Presented Fairly, Ocmrty And Impartially Each Week Full Local Coffftft Complete New Pietnrei

OB Carteret, N. J., Thursday, June 6, 1963 •stand u lad (Mm PRICE TEN CKNTS • u r on outmt, • valuation Is Attorney Seek New n-Political Asked To Firehouse Counci Hbas States Bow Out Location 1 CARTERET — A firehouse Trusko In the West Carteret section To R|isi Bom and a smnll tax discount for ;;"• Tassineilo Raps ^»- home owners when taxes are Debates! paid on time were suggestion* made by the two Democratic -..4 ]••• -.'ll :; \A)Y lhairman Ml IT III I SI, •; I candidates, Dr. John Harrlgan ,•.'"".. Ml /...'/ • and John Tomczuk at last 3* (."ARTFHFT Cnmmctitlim [,.', mill.1 .LiMiinl'il 'I: on » recent article which up- k,,!,i night's Borough Council meet- 1) peared In the nrwarmper by • linnn ing the Rppubllrmi munlrlpal .1 •>• 1 << It wa.s the first time the two ;i ll.. chairman Stive Trosko Jr.. Nl- "'"" had voiced their opinions at a rholiw Tavilnelln. ,stindnrd- Ti,, public meeting. ti- bearer, of the Associated Dem- • !•-• 11n .1 h Dr. Harridan said the West] eport li|f ll 3 • Id cicralii of Curtfret,, "couldn't Ciuterct area has been fully ..I ill Understand being palled pun of " " Ml developed residentlally. Over ,I,IIIII «n .in- thr old look by tlie Republican "' ''" Huruiiitli 4,000 people live there. A public Party." He mentioned that this '"' school, housing approximately Revalue II ii.iiKi- ilni wne Mr- Trosko. about two nl liV-illTl.1 500 children has only recently ilii.ition IM « months ago, when asked by a '' mlv .• been constructed. A vast ex- •re ni'iileil H Talks To Club 5 . iiiin|i|iti'h local reporter on tome com- |, GIVEN KAItKWKI.l, DINNER — Dennis KitiRcrsld. a custodian of thr Carteret schools for pansion of light industry is. ll.M'k •iiilte (if ji! the past 41 years was tendered a farewell dinner at the Gypsy Camp sponsored by the cus- CARTERET — The Polish 11, it rrvnliin- menu made by Mr. Ta.vilndlo, ., {)| presently taking place. These inl f'nr iliv in correcting n' tn^ Still In. n\«here rlw niuiwrred with his famous * todians o( the school. He was jlven a purse toy the janitors, A purse was also given him by plants are employing hundreds .merlcan Club of Carteret, held ini.-iure. i the tearhers and clerks and was presented by Superintendanl Edwin (luin. In photo from left s regular June meeting at the i.htinl, ami statement "Who u Mr. Ta.wl- Hi- rh 1 r^r > were inrnni rt Thi of Carteret's citizens. The near to riKht: Mr. (Juin, the KUeist of honor and James O'Donnell, assistant superintendant. ,ub room Saturday. 1 ,,r tint, Kin) M\\o wnat |la-, |1P d0Ill. fur I *>!l;ir \iihii-' lii- presented 'n the future will see thousands of v ('l.-inin.hii* cartrret?" Evidently It is the ; i-n; !e :lli- llll].n«J|li|(> SIIU'C t tic people employed. Joseph Karplnski, wartime j Questiod ditor of Plghtlng Poland In , w.ii. «nd w! policy of Xhe Republican Party, 1 •11 -iiiiil iriii.i rty flirvcv h:i mil "Last winter, conditions . -I i r ondon, was the principal ;'*7jj ^"K said Mr. Tawnrllo to contln- ' 1111 .1 in. .I, vi 1 lit iilonc mm-' prevented vehicular traffic CARTERET — The u y dlRl0|rt milltl Republicans Claim No Lady Democrats iin-ln'itinK *" ' ' unfounded i |'|| '1 ;ili'l ;l l;ix mte run tint be, from crossing over the turnpike ipeaker. Karplnski maintained shaw report which would ittr teret.„, " said Mr. TaMlnel!o,l|i'm- ii lmlii.ii nf Curt fret, will Also elected to office with her "but the mayor offered no so John Donovan, from the atg nul Ink'- ] ;i'-c if ii linrls the liome- CARTERET — Reservations inanclng education, and should no taken part In any Democratic 1 if imluMrv T niijiletiuii of thin iwore Mrs. Helen Kalas, vice- lutlon." Ian ahead just as it does in dlence started the dlseuwtl«M campaign* up until last year ; ..iji'ii i,< in my nntli* mvny. Un- owniT \\ i ike Mns promise now In c-iliii I I for the silver anniversary re-|)n,Sirient; Mrs. Florence Woj- "Durihg the peak traffi- when he wsked If all the report*, wnen ' it >« rniiijileteil. tlir tux ur- nf the homeown- ! >uylng a car or purchasing a rasioriiv ' bec*>n* campaign man- ers in n'ir lnTdiiit union of the class-of 1938, Car- clechowski, recording secretary; hours, it Is almost Impossible t. were in, *i : I he Imni ,IIT entirely iiiiiih who have been house mortgage. This great na M^H» puMfttolMW for Raymind Abaila in, sli;ik'-n liy I In1 wi teret High School, are belM|Mrs. Eleanor Rivers, corre- drive Into that portion of our '••I unknown. l:ntil tli'-sn new I, false [inlitical iion Is the world's best example Boncelet answered that ft """• Democratic April primary. |. John K community without some delay 1 1111 lihdH. the T)em- accepted by Veronica Bazsral sponding secretary; Mrs. Helen if what education can do for r had never been seen in its com- d therefore »hen the RepubU-i.- imc* arc ilctermnii ii. tin- new tiixi ' " the doctor stated. On the othe: M i'e of thr huni con nut He «rtab-."rml1 ihainimn.. Barnyak, Stephen Lukasiuk, Toryak, treasurer. Mrs. Anita people." "Purchase your child'! plete form by the Council. Ha :can ehatrmnn makes a state-]' Halas hand, there is absolutely noth r -Led. 1'ritil tliR m'e w set, therel "Sii • We took oflire on JiiiniuryiAndrew Virag, and Frank Tom-! z was appointed sergeant- uture just as you mortgage declared that it was "filed aVaf jmrnt that 1 am part or the old ' ing to impede or hamper th. i! b* tin ilullar tiunn-^ on hnw lit n I'll before, we lmve been czuk. !at-arms; Mrs. Florence Ference, home." in a cabinet here and we canj Dtmnrmlir look hr t* ditajlw In double!« eh »nv homeowtic hnvn Ui.workniK tiri'lcinly to reduce the flow of traffic from West Car find the key." He sold. tt» Mayvtalk, Which i> Indicative of the;I The reunion will be held Am* teret into the central part ol Karptnski will tntfel to Po i hiinlen on the hranenwnen'. the American Legion Memorial'ski, sunshine. Qouncil had made no n»tl«j Mr. KIIIIIIHS to «|iitile anylwhn have U'i>n ontAed with the our Borough. and ihdrtly for a business twi] to accapt it. '£. on June 15 at 6:30-pm., exactly The membership agreed to and will appear as a speaker at fig .ri^ :it Uu« time it mcom«t,ll)cnuK'ratii' 60% tax rUe in six 25 years to the time of gradua-1 donate to the Carteret First Aid "In addition, our West Car ,,. uni'rofnf and tidiciiloiw. It is like years. j teret residents have no publli the September meeting witr Donovan Bald thaj the ' i^vilH**!!) wot! of a bull game in "Mr Kolibnshui made tln> wilel- tion- It was tha Bret class to beiSquid «nd to the American the latest business news of Po- had been In progress lor ancer meeting hall. Many clubs, rep 'tj.'hi" thnfl inni'nn iw bcin* the linal «\st tnoit ridiculous e]nhn in tbo graduated at Walter B. Overholt|C Society. land, years and the Borough haa pt^K With resenting hundreds of peopli history nf farterel with ]iis ehnrge Stadium. Plans were completed for a !are greatly inconvenienced. Father Matthew Konopka, $36,000 for it. He declared that upon one of , tlie entire puckAde in we favor tln> revaluation plan. Mary Perkins Knierim re-;"C^bage Roll Dinner" to bej~My""riinnin7''mate*rJohn Holy Family Parish, in an ac as a homeowner he had paid $7 former Demo- ,.,, ! for his share and he would like I mine mou ln from now "\\V lmve lieen neuinst tlm plan vealed that records show that held onJuly 16th, at Kolibas|Tomczuk and z stronKly m.g( ceptance to membership speech crat. Nlcholifc Del Vaochlo, to 11,, •i! aill m-t tu ncrept or to know what ClemlrahaV' : fur two vriiH, ND ttepulilir-an h the class of 1138 introduced the Hall. The dinner is open to advised the members to allow run (or offtec an the R«publl- ri] that in the event a new fire- thought his house wo worth, • prune I that'the council uc- school slogan: win or lose, car- the public and serving hours for a strong organization in can tkket. Can hr deny that Th- hnw house Is constructed, it be bull' ii pi it. None ever will if it hurts teret forever. Stephen Ondre- will be from 12 to 1 P. M. and in West Carteret. which members follow a Demo- Mayor Andrew Banick said thr this candidate hax been a Dem- •>< I'tmi tii Clem 4 I In- lionieiiwni-rs. Tlie Clemiiwlinw jack said"that the'class of 1964J to 6 P. M. Dr. Harrigan further sug cratic leadership. "Unity leads that Cleminshaw has the ob- •nirwv|ocratlc Party booster for many;"' ligation to report to every home. k ! | has consented to allow use ,of. Installation of officers will gested that the local police to strength. We are proud of " " ' md :oolt part in the poll- " v* the IVtni.'Til.'* iiHtilMteil |1:1|lV j,,!,,, is its father. K.ili the Polish-American in our owner on the value placed on Tin' rli!Illll-lllW -lineV. NiHV tlll'l],

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rtwM orEN Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve SjaUnn A-I SALES SERVICE KVES II. Thursday, June 6, 1963 PAGE THRKE Nall,an Hale School News Cottage Prayer Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary Women's Club .. The Public :aret Truch, Janice Lynch and 1 .' ,||llf and Oa« Com- h Troller. Linda Nagy d ead an ordinal writing "What Meeting Held Directors Meet pi.wrnm to grades :t Meam To Be An American, CARTERFT The members CARTERET — Mrs. Lesli* ,,,,1 R on usnv ,rld Kathleen June Toth re- of the Calvary Baptist Church Trinity, newly elected presldeftl lted "Memorial Day" by Mary ,..', A,;,.s." The pro- are conducting cottage prayer of thr Carters Women's CM6( I:'1 !',.,, |hc proRress of ftoberte Rlnehart. meetings nil this week ln pre- held her lnltlnl directors nMtH ,,l-i.,iry from Edison's1 A rifle drill by the seventh pninlion for the approaching! ins nt her home on Clauss 0t. lamp to grade boys followed. The physl- week of Revival from June 9 to| She nnnnunced that nhe. 1fi& 1 al drill with arms was cxe- Ifi represent the Huh at the 0*- n.t !*• nil'1 or "moving :uted with precision by the These JtiT bi'itiK held in the niiiD Dip!, closini! dinner XA the group and the manual of arm* homes of various members, at .lime 10. mid that sllO will it- r'urc '" according to Navy regulation, tiMid Ihr fitli District. Presidftli 1 firmonntratlonB 7:30 P. M., each evening, except Illl was performed. Participating in Council on .limn in. nt Scotch of incan- on Wednesday, when It will be'; the drill were George Dlkun ,1 fiiion-scnnt lidht- jut the clitiiTh at 7 P. M. Oregory McOowan, Neal Pricr Mrs Uniin-t Farri'll. program ' ,- nii'Miiinn of proper | On Tuesday nmht, Mr. a.ndj n Prank Kosclow, Kenneth Lynch 1 I'luilnivm. will m nt, with ttW i ill, prooMS of see- Mrs. William Mizerak, 64 Fourth Michael Kudroch, Nicholas De- coni'nitii i' dilritn' the silltlDUf , .',f| were the ad- !Avenue, Port Reading, were Carlo and Wasyl Sowlrka. nioinhs In fnrm\il:ite the CllA'l j ,,: HIP lighting In I host, and on Thursday, Mr. and The program came to a close •irin-rimi f'H thn I!)fi3-fi4 SeagOn. J •i, 100 years. Mrs. Wethcrbee, 76 Mercer with William Markwalt singing 'I In club's (ip.'iilnn lunchMB , , Thomas's fourth Istroet, will be host. On Friday, My Buddy" and Don Blnsteln •A ill lir IK Id in Sentember TOtt- pivsrnted a Me Mr. and Mrs, Bernacky, will sounding "Taps." MI-; Unv Jcii.'.f n. fl-s rhalrmUU ,, Pni'-ram to th' welcome members to their home, 3 Pekola Tcrace, West Mi.v Hii:liiud Donovan, tfl" ,,f the Nathan 1 : rid1 program Carteret. tirirv . pri'sidrnt. will rnterttbl the HOUKI of Directors at k !i Mnmaret Doll Mint Win a Graduate The cottane meetings will be luncheon. Thursday, June 10 »t , • • iff particl concluded on Saturday at the of (ipotffian Court 1 P.M. ill lii r home. •* - ,v • I/-M. We For Parsonage, 38 McKinley Ave- Mrs. Donovnn, will also bJ CARTERET — Miss Mary with the Rev. Olenn Hat- rrjunseldr at the Girl's Ann Hila, of 101 Linden Street, teld and his wife as hosts. • . fiir: salute and at Diiuclns.s Collewe from JlW was graduated from Two deacons, Kenneth Adams, ... dm. the follow- 17-21. •,'•'. , --H in the play: jCourt Collfur In Robert McChesney and the pas- She lh the dauk'htcr of Mr. and tor are conducting these meet- Study shows adult educatjl* Mm. Andrew J. Hila. M •, iivl. and Qraee ings •trowing in scope. The rh"Ol children,' The minister will begin the w , r.ifln as MIM Ll-l ' week Of Revival at the morning :• [Vnrllla as Uncle worship service at 10:45 A. M. MR. and MRS. JOSEPH MARROWITZ • S'n'r-.i"; as Soldier, this Sunday. This will be fif- son, Michael and daughters, Czaplinskl. Mr. Markowltz Is JUMBO i. S:i:lor, Stanley teen minutes earlier than usual. CARTERET — Mr. and Mrs. \! i -:ti••. Jovph By- HlB topic wll be "Is Your Re- Joseph Markowitz, 38 Duffy Mrs. Fred Oombos and Mrs/retired and was a former em- ployee of the U. S. Metals Co. , y !• Washington ligion Big Enough?" He will Street, who celebrated their Stan Kosel. JUNE WEEKENDS i- Ro.1' 0th Mr. and Mrs. Markowltz were for 36 years. He also was pro- JUMBO events: So many ' mli Mlln"ta Ine'pventag "onjf "?**> ™?Z™L married May 24, 1913 at St. prletor of Markowitz's Tavern extras included-reception, .\!i!,ili:itn Lincoln •When You Fall Down, aeti^"ored B l " sightseeing tour, dance »nd K their Demetrius' Church by Father on Roosevelt Avenue. , \d i.inda Bodnv Up!" At this evening service.|Ra_™y___ show, bicycles, beach ' dnriiiR th' equipment — and more. the visiting Templr ap lst •: uf piitiloti Combined Republican Ocean and pool bathing. Church Choir of rrrth Amboy, Roxelle Is Awarded Kiindirkv Inquire now. Also ••:'i.s roiiMSted ft' MRS. GEORGE J. CLAUS8 will render special selections. Groups To Meet Trinity Sunday ask about Special Rates for ' I>-l)di nh Bror1 Tank Weapons Badge' Rev Hatfleld will be the speaker CARTERET — The Republi- Children's Week (June 23- T- ,••). I>ilnre.t Phi' 30); Honeymoons in Jun« ' rhroughout the Revival. The I can General organization and 2 CARTERET Army and our Inclusive Plan. S r lC S W 1 be R in ch e enlnRi ! Miss Joan Kubicka Weds! ^ ,n r, l i , . ™ L l ithe Women's Republican Club JamM w . son of Mr. Twin beds with bath from "illi OlIeiR, Rrv at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Joseph Iwan- CARTERET — Trinity Sun-lSunl - $13.50. Mod. Am.. $7.90 of Carteret will hold an Import- day will be observed in the Hun'an'dd MMrs. William O. Rozzelle.1 ) lornh McOownn ski, will be the visiting ant combined meeting on Fri- Eur., each person. Phone garlan Reformed Church at26 Warren St., Carteret, N. J., 609-345-1211: in N. Y. MU \V:i!;cr MeMnho!! director for the week. He andda' y night, at Firehouse No. 1 at both services this coming Sun-iwas ttwarded the exPert tanlc , 2-4849 — of write. • ! >>kv George /. Claus Here his family are members of tha 8:30 P.M. sharp, announced Evangel Baptist Church of • Ann McLeod' president of day. 'No Celestial Mathematics', weapons badge ln mid-May at ,'r jiro.Tani. Sar. Fort Hood TexRS CARTERKT — Miss Joan .carried a cascade of white roses, Newark. He has been superin-| . Republican Club and, will be the sermon topic Dr.; ' - ffiarlborctujb • ::, Ornce Mr- Women s >• :>nird\ MrfKiWHii tt Kubicka, daughter of [orchids and stephanotis. tendent of the Bible School !An{|rcw Majoros president of Andrew Harsanyi, pastor, will' The badge is awarded to' preach on at 9:30 ln English!tank crewmen who demon- £lenkim <• nirt'.cnre with Mr. and "Mrs- . Juliu'•"••"s "•"""Kubicka," i Mrs-" . Thoma"" s Giordano, there for the past two years,lGOp of Carteret ln a joint 118 Loniifi'lloft- St., became thelWoodbridw, sister of bride, was resident of the men's bible and at 11 o'clock in Hungarian.jstrate marked proficiency in " CMtril Boardwalk •Attaflttny I statement. Sunday School will convene at.firing all tank armament and MARY ANN HILA II' Mr. and Mrs. George M. Qrunden, Carteret, was maid of hurch. jcommitteeman and women At 1:30 P.M. the grave monu- Rozzelle, assigned to Com- ni. IH. I i.niprr.s.iive Mr- C1;IUSJ, 49 Sabo St., at 3 P.M. honor. Bridesmaids were Miss He is married to the former boai.dworlcers and friends to at- ton ment of the late Joseph Cinege, pany C, 1st Battalion of the !';": 'am in charge Saturday, in St. Elizabeth'sjBeveiiy Kelem;in and Miss Ar- Ilss Gloria Dahluren and they!tend tnis meeting," they said, rI (l r p on Miss Hila. Sin' an elder of the congregation,11st Division's 81st Armor, en- C.:nlw, principal :» " "« itdinan Catholic Church. Kubicka, cousins of the ave four children. There will| p]ans {or tne Republican an- W reCf ved the New Jersey bl lde botn of will be dedicated at Cloverleaf Itered the Army in April 1962 . "D-ned With COl-»'- The K<-v. Anthony J. Huber| ' ' Carteret. Miss - special music each evening ;nual picnlc and for the "kick Provisional Certlfl- cemetery. land completed basic combat -iniu'kn. Dorothy:Tl'a "1('mt)l'r of ""' der solo selections and on Fri-VaiTO, and Nicholas Del Vac- ! ,.ii{e by h'T lather. _Sh e wore! Colin Clauss. brother of the cently confirmed new members. ,,l iNnim -"I and Athlitic Association, Literary day the choir of First Baptist chio will present their views ,i iloor Ifimth go:ivn with fittedlki'idegroom, Ciirteret, was best (Thursday the Men's Club will "GET A REAL r • '••'ili-.-vi'iMti "recitfti Sociity. Court UmiiUage Club, Church of Carteret will present along with Mayor Banlck and >.dice of Chantilly law and'man- Usherinhering were CortlanCoitland have its regular business meet- ;•• ,.,,,,• vfl*» Oene-'Olft- Club. Mission Board, Na- some special singing. The ser-our two councllmen, Julius Why put up with fast, Improper halrcut- 1 and Ronald Andres ing. -d tin- audience liunal Fi-deratlon of Catholic S.ibrlna necklliic and mon topics for the week are as| d Charles Boncelet," tMB? ThomM DeStmone operates a sani- boln of Kovacs an tary borber ehop with clean linen tor every of Your I*nd Colleni- Student*, Student Coun- 1"mted sleeves. An apron of CarUret, and Joseph 'ollows: On Monday, "This is the two announced. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL customer. TUiie La no tactor tore ... : ell and tht- literaiy >tall of Tin- '-a'chiiw lace extended overBresnock, Perth Amboy. Keith Serious Business"; on Tuesday, your hair is trimmed to perfection and Refreshments will be served. The Ladies .••.' ;itid orlRIn of Ctmrller. tin' collene yenrlxxik, '• ;• full skirt of silk orcanza.•Kennedy, Osbornsville, cousin 'Rekindling Pentecostal Fires"; CARTERET rtatyled If necessary — You'll be flble to Auxiliary of the Congregation SEE the dlffereticel ;i,v m Dworatlon MIM Hila, an F:m.'li.sJi major H :• fniKertlp veil of English il-pf the bridegroom was ring on Wednesday, "False Hopes"; to serve throughout the world ;on was attached to a crown m'B on Thursday, "The Love of i and that this is the largest Brotherhod of Israel will hold its : u:i'il to the «roup ulirl Simian minor, has b*-fn In Strawberry festival and card •f -i'ed lierals and crystals. She For their wedding trip to Cal-God"; on Friday, "The Wrath number appointed in the his- '. v Patrick. Mnr-i»ppoinu>d ui the faculty ot Cai- card party this Sunday evening Service Barber Shop — -- — afornia, the bride wore a pink of God" and on Saturday, "Lost tory of A B.C. - — — wret Hlph 8C!IOLJ. June 9 at 8 p.m., at the Hill syn- sheath, patent leather accessor, and Found." The Revival will The church has been issued 76 Washington Avenue, Carteret f .— -•" / agogue, pershing Ave. All dona- Mihue C.ommittpe les and a white orchid. be climaxed on June 16, at the invitation to hear Dr. Sovtrt Union expands pipe- tions will go for the benefit o: OPEN 8:30 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M., CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Mls morning worship service, wheni"Cubby" Rutenber speak at the capacity. Plans Riniiit I'nrtyl Claus is_a graduate o: the Synagogue. •he sermon title will be "Life is N. J. Baptist Evangelist Con- - Carterre. t High School and I CAiriKHET •-- Tin- 'Pnvatf'an IBM. supervisor at Lake Like a Baseball Gnme." jference, being held at the First Headquarters (or Ni.i.u: L, Mimir Mimonal Com-liurst Naval Air Station. The church received two newjBaptist Church of East Orange 1 Drive-In VITA-VAR PAINTS inn1,. ' iii-id ;t.s n.onlhlv meet-' " "~ candidates for baptist^ last on the evening of June 10. int: mi M.r.' 18. at the Amencaii] Sunday; Mrs. Otis HuKhes, 900 The Baptist Youth Fellow- STARTS TOMORROW - OUR 4th and I.. :!:o:i Meinor: il Hall on Rahway Avenue, Avenel, and ship of the church held a cake LIQUORS LUMINALL PAINTS l!'in.~. (."1; Ave. Tit adult dunce; REPAIRS Mr. George Miller of 48 Lowell sale recently and with the pro- Street, 'coeds from same, have pur- I eaturlrjK .Wallpaper and i Ii 'AII.^ .s[)casored by the On All Make tre •'•as reported to be A report has come from the|chased new toys and decora- Anniversary Sale NATIONALLY I'.iiiiU-ih Supplies -s by the dance ehair- American Baptist Convention.kions for the infant nursery of held recently in Detroit, Mich".,'the church. The youth of the KNOWN BRANDS nu:i. M' i> Va:ca. and that forty three Baptist mis- church are to be commended mam older of new ANGELO 'MICHAEL Th slonary appointees wore named for their many activities. ii'.-->.. L- a i)in;o Ui be held nt EQUIPMENT STQREWIDE SAVINGS - UP TO 50% OFF Avenue & SON S1. JON iih i torn an Catholic at Ciiurih lull on Ciirieret Ave. TOTH Street Trl. Kl 1-JI4I Man; Hall, ;he binfo chair- BUY NOW FOR DADS, GRADS, BRIDES, ETC. man, iinnouiued it will be held Photo Shop on Mui'.diiy. June in from 7 to DOOR BUSTER SPECIAL! 10 I'M The-.e will be an early 64 Cooke Ave., Carteret At UNITED ROOSEVELT: Whitman s 14 Kt. Gold^Cross bud special of $20; 1" $40, Kl 1-4231 Candy uames, and a small jackpot of With Diamond /tlTHORIZKD KODAK \(iENCY While They last! $100 arid i law Jackpot of "Sffvinc Residents nt $200 Ref.e.shments will be available. DOOR BUSTER SPECIAL! Cards Regular to $8.95

Baby Needs FRUIT vour JUICERS C1""» 1.95 Anything, Anywhere . Kl 1-5374 Ol'R fill. ATTENTION Spcidel Identification wliti have I'xiimeni'ed bereavement Bracelets 4.95 know ol ihr many l'ri>hlHns which »"»••• At Ihe MITTUCH PHARMACY Spcidel Tie-Tacs For Dad & Grad! ll.insrult Avrnur ('Alt II KIT BONUS DIAMONDS SPECIAL GROUP I'.ui-r Honwtrll Alrlnir Hbupplnt Arr.l (Reg. 1.951 95c tadiw' 1 Carat Leather Watch Bands Tit BAR & CUFF Be*. $450 4.00) 95c Ladies' Vi Carat $1 OQ LINK SETS 1O;7 Prince & Princess E«. $269 Values .95 Mtn's 1 Carat I Oardnei- Wallets. to »10.00 ; 5.00 Modernize Your Home! Bee. l»15 Your Choice • Gentlemen's Jewel Boxes 4.95 For FEMALE GRAOS! WATCHES Ladies' Jewel Boxes 14-kt. Gold SPECIAL GROUP 4.95 Cultured Peart Ladies' and Gents' Famous Bi>nd Cigarette Iiighters 3.50 50% OFF! 115,00 Crystal Rosaries, Famous Brands SPECIAL GROUP! SEE US Complete with Case ,... 2.95 Fully Guarantee* Many With Expansion Famous Corning Ware Ladles' Rhinestone .for a Home Banda f Fi'om 3.50 Necklace & Earring SAVINGS made oh or before Expansion Watch Bands 50 Improvement •ROBT (Ladies' and Gents') Values to 10.95 1.95 "g- 4- the 20th of JUNE will SPECIAL GROUP BOYS' and MEN'S Luggage (Menjfe ' Ganatae Onyr »»d and Women's) j Vx CHARMS InltUl BiiUutone Birthstone Rings EARN DIVIDENDS Wonderfufull Selection (Girls and Ladies') FOR DADS & GRADS from pie 1st of JUNE! Values to 15.00 5.7! i BUY 1... GIVE 2..! All fflies Plus Tai Where Appllqsble OFF FREE $2.95 KEY CASE ALL APPLIANCES REDUCED CARTERET BANK With Purchase of UNITED ROOSEVELT FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE! and TRUST COMPANY AMITY LEATHER BILLFOLD "'>nr Wth Year of Uninterrupted Keg. $8.90 Value Only SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N To The Community GOLD JEWELERS 11-15 Cooke BUSINESS HOURS: "For Gjfts That Last a lifetime" MAIN BRANCH Avenue DAILY Aveniu Cwi«et Shopplni HILL PHARMACY Monday thru Friday 87 Roosevelt Avenue, Kl 1-2800 Carteret HOUBI: MNKINO CARTERET 9 AM, to 4 FJW WUt»hM I"' *•«• to J rM. Frld»y » *.M. to « "The Home of Serviee" Fhorte FREE GIFT WRAPPING IV REQUESTED .it* Kirst Thursday of Month u,i i P.M. t» i r 1 VM. to 9 P.M. ' Expert Watch k Jewelry Repairing on Premised — All Work Fully Guaranteed Roost'vrlt Avt'aue Curterrl HI 1-5445 Member Federal Reserve system and Deposit Inmrance Ck«pot»tlon Kur Prompt Ut'llvery ISfivke i'hoin, Kl 1-53Z5 IL-EB-cp Thursday, June 6,19ft8 PAGE FOUR

OF THE BEAUTIFUL NEW and MODERN "The Established Friendly 1895 Store" Christensens B.

You can look 5 pounds thinner in a Playtex* Girdle ?-" \

-• \ AYTEX $2.50 BRAS

Prove it to yourself. Make the fingertip test... ..'. iV-. Sate*!" Place your fingertips on your Save $1.01 on HtSk famous brat! tummy. Press in gently. This sale lasts only a short time, so See... it works/ And this is what get your Playtex soon. All these bras every Playtex Girdle does. have the extra feature of double elastic Magic finger panels pull your in the back for double vfear. tummy in like firm young muscles. Choice of 4 styles: PLAYTEX Girdles start at $6.95. Zipper Styles at $8.95. A. Cotton & Lacxv-nylon lace cups D. Longer Legpanty styles start at $9.95. fully lined with soft coo) cotton. B. CottonDacron Brat—coolness of Just Wear a cotton—*aiy care of Dacron polyesttt C. Magic-Cling Bras—non-slip panels Smile and a and elastic in the straps stop ride-up. D. Fashion-Magic Bras—underlift JANTZEN! panels for fashion's younger look. Buy any PLAYTEX Girdle or PaUely print sheath of All l>ras white 32A to 4OC, 2 for $3.99 /. '^* \ stretch nylon, stunning lor D sitti Fashion-magic, 2 for $5.99 Panty Girdle. If you don't agree that, sunning or imlmming. The without losing a pound, you look back Is low with narrow but- 5 pounds thinner, return the girdle toned straps, molded bra. and sales slip within 30 days to •* * v PLAYTEX, PLAYTEX Park, *."> (1 /* Dover, Delaware and a full refund %' * will be rushed to you. j JANTZEK SMEAR 3 tar the EHTME FAMILY!


STORE HOURS: ensen OI'EN DAILY FREE CUSTOMER PUKING IN OUR LIGHTED 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M PAVED PARKING LOT DEPARTMENT STORE OPEN FRIDAY Located At OPEN EVERY WEDNESl>u REAR ENTRANCE TO STORE 91 MAIN STREET 5 Established Christensen 1895 , 8 Day Celebration Starts Tomorrow WORTH OF FREE $800 VALUABLE PRIZES 51OOoo A DAY Just In Time for Father's Day , , Hundreds of DON'T MISS OUR NEW Wonderful Gifts In Our Remodeled and Expanded INFANTS and CHILDREN'S FOR EIGHT DAYS!! WEAR DEPARTMENT MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT - TOP NAME BRANDS ! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY., featuring Visit our stow any day or tvery day' DRESS SHIRTS NECKWEAR Nationally Advertised Brads FREE! By flu ring our Grand Opening Celebra- By ARROW, WINGS "WorWi Bert DAD" Carter's Play Pet and TRU-VAL WEMBLEY & BOTANY Health-Tex Kaynec tion... fill out a door prize blank and Popular designs and shades In white*, nuclei tod solid Nannette1 Pauker deposit m box ... It names will be color Broadcloth, f«ull»t«•<•* at their convenience. JANTZEN and WINGS All lateit fabrics and shades, Boxer, Lastex and Zip-fit In cool, lightweight cotton Plftjfi and fancy llorshcim - Pedwin - Rob Iw • Tyroleans Including waih 'n wear cotton i;i'Uiren under 12 years of age must be ac- Swim Trunks. Beach Robea, and banlon. Attractive pat- orts and Walking Short*. terns and colon. featherweights. Jitreteh. FOR CHILDREN: by adult to be eligible tor door I Buster Brown and P.F, Flyers FREE REl'RESHMENTS FRIDAY AFTERNOON AINU EVENING

ristensen'STORsE HOURS; (in tysioHH mmt OPEN DAILY IN O^IR LIGH1 ED 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. DEPARTMENT STORE OPEN FRIDAY PAVED PARKING LOT 9:30 AM. «p 9:00 P.M. Located At OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY REAR ENTRANCE TO STORE 97 MAM STREET Thursday, June «, 1963 IL-EB-. PAOESIX Chrlgten8en»»l(> for Eugene Parker and *x County Board of Realtors » ' <' >» then for L. Brlegs In Perth Chrlstensen was admitted Caught Her are members, was of the the flrm Oolf widow — You think the Amboy until January 3, 1892. ~ ' "»» »'«»» ; •;•; - • - .... ,. PWrPS8 concern about 1 out actually in that yearn* went to work for On his retirement John much o» your old golf game that I'"" "» mall, John N.Peterson, who sent him Chrlstensen moved'to California you don't even remember wben the number oi oneri crty and detcrmin: to Woodbrldge to start a busi- where he died In San Fernando we were married iipwspapers. television, or radio )t ts sultablr tn HH: ness for him. ,I n December, 1950. BUR — Of couw 1 do. my„UI DCW relatively undeveloped uw or that it hn^ I He began the business In a! Present <>m°«« are Herbert (l"«r: It was the day 1 sank that )and t0 ^^^ Who rely uponvahie. |smBll shop which consisted of Chrlstensen, preildent: Howard thlltv foot I"'" i tailoring and haberdashery, Macnab, vice prtudent and Gil- 'and which stood on the site of ford Chrlstenaen, treasurer One Tract Mind the present ChrUtensen Build- During the years, Christen- "In times of trial," said ing. A short time later the Mtle sen1! Department store did not preacher, "what brings us the NEW LOOK AT CHRISTENSKN'S: Shown here li» partial displayed for convenient selection and department* «• i firm moved to the Weyuand stand still. It continued to ex- greatest comfort?" neatly vctiontd off fur rasy accessibility. The Interior BEST WISHES view of th. interior of ChrtalwwTi Department Store (Building, now ocupled by Dan-pand. When Publlx Drugs And from the back row an after an extensive modernisation projeet which waa com- w»j desijned hy i:dinK« Wycoff, Int., of Stroudsburg, jny'slunchonette. moved into its own building, the answering voice "An Acquittal!" To pleted early thla week. Merchandise ii now attractively Fennsjlvsni;i. On January 1, 1895, Chris Chrlstensen bought out Peter- son and on April 1 of that year | the former's brother, the late John P. Christensen became fi- TO OUR MANY FRIENDS Ctiristensen's nancially Interested In the busi- ness. John, who was best known jas "Pete" ChrUtensen. was born In Sonder Bork. Denmark, Jan- IN CHRISTENSENS DEPT. STORE: Department Sto.c uary 1, 1875. He also learned the tailoring trade and came to We Wish You Many More America on May 1.1891. He too, Upon the Grand Opening r'1 ' • ,'."' V'.' made his first home in Perth Years Of Continued Growth | Amboy and worked for Briegs Of Your '{;•'• -i '!•••'••• ••»•.•»•'.•'•• and Peterson until he joined his And Suceess In Your Newly brother. The business became known as as C. Chrlstensen & New Modern Store Bro. In 1897, the location of the REMODELED STORE business was again changed to From Your "Neighbor' Across The Mm' the Osterwich Buildins on the other side of Main Street. The Pete and Ethel I brothers continued there for a few years until they purchased HANDERHANS land and erected a buildlm? at 96 Main Street, movlnq there | August 1. 1903. SEA FOOD MARKET | At that time, the business NEW YORK RESTAURANT "Servint the Woodbrkdie Area Kor 30 v.nv consisted of men's furnishings ^wlth merchant tailoring being "The Nearest Thing To Home Cooking" % Main Street stw mop WOOIIIHUILT done to a ahop In the rear. One side of the buldinu was rented 87 Main Street Woodbriilge Phone ME 4-0743 to Brown and Tappen Dry Goods Store. In 1905 Brown and Tappen sold out to a Mr. Schaf- fer who in turn sold out to the Chrlsten«ens — thus starting the dry goods and women's de- LADIES IN WAITING: Pictured here are six female morrow. Left to right are: Mrs. H. Romond, Mrs. John partments. Around 1922. the member* of ChritUnsen'g friendlj tales staff who are Powers, Mrs. H. Roberts, Mrs. Fred Ascough, Mrs. FrtntU ibrothers gave up merchant tail- waiting to serve you during the Grand Opening Cdt- Champ* and Mrs. Walter Mark. oring entirely in order to devote bratlon of the newly remodeled store which starts to- full time to retail selling. Start Construction | Construction on the present Different Branch building was started In August DIKTG-ER, fixture specialist* for b*tt*r "My father's in the coal busl 1931 and was completed and ness" i occupied in December of the 1 "Oh, what branch?' 'same year. The business con- "He collects the ashes." tinued to operate as a partner- INC. We Wish to Add Our UIO trKUCCtTKUT • PHON»; CODE 717 4»|.»i«O • STROUMIUM, PA.

