stock split, it will instead lower the share in a few courses with, perhaps, the most broadly utilized price if the market knows the current bad condition of the being the number arithmetic return. Notwithstanding, it company (Wahyu & Jogianto, 2000). is desirable over ūigure rate cost changes in log contrast structure as a result of this present technique's symmetric Market Volatility treatment of cost increments and declines, and this is the There have been numerous studies regarding stock market methodology that is used as a part of this study. Character- volatility. One clariūication of business sector unpredictabil- izing Pt as today's cost and Pt-1 as yesterday's value, today’s ity relates liquidity danger to the current monetary change. return or log rate change in value, Rt, might be composed as, Liquidity can be characterized in no less than two diverse ways. The principal identiūies with that it is so natural to Rt = (ln (Pt)- ln (Pt-1)) x 100 = ln (Pt/Pt-1) x 100 (2.1) exchange the , which is identiūied with exchanging volume and little offered ask spreads as depicted by (Brun- The second measure of instability is the standard de- nermeier & Pedersen , 2009). The second is ūinancing liq- viation of returns, which is ūigured on both a month to uidity identiūied with the assets accessible to an imminent month premise and for different ūive-year intervals. For purchaser or seller. Volatility is deūined using two methods; every month or ūive-year interval, costs are changed over (1) the standard deviation of returns and (2) large single into natural logarithms, and the mean and standard devi- day price changes (Mansur, Cochran & Phillips, 1991). ations are ascertained for the log contrasts between days Daily closing prices for the Jakarta Composite Index are inside every month or ūive-year interval. Both measures of used to calculate standard deviations on a monthly ba- volatility, single-day price changes in log difference form sis and for various four-year intervals for January 2011 and standard deviations of returns, are calculated over the through December 2015 period. Past research, including January 2011 - December 2015 period utilizing day by day Lang & Lundholm (1993), states that high volatility might information for the Jakarta Composite index. be an intermediary for the data environment. Docking & Koch (2005) in their investigation of proūit change an- Firm Size nouncements, ūind that announcement to lower proūits are Yasmin & Yusuf (2008) stated that market capitalization trailed by a more prominent decline in stock cost amid times (usually called Market Cap) is a measurement of company of volatility and high market returns. Since there is proof size. Market cap refers to the value obtained from the com- that diverse data situations inūluence abundance of stock pany's number of shares outstanding multiplied by the cur- returns around stock split announcements (Chern, Tandon, rent share price (current stock price). Brieūly, Market Cap Yu & Webb, 2008), stock value instability can be utilized can be interpreted as a price needed to be paid by someone

ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 2016 E. J. Kinata – The effect of market volatility . . . . 308 to become the largest shareholder of a company. The size of the expected return. Meanwhile, the abnormal return will the company is the basic determinant (basic determinant) be negative if the actual return is smaller than the expected on asset allocation (asset allocation) and the risk-return return. Abnormal return can happen because of the certain parameters for stocks and shares. According events such as national holiday, the beginning of a month, to Yocelyn & Christiawan (2013), classiūication of market uncertainty in the political climate, initial , capitalization in Indonesia can be categorized into: stock split, and some other extra-ordinary phenomena. 1. Blue Chip stock– Big Cap Company with total market cap- Event study will analyze the abnormal return from stock italization above 40 trillion Rupiah that might happen because of the announcement of certain 2. Second Layer stock – medium cap Company with total event. market capitalization between 1 trillion Rupiah and 40 tril- lion Rupiah ARi,t = Ri,t −E(Ri, t) (2.3) 3. Third Layer stock – small cap Company with very small total market capitalization, Cumulative Abnormal Return which is below 1 trillion Rupiah. Little (2014) explains that Cumulating abnormal return across time yields the cumu- the stock market and investors treat companies differently, lative abnormal return measure: depending on the size of the company. Market Cap is used as PT 2 the means most convenient to compare one company with CARi(π1, π2) = t=T 1 ARi,t (2.4) another company. Furthermore, Little (2014) also explains that the Market Cap is an easy concept to grasp. Market Cap Previous research by Johnson & Stretcher (2009) ex- is the