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April 1970 Daily Egyptian 1970

4-17-1970 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 17, 1970 Daily Egyptian Staff

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., ...... , .,.., ,~-- . 'nit Cenaalak CJry c:c-cu TlIMde1 ...... ~ '...... ,.. a&. 51 _ oI_d17 ...s _ bact IX> ....aIIlee tbe Cartlolldale TraM- ponadoa PJaa. III • 01 _ -. ... CouKIl tint ___ !he plu IX> eli_Ie, re_ 01 Ib.. :11 ...s ex=woo of Willow Street. diu ...... ID ...... me __ pIaD • ...s IIJlally -...s III eeaI me pIaD badt ... commlnee lor furlher _ ,. The aaion came .. ...- Of • ....-pn., alter • meed ", Ibl. wed bertreen CIIY. cauN}' &lid SJU o!ftcl_I, clurq wblcb me ",loudon 01 R •• ~ I . .. • PJ)%'O"e

7 meedJl&. The _ were IX> bdp ftIIanc:e Sene d>e PeapIe·. peal control and People'. Gardlu projecU. The ~ DIO~l1I4/D ... _ by IUIaMa SItazMa. eJecdoiIa CDr."mlaalGDu• • WedooadJI,.. Sen.. m...... Ellte John Way. c:balzm .. of d>e 5eaMe PIAaDu Com­ ._. lIDIeI d>e SenMe ella wIlll" cIeflclu ... 111 _. _. _ .... be tun.. ~TrecI 10 _ KCOUIIb from ~" ..m 11\ d>e bIact.. Way .au d>e clefl<:l,. exIa m alllJ,. III ..,.. __ for operatiGUl _ae.. ~-.s. III tbe _ KIlJ III tbe b18<'~ .,... alre8dy _mined. W.,. &ald. __ be ....Y&II- IIble itt InUfe.r Inro cIetk:It -. IUdw'd Wallace. __ booIy 9ke presi- .. ancI ebaJrm .. of tbe SenMe • .au_ ~ payroll boan _ !>aft IX> be nc\IIcecI. He wcl tbe reduc:daaa _ ...... ,utal,. III tbe bou .... worbel by ao.creta.rI" •• "-... 01 """"' cID Hale wort, ond ....,e of ""'""G'-llI are aaIcI~1YlD& Tbu nclay" u,_ e ..&al __an".. of " ...... mm_ expdJtllru _ be ...... , &IIonJ,. by bJ. ofI'\c.e, Go Bod Fest 'fate' on ,the line today'

.... y 0., 1'_. A""- recr-...... HarJ-... -.e pr"" .. •.. lWeI '''I DooiIr~"' _" •• c_l_e 01 .. AprIl 1 ... \&1 ... Aiel, "H..-pet'" lW_ aU OW _ ... .. tbo IJIr dd~ -­ ancI d:>trd call. 10. dpl "- .... .an CI'CI1JI doe .... _ .... do .. _II,. ADd I d>,,* Tile C __~...., Cltlzfl!o 01 SouIbr", '0 ~ cIocu~ "".IInJJIII-" II~ are ra4J: pnpar.- dItKee! Iut PrKt c .a.J.Ircod tar ... J.a.rte arrDCII8 • _,. ncaa1,. _ad 0.-. n:p1aJnc,d r • ...s BUI • """ '" SJU·. •... burl.. IUIII Aiel, "Tbia WlU be ...... -7 "''''''-~".-"'"'te-.• ...... &atI ..... f t.r _ t lrDr a p-a:If at COOC'e'1'ad c. I ...... _n l._ ... _.... WIll ~ I If doe PrICe diu _ , ... Iopl .0.- .we . roct __ U be ...... "lcaUll"'-"_- tlOL ~ ...... fllee! by CCIDCU'a­ a.r: n:!a ...... I ...... •• cu...... -Jol. C lthj1lri _,.. wtJI br beard Prier AJd lie baa _ IOUCb pna r<'pO'''' DC ...... ,.... WI ..__ In>ra Ind.... WID dar"" .... ~ 10 .... IOdeJ .. _r ..., ~ oIIlaa... "" ...14 the}-...... iI_ , ~ 0. caUa tar • • eD>­ -.....1) ~ lorn lor 1M nol. a .. ~ • .old MIT 4JXXj t A •..IIO • 0.-_._ ..... 0- p·.... n ' .. , _ - - <1IjoIa Dlp.u. del_reel a bnrf . ' Ie< dIr) t-...aTe a • ~ ... ..,... ~r bo~~ FOP>- ~lICI . """"1 'e;:n---.01 ~-- . PLUS


NOW 11IRU APRIL 19 TUES. -~ ildren of the Dammed

Dai~y Egyptian ...... 0.--...... -,----­...... ~ ...... ~...... I2ID1...... _ - ~- . ,.. - • ·.. · u ...... - --­ ~ ...... '1- '-:' .. '4 .' " UI01. .. .:.& .';' ~ ~. \- .• ~ ,....." .. o.e,t...... 1. ' ---. ~ \ . " : , ...... ~ ...... --...... J '. • :::;...... ":.1-...... ' . .. -.- . '.!- ~~ ...... ,.... - . '- 4.... :.:"' _.. --..._...... ~ " __ .-.:0...-...... tIdl-tIcL.tI _.__ .... -.. -. - _l1li' . !115M 0IUt __., ----.--- c-~ ..... STUll'!lMR ~m · WlDi ·SlIIIPID =-=-=...=..=.=:-. ..'-. T....,'-',...... ,_... ~---r ~j ST~ ' " ___' ''C51 ::.-:.-;:~=. ---00- =.",!,IdIIllY UIIlII1 ' __ ...1UIl ... -- --.-- ...... ii. SAiiTii.IA.suINii. 12r: OO=;- ~l~: S;O;-;S~: 40~-:'~: lO;;.:9::: :20==~ OKN ~ lO . ST"R' J ,OS NO~ THR TUES. OHE 0,. THE V(AA"S 10 • B£ST "'CTull£S - N. V. TINtS


...... NIIUY 1lAftna.. _.IeDMD... 1I £!} ~7m IWAIIOS fW#EII OF 3 Of....,.. ~ GIG \oQIIGS 5Lf9IJ I'E1fFOIWIIICE .A •. AS 7HEM C .. 1I{6T ~jICTDR ~c-cr PIIiI~t-I ' ''IIqII~ ,,~,,~ U'.t!.a;:rc '=.-;::. ~o~al~~ a-. ne~afY ___ " PolIIIcal ~ ...... activities C,,,t.U •• F .....U •• ~Sedur--' 508rll.". ~: He. _. t...dI. •• "S L .T_ c-a.: ~lt~. ClII*IIII ~ Pt.", m-. A __ -..w- HaP ...... ~ ;.111 .. 'lhdYerWtry TlIarn, C, '.., l!iIKa- J:»-Il"-:~ pam- IWI C-_'nrfo.. BoJIAIbIs. dO!W. OJ:. YoctdouI ~ . a,.; 7- 1t -I1,IV., TIcbu ...aIbIIle .. co.- ~ for ~..... HaIl · ~. mWllc:aiou ~ 80s deale _ --- Is Offlc• ~- . • -., -.,.- pa.- AJmu...... , Oep."t.e..~ - --- -. eru.Cooaaellal_Tea- ~ .~ ... P,..Ic. $l,OO. 111& Center. ... bla,- ' ~of bIdIM -,...... MobOe W~: A NIdd- S ...... A. Wedl. Lear0tJJ" am quare. __ ~ ,.111',' Home ec-Ica , P"-~l. . ~ --.. 002A; "All Uncola 1_ SdIocII. c-aeu.. ... T .... ee.- I.dt ... AIIJaau Tbeary" Soul llen mtnotiE4iiD11al un WJlJe"AuIoIiaT-. 7'30,. Home ~ A •• ocIUlolI ~ 3,.111 •• Co.".ellll'_ ";""lca:.;.Gm 1408. Tom 1qI."...... CG8eo THrInJ caar...... ZbIdem .. ~ SodAl Hour. 9:30 a.m.;...... Square. IkdIdtIIJ A. ... H...... foDowIaJ 7:30, p.m. 10,30 a.m._ aDd 2,1s...... __ .. leaa U lecture. . • p.m. ; L....:I>eoa ...... Sen- '-"--bdDre aam. alor C'!U1" Perq, .,eal<- WMre tr'. All Coffee Haue, e r, noon , Un"'enIr}' Ceo- 9 p.m.-2 a.m., Newm an rt..£ASE (HAIRY TALE ur. Ballroom Co Center, 715 S. WaaIIIapDn. WJtITE A JournAllam Week Banquet. p.." PoIt, Pllcb. ~t";" WillIam L. White ••pral< ...... free. er, 7 p.m .• Unl.era ll y~· -Iacr- Vanlly Chrla10n Fel­ LA T1: SHOW ~' te r, Ballroom.. Iowtlblp: "'_lnl,7- 9p.m., Sc-allon r'Wbam BuUdInI. Room 112. ~RIII'" ~ s"rURUAY AaaoclaUon: ~at1on. Aq\,l.,e ue l: P r act:i.u'. 5-7 ATIlOOPM S A.m •• Unl.erolly Ce",er, If.m .. Pulliam Hall Pool. CaUery Lounle. Women'. Recreat_ton Aa.ocl- Seminar 01"1 Multlple Linea.f arJon- Rec.relli'ln 7- 10 Rea..Te.alon: Meettna.. 8:30 . Gym. Room. 20" and APRIL MllSICAL FEST! • . m.-S:30 p.m .. Unl •• nlry CCI'lter, R.enaba.ance Room. Luncbeon, noon. CAPSu LE REVIEW C~ nter POt VlemameK

SCVdI •• : Lecture " P rob- Thu n:xnptla UCX l u t I.1W' !.&J,r n ~ ll'M'1CIIn7'M-T ... • l lem. 0" ModeTnlz.tlon in (1 .... MClntrrM Pop f"T-a.t J •• 1 ~ _yll ~ and _ III al Po.r War Soutbeaat Am •• •• \ r .. ("1 ~T~ oC J ~ l"OC"t a.nd bI .... mua.k 0 A Prot.. .., r lobn F. Cady, fo*T- hn ytoe..t.r--1 . -00 rn..w t.h,. ciocutrH-n t.a..r)' on U\f" . prater, 7:30 p.", .• A,"­ .urt a nd p"~"Uoh. l! l) (If Bob o,.ta.n w1Ul - [)on t culrure Seminar Room . 1..00& 8.w:& - ~.nlLa .. .oUd n"t"(JI'cbnc 01 ,.., mtMk SJU Newcomer.' Club: Square til ~ ~lm&I'I ClDkJr b lo..., 1.4) fl"Oln 11a1m nw Danclnl, 1-11 p.m . • Agri­ .tn ,~ . ,ound . r ~ Uv rff",", 0" ('2'"'OW"cb U. culture 8uUdin •• Room 166. ..ho ... n II' Ulf' ..ackbchU TIl( ~ "".tI Srudent Actl ~ It Ie. FUm, d l tr"~l u.k WKIU Lt esorlleru MUIILel.&na!iipOC.· "Moreen," 7:30 and 9:30'd a.n- thf> Wa.m.a..a. Ik Papa.a .11mmr Kendr1. p.m., 0 a y I. AuclltoT1um. 0Ua fUddlrc 8tmon 4r Oa..t"f\&nUl Ra vt Sha.nbt Admlulon ITee. and man, otlwn O'den e1lJ bit mtbra.Deod ... wdJ .. Warren HAll PUm, "5rranpr ,...... ,.- In Tdwn," 7,ao aDd 9:ao p.m .. PUrr Auditorium. Ad­ ml.alon,7SC. Lln .. I. U". Luncheon. noon , Unlve r aUy Cenrer. Mla- Il=" ~VERYOLJt:. BOX OFFICE a>oJS 10; 15 SION ~~ rr,:. R=T.~ 1111 Cm- COULl) ~AK~ A 61lJOCU T ALL SEA TS SI aJ rer: Luncheon. noon, Unl- TH E V,ARSITY THEATRE MANAGEMENT P;'~~~~~~'::'; GoOVE.RLlI •.\~ I..I.T LIK~ l+i~ IS ~O 0 ANU PLEASED TO PRESENT BIda, • a.m.-S p.m .. Unl­ MA.JOQIT"y' PNrrY CI>J-J , TH E SCRE.E.l'\'S ..rally Center, 01110 Room. Women', Recreation­ GrrOOD ~TU~UT GOVERUMOn'S GREATEST COMEDIAN lion: ~ illinpl. In­ AKI f~DI.fIJ. vll . llona! Volleyball Tour­ \VOULD).J'T t':>L ~o " J>. RF . nam ..n. (Women), Frlday­ FUNNrl@8T Monday. Compertllon •• ' ¥OIlBNTS JoC'~~:~~~...... U on Se"1ce Coreera, ,~:;;;;;:;;;;:;:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::~ Andy I( IMU (rom SCs, l­ GATES OPEN 7,(l(J I I o,JII .. "I;r"1aa1rure Sem­ Inar 1oonI. GOv(JuO.O() SHO,",' STARTS 7 30 Speech Oepaftm .... : Incer' '. .. N' : '''1 SHOW:-II'I p""'er·. WorUllop, ~ 10,30 p.m •• Hall, Room lSI. Peace Corpe Repre .....uye. 2-~ p...m .. tnr e rn.t I on.l Center LobI>y, Woody Ha!1.