To Christensen'^ Department Store For .Revitalizing Our Mam Street CONGRATULATIONS, Mr. Chrlstensin, Shopping Area With Their Beautiful ' your store is beautiful I NEW MODERN STORE Mr. and Mrs. Danny O'Brien We, as the store planners, are particularly proud DANNY'S LUNCHEONETTE to have had a part in yjour progressive thinking. , : - PROl'l) OF THEIR NEW DEPARTMENT: With Father* Day Just around the cornw, And RESTAURANT Clinstf nscii's expanded MIL'S Department will be a welcome surprise for shoppers when they The conslderatipn you have shown your customers visit the newly remodeled store during the Grand Opening Celebration which starts tomor- 69 Main Street Woodbridge will c«rtainly Insure your continued success is row. On hand to assist patrons will be lltft to rightl Jerry Chrlstensm, Bruce Christensen, the leading Department Store of Woodbrldge. Herb ('hristensfn and Howard Macnab.

Careful IHunning by the Division which devotee Rulh Circle Plans Us total effort to the manufac- Congratulations Of fixtures Done turing of fixtures that are sup- icheon, Wednesday ylied by National Brand manu- WOODBRIDGE — Th» Ruth ! At facturers to department and To ! Circ e of the First Congregation | l SpeClalt> sU)res These com WOODBRIDGE - There Is ' ' Church held Its last meeting of I more to offering merchandise to panies include: tne wiUlaIn the season at the home of Mrs. P resident «he public than just placing it Carteret Company, (infants', John Liddell, Grove Street, with cnlldm s men s and EDiNGER-WVCKOFF, Inc. y\< In the store and o_ n a - fixture. >' ' ' women's devotions led by Mrs. Walter uill rwean; It is a specialty business that! "' I B. Kfeinert Rub-iMerwln Miss Ant,a L, Johnson Chrlstensen's Store Planntr requires weeks of planning and'lber Company; Coats & Clark.'offered the prayer, Comultanti effort to create a modern, cus-,lnc- (sewin« notions); Inter-] Mrs. M. Irving Demarest read tomer planned department WQVP» Stocking Co.. (men's and,Deborah, a continuing chapter Fixture Manujfacturars tK)5 s socksl Coro store. Edlnger-Wyckuff, Ine.; ' ' ; 'Jewelry);!frpm -The Great Women of the Department Store Is a firm well equipped to bring McGregor-Doniger, Inc. ThejBible " Mrs. Joseph Horvath xUu e8 m to rhnstenseu's and their cus-. ' anufactuied for these read from "The Christian Her- ii tomer just such a store, ;accounts are ..shipped to the ^t" Ur. poung's, "Your Ques- '"•••\ flnest of stores al| over the Mr. Kdward R. Bollard, dlrec- tions and Answers." !world- Eleven members were in at- This background of technical,tendance. The group will have EdiiiKfr-Wyckof, Inc., has de- We arc proud that jknow-how requires that repre- luncheon at Oak HillsHUls, WednesWednes- voted u number of weeks tq the of day tt 12 noon. Members will I careful planning Of each jndl- Edingei-WyckofI meei noi man a.m vldual fixture in ChristentahVbe familiar with department at (the church. Transportation you selected us to new store. Chrlstensen's com-,stores throughput America. will be provided. missioned this moderni/atlonlThey visit these store* fre- The first meeting in the fall prograin late in 1962, the actuaiquently and assist in the plan-will be the second Wednesday planninx started early in 1963.!ning of not only special fixtures do the electrical work p p s ofj Bjnternber In addition to E. R. Bollard, a'but total departmenU. This The surgical dressing group number of other representatives represents an extremely valu- ^U ^ the church Sunday on your store remodeling. of Kdlnger - Wyckoff devoted Ale part of the background for Bchool rooms ywterda ,or the time to the drawing of blue- tdmser - Wyrttofl's unusual. ttiaX mveiint Of the geaaon The prints, creating colored eleva- know-how In the planning of aressingS are delivered to the tlons to finalize the decorative and the execution of departdepart- cancer Society Main Street appeal of the jtore. All of thisjment and specialty .tores. ' niubt be completed belore the Th company presently oc- e N« Bale construction of fixtures can be- pt . building In Strouds- CU (s 4 "I'm afraid that new book burg, Pa., with more than 35,000 they're trying to launch isn't Edinger-Wyckofl. lnc, waj 1 square feet; employs more than going to nave any sale." N. J. Electric touuded in 1947, since that time 40 people, A unique feature of "Why not?" It has steadily grown until today EMtngtr-Wycktff'i .tore plan- "it hain't been forbidden to It serves many types of cm- nlng 1. the actual method of circulate." Service Corporation tomer. throughout America.'installation of fixtures. Ed- store planning is a miijor^ger-Wyckofl's representatlvej flrturei, but the actual iup«r- part of theithir businessbi , an assume thh e rejponslblditl y for vision of the merchandising of TU ME 4-0727 *. ;,ftually mipoitaut part U play«d,noltl only thhe litallation of the these fixture*. j, ItSM «, 1068 PAOE SEVEN Celebrating The Beginning OF THE Celebrating The Beginning NEW MAIN STREET OF THE WOODBRIDGE NEW MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE wmmm DEPARTMENT STORE Upon The Grand Opening of Your Newly Remodeled Store The Following Main Street Merchants Are Offering Special Values and SATURDAY FRDJff (JUNE 7th and JUNE 8th) Look What 88c Buys!! Get Him All Set for Outdoor Action! in the "CAMPER" by YOU TAKE 10% OFF 'T' Shirt* Short« The Price of ALL Our I lane* Brief* SPORTSWEAR - BEACHWEAR - PIAYWEAR Interwoven Sock* Young America's Finest Fitting Shoe: •1 Pair of Reg. 59r Sox Clean . .. Fresh .,. Sparkling ) Manhattan I mle Rawhide for wear. Specially tanned for soft flexibility. Ribbed Smart? Buy Now - Save Money Hunt .Neck Shirts crepe sole for sneaker-like grip, bounce and protection. Brass eye- AT- Vrktifn lets and "rope" stitching for > M retch Belts he-man looks! DISCOUNT8 DISCOUNTS FOR ON You MUST M«'iilion FRIDAY AND THE BOOT SHOP CASH SALES SATURDAY Tliis Ad To RctTive ONLY! ONLY! MEN'S SHOP 105 Main Street <*«t io wooiworth-o Woodbridge •3 IT. WOADMIDOI Th«'!t<' Spwial Priirft! M MAIN IT, "QUALITY SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY" WOODBRIDGg a Clearance Rack! DRESSES AT DISCOUNT PRICES!" ami MEtf'S "T" SHIRTS GIRLS' DRESSES 1.99 SPECIAL GROUP Irr. Reg. to $198 Ladles' Speidel Expansion SEPARATES 3 for .00 WATCH BANDS Boys' & Girls' Spring ^i Q Regular and Summer Jackets I"" to $12.95 $3.95 BOYS' SHIRTS Reg. to $5.95 • SAVE = 50* OFF! CLOSEOUT! CLOSEOUT! fr Short Sleeve—Kcs. to 52.98 c BARGAIN COUNTERS qqc Viluel To «2.9S Men's Fashionable ^ _ . SURPRISE BARGAINS! Values to $5.95 ^^ EARRINGS Values NECKLACES To $3.95 25c TIE CUPS a * I CHOPER'S MARTIN LAWRENCE JEWELERS 81 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE 94 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE lOOMaiuStfeet Woodbridge SAVE ON FATHER'S DAY GIFTS! Whether It Be A Gift Congratulations To The Christensen Family... For their service to the community over these many years in the Men's SHORT SL^ElVE I l\)r Dads or Grads... interest of furthering the progressjof our Main Street,,Woodbridge, Shopping Center. i ; SPORT SHIRTS Something From Sails Here Are Some Money-Saving Specials From Publix Helena Rubinstein Newest Styles 83c SIZE GLEEM C Ret. $2.49 $1 .69 Jewelers Is ALWAYS TOOTH PASTE '. . ., SHAMPOO .50 7 T O'SULLIVAN lOwlia's Church, A retired COLONIA -ThThe annusannual ffam- COLONIA — Retention of ard Schlosger. COLONIA - The new build- be dedicated on Sunday. 3:00 PUbUcnn Club held its monthly M 1 L _ a^*ta.& 1 A tm.9 ^Bl • 4^ J A 1A _. 1 •AV1SNEL-Funeral services stationary engineer, he ily picnic of Pack 48 will be held members Is one of the goals of Fund chairman y Ing of the United Church of meeting at the Iselln Library "for Richard F. O'Sumvan, 75. been employed for 20 years by Saturday at Merrill Park. Those P.M. at 830 L^ke Avenue, Clark. an intensive membership drive Friedman, HadRss,,, attending are nuked to brinbi g Christ, Clark and Colonia, will bethe firstI* CHrl A' rlemlTlg' Jr Pre" the Colonia Chapter of Hadas- chairman; Mr«. Roi,,,, slamR , Me- boxed picnic lunches. Ice cream servlce held In the new Uulld- - sanh will undertake during tree certificate chain Surviving are his widow, Ing. Ceremonies will include a1 Mrs Ros* Ferillard.^ second July. August and September Herbert Hutt, mortal Hospital, were --«"—-*!|fo. Red Hea* procession of clew special [vice-president, announced the Mrivirns Mannivinnuyj Temklinti"»n" *.*«-*.»^r-rdisclose- d— .usItF cnBirnKin' y[] >, > « Tl n Games and aports are planned guests and choir from the pas- CM » " °W '*• *nn\n\ aqua when the board of directors Schiller, life mrmh.,M,, f, Edison; and Miss Laura and prldcn will be awarded to fnr M W tor'8 nome »t H Brlarheath 12 at the Wood- met. with Mrs Jerome Berk- man; Mrs. Murray o, Ashley, Iselln; the winners. lUl iflttj. Lane to the church pre nta- W&tie Swim Club, Green Street, owlt7.. president, 12(1 Colonia donor chairman tlon of an American FltfKbv Woodbridge. Mrs, Vincent D'An- V. Ashley, Jr.. At the last, pack meeting Pond I Also: Mrs. Mny Ki and Arthur Ashley, Star of Runynn Cdiincfh4"» »n<* Mr»- John McMurray awards were presented as fol- mt In reporting plans of the^co-chalrman; Mrs Hurl » sister, Mrs. La ...wNo . 54 Daughters of America.*•*' *P° « H , , j IW . >t ; community leaders, and pondlnR secretary, announced pnign which will be climaxed,man; Mrs. oiinii, -bec of United Steel Workers HOWARD G. BROWN bear badge, Scot Frleder, Wil- community leaders, and pondlnR secretary, announced Mrs. Reti explamed that the)the dedication sermon by thelInvitations for the annual host by a paid-up membership I simoha cake chain,,, JJfflon there. I SEWAREN - Funeral serv- liam Goldberg, Steven Llebes- diseassease attacks the nervouslynervously , p^j , „„ ! stptember J8 have been GFRARD F,. DALTON E . DelDeltzt , D.D. , 8ecSec-'nltenlle . Stptember 28 have been party. Irving Ening IUWM i,,'i . He Is survived by two Jioes for Howard O. Brown. 50, kld, Howard Klrschenbaum, system and produces tremors retarv •Mr*. Margaret Pakertham, of of the Division of>ent to all OOP Clubs In the PROM JTF.D: Gerard F,. Dal- At the party a "Queen for Harry Shlller, owner and operator of the Soott Marum, Matthew Pelle-jof arm* and -legs, slurred Church Extension of the United [Township. Dr. Abraham Thaler, ll'IV.K I J3ftn Cove, N. T., and s Brown Marine Railway on Cliff grino, Michael Zucker: denner speech, loss of bowel and blad- ton of Woodbrldfe has hrtn | the Night" will be selected from man; MrsMrs.. Maimv, I, Church Board for Homelandjlselln parctlclng physician and 'the new members present and bulletin, Mrs. Hanv y Road, who died Monday night, and assistant denner, Charles der control and eventual par- Ministries. A reception will be surgeon will present a lecture named division traffic man- members re-enrolling will have bulletin co-chalrmnn will be held this afternoon at Mallnchak. Paul Oarflnkel, alysit. The cause is not yet held after the service in the'and demonstration on medical Utr for th« E«*i DlrMon >fML JOHN WIRA 'an opportunity to win a dinner A rummage sale ^ - Funeral services J:00 at the OreIner Funeral Plserchia, Charles Famtila; one- known and there U no cure. downstairs room of the church.(hypnosis. of the New l*r*i Bell Teta- year pin, Michael Hochrun, ifor two. for August or early sI'I Mr.. Mary Wlra, 10 First Home, 44 Green Street Wood- The drive, the advised, is The church site was selected William Keltel, Fourth Ward i phone C«. Dalton, who lrt«t David Assman: three-year pin, solely for Middlesex County I Members of the new board Mr*. Sol Bre«hln.skv.':,' Street, who died Thursday at bridge, with Rev. Ate In 1956 and the congregation Council candidate, spoke on the \ at M5 Barron Avenue, Wood- minister of the First Presby- Dorothy Grisspart, den mother; which has more than Its share 'of dlrector/i were Introduced Ing vice president '„,;,', U» Perth Amboy General Hos- was organized in December of Township's new form of govern-: brld»e, had bwn dlilrlet traf- terian Church, officiating. The Webbs, Ronald Palmer, Don-'of Multiple Sclerosis. The na- by Mrs, Berkowltit as follows: ways and ' pftal, were held Mondsy at the, 1958 in School 17. In 1960 thejment and explained the differ-' burial will be In Clover teaf ald EiR, David MPIU, Richard tlonal society spends approxi- fic manager for th* tele- Mrs Sol Breshliuiky, fund meetin....g„ I,„s „.,„„„„. Plynn and Son Funeikl Home, congregation united with the'ences between , thr present Memorial Park, Woodbridge. Wohltman. graduated Into Boy mately (2,000.000 a year* on re- phone company In Asbury ralslnn vice president; Mrs. 17 with Mrs Schlo 35 Ford Avenue, with a high' Bethlehem Union Church In Township Committee from and Scouts. Michael Hochrun re- search of the disease which P»rk -'m June, 1961. Hermaan HsbermanHaberm.. education AAvenue. Man of requiem at St Mary's The deceased, who became 111 Clark and met at 4 Valley Road the new Mayor-Council Plan F 1 ceived an award for selling the strikes young adults between 30 vice presidentpresdn: Mrs. David Npxl -Church. New York City. Burtai; unexpectedly and died enroute until that building was sold In form which will become effec- Dalton wai an army cap- mi.,,n largest number of Easter candy and 40 years of age. Schoenberg, educatiodi n co- 4 | Mrs iWas In Calvary Cemetery, Long, to Perth Amboy General Hos- 1982. Presently the congi-ega- tlve January 1, 1964. A question tain durlnf World War n. 2 W tn orders chairman: Mrs. Martin ROg-jCoionla Road •'•• ll •Wand City, N. Y. pitel, wai honorary president Mrs, R«tl advised letters are tlon is meeting in the Frank and answer period was held. and had bern employed ** * off, program vice president; | A native of Caeohoslorakia of the Sewaren Blue Pins skin- in the mall to professional and K. Hehnly School In Clark.| Vincent D'Andrea was ap- flnferprint Mp«rt with thr former resident of Brook- diving group. business men and she Is en- R* . George A, Shult-s organ-pointed chairman of the an- Federal Bureau of Invnll- Mrs. Reuben GrutU. Pfogram;8uNDAY SERVK KS V co-chairman; Mrs Melvln1 COLONIA j! •• lyn and Manhattan, Mrs. Wlra He was a foreman at the Vul- Get Acquainted deavorlng to obtain volunteers lzed the congregation and con- nual picnic, September 8 at ration prior to Jolnlnf thf srrrlce. Me b a member of Schleslnger, membership vice church of Chnsi . had resided in Perth Amboy ^ rHlnning Company here. for a door to door collection. tlnues as the pastor. Merrill Park. the Sfton Hall Alumni A«- president: Mrs. Milton Elg, morning worship „• Tor a year and In Fords tor the He was born in Woodbridge, Anyone Interested In anyway The new building is modified! A report, on the annual ron- sodatlon and serrn In CYO mpmbcrshlp co-chairman; Mrs.iaun(jaj tl AM B, , JM eight month*. son of the late George H. and Session Held may contact Mrs. Retl at FU 1- colonlal designed by the archl-' vention of the New Jersey Fed- and Little league lOPervlaory Mrs, Tilden Isacs. recording Hehnly School, Rm •„ A member of St. Nicholas the late Elizabeth 'Gardner) COLOMA — "Let* Oet Ac- 3579. teot, William Cramer Jr., of Co-nation of Republican Women Catholic Church of the Byzan- Brown, both members of early quainted,' wa« the theme of role« In Woodbrtdii*. He al«« secretary: Mrs. Morton Dta-jcta,.* Township, »•;•;• • lonla. The sanctuary is on the »'as made by Mrs. Clara New- Milton Kushner. treasurer; mo,, "LookinR B.v -: tine Rite, Fowls, and of St. families in Woodbridge, and School IT* recent kindergarten School 22 Presents flrst floor' wltn thp downstairs man. Mrs. Herbert Lorentwn beloniti to the Confraternity ""Mary's Byzantine Rite Church, of Christian Doftrlw at St. mond, Hadawah medical org- Rpy Qrmw A sh,, . had resided in the Woodbridge orientation which started with X , r rwm being used for Church and Mrs. Newman were the New York City, she held mem- Jame* Church. Woodbridre. anlzation chairman; Mrs, Bd-'church School w •.. area all his life. parents and children assembling Orchestra Concert]8chool and community nctlvl- Isplin delegates to the conven- bership also-- m-- the ' Greek , Hr In married and has four ward Stern, youth Allyah 9^5 A M for all , ,. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. in the all purpose room to be ties otner Catholic Society, Hemestead. greeted by Mrs. Miriam Balder- COLONIA — The fourth an-j educational and tlon. daughter*. oliairman. 1 Grace Lanterma, Woodbridge; meeting iPa. ston, acting principal. nual Instrumental concert of rooms will be added, Richard Helm and John Also: Mrs. Seymour Hecht, HI* Rmarri two brothers, John H. Brown, Schol 22's orchestra was held''n tne 'uture- Church members Hughes, at large Council candi- inrdical renter chairman; Mrs He who nun n..r. Surviving are her husljand. Woodbridge, and G- Frederick They were introduced to Mrs. during the past week. Two perj have contributed dates, were guests durinc thr 1 rshmmtji were sen-ed under durlng the past week. Two per-|an,d Harold Schiller, vocational ed-tbout hlnwlf •',,• , John; four daughters, Mrs Brown. Edison, Doris Kelly, helping teacher, formances were played in orderila'501 as we" ** monev f°r tne social hour. Chib movies were the direction of Mrs. Wilbur Mary Tote, Fords; Mrs. Ann French and her committee. .ucation chulrman; Mrs Leon- suspected. — Dallas N> who discussed the alms of the that children of grades three bulldl««- shown by D'Andrea. Re- Bekura, MWiville; Mrs. Julia MR$. CARROLL LANG kindergarten program and ex- through six might become ac- Oernmlch, Edison; and Mrs. WOODBRIDGE — Funeral plained how reading readiness quainted with the acompllsh- He)en Shandrowsky, Fords; two services for Mrs. Mary Cinkota Is introduced into the curricul- ments of their schoolmates, as sons, Charles W. and John, Jr., Lang, 43, 639 Watson Avenue, um. well as evoke Interest in instru- ~ Bdion; IS grandchildren; three who died Tuesday at Memorial They were introduced to Mrs. mental training among younger sisters, Mn. Theresa Slkoryak, Hospital, New York City, will be Doris Kelly, helping teacher, students, The thirty orchestra Brooklyn; Mr». Anna Hllnko, held this morning, 8:30 at the who discussed the alms of the j members played "Bright Star Whitenouse, and Mrs. Cath- Greiner Funeral Home, 44 kindergarten program and ex-iMarch," "Emerald Isle," "Black erine Hlinfco, Chechoslovakia. Green Street, with a requiem plained how reading readiness Is Rock March," "Cavallerla Rus- Mass, 9:00 a-t St. James Church. Introduced into the curriculum. tlcana," "Crown of Gold Over- GEORGE LANNON Burial will be in St James Miss Toni Weiss, kindergarten ture." "Spring Frolic." "Argosy XSEIJN — Funeral services Cemetery. tor George Lannon, 127 West teacher, outlined the skills that March," "Samoa Nights," "El- A lifelong resident of Wood- are developed In kindergarten, ephant Dane*." and "Music La Guardla Avenue, who died bridge, the deceased was the last Wednesday at Perth Am- reporting on the activities in Master March." former Mary Durlnda. She was Which the children participate 1 boy General Hospital, were held employed for the past several "March Trio' was presented and emphasizing the parent's by a wood ensemble. Howard Tuesday at the Thomas Joseph years at the Woodbridge Costello Funeral Home, Green Sportswear Company. role of preparing the child to fierce, Neal Rever, Howard Street and Cooper Avenue, Surviving are her husband, enter school, Schutzman and Susan Sheffield. with a requiem Mass at St. Ce- Carroll; a son, LeRoy Cinkota, A film was shown of this. Frederick Morris, instrument- celia's Church. Burial was In Woodbridge' two sisters, Mrs. year's kindergarten class at work al instructor, announced that National Cemetery, Beverly. Gene Prandl, North Miam.uu>uui .an d P1*^ ™e ParenU ^ «""" Robert Coyne--.---,, 6t—h grade„ r wh—o - The deceased was a native of Be&ch Fla and Mrs. John Gy- dren were lnvlu<1 ^ tne klnder-i played a cello solo, won second i York City and had lived orn 'woodbridee- and two g&rten room where they met Place in competing for position •here for the past 19 years. He brothers, Andrew Durlnda, of School lTs other kindergarten mi „ piayer in the Central Jersey i of World War teacher, Mrs. Edward Maloney. intermediate String Orchestra • Survivors include his widon,,. „ . 1 Uttrencc Harbor Mrs. Edward Maloney. an(j symphonic Band sponsored Ranees; two son., George and Making them feel at home, by the Department of Music of atrlck, at home; his mother, Mrs, Maloney had the children the New Jersey Education Asso- George Lannon; two sls- NEW INSTALLATION DATE •ters, Miss Nora and Miss Mar- COLONIA - The date for in- introduce themselves and soon elation. stallation of new officers of n&; a son, Charles A gracious distinction for your home! .A., Milledgedvilk. Ga.; four •grandchildren, and two gre&t- Let the friendly, nostalgic glow of KaaliRht welcome your fri*>nrl* to tht good It9t« ;«wndcriildrrn. SHpP : and hospitality of your home. You'll love the way |i;i- i>.'lit >«<< |>» invay darkness and iMRS. VINCENT FINAN sets your home apart from others on thg street. \ FORDS — Funeral services •for Mrs. Florence L. Finan, 41. •70 Taras Drive, who died Mon- xjay at Elizabeth General Hos- •I; Jftital, will be held today at the 4 symbol of pride in your homel Jhomafi F. Hallman1 Funeral •Borne, 56 Sherman Avqnue, New ONCE A modtrn replica of lampost* used in the Gaslight dayi . . . made of nirtproof QV\)\VT Stork City, and at 11 A.M. from with a satin black finish. the Church of Our Lady Queen *8f Martyrs, New York City, f * Formerly employed by the WEEK JR. & 8. Stores, Sayre Woods- Soft illumination for your protection.' ^Shopping Center, Parlin, the JdBceased is survived by her Musband, Vincent A. Finan;, An unfailing sentry to greet you and your family on lute arrival and tight H» W*y Jfehree daughters, Diane, Arlene into your home. Discourages prowlers ... the soft glow of gaslight oreatM a jjand Jane Williams, all of Fords; i one at home" atmosphere — even in your absence. t-her father Charles Comti and ll brother, Charles Comti, both Of Perth Amboy. JOLTON V. ASHLEY , ISELIN — Funeral services it.lliti»«l % solemn requiem Mass at 9:30 REFRIGERATOR- Jit St. Cecelia's Church. Burial be in St. James Cemetery, JUNE IS MSLIOHT MONTH. During Juno, Eliz&bethtown has established a special Born in Stuyvesant, N Y, the r tleceased was a resident of ISP- FREEZER low price for a Charmglow gaslight Determine your outdoor lighting needs — *<> jjin for the past 40 years. He ( your lawn, patio, pool, garden or drive — and then use either the coupon or one of Served as fire, commissioner of rifkii. the telephone below. • Jjielln District 11 front 192* to hi* m He was a member of St

lliiab«ttir«WR Hallmark ELIZABETHTOWN 16 W«4 Jtrs«y St., Eliubeth, NJ.

hofl* Cards «m int«r»it«d In th« Ch«rmglow for 1 illC* for Pl.«.t provid. compl.t. informttion !• >P a refrigerator-freezer 9> h in •fUct. ' Dads & Grads at your favorite store PUBLIX PHARMACY MKVIC« W-ICT M Main Bt.. Woodbrldje AND OAft COMPANY Thursday, June S, INS Avenel Church B'noi B'rith Women Schedule Tag Wmk Sets Open House MENLO PARK TERRACE — AVENEL — The Rev. Dr.' talr, sponsorel by Rarltan Val- harles S. MacKenzic, pastor of ley Lodge of B'nal B'rlth and the First Presbyterian Church|T. Nulty Post, the American will preach on the Sixth Chap- Legion, will be held next week, tor of the Book of Hebrews, Monday through Saturday In- Sunday at all services. The clusive at Parsonage Road and Carel Choir will sing "Spring Route 1, directly acros from the Prayer" at 9 A.M. Menlo Park Shopping Center Sixty members of the Senior Featured will be rides for ad- High Westminster Fellowship ults and children. Ramcs of have registered for the annual chance with valuable prizes and treat June .7, 8 and 9 at the 'refreshments, Admission tetreat Center. Lenhartsvllle, be free. 'a. Ouest speaker will be H»rv Proceeds will be used by the )ostyke, Your* Life Worker. sponsors for philanthropic pur- The Citizens Committee for poses. iparatlon of church and state 111 meet June 4, at 8 P.M. in Church Hall. Representatives organizations throunhoui Printed Pattern Middlesex County are Invited attend the meeting Open house will be held Sun- day in Manse No. 1 from 3 to 7 P.M. In honor of the par- ents of Dieter Herte, Mr. Harte's parents arrived last week from ATHLETIC AWARDS: Ilirtwrt Hollowrtl, Indoor track coach at Woodbrldije Senior High Bohn, Germany, School, la shown receiving a trophy from Barth Daley of the Boosters Club. Dr. John Un» Mrs. Richard Syllng, regis- in shown receiving » trophy for James I-akf, baskrtball coach, who wai ibwnt during as- trar and treasurer of Vacation sembly at the Hl(h School Monday morntnf. n] n THK WOEK: Above Me membm of the uln- In Louis Gabriel, vicf principal. Youth Week MtlvtUeT Church School, announced that \ ti. Week Committee who aided In letting up the undrr thr sponsorship of the Mom Club of Woodbridge registrations are now being ac- i FISH STORY iwt to right, Mary Ann Fletcher. Dorothy wire hrld last Wffk. Miss Marianne Bloom cepted for children from three London — What may ba tiba """ ,| ( oylt, Marge Reekard. Carol MaUai. Stand- Fire Board Set |U V years of age to those entering Receives B. A. Degree flah story of the year Is claimed the seventh grade. The school >y the Avon and Dorset Rtvtt will be used to adopt a Korean SEWAREN — MJ» Marianne dent; Mrs. Edward Slotkln To Honor Avenel board. The board bred 20.000 (,\MI jfl. S. Degree Obtained^ Officers education vice president; Mrs June 34 through July 5. Regis- Bloom, daughter of Mr. and y. T. Reke tration closing date Is June 10 Mrs. Frank R. Bloom, 364 Broad Board of By FormerFomr ResidentResident\ Isandford Brandt, membership The malformed fish i of th« Mrs. Howard Ely, director, Street, Sewaren, received the (commissioners ot the Fifth COLONIA — Mrs. Susan [vice president; Mrs. Sol Ecfc produced by artificial insemina- ,1) of Union, an- stated the missionary offering degree of Bachelor ol Science 1 dub's ba»e-JKtmmel Waters, formerly of 20 To Be Installed stein, recording secretary; Mrs, Ire District, comprising alt of tion ot selected roe. The cause wll be used to adopt a Korean in Elementary Education at the Avenel and the eastern part at '..rking games, Taylor Terrace, will receive the Robert Goldfarb, corresponding tor this Is a mystery. WOODBRIDGE-Arun Fox- child for one year. Mrs. Walter 93rd annual commencement Colonla will honor Avenel Fire i .oiiip series ar- degree of Bachelor of 8clence secretary; Mrs. Jonah Klken Fishermen wars told not to |nu Cook In charge of refreshments exercises of Cedar Crest College, Company No. 1 on the occasion hope to catch one of these tot :ii;l» games at In Education ftom Falrlelgh ^ the featured entertainer! announced all children will re Allen town, Pa., Sunday. >f its fiftieth anniversary with'they all died within a montb of ,l Any teamiDickinson University on 8atur-;aitcr the Joint Installation of i treasurer. celve an orange drink and Miss Bloom Is a graduate of i dinner-dance at the Gallery 1 [hatching. -v,, nto'eyeanjday. She Is on the teaching coimrtgatlon and Sisterhood The Installation committee cookies daily. For registration Woodbridge Senior High School Wootlbrtdge, June 15th, accord- •,cl m games, can'itafl of th« Norwood PubUc|omcprs of Adath Israel, Sun- headed by Mrs. Abraham forms call Mrs. Howard Ely or ing to Michael Hrabar, secre- •ivlcr at MU-8-ISchool system, Norwood, N, 3:^y 8:30 p, M, at the Jewlsh|Cooper and Walter Ruderman Mrs. Richard Syllng. JOBLESS RATE UP tary of the board. \v.::iam Flore at; Mrs. Waters Is now living In community Center. co-chairmen, announced an WHEN will MS The nation's jobless rate The dinner-dance has been evening of entertainment an* Bergenfleld. j Mr Foxman has appeared In ITRADITION ENDS edged upward last month de- planned for over one year by refreshments has been planned 'night clubs and hotels In New Toronto—Pupils who hav< spite new highs In employment the Commissioners to "kick-off1 be curecj? York City and has given recitals gained special favor from their and Industrial production. the gala week of festtvlMe: at"The"Brooklyn Academy'~olJRUSSIAN PROPAGANDA Jteachers by offering to bang thi The economy continued to sponsored by the firemen that Music. He builds hb programs Russia started a campaign of chalk out of the erasers wll present a gloomy picture: Bus- will conclude with a parade on by blending the similarities and fear propaganda in an effort to have to think of some new iness growing stronger, more July 13 that promises to be thi pointing up trie contrast* in tte|WOU8e °PP«Mon in North angle now, Americans at work than ever largest ever held In this area. A committee of the Board of folk songs of many lands. Alrlpa, the Middle East .and before and joblessness per- Mr. Hrabar stated all offioeri Southern Europe against thelEducatlon has approved spend- sistently and stubbornly high. an H«i!g«i •» Mr and Mrs. Sol Klein will of the Fire Company, Exempi of United States ing $3,961 for 114 electric NtwYorkMrtiuyii Install the officers of the Firemen and the Ladles' Aux- Polaris submarines In the Med- cleaner*. Only janitors will be .'Mention as follows: TAX CUTS AND DEFICIT iliary have been Invited, also iterranean. allowed to operate these. members of the relief board. Laurence Weiss, president; Printed Pattern 9488: Half Secretary of the Treasury Soy when.• It was timed to coincide,with FuE'-ne Hornlci, first vice pres- Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20&, Dillon has admitted 4hat If trustees, honorary members: the meeting of the North At- VOTES XOoSfrllMT 22%,24%. Size 16% dress 4% President Kennedy's tax-cut|and Woodbridge Township of- wiffjyourdollaril' ident; Joseph Schleslnger, sec- lantlc Treaty Organization President iteniBdy says thej yards 35-inch; jacket takes ond vice president; Robert program is enacted the govern- dclals. Council In Ottawa„, bu„„„t Vilthve ,rftal ination's wheat farmers who 2% yards, Knrb. third vice president; jment may not have a balanced Assisting Mr. Hrabar in the GIVE HOPE 'purpose, by the United wted down h^i crop control FIFTY CENTS la Sins far budget In fiscal 1967. Smanuel Klein, treasurer, andj was to •«" »•> Program will have smaller ln- this pattern—add 101 for each arrangements for the dinner- HELP FIGHT Joseph Klein, honorary treas-i pattern for first class mall. Dillon urged the Senate Fi- dance are Commissioners Her- Send to 170 Newspaper Pat- nance Committee headed by man Btelhbach, Kevin McCar- urer. r. Whether fannen get the shores of the Mediterranean. chance to vote on production tern Dept, 232 Weit 18th St., Senator Byrd, (D.-Va.), to raise tln, Dominick Plchalski and Sisterhood officers Include N. Y. 11, N, Y. Send B0* for the national debt limit. He William Rellly. Mrs. Irwln Hundert, president; | Socially speaking, bridge controls next year depends on our new Spring-Summer Pat- whether Oontress passed any said the debt will break through Mrs. Robert Melnlck, fund rals- helps many people to ge tern Catalog. Coupon lnatde the present celling of $305 bil- Ney Pan American contract new wheat legislation before good tor Ont Frt* PitUrn. onWbutloiu to Be/o PwtnwtW Ing vice president; Mrs. Leonard across. — Norfolk Virginian lion by the first of the month. U signed. Goldman, program vice presl-Pilot. 'next June.

