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Running hot and cold: behavioral strategies, neural circuits, and the molecular machinery for thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila

Paul A. Garrity,1,2,5 Miriam B. Goodman,3 Aravinthan D. Samuel,4 and Piali Sengupta1,2,6 1Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454, USA; 2National Center for Behavioral Genomics, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02454, USA; 3Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA; 4Department of Physics and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA

Like other ectotherms, the roundworm Caenorhabditis guided behaviors that operate within each animal’s nor- elegans and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster rely on mal thermal zone. behavioral strategies to stabilize their body temperature. Both animals use specialized sensory neurons to detect A note on terminology small changes in temperature, and the activity of these thermosensors governs the neural circuits that control Various terms have been used to describe patterns of migration and accumulation at preferred temperatures. thermotactic movement in C. elegans and Drosophila. Despite these similarities, the underlying molecular, For instance, worms moving down temperature gradients neuronal, and computational mechanisms responsible toward cooler temperatures are said to be ‘‘cryophilic’’ for thermotaxis are distinct in these organisms. Here, (Fig. 1A), while the same behavior executed by flies is we discuss the role of thermosensation in the develop- called ‘‘warmth avoidance.’’ By the same logic, move- ment and survival of C. elegans and Drosophila,and ments up temperature gradients have been called ‘‘ther- review the behavioral strategies, neuronal circuits, and mophilic’’ in worms and ‘‘cold avoidance’’ behavior in molecular networks responsible for thermotaxis behavior. flies (Fig. 1B). Here, movement down and up temperature gradients will be referred to as ‘‘negative thermotaxis’’ and ‘‘positive thermotaxis,’’ respectively. In addition to The ability to and respond to ambient temperature positive and negative thermotaxis, worms have a robust is crucial for the survival and fitness of all animals. tendency to move along isothermal contours when they Endotherms such as birds and mammals maintain a rela- are near their preferred temperature, a behavior referred tively constant body temperature regardless of ambient to as ‘‘isothermal tracking’’ (Fig. 1E). Isothermal tracking temperature via a number of mechanisms, including has not been observed in flies. behavioral modification, as well as central regulation of autonomic nervous system functions (Hensel 1973; Simon et al. 1986). However, for ectotherms like Caeno- The ethology of thermotaxis in C. elegans rhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, whose and D. melanogaster body temperature varies with ambient temperature, be- Temperature is an environmental variable that affects the havioral strategies are the primary mechanism for regu- rate and nature of all chemical reactions, and hence has lating optimal internal temperature (Stevenson 1985; dramatic effects on animal physiology. At the extremes of Huey et al. 2003). In this review, we describe the known the temperature spectrum, exposure to excessive heat or neuronal and molecular strategies used by C. elegans and cold causes dramatic perturbations in cellular physiology Drosophila to detect and behaviorally respond to changes that rapidly lead to the failure of nervous system function in temperature, focusing particularly on temperature- and to serious tissue damage. Thus, thermal nocicep- tion—the ability to sense and respond to noxious heat and noxious cold—is critical for animal survival (Tominaga and Caterina 2004). [Keywords: C. elegans; Drosophila; TRP; cGMP; thermosensory; thermotaxis] Even at more moderate temperatures, thermal variations 5Authors are listed alphabetically. affect animal physiology. Thus, thermotaxis—the ability to 6Corresponding author. E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (781) 736-3107. migrate up or down a temperature gradient—also makes Article is online at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.1953710. a critical contribution to an animal’s fitness. Thermotaxis

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 24:2365–2382 Ó 2010 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/10; www.genesdev.org 2365 Downloaded from genesdev.cshlp.org on September 25, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Garrity et al.

Figure 1. Stochasticity, determinism, and decision- making in C. elegans and Drosophila thermotaxis. (A,B) Biased random walks. Trajectories of individual C. elegans nematodes or D. melanogaster larvae are intrinsically stochastic, resembling biased random walks when viewed at low magnification. Each trajec- tory is marked by periods of forward movement (runs) interrupted by abrupt reorientation maneuvers (turns). (A) Trajectories of four worms grown at 15°C and placed

on a temperature gradient above Tc. All worms exhibit negative thermotaxis, but no two trajectories are alike. (B) Trajectories of four Drosophila larvae exhibiting positive thermotaxis moving from below preferred tem- perature toward warmer temperatures. (Gray circles) Starting points. (C) Unbiased reorientation in C. ele- gans. The initial run, in which the worm is headed to the lower left, is terminated by a reversal. The reversal is terminated by an V turn. Following the V turn, the worm starts a new run in a new direction. The worm biases its random walk by regulating the frequency of these abrupt turns, depending on direction with respect to the surrounding temperature gradient. Runs are lengthened toward preferred temperatures and short- ened away from preferred temperatures. (D) Biased reorientation in D. melanogaster. During each reorien- tation maneuver, a Drosophila larva will pause and deliberately swing its head back and forth. If the larva happens to be isothermally aligned, it will encounter falling temperatures if it moves its head in one direction (illustrated by blue dots that trace the trajectory of the thermosensory neurons at the larva’s head) and rising temperatures if it moves its head in the other direction (the trace of red dots). The larva biases the probability of starting a new run based on the temperature it encoun- ters during each head sweep. Thus, after being isother- mally aligned, the larva tends to start new runs toward the larva’s preferred temperature. (E) C. elegans steers in a deterministic manner to maintain isothermal alignment when near its Tc (isothermal tracking). During isothermal tracking, C. elegans continuously swings its head back and forth; thus, the thermosensory neurons at its head encounter regular and alternating phases of falling temperature (blue dots) and rising temperature (red dots). The worm uses this sinusoidal variation in temperature to correct the curvature of its undulation, veering its nose away from every temperature variation and stabilizing isothermal alignment to within ;0.01°C. (F) When C. elegans is exposed to positive temperature pulses when it swings its head to one side (filled red dots) but not the other side (open red dots), it curves its overall trajectory away from the thermal stimulation. (G) Comparison of behavioral strategies that govern C. elegans thermotaxis, D. melagnoster larval thermotaxis, and Escherichia coli chemotaxis. is especially important in small ectotherms such as C. their most internal structures in response to changes in elegans and Drosophila, whose small mass (e.g., adult flies surface temperature is less than a tenth of a second. Even are <2 mg) means they have small heat capacities. Thus, D. melanogaster third instar larvae and adult flies are only internal structures readily equilibrate to the temperature of 1–1.25 mm thick, leading to a predicted equilibration of their surroundings (Stevenson 1985; Heinrich 1993). When their most internal structures within a few seconds. Such considering how rapidly this occurs, it is important to rapid equilibration with their environment suggests that consider the distances over which thermal energy must behavioral strategies for seeking out appropriate environ- travel to reach internal structures. The time scale of the ments are paramount for body temperature control in equilibration of internal structures in response to changes these organisms. Moreover, this suggests that, in contrast in surface temperature can be estimated as the time at to endotherms and larger ectotherms such as reptiles, which the root mean square of thermal diffusion equals the thermal sensors need not be located on the body surface distance from the animal’s surface to its innermost point. to respond rapidly to external temperature changes, but This value can be estimated using a one-dimensional could instead be positioned internally. diffusion equation (root mean distance)2 = 2Dt, where D The sensitivity of fly and nematode body temperature is the thermal diffusivity of water (;0.15 mm2 per second) to environmental temperature changes is paralleled by (Noroozi et al. 2009) and t is time. As both first instar D. the striking sensitivity of their thermosensory systems. melanogaster larvae and adult C. elegans nematodes are In discussing thermosensory mechanisms, we distinguish #0.1 mm in diameter, the time scale of the equilibration of between the ordinary temperature dependence shared by

