Fauna Assessment

Yornup Quarry Yornup

December 2015 Version 2

On behalf of: Hesketh Contracting Pty Ltd C/- MBS Environmental 4 Cook Street West Perth WA 6005 Telephone: 9226 3166 Fax: 9226 3177

Prepared by: Greg Harewood Zoologist PO Box 755 BUNBURY WA 6231 M: 0402 141 197 T/F: (08) 9725 0982 E: [email protected] YORNUP QUARRY – YORNUP - FAUNA ASSESSMENT – DECEMBER 2015 – V1




2. SCOPE OF WORKS ...... 1

3. METHODS...... 2

3.1 SITE SURVEYS ...... 2

3.1.1 Fauna Habitat Assessment ...... 2

3.1.2 Opportunistic Fauna Observations ...... 2

3.1.3 Western Ringtail Possum Assessment...... 2

3.1.4 Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment...... 3


3.2.1 Database Searches...... 4

3.2.2 Previous Fauna Surveys in the Area ...... 5

3.2.3 Existing Publications...... 6

3.2.4 Fauna of Conservation Significance ...... 7

3.2.5 and Nomenclature...... 8

3.2.6 Likelihood of Occurrence – Fauna of Conservation Significance...... 8


5. RESULTS ...... 10

5.1 SITE SURVEYS ...... 10

5.1.1 Fauna Habitat Assessment ...... 10

5.1.2 Opportunistic Fauna Observations ...... 12

5.1.3 Western Ringtail Possum Assessment...... 12

5.1.4 Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment...... 13




7. CONCLUSION ...... 18

8. BIBLIOGRAPHY...... 19


TABLE 1: Examples of the Main Fauna Habitats within the Study Area

TABLE 2: Summary of potential cockatoo breeding habitat trees (DBH >50cm)

TABLE 3: Summary of Potential Fauna Species (as listed in Appendix B)

TABLE 4: Likelihood of Occurrence – Fauna Species of Conservation Significance


FIGURE 1: Study Area & Surrounds

FIGURE 2: Study Area – Air Photo

FIGURE 3: Fauna Habitats and Habitat Trees


APPENDIX A: Conservation Categories

APPENDIX B: Fauna Observed or Potentially in Study Area

APPENDIX C: DPaW NatureMap & Protected Matters Search Tool Results



BA: Birdlife Australia (Formerly RAOU, Birds Australia).

BC Bill: Biodiversity Conservation Bill (2015). WA Government.

°C: Degrees Celsius.

CALM: Department of Conservation and Land Management (now DPaW), WA Government.

CAMBA: China Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 1998.

CBD: Central Business District.

DBH: Diametre at Breast Height - standard tree measurement.

DEC: Department of Environment and Conservation (now DPaW), WA Government.

DEH: Department of Environment and Heritage (now DotE), Australian Government.

DEP: Department of Environment Protection (now DER), WA Government.

DER: Department of Environment Regulation (formerly DEC, DoE), WA Government.

DEWHA: Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (now DotE), Australian Government

DMP: Department of Mines and Petroleum (formerly DoIR), WA Government.

DoE: Department of Environment (now DER/DPaW), WA Government.

DoIR: Department of Industry and Resources (now DMP), WA Government.

DotE: Department of the Environment (formerly SEWPaC, DWEHA, DEH), Australian Government.

DPaW: Department of Parks and Wildlife (formerly DEC, CALM, DoE), WA Government.

EP Act: Environmental Protection Act 1986, WA Government.

EPA: Environmental Protection Authority, WA Government.

EPBC Act: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, Australian Government. ha: Hectare (10,000 square metres).

IBRA: Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia. YORNUP QUARRY – YORNUP - FAUNA ASSESSMENT – DECEMBER 2015 – V1

IUCN: International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources – commonly known as the World Conservation Union.

JAMBA: Japan Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 1981. km: Kilometre.

MRWA: Main Roads Western Australia m: Metre. mm: Millimetre.

OEPA: Office of the Environmental Protection Authority, WA Government

RAOU: Royal Australia Ornithologist Union.

ROKAMBA: Republic of Korea-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 2007.

SEWPaC: Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (now DotE, formerly DEH, DEWHA), Australian Government.

SLK: Straight Line Kilometres.

SSC: Species Survival Commission, International.

TEC: Threatened ecological community.

WA: Western Australia.

WAM: Western Australian Museum, WA Government.

WC Act: Wildlife Conservation Act 1950,WA Government.



This report details the results of a terrestrial vertebrate fauna assessment of a proposed quarry near Yornup (the study area) about 16km north of Manjimup in the south west of Western Australia (Figure 1). The study area is centred on an old abandoned basalt mine operation located at the eastern edge of the Yornup forest block. The defined study area has a total area of about 36 ha (Figure 2).

The scope of works was to conduct a level 1 fauna survey as defined by the EPA (EPA 2004). Because some listed threatened species (i.e. several species of black cockatoo and western ringtail possums) are known to occur in the general area, the scope of the survey work was expanded to include a targeted assessment of the site’s significance to these species as well.

Site reconnaissance surveys were carried out by Greg Harewood (B.Sc. - Zoology) on the 4 and 29 of November and the 1 December 2015. A nocturnal survey targeting western ringtail possums was carried out on the 29 November 2015.

The extents of the various fauna habitats based on vegetation communities identified by Plant Ecology Consulting (2015) are shown in Figures 3 with example images and brief descriptions being provided in Table 1.

The majority of the vegetation onsite is comprised of a jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) dominated woodland with a midstorey/understory of various tree and shrub species at variable densities on gravelly pisolitic soils with some minor basalt outcropping in higher areas. A high percentage of the woodland/forest areas appear to contain regrowth from a significant clearing event with most trees being relatively young as evidenced by their small size and lack of hollows. This is most evident in the area immediately surrounding the old quarry area where larger trees are almost totally absent.

Some small areas of the old pit floor appear to hold shallow water for most of the year and as a consequence Typha and sedges have established to form areas of reed beds.

A total of 25 native fauna species were observed (or positively identified from foraging evidence, scats, tracks, skeletons or calls) within the study area during the day and night time survey periods. One introduced species was also seen (laughing kookaburra). Most of the fauna recorded are relatively common bird species.

Evidence of three listed threatened species using the study area was observed (Baudin’s black cockatoo (foraging evidence), forest red-tailed black cockatoo (foraging evidence) and Carnaby’s black cockatoo (foraging evidence)). No evidence of any migratory or DPaW priority species utilising the site was found.

No evidence of western ringtail possums utilising any section of the study area was observed during the day time or night time surveys of the site. The results suggest the species is absent from the area or only present in extremely low numbers at best.


The reason for western ringtail possums apparently not being present within the area surveyed is difficult to determine but habitat for the species appears marginal in most areas given the lack of a coherent midstorey which the species prefers, an apparent consequent of historical logging activities.

The conclusion that the species is absent from the general area (or sparsely distributed at best) is supported by the lack of records in the DPaW NatureMap database which shows no recent records (in the last 17 years) in the near vicinity, with the three closest records (several kilometres east, on or close to South Western Highway) being from the mid to late 1990s (DPaW 2015b).

Nonetheless the species may occur in the study area occasionally given there appears to be better quality habitat nearby (i.e. along the Donnelly River) and transient individuals may therefore disperse out of this area.

The black cockatoo breeding habitat assessment identified a total of 678 trees with a DBH of >50cms the defined study area. The majority (478, ~71%) of the trees were not observed to contain hollows of any size. One hundred and seventy seven (177) (~26%) of the trees contained one or more “small” hollows considered by the Author not to be suitable for black cockatoos to use for nesting purposes. Twenty three (23) trees were identified as containing hollow/s that appeared big enough to possibly allow the entry of a black cockatoo into a suitably sized and orientated branch/trunk, However no conclusive evidence was observed to suggest any had ever been used (in the past or presently) for nesting by black cockatoos.

Almost all the vegetation on site represents potential foraging habitat for black cockatoos given the dominance of the primary feed source for all cockatoos in this area, marri in addition to jarrah. This is supplemented by the presence of the other plant species which are also utilised such as some banksia species at various locations. Foraging evidence (chewed marri and jarrah fruits) left by all three species of black cockatoo was observed at various locations throughout the study area.

No existing roosting trees (trees used at night by black cockatoos to rest) within the study area were identified during the survey period.

With respect to native vertebrate fauna, 21 mammals (including 9 bat species), 91 bird, 33 reptile and eight frog species have previously been recorded in the general area, some of which have the potential to occur in or utilise at times, the study area.

Of the 102 native that are listed as potentially occurring in the area, seven are considered to be endangered/vulnerable or in need of special protection under State and/or Federal law, these being the three species of black cockatoo, the peregrine falcon, the chuditch, southern brush-tailed phascogale and the western ringtail possum. Two migratory species (the rainbow bee-eater, great egret) may also utilise the area at times along with three DPaW priority species (masked owl, western brush wallaby and the western false pipistrelle).


Table 4 summarises the fauna species of conservation significance previously recorded in the general area and their likelihood of occurrence within the study area itself.

The impact the proposed quarry development will have on the fauna species of conservation significance listed as known to occur or as potentially being present will vary depending on their current degree of utilisation/population densities and preferred habitat requirements (e.g. quantity and quality of potential foraging and breeding habitat that is affected) in addition to the extent and quality of habitat in adjoining areas.

While the exact extent and location of clearing required for the proposed quarry are yet to be finalised, given the relatively small size of the likely disturbance footprint and the presence of extensive areas of similar habitat nearby, impacts on fauna and fauna habitat are anticipated to be small/negligible and therefore manageable with no significant change in the conservation status of any fauna species present in the area considered likely to result despite the localised loss of some habitat.



This report details the results of a terrestrial vertebrate fauna assessment of a proposed quarry near Yornup (the study area) about 16km north of Manjimup in the south west of Western Australia (Figure 1). The study area is centred on an old abandoned basalt mine operation located at the eastern edge of the Yornup forest block. The defined study area has a total area of about 36 ha (Figure 2).

A range of investigations, including this fauna assessment, are being undertaken in order to fully understand the suite of environmental values across the site. The findings of this survey and other investigations will be used to inform and support the development, with the primary aim of identifying development constraints and minimising potential environmental impacts as much as reasonable and practicable.

The information presented will also be used by local and state regulatory authorities to assess the potential impact of the overall proposal on fauna and fauna habitats as part of any required approval process.


The scope of works was to conduct a level 1 fauna survey as defined by the EPA (EPA 2004). Because some listed threatened species (i.e. several species of black cockatoo and western ringtail possums) are known to occur in the general area, the scope of the survey work was expanded to include targeted assessment of the site’s significance to these species as well. The fauna assessment has therefore included:

1. Level 1 Fauna Survey (to EPA (2004) standard);

2. Targeted day time and night time searches for evidence of western ringtail possums (dreys, scats and individuals);

3. Targeted searches for black cockatoo foraging, nesting and roosting habitat; and

4. Report summarising results.




Site reconnaissance surveys were carried out by Greg Harewood (B.Sc. - Zoology) on the 4 and 29 of November and the 1 December 2015. A nocturnal survey targeting western ringtail possums was carried out on the 29 November 2015.

3.1.1 Fauna Habitat Assessment

The vegetation communities (as identified by Plant Ecology Consulting 2015) observed onsite have been used as the basis for a classification of broad fauna habitats types. The main aim of the habitat assessment was to determine if it was likely that any species of conservation significance would be utilising the areas that may be impacted on as a consequence of development at the site. The habitat information obtained was also used to aid in finalising the overall potential fauna list.

As part of the literature review, available information on the habitat requirements of the species of conservation significance listed as possibly occurring in the area was researched. During the field survey the habitats within the study area were assessed and specific elements identified, if present, to determine the likelihood of listed threatened species utilising the area and its significance to them.

3.1.2 Opportunistic Fauna Observations

Opportunistic observations of fauna species were made during all field survey work which involved a series of transects across the site during the day while searching microhabitats such as logs, rocks, leaf litter and observations of bird species with binoculars. Secondary evidence of a species presence such as tracks, scats, skeletal remains, foraging evidence or calls were also noted if observed/heard.

3.1.3 Western Ringtail Possum Assessment

The detailed western ringtail possum survey included:

x A day time survey to locate and record dreys, obvious tree hollows, scats and individual WRPs; and

x Nocturnal survey to locate individual WRPs.

The WRP surveys involve a series of close spaced transects across the study area. The daytime survey was carried out concurrent with the cockatoo habitat assessment. The nocturnal survey was carried out on foot using a head torch along with a GPS equipped PDA for guidance/data recorder.


3.1.4 Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment

The following methods were employed to comply with the defined scope of works and are based on guidelines published by the federal DotE (SEWPaC 2012) which states that surveys for Carnaby’s, Baudin’s and forest red-tailed black cockatoo habitat should:

x be done by a suitably qualified person with experience in vegetation or cockatoo surveys, depending on the type of survey being undertaken;

x maximise the chance of detecting the species’ habitat and/or signs of use;

x determine the context of the site within the broader landscape—for example, the amount and quality of habitat nearby and in the local region (for example, within 10 km);

x account for uncertainty and error (false presence and absences); and

x include collation of existing data on known locations of breeding and feeding birds and night roost locations.

Habitat used by black cockatoos have been placed into three categories by the DotE (SEWPaC 2012) these being:

x Breeding Habitat;

x Foraging Habitat; and

x Night Roosting Habitat.

So as to comply with the requested scope of works and in line with the published guidelines the following will be carried out.

Breeding Habitat Assessment: The black cockatoo breeding habitat assessment involved the identification of all suitable breeding trees species within the defined survey area (Figure 2) that had a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of over 50cm. The DBH of each tree was estimated using a pre-made 50 cm “caliper”.

The location of each tree identified as being over the threshold DBH was recorded with a GPS and details on tree species, number and size of hollows (if any) noted. Trees observed to contain hollows (of any size/type) were marked with “H” using spray paint.

Target tree species included karri, marri and jarrah or any other Corymbia/Eucalyptus species of a suitable size that may have been present.


Peppermints, banksia, sheoak and melaleuca tree species (for example) were not assessed as they typically do not develop hollows that are used by black cockatoos.

For the purposes of this study a tree containing a potential cockatoo nest hollow was defined as:

Generally any tree which is alive or dead that contains one or more visible hollows (cavities within the trunk or branches) suitable for occupation by black cockatoo for the purpose of nesting/breeding. Hollows that had an entrance greater than about 12cm in diameter and would allow the entry of a black cockatoo into a suitably orientated and sized branch/trunk, will be recorded as a “potential nest hollow”.

Identified hollows were examined using binoculars for evidence of actual use by black cockatoos (e.g. chewing around hollow entrance, scarring and scratch marks on trunks and branches). Trees with possible nest hollows were also scratched and raked with a large stick/pole in attempt to flush any sitting birds from hollows and calls of chicks were listened.

It should be noted that some areas could not be accessed (mainly blackberry infested sections of the riparian vegetation) and therefore a small number of trees (flooded gum) may have not been recorded.

Foraging Habitat Assessment: The location and nature of black cockatoo foraging evidence (e.g. chewed fruits around base of trees) observed during the field survey was recorded. The nature and extent of potential foraging habitat present was also documented irrespective of the presence of any actual foraging evidence.

Night Roosting Habitat Assessment: Direct and indirect evidence of black cockatoos roosting within trees on site was noted if observed (e.g. branch clippings, droppings or moulted feathers).


3.2.1 Database Searches

Searches of the following databases were undertaken to aid in the compilation of a list of vertebrate fauna potentially occurring within the study area:

x DPaW’s NatureMap Database Search (combined data from DPaW, WAM, BA and consultants reports) (DPaW 2015b); and

x DotE Protected Matters Search Tool (DotE 2015).

It should be noted that these lists are based on observations from a broader area than the study site and therefore may include species that would only ever occur as vagrants/transients in the actual study area due to a lack of suitable


habitat or the presence of only marginal habitat. The databases also often included very old records and in some cases the species in question have become locally or regionally extinct.

Information from these sources should therefore be taken as indicative only and local knowledge and information needs also to be taken into consideration when determining what actual species may be present within the specific area of investigation.

3.2.2 Previous Fauna Surveys in the Area

Fauna surveys, assessments and reviews have been undertaken in nearby areas in the past, though not all are publically available and could not be referenced. The most significant of those available have been used as the primary reference material for compiling the potential fauna assemblage for the general area. Those reports referred to included, but were not limited to:

x Christensen, P., Annels, A., Liddelow, G. and Skinner,P. (1985). Vertebrate Fauna in The Southern Forests of Western Australia, A Survey. Forest Dept. of Western Australia, Bull. No. 94. Perth. (Perup results)

x ENV Australia (2009). Millstream Dam Level Two Fauna Assessment. Unpublished report for Water Corporation.

x Harewood, G. (2006). Fauna Assessment (Level 1). Bridgetown Regional Water Supply – Pipeline Route. Unpublished report for Water Corporation.

x Harewood, G. (2007). Fauna Assessment (Level 1). Nannup Transfer Main. Unpublished report for Water Corporation.

x How, R.A., Dell, J., and Humphreys, W. F. (1987). The ground vertebrate fauna of coastal areas between Busselton and Albany, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 13(4):553-574. (Walpole results)

As with the databases searches some reports refer to species that would not occur in the study area due to a lack of suitable habitat (extent and/or quality) and this fact was taken into consideration when compiling the potential fauna species list for the study area. It should also be noted that the NatureMap database is likely to include some records from previous fauna surveys in the area including some of those listed above.