The Off ken and Directors of the Woodbridge National Bank cordially invite you to attend OPEN HOUSE at Our Two New Bank Buildings 79 Middlesex Avenue ISELIN i ! and ' i J 4l5 Avenel Street SATURDAY, JUNE 8th_ From 2 P.M. to 5 RM. Refreshments W.Be &rPcrvedf ... Woodbri National Bank 3 Locations For Your Convenience BANKING Monday thru Friday 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. HOURS LOBBY HOURS Friday Evening 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. ( iVENEL OFFICE1 MAIN OFFICE I 1SEUN OFFICE AVENtLOf"" i 19 mmati Avenue AT ALL .418 A«n.l Stml ' A , „. uo...du «... 3 OFFICES ral Deposit Insurance Corporation Co^. of Demorest ^"J °*- * AVENI* WOOIMKIDW: Ud Federal Reserve System* Jvnt 6, IMS IL PAGE TWELVB CHRISTENING HELD AVENBL — Donna Family Picnic TB League to Give Free Circle Players daughter of Mr. nest Toth, 11 Slated by CubsBreathing Tests June 14 Offer Concert was recently chriitened at the At Presbyterian Church WOODBRIDOE — AVENEL—Robert Behr, cub- Township chronic shortness of cle Players Pine ArU CommltCJ-- Dr. C. S MftcKenzie officiated'.master of The First PreBby- WOODBRIDOK — An edu- p l wrdding of an invitation to,^ , | teel AVENEIJ — at the double ring ceremony, terian Church Cub Pack, led cational campaign concerning breatb h educationael l ccommittee Mr extended End M|chae Spr nKS Miss Carol Irene Mrdwlck, .irmen: me ptojue ui all communities! Given in marriage by her the opening txerclKg at the Emphysema, or ohronic short- Include the following chairmen: the people of was held for some 50 dai'whtrr of Mr, and Mrs. J QUALITY father, the bride was attired In May pock meeting. He lntro- net* of breath, ia being con- Demonstration, Mrs. Walter to attend the ninth chambe3r5 «friend ^s and relatives. Michnrl Medwifk. 2 Anna ducted by the Middlesex County ZirpoloZlrpolo; Public School PP.T.A... music concert, Sunday. Avenue, and Kenneth Charles a full length silk organza gown duced Arthur Dilly who re- Tuberculosis and Health League Mrs. Arnold Lada; Parochial|P.M. at the Circl~ 'e Playhouse, Rclirpttncr. 312 Rrmsen Awnue, with scooped neckline decorated ported on the recent bui trip SIMPLICITY under the chairmanship of the School P.T.A., Mrs. Edward! Martin Terrace and Rahway Here and There: unit noli-innized Saturday after- with sequins and seed pearls, to Franklin Museum Iiutltut* Rev. William H. Schmau*. rec- Partenope; Industrial, John Avenue. The public is invited noon at HIP First Presbyterian Her veil of French illusion was in Pennsylvania. 29 boy» and ROLLER SKATING voted attached to ft crown of orange g adulta attended. tor of Trinity Episcopal Church Cody—-.; Public Health. Harold J. to attend and there is no sd- Riding Woodbrldgrldgr, HM voted to Avpnrl,. TThn e Rev, 8PEC1A1 RATES TO cn rcn here, and a director of thelBalley: Public Schools. Patrick mission charge. GROUPS amend Its charter to exclude l __._ blossoms, and she carried a cas-1 ^ flnal progrftm ror the Carteret from the Woodbrkige cade of white roses. carnatlonsi League. JA. Boylan; Parochial Schools,' Participating will be William wason t family picnic Ntght Walking T Rotary limit-.. This action. Uo Jng and an orchid and Pine Wood Derby June 15 n Kiffpt Monday hear, Is to pave the way lor the | Idlldf Maid of honor was Miss at. Roosevelt Park. All cubs *T £^r^™^l^\™^ B^nota. "TrmorSone organization of ft Rotary Club nr.v«ionr» T»r»iMi Clubs. Rocco Vacca; Public Ed-ano; and Raymond Plrestonc, M« to II P. M. Rilling Mov/e isusan Burrows. Colonia. The must have a racer and at least'growing hh- !!;«MAH v.**™ ucatlon; Robert Zanzalarl: bassoon. The proRram will in- In Carteret Which reminds Bridesmaids were Miss Jane one parent with him. MTB. Stu- the crowded Eastern Ic ^{gy Rabw ^^ Npwbfr_ (,hide Hmde|_ u^c,,,,,.^, K.e- Mttinn, l«l me that the Rotarlnns will hold Medwick. Avenel, sister of thejart Heinbach, chairman of the ger: Householders, Benjamin nek, Stravinsky. Schumann. Snmtari * HolM»7i| Rotary their Ladles Night and instal-l WOODBRIDOE—The Wood- bride; Miss Charledine Med-'picnic, announced departure and treatment of this !;H P.M. to S P.M50. - rilMu* h* . .h^i., i, im Palk; Nursing, Mrs. George:Ibert. and Ippolitov-Ivanov. latlon of officers June 26 at the;bn(lK(i Ch(ipter ^ Hadassah Wick Fords, cousin of the bride,jwill be at 10 A.M. from the auease by a physician » Un- „„.,„„„„,,„„. ,„„„,,„ D/,,,™.; On xuwtday. the Players will A sosonn . SOUTH AMBOY ARENA BtButtonwood d ManorMor . A hpl(i lts installation of ffiofficers and Miss Doris Thornton, Lin- church parking lot. In case of perative because it permanently hold a regular meeting. 1:11 Carl Douglas, was born to Mr' the chalr- * tth. (tenth Amtmj ondBy Ilight under denhurst, L. I Miss Lorenlrain. the program will be held [reduces breathing capacity. Advisor. Dr. Cyril I. P.M. Election of a president and Mrs. David BaRish. 52 ,. j Mrs. Arthur Vogel Medical jmftn h p o( Hansen, Avenel, was flower girl, j in Westminster Hall. All racerSjThe Middlesex County Tubercu- Hutner, and Medical Consul- will be conduced as the term Winding Road. Iselin, recently ;and Mrs j0Bepj, schesinger. Serving as best man was fill be checked for site and losls and Health League 1* spon- of Judith O'lteefe expire* at Complete sln at East Orange General Hos- tant. Dr. Le Roy Homer, Mrs. Josepli Cohen is continu- ™ Avenei, weight. Official M;thlscampal«nlinadditlon Harvey Gross, 753 Raymond Scheurein&n, this time. Besides election of a OPEN MOMHI pital. ing as president. and ribbons will £b»e awarded to Its regular tuberculosis new president, the membership Amboy Avenue, Fords, was pre- Ushers were Ronald ,Katko, Others installed are Mrs. Woodbridge, cousin of the; WEDNE8DATTIH „, sented the Alpha Epsilon Zeta Fred Kesselman. vice president OBITUARIES bride; Robert Meyer, Colonia,i to the winner* of the breath members off the board. Ending Ptllt0AMES B Honor Society award i fund raising; Mrs. Albert Rich- and Arthur Van Der Styfe, Lin- race. wln ^ Ronald for scholarship, character and ^ dent program; tuberculosis and often compll- MRS. SOPHIE HLUSHTCHVK.tnelr itrmn man presl cates It. ! CARTERET-Funeral sen- Herder A)v8 emus U lenhurst. L. 1. Scott Hansen, The program for the evening cate It ! CARTERETFnl en PlaU j^y Herder participation In college activi- Abe Cooper, vice president Hlush lMrs .venol, was rinnbearer. featured an Indian hunt skit by A» an aid to discovery of the lc*8 'for Mra- - Bawtnore and Judith O'Keefr ties, at Rider College's annual education; Mrs. Stanley Shin- tchyk 586 For traveling to Miami °en 3 and an Indian dance by disease, breathing tests will be ' R Avenue,; Anyone interested In Joining MOj) L. Adlsr awards day.. rod, vice president member- Den 2. made available to the public w*re heWMa y 28' ththe e grougroupp IsI sinvite invitedd to to tattend Bhip; Mrs. Mayer Olllar, trea- Beach, FIR.. the bride chose a mornln B A The new cubs were presented free of charge Tests will be « »t -M. from the p,,,. further information call SWIMMIN9 Tidbkft surer: Mrs. Harvey Spector, re- Ink linen suit with black ac- cessories and a white orchid with Bobcat pins during an conducted m Woodbridge Town- Bizub Funeral Home, 54 Wheel- tne piByhouse, ME 4-9679 or Three Township students re-Wording secretary: Mrs. Alan impressive Akela ceremony. venue nd at 9:3 A M th* p/«ct far Ua corsage. ship by means of a Vltalometer^ * : » J U •• '»|HO 8-1248. & Sons celved Rutgers certificates lastiRockoff, financial secretary; Badges and awards were the St. I Friday and Saturday will be night for completion of special-Mrs. Louis Smith, correspond- Mrs. Schrettner is a gradu- operated by a trained techni-^ wnjem •»" " the St pnd OLYMPIC PARK presented by Stuart Heinbach ian to be provided by the Mid Ukrainian Catholic the iB5t performances of the Highway 1M inp secretary: Mrs. B. Rabino- ate of Woodbridfje Senior High IftVINGTON-MAPltWOOD Ized evening adult prograras badge* to with Rev. Jaroslawjprojuct|0n "The Importance Mrs. 8. Spiesel. and Mre. School and attended Katherlne;™ '""""": "" dlesex County Tuberculosis and North Brunvwie^ They were: Prom Newark y noa WIln a gold and 4 Health League from 1:00-4:00 . Interment was of &m Earnest" directed by I mm our T—n Swim Club tension Center, F.milio Toblii.|M Lsrael, elected board mem- Glbbs Secretarial School, Newj^™ AX l-u;< arrows; Richard Cac- .M. and from 7:00-9:00 P. M In St. Gertrude Cemetery, Co- judy Cole. bers. York. 136 Bedford Avenue, Iselin, chione with 1 gold and to on the following dates: 'ilonla. Pall bearers were, Steph- transportation and traffic A report of the year's Her husband, also a graduate en Bodnar, Theodore DrebotU, Charles Lovita. Bear badges Fords: Friday, June management; from New Bruns-lachievements was given •f Woodbridge High School, at- went to Robert Dilly with 1 14 at Adam KlndwrskyJ, Michael! Cohen. Presentation of awards St. John's First Aid 1 Wick Extension Center, Joseph""'"" "^ '*" ' tended Rutgers University, and gold and 1 sliver; Noel Ter- SQ "^ Schmanko, Stephen Koniw. and in programming, fund raising building. CorieUe Street, Fords. Jaklw W. Perclval, 33 Normanddy Is employed by General Motors ranna with 1 gold and 1 silver Parastas services Road, Colonia, engineering and high standards of educa- Corp., Linden. Woodbridge: June 17, Mon- were held Sunday and Monday 75th Anniversary and to Anthony Lovita and technology-mechanical and An- tion and membership retention day, Democratic headquarters, evening at 9 P.M. with Rev. were made by Mrs. Irving Hutt, Arthur Frellsh. Lion Badge ton Berant, 310 Mawbey Street. went to Alan Mazura with 1 104 Main Street, Woodbridge. Jaroslaw Fedyfc officiating. St. Woodbridge, engineering tech- vice president of Southern New Library Extends sold and 1 silver arrows. Scott Iselin: Tuesday, June 16, atMary Rosary Society recited nology-basic When theJersey Region. Program and the Iselin First Aid Squad the rosary Sunday evening Celebration i Hansen received 1 silver arrow nduc were Memorial Day Parade marched|i «™ land Artsley Long, 1 gold and 1 building. Route 27, Iselin. 7:30 PM with Rev. Jaroslaw down,Main Street, there were Mrs. Schesinger installing offi- Members of the Woodbridge Fedyk officiating. cer. Saturday Hours "The Ultimate m Dry Cleaning uii Laundering Services" others In attendance in addi- The men who will guide the Mrs. Richard Brown and PORT READING — In an- tion to the spectators. With Roy „,.,., pack next year were Introduced Else, WA21OQ, as network con-'Mrs- Sherman Goldsmith were other move to extend library t Don't miss these fahulou. MONEY SAVING SPECHI.S e vocalistscallst , accompanied by KEASBET trol station, the Avenel Radio f ™ £ accompanied by hours, the board of trustees of! Jerry Kaufman. Installa the Port Reading Library voted' FIRE DEPT. Club set up a running commu- ter; Mr. Long, treasurer; At Our Woodbridge Store, 100 Main Stre. t nications system on parade tion material was -written b; hours Saturday as 9:00 AM. PERTH AMBOY Mrs. Walter Shimanski am ter Brach, advancement progress. Reporting units as 4:00 P.M. chairman; J, Bruce McKee, they started to parade were Mr. lyrics by Mrs. Brown. Mis. William Comerford was:puMiclty; Albert Wall, Webelos Else and James McGinnis. congratulated on the success of -leader; Paul Chomiak and John TUES. JUNE WN2GPQ. on School street.: her Saturday morning story Wallace, committeemen. Later they moved on to Green McGinnis Namec hour with more than 30 children New Den mothers will be Mrs. PROTECTION FIRE CO. #1 Garments Cleaned and Finished Street to check the end of the | f\ • iattending last Saturday's read- Koch, Mrs. Chomiak, Mrs. Long y KEASBEY parade. Operating control sta- LOHUMltCC ling. Mrs. Louis Kantor, Mrs. An- tlon 1 were Art Wilson WA2- The board also decided thony Maffel and Mrs. Joan SMITH STREET TWICE MATINEE 4 P.M. MTW and Mike Clarson, WA2- AVENEL — On May 27 James solicit suggestions from Port Miller. SHOWGBOITNDS DAILY EVENING S ?M. With PROFESSIONAL Perfection! McGinnis IWN2GPQ) was ap- ZOW. Adolph Elster, W2FSL, Reading teachers for selections Mr. Dilly presented gifts on pointed chairman of the new operated in front of the Muni- of new books to be added to the behalf of the troop to Mr. and programming committee formed cipal Building . . . library. Mrs. Behr, thanking them for to update Avenel Radio Club. The board also voted to hire all services extended during iThe other memebrs appointed At the Typewriter: another librarian. A committee, the past years. to the committee were Larry Although the Memorial Day comprised of Mrs. Ann Bottl, Guttadora (WN2GMT) as vice- parade was long and there were Mrs. Helen Wykretovich and many units entered, this column chairman, and Walter Gibbons Mr. Leo Ciuffreda, was selected!' DRESSES (WA2FVR1, Randy Ifflandlto interview applicants. Anyone! was shocked at the small num- NOW THRU TUESDAY! ! ber of people who attended the (WN2GMH>. and Dave Free-:interested in applying \M asked! _!rvvices at the monument in man (WB2ADVJ as members- to telephone KImbaU 1-7169. 10 Academy Awards! Woodbridge Park after the par- at-large. Regularly To $1.59 t '?. There were only a handful The first act of the new com- of people present, and most of mittee was to establish code and "West Side Story" those were there because they heory lessons for novices and GET ACQUAINTED WITH beginners on the first and third FORDS h?.d to take part in the presen- SAf. « SVS. KIDDIK SHOW It THE WORLD S FINEST tation of wreaths. We would Monday nights of every month PLAYHOUSE at the Colonia V.F.W. Hall at PROFESSIONAL suggest hereafter that the var- HI 2-034* 'Abbott & Costello ious fire companies and vet- 7:30 P.M. Instructing will be CLEANERS AND Adolph Elster ,- Frank Sinatra GET ACQUAINTED WITH GET ACQUAINTS graduate of Woodbridge Senior f( Robert BUtchum High School He received his "FIRST SPACE SHIP THE WORLDS FINEST THE WORLDS HM>' B.S. degree from West Virginia EXTRA! DI8NEYS "Corridors "GRAND CANYON" PROFESSION \l Wesleyun College and Is a. mem- TO VENUS" PROFESSIONAL ber of Treta Chi. . . „ Christo- CLEANERS AND CLEANERS pher Kalkmtais, 17, sqn of Mr Of Blood" WEDNESDAY end Mra Anthony C. KklionUis JUNE 12 FINISHERS! FINISHERS 128 Berkeley Boulevard, Iselin Starting has completed r*cruit training "HngariM Show" at Naval Training Center, Great I Mon. June lQithru Lakes, 111. . . . That was quite) » party the Jaycees and Juycee- 15th ettes had last week. Everyone TURNPIKE IS j leemed to have a wonderful DRIVE-IN THEATRE I time. If you don't believe it Amusements 9f America ! iask Roy Doctofsky, Joe Vazzano Woodbridge, N. I. and Steve Purdy. AIR CONDITIONED Shows, Rides r ft WEDNESDAY Thrn SATURDAY On Taking Deadly Dare* JUNK,5 - a & Attractions 311 Elvii Presley Note to young people: It is World's Brightest better to be "chicken" than a —.JTEVEIttKS. Midway Your shlrta dead duck. — Bristol Herald "It Happened THE SMI Of Courier. SMRTWJS laundered and f inkticd • Sponsored By to order. FUeed Worlds Fair" Multiple Sclerosis individual cell* bail — Plut — and boied lor e*rt'ul - Plus — SHIRTS RITZ Theatre "IT HAPPENED AT Service Organization bandllnc. Ciirtwt, N. J. Kl I-59M THE WORLDS FAIR" A IK 11)01.HI Friday Nite! ! at NOW THRU SIN1IAV "THE SLAVE" Extra Added Attraction JUNE 5-9 SHOW TIME: "Annie Get Your Gun" Kartoon Karnlval Pfeiffer Boulevard Deliuiitli Kirr - l'fter Mm hum •VVUKUJij KAIK" _ »;«- 1O:W For the Kiddie* Off Convery Cii "THK SLAVE" — »:?» Popular Hit Tune* p "'HE SUNDOWNERS" Route #440 1 SATUBIUY MAT1NM! SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY 4S R.PJtt. Slil.K(TKl) hIKIltl SUBJECTS Plus J STOOUIS t'OMKDV - C\KTOON "WORLDS FAIR"-3:37 Perth Amboy, N, J. 79^ "THE SLAVE" —2:00 Kiddle Manure Sal - Sun. 1 P.M. c 'Evening Shgw T:15 F.M. c Oldie* * Goodie* Matinees - :i5 tor (luldreo SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUKSUAY WednMday Nltc, ,c 45 R.PJH. IVm 9-11 June nth, i to 8 P.M. 4for 1 00 MONDAV and TUESDAY Plus SPANISH' SHOW , 0 "YEJXOW CANARY" s "FAMILY MATINEE" -YOUNG and the BRAVE" a WKUNBS1MY Thru SUNDAY too ooo Mwt Show/I A Rldw limited Supply — First Come First Served JKNK n - a , bttfve Heeves SHOW TIHti: Only lOe each. "TlllS SLAVK "YELLOW CANARY" SUNDAY _ 3:24 - 431 - V U — flu» — For Everyone 1 "BROKEN LANCE" Mvl» ftCill) YOl!N(i and the BRAVE" During Above Hour*, Coming Wednesday "IT HAFPKNED AT 2tt> - 4 is . «:04 The Snow With the PIAH STATIONERY "LIST OF THE WORLDS FAIK" MONDAY AND TU18DAV WorU'i Fair Look "YELLOW CA^IABY" ADRIAN ME8SENGEK" 100 Main Street, Woodbridgr Mallum: Hat. - Suit. 1 P.M. S:4S - 9:45 Free Admiwloo to Ground* kltiilus Siluw 7:15 P M. Box Office Open — 1 KM. EVKN1NO8 'TIL It STREET WOODBI AUliucei - .35 I»r Children "YOUNG and the BK4VK" * FREE PARKING 8:18 VftC Rid* *?•*••• Exclusive and Independent-Leader Carteret Press A NWnpapr Dtdfeatod to tha Bert Exclusively Intereata tf tht Reridenk of tht EDISON-FORDS BEACON Conuttonitta We Sent.

II, PAGE THIRT WINDOW On Green Street Deb Ball St. James§ ___ By The Staff ! Deadline Graduates* , '],,mr/iik, presently director of athletic* at Wood- ii „.;. hnol, will be the, next principal of Carteret High ,' «•!• hear from high sources. Extended Tomorrcnf . ,,;,b all the degrees necessary to fulfill the posl- , .. u Kraduate of Carteret High School, Lafayette WOODBRIDOE — Due to the WOODBRIDOE — Bt. Jan , ,l ,.v a resident .of the borough. request o! several parents, the Grammar School will hold ,1,1,lie director is said to be one of three being deadline tor the acceptance of annual commencement exi applications for 1963 Debu- i i,v the Carteret Board of Education for the Job clsrs tomorrow night at 7* „ .! MIKP the untimely death of Herman E. Horn. tantes to be presented at the at St. James Church. 1 • » « • third annual Holly Debutante program will be as follows: Ball In December, sponsored by Processional, Elgar, "Heart < Memorial Par. 19(1 — Certainly not the aame ai It the Woodbridge Township Busi- Jesus, Hear," Sisters; p^ n agn when Woodbridfe went orer a nation-wide lrl ness and Professional Women's tatlon of diplomas and afl ,,,,k f Radio Station WOR u the "typical American Club, has been extended until Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles O.'. (mimniilv." Friday, June 14. Corrlstln; Venl Creator I 11,(.yr days people brine the yonniiten out to tee the , ,,i, ind then Moot home. Few itlek around to tee To date, the committee has ,IH ninrliil service* conducted In the park. Other than screened and has accepted 18 The graduates are: REANA E, COHEN young ladles for presentation. , imrriiiiii nricanliatlena and a imall nomber of their Anthony Richard Their notifications will be Anthony George ,„,!,,(, families only a Katterlnf of obaenven attend TO GRADUATE: Ml.w Reana placed In the mall over the Carl Ernest Betta, h , vrrllrnt mrmorlal program In honor «f the war Flaine Cohen, daughter of weekend. Marie Bohacs, Joanne ,< |[,.«- raiiT people foTfet the many tacrlflce* made Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohen, Bornemann, 'Linda Ann ih,->r iallant men and women who kept our nation 217 Main Street, Woodbridge, Application forms may be ob- owskt, Kenneth Wll ... (M>- euuntry that It It. will graduate with a Bachelor tained from any member of the Brtetske, Antoinette Marie 1 of ArU decree from Antrrl- BPW or from the chairman, Miss Ruth Wolk, at The Inde- carelll, 'Teresa Ann Buc pendent - Leader, 18 Green eter Paul Cateneccl, ChristW| re .•«?? jurtw .sal SSSSStreet, Woodbridge. CARRYING ON TRADITION: For ten years or more, Memorial Day parade. Left to right: Thomas, Charles, Cassandra Chlera, Prank Mlohw A meeting of the Debs and the Fltr.patrick Brothers nf Woodbridge have led the Robert and William Fltipatrlck. ael Csanyl, Thomas Jo*4 zzrszz T'^j'^&\ zssrxrx: their mothers has been set for Woodbridge Fire Company contingent In the annual Deverln, Sharlene StephanM Johnson, Colonia, a famous New Yorki " Friday, June 21, at 8 P. M., at Doros. James Anthony Dwyift Prriident John F. Kennedy the Brennan Agency, Main John Harry Fabian. .* will ipcak at the commence- Michael Bruce Ferraro. "Plof* luuihrrs I-our—We belle™ (hit to be rather mnlque— Street, Woodbridge, where all ment and will receive the ence Mary Fllak,Richard JamJt mi Hut the (oar Nttpatrfck brother!. William, plans for the affair will be dis- University's highest honor- Ponte, 'John Dennis Pranctoe% i < h.irlr, and Thorn**, all members of Wo*dbrldie cussed in detail. All members ary degree. Doctor of Civil Raymond Joseph Oerlty, Qusaa i nipinv No. 1, (we had the dbtlnctUn of marcb- !of the BPW Deb Ball Commit- Laws, Receiving the same de- Lucy Oerlty, William Aloyslui . ihi- mlnr guard for the flrt company in the lait tee are invited. gree will be Bishop Fre Cor- Qolden, Joseph James Oougeo& MnnorUI Day parade* Post Debs Too son, of Philadelphia, Pa., Linda Eleanor Hackett, Clafl • • • • All previous debutanes will president of the World's Marie Halstead, Gregory Mar* have a part in this year's ball '. .in;Ki.ii> Community Scholarship Program Is galn- Methodist Council and the tin Halstead, 'Beverly MarH and all those interested are In- •j. Mipportrrs and the cooperation from a number Rhhop Angus Dun, Retired Hanna, Robert Richard Hal's vited to a meeting at Miss :.lid organization*. The Circle Player* in their Bishop of the Protestant tung, Mary Ann Haug, Wayni Wolk's home, 148 HlRh Street, - iitnrc turned over 1200 to the fund M proceeds F.piteopal Diocese of Wash- Stephen Helnriohs, 'Mloh*S» WoodbridKP, on Saturday, June i. Friday night a Chinese auction will be held ington, Honorary degree of Leilanl Hoffner, 'Michael CMat 15, at 2 P.M. The meeting will So 1 Mawbey Street, and the proceeds will cn- Doctor of Laws will be con- topher Horbal, Jr.. 'Jane Ellai .xi-rllfnt program, From what we hear there will ferred upon Supreme Court |be short, Miss Wolk promises. Hughes, 'Christian Paul JaflS i :; imbor of fine prizes Justice Byron R. White. A men's committee is now kowski, Judith Barbara » • • • being formed under the co- wlcz, Harold John Kaub, iiiiiii Polltk, formerly with the Carteret Pre», chalrmanshlp of Herman Stern | Victoria Margaret Klsh, Ja i card from Madrid. Spain. Pollak. now on a LEAGUES GET FUNDS land S. Buddy Harris. It Is jThomas Knowles, Willli_ ' Nrnpe, muit hare hi*t aboot covered every coun- WOODBRIDGE — The Town!planned to have all arrange- ! Stephen Kollar. * V. itn- world. ('iimmlUee Tuesday voted tojments completed before the Suzanne Margaret Konowlfl^ allocate $9,140 for distributionJDebs return to schools and col- among 10 youth baseball leagues Joann Elizabeth Kovacs. Jew in September. Young Marie LeVan, William Rhliadt..i il.-jwrt Bami-», of Roselle Park, who has hLs offices on con<]jti0ri that such money!ladies, 16 to 19 years of age .v Hiiother one, who, after becoming top man in . to officials at inclusive are eligible. •Ixwis, Margaret Grace LomjM t)( pfty nlco, Claire Elizabeth M11UM -,-..•>•., political clrclei hw announced that he will tll, Kamf.s The amount eacn; . ".i in office. IIPBKUP receives deix-nds upon' j Dennis Charles MontecalTO* i Ellen Jane Maria MorltkOJ •*!io had been associated with Frederick M. AdamsJ,h(, number of teams. Amounts VACATION REPLACEMENT ins former partner, I* a Democrat, follows Mayor f m 1360 to $1 680 Pre-! WOODBRIDGE—An admin- Noreen Catherine Murtagb^' rftnKP rO Catherine Theresa Nagy, Rob* . S!i.-ldon. who *M the first-of th* three Roselle|vlously tne practice was to Utrative leave of absence wlth- ART SHOW WINNERS: Looking over their prize-win- left to right, Janice Uobiovolski, third place, Elsie Car- v , to wed after being elected. Jcarry the officials on the Town-'out pay granted Patrolman •rt Dean Oldonboom, Thomai ning paintings at Woodbridge Senior High School are, stenscn, second place and Andrew Zajacek, first place. David Ondrejcak, 'Prank JolBJ >iu U I>mn« Lee Shalcrou, Roselle Park. She Is ship payroll. John Faczak, Fords, was res- ut Hurdlng School ir Kenllworth Barnes said he cinded by the Town Committee Fallnkas, Christine Victor)* ;r:ng his campaign. They have set the wedding [Tuesday to, permit him to malt&J4tf) Papacclo, 'Michael Stephen ; ,(ujt 10 \ the Conmmttf MMtw^M Church, WEEKEND TRIP un application for temporary Guys' Sees|Mss Shymko, First BPW Scholarship Pasko, Lorraine Judith Pawllkl COLONIA — Mr. and Mrs.'employment as a police officer Dean Edward Poulsen, Jottft Frank Grossman, and daughter/from June 24 to August 30. as a Richard Provlnzano, *Mich6i« H rvrr a cop «M nccdev bUly t» h«l* anrsvel eon- Arlene. 48 Columbia Avenue.jvacatlon replacement, at a sal- 'Green Light' Winner to Graduate, to be HonoredFelice Raskullnecz, Thomat trifffc *mi a heavy rtrwwB of M«UUn move- will Iruve tomorrow nmht to^ry rate of $6,150 a year. Mr. Joseph Redhing, Lawrence Mlh both rroot In a terrlfte nth — the place WOODBRIDGE — The Su- Daniel Rodzlnka. Edwin Anth- spend the weekend at UticaJ Faczak has been teaching in thepreme Court of New Jersey to- WOODBRIDOE—Miss Mary- soon as the results of the var- which the program for the year Jit > tt the corner of New Street and Amboy Avenue ony Romond, Mary Margaret New York at the home of Mr. local school system while onday affirmed dissolution of a ann Shymko, the first of the ious examinations of the appli- will be outlined according to a Monday night aroawl II o'clock wkra binio dlsprrsei Rowley, Lawrence John Rum* and Mrs. Aladln Giemza. leave of absence. temporary injunction prohibit- Woodbridge Township Business' cants are tabulated by the |new setup advocated by the •' l.imni Church. It wai even wonr latt Monday with age, 'Annette Veronica Scankijj, ing Vornado, Inc., operators of and Professional Women's Club School of Nursing, Mrs. Irving National Federation of Business uhl fog hindering traffk. Janice ReglnaSchlrger.Delorea the Two Guys discount depart- Nursing Scholarship winners, Hutt, Personnel Development and Professional Women's Ann Serafln, John Peter 81- ment store chain, from ex- who Is graduating from the Chairman announced. IClubs. mone, Dwayne Edward Sssczecll, , ii» »!way« looking for somethuui /different will do changing their trading stamps Charles E. Gregory School of During the evening there will Miss Sutch will also give a * Philip Anthony Toscano, Ar- aniin when they make a special award to a Wood- Woodbridge Car Wash for those of other firms operat-J Nursing, Perth Amboy General be a short business meeting at report on the State convention|lene Mary Uszenskj, ;Kh wnlor at Claa« D«y on June 14 at the school ing in the New Jsrsey area.:Hospital, June 13, will be the which the recently re-elected held last month in Atlantic Ceclle Van Tassel, Thorny Clam and Jim Mtnter will do the honors |The temporary Injunction was guest of honor at a BPW din- • * • • HAS A Sutoh, City. A final report on the Robert Ward. Dentse Brid«it issued by Judge Thomas J.'ner-swlm party tonight at The will announce her standing club's Installation dinner held [Wheelan, 'Ronald AlexamUf i ndmUnd John Na«y. Harrow Drive, Colonia, just Stanton in Morris County in aJEmperial, Oak Tree Road, at the Scotch Plains Country Witkowskt, Alan Francis-Yurj 'd from a l»d*j fishing trip to upstate Maine 1 committees for the coming year. suit instituted by S & H GreenlMiss Shymko's mother will also Club will be made by the chair- enda. Janet Albertlna Zennario», ii (*UMm a ttneto ftah. He ssyi he b now going She will also set a date for an Stamps and Triple S Bluejbe a guest. Miss Shymko is a Executive Board meeting at'man, Miss Ruth Wolk. • Denotes t ' • tr hlmslrf hi th« fallout tbeltcr be It so proud of. Stamps. Judge Pashman of [resident of Avenel. » • • • Hudson County in a similar The 1963 Nursing Scholarship and only memtwr of the Colonia Boosters suit Instituted by Merchants winner will be announced as ••rw.-rl with prld* thi» year1* Mrmorlal Day Parade Green Stamps had denied the :ian Avenue for it «e«ned u If almost evpry Colonia injunction. Appeals were taken MEETING TOMORROW by Vornado in one action and Better Than Ever! >aj either roarchliw In the parade or viewing it-. . WOODBRIDGE—The Town- by Merchants Green Stamps in a-hM-m wat Colonia'* No. 1 citisen Mayc^r WalUT ship of Woodbridge Employees' thej other and the New Jersey In the put Mayor Fred Adam* and the laU- Association will meet tomor- We Are Pleased To Announce .,-h Qiiigley before him, honored the parade with Supreme Court tooto jurisdic- row, 8 PM. at the Township tion of the matter on its own -n

Loi» - Woodbridge't Gain ; During the put few weeks, this will be expanded when tt movea to the KEEPINQ IN TRIM letters to Editor newspaper Indicated that a multi-mil- Township. This Is exceptionally good news, especially to residents of Avenel, lion dollar firm was in the process of 515 Highway 27 purchasing the Art Metal plant (for- some of whom worked all their adult l&rlin, Now Jersey lives for Security Steel and then for May 25, 1963 merly Security Steel) In the Avenel Editor. Man With A Plan Section of the Township. its successor, Art Metal. There Is an ex- cellent possibility that many of them I schema with Mrs. Wood This newspaper did not announce will be retained by the new corpora- your description," Mr the name of the corporation, although tion. As the plant expands, more and it was known to us, because we had more Township residents will undoubt- gjven our word not to release the name edly be hired. Into He ||i case It might jeopardize the sale. We a l 1 Electro Dynamics president, Ray- K^TS!7 S Sl«S iho^n«iy soil of south Jcmy.V™ mil* of „„„ n! fere concerned, as always, with the College The leaflets, which Inl The old Jerseyman asked, In- put local axemen to »., mond Carey, has already established ta otrt m s rfv (sod of the community as a whole. no way represent the policy ornocently ™f*\ oV.i,n, ,: f. * ' ^ offices in the Avenel plant which wil the State University, were In-'you doln*. friend? Starting a K\\ was barren, the i:,, 2 Over the weekend, the Bayonne be used In the manufacture of electric tended to ahow to these future .railroad?" l*t\inted from numm,:,. frshmen the disadvantages of I undis Uralghtenrd up, swept fires and the re* Ion •,< newspapers sadly announced that com- motors and other electrical products. the ROTC program. In con- his hand across the barrwi habited by onlv * u-,\ fmnlty was losing Electro Dynamics, Mayor Walter Zirpolo, Dr. Ralph demnlng this program, the lit-;landscape and replied grandly: living In miserable si,lu il division of General Dynamics, to Barone, Town Committee liaison to the erature pointed but that fourj "i have Just driven the een- Vlneland had onlv -. year* of ROTC and the subse- tPr stake of a city." u)ne assets. The first Woodbrldge Township. A fire had gut- Industrial Council, L G, Pacent, coun- quent four years of active duty A* landis recalled It a dozen railroad from oiawi>. ted the Bayonne plant and the Board cil president and its executive secre- were an evil Imposition upon'ym-& later, the old man Pdqed MlllvilU that cut Um.,, the young people and that the a«ny. Undls rattled on: he,Undls holding. Tin of Directors decided against rebuilding. tary, Winfleld J. Finn, are to be highly program encouraged militarism would now build a street two and moat Importing : unswerving belief of r. At the time of the fire, the General commended for their efforts in bring- rather than independent think- miirs IOIIK and 100 feet wide. ing the corporation to the Township ing which a higher education Ten years from now the #llder- Landi* In his idea Dynamics Division employed in excess 'should Inspire nnv would have churches,] That Idea, »imply of 600 persons and there is a definite before the ashes of the Bayonne plant Obviously the SANE Society schools, factories, homes format people of mo<|p possibility that the plant's operation really had time to cool. wanU to'discourage the able!thousand* of people. Therefould prosper In » young AmeranAmericanss from serving j(would be orchards and Tine-'community. As their country. Is It wrong to yardards and ffarms. irlv* prospered serve one's fatherland for!! ThThe olldd man movemo d well back jwould come, and a* eight years? Is It wrong to,from this apparent mad man.iple eame. property v Proposed Solid Waste Code 1 protect one's family and fellow then shouted: id* The Town Committee and the Board not supersede the wishes of the people, citizen„»«.»s agains«.—•,t a» ruthles.~s ene....--i "Young man, I am now old;! Vet there would be • my who Is waiting for the firstil have lived here all my llffjlatlon, for Landis n. I Health will confer tonight on the If the people's demands do not in any possible opportunity to delivered my father and grand fat her 'else Each nr* |>;; way create health hazards. Its attack? Is eight years ot;be(ore me You can never do build a home and :.:: proposed Solid Waste Code of New Jer- 11 If the proposed ordinance is passed service a (treat sacrifice when this thing! jln short he mun • sey which the latter body has slated to one considers all the lives that Undls took no offense; more^HUei of Vlneland. come up for public hearing next Tues- as it now stands, it will open the door have been willingly given that worldly people than the oldtrlbuto enthuslwm day. to what everyone in this community we today may HvYhappily and! woodsman had sounded welt as mortfmci ; freely? It Is also obvious that'same warning whenever th«l Landis ranks has been fighting against. Of great concern to the Town Com- the Society doesn't want to rec- j young planner had talked of ca's earliest plnnmr* There is some possibility that the ognlze the fact that the ROTC his "Vlneland." trolled everything, ,r mittee—and the people of the Town- Richard D. Wood, who had who didn't build a. Township could stymie the Board, if It program Is designed to train «hip— is the "sleeper" section of the young men for leadership In let him buy 18,000 acres at I7|plan or who didn't ;. insists on passing the ordinance, by in- (nil on mortgage!, trees and fruit Ordinance which, if passed, would per- Under the Capitol Dome our armed forces — young men per acre voking the zoning ordinance which who will be the generals and asked Undls not to discuss his I (Continued on P\ mit any one who follows state require- the colonels of tomorrow. This does not make any provision for private By J. Joseph Gribbiis ments to establish private garbage is not encouraging militarism garbage dumps. However, there Is cer- and obedlency; It Is building dumps. l leadership and citizenship. ,tainly no need for both bodies to be at emor Richard J. Hughes, claims; dustry, has requested employer TRENTON, N, J. — For the I was curious of the fact the change is necessary to en-and employee representatives The Board of Health is undoubtedly loggerheads. We know that the mem- first time In New Jersey history, whether the SANE Society was citizens will be asked to vote courage the retention of agrl- m these occupations to submit 34YEARSofSERM(.i; aware, that in the matters of health, bers of the Board of Health are intel- distributing similar leaflets on To The [or or against six Important culture as an Industry In New nominations for the campus of Moscow, Uni- ligent men and will undoubtedly real- Jersey and to preserve agricul- on the board by June 17. The its ordinances supersede the Town public questions on the Novem- versity or on the campuses of Committee's measures, However, the ize that It Is a serious matter which ber 5 general election ballot tuial lands In an open space board will be composed of nine one of the Russian military in- ranging from taxation of farm- condition. members with three each rep- .desires of the Board of Health should can and must be rectified now. stitutes, Obviously, it can't be- land to a 1750,000,000 bond Is- — 0— [resenting the employers and cause the Communist leaden do Perth Amboy Area sue with Interest BORROWED MONEY:—The employees In the occupations not tolerate such rights as are Never before has such a large State of New Jersey will turn under consideration, and the expressed by the First Amend- number of questions been sub- over 11,750,000 to the Port of general public. ment of the Constitution of the Vatation Walking mltted to the voters on one New York Authority soon as. Under the law, the Commls- United States; therefore, the . This is the time of year most of us Yet in the Black Forest of Germany, allot. The record was reached part of a gentleman's agree- sioner of Labor is authorized to SANE peace movements aren't T. L WATSON & CO. In 1959 when four questions ment that the money will be'set up such wages boards If he really pressuring both sides for «re thinking of a vacation. The aver- in Austria, Switzerland and northern were decided, and again In 1961 paid back In the future If pos- considers wages being paid are nuclear disarmament; they are ESTABLISHED 1111 me person's idea of a vacation with when a similar number ap- sible. oppressive and unreasonable. instead, attempting to weaken MONROE K. WE1ANT Italy, there are countless vacation peared on the ballot. the military might of the family is to get away from routine The Port Authority claims j — ° — Redden* Partner spots which owe their fame to one First to appear on the voting that maintenance and repairs: ALGEBRAIC TRAFFIC: ~ United States. If it ever suc- MEMBER mm TORS AM) •fork and life to a change of pace, a machines and ballots will be the of the Hudson Tubes system are Synchroniz«i tr&fflic signals on ceeds, the results of this move- AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE test. thing alone — hiking and walking $475,000,000 bond issue to fi- critically needed at this tlme.jNew Jersey Highways may tome ment would be the termination trails, and the beautiful scenery to be nance highway construction, Litigation over the constltu-jday make it possible for mo- of the American nuclear su- Perth Anboy Natioial Baik B.ilding 'IInterestingly, this rest is often and next Will be a $275,000,000 tlonallty of the laws of New torlsts traveling at certain premacy and of the nuclear Jquated with doing nothing. In other found in following them. bond issue for construction of York and New Jersey under the'speeds to miss all the red lights. deterrent and the weakening AlUul Ctrncn HI t-tHI of the chances of survival of Srords, many of us think of such a rest new Institutions and teachers' Port Authority has been op-! In fact, such & situation ex- They arp marked, numbered and colleges. Both Questions will eratlng the Hudson Tubes ists at the present time on US. (Continued on Page 21) •as lying in bed, sleeping long hours also spell out the amount of makes it imposible for the',Route 1 between Trenton and widely used in Europe. There are •ind taking little physical exercise, Interest needed to amortize such authority to market its securl-New Brunswick, where traffic brochures telling just where each path xmds, which is another first In ties through the usual invest- lights are set up so that a mo- r*s Yet the experts advise us to get some leads, what will be seen during the New Jersey history. The in- ment channels. jtorists who drives at a proper Strercise, For most people, a better va- terest will amount to approxi- The Court of Appeals of New speed can go all the way with- course of the hike, and the points of NEED TO cation, a better rest, would result from mately -$585,000,000, York has sustained the legality, out hitting a red light. historical interest. There is a table Voters will also be asked to of the laws butfc further appeal State Highway Commissioner "^he inclusion of reasonable physical giving the average time required for decide whether residence re- to the United States Supreme Dwight R. G. Palmer knows this exertion on vacation. Americans often qulrements for voters residing Court la threatened. The auth- Is possible because he has SEND MONEY Swfrn, if they go to lake or beach. But the different trails. In a county should be reduced ority hat sufficient money to done It himself. Palmer reports from 60 to 40 days. The grant- make the needed repairs- but the engineer responsible for many get very little real exercise on Some require all day and the camper ing of an annual outright de- hesitates to use «uch funds be- determining the mathematics IN THE MAIL? -their vacation. takes his lunch with him in a pack. duction of $50 from the tax cause If the law* are declared of the Route 1 system recently bills of war veterans and their unconstitutional, the Port completed a report on the \ One of the finest forms recommend- But the principle idea of the vaca- widows. Instead of the present Authority memben might be theory behind It This report ed is simple enough—walking! In Eu- tioner, who comes to such an area, is ,500 exemption on the aggn- personally liable. is 127 in length, of w!\ich jope people plan and anticipate walk- that he will hike somewhere every day, :ate assessed, valuation of In order to keep the tube two pages are text and the re- property, will also be submitted trains running between Newjmalnder are occupied by alge- ing vacations with great care. Some- rain or shine. He will have a fine pair to the voters for a decision at jersey and New York. Governor braic formula. how in the United States, where just of walking shoes, proper rain protec- the same time. Rlchard J. Hughes and Senate "This same theory might 1 JIbout everyone rides just about every- tion, and mess and emergency gear. A similar question granting and Assembly leaders have make it possible for us to con- DM * Risk Mailing It an annual deduction of $80 reached a gentlemen's agree- trol traffic at an Intersection so where in an automobile, this is not so And he will come back from this week, from the tax bin of persons 65 ment to have the State Invest- that neither stream of traffic ears of age Instead of the ment Council make available would ever encounter a red "much the fashion. or two weeks, a refreshed person. 1 There is no risk when you stop present $800 exemption on the $1,750,00 for the essential Hud- light, thus eliminating the need aggregate assessed valuation of son & Manh&tUn work for construction of a costly i real property owned by them, If the United States Supreme grade separation." Palmer Qt our bonk and get a BANK Wonder Where The Money Went? will be presented to the elec- Court rules In the 'future the states. torate on November 5. laws are unconstitutional, the "Faster research Into this and MONEY ORDER. It protects The sixth question, with an State of New Jersey could lose Z If your tax load seemed heavier last Translating the taxes to a per capita many other possibilities of pro- the amount of the loan. affirmative vote, would amend viding, for greater traffic safety ^ear, it's because it was. Total taxes basis, the total Federal tax burden — o — your money and provides you the State Constitution to per- throutth engineering Is now !i»nie by New Jersey residents for all ($3,588,000,000) amounted to $575 for WAGE BOARDS :-The next mit land used In agriculture or posible with the aid of elec- tlevels of government last year topped each resident of the state—man, wom- horticulture to be valued for wage board to be appointed to tronic computers which have 1 with a receipt. , i establish minimum fair wages 'five billion dollars—an average of more an and child. A per capita average of oca! tax purpose* as farm become available In recent land. This proposal also pro- for women and minors will be years. Last month, for ex- jthan $800 for every man, woman and $70 [went to the state; $29 to the rides tor the payment of addl- effective In nursing homes, ample. Bonal taxesjif the land to later boarding homes and Homes for", ' " ",•„ Convenient New Banking Hours At All 3 Office*: 'child in the State or nearly $3300 for county; $68 to the municipality and 0I ou0 r wit- *oli«ud fo#-r. g *IZ.idevelopment *. thtv.e A8N*~*L computer nessed a demonstration during \ *ihe family of four. $77 for schools. This adtjed to a grand The Farm Land Assessment Raymond F. Male, State which a model traffic light en- Monday thru Friday 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Committee, appointed by Oov- Commissioner of Labor and In- *-• An annual compilation prepared by total of $5,112,000,000 and a per capita tern in Chicago was controlled •the New Jersey Taxpayers Association average of $819 for every man, woman by a computer physically lo- Friday Evening 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. cated In Indiana." toowed an upswing in taxes for each and child in the State. GLAMOR GIRLS — 0 — *ma]or level of government. The Taxpayers Association's 1962 MONEY: - The Btatfl De- DRIVE-UP Monday lhru Thursday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. S» The local tax burden for municipal, figures represent averages for Federal partment of Labor and lhdus- ichool and county government rose an try has the answer to where and state governments which operate doet all the money go. WINDOW Friday 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. ^Btimated $85 million above the one on July to June-fiscal years and calen- New Jersey's consumer dollar, "billion dollar total of 1961. dar year totals for the local levels of bajed at 100 cents u of June, '" ", was worth only 44.4 cento Major state taxes climbed from $402 government. The figures do not in- in February; 44.8 cents last De- million to $439 million. elude unemployment compensation cember; 44.8 cents in Jtebruary a year ago and j.7 centi to -* Uncle Sam took the lion's share — and temporary disability employment June 1950, according to the de- about 70 cents—of the tax dollar when taxes levied for purposes other than partment. Yew Jersey's share of the Federal tax support of general government. Neither During th« past year, miscel- laneous ltenja increased 2 per burden climbed from just under $3.3 do thy include license and other fees cent In price; rent, 1.4 per cent, billion in 1961 to nearly $3.6 billion which are in addition to general tax furniture ana house tttmlJ Ings. 1.2 per cent; food, 6.3 PW '(ast year. impositions. cent; fuel %nd light, 0.1 pen cent. Clothing decreased 0.1 per cent.