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Thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila all cellular processes and the extraordinary temperature Interestingly, unlike C. elegans nematodes, which reset dependence of specialized thermosensory neurons. Both their thermotaxis thresholds toward Tc, flies raised at D. melanogaster and C. elegans thermosensory systems a high temperature (29°C) prefer ;3°C cooler tempera- are capable of driving thermotaxis in response to temper- tures than flies raised at lower temperatures (19°C and ature fluctuations of <0.005°C/sec (Clark et al. 2006; Luo 25°C) (Krstevska and Hoffmann 1994). et al. 2006, 2010). Such sensitivity rivals the famed While the functional significance of the long-term, thermal sensitivity of the infrared detectors of pit vipers, developmental temperature-dependent change in ther- which have been estimated to detect fluctuations of mal preference observed in flies remains unclear, recent ;0.001°C/sec (Bullock and Diecke 1956). Interestingly, work indicates that short-term temperature-dependent the thermal pits of vipers are used not only for hunting changes make an important contribution to the mainte- prey, but also for thermotaxis to regulate body tempera- nance of favorable body temperatures in the laboratory ture (Krochmal and Bakken 2003). N2 strain of C. elegans (Ramot et al. 2008b). As discussed If the main effect of thermotaxis on fitness is mediated below, N2 exhibits robust negative thermotaxis, but through the regulation of body temperature control, a exhibits positive thermotaxis only under defined condi- reasonable question is how precisely flies and worms tions (Ito et al. 2006; Ramot et al. 2008b; Jurado et al. must control their body temperatures in order to survive. 2010). Using simulations that incorporate measured At a coarse level, extremes of both heat and cold directly nematode behavioral parameters and soil temperature damage living tissue by compromising cellular integrity fluctuations, a strategy involving only negative thermo- and denaturing key cellular components. But, at a subtler taxis was found to drive worms progressively deeper into level, all biochemical processes—from enzymatic reac- the soil until thermal gradients become too small to drive tions to the flow of ions through channels—are affected further changes. However, plasticity in the memory of by temperature. Thus, physiological systems can become Tc that drives thermotaxis allows worms to continually suboptimal at temperatures that do not immediately readjust their behavior, optimizing their time at favorable compromise cellular integrity. Both D. melanogaster and body temperatures and maintaining their position at a C. elegans tolerate large temperature fluctuations; both consistent and favorable soil depth (Ramot et al. 2008b). species are able to survive and reproduce over environ- Furthermore, such plasticity also provides significant mental temperature ranges of >15°C (Harvey and Viney robustness in the face of genetic and environmental 2007; Hoffmann 2010). Such tolerance for temperature variation (Ramot et al. 2008b). Many ectotherms, in- fluctuation is clearly a key element in their success as cluding flies, do not exhibit such rapid plasticity in their ectotherms, and work to date suggests that the range of thermotactic behavior, but do possess a combination tolerated temperatures is a critical factor in determining of strong negative and positive thermotaxis. It will be of geographic distributions, at least of flies (Hoffmann 2010). interest to compare the strengths and weaknesses of However, within the animal’s normal thermal zone, each these alternative approaches to thermoregulation. species grows most robustly at specific temperatures. D. In addition to environmental factors, developmental melanogaster exhibit maximal growth rates near 24°C stage has a dramatic effect on preferred temperature (Siddiqui and Barlow 1972; Hoffmann 2010), while the behavior, at least in Drosophila. While first instar larvae lifetime fecundity of multiple independent isolates of C. prefer temperatures between ;23°C and ;29°C (Luo elegans nematodes, including the common Bristol N2 et al. 2010), the preference of third instar larvae drops laboratory strain, declines above ;19°C (Harvey and Viney significantly to ;18°C (Ainsley et al. 2008; Kwon et al. 2007). Thus, maintaining body temperature within a nar- 2008) (L Webb and P Garrity, unpubl.). This transition row optimum range is likely to be important for maxi- could be linked to the fact that third instar larvae stop mizing their fitness in the wild. feeding and begin to search for a site for pupariation. When considering the ecological impact of thermotaxis Identification of pupariation site is essential for survival, on animal fitness, it is important to appreciate that the since the immobile pupa is unable to behaviorally ther- optimal body temperature for a given organism need not moregulate for several days. This phenomenon is not be fixed, but is potentially dynamic, changing as a func- unique to D. melanogaster; a similar developmental shift tion of both environmental and developmental factors. in larval thermotactic preference was reported in the Indeed, significant plasticity has been observed in the housefly Musca domestica ;70 years ago (Thomsen and value of the preferred temperature in response to multiple Thomsen 1937; Deal 1941). Eggs and early embryos are factors. While humidity levels and food affect thermo- also immobile and unable to behaviorally thermoregulate; tactic behavior (Hedgecock and Russell 1975; Dillon et al. in this context, it will be interesting to know whether 2009), the most widely studied environmental factor oviposition shows a similar cold shift in thermal prefer- regulating temperature preference behavior is the culti- ence (Dillon et al. 2009). vation temperature (Tc). In C. elegans, adult nematodes reset their set point for thermotaxis in response to Quantification of thermotactic behavior in C. elegans changes in T over a period of a few hours (Hedgecock c and Drosophila and Russell 1975; see further discussion below). Although D. melanogaster lack such short-term plasticity, altering In classical laboratory assays of thermotaxis, worms or flies the temperature at which flies develop can significantly are placed in a spatial temperature gradient and allowed alter thermal preference (Krstevska and Hoffmann 1994). to explore for a fixed period of time, and accumulation is

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measured at the assay endpoints. Such assays allowed balance between the behaviors above or below Tc. First, Hedgecock and Russell (1975) to demonstrate that worms the behavior at Tc (isothermal tracking) involves a distinct aggregate near the temperature at which they were sensorimotor transformation that is neither positive nor grown, indicating that the temperature preference of C. negative thermotaxis (Ryu and Samuel 2002; Luo et al. elegans is experience-dependent. Similar assays reveal 2006; Clark et al. 2007b). Second, whereas negative that fruit flies lack such short-term plasticity, but instead thermotaxis at temperatures above Tc is robust and occurs show a preference for a fixed temperature in the mid-20°C in a variety of conditions, positive thermotaxis below Tc range (Krstevska and Hoffmann 1994; Sayeed and Benzer occurs in only a narrow range of conditions (Hedgecock 1996). and Russell 1975; Mori and Ohshima 1995; Ramot et al. While accumulation assays of thermotactic behavior are 2008b; Jurado et al. 2010). Third, isothermal tracking and easy to implement and have been productive for identify- negative thermotaxis may be mechanistically distinct, as ing molecules and cells required for thermotaxis (see mutations can be found that cause worms to exhibit below), they are blunt tools for dissecting the workings negative thermotaxis both above and below Tc without of the underlying neuronal machinery. Animals follow affecting isothermal tracking near Tc (Colosimo et al. specific rules of thermotactic strategy to navigate to their 2004). It remains an intriguing and largely unanswered preferred temperature (see Fig. 1). Since failure to aggregate question how a small circuit, using thermosensory in- near the preferred temperatures may occur due to disrup- formation from the AFD neurons, is endowed with the tion of one or more components of these strategies, the flexibility to drive the distinct sensorimotor transforma- defective components cannot easily be distinguished in tions that underlie different modes of thermotactic move- these assays. Understanding the navigational strategy re- ment in different temperature ranges. These modes are quires the identification of the type and outcome of each reviewed below and summarized in Figure 1G. navigational decision that is made by an animal along a thermotactic trajectory, as well as an understanding of Isothermal tracking in C. elegans When navigating the rules by which sensory information is used to initiate spatial temperature gradients near their Tc, worms track and execute each navigational decision. In other words, isotherms (Fig. 1E; Hedgecock and Russell 1975). During the thermotactic performance of individual animals must isothermal tracking, worms veer by only ;0.1°C during be quantified during the navigational task. single long runs that can last several minutes. (In con- Recent years have seen enormous progress in tracking trast, runs last ;20 sec on average in isotropic environ- systems that quantify the behavioral responses of small ments [Luo et al. 2006]). Because each worm tracks only animals like C. elegans and Drosophila as they respond to isotherms within ;2°C of its Tc (Ryu and Samuel 2002; defined chemical, visual, and thermal cues (e.g., Pierce- Luo et al. 2006), quantifying isothermal tracking behavior Shimomura et al. 1999; Luo et al. 2006, 2008, 2010; Katsov is an effective way of quantifying the worm’s preferred and Clandinin 2008; Louis et al. 2008; Duistermars et al. temperature (Biron et al. 2006; Chi et al. 2007). 2009; Fry et al. 2009). In this section, we focus on quan- Because worms will often spontaneously stop tracking titative behavioral analyses of thermotactic navigation in one isotherm and subsequently track another isotherm at C. elegans and Drosophila, and how these analyses have a different temperature, isothermal tracking is likely to advanced our understanding of the neural strategies that be a process that minimizes temperature fluctuations encode navigational decision making in these animals. within a specific range of absolute temperatures (Ryu and Samuel 2002; Luo et al. 2006). Isothermal tracking behavior requires the AFD thermosensory neurons (Mori Different modes of thermotaxis in C. elegans and Ohshima 1995). Moreover, thermosensation is local- In their classic study, Hedgecock and Russell (1975) ized to the sensory endings of the AFD neurons near the identified three modes of thermotactic movement: posi- worm’s nose (Coburn and Bargmann 1996; Komatsu et al. tive thermotaxis (exhibited below Tc), negative thermo- 1996; Clark et al. 2006; Inada et al. 2006). As the worm taxis (exhibited above Tc), and isothermal tracking (near undulates along each isotherm on a spatial gradient, it Tc). Mori and Ohshima (1995) showed that a small group moves the tip of its nose, where the thermosensory of interconnected neurons—the bilateral AFD sensory apparatus is located, from side to side with each undulation neurons, as well as the bilateral AIY, AIZ, and RIA cycle. Each isothermal track is one long run without interneurons—are involved in the three modes of ther- sharp V turns, so, to maintain isothermal alignment, the motactic movement. A popular model that assigns func- worm must be continuously executing small corrections tional roles to these neurons is that worm thermotaxis to its heading. Luo et al. (2006) showed that a worm can results from the interaction of two opposing drives: a maintain isothermal alignment in spatial gradients by ‘‘thermophilic drive’’ involving AFD and AIY that impels simply augmenting the curvature of its own undulation the worm toward warm temperatures, a ‘‘cryophilic to offset any temporal variation in temperature measured drive’’ involving AIZ that impels the worm toward cold at its nose. temperatures, and a downstream comparator of the two A sophisticated technique to explore the type of sen- drives involving RIA that guides behavior to the preferred sorimotor transformation used during isothermal track- temperature (Mori and Ohshima 1995). ing was developed recently by Stephens et al. (2008). However, recent experiments make it difficult to in- While moving its nose from side to side during an iso- terpret worm behavior near Tc as simply reflecting a thermal track, the worm generates alternating warming