l __ .. "'uu • $M(N&JI

& "'I..IoLW1~t1O*-""'" 01 ~, tUW< "BfJT ...... ,.~~... .. I t lMP,Il-. '" 1C11ItJS- ~ .... ~.-r

- .... O '!lo( O f you _-...0 to4AV{ \£[ .. oVfO l,.O 'Y(O ( ... A.r\.. I "'~ (OIlll(OV",I.O -:> V G c, . ... TO (H.)()'If' H •• A(i.AJ" - - - r...o'!lo( 0" ¥OU....-HO :( V {. HAV( OW( , T ': 0 VOUItSLLV[\ oUfO t H( UNtV(a\.Al -nw \41 I · SlaRT \fOIl" ~{[ O ,oa l "~'£. TO ,..,..t AOVAllrfAC[ O~ T .... S Of'9'O"'UN. f'l( on ' OLOR '" I'tRI tl'T n

To- "Today,"'iIJ ,9I1J!!1i!11!'. lIInII .. eann...... diiII. eM of~~'" rW-;-=*;.:: =,"2.~ 1M Col« . u.... lie ..... _ .,. all '. l...... -y of ,be IIIIIIk of NIIpo ~ •• far bkt .. 1901. -Ita _ • ~ Ie and Ida,Dri.UI of ,be WO- En ad Ia 1940 recelftd dw PIIllper Prtu lor IIw IIdll .... !llable "Wood- _ Wn-; LIla -.I LdI:er.. .. i.. "oPld Cray"""." be IIdl&bc1. III Ida ~lItob1op"ap1JJ. "Amencan C _cit.. (l9~1 . ht Itt• ••e . umem .0 c1tmocncy lbal ,.,.y be read ""Ib proll! .n Ihtae -\JIOD-'7 ACCOrcIIII, 10 pe~ em­ r.a d by ", o r e .....-. dian Tbe. Oall y .. "pam • prh1JepcI ...... ployed by aectlOIlin( and The DoUy EllYJllIan, EIYlltI_ ""'ch baa a let>pby paat hiatory 01 w. dOuIIt IbatMr,'VIIIIIII..ercouJdrecop1U die neat day for . I[htr .ppolntmtnu or ootne beautiful m ' apri.. . and retnc" .... 1 ony­ me m ..,. .miette """ uw me library and aectI~ .... 10 be TueadlY. AprU 14. wi y' .... e r mi.. ad.... beQuae hla biped noc Monday. AprU 13. Tbanu I,aln sru for eho..u.,lIAme " Tn.< and atereotypeern ApaUoetJC Ual.e r­ recoplu me_ .. pn-ferreJrapby : AI 10 me .mIetea pi...... ~U,.InC me _ OIl Fr1Il ht _ u.. ~. merely lJyeable and ... cball... It1ID ID ...... die tJPlcaI meal "" ~ (atbJ_ or _ 1 ._ In lbe urne 0ft\.CIUII0 ." t.a _ 10 Grad Council -head suggests ~_me. II I. unfor1\lllale tbIl dda .~ Uet".,t­ airy 110.. _ "-",, die Jiropar .mI_ fa­ elllde. lOr bOdI __1dIJ_ 11>4 tocta. cen·ter committee changes

If Mr. YoncIIftr ,. _ worrtecl aboar die It be ~I n ed. All doe rec:enI _ _ _ .. serf d ...." wIdcb ..-aIDa athI_ To TIle Dally EIYPCIan: mo. I -.ld lib " , "'nhtr clartty. lOr you die cenI __ of e-apIortn, doe Oft Ibll Ulllpua, be ...... d rw.r1c:I hIa """'­ and ocber penon_ concernc: n lclpa.l.... In • polley c::enur '. p r-~ non· tn'l'Ol .. t1TIent: in te<.h­ cram o r eM ~' .... Pal __eII t"f!'¥1e-_ of tJw Cetu er 'o r Vletn.unew Sr:uc1tca nlc.aJ ••• t.JnC.e p'f"'OIT'8m_ c:onu.nuea. 1M of our ~ II1II_ prcIInm wIdcb II<> and Proa:rama. center"_ ., .cack-mlc·' ~ r atlcwt. ml.,. w("11 oIrrtou&ly '*'" ~ ..... A. you boo•• tile 5 m«<1n1 10 relect !be .Iautc:~ proJect- COIVM!Ctc'd W"ttb VtaI:n.-m. baed kDoWIedp of how aKr ecl And flnall ) , doe perm __1 __ 01 IDOd we .. tny-It atlotl to pa, OlD [til(' commta er co..... baft II, _ . ~y ...... btm ••u.l>U _ 10 ~ r polIcy. a f_lIy-"""'" r-ollcy "",I.,... IImct10n I_ 10 Jotn uo lO r OM m _ 10 110 an -..,.. /01>: II otneW J u ne-I M. Ii~eon JlIDlor enIIo r oe-metlC by tile Unt. en Jry _""au ... Predoc'ftt Sodal ScI....,. ,_: II • ren- _ policy re-com_UJoa G r ad-u.C' SOadc.a c:.c:.tncll sn: F~I Tu", 0Cl all q ___ perulntna 10 doe ceaur. doe A. L D. CX>M:DCf. _ pr.-.r poIlncal cono_1tlon of o!>e ...ff . ttt.. SI • ...... ,r- Public Forum Campaign I~tter policy 1Ima._ IIw woWd tftCOm~ doe _ r aJ '-'" ~ 1..-- _____ ,, __ ~ o f UElIT"cratty 1J'l'y'Oh·emeGr fD teet.­ _____ M_ ckal ~~ ' I • rtTlrw fUDa::JofI m.r -....a..__ .... _ -..... ___ . .. .. -.. __... -....,...,,- _ --. .. Is pe",, __ --- __ 1Wf~-----.,_---- .... I c:btIa tIuIr ttw J"'IWr&l Idr. • polkT ------.. _._-""'------.. - ----...... - r"eT1 eow ..s nc::om~ contmlr'feolt t.. _._ ...... mr.tdl.. I _d l ike 10 line . .. per­ -----.--.. ,-- _.... ------....--... ,..- ~ ------..-. -,-.... poiIf bApa you ~ , ... ..-~_ 01 doe _. E.,..- .... ~ .. ------.-.~--~...-~---...... _a. "\ by penau p r up II> __1Y'e'n

Guess' who's at the Cellar this weekend! WOULD YOU BELIEVE ... The Street Corner Society

Doors Open at 8. Band starts at 9. The Only Nile Spot Open on Sundays with 112 price Drinks, Too

Only 8 minutes Stag Girls away. aeneath -SUNDAY ONLY­ the lagan Hause Pick Up Your in M'boro. FREE ADMISSION CARDS


U~on; a e fl!·~ would like to .ay• . _Cor< ...... tpftmm_ omce. ~. tbe iIaing8,you DoIIr ~ _ w_ Tbomu u.Id be .. tty\II& ED ~ baa Ill- set • tea. SI 'pu ..... of lid: II ""11 roc:ui .... cbe re..--. ID ~ dIe_ cbe Wall Street by~. ~ . Enter The Young Time for livin' ...... QliMnnbtI" for memberabtp TIle Ide. be/lIDd cbe Ten-. 18 •C~_r EIYJII T~ Unloo .. ED au- ~ 1m tIIcy come • Too busy 10 top and nOIie.­ u • body formed ...uur ID bmcl ~ ID bel" pres- And __ Oyin&. _ just sfidin& •r sure cbe bouaIn, omc~ aDd I~ thinp thot _ rnI ;dln, ID Tenant. UDlon IDdIYldul Imd10rda ID better R*-d ~f« year< of bdIIa kepi HI Ioi:lills bn~ to Ialk lboul orpnlur Bob Thorn .... cbe U"'" ~.espIaID_ Sotnr ..idI ...... _ deminns all lhe thlllp tlul I (.... baa thoaen- tbe ~ age cSrpoIIlt• • ImprOYe partin, Bul deawldinI .....,.ution OM by one I"~ taO lnnF. OC'\f'f no1.JC'rd for iu Initial pullb Dec.u~ lfc:O!rlea. maIDulD dde_aIta. Moft 1Ja. you dlint dIey dtint . the ..- Grid MOUnd mr 01 volume of complainrs drtve-.~y. and IndOor md 0Ul­ by lu door a.reu. Tbomu ••id. Net onlv Ieamed to think. bul to are H~) . 100\.. r,'(' clungt"d. - Memben of ~ Tenanta Altboulb me toea! point of Ot oBty'karued 10 think. but 10 don­ m~ a nitudn. Ix-nt atranJC'd Ultion conuae- deu or com~lty resident Windy I'm I""fU be taltinS linl<' (or Ii(~ tala ~ember.blp blank... tI>e wbo wlabea ",}oln. Thorn .. aaId. Who' • .-....., ou t froat uDdu • stainra) We love ·JI".ic Deparllfimtl ~1=!f.·':::':U~ ~ CaIIiJta a lWIl<' diat', IiPkr 0... air edded m.t __ JOffmment Who's bendin& do... 10 mr a rainbow p." I wakr hn. I hold b ... "hedul~ concer" "wtJl ub.... alIlecaJ mean." EveryOll<' ...... 11'. Windy_ of preuurtnc me~ Imdlorda. I Iell hn I 10'" hr.- and tIw tbey "an cbeckIDl And d>e ....iIe> and "l" I~ wnr Tbe Deparune-,. of Mantc aU 1•• 1i concerntna renr Sh~ . mak... m< (od likr wJU ~ .....r three mualc pro- ltrtItu." wnshiM whft1 ~ qy, 01) fUm<' v_a on the SIU cornpua as He a1ao aaJd that me Ten- . • put of .be 1969-70 concerl anU Union wtJl probahly 800II Never My love 'I'M sun ~u . th. pdh n) ...... le.. . be atrlliated with me natiOnal Wr Im'r ~ , ~ and I Tbe fLnt _tU be preKrued tenanta orpnlutlon. Yau woDdu if dlis beatt o( mw by !be EctW'ard..,UIe Conc~rt r---...... ;------_ C ...... 1e at 3 p.m. Sundoy In W"dJ IoJe in cIeoire for you Along Comes Mqry me UlIlveralty Center Ball- Golf Nnermy~ .-. Tbe conduclor will be Equipment ,,",eo- my love hery tim< I think th.1 NaKy v .... W1u1 makel you think .....e ... iII end I'm only OM who', lonciy Monday II a p.m. I "Id- For .... Ylolin recital _Ill be pre- When yoo kno.. my whole prnd my lim< at my"", and ...... NCltaI ""U lake place hi tbe J . • And cu ..... tbeor bulb In _ Old. BaPILa PouaOattoaCbapel. 1m s nd then-a\OflI ...... Mary TIle Win_Salem Stale SportIng Goods The Time Is To~oy vaIY","JIY Sympbonlc Band WIll aJft a COtlcert al a p.m. ' --~ c-t. n.e timr it is loday. Requiem • ..="= .OO=E=.....==N::i ....=:::! ~.~~~':,.,~~lIlve~!ir~e;: ~=p.-==T= and we musl rlBd ODI "'Y for/ the Mosses _U\ My heart it cIeaI1y staleS. Sbepberd condIIct the band. =~;:: ~I.~ the DOl 18 _.., aDd Fred D. Tanner. will be -- _en Blad and whilr ...... tbt ...I.tanl conductor. - - _ .... , .... 1 _TMy·,..,lyin...... ttw- fiJUIb Ihal reoc-otdrd him 1IIey·1e ...... dtcir RIles 8lad .nd ..hilt' Wb TMy Iell mr the propheb all the newo;print h. wtr ..... nlionrd In Our. Jumbo Shef·IS weft just fools Black and whifr Wti Bul I ...... w difTerml. the qualion llut WI bo ther<'d h .... sosuperwete-namedL I woo'l be wed Ik ...... ~ . Ie'. thty thol _ 1001 . ~ . ... Lou"'t nol 10 .... If, thty thol ~ ronfu""! wtul . -H 00 hi> iipo ... lhe-) boned ..... Cherish No Foir A t A II <'hnub ;. I~ w...-d I u..- 10 drJi