JEUSEY JIGSAW! - Defac- ing or destroying civil defense WOODBBU)GK PUBLISEHNQ COMPANY shelter algnj may bring penal- ties up to $10,000 In fines and UWTCHM r, Campion. PniMcBt 4 Treasurer Imprisonment for 10 yews, 3 Locations For Your Convenient Published weekly on Thundaj at 7:00 AH. State Civil Ttotviw Dtrwtor AVENEL OFFICE MAIN OFFICE 20 Green Street C$1 Roosevelt Avenm Thomas 8. Dignan warns. Courtesy arid caution On New 415 Avenel Street Corner of WoodBrldge. H J. Carteret. N. J. 79 Jersey's Inland waterways this Cur. of Demornt Berry St. & Moor* Ave. Telephone: MB *-U 11 Telephone} Q 1-J800 summer la urged by State Con- 1SEIJN servation Commissioner Robert AVENEL WOODBRIDGE Charles E. Gregory, Nov in, I904 — Dec. 10, 1961 A .Hot Truffle conditions on N«w Jersey highways will be Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation—Federal Reserve S\ Mall - UM JMI $«.(« Sti Mtmtb* UJU 1*4 PW broadcast to motorists twain (Continued uu Fage 21) Thursday, J\m« 6,196ft PAOI FIFTEEN helin Jr. High Lists Honor Roll

1 IHKT.IN — Home- Roll stu- dents at Iselin Junior Hi?h School were finnmmcr>d this vi'rk bv the pnncipnl, Edward I' Kpfltinc us follows Sevnth Cii-ndn- ^ilrpu An- derson. Nanc Anom, Siuifi™ f!ii:nv)ino, Tfcii-bnrii Donaldson, Bonnie Fnelmim nnnnn Erik- srn. Cnthnvinp Oilroy, Janet Havkrs, Fran TM'fM-. Barbara Incnvcs, Helen Kroh, Laura L11-, ll"n. Alnn Mnrillszpwski. Nnr- ' tllna Mroz, Joyrc Pease, Robert jPelnsI, Frank Podwrnki, Larry 'jR(\dr»mskl. Mnir Schlemovltz.j Sunfrn Slmnnsin. ; Eighth Ornriiv Hull BUHIOV- ;sk; , Ben.inmin Lribowttz, Peter :Palmlsnnn, t)n]r Pnris'i. Cnro- llyn bfddnti. Vir-ki Thorncr, \ ' * ll Pet'M- Tolenclioii. Michael ,jll,i\s r<> All* CAM'FR 1'NIT: Mi-mhm of Colonia ihe American <;»nm Society. Left to rieht: Mrs. William Voiknr. ( I,,), are shown ndmlrlnn fellow mrmbtr and Zimmerman, retirlriK president: Mrv l.iluurd 1'iint-k, out- Ninth Grade- Pharyl Byank, ,V \i-. I'.nil Wtlrrlrh whn will purtlrlnatr In "All- «nlnK vice president; Mrs. Norman Joritensrn, new presi- Elaine Eimlrmnn, Kathleen ,,l,. |hi- Stum" fashion «how for tlip Benefit of Grady, Patricia Holnvacko,, i r dent; Mrs. Kdward Milan, new vi(r president, Lynn Jacobs, Kathleen Kramer,! Rose Marshall. Bobcrt Meyero- witz, Maurice O'Callaghan, Na- TO KEEP OTHERS WARM: St. Cecelia's Troop 129 Girl Sarhkowsky, Drnise Wojcik, Jennifer Dlrkson, Annett*- omi Schrelber, Anita Schroth, nliii'sGiven Fine 15-Year Record Se/.School 20 Board Scouts are shown above with patch work quilt they made Prince, Laura Huneycutt, Mrs. Joane M:mry o( the Ellen Schublger, Terry Wester- and donated to the Mapleton Nursing Home, Woodbrldge. Me man. ing Home; In rear, Mrs. Angelina Prince. V, himlieonfiy Colonia Cancer Club e«ng Is Held Uti to right: Mrs. Irene Walczak, Peggy Flood, Gall fTil- 1. . A Him t»tff Ifc^ f » *^ i (Vn'iul Jersey: COLONIA I/xikitiK bnck . Mrs Richard Evans; COLONI'-"""'»A« The first execu- Ladies* Aid Society : lii• -rl in'1 "''" on tlie 15 veins of consistently nil tiieiiiis, Mrs. Witt- tiV(! Dal(l meeting of Colonia Welcome to New Two Days of Celebration Mothers Elect lubmi of tin1 Plans Annual Dinner r ui i,,r and industriously cutting and publicity, Mrs. John School PTO 20 was held tost i .i.'in- (i! nisi' I- niin'K II it - ineiiilji'isliii)IT 11 . Mrs. EUiar week wllh Mrs John Moore Mrs. Coutinho ISELIN — Members of tb* . H.-h Am At wwlim cancer drcsslnss. the On ,l,,:nhsl,n Rabbi Planned rkBeth Am Dedication hospitality, Mrs. pfn]Am[i mmng. Ma , club, Kdlson. Colonia Cancr Club has rtl»-.In^jiii ('.(inzzmv)." biKluPt, Mrs ISEMN — A hoard meeting Ladles Aid Society of the FiAl Other officers and members j of Sisterhood Congregation COLONIA - Mrs. Fred Cout- Presbyterian Church will oofi- aM.irtls wrrr cOVored It IlU-rally crcntcd n Ooive V;m neki-r: and Good Beth 8holom s COLONIA—Ceremonies cele- over 150 families. Ground was L itlh( was * rv\ /Mltit nUi mil nt A nuiL. Will Lfl of the board for the 1963-1964| - ™ Md Mon- plete plans for their annual mountain out of a m,,|,. hill. bratin* the dedication of the brolcen for the present buildinB, * ^ President ol Wlm f th( dark horse -whool year are Mrs, Robert^ , . Temple Beth Am will be held Mothers' Assoc!atlon of Colonia ner at a meeting Monday <* . 'ro ^lJi/h ff ATTIC Thi• -•••, * yeaTT.^»I r «••<*••alonnt: Mrs Tliomas Gillam, re- Howard Florman as chairman. high holidays, September ll aitnrAfA aa iroup would make H coOfl si/.ed «• coldin f sp president of Cons re nation Brth Other officers are: Mrs. president, announced prelimi- 'II illS.-'-Il. Zimm'erma'n ' fi'etary; Mrs. Euwne Mr. Florman, president of the icr team, the '"ounlBln and the many thou- ^ Mrs. 3 10 1 and 12, 1961. nary plans have been mad« ^o Rolop. rorrespoii'ditiK swretary.! ^ !" wcrejiiysts j0s h 811 vlce i Isaacs Mrs. •HRI1('' n' dresMiisss over thi iiiv! Mrs [congregation, announced rep- Mr. Florman ls chairman of «P SP "' hold the dinner, June 24, *t |Mrs. Richiud Hubbard, trea-' A reception for the newly- P Slnlbaldl,years stR"d HS a fltthin tribute '!";", resentatives of Federal, State the dedication ceremony and Mrs. Leroy Holman, corres- Sally's, Highland Park. M«tt- 7 'In t 1(1 sma surer; Mis. Joseph Peters ann ddj Municipa^ W " ' »^ l1 governmenwi r\ 4t- are Jonah Shermen, past president ponding secretary; Mrs. Rich- hlth team *" ^ " Rfoup vlilfh was Mrs. James In-ram. ways and the Congregation, Rabbi Nor-' hers must be at the church W of the Congregation, will act ard Polhamus, recording sec- •-..• .Vtro*, Mrs.'"oldiriK hospitality mei-tinas for means. Mrs. Myron Dzyak, nP 1C0 rs 1 religious leaders. as master ol ceremonies. retary; and Mrs. R. Whippert, Mr- Frederick * <"<' '" 'I" Colonia .wc- membership: Mrs Robert Hom- m&n has been set for Septem-! The dinner will take the pttfe M:'> Stephen1101) The formal religious dedica- Reservations are being ac-treasurer. of the final meeting of the and decided to m.ikp the dres- pe.seh, prnjnim: Mrs. Edward ber 8, at the Temple, Cooper •• ,uii one name, Avenue. tion will take place, 1:30 P. M., cepted by Mrs. Bernard Binder, i Plans are being finalized for son. The group will not sinM e it was a worth- Ball Projected Peterson, library: Mrs, Bernard cv,.l Zuk. Mrs. Mrs. Sanford Obolsky, ways Sunday. PU 8-4484 or Mrs. Frank Pine, the Installation on June 24. again until September 9. whllt McCauley, hrispitallty: Mrs. Mrs I, Woyt: nd me.ans chairman, reported Temple Beth Am was origin- FTJ 8-0407. Because'of HmitedlMrs. W, Olsen was appointed CMI.ONIA A Deborah Edward Ott. ally formed, ant seatlngl those annin t0 at (j,j, -^i,^ In thi' past ihi that the functions to be spon- * Pl & " chairman of rummage sale r tions: Mrs. Andrew Sfrson, impmbprship has now grown New Words for Old :is writ to Mrs. dressing *' e delivered to St :• i. • hall a i fund liiising room nidther.s: Mrs. (IJoward sored "by thTsisterhoodTnc°lud'e" tojtend should make early resor-scheduled for June 10 and a osr s vations according to an an- vacant scheduled for June 10 Productionally, the picture"* Ko':>nii Mrs. •' P"' Convent, Strawberry for r>b«nih Hospital, will W|ljtc ,mld h(,ftllh anj wd. September, Mah JOHKK Tourna- M . Zit'rer and '"" 'or distribution to cancer nouncement by the publicity and a vacant store in Rahway top grade in all technical #• ii- topic of discu.wilon next fare; JriM'ph Te/inskl, auditor; ment and charm™ child am-'Osteopathy Decree i will to secured for the event. partments. — Variety. t. ' patlenU bv the Mt Carnvi 1 test; October, rummage sale chairman. at a •.iiminit meetir of Mr, :. Hurry Cramer, publicity; n- presented to Nur.sin« Guild Now, thanks to , Mrs- R Howard and Mrs. E. and cake sale; November, barn For Walter H. Watts Milch 'Inlshrd lm* •''Torts of in,my dedlratrd .ileilt.-i from .m-M-n pa Pollnk. teacher representatives. dance; December. t children's ISELIN — Walter H. Watts RSI •h'n poster in- voluiitf^r.-i tne!u. On Friday, June 14 the sixth The next meeting of the Sis-' degree of Doctor of Oste- W. -field. (trade party will be held as a terhood will be Monday at the;°Pa*»• rfte' f?ur yea« °'R™', d1P At Monday's mectum held at l':'sidi;its from West Mount farewell to the students as they Congregation building. jtessional study Bnd chnlcal' School 20 it wa.s rpvi-nlod an- i Wi .'.field. Mountainside and r - o on into rusher education An orienUtion. board meeting I u'am'ng' What You Want-When You Want It! ::!.••• ml. PcQti-h Plains', Suburban i.-, Buiitruuicu for June 17, with [ , »«.•», This annual function has been ^hwi,,!^ fni! j,m» 17 u,ith Before entering private prac- runnier bowirnu Wlttreioh. will serve as H moflfl ,g])rln,rn,id', Park-Union 'Ro, - favorably received by parents. Mrs. Herbert Sen's, Tapaz Lane, ««• *" ™w osteopath* phy- ,-\nHtM Uf fontaet to' "'• "Autumn Uiul.-r fh sieian will serve an internship 1 1 Park. Union and Kenil- tf.achel.Si and stUjdents. :-.i;ir m Mrs. Stan- R"" . "" fashidii sl.i^' Septembi- i and Betty Ch'>dakowskyi In the fall the flrst refrular | at Muskegon Osteopathic Hos- The Final Test Ipital, Muskegon, Mich. ;, «for the bfiwflt of the Middle- ,E oranc-, In-iriton and of the P.T.O. will be : Jpor pn/.-.s wi-re ** Ccmintv_ Chiipt--:- ofiAmeri- Mai,i(,-i(,od'. Newark Chapter- "I thought you said this bath-1 Dr. Watts attended Rutgers ra!1 WATCH MART M:- Irving Gross- 8oclcty ) Wi-st E sex Chapter of Deborah ing suit was in fast colors." saidUniversity. New Brunswick, be- ,.V"-' Mr« Robert I*i»-thloi>s firth. »h..le family wln ,lt.,.n(t t[,,. m,,-tlng. repre- the customer, i n d i g n a n 11 y.; fore beginning professional For Anniversaries, Father's Day, .1: /.iik. Mrs. M, '*•'" ^ fliltl1 td "'• ll »»)V«'l ••>"<>* M-iuliiK ;he first combined char- "Why,.. ever.y confounded stripe i studies at Kirksville. He is a ht on th \i> I) Ki»x Favors 'd roof op of Arnold ,,y alfll,r of the l-ieal chapters. Don't kiss the baby, a New in It has come off on my back." member of Theta Psi. Engagements and Graduations. .;-,,! Constable. \v»- Brunswick. In "piim. a!-,, ,„ :|,e formative York Public Health authority! "Ah but wait," said the shop-; The son of Mr. and Mrs. ; of mil the .-vent will be ,l;,,,t, ,,, llf,i(| tie first ball at advises. It upsets the baby and man, suavely, "wait until you Renzo L. Watts, Iselln, Dr, HERE ARE SOME SAMPLE VALUES: held on S<-ptemb.r n tin" Ni-.vark E».-x House next isn't even good politics any try to get them off your back — W«tts la married and has one Children A riTiird of 200 dressings was April, more. — Detroit News. then you'll see." chilcl

tur,' meaiiu's will' be held on pro-school Monday of the WATCHES held first orientation start mu in S'-yti-mber. i June 10 at the Grevnbtk'r Men's Fine Quality New BiuiiN'.vlck. in.'-tiilla- Automatic—Reg. $100 aiUlfl. ,-, tlon of the new olfii-.-rs' frtr •e^ry-to hold,963_fi4 will tak(, l)hlC|,. Mr.s Is your "old faithful" car beginning to show Ladies' 14-K. Moruiin Jorii4n' *nd li™'"" '"•"k' Robt r 1 flrt e ml -«.vlce preSldVnt',; ' , ' " !' Otwii.. F^nn. loth.-rs to join the1"'"1 JlTry Blai'kt'r' wl1' ^ "V J stalled as first, second, thud, BANKING HOURS land fourth vie* presidents., re- Monday thru Thursday »pectivid Dinners C'aim, Bottles Department for a year or more. Served Daily BEER V/2% interest will be paid on full amount left on deposit in our Savings J:00 F.M. to In Department for six months or more! 1 Cam, Bottles. Kris "•'•H WATCH MART AUTHENTIC Colonia Shopping Plaza, Route 27, Colonia fel. FU 1-3777 — FREE I'AItKlNG at the Plaia 8P4OHETTI ''*«••», IUTIOII, Ptn. PIM FIRST BANK of COLONTA UoU jUndwleh«i OPEN 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M; in Service First inSeairity Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdayv & Friday N ALI, Monday & Saturday 'til 6 P.M. our ORDERS . MK V IMKKIMi I'llimi.r.lVl 11*11.:'11:01) A.M. • »:3

FORDS — Olrl 8cout Troop pi -Merited by th« students of "Ciardas," Mr. Scuttl's class the board and commute,. (1 ,', lit of Ford* Neighborhood I School U, first to sixth grades "PutUenter," Mrs. Schwrhln's nt the school on M . ,' »pent th« WMkend on t camp- ;Inclusive. Those who attended class the "Mexican Hat Dance" ;l Ing trip to Stokei State Forest had an enjoyable evening. and the "Swedish Clap" by Mr announced Hint p-j ^ '..''' The troop left their leader* j The progTam consisted of aZUal's daas. Songs Included nrr scheduled fn, () . home 10:30 A. M, Friday. John (prologue by grade 8. Children1 "Th» Olrl I Left Behind," Bartfai, MM. Harold Meyer, jin the first grade dressed as;"Why Are We Waltlnu?". ullli InMallntlons . ' .i' ' May. Meetlnm * , j','7 ', Mrs. George Baldwin and Ray- "Marianne," "Bed Apples" i; Indians performed an Indian •si'cond Tuesdiy ,,f n mond L»rien were kind enough •dance and sang "Playing In- tie Walked," and "This la My : to us* their cars for transpor- with ri-mlndrrnof ni./. |tllana," "Okum Daagyar," Land." tn bo brousht hnnv !)• ' tation of Blrls »nd equipment "Ceremonial Daftce" and "John Ths muilc tu under the dl- to the site. rtrrn. Bullet in, w;!; ,„ Brown." jrwtlon of all teachers with the brfore pgch mortiiu.' The troop prepared for the 1 1 M Pioneers were portrayed by "f **" " °' »« K»h and HORrd moetlriBs n!c trip by doing their own menu 1 mt Mr Mlnuccl lf the second grade students who!™" ?" * "' for tr* third Tin'sdi' ^"' pUnnlhj md ihopplng. They n e „ belonging*. The knapsacks and Each chairman of H ,',' ..".', sans "The Spinning Wheel" and• ^* v SpontOTS till* was Instructed to i „ pouch btf* they had made were Janice Kulchinslcy recited found to be very useful. Trip to Palisades nf work prrpured f , • ' "PUntrock." ing meeting s,.,;,..', ". Upon arrival the girl took 01 33 ln The third grade* depicted F " - The C. Y. 0. of committee rhnnma:. ; over tlw complete mponslbillty Our oI various mean* of travel and **<& *"••<* Church 1» able upon rcquc' • of their eamp »lte. Following •ORGANIZATION MAN' — Gerry McNulty, a third baseman turned-adman, goes all out to entertained with "Erie Canal,".sponsoring a bus trip to Pall- Individual chai!in,:, ••. their caper cliarti the Jobs were focui public attfntlon on the 1963 "Tag Bay" fund-raising drive of the Fords-Clara Barton 1 Parlc "Ocean Liner," "Surrey with;a" " ' Saturday, June 22. VRck announcici ;w •. quickly done. From pancakes Boys Baseball League to be held tomorrow and Saturday. 1'nlformfd players of 28 major, Bus wm leave Anne at 12 the Fringe on Top," "In My **« * ested in takina » !M In the morning to steak at night minor and mldjet division teams, Including: yoimir McNulty of the Browns, will canvas the ( Merry Oldamoblle," and "Rock- noon. Tickets Include trans- IN API'RFCIATION: Mr. •>nil Mrs. Kavmond llanwn, on the board shr:-< the girls did a fine Job of mak- streets of Edison and Woodbrldge Township* to solicit donations to defray some of the portation, admlslon and tickets et Ship." Fords, above, wcrr honored by Cub I'ack 50, «poii»orrd by her. ing fires and cooking their League's operational costs. Joseph Santucd Is general chairman of the "Tag Day*' program rWa and m Song describing regions near *° > *y ** obtained School 7 l'TA, in apprrchitinn for »H thetr efforti Itt The executive W,! meals. After lugging water a and he will be assisted by 112 fathers who will ensure the boys' safety. from c and far "Japanese Dance,"; »W *0- officer or at behalf of the Park slncr it was oritanlied. Mr. and Mn. of Mrs. Joscpli Ur. , . quarter of a mile all day Friday •Cherry Bloom," "Norwegian the rectory. Hanson are shown holding a plaqut which wai prrirnted they were especially glad to see preildent; Mrs s. i: May Bong," "Norwegian Moun- A parish league will be to them. berg, second vie.' tht ttatlon wagon arrive. From Parvuli Dei Awards Go Home-School tain March" were rendered by formed this summer for tennis — then on Mr. Lawen Just loaded thc fourth trade students and volley ball and different, the girls and water containers , ... . '•"' T a..,' ri,i«.J,anii i8chix>l kitchen according to in President; Miss Jit! A square dance, WM per-classe-c s will be *et up. Anyone i eachert Luncheon ; by Mrs. John recording jecr-u: Fourteen Cub Scouts Elects Officers formed by the fifth graders'Interestes'I d can contact an officer! gnni)imcmeMl [ 1 HOPELAWN — Mrs. Joseph representing the neew world witwithh off the C. Y. O. or call the rec-rec; To be Held Today Baldnson, chairman. Mansfield, COHIMMI: Saturday morning the girls and Mrs FORDS—Parcull Dei awardalvld Daly, Michael Daly, Thomas!Aochoa was Installed as presl- renditions of "East Side • West tory. KEA6BEY The Home and The sixth grade party with \treasurer. presented to fourteen cub Oaaior, Gary Goldschmidt, John'dent of the Home and 8chool Side," "Down In the Valley" !School Association of School 8 Mrs. Stephen in charge lake, had lunch and went wad- ,, __ , „, . TI Associatlon oi f Schoohi l 10 a> tt theanil d"Rhnuiuliuh " Admiral Anderson chosen.en-will hold its annual teachers'will be held next Thursday, India cliar^'i"' Ing to the cold lake water it scouts of Pack 53 by Father Heeny, Prank Plavic 1 Rogalcheck, William Turnbull/iast meeting. Dances rep««ntlnj the old voy to Portug»l. luncheon today at noon ln the Juno 13 border "Intrusion did wonder* forthei r tired f«t.Christopher Reilly. cub scout They then hiked the three miles advisor, at ceremonies held on Kevin Westphal, Bernard Sci-; Mlsg Mary c Fw_ and back to camp. A small water- Wednesday night at Our Lady bienski, Robert Zuppa and conductcconducted ththee instal Installatiol n cere- fall with a bubbling brook was0' Pea« Church. Anthony Toth. These cul)jmony. Other officers Installed Here's Something Special At a New Low Price! re located about a five-minute 1 The Parvuli Dei is a reeog- Scouts completed twelve ':were Mrs. Albert Schmld, vice walk trom 0$ >ean-to and Catholic Church qulrements, Parvuli Del logbook Mrs. Louis Pemlcka, USD A CNOKI,,. PUFiCT UTMG GUAtAMTftD whenever a girl had free time'gives to cub scouts for advance- and final review. |treasurer; Mrs. John Oil, re- she was certain to be found ment m religious knowledge and cording secretary, and Mrs. Alex there. No swimming was al-:«Plrltual formation. The pur- Nagy, corresponding secretary. lowW-tat-many of the girls feil'P086 °r the award '» to helP Mrs. Steve Stanklewlcz was in "accidenUflf on purpose" ;*he cub seout become more Keasbey Firemen named chairman of a garden On Sunday morning the girls awa« of O0*1' presence in hi* I hint committee formed to keep the dressed In their uniforms and,dally life. C VjlllCl1 sfhooi flowers blooming. MKIM KMT DM 1M. Mm M «t 4 HW attended church. The Catholic! Receiving the awards from A year-end party is planned girls entered church early to re^'her Reilly, acting for Father KEASBEY - John Ceto wawass ! elected chief of the Protection''1* Mrs- ,J°h" .CHUCK cite a rosary for the intention'Wrinn. scout chaplain of the Mrs. Harold Kawash TTrento n diocesedi , were FlFloydd Fire Company 1. Other lire Mrs Harold K of Pope John XXIII fighting officers'elected were; chairmen. Mrs Stephen KteMlrk Many of the parents visited Argentiere. Donald Brown, Da- ls ln charse o£ the sbcth 8rRde Ib. on Sunday and took the girls' Joseph Demesh, first assistant | arty SMOOD m T0MWI and equipment back ln thelr'Pcrsfor Attending chief; Peter Keso, second as5is-^ tant chief; John Vamos, truck Dalk horse winners include! cars. Mrs. Farrlngton and her v i r i BONELESS SHOUUXR STUKS •> 89c father, Mr. and Mrs. Racz and >P«fflrK Lonjerence family, Mr. and Mrs. Kroll and FORDS — Rev. Howard H. Poyssik. family, Mr. and Mrs. Nemeth Remaly, pastor of Wesley Meth- William Gloff was elected ROAST and family, Mr. and Mrs.'odlst Church, is attending the president of the fire company, lACKIAYSUCBIACOM Prlngle and family, Mr. A. Hos-Newark Annual Conference at;Peter Hodan, vice president; ;T ;|,r«r|«||e HONQft MUUD ffANKS podar and daughter were the,Drew University, Madison. June Charles D. Pfelfler, treasurer;,^ ' , y, ! CHUCK STEAK ~ - 37 parents who helped get the girls 5 through June 9. In an emer-John S. Kovacs, Jr., secretary; To Catholic Group* •OUIHAM back home. sency he may be reached Aladar Orosz, sergeant-at-arms;' The trip ended with a stop through the parsonage. and John Cyrus, Albert Kubick, FORDS—Our Lady of Peace k at Sunrise Mountain in Stokes.1 Children's Day will be cele-: Andrew Paloti and Stephen Parish librarians were hostesses It was most inspiring and a brated at 10 A. M. services thisiPlsco. trustees. ;for the spring meeting of the Rock Cornish Hens 45< perfect end to the weekend'Sunday. i Salvatore Marsicano was ad-Catholic Librarians Association The girls arrived back home at A series of sermons entitled mitted as a new member. • during their monthly meeting. 7 P. M., Sunday. "Four Kinds of Love" will begin1 The members of the fire, Representatives of libraries Mrs, A. Hospodar and Mrs. G. June 14. The first deals with company and the Ladies Aux- gave report.'; on their progress • Baldwin wish to thank Gale "Affection." iliary will participate in the and activities. Guests were IOO Mohary and Jean Btefanik,, The annual church school memorial services for deceased from St. Cecelia's, Iselin; Holy J/STAMPS senior scouts who accompanied jptcnic will be Saturday, Juneflremen with the Fords and Family, Carteret; St. Joseph's, TOMATO JUICE them, for their fine assistance,J22, at Roosevelt Park beginning Hopelawn Fire Companies this Carteret; St Joseph's, Bound WITN A FOKHASE OF $7^0 and also all the parents for'at 11 A. M. Children will be Sunday at the Fireman's Mon- Brook; and Si. Joseph's, North their cooperation. iadmitted free and adults, $1. .ument in Fords Park. :Plaiafie!d. CHOCOLATE SYRUP WESSON SALAD OIL

wm naousn MOW—HO COUPON mx> SWANKY SWIG OOOO THW IMWDAY, W* *« DCTM WHN STAMPS B. C JUICE DRINK MSTANT MO»«AT DRY MIUC IXTRA 49l 6UIH STAMPS FMST...U.fUHM • •• SODA KI CREAM MHANT NONFAT D6Y W^ BBOW RBKH NOUGATS emu jpi outu ST FWAST MAYONUUSE CREAM CARAMH5 kfir SUCH) SWISS 010 fASHION BREAD OKRA BIT DWP$H tg-JZ FHOStDEFKBAIS IXTM YtYMPCOW KMSPYaAOBS DOGMSCUm--*-^- ^ MANGE DONUTi DATIKUD mm POTATOES COfflEE AU GRATM POTATOES -YOTQAJttlH CAKE' SCAUDPID POTATOES Cut Corn 2r 29 BACHMAN THWPIPZES H 4 rUUNNHjDCU! HBNZKANS FWAH NADDOa WHNER ^ ^ liHON dHKH 10M RNAH SCALLOP MNNER —4; MBNZ SOUPS FWAST SHRIMP MNNER '""J SHRIMP CROWiniS"-^"- ">\l Morua Spyder Convertible Monza Spyder Club Coup* CHECK THESE LOW VISCOUNT WCES! Come hill... or high water TOD SHRIMP vim-j^W GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN AJAX CLEANER Vacations go smoother in a Chevrolet Corvair SWIFT'S CORNED BEEF . i rwT it ouwawt C GREEN GIANT ttonoom '43 Bring on those mountains! They're not so high and over or going dry, because there's no radiator. Coroir'a FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI mighty when you'v« got Corvair's gutty six and rear- engine is air cooled. Np concern about brake adjust* engine traction working on them. ments, either, because the brakes adjust GREEN GIANT PEAS You scurry up the meanest grades. themselves. Nothing much! to t,hink CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 3^40. You move with sure-footed agility on about at all except the good, time you're wet pavement, muddy lanes, gravel and having. JELL-0 GELATIN DESSERTS other would-be miseries. Like to do that in a sporty bucket- And with most of Corvair's weight seated Monza Club Cou|>e or Convert- c Potato Chips on (.he rear wheels, you have easy steer- ible? Like to spring into summer with MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 1 Ufg* Two SMM CentaKiMi t*k ing too. Fact is, the hmuilinfi si so light M a 4-speed sticjc shift* and Spyder pack- PIT EVAPORATED MILK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^i^BlNNMWBHMjNJMlNNBlNBlii^^^^^"- and responsive we don't even offer age* With its 180-hp 'Nrbocharged 71 power Btwsring for the cur. HEM TOMATtf KETCHUP engine? Your dealer's got just the 4 And there's more to feel good about. ( OI air aIld lhe Tra e N> Travel deal No problems with your radiator boiling •tMHO tmmnit, numt ' ? 4 ' MUSTARD •UiTS * M WW l*HWUI UUlUtl on it to put you in a holiday mood. Y-9 YE6ETAIU COCKTAIL PEACHES •Opitonal at rxtra ewt CAMPBELL'S TOMATO CHECK HIS mi DEALS ON CHEVROLET, CHEVY fl, CORVAIR AND CORVETTE NORTON'S CODnSH CAKES