3.2.3 Existing Publications

The following represent the main publications used to identify and refine the potential fauna species list for the study area:

x Anstis, M. (2013). Tadpoles and Frogs of Australia. New Holland Publishers, Sydney.

x Barrett, G., Silcocks, A., Barry, S., Cunningham, R. and Poulter, R. (2003). The New Atlas of Australian Birds. Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, Victoria.

x Bush, B., Maryan, B., Browne-Cooper, R. & Robinson, D. (2007). Reptiles and Frogs in the Bush: Southwestern Australia. UWA Press, Nedlands.

x Churchill, S. (2008). Australian Bats. Second Edition, Allen & Unwin.

x Cogger, H.G. (2014). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. 7th Edition. CSIRO Publishing.

x Johnstone, R.E. and Storr, G.M. (1998). Handbook of Western Australian Birds: Volume 1 – Non-passerines (Emu to Dollarbird). Western Australian Museum, Perth Western Australia.

x Johnstone, R.E. and Storr, G.M. (2004). Handbook of Western Australian Birds: Volume 2 – Passerines (Blue-winged Pitta to Goldfinch). Western Australian Museum, Perth Western Australia.

x Menkhorst, P. and Knight, F. (2011). A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

x Morgan, D.L., Beatty, S.J., Klunzinger, M.W, Allen, M.G. and Burnham, Q.E (2011). Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes, Crayfishes and Mussels of South Western Australia. Published by SERCUL.

x Storr, G.M., Smith, L.A. and Johnstone R.E. (1983). Lizards of Western Australia II: Dragons and Monitors. WA Museum, Perth.

x Storr, G.M., Smith, L.A. and Johnstone R.E. (1990). Lizards of Western Australia III: Geckos and Pygopods. WA Museum, Perth.

x Storr, G.M., Smith, L.A. and Johnstone R.E. (1999). Lizards of Western Australia I: Skinks. Revised Edition, WA Museum, Perth.

x Storr, G.M., Smith, L.A. and Johnstone R.E. (2002). Snakes of Western Australia. Revised Edition, WA Museum, Perth.


x Tyler M.J. & Doughty P. (2009). Field Guide to Frogs of Western Australia, Fourth Edition, WA Museum, Perth.

x Van Dyck, S., Gynther, I. & Baker, A. Eds (2013). Field Companion to The Mammals of Australia. Queensland Museum.

x Wilson, S. and Swan, G. (2013). A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia. Reed, New Holland, Sydney.

3.2.4 Fauna of Conservation Significance

The conservation significance of fauna species has been assessed using data from the following sources:

x Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Administered by the Australian Government Department of the Environment (DotE);

x Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (WC Act). Administered by the Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) (Govt. of WA 2015);

x Red List produced by the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the World Conservation Union (also known as the IUCN Red List - the acronym derived from its former name of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources). The Red List has no legislative power in Australia but is used as a framework for State and Commonwealth categories and criteria; and the

x DPaW Priority Fauna list. A non-statutory list maintained by the DPaW for management purposes (DPaW 2015a).

The EPBC Act also requires the compilation of a list of migratory species that are recognised under international treaties including the:

x Japan Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 1981 (JAMBA);

x China Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 1998 (CAMBA);

x Republic of Korea-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 2007 (ROKAMBA); and

x Bonn Convention 1979 (The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals). (Note - Species listed under JAMBA are also protected under Schedule 3 of the WC Act.)

All migratory bird species listed in the annexes to these bilateral agreements are protected in Australia as matters of national environmental significance (MNES) under the EPBC Act.


The conservation status of all vertebrate fauna species listed as occurring or possibly occurring in the vicinity of the study area has been assessed using the most recent lists published in accordance with the above-mentioned instruments and is indicated as such in the fauna listings of this report. A full listing of conservation codes are provided in Appendix A.

A number of other species not listed in official lists can also be considered of local or regional conservation significance. These include species that have a restricted range, those that occur in breeding colonies and those at the limit of their range.

3.2.5 Taxonomy and Nomenclature

Taxonomy and nomenclature for vertebrate fauna species used in this report is generally taken from the DPAW’s WA Fauna Census Database which is assumed to follow Aplin and Smith (2001) for amphibians and reptiles and Johnstone (2001) for birds. Jackson and Groves (2015) has been used for mammals.

Common names are taken from the Western Australia Museum (WAM) recognised primary common name listings when specified, though where common names are not provided they have been acquired from other publications. Sources include Cogger (2014), Wilson and Swan (2013), Van Dyck & Strahan (2013), Christidis and Boles (2008), Bush et al. (2010), Bush et al. (2007), Tyler et al. (2000), and Glauret (1961). Not all common names are generally accepted.

3.2.6 Likelihood of Occurrence – Fauna of Conservation Significance

For vertebrate fauna of conservation significance identified during the literature review as previously being recorded in the general area, each was assessed and ranked for their likelihood of occurrence within the survey area itself. The rankings and criteria used were:

x Unlikely to Occur: Survey area is outside of the currently documented distribution for the species in question or the species is generally accepted as being locally/regionally extinct (supported by a lack of recent records), or no suitable habitat (type, quality and extent) was identified as being likely to be present during the field survey and literature review. Individuals of some species may occur very occasionally as vagrants/transients especially if suitable habitat is located nearby but the survey area itself would not support a population or part population of the species.

o Locally Extinct: Populations no longer occur within a small part of the species natural range, in this case within 50 or 100km of the survey area. Populations do however persist outside of this area.


o Regionally Extinct: Populations no longer occur in a large part of the species natural range, in this case within the South West region, Populations do however persist outside of this area.

x Possibly Occurs: Survey area is within the known distribution of the species in question and habitat of at least marginal quality was identified as being likely to be present during the field survey and literature review, supported in some cases by recent records being documented in literature from within or near the survey area. In some cases, while a species may be classified as possibly being present at times, habitat may be marginal (e.g. poor quality, fragmented, limited in extent) and therefore the frequency of occurrence and/or population levels may be low.

x Known to Occur: The species in question was positively identified as being present (for sedentary species) or as using the survey area as habitat for some other purpose (for non-sedentary/mobile species) during the field survey. This information may have been obtained by direct observation of individuals or by way of secondary evidence (e.g. tracks, foraging debris, scats). In some cases, while a species may be classified as known to occur, habitat may be marginal (e.g. poor quality, fragmented, limited in extent) and therefore the frequency of occurrence and/or population levels may be low.


No seasonal sampling has been carried out as part of this fauna assessment. The conclusions presented are based upon field data and the environmental monitoring and/or testing carried out over a limited period of time and are therefore merely indicative of the environmental condition of the site at the time of the field assessments. It should also be recognised that site conditions can change with time.

Some fauna species are reported as potentially occurring based on there being suitable habitat (quality and extent) within the study area or immediately adjacent. With respect to opportunistic observations, the possibility exists that certain species may not have been detected during field investigations due to:

x seasonal inactivity during the field survey;

x species present within micro habitats not surveyed;

x cryptic species able to avoid detection; and

x transient wide-ranging species not present during the survey period.


Lack of observational data on some species should therefore not necessarily be taken as an indication that a species is absent from the site or does not utilise it for some purpose at times.

The habitat requirements and ecology of many of the species known to occur in the wider area are often not well understood or documented. It can therefore be difficult to exclude species from the potential list based on an apparent lack of a specific habitat or microhabitat within the study area. As a consequence of this limitation the potential fauna list produced is most likely an overestimation of those species that actually utilise the study area for some purpose. Some species may be present in the general area but may only use the study area itself on rare occasions or as vagrants/transients.

In recognition of survey limitations, a precautionary approach has been adopted for this assessment. Any fauna species that would possibly occur within the study area (or immediately adjacent), as identified through ecological databases, publications, discussions with local experts/residents and the habitat knowledge of the Author, has been assumed to potentially occur in the study area.

During the black cockatoo habitat survey trees with hollows were searched for. It should be noted that identifying hollows suitable for fauna species from ground level has limitations. Generally the full characteristics of any hollow seen are not fully evident (e.g. internal dimensions). It is also difficult to locate all hollows within all trees as some are not observable from ground level.

The location of observations was recorded using a handheld GPS. The accuracy of the GPS cannot be guaranteed above a level of about three to five metres, though it should be noted that in some circumstance the accuracy can increase or decrease beyond this range.



5.1.1 Fauna Habitat Assessment

The extents of the various vegetation units identified by Plant Ecology Consulting (2015) are shown in Figures 3 with example images and brief descriptions being provided in Table 1 below.

The majority of the vegetation onsite is comprised of a jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) dominated woodland with a midstorey/understory of various tree and shrub species at variable densities on gravelly pisolitic soils with some minor basalt outcropping in higher areas. A high percentage of the woodland/forest areas appear to contain regrowth from a significant clearing event with most trees being relatively young as evidenced by


their small size and lack of hollows. This is most evident in the area immediately surrounding the old quarry area where larger trees are almost totally absent.

Some small areas of the old pit floor appear to hold shallow water for most of the year and as a consequence Typha and sedges have established to form areas of reed beds.

Table 1: Examples of the Main Fauna Habitats within the Study Area

Unit Habitat Unit Description Example Image No.

Eucalyptus marginata - Corymbia calophylla 1 woodland

Areas under rehabilitation – mainly regrowth 2 ofEucalyptus marginata - Corymbia calophylla woodland

Sedgeland of Typha orientalis and Juncus kraussii 3 – this unit has grown in areas subject to inundation within the old quarry floor


Unit Habitat Unit Description Example Image No.

Completely Degraded Areas – mainly roads, tracks 4 and sections of the old quarry floor where no vegetation is present.

5.1.2 Opportunistic Fauna Observations

Opportunistic fauna observations are listed in Appendix B. A total of 25 native fauna species were observed (or positively identified from foraging evidence, scats, tracks, skeletons or calls) within the study area during the day and night time survey periods. One introduced species was also seen (laughing kookaburra). Most of the fauna recorded are relatively common bird species.

Evidence of three listed threatened species using the study area was observed (Baudin’s black cockatoo (foraging evidence), forest red-tailed black cockatoo (foraging evidence) and Carnaby’s black cockatoo (foraging evidence)). No evidence of any migratory or DPaW priority species utilising the site was found.

5.1.3 Western Ringtail Possum Assessment

No evidence of western ringtail possums utilising any section of the study area was observed during the day time or night time surveys of the site. The results suggest the species is absent from the area or only present in extremely low numbers at best.

The reason for western ringtail possums apparently not being present within the area surveyed is difficult to determine but habitat for the species appears marginal in most areas given the lack of a coherent midstorey which the species prefers, an apparent consequent of historical logging activities.

The conclusion that the species is absent from the general area (or sparsely distributed at best) is supported by the lack of records in the DPaW NatureMap database which shows no recent records (in the last 17 years) in the near vicinity, with the three closest records (several kilometres east, on or close to South Western Highway) being from the mid to late 1990s (DPaW 2015b).


Nonetheless the species may occur in the study area occasionally given there appears to be better quality habitat nearby (i.e. along the Donnelly River) and transient individuals may therefore disperse out of this area.

5.1.4 Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment

Trees considered potentially suitable for black cockatoos to use as nesting habitat which were found within the study area comprised the following species:

x Jarrah - Eucalyptus marginata; and

x Marri – Corymbia calophylla.

Some dead trees could not be classified to species level due to a lack of distinguishing characteristics and were therefore categorises as “dead unknown”. It should be noted that the probability of each particular tree species developing hollows used by black cockatoos for nesting varies considerably. For example jarrah are rarely used by black cockatoos for nesting purposes relative to marri.

A summary of the potential black cockatoo breeding habitat trees (using DotE criteria i.e. any suitable tree species with a DBH> 50cm (SEWPaC 2012)) observed within the study are is provided in Table 2 below and their location shown in Figure 3.

Table 2: Summary of Potential Cockatoo Breeding Habitat Trees (DBH >50cm).

Number of Tree Species Number of Trees with Trees with Number of Hollows Number Hollows Trees with Considered of Trees Considered Unknown (Dead) Jarrah

No Possibly Marri >50cm Unsuitable Hollows Suitable for DBH for Black Observed Black Cockatoo Cockatoo Nesting Nesting

678 478 177 23 454 207 17

The assessment identified a total of 678 trees with a DBH of >50cms the defined study area. The majority (478, ~71%) of the trees were not observed to contain hollows of any size. One hundred and seventy seven (177) (~26%) of the trees contained one or more “small” hollows considered by the Author not to be suitable for black cockatoos to use for nesting purposes. Twenty three (23) trees were identified as containing hollow/s that appeared big enough to


possibly allow the entry of a black cockatoo into a suitably sized and orientated branch/trunk, However no conclusive evidence was observed to suggest any had ever been used (in the past or presently) for nesting by black cockatoos.

Additional details on each habitat tree observed can be found in Appendix D.

Almost all the vegetation on site represents potential foraging habitat for black cockatoos given the dominance of the primary feed source for all cockatoos in this area, marri in addition to jarrah. This is supplemented by the presence of the other plant species which are also utilised such as some banksia species at various locations. Foraging evidence (chewed marri and jarrah fruits) left by all three species of black cockatoo was observed at various locations throughout the study area.

No existing roosting trees (trees used at night by black cockatoos to rest) within the study area were identified during the survey period.


A list of fauna species which could potentially occur in the study area as a whole has been compiled from information obtained during the literature review and is presented in Appendix B. The results of some previous fauna surveys carried out in the general area are summarised in this species listing as are the DPaW NatureMap database search results. The raw database search results from NatureMap (DPaW 2015b) and the Protected Matters Search Tool (DotE 2015) are contained within Appendix C.

Table 3 provides a summary of the potential species listing held in Appendix B in addition to those species observed during the field survey.

Table 3: Summary of Potential Fauna Species (as listed in Appendix B)

Potential Potential Number of Total Potential number of number of species number of number of Group Specially DpaW observed Potential Migratory Protected Priority Field Species Species Species Species Survey Amphibians 80000 Reptiles 330001 Birds 921 421231 Non-Volant 186 3012 Mammals Volant Mammals 90010 (Bats) Total 1607 723261

Superscript = number of introduced species included in total


The list of potential fauna takes into consideration that firstly the species in question is not known to be locally/regionally extinct and secondly that suitable habitat for each species, as identified during the habitat assessment, is present within the study area, though compiling an accurate list has limitations (see Section 4 above) and therefore the listing is likely to be an overestimation of the fauna species which actually utilise the study area. Only a subset of the listed potential species are likely to be present at any one time.


A review of the DotE’s EPBC Act protected matters database, DPaW’s threatened fauna database and priority list, unpublished reports and scientific publications identified a number of specially protected, priority or migratory fauna species as potentially occurring in the general vicinity of the study area. Of these species, most that have no potential whatsoever to utilise the study area for any purpose have been omitted from the potential list for the site (Appendix B), principally due to lack of suitable habitat on-site (including extent and/or quality) or known local/regional extinction. Some species have been excluded from the potential species list as they are only likely to occur on rare occasions and them only on a temporary basis.

Table 4 below summarises the fauna species of conservation significance previously recorded in the general area and their likelihood of occurrence within the study area itself.

Table 4: Likelihood of Occurrence – Fauna Species of Conservation Significance (continues on following pages).

Conservation Habitat Common Name & Species Likelihood of Occurrence Status Present

Western Mud Minnow Galaxiella munda S3 No Unlikely

Galaxiella Black-stripe Minnow P3 No Unlikely nigrostriata

Pouched Lamprey Geotria australis P1 No Unlikely

Unlikely, outside of main Walpole Frog Geocrinia lutea P4 No documented range.

Unlikely, outside of main Dell's Skink Ctenotus delli P4 No documented range.

Possible but only rarely, would Yes/Very not breed onsite – inundated Great Egret Ardea alba S5, Mig Marginal areas of old pit represent marginal habitat.


Conservation Habitat Common Name Genus & Species Likelihood of Occurrence Status Present

Unlikely - Prefers open Cattle Egret Ardea ibis S5, Mig No paddocks with livestock.

Osprey Pandion haliaetus S5, Mig, Ma No Unlikely

White-bellied Sea- Haliaeetus S5, Mig No Unlikely Eagle leucogaster

Possible but only temporarily on Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus S7 Yes rare occasions.

Migratory S5, Mig, Shorebirds/Wetland Various No Unlikely Various Species

Botaurus Yes/Very Possible but only temporarily on Australasian Bittern S2, EN poiciloptilus Marginal rare occasions.