TlfF ..550C1o. nON Fn

17. 1910 -I

pia sch 01 d r ..

~ lutbc-nn Studt-nt eMIt.".· 700 ~;;;;------IOH." , . SFB"Sn ·" B ",Clr C ", ' T ·U", ' 0 4

l hn I ~ 1ft ' udnbunda,

~\-q-u7'nJll!, 1045.1 In

T" .. c ..... "'tIC't' (flO_ . no Q.C f'l,"U" OWk1~ b) "ober~ .... ,n'UIoI.o ' )

, 'They to be shown

An o rtllnal NET PLa yhouae prodlKlIon f~"t UTl", I veteran c~.( of ~rfo rm e r. Will be f)reeemed ov., WSIU-TV, eba"""l 8, .oday a. 10 p.m. Cor neUa Otll Skinner and Maureen O'Sullivan head the c •• t of "They", an ICUrptall.on of Mar). Mannes' nove l. h '. About a wo rld In whic h I~ )'OU" control e'Yerythlna and old prople a re be rcled !~t: ~~la~e~~~r. Jt:cl:.~ll~ o":da~~ :~:~ t ~~~~ man. Tbla 9O.m1 ...t. color broadca.. preeelUed by NalJoNlI £~atIoNl1 Te l ~J"" I. lUI lroe..... dra"", 0' the yetr 1990 when moat ~Ie oyer 40 are " "III 10 ~t.1 c.. nape Wbere lbey Ire CKp6C.trCi co tRe tbelr own IIYeI wben tbey become eertoualy 111 or r eadl die a,e of b~ . t o They" ••• taped on kKat\on 1.1 • bouK de- 6lIned by ercllhect 5.alllai'd Wblle In Br1amp­ ton on the 80Uib ahore of La,. !aland, New Yort. ./ / • ~-.. ) f , " ~ . .. ~

friday Special bllve. b\augh. ": ;.- 1 , "< \ TO BE .J.\ ,' \ \; ,

, <' -0 'tf&.l CW'I tr ~ y ...... ",'lU'~ 1ft" from PtI -I.SI I

".A.. UN:IQUE BOUTIQUE - - r--__

304 so. ILLINOIS UQUORS 109 N •.Washington Keith & McKay Bop. oId 1/5 "':' $3.98 1/5 - $2.99-- Plenty of :Jree Parking Hous& of Lords --Vod~a-____ ..., Marion- & Carbondale 1/5 - $5.~9 . Walker's ---Bour6on ---.. 1/5 :- $2.99 . Jim Beam CharkoH f\'Iood 100 to- 10 Adwenbr - SpriII 1/5 - $2.99 in 5'0" Val. William Penn SmirnoH 1/5 1/5- $2.99 Nelson County _. _-----Rum-----~ 90 PROOF Crown of the Island l/S - $3.98 1/5 ~ - $3.69 Carstairs

QT. - $4.49 r---__ Vermou th ---, Canadian Mist Sperone Vermouth l/S - $4.29 -Five Star Blend Sweet or Dry 100 Proof QT. - $1.69 OT. _ $3.79' ...... Q- Imperial =o 1/5 - $3.49 ...., ----Liqueurs --....., Grain Akohol .__---Wine - ---, 190 proof Lancer Rose _ 1/5 - $5.99 1/5 - $2.79 Bonded Bour6on Siva Rose 4801 - $2.99 Private Cellar 100 PROOF Bardenheiers Cold Duck 1/5 - $3.98 l/S - $1.89 F::===~=====8EERSPECIAL~~~~~ Budweiser 9m ported Beer ~2 1 ~~!ss U,GoI. (0 ..... T \ Brt. _ ml 6 PAl( . Ket- $18.00 EHeineken $2.69 $1.09

Schlitz Matt Liq. ('Sf - $8.89 CASE $4.19 ' I-.C...... _ -.69~I . Carlsberg ~ N. T A BIb - $6$1.79 99 Ballanti'ne CASE. - • urgle /\ ALCOHOLlCeEVERAG~ fllLL IIOT BE 12.,.. 01 ""ot. $1.09 ~ - '201. itEr. nu. ;()to TO tllNOIfS ~R IDENTlFICIt nON C-Ut. $3.98 $2.49 1iI1JST.8£ PRESEN TE D IJ'ON REOUEST

II. " 1'0 ·.... -... Projeel .., eM . ': E~n study 12-i1W~ ·,cAooI

cdcl. VaIIeJ VJeor ~ ...-- ot ~...:...... ~. .... '-lJ No. t6. L

_ TIIfte...- u,... qIOHIbIa. - LodIpo.n haft · ~...... He pIMa~ . 0(-...CD ..... ':!!~~---~;iiiii~~~======i IIIIdy: __ 'jIerlr",,~ .. a JZ- I . \a It mote _JQI .-r. adIeiIiiIeaII~ to ~r_. .puI>IJc...... __ local _-a,.. ayacem on a , ae.ea.rcbera al80 wm pro­ _ on • _...-II __ dIoce a a.e -'-T)' of _ cIuk7 ape'r1eDua or t b e v.ue, 2. WID _ leua.. View School :>Iar1ct ID coo- well ••4.r.I2- ...... lIP- "--' from a _....-II _7 8dIe4ale to • U-I& (',. a. flow -'d a , In ecIIool. 15 .sa,. --> coo­ """,Ie .aoooI IChedIIde alfea r:InIdt. ICbool , ..... 1M COIIIIDanlly7 Tbc Valley Vie. plan I. "We JIi& to mille two 10- to tab. dfecr d>Ia lIUDmer. Cady to speak ,.... .,.,. pJOjeCdOII...... ,. FecIihI __ for _ pro- 1.lDe. Il. <'-e.... _ Iec:t an belne pl"OVlcIed_r on S.E. Asia aupetlllmderit- and project the coopentJve reaean:.h act. ", ...n. "(»e wfIJ lho. ' 0 T he expancIed uae of ecbonl Jolln F. Cady. Soutbu .. .,.,.. ofope;atlnIValJey VI" . fo c Ulte1 for adul, education Allan hl_rl.n••• 11 apeaIc aeboola oveL.I)te neat decade programl also la unde r _yo ,oday al SIU III ....ppearance on I "adltlonal nine-month Ellbteon Cu ll~el and unl· apoMOred by the Center far ad>edule. TIle otber WIll abo. ve nit lei and rwo nonprotlt VieUIa __ 51ud1e. and Pro- .... flavTeS Mer _ om. edueatlonal aaendel .111 "..... pet1od .... 12- _ buI.... conduct _ I~el wtdI Cady La ,be ..thor ot tIOY- TIle re-.rcbera ..y _tr federal IUppon tOlallnl ap- eral -jDr publlc.tlolla proeeduJ'H and..lnformation proxlm_ly $2 :nUll... . Fl!- Jwt)5 "','s,'ls Includilll "ScIIIIbeUt AaIa: U-a wOJ belp ..y adIOOI 4lacrtct teen _al coUqea and In ,. Hta=lcal On...... ·...s. CIJIl&IMr _ U - moncb ache- unly.nltl... wlII cooperat•. Jmonlh oIMt "HJacor)"oI WocIenI aurma." dule. The In,,e lt1,atloa af yeu­ l i ~. \ ...... \ I' lie wUJ ...... ar lICIt In "bpen.a ...... rec:om-oo round oc.booI proval" . haa tbe Seftllnar __ of _ AI- eumcIln, _ ac!IoIIl JU.r" drawn an .. amen" from an I " •. _ . . .. __ .. ...,. 10 h W; .. . 1 4 r k ultur. 8uJl~ on "PTo- one rHpOnae to ove rcrowded unlJkdy aou~the National Sh¥on Hoi""". Jtu~r bl. m. of _rnlUtlon In Po.. and the faJlure of Put SerYlce. The ae"lce II WI f • • lost 10 li ,ndlft _I. _ Bpounds I ...... boo . -..10 1 ' ...... _ ~ War Soutbe... A...... _ I bond laaue.... uYI quietly lnYeatiptlnl m e Im- ..... c:- c. .. ..,. 1 4 .... _ " Cady. profuaor 01 hI.tor y ea... "The theory I. that pact of .....~red atuclent and IU Ohio Unt"er.lty . t Atbena. ualn, ..:bool buUdlnp cI!uUI& pupU vacclonaoalamUy boU­ ha. recelyed many prof.. - ..mmer montlla m... III- c1aya. Tbere Ja 1UOn& ...._ alonal honor ••nd awarda and creaae tbelr capaelrybJ abouc ~_ In_ aenlce for year­ lain e Powers 3 igure Salo _ned a. CIIalrman of ,be on~- t blrd and eaae __ tor round ecIIool .. _ would per- Soutbu., "'ala Com.minee of more d .... room.:· I ,he A.aocladon lor A .Ia n Boa _roe I. little ~ LOOIUNO .... - - 1202W. M.m ~ (U,/r 9- 9 S'udle. l 96l~. tnowle4,. about dIe ...... all ~--- - Aaou from Col. Sanden » L 9-4 ~ttonHI. "IaU.Uha to ...... Sty 1. III of coo- the ·...... ac_e. accordlnl or • 12-ta_ CD Gofte ~. i=="'="'=:-~:"'=-::I==:!.!~:;:=~=====~======l IIo&rd 01 Ed I '0 r. of the .. ao we plan to pJOje« _ ' " Journal. Soutbe... A.Ia• • n I~ by Item. lnclu4ln&per- A+ IntornatioDal Quarterly." ._1, malnteftance. capIlaI :l dlC.':~ ~~:me: :r:::~it.~.~IIY opendon. Stud ... and Pr"ll'.m. at sru. Equally Impo~ Ia _

