WOMENSWOLD PARISH COUNCIL A Meeting of Womenswold Parish Council was held in the Function Room at The Two Sawyers, on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr I HOBSON – Chairman Cllr M MCKENZIE- Vice- Chairman Cllr J PERRINS Cllr P SUTCLIFFE Mrs. V McWILLIAMS Clerk

City Cllr Mike Sole attended the meeting. There was one member of the public present.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence

Cllr C Brown sent his apologies as he was unwell. County Cllr Michael Northey sent his apologies due to weather conditions.

2. Comments from the public.

The member of the public expressed her feelings with regard to the Registration of the Assets of Community Value Nomination Form on the Two Sawyers which had been applied for by the Parish Council following their meeting in November 2019. She was very upset about it, stating that it would make selling the pub very difficult. The Chairman explained that the Council had discussed the issue at the November meeting and acted purely to protect the interests of the pub on behalf of the Parish. All Councillors were in favour of the ACV application.

Councillors discussed the member of the public’s concerns and all agreed that a letter should be sent to her explaining what was discussed at the meeting on 12 November 2019. The Clerk will prepare a letter and submit the draft to councillors for agreement prior to sending.

3. Councillors Reports

Cllr Michael Northey was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following report:

KCC is consulting widely on its new five-year plan, to be found on the website, called “Your Future, Our Priority”. This sets out KCC’s priorities for the coming years on such things as roads, infrastructure, housing, adult and children’s needs, especially complex ones, education etc. KCC welcomes comments and suggestions, which will help the planning of services to help all residents. Consultation ends on 17 February.

KCC has set up a Select Committee on affordable housing. How can we help get affordable housing in enough numbers in the right places? It is chaired by Rob Thomas, who is also Leader of City Council, so he is well placed to see the issues from different angles. Consultation ends on 26 January.


KCC has issued to many media outlets, including KALC, its recent health public advice “Ready for a New You this New Year”, giving all sorts of helpful advice on healthy living including healthy use of food, obesity issues, stress, mental health, smoking problems, etc. It takes a sensible approach and there is a fun element, e.g. taking a test to see how your alcohol levels compare and what they mean to you – it gives points out of forty, most illuminating. All on the website. It takes friendly not a nagging nanny tone. It gives links to advice on how to cope with stress levels and practical advice in general on how to help yourself to find a healthier and happier lifestyle.

KCC is very pleased that Operation Brock is now being dismantled and believes that this will help traffic flows in Kent.

Today I went to a briefing at County Hall on how the new Medical School based at Kent University and Christ Church University Canterbury is doing. It is proceeding at pace. Many candidates have now been interviewed during quite a process and the first 100 students should be beginning soon

Report from City Cllr Mike Sole

City Cllr Mike Sole reported that the rising water tables along the Elham Valley it is now likely that we will see the Nailbourne flow this year. I was in touch with the Environment Agency last year to make sure that the riverbed and culverts were clear so hopefully we will see flow rather than flood. It would however be prudent for relevant parish councils to review their emergency flood procedures and check up on emergency contacts and sandbag supplies.

Between Christmas and New Year, I joined Kingston Parish Councillor Laura Spencer on a litter pick. In just under three hours, we collected a horrifying seven full bags of rubbish between the top of Bonny Bush Hill and The Black Robin. As it was only a year since the last litter pick this was particularly concerning. Plastic bottles, food packaging, drink cans and glass bottles, all of which must have been thrown from vehicles made up the bulk of the rubbish.

The City Council are currently looking at options for building new £12m council offices. Regardless of the merits of alternative sites, I have yet to be convinced that this is a sensible financial project compared with refurbishment of the existing building. Whilst any new offices should be carbon neutral once built, the carbon footprint of the initial build will be significant.

Finally, the recent heavy rains that caused the Stour to burst its banks in many places, flooding areas around the Hambrook Marshes, must bring into question the City Council’s desire to extend the Park & Ride onto the water meadows behind B&M Bargains. I believe that it is imperative for other options to be considered to provide additional car parking spaces that does not require building in this location.


4. Declaration of Interests by Councillors.

There was no notification by members given of any pecuniary or personal interest in items on the Agenda.