Ixobrychus Yes/Very Possible but only temporarily on Black Bittern P1 flavicollis Marginal rare occasions

Ixobrychus Yes/Very Possible but only temporarily on Little Bittern P4 minutus Marginal rare occasions

Rallus pectoralis Lewin’s Rail EX No Unlikely - Extinct clelandi

Blue-billed Duck Oxyura australis P4 No Unlikely - Extinct

Carnaby`s Black Calyptorhynchus S2, EN Yes Known to occur Cockatoo latirostris

Baudin`s Black Calyptorhynchus S31, VU Yes Known to occur Cockatoo baudinii

Forest Red-tailed Black Calyptorhynchus S3, VU Yes Known to occur Cockatoo banksii naso

Cacatua pastinator Unlikely, outside of main Muir’s Corella S6 No pastinator documented range.

Barking Owl (SW Ninox connivens P2 No Unlikely population) connivens

Masked Owl (SW Tyto n. P3 Yes Possible population) novaehollandiae Possible but very rarely and then Fork-tailed Swift Apus pacificus S5, Mig Yes flyover only for very short periods.

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea S5, Mig No Unlikely.

Possible but would favour open Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus S5, Mig Yes areas.


Conservation Habitat Common Name Genus & Species Likelihood of Occurrence Status Present

Chuditch Dasyurus geoffroii S3, VU Yes Possible.

Southern Brush-tailed Phascogale S3 Yes Possible. Phascogale tapoatafa ssp

Unlikely, outside of main Red-tailed Phascogale Phascogale calura S6, EN No documented range.

Myrmecobius Numbat S2, EN No Unlikely, locally extinct. fasciatus

Southern Brown Isoodon obesulus P5 Yes Possible. Bandicoot fusciventer

Bilby Macrotis lagotis S3, VU No Unlikely, regionally extinct.

Western Ringtail Pseudocheirus Possible but currently appears to S2, VU Yes/Marginal Possum occidentalis be absent from areas examined

Western Brush Macropus irma P4 Yes Possible. Wallaby

Macropus eugenii Tammar P4 No Unlikely, locally extinct. subsp. derbianus

Bettongia Woylie penicillata subsp. S1, CR Yes Unlikely, locally extinct. ogilbyi

Setonix Quokka S1, VU No Unlikely. brachyurus

Western False Falsistrellus P4 Yes Possible Pipistrelle mackenziei

Hydromys Water Rat P4 No Unlikely chrysogaster


In general the most significant potential impacts to fauna of any development include:

x Loss of vegetation/fauna habitat that is used for foraging, breeding, roosting, or dispersal (includes loss of hollow bearing trees),

x Fragmentation of vegetation/fauna habitat which may restrict the movement of some fauna species,

x Modifications to surface hydrology, siltation of creek lines,

x Changes to fire regimes,


x Pollution (e.g. oil spills),

x Noise/Light/Dust,

x Spread of plant pathogens (e.g. dieback) and weeds,

x Potential increase in strikes by higher frequency of vehicle movements,

x Potential increase in the number of predatory feral species (e.g. foxes, cats), and

x Death or injury of fauna during clearing and construction.

The impact the proposed quarry development will have on the fauna species of conservation significance listed as known to occur or as potentially being present will vary depending on their current degree of utilisation/population densities and preferred habitat requirements (e.g. quantity and quality of potential foraging and breeding habitat that is affected) in addition to the extent and quality of habitat in adjoining areas.

While the exact extent and location of clearing required for the proposed quarry are yet to be finalised, given the relatively small size of the likely disturbance footprint and the presence of extensive areas of similar habitat nearby, impacts on fauna and fauna habitat are anticipated to be small/negligible and therefore manageable with no significant change in the conservation status of any fauna species present in the area considered likely to result despite the localised loss of some habitat. 7. CONCLUSION

The fauna assessment within the study area was undertaken for the purposes of categorising the fauna assemblages and identifying fauna habitats present. A targeted assessment of the sites value as western ringtail possum and black cockatoo habitat was also carried out.

Based on the results of the fauna assessment and the potential maximum extent of clearing required to allow development to proceed it has been concluded that no significant impacts on any fauna species are considered likely to occur despite the localised loss of some habitat.


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FIGURES 418000 420000 422000 Yornup 424000 426000 428000 Armadale 20 Bunbury


Busselton 6230000 6230000

South Western Highway Bridgetown Nannup

Regional Location Manjimup 6228000 6228000 Yornup Forest Block

Railway (not in use) 6226000 6226000

Wagelup Road

Donnelly River

Alco Forest Block 6224000 6224000 Wilgarrup NR 418000 420000 422000 424000 426000 428000

Yornup Quarry Legend O 012345 Cadastral Boundaries Fauna Survey Study Area DRAWN:G Harewood & Surrounds Yornup Quarry Study Area Kilometres DATE : Dec 2015 MGA Zone 50 SCALE: 1:50,000 Figure: 1 422000 422200 422400 6226400 6226400 6226200 6226200 6226000 6226000

Wagelup Road 6225800 6225800 6225600 6225600

Donnelly River

422000 422200 422400

Yornup Quarry Legend O 0 50 100 150 200 Yornup Quarry Fauna Survey Study Area Study Area DRAWN:G Harewood Air Photo Metres DATE : Dec 2015 1:4,029 MGA Zone 50 SCALE: Figure: 2 422000 422200 422400 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !

6226400 ! ! ! ! 6226400 ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6226200 ! ! ! 6226200 ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! !! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6226000 ! !! ! ! ! ! 6226000 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! 6225800 ! 6225800 ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! Fauna Habitats ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Yornup Plant Communities (PEC 2015) ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! Eucalyptus marginata - Corymbia calophylla woodland ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Areas under rehabilitation ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! Completely Degraded Areas ! ! ! ! Sedgeland of Typha orientalis and Juncus kraussii

6225600 Habitat Trees 6225600

! Tree >50cm DBH, no hollows seen

! Tree >50cm DBH, one or more hollows seen Tree >50cm DBH, one or more hollows ! possibly suitable for a Black Cockatoo

422000 422200 422400

Yornup Quarry Legend O 0 50 100 150 200 Fauna Habitats Yornup Quarry Fauna Survey and Study Area DRAWN:G Harewood Metres DATE : Dec 2015 1:4,029 Habitat Trees MGA Zone 50 SCALE: Figure: 3 YORNUP QUARRY – YORNUP - FAUNA ASSESSMENT – DECEMBER 2015 – V1


CONSERVATION CATEGORIES EPBC Act (1999) Threatened Fauna Categories

Threatened fauna may be listed under Section 178 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) in any one of the following categories:

Category Code Description There is no reasonable doubt that the last Extinct E member of the species has died. A species (a) is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalised population well outside its past range; or *Extinct in the wild EW (b) has not been recorded in its known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate seasons, anywhere in its past range, despite exhaustive surveys over a time frame appropriate to its life cycle and form. A species is facing an extremely high risk of *Critically Endangered CE extinction in the wild in the immediate future. A species: (a) is not critically endangered; and *Endangered EN (b) is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future. A species (a) is not critically endangered or endangered; *Vulnerable VU and (b) is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future. A species is the focus of a specific conservation program the cessation of which Conservation Dependent CD would result in the species becoming vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered (a) all migratory species that are: (i) native species; and (ii) from time to time included in the appendices to the Bonn Convention; and (b) all migratory species from time to time *Migratory Migratory included in annexes established under JAMBA, CAMBA and ROKAMBA; and (c) all native species from time to time identified in a list established under, or an instrument made under, an international agreement approved by the Minister. Species in the list established under s248 of Marine Ma the EPBC Act Note: Only species in those categories marked with an asterix are matters of national environmental significance (NES) under the EPBC Act. Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2015 Categories

Published as Specially Protected under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, and listed under Schedules 1 to 7 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice.

The assessment of the conservation status of these species is based on their national extent and ranked according to their level of threat using IUCN Red List categories and criteria as detailed below.

Category Code Description Schedule 1

Threatened species considered to be facing an extremely high risk of Critically CR extinction in the wild. Endangered species Schedule 2 Threatened species considered to be facing a very high risk of EN Endangered extinction in the wild. species Schedule 3 Threatened species considered to be facing a high risk of VU Vulnerable extinction in the wild. species Schedule 4 Species which have been adequately searched for and there is EX Presumed no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. extinct species Schedule 5

Birds that are subject to an agreement between the government Migratory birds of Australia and the governments of Japan (JAMBA), China protected IA (CAMBA) and The Republic of Korea (ROKAMBA), and the under an Bonn Convention, relating to the protection of migratory birds. international agreement Schedule 6

Fauna that is of special Fauna of special conservation need being species dependent conservation CD on ongoing conservation intervention to prevent it becoming need as eligible for listing as threatened. conservation dependent fauna Schedule 7

Fauna otherwise in need of special protection to ensure their Other specially OS conservation. protected fauna. Western Australian DPaW Priority Fauna Categories

Possibly threatened species that do not meet survey criteria, or are otherwise data deficient, are added to the Priority Fauna under Priorities 1, 2 or 3. These three categories are ranked in order of priority for survey and evaluation of conservation status so that consideration can be given to their declaration as threatened flora or fauna.

Species that are adequately known, are rare but not threatened, or meet criteria for near threatened, or that have been recently removed from the threatened species or other specially protected fauna lists for other than taxonomic reasons, are placed in Priority 4. These species require regular monitoring.

Assessment of Priority codes is based on the Western Australian distribution of the species, unless the distribution in WA is part of a contiguous population extending into adjacent States, as defined by the known spread of locations.

Category Code Description Species that are known from one or a few locations (generally five or less) which are potentially at risk. All occurrences are either: very small; or on Priority 1 lands not managed for conservation, e.g. agricultural or pastoral lands, urban areas, road and rail reserves, gravel reserves and active mineral leases; or Poorly P1 otherwise under threat of habitat destruction or degradation. Species may be Known included if they are comparatively well known from one or more locations but Species. do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and appear to be under immediate threat from known threatening processes. Such species are in urgent need of further survey. Species that are known from one or a few locations (generally five or less), some of which are on lands managed primarily for nature conservation, e.g. Priority 2 national parks, conservation parks, nature reserves and other lands with secure tenure being managed for conservation. Species may be included if Poorly P2 they are comparatively well known from one or more locations but do not Known meet adequacy of survey requirements and appear to be under threat from Species. known threatening processes. Such species are in urgent need of further survey. Species that are known from several locations and the species does not Priority 3 appear to be under imminent threat, or from few but widespread locations with either large population size or significant remaining areas of apparently Poorly P3 suitable habitat, much of it not under imminent threat. Species may be Known included if they are comparatively well known from several locations but do Species. not meet adequacy of survey requirements and known threatening processes exist that could affect them. Such species are in need of further survey. (a) Rare: Species that are considered to have been adequately surveyed, or for which sufficient knowledge is available, and that are considered not Priority 4 currently threatened or in need of special protection, but could be if present circumstances change. These species are usually represented Rare, Near on conservation lands. Threatened P4 and other (b) Near Threatened: Species that are considered to have been adequately species in surveyed and that do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but that need of are close to qualifying for Vulnerable. monitoring. (c) Species that have been removed from the list of threatened species during the past five years for reasons other than taxonomy.

*Species includes all taxa (plural of taxon - a classificatory group of any taxonomic rank, e.g. a family, genus, species or any infraspecific category i.e. subspecies or variety, or a distinct population). IUCN Red List Threatened Species Categories

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is a checklist of taxa that have undergone an extinction risk assessment using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Categories are summarized below.

Category Code Description Taxa for which there is no reasonable doubt that Extinct EX the last individual has died. Taxa which is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or and as a naturalised population well Extinct in the outside its past range and it has not been EW Wild recorded in known or expected habitat despite exhaustive survey over a time frame appropriate to its life cycle and form. Critically Taxa facing an extremely high risk of extinction in CR Endangered the wild. Taxa facing a very high risk of extinction in the Endangered EN wild.

Vulnerable VU Taxa facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

Taxa which has been evaluated but does not Near NT qualify for CR, EN or VU now but is close to Threatened qualifying or likely to qualify in the near future. Taxa which has been evaluated but does not Least Concern LC qualify for CR, EN, VU, or NT but is likely to qualify for NT in the near future. Taxa for which there is inadequate information to make a direct or indirect assessment of its risk of Data Deficient DD extinction based on its distribution and/or population status.

Not Evaluated NE Taxa which has not been evaluated.

A full list of categories and their meanings are available at: http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories- criteria YORNUP QUARRY – YORNUP - FAUNA ASSESSMENT – DECEMBER 2015 – V1


FAUNA OBSERVED OR POTENTIALLY IN STUDY AREA Fauna Observed or Potentially in Study Area Compiled by Greg Harewood - Dec 2015 Yornup Quarry, Yornup, WA Approx. Centroid: 34.101705°S, 116.156641°E Recorded (Trapped/Sighted/Heard/Signs) = X Harewood, G. (2015). Fauna Assessment Younup Quarry, Yornup, WA. Unpublished report for MBS/Quarry Manager Services. ENV (2009). Millstream Dam Level Two Fauna Assessment. Unpublished report for Water Corporation. Christensen, P., Annels, A., Liddelow, G. and Skinner,P. (1985). Vertebrate Fauna in The Southern Forests of Western Australia, A Survey. Forest Dept. of Western Australia, Bull. No. 94. Perth. How, R.A., Dell, J. and Humphreys, W.F. (1987). The Ground Vertebrate Fauna of Coastal Areas between Busselton and Albany, Western Australia, Records of the WAM 13, 553-574. DPaW (2015). NatureMap Database Search. “By Circle” 116°09' 24'' E, 34°06' 06'' S – Study area (plus 30km buffer), accessed 04/12/2015.

Class Common Conservation Harewood ENV ('09) Christensen How ('87) DPaW Family ('15) Younup Millstream ('85) Perup Walpole ('15) Species Name Status Quarry Dam - Nature Nannup Map

Amphibians Myobatrachidae Ground or Burrowing Frogs

Crinia georgiana Quacking Frog LC XXXX

Crinia glauerti Glauert`s Froglet LC XXXX

Crinia pseudinsignifera Bleating Froglet LC X

Heleioporus eyrei Moaning Frog LC XXX

Limnodynastes dorsalis Banjo Frog LC X X

Pseudophryne guentheri Güenther`s Toadlet LC X X

Hylidae Tree or Water-Holding Frogs

Litoria adelaidensis Slender Tree Frog LC XXXX

Litoria moorei Motorbike Frog LC XXX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Reptiles Gekkonidae Geckoes

Christinus marmoratus Marbled Gecko XXX

Pygopodidae Legless Lizards

Aprasia pulchella Pretty Worm Lizard

Delma australis Marble-faced Delma

Delma fraseri Fraser's Delma X

Lialis burtonis Common Snake Lizard

Pygopus lepidopodus Southern Scaleyfoot X

Agamidae Dragon Lizards

Pogona minor Western Bearded Dragon

Varanidae Monitor's or Goanna's

Varanus rosenbergi Heath Monitor X

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

Page 2 of 17 Class Common Conservation Harewood ENV ('09) Christensen How ('87) DPaW Family ('15) Younup Millstream ('85) Perup Walpole ('15) Species Name Status Quarry Dam - Nature Nannup Map

Scincidae Skinks

Acritoscincus trilineatum South-western Cool Skink XX

Cryptoblepharus buchananii Fence Skink X

Ctenotus catenifer Chain-striped Heath Ctenotus X

Ctenotus impar South-western Odd-striped Ctenotus

Ctenotus labillardieri Red-legged Skink XXX

Egernia kingii King's Skink XXX

Egernia luctuosa Mourning Skink

Egernia napoleonis Salmon-bellied Skink XXX

Hemiergis gracilipes Southwestern Mulch Skink

Hemiergis peronii peronii Four-toed Mulch Skink XXX

Lerista elegans West Coast Four-toed Lerista

Lerista microtis microtis Southwestern Five-toed Lerista XX

Menetia greyii Dwarf Skink XX

Morethia lineoocellata Western Pale-flecked Morethia X

Morethia obscura Dusky Morethia X

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Tiliqua rugosa rugosa Western Bobtail XXX

Typhlopidae Blind Snakes

Ramphotyphlops australis Southern Blind Snake X

Elapidae Elapid Snakes

Brachyurophis semifasciata Southern Shovel-nosed Snake X

Echiopsis curta Bardick X X

Elapognathus coronatus Crowned Snake X X

Notechis scutatus Tiger Snake XXX

Parasuta gouldii Gould's Hooded Snake XX

Parasuta nigriceps Black-backed Snake

Pseudonaja affinis Dugite XXX

Rhinoplocephalus bicolor Square-nosed Snake X X

Birds Casuariidae Emus, Cassowarries

Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu Bp LC XXXX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Phasianidae Quails, Pheasants