"Tr\' \'our luek.- .'" , n;r~rljl" 8al/roolfl'

'-... / FREE - /" "- ! M O NEY AT .~ t~~~~\\ SA rJP~';'r' APi':l lB. 7/2 P m c. re ' . · ~I~ . jaZz' b8n~ Vib:r... i, -w'eO .. -.... ' . .m ...... ~ ejDl at....., e .. . _ ...... x. 1Wr ..... ~ ...... _ ...... a.t...... fila If<'e- .fa. real .. _ dIaaicaI...... - ..... be pntoned dot Go~ ~ 1IOIIr• • 'ftI1e _ bad SJU ...... ~- ne Ylbrucy tJI tile. _ ..'~ SI:ftft mae.-- .. 1&.- -.... dotcent. a1lJpe~ YOC:UI08 ."...., ...... Ira _ c:.,a'ed doe bot lt EI!IliIIII .8d ~ TIt~ ~ H.II ""'''''.P~Hal1. o£llital -'-l'Ic:a an ._ ~. -.e • .., £IIIIIeII Pn8do. pOoop Joated Utr· ____ TIle IIaI1. dot linn of me p.-ed"'Ira~. t belr. feel, _ ...... 0ri;iIaaIIy 8dledlded .. ...,.~"'" wlt hout _ FreDelt Qunu, _built T)a P-..-HIIIl Jazz ..,..s ... doef.r._ .., _ ...... dol ...... IIloon TIle .-dIef ftCettood ~ SpaU;b DII., ad _ $ed 01 ..... arse- pia"", coopIe cIaDced _dot.-2l-. JmeU.. • • :45.., .... plQed .... _ple ~ to doelr MtI¥U tooldaa '""" .,.,...,., onpaa. Jazz Iant en cl a rind. Joe Butler 011 bu. ;and Alonm Sivan en dru.... Thel ( mu.alc: .1. cn.p, amoo from ct.:t,,, , 1011111' • 7-9 p.m. on the IbUo ...... dare.: ',r-rd "11 11 IIH' ""In" " Il' aSB 300a en Tueaday. May flKJ I 11 K" ' lit \ 13 ... "".... tk",l ... , 5; aSB 300b on Wednead.y. :tnd ("'.;tIW" May I> and GSB 300c on Tbu ...... day. May 7. I '04 :lIM' I n I u, .. ,K" II .. , .... lIIntn' Studenu e arning aradea of 'tud \ ~II t IfI\d' IU I' :" , ... " A" o r " S" on the rea.-t.ll 11 .:.1, toot'"U .. , \"'IIIl',blhl blve the IT de reco rded on lhelr academic ....,ord ... hUe ' !,.lill rlw "'H't" 1,""11 '" atuclenta ~I.lnl • "c" .1II 'I("'-K' " 0" 1 Y receive c r edit fo r the courH . No proflclrnc-t"- te. may be repe_ed. ~ . wtah!t>11O r~_r tor one o r more If! " ahouJd ContllCl Mrs. Beth 1i .... M>C­ raary of the Hloto ry­ "".", In WOO'111 .,.I!lIer hla aroup ..... Tht Jef. f reon Alrplanr o r Sane I no. - I" \1'1 - woukI pIa,. I' the ~a l urue.. tbe,. were' ...... r.nlft"d IM t tbe proptr f.telhllta IdDt-pro­ vtcX-d r 0 f 'h (t f('.t1~aJ aud.t. Ct-nc~ ~ pr~ ... "Il~mrnc 'a5\K"d :I N"FOR..:lt.4.AT'I: 0 N : VI C' d ra ad I Y 0 Ihc C onct'rnrd ~~c-:c c~r:e:!.S(~~~~~~ contaC't mecUcll f.ClU It ~. b.a'k bc-("T.; lNtalle-c1. El.,..f KII) baa MOl 1><".oI>- "" :".:: f~:' ~;: .~~= Impoealbk 10 prodoK~ . " ~p~ ~ Prl. r c-Ue.r ate-d b..t. pka /\ for ~ a, ,be beArI,. anthony hall rm.110 ... )1",", '.,. oaoor...... U boo phone 453 -2395 cblt I d.I In r. c:aa eo tn.·· Alp 10 (M#y EwPt-o. ApnI 11. HlnJ '.

~~.....--~~,..- ...... -•

_ ..... a...... ~ _ . _ .. _-- ..,-~!~ ----.,...-...... ~~ ... - -.. T_~ .. ---

.~nJ ",'N .''<>W 'IV diw:J ~ }«It Ln"fTtlt'III.. ',,..1 yo.. '0 rM= '" IN pi",}, cod"... llok"t'" R O,.nJnru j",nJwJadJ.ngJ and II... roJI 10 ....' of ,~ Cox 411 ,h,.. I.."t",n .lIt' .\"QUI' 10 "'1",)'.

::)PEI'\ II ' . 10. ' I L m. RAMADA" INN

SH , H li

n.o ..... Ioa...... ,1oP"-...; ...... SlU_.,....., ...... ~ '...... -.., .. ... -.-.... ,... .. ~ ..... __ • --...... a.-...,.. --. .. -_ ...... ""_.IIf!o.... --.- ••.. -_-----I_..,_~ _ _- Lookln. for th•• oW-.I._ ....y __f

Sand1er dpcignc fo: the . ~peopIe. Beautiful sandals, Made of strong. supple leather. Set on wood heels. Made by hand, In It~y , With an infallible instincf for styie and metiCul~ delail~ To help you live every beautiful moment CQ'URTESY withabandon.. $8.99 to $12 .99 ••' • .• h. rul • • h_ SERYICE ••••n ...n •••, ••rlln. w. give Top V~ ,lu. Stamps East Main .£edi.4 West Main gluuu, /\ in C'dale 210 So. III. .. .. Cariiboctia asks u.s~ 'aid

_,' WASHlNG1'ON . ___ CAPl-CaeIIacb'. 110 dftft _ NoJtII _ V...... - • _ .., Vier CcIiIa "'8den, 11M of­ JIddIy uted· die lJII.Jred Srae. _ ...... Md .. ~ TIle PI!aom P-mb plea pill P'-'- _ ... pacamauJ embarrauins apDl - (XI die .1Iom" _ _ I.D ford.,. pol.lcJ- _ 12!' ..""iIIUIndGn 1a.tn2dnC die motter wIdIlBa..-. ~ ,.....Ia ..... esaml.Ded," SOU ~~.I.oben J. McCloaU., aid ./11 ~fo& die CadIodtan bid. He ,...... , IIm!Ier deUIle. ..NiIIcn'. ,.. cllkmma CGUId be ..mmed up !hi • -OIl die one hand, die HUon aoct:r1Ae ror r edolcecl U.s..pre~ I.D Asia, ilia pro­ cram lor U.s, wUbclnw. tn>m South Vle<­ ...... _ b.Ia ayowed desire _ ID .-t4e

By R .... o..n 10 l ubat1 tult' lS-upph.-moenL3f\ 1001: . !tow t'vt.~ r . If SUC h i o.,ty E...,pt .. n SC.ff Writ .. pr ogram •• sll~cnl w Ulhcs 10 r l.."'g I SIC' r fo r M alone &.ild t1M: df::olgf\.oilflon .he L'n!'..... · ! lI:. 2'00 cour se ht.' Unlverllt)' Convocatlo n Will a u ppiemC n lilir) co n\·o ­ m~ ) do ao b} gOing 10 Iht: R ...·g - not be required tor gr.dua ­ callon will be clroppcd. 151t lllO:'l C ent ...· ! . Ht' nt.~ d Iton e tfecuvc taJ! 1970 . le­ S Wdenta Who naVe ilre.1d) nol r ei urn to adYII~menr or go cording to Willi. Malone. a._ reliMer,d for me eX i st I,. thr o ugh the usual add pr oce ­ alltam 10 Ch£ncellor Robert non-c:redu courae for fall _til

tloll ~-.------Enter into the world of . , .


auo at Murdale Shopping Cenler

".,. 12. cw,.~. Atri II, 1970 continues

The 'P~rfect Mix • • • Spring and Eastgate Liquor e r-----SLENDS & SOURSON------, CANADIAN e GlENMORE CALVERT MIST EXTRA -A. .•~ e SUNNY ANCIENT :~' ( MILL FARM BROOK ~ ~ AGE .-mlo ~ STRAIGHT 86 PROOF W 49 8 ' S3. liftb S3."fiftb S6}9 r,fd, :~ • SCOTCH VODKA r---GIN------,:~ • 1EACHER'S GILB~Y'S , FLEISCHMANN 'S ~ ~ 59 99 .4.. SS.9I S3. r.ftb S2. r"." ~.; W ' B & L COLONIAL CLUB LORD ANSLEY w

A- . s, 3." S2 59 Low ,",oof S2 59 l .... Pr ""f .~ W ' · life. • fifoh ~ iA, SEER ASTI ..... S 09 SPUMANTI ~A. Ron Rico BALLANTINE bpU 110/ "'" 1. '0 ~ Rum PU,\lIl'\I LAGFR BHR Sl 29 CHAMPAGNE ® ULIfH OA U BUDWEISER ~ 1'-'1 I: ,,' , .'" • S2 29 ...... 19 t 1 f,fo" '-Ci). f)',-' S3 . f.f... SCHLITZ MALT ,':;,.", 99 ( . .~

·8 CALl FOR DWVERY t a ~1 t 9ut r ® (1- A~~:~C~~~~GES [hllu1f mart ~ W/U NOT BE SOLD TO ..... M /NORS PROPER /DENT/FICAT /O,. International Beer Fest l(f} ' MUST BE SHOf/fN UPON e REOUEST 48 Beers 26 Countri es W e · . ·i;St•• ® ••••••• .,...... ---.., ... ,...... ,,...... a ...... 10 ...... s.- dn! DbtIIIaa ...... _ ~ flO dla- _., -aotrda., daC_" _ ItIa ~.. . • tiIdI pM ...... die '5 ••na .. _dlbetlllllP Ow " ln •••_-~ .... qaaJI~ for die ca ...... , lie ad lud1cW 8oard. . Tlte SC.... Gat'~ ="":..~ :a:.: p e r .oo . Mapr;atbled by "'" Wbea ~ ...... "....,.. quaJlftc:adona for _ m- Viet Cong llrik4? berablp on "'" board. camp­ bell c.t1k<1 oN "'" CalDJ>US PlfNON PI;'NH. C.ambodlJl J udlctal Board tn«'tu"II set for (AP ):,-VId eonl lor e •• h• ..., T ucac1a) C"VC:N rc· widened theJr Huc k. In C.I m­ C.mpoell ..aId be: c~ncd ed bodla and no. rh r e.llC'ft mOil the me~1l rc ~u...tie". Wtt oout ot the aout.bea. ~r n oH be Moulton' • • pprova,I. · .i n) Gc ­ COUIlU}'. • Clalon wou ld no: laVe been V ie t Cong unlU. cUll"g official! ) recognized. them_Ive .. the "S-ew Sltu­ CommeutJII on t h e 01&­ nout Army." In honor or t1>e apeemem between Moulton ckpOIIed head 01 .. a.e . PrtDcc .ad "'" SeMte at )Veaneeda y·. .'loJ"Odom Sth.a.nout , are pu.ah­ S e" . t t;" met'ung. Campbell In, &Jon, lour ma/Or f?oor. lind uld, "If we don', go along PlatfornlS t'Ven mo r e could be opened with M oulton. be'''' o verrule­ ... a new persollal ir y ..-. UI .Inywa). fie'. JUdge. jury Tbe broaUth". rd In • a'WOOp- 1"1 I In e chIOU'" IComponl Tracb, 60 mUu eut or "'" capl.aI, Svay RJenl, I pr<>­ vlnc'aI caplUl 23 mUeo oourb -VV-eekend of ICom pong T nch and then . 0 • poln! on the Mekong RtYor 24 m Ue. no nh 0' ( hI: bor4er. The Rendevous



