
2 SUNDAY NEWS, JULY 18;1076 Pal Says Ruby Knew Oswald Before Killing By PAUL MESKIL c,Copyrishr New York News Inc., MI An entertainer who worked for said yesterday that-Ruby and knew each other before the of Presi- dent Kennedy. Walter (Wally) Weston, a night-club comic and master of ceremonies, said Oswald visited Ruby's Carousel night club in at least twice before Oswald allegedly killed Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, Less than 48 hours after the assassination, Ruby shot Oswald dead in Dallas police headquarters. After nearly 13 years of si- witness, Wilbryn Weldon Litch- lence, Weston volunteered his field 2d, said he saw Oswald information about a Ruby-Os- waiting to see Ruby at the club wald link as a result of an a month before the assassina- exclusive story in The News tion. Dallas lawyer Carroll about Ruby's pre-assassination Jarnagin told FBI agents be saw trips to . Weston's story, if Oswald and Ruby together in the true, provides new evidence and Carousel on the night of- Oct. 4, lends support to the persistent 1963, and 'overheard them dis- charges that there, was a con- cussing plans for Oswald to spiracy to kill the President. - assassinate Gov. John Soon after the assassination, Connally, who was wounded in Secret Service agents questioned the fusillade that killed Kennedy. Karen-Bennett (Little Lynn), a Despite these statements, the 19-year-old stripper. She said concluded another Carousel entertainer told that Oswald and Ruby had never her Oswald had been in the club met prior to the assassination. Walter (Wally) Weston and she also "vaguely remem- Weston, now 55, was a master Speak, up From Florida bered" seeing him there. Another of _ceremonies at the Carousel

son of Wen, i tom you never to come in here'." And he wrestled him to the door and threw him down the stairs of the Carousel. and a personal friend of the Later, Weston said, he recog- boss. nized newspaper photos of Lee "I was working in the club Harvey Oswald as the ejected one night approximately three heckler. weeks before the assassination," Weston was not in Dallas he "said. "I was on stage; doing when the President was killed. my bit, and this guy was stand- De said he returned to Dallas ing near the back wall. lie was on Sunday morning, Nov. 24, wearing a brown overcoat and a and was watching relevision and hat saw Ruby shoot Oswald. A day "The club was pretty crowded. or two later, he said, he was The guy walked up in the middle questioned by a Dallas detective of the club, right in front of the and an FBI agent He did not stage, and for no reason he said, mention the night-club heckler, 'I think you're a Communist' It I he said, because he was not posi- had nothing to do with what I tive the man was Oswald and be was saying, no continuity at all. wanted Co discuss the incident with other Carousel employes. Jumped and Hit Him Subsequently, Weston said, he "I said, 'Sir, I'm an American. studied news pictures of Oswald Why don't you sit down ?' He and became convinced the al- said, 'Well, I still think you're a leged assassin was the man he Communist,' so I jumped off tie had hit in the Carousel. He said stage and hit him. Jack was this was verified by another right behind him when I hit him. Carousel employe, stripper He landed in Jack's arms and Kathy Kay, whom he met at the Jack grabbed him and said, 'You (Continued on page 96, cal- 1)

(Continued from page 2) show again (after Ruby's re- lease)." dub when it closed three weeks Weston said he last saw Ruby after the assassination. a few days before he was re- He said Kathy told him Os- moved from jail and transferred wald was "the same ' guy that to Parkland Hospital, where he yo1 punched out that night — died of cancer and a blood clot an I danced with him." on Jan. 3, 1967. 4 She used to do an audience- "Decker (Dallas County Sher- participation thing where she iff J.E. Decker) said Jack had o ld dance with a customer as just had a session with his sister pa iilof her act," Weston contin- Eva (Eva Grant)," Weston said. ai li "She didn't say she danced "He (Decker) said, 'Jack wants him (Oswald) the night I to see you while he's settling m. She said he had been in down,' and I went in and talked (Ira before and she danced with tit a few weeks before -I hit to him. He was very distraught, al. She was very positive he very nervous. al - the one who assassinated "The first thing he said to me , VA President." was, 'Wally, you know what's 1 Asked if anyone else was going to happen now? They're during his conversation going to find out about my trips Withth the stripper, Weston said to Cuba and my trips to New WiBilly Willis, drummer in the Orleans and the guns and Carousel band, was there. everything.'" Weston said Ruby didn't elabo- 3 ,Je ' "Stay Out of It" rate on this statement. He said 'l "Billy saw me hit him (Os- he didn't know what Ruby was wald),' Weston said, "When I talking about and didn't ask for discussed It with him (during an explanation because of Ruby's the conversation with Kathy extremely agitated condition. sin Kay), he said: 'Wally, the best He said be later mentioned the nevi, thing to do is stay out if it. Just incident to his wife and she ad- pin. Imp your mouth shut. Don't say vised him not to tell anyone else, RE Anything. That's what I'm going "At that time, if didn't mean scor to do. I don't want any part of anything to me," he said. "But I shop this.'" can remember it vividly. It's in rang ' Weston said he never saw my brain. I can actually recall zucc Xathy again. what he said, work for word." - - bit "She was a blonde, an English On July 4, The News disclosed Tl girl," Weston said. "She was that a former CIA agent had goo( going with a detective and she told the Senate Intelligence Com- bout said they were going to Mexico. mittee that Ruby made a secret doe: She wanted to get out of the trip to in the summer of untry. She disappeared after 1963 and conferred with Fidel nee( the club closed and no one's to heard of her since." Castro and his top aides about the possibility of killing Presi- flig Other sources said Kathy and bec, the detective left Dallas togeth- dent Kennedy. This story was picked up__by and er, got married and moved to foo, California. The cop and Ruby the news wire services. Weston 'ere seen together in the Carou- heard it a few days later while eel on the night of the assassi- watching a TV news. broadcast nation. Because of this meeting, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He con- the Warren Commission ques- tacted the TV newscaster and tioned the cop during its probe then agreed to be interviewed of the assassination. He was by The News. fired from the Dallas force, for Asked why he waited so long reasons never explained, soon to come forward, he said: "Well, after the Kennedy . personal safety. So many people Weston said he visited- Ruby connected with it (the Kennedy several times in the Dallas murder probe) died or disap- County Jail after the night-club peared. And besides, being an owner's arrest and conviction for entertainer, people would say I murdering Oswald. Weston was was looking for publicity. If I'd asked if Ruby ever discussed his wanted that, I'd of done it 13 reasons for shooting Oswald. years ago. "No," Weston said. "This is an "When I heard on TV about amazing thing. Everybody was Ruby going to Cuba, I realized saying, `What a patriot.' that what I know may be impor- "I guess he thought he'd get a tant. I mean, if it (the Kennedy medal and the club would reopen assassination) really was a con- and he'd be a hero. That was the spiracy, I think these things natural assumption. But he (the Carousel incident and never spoke of Oswald. Ruby's last words to Weston) "The one time I mentioned it are important. People want to to him, I said: 'Jack, wasn't that know, I guess. the guy I hit in the club?' He "I have no reason to' lie. I'm just looked at me and didn't say willing to take a lie-detector yes or no. He got off on some- test. I have nothing to gain by thing else about me coming back saying these things and nothing to the club and running the to hide."