Coturnix pectoralis Stubble Quail LC X

Coturnix ypsilophora Brown Quail LC X

Anatidae Geese, Swans, Ducks

Anas gracilis Grey Teal LC XX

Anas superciliosa Pacific Black Duck LC XX

Chenonetta jubata Australian Wood Duck LC XX

Ardeidae Herons, Egrets, Bitterns

Ardea alba Great Egret S5 Mig CA JA

Ardea pacifica White-necked Heron LC XX

Egretta novaehollandiae White-faced Heron LC XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Accipitridae Kites, Goshawks, Eagles, Harriers

Accipiter cirrocephalus Collared Sparrowhawk Bp LC X

Accipiter fasciatus Brown Goshawk Bp LC XX

Aquila audax Wedge-tailed Eagle Bp LC X XX

Aquila morphnoides Little Eagle Bp LC XX

Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite LC X

Haliastur sphenurus Whistling Kite Bp LC XX

Hamirostra isura Square-tailed Kite Bp LC

Falconidae Falcons

Falco berigora Brown Falcon Bp LC XX

Falco cenchroides Australian Kestrel LC XX

Falco longipennis Australian Hobby LC XX

Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon S7 Bp LC X

Turnicidae Button-quails

Turnix varia Painted Button-quail Bp LC XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Charadriidae Lapwings, Plovers, Dotterels

Charadrius melanops Black-fronted Dotterel X

Columbidae Pigeons, Doves

Phaps chalcoptera Common Bronzewing Bh LC X XX

Phaps elegans Brush Bronzewing Bh LC XX

Cacatuidae Cockatoos, Corellas

Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo S3 VU Bp VU A2c+3c+4c XXXX

Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin`s Black-Cockatoo S3 VU Bp VU C2a(ii) XXXX

Calyptorhynchus latirostris Carnaby`s Black-Cockatoo S2 EN Bp EN A2bcde+3bcd XXX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Psittacidae Parrots

Glossopsitta porphyrocephala Purple-crowned Lorikeet LC XX

Neophema elegans Elegant Parrot LC XX

Platycercus icterotis icterotis Western Rosella (Western ssp) Bp LC X X

Platycercus spurius Red-capped Parrot LC XXXX

Platycercus zonarius Australian Ringneck Parrot LC XXXX

Polytelis anthopeplus Regent Parrot LC X

Cuculidae Parasitic Cuckoos

Cacomantis flabelliformis Fan-tailed Cuckoo LC XXXX

Chrysococcyx basalis Horsfield`s Bronze Cuckoo LC

Chrysococcyx lucidus Shining Bronze Cuckoo LC XXXX

Cuculus pallidus Pallid Cuckoo LC X

Strigidae Hawk Owls

Ninox novaeseelandiae Boobook Owl LC X XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Tytonidae Barn Owls

Tyto alba Barn Owl LC XX

Tyto n. novaehollandiae Masked Owl (SW pop.) P3 Bp

Podargidae Frogmouths

Podargus strigoides Tawny Frogmouth LC XX

Caprimulgidae Nightjars

Eurostopodus argus Spotted Nightjar LC X

Aegothelidae Owlet-nightjars

Aegotheles cristatus Australian Owlet-nightjar LC XX

Halcyonidae Tree Kingfishers

Dacelo novaeguineae Laughing Kookaburra Introduced XXXX

Todiramphus sanctus Sacred Kingfisher LC XX

Meropidae Bee-eaters

Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater S5 Mig JA LC X

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Climacteridae Treecreepers

Climacteris rufa Rufous Treecreeper Bh X XX

Maluridae Fairy Wrens, GrassWrens

Malurus elegans Red-winged Fairy-wren Be LC XXXX

Malurus splendens Splendid Fairy-wren Bh LC X XX

Pardalotidae Pardalotes, Bristlebirds, Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills

Acanthiza apicalis Broad-tailed Thornbill Bh LC XXXX

Acanthiza chrysorrhoa Yellow-rumped Thornbill Bh LC XX

Acanthiza inornata Western Thornbill Bh LC X XX

Gerygone fusca Western Gerygone LC XXXX

Pardalotus punctatus Spotted Pardalote LC XX

Pardalotus striatus Striated Pardalote LC XXX

Sericornis frontalis White-browed Scrubwren Bh LC XXXX

Smicrornis brevirostris Weebill Bh LC XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Meliphagidae Honeyeaters, Chats

Acanthorhynchus superciliosus Western Spinebill LC X XX

Anthochaera carunculata Red Wattlebird LC XX

Anthochaera lunulata Western Little Wattlebird Bp XX

Lichenostomus virescens Singing Honeyeater LC

Lichmera indistincta Brown Honeyeater LC XXX

Melithreptus chloropsis Western White-naped Honeyeater LC X XX

Phylidonyris nigra White-cheeked Honeyeater Bp LC

Phylidonyris novaehollandiae New Holland Honeyeater Bp LC X XX

Petroicidae Australian Robins

Eopsaltria australis Western Yellow Robin Bh LC XXX

Eopsaltria georgiana White-breasted Robin Bh LC X XX

Petroica multicolor Scarlet Robin Bh LC X XX

Neosittidae Sitellas

Daphoenositta chrysoptera Varied Sittella Bh LC X XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Pachycephalidae Crested Shrike-tit, Crested Bellbird, Shrike Thrushes, Whistlers

Colluricincla harmonica Grey Shrike-thrush Bh LC XXXX

Falcunculus frontatus leucogaster Western Shrike-tit Be X

Pachycephala pectoralis Golden Whistler Bh LC X XX

Pachycephala rufiventris Rufous Whistler LC XXXX

Dicruridae Monarchs, Magpie Lark, Flycatchers, Fantails, Drongo

Grallina cyanoleuca Magpie-lark LC XX

Rhipidura fuliginosa Grey Fantail LC XXXX

Rhipidura leucophrys Willie Wagtail LC XX

Campephagidae Cuckoo-shrikes, Trillers

Coracina novaehollandiae Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike LC XXX

Lalage sueurii White-winged Triller LC X

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Artamidae Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs

Artamus cinereus Black-faced Woodswallow Bp LC X X

Artamus cyanopterus Dusky Woodswallow Bp LC XXX

Cracticus tibicen Australian Magpie LC XX

Cracticus torquatus Grey Butcherbird LC X

Strepera versicolor Grey Currawong Bp LC X XX

Corvidae Ravens, Crows

Corvus coronoides Australian Raven LC XXXX

Motacillidae Old World Pipits, Wagtails

Anthus novaeseelandiae Australian Pipit LC X

Passeridae Grass Finches, Mannikins, Sparrows

Stagonopleura oculata Red-eared Firetail LC X X

Dicaeidae Flowerpeckers

Dicaeum hirundinaceum Mistletoebird LC X

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Hirundinidae Swallows, Martins

Hirundo neoxena Welcome Swallow LC XX

Hirundo nigricans Tree Martin LC X XX

Sylviidae Old World Warblers

Cincloramphus cruralis Brown Songlark LC X

Cincloramphus mathewsi Rufous Songlark LC X

Zosteropidae White-eyes

Zosterops lateralis Silvereye LC XXXX

Mammals Tachyglossidae Echidnas

Tachyglossus aculeatus Echidna LC XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

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Dasyuridae Carnivorous Marsupials

Antechinus flavipes Yellow-footed Antechinus LC XXXX

Dasyurus geoffroii Chuditch S3 VU VU C1 XX

Phascogale tapoatafa ssp Southern Brush-tailed Phascogale S3 NT X X

Sminthopsis griseoventer Grey-bellied Dunnart LC XXX

Peramelidae Bandicoots

Isoodon obesulus fusciventer Southern Brown Bandicoot P4 LC XX

Phalangeridae Brushtail Possums, Cuscuses

Trichosurus vulpecula Common Brushtail Possum LC XXXX

Burramyidae Pygmy Possums

Cercartetus concinnus Western Pygmy-possum LC XX

Tarsipedidae Honey Possum

Tarsipes rostratus Honey Possum LC X X

Pseudocheiridae Ringtail Posssums

Pseudocheirus occidentalis Western Ringtail Possum S2 EN VU A2bce+3bce+4bc XX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

Page 15 of 17 Class Common Conservation Harewood ENV ('09) Christensen How ('87) DPaW Family ('15) Younup Millstream ('85) Perup Walpole ('15) Species Name Status Quarry Dam - Nature Nannup Map

Macropodidae Kangaroos, Wallabies

Macropus fuliginosus Western Grey Kangaroo LC XXXXX

Molossidae Freetail Bats

Mormopterus planiceps Western Freetail Bat LC X X

Tadarida australis White-striped Freetail-bat LC X X

Vespertilionidae Ordinary Bats

Chalinolobus gouldii Gould`s Wattled Bat LC X XX

Chalinolobus morio Chocolate Wattled Bat LC XXXX

Falsistrellus mackenziei Western False Pipistrelle P4 NT XXXX

Nyctophilus geoffroyi Lesser Long-eared Bat LC XX

Nyctophilus gouldi Gould`s Long-eared Bat LC X

Nyctophilus major Western Long-eared Bat X

Vespadelus regulus Southern Forest Bat LC XXXX

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.

Page 16 of 17 Class Common Conservation Harewood ENV ('09) Christensen How ('87) DPaW Family ('15) Younup Millstream ('85) Perup Walpole ('15) Species Name Status Quarry Dam - Nature Nannup Map

Muridae Rats, Mice

Mus musculus House Mouse Introduced X XX

Rattus fuscipes Western Bush Rat LC XXXX

Rattus rattus Black Rat Introduced XXX

Canidae Dogs, Foxes

Vulpes vulpes Red Fox Introduced X XX

Felidae Cats

Felis catus Cat Introduced XX

Suidae Pigs

Sus scrofa Pig Introduced X X

Leporidae Rabbits, Hares

Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit Introduced X

WC Act Status - S1 to S4, EPBC Act Status - EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EX = Extinct, DPaW Priority Status - P1 to P5, Int. Agmts - CA = CAMBA, JA = JAMBA, RK = ROKAMBA, Bush Forever Decreaser Species - Bh = habitat specialists, Bp = wide ranging species, Be = extinct in Perth Coastal Plain Region. IUCN Red List Category Definitions LC = Least Concern - see Appendix A and http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria for others.



DPAW NATUREMAP & PROTECTED MATTERS SEARCH TOOL RESULTS NatureMap - Yornup Quarry Created By Greg Harewood on 04/12/2015

Kingdom Animalia Current Names Only Yes Core Datasets Only Yes Method 'By Circle' Centre 116°09' 24'' E,34°06' 06'' S Buffer 30km Group By Species Group

Species Group Species Records Amphibian 16 489 Bird 228 8623 Fish 18 49 Invertebrate 1377 5868 Mammal 49 876 Reptile 31 349 TOTAL 1719 16254

Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area Amphibian 1. 25398 Crinia georgiana (Quacking Frog) 2. 25399 Crinia glauerti (Clicking Frog) 3. 25401 Crinia pseudinsignifera (Bleating Froglet) 4. Crinia sp. 5. 25402 Crinia subinsignifera (South Coast Froglet) 6. 25404 Geocrinia leai (Ticking Frog) 7. 25405 Geocrinia lutea (Walpole Frog, Nornalup Frog) P4 8. 25406 Geocrinia rosea (Roseate Frog) 9. 25410 Heleioporus eyrei (Moaning Frog) 10. Heleioporus sp. 11. 25415 Limnodynastes dorsalis (Western Banjo Frog) 12. 25378 Litoria adelaidensis (Slender Tree Frog) 13. 25388 Litoria moorei (Motorbike Frog) 14. 25419 Metacrinia nichollsi (Forest Toadlet) 15. 25420 Myobatrachus gouldii (Turtle Frog) 16. 25433 Pseudophryne guentheri (Crawling Toadlet) Bird 17. Acanthiza (Acanthiza) apicalis subsp. apicalis 18. Acanthiza (Geobasileus) chrysorrhoa 19. Acanthiza (Geobasileus) inornata 20. 24260 Acanthiza apicalis (Broad-tailed Thornbill, Inland Thornbill) 21. 24261 Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) 22. 24262 Acanthiza inornata (Western Thornbill) 23. 24560 Acanthorhynchus superciliosus (Western Spinebill) 24. 25535 Accipiter cirrocephalus (Collared Sparrowhawk) 25. 24281 Accipiter cirrocephalus subsp. cirrocephalus (Collared Sparrowhawk) 26. 25536 Accipiter fasciatus (Brown Goshawk) 27. 24282 Accipiter fasciatus subsp. fasciatus (Brown Goshawk) 28. 25755 Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed Warbler) 29. 41323 Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) IA 30. 25544 Aegotheles cristatus (Australian Owlet-nightjar) 31. 24301 Aegotheles cristatus subsp. cristatus (Australian Owlet-nightjar) 32. Anas (Nettion) gracilis 33. Anas (Spatula) rhynchotis subsp. rhynchotis 34. 24312 Anas gracilis (Grey Teal) 35. 24313 Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) 36. 24315 Anas rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) 37. Anas sp. 38. 24316 Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) 39. Anhinga novaehollandiae

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 1 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 40. Anser anser 41. 24561 Anthochaera carunculata (Red Wattlebird) 42. 24562 Anthochaera lunulata (Western Little Wattlebird) 43. Anthus (Anthus) novaeseelandiae subsp. novaeseelandiae 44. 24599 Anthus australis subsp. australis (Australian Pipit) 45. Aquila (Uroaetus) audax 46. 24285 Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) 47. 25538 Aquila morphnoides (Little Eagle) 48. 25558 Ardea ibis (Cattle Egret) IA 49. 41324 Ardea modesta (Eastern Great Egret) IA 50. 24341 Ardea pacifica (White-necked Heron) 51. 24610 Ardeotis australis (Australian Bustard) 52. 25566 Artamus cinereus (Black-faced Woodswallow) 53. 24353 Artamus cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) 54. 24318 Aythya australis (Hardhead) 55. Barnardius zonarius 56. Barnardius zonarius subsp. semitorquatus 57. 24319 Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) 58. Burhinus (Burhinus) grallarius 59. 24359 Burhinus grallarius (Bush Stone-curlew) 60. 25714 Cacatua pastinator (Western Long-billed Corella) 61. 24724 Cacatua pastinator subsp. pastinator (Muir's Corella, Muir's Corella (Western Corella S SW WA)) 62. Cacatua sp. 63. 25598 Cacomantis flabelliformis (Fan-tailed Cuckoo) 64. 24427 Cacomantis flabelliformis subsp. flabelliformis (Fan-tailed Cuckoo) 65. 42307 Cacomantis pallidus (Pallid Cuckoo) 66. 24269 Calamanthus campestris (Rufous Fieldwren) 67. Calyptorhynchus (Calyptorhynchus) banksii 68. 25717 Calyptorhynchus banksii (Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo) 69. 24731 Calyptorhynchus banksii subsp. naso (Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo) T 70. 24732 Calyptorhynchus banksii subsp. samueli (Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo) 71. 24733 Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Baudin's Cockatoo (long-billed black-cockatoo), Baudin's T Cockatoo) 72. 24734 Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby's Cockatoo (short-billed black-cockatoo), T Carnaby's Cockatoo) 73. Calyptorhynchus sp. 74. 24321 Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck, Wood Duck) 75. Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae 76. 25601 Chrysococcyx lucidus (Shining Bronze Cuckoo) 77. 24432 Chrysococcyx lucidus subsp. plagosus (Shining Bronze Cuckoo) 78. 24834 Cincloramphus mathewsi (Rufous Songlark) 79. 24288 Circus approximans (Swamp Harrier) 80. 24289 Circus assimilis (Spotted Harrier) 81. Climacteris (Climacteris) rufa 82. 24396 Climacteris rufa (Rufous Treecreeper) 83. 25675 Colluricincla harmonica (Grey Shrike-thrush) 84. 24613 Colluricincla harmonica subsp. rufiventris (Grey Shrike-thrush) 85. 24399 Columba livia (Domestic Pigeon) Y 86. 24361 Coracina maxima (Ground Cuckoo-shrike) 87. 25568 Coracina novaehollandiae (Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike) 88. 24362 Coracina novaehollandiae subsp. novaehollandiae (Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike) 89. 25592 Corvus coronoides (Australian Raven) 90. 24417 Corvus coronoides subsp. perplexus (Australian Raven) 91. Corvus sp. 92. 24671 Coturnix pectoralis (Stubble Quail) 93. 25701 Coturnix ypsilophora (Brown Quail) 94. 25595 Cracticus tibicen (Australian Magpie) 95. 24422 Cracticus tibicen subsp. dorsalis (White-backed Magpie) 96. 24322 Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) 97. 30901 Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) Y 98. 30902 Dacelo novaeguineae subsp. novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) Y 99. Daphoenositta (Neositta) chrysoptera subsp. pileata 100. 25673 Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) 101. 24606 Daphoenositta chrysoptera subsp. pileata (Varied Sittella, Black-capped Sitella) 102. Dasyornis (Maccoyornis) broadbenti subsp. litoralis 103. 25607 Dicaeum hirundinaceum (Mistletoebird) 104. Dromaius ater Y 105. 24470 Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu) 106. Egretta novaehollandiae