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Thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila and cooling phases in the AFD thermosensory signal that a narrow range of temperatures (20°C–23°C) and only on it acquires. Stephens et al. (2008) used a high-resolution gradients shallower than 0.5°C/cm. It is unclear why tracking system to follow the movements of individual positive thermotaxis is limited to a narrow range of ab- animals. Their system also delivered small, brief temper- solute temperatures and temperature gradients, while neg- ature pulses whenever the worm’s nose moved to either ative thermotaxis occurs under a wide range of condi- side of its overall undulatory trajectory. Using this in- tions. The thermotactic strategy that the worm uses tegrated tracking and temperature pulse delivery system, during positive thermotaxis remains to be identified. Stephens et al. (2008) found the worms would curve the direction of runs away from the side to which tempera- Negative and positive thermotaxis ture pulses were delivered, a type of steering that is in Drosophila larvae consistent with the proposed strategy for isothermal tracking (Fig. 1F). A related strategy called ‘‘weathervan- Unlike C. elegans, the behavior of D. melanogaster first ing’’ is a component of chemotactic behavior. During instar larvae exhibits a striking mirror symmetry above weathervaning, the worm gradually bends the direction and below their preferred temperature of ;24°C–28°C of each run toward the preferred direction up or down (Luo et al. 2010). Like C. elegans, the movements of a concentration gradient of NaCl (Iino and Yoshida 2009). crawling larvae consist of a highly stereotyped sequence of periods of forward movement interrupted by abrupt Negative thermotaxis in C. elegans When placed on reorientation maneuvers or turns (Fig. 1B,G). During each a temperature gradient at any temperature above Tc and period of forward movement, the larva regulates the likeli- steeper than ;0.1 C°/cm, worms migrate down temper- hood of initiating each turn on the basis of thermosensory ature gradients toward Tc (Fig. 1A; Hedgecock and Russell input. During each turn, a larva will pause and actively 1975; Mori and Ohshima 1995). In isotropic environ- move its head from side to side until it selects a new ments, the trajectory of each crawling worm resembles direction for its subsequent forward movement on the basis an unbiased random walk, with alternating periods of of thermosensory input (Fig. 1D). forward movement that are interrupted by abrupt reori- As in C. elegans, decision making during larval thermo- entations (reversals and/or V turns), similar to the trajec- taxis can be reduced to specific sensorimotor transforma- tory of a particle undergoing Brownian movement (Fig. tions. When navigating at temperatures below ;20°C, the 1C,G; Ryu and Samuel 2002; Zariwala et al. 2003). During larva uses its strategy for positive thermotaxis (Fig. 1B). negative thermotaxis, worms bias this random walk to- When navigating at temperatures above ;30°C, the larva ward colder temperatures. If a worm happens to be moving uses its strategy for negative thermotaxis. To enact either toward colder/warmer temperatures during each run, it negative thermotaxis or positive thermotaxis, the larva will lower/raise the likelihood of exhibiting a turn, thereby relies on distinct sets of thermosensory neurons located in lengthening/shortening runs. the larva’s anterior (see below). Because the larva has To execute a biased random walk, worms must de- spatially localized thermosensors for positive and negative termine their own orientation with respect to the sur- thermotaxis, it relies on temporal thermosensory signals rounding temperature gradient, determine when they are driven by the larva’s self-movement in spatial temperature headed up or down a temperature gradient, and promote gradients, whether during each period of forward move- or inhibit turn occurrence, accordingly. As in isothermal ment or the side-to-side movements that characterize each tracking, the worm responds to temperature gradients reorientation maneuver. during negative thermotaxis via temporal variations in In isotropic environments, the durations of periods of temperature. Heating or cooling a worm in a spatially forward movements and the angular changes evoked by uniform manner will raise and lower the rate of sponta- reorientation maneuvers are stochastic. In temperature neous turns, respectively (Ryu and Samuel 2002; Clark gradients, the larva biases the likelihood of starting et al. 2007b; Ramot et al. 2008b) a new reorientation maneuver during each period of forward movement on the basis of temporal variations in Positive thermotaxis in C. elegans Hedgecock and temperature. During positive/negative thermotaxis, if Russell (1975) as well as Mori and Ohshima (1995) reported the larva encounters rising/falling temperatures over that worms, when grown at 25°C, will aggregate at 25°C time, it postpones reorientation maneuvers, thus length- on a spatial temperature gradient, and also reported ening runs toward the preferred temperature (Fig. 1F; ‘‘thermophilic’’ phenotypes of worms that aggregate (be- Luo et al. 2010). Thus, as in negative thermotaxis in C. cause of either mutations or laser ablation of specific elegans, the larva is capable of biasing a random walk neurons) at the warmest temperatures on a gradient, toward preferred temperatures. irrespective of Tc (Okochi et al. 2005). However, in most Unlike negative thermotaxis in C. elegans, the angular conditions, worms appear to be atactic at temperatures changes evoked by reorientation maneuvers in spatial below Tc (Ryu and Samuel 2002; Yamada and Ohshima temperature gradients tend to be toward the preferred 2003; Ramot et al. 2008b). Recent analyses suggest that temperature in Drosophila larvae (Fig. 1D,G). This can positive thermotaxis is exhibited only under a restricted also be interpreted as a type of bias in a stochastic senso- set of conditions (Ito et al. 2006; Ramot et al. 2008b; rimotor transformation. Each reorientation maneuver is Jurado et al. 2010). Worms grown at 25°C will exhibit characterized by side-to-side head sweeps. In temperature active movement up temperature gradients only within gradients, the direction of each head sweep is random, and

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Garrity et al. can be to either the left or the right (Luo et al. 2010). type in C. elegans. Physical or genetic perturbation of this However, the likelihood of starting a new forward move- neuron pair severely impairs temperature-regulated nav- ment during each head sweep is biased by thermosensory igation behaviors (Perkins et al. 1986; Mori and Ohshima input during that head sweep. During negative/positive 1995). In particular, such manipulations abolish isother- thermotaxis, the likelihood of starting a new forward mal tracking behavior (Mori and Ohshima 1995), indicat- movement is lowered/raised if the larva encounters falling ing that the AFD neurons are the major regulators of this temperatures during a particular head sweep (Luo et al. behavior. Disrupting AFD neuron function also weakens 2010). Because the final direction of the head during each negative thermotaxis, although the degree of this defect head sweep defines the direction of the new run, the bias in remains a matter of some debate due to the use of different initiating new runs generates a larger fraction of runs in assay conditions, perturbation methods, and behavioral the preferred direction for either mode of thermotaxis. measurements in different studies (Mori and Ohshima 1995; Yamada and Ohshima 2003; Chung et al. 2006). Thermotaxis in adult Drosophila Given the influence of parameters such as gradient steep- Adult Drosophila also prefer temperatures in the 24°C– ness on thermotaxis behaviors (Yamada and Ohshima 26°C range (Sayeed and Benzer 1996; Lee et al. 2005; 2003; Anderson et al. 2007; Ramot et al. 2008b; Nakazato Hamada et al. 2008). To our knowledge, the precise and Mochizuki 2009; Jurado et al. 2010), it is possible that strategy for the thermotactic movements of either walking the contribution of the AFD neurons to thermotaxis or flying flies has not been examined in detail (Branson navigation behaviors varies under different conditions. et al. 2009). Tracking the detailed movements of adult fruit Distinct roles for the AFD neurons in generating either flies is more challenging than tracking larvae, owing to isothermal tracking or navigation behaviors could arise many more degrees of freedom in its basic movements from altered responses of the AFD neurons to different (antennae, wings, and legs) in addition to the sheer speed of thermal stimuli, or from altered circuit properties. Ther- those movements. However, high-speed videography is moresponsive properties of the AFD neurons have been becoming increasingly routine (Fry et al. 2005; Card and investigated using genetically encoded calcium sensors Dickinson 2008), and new assays for following the detailed and via in vivo patch-clamp recordings (Kimura et al. movements of flying or walking flies (Fry et al. 2008; 2004; Biron et al. 2006; Clark et al. 2006, 2007a; Ramot Branson et al. 2009) as they respond to defined thermo- et al. 2008a). These studies have shown that thermosen- sensory inputs may uncover the sensorimotor rules that sory responses in the AFD neurons are bidirectional define adult thermotactic strategy. and adaptive, and exhibit a broad dynamic range. Thus, these neurons respond to both warming and cooling, The neural circuitry underlying thermotaxis behaviors and can precisely track temperature oscillations of 0.003°C–0.03°C/sec, essential for the animal’s ability to A combination of genetic, behavioral, and physiological track isotherms and for navigation (Kimura et al. 2004; studies have demonstrated that, as in larger animals, both Clark et al. 2006, 2007a; Ramot et al. 2008a). Measure- C. elegans and Drosophila possess thermosensory neu- ments of thermoreceptor currents further revealed the rons and neural circuits that respond to small changes in exquisite sensitivity of the AFD neurons, with a Q10 (re- temperature and direct appropriate behavioral responses. flecting the fold change in current flow over a 10°C rise) Below, we first describe the thermosensory neurons re- of >1021 (Ramot et al. 2008a). sponsible for detecting ambient temperature changes, Remarkably, the AFD neurons modulate intracellular and then briefly discuss the known circuits that trans- calcium levels only at temperatures above Tc (Fig. 2A; form these sensory responses into motor output. Kimura et al. 2004; Clark et al. 2006), and, as in the case of thermotaxis behaviors, this threshold of response can Thermosensory neurons be altered upon shifting animals to other temperatures The AFD neuron pair located in the bilateral amphid (Kimura et al. 2004; Biron et al. 2006; Clark et al. 2006). sense organs of the head is a major thermosensory neuron These results suggest that the AFD neurons store the