answer to the question: How much should we pay to pressed that while positive abnormal stock returns around buy all the outstanding shares of a company? The impor- stock split declarations that have been archived for a con- tance of market cap in decision making by investors can be siderable length of time, new proof was found that these seen on the popular investment trend in recent decades. In abnormal stock return shifts depend on the level of market investing, investors tend to judge companies based on size. volatility. Positive CARs around stock split declarations, 1) Several investors limit their choices only to ūirms of a cer- are driven by times of low unpredictability and 2) are more tain size, even not few investors who use Market Cap as the critical for small ūirms. For small ūirms, in times of low main criteria in investing. Not a few investors who choose volatility, there may exist gains from declaring a stock split. to deploy money into the various companies with diverse There exists prove that small ūirms abhor the same gains market cap (Yasmin & Yusuf, 2008). amid times of medium and high volatility. Lang & Lund- holm (1993), conjecture that high volatility may be a proxy Market Model-Adjusted Return for the information environment. Stock price volatility can The expected return is calculated based on single index be used as a measure of the information environment. market model. αi∧&βi∧will be used as the parameters of Atiase (1985) and Freeman (1987) provide evidence the market model. This model is estimated using Ordinary that a greater proportion of earning information is im- Least Square (OLS) regression over the estimation time. pounded in stock prices prior to corporate announcements This method is often found being used as the model to cal- for large ūirms than for small ūirms, suggesting that the culate expected return in previous event studies because amount of information provided by and about ūirms is in- this method can control the relationship between market creasing in ūirm size. Docking & Koch (2005) in their study returns and stock returns. Moreover, this method allows of dividend change announcements, ūind that announce- the risk to vary based on the associated stock. ments to are followed by a greater decrease in stock price during periods of high volatility and high mar- (Ri, t) = αi + βi ∗ Rm, t (2.2) ket returns, which means that stock market volatility does have an effect on excess stock returns around another cor- Abnormal Return porate announcement, dividend changes (Docking & Koch, Abnormal return or excess return is the difference between 2005). the expected return and the actual return on time (t) of an individual stock (Sitthipongpanich, 2011). The abnormal RESEARCH METHODOLOGY return will be positive if the actual return is greater than In this research, author will analyze the effect of market

ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 309 J. Admin. Bus. Stud. 2016 volatility and ūirm size towards the reaction of the stock riod for each stock split announcement to know whether there is signiūicant The research period for each stock will be conducted within correlation between them. The existence of cumulative ab- 5 days; 2 days before the split announcement, the day of the normal return will be analyzed to know how the market split announcement and 2 days after the split announce- perceives the event. After that, the cumulative abnormal ment. If the day is holiday for stock trading activity, the return is then grouped twice, ūirst is grouped based on the next day will be used. volatility and the second is based on market cap. Lastly, we combine the result based on volatility and market cap to 5. Calculate the daily return of all the stock samples draw conclusion whether these two factors have impact on Pi,t−Pi,t−1 the results. In this research, the population is the stocks of Ri,t = Pi,t−1 the companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange R(i, t) = Actual return of stock i in the period t and then stock split (split up) will be conducted. The rea- P(i, t) = The price of stock i in the period of t son in choosing the company that only conducts split up P(i, t − 1) = The price of stock i in the period of t-1 is to make it more comparative. The sample used in this research will be chosen with purposive sampling method 6. Calculate the expected return which is limited to several criteria: ˆ 1. The stock is listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange which is E(R(i, t)) =α ˆi + βi ∗ Rm,t enlisted during the event period. E(R(i, t)) = Expected Return of stock i in the period t 2. The stock of companies that conduct stock split up R(m, t) = Market Return in the period t 3. The stock is actively traded during the research period judged from daily volume and price changes. 7. Calculate the abnormal return 4. The stock’s data are still available at yahoo ūinance.