·BUD ON DRAUGHT 2C AN OUNCE The Nevv York Centennial ·12 OUNCE SCHOONERS 2S< Fr1cla.y

·KITCHEN OPEN 1st 100 Girls aet 4-11 p . • . FREE Door Prizes ·CARRY OUT 'ACKAGED Our Nevv Kitchen i s Open UOUOI

N. I-llh S,. Open Won. & Tues. ~u rplt:nbo"' BOSkeyc1ell Rota Roo~ er Servloe ae cent cover 684 • 34iO

I 1910 .,.. .. _~-"'e...... - _ __.. T""'_-".... _""" ..... _ ...... _-___ SltT.~- .,,~-~ Wiostoo- alem group • Bands to perform In concert

An C"ba.JWe ..,.NrDtDl be- 'I l..oye:' "'Tribute- to a.a.'te:' Trumpet .0101. ADd .rudenl Iw«n SIU·. Coli... of Edu- :'~~cLMol_rAft~{.::Sunnl •. director 01 me groupo I, e • I Io n and Wt nac.on-SaJem.....,. ~... U.MALI Emory Jone., .. IOphomoJ"t' Sla .. Ual•• r.IIY (WSSU) will TIle Iymphony will appear Irom EI.'" Spenc.r, N, C. br&.nc a .tale ba04 &tid a .rm- 1n cooc.ert at 8 p.m.. Tue.aday Robert Sbepberd. cooductor, phony from tbe WSSU (ampul In the Umve-r.lty CCl'Iler aalt- A and T State Unt ­ to Carbondale Tue8day. rooma.. A Tt:Ccpuon WIll fol- veral.Iy. ~. Sure Col ... Tix ,rou~ Will preKnl • low tbe concen. The fol- l~r aDd CoJumbu Unherll­ "aracty?t treall. Tbe iowlllll day. (he SWlngln' Rami rye He ,... member of the ~-mln .ympbony WIll per- WIll pr ~~1ll modern mU llc II Kappa Ddu PI boDor aoc:l~ form ··Col... Brcua.non' by 2 p.m. In Gnnnel Hall, Brusb .u\d niJmeroua mustc and pro­ D.t' ld tbe " Sec- Tower.. fe.alonal oI"'JMtIz.adona. He and S"'I~ In P for Mtlllary W1aoton-S .1. m SUI. Un 1- dlr ecu me marcltlnl ~, Band" by Cul(•• Hoi.,; and .er_tty. wb1ch became a unl- .ymphonlc • • arattyband ...... EI.. •• Proc... lon 10 ,heCI- •• r.tty Iut 'Prlnl, 1•• ..:1>001 IwId and Ihe Jame. Derr our Ihearll" Irom WI"",r'. tor bl lCtotud~ta. Bandmem- WoocIYIftd Qulnlelu ot WSSU. "LoheOCTln," I dip led for bero will be on camPUI to cer A.. I • .". conduaor I. P~ records are .ympllony band. by L Uc len an Ideo of .rbat a lars" unl- 0 , T...,...., """ arranll~ ...v ­ CaUllel, In oddlltoo 10 ..lec- .erJtty t. lite, ac:eord1ftI' to era! p1~. and played I trUm­ afways on en Uona (rom popular compo.u., Pat Pall oJ me CoIJ

~ Ul off" ~( flO

Take lhe FREE

REABAN'S- Bus 10 w! SI Steadea ..• DlaiJa& BODIe Away FroDl 80 e ~quirr ~ ~hop 'ltb Deli . Hom made Oai0 Murda/~ Shopping Center 204 . Coli ,e r

Tbe q.-..'. lilk _ .. 10 !he repT~dft from Aluta. MlA Halan wcf. Sbe .... CbaaeD b)' 1M .pt.tJllinc of I ewcomen club The _I celebr.tlon wbcel. .... frYoar=­ ~te: •• Ph of over ' -It waJii a trul). Irul) won­ _ .. -....--._...-...--10....,. !!quare dancers 3.000 c:ber:ry U~ to (be derful wee-t. I feel J h.av~ Ullited SlIln from Japan been .hJe to do ~ I n one .GaWoo ...... ~.'" -. &bow :10 yean a,o. MI .. _k chatI 0 101 ot people ------,.. .. plan 10 be reeling H ...... i4- - Go In a ilft:l1mC'." an.: &..l Id. TIle SIU _comera Club, Tbe ftbte ~)' & o f lelllYI­ "tven l hough I (11<111', _ 10 a branch 01 the lJBIyu.lry tiea ...... ulan p.aIllc tp.attd tbC' que-en tllle, . •. 1 nay\: Women'. Club, ..W bold a In tDeJud.e;d beT COr OnAllOn •• I 10( o( fo nd ~morlC'a . ·· 71D BOOKSTall .quare dance a a loalIbl In CeoCI'. '. C her r y lbe .... BuII4Io&. !loom 166. P rtnce •• , I reception In the Tbe ...... e rIanu p-oup White HOUM lawn roae pr- Thai ol od .. nl . m .... lin!! .... formed ...... , 01 the 4en. bo.1ed by T TlCO Niaon. 'pee'll lncere. Jroupe With­ • lIou&e lalblon at_. _­ Milltard Filimorr n>uld h .... In the Unlverltl'Y Women', r.led by PoUy Beraen .00 Tbr.e fb&j Student. "a.oc t.­ C lui>. The ~. meer on lueDCSed by M r A. Palrici tlon w!l1 hold

Economicll ffradll to meet Monda:r The Economics Graduate St'*N' AaaoctaUon will ~t • p.m. -.y In !be Gen­ Volksw... n . -raJ ct ••• roo m BuildJrw. l oom Ill. _ Italian Styl. There will be repo:ru from ,. the lre.aurer. p-a.c:tu.tC Sru­ dent Counc.U repre_nllltYe aad Facully Council repre...... tartft'. .... A reception commiUH for MqToaS DnJ vaduate .Ndent. In the Department of Econom.lU w'll • 1.., be dlacu_4. Hleh ••y 13-1... Other It~ m. un be added 10 !be aaeDda by eontaCu,. ,h. 457·2114 MI .. OorolhyW.ldman by noon NODda y or PUIII .. lbem In !be Aaao<: '.Uen maUbox In tbe EcOnomic. ~rtrlwnc office. AU i::conomlc'l,rldu.ace ItU·­ deN. are vrJed, 10 Inrad.

PEACH BLOSSOM TIME ~ 1.Tt( SOUTHERN lLUNOlS Start our .elf guided aUio t()ur oJ Mt"Guir,. Qrclaard and Marlcet 8 mila Sowla of Carbondale on Hi~It~ay 51.

{.an _you think

oj a benf'r Ira.'·

10 "dri'sprinfl

,...,. 16 DWy~. ApnI II /9ro • • 'BEER SPECIALS • • Pabst Blue: • B,UDWEISER I I• MILLER'S Ribbon I QUARTS . 6 PACK 12 oz. CANS I• • I 4.9¢ $1.19 I 11.0? Carlings / OLD COOK'S MILWAUKEE 33( each Black Labeli lASE 24 l !ol BIb 1 QT\ $1.05 $3.19 ~OR 95¢ SCHLITZ COCA-COLA SCHLITZ 120z, CA S 6 PAa MALT ONE GAlLO~ SPECI Al SURPRISE PRICE' 95¢ .....-:-- ' _LIQUOR ' DEPAR·TMENT----t:

IRk' ,-rh· BlENOED 98 Cd· ~. t BlE:\IJEIJ $4 29 I I oc .ng '- I air WHISKEY $2. ana .an mlS IOIIIS)(I' Y • I : 8 & L ~cotch $~.B9 Southern' Comfort $4.19:

I 80ston Rum IDARKORUTE, $3.69 Colonel Lee BOlRBO' $3.39: I I I 190% Grain _ HIGH PROOF $6.29 Hailers Vodka $2.99.

T. V. Gin HAU' GALlON $7.59 Westerfield Gin $2.99

Smirnoff 80 VODKA $4.J9 CharkoH Vodka $2.99 --WINE DEPARTMENT--- THUNDERBIRD MAD DOG I Jamboree FlFTH 20-20 20% Wine Andre Champagne $1.09 9S¢ 89¢ $1.69 . ' . : SPRING SPECIALS : : J8" 'Barbeque Grill $2.69 : : J3" Barbeque Grill $1.39 : • 10,1 W. MONROE ....:::::~~...:::'~':;..--~ CARBONDALE:

:~ • {ffoPI.-. AP' r7 1970 P_ 17 l _ ------SaturdaYllf 11 .,_DIorio DIoiIr~-­ Hone.. a.p .. b&Mera, .-.., ..., eftIl Boy ality? Cancer drive will begin

SIU .tuclent. WIll be UUd to "~nd 0 ,,_ to Collell'" today .a tbe American Cancer Society fund drive It conduC:u~d on c.tmpot,a. ~ude,. ,oIvalee-ra wtl.t aat fellow In.dems to help h hI cancu-by at le-aat 27 centa. tDe CO at of aendlnl I mouse to college t OT cancer r~M"arcb. r he c ruucle .. SIU i. buden 00[- of thr~ g ~u canc:e'r. Vo lunu:c r . will be colleeu", II l....I..aon Hall , Wooc1) H.. Jl Cdele n .. , Un.tveraltyCerner. In red part Ing IOUi and In front of MorT'" Ubrar y. Mr • . fUll aaJd moTC' vo lwut:t: r • .an- ne~. An) ~ty.'Wt p.:r.on uKere.te d In wortlng c~n co ntaCt MaUrice tNNc ~ ,1r1~Id ...... OgUT In ute Science Butldlng. Room 4i. it . I" ·the • ., She ••lJl$ .l1i. Law Day pf!ogram pla.nned ••~ .he t.IIIs. "!be ••, She

1:. •• 001 u.s.A., • JOInlly sponaored prOlJ'*.m by the ..... SI U I' re -U. Club and Jack""n County Bar AaaoclA­ f.ShIon ,,'Iects per_.lltJ !loti, will be held at Purr Aud uor lum from J to 1 p.m. l Friday. May I. too. 10Th'. 11 a naC1o ru.l day, K t lalde. dealgne.d (0 make people Irop and reflect over our system of law." ..... d TIIIt'a ~~.ce .. ~t'~ · P.tflck Duran. SI'U IenJor ma)onO& In government Ind ".', .Imo.t .. muCh.. . prelldent of lbe SJU Pre-Law Club. The ,hem of u. Day U.s.A. IS. "u. BT1 dged '0 JOU do. JUltlce; ' with major e mpha81s placed on pr-J80na. ~Cof",, __p "lhe tbeme 15 to abow how law com:lnuaUy tie. lnto our 4aHy hvea, .... 14 Duran. • Four hundred people h.. ~ been I"'!ted to tile. SIU uW' Day, IJKludl"l Cir cuJt <:ourt JuondaJe cam"". "' 9:30 lIDday In Ballroom C and e. ablJah1n, rwo !leW ba<:­ of tbe Unlyenlty ~.r. bel"r ~ • • one at Car­ A'_. lOr the medJn, In­ bc::JncUle and ~ at Edw.rd .... el_ dlacu&flon of t. 0 YUle. C:zsec~ paper rap' Apollo 13