Figure 2. C. elegans and Drosophila thermoreceptor neurons are activated by warming in vivo. (A) Warming above a threshold, T*, increases intracellular calcium in wild-type AFD neurons. T* is variable and is approxi-

mately equal to the cultivation temperature, Tc (Kimura et al. 2004; Clark et al. 2006). (B) Warming above ;25°C–27°C increases the activity of wild-type AC neurons in Drosophila. This response requires an intact trpA1 gene (gray) (Hamada et al. 2008). The experimen- tal basis for the schemas in A and B is in vivo calcium imaging using genetically encoded calcium indicators. For simplicity, increases in intracellular calcium are assumed to indicate increases in cell activity.

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Thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila

memory of Tc and encode many of the thermoresponsive that cooling resulted in distinct alterations of the pattern properties that are required for both isothermal tracking of activity in different subsets of terminal organ neurons and negative thermotaxis. Such memory storage may (Liu et al. 2003), suggesting that individual neuronal depend on intracellular calcium buffering, since replacing subsets may regulate aspects of positive thermotaxis the endogenous soluble calcium buffer with EGTA or behavior. Consistent with this hypothesis, it has been BAPTA during in vivo recordings allows the threshold for found that silencing of terminal organ neurons disrupts AFD activation to be independent of Tc but dependent on positive thermotaxis by affecting both the rate and di- the holding temperature (Ramot et al. 2008a). Regardless rection of turning decisions in first instar larvae navigat- of the mechanisms of memory storage, AFD responses do ing spatial thermal gradients (Luo et al. 2010), implying not appear to be sufficient to account for different behav- that terminal organ sensory neurons regulate multiple ioral outcomes in different temperature regimes, since downstream motor circuits. Larval chordotonal neurons calcium dynamics in the AFD neurons are similar in the have also been reported to respond to temperature vari- temperature range at which tracking behavior is exhibited ations (Liu et al. 2003), and, in the adult, chordotonal (Tc 6 2°C), as well as at higher temperatures that elicit neurons have been implicated in temperature entrainment negative thermotaxis in response to specific thermal of the circadian clock (Sehadova et al. 2009). Consistent stimuli (Clark et al. 2006). with involvement in positive thermotaxis, inhibiting Two recent studies have shown that the AWC olfactory chordotonal function has been shown to disrupt positive neuron pair in the amphid organs of C. elegans also thermotaxis in third instar larvae (Kwon et al. 2010). modulates thermosensory navigation behaviors (Biron Whether and how the terminal and chordotonal organs et al. 2008; Kuhara et al. 2008). However, the two studies combine to regulate positive thermotaxis is not yet clear. arrived at different conclusions regarding the roles of each In the adult, positive thermotaxis appears to involve cells neuron and their thermoresponsive properties, likely due within the third antennal segment (Hamada et al. 2008). to the use of different stimuli and measurement param- The sensory neurons that drive negative thermotaxis eters. In one study, the AWC neurons were shown to in Drosophila are not yet fully characterized. In adults, respond deterministically to temperature changes above warm temperatures are sensed by a set of four AC neurons, Tc, and to contribute to negative thermotaxis behav- which are located within the fly’s head on the brain’s ior (Kuhara et al. 2008). In the second study, the AWC neu- anterior surface (Hamada et al. 2008). The AC neurons rons were found to respond in a stochastic but - respond to temperatures >25°C, and the disruption of AC correlated manner—albeit with different temporal neuron thermoreception via mutations in the trpA1 dynamics—to temperature changes both above and below channel gene (see below) causes Drosophila adults to Tc (Biron et al. 2008). Moreover, these neurons showed inappropriately navigate to warmer temperatures (Fig. 2B; higher absolute levels of activity at temperatures in the Hamada et al. 2008). In addition, Sayeed and Benzer (1996) temperature range for negative thermotaxis than at tem- reported decreased negative thermotaxis in flies whose peratures at which isothermal tracking behavior is ex- third antennal segments were surgically removed, sug- hibited (Biron et al. 2008). This observation provides a gesting this appendage might also contribute to negative plausible mechanism by which the circuit can distinguish thermotaxis. However, Hamada et al. (2008) observed the operating ranges for the two behaviors. Activity of the no decrement in negative thermotaxis after third anten- AWC neurons has been correlated previously with in- nal segment removal, complicating this picture. In creased turning rates (Chalasani et al. 2007, 2010). Con- the future, it will be of interest to characterize the sistent with this finding, killing the AWC neurons leads thermosensory properties of antennal neurons and as- to decreased turning rates on thermal gradients, resulting sess their effects on thermotaxis through molecular in weakened negative thermotaxis and enhanced isother- genetic manipulations. mal tracking behavior (Biron et al. 2008). However, we While warmth-activated thermosensors have not been note that in vivo recordings from AWC failed to detect any clearly defined in larvae, a set of trpA1-expressing neurons cooling- or warming-evoked changes in ionic current within the central brain have been implicated in negative (Ramot et al. 2008a), suggesting that a resolution of the thermotaxis (Rosenzweig et al. 2005). The expression of precise role of the AWC neurons in thermotaxis behaviors trpA1 in additional cell populations suggests that addi- awaits further analysis. tional thermosensory neurons are present in both Dro- Drosophila larval thermotaxis behaviors appear to be sophila larvae and adults, although some of these neurons driven by thermosensory neurons activated by either could mediate behavioral or physiological responses dis- high or low temperatures (Liu et al. 2003; Rosenzweig tinct from thermotaxis. In particular, multidendritic neu- et al. 2005, 2008), and that are connected to a shared rons in the larval lateral body wall and chordotonal organ downstream circuitry to mediate negative or positive neurons also respond to temperature, making them poten- thermotaxis behaviors, respectively (Luo et al. 2010). In tial candidates for modulating thermotaxis (Liu et al. the larva, the terminal organ (a structure containing ;30 2003). But while multiple dendritic neurons mediate neurons) as well as the chordotonal neurons (a set of nociceptive responses to high-temperature stimulation sensory neurons located in the larval body wall) have (above ;39°C) (Tracey et al. 2003; Rosenzweig et al. been implicated in regulating positive thermotaxis (Liu 2005), their function proved dispensable for negative et al. 2003; Kwon et al. 2010). In the terminal organ, thermotaxis, at least when tested in the 31°C–34°C range calcium imaging and extracellular recordings showed (Rosenzweig et al. 2005). The possible contribution of