ARi,t = Ri,t − E(Ri, t) Analysis Steps ARi,t = abnormal return of stock i in the period t Analysis is conducted by event study method to organize Ri, t = actual return of stock i in the period of t and discuss the data collected. The event study method will E(Ri, t) = expected return of stock i in the period of t follow the following procedures. 8. Calculate the cumulative abnormal return 1. Determine the stock samples of the events that will PT 2 be observed CARi(π1, π2) = t=T 1 ARi,t The stock samples of the events will be taken via purpo- sive sampling from companies listed in Indonesia Stock Analysis Techniques Exchange that execute stock split up. Methods to answer research questions of difference in car based on volatility 2. Determine the market volatility To answer research question 1, the researcher will clas- sify the CAR based on the volatility of the month the stock Rt = (ln (Pt)- ln (Pt-1)) x 100 = ln (Pt/Pt-1) x 100 split was conducted in. The market volatility is classiūied into three groups, low volatility, medium volatility and 3. Classify the market volatility high volatility using the mean and ranking method. The Low volatility: if the event occurs during standard devia- researcher will then calculate each split’s cumulative ab- tion tertile 0 normal return and group it based on the month of the split. Medium volatility: if the event occurs during standard de- The results will be: viation tertile 1 Category Mean CAR S. D of CAR High volatility: if the event occurs during standard devia- Low CAR0 STD0 tion tertile 2 Medium CAR1 STD1 High CAR2 STD2 4. Determine the day of the event and the research pe-

ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 2016 E. J. Kinata – The effect of market volatility . . . . 310

CAR0 = for stock splits occurred during low volatility ing the year 2010. The data of cumulative abnormal return, CAR1 = Average CAR for stock splits occurred during which are classiūied into two categories, the market volatil- medium volatility ity, and the ūirm size will be used to test the hypotheses. CAR2 = Average CAR for stock splits occurred during high Lastly, the researcher also tests if there is an independent volatility relationship between market volatility and ūirm size. The STD0 = Standard deviation of CAR for stock splits occurred test will be conducted with the help of SPSS program and during low volatility also Microsoft Excel. The data will be presented in form STD1 = Standard deviation of CAR for stock splits occurred of the table followed by a brief description in words. This during medium volatility chapter consists of 3 sections. Section 1 provides the de- STD2 = Standard deviation of CAR for stock splits occurred scriptive statistics of the data. Next section presents the during high volatility data analysis results, and the last section presents the dis- cussion of the ūindings. Methods to answer research question of difference in car based on market capitalization CAR ClassiŮication Based on Market Volatility Classify the ūirms into three groups (small, medium and This test is started by calculating the cumulative abnormal big). The abnormal return of the stocks will be classiūied return of the stocks that conduct stock split. Then, the result based on the market capitalization. Firm’s size is classiūied is classiūied into 3 groups, which is based on the volatility based on the market capitalization under this category: of the month the stock split is conducted in. The volatility a. Small Size (< 1 Trillion Rupiah market capitalization) is classiūied into 3 groups based on the lower, middle and b. Medium Size ( 1 - 40 Trillion Rupiah market capitaliza- upper tertile of the volatility within 6 years. The descriptive tion) statistics can be seen in Table 1. c. Large Size (>40 Trillion Rupiah Market Capitalization) TABLE 1 . Average car based on volatility classiūication Category Mean CAR Standard deviation of CAR Category Mean Volatility Mean CAR S. D of CAR Small CAR0 STD0 Low 0.029113 0.060076 0.017 Medium CAR1 STD1 Large CAR2 STD2 Medium 0.040137 -0.028650 0.0695 High 0.080230 0.008226 0.04641 Whereas: CAR0 = Average CAR for stock splits conducted by small The data in the table report that: a) During low volatil- ūirms ity period, the mean CAR recorded is 6% which shows that CAR1 = Average CAR for stock splits conducted by medium the companies in average experience a positive cumulative ūirms abnormal return during low volatility with a fairly lower CAR2 = Average CAR for stock splits conducted by large standard deviation as well comparing to the other cate- ūirms gories. b) During medium volatility period, the mean