Hi lOQTp AXBOT CAHTCRR JH METCCUIN IN PERTH ANBOT M|fi Chevrolet KLENEX1WBS - 229 Chevrolet, lee. Juie Ohavrolet, lie. Todd Chevrolet, lie. CUV DEVILS) HAM JZZl.. BhMwciiiti MNMTE H»ln Ii.-P* 1-110* It 168 New Bruoiwtck Are, Radishes urn til 2 11300 CRANIERRY SAKE — w UMM 001DMOAI ~~m*m Cantaloupes n^ir rum Listed for * KVldNl tour through tftf Cinema Features CommunityHospital Unit Awards Received Newark Museum on June IS. \ The pnek marched wltti W for Summer sponsor In the Woodbrldge Art Festivallsefe Z,anc/ieon-5t^im Fefe By Cub Scoutsmortal Day Parade and f EDISON — The Ind AnnuaJ HOPELAWN - Cubs from ^ T, Art Peetlval tt Menlo Cinema 1 1 Library EDISON — Plans were com-1500 ln conducting their inrt- Pack 57. sponsored by the VFW * "" *8t "p n"* now features over 185 entries, pleted for the luncheon card.vldual fund-raising projects Post 1352 were presented with ™" '• , „f , _,_ 8t Including oreatior* that will swim and health social to be Mrs. Charles Wlra, president awards during the last pack L;"' ,^ .„ th(1 «,,* -ij Artdit innnl Mim- p amaze the average person, for, by the Women's Auxiliary thanked the Clara Burton rrA mertlng of the season. ™ . . 1 . p™k _ ,,.. ,| i iii- Fords Pub- 1 all of them have been executed the Community Hospital for the many Items donated fo, John Balint earned the bear J ^. 30 sUrtinB at 1 P M an« , uiv approved at. a by artists under 14 years of we. Group, Inc., at Its last meeting. Auxiliary Fair in Srptembn- badge, ROid arrOw and lion gt 6. Preparations art , ,!„ i.ihrnry Cuminlt- The festival will be judged by Mrs. William Toth, Ford., is She also stated that all prospec book; Wayne Bpratford. nold with Mr. and Mr* nii's Club of professional artists and prizes chairma of the event to be live members will have until arrw KTA UO sllvei- arrows chairmen ' awarded In three age cat*- held Saturday. June 29, from the October meetly to iwy m>dfr lion: Arthur Pwssik. wolf ,( nv Mrs ClicMer The next committee meetlnf Korles: 6 to 8; 9 to 12, and 12 11 A. M. to « P. M. at the Bm-itlwlr dues or their names will be bH(Ue, gold and silver arrow; be at the home of Mr. and 1nsi-la141l MU ftb IW DJ itakel n of«rf 11t1the l mailing lisIItI silver w" to 14. Prizes will consist of *' Ronald c ggol d snd 1^ schmid 38 ClyClyiMK i li.iiiiiiiin, Mm savings accounts donated by ReservationReser s must be made Refreshments weir served by rtl,ow, undeundr wolfolflf; ; DenniD s RRe- Avenue Hoorlawn on June IM ,,!,,„, sin ted Edison Bank and art supplies with Mp. Toth by Junune 17t17thh . Mis Ernest DowniDownicc , hospitnlity m\n.\ wolwolff badgebd ; Kem(lthKenneth fil k lit I l l J U'' l at8:30P M. .luly for runners-up, contributed by Serving on her commlttee'chairman, and her"committee.. A nelson,. lion badpr; Richard ,IIIK AVIR- Bamberger's. are: Mrs. John Cacclola, Mrs.i — Lund, lion badge; Vincent Ml- 11 ;u:nin!i'd fw W'' - The Art Show will continue'N. J. Cacclola. Mrs. Michael lnnc.Uon book; Michael Todd. ;m;.s (mm 10 30 for at Menlo Park Cinema throu(rh|Wasnlck Mrs. Daniel Shan- R'nai flril/l, wolf badge and gold arrow; nf RHr CPl't. Wft, honored „,. vc nrs June 15, and Julging will be•drowiky, Mrs. samara reremz.i T c n- L . n ,I.((IIHI Bind*' done the final week * " ^n. Philip Schwalje. * " >>/''»""" "

WMCT mat MMND ROASTW6 CMCIdN BkEASTOFHAL KM7 N&YQR NAD FT SO FREti SO MAXWELL HOUSE I pwdHH of ttOO orm I j powwr J I Aikkiu , I DEAL MSTAUT COFFEE ": 99 PEACHES Free Coopo* for 50 S&H Gweo Stamps in each *>« m ARE YOUR MARTINIS TOO STRONG? 1 0 LBSCKXtt Wi-oz. san GEORGIA If you like martins extra dry but not extra-powerful... switch to 80 proof gin. CAMPBOL'S ^ YHLOW 2 25 t flavor but don't want too much alcohol... twitch to 80 proof gin. If you like fullggi EVAP. MILK If you like martinis but think you're spending t^oomuch ... witch to less expensive PETMU — GREEN BEANS *"** M proof Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin. TOMATOES BING CHERRIES

FACTS YOU «HOULO KNOW ABOUT MARTINIS: DEL MONTE COKN ~2 ; 29c BLUEBERRIES hi oddtffM to yow ttQ* 1 Using 80 Proof putcbat* of 1-ij, pkfl. Using 90 Prool or UtiiigSUncUrd Dry Cm ( Vudk«) t'roof Dry vtrmouth Dry Gin civiliifd SUtED BAC0M IDEAL TUNA •«-- 4l<1 Homi t 69.0 Proof I - to -1 (Tridltional) 76.5 Proof dry marinas... . I Add»« I 72.6 Proof CHEDDAR CHEESE i-to-j (Dry) 81.0 Proof I Unit 75.1 Proof \ OW M». /fw/on GREEN BEANS f^d ^ I mvpoa p*r 8-to-l(ExtraD(y) ' 84.0 Proof Mm Let MH.C rb. COC SHARP Ib. k(^C MRA SHARP Ib. I idoppmg fainJV (Ihi "•taf.dard- p.oof for today's bottled Martinis is a moderate 67.5 proof!) | Eifiim Sot,, Jan* 8 DEL MONTE PEAS |D€AL — WWIE or CCHO«M> Gin. I "iiirilo «Mt"sTMipr AMERICAN CHEESE SLICES 3 X • III oddhios to your rag. IDEAL GRAPE JUICE . purchot* oi 1-lb. pVg. Now mild 80 proof lets you get more of KPROOF...IXTRAORV,.. KRAff SLICED SWISS ««•* »-^ 3* • HMO, SHAW EXTRA BlJT NOT tXTOA STRONG that flavor... m drier (not stronger) DEL MONT CMESf Sj Martinis. h'ROZW FOODS r P'uot Kin make* Martinis drier.,. I *lth°"t msking thfcm stronger. Twenty N PROOF COSTS LESS V-8 JUICE y Gin* are taxed by the U.S. on their proof ""'^go, trie J-to-l Martini w»» standard. ^ OA IDEAL ORANGE JUICE lf1lJay with the trend to drier Martinis, or alcohol content alone. The lowsr th. KLEENEX TISSUES - 3 '*'• mad* 6,7, even 8-to-l. And at you proof-the lower the taxes-and the FREE I 30 S&H STAMK lower the cost to you, When you buy an *"i: | ' »^ from the chart on this page, the B.C,B.D.,B.L DMNKS 3 SARA LEE POUND CAKE laoddWoa to yogi rag. damp* «Hk pvrclMH of J pk9». KXAl Martini KM dimmed from a Imported label, you j&st add the cost of KGUIAR or CMMKU C«T j FROZEN FOOD i ?6.5 proof to in overwhelming 84 shipping and duties, which pushes the* HERSHEYCHOCSYRUP2. 33 IDEAL FRENCH FWBS price wi higrmr, without giving you 80 Solujionf Mix with 80 proof gin. LESSER QUANTITIES AT NfGULAR PtICE • you thi Mm, fun, dry gin flavor, proof quality. MAZOLA MARGARINES35 AH wfcuitiwii p<«..i »HKMX lirn Sal., Jim I W» imiTi Itn right bul '•turn, (he Martini to IU original. BUY OLD MR. BOSTON GIM. IT'S STRONGHEART ££ 6 "49 to ttmA (fuunfiti*!. Mftt ttapetuiblt t^r kffo AMERICA'S FINEST I FREE I SO SftH STAMPS jj I SO SAN STAMPS 30 SAH STAMPS Old Mr. Boston 6in is vacuum distillad at I taolr«< FULLY GUARANTEED! Hikti, Nature Stud;, Alls *«4 Woodbridge, N. J. HI 2-8822 Brand WlBdowi Cnfli, SwlJUpHBf, Field Tripi, and , 24-Hour Oruaa CUubt, Otj Cuaplai, FU 8-1667 rtcnlci tnd tnuki; Ain 1-12 Telephone MErevr Service on Attlei and All Makci of SUrtlni June 24th Burneri CcUiri Clnnrl GOLDBLATT'S HEATING Asphalt Paving Etc. Kihvtr'i OWnt llUblllbt* rer AidlUonal InformUon Cill For Fait Senriee Jtwtlat Juit Give Ui a Call ME 4-3617 ELECTRIC MIDDLESEX - Service StaUeat - ME 4-3736 84 East Cherrj Street • SERVER SERVICE A&H Stanley FREE ESTIMATES RAHWAY -Palatlag ft Beceratiig- 1(7 Barrell Aveno* ASPHALT PAVING SIMQNE BROS. Woodbridie, N. J. PRESS LINDEN, N. i, Drivewaya — Parking Loti - Hoie Improvement Lawa Mowers - THE WOODBRIDGE TOWNE GARAGE HU 6-2726 Jiut Dial J. f. Oardaer * ••» MUrcury PUBLISHING CO. FREE ESTIMATES HU 6-0059 Hand and Power Mown 4-1738 485 AMBOY AVENUE William J. tenches Sharpened and Repaired lti-20 (Jr«n Street All Skilled ALL WORK GUARANTEED Woodbridge Work Guaranteed New Moweri Arailabl* Woodbridge MEreorf 4-J440 Cola Supplies Custom Builder CONTRACTOR Many ModeU CH 6-2631 \ albm •• VBOUKB, Were BPMUIUU In Alter 6 P.M. Call WJ-U20 To Cboote From ir. • BEAR WHEEL ALIGN- Alterations FREE PICK-UP 36 Dalbert St., Carteret OLD COINS MENT and BALANCB •nd DELIVERY Repairs j FREE ESTIMATES Electric Radio aid TV Service • BRAKE 6EBVICJI Beautician WANTED! WATSON'S INTERIOR • EXTERIOR ., REPAIR SHOP PAINTING ! Sewer Cleaning WOODBRIDGE ME 4-6046 . 118 Wett Ave., Port Readini Try tb* Utest Paper Hanflnj style* crenWd by ME 4-1417 WALT$ COIN SHOP MURALS Stella Mid Jack. CDlns—Bought GAS HEAT !'if The only «»lo» Sold • Traded (all Ann 1 P. M. Radio and Til Service with two mem. FU 2-2090 7 DAJVS A WEEK b*re on (lie Htlr Numismatic Supplies Llojaor Stores i Gas Fashion Cotn- 42 Main St., Woodbrldie MS Iwnan ATC Bfforf|b;00 P.M. Call mlttet. I3I-HM COLONl|i H 1-8515 Visit Open Monday thru Saturday Telephone HEreurj 1-1IS> II A.M. . ; P.M. ii ( . I-.H P.M. Water Heaters After 4:00 P.M. Call hair by WOODBRIDGE H 8-1651 , ONLY Stella ana Liquor Store, lac. Plumbing&Heating $2.00 1002 Railway Ave., Avenel jINSTALLEP SERVICE CALL ME 4-3150 — on — WE DELIVER! • Custom Kitchens MAINTAilNeD ' CompleU fttock of DenertW • Basement Room? Advertise ' REPAIRED • Home Extensions and Imported Wlnaa Railing* • Aluminum Siding Been and Uqniri • Dormer Rooms 174 AMBOY AVENUE In This LI 8-5766 CUSTOM-MADE • Garages WOODBRIDGE, N. J. • Breeieways JOS. r. RODGIRI TERRIFIC SLIPCOVERS U« Auth Av»u«, IHIID • Jalousie Porches Space SAVINGS and Books Construction • General Repairs Masii Coitractor en NO DOWN PAYMENT DRAPERIES BANK FINANCING ORNAMENTAL "A°Loetl Reputable Firm" FOR ONLY Porches i IRON Alterations — Additions NGTO $3.00 BOOKS Brick, Stone, ConcreU;, 00 SELL, Basements — Attics M&J Cement Work — RAILINGS Vfotk Uunc »u PremlHt FOR ALL AGES Roofing — Siding HOME IMPROVEMENT $16 *OAM RUBBER SIDEWALKS t tu»U fklnl Per Dormers — Garage* CENTER ; HIRE, tor IHEK Ue«or»Ur, and PATIOS Advice and FREE mm BOOK InttilltUo Concrete Patios 8BOWBOOM HOURS: ? titlmaU In from 55c Sq. Foot PER MONTH FlM ElUauUl Month ,Rd fi»FT SHOP k Driveways Dailj 9 A.M. to > P.M. Vour Home ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS — All Repalri — tllNDAT UlA M. to I r.M. Uuterbiidge (all ME 4-6410 Fra* Eitlmites 7tS AIBBST Avfnu. WELDING SERVICE WOOPBRIUGE HI ATeoiu P I'huiie 6S6-024Z FU T-9306 l*ort Seading Decor*ton KI 1-5910 CULONIA m i-»m Mala It., Wo«dbrU|t Thursday, June 6, 1963 PAGE NINETEEN

|BOWPH, gr., chairman of th« Mn. BlUi appointed depart- The canoer dressing unit mil Schmidt-Zuboy Nuptials Scouts Enjoy [troop committee; WKalter Ten- s Qub mental chairmen as follow*: yesterday afternoon with Mn. CLASSIFIED :- : penny, Institutional Repreten- Mn. WUlUmi, American home; Williams. Chain O'HUls Road. tatlve; Stephen Mlhallk, com- Mrs. BuchoU, youth eonstrva- Material Is needed to continu* RATES - INFORMATION Performed on Saturday Camping Junketmitteeman; Edward Johnson, Inducts Slate tlon; Mn. Walker, public wel- making dressings, and anyone Deadline for »d»: Tundir commltteeman, and Homer1 fare: Mrs. Clara Newman, able to donate clean used table *f I8ELITOPT TNV — SeventeeO«i,n,.l».n. mem__„- I8EUN — The Federated for IS 10 A. M. for thr immp week's Spai'kman. . publicity: and Mrs. John linens, sheets, pillow cases, of h additional PORT READMG-Thc First.- bers of Boy Scout 47 partici- /Oman's Club of belln climaxed Publication Cwlekalo, membership. 1 shirts, Is asked to bring them Congregational Church of pated In a two-night ramp-out While on the trip the group tls activities at a ,Woodbrldge was the setting we A committee was named to to Mrs. Williams' home. ,. (1ASSIF1ED ADS TAKEN OVER PHONE: at Roosevelt Park over the Me- "t on two ten-mile hikes, iuncheon at Herm's, Plainfleld., Saturday arti-moon for the mortal weekend. Scouts at- whtcri will be credited towardsi officers for the new term drRW UP » budget and audit the The first event of next season MUST BE SENT IN. oolc wlth wedding of Miss Marrlane Zu-; 11 /i i-vn tending were:: ThomaTmass Bowin. hiking badgesg . 8everal boys re- werwere imtaltastalledJ by MMMrs.. HerberHerbertt "book»s with MrMrss AmbroseAmbrose.. Mas iwill be a covered dWi luncheon. rrlepbon* MErcorj «-llll bny, daughter of Thomas Zu-i Fred Frlcke John celved credlt for cooUng badges chairman, with Mrs. Margaret September 18, at the home ol d DV (»Or ' 8ulU»«>.' - B.WIUIams, outgoing president . MrsM . H. J. JerslnJl , Sonora AveAve- hoy, 423 East, Avenue, Perth; Donald Walters, Howard Tune, At a committee meeting, Mr. as follows: Mrs. Cecil Bliss, Elliott and Mrs. Bertha Hanna. nue. Mrs. Eugene Ruckbell It Anibov, and the late Mrs.' COIJONIA •- A 400 rate of Larry Foley, John Hullo, Amur Sparkman. who Is moving, re- president; Mrs. Henry Bucholz.l Ttja membership voted dona- chairman, with Mrs. Walker, MORTOAGES - MANS • Zuboy, and John R. Schmidt, growth In the membership of Buchinow, Bruce Eckensberger, .signed his position as chairman first vice president; Mrs. Fredjtlous to the Kiddie Keep Well co-chairman. son nf Mr. nnd Mrs. John Colonla Republican Club in the Richard Sparkman. Rlchard|of the troop committee. Mr. R. Walker, second vice prenl-lCamp and Marlboro Hospital. black .chmldt, in- Fourth Avenue,ipast three months wns dls-Baum, Oeoffrey Qrotz, Glen Bowen was elected to fill the dent; Mrs. Clara Newman, re-jThey also approved the motion mnlr Vicinity MORTGAGE he Rev. Boyd M. Johnson of-'closed by Charles Morrison, the Tenpenny, David Sparkman, vacancy. Mr. Tenpenny was cording secretary; Mrs. Ralph,to sponsor Miss Rita Berotkln, Vandals are people who rob 1 1 , Sunday. O' ' flciatrd. president, at a meeting at V, Kurt Johnson, Robert Edwards, named to fill Mr. Bowen's post- Ambrose, corresponding secre- Aberdeen Avenue, at the New an ancient grave before arch- ME •- MONEY WAITING! (liven In murriage by her P. W. Hall. and William Doerr, Jr, Chap- at eologlsts get around to it.—Jer- Buy — Build — Refinance tlon as Instiutional representa- tary; and Mrs. Spencer Green,;Jersey Citizenship Institute 8' 6 er in tnem were with the help of « mnrlgimt airier, thr bride wore a full Addressing a capacity gath- °n « : Thomas'tlve. treasurer. iDouglaaa College In June. sey City Journal. lonn Ullorm to jour needs. engtenuth gowRown nf taffeta witherinwith l g he IndicateId d pleasure in,' " 1 ..nantilly hue bodice appliqued the Increasing membership and, bl* "Op»n mi!" provision which veil fell fnim a crown or pearls, said was the "stamp of ap-1 p*rmtu you to borrow nddlllonnl ,,,0-bay service tundj for rtujor rtpnlri m » nnd slip can led a bouquet of proval" given for the newly- ,' ,.,., Woodbrldge IHfr dtt# Prompt ln»p«Nion», stephanntls and orchids. formed organization which iptfdy nrrliT. cull us today. pirsently under Miss Beverly Schmidt, Portjmerged the forces of Colonla ..n.iiig available BrokPM coopfrntlnn Invited, .sister nf the brlde- Women's Republican Club, the •iroom, was mnid nf honor.] 'd training If FIRST SAVINGS Fifth Ward Q.O.P. Club, and Fred Smith. New Brunswick, ,,.,.,!,• Call and l-oan Assn. Inman Avenue Republican sowed, us best man. dftnlls. of Perth Ambor Club. For a trip to Washington, 5 29-8/6 2-2770 The membership committee I). ('. the bride wore a green 3H Stilt St., Prrth Am boy On June 1st under the direction of Charles III IP WANTED 315 Ambfiy Avrnur, Wnodhrldgt .uid white suit with green ac- Nelson has formulated and un- tH »»boj Atrnur, Edlwn cessories nnd a white orchid. dertaken a three parfcourse of|| SOLICITING a tf Mrs. Schmidt attended Perth il.iah i-«'l 382- Amboy Hinh School and Is t,m- action as follows: „ . I Phase one, membership lists * ° • MISC. FOR SAI.K • ployi'd by Joyce. Park. HIT husband Brnrt'iifttod are belng placed on automated e from Woodbridgo Hig.*.n""h Schoo.,!datl a processing cards for cen- I ^ IN EDUCA- BLAIR POWER I.AWN MOW 1 ' , I.,",, psy'lng po- «*• W" "/,, will be sent t rln dmll)i ,.'r^ucatton»nd,n« «> «- " si/e. MK \- publicans informing them of the 00 S 23 tf , •;,milatlng]ob? ^__ group's plans and goals; phase ,,,.», nnton s- # SERVICES three, individuals in each dis- trict will be Informed as to the Nearly 30,000 People ... I' M « 6 Fonseca • LoRe HOI A $12 - (HAIR 16 'handling and dissemination of MTY KNOCKS 8AGOING SEAT BOTTOMS information and maintenance ; iM Sophie Ann|Mflng t0 Us.. wa, thfJ ^ 0, NEW HEAVY WEBBING 1,..Hr daughter ,: p»rn good In- of Mr. and,s snort ta!k: by Mre. Vemon NEW LININGS Mi.- John l,oRr nvoN'S Mimmer H Porrest 8t.,!Har|ell_ Coplo of Mayor SUNSHINE .: ,,, nt"x nnd ex- M'ccMly became the bride of received over Council plan F were distributed UPHOLSTERY M.ur.if-1 Fniiseca, son of John : ., •.< Phone for by the education committee. H S-S280 I). Foiusecn. Newark, In St. Ce- i Mrs Baker. Ten minutes of all future ALL WORK GUARANTEED celia's Church. meetings will be given over to tf Tlie Rev. John L. Gerety per- David T. Miller, education IN SPARE'.".-;, ring cere- YOUR DRINKING has be- """" *» chairman and his committee 11 who will discuss topics concern- •.•xhlx.r* No In-""™ » problem, Alcoholics' '.".:; bride, Kiven in marriage ing civlc-politlcal affairs, .sperlri"* IWCM- Anonymous c»n help you Call r father, wore a fulli Mr. Miller and his committee can lead to a l2 1 lle P lci)«:!i gown of silk organza and 253 B 6-6 27 are also undertaking the study mrnmr Call ? ' ;»WoodhnduA^Vp °; iarc Her double bouffant veil of the advisability of starting a<; i Friday, 10 MR5 CURTIS - READINGS '* attached to her headpiece. and maintaining a, civic-poli- 111 3-8464 AND ADVICE on all prob- Tin- bride carried a white or-|tlMl ,lbrary Jor e of club S 29; li;l1 a ' *' lems of life. Open B to 9 No ' ™ Prayer book. !raember.s "appointment nrcrswry. 1966 M-s Grace Mmoll. Colonla. Future activities of the group 1 mai() nf New BninvjtteJt Ave Perth*' - honor. Brldes- Include a picnic July 3 and a Amboy HI 2-9891. maids were Miss Sandra LoRe, !i tour of a brewery, July 23. Mrs. n|s (iiven B VI ne. cousin of the bride; s 9 -1 :.v * Stanley Lee, social chairman, _ ...... _ She: will release more details con- i' DeOlivelra, Keamy. Mm cerning the picnic shortly. Beth Sholom ;iph Nune^, Newark, was I'ronrum For J Arrangements for the tour 640,000 I1, 'lie final as- man. Ushers were John1. 1 finalized by .;.''Ha'ion Beth Scout Troop lit nun ,",,,, Jr, brother of the'f ward chairman, who .School Uie stu- ISELIN — Two new mem- br'.i! Anthony Fonseca, East Strubel -1 nn the Honor bn.i were welcomed at a nwt- Oran.'i- brother of the bride- " currently llnlnS UP a serles of for fut re (I msrklng p*- ing of the Moihcis Club of Boy ,rou-n and Salvatore DeLeva, W^e" « meetings. Scout Troop 47. Mn. Howard N.-JID'K ' Highlight of the evening was -•.•phdi Coop- Tune and Mrs. Jo&'i.h Rullo. The couple will be at home l^e Bmitonnlerres Quartet and 1 tn? ct How- Camp Cowaw wM di.wu.-sed !:, Il^.mfieln lifter then- wed- ™rd5men Choral Group Urosi'and slides were shnwn to ac- Am; trip to Florida. For trav-il" ""' Unten Chapter of So- • •: Mark clety for li" Tina Llcht ' quaint motherh * witth thhe faclllfili - .-Urisn f tthe bride wore a beige Preservation and En- with cocoa acces- couragement of Barber Shop •M;. Alan Seller-tl« of the Camp. im.n suit Quartet Singing in America. in Dividends from Qtt Si > \* Shundalow, It w dcided to start a ; Claw BaU, Book* for tl-.c u.w (U the scouts Wootlbndge Hlsh School, is^,,^^ e executive board meets :.:. Shelley Cohen,'Who are tnnm t-> attain varl- employi'il by Prudential Insur- Jun« 10 »lth Mrs. Lee, 262 vn: Hobm Kewler.'ou* ranks. Mrs. Julin Burchi-;>iuv Company of America. Avenue •;-•: Hat Sheva Lo- now was appoint^ chairman. Nr;*-,.rk Mr. Foiv-.-ca was grad- Amnersi Avenue. In hli closing remarks, Mr. :...,. Ronnie Pre- Anyone hawn* outgrown or uat.-d v^' ^and^erved^ln Morrisson exteextenden d an opon ::.•'.i. Dav;d.Schrel-unused Boy s<-o!it uniffirm.s, Schwil,, and iirveployea ind to all Colonla Rc- •• ?..-yiro Wayne and wwhliw to donau- them th,- U. K Army. He u employePara-Pelicand invitatiosn to attend the ncx. « Z.rc/.ower: Oaw or sell them to the "lub are by Iiea< h Construction, meeting, June ZS. :.d,i Good man, 8t*- a»kfd to contact a member of mil.-. ^ Perth Amboy Savings "ti. J'lTV Kivltz,,the Mother's Club or 1U ure.-i- .fn.mi Ijonnif Lau- dent. Mrs. William Ducrr Mr S :n n . •"<« J»n« W«tbury Road Mm havf, ftdmitu "'',d ?__

•< Doird. Jack Ber- Thf group-will m.y-t Juiv 18 ,{,at wh(,n lt fOmes t0 lne de- F • vviii. Jot! Pal- at Fellowship Hull. Kir.>; P:rs- u,rminatlun ot a mother robin ,nbor, Ark-ne byUrl.n Church. Oak Ti,v Rd (() b(|l]d a npst m thelr mallbox. i I..11IH1. Martha.Mrs Burchtnow will oc hov,ss Yw lh(i thjrd Ume lhls roblR. (I 1 Wn Tuckrr ,7" " ' lias built a nest in the Schotfs .: : siudents re- Ihf Old s»lvf mailbox. They have finally HOW ABOUT YOU? : It'ill Certificate, Attractive Yuuim M:.v> '' " ^lvcn «P and erected a new mattu thf Honor Roll looking for some thin-: paiticu- j*ntlLit>ox and put this sign on "Why doesn't he evtr sneak periiKl during the i ^ man ' ,,ld one: arly nlc(I (0l y(nmK lhP off irom. practice like !<•: Claw ,. you luukcd "Use other mailbox, This Salesman: ' other kids?" '••«•«. Howardl Frl- IS for the birds." I.irhl in thf mirror , Meryl 1" WeUsman; ' Cohen, Linda If you weren't one of the thrifty thousands sharing in tliis latest dividend, take) Kifhard Heller. Bat Polkowitz Motors is Having A... fiiidv L»uer. Ron-1 just a few minutes to open your savings aecount at Perth Amboy Savings . . . Fern Roth. Jeffrey - >« v id Schrelbri • !IT: Class Oimmel then look ahead to being included in the next generous dividend payment! Sav- • Robert Sheny. KING-SIZE CELEBRATION •'•'otk. Claw Doled, ing regularly, you'll find that thrift really pays - in security . . . financial suc- : ('• Arlene Gardner DUftING BUICKS "RECORD SETTING DAYS" ;»! Uura Lilllen. '•'••'••kin, and Ellen HURRY ... Get A cess . . . and in hundreds of other important ways. POLKOWITZ Breaks Record Breaking wereaward- All Previous Sales Records Deal Now On A '•'•«: Class Aleph, '''•operma, Alinette During March and April 1963 Buick In fact there's no better way io assure yourself and your family of more of thi '• Mark Gross, iona- : Claw Bajis. Robin •"•^ Michael B#er*r: good things of life than with a steadily growing account - here at Middlesex •'"'s llnd. Goodman Look At These Record Breaking Prices Kmifman. Stephrn County's favorite bank - where the current dividend rate is 3% per cent a j ••Tv Kivltz; Class Do- • and Joel 1963 BUCK 1963 BUICK 1963 BUICK year. 1 Special /''i' awarded for b- LE SABRK Special '•' i'^ndence Day Proj- Convertible 2 Door Coupe : ':i()*'S| by the Siater- 2 Door Sedan ': H Wisk. first; Arlene ''(1>nd: Gary Dln- ;!tt Uncra Convlssor. "•"•>. Bat 8heva Lo- lrl Palchook. and Un- $2599 •'"• Honorable Mention Middlesex County's Lhrgest Bank consi«gatlori Pins 1963 BUICK 1963 BUICK ;"I'-<1 to Beth Epstein, 1963 BUICK i: 1( Special "RIVIERA" MORTGAGE ; " 1ner. Linda Oood- LE SABRK Anierlc»'» all i«* ' ••"llV(1 Heller, Stanley Station Wagon Sports Car , PERTH AMBOY »*-obln Kessler, Jerry Convertible MONEY ' '"fiv Lauer, Lonnle \("'« UlliP,,. B>t8heva 1:"k Markel, Robert *3999 Savings Institution ALWAYS ''""it Rlchraan. Ml- $2499 PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY 11 l sll lr;'' ; '- ''i>. D&vld Schrel- lllh AVAILABLE • " Hchrelbsr. Martha NANKING HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. Friday 9 A.M. • 6 P.M. , J"ffrey Shapiro. Rob- ,lV Ellen Tucker, and 'A ii,-k 1869