I PIIAGUE (AP)-TbrCU<;h- JDOre .ubjea to propapnda oft!: CommunI. p. rr 1 tnluc-au tJ' the; traereat. -""'I»par. 11_ P rav." aId of rea_I ec: ie.ocr.·· toda, , "111 tile of Apol)O TIle papar __ tileR ...,... c_ fl'Or f •• h l on I d ••• that tbr_t_arl... ',a _.ber repon. In lbr We. "Which a ,. .. o ,., g ln a l, .... p ItI ...r, aIler aU ..... not polntrd to tbr I_fle~ pn­ paUll.,... 01 tile tbUd "'_rl­ eye on . . Braleu fete sel can tDOOI't espeocIlUOL" R"'" Pravo~_ ­ ~ f!JJ¥t'J eftf, "In no c.. do The Unl""relty . . WIRETS AU1HOR'S OffICI CARBONDALE, ILLINOIS ""'UI()I/IoIoIW,~,,~ NEAR &RUSH TOWERS -.~.---­ --.~(1111...... eAST GftA"O AVE"UE A"O ~TH .All STREET ~ ...... c~'-'O ~~.... ~ ...... c OPEN 10 AM - Till MIDNIGHT ... C'CII"NIIIO...... ,--­ ...... ~ ~- ,el&Iou 1..ot 1rIdIe. ,'e , ~'"£IJrparta. ~;ffi'~"'--""••u.. _... A..tca ... ~' JIDr uu.u ...... k-.. 0-. WIll be ..- ' . fill ~ '!._ • ....s ... lbe tar ...... J.-...u- A,...... =: ...»i J:-- owud ...... ,....,... 7 . ~ ...... ~arelbe'"Gill.: • J_ . lbe lhII"ady BalI- , '. . .' ro;::;. .... ~of ..~Sap Final call for Peaee Corps of emporia': WQlbm A1Iea . W1IIre..... laM _r-ietld... .Toda y Ie abo lao, cia) to Hall . IJdormatiaa dart.,. abo die ..~ P -. ,!'om.; ~ _ Coq>s recruloer. re~ of !he )'eU CU be Db­ mapDDe _ JrU " war cor- .. ""...... 1oD ohou1 ..... pro- "'''0 trom Mik.. Ho*Jns In re«& 1 n in ~ to b1a pm.. ,be IOIe-mauoNI Caaer o r ~ career w1th me Ga- V ...... ca.mpu.$ I..reAr- b)' y rllUlC co tbr area Dffi .:~ -. ""'0 Suorn. cI1 reaor of , I>< ,n St. I..ooIia. H 4 W. Pi"" TIle tltnMr Ia belntl !>rId In Pre,.. Corp. 10 HontIur ... . M Boule< W~ ,on otfl«. in Muctelroy Auditorium with Suare "l: u dcV t 5.~ I tt" - ..... onnu..t El1 j ..~ P.r1.b L e- ,toDal pIaJmlas P"o&r"m ,or oncampus ~ondn ~ joy L.K:r:ure by Jim Ctsntt. Hooduru _net 1& l,. e: r~l"'; 1n t"eCntlli"I e ..inee.... plan. Mc.uIUan.. \ laol! I ner. &lid architect. for varI­ prole.aor ~ t musiC . ~ I tk- ~ Il VISA to $/um,or ou.a prop-am.l.. Edwa.rd.a¥fl.le c. m PU IS , .,.- II ~ !beT are abo peat on. ele.meD(ar'y ana ~ ~ - lJIIe1"eater lme rl1l llonalCen- """ f\aIWCI • .--""" ~n.- P~II. ,er. Room C1I2 . ~ 001- "":."" Eacb oa!'=t'r~ .:~~an_~ r------~I $11 III 112' pol of Goftrnmeru. AU appUu_ mila' be In by May I. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES AIR-CONDITIONED APARTMENTS

Accepl«l "ing Cenlen for Hen and W ompn $145 DOUBLE ROOM



AN HALL· MECCA . LINCOLN A VENUE All Within Short Walking Distance of Campus -CONTACT- O~ ... ""IDAv BENING RE~ESTATE TIL L 8 .30 205 East Main - Phone 457 -2134 (£aru ·s 6Uit . .07 S. ItUitIOIS

) E

CRAZY HORSE BILLIA·RDS Campus Shopping ·Ce.nte,

Training lab dates set

TI>e t.e.clerohlp Trainl", Commlnee (L TCl spon­ eored by (De S(lJd,enr Actlvll~. Cenr:er 11'111 preecnt ,.0 humanrelatlonal.J.borltorlea dur~ May_ 90th I&ba ..,II be .. ailed by ,~ N.11ona1 Trailllng Labo'raror1 CN'J"LJ. &Il O¥ ion Where l.borator y lralning .... dneloped al ....."""" __. The NTL proYlcle. c r edemlal. lor pr8Clicilli prof.aalonAla. T~ fir., I.b. May 1-3 ...ill provide tmrocluc,ory experience for people who h.aY never attended an LTC lpon.eored eYeDt. The nd lab. Ma y 22-24 . .. Ill proYlcle group ex­ perience. In numan rcladon. Irajn',.. Appllclu.ona tor both laba may be ,ObtaIned ill t .h~ StucScnt AClh1,t'ca Center In T -39 aJIIS mua be returned .uh I $3 rqt.tranon fee oneweekpr1orl~ the tab date . Furlbet' tniormartOl'l f. 1 ...IlabIe '.rom Jamea Scllualer. "'-u:man ot the Leackf8ltlp TntnI", Com­ mtnee. and Norm Jamea. actJrtt1ea con.u.ha". ill the Slude .. ACIl.III... C ..... r. T~ ~ I. 45~~71 ••

Con-Con film availab~ soon

SPR I NGFIELD - A UOD lor people '11.111"1 ,he color m9Cton picture on tbe coa..,..~ A nalOT'. een- IUlnol. Conal1'utlonll Co""el>­ ,er f UJUr p:,IIiIpe. loca,ed lion .. m tt. .nUab'" lor dla­ .... b from tile Old 5,.,. trlbullon aboul fo.Cay I . C _pIcOt. wMre tbc Convention F ••llin .. ~ Con""'Ion­ meea .~ w1.U Ibow lbr him al­ bow I, work • • _I ".. dol.. and wily • llr'W 5.110 Con8d­ The UnlftroHY Ubrary wlU ,ullon I. needecl-tbc Il>-milU­ otler tbc film '0 publIC or­ rn"'er I II m b. naiiabl. ,"nlUllona bqlMIn& Ju ... I~. to acItoob trom the UIlIveraJ'J II Unol. 1II11! IIb.... ry II, bampaJJn. • Millions restored Tbe U-ml... film. u!Jed, r:·Con-c-: A 01 ...... aboolld for nuclear sub D. \be reque.acCl'd for lII\'aI'aCeG ~ ... by con,.c,_.VlauaJ WASHINCTON (AP)- I n • Ald. s.nICC!, UI1I~ of au.JlIrt- turnabout. tbe Houae YOU unnola. ?04 S. SIxUI. Cbam­ ArIMd Servk:e. Commulre Norl(» how p"c;n lor fVfRY· pa ..... ru. 1> 1120. Tbuutlar r •• lOud $152 m'l_ THING -.. ro ... u p NOd up Spon8ort'CI by Bell JUST w_. Uon for a tbtrd nuc~.r aLr­ MW1 up) T.I~ ... Co.. tile fUm .... c.rat( caron and Irntatlyrly ~ lorCon-Ccn·.PubIlc apProY'ed • mHitary procure­ If '1ou'rr nor on Ml eA.tJe1lW «X:CJUfJ' GOTIA 1"","",,_ Committee .JIII m t D I autbGrtzauon loc aU,. from 0«1. you ',. ~trm'9 d OtbttJ«ed YlII be ,lie buD: of orle... - $ lO.24 bill-. Jft most f"UtaJranCJ ~ d.rys.. K'OW In,,*rion CAN t. d yDII Wheelchair Basketball needn 'r Sf"", .tmg Ju st stop 6If"td " ·HER E Wheelchair Athletic Club S1oC~ up .t t"'* vs TO aluki Varsity Seniors (in wheelchairs) Sat. ApriJ 18 8p.m. arena adult 7~ tude nt .. 5