CAR STD0 = Standard deviation of CAR for stock splits conducted recorded is -0.03% which shows that the companies in aver- by small ūirms age experience a negative cumulative abnormal return dur- STD1 = Standard deviation of CAR for stock splits conducted ing medium volatility with a high standard deviation com- by medium ūirms paring to the other categories. STD2 = Standard deviation of CAR for stock splits conducted c) During high volatility period, the mean CAR recorded is by large ūirms 0.008% which shows that the companies in average expe- F-test is then conducted to see if there is a statistically rience a pretty small positive cumulative abnormal return signiūicant difference in the abnormal return of the stock during high volatility with a fairly higher standard deviation splits. comparing to the low category. F-test is then conducted to test if the difference is sig- Data Analysis niūicant. The test is conducted to check the signiūicance of The primary objective of this chapter is to present the gath- difference in the CAR during the 5-day window. Our null hy- ered data and the analysis of the data. The objects of this pothesis is: CAR0 = CAR1 = CAR2. This shows that the stock research are stocks that conduct stock split (split up) dur- market has reacted signiūicantly different towards stock ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 311 J. Admin. Bus. Stud. 2016 split announcement in different market volatility which re- ducted to test if the difference is signiūicant. The test is con- sulted in signiūicant difference in CAR of the stocks that an- ducted to check the signiūicance of difference in the CAR nounce stock split. Therefore, the null hypothesis is re- during the 5-day window. Our null hypothesis is: CAR0 = jected and the hypothesis which states that the stock market CAR1 = CAR2. does react differently to the stock split that is conducted in TABLE 4 . Difference in CAR signiūicance for different volatility is accepted. volatility classiūication one-way ANOVA results TABLE 2 . Difference in CAR signiūicance for volatility classiūication one-way ANOVA Category Mean CAR F-stat Sig. results Small -0.019001 Medium 0.004618 1.024 0.370 Category Mean CAR F-stat Sig. Large 0.030767 Low 0.060076 One-way ANOVA result of CAR difference based on market Medium -0.028650 7.141 0.003 capitalization classiūication High 0.008226 This shows that the stock market does not react signiū- CAR ClassiŮication Based on Firm Size icantly different towards stock split announcement in dif- This test is started by calculating the cumulative abnormal ferent ūirm sizes which resulted in insigniūicant difference return of the stocks that conduct stock split. Then, the result in CAR of the stocks that announce stock split. Therefore, is classiūied into 3 groups, which is based on the ūirm size the null hypothesis is accepted and the hypothesis which (market capitalization). The market capitalization is clas- states that the stock market does react differently to the siūied into 3 groups based on the lower, middle and upper stock split conducted by ūirms with different size volatility tertile within 6 years. The descriptive statistics can be seen is rejected. in table 3. Table 3 demonstrates the descriptive statistics of the mean of the CAR and the mean market cap of the com- CAR ClassiŮication Based on Market Volatility and Firm pany in which stock split is conducted. The data in table 4.2 Size Combined report that: This test is started by calculating the cumulative abnormal return of the stocks that conduct stock split. Then, the re- TABLE 3 . Average CAR based on market sult is classiūied into 9 groups, which is based on the market capitalization classiūication volatility and ūirm size (market capitalization). The descrip- Category Mean market Cap Mean CAR S. D of CAR tive statistics can be seen in table 5. (in trillion Rupiah) TABLE 5 . Average CAR based on volatility and Small 277.028 -0.019001 0.064984 market capitalization combined classiūication Medium 11.954.413 0.004618 0.067552 AVERAGE CAR volatility Volatility Large 195.113.930 0.030767 0.025432 Low Medium High Average CAR based on market capitalization classiūication Size Small 0.067305 -0.05004 -0.06745 a) In ūirms with small size, the mean CAR recorded Medium 0.059258 -0.02807 0.011321 is -0.019% which shows that small companies in average Large 0.049703 0.0511 0.021 experience a negative cumulative abnormal return with a fairly higher standard deviation than the larger company. The table demonstrates the descriptive statistics of the b) In ūirms with medium size, the mean CAR recorded is mean of the CAR based on the