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 2 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 107. Elanus axillaris 108. 24290 Elanus caeruleus subsp. axillaris (Australian Black-shouldered Kite) 109. Elseyornis melanops 110. Eolophus roseicapillus 111. Eopsaltria (Eopsaltria) griseogularis subsp. griseogularis 112. Eopsaltria (Eopsaltria) griseogularis subsp. rosinae 113. Eopsaltria (Quoyornis) georgiana 114. 24651 Eopsaltria australis subsp. griseogularis (Western Yellow Robin) 115. 24652 Eopsaltria georgiana (White-breasted Robin) 116. 24567 Epthianura albifrons (White-fronted Chat) 117. Falco (Tinnunculus) cenchroides 118. 25621 Falco berigora (Brown Falcon) 119. 24471 Falco berigora subsp. berigora (Brown Falcon) 120. 25622 Falco cenchroides (Australian Kestrel) 121. 24472 Falco cenchroides subsp. cenchroides (Australian Kestrel) 122. 25623 Falco longipennis (Australian Hobby) 123. 24474 Falco longipennis subsp. longipennis (Australian Hobby) 124. 25624 Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) S 125. 24475 Falco peregrinus subsp. macropus (Australian Peregrine Falcon) S 126. 25677 Falcunculus frontatus (Crested Shrike-tit) 127. 24616 Falcunculus frontatus subsp. leucogaster (Western Shrike-tit, Crested Shrike-tit) 128. 25727 Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) 129. Gallinula (Gallinula) tenebrosa subsp. tenebrosa 130. 25729 Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) 131. 25730 Gallirallus philippensis (Buff-banded Rail) 132. 24765 Gallirallus philippensis subsp. mellori (Buff-banded Rail) 133. 25530 Gerygone fusca (Western Gerygone) 134. 24271 Gerygone fusca subsp. fusca (Western Gerygone) 135. 24735 Glossopsitta porphyrocephala (Purple-crowned Lorikeet) 136. 24443 Grallina cyanoleuca (Magpie-lark) 137. 25627 Haematopus fuliginosus (Sooty Oystercatcher) 138. 24293 Haliaeetus leucogaster (White-bellied Sea-Eagle) IA 139. 24295 Haliastur sphenurus (Whistling Kite) 140. 25734 Himantopus himantopus (Black-winged Stilt) 141. 24491 Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow) 142. 25629 Hirundo nigricans (Tree Martin) 143. 24492 Hirundo nigricans subsp. nigricans (Tree Martin) 144. 24347 Ixobrychus flavicollis subsp. australis (Australian Black Bittern) P1 145. Lichmera (Lichmera) indistincta subsp. indistincta 146. 25661 Lichmera indistincta (Brown Honeyeater) 147. Lophoictinia isura 148. Malurus (Leggeornis) elegans 149. Malurus (Malurus) splendens 150. Malurus (Malurus) splendens subsp. splendens 151. 25650 Malurus elegans (Red-winged Fairy-wren) 152. 25654 Malurus splendens (Splendid Fairy-wren) 153. 24552 Malurus splendens subsp. splendens (Splendid Fairy-wren) 154. 25758 Megalurus gramineus (Little Grassbird) 155. 24838 Megalurus gramineus subsp. gramineus (Little Grassbird) 156. Melithreptus (Melithreptus) lunatus 157. 25663 Melithreptus brevirostris (Brown-headed Honeyeater) 158. 24587 Melithreptus chloropsis (Western White-naped Honeyeater) 159. 24598 Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater) IA 160. Microcarbo melanoleucos 161. 25610 Myiagra inquieta (Restless Flycatcher) 162. 24738 Neophema elegans (Elegant Parrot) 163. Ninox (Ninox) novaeseelandiae 164. 25748 Ninox novaeseelandiae (Boobook Owl) 165. 24820 Ninox novaeseelandiae subsp. boobook (Boobook Owl) 166. 25564 Nycticorax caledonicus (Rufous Night Heron) 167. 24350 Nycticorax caledonicus subsp. hilli (Rufous Night Heron) 168. 24407 Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) 169. 24328 Oxyura australis (Blue-billed Duck) P4 170. Pachycephala (Pachycephala) pectoralis 171. Pachycephala (Pachycephala) pectoralis subsp. fuliginosa 172. 25679 Pachycephala pectoralis (Golden Whistler) 173. 24623 Pachycephala pectoralis subsp. fuliginosa (Golden Whistler) 174. 25680 Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) 175. 24624 Pachycephala rufiventris subsp. rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) 176. Pardalotus (Pardalotus) punctatus

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 3 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 177. 25681 Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) 178. 24625 Pardalotus punctatus subsp. punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) 179. 24626 Pardalotus punctatus subsp. xanthopyge (Yellow-rumped Pardalote) 180. 25682 Pardalotus striatus (Striated Pardalote) 181. 24630 Pardalotus striatus subsp. westraliensis (Striated Pardalote) 182. 24648 Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) 183. 24659 Petroica goodenovii (Red-capped Robin) 184. 25695 Petroica multicolor (Scarlet Robin) 185. 24660 Petroica multicolor subsp. campbelli (Scarlet Robin) 186. 25697 Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) 187. 25698 Phalacrocorax melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) 188. 24666 Phalacrocorax melanoleucos subsp. melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) 189. 24667 Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) 190. 25699 Phalacrocorax varius (Pied Cormorant) 191. Phaps (Phaps) chalcoptera 192. 24409 Phaps chalcoptera (Common Bronzewing) 193. 25587 Phaps elegans (Brush Bronzewing) 194. Phylidonyris (Meliornis) novaehollandiae 195. Phylidonyris (Meliornis) novaehollandiae subsp. longirostris 196. 24596 Phylidonyris novaehollandiae (New Holland Honeyeater) 197. Platalea (Platibis) flavipes 198. 24841 Platalea flavipes (Yellow-billed Spoonbill) 199. 25720 Platycercus icterotis (Western Rosella) 200. 24745 Platycercus icterotis subsp. icterotis (Western Rosella) 201. 24747 Platycercus spurius (Red-capped Parrot) 202. 25721 Platycercus zonarius (Australian Ringneck, Ring-necked Parrot) 203. 24750 Platycercus zonarius subsp. semitorquatus (Twenty-eight Parrot) 204. 24751 Platycercus zonarius subsp. zonarius (Port Lincoln Parrot) 205. 25703 Podargus strigoides (Tawny Frogmouth) 206. 24679 Podargus strigoides subsp. brachypterus (Tawny Frogmouth) 207. 25704 Podiceps cristatus (Great Crested Grebe) 208. 24681 Poliocephalus poliocephalus (Hoary-headed Grebe) 209. Pomatostomus (Morganornis) superciliosus subsp. ashbyi 210. 24683 Pomatostomus superciliosus (White-browed Babbler) 211. Porphyrio (Porphyrio) porphyrio 212. 25731 Porphyrio porphyrio (Purple Swamphen) 213. 24767 Porphyrio porphyrio subsp. bellus (Purple Swamphen) 214. 24769 Porzana fluminea (Australian Spotted Crake) 215. 25732 Porzana pusilla (Baillon's Crake) 216. 24771 Porzana tabuensis (Spotless Crake) 217. 42340 Ptilotula ornatus (Yellow-plumed Honeyeater) 218. Purpureicephalus spurius 219. 24773 Rallus pectoralis subsp. clelandi (Lewin's Rail) XY 220. 25613 Rhipidura fuliginosa (Grey Fantail) 221. 24452 Rhipidura fuliginosa subsp. preissi (Grey Fantail) 222. 25614 Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) 223. 25534 Sericornis frontalis (White-browed Scrubwren) 224. 30948 Smicrornis brevirostris (Weebill) 225. Stagonopleura (Zonaeginthus) oculata 226. 24645 Stagonopleura oculata (Red-eared Firetail) 227. 25655 Stipiturus malachurus (Southern Emu-wren) 228. 25597 Strepera versicolor (Grey Currawong) 229. 25590 Streptopelia senegalensis (Laughing Turtle-Dove) Y 230. 25705 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe, Black-throated Grebe) 231. 24682 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae subsp. novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe, Black- throated Grebe) 232. Tadorna (Casarca) tadornoides 233. 24331 Tadorna tadornoides (Australian Shelduck, Mountain Duck) 234. 24844 Threskiornis molucca (Australian White Ibis) 235. 24845 Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) 236. 25549 Todiramphus sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) 237. 24309 Todiramphus sanctus subsp. sanctus (Sacred Kingfisher) 238. 24849 Turnix varia subsp. varia (Painted Button-quail) 239. 24851 Turnix velox (Little Button-quail) 240. 24852 Tyto alba subsp. delicatula (Barn Owl) 241. 25764 Tyto novaehollandiae (Masked Owl) 242. 24855 Tyto novaehollandiae subsp. novaehollandiae (Masked Owl (southern subsp)) P3 243. 25765 Zosterops lateralis (Grey-breasted White-eye, Silvereye) 244. 24856 Zosterops lateralis subsp. gouldi (Grey-breasted White-eye)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 4 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area Fish 245. ? ? 246. Afurcagobius tamarensis 247. Atherinosoma wallacei 248. Bostockia porosa 249. Edelia vittata 250. Galaxias maculatus 251. 34028 Galaxias occidentalis (Western Minnow) 252. 34026 Galaxiella munda (Western Mud Minnow) T 253. 34027 Galaxiella nigrostriata (Black-stripe Minnow) P3 254. Galaxiella sp. 255. Gambusia holbrooki 256. 34030 Geotria australis (Pouched Lamprey) P1 257. Gymnapistes marmoratus 258. Lepidogalaxias salamandroides 259. Nannoperca vittata 260. Oncorhynchus mykiss Y 261. Perca fluviatilis 262. Pseudogobius olorum Invertebrate 263. Abantiades hydrographis 264. Abantiades ocellatus 265. Abantiades sp. fc958 266. Acantholophus amycteroides 267. Acantholophus sp. fc3000 Y 268. Acantholophus sp. fc496 269. Acritoptila sp. 270. Adelium irregulare 271. Adelium lindense 272. Adelium sp. fc1246 273. Adelium sp. fc2681 Y 274. Adelium sp. fc288 Y 275. Adoxia modesta Y 276. Adreppus sp. fc868 277. Aedriodes Mendosus 278. Aeshnidae sp. 279. Aesolithna sp. fc210 Y 280. Aethyssius cylindricollis Y 281. Agonocheila chaudoiri 282. Agonocheila fasciata 283. Agonocheila ruficollis 284. Agonocheila sp. fc1059 285. Agonocheila sp. fc1522 286. Agraptocorixa eurynome 287. Agrotis munda 288. Agrotis radians Y 289. Akamptogonus novarae 290. Allothereua maculata 291. Alotanypus dalyupensis 292. Ambicodamus marae 293. Amblyopone australis 294. Amblyopone sp. 295. Amitermes obeuntis 296. Amorbus bispinus 297. Anabarhynchus sp. 298. Anachloris subochraria 299. Aname mainae 300. Ancita marginicollis 301. Ancita sp. fc476 302. Anilara longicollis 303. Anilara obscura 304. Anisynta sphenosema 305. Anthela canescens 306. Anthela ferruginosa 307. Anthela sp. fc381 308. Antichiropus variabilis 309. Antiporus femoralis 310. Apina callisto 311. Apis mellifera 312. Aposites sp. fc2960

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 5 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area Y 313. Aprocera sp. fc807 Y 314. Apsectrotanypus nr maculosa 315. Aquita tactalis 316. Araiobelus sp. fc201 317. Arbanitis sp. Y 318. Archaeosynthemis leachii 319. Archaeosynthemis occidentalis 320. Archaeosynthemis spiniger 321. Archiargiolestes pusillissimus 322. Archiargiolestes pusillus 323. Archichauliodes sp. 324. Argiope trifasciata 325. Argyrodes antipodianus 326. Arhodia sp. fc2 327. Arhodia sp. fc320 328. Arhodia sp. fc79 329. Arkys walckenaeri 330. Arrenuridae sp. 331. Artoria cingulipes 332. Artoria flavimana 333. Artoria schizocoides 334. Ataenius nudus Y 335. Athericidae sp. 336. Atriplectides dubius 337. Aturidae sp. 338. Aulacophora abdominalis 339. Auletobius melanocephalus Y 340. Austracantha minax 341. Australoglypta sp. fc533 Y 342. Australopelopia prionoptera 343. Australothis rubrescens 344. Austroaeschna (Austroaeschna) anacantha 345. Austroaeschna anacantha 346. Austrochiltonia sp. 347. Austrogomphus (Austrogomphus) collaris 348. Austrolestes aridus 349. Austrolestes sp. fc2987 Y 350. Austrolichtensia hakearum Y 351. 33972 Austromerope poultoni (scorpionfly) P2 352. Austropeplea sp. 353. Austrosynthemis cyanitincta 354. Backobourkia brounii 355. Badumna insignis 356. Badumna microps 357. Baetidae sp. 358. Baiami tegenarioides 359. Baiami volucripes 360. Batrachomatus nannup 361. Bibulmena kadjina 362. Bolborhachium dacoderum 363. Bolborhachium recticorne 364. Bothriembryon (bothriembryon) 365. Botryocladius bibulmun 366. Botryocladius freemani 367. Bucolellus ornatus 368. Cacodacnus planicollis Y 369. Caedicia sp. fc485 370. Calliphora sp. fc480 371. Calliphora sp. fc53 372. Calodera marginicollis Y 373. Calolampra sp. fc147 374. Calymmachernes angulatus 375. Camponotus sp. fc1661 376. Camponotus sp. fc275 377. Camponotus sp. fc423 378. Carabidae sp. 379. Carenum cupripenne Y 380. Carenum sp. fc280 381. Carthaea saturnioides

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 6 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 382. Castiarina cincta 383. Castiarina rufipennis 384. Castiarina subtrifasciata 385. Catasarcus lepidus 386. Catasarcus murex 387. Catasarcus sp. fc2698 Y 388. Cedarinia sp. fc892 389. Ceinidae sp. 390. Celaenia excavata 391. Cenogmus sp. fc264 392. Ceratopogonidae sp. 393. Cercophonius sulcatus 394. Cerotalis sp. fc2612 395. Cerotalis substriata 396. Chauliognathus sp. fc795 397. Chenistonia sp. fc581 398. Chenistonia villosa 399. Cherax quinquecarinatus 400. Cherax sp. 401. Cheumatopsyche modica 402. Chirodamini sp. fc1781 403. Chironomidae sp. 404. Chironomus aff. alternans (V24) (CB) 405. Chironomus occidentalis 406. Chironomus tepperi 407. Chlorocoma dicloraria 408. Chlorocoma rhodocrossa Y 409. Chlorocoma sp. fc22 410. Chrysodeixis argentifera 411. Chrysodeixis eriosoma 412. Chrysolarentia gypsomela 413. Chrysolarentia sp. 414. Chrysopa sp. fc361 415. Chrysopa sp. fc822 416. Chrysophtharta sp. fc248 Y 417. Chrysophtharta sp. fc471 Y 418. Cicadetta sp. fc49 Y 419. Cladocera (unident.) 420. Cladopelma curtivalva 421. Cladotanytarsus sp. A (SAP) 422. Cleobora mellyi 423. Clilopocha sp. fc2872 Y 424. Clilopocha sp. fc2995 Y 425. Coccinella repanda 426. Coccinella transversalis 427. Colpochila antennalis 428. Colpochila major 429. Colpochila sp. fc1866 430. Colpochila sp. fc2006 431. Colymbomorpha vittata 432. Conicochernes crassus 433. Conoderus sp. fc1062 434. Conoderus sp. fc1109 435. Conoderus sp. fc135 436. Conoderus sp. fc1818 437. Conoderus sp. fc1819 438. Conoderus sp. fc26 439. Conoderus sp. fc2711 Y 440. Conoderus sp. fc444 441. Conoderus sp. fc595 442. Copelatus ater 443. Copelatus sp. 444. Copepoda sp. 445. Coptocarpus thoracicus Y 446. Coptocercus pubescens Y 447. Coptocercus rubripes 448. Coptocercus sp. fc2941 Y 449. Coptotermes acinaciformis subsp. raffrayi 450. Corixidae sp. 451. Cormocephalus hartmeyeri