n.ree. Jfe:rS Brotlaen. JIIOM s:· b.-CoUttcil ~ delay~ ·action ~ }Ie J~ dJuing May - DooIo .,.n CIl 1M ~ ca.p- ud ~--. '*)oaha CIl -..' c ...ed, ___...... "",15. "AU aa.. """ ~-~ ..., It. ~ ' .. ~ 1M e_ ... ...... audI& .. Nan ~ ""t1Ie c::ac-a."wudleNan • ~ 11)' 1M ~ ,.....,. of - ... a ••jaor :::::: III ... ec-cn ... wt!I be .... ~dIe""" Brodlera' Ilnl _ ...... PaaIIIIy ~ __ ad ~ ~ ... a ~ ~ ",...,. 1929. III data film. GrooIc*I IIoc: ___ npon ~ for 1IdIaWt, acdYtrJ lie all !II 11iu ::':==1\....,. TIle l&adc c::aaIiedy pno- \a ...... ~ ___ ... .., ~ .... v ...... pIIuea'" v ...... :· . ' die place"" cewera. deed 1IJ die ImIdIen ..m be IDea", edltIIa Florl4a ....p _ ...... PnIF_. 10 ... rcpon. E. area --• .sr-a"" -- te...... s .. dIfte PriIIaJa • bIId .-title CIIIco ... tlarp;! \IU ..... ,.,...... -oJ 8HZ E _ SdIIla. ~ ", ~ tncCI~ ID die \.lIlIft~ 7.10 ... to ...... Ie oa.ta 'I1aIl bIa baed. 10 pc dcb. - --"-' ...... -~ ---- I ..... "be·~. dlat dIe...u.. pan ... Ita ~ ~~ ;~~rtu ~ . ~_._~_ Tbe dlJ.rd wI1l be ...... --. - 18_ - ~- ID}' .,.,e:ramem.. ~...... m. • ~ ~- I.... n. TbU film ...... __ iIo IfOwanI W . · ~" 01 the Cater .... a StibUtz. wtIo bad uld tlIoae \a rr-. D •• ~._...... ~_ ~ ...... : ..... c:IIabmao of die SCd>- mlaate ..., - Ita ~ _. ~ _ __ C-.J. die ftpon ... _ U&DU would be, esaem1&lJy. rec.oauueada_ mJ&Iu belp Tbe flrot '-CUlt Brac!>er-.· bro ... CIIIco are out - [GOt f be Jbc:ed .. _ .-.-h'. the lht1~ralty unt)er wtJicb \) Cloeo aJi the clrcum- ~dleranroadapan .7.':; aJe:lld..t "r c:oar:ItJued c:lUcus- me C emu ..... e-al&bhabed. It..lfW"'!&. II ta .. ea.eMiaUy lm- for herl cIoa. NelAon and BeMiller recom· poaalble-dHploe the alaeere Tbe aeCOIld fUm will be • Webb aaJd be ~ed -.,e mended rbe", Ime.llOns of varlowl tmolftd aa10n to be laUn • die ""'" I) Tho. -Cow>cU recommend a academic. _r- Ru ian conarats Tbe rrpon, tormul_ by to Pre.ulelll Delyte W.MorrIJl "ce unt)erat ,"II'- ~ me Committee (0 Study the Wt the Center be pl.actd Lm- 2) Yanoul .(aterDenta Relar10nshlp b«ween II>e Car- der tbe CarboMa'- Chancel· coc~nt)ence mate clear WASHlNCTON (API-T b .. bondale Fac.uIrJ SuI>-Counc:U lor . Roben W. Mac-V~... AID expecrs e Cerlrer torVletnameae •• academJc ulIit. .uy _ill earer Into separately wae 01 I'OOd _. today to SCudJea and Prop-am.,... 2) Tbal!be ~ bue IUnded coarracta lor .enter die crew of Apollo 13. esubllabed 10 recommend to • ~.aen .. tlv. tbe Ad- VI.1na The eaence SIJned by Cosmonaut \'bdl. Che Sub-Councu wbHber c: he Yl ao:ry CommlUcc. but not on ~~ an AlD-~'nckd Cen;:;' would m1.r A. Shaalo. and eer-. in P'0tIP lhould or abould not the U~laon Comnunee of the In ~II robabllu j.adJc:e the behaU of all Sovte1 c::osmon­ Ippotnl I repreeenr:at:he to Centel. (The commlnee In- Univt':llty anmlk:r:;dectaiona auta, the me.....-e- 'Itd: [be Vietnam Center's Ach't.- dle.ted the U'l&on Commtt· about 'W'btd~r 10 take such ··We SoYtt'C: co.moalUt. are ~mr:n:I.tu:e Md Ita Lt~MOn ~:s ::..,e~~~~D ~~u : coonacu. tollowlnl )'OW" flight _1m veat ACt!Ordln, ro the repon. to t be c.aae there .U • dlaa- 3: Sdbltl Uld there ue- ottentlon and anxiety, W~_ n:tau I recommendarlon [ ~ ICttmeDt between tbe Cemer bett~r Uk., And tbere wtU be wbolebunedly )lOUr saI~ re­ commIttee h.d ro addre-a. Ir- Dtrector. me Cbancellor, and betl£::- uua. for ~ aubatan • [Urn 10 our morher earth:· .elf ro me "Iaraer leneral the Vtcr -Prelilident for Area Ital amounu of money thai Tbe tel~am aer.t to II>e que«ton ot me academic na- and Interrut lo ~J Scr,\"l ce.wltb thr: C enter wtll ab.arb-espe_ Space Ceme.r _ Houaton , wu tun and ... altdtry of d)e Ce-n - re.prci to ldmlnJ.tratlor. of clall) In , lime of predicted reluaed throulll die Sovl", ter al a p,ut at d)e Uni ... er- the Cenlcr. dec ltnc In Itatc flnanc1na of emba.ay here, .try communlry," 3) That th-t Council requeat higher education, Two member., Randall H. trom the Dlrrctor of tbe C en. ~n ' P ...... 10 honor ~~"':"~7!~:.'r;...o~::.1t';'r~ :~ i,~·~~t":"r~~ru concern. 'an is d e te rre nt ."dam. wi lh rrrrplion proteuor of ~re 4) That the Council requral in t.yor 01 teeptnl tbe Center the Direc tor to dralt an Opf:r- T"be sru Pre.. wU1 hoM: _ stU. The IWO, the rrpo" at"" Paper "lib rbe help 01 WASHINGTON (API- VIce an Informal recepc:ton 00 Moo­ said. "beJJeYe _ the Cen- .be AeI.,laory Comminee mar Adm. E\mo R. ,Zum.alt lr•• 4ay 10 bonor Ceo,.... Vi . A­ Dat:. an be m_ a _ ..... kliJIcIucIe ...... - ...... ~ . Pre_ N ...... DOm'-1I04aJD•• _rot ...... InI_ ~ c.hld ot nayaJ operationa, cea ot tbc ClvU War and Re­ newed the Navy tod.., u Htbe con8tt'UCdon" by Mary Loae • lO-year plan ~ubmitted ~~ :.2'se~~~r:~.!? the So- wtle ot the ClvU War aenenl,. Tbe Navy be told die Sen- Adaln. I. a prof.. .,r 01 _.. - t d· aI~ A=..., Se .... IC •• Commlt- bt.lory at stu. to expand Afro s U leS t~. mual ..... aJn cap&bUtty to Tbe receprlon wUt be held Gt...., us. ring' deal with a prtmary 'In"~!rom f,lO to 6 p.m. In 8all- Tbr StudJea Com- tel In tbe m tdwe.1 where prl- enemy havina Ippro'Che. to room A ot the UnJvenlty Ce-n- min" of sru baa aubmtned mar, Afrku reeou.rc.e. are [be United SUU..I in both rer. ~ Don's ~ewelry a IO-year plaa c.aUt", lor available; aDel .be u<&blleb- ~..... Sludenu. otaff and f>cul" aue",then"" 01 tile _.,. -menr 01 an Inter",ecllate pro_ T",." "'a"Y rol. CAn ne-v~r and Il>el r wt... ar~ In.lted 102 S IlU OIS ..-aduato mInor InAfrleAllSt .... "am In African Stucllcs .-tIlch be loe.aJ .. lonl ..... lac~ .1O:.:IIt:::o<>d=..:II>e:::~rec.::::.~:::.:lon:::.'="" __~=:;:======~ ale. aDd the ...abllall_t 01 woulel rrpeelalJu In die trAln- II>e Sovle< Union .. tb< prl. , ·a ,..-.•• minor. salel Ja_. I", of ",nlor coli... anrl aec· mary dire_:' be ... Id. 0 pe n For the Season E. Jt~n ••~te p:rafee- ondary .choat Zu..m.all . 4Q, tbe )'OUnce. eo.r 01 EDiliab aDd ebalrrn&a The A.'rtcan Studiea Com- n.6.&.1 omcer t'Yer ttell,nat:H ·"~GOft on.l", eo.t. ot tbe AfTlcan ScudJ.. Com- mUt~ .1..1 e ••bflabed In 1961 to brf! chief 01 na'" a.J ope- rl­ Ra.,. , ,..,.... mlt_. II SIU lor rormber a cSenl:. . eM trKpaM'On 01 dW from .. 'f'"Ir",y 0( SIU drpan- library proaram to enabw menu. .. '· Rf:'ddre n ... id. T be V' atudent. to ~_ comr:U ttH offer ... uept'<,,al_ LAST DAY UeM! 011 cpec t, &lI.J:eCI pl'QjKLS ,y" 1.11 Sn...dJe. Ind aDd re_&.fda 'a adwr l1brar- aoc: .. mAJOl , be ~. Roast Seef SU ..MER SPECIAL CrUp,', ~oIden-brotcn French Fries Coke " 01. f .. only 99~ 701 E. MAIN S49·1422 r 11

S.I i teams seek v.ictory in ·action

=-~u::;,;:, ~ '!£: ltiOi Li6f404SIU'• • ~..J.= .. ,...... ,kr ...... eMa...... , . ~ ..... ~I ... ,. ~'r~..:~~~ - ~ , .... , ~, ...... J(...... J ...... - . ..-_ "..,. .. ,.c.&1I~ • ....,. .. cu..,. lllh '!bl I. IJGO ...... ~ ...... _ lCIp.. bait .. ... u -...... _ h . .... Clllkt . C· . lU..~ __.. a, . .... IO .... IlMA to' L ..... ' ...... -.I, ...... n°, 'It ' U

PIU.&1INr. t' LU-..,t:u .-._, J llu... .. k.., ...Not r. ,...... , • • ••• ( . 1 , "'-eI'1. A#'Z'kiw.'OOX U"""" I~l ...... '11' ... . 1· ...... ". iI ~ '\-:lro.t 1lM.A

·t.- · (~Ik t

'''''. ,t'' ".,.- 1:".,. ~ .-.:.. -' ...It Ll'\A.. "' .... . w.o. _U. L t l/ BITTER ~ir- ..... t o, \ ,. I~ ... LE'-OK

' , ",u. I . .. _'~I; I .. " ..... oM FREE L " " ' .... 'f' ...... I ...... -u.JU!t, I toU;,I. ADMISSION

OPEN from 1 p .m. to 1 a .m. 1'-. II ... I....., \~' ... ' ...... ""', ...... J ,.. Ta, . • _ , ~ ..... af,. both Afternoons A.I '. \ h ,'''''. IULo ... WI _ ... J .. 11 .1 ... c , L • ...... , . ~ . " .. , ....,. &l oo t '''' ~, t .,..

"C...... I. J _ I'." ,-.. fo .. . 1_'_. ' )(). e . 1I Cu rt .. . [)e n, ~~ u ~ 't" )·J..)).' "I:I~ Fri. A fternoon: ~nd Night Drink, ::: ~ . ,. "'4. ~ . ~t~ ;r:.:: ,tI ..... 25t BIIR lp.m. to 1 a.m. SO< & 60( .' ir~ - IOO people Friday afternoon receive a ,~ "" .,. ____ ... _.t ..... ~ ""'- ....-.I U . .... , ...... beer compliment8 of Phase One ! .,t.A uc. ~~ ~~ ~~rr":'7;i,~ ;: ' Sat. Afternoon And Night I~ ,., .... ' • • •• It.... , .....,.. . , ..... 'v, ...... ' ...... _ · .,~ ...... a...... 'I ... ISe BIIR 1 p. m. to 5 p .m. Orin'" .. ... """,", ,' , " l'CIA 1.·1..,..... '.~.,·1"''' .... . soc & 60( ...... ,.-...... " u· ...... 2SC BID 5 p .m. to 1 a .m...... · ,fTV • • .,., _ Ie( "" •• " .. , . ""'- ...... I l l, ...

'., ~ '" c ...... _~~ ...... Ea tgate liquor discount· cards JU ...... C "' I ~-Otll . I .... 400 individuaJ Birthdav Cake passed out Mobil. HOIII., .. Bar" noculuors (flask) given for door priZf'

pedal Drink! Only . so< From Franc.. The FRENCH -69- If your birthday April 18th Pha e One "'-...... _ .""' •• , ...... 11 ... will buy you 8 drink. .. _ . ••• u..- ...... l;,.U. ),Ir ."'_ ..., Ii" l ....'~..... •1 .-.l""""_ ___ . ... , ....,..4",...... Fri. N it. THI RIO sPIIDWAGO. Sat. Nit. THI UQ.. RiS\