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Garrity et al. chordotonal organs to negative thermotaxis is as yet unknown. Thus, as in C. elegans and mammals, multiple thermosensory neuron types in Drosophila are special- ized to sense and respond to different temperature stim- uli, thereby ensuring the fidelity of the behavioral response. Integration and generation of thermotactic navigation behaviors The circuit components required to transform thermal information into defined behavioral responses remain un- Figure 3. A working model of the circuit underlying thermo- clear in Drosophila. In flies, the mushroom bodies have tactic navigation behaviors in C. elegans.(A,B) Proposed circuits been implicated in thermosensory behaviors (Hong et al. regulating isothermal tracking behaviors at temperatures 2008), but their thermosensory inputs are unknown. The around Tc (A) and negative thermotaxis at temperatures above T (B). Note that the circuit generating deterministic steering warm-sensitive AC neurons have been shown to project c during isothermal tracking remains unknown. At T < Tc, to the antennal lobe, the subesophageal ganglion, and positive thermotaxis is elicited under specific conditions via the superior lateral protocerebrum (Hamada et al. 2008), mechanisms that are not fully defined. Sensory neurons and although the roles of these regions in regulating thermo- interneurons are indicated by triangles and hexagons, respec- sensory behaviors have not been defined. tively. Neurons experimentally implicated in the indicated An understanding of the circuit underlying thermosen- behaviors are indicated in color. The AIB interneurons have sory navigation behaviors is beginning to emerge in C. been suggested previously to be a component of this circuit elegans primarily via detailed behavioral analyses in (Mori and Ohshima 1995). Known excitatory chemical synapses animals in which individual interneuron functions have are indicated by arrows, and known inhibitory synapses are been disrupted, and also via in vivo imaging of calcium indicated by bars. Lines with diamonds on each end indicate gap junctions. Lines with filled balls indicate chemical synapses of dynamics. In particular, since the regulation of turning unknown sign. See the text for additional details and references. rates underlies thermotactic navigation behaviors (Fig. 1G; Ryu and Samuel 2002; Zariwala et al. 2003; Luo et al. 2006; Clark et al. 2007b; Ramot et al. 2008b), investiga- isothermal tracking behavior. Neither the sensorimotor tions of the neuronal circuitry promoting or inhibiting transformation responsible for isothermal alignment dur- turns (Tsalik and Hobert 2003; Wakabayashi et al. 2004; ing isothermal tracking nor the neural circuits that pro- Gray et al. 2005; Chalasani et al. 2007, 2010) have duce deterministic steering are currently known. provided useful insight. For instance, the AIB and AIZ interneurons promote turns, whereas the AIY and AIA The circuit generating negative thermotaxis in C. interneurons inhibit turns (Tsalik and Hobert 2003; elegans The regulation of negative thermotaxis behav- Wakabayashi et al. 2004; Gray et al. 2005; Chalasani ior is more complex (Fig. 3B). Loss of AIY function results et al. 2007, 2010). These interneurons are also the major in constitutive negative thermotaxis behavior (Mori and post-synaptic partners of the AFD and AWC thermosen- Ohshima 1995; Hobert et al. 1997; Chung et al. 2006), sory neurons (Fig. 3), and thus play major roles in the indicating that the AIY neurons inhibit negative thermo- generation of temperature-regulated motor behaviors. taxis behavior at T < Tc. Since, in the absence of AIY function, animals retain the ability to discriminate tem- The circuit generating isothermal tracking behavior in C. perature differences and move down the gradient, an elegans The AIY interneurons respond in a Tc-dependent alternate circuit must also mediate negative thermotaxis. manner to thermal stimuli, similar to the AFD neurons The AIZ interneurons may be major contributors to this (Clark et al. 2006). In addition, genetic or physical disrup- behavior, since ablation of the AIZ interneurons abol- tion of the AIY interneurons results in complete loss of ishes negative thermotaxis at T > Tc (Mori and Ohshima isothermal tracking behavior (Mori and Ohshima 1995; 1995; Chung et al. 2006). Consistent with this role, the Gomez et al. 2001; Murakami et al. 2005), indicating that AIZ neurons respond to rising temperatures above Tc as the AFD–AIY circuit is the primary regulator of this revealed via calcium imaging experiments (Kodama et al. behavior (Fig. 3A). However, increased activity of the 2006; Kuhara and Mori 2006). However, it is unclear AWC neurons disrupts isothermal tracking, and, con- whether the AIZ interneurons are directly temperature versely, ablation of the AWC neurons enhances tracking responsive, or whether these neurons are post-synaptic (Biron et al. 2008). Since isothermal tracking demands to an as-yet-unidentified thermosensory neuron type suppression of large V turns and reversals, a simple model (Fig. 3B). suggests that increased activity of the AFD neurons and A working model based on current observations sug- decreased activity of the AWC neurons is integrated via gests that, at T > Tc, rising temperatures increase the the post-synaptic AIY, AIA, and AIB interneurons to activity of the AFD and AWC neurons, and possibly an suppress turning rates and promote tracking (Fig. 3A). additional thermosensory neuron type(s) that is presyn- Consistent with this hypothesis, AWC neuronal activity aptic to the AIZ interneurons. Integration of thermal has been shown to be low at temperatures around Tc (Biron information by the downstream network of AIY, AIA, et al. 2008), suggesting that AWC plays a permissive role in AIB, and AIZ interneurons results in an increased turn

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Thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila probability when moving up the gradient. Conversely, knowledge, no such screens have been attempted in mice, when temperatures are falling, decreased activity of the although it is known that inbred mouse strains differ in thermosensory neurons results in a decreased turn prob- their preferred temperature (Leon 2005). A significant ability, leading to a net migration of animals down the challenge associated with this approach is that most, if gradient. At T < Tc, loss of the AIY interneurons may not all, behavioral assays for thermosensation rely on the result in negative thermotaxis, perhaps via modulation of responses of populations of animals to thermal gradients. AIZ activity. Under certain conditions, this circuit may Such population-based assays complicate screening, gene also promote positive thermotaxis (Hedgecock and mapping, and cloning, limiting the usefulness of forward Russell 1975; Mori and Ohshima 1995; Ramot et al. genetic screens for identifying new genes required for 2008b; Jurado et al. 2010). It is important to note that, extraordinary thermosensitivity. However, recent ad- given the precision of the exhibited behaviors and their vances in sequencing technologies bypass the need for dependence on environmental conditions and past expe- fine mapping, and may facilitate the identification of rience, additional sensory as well as interneurons are genes via forward genetic screens (Sarin et al. 2008; Shen likely to be recruited into the circuit under defined et al. 2008). external and internal conditions. The first genetic studies of thermosensation in C. elegans used mutants defective in chemotaxis (Dusenbery et al. 1975) as a starting point, defining a small group of Molecules and mechanisms of thermosensitivity genes required for normal thermotaxis as well as chemo- taxis (for review, see Mori 1999). Such genes (Table 1) Our working model is that extraordinary temperature encode ion channels, kinases, phosphatases, and other dependence is conferred by molecules specifically signaling molecules, as well as transcription factors expressed in thermosensory neurons. The best-studied needed for the specification and development of the thermoreceptor molecules are members of the TRP AFD thermosensory neurons and the AIY interneurons. family of cation channels, which have been implicated Unexpectedly, none of these genes encode TRP channels. in thermosensation in both vertebrates and Drosophila This is not due to a lack of TRP channels in worms, (for recent reviews, see Dhaka et al. 2006; Damann et al. however, since phylogenetic analyses using sequences 2008). However, thermosensation may be mediated by encoding the predicted TM4–TM6 pore-containing region additional mechanisms in C. elegans. of TRP channels indicates that the C. elegans genome is predicted to encode at least 24 TRP channels, including Genetic approaches for the identification relatives of insect and mammalian temperature-sensitive of thermosensitive molecules TRPs (Goodman and Schwarz 2003; P Garrity, unpubl.). Screens for genes required for thermosensation and Nor is it due to a lack of temperature-sensitivity in C. avoidance of noxious temperature have been conducted elegans TRP channels generally, since a worm relative of only recently (Tracey et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2005; Mohri TRPA1 forms cold-activated channels in heterologous et al. 2005; Okochi et al. 2005; Hong et al. 2006). To our cells and is required for cold-evoked increases in the

Table 1. A subset of genes required for C. elegans thermotaxis Gene Concise description NCBI KOG Cells expressed References tax-4 a Subunit of Cyclic nucleotide-gated AFD, AWC, ASE, ASG, ASK, Komatsu et al. cGMP-gated cation channel [KOG0500] ASI, ASJ, BAG, and URX 1996, 1999 ion channel http://wormbase.org/db/gene/gene?name=WBGene00006526;class=Gene tax-2 b Subunit of Cyclic nucleotide-gated Same as for tax-4 Coburn and Bargmann cGMP-gated cation channel [KOG0499] 1996; Komatsu ion channel et al. 1999 http://wormbase.org/db/gene/gene?name=WBGene00006525;class=Gene tax-6 Calcineurin A Serine–threonine Sensory neurons (including AFD Kuhara et al. 2002 phosphatase 2B, catalytic and AWC); interneurons; subunit [KOG0375] motor neurons http://wormbase.org/db/gene/gene?name=WBGene00006527;class=Gene ttx-4/pkc-1 Protein kinase C e Serine/threonine Sensory neurons (including AFD Okochi et al. 2005 protein kinase and AWC); interneurons; [KOG0694] motor neurons http://wormbase.org/db/gene/gene?name=WBGene00004032;class=Gene ttx-1 OTD/OTX subclass Homeobox transcription AFD + additional nonneuronal Hedgecock and of homeodomain factor [KOG2251] cells Russell 1975; transcription Satterlee et al. 2001 factors http://wormbase.org/db/gene/gene?name=WBGene00004032;class=Gene