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 7 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 452. Corynoneura sp. (V49) (SAP) 453. Coryphistes sp. fc231 454. Cosmodes elegans 455. Crepidomenus dysmikos 456. Crepidomenus occidualis 457. Cricotopus 'parbicinctus' 458. Crypsiphona ocultaria 459. Cryptodus sp. fc1160 460. Cryptodus sp. fc189 461. Culama australis 462. Culama sp. fc2959 463. Culicidae sp. 464. Curculionidae sp. 465. Cyclonoda pilula Y 466. Cyclopoida sp. 467. Cyclosa trilobata 468. Cydia pomonella Y 469. Cyrioides vittigera 470. Cyrtophora parnasia 471. Danima banksiae 472. Dasyheleinae sp. 473. Dasypodia selenophora 474. Dermestes (Dermestinus) maculatus 475. Dermestes sp. fc865 476. Destolmia sp. fc4 477. Diaphanops sp. 478. Diaprepocoris barycephalus Y 479. Dichromodes personalis 480. Dicrotendipes sp. A (V47) (SAP) 481. Dingupa glauerti 482. Diphucrania cupripennis 483. Diplectrona sp. AV9 (SFM) 484. Discophlebia lucasii 485. Discothyrea crassicornis 486. Doratifera quadriguttata 487. Doratifera sp. fc1625 488. Doratifera sp. fc332 489. Doratifera sp. fc398 490. Doratifera sp. fc81 491. Drasterius sp. fc1120 492. Eboo sp. fc182 Y 493. Ecnomus turgidus 494. Ectropis sp. fc23 495. Edusella sp. fc101 496. Edusella sp. fc155 497. Edusella sp. fc56 Y 498. Empididae sp. 499. Enchytraeidae sp. 500. Enispa parva Y 501. Entometa fervens 502. Entometa sp. fc426 503. Ephydridae sp. 504. Epicoma melanostica 505. Epiproctophora (=anisoptera) 506. Eriophora biapicata 507. Eriophora sp. fc285 508. Eroschema atricolle 509. Ethmostigmus sp. fc223 510. Ethmostigmus sp. fc224 511. Euchaetis sp. fc2642 Y 512. Eucyclodes buprestaria 513. Euloxia sp. fc1179 514. Euoplos festivus Y 515. Eurispa vittata Y 516. Euryglossina sp. 517. Eusiridae sp. 518. Exocelina ater 519. Eylaidae sp. 520. Figulus lilliputanus 521. Fluviolanatus subtortus

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 8 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 522. Forcypomyinae sp. 523. Fridericia sp. Y 524. Gastropodidae sp. Y 525. Geitoneura klugii 526. Geitoneura minyas 527. Genus fc100 sp. fc100 528. Genus fc1020 sp. fc1020 529. Genus fc1029 sp. fc1029 530. Genus fc1037 sp. fc1037 531. Genus fc1038 sp. fc1038 532. Genus fc104 sp. fc104 533. Genus fc1042 sp. fc1042 534. Genus fc105 sp. fc105 535. Genus fc1051 sp. fc1051 536. Genus fc1053 sp. fc1053 537. Genus fc1055 sp. fc1055 538. Genus fc1057 sp. fc1057 539. Genus fc1061 sp. fc1061 540. Genus fc1068 sp. fc1068 541. Genus fc1079 sp. fc1079 542. Genus fc108 sp. fc108 543. Genus fc1081 sp. fc1081 544. Genus fc1083 sp. fc1083 545. Genus fc1085 sp. fc1085 546. Genus fc1105 sp. fc1105 547. Genus fc1118 sp. fc1118 548. Genus fc1126 sp. fc1126 549. Genus fc1128 sp. fc1128 550. Genus fc1134 sp. fc1134 551. Genus fc1135 sp. fc1135 552. Genus fc1137 sp. fc1137 553. Genus fc1139 sp. fc1139 554. Genus fc1140 sp. fc1140 555. Genus fc1146 sp. fc1146 556. Genus fc1149 sp. fc1149 557. Genus fc1155 sp. fc1155 558. Genus fc1156 sp. fc1156 559. Genus fc1161 sp. fc1161 560. Genus fc1165 sp. fc1165 561. Genus fc1166 sp. fc1166 562. Genus fc1169 sp. fc1169 563. Genus fc1181 sp. fc1181 564. Genus fc1195 sp. fc1195 565. Genus fc12 sp. fc12 566. Genus fc1227 sp. fc1227 567. Genus fc123 sp. fc123 568. Genus fc1232 sp. fc1232 569. Genus fc126 sp. fc126 570. Genus fc127 sp. fc127 571. Genus fc128 sp. fc128 572. Genus fc129 sp. fc129 573. Genus fc130 sp. fc130 574. Genus fc1302 sp. fc1302 575. Genus fc1303 sp. fc1303 576. Genus fc1305 sp. fc1305 577. Genus fc131 sp. fc131 578. Genus fc132 sp. fc132 579. Genus fc133 sp. fc133 580. Genus fc1342 sp. fc1342 581. Genus fc1345 sp. fc1345 582. Genus fc136 sp. fc136 Y 583. Genus fc137 sp. fc137 584. Genus fc1373 sp. fc1373 585. Genus fc138 sp. fc138 586. Genus fc139 sp. fc139 587. Genus fc1398 sp. fc1398 588. Genus fc14 sp. fc14 589. Genus fc140 sp. fc140 590. Genus fc1401 sp. fc1401 591. Genus fc1403 sp. fc1403

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 9 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 592. Genus fc1419 sp. fc1419 593. Genus fc142 sp. fc142 594. Genus fc1424 sp. fc1424 595. Genus fc1430 sp. fc1430 596. Genus fc144 sp. fc144 597. Genus fc1442 sp. fc1442 598. Genus fc145 sp. fc145 599. Genus fc1458 sp. fc1458 600. Genus fc146 sp. fc146 601. Genus fc1475 sp. fc1475 602. Genus fc148 sp. fc148 603. Genus fc1489 sp. fc1489 604. Genus fc149 sp. fc149 605. Genus fc1490 sp. fc1490 606. Genus fc1491 sp. fc1491 607. Genus fc1492 sp. fc1492 608. Genus fc15 sp. fc15 609. Genus fc150 sp. fc150 610. Genus fc1502 sp. fc1502 611. Genus fc151 sp. fc151 612. Genus fc1513 sp. fc1513 613. Genus fc1519 sp. fc1519 614. Genus fc1524 sp. fc1524 615. Genus fc1527 sp. fc1527 616. Genus fc153 sp. fc153 617. Genus fc1531 sp. fc1531 618. Genus fc1538 sp. fc1538 619. Genus fc1546 sp. fc1546 620. Genus fc1549 sp. fc1549 621. Genus fc156 sp. fc156 622. Genus fc1586 sp. fc1586 623. Genus fc16 sp. fc16 624. Genus fc1604 sp. fc1604 625. Genus fc1626 sp. fc1626 626. Genus fc1628 sp. fc1628 627. Genus fc163 sp. fc163 628. Genus fc1630 sp. fc1630 629. Genus fc1634 sp. fc1634 630. Genus fc1637 sp. fc1637 631. Genus fc164 sp. fc164 Y 632. Genus fc165 sp. fc165 633. Genus fc1655 sp. fc1655 634. Genus fc1658 sp. fc1658 635. Genus fc1659 sp. fc1659 636. Genus fc166 sp. fc166 Y 637. Genus fc167 sp. fc167 638. Genus fc1677 sp. fc1677 639. Genus fc169 sp. fc169 Y 640. Genus fc170 sp. fc170 Y 641. Genus fc173 sp. fc173 642. Genus fc174 sp. fc174 643. Genus fc176 sp. fc176 644. Genus fc177 sp. fc177 Y 645. Genus fc178 sp. fc178 646. Genus fc179 sp. fc179 647. Genus fc1792 sp. fc1792 648. Genus fc180 sp. fc180 649. Genus fc1817 sp. fc1817 650. Genus fc183 sp. fc183 651. Genus fc1831 sp. fc1831 652. Genus fc1832 sp. fc1832 653. Genus fc1833 sp. fc1833 654. Genus fc1834 sp. fc1834 655. Genus fc184 sp. fc184 Y 656. Genus fc1840 sp. fc1840 657. Genus fc1843 sp. fc1843 658. Genus fc1852 sp. fc1852 659. Genus fc1853 sp. fc1853 660. Genus fc1854 sp. fc1854 661. Genus fc1858 sp. fc1858

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 10 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 662. Genus fc186 sp. fc186 Y 663. Genus fc1864 sp. fc1864 664. Genus fc187 sp. fc187 665. Genus fc1870 sp. fc1870 666. Genus fc188 sp. fc188 Y 667. Genus fc1882 sp. fc1882 668. Genus fc1895 sp. fc1895 669. Genus fc1898 sp. fc1898 670. Genus fc1899 sp. fc1899 671. Genus fc190 sp. fc190 672. Genus fc1903 sp. fc1903 673. Genus fc1909 sp. fc1909 674. Genus fc191 sp. fc191 Y 675. Genus fc1915 sp. fc1915 676. Genus fc1922 sp. fc1922 677. Genus fc1924 sp. fc1924 678. Genus fc1926 sp. fc1926 679. Genus fc1933 sp. fc1933 680. Genus fc1938 sp. fc1938 681. Genus fc194 sp. fc194 Y 682. Genus fc1944 sp. fc1944 683. Genus fc195 sp. fc195 Y 684. Genus fc196 sp. fc196 685. Genus fc1964 sp. fc1964 686. Genus fc197 sp. fc197 Y 687. Genus fc1976 sp. fc1976 688. Genus fc1979 sp. fc1979 689. Genus fc1982 sp. fc1982 690. Genus fc199 sp. fc199 Y 691. Genus fc1993 sp. fc1993 692. Genus fc20 sp. fc20 693. Genus fc200 sp. fc200 694. Genus fc2001 sp. fc2001 695. Genus fc202 sp. fc202 Y 696. Genus fc2022 sp. fc2022 697. Genus fc2025 sp. fc2025 698. Genus fc203 sp. fc203 699. Genus fc204 sp. fc204 700. Genus fc205 sp. fc205 Y 701. Genus fc2054 sp. fc2054 702. Genus fc206 sp. fc206 703. Genus fc2074 sp. fc2074 Y 704. Genus fc2110 sp. fc2110 705. Genus fc2115 sp. fc2115 706. Genus fc2126 sp. fc2126 707. Genus fc214 sp. fc214 708. Genus fc2152 sp. fc2152 709. Genus fc216 sp. fc216 Y 710. Genus fc217 sp. fc217 711. Genus fc2171 sp. fc2171 712. Genus fc218 sp. fc218 Y 713. Genus fc2180 sp. fc2180 714. Genus fc2185 sp. fc2185 715. Genus fc2190 sp. fc2190 716. Genus fc220 sp. fc220 Y 717. Genus fc221 sp. fc221 718. Genus fc2215 sp. fc2215 719. Genus fc225 sp. fc225 720. Genus fc227 sp. fc227 721. Genus fc228 sp. fc228 722. Genus fc229 sp. fc229 723. Genus fc236 sp. fc236 724. Genus fc237 sp. fc237 725. Genus fc238 sp. fc238 726. Genus fc239 sp. fc239 Y 727. Genus fc24 sp. fc24 728. Genus fc240 sp. fc240 Y 729. Genus fc241 sp. fc241 730. Genus fc2416 sp. fc2416 731. Genus fc243 sp. fc243

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 11 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 732. Genus fc244 sp. fc244 733. Genus fc2440 sp. fc2440 734. Genus fc2441 sp. fc2441 735. Genus fc2444 sp. fc2444 736. Genus fc2446 sp. fc2446 737. Genus fc2447 sp. fc2447 738. Genus fc2448 sp. fc2448 739. Genus fc245 sp. fc245 Y 740. Genus fc246 sp. fc246 Y 741. Genus fc2462 sp. fc2462 742. Genus fc2476 sp. fc2476 743. Genus fc25 sp. fc25 744. Genus fc2508 sp. fc2508 745. Genus fc251 sp. fc251 746. Genus fc257 sp. fc257 747. Genus fc258 sp. fc258 748. Genus fc259 sp. fc259 749. Genus fc2595 sp. fc2595 750. Genus fc260 sp. fc260 751. Genus fc261 sp. fc261 752. Genus fc262 sp. fc262 753. Genus fc2623 sp. fc2623 Y 754. Genus fc2624 sp. fc2624 Y 755. Genus fc2626 sp. fc2626 Y 756. Genus fc2627 sp. fc2627 757. Genus fc2628 sp. fc2628 758. Genus fc2631 sp. fc2631 759. Genus fc2633 sp. fc2633 760. Genus fc2634 sp. fc2634 Y 761. Genus fc2635 sp. fc2635 762. Genus fc2637 sp. fc2637 763. Genus fc2638 sp. fc2638 Y 764. Genus fc2641 sp. fc2641 765. Genus fc2645 sp. fc2645 Y 766. Genus fc2646 sp. fc2646 767. Genus fc2647 sp. fc2647 768. Genus fc2648 sp. fc2648 769. Genus fc2649 sp. fc2649 770. Genus fc265 sp. fc265 771. Genus fc2650 sp. fc2650 Y 772. Genus fc2652 sp. fc2652 773. Genus fc2653 sp. fc2653 774. Genus fc2654 sp. fc2654 Y 775. Genus fc2657 sp. fc2657 776. Genus fc2659 sp. fc2659 Y 777. Genus fc2660 sp. fc2660 Y 778. Genus fc2661 sp. fc2661 Y 779. Genus fc2662 sp. fc2662 Y 780. Genus fc2663 sp. fc2663 Y 781. Genus fc2665 sp. fc2665 Y 782. Genus fc2666 sp. fc2666 Y 783. Genus fc2667 sp. fc2667 Y 784. Genus fc2668 sp. fc2668 Y 785. Genus fc2669 sp. fc2669 786. Genus fc267 sp. fc267 787. Genus fc2670 sp. fc2670 Y 788. Genus fc2671 sp. fc2671 Y 789. Genus fc2672 sp. fc2672 Y 790. Genus fc2673 sp. fc2673 Y 791. Genus fc2676 sp. fc2676 792. Genus fc2677 sp. fc2677 Y 793. Genus fc2679 sp. fc2679 Y 794. Genus fc268 sp. fc268 795. Genus fc2680 sp. fc2680 796. Genus fc2683 sp. fc2683 Y 797. Genus fc2684 sp. fc2684 Y 798. Genus fc2685 sp. fc2685 799. Genus fc2686 sp. fc2686 Y 800. Genus fc2688 sp. fc2688 Y 801. Genus fc2690 sp. fc2690 Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 12 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 802. Genus fc2693 sp. fc2693 803. Genus fc2696 sp. fc2696 Y 804. Genus fc2697 sp. fc2697 Y 805. Genus fc2699 sp. fc2699 806. Genus fc270 sp. fc270 807. Genus fc2700 sp. fc2700 Y 808. Genus fc2701 sp. fc2701 809. Genus fc2703 sp. fc2703 810. Genus fc2704 sp. fc2704 811. Genus fc2705 sp. fc2705 812. Genus fc2706 sp. fc2706 Y 813. Genus fc2709 sp. fc2709 814. Genus fc271 sp. fc271 Y 815. Genus fc2710 sp. fc2710 816. Genus fc2712 sp. fc2712 Y 817. Genus fc2713 sp. fc2713 818. Genus fc2714 sp. fc2714 819. Genus fc2715 sp. fc2715 820. Genus fc2716 sp. fc2716 Y 821. Genus fc2717 sp. fc2717 Y 822. Genus fc2723 sp. fc2723 Y 823. Genus fc2725 sp. fc2725 Y 824. Genus fc2736 sp. fc2736 825. Genus fc2742 sp. fc2742 Y 826. Genus fc2754 sp. fc2754 Y 827. Genus fc2755 sp. fc2755 Y 828. Genus fc276 sp. fc276 Y 829. Genus fc277 sp. fc277 830. Genus fc278 sp. fc278 Y 831. Genus fc283 sp. fc283 832. Genus fc284 sp. fc284 Y 833. Genus fc286 sp. fc286 834. Genus fc2863 sp. fc2863 Y 835. Genus fc2864 sp. fc2864 Y 836. Genus fc2888 sp. fc2888 837. Genus fc2901 sp. fc2901 838. Genus fc2903 sp. fc2903 839. Genus fc2909 sp. fc2909 840. Genus fc2914 sp. fc2914 841. Genus fc2917 sp. fc2917 842. Genus fc2921 sp. fc2921 843. Genus fc2922 sp. fc2922 Y 844. Genus fc2923 sp. fc2923 Y 845. Genus fc2924 sp. fc2924 846. Genus fc2925 sp. fc2925 847. Genus fc2926 sp. fc2926 848. Genus fc2927 sp. fc2927 Y 849. Genus fc2928 sp. fc2928 Y 850. Genus fc2930 sp. fc2930 851. Genus fc2931 sp. fc2931 Y 852. Genus fc2932 sp. fc2932 Y 853. Genus fc2934 sp. fc2934 854. Genus fc2935 sp. fc2935 855. Genus fc2938 sp. fc2938 Y 856. Genus fc2939 sp. fc2939 Y 857. Genus fc294 sp. fc294 Y 858. Genus fc2940 sp. fc2940 859. Genus fc2942 sp. fc2942 Y 860. Genus fc2946 sp. fc2946 861. Genus fc2948 sp. fc2948 862. Genus fc2949 sp. fc2949 863. Genus fc295 sp. fc295 864. Genus fc2950 sp. fc2950 865. Genus fc2951 sp. fc2951 Y 866. Genus fc2952 sp. fc2952 Y 867. Genus fc2953 sp. fc2953 868. Genus fc2955 sp. fc2955 Y 869. Genus fc2956 sp. fc2956 Y 870. Genus fc2958 sp. fc2958 Y 871. Genus fc2962 sp. fc2962 Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 13 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 872. Genus fc2964 sp. fc2964 Y 873. Genus fc2965 sp. fc2965 Y 874. Genus fc2970 sp. fc2970 875. Genus fc2973 sp. fc2973 Y 876. Genus fc2974 sp. fc2974 Y 877. Genus fc2975 sp. fc2975 878. Genus fc2976 sp. fc2976 Y 879. Genus fc2978 sp. fc2978 Y 880. Genus fc2979 sp. fc2979 Y 881. Genus fc2980 sp. fc2980 Y 882. Genus fc2981 sp. fc2981 Y 883. Genus fc2982 sp. fc2982 Y 884. Genus fc2983 sp. fc2983 Y 885. Genus fc2984 sp. fc2984 Y 886. Genus fc2985 sp. fc2985 Y 887. Genus fc2986 sp. fc2986 Y 888. Genus fc2988 sp. fc2988 Y 889. Genus fc2989 sp. fc2989 Y 890. Genus fc2990 sp. fc2990 Y 891. Genus fc2991 sp. fc2991 892. Genus fc2993 sp. fc2993 Y 893. Genus fc2994 sp. fc2994 Y 894. Genus fc2996 sp. fc2996 Y 895. Genus fc2997 sp. fc2997 Y 896. Genus fc2999 sp. fc2999 897. Genus fc3001 sp. fc3001 898. Genus fc3002 sp. fc3002 Y 899. Genus fc3003 sp. fc3003 Y 900. Genus fc3004 sp. fc3004 Y 901. Genus fc3005 sp. fc3005 Y 902. Genus fc301 sp. fc301 903. Genus fc302 sp. fc302 Y 904. Genus fc303 sp. fc303 905. Genus fc305 sp. fc305 906. Genus fc309 sp. fc309 907. Genus fc310 sp. fc310 Y 908. Genus fc3103 sp. fc3103 909. Genus fc311 sp. fc311 910. Genus fc312 sp. fc312 911. Genus fc313 sp. fc313 912. Genus fc314 sp. fc314 913. Genus fc316 sp. fc316 914. Genus fc317 sp. fc317 915. Genus fc32 sp. fc32 916. Genus fc323 sp. fc323 917. Genus fc324 sp. fc324 918. Genus fc326 sp. fc326 919. Genus fc33 sp. fc33 920. Genus fc333 sp. fc333 921. Genus fc336 sp. fc336 922. Genus fc337 sp. fc337 923. Genus fc338 sp. fc338 Y 924. Genus fc339 sp. fc339 925. Genus fc342 sp. fc342 926. Genus fc344 sp. fc344 927. Genus fc345 sp. fc345 928. Genus fc350 sp. fc350 929. Genus fc355 sp. fc355 930. Genus fc356 sp. fc356 931. Genus fc358 sp. fc358 932. Genus fc360 sp. fc360 933. Genus fc362 sp. fc362 934. Genus fc364 sp. fc364 935. Genus fc365 sp. fc365 936. Genus fc366 sp. fc366 937. Genus fc367 sp. fc367 938. Genus fc368 sp. fc368 939. Genus fc369 sp. fc369 940. Genus fc374 sp. fc374 941. Genus fc375 sp. fc375

