’s Economy RIPE. ROBUST. REMARKABLE. Canada’s Wine Economy is aging well. From a collection of small vineyards in the and the first vintage in the 19th century, to almost 500 wineries coast to coast. Our industry has become world class producers of high quality that now proudly contributes $6.8 billion each year towards the Canadian economy.

Today, Canada’s Wine Economy is ripe, robust and remarkable.

$6.8B in total econoMic impact ON – $3.33B BC – $2.01B QC – $805M NS – $196M Other – $459M $1.2B Tourism-related Economic Impact ON – $644M BC – $476M QC – $64M NS – $34M

31,000 jobs 3,000,000 visitors

More than 31,000 people are Let’s take a closer look. Wine and Canada’s Wine and Grape Industry Valley, and in Niagara, Prince employed in Canada throughout grapes create employment and is now as significant to the Edward County or Essex Pelee the wine economy. From the new market opportunities across local Canadian economy as the Island Coast in as well grape grower in the to many sectors and industries in Australian Shiraz is to Australia or as the growing regions of Nova the winemaker in Niagara, to the Canada. Our locally grown and the Napa Valley is to Scotia and . In fact, the cellarhand in to the produced wine generates jobs the state of California. Over three and Grape Industry sommelier in Quebec, Canada’s in small towns, vibrant local million visitors visit Canadian contributes $1.2 billion in tourism Wine and Grape Industry is vast communities, and expanding tasting rooms and wineries revenue and employment annually and yet varied. regional destinations. each year in British Columbia’s to the Canadian economy. Okanagan Valley or Similkameen The local wine bar, favourite new restaurant, or in the millions of homes across the country, each year we enjoy over one billion glasses of wine produced by the Canadian wine industry. This is equivalent to 220 million bottles representing award-winning VQA and 100% Canadian wines as well as value-priced International Canadian Blended wines.

All are significant economic drivers to our robust industry, with each bottle of Canadian wine generating $31 of economic activity annually.

Canada’s Wine Economy generates $1.2 billion in provincial and federal taxes and board mark ups that goes to support government programs to develop communities, infrastructure, education and health care. In taxes alone, the and Grape Industry contributes $444 million, British Columbia generates $222 million, Nova Scotia $25 million and Quebec $121 million. $1.2B provincial and federal taxes and liquor board mark ups ON – $602M BC – $298M QC – $161M NS – $49M Other – $100M


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Now more than ever, Canadians

are reaching for a glass of www.wineofnovascotia.ca

www.winebc.org www.winebc.org

wine over spirits and . www.wgao.ca

Yet imports still represent www.canadianvintners.com

about 70% of wines sold in vinicole. secteur le dans spécialisé

Canada. There is a tremendous mondiale, réputation de recherche de

par Frank, Rimerman + Co., un cabinet cabinet un Co., + Rimerman Frank, par

opportunity for the Canadian 2013 en réalisée été a Nouvelle-Écosse,

wine industry. la de viticulteurs des l’Association et des vins de la Colombie-Britannique Colombie-Britannique la de vins des

producteurs de l’Ontario, l’Institut l’Institut l’Ontario, de producteurs

Increased sales of wines des et vineries des l’Alliance Canada,

par l’Association des vignerons du du vignerons des l’Association par produced in Canada not commandée indépendante, étude Cette

only support growth in our Canada. du viticole et vinicole l’industrie

est la monographie la plus complète sur sur complète plus la monographie la est industry, but more importantly, remarquable) et étoffée mûre, : Canada

benefit the entire Canadian au vinicole (L’économie Remarkable

economy. That’s definitely worth Robust, Ripe, – Economy Wine Canada’s celebrating. So, raise your glass

of Canadian wine!

verre de vin canadien! vin de verre

notre levons alors célébrée,

amélioration mérite d’être d’être mérite amélioration

l’économie canadienne. Cette Cette canadienne. l’économie

contribue à l’ensemble de de l’ensemble à contribue notre industrie mais, surtout, surtout, mais, industrie notre

Canada’s Wine Economy – Ripe, Robust,

Remarkable is the most comprehensive de croissance la seulement non research study ever conducted on the soutient Canada au produits vins

Canadian Wine and Grape Industry. Commissioned by the Canadian Vintners des ventes des L’augmentation Association, the Winery & Grower

Alliance of Ontario, the British

Columbia Wine Institute, and the pays. au exceptionnelles Winery Association of Nova Scotia, the possibilités de jouit d’ici

independent study was completed by a

leading international wine research firm vinicole l’industrie Canada, au

Frank, Rimerman + Co. in 2013. vendus vins des % 70 environ

www.canadianvintners.com représente l’importation Si www.wgao.ca bière. la à ou spiritueux aux


www.winesofnovascotia.ca vin le préfèrent Canadiens les Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, jamais, que plus Aujourd’hui

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