• ""'« Prince incognito: l:c London reporter, re- ,'° a tWed guest. . !'°- *lr." V«pll«d Uie ,.'"'.l<'1' "i don't know as t 1 u*l But 'e's certainly IL - EB - cp Thursday, Jtine 6,1963 PAGE TWENTY Carteret Carteret Womens 1 Synowiecki's Track Win' OutKinch',All Unbeaten Little » •ag"* ' Softball Cagers nf - CAHTKIH'.T Defeat Kolibas ilril in (uliinibii* rtiiiiiiini'd u»' CARTKHKT - The Cmtrrrt Stars by 9 to 7 Aineri- ,1,,. Cnrlen-I LiMlf Leu Bow in Opener High fronh-soph track nquad won; ^.OTPOITT' UI i • on- |,v iniirdilig their Jayvees Beaten , Cardinals, 11-9 it- fourth mraiRht .h»l mret |»t! CAHTKHFT - Sharkevs , --ill lllVI-inll. CARTKHKT-Thr. (Vntral Jer-; • olnii'lion soflball tenm nlgi ilr:ii«hl Irinmi'li "^ iy Women'* Softball I,e»nup wiw: by d(fe»tin(( the South " elo«e<>lo; vielorynvpr Kmeh" f . n 1 fcliul mil the wiiil' resenting the Hnly Fsimlv Vi 2 penpd recently at the Copprrsl Urmiswirk high school team, (V) • |\||"js|'n-i' jn thr fart'Tcl H' By Perth Ambov IS to «. , f\nh, siirpriw-d tlir KoIiK" ( iold in Cnrterrt as the Fourth S-' lion League thi« week in n night r.mks 1 i Tlivrm drfi'iili'd 1tnl« by winnine th' "rerun* cini<- Ward Drmncrnti, Club tpnm of j Km-h whool won m evenls and fm)? •* tt!ivn W »J fnr MI Baho Tint; an< iinn\ I '"". «' By 4-J 'rlf thf' Senior S.ifttnll \v\sw Hv F! n • ^urtpret lost its opening game to] I one. hut Csrtp.-t scored j\]r ron-lriL-lion tenm «'orpl h ,«ul only l«,> bii-. jn II tn !> frnrp. •1'ir ^' -lwirk NB<«"- «'» ; hr Fourth Ward Drnwratir Cluhj ivily in both the (vrond »nd,.j , | tlir first inning t>, tuVr rMl s nm n htvuht- nf CHIHIIIIIU- "" CMn'KIIKT. Tl,. i •' TliP Knliha' Cardinal" my rfH :i ,,,,-kpH lhi« wrrk.Mxtv I>l:iyr-1> Wll. ,f Rahway hy lh, narrow margin llnrd j'loi'p cvrnt« to wore the vir- . ^ Ir-nl Kiiieh'* canir wit Inn on,1 •"''™ Schiml jiiywr., r «iii i hi;" wnk l,y pin in thi» fir-' inning in * hnmr ,-nm, rrw the Joe MrnVirk if one run. 14 to IS. l\e\m j.,,,.,1, \M1|,llV , tr.rv, 'nm of tyin« tl,e -mre in the t.ipili, I S MrinN. 15 I" S nm bv Miilinonski. bii» thr Svno- whichihh I »i , cntiip, 4 lii'H. Tripcki t»nm nmf b»rk m «-nrr l.innn. St. .IncF. <>nm1 IVmocra ipal ehairman of Carterrt. was on| virrr again double winnrrs in their key'., tentn rallied with tlir «•• ,. |l:ir ami * It-ill !•• r. two run* in the i->-oiid anil five Orgsnirntion Mid hr-pn-n r iand to officially open the season; ,-v.nt.v Hurton wmninn both Imrd- .inning run." in th. bottom IUIH lll- ,;|V., I.M.. 1 h.h»> '* the first uni.'ie, .1 in •.' f 'more in th.> third innine in a rally Plnyrrs will eomr from thr I, iy throwing out the first bnll. j III-teamm IInn T| • -s and Turkn sooring in both thr of :i,r «,xth m «m the b,i!l P» 117 liuni-il Th«' dill, frMiirr-d by I'M Siillnvin'" hwnr WRIIM Mid Boys in Mir- IS nn Mudrow wns thr big hitter for liiiiieriil out ,„ 'Ii-V M . II.- llli'ir «e;,Mjn Hllli pin snissli.Tiiliii' Wrhw «N hnm-'np; brnrkrt. Thr 4 Railway by getting n home run! Tlir smfiniarip«:— twn linlll' won .1 In'l gniix r 'ttvd in thr fourth. In- to pirk t> brot . and a rioublr. For ('arterrt, Howeil 2 M) yard dash-1. M. Turko (Ci: Minimum. ,i If g.illl' Aiufntv cum,- fr " Art Mryn* W thr winning thpir Wni«, On Sntunlny, ,Tuni was the big gim with three hit*: I Hur an, 2 L. C'nidup : 'o'L'"'^ h . I) Democratic Club it« «"»n,l nicked for 17 In1. Shomsky. 2h . 2. Riddle (SB); 3. Crudnp «'•)- Alexvindr^h. o 2 ] The Mnnngprn M thr Ruhr Rut \ineh, lb lir «• -f. .limit tin- Sumiltka mid I r ZMeski, 3b timp-24.1. 'M '''' if 0 •ili'iwiir will mrrt Fridny evrnini Hawkes, p . ,!l I'll HI I 1 tuo hi1* for 1'ir'i ri' J. Webrr. w nt 7:00 p.m. nt tlir Bnroiifh Hn Ihi 140 yard nin-1. D. Senito (SB1: pV"' " I W.'Slivka (C); 3. HriRhtchpw \.H'h.\* „ ••n- The liOX vnv Orlando, If for thrir splrrtion of nrw plnyrs. Grant, of 0 ;|,|-n.3l> Meyers, p 3 nerdrd to fill the nwtw nf tlii> 2 Carnavnl (SB): 3. HRrrman (SB\Kmrh. P 4 l\u«hnrr. rf " teams in thr Bnhe Tttith Ir.ieu 13 14 I —time 5.17.9, Ronelle. Ib S Turrf. ef II ",SeliPiliilrd (mines in tlir lrneuei I Bahway 4th Ward 120 high hiirdlMh-l. H. Burton Solomon. If 4 |l.r • Irill Cinegr. 2b KoHbu i will itnrt ,'iboiit June 22ml Democratic Club (C); 2. K. Miller (O; 3. Bownw I. Shnzr. *- . . . . 3 n \b' HniiniiKH7. p ft_km. 3b 4 I 1 The .Junior lenpir will eel «Hrt 'redricks. p (SH)-time 1S3. , Znllo.31. i o ot OUMI, Sb 3 2 rerl on Tuesday. .lime 251 h. nt lb S. Cmwley, rf n 120 low himllr^l. H. Buitoti Tliiirringion. 3b 1 ,S C:,ih..h'-Wir' Mftlinow*i, m 3 1 -iliicli school stadium. 1'layers G. Crawley. NI t HrlfoM. rf S Perth W. Kolibm, c 3 0 °'desire to play in the .Junior Wuei Muldrow. If (C); 2. J, Tardy (C); 3. Yarnut- l jUriillo, If 3 0 [^limuM render with Mr. Miclofi lloarb. lb itfki ((')—time 14.1. n r r 2 Hb Nwrli, cf 4 2 -'One tram had nlready brri riswell, 'Jh Shot put- 1. O. Allen (SB!; 2 ' ""' ' '' 1 Grant Homers T»vl..r. If I Kolfcae, Jb 4 0 trred, and 3 teams will br p iiven?, 31. Klienman (SB); 3. Antonelln (('I M lb Bertha, rf 2 1 "\ in srhnol, larmon. c -43 feet. \\ inchei! ,. ,. lleillgli' Vindco, rf 2 1 ' Meanwhile Uir Litllr 1,, Davis, rf . ?cu!>— I. ,1. Klienman (SH>; 2 Sh.irkev 2 T\\\\ Bases Full •Kahmelc, p 3 1 'nnH the Senior poffbnll irnitiif Licried, rf Heightchew (C); 3. R. Toth ((')•• /i Hrnwn, c JpamKmeki, p 1 0 0 „ smoothly. The K nf 12fifeet,3mchrs. ' k 2h earns nrr showing rla.* with tin 14 Giants Beat Mets 12-2 Javelin—1. O. Allen (SB); 2 For larteret !r 3? 32 9 12 fi strnighh t wine, but will ft ptrnr Rahway 3 2 15 3 0 0-14 i«i«t, p Berftficld (SB); 3 Heightrhew <(') Fire Co. •feotirju 1 0 0 2 1 S 0- 9 ition from the Metro (iliu Carteret f, 3 0 0 4 1 'laiwn romp 0-13 i —138 feet. 5 inches. I CVIMTlfl'T Th, l--.,,irlh Wurd itynoVekiO 2 5 2 11 i-ll I h and Frank's Drpt. team?. In Two bnse hits: F.rvin, C>. Cnwlry.i |), •! ,i. • i1:.. WmtH'ti - ...itli.ill Iciln Pole vault--1. J. Fenoke (SB); Xatinnal leaprnr, we see the Fii Muldrow, Uonih, Cri.>«rll, Three In Youth League Opener '•if C,r!,i.i ilffeatid rhtinluM. H 2. Douglas (SB); 3. Spwr (O- Leads Little Carteret '0, Xn. 2 have tnkrn 3 strai^l base hits: Hnwrll. Muldrow, Cris- in i print b:ill gaiiie playpil 9 feet. I* ,\mb.,v pime?, but have the A.M.T. an, Wcll, Lirrird Home runs: ,1. Craw- HOPELAWN — The Hope- Oiants' power at the plate with the. Drlicatessen teams brentliin ley, Muldrow. Struck out hy: High jump-1. J. Haas (C\[ jlebreiw Club in lawn Youth Organization Pony home run, while the hard League; Wins 3d (Irani, »inning | it ••! IT f|,r Cir- on thrir necks. Thr Boys reprf Hawkes 1. 1'redncks S. Bases oni Klirnman (SB) tied; 3. H. Burton; opened Its 1963 Mason hitting Angyal continued to in- t(i>'. lilt :i liomr nm with tin { wnting the Hebrew Men's Ck; halls—oft Hawkr-- 1. Fredrirks (Cl—5 feet. 4 inchen. CAliTFlUT- Thr Kirr Co No. 1 birrs limdid bv' Frpdricks lVith tl« Giants playing a star- crease his batting average with 1 1 L have won 1 ctraight games and lei Hit by ulclier Browlj"" " - D.SniratDS o (SB); 2 irum won m third giuu,' in thr Holy Family ) Lead in Little three safeties. Tony Binder col- Curi'Ti' * ornl niii' runs in ihr thp lenpie by only onr-half pair Hit* off- Hawk, II in 7 innings, ring role by defeating the Mete 2. L. Cnidiip (C); 3. W, Sinks (',,^,,,-,.1 ],,filr Lmgur, Nsiionnl lected the Phils' lone hit. bntinm h:ill ef th» fifth to win thr Donovan? lotf their 1st game, bi Fredrick? 11 in ' ingsg . Winning1 112-2 behind the effective three (C)~19 feet. 8^i inches. di\mon, to rrnmin unbenten in have also won 4 strnight cam After losing their opener, the fint plan Thr leftili N scored ball g:une. Wallops (ornp 5 Loop; Win 4th pitcher: Fredrieks. Losing pitcher: jhit pitching Of Gerald Angyal. The b(H a, ore Teams nieet thip week in a show Hawkes. I mpirc: Taylor. Angyal was also the Giants' Phils made a substantial come- si Iv o\rr Local 440 hy a 15-2: * CARTERET - The Hebrew Cartrret 4th Ward strength . . . back to edge the Phils in uiit. ,lnr Toth recordeil the vie-1 Sen's Club scored a wild lS-lfi big gun at the plate with four Drmnfritic Club A fc 0 Psret Phop won thrir firs' wild scoring game at the local lorv. Kevin Clawj- humerrd, Estates bv .()• _ctory over Tony's Shell, despite. hits, while his teammates, Den- .1! Sports Quiz Kind,, lb 2 games, but the other tennis w" The Meal Lic|iior scored heavily ; •Tgrand slam homer by Pete Strap. Kolibas Cards nis Baran and Jack Anderwn, diamond. 1 (\\HTI:HI-:T I i get started poon to play better ba Al Pulieo limited the oppo-j How to score yourself; Mark ovrr the Craftsman Club, 26 to lj •Jiede for the losers. For the He. contributed to' the winning at- I'.nm. It 1 No 1 trim rr. ••. ] Kolihas and Holy Family 1I,T (l toew club, it WIM their fourth tack with three and two safe Sltion to six hit* to gain credit|yOur choices 1-2-3-4. You get ai> Ri'hey Sbanley turned in an (Inn', p 2 !>'.,'' -. y> '" some fine players, and thr Oh' r might win aflnirat no looses. Ken Win Opener By blows, respectively. Al Pulleo for the Mete' mound victory.te^n ootnpointus for a correct firsfirstt »>\ '"".'"I Johnson, c 1 Sul'lbali l.,:,ll I' •' . hinns with Danny Zrmenzii pitc Bascnr hurled t,he victory. .M'nowierki * riinrral Home won CnrlcT, _t> 2 of thr bllt -•••'. " i ing will bo tough in thr future. absorbed the Mets' defeat after Denny Sak wa« Uie Phi-' losing pick, five for a second, three lor *Th« E.M.D. team won its Ihird giving up seven hits over the hurler. although he belUd its first game by lagging l,m'nl 440 llnwill. rl 1 unlv I'ne mniiif High school . . . Baseball team • third and one point for a game by scorinc easily over the 16 to 1 Score vitli s 17-7 defeat. Bob Ktndticr- M.xire. rf 0 The Holv Kiv.'v ' has 1 camr left and at prr*'nt hnve seven inning span. home run in an attempt to help;correct fourth choice. Twenty Ka?kiew Plumbers. 31 to 11. Pat iki won over Mark Brrslow. j 2 nine nin.< in I1 •• ' '• 7rcnrd"of 13 wins and 10 lows'".".1, . CARTKRKT- Thr K,.|ih:isCar- his own cause, Roman, winning pitcher, iil.^o hoin- •• • , ,. , , • , , • i Relying on thee pitching taltal- is average: thirty, good; forty,; , ^ p j Thl AX1T tfltm won 4 2 nine rnor»- 111 '^r - Vfti with thp bases losded. Jay Vees won 17 game? and 1 Of=t 5jdmnls scored their fiiM triumph mj Bernard Graham, Who ente o{ The heavy stickers for the;very good; an(i fifty is perfect. g,Ilir ,„.„ r,,,!,;,,, Kurnitur.-. 12 to -• the content inio i ' •: , losing thrir last 4 games. |the Senior Recreation Softball , Mets were Jack Anderson and[—his "week's Sports Quiz P*r-:U, for its third win of the * Thp Donovans kept ncht on hi l 4 th S Kt Softbll n[ d -commendable One iThis i-iirruit U lloiiir nm* w, ri 1 ' ' Track squad afr packing thrir;Le-rigur by whipping-tin Bruce Moore with each blasting isp;i.«nn. Frank Bhiso turned in lh, miling, taking thrir fourth [hitter, the Giants encountered tains to baseball. Pliinfleld M».-ln.Bn|i IMIII II .til victory. might Riinin, with an 1S-10 tn- talcing the Phils a triple and single. 1. What is the seating capa- fiovnhn, Ib 4 2 Kill Hri-nnni S Thr Csrteret I)p|jc»trt.«rn de : ajnph ovrr I'M C. . Bob Hudascko (Continued on Page 21) of the San Francisco lLirvcv, If 1 K.'jln got H Tl|i and Cartrrrt's Seaman placing 4th1 Stan Snsnowski gave up only city • 5 * Tony';* SliHi ^(.IT n in:idr 1 .1 1 new Tecord of 218 feet. Bruce hasStroller tram in reranling his vie- sky beat Mike Coligan on the K, For thrir third virton . Bill by manipulating t 10-5 victory «,800 ( ) CdehriM. 2b. •5 2 nliil* Hrerim n ro"••••-'• anotheT year of competition andjtory. He had thr filiation under 40.500; I mound. Q_gan was tlir winner. over the Pii_t«i u Joe Balin- Ivcy. rf 3,for the vririni'-. should improve much ... A goodicontrol at nil limes. LEGAL NOTICES 80.000. [ The team standing: — .1 * In tJlp final game in the Cnrteret R.-i.i. If , 4 1 I.011 Shuhiki .111! i ,v».oon is expertnl next year, withj Me:inwhilp. the wmnirs pounded sky twirled a mat five hitter r To test your memory. how| Cirteret Little Lc»gut nut Street to Tennyson Annu*. Bittle f.cniiur. Inirrnational divi- many boys rel.iirninp . . . The I two .Stroller piHmi- for a total of Balinsky also blasted a home . I 1 «ki, Kbnring tl-.- !'• Elm Street trom Outeret Avenue to many home runs did Lee Thorn- National Lfigue 4on, the Hill Pharmacy kepi price 3 0 wmnrw. allowed onlj l-Whrnen'-Sophomorc wiuad won 4 16 hife. including a home run by Ftllntore Avenue. Leber Avenue trom run to lead the winning attack. for Los Angeles in 1*61? Standin« as of Sat., June 1st With the r>tl,rr teams by winning ,- 'Hcen them, ilual meets without n !os?. li:iy Vinsko. Coolldge Avenue to Wie Carterrt- His teammate, Rick Ceaser,'^ 24: ( > 33; ( > 42; 1 » \\ I. eir third cunr t/i remain ir\ a 3S H The tio\ «cor. The Cutr little twirlets ?frn in The box sscorc e • -• • Woodbrldge boundiry line, Mirko- [played a major role in the tri- 1. Fire Co No 2 3 rer-way tir lor third position. wltz Street. Carteret Avenue from 19. 1 0 Hi Holj Fimil J the Memorial Dav Paradr were, Kolibas 1 MaM Walsh » us thr winner. J&ckson Avenue to Rooaevelt Ave- umph with three base knocks. What was Ted Williams', ';!. ^[^ Deb^teswr. from the Cnrteret School of Dinc-i K;i.-kiw. :!h 2 j 41)1 Ward 1 0 V MM. «lo. If jThe leiim stanihnc: - nue (Including necewry curbing In two a d d i t i o n a 1 league!^' Boston Red Son great out-'3. A.M.T. 2 2 Two bu.v I11I '•lire b:.w'M( l.iren.rf inn. Mrs. Symrhik assures «ome!(i::rid. 2h ...: 3 0 an_.d_ dividin=g lslanOi where none * Carteret Little LegRue clashes»h« , th»*>e Angel*r,CT»i«s unonHerupendedt th^p'flpidfe r most productive cluster J- 2 lul-v Howi" Holl;, ,- \V«u(th, K- nl, 2b tine future Carteret High Twirlcrn.l M;ilinowski, c , 4 2 31 now exist), Poplar Street from J«ek- iwicki * International League 0 »on Street to Kagunan Street, ud Giants, ft-7. with Donald Zak for a 2 (initii. truck oui bv- -(Irani 2. (llund TermlMl Stneti] ( > 52; < 43; 7. Babies Furniture and the Angels later made it « S Hits ,,:! ( Xardi. cf ...A 2 "i (Including ne— curbing), together o 440 rstit 11 in Hrennen. M Hebrew Men's Club 4 0 4. Dick Groat is a renowned Makwinski Hurls Polonesak, se ...3 1 2 with all work or material* necea- two in a row by sinking the 7 ItlllltlK! II in ,KnKent,', , Donovans 4 1 shortstop in th« National IV-Ttha. If 1 0 0 at( for at lncldrtlUJ to «—d —1Dodgers- , 3-2. as Zak excelled lnj^ag_\ but at Duke University, Ray Terry, son of Hall o( Wimiiiifi piftn-r (inn' I.OJIIIJI, r Tony's Shell 3 2 0 provement. and all In accordance W. Kohhsis, If . 1 0 relief from the center of ttie his'claim to fame athletically^Farner Bill Terry, made it four ' llll"r 4{'"w;' k p E. M. 11 3 2 r. wtth plans and specification! there* 3-Hitter as A&0 Kuvbicrski. lb . .4 0 1 Hill Pharmacy 3 2 U tor prepared and on file In the of- diamond. was obtained through what |n a row when he won the Tim-, S. Susnowski, p . ..: 4 1 ^; flee o( the Borough OlerK aad here- V. M. C. Corp. 2 2 sport? 1 > basketball; < );uquana'i anual golf club title!SPACE FLIGHT —, by approved LEGAL NOTICES Ttali.'in American Club 0 S football ' ' track; ' > wrest-:in the 36 hole final, Ray beat Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Cornell Scores 10 • 5 Win 32 13 lg ibi The estimated mulrnum ! Kaskicw Plumber? 0 S Stoller'H amount of bonds or note* to be BOROUGH or CARTERET ling. • Dr. Charle» Hillyer 6 and 6. orbital voyage] althouKh a v,.vin, 31, Issued for said purpoae Is $397,000 OARTERF.T-T)'- A and O,M,imll;1, % LEGAL NOTICE , _5. Where did Ralph Houk i^TiT"_nTi#-»c jclvllian project, was significant c,W|,iy. lb 0: 10 The estimated con of uld LEGAL NOTICES Sweet. Shop won Tl*- opening game M ,-, ;]|in, ss 1 purpose 1» (312,000, the ncen there Notice la hereby given th«t waled iserve his apprenticeship as a to the military> spact program Huw, rf i&OShopIn in the Senior Recrration Softball K,,n,lrk. e . 0 of over the said estimated mail- bids wlji be received bv the Mayor, before taking over th^ ORDINANCE SHI ibecause it proved man can.Kawr. v League by defeating the Chel- 9 mum mnoilnt of botidJ or to and UHincll of the Borough at ear- MMthiws, helnTof the New YorkYanke«?iAN ORDINANCE CREATINCI THE function with hiirh efficiency O»in>»-«lii, liians, 10 to S. in a night game at i j be Issued therefor being the'amount |t*ret for: 2h ".of suld H50O0 down "payment for Reiilrfaclni and Ketomtruction O Btnghamton; 1 1 Denver; IPOSITION OP POLICB SI HOEON for ,onl w.ri0H» n, |Vj.i.lvi4l. .'b (hr Park field. JKiui.p, rf 1 -MnnfrMl 'I" THI POUCg DEPARTMENT OF „ B ' . „ JSecond Victory 0 i said purpow. of Gantz Avenue, Romanowtkl ( ) Richmond; i ( I Charles Mfikwinaki was the big J'u-iilo. rf fl! SECTION 4. The follO-lBB .mat- Street, and fitch Street In the ' Montreal. _ By p'; hu space craft rf Turn Pa«e for T1 BOR0UOH or CARIERrr factor for Ihr winners nshr hurlediH-'hrck. lf ters art hereby det«rmlrie•'«*•>' The C auw n( Mi» Downfall Kd Carmichwl hurled a niagnifi-jrrrora. ' i LEGAL NOTICES d on property specially bsne- agents, previous to the time desjg- the Police Department of the £»6l Borough of Cartere'. Nil p Lady Hore arc li'.f jxtinles cent fovir-hitter. j For the losers, Tony Semeniwl fltted thereby. ' natcd or when cjklled for by the, _ rraon w»r ORDINANCE #120 Ib) The period of ll_lulneai of Borough. None Mil be accepted JO Z\ I persona shall be appointed to sild for you. my IXKH ma^i. bul tell al tl 'The A and 0 team had one higlhomrri'il, Iposltlo unleas duly licensed u> prac-< BOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING said purpose, within the limitation*, there«fter. P*lt*in lady, el lhe UD plernental debt bidden during business hours at the j race, Ont"1' .The box score 2nlroiiNT i COUNTYv nOpP Mtnnr.ESRMIDDLESEXX . NBWi ' ' J IT. Carinirfiiicl, If 4 1 office of the Borough Engineer, H you rmifhi wi'll a*k nnt uijon I'JERSEY, Pitcher Billy started ithis t» A & O K. Carmichapl, lh . .5 2 duly made and Hied In the office Thomas Carr, 90 Smith Street, Perth a time 1 was like you •- nave , THEREFOR. AND AUTHORIZrNO 11 aist\ 3b of the Borough clerk and a com-Amboy, New Jersey until forty-eight San Francisco OianU •won 14 BBCTION thl* ^eaf tt DiM:ikwiuski, p 3 0 ',THE ISSUANCE OP IWI.OOO BONDS All appointments to g»av maglllflCflU nuillti to the lete executed duplicate original hours prior to the tune eet for the ^d potion ah.ll be , b. tt,, ^ „,,_. . Zullo, c 0 Zullo, c. 2 0 Hi OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH straight games at Candlestick da% schools cnil(! ereof has been filed ID the office opening of bids, upon receipt of a Uayor with the advise and Ife tV"'i '. I' (t|l';iiva, ss 3 1 O'FOR, FINANCING SUCH APPRO- the Director of the Division at check made payable to tbe Engineer, Park before being beaten April of the Borough Council Hnlfl ap : ill ap- |k inaki, lb 2 Mcsqiiitii 2b 2 1 xal Government ID the Depart- In the amount of IS.00 for one set20 by the Chicago Culps. poluunenta shall expire on Decem Bikinis and sli.-aiii* are Im- the zoos and M n1 BE IT ORDAINBD BY THE BOR- 1 Woodhull.'ib 1 0 nt of the Tre-rury of the State of plans and specifications No re- ber 31at of the yeas of eppolmmem ports/ (or summrr tht'in at l/)s AM VjOUOT! COUNCIL OF THE BOR- New Jersey, and such statement sooner removrd, bu'. only for ljWarrl, cf 4 1 lOUOH OF CARTERET, TH THE Ifund shall be made for tbe return The winning share for each am that the gross debt of the 'of these documents. OjLitwienski, 3b 0 1 0| COUNTY OP MJPDCE8EX, NEW lorough as defined In sa(d Law ta member of the Boston Red Sox 0!JERSEY (not les than two-thtrds Kach propoaal must be accom- o be heard, which Viusko, 3b 1 icreaaed by this bond ordinance panied by a Surety's Consent and aIn the first World Series ever shall be In public. 01 all the members thereof &n)rma. 0 1 $297,000, and tbe issuance ol tbe certified check for not lew than ten SECTfON 3 — The person or per- jtlvcly concurlng), AB FOLLOWS: played — In 1903 — wu only 28 7 >ld obllKatlons authorised bv this per edit of the amount of the bid. ons etlivlni tn the capacity of Police ' SECTION 1. The Improvement )nd ordinance Is permitted by the $1,183 Chelbian's 10 payable to tbe Borough of Carteret, lurfeon shall perform the following ! described In Section 3 of this bond :cepilon contained In subsection Now Jeraey. The same Surety sball lutlea: I1 ordinance Is hereby authorised » T. ffrmenza, lf . .3 1 d) of section 4OA:2-7 of aald Law be bound to furnish Performance LEGAL NOTICES 1. Xxamtne all Borouiih _«- Minlei1!, 2b ... 3 1 I) I a Keneral Unproveinent to be made 3 tbe debt limitations prescribed "Sonny" Bahr's and Payment Bonds hereinafter ployets when lnltally hired to de- lh or acquired by the Borough of Cw- iy said Law. required. tabled "Bid for BMurlaclng and fte- termine the employee) physical umky, 2 I) I Donovan, rf 3 1 lujteret. In the County of Mlddlesej, Id) The aggregate amount of not constructlon of Qantc Avenue, Ro- . K written report of uld Ooeii, OjO.Kinn, lh .... 3 0 jNew Jersey. For the Bald Improve- The fuooesaful bidder wiU be re- tttiint $+4,000 for Items of ex- quired to furnish within ten days manowakl Street, and Fitch Street." examination ahall be forwarded ko, 4 0 1 men! or purpose stated In said Sec 11 Kiiuu-RLUi. 3b ... Muse permitted under section 40A: after Hhe award, a Surety Corpora- •On tbe outside addretaed to: The to the Borough Clerk 0 tlon 3, there Is hereby approprl- ittet, rf Oiflrct^ky, (: 2 0 •20 of aald Law hu been Includedtion Performance Bond equal to oneMayor and Council. Borough Hall fj 1.1 cd the sum of 1312,000, said sum 3. Upon request of the local Po- PRO SHOP linski, rf fl|S. Svmenza, as 3 0 the [orejjolng estimated cost of hundred per cent of the contract Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey n'lJi.lnB Inclusive of all appropriations lice Department, answer all emer- aald Improvement ot purpoae. price and a Surety Corporation Pay- The Borough reserve* the right to |b (i SICII, cf 1 1 mratofpre made thirftinr ind In- gency calls and eiafnlne any Indi- le, Thu bond ordinance »nthor- ment Bond equal to one hundred reject any or all bid*, to waive any 1). Scincuza, p : the sum of $15,000 as the vidual. - at the - o 1 1 wd obligations of the " Boroufh per cent of the contest price, such Infowialltles, or to accept the bid own payment tor said Improve i 3. Conduct phy«lcal eiamlna- 0 olely for a purpoae described In Surety Company to be acccptilble to whlcV In It* Judgment, beat servM cut or purpoae and now available xtons of the Borough employees 0 23 5 3 ubsection (d) of section 40A:VT the Borough ot Carteret and author- th« Interest of th* Borough. herefor by virtue of provision In when requited by the Governing if aald Law. iMd to do bualnea* In the Mate 0: By order of the Mayor and Council 11A _ 0 8 0 0 1 1-11) budget or budgets of tlw Borough Body. BBCTION 5. The full faith Hew Jersey, of the Borough ot Carteret. i. Perform such additional du- I CVIbian's 3 0 0 0 0-5 irevlously adopted credit of - the Borough an heatby ANDREW W. BAJTCOK, SECTION 3, For the financing Bid* muet be mad* on tbe staod- U« u (nay be determined by tbe Edison Bowl-O- Hedged to the punctual payifent Mayor if aald Improvement or purpoae end ard propoaal forma provided, la the dovernlng Body from time to 0 What? p the principal of and lnterM, on manner designated therein, must be PATRICK POTCX3WO 16?5 Oak Tree Road, Iwlin, > J — j "Robert," chided mother, "why a meet the part of iuld 1312,000 the aald obligations authorised by aooloeed in sealed envelope* bearing Borough Clerk SKmON 4 — Tbe Police Surgeon this bond ordinance. Said oWlga- the n_ne and addrtwa of bidder and 26 4 are you always wishing for pproprlatlon not provided for by 0. P. J/o/U shall be paid an annual salary of ippllc&tlon hereunder of said down '.Ions shall be direct, unlimited ob- •4.000.00, which salary shall be pro- featuring things you havep't got?" ligations of the Borough, and tbe | ayment, negotiable bonds of th, rated In the event more than one "Why, mother," retired the BorouKh. each to be known a Borough ahall be obligated to levy II penon 1* appoln^d to said posi- ad valorem taxes upon all the tax-1 [(thoughtful lad, "what rise can Street Bond," are hereby author tion. No other fee shall be paid by zed to ba luued In the principal able property within the Borough II the Borough. Nothing herein pow- Manhattan Bowpng Balls 11II1I mintwish! fnr')lor?" amount of 1107,000 pursuant to th, Tor the payment of Slid, obligations!] ever, aball preclude the police sur- 'Bowling Leagues: N w nd Intent thpreon wlthput _al-|| NOW FORMING 1 ,ocal Bond La* 0* * Jersey. Ii geon from billing auy Individual for Utlon of rate or amount. 'The Ball Of ChainiM*" *" anticipation of the Issuance of aali WEDNESDAY 1 Man Teami, SSO Avenue any services actually performed. buiuli and to temporarily finuiio S. This bond ordinance II 1>rr Exclusively Designed BKCTION 5— This ordinance aha) Perfectly Hound »nd Perfectly SHIRTS said Improvement or purpoae, nego shall take effect twenty 130) Hay* FRIDAY ...-. J M»n T*»mi, 500 Average after the flrst publication thereof take effect Immediately after pal tlable notes of the Borough In Kitted, Drilled »nd Pluficd on after final pa«eag«, a* provided by| NEW FALL LEAGUE: Mge and publication as requtrea by For principal amount not exceedln law. "" TROPHIES aald Local Bond Law. $297,000 ur* hereby »uthOfUt(l to b 1 The forworn* ordinance %u In- MONDAY N1OHT S PJM Women ! Tbe fontsulog urdlaaatce wu In SHOES SUMMEK LEAGUES and sjiiert pursuant to and within II: traduced at a meeting of tin Ooun imitations prescribed by said U troduced at a meeting of the Coun- II 1 A ell of the Borough of C»rt«rel held ell of tbe Borough of Carteret held Section 3. (a) The lmprovemeu p, Bowt«r» Welooma4 lt;S June S, 1983. when It was adopted June i. 1M3, when It wu w^Qf TRor» hereby autbortwd and the purpoae ou Hist reaUlni The aald ordl&anci t BAGS # PLAQUES for th» rlnwtdw Qt which said ob on flrst reading The laid ordinance | - WON NOW — will be {unbar considered on a—', vult Oqr Sboinooa Illations are to be luu«d _ tni will be further considered on JAG'S olid reading tot r)n_ adoption at II OOCKTAJL LOUNOf ona reading for Anal adoption al D»Jlj » i.M. „ • Pil Improvonunt of t_« following btroof a meeting of uld Council ol t_e a BS<—4 of said Council of • SHIRTS tTtt, by Appoint—a- In the Boroutrh by construction < Boroucb at Cnxt«r*t ou June It tlou therelo ot a H Borough at Carterct on J\int 1> SPORTING GOODS rm ta t-io_ 1M3 at 8:00 P M, CouutU Ohajn-1 1M3 at 8 00 P M Couiull Chan B mixed bltujnluum peiieUbi BOWL-MOR LANES bera, Boroujh kl—11. Uooka Avesuc FTC' State 8t, Perth Ambor roud surface fu defined In btvl ber» Boroi^ch Hall. Cooke Avenue, O BLOUSES GIFTS, J. J. RYAN Co., Inc. Ourn-itt N J at which lime _d'| Caruret, N J. u whuih tua< anc Hl ?-M»l 40A J-22 ot the Local Bond Law place all ptnoiu mi«re.ied will IH Onkwuod Avtiiuw. Park Avenue, iplaft nil Iwrauiu InMrcsUd will bell S46 Main Street Woodbridge MONDAY and rUDAV 142 Ambor Avenue given an op(K>rtunUy u> be heard Whlnlei SUeei, Hi>linf> Sln-el Inmi given »u oi>l«,ruinlly U) br heafd- Td. M4-45M PATKIOK POTOON10 PHONE U » 6066 lll.L 9:N r.M. WOODBRIDGE Culumbiui Avenue tu Kiioocvelt Ave- l-ATKK'K FOIOCNIO, | nue, Han-uu Avtiiiut) from (.*ioit- BoruuKb Oieitt Buruutb Clerk ,-EB-C* Thursday, June 6, 196S PAGE TWEflTTY-ONl

Report from Washington high school. Everything that Undls pro- Editor's Utters jected In 1861 came true before (Continued from Edit Papt. hi* death In 1900. The wide"* American people- renltt r Set-Back For Administration street* and tall shade trees ofiwhl°n "« definitely favottWt modern, biwy Vlneland. and thej10 Mr» Krushchev and hi* poli- Kardens and orchard* that sur-cle8' iround the city are the legacy! l would llk« to ur»« OT"» of Wheat Control Referendum from Charles K, Undls, a man conscientious citizen of U» IIAYDEN the two-price cotton system with a plan. ijnlted State* to be very care- llv , ful of the»e "peace" mpvemenfc IIM1TON I), c. —One under which lorcinn mills now |'Ci —Copyright, 1963 BCftW nf this Con- buy American cotton about 2i> of New Jersey Tercentenary because they aren't Increasing the security of the United ,,ii thus far hM per cent under the price which Commission. States and of the free world; IV pace and It* domestic mills must pay. Thni differential comes about under they are, Instead, playing ua mpt- to come to Into the hands of the Com- i tioiu of thean arrangement by which ex-' Capitol Dome munlit tyrant*. inIMatlv« pro- port cottnn In sold »t the no- i Continued from Edit Page) Vours truly, called "world" price, with thej jthls summer. . The Atlantic ARDAVAZT HONANYAJ* ihl* trend mayigovernment paying an eight (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Ho- •iiimte. -d J t4 —o ran»n nikf I annn*4d one-haiAHA U *r " cent iClty labor market area will con per pound tinue to have an abundant sup nanyan I* president of the 8WJ- opitol Hill law-|gubsldy to protect Income of ,i what extent the|Amerlcan grower*. enlor High School and on« of „• istlnntlnn 1* a1 In the remembrance of Employment Security reports. of the The Appellate Division, Su- he top students in the gradUr . ,,v«y nn the part White House pledne textile perior Court, has ruled the ting cla«.> nlPi-shlp I* at people are now openly eom- Tnter-Stnbe Milk Producers' • no! completely plaining that Its fulfillment has Cooperative, of Philadelphia, Editor, not been vlnorouslv pursuedi ndependent-Leader: • an( nl which represents many South • •'!• possibly b* a ' ' * there has been no Ad- j .Jersey dairies, need not be li- I hope you will allow m*» nf Uiase two lac- ministration Initiative In clear- censed in New Jersey as a milk hrough this column, to pub* ling up disagreements ns to dealer. . . . Tercentenary Med- lcly thank Woodbrldge VJ.W. , how and when the remedy allions commemorating New 'ost 1410 for an act of honest Jersey's 300th anniversary In ind generouB brotherhood. Be* ause Memorial Day, this quite willing Though hrarltiRs on the Issue 1964, are being awarded by Governor Richard J. Hughes. iolnelded with the Jewish! i)i» more con-jwere started last December. lay of Woodbridge Memerltl isnLs such u^ven before the current ses- The State Department of Edu- cation Is now located In theost 715 of the Jewish Wttf Ml d.T Social a*-»lon opened. It hat, only been 'eterans could not partlclp*t« nvir to the 1964 ln recent day.s that a bill fame new education building, 229 ( ! West State Street, Trenton. a the Township parad«. nipiin wiies In out of the House Aitrlculture Woodbrldge V.F.W. Port - ne New Jersey mental hospitals , ,-MOIIS I On t Senate side hearing* olunteered to carry our colon- n v b- ment believes the six day fire- are mott grateful. • .'- .MV whgt now What bothers all segments of K)tU)S CHAMPIONS: The M. r. (ant;in]l;i tram from Isdin had Rood In; Iheir favorite bowling halls from left to rluht are: team captain llne tlon arm buck season and the bow Our thanks go particularly W • ,- the vvere»t °° producing and tex- reason to smile durinc the past wrrk after winning the Fords Com- Kii li.ud Smith, Dun Graham, Qcnc Jacobl, Jim Uiicuto and Bob Gilbert. and arrow season for deer of Lon Marzeckl and In general • .-;drnt Kennedy th p mercial Howling league championship at the Kdlson Bowl-O-Mat. Hold- either sex should remain the to all the members of Woofe i'ftCt thst 1lat ?c dnlA e same next fall as In recent bridge V. P. W. Post 4410. » be even If aRreement can -*be years. The lower Delaware Yours truly, WL itors must see It. Only a few 1 "r.mtrnU In Mr* o t0n • lebl1 t01 lttv- " m cl»•'1" ,oosc planks made up the rail- River Is loaded with catfish Murray Fleck • inn by a mar- lf"' nv° tni '*s 'ar an*d tn;" road "station." Stumps grew from Trenton to Stowe Creek, Commander, J.W.T. TP ••';,!,vone would « "*' " in the "streets". Mosquitoes the State Division of Pish and Post 715 ' In ad- filled the air when the wind Game reports. . . . The Ne Jersey Racing Commission has ,, ,niK blew from the swamps. Vege- tation struggles for life In thefiled a protest with the Fed- • n

  • Joyce Mietuutki .the first purchase — and lor have Issued 1,552 student loans! Ocean and pool bathlni, •j.c controls by \cash, at that! Soon after, a amounting to $1,014,423 during] Sundecks. Inquire now. Alio iir.iix at the tlmp ; ' Enlirt* in WAVKS Captain Post cams down from the current academic year. ask about Special Rate* for .;- -alcillatlon. j Children's Week (JUM 23. WOODBRIDGE—Two Wwi.- Now England and bought 60 The State Public Health Coun-I 30); Honeymoon* in June; •Ah-ai controls nhip young pf-ople enlisted m leces. Gratefully, Landis called cil will hold a public hearing In I and our Inclusive Plan. :t a.t the *a«ls the U. S. Navy during Maw i the street past the 60 acves Trenton next Monday on pro-1 Twin bedi with bath from "Past Road." osed regulation of blood banks. $13.50. Mod. Am, $7.90 Phl'.lp J. ftivle. machinist'* Eur., each person. Phone • •wit to show mate first class of the Perth Perhaps the kindest and — O— '| 609-345-1211: in N. Y. WU ll'll did notAmboy recruiting officer re- •shrewdest early move by Landis CAPITOL CAPERS: — Dr.] 2-4349 — or write. affect on ported tod IT. was to urge his workmen to lason W. Gross, President,1 | Joyce Mleszalskl. daughter of buy 10-acre tracts. He offered utgers, The State University, • ;i in which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mleszalskl. ;to supply lumotir and a carpen- insists you can't direct anyone ..-. untming critl- 9 Atlantic Street, Menlu Park ter for homes, all on long termfrom New Brunswick to Plaln- Admlnlstra rns . */Terrace enll*Ud In the WAVE.S • payments, Most accepted, and eld by a short route. ... The t Csntnl Boardwilk • Atlantic City I '• rj-'vamplng fQr ,hrw ym| and ^ pr(,s(,lUlv lit, was good for them. tate Board of Barber Ex- at Naval Training CenU-r Baln- I It was also good for Landisaminers is, cracking down on spotted the workmen's larbers who operate their shops of recruit training. jhomes in various spots, mid lat- an unsanitary manner. . . . •ll liUl Thomas Muureri. iwn of Mr er he \vrote: "As I drove my The New Jersey Legislature has .I'lon would offer and Mrs. J until they nearly collapsed. ": »p*nd two weeks at their homes found I could talk the obstln before reporting to their next from almost every conununitymaklng a significant medical Day after day, Landis la- acy and opposition out of a \\s- BUSINESS duty stations. Mrs. ?iedits Chairman in the county will serve as the breakthrough, bored, laying out a mile-square itor much more easily if 'im For All models and ushers," Mrs. Nev-i Doctors say months ol obser- city where streets Intersected walked him down tired." he ex Air — Bail — Steamship — Hotd Of Fall Fashion Siwu- noted. "We are presentlyjvatlon and treatment are still each other at right angles. Theplained. iin, Kunrral Drtlfnj JFK ON 8ECONII TERM WOODBRIDGE — Residents workinu to provide a fashion'in prospect before complete re-[city would house Industrialists Slowly at first, and then with TOUR AND CRUISE RESERVATIONS None of"the OOP presidential from every corner of Middlesex show that will be different from covery. \mA businessmen and artisans. quickened pace, Vineland at- 'I'd With Ctrt THE WORLD OVER proapecprospectU* hahavve formerly an-County will next otnerS| and tnfreby gair,5 Surrounding the city would be tracted new-comers, particu- »e strive to nounced that they will seek the fall in one or the largos,, and • larly from' New England bu e.ich furftral h farms and orchards to supply Phone VA (-3661 1064 nominations. President most unique fashion shows ever food for the city dwellers. Far- also as far away as brlgh wreath, blanket fhi h eer J™ ^^ ™ J |\. J. California Kennedy thinks Oov. Nelson A. held In this area, It was an- mers, In turn, would buy prod- and sunny Ital; •il piece we de- Within 20 years more tha arth y w serve ucts made In Vineland city. 6,000 people lived In the Landls Travel Bureau Occasionally Landis admitted ' ' • Ing tr!but«. tract. SOS Maple Street Vineland's founder never lost PERTH AMBOY, N. J. that he will run by putting him-Vnent ai the Middlesex county Wheeled Into a hospital interest. He gave land for parka M.SHECK'S self In the classification of these » ter of the American Can-'ng room, with his n ht arm and churches and schools and WORLD W1D11 ch p in 1874 managed to get Pre«: I LOWERS three - as men. who If their cer 8ocleti, U scheduled tor'^ne rom about 3 Inches be- SPECIALISTS 8WCB party come to them, "will w-.September 6 on the parking low the shoulder The arm WOODBRIDGE LUMBER CO. dent Ulysses S. Grant to Vine- *'"'"•> Avr. MK4-1MI swer the call." jroof of Arnold Constable's, In »« '» a bucket of * FREE CUT AND SUBURBAN DELIVERY land to aid In dedicating a new njtnnnniiniuuuuuinnnhnftti New Brunswick. . DoctorB successfully re-at- AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERE ''Men. women and chlldren' tached the boy's arm, to his body Quality Keeps Us in Business • Millwork Doors A Windows BELL MOTORS • Bulldln* Materiala Wallboard NOTICE • RooflDi jPloorlnc RAMPAGE! • ImuUUon Plywood IS ON THE THOMAS JOSEPH • HouldlDf Knotty Pine Never Before in History Has There BeeB n AnythinAthg Iillik« It It! ! • Paint Kltehen AH Member AT • Hardwar* Cabinets BRAND DOING IT YOURSELF? TREMENDOUS COSTELLO Lei oi «dvl, TOB on 4-0125 LAW OFFiqES conitrueOon, U >nd NEW DISCOUNTS tcpaln. '63V2 FORDS Fuller al Hornet BY SPECIAL A&RlANGEMENT of the Perth Amboy Bar Association Get The Facts On Bell Ford'g NO MONEY DOWN '- •- n St. & Cooper Ave. state & Center StSf WILL BE CLOSED EVERY SATURDAY l TAKE 3 YEARS TO PAY iselin, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. From May 18, 1963, Thru September 14, J9«3 NEW •a OALAXII — ConvtrtlbU '}» VOLUWAOIN - 3 dr., PS., P.B., SIM. Car. - f279S \ Saaap, Stick SUtt, ii'l. LI 84641 HI 2-0075 NOTICE •M FOR© - Qslule. J-dr. H.T. R&H J ttN CREDIT Auto.. PJB., P.B., W/W, «AH '»» BCIOK-L484bn J-dr, hart- Ulte Newl HIM top, poww at^erUil _ |1MI PERTH AMBOY BAR ASSOCIATION •a FORD - FalrUnt 'W0', J-dr, '» TBOKDKKBtHD — OoaTW- PLAN Sjdau, Auto., JUcH, tlbla, doublt power, InirawuUU .,;, _ fllM BJtcR .„... |UH The Offices of fjo AppUcatlon Refund 'O FORD - Convertible, power M MKBOCRY - PtrklMlt, 1- Stcerlnf, HAH, dr. hirdtop, doubl« poww, IEAIY MIXEI Even H You Have % Lo«ni 7,000 mile o»r ,. I219J '«I FORD — 3-dr. Mdan, 9 Cyl.. 'SO OLD8MOBrXB-C0D»«rtlbl«, Call FU 8-6900 R*H. UU Ne« |11» Hydrunitlo, P.S., '« FM^OK-«-dr. 8«d»n, R&H P.8., MS MANALAPAN C0DNTEY CLUB / Standard Shirt tlOBS •5S OLDSW08IU — "«" »- 'Jl RfNAULT - D»uph4n* F VOLUME SALES *-dr. Mm ZJ|7«» dr., hfrttop, power. r E. R.FINN &C0. Ttrriflo ahapal - HM* MEAN BBST TERMS! 'SO FORD — Pordonatlc, E-dr. RAH .._„ «.*J* . IWS 'M CHBVBOUT — Pow«r|lld'<. 'W ?ORD-r»irT»nir 2-di. Sedan S.oyl., <-dt. H.-Top tM NEW '63 'M CADILL*O—Wdoriula, J-dr. 406 Amboy Ave., woodbridge etick, HAH ; tm hardtop, full powtr. FALCONS W8.25 'SO FOKD—FUoou 2-dI. Sedan, A Mtui; , - HW Championship NEW '63 Automatic, BAB IMS •U CADTXLAO - Mdorad« '«0 OLD8MOBTXJC — "08" Club OenT«rtlblc, Bidaa, AUtO.. IMU Power »1IM WAGONS $60.35 P.8., P3, BAH (MH Will Be Closed NEW '63 WANT TRANSPORTATION BPIOIAU FBOU $tl TO I US Golf Course FAIRLANES .. |60.45 • trnu TRUCK BPJICHAL NEW '68 •55 T-BIHD, Automttl* - WILMERDING CORP. LonitsdSinilwimtofTheFlmioIdCIrcb, SATURDAYS GALAXIES .... $64.25 Both Top* )I«U1 Rufc - ymkold,N«JvnEp u M»tefUIi it.