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 14 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 942. Genus fc376 sp. fc376 943. Genus fc38 sp. fc38 944. Genus fc380 sp. fc380 945. Genus fc382 sp. fc382 946. Genus fc383 sp. fc383 947. Genus fc386 sp. fc386 948. Genus fc387 sp. fc387 949. Genus fc389 sp. fc389 950. Genus fc391 sp. fc391 951. Genus fc392 sp. fc392 952. Genus fc394 sp. fc394 953. Genus fc395 sp. fc395 954. Genus fc396 sp. fc396 955. Genus fc397 sp. fc397 956. Genus fc399 sp. fc399 957. Genus fc400 sp. fc400 958. Genus fc401 sp. fc401 959. Genus fc402 sp. fc402 Y 960. Genus fc403 sp. fc403 961. Genus fc405 sp. fc405 962. Genus fc406 sp. fc406 Y 963. Genus fc407 sp. fc407 964. Genus fc41 sp. fc41 965. Genus fc410 sp. fc410 966. Genus fc411 sp. fc411 967. Genus fc412 sp. fc412 968. Genus fc413 sp. fc413 969. Genus fc414 sp. fc414 970. Genus fc417 sp. fc417 971. Genus fc419 sp. fc419 972. Genus fc420 sp. fc420 973. Genus fc421 sp. fc421 974. Genus fc422 sp. fc422 975. Genus fc424 sp. fc424 976. Genus fc425 sp. fc425 977. Genus fc428 sp. fc428 978. Genus fc430 sp. fc430 979. Genus fc431 sp. fc431 980. Genus fc433 sp. fc433 981. Genus fc434 sp. fc434 982. Genus fc435 sp. fc435 983. Genus fc436 sp. fc436 984. Genus fc438 sp. fc438 985. Genus fc439 sp. fc439 986. Genus fc441 sp. fc441 987. Genus fc442 sp. fc442 988. Genus fc443 sp. fc443 989. Genus fc446 sp. fc446 990. Genus fc449 sp. fc449 991. Genus fc451 sp. fc451 992. Genus fc452 sp. fc452 993. Genus fc454 sp. fc454 994. Genus fc456 sp. fc456 995. Genus fc458 sp. fc458 996. Genus fc459 sp. fc459 997. Genus fc460 sp. fc460 998. Genus fc464 sp. fc464 Y 999. Genus fc466 sp. fc466 1000. Genus fc467 sp. fc467 1001. Genus fc469 sp. fc469 1002. Genus fc47 sp. fc47 1003. Genus fc472 sp. fc472 Y 1004. Genus fc473 sp. fc473 1005. Genus fc475 sp. fc475 1006. Genus fc479 sp. fc479 Y 1007. Genus fc48 sp. fc48 1008. Genus fc481 sp. fc481 Y 1009. Genus fc484 sp. fc484 1010. Genus fc489 sp. fc489 1011. Genus fc490 sp. fc490 Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 15 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1012. Genus fc491 sp. fc491 1013. Genus fc492 sp. fc492 1014. Genus fc493 sp. fc493 Y 1015. Genus fc494 sp. fc494 1016. Genus fc495 sp. fc495 1017. Genus fc497 sp. fc497 Y 1018. Genus fc498 sp. fc498 1019. Genus fc50 sp. fc50 1020. Genus fc500 sp. fc500 1021. Genus fc502 sp. fc502 1022. Genus fc504 sp. fc504 Y 1023. Genus fc505 sp. fc505 1024. Genus fc506 sp. fc506 1025. Genus fc508 sp. fc508 Y 1026. Genus fc509 sp. fc509 Y 1027. Genus fc51 sp. fc51 Y 1028. Genus fc510 sp. fc510 1029. Genus fc519 sp. fc519 Y 1030. Genus fc520 sp. fc520 1031. Genus fc523 sp. fc523 1032. Genus fc524 sp. fc524 1033. Genus fc525 sp. fc525 1034. Genus fc529 sp. fc529 1035. Genus fc530 sp. fc530 Y 1036. Genus fc531 sp. fc531 Y 1037. Genus fc532 sp. fc532 1038. Genus fc534 sp. fc534 Y 1039. Genus fc535 sp. fc535 1040. Genus fc538 sp. fc538 1041. Genus fc539 sp. fc539 1042. Genus fc54 sp. fc54 1043. Genus fc540 sp. fc540 1044. Genus fc541 sp. fc541 1045. Genus fc544 sp. fc544 1046. Genus fc545 sp. fc545 Y 1047. Genus fc546 sp. fc546 Y 1048. Genus fc548 sp. fc548 Y 1049. Genus fc549 sp. fc549 1050. Genus fc550 sp. fc550 Y 1051. Genus fc553 sp. fc553 1052. Genus fc555 sp. fc555 1053. Genus fc556 sp. fc556 1054. Genus fc558 sp. fc558 Y 1055. Genus fc560 sp. fc560 1056. Genus fc563 sp. fc563 1057. Genus fc566 sp. fc566 1058. Genus fc568 sp. fc568 1059. Genus fc572 sp. fc572 1060. Genus fc574 sp. fc574 Y 1061. Genus fc575 sp. fc575 Y 1062. Genus fc578 sp. fc578 Y 1063. Genus fc580 sp. fc580 1064. Genus fc583 sp. fc583 1065. Genus fc586 sp. fc586 1066. Genus fc587 sp. fc587 1067. Genus fc597 sp. fc597 1068. Genus fc599 sp. fc599 1069. Genus fc6 sp. fc6 1070. Genus fc60 sp. fc60 1071. Genus fc608 sp. fc608 1072. Genus fc609 sp. fc609 1073. Genus fc61 sp. fc61 1074. Genus fc62 sp. fc62 1075. Genus fc626 sp. fc626 1076. Genus fc628 sp. fc628 1077. Genus fc63 sp. fc63 1078. Genus fc636 sp. fc636 1079. Genus fc64 sp. fc64 1080. Genus fc641 sp. fc641 1081. Genus fc642 sp. fc642

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 16 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1082. Genus fc646 sp. fc646 1083. Genus fc649 sp. fc649 1084. Genus fc65 sp. fc65 1085. Genus fc652 sp. fc652 1086. Genus fc656 sp. fc656 1087. Genus fc657 sp. fc657 1088. Genus fc658 sp. fc658 1089. Genus fc66 sp. fc66 1090. Genus fc661 sp. fc661 1091. Genus fc669 sp. fc669 1092. Genus fc67 sp. fc67 1093. Genus fc674 sp. fc674 1094. Genus fc678 sp. fc678 1095. Genus fc68 sp. fc68 1096. Genus fc680 sp. fc680 1097. Genus fc69 sp. fc69 Y 1098. Genus fc694 sp. fc694 1099. Genus fc696 sp. fc696 1100. Genus fc714 sp. fc714 1101. Genus fc716 sp. fc716 1102. Genus fc717 sp. fc717 1103. Genus fc72 sp. fc72 1104. Genus fc73 sp. fc73 1105. Genus fc75 sp. fc75 1106. Genus fc753 sp. fc753 1107. Genus fc754 sp. fc754 1108. Genus fc758 sp. fc758 1109. Genus fc76 sp. fc76 1110. Genus fc760 sp. fc760 1111. Genus fc765 sp. fc765 1112. Genus fc766 sp. fc766 1113. Genus fc77 sp. fc77 1114. Genus fc770 sp. fc770 1115. Genus fc771 sp. fc771 1116. Genus fc776 sp. fc776 1117. Genus fc785 sp. fc785 1118. Genus fc796 sp. fc796 1119. Genus fc797 sp. fc797 1120. Genus fc80 sp. fc80 1121. Genus fc801 sp. fc801 1122. Genus fc806 sp. fc806 1123. Genus fc809 sp. fc809 Y 1124. Genus fc810 sp. fc810 Y 1125. Genus fc82 sp. fc82 1126. Genus fc83 sp. fc83 1127. Genus fc833 sp. fc833 1128. Genus fc834 sp. fc834 1129. Genus fc840 sp. fc840 1130. Genus fc842 sp. fc842 1131. Genus fc852 sp. fc852 1132. Genus fc853 sp. fc853 1133. Genus fc855 sp. fc855 1134. Genus fc857 sp. fc857 1135. Genus fc859 sp. fc859 1136. Genus fc86 sp. fc86 1137. Genus fc861 sp. fc861 1138. Genus fc862 sp. fc862 1139. Genus fc864 sp. fc864 1140. Genus fc88 sp. fc88 1141. Genus fc887 sp. fc887 1142. Genus fc896 sp. fc896 1143. Genus fc90 sp. fc90 1144. Genus fc907 sp. fc907 1145. Genus fc917 sp. fc917 1146. Genus fc918 sp. fc918 1147. Genus fc92 sp. fc92 1148. Genus fc923 sp. fc923 1149. Genus fc936 sp. fc936 1150. Genus fc943 sp. fc943 1151. Genus fc947 sp. fc947

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 17 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1152. Genus fc948 sp. fc948 1153. Genus fc95 sp. fc95 1154. Genus fc954 sp. fc954 1155. Genus fc957 sp. fc957 1156. Genus fc96 sp. fc96 1157. Genus fc962 sp. fc962 1158. Genus fc966 sp. fc966 1159. Genus fc969 sp. fc969 1160. Genus fc97 sp. fc97 1161. Genus fc977 sp. fc977 1162. Genus fc988 sp. fc988 1163. Genus fc996 sp. fc996 1164. Genus fc999 sp. fc999 1165. Glacidorbis sp. 1166. Glyptophysa (Glyptophysa) georgiana 1167. Gnathoxys insignitus 1168. Goniaea opomaloides 1169. Goniaea sp. fc1470 1170. Goniaea sp. fc1984 1171. Goniaea sp. fc233 1172. Goniaea sp. fc235 1173. Goniaea sp. fc2664 Y 1174. Goniaea sp. fc2682 1175. Goniaea sp. fc272 1176. Goniaea sp. fc304 1177. Goniaea sp. fc872 1178. Goniaea vocans 1179. Goniaoidea sp. fc1261 1180. Gonipterus sp. fc488 Y 1181. Gratilaoma cara 1182. Gripopterygidae sp. 1183. Gymnometriocnemus sp. 1 (=V44 = ortho sp. C & R) 1184. Gymnometriocnemus spp. (not V44 or V45) 1185. Haloniscus sp. 1186. Harpechys chilo 1187. Harpobittacus phaeoscius 1188. Harrisius sp. A (SAP) 1189. Harrisius sp. B (SFM) 1190. Hedana gracilis Y 1191. Hednota hoplitella 1192. Hednota icelomorpha Y 1193. Hednota recurvella 1194. Helea rugosipennis Y 1195. Helicoverpa punctigera 1196. Hellyethira simplex 1197. Hemicordulia australiae 1198. Hemicordulia tau 1199. Hemicriconemoides sp. 1200. Hesthesis cingulatus Y 1201. Heteroceridae sp. 1202. Heteromastix sp. fc198 Y 1203. Heteronympha merope dub 1204. Heteronympha merope subsp. duboulayi 1205. Heteronyx sp. fc1133 1206. Heteronyx sp. fc1192 1207. Heteronyx sp. fc154 Y 1208. Heteronyx sp. fc1566 1209. Heteronyx sp. fc1660 1210. Heteronyx sp. fc171 Y 1211. Heteronyx sp. fc172 Y 1212. Heteronyx sp. fc1822 1213. Heteronyx sp. fc1856 1214. Heteronyx sp. fc1863 1215. Heteronyx sp. fc1904 1216. Heteronyx sp. fc1923 1217. Heteronyx sp. fc2727 Y 1218. Heteronyx sp. fc28 1219. Heteronyx sp. fc289 1220. Heteronyx sp. fc29 1221. Heteronyx sp. fc347

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 18 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1222. Heteronyx sp. fc359 1223. Heteronyx sp. fc363 1224. Heteronyx sp. fc70 1225. Heteronyx sp. fc94 1226. Heteronyx sp. fc951 1227. Heterotermes occiduus 1228. Heterotermes platycephalus 1229. Hirudinea sp. 1230. Homalictus sp. 1231. Homotrysis sp. fc2153 1232. Hydraena sp. 1233. Hydrobiosella michaelseni 1234. Hydrobiosella sp. AV16 1235. Hydrodromidae sp. 1236. Hydrophilidae sp. 1237. Hydrophilus triangulans 1238. Hydryphantidae sp. 1239. Hyocephalus auprugnus 1240. Hypharpax ranula Y 1241. Hypobapta sp. fc955 1242. Idiosoma sigillatum 1243. Iridomyrmex innocens 1244. Iridomyrmex purpureus 1245. Iridomyrmex turbineus 1246. Ischnura aurora subsp. aurora 1247. Isopeda leishmanni 1248. Isopteron costatum 1249. Isopteron tuberculatum 1250. Ixodes australiensis 1251. Jalmenus icilius 1252. Junonia villida subsp. villida 1253. Karriella treenensis 1254. Kiefferulus martini 1255. Kosrheithrus boorarus 1256. Kumbadjena occidentalis Y 1257. Labroma umbratilis 1258. Lampona brevipes 1259. Lampona cylindrata 1260. Lamponina brevipes Y 1261. Lancetes lanceolatus 1262. Lathrocordulia metallica 1263. Latrodectus hasseltii 1264. Laxta sp. fc119 1265. Laxta sp. fc27 1266. Lecanomerus sp. fc2695 Y 1267. Lectrides parilis 1268. Leioproctus (Leioproctus) capillatus 1269. Leioproctus (Leioproctus) clarki 1270. Leioproctus (Leioproctus) plumosus 1271. Leioproctus (leioproctus) 1272. Lepidoptera (non-pyralid) 1273. Leptoc Genus A sp. AV1 1274. Leptoperla australica 1275. Leptophlebiid genus S sp. AV1 1276. Leptophlebiidae sp. 1277. Leptopius maleficus 1278. Leptopius sp. fc2678 Y 1279. Limbodessus inornatus 1280. Limnesiidae sp. 1281. Limnoxenus sp. 1282. Liparetrus brevipes Y 1283. Liparetrus jenkinsi 1284. Lychas sp. 1285. Lycosa godeffroyi 1286. Lycosa leuckartii 1287. Lyncestis melanoschista 1288. Macrogyrus sp. fc440 1289. Mactra sp. 1290. Maechidius major 1291. Maechidius sp. fc2738 Y