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Garrity et al. nociceptive PVD neurons in vivo (Chatzigeorgiou et al. C. elegans, particularly with respect to the detection of 2010). noxious thermal stimuli. Painless was the first inverte- Additional genes required for thermosensation have brate TRP channel shown to be required for thermal been discovered using candidate gene approaches as well sensation. Specifically, Painless is essential for the ability as cell-specific gene expression profiling of embryonic of Drosophila larvae to avoid noxious thermal stimuli neurons in C. elegans. Two studies sought to identify (Tracey et al. 2003; Xu et al. 2006). Consistent with the AFD-specific genes using either an olfactory (AWB) or idea that Painless acts as a molecular thermosensor in gustatory (ASE) neuron as a reference (Colosimo et al. Drosophila, it forms ion channels activated by warming 2004; Etchberger et al. 2007). Twenty-four genes were up- to >40°C in heterologous cells (Sokabe et al. 2008). In C. regulated in AFD with respect to the reference neuron in elegans, acute exposure to cold induces an avoidance re- both studies, including four previously identified AFD- sponse that requires an intact trpa-1 gene (Chatzigeorgiou expressed genes. The 20 novel genes include a phospho- et al. 2010). Expressing the C. elegans TRPA-1 protein in diesterase (pde-5), a transcription factor (dac-1), a G pro- heterologous cells produces a cold-sensitive, nonselective tein-coupled receptor or GPCR (srtx-1), a heat-shock ion current (Chatzigeorgiou et al. 2010). protein (hsp-16.49), and a nuclear hormone receptor Direct temperature regulation of ion channels is not (nhr-268) gene. Defects in the srtx-1 gene, which is the only way to achieve extraordinary temperature de- expressed in AFD and AWC, disrupt isothermal tracking pendence, however. In C. elegans, the AFD neurons use by hyperactivating the AWC neurons (Biron et al. 2008), a cGMP-dependent molecular network to regulate an ion whereas dac-1 acts in the AFD neurons to regulate channel (Box 1). In this network, temperature regulates negative thermotaxis (Colosimo et al. 2004). the concentration of cGMP in the cytoplasm, which then In flies, forward and reverse genetics in Drosophila determines the fraction of cGMP-gated ion channels open have highlighted genes that contribute to thermal in- at a given temperature. This model is supported by in formation processing in both larvae and adult flies. These vivo whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of the AFD neu- genes include a suite of TRP channel genes: painless rons (Ramot et al. 2008a). The ion channel regulated by (Tracey et al. 2003), trpA1 (Rosenzweig et al. 2005; temperature in AFD is formed by the TAX-4 and TAX-2 Hamada et al. 2008), and pyrexia (Table 2; Lee et al. cyclic nucleotide-gated channel proteins (Coburn and 2005). Below, we discuss what is understood about how Bargmann 1996; Komatsu et al. 1996). Both subunits are each of these channels contributes to thermosensation. required, since a defect in either the tax-4 or tax-2 gene is Additional molecules identified using genetic tools in- sufficient to abolish the extraordinary thermosensitivity clude receptors for histamine and enzymes required for of the AFD neurons. This agrees with the observation histamine synthesis (Hong et al. 2006), phospholipase that both proteins are required to form a channel with C signaling pathway components (Kwon et al. 2008), and high affinity for cGMP in heterologous cells (Komatsu cAMP signaling pathway genes previously known for et al. 1999). Thermoreceptor currents in AFD also depend their role in memory formation (Hong et al. 2008). on three receptor guanylate cyclases (rGCs) (Ramot et al. 2008a). Consistent with their central role in temperature- dependent regulation of the TAX-4/2 ion channel, all Thermosensor proteins and networks three rGCs (GCY-8, GCY-18, and GCY-23) are expressed In vertebrates, temperature sensation depends on ion exclusively by the AFD neurons (Inada et al. 2006). The channels of the TRP family activated by warming or PDE that operates in this network is not yet known. cooling (Dhaka et al. 2006; Damann et al. 2008). This role Importantly, how temperature regulates this signaling for TRP channels may be conserved in Drosophila and pathway remains to be established.

Table 2. TRP channels that serve as thermosensors in Drosophila a a Channel Tthreshold Q10 Tissues expressed References TRPA1 24°C–29°C n.d. Adult flies: LC, VC, and AC neurons, Viswanath et al. 2003; Labral sense organ; Larvae: Unknown Hamada et al. 2008 CeTRPA-1 Activated by n.d. Adult worms: PVD sensory neurons Chatzigeorgiou et al. 2010 coolingb Painless 44°Cc 28.5 Adult flies: gustatory sensory neurons Tracey et al. 2003; Xu et al. 2006; (proboscis, legs, and wings), Johnson’s Sokabe et al. 2008 organ; Larvae: multidendritic neurons, chordotonal organs PyxA 40°C 18 Adult flies: antennae, bristles, proboscis Lee et al. 2005 sensory neurons; Larvae: multidendritic neurons, others. PyxB 38°C 15 Not known if different from PyxA Lee et al. 2005 (n.d.) Not determined. aDetermined using voltage-clamp recording of heterologously expressed channels. bCeTRPA-1 is activated by cooling from room temperature, but the threshold for activation has yet to be measured. c 2+ 2+ With [Ca ]out = 2 mM; no Ca added to the recording solution.

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Thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila

melanogaster genome has 16 genes predicted to encode Box 1. A molecular network for temperature sensing by AFD. TRP channels, at least six of which (inactive, trp, trpl, trpA1, pyrexia, and painless) have been implicated in thermotaxis or responses to noxious heat (Table 2). Three (TRPA1, Pyrexia, and Painless) are activated by warming when expressed in heterologous cells, suggesting they serve as molecular sensors of warming. TRPA1 is activated by moderately warm temperatures (25°C–27°C) (Viswanath et al. 2003; Hamada et al. 2008), consistent with its role in thermotaxis (Rosenzweig et al. 2005; Hamada et al. 2008; Kwon et al. 2008), while Pyrexia and Painless have In this model, G, the intramicrovillar cGMP concentration, thresholds of ;37°C and 42°C (Lee et al. 2005; Sokabe decreases in response to cooling and increases in response to et al. 2008), consistent with their roles in behavioral warming (above threshold). (rGC) Receptor-type guanylate responses to temperatures in this higher range (Tracey cyclase; (a) rate of synthesis; (PDE) cGMP phosphodiesterase; et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2005). In contrast, the molecular (b) hydrolysis rate. sensors Drosophila use to detect lower temperatures are unknown. Three TRP channel genes (trpl, trp, and in- active) are candidates for encoding such low-temperature detectors, as mutations in these genes disrupt positive This molecular network may be shared by the light- thermotaxis (Rosenzweig et al. 2008; Kwon et al. 2010). sensitive ASJ neurons in C. elegans. Recent work suggests trpl and trpl encode closely related channels with that this network operates as follows: Light activates overlapping roles in phototransduction (Hardie and the LITE-1 GPCR, which acts via a G protein to increase Minke 1992; Niemeyer et al. 1996). For positive thermo- the activity of an rGC, increasing intracellular cGMP taxis, trpl appears more important than trp,astrpl levels and activating TAX-4/2 channels (Ward et al. 2008; mutant defects are stronger and have been observed in Liu et al. 2010). This differs from cGMP-dependent photo- both first and third instar larvae, while trp mutant defects transduction in vertebrates, in which the activity of PDEs have been observed only in first instar larvae and not in but not rGCs is light-dependent (Fu and Yau 2007). It will all trp mutant backgrounds (Rosenzweig et al. 2008; be interesting to learn whether the proposed temperature- Kwon et al. 2010). Despite the promising genetic data, dependent regulation of cGMP concentration in the AFD direct cold activation of TRPL, TRP, or Inactive currents neurons arises from direct effects of temperature on rGCs remains to be demonstrated, and these channels could or PDE(s), or indirect modulation of one or both enzymes. mediate positive thermotaxis without serving as molec- Temperature responses in the AFD neurons resemble ular temperature sensors. Precedent for indirect activa- light responses in ciliary photoreceptors such as those that tion of TRP and TRPL comes from studies of Drosophila mediate vision in mammals (Yau and Hardie 2009). Verte- phototransduction, where photon absorption initiates a brate photoreceptors and worm AFD neurons signal the signaling cascade that promotes TRP and TRPL channel presence of stimuli by modulating the activity of a cGMP- opening via the phospolipase C NorpA (Bloomquist et al. gated ion channel, and use nonlinear amplification to 1988; Hardie and Minke 1992; McKay et al. 1995; enhance sensitivity and adaptation to maintain sensitivity Niemeyer et al. 1996). This specific pathway is not re- to a wide range of stimulus values. Thermoreceptor sponsible for regulating low-temperature responses, how- currents are the result of a nonlinear amplification mech- ever, as norpA mutants show no defects in positive anism that remains to be elucidated (Ramot et al. 2008a). thermotaxis (Rosenzweig et al. 2008). Adaptation to ambient temperature enables the AFD to It is worth noting that not only TRP and TRPL, but all retain such sensitivity across the entire physiological of the Drosophila TRPs implicated in thermosensory temperature range (15°C–25°C). behavior participate in detecting other sensory stimuli, Less is known about the molecular networks activated including sugar (Xu et al. 2008), gravity (Sun et al. 2009), by warming in the AWC neurons. Like AFD, AWC relies and reactive chemicals (Kang et al. 2010). The specific on the tax-4 channel gene (Kuhara et al. 2008). Such stimuli that activate a given TRP channel can depend responses are impaired in mutants lacking ODR-3 Ga and on cellular context, as in the activation of TRP and TRPL enhanced in animals with defects in the eat-16 RGS by light via the phototransduction cascade (Bloomquist (regulator of G protein signaling) gene (Kuhara et al. et al. 1988; Hardie and Minke 1992; McKay et al. 1995; 2008), suggesting that AWC uses G protein-mediated Niemeyer et al. 1996). In other cases, expression of a cGMP signaling for thermosensation. Thus, the proposed single TRP channel appears sufficient to confer respon- model for thermosensory transduction by the AWC siveness to multiple stimuli across a wide range of cell neurons mirrors the better-understood network required types, as in the activation of TRPA1 by temperature and for chemosensory transduction (Bargmann 2006). How- chemicals (Kang et al. 2010). The apparently intrinsic ever, as mentioned above, the thermoresponsive proper- temperature sensitivity of TRPA1 and PAINLESS and the ties of the AWC neurons require additional investigation. low thermal mass of Drosophila implies that many cells The best-characterized molecular thermosensors are expressing these proteins will be highly temperature- TRP channels directly regulated by temperature. The D. sensitive. This opens the possibility for thermosensation