combined classiūication of 0.0046% which shows that medium companies in average market volatility and size of ūirm in which stock split is con- experience a pretty small positive cumulative abnormal re- ducted. The data in table report that: turn with a higher standard deviation than the other cate- a) Firms with small size experience a positive CAR dur- gories. ing low volatility period and suffer negative CAR in other c) In ūirms with large size, the mean CAR recorded is 0.031% volatility period which shows that large companies in average experience b) Firms with medium size experience a higher positive CAR positive cumulative abnormal return with a lower standard during low volatility period than during high volatility pe- deviation than the other categories. F-test is then con- riod but suffer negative CAR in other volatility period ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 2016 E. J. Kinata – The effect of market volatility . . . . 312 c) Firms with large size experience a positive CAR in any stock splits conducted by small ūirms are perceived differ- kind of volatility period ently by the market which resulted in signiūicant difference d) Firms that conduct stock split during low volatility pe- in CAR of the stocks that announce stock split. Therefore, riod experience a positive CAR the null hypothesis is rejected and the hypothesis which e) During low volatility period, small ūirms experience the states that the stock market does react differently to the highest CAR than ūirms with medium size and large size. stock split conducted by medium-cap ūirms in different mar- Further testing is conducted to see a more speciūic relation ket volatility is accepted. of market volatility on ūirms with different size. The sample used is the companies with small, medium and large market TABLE 8 . Difference in CAR signiūicance for stock cap that conduct stock split during low, medium and high split conducted by companies with volatility and the variable is measured by CAR, which is ob- large cap in different market volatility tained from 2 days before until 2 days after. Our null hy- one-way ANOVA results pothesis is: CAR0 = CAR1 = CAR2 Category Mean CAR F-stat Sig. Low 0.049703 TABLE 6 . Difference in CAR signiūicance for stock Medium 0.0511 0.835 0.515 split conducted by companies with High 0.021 small cap in different market volatility One-way ANOVA Result of CAR Difference in Large-cap Firms one-way ANOVA results based on Volatility Classiūication Category Mean CAR F-stat Sig. Low 0.067305 This shows that the stock market does not react sig- Medium -0.05004 9.955 0.028 niūicantly different towards stock split announcement in High -0.06745 different market volatility for large ūirms. This proves that One-way ANOVA Result of CAR Difference in Small-cap Firms stock splits conducted by large ūirms are perceived similarly based on Volatility Classiūication by the market which resulted in insigniūicant difference in CAR of the stocks that announce stock split. Therefore, the This shows that the stock market does react signiūi- null hypothesis is accepted and the hypothesis which states cantly different towards stock split announcement in differ- that the stock market does react differently to the stock split ent market volatility for small ūirms. This proves that stock conducted by large-cap ūirms in different market volatility splits conducted by small ūirms are perceived differently by is rejected. the market which resulted in signiūicant difference in CAR of the stocks that announce stock split. Therefore, the null RESULTS AND DISCUSSION hypothesis is rejected and the hypothesis which states that Based on the research, it is found that the market does re- the stock market does react differently to the stock split con- act differently to stock-split announcement during different ducted by small-cap ūirms in different market volatility is market volatility. In other words, what currently is going accepted. on in the market matters to the company that wants to conduct stock split. This is seen on the signiūicant differ- TABLE 7 . Difference in CAR signiūicance for stock ence in the CAR experienced by the companies that con- split conducted by companies with duct stock split in different market conditions measured by medium cap in different market volatility one-way ANOVA results market volatility. It is also shown that during low volatil- ity condition, stock split which is generally perceived as Category Mean CAR F-stat Sig. good news is accepted well by the market and thus result- Low 0.059258 ing in positive abnormal return for companies that conduct Medium -0.02807 3.489 