5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the November 12th, 2019 meeting were approved and signed; proposed by Cllr Sutcliffe & seconded by C McKenzie.

6. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda.

There were no further matters arising.

7. Finance

Business Current Account £11,709.44 Business Saving Account £1,880.97 Expenses Clerks Salary SCP 20 £10.50 per hour 26 hours in Nov/December £273.00 plus £80.00, plus IT Maintenance Contract £95.00 + Wine Gift £8.50 Total £456.50 CPRE Subscription £36.00 Elgars Ground Rent £14.00 Viridor Waste Management £762.40 (Representing 10% of cost) Fifth Trust Church Yard £52.00 Total £1,320.90

Monies due in Two Sawyers collection £120.00

8. Planning/Trees

19/01861 Change of use from Public House to single residence. The Two Sawyers Woolage Green, CT4 6SE. Refused

19/01523 Outline application for proposed two-storey detached dwelling Ropersole Park, Womenswold CT4 6SA. Refused.

9. Highways

Highways has still not removed the litter from the lay-by just past the roundabout on Wingham/ the Road. Cllr Mike Sole stated that he had been in touch with Highways England and Canterbury City Council and will chase them again.

The Clerk confirmed that the request for a new salt bin to be put by the turning to Nethersole Road off Snowdown Road has now been installed.


There have been requests from some residents for speed limits to be put in place in the parish. Cllr McKenzie has heard from Gary Peak the Schemes Project Manager at KCC explaining that if we want to apply for speed limits, we would have to complete a Highways Improvement Plan and send it to KCC. The Council discussed the issue and felt before we go ahead with anything, we should do a survey of the parish to find out if residents thought it necessary.

This was agreed by all proposed by Cllr Perrins; seconded by Cllr Sutcliffe. Cllr McKenzie agreed to carry out the survey helped by other councillors in each village. Cllr Mike Sole also offered to help.

10. Environmental Issues

The moles are currently being dealt with on the Recreation Ground at .

It was agreed by all to do another Litter Pick of the parish on Sunday 29th March 2020. Cllr Perrins will contact Canterbury City Council to obtain equipment and to arrange the removal of any rubbish collected.

11. Broadband

There is no news or progress from Vfast, the Clerk is still waiting to hear from them.

Cllr Hobson had spoken to George Chandler at KCC, but they were still no further forward with news on Fibre Broadband.

12. Councilors’ Portfolios

Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC): Nothing to report.

Amenities and Welfare: Following confirmation of the grant from Viridor being successful it was agreed to go ahead and place an order with Safe & Sound/Caloo for the 2-bay, 4 swings equipment. It will take about 6- 8 weeks before they will be installed.

It was agreed to go ahead and order the spare parts to repair the Toddler Swings. Cllr Perrins offered to organise the repairs once the parts were received.

Roads & Services: Nothing further to report.

Communication – Website - Cllr Hobson stated that the website was up to date. He reported 417 hits so far this month. He is ready to publish the next newsletter if Councillors have any more material he would like it ASAP.

Police Liaison: Cllr Sutcliffe has now taken over the responsibility as Police Liaison Officer. The Clerk will let our PCSO’s know in order for future reports to be sent to Cllr Sutcliffe.

13. General Correspondence 24

Kent Voice Field Work Countryside Voices

Emails sent to all Mike Sole Report KALC Bulletin KALC News Web Accessibility Workshop Health & Well Being Chief Executive’s Bulletin - Chairman’s New Year open letter Nomination of The Two Sawyers Public, Woolage Green As an Asset of Community Value Speed Limits

All correspondence has been distributed to Councillors.

Following the letter from Martin Vye regarding “Campaigning for a New Hospital “it was agreed to write to him saying we would welcome him coming along to talk to the Council. The Clerk will write to him and asking him to suggest a date in March to enable us time to circulate the parish.

14. AOB

It was agreed to put details of the “VE Day 5, 8 May 2020” on as an Agenda Item at the next meeting to discuss whether we want to organise an event to celebrate the occasion.

Cllr Mike Sole reported that temporary cameras had been put up on Wick Lane with regard to recent fly-tipping. There had been no reports of any further fly-tipping as yet.

15. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at The Learning Opportunities Centre, Womenswold on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7.00pm.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.