    Thursday, June 6, 1963 LEGAL NOTICES I.7O.M, vy- LEGAL NOTICES -IEOATNOTICES i LEGAL NOTICES NOTiri PAGE TWENTY-TWO LEGAL NOTICES .i» that JOflWH •*•- TU» notif LEOAI NOTICES ^PAUL IVANO.I Take notice that CATHOUC WAR LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK "ifert prewnily or herentter rleemrd Take notice thr.., SUCH'S, » eor- r«t« of ft.20 per hour. n,,f(,Wy in the public Interest Ik) The Director nf Welfare shn ,nrntlon of Hew Jersey, h» •JJ»«'} Honor*** 4H Plan Qj&j&SS^ £ be paid an aannual salary of •6000.0(1 The Principal Clerk of! Bazaar, June 20, 21|"S 'VDTO'UT, '£ TSthe Department Of Welfare shall' r CARTERE1 be pnld an nnnual splnry of Krl'pCW.'^fXlSe^' A™!,, -teret. Hew heicTbT Honored ^ H^g'i K'.hJ1 J « $4600.00. w Ill The Buroimh Auditor stall be 20 and 21 from 1 and 4 pm-^Xe,.! i- ""<••»' «*""* pnld nn anmml .snlary of $4600.00. Cnrtrrrt directors and .tockholden holding The lluildlnn service Worker lu on the mounds of Mrs. Wally rf,dSECTIO M foilN 1 (b): Each and every (Sinned) ffiHOUC WAR vjrrnANS, .^TrT'sANDOR BAB. lUC.j Bowen's home. 210 Correja Ave- Fireman shall be paid a regular t™™M«»^ffAsss-i-rSMi- j :sr.= SrrdU^f« osaitd ^corporation r^£rr": * PAUL IVANO ST EM AS POST BVm nue. Mlnry or compensation for his Miss Mary Such, t/a Paul's Tavern I'hnrlrs J. Dennis, "liph iSSdor. Prr. C.P. •*»' services ut follows: Secretary-Treasurer $6 40 Commander. $MO0.0O for the first year of sen- iJiCS" T='' ™» 1 —n „ of the . P. 6/6, 13/83 Plans have been made to sell of Taxes ahull he paid nn annum ( ((J wh|ch tnl8 ofdin»nrP 8S Maple Street, John McdwIcK. Jr. «St 8.n*r. "T-Tyi " Ice, which salary shall be In- Carteret, N. J. toys, Jlftsaw puzzle*, and cloth- Mtar_. y noff MUMM«»"». . u»rdi|li.» mi amendmen.,,,im.nit lIas amende.mended tIoo NOTICK Mist Vlre CommannfT cre»*d SOT 00 annually for each 11 1 O 1 Alexander Such. ing Malf of the process will bp. nnaea „„,„,- ...... -' —•..,!... -« - there--.• ,„, The S'' ™'^"" :,,?,"^ read »s follows: Take notice that JOSEPH OAVA- Hurrv Hraiidslen NOTICB I,O»DSaO. > • Vi , shall be pnld »t the hnslc rate o ,„. , ( p - President. second Vice Comnnmder Klven to IFY, thr Intfrnatlorm j .wmnn- JJj ^t that n< SE(T[nN Tn chrt t 0 0 66 Maplf Htrert, LBTZ and JULVA OAVALETZ. Piirt- T,ke notice IlUt DIXII'8 TAV-hu a|H)!l«l :« tt,r ; $1.75 per hmir. tn I „; , „ he paU| an annual salary ems, t'a McHale's Diner and Bar Jnhn MUm, H.r JN '( c" eTei. N J. » corporatlon^mon Council ,,r • Farm Youth Groups, and the h 1 CMterft, N. ,1. EHN in p | to th»|C»rtwt for a pier, Ftremnn snan rctr..u ,. .. "" H ", Aliment aha 1 be paid competition of I83M.00. nro- Mary C. Sunh, have applied to the Mayor and yMrA vice Commander hM W )W remainder to 4-H Camp, Stokes excess of SflSOQ.OO per annum, and S^nmufiai-fv of JS10.M. Vi vldrvidr.1d . however, that no persopersonn, Common Council of the Borouphip „ . , n nnn Council of iMiumptSon Hcen» thut nothlnn herein contained Vlce-Prfsldent ul Attorney to the Board of Adjust- shall'be appointed Chief of Po- M Maple Street, of Cartcret for a Plenary Retail I " "'''' for a plenary, pnmlsea "It mtui • Forest. shall reduce the salary or com- llrr of the Borough ot Carteret Consumption license No C-3S fori nu*. Carteret N' .! Carteret. N. J. 1 Mrs. Boiven, Honorettes lead pensation now being received by ment shall be paid an annual sal- premises sltuat«d at 523 Hoowvelt 'nke notice K for ft period of at least three Objections, if any, slmuM bt mat I ObrKtlon.. It »„• • -"' Firemen ary ot $1000.00. UB. INC . t/n UHtle eor anda nuher- husbandnu»i,,,» , lender o_f yeiirs prior tn his appointment Avenue, carteret. New Jersey. ' llmmtdlawlT in ••>• snd pro- KH The AsMshint Street k Sani- M mMMipotocntl. ftoroir :-. tllthPe boys 44-HH Unit,Unit, thhe SparkspSk | of'the'ViVe Deperament; snd por has iippm"" ui i ,„, -. vl(1(!(1 tation Superintendent shall lid Immedlntely In ... to Pi iion Council of the Borough of writing to: Patrick Borouih of Cartrr an-•-•d» »>e„ pnnnr>Horscouncilorsi compensatio furthenr thashalt lsuc Includh salare thy e the iiirilintely In Clerk of Bowen will teach crafts and Mr. members of the Volunteer Fire SECTION 19: The Lieutenants IMs'Hunwvelt Avenue I signed) u I follows: of the Police Department of the JOSEPH I TAVBRN Or C P ( 1.13 M Company And more particularly Carteret, N. J, P7^ Cart»r»t. N J • Bowen. firearms. Company miu >..«.* r The Si'ww Plant Superintendent mB JULIA mentioned In Section 20 am' "" Borough of Cnrteret shall be paid 6/0, 13/83 . » ,n,,tp|y In writing tn pnirlr* Monday, the girls sewed on I mentioned in section 20 and 37 shall be pnid an annual snlary of mi nnnunl salary of M900.00, prc Partner* . ' Jowiih Leschek. Ptw NOTH | In the ordinance to which i>,,, f IK. Boroueh Clerk ot tin' Rosemsrie Leirhek 5«ty thflr projects for the Middlesex1 ordinanc'- >H-e ""mmc Is a supplemente to whic. h tm» 17000.00. Tiding however, tfiat no perBon NOTICE tt/ aa McHale'McH n Diner imd " O h Take notlc* i'w - ahull be appointed Lieutenant un- Take notice thst the COLUMBIAN p g, g, 13/83 Uor6imh of t'arteret, New Jerwv j MS Roosevelt Avenue. County 4-H Fnlr to be held in SECTION J. tThls ordinance shall The Pumping Station Oprrtitor c li Klein's Tuvfr. . take efflect Immediately after pas- less he shall have been a member !LUB has applied to the Mayor and 181 !i ned) larterel. N •>. U» Mayor and c«n •: shall be pnld .it the basic rate; UTTLR COTTON CLUB. l\r East Brunswick in August, ltake"e'rnect Immediately after pas- of Ihe Police Department of the:ommon Council ot the Borough of NOTICE f, 6 13/83 »" Ux Borough or ' ubli of H34 per hour. Borough of CBrteret for a period t/a Little Cotton Club, lnr, „ .• The Honorettes Will meet Ib sagy lae wand publications as provided ;arwr«t for a Club license Nr, | Take notice that CHARLES J ! rttnsry Beiall Vnn ; aw ndu h»,„... — u The Sewage Plant Repairman shall of three years prior to his ap;B-- 2 for premises situated at 1MIBRADY, t/a Brady's Cafe, has ap- Anthony Zullo. I*res 1 June 17, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m Janu"ar "yy 1, 198"3 "whereve *• ™'™*r permitte™ «•d ! (Mo. C-ll for pren- * be paid at the basic rate of $2 62 pointment. llgh Strwt. Carteret, N. J. plied to the Msyor and Common , Albert Zullo, Sectv by law. 8/6.13/63 » l.iKf notice that LKBKRO MOU Cookl Aveinie ( ,••. At Mrs. Bowen's home, The foregoing ordinance was In- per hour. SECTION 4. Section 20 of the The officers of the club are. Wat-Council of the Borough of Cnrterft. c, I NARD anil N1CHOLINA OABCTA, Obleettona. it M- er Campbell, President: Oeorge tor a Plenary Retail Consumption troduced at » meeting ot the Coun- The Labor Foremnn shall be paid ordinance to which thU ordinance NOTK'E "AM Liquor Store. h»r» ip- Immtdlawly m »• at the basic rnte ot $2.35 per hour. is an amendment is hereby amended ItolM. Vice President: Frank Ooy- license No. C-_7 tor premises slt- cil of the Borough of Carteret held license nu. u-i . , Take notice that WILLIAM 8ITAR he Mayor and Common Potocnl*, Boron- Considerate Nature June S, 19*3 when It «u adopted A Laborer shall be paid at theto read as follows: •n», Treasurer; Andrew Hamadyk,. lu •oroufb of CiT"r June 3, two *..v, _ . SECTION 20: The Desk Sergeant Recording Secretary. uattd at 33S Washington Avenue. Takr not Ire that WILLIAM ei inn . ., h id rdinance basic rate of $2.15 per hour. 1111 1(Plenar1 y M Retairor l naDUtrttmtkm , Nature seldom brings the on first readlnK. The said ordinance (s) The Street Foreman shall be and Rounds Sergeants shall be ap Cart«ret. New Jersey. t/a Slur's Packase Store, hut ap- Ifor '"a '"• »' * , V^™"™ will be further considered on sec- Objections, If any. should be made to; ln D-eJ for premltn ait- SKV i ljrst worm out on the same day paid at the basic rate of 1250 pointed from the Policemen o: immediately In writing to Patrick Objections, if any. should be nmde:plied Io the Mayor »nd Common lliTll>""e '•N "o' "jrou«l> of CarUNt. ond reading for final adoption at a lmmedlRtely In writing to: Patrick Council nf the Borough of Carteret " ' *""*" Washingto"""' "Utrltiutlon At«nu»n, • , K the first robin arrives. — Cleve- meeting of said Council of the Bor- per hour, Patrolmen who have served Io: 'otocnig. Borough Clerk of the iKSSS BBwitn Cleri of the Bor- for J C. P « (. 13 U SECTION C All ordinances or at least. th« years prior to thel Sorough of Carteret, New Jersey, ^ .i .v.. «„,. tr,, „ pinnarv Retail DJslrlbtiiioi land Plain Dealer. ough of Carteret on June ID, 1M3 ton Avenue. ^/'"I,"ohj'eft'ioni, ',.. If »ny. should b» ma* at 8 P.M., Council Chambers, parts thereof, inconsistent with this appointment in the Police De (Signed) partment of the Borough of Car ,m,,,edi..ielv In wrliln* to: r***K N«TI( r Borough Hall, Cooke Avenue, Car- ordinance are hereby repealed. COLUMBIAN CLUB, Pnn.'iiin Rf given an opportunity to be heard. pensntlon of $6600.00 from th< C.P. «/«, 13/63 M iSlgn*dl ITarera. have »p;•.•. ORDINANCE NO. 121 The forenoInK ordinance was In- Borough of Darteret. New Jerw\ A H ORDINANCE RBOULATINQ PATRICK POTOCNK3 troduced fit » meeting of the Coun- time of their appointment, NOTICE IKHSHO MOtlNABO and Oommon r«r NOTICE I Signed i N1CHOLINA OAHCIA U|h of Canrrf TOT USE OF PRIVATE SWTM- Borough Clerk Icll of the Borough of Carteret held SECTION 5. Section 21 of th Take noUoe that JOHN KOKOLUS 0 $12.60 Take notice that JEAN A. KOSEL WILLIAM SITAR i,.» O k M Liquor 8tor* ReUil ronmimtn. MOMJ POOLS AND PROVIDING June 5, 1963 when It WM adopted ordinance to which this ordlnanc and STEPHKN KOKOLUS. t/a Kok's 110 CF w83 i/a Kosel's Tavern, has applied to t/a altar's Package Smre c V (S IsVftJ J fo'or pr plt-mlsw «• n-f PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION - on first rendlnii. The said ordinance is an amendment Is hereby amende Tavern, have applied to the Mayor the Mayor and Common Council of THEMJOP, TO BB KNOWN AS OR- ORDINANCE #117 will be further considered on sect-o read as follows: . 13/«3 »««" .101 AT»nil». Cay. and Common Council of the Borth-e Borough, of Carteret for a L NOTICE ,| Objrrtloni, I! »ir DINANCE NO. 111. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN onmeetlnd readinR ofg snlf folr Councfinal adoptioi n at ft SECTION 21: The Policemen o ough of Carteret for a Plenary M iPlenary Retail Consumption license NOTICE dil BE AND IT IS HEREBY OR ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDI- meetinough ogf f oOarteret snltl tCounci on Junl oef 19 th,e Bor- Patrolmen of the Police Depart Retail Consumption license No. .,„. C-4 for premises sliuated nt numr. T.Ke notice th»- STIPHIN PI- ljnmfdlat.1^ In »;• NANCffl ESTABLISHING TUB MUa-t 8 P. . M.M , CounciCounc l ChaChamberm s ment ot the Borough of Carterei I No. DAOTBD BY THE BOROUOH COON- -.t . 8 _ Car- C-ll, for premises situated at 6|242 7 Washington Avenue C.irtrret Take notice ALEX PRYWATA 7AM notice th»r surnw r»- .j, -.„. OIL OP THS BOROUGH OF CARNICIPA- L COURT OF THE BOHBoroug- h Hall, Cooke AuAvenuee ,Car (mlicr than the Chief of Pollci Hudson Street, Carteret, N. J. 'J, j <• t . has uppiled io the Mayor and Com- TKACH mid ANDKKW PBTRACH.'Potornlr Rnm TBUrr A8 FOLLOWS: OUOH OF CARTERET " ttret. N. J.J . at wnlcwlchn timtime and Lieutenants, Sergeants and sue Objections, If any. should be made objections, if any. should bo made m™mCounci^;' l of the BorOUHll OI r a rewmn- ««.. ..— _r, Objections, If any. should be made •-• -J- mon council of the Borougli of t-a 1'iirachi Bar. h«»f applied to Borough of i".\r-. SUCTION 1. The following words, BE IT ORDAINED BY TH[placE e all persona Interested will he other officers of higher rank a Plennn- HetMl Con- the Mavor and Common Council ot [given fin oprtortmilty to be heard, immediately In writing to Patrick Jdll,ely ltl wntm, to Patnrt ^ „„„ J V!\: terms and phrases as used In andMATOR AND COUNCIL OP THK may hereafter be appointed) shn' tne Potocnlg Borough Clerk ot lliethe »>"">" n« No C-31 for ihe Utiroiigh of C^rtfret for » for the purpose of this ordinance PATRICK POTOCNIG each be paid as annual sala potocnig. Borough Clerk °' potocnlBorouggh oBorougt Cartereh t ClerNekw Jerseyof . , IpremlM''lMs, s ,situatenuate d at M Roosevelt Plenary Retail Icinumptlon llr«n» BOROUGH OF CARTERET: I Borough Clerk Borough"of Carteret. New Jersey. (Signed) Avenue, Carteret, N. J No, C-M for prrmlw* sttuat«d at shall be deemed to have the fol-SECTION 1. That Section S of or compensation of $5400.00 f. (Signed) lowing meaning: IC.P. 8/(763 $35.40 the first year of service, datln JEAN A KOSEL. I Objections. If any, should be made 19 Mwer Street. Carter*:. N. J. ,C.?. »;t. 13 M the above entitled ordinance I JOHN KOKOLUS and t/a Kosel's Tuvcrn Immediately in writing to: Putrwk Objec-.ions. If any. should be made — a, Swimming Pool — A Iwdy of hereby amended to read as follows from the time of the appoln- STEPHEN KOKOLUS STATE W NEW YORK ment with an Increase of $300 16.B0 Potwnl^. Borough Clerk of :hp immrcl! itelv In writing tn: Patrick n u water artlflcally constructed in SUCTIOON 5: ThThe Borough MagMag- t a Kok's Tavern of Cartp'ei. *->w Jprsey Po;.» mt Borouith Clerk of thth*e .!»*« ?. " whole or In part, established or SUPREME COURT per year of service thereafter un_ C.P. 6/6. 13/63 istrate shall receive an annual C.P. 6/8,13/63 maintained upon any premlaw by salary of $5000.00 to be paid in COUNTY OF TOMPKINS such salary or compensation sha any person for his own or hie fam- ACTION FOR SEPARATION reach the sum of $6300.00 per a~ NOTICE ALEX TRYWATA the same manner as the salaries NOTICE won STHl'HEN PETRACH and ily's use or guests of his household. of other municipal officers are CHARLOTTE BAILEBAILEY num. provided, however, that t IHfll Take notice that SOPHIE KLE- c p ,13/(0 - ANDREW' PETRACH Plaintiff present Incumbents of office Take notice that IDEAL LIQUORS t; b. Fence — A permanent bar- paid and which shall be In lieu of NOTICF * P«trath'« Bar vs. uniformed policemen or patrc. ..HcTt^T^r-LMor, inc.. ^,^Ma^n'd^rnT SSnefl '«," " tier oi obstruction not leas than 4 all fees, costs and any other al applied to the Mayor and Common ,tne &«>."r *" Carteret for ,i C tt«t nor more than 10 feet In height. LEONARD R. BAILET men who have been such ot of- T•akr notice 1" M.CHAEI. MAR- c P « .. 13 63 *™ ™"\ lowances whatsoever. Defendant a C h fice of uniformed policemen or council of the ™Boroug'f'°!.h *™^vLwof Carteret•«» ii.*«£|JReial1 11l Consumptio^^ptionn license ,,KKowrrzJ , t•'t',a Club Msrksy. has — TICE lmme• flo constructed as entirely to en- SBCTION 2. That Section 1 of for a Plenary Retail Distribution,™nar>^ ^ , , , at , NU close the area on which the Swim- the above entitled ordinance Is TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- patrolmen who have been such for premlM mi:l1( d app;![ rt l0 lhin* Mayor and Common notice ::.,-. THE FIRST.Potocnlg. Bf.r. ,. ming pool Is located and to baherebr y amended to read as follows: FEND ANT' for three years last past, shall be|llcens R e u Menuc c rwMt the Borough ot Carteret Take CITIZENS CLUB has ap- Borough of i ir>r all reasonable and normal access to SECTION 1: There shall be a you arehereby summoned to paid an annual salary of $6300.00.iuair.^7uated ^ 2LZ£'*™;>£-™ «" " ' " '.^rpie'n." ncs si:- pneo :o the M.iyor and Common| 1™?*?' ,,., ,,... the swimming pool except through Municipal Court Cleric who shall answer the complaint I Inth thiis actiontion , SECTION 6. Section HI22 of thesrteret, N. J. , 'o6")Mtlons, If any, should be made ncense No. C-24 for prem l Avfime, council of lh* Borough of Carwret. THE PO, ..•»! v a substantial self closing gate or be paid an annual salary of ordinance to which this ordinance Inc and to serve a copy of your answer ^ ^"tr, iT«trTo^i^.'n»^««-'T p atr k > wV..ln to Patrick , Roosevelt gates ot the same height as theS5425.00 to be paid In the same e(1 hb dd immediateln y In vvrlti.u- to , ;' polocnlg BorouBh ClerLk »f H Cirte'rfl't ( t N1I4 "~j9" tor a Plenan- Retail Consumptloo; * •>-»- "• •-, : or If the complaint Is not se" 116 an amendment Is hereby amended n B ,C Ob/"t.on;. 'f any. should be made 1,,-n,, No C-41 for^preml-. att-; Thorny M . fence, equipped with facilities for manner as the salaries of other with this summons, to serve a, „.,„„„„.. Potocnlg, Borough Clerk of the ^'« ' ' ,"^^t, New Jersey. t o reaAd as follows: Borough of Carteret, New Jersey. .Borougn oi uar( g dl immcdlatclv in wrltlim to: Patrick ,u:eJ ..: ,M Hoosevel. Avenue. ^ ^ locking suld gate or gates when Municipal Officers are paid andnotice ot appearance, on the plain- SECTION 22: The Deputy Chief ( the pool Is unattended or un- which shall be In lieu of all fees, (Signed I SOPHIE KI EUAN potoenk. Boroimh Cleric of the Cirterft. N J .-h.».H.'~ • tiffs attorneys within twenty days of Police shall be paid an annual IDEAL LIQUORS. INC guarded. costs, and other allowances what- after the service of this summons, salary or compensation of |7M0.O0, t/a Hill H"«l Borovwi, „[ (MrtL-i, New Jersey. ; Objeciuus. If any, ahou.d »«"»«' N,,TI,, c. Person — Any individual, firm soever. The Municipal Court Clerk t/a Ideal Liquors, lnr .,,, t«.8O ISIgnedl .immem.tely In writing :o. Patrick; , exclusive of the day of service. In provided however that DO person Kalman M. Ourzo. |C-P.6/6 ' 13/M or corporation having an Interest shall perform such functions, and case ot your failuree to appeaappr or shall be appointed Deputy Chief MK-HAEL MARKOWITZ Poiocnig, Borough Clerk of the ™ke no. r, . case ot y will be taken President R In the lot or lots on which the duties as shall be prescribed by answer, JudgmenJudgment will of Police of tbe'Borough of Car-| NOTICE ' t/a Club Uark.y Bonn,,!, nf Crtmt. New Jmqr. .»«»• t^t, f *,; swimming pool Is located as owner, law, the rules applicable to muni- against you b yd default for the re- teret unless he shall have been C.P. 6/6. H(J3 -'--, Take notice that MICHAEL MISKO C.P. 6 «. 13/63 «»' THE" riRST SLOVAK CITI- Council of •.!„ !• : tenant, occupant or the agent, ser- cipal courts, and by the Borough ii member of the Police Depart-,— lief demanded In the complaint NOTICE an„„d„ VERONICA MISKO t/a Mlsk,, ^ ™3 CLUB "'f? ."V. vant or employe of such owner Magistrate. The plaintiff resides In the ment for a period of at least three tenant or occupant. notice that GENERAL STEF- Cftfe. have applied to the Take notice CARTBRETi Jo.seph Mutnam. President """sr .10 SECTION 3 All ordinances or County of Tompklns. year•ars prior to his appointmentappointment.. Take n™°»th" .^ovAK cm-' and 'common Council of the B>r ...... -- Andrew Chamra at*d at ' SECTION 2. No person shall oon> parts thereof, inconsistent with this t/a W ti .or (I Plenary C P fence Borough Clerk 80VOCOOL & SOVOCOOL troduced at 11 meeting of the Coun- RetBU LOUIO W. NAI.H f)ht«rtlOlU " ;.:*. SECTIOaiA,,,u,N, 4-,, The gate or gates $11.80 Plaintiff'Plaintiffs AttorneyAttorneys Borough ol Carteret held GENERAL STEFA.N1K AMERI- Consumption license No C-34 ! In the fence shall be kept closed at C.P. 6/8/M !cll o( the CAN-SLOVAK CTT1ZENS CLUB tor premises situated at 562 Roose-j NOTICB LILLIAN NAQY lm midlate \ " Office and Post Office Address a all UmeB except when being used iJune 5 196J wheB u wu adopte[1 Andrew Hatala. I'resldent |velt Avenue, Carteret. N. J. I T.ik. CARTERET fa Nagv's Family Uquor Kaire 2T' * ,,\r ORDINANCE #114 323 E. Seneca Street | g. h said ordinance for Ingress or egress and shall be AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN, Ithaca, New York nn flrst readm T e Otorue Rebnlcky. Kin. Secv Objections, It any. should be made HOTEL COKI'ORATION. INC . ,,a c.P. 8,«. 13/63 f« !^rt of li'X- kept locked at all times when the sfinnfl'will be runner considered on sec 11 ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR-> p rm 0 i« 6/6 63 , ond reading for final adoption at a;C. P. 6/6,13/63 " Mo'solm'rn'ediate'iVln w'rttli^ "to P.itric'"'k ' "Gyps y 'Cmp' . '"^ " ^pplir"" l w the vnTirr swlmlmng pool Is unattended or DINANCE TD FIX AND REGULATE : ' $10.80 """ Rorouuh f.erk ot the Mayor :n.d Coiimion l ...... of tli.e Tnke notice NOTICtin thE e AMERICAN unguarded. meeting of said Council of the Bor- THE 8ALARIES OP CERTAIN OK-; n, ,ou«h of Caneret on Juno 19, 1M3 NOTICE "'"' ^"ugtf'oI^Trttret, New Jersey. .Bormiih of Cur'.err, tor . NPlenaro C-3yS LEGIONTake notic. CARTEREe Jh^Jtir^---—-T FOeST NO J«; . „, SECTION !, Nothing herein shall PICERS AND EMPLOYEES IN THE CART™ET BOARD OTEDUCi Take notice that OEM TAVERN, ISlgneili iRfUil'Consmnption ,lrei; 8 Holly has applied to the Miyor »nd Com- 1 8 P. M., Council Chambers, 6/« 15 be deemed to alter, modify or reBOROUG- H OF CARTERET, COUN- HUULt iu SIUUKKS ,tft g p M Muncu ^aa-mDers, INC., a corporation of New Jersey, LEON F NOWAK. :lor yrr:n;«s M'.uaUd 1, mon Council of tbe Borough of 1 peal the provisions ot an ordinance TY OF MIDDLESEX AND STATE Sealed bids will be received by the[BorouBh Hall, Cooke Avenue. Car- has applied to the Mayor and Com-1 t/a Leo's $64In0n StreetObjertlor. Carteres Ift anyN., shonJ. . 1 be made Ciineret tor » Club License No CB-1 known as or NEW JERSEY." I Board of Education ot the Borough 1 teret. N. J., at which time andmon Council of the Borough of C. P. 6/6.13/63 Patrick for premises situated at 1177 ROOM- I OF NEW 1 immediately In writing :• "The Building Ordinance of the BE IITT ORDAINED BY THE of Oarteret, New Jersey at the Abru- '• place all persons Interested will beCarteret Jot,& Plenary Re:ill Con- ot the velt Avenue, Carttret. New Jersey Borough of Carteret, 1955 and NOTICE PotociUK„, Borough Clf-r 'H ATCI1UC, \_BI«IH. *TW «v«««j MAYOJAYOR AND COUNCIL UOFf 'rillTHEs ham Lincoln _.School. , CarWret Ave-,given an opportunitPATRICy K toPOTOCNI be heardG. sumption license No. C-35 for 1 Carteret. Neu Jersey. as amended ancr, suppllmented premises situated at 136 Wellington Take notice that the ST DEME-'Borough Objections. If any. ihould be made BOROUGH Ot CARTERET: nue, Wednesday evening, June Borough Clerk TRl"uS "MEN'S CLUB OF CAH iSlgnedi lmmeain*;y in writing to Pmtrltk •with respect to the height of Avenue, Carteret. New Jersey. 1 SECTION 1. Section 2 ol the or- 1963 at eight o'clock for the fol- $31.80 TERETT, NEW JERSEY, hai applied CAH1EKET HOTE COR- • fences." dlnance to which this is an amend, '-winglowing: IC.P. 6/6/63 Names and residences 0! officers, Potocnlg. Borough qerk of U« BECTION 8. Any person violat- ment Is hereby amended to reed as ' oli directors and stockholders holding to the Mayor and Common Council PORATION, INC, ! 1. Physical Education Supplies NOTICE of the Borough of Ciirteret for a t/a Gypsy Cimp ing any provision of this ordinance follows. one or more percent of the stock !5 snail, upon conviction pay a fine 2. Science Take notice that AUGUST KRO- Club license No CB-10 for premises Ho* i'jnkuUi-. l"^l>nt THE AMERICAS UWION SECTION 2: The Collector 0! 3. Fuel OU [Of said corporation: aot exceeding J200.00 or be impris- Bids will be opened find read at NENBERG and HELEN KRONEN- located at 62 Liberty Stree:, Car- LmilE Dt'meur, V:., President CARTKRIT POBT NO. J«J Taies shall be paid an annual Michael Poll, President. teret, New Jersey. FRANK RACSOK oned for 6 term not exceeding nine- salary of $8450.00. this meeting. BERG t/a Falcon Hall, have applied 8 Louis Street, Carteret. N. J. Loulb Denitttr. ty (00) days or both In the dis- ON 2. Section 4 of the or-! md t b* accompanied bbyy a, to the Mayor and Common Council Objections, If any. should be mutt C.P. 6,0. 13,-M $8 40 SBCTION 2. Section 4 of the or-! BIg to— Patrick Potocnlg, Borough Clerk of the Bor- with the provisions of this ordi- $7000.00. I The Board of Education reserves ipotocnle, Borough Clerk of tbe Andrew Hedesh. Preslden'., jlBoroush ut Cureret Mr a Club MAN, SIDNEY ROCKUAM and -- ough of Carteret. New Jersey. Mlcliael Maliflln illcense No CII-8 tor ;r«nlKI Io- HOWARD WbCKUAN, purtners. L'a, nance are hereby repealed as to such SECTION 3. Section 5 ot the or- the right to reject any, all or part [Borough of Carteret, New Jersey. (Signed) ; T Inconsistencies. in, tn which ir.his 1* an amend-lof this bid and to waive any Imma- I Signed) Fin. Sec.-Treasurer cated ut liw l'er»r..:i|( Avtnue. Roekmair» T«v»rn M LUjuor Btoi». *** " nu which (this OEM TAVERN, INC 8/6.13/93 $800 carteret, New Jersey. ;have »pplw<| to the Mayor an»Com- JOHOS na' SECTION 8. ThU ordinance shall terial Informalities. AUGUST KRONENBUtQ C.P ippilM to tne Mayor anirvuoi- "• c _n ,., C. P. 8/6,13/63 $10.40 u l take effect Immediately after nna.1 Bids must be plainly marked "Bid HELEN KRONENBEBG btaj«titiii» it .nu sl.,,uld b* made mon Coun*l! ol the Borouih ol.*° ",' ,ir.,, passage, approval and publication ai SECTION 5: The Borough Clerk t, a Falcon Hall, NOTICE . ' linmedlaftly m writu., \.-'...-.».<«me lumnuo"n »—ticeua—* n« Situateiliated da tt 86633 RandolpRadlp Rand h StreetStreet. JJJ 'J',"", The foregoing ordinance was In $7000.00 which salary shall be Inthe otflce'of the Secretary. RUSSIAN AMERICAN UIUUSB a •""«-"-•—---,-••-••• —-•-• trpducediat a meeting of the Coun- lieu of fees, but he shall be en- JOSEPHINE O'BRIEN, 1 NOTICE CLUB has applied to the Mayor and:SKl t/a Andrews Tavt/rn. have ap itilgned) Co pcrahlng A«nu», cil ol the Borough of Carteret held titled to receive all fees now al- Secretary Take notice that JOHN PAGE and Common Counci- l- o-f th•• e Boroug- -•h• o -'(pilef d to the Mayor and Common STAIt LANDING PGai 3JI1 in- J. jJune 5, 1963, when it was adopted lowed to him by law. Council ot the IJorou^Iji of 'Carteret! VElERANii Oh FOHEION WARS Objections, If inr. should bt made Jj . rP.. unuttLAMB. , Presiden—•t - 'DOROTHY M. PAGE, t/a Jack Carteret for a Club llctnse No. CB-1 l H Wi first reading The said ordinance SECTION 4, Section t 0! the or Carteret Board ot Education | Page's, have applied to the Mayor for premises situated "2 'Joh"n tor a Plenary Kt'.ull IConsumpllon Ddiilel H. D«noi,ill, ' •"•immediately" -'." I"n -writin""g» "t>o P^"lrPatrickk Will be further considered on secdlnance1 to which this 1^ an amend-jp . • - •— """and Common Council of the Bor- 'license No. C-J'j for premiss sit- - Cumnuuider ; ;Put(xnlg! Borough Cisrk of Iht 1 1 $13.60 ommon o o Street, Carteret, N. J. Is hereby amended to ".rtl -- jugh of Carteret for a Plenary Objections, 11 any. should be made uated at 552 Roosevelt Avenue, Oeorje Qoodrk,:i Boruunh of Cintret. New Jen*t t^ldC^rrthi Carteret. Ntw Jersey. Sr Vltf Cofi.mander iSl(n*dl NOTICE OF OKDER •tetall Consumption license No. C-itimmediately In writing to Patrick «/'«, 3 Kl or premises situated at 539 BOOM- Potocnlg, Borough C\erk of the Objections, if any, should be made Andrew Ma)aiif;k UAUII RQCKUAM '" OF PUBLICATION 8IDNR ROCKMAN yillO 'Tlf Ch ' SUPERIOR COURT •elt Avenue, Carteret, N. J. Borough of Carttret, Sew Jersey. Immediately in writing to Patrick'. Jr Vice Commander Zh^iLSAvenTe; Objections, If any, should be made (Signed) Potoculg, Borough Clerk of tbe'cp. HOWARD ROCKUAN N. J. at which time and OF NEW JLHStY Partntrs CHANCERY DIVISION mmedlateiy in writing to Patrick CARPATHO - RUSSIAN AMERI- Borough ol Chrieret, New Jersey. , K .- „, PotocnlB, Borough Clerk of the CAN CITIZENS' CLUB lSi|;nedi \ NOTICE Us Rockmao'i T*>?