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Garrity et al. to be integrated with other modalities within primary In contrast, the response of the AIZ interneurons to sensory neurons. temperature is decreased by starvation (Kodama et al. 2006; Kuhara and Mori 2006), and may contribute to the Neurotransmitters weakened negative thermotaxis behavior (Chi et al. 2007; Ramot et al. 2008b). Defects in the ins-1 insulin-related How is thermal information transmitted from specialized peptide and the tax-6 calcineurin gene impair behavioral thermosensory neurons in C. elegans? Based on the responses to food deprivation as well as starvation- expression of the eat-4 vesicular glutamate transporter dependent inhibition of warming-evoked calcium signals (Lee et al. 1999), both the AFD and AWC neurons likely in the AIZ interneurons (Kodama et al. 2006; Kuhara use glutamate as a neurotransmitter. In support of this and Mori 2006). Genetic analyses indicate that, in starved idea, the post-synaptic interneuron partners of AFD and animals, INS-1 production by unidentified neurons in- AWC express ionotropic glutamate receptors (Hart et al. hibits insulin signaling by antagonizing the DAF-2 1995; Maricq et al. 1995; Wenick and Hobert 2004). insulin receptor and the AGE-1 phosphotidylinositol Inhibition of the AIY interneurons by AWC is accom- 3 kinase (Kodama et al. 2006). Analysis of the site of plished via activation of the GLC-3 glutamate-activated action of age-1 and tax-6 suggests that, in addition to the chloride channel (Chalasani et al. 2007). However, since AIZ interneurons, starvation-mediated plasticity may the AFD–AIY synapse is likely excitatory (Clark et al. involve the AIY and RIA interneurons (Kodama et al. 2006), a distinct receptor may be involved. The ability of 2006; Kuhara and Mori 2006). It is interesting to note AFD to excite AIY and the ability of AWC to inhibit AIY that AWC neuronal activity has been shown recently to suggest that these synapses are spatially and electrically be modulated by insulin signaling from the downstream isolated from one another. The AIB and AIA interneurons AIA interneurons (Chalasani et al. 2010), suggesting that also receive glutamatergic input from AWC. The AIB the AWC neurons may also represent a locus of integra- neurons express the GLR-1 glutamate-activated cation tion of food and temperature cues. channel and are excited by AWC (Chalasani et al. 2007), As described above, shifting worms to a new cultiva- while the AIA neurons express GLC-3 and are inhibited tion temperature causes a shift in thermal preference over by AWC (Chalasani et al. 2010). Intriguingly, AWC engages a matter of hours (Hedgecock and Russell 1975; Mohri the AIB and AIA neurons in a common, dyadic synapse et al. 2005; Kodama et al. 2006; Kuhara and Mori 2006). (White et al. 1986), implying that AWC modulates these Both well-fed and starved animals exhibit plasticity in interneurons in a coordinated, reciprocal fashion. their thermal preference, establishing a new value ;2h Consistent with the idea that the AFD and AWC following a temperature shift (Biron et al. 2006; Chi et al. thermosensory neurons require glutamate to transmit 2007; Ramot et al. 2008a). The intracellular calcium- thermal information, eat-4 mutants show defects in ther- dependent memory of T appears to be stored in the AFD motaxis (Yamada and Ohshima 2003). Both neurons also c thermosensory neurons (Kimura et al. 2004; Biron et al. express genes predicted to encode neuropeptides (Li et al. 2006), although temporal dynamics of AWC neuronal 1999; Nathoo et al. 2001), although the role of neuropep- activity are also modulated by T (Biron et al. 2006; tides in either the acute or chronic response to tempera- c Kuhara et al. 2008). Mutations in the dgk-3 diacylglycerol ture is unknown. Thermal information processing in kinase significantly affect the rate at which worms adapt Drosophila relies on histamine as a neurotransmitter, to (learn) a new cultivation temperature by modulating but the specific neuronal populations involved have not the rate of resetting of the threshold of AFD output to the been identified (Hong et al. 2006). Thus, there are multiple AIY interneurons, but have no effect on the rate at which regions of the CNS that engage in temperature sensation the threshold for warming-evoked changes in intracellu- and thermal information processing. It will be interesting lar calcium in AFD is altered (Biron et al. 2006). A key to learn how these pathways interact to regulate thermo- advance will be the discovery of the molecular and taxis, avoidance of noxious heat, and temperature-com- cellular mechanisms essential for plasticity in T in C. pensated circadian clocks in Drosophila. c elegans thermosensory neurons. Plasticity in C. elegans thermotaxis behaviors Thermosensory regulation of development Two environmental factors have strong effects on C. elegans thermotaxis: bacterial food and cultivation tem- In addition to regulating navigation behaviors, do the perature. The response of starved worms to thermal identified thermosensory circuits actively modulate gradients is debated, with some research groups reporting other temperature-dependent processes? To compensate that the ability of starved worms to perform negative for the intrinsic temperature dependence of all biochem- thermotaxis is decreased while isothermal tracking be- ical reactions, animals have evolved mechanisms by havior is unaffected (Biron et al. 2006; Chi et al. 2007; which the rates of specific biological processes, such as Ramot et al. 2008b), and others reporting that starvation circadian rhythms, are kept constant across a broad tem- causes worms to avoid their cultivation temperature perature range (Pittendrigh 1954; Hastings and Sweeney (Hedgecock and Russell 1975; Mohri et al. 2005). Regard- 1957). However, other phenotypes—such as rates of loco- less of the impact of starvation, the information regarding motion, metabolism, and life span—are significantly af- feeding state is not carried by the AFD sensory neurons fected by ambient temperature (Shaw and Bercaw 1962; (Biron et al. 2006; Kodama et al. 2006; Ramot et al. 2008a). Klass 1977; Dusenbery and Barr 1980; Hosono et al. 1982;

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Thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila

Bennett 1990; Vermeulen and Bijlsma 2004; Galbadage and 2000; Motola et al. 2006). Reduction-of-function muta- Hartman 2008). This could simply be a result of systemic tions in daf-9 decrease longevity at higher temperatures temperature effects, or due to active modulation by inputs (Gerisch et al. 2001). daf-9 expression is decreased in ttx-1 from dedicated thermosensory pathways. In mice, reduc- mutants at 25°C, and the shortened life span of ttx-1 tion of core body temperature via genetic manipulation of mutants can be suppressed by increased expression of daf-9 hypothalamic neurons results in increased life span, sug- in neuroendocrine cells, as well as by loss of daf-12 gesting that longevity is under active temperature control function (Lee and Kenyon 2009). A model consistent with (Conti et al. 2006). Work in C. elegans suggests that many these observations is that, for Tc > 25°C, AFD-mediated developmental processes are similarly under active mod- thermosensory inputs increase daf-9 expression and reg- ulation by thermosensory inputs, and that temperature is ulate longevity via DAF-12. Interestingly, DAF-9-pro- sensed and integrated together with other external and duced dafachronic acids are also the major downstream internal cues to regulate these pathways. mediators of dauer formation via DAF-12 (Gerisch et al. A well-studied temperature-dependent developmental 2001; Jia et al. 2002; Gerisch and Antebi 2004; Mak and process in C. elegans is the decision of larvae to enter Ruvkun 2004). As in the case of longevity, absence of AFD into, or exit from, the stress-resistant dauer developmen- may result in inappropriate daf-9 expression at a given tal stage (Golden and Riddle 1984a,b). The primary trigger temperature, resulting in pheromone hypersensitivity in regulating dauer entry is the concentration of dauer dauer formation. Thus, hormonal signaling from the AFD pheromone, a complex mix of fatty acid-linked ascaroside and other thermosensory neurons may organize a ge- sugar derivatives (Golden and Riddle 1982, 1984b; Jeong nome-wide developmental response in response to envi- et al. 2005; Butcher et al. 2007, 2008, 2009; Pungaliya ronmental temperature (see also Tissenbaum et al. 2000). et al. 2009). Pheromone-induced dauer formation is tem- However, similar to dauer formation, longevity remains perature-dependent, such that, at a given pheromone temperature-sensitive in animals lacking AFD function, concentration, more larvae enter into the dauer stage at further underscoring the existence of multiple tempera- higher temperatures (Golden and Riddle 1984a; Ailion and ture-sensing neurons. Thomas 2000). The composition profile of dauer phero- A particularly unexpected finding was the requirement mone is also distinct at different temperatures (Butcher for the AFD neurons in regulating heat-shock responses et al. 2008). Genetically disrupting AFD neuron function in C. elegans, a response generally considered to be cell- via the ttx-1 mutation results in hypersensitivity to autonomous. Upon heat shock, organism-wide levels of pheromone and promotes dauer recovery at lower tem- hsp mRNAs are dramatically decreased in animals in peratures (Golden and Riddle 1984a; Ailion and Thomas which AFD neuron functions were compromised via either 2000; Satterlee et al. 2001), suggesting that the AFD physical or genetic perturbations (Prahlad et al. 2008). neurons modulate the temperature regulation of the Moreover, these animals were found to be less tolerant to pathway. However, the temperature dependence of dauer thermal stress (Prahlad et al. 2008). Taken together, these formation by pheromone is retained (Golden and Riddle observations suggest that, in addition to regulating behav- 1984a; Ailion and Thomas 2000), indicating that neurons ioral decisions, thermosensory neurons act in a cell-non- other than AFD must also mediate temperature input. autonomous manner to regulate the temperature depen- The existence of multiple temperature-responsive path- dence of multiple developmental processes in C. elegans. ways is also supported by observations that high temper- atures of 27°C are sufficient to promote dauer entry in Conclusions and perspectives a pheromone-independent manner, and that this process is unaffected in ttx-1 mutants (Ailion and Thomas 2000). A theme emerging from this overview is that the study It will be interesting to determine whether other thermo- of thermotaxis in C. elegans and D. melanogaster is sensitive neurons, such as the AWC neurons (Biron et al. amenable to analysis at many different levels of inquiry, 2008; Kuhara et al. 2008), also play a role in the temper- from the molecular to the small circuit to the systems ature-dependent regulation of dauer formation. levels. The ability to synthesize observations made across Hints of the mechanisms by which thermosensory these levels provides a unique opportunity to gain de- inputs coordinate organism-wide responses came from tailed insights into how molecules and circuits shape investigations into the thermal regulation of aging. As in complex behaviors. In this way, the study of thermotaxis other ectotherms, the life span of C. elegans is shorter at in these model organisms provides an experimental and higher temperatures (Klass 1977). Perturbation of AFD theoretical platform to investigate questions at the fore- function results in an even shorter life span at higher front of modern neuroscience, not only in these model temperatures of 25°C, although life span at lower tem- systems, but also in more complex animals like . peratures is unaffected (Lee and Kenyon 2009), suggesting How are complex behaviors generated from the activities that AFD contributes to the temperature dependence of of neural circuits? How do behaviors differ among in- life span. This regulation appears to be effected via modu- dividuals and between species, and what are the critical lation of neuroendocrine signaling and regulation of ex- underlying molecular and cellular differences that con- pression of the daf-9 cytochrome P450 gene (Lee and tribute to these differences? Studies of a readily quantifi- Kenyon 2009). DAF-9 regulates the production of the bile able behavior such as thermotaxis in C. elegans and D. acid-like dafachronic acid steroids, which act as ligands melanogaster have the potential to provide rapid insights for the DAF-12 nuclear hormone receptor (Antebi et al. into the answers to these questions.

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However, many key issues remain to be resolved. In derlying evolutionary changes at the molecular and cir- C. elegans, a major open question is the molecular nature cuit level. of the temperature sensor(s). While a cGMP-dependent signaling pathway is required for thermal activation of the AFD neurons, the molecular thermosensor remains Acknowledgments unknown. Identification of this thermosensor is impor- We acknowledge contributions from members of our laborato- tant not only for understanding the molecular principles ries. Related work in our laboratories is supported by NIH grants that govern the exceptional thermal sensitivity of the PO1 NS044232 (to P.G.), R21 NS061147 (to M.B.G.), DP1 AFD neuron, but also for determining the molecular OD004064 (to A.D.S.), and RO1 GM081639 (to P.S.), and NSF mechanisms that reset the AFD threshold in response to grants 0725079 (to M.B.G.) and 1025307 (to P.G.). cultivation temperature. Similarly, the molecular sensor of cool temperature in D. melanogaster is uncertain. At the References level of the neural circuit, very little is known about the neural circuits involved in temperature detection in Dro- Ailion M, Thomas JH. 2000. Dauer formation induced by high temperatures in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 156: sophila: The larval warm sensors and the adult cold 1047–1067. sensors are defined with low resolution, and the circuits Ainsley JA, Kim MJ, Wegman LJ, Pettus JM, Johnson WA. 2008. that control thermosensory behavior downstream from Sensory mechanisms controlling the timing of larval de- the sensors in larvae and adults are largely unknown. The velopmental and behavioral transitions require the Drosoph- further definition of these circuits in both roundworms ila DEG/ENaC subunit, Pickpocket1. Dev Biol 322: 46–55. and flies will provide additional opportunities to monitor Anderson JL, Albergotti L, Proulx S, Peden C, Huey RB, Phillips and manipulate their functions in vivo. In particular, we PC. 2007. Thermal preference of Caenorhabditis elegans:A anticipate that cell type-specific molecular genetic alter- null model and empirical tests. J Exp Biol 210: 3107–3116. ations and inducible manipulations of neuronal activity Antebi A, Yeh WH, Tait D, Hedgecock EM, Riddle DL. 2000. (e.g., see Zhang et al. 2007) will increasingly be coupled daf-12 encodes a nuclear receptor that regulates the dauer diapause and developmental age in C. elegans. Genes Dev with high-resolution tracking of thermotactic behavior in 14: 1512–1527. both C. elegans and D. melanogaster. This powerful Bargmann CI. 2006. Chemosensation in C. elegans. In WormBook combination will greatly advance our understanding of (ed. The C. elegans Research Community). 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An olfactory neuron responds stochastically to tem- demonstrating differences in the thermotactic behavior perature and modulates C. elegans thermotactic behavior. of two independent isolates of C. elegans: the N2 and Proc Natl Acad Sci 105: 11002–11007. CB4856 strains (Anderson et al. 2007). While the thermal Bloomquist BT, Shortridge RD, Schneuwly S, Perdew M, Montell preference of the standard laboratory N2 strain is highly C, Steller H, Rubin G, Pak WL. 1988. Isolation of a putative plastic, CB4856 shows a much more rigid preference and phospholipase C gene of Drosophila, norpA, and its role in is analogous to fruit flies in this respect (Anderson et al. phototransduction. Cell 54: 723–733. 2007). The underlying molecular and circuit basis of this Branson K, Robie AA, Bender J, Perona P, Dickinson MH. 2009. difference is unknown, but this observation hints at High-throughput ethomics in large groups of Drosophila. how studying natural variation in thermotaxis can pro- Nat Methods 6: 451–457. Bullock TH, Diecke FP. 1956. Properties of an infra-red receptor. vide the framework for a broader view of thermotaxis. J Physiol 134: 47–87. In addition, it underlines how our current view of the Butcher RA, Fujita M, Schroeder FC, Clardy J. 2007. Small molecular genetics of behavior is influenced by the molecule signaling of dauer formation in C. elegans. Nat characteristics—and, potentially, the idiosyncrasies—of Chem Biol 3: 420–422. the small populations of animals selected for study in the Butcher RA, Ragains JR, Kim E, Clardy J. 2008. A potent dauer laboratory decades ago. 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Running hot and cold: behavioral strategies, neural circuits, and the molecular machinery for thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila

Paul A. Garrity, Miriam B. Goodman, Aravinthan D. Samuel, et al.

Genes Dev. 2010, 24: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.1953710

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