0.050 stock split during the low volatility condition. Addition- High 0.011321 ally, during medium and high volatility, the good news is One-way ANOVA Result of CAR Difference in Medium-cap Firms believed to be mixed by other sentiments that might make based on Volatility Classiūication the news to be exaggerated, positively or negatively.Based This shows that the stock market does react signiūi- on the research, it is found that the market does not react cantly different towards stock split announcement in dif- differently to stock-split announcement conducted by ūirms ferent market volatility for medium ūirms. This proves that with small, medium and large market capitalization. In ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5 313 J. Admin. Bus. Stud. 2016 other words, the size of the company that wants to conduct towards stock split announcement based on different mar- stock split does not matter much for the investor. This is ket volatility conditions. This is caused by the difference seen by the insigniūicant difference in the CAR experienced in information absorption during low, medium and high by the companies with different market capitalization that volatility market conditions. conduct stock split. But interestingly it is found that small- 2. Indonesia stock exchange market does not react differ cap ūirms experienced signiūicantly more positive cumula- ently towards stock split announcement based on the ūirm tive abnormal return when the stock-split announcement is size. This is caused by the fact that stock split might be per- conducted during low market volatility condition. Medium- ceived as good news regardless of ūirm size, therefore no cap ūirms also experienced the same when the stock-split signiūicant difference in the reaction. announcement is conducted during low market volatility 3. There is a signiūicant difference in investors’ reaction condition. Although the medium-cap ūirms still experience for small ūirms and medium ūirms during different market a positive cumulative abnormal return during high volatil- volatility condition. But, there is no difference in investors’ ity, it might be because there are still several medium-cap reaction for large ūirms during different market volatility ūirms that are already trusted and believed by the market condition. This is caused by investors’ perception that low to be a good company. On the other hand, it is found that and medium ūirms are not strong enough to handle differ- large-cap ūirms experienced positive cumulative abnormal ent market volatility. On the other hand, large-cap ūirms return when the stock-split announcement is conducted re- are perceived by the market as strong companies that can gardless of the market volatility condition. In other words, endure different market volatility conditions, that is why the market volatility condition does not matter for large- investors do not react differently for large ūirms. cap ūirms when they want to conduct stock split. This is The result of this paper can be the consideration for in- supported by the one-way ANOVA test that shows insigniū- vestors to anticipate events related with stock split. They icant difference in the CAR of the stocks that conduct stock should put more concern on the market volatility and at split conducted in different market condition. Looking at the same time determine the category of the ūirms based on the statistics, most large-cap ūirms experience positive CAR size for reference to get more accurate investment. If the in every market condition. This might be caused by the investor wants to trade small and medium-cap stocks, it is market positive perception about large-cap ūirms which are recommended to trade during low volatility period since it generally perceived to be a strong company. So, investors brings a better excess return. For large cap stocks, volatil- might perceive stock split conducted by large-cap ūirms as ity is not a main factor but it is still recommended to trade good signaling, thus the stock split is reacted positively re- all corporate actions during low volatility period since the gardless of the market condition. information is received better by the market.To improve this research, for the next study on events related to stock CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS split, further study regarding why the difference exists can Based on data analysis, conclusions that can be made are: be conducted to add more reference for investors. 1. Indonesia stock exchange market does react differently

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ISSN: 2414-309X DOI: 10.20474/jabs-2.6.5