Residential University
Report of the Committee for Residential University at Bhavnagar. GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS GANDHINAGAk 1973 [Price : Re 1-85 Ps. ] 372•I dot CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY Government of Gujarat constituted a Committee under Government Resolution, Educa tion and Labour Department No. USG-5670-Kh, dated 30th December, 1970. This committee was entrusted with the work of framing constitution for a residential University at Bhavnagar (Appendix A). The following members were appointed on this Conmiittee :— 1. Shri A. R. Baxi, Chairman Vice-Chancellor, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. 2. Shri HarWiai Trivedi, Member Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Bhavnagar. 3. Shri Jagubhai Parikh, Member Bhavnagar. 4. Shri Manubhai Pancholi, Member Sanosara. 5. Shri Bhogilal Sandesara, Member Baroda. 6. Shri Kanchanlal Parikh, Member Registrar, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. 7. Joint Director of Education Member-Secretary. Shri Kumudbhai Thaker was appointed as a member in place of Shri Manubhai Pancholi and Shri Jayendra Trivedi was appointed as an additional member under Gujarat Government Resolution No. USG-5070-Kh, dated 13th April, 1971. Thereafter, the joint Director of Education (Member-Secretary) Shri Indra Vasavada was appointed as an addi tional member under Government Resolution No. USG-5070-Kh, dated 6th December, 1971 as he retired from service on 23rd November 1971 and Shri A. K. Pradhan took over ab the Member-Secretary of this Committee. The terms of reference of this Committee were as under :— (1) To make recommendations regarding form, scope and jurisdiction of the university to be established at Bhavnagar, its officers and authorities, its constitution, powers and duties; (2) To make recommendations in the matter of establishment of the proposed University at Bhavnagar, its estimated maintenance expenditure and • the financial resources to meet that expenditure; and (3) to make other suggestions in this regard and also to prepare a bill for the e stab- lishment of the proposed university.
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