«rn ft ll.f hereby am^ded to read MIDDLESEX COUNTY MAGDALENE 8KOCZYPIEC Take ' '.1..U thr HIBERNIAN Liquor Store »« Docket #M 4679-82 Borough of Carteret, New Jersey. John Kuzma, President, (Signed) 81 Lelck Ave.. Carteret, N, J. ANN KARAJCOW8KVKOWBKI 'CLUB h^> implied to the Mayor audlC, P. «/•, 1J/S3 Borough Uerk To ARTHUR LITTLE, defendant: Andrew's Taververn iCoimnuCoinmun ciunciCiunril of tthee BorouuBogh of! By virtue of an Order of the Su- JOHN PAGE Michael Pi\ha, Secretary it/a ployws of the Borough of Carteret DOROTHY M. FAGJ »1»:Carteret foj u Club llccnw Ko. CB»»| ORDINANCE #115 perior Court of New Jersey, Chan- 77 Oeorgs St., Carteret, \i. JC.P, 6/6.13'to WO shall be paid as follows: I0r Pre;,iiMfc siiu.ited at 189'Ropse- Take noUotfttut CRIDIIX. INC..!» AK ORDINANCE AMENDING "AN cery Division, made on the 20th day t/a Jack Page's. Peter Bucsak, Treasurer, (a) The Assistant Municipal Clerk of May 1963, Ink civil actlo|i where- C. P. 6/6,13/63 (ft JO 48 Lee St., Port Reading, jN. J, jlt A CKt N ORDINANCE MAKING PROVT6ION6 shall be paid an annual FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A in Bessie L*e Illttle Is the plaintiff iC.P. 6/6,13/93 i$8,8O BUREAU OF FIRE PRHVENTION, Of $8200,00. and you araVhje defendant, you are NOTICE PROVIDING OFFICERS ^HEREOF, ENALTUS FOR THE VIOLATION lection of Taxes shall be paid anaddress Is 412 West Front street license No. C-12 for premises sit- oarteret for a Plenary Retail Con- 'uatcd at 46 Roosevelt Avettue, gumption license No. C-3, for THEREOF." annual salary of $5175.00. eu gumption license No. C3, fo Id) The Building Maintenance Plalnfleld, New Jersey, and In arieretCiirteret, Nn.. jJ.. premisepnuniaws situatesuuaieud aait, 7i Wheelemir* r Ave< Ait. MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE Worker in the Borough Hall shall Ctt Nw Jersey Borough ot Cnrurtt, New Jersey. K tUcrtury CRIDBLL. INC be paid an annual salary of bt rendered against you an the tour. Objections, if any, should be made nue, Carteret, New Jersey. I Signed) t/a CrldeU. Inc. BOROUGH OF CARTERET: shalll think eaultttblequitable and JusJustt . YoYouu Immediatelyy iIn writinwniing two Patric«uit»k nameNamess anda residenceresiaeuceos oufi officersonicers,, Peter Farrell, jpUed to SECTION 1. Section 2 Ib) ot the $5535.00. thai fUsvour answer and proo of Potocnlg, Borough Clerk of tbe directors and stockholders holding FOREtSTERti HOME A060 Klnunclal BecreUry Ignatius M DeBelU, Pn*. Council ol tn; ordinance to which thin Is an (e) The Chief Mechanical llepair Lrvlce lnZpCrwun the Clerk Borough of Carteret, New Jersey, one or more per cent ot the stock CIATION Raymond r'. Sklmmons, Elvira DcBella. Vice Pros. man In the Borough Oara£t shall for a Club '•' amendment U hereby amended to ".,,. .,« _ ,. " —,_• _ r* . ;.,,.,a ir^,ltn (Signed) of said corporationcorooratlon: John Iliilewicz, President Treasurer Harold ChrUtensen, 8*or- be paid at the basic rate of $2.66 Frank Durdur, Treasurer Juaenh O'Rourke, Bentlntl C P. 6/6.13/83 Mad as follows: of the Superior Cuurt, SUite House STEVE MARXOVICB ^Mbs| Mwy BUCM| 1 per hour. The Senior Mechanic^ Josepri ShuteUo, Jr., Secretary BECTION 2 (b): There shall be Annex, Trenton, New Jeiwy, In ac- t/a Slave's Corner. a«r«tary-Tr«l|surer, John Skimmons, Marshal ObJKtl"'" a Combustible Inspector In the Repairman In the Borough (In cordance with the rules of civil C.P. 6/6,13/63. $o«l| « Maplt Strejt, Carteret. K, J.C. P. 6/6, 13/63 $7.60IC. P, 6/6 13/63 110.00 rage shall be paid at tpe basic NOTICK j Bureau of Fire Prevention, up- practice and procedure. Alexander 8>*h, President. »•»• rate ot $2.81 per hour. The object of eald action is to NOTICE , t» Maple Btrott, Cartartt, N, J. NOTICE Take notice ih.t JOHM rPWf^ !i|| ' pointed from tha ranks In the and JOHN HOWARD, pwtttiraj Vi ol (f) The Heavy Equipment Opar obtain a Judgment ot divorce be- Take notice that WE8LHT 8PB- Mary 0. Such, Vice President Take notlpe that T«ke notice that ANTHONY J ' Fire Department, who shall be ulor In the Department of Strefeu Olavi.n^wa AMm^Ba uiiif Inn, ll«l. hav« »|l|f*iv* applieu m»d M«V>« the paid 1111 annual salary of $6850.00 •aid plaintiff and WAK, t/a The Sportsman'* Jnn, M Maple Street, Carteret, N. J.O'DONNELL and ALICE C. BKD-•lOPPO, t/a Toppo'i Tavern, has Mayor and Common Council ol UM ii Roads shall be, paid at the 1963 applied to the Mayor andtOom- Objections, if any, should be made NAR, t/a O'Doiiiiell's Bar k Grill, ipplicd to the Mayor and Common C Cil f UM . retroactive to January 1, 1963. In bislc rate of $2.40. per hour; ihe Tuviwri i BCHWADT7 "** ipplled to tne Mayor anotuom- objections, If any, snoum ne maae Borough of Carteret for * Pfcnanr ' addition u> the compensation Attornev for Plaintiff mon Council of the Borougn of immediacy In wrlUnn to: Patrick have appUed tu the Mayor Mid 'ftuncll of the Borough of Carteret Retail Conmmptlon Ite*Mi No. C-ll 1 Equipment Operator shall be paid or a Plenary Reiall Consumption PMS i(iiri*n:ild, the Combustible lnipei"/ Jii £..t wnnV HtrM Carteret for a Plenary Retail (JOB- potocnlg, Borough Clerk ot the Bor.Common Council ot the Borough of for premliei sltutled al tl WhMl*r at the basic rate of $2.15 per Bum UoB tlcense No C 38 Io r Carteret (or a Hieaary Retail Con- .Icense No. C-37 for premises sit- Vice P«•" tor bhull b« paid $1M.OO per ia- hour Plalnfleld New Jwsev P ' ' - ough of Carteret, New Jersey. Avenue, Carteret, N. J.' ; ! 1111111 Idi Ihe care and upkeep of Plalnfleld. New Jersey premUes MvMta a, 2M washing- (Signed) iumptlon llceniit No. C-15 fouater d at 49 Hudson Street, Cartcret, \ The Timekeeper and laborers C. P. 5/M; 6/6-13-20/63 ". J. •> Objections, If at)y, should beotad* his uniform. ton Avenue, Carttret, New Jersey. WHEELEB INN, INCiremlMr. s lofiitfj ut MI Roosevelt immediately In writing to • Patrick the Departments of Streeu & Avenue, Curterei, New Jersey pi)lec»ons. If any, should be made (JEQTION '!.. This ordinance ahull wads and Garbage & Trash Re- ORDINANCE #118 Objections, Jf any, should be made o. P. 6/8,13/63 $10.80 Potocnlg, Borough Clerk of th* take Ditfi't limnedlately after pa»- AN Immediately In wrltliiB to Patrick — . • Objections, If uny. should be made Immediately In writing to: Patrick C.P: iiJovnl ahull be paid at the buslc AM Borough of Cartent. New Jeraejr lagi' u»d puljllcatloiie at provided • - -of the NOTICB Immediately In wrltltig to: Patrick ?otocnl(|, Boruugh Clerk of the n>t« of $2.15 per hour. Potocnlts, Boruugh Clerk of theSorough of Carteret. New Jersey by law. Partners cil of the Borough of Carteret held KATHER1NE O'DONNILL t/a Toppo's Tavern be paid at the ^aalc rate of $2.31BOROUGH OF CARTEIUM; TO „,.,,,.t/a Th, e Sportsman/I Inn. and Common Council of the Bor- t/a Glass Bar Inn June 5, 1W3 when It was adopted per hour. ough of Oarteret for & Plenary, ALICE BEDNAB C, P, tn, 13/63 on tint reading. The twld ordinance ADOPT RULJ» FOR ITS GOVERN- C.P. 6/8,13/63. Retail Consumption license No. C-14 t/a O'Qoiine'll't Bar ti aril will be further considered on sec- (1) The Equipment Operator of MBNT' TO| FIX AND ENFORCE ~NOTICE tor premises situated al 3 Roosevelt :. P- 6/6,13/83 $7,(0 NOTICE NOTICE ond rending for final adoption at a the Department ot Street Clean- Take notice that ALEX BTOJKA, Take notice ihm tlie UKRAINIAN •— - meeting of said Council ot the Bor- lug tliall be paid at the basic rule The officers and directors of said NOTICE JR. and BERTHA STOJKA, t/a Bert AMERICAN CITlliENS CLUB ha#jAv«nue. of $2.35 per hour. AN DKFINE THEIR DUTlia AND *na rvueu. I/AIWUJ, V/» U»»»"» int. uumn tan 1 ntalMI ough of C»rt«ret on June IB, 1M3 aumnlna Rlbus, 3 Take notice tlui JOHN SANDOR At Al Stojka's Tavern, have applied applied to the Mayor and Oommon ObjaciW ( M (1) The employees In the Deport- TO FIX THEIR COMPENSATION " Tavern, have applied to the Mayor corporation are a: at 8 P -' Council Chunbera, Carleret, N. J t/a tttmUurn Tavern, hiu applied U to the Mayor and Common Council Council uf the Borough of Caitertt 1 lintll Borough Hall, Cooke Avenue Car- ment ot Parks shall be paid as BB IT ORDAINED BY TUB and Oommon Council ol the Bar- Roosevelt I Avenue, ~-.~..,., ...... th.e Mayor and Common Council o of the Borough of Carterei for' ator u Club license No. CB-J for« [* J,,,,,A- teret N. J., at which time and follows: MAYOR ANTJCOTNCIL OF THE ough of O&rteret, for a Plenary Palm, c&trl. 319 Carteret Ave,, Cw- Plenary Retail Consumption license 1 HfmOUQH OP CARTERBT' H*ta4 eonaumpUou license No. C-5, teret, N. J,; Theresa Donovan, 10 tb* Borough of Oarteret lor premises sltuaitd at 734 Rooatf*lt ough of''"" ;' place all persons Interested will be The Park, auptriaUswhat shall be Plenary Retail Consumptlou UoSBScilto. 0-13 lor pmrflsee situated st Avenue, Ctrurel, N. J. paid an annual salary of $5100.00. 8«OTION 1. Section a' of the lor promises ultuated at M-52 Wash- polk Ave, Uarteret, N. J. I- tiveu an opportunity to U beard. lion i. oecuou i QI UU ~« i»«»"~» f •"-—•• — >-r— ; • Objections, If any, should be. made No. C-« lor premises situated at J6 10-1" "2" "--•-Hudso-n =•—Street• , "-——OarUret•, »N . •J. Objection*, If any, should be made PATRICK FOTOCN1G Tb* Puk Foreman, tba Senior •ntltled ordinance Is hereby lag ton Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey Hudson Street, Carters!, New Jersey Objections, if aay, ebould be made Park and tbe Park MalnWoanc* B4 & follows: opjecuons, u any.snouia v< «•»• unme41stely In wrltlni! to: Patrick ..niruedlnUly in wrlUnii to: Patrick Borough Clerk - to readI: Th u eJoUows eaid PoUc: * Ds- immediatelObjectiony* IIfn any writin. ahouig dt oW Patric •»««•k Potocnlg, Borough Olerk of tbe Bor Objection*, It anv, should be mad* nmedlatoly In writing to: Patrick Potocnlg, Borough Olerk oft 'tu* Ilia tad full umt Ubflrar tball bunediately lu writing to. Patrick .elovulg, Buiuugb Clwk uf the O.F. e7*761 *">« b» juld M tb* bask nt* d Tr" naroMS.WWt aL the Borough of Oar- Potoonlg, Borougb olerk ot the ough of uanent, Hew Jeitey. 01 c«rter*t, N*w Jersey. ILKS Potocnlg, Borough Clerk of thBorouge h of Certeret, New Jersey, 1 Signed) OIUHNANCI #1U jw hour. Sr«t thaU eonitat of one <1> BorouBh of Carteret, New Jertey. JSjfi*?' ' .„ , -«,„, T Borough of Carteret. New Jersey. (Signed) 1 Th* Park Attudant ahall b* paid, Chief Oi Police; one (1) Deputy (Signed) CITY LINE HAH It QRUt. Inc UKRAINIAN AUIRICAN ORDINANCE TO AMEND _. 1J (Signed) ALKX-OSTOJKA, JK ct nraTLro ''A ,aui>. at tne basic rate of $1.54 perOWrt of Pollw one (1) Captain- JULIUS DARAB Olovanln* Rlbun, p • cirmiNe OLUB hour. fuur (4) Lieutenants; and nine HOSE DARAB 3 Roosevelt Avenue JOHN SANDOR HEKTHA STOJKA 1 Pits 1 tliur.u.. W. UktUn r^»«—..' TO AN ORDINANCE SN- t/a Il<.rt it Al Swjka'a 'I'tm: 1 The Park Batroliuau and put Unit (») 8ei«eanU; and such number t/a Darab'* Tavern. Carteret, M. J. t/a Uandor's T»v«rn 1 » 'he work .sale; October 28, auction and' 0 •Vi'd to It*' ' ** Student Ornanization. spaghetti dinner; November 17, 1 flri t l8C1 vlsllrd '.,", colonial' T* * P ' **> ^ theatre party for "Cleopatra"; was Bear Mountain where the February, square dance; March, group ate lunch and was given fashion show; April, Chinese time for picture taking. The »tu- GAIL HORN auction; May, Mother's Nite . . dents later proceeded to bloloiv nt the 130th annual and donor dinner. >i-'s of the cement exercises of the The June Membership pro- (irst Hall Central Connecticut State Col- gram will be a "Strawberry NKW OKHltHS — t'ictured above are the newly installed oflicers of tbe St. Elias P.T-A., lie m Nt'w Britain, Conn., on Festival." from left to right: Mrs. John llubiak, secretary; Mrs. Andrew Pirnik, treasurer; Father Mrs. John Oeorge. .SuncLy. Hostesses for the board meet- Augustine Medvigy, pastor of St. Ellas Church; Mrs. John Lehotsky, vice president; and Mh.i Horn has been selected Ing were, Mrs. Harold Levitz Mrs, Andrew Galvach Jr., president. trip tlv chll- During thr assembly program Mrs. Marvin LlebowltS!. •sy Ro* house hip in Kappu for degrees at the annualj comencement exercises to be 17 g Vf lhflr Umt> l Begin 60th Anniversary^'our Graduate List. She has also held at Monmouth College this'If M , Herhert to' th"e good of the° school Mr "> other COlleHiato activities Saturday. ; Yarcheskl nav>' the awards to include the MART TOTH At Seton Hal1 the Student Council members At Confession! At Zion Lutheran Church ,. ,and to the workers on the Hot- ,, Georwe S. Turk, B.S. and Robert | CARTERET _ After several . -•>.*'„ -J'** Sale committees. Awards Association, Sciencf CARTERET — The obsen-the various ethic groups In the Bler, the Spirit by the Rev. Frederick Noeldeke, .ectu.y Not If They're Good Tin Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox ical Lutheran Church, 712 Brown gave to tin- pa- J and various class und Roosevelt Avenue, began last DJ>, fifteen years; the Rev. K. of You've been convicted four Church. 17 youngsters made ••------J i-l,« Tin,, trol team and Mr: Krepper, nine years and the Rev Burubra .t, coancil committees urn times of this offense —[their first confession and re-i Sunday with the celebration of 'Klwiear to the cheer "*•"• i m September Miss Horn will ---. • toWed holy communion at Sun- Holy Communion. The preacher Karl Klette, seven years, ashamed to ovn Over the years the church — •- ~" "" .begin teaching biology in the- ' \day'Avo ka, Joann Marie Kovacs, Susan them will be replaced. Cnrmen PolU- Marko, Karen Melntck, Olsa The anniversary banquet has Moklak, Anna Sitarz, Gregory: been scheduled for Wednesday, The present pastor, the Rev. >• time there Willis Morgan Boss, came to the United Jewish Community News Bamburak, Kevin Bamburak,' June 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Par- Robert Bruce Dumansky.j ish Hall. Former pastors wiU beiCarteret, and began his minis- Wayne Stanley Szwed, Michael; special guests and the main try at Zion on January 1, 1962. Carteret Joseph Ezymanifka. I addres will be delivered by thePastor Ross had served two Rev. (John Hundiak, pastor, | Rev. Edwin H. Knudten, D. Dan. d was an Air Force Chaplain addressed the children impart-i LL.D., president of the EvangeJ- othebeforre pastoratebe s ln New Jersey, ing to them the blessings of the jical Lutheran Synod of New beforChurche bein. g called to the local ihurch. church on this solemn ooca-i JULIUS KIS1I Jersey, of the Lutheran Church slon. Presented with religious in American. Toastmaster will Members of the anniversary medals-by St. Demejrlus Par- be William Sibber, the annlver- committee are William Sieber, chairman; Paul McDermott; iers Association, or- W-jsary committee chairman. En> Frederick Kohler. Mrs. John namented ^andles by the board jtertalnment will be provided Haas, Robert Peterson, James of trustees! of the church, and iby Lisa Jacobsen and Company. Kushner, Frank Hill, Miss Lydia certificate^, the children were ' The Anniversary observance guests of St. Ann's Auxiliary: Nering, Mrs. Walter Drlemal, will conclude with an open Henry Jabs, Mrs. Samuel Mln- aer- at a communion breakfast house for the community on served at the St. Demetrius uccl, and Mrs. Otto Blech- Kath- Sunday, June 16, at 4 p.m. Of' sehmldt. Brown Community Center. ficials of th(| borough, the local John Hundiak, pastor . Ed- catcd this Sunday clergy, andlother guests have iiiiiiu M I'liiiiB. June ", can- of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Or- I been invited to this event. After 1-30 PM. at Beth Israel Ceme thodox church, will be the cele- Rauenbuhler : a service in the Church at whlqh Installation l'.« The yomi brant of the divine liturgy at .the Rev. William Luger of Chrlfct evening services, 7:30 All Saints Ukrainian Qrthodox .*tudylni j Lutheran Church, Jersey City, The SaturdaJ morning, Jun ln New York Qity next Bus Mitzvah of Robert | will speak, thejre will be refresh- Dinner, June 25 lor Congregation services, have 8mijy He wiU for tlii> JOHN HltHillTON d a^isted by will be celebrated Friday lr ments on the church grounds e th Fathera sltneon Hayuk and CARTERET — At the May for veiling June 7. 8 P.M. been discontinued for the sum and in the Parish Hall. Exhibits •Hi VOWS. meeting of the Carteret Busi- Sabbiith morning services of the work of the local Church ness and Professional Women's In obsen' j Melech, assistant larents hostesses, arranged a 1 ""•'•t of the mo.s' SiiUlmth evening Services, 8 [pastqr of St. Demetrius Church "•''v Trinity w weekly feabbath party for theand secretary of Zaporoska were completed, for the Instal- I'M, to which it belongs will be on 9.30 a.m. and •hlldren. whloh contributed Sltch, local lodge 342 of the display. lation Dinner to be held on nantor, the Rev Tulis and Tfllln — 9 A.M.,reatly to this project. Ukrainian National Association Tuesday, June 25th at the Brass i(f The early residents of Car- Sunday morning. Junior Congregation services will attend a conclave of the 1[Bucket in Woodbrldge. >s«, will preach JOHN SOTAK »rct of the Lutheran faith meet AW begin again on the second secretaries thereof to be held The dinner, committee is "HIP Dl.stinjjtlv The Bus-Mltzvah of Roberta jiformally In private homes for JOSEPH SOWINSKI at Its summer estate ln Ker- CAitTERET — Three Car- assisted by Mrs. Wanda Ander- "anm, daughter of M. and Mrs. Saturday of September. levotlons until July, 1902, when CARTERET — Commence- honksen, N. Y. With 76.000 ret residents are among those! headed by Mrs. Judith Sohayda '"' mtt'U in tl' Union, will be celebrated on 'lrst services were conducted In :niit exercisas for 1047 graduate 1 members In the United Btates ho are candidates for degrees son, Mrs. Klein Luokel, Mrs. Hel- » 30 am. M- evening, June 7, 8 ?.MJewelers Annivenary Fire House #1. The parish was and undergraduate candidates ; w and Canada and t27J)00,000 in ,t the State University Rutgers en Collins, Mrs. Betty Hoch- r. general su ..„ Justice Congregation ifflcially organized April 7,1903. will take place ln two separate The celebrant w/lll conduct Sale Starts Tomorrak assets, this national organiza- ,t New Brunswick. felder and Mrs. Mary Markow- '••id the staff HV Commencement exercises were The Rev. Otto Heydenretch was ceremonies on the SHon HP.U ie entire evening services. The CARTERET — OWld Jeweleto, tion Is now conducting a cam- Itz. Thft scholarship award will ,eld yesterday. The three from its first pastor. The church University campus this Satur- i: MM'ipturul recitiatlon will be 97 Roosevelt Avenue Is celebrat- paign with a view to boost Its be peraented at the dinner and the week In lUildlng begun tp the fall of day. i! Din the Book of Proverbs, The ing Its .fourth AnnWemry with membership to 100,000. Secre- 3ar'teret are Julius Leon Klsh new members honored. ,803. was completed in the Among them are the fgllowlng uus-MiUvah certificate will be a saty which starts tomorrow. taries of local lodges are in-J4 George Street, with a B.S Annual reports wAe presented .' 'I'm,; Luthernr iprlng of 1004, and was con- Carteret residents, Joseph Sow- 1 by the Jewish Cora- strumental In this ambitious degree; Heten Toth, Hermann by the various committee chair- • i. Monday, 7:? ' Paul iQoldweltz, owner of the inskl and William Walsh, Mary liiiiilty Center. campaign. Avenue, bainelor of arts, Doug- secrated by officials of the Gen- men, The president, Miss Gin- •^'inlviTsary Bar store, stated that this Is his an- A. Bradley and Helen S. Pritltt. lloburta will be inducted into .asfi, and John Alexander Sotak, eral Council of the Lutheran ger Sherry gave her report on . ''-u-isli Hall, 6:v nual "thankthank, .y.yoou sale" to the :;ii 11 it jowlsh Community by Rab THE PRESIDENTS JET 56 LouU Stpeet with a B.S. de-Church in America. The pastor- »H Troop, 205 people of Carterett t lol r their papat the state convention and Mrs l! i,i Morton 3. Baum. A recep 1 gree. al residence was completed in IS ACCEPTED '' ' Choir Rcheur- dig" - d' bi [Mary Hlla, newly elected persl- Uon-klddussh Iln ,honp,hoi»r piof thf 1914, and the parish hall In 1925.dent, also presented her report CARTERET — Misg Rosa- ,'4'. "f I'm,; Brownie linda Joan Stern, daujjht-T of s will folio* -the sex- OMPLETE8 FBOGRAM Because all of Its founders on the convention. • • 'H(ii-day, 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hartld Btern <*f KDWAKU It VAN CARTEBET — MUB Yvonne were of German background, ln An auditing committee was h u on page thre of todays paper. 188 Washington Avenue, and "' 'irailiif Art CAUTEKET On Saturday i viceThse final day of Hebre' pekola of 21 Tenryson Street Its early years Zton Church was elected and consists of Mrs. Ed 1 iu d !nt t'iiiii to clean out mornlnif two Carteret men w"'| ,eglstratlon of New »tu The Air Force fan-Jet Bosing Carteret, was among 54 student a language parish. Over the Q , chairman, and Mrs. * » . ! K ol S wln uln 4 be among the 1,370 Candida ^ " wil'ffl bbee SundaySunday> , JunJunee , dt nurse* from Elizabeth and years, however, the GermanJHelene Lelmpeter, Misa I, Is on* of I ;u for degrees to be awarded by Perth Araboy Hospitals, whf have been acepted for admission i-^t'red Cactus Joe, :vn^n 16:30 ami U:» A* language yielded more and more Feryo and Mrs. Mary Ference. completed a year-long pre " ttc^fs are only Falrlulght Dickinson University All students entering the He- to tbe English. Last year Ger- Mrs. Quln was fiostess to th«f_°_» clinical mating program la* clal sciences for superior stu- ls we know they're at Rutherford. First Grade, and TIM plane'made the flight tc man language yielded more and dub members at her home for "'"' week at Union Junior College dents. The Institute will be held '" Jump uny board They are John Brighton, B.S.Ibrew I»;IIU«» *«»« , . more to the English, Last year this meetlne. Cranford. at Ooucher College ln 'l'owson, In electrical engineering and tho primary classes are required! STUKMis. Marcinlak Kwere srmarriejd --•-iand 42 secondss — th--» futesst jGerman services were dropped Edward Ryan B.S, to register in the Spring, for fall theory torpedo Maryland, from June -4 to July June 7, 1933 at the Holy Fun- flight ln either dlreotlon be The graduating Btudents iep- attendance. 26. "'•ul Cooper In former lily R, C Church. Mrs. Marcinlak tween the United State* an< j?a ,re«ent 21-•4 eommunltleui«a. lin N«IKNew[ A Leomonumenn Greenwaldt ln memor. y of J Dr., is the former Albert* Qregal. Russia. i «llament told Jjeratf and from SO town* and dent ''of. Jew I igltieg ln New York state, IL-EB- Thursday, June 6, 1963 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR terest in the r ™*' Stewart Grot* \ri Thr establishment of a Fly' Up Ceremony and I Christian Science Society in Board Problems report on work 'Retardation' Hares BnriRkok, Thailand, tu cited Held by Brownies iby the committee. as one of the latest addition* to I6ELIN—Mrs. John Hinllchy. Hospitality was arranged by ISBLIN - niewiut COLONIA—Plans wore form- the church's more than 3,200 Council Topic troop consultant, officiated at Final Meeting Mrs. Anthony P. Graham and Park Avenue, was i,llmr(1 Subject of Talk ulated for a "Day at. the Races'' I con R retentions, a combined Ply-Up Ceremony AVENEL — The last reBular, ; , Rolomatls. COL/ONIA — Board of Edu- Mrs Lou)J maater of Puck 38 m when the Innd ralMn« rommit- In their annual message to of Brownie Troops of Iselin COLONIA — "AI fliM. it was cation members will participate meeting of the Junior Woman*! meeting. tee of Sinai Chapter of B'nai the meet Ing, The Christian , sponsored by »n thought that nientn] retarda- B'rlth met tills week. ln a discussion on the future Club of Avenel for this club Holiday Barbecue tion was Inherited." Miss Vin- Science Board of Director* de- St. Cecelia's PTA. Winner of the ,.,„- The Sinai and Irvingtonj scribed the major distresses In goals, responsibilities and prob- bne^hundred" Brownies re- year was held at the Avenel- For Honored duetts Derby eenzla Clnnci <1i CIOMCI while lems confronting the Board « Crni.; |lt Chapters are sponsoring a dayi tin world "symptoms of a celved their wings, passed un-'Colonia First Aid Squad build- - A barbecue wa.s . . ftddl-essitiE the final meeting of when the Parent-Teacher Pres- Awar(Is were pr(lli( n at Monmouth Race track with' drviMir up of outgoing love. der an arch of flowers and re-'ing. A secret pal revealing par- u the season of Holv Inimcrnts idents' Council of Woodbridge proceeds benefit! Inp B'nnl They called for a "compassion- ceived their Girl-Scout pins,;tjty was combined with a Riadu-"/'" Society at Our Lady or Pence 1 Township meets at 8:IB tonight B'rith, Mrs. Mi'yer Suhlosky, itle. outieachlng love for man- atlon party for Mrs. John Egan Avenue. Memorial Day,I Donald Hut*on. b,,, Church, Fords. in Woodbrldge Hluh School becoming Intermediates, t ch.urman announced. kind" H.S the basic remedy. has becom^a membrr birthday of onp B°ld Rnd one Elaborating on her topic of. were 11 Tickets will BO on .sale start- The retiring president, Ralph "Mental RptnrdMton Miss Ci- mi' next week Donor credit | E. Wa«ere of Chicago, also em- and of State DetiHrtmciit °r will be wen members For phasized the Importance of re- Mrs. Egans conwiDu- »•• Rahwa wno iPft Tuesday ' Education iisMunnd to Essex information cull Mrs. ,spondlng to the "Impulsion of both outgoing and incoming Itions to the club as a member^; ^ ^ . and Oregory Chambers, i,,, County to work on all phases gjijlosky H. E. Schroeder; Troop 39,1 nnd for Mr , FU8-S226 divine l/)ve." He said It would presidents of the parent-techer and president for two terms i6 Zlener Wf-stfleld, and assistant denm, Of fftchiiiR ns Director o( Child OliVtiX help to bring the "spiritual cli- groups in the school system will was presented by Mr*. James ^ ^ . | ,ida. Arthur Koromi, i^,,,- ,, B'.rdy, add"d later it was dis- MondBy f0| P 0 mate" in which all the great be Others attendlnK besides the gold arrow, William covered that nnly a small per- problems of the world can be TroopM15 , a meeting ]mmvf(i guests were Mrs, Klen- «*?. bear bad«e Hh Dubell. lion IKWIJI ch'ldren," document* given to Senate In- the June 3 Annual Meeting gold arrow; John n;,n, Musical Program vestigator* as evidence of al- and Troop 230. Mrs. Daniel Middlesex County Detention Pointing out it wasn't until -CougratulHtioius to Mr. and of The Mother Church, The Flanzbaum. Home by Mrs, George Yules badge; Robert Fnlinre to jleged grow corruption ln the sistant Dinner's sn;;„-. ; after the war it was rcn- Mrs. Joseph DeScnn. West First Churrh of Christ, Sd- COLONIA — "Welcome iv,.«yiiir.-, „# Ti^tf^ <»..»*. »„,. i • irevealed that more housing ls Uzed those people are humiui Arthur Place, on their seventh au r f 8taW IOr Palchook, Deiinn's t entist. In Boston, Masssa- Fantasyland" wae the theme of,"*" , J« ° ™ "!sCHOOL AID PROBLEMS needed to alleviate overerowd- »nd should be trained. Miss wedding anniversary. Guests elgn aid ln IranT . chunetts. a musical Interlude Into the Senator Rlbloofl (D. Conn.Ung at the home. Condolences to Mrs. George Robert Lewis, lion ;> Ciancl stated, "In 1954, there at their home Saturday evening Chairman McClellan of the for Beverldge and Mrs. WilllanMwo year pin; Mu',,i iland of make-believe provided Senate Investigations subcom- proposed use of tax deductions' Letters of appreciation were only two classes [or train- were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pltz- and a shared time plan a Key the club's stance were re- "-•^.^^0^^ man^ ™£*^^ able and educable children We simmons and sons, Robert and ;the children of 8chool 22 mittee said: "These documents, S still have a Rreat cnmimmity Thomas, and Mrs. Helen Roh' Church Members through listening to a program if corroborated, point to grossipoirrta In a program to end the.ceived from P«^^mboy Oeii- unclr. l?lven by the scnool s corruption and misuse of funds religious battle ove" r Federa---•—-; The adtasa land Avenues is now accepting was presented term wilill be hheld on September Ln The First Church of Christ, WAGON 23 at St. John Vianney Church, registration for Sunday School HAWAIIAN PUNCH and Hebrew School classes for — known as The Colonia. „ . Mother Church — before sev- the raining term *hlch will be- era, thousand members from YELLOW -in in September. -all over the world inciuding OR The most modern school £acil- , 46-e ;Woodbridge Township A $1,00 or MORE of ANY con ties and an excellent teaching, Tney heard annual reportfi RED staff help provide a child with from many church depart. 3 a well rounded Hebrew educa- mmts indicating strongier rell- BOTTLED SODA tlon. For further information jKiou .s acUvity and Interest SO yean «f experience (••- On* coupon ptr family. WI **VA«JN 0, MAXWEl HOUSI New & Beautiful contract Rabbi Herbert Witkin,iam 0 ,e terint good will in bniincM Coupon good thru JUIM Ith 382-16B8|orPU 1-7222. , La].ger numbeK ,0, high •nd community life. BRASS BUCKET school and college students are For information oa , attending church lectures, ap- Welcome Wagon to MlUOorSOS I plying for membershSp, sub- SOAP PADS GiontSJu SWEET PEAS DEL MONTE and scribing to The ChrUtian Sci- • COLONIA DUNCAN MINIS ence Monitor, and sending in II CAKE MIX Ytlow or D«vil Food HOLSUM MUSTARD SALAD STYLE 18 (Cocktail TC their own articles to the reli- • AVENEL gious periodicals, it was re- FRUIT COCKTAIL DEL MONTE OR DOLE 9 SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP LUNCHEON luted. Among the outstanding • ISELIN lO'/i-oi V com Daily 11:30 to 3:00 F. M. spiritual healings reported at TOILET TISSUE POLY BAG 10 by Sun Call :AMPBELL S SOUPS DINNER • PRESCRIPTIONS |£ZSXTr ' WEEKLY Daily 3:10 to 11:00 P. M. • COSMETICS ME 4-0951 Frld.ij and Saturday 'TU UM BONUS SPECIAL H TRADING STAMP. Sunday, Nuou 'TU 10 1'. M. If ron reside In • FILM SUPPLIES POLORON'iGAL BRASS BUCKET • GREETING CARDS • WOODBRIDGE 1 BOOK SPECIAL Charcoal Steakhouse • SEWAREN JUG T0WAM, V. S. 9 & MAIN SJTREKT PUBLIX PORT READING | MHMH Priu WOOUBKIDUE PHARMACY SI.H Knervulluill ME4 9118 FORDS 91 Mam Street, Woodbridtc With o Food PurthoM CALL ofHOOofMoc. LARGE 10 FT. x 20

    "around the comer or tt 4-2759 \ COUPON 3 year around the world " WIRE WALL CARTEREt ' W O It T M RONALD SCHOFIELD toward the puf chat* ot,,. unconditional RESD3ENTS JOHNSON &JOHNiON POOL Pearlite Zriorist CALL 980 gallon copatit*. Heavy written with 5x3 m«h 9alvaniied YEAR (HSAKANlKli; 105 Lake Ave., Colonia Valvt. FV 8-6110 ME 4-9340 W. «lth trot baby guarantee! nail file. Sterile - Other paints may nay +. "guaranteed" but PKR- HIt puU" H In writing. "COOL OFF" SWISS CHEESE When you apply this ben- Piui on* tiH.d book ol baliunal new vinyl paint, at OM CMfM tm Tavern, Inc.• Liquor MODERN LIVING Corner William & New Strata • Wine WOODBRIDGE SUNDAY TIL 8:00 P.M. BRACHER'S WALLPAPER Ik PAINT WOODBR1UGE .1 MK 4-2M5 Woodbi;idge "Betty and Joe" — Phone HE 4-873* 116 Main Street i We ntetva «)M right to Hut sjiwart». Nut f lyfn»ia«ihkal Price* «H«i)** thn*Ju ""