1 'flO .. ,- -=- .. , " - . NMSALI~ fGIl IAIIIC!IIJ sav.ORBID, alII! ·a; -A' I ~ ::-=:~ -:..-- r:?-~---:~ .,~ ...... -... TaYTO~T · ---._-_..--___.- CaII_... -;: . OVaDEALl· ... ..- New"c.,..-. Hi, r.rn. ...." ::..~~-- ,cl...... : S4.sot-t...... • ...Jl ...,'u ...... --.... TIPCIIM ...... ~ ..... s-...... ,.,...... ~ .,,~ ,..... Capet Mart ...... ~ • ••~'J :::--=.~~~.~ -':- ___. .•,..,..,.M1 --_.- 31S w. w.o.. = ..~--''''--=--~~.,:"= .....,-~ ...... ·. Weuo.... SbdI OIERay REALTY CO. .-. ..-..- ,...... 761 West of MunIaIt­ DIAL 457-8ln .... u.u:s ....,.' Tu-.p . Shocks 'OClU'T~ ~ nr...... =r.""_'"'t'r.;;: ...'Ol ..... "IO..oo ~ ::::: =- ,...... ,.,----...... Co. Special --:. Mutn.n · Etc...... of .. ,---., ...... ~ GMfdlllia...... -..L ...... Price& j =~~ a:J:; r..... f!W.nd lhed :-...... ~':'-tJ:~:: u. ,..- ...... c.oo _ .. .. &aydqJ. ( .....Cl'IoMMI , ., ~ . IJ..tOO OMadt', Renbl', ""'~U"_"'f"""'" FOIIENT 1.. 1.. ...,.. ... CoM1.n.~~-­ ,., 0-0.. A..,... o.:.rMaya ...... -- ...... ~ .UK port -.. 79tf1b ...... w .. nu ~"_ ~·I ...... IDf..u ...... ,1OkU' 'HtIIOW 'MeMo' a... uw: ..fI ...... ).4Q _t1Ie. I~ o....Ma)W ...... QtI~"... •• -~,_t ...... ,., ... 10, L wau. CaJJ Q1.",", '" ...... tot .. " ...... Weiaas 79tII~ ,-=- ..., ,." I ...... l ~ C a. __... UN..... 00fN ~ .. I UI8 .tot&., t.aa .. ~ .... ~c_· ,., . c.n.-U bDlida. ..aL1-U9 ~.Illo'~""''' ~ ..~.., ~ ~1' .... "'~,.,~ .. SI.09Ib...... ~ , ._ Gall Wt-aQII. llua ...... ~Of~ nNKER TOT ...... ' .. tol ...... 51.291b. 1.. ~ ...... t., .....H_ S1.191b. Ana~"".J~~ ... ..\d...., UI.OOQ. au. ,... tu-41'4. ~ w.!I DAY CARE ,.. ~I . Marr ...... ~'''HO ~CIAL "",s.oo IcrnIL. 141. • ' .. iflh'.. O'Ie ...... ChildJel U. yean .... t.....,.,~~1IC ...... ~ ~. taO ~tcU_ ... Jy~ • • "''''-'' Afet.- HI --.u. ___ ...... • S49.22 16 """", .....,. ... ~ •....,.,...... ,.....,...... -..­ ~ Call Gdt .1...... •.-..u . ...,.._C... ~ .. OI_ JD1 •• 0*.. c·..... U 1 -+4ll. aalJl ~ ~ 11.4_ tv·. I .. no ...... ,. ... '"""" c.ow .. _ tM .... w...... ,... MoMy--.--­ & "'<4'O,,_w ptKe• • ",-__r", o[*, ~ "- : .., ,,, ...... I ..., 6r1~) . H- · ~I' an . .. no ...... ,...... , ...... , HfU' WANTED ...... ,tI ~ .. _I~ ID In..,.,.,.. _ .... '''- _ ... ' Ilt MadowGold -"1cMU ..... __ "oes STUDENT HOUSI NG t.lI . . ')0. Il_ 8.-., 6)_"'.111. WANTED

cot'-F<'- ~C-O-'M ~ ":"~ ~y aAM.. ~N., . l.M...... __ IIUC • ...., .....f 1M -...y '- ; ...... ~ ...... ,..., ...... , --11"- ...,,--.c·..... WI- - Nt.,...... ,.,..... :-=~~~.::: No. lK liD.,.. 3/99t ~ :::....--=~= Cn4•• ' .• ,lit. .-... _____•. l ~lhf_ ...... --. tM ...... ·_'aftG .... ' .. IOICJ". • • COI'IOII . . ... rM" .~ ....__ ~ -CaU ...... UQ) attn • 1"7) s--.- ,...... ,tII! l"_ '...... ~ __ ..... ~ ..,ftt. .... ~ ..... It.. ..., ... _ '.ortt_ , MorIOft ""'- : ' 41. 10 ....,.. '-- _ __f ~ ... ..,....." of' ..... II» "ow.. 'hl. , ... .to ...... potpies SIS 1.00 EMPLOY . WANTED __ r~ --,"" ,.,~.p" 'r"4 ...... ,...... _Iift _t..... ' )$OI.,' •• , .. wo.c ...... If .,.., ...... ~ C aU ~ . w.o.-':" Ju.t U 1,ooo & ...... "_" ... ~ •• t • • ,, "tsJllOll ...... ~ UniYenity City ~. RUSSELL'S GROCERY =:.. Reoi

J .. . F - -'

...... Il.~ . fteeJcUlr"-~ ii!... ' ~ - 1969 u.s. c..,e III ", . ~..r::: ..... ~ ..... _ . .... -. .. ~ ...... --~~ U Me.~"'Y-'.D- ...... _.... ta . die .. _ ...... - ... c...-. ... .-1aIIIiIIe _ • _ ~ _ ... I' ...... ____ 'or _ ..... ____ ...... ~. P~~...... __ ~7I ...... 11. _ ~ c-....., _ctat .,."..._...... Co "U...... 9...-..: ...... ____ IIIl1ad1 ~ __ ... • au-___ __ TIIe ....-w' __ .., wilE 'rtiat =:: ~_ 29 dIeal"dda .... III ___ ...... • -'- ...... ___ ef- ...... ,..,..... uu.- ---.. __ • aa.. - .• ~ ...... ear)IaW fan ., __ .. ~ ...... Ie- FW eNd aM _ • Pea- A ____ .. _ ...... _ ...-r tea ,...... "'- Ita ... cdpplM !oJ JI!IIIIo 19 a.d. _ ...... III _ Jaw- 01,..... -.s ..' ... jne- ArpIIdu ta Ie... at. wII1dI tot ._ to ,....• ...,. . " '" mr-...... 100- ... . ~_ Ha .... .".,. 1I,..UlIam- ~ Ie _Idoalr apona Wwm-. 24. froe £Y- ,..-, ...... III...... - IIlJwoiz- eNda ... JUr ...... ~ . COKb-m.. ta diewm -1dIUr. be • pJare:r- _ UIIed dIIN .. _...... mr-. ., JUd- fIIlCouwIal_ __""""1.-. _ panplu_ btba1J p.- at I ...... III 0_ wort ~ WUfiu... ~ tbe SlU Area...... y , His dUly rouIW I.... WbUe &t~ Mater Del d Ulles an ...... " 01 1_ HIP !lc:a-t. be dedS Ie,.. and l.p~..,mlya>mp"'tI ..-IlU FlnlahlJII fif\h In .... 100- won: 'or • mUle,', d",,~. yard _ bod Uale '"nUl- In _IUOll 10 hi... \ldl" • • c.ance tor WUllam.,n .... tha& be aerv~ • •••' In- Lime beCII&IM *n were only tern in Handl e~d Stuckn{ ttYe CONe.taJ'JCa In (be race. He CUd better tbe: De.XI rwo OUring hi' 4&U )' actlY\ues. year., however. and .. . bip W IlUlmaon • .1110 kC"Cpa . n ~)'t" ac.bool .-mor be enter ed. ..- OUI fo r poct'nlUI wbecdcfullT Ilona! compeuuon. Ithic:'ICI. f bt: Nluorul Wnec,.I - H A( I I and Wi m Ilule ex- Chalf Alhlcth. As.aDC lucIecI. Mlctwe.1 ColleJta.. meel lor Daily ~iPljan SIU batmen to host 3 teams in Governor's baseball meet

e,_R_ fUhloned I rwo-bU am.It-ouJ win O.~J"" Weltern Kenlud") and oYer Memphta Stlte wbUe col­ I ~- I wln01'e-r the UIlJ r.rau ) Frldly. April fl. 1970 Daily f.typI:li.. s.oru W'it. tecd.,. Oft hu.. lh tive lr1pe 0' 1111""" Ia .. yu.t. to cbe pl.ate tdmaelf. a 5.l1.u.kJ •• • • T be Salutl ba.aebaU learn ~lUrd :' ln S'a) on ltw U~ld TOURNAMeNT IOiEDULE SalukU nae 10 fifth natIonally .... III rry 10 ICI bac t on ,II< 10 'ace - ~~ 00 the n.r alcy dllmond. eoutb- I) ba.~ tht mound '''lJ.nment , 11 -" ...... K.antllildry .... B __aU . SlU Co. c b IUc:ba.rd "" wt:lt ;;f tbc STU Arn\&. The' Tneel the UIII - J ...... ba-.. ..t :eeI 1 .. ".-. ~ of 1---. '" W "The SaJukto ",0.. <1 up tram Elliu ,ArDra lD " ' It'li SI. nraU) of minot...... lASund.a) SlU conftll lalba_llI!be 01.,.._._• . _ L o ul. UnJ-..e-rluy, We-stern AI 1: .f.3 p..m . l....e1' I) Dtct­ ...... ~of ...... " Sc poll b)' Caile:pare 8...... IouH to TIll .. ODd 141.. 1.­' • • be Un1.-e r ail} of don should be h.a.nd.ll,. (be- 1_- ~~ ball ...-.,.pe:r . n. poll ...... ppl _re .... lncl_ In doe 111 , ....1. and 51 YlU be pl.yed tho r ~, W'l lb _ea~ 51 ..., ....,...... nTbur.­ dun .. lbr Iwo--4A) compt'1t- Webber pncbJnc Sund.ay IJ 4 natin" , dAy ."d III tocIal" ..... 1- TIll ...... rated ftftII III ( loa... Tbr tum ..InN,. tbe p. m. a.alRat ;:br Se . LouJt -. ." ...... 1taII... yft Sc m~1 '- of CoII~ !be preriou poll ... r.u .. hf.&bee! perceexq;e of w-.en L:ni ...... h) BUlbna.. '--.-...., .1aa1ppl .... r-*ecI atm\.. Bod> lJuI.t::; COllIe. .. WlU _ In ,bit 10 A rat.n abbreT1.atedGo9"er_ 11 JO ...... ~ __"Y'" cou:rn.amem trophy. SfL ba.lncx nor '. Tow- n.amror Lt. )'t.Ar. lOp Yank s :..... r:.. t~;::.,:::e the "'" ~ Ioct rourn.untru In lbit LI. SJl.. won rhr D:lIr'e1 oYn • aU ,'e ... SlU... .. ~ .... ~ ar... - Flortcla S II I e, Olrnatly du"eoe hrld.. wttb I 3-0 . 905TON (AP)-Mlke AatS- ...... be r • I. c:haU... 1Iq ...... IIU ... lt.t...o.M~ A. In an) fOIIrlYtnC'ftI, pucb- ,;:::!.. tbU; ' ~::I")~:;! -- ",...... IIJ e Ju.c be- _"' CalUomta lor !be ,...... at...-_ hlp 8pIl. floRI. _e' .... i .. 4qJtb ..tU beco«Dr:" AD Im- I.aui "l IJl lJxmuoorti ... It. •• Ito,.. a~ ...... u- 16 willa ... 11 .-:lap. "The ~rrI Rf=dt~.:~7C.= Ttlit' Bllhkeu bad )Ie,d lbe s.a­ .... 0dC ...... doe asc Tro.... lone _ 2 at Hu ndlt'y and Cub • l ow ...... _ ..-to--.. l.5 __ ODd WeI ...... bu bod a ~ 10 p t bla lut.u 2-1 ,- ...... All It>- 0l&II r • .,,,, IolloorlJll SIl", IdJII ~ .... a- Reel ftrc ...... r ..dl1nI ...... a::; I:':'~~ !~ Soa nlJJed .... • ~ -Yk- .- 0lnIIt>1 ~ 10 TuJ· ,_ .. Iorawr Sa I co..... down Phil i~ 10th WIUiUJpp laot..-.ri. ler-/Jdde:r J erry _ .. yorty_ -:.s....s lWl" - - e '" co..-uupBUlSceiLWIlII CflCMAJ (API - ...,...... ,,_lUft-. ___ ...- ....e ..-... JaM. ..m ~J .... to ...... _ 101WWI.. die -..,.. 10d0---. ~ ....Rica PCroc.Ill """- .. ~ Jab DaI(Ie [0 _ w'aJt ID -. Satll. __ • It:;snra ' '''--- ...... - Ibt .. CWcop c-. a 6-S w:tc.­ eo.- ...... Ida ....-r anm-...... _ ... lDrf IdlCI _ lint ...... aM • a&rtOca Sa_, ot II:JIG ...... oc;a1DM 1dt- IIe\d Inc~ ,~I ", SIV ... T'IIwnIda, a' ...... ~_ .... UR W :u J:HIS1Id" IfUlrop- _ ~ per., E&r1Wr r:nr. Da Ie ~5Jl. lJao ,__ • P=:-=~;:

~._: ______~ __~J.