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 19 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1292. Maechidius sp. fc287 1293. Maechidus sp. fc1189 1294. Maechidus sp. fc1388 1295. Maechidus sp. fc1871 1296. Mandalotus sp. fc2088 1297. Maratus pavonis 1298. Maydenoptila baynesi 1299. Maydenoptila sp. 1300. Mecyclothorax blackburni Y 1301. Megachile (Chalicodomoides) aethiops 1302. Megachile (Eutricharaea) chrysopyga 1303. Megachile aurifrons 1304. Megachile erythropyga 1305. Megachile sp. 1306. Megaloptera sp. 1307. Megaporus solidus 1308. Melanotranes roei 1309. Melaps pilosus Y 1310. Mesostigmata sp. 1311. Mesostruma spinosa Y 1312. Metanastes sp. fc1945 1313. Metistete sp. fc340 1314. Metistete sp. fc839 1315. Metriolagria sp. fc192 1316. Metriorrhynchus sp. fc2000 1317. Metriorrhynchus sp. fc208 1318. Metriorrhynchus sp. fc2643 Y 1319. Metriorrhynchus sp. fc2644 Y 1320. Metriorrhynchus sp. fc802 Y 1321. Metriorrhynchus sp. fc99 1322. Microcerotermes newmani 1323. Microferonia cinctipennis 1324. Micromus tasmaniae 1325. Micronecta sp. 1326. Microvelia (Pacificovelia) oceanica 1327. Microvelia sp. 1328. Miniargiolestes minimus 1329. Missulena granulosa 1330. Missulena hoggi 1331. Missulena occatoria 1332. Missulena torbayensis 1333. Mnesampela sp. 1334. Moerarchis clathrella 1335. Morulaimus sp. 1336. Myrmecia analis 1337. Myrmecia clarki 1338. Myrmecia mandibularis 1339. Myrmecia nigriceps 1340. Myrmecia piliventris 1341. Myrmecia regularis 1342. Myrmecia sp. fc1391 1343. Myrmecia sp. fc1686 1344. Myrmecia sp. fc1718 1345. Myrmecia sp. fc2046 1346. Myrmecia sp. fc2514 1347. Myrmecia sp. fc252 1348. Myrmecia sp. fc2702 Y 1349. Myrmecia sp. fc2746 Y 1350. Myrmecia sp. fc281 1351. Myrmecia sp. fc2920 1352. Myrmecia sp. fc343 Y 1353. Myrmecia sp. fc408 1354. Myrmecia sp. fc409 1355. Myrmecia sp. fc486 Y 1356. Myrmecia sp. fc487 1357. Myrmecia sp. fc552 1358. Myrmecia urens 1359. Myrmecia vindex 1360. Naididae sp. 1361. Nannophya dalei

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 20 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1362. Nanocladius sp.2 (V71) 1363. Naupactus leucoloma 1364. Nearcha sp. 1365. Necterosoma darwini 1366. Necterosoma regulare 1367. Neolaemosaccus varius 1368. Neolucia agricola 1369. Neotemnopteryx sp. fc120 1370. Neotemnopteryx sp. fc591 1371. Nerthra sp. fc1567 1372. Nerthra sp. fc2689 Y 1373. Nerthra sp. fc527 1374. Nesogaster sp. fc1113 1375. Nesogaster sp. fc1951 1376. Newmanoperla exigua 1377. Newmanoperla sp. 1378. Nola paromoea 1379. Notagonum sp. fc1087 1380. Notalina sp. 1381. Notalina sp. AV16 (SFM) 1382. Notonecta (Enitharonecta) handlirschi 1383. Notonomus mediosulcatus 1384. Notonomus sp. fc746 1385. Notoperata sp. AV4 (SFM) 1386. Notoperata tenax 1387. Nousia sp. AV16 1388. Nunciella aspera 1389. Nyctemera amica 1390. Nycterephes coracopa Y 1391. Nyungara bunni 1392. Occasitermes occasus 1393. Ochrogaster sp. fc10 1394. Ochrogaster sp. fc2655 1395. Ochrogaster sp. fc7 1396. Ochthebius sp. 1397. Ocrisiona leucocomis 1398. Odontothripiella passalaina 1399. Oenochroma cerasiplaga 1400. Oenochroma sp. fc31 1401. Oenosandra boisduvalii 1402. Offadens soror (ex genus 1 WA sp. 1) 1403. Ogma (Pateracephalanema) pellitum 1404. Omorgus sp. fc1097 1405. Omorgus sp. fc825 1406. Omorophius nigrovarius 1407. Oniscidae sp. 1408. Onosandrus sp. fc526 1409. Onthophagus evanidus 1410. Onthophagus ferox 1411. Onthophagus haagi 1412. Onthophagus rupicapra 1413. Onthophagus sp. fc1824 Y 1414. Onthophagus sp. fc511 Y 1415. Onthophagus vermiculatus 1416. Ophion sp. fc87 1417. Opisthopora sp. 1418. Opodiphthera helena 1419. Orthocladiinae 'woodminer' (SAP) 1420. Orthocladiinae SO3 sp. A (SAP) 1421. Ostracoda (unident.) 1422. Otiorhynchus cribricollis 1423. Oxidae sp. 1424. Oxychilus alliarius 1425. Oxychilus cellarius 1426. Oxyopes gracilipes 1427. Oxyops farinosus 1428. Oxyops fasciata 1429. Oxyops pictipennis 1430. Oxyops sp. fc160 Y 1431. Palaemonidae sp.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 21 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1432. Pantydia sp. fc329 1433. Pantydia sp. fc388 1434. Pantydia sp. fc5 1435. Paracapritermes kraepelinii 1436. Parachironomus sp. 1 (VSCL35) (SAP) 1437. Paracladopelma M1 [SFM) 1438. Paracymus sp. 1439. Paracymus spenceri 1440. Parakiefferiella sp. S1 1441. Parakiefferiella variegatus 1442. Paralimnophyes pullulus (V42) 1443. Paramerina levidensis 1444. Parastacidae sp. 1445. Paratrichodorus sp. 1446. Paropsis sp. fc1554 1447. Paropsis sp. fc1827 Y 1448. Paropsis sp. fc2034 1449. Paropsis sp. fc307 Y 1450. Paropsis sp. fc667 1451. Paropsis sp. fc913 1452. Paropsisterna galatea 1453. Paropsisterna sp. fc1092 1454. Paropsisterna sp. fc112 1455. Paropsisterna sp. fc1329 1456. Paropsisterna sp. fc175 1457. Paropsisterna sp. fc308 1458. Paropsisterna sp. fc463 1459. Paropsisterna sp. fc677 1460. Paropsisterna sp. fc786 1461. Paropsisterna sp. fc800 1462. Paropsisterna sp. fc803 1463. Paropsisterna sp. fc804 Y 1464. Paropsisterna sp. fc805 Y 1465. Pascoellus echimys Y 1466. Peakesia sp. fc2954 Y 1467. Pediana occidentalis 1468. Pelororhinus sp. fc1182 1469. Pelororhinus stellio 1470. Pelororhinus sulcirostris 1471. Pentaneurini genus V20 1472. Periclystus aureolatus 1473. Peripyra sanguinipucta 1474. Periscepta butleri 1475. Periscepta polysticta 1476. Persectania ewingii 1477. Perthiidae sp. 1478. Phallaria ophiusaria 1479. Phaulacridium sp. fc293 1480. Philophloeus eucalypti 1481. Pholcus phalangioides 1482. Pholodes sp. fc384 1483. Phoracantha odewahnii 1484. Phreodrilidae sp. 1485. Phryganoporus nigrinus 1486. Physa acuta 1487. Physa sp. 1488. Physoloesthus australis Y 1489. Pionidae sp. 1490. Planorbidae sp. 1491. Platynectes sp. 1492. Platyzosteria sp. fc121 1493. Platyzosteria sp. fc122 1494. Platyzosteria sp. fc1897 1495. Platyzosteria sp. fc219 1496. Platyzosteria sp. fc254 1497. Platyzosteria sp. fc266 1498. Platyzosteria sp. fc282 1499. Platyzosteria sp. fc483 1500. Platyzosteria sp. fc507 1501. Platyzosteria sp. fc899

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 22 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1502. Poecilasthena sp. fc2630 1503. Pogonoscopus sp. fc503 1504. Pollanisus cupreus 1505. Pollanisus sp. fc78 1506. Polypedilum watsoni 1507. Polyphrades aesalon 1508. Polyphrades uniformis 1509. Polyzosteria cuprea 1510. Polyzosteria sp. fc269 Y 1511. Polyzosteria sp. fc592 1512. Prasinocyma sp. fc393 1513. Prionopelta sp. fc542 1514. Procladius DEC sp. P1 (formerly P.paludicola P1 no U-claws) 1515. Procladius paludicola 1516. Procordulia affinis 1517. Promecoderus sp. fc253 1518. Proteuxoa pissonephra 1519. Proteuxoa sp. fc2752 1520. Pseudaeolus sp. fc997 1521. Pseudoceneus sp. fc528 1522. Ptomaphila lacrymosa 1523. Ptomaphila sp. fc1656 1524. Pylus fatuus Y 1525. Radopholus sp. 1526. Rebilus sp. fc1427 1527. Rhadinosomus lacordaire 1528. Rhantus suturalis 1529. Rheotanytarsus sp. (SFM) 1530. Rheotanytarsus trivittatus 1531. Rheotanytarsus underwoodi 1532. Rhinaria aberrans 1533. Rhinaria sp. fc209 1534. Rhinoplethes foveatus 1535. Rhinotia sp. fc168 1536. Rhodothemis lieftincki 1537. Rhytidoponera inornata 1538. Rhytidoponera punctigera 1539. Rhytidoponera sp. fc543 1540. Riekoperla occidentalis 1541. Riethia v4 1542. Riethia v5 1543. Sandava scitisigna 1544. Saprinus (Saprinus) cyaneus 1545. Saprinus sp. 1546. Scirtidae sp. 1547. Scitalini sp. fc1813 1548. Sclerorinus carteri Y 1549. Scolecobrotus sp. fc1041 1550. Scutellonema sp. 1551. Scythrophanes stenoptera 1552. Semanopterus angustatus 1553. Semanopterus sp. fc824 1554. Sepedophilus barycephalus Y 1555. Servaea incana 1556. Servaea melaina 1557. Simuliidae sp. 1558. Skusella/"V12 ex-WA" (Cranston) 1559. Sorama bicolor 1560. Spilosoma sp. fc445 1561. Steinernema sp. 1562. Stempellina sp. 1 (SFM) 1563. Sternopriscus browni 1564. Sternopriscus marginatus 1565. Sternopriscus minimus 1566. Sternopriscus sp. 1567. Stibaroma melanotoxa 1568. Stictocladius occidentalis 1569. Stigmacros brooksi Y 1570. Storena sp. fc468 1571. Storosa tetrica

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 23 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1572. Succinea sp. 1573. Supunna albopunctata 1574. Supunna picta 1575. Symmetrischema tangolias Y 1576. Symonicoccus australis 1577. Symonicoccus sp. Y 1578. Sympycnus (Sympycnus) crassitarsus 1579. Syndesus sp. fc1629 1580. Syndesus sp. fc1640 Y 1581. Syndesus sp. fc1932 1582. Syndesus sp. fc437 1583. Synemon directa 1584. Synsphyronus magnus 1585. Talaurinus sp. fc817 1586. Tanytarsus aff manleyensis 1587. Tanytarsus b1 1588. Tanytarsus fuscithorax/semibarbitarsus 1589. Tanytarsus nr K5 1590. Tanytarsus sp. 1591. Tanytarsus sp. I (SAP) 1592. Tarsostenus sp. Y 1593. Taschorema pallescens 1594. Tasmanicosa leuckartii 1595. Tasmanocoenis tillyardi 1596. Teia athlophora 1597. Teleogryllus commodus 1598. Temnocephalidea sp. 1599. Teyl sp. 1600. Thalaina clara 1601. Thalamarchella alveola 1602. Thienemanniella sp. (V19) (SAP) 1603. Tipulidae sp. 1604. Titaena sp. fc2708 Y 1605. Trachymela sp. fc2651 Y 1606. Trachytrema castaneum 1607. Tranes vigorsii 1608. Triplectides australis 1609. Triplectides sp. 1610. Triplectides sp. AV1 (SFM) 1611. Triplectides sp. AV21 (SFM) 1612. Trombidioidea sp. 1613. Tylenchus sp. 1614. Unionicolidae sp. 1615. Uraba sp. Y 1616. Uracanthus sp. fc1033 1617. Uracanthus triangularis 1618. Uresiphita ornithopteralis 1619. Urodacus novaehollandiae 1620. Vanessa kershawi 1621. Venatrix pullastra 1622. Wesniphargus sp. 1623. 34113 Westralunio carteri (Carter's Freshwater Mussel) T 1624. Westrapyrgus sp. 1625. Wingia aurata 1626. Wingia lambertella 1627. Wingia sp. fc1654 1628. Xanthorhoe sp. fc42 1629. Xanthorhoe sp. fc455 1630. Xanthorhoe vacuaria 1631. Xiphinema sp. 1632. Xylochomitermes occidualis 1633. Xyroscelis crocata 1634. Zizina labradus 1635. Zizina otis subsp. labradus 1636. Zonopetala clerota 1637. Zygoptera sp. 1638. the dart sp. fc322 1639. unidentifiable unidentifiable Mammal 1640. 25449 Antechinus flavipes (Yellow-footed Antechinus)

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 24 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1641. 24088 Antechinus flavipes subsp. leucogaster (Yellow-footed Antechinus, Mardo) 1642. 25452 Bettongia penicillata (Brush-tailed Bettong) 1643. 24162 Bettongia penicillata subsp. ogilbyi (Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong) T 1644. Bettongia penicillata subsp. penicillata 1645. 25454 Canis lupus (Dog, Dingo) Y 1646. 24086 Cercartetus concinnus (Western Pygmy-possum, Mundarda) 1647. 24186 Chalinolobus gouldii (Gould's Wattled Bat) 1648. 24187 Chalinolobus morio (Chocolate Wattled Bat) 1649. 24092 Dasyurus geoffroii (Chuditch, Western Quoll) T 1650. 24258 Equus caballus (Horse) Y 1651. 24189 Falsistrellus mackenziei (Western False Pipistrelle) P4 1652. 24041 Felis catus (Cat) Y 1653. 24215 Hydromys chrysogaster (Water-rat) P4 1654. 25478 Isoodon obesulus (Southern Brown Bandicoot) P5 1655. 24153 Isoodon obesulus subsp. fusciventer (Quenda, Southern Brown Bandicoot) P5 1656. 24131 Macropus eugenii subsp. derbianus (Tammar Wallaby (WA subsp)) P5 1657. 24132 Macropus fuliginosus (Western Grey Kangaroo) 1658. 24133 Macropus irma (Western Brush Wallaby) P4 1659. 24168 Macrotis lagotis (Bilby, Dalgyte) T 1660. 24184 Mormopterus planiceps (Southern Freetail-bat) 1661. 24223 Mus musculus (House Mouse) Y 1662. 24146 Myrmecobius fasciatus (Numbat, Walpurti) T 1663. 24194 Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Lesser Long-eared Bat) 1664. 24195 Nyctophilus gouldi (Gould's Long-eared Bat) 1665. 24098 Phascogale calura (Red-tailed Phascogale, Kenngoor) T 1666. 25508 Phascogale tapoatafa (Brush-tailed Phascogale) 1667. 24099 Phascogale tapoatafa subsp. tapoatafa (Southern Brush-tailed Phascogale, T Wambenger) 1668. 24166 Pseudocheirus occidentalis (Western Ringtail Possum) T 1669. Pseudocheirus peregrinus 1670. 24063 Pseudorca crassidens (False Killer Whale) 1671. 24243 Rattus fuscipes (Western Bush Rat) 1672. 24245 Rattus rattus (Black Rat) Y 1673. Rattus sp. 1674. 24145 Setonix brachyurus (Quokka) T 1675. 24108 Sminthopsis crassicaudata (Fat-tailed Dunnart) 1676. 24109 Sminthopsis dolichura (Little long-tailed Dunnart) 1677. 24111 Sminthopsis gilberti (Gilbert's Dunnart) 1678. 25515 Sminthopsis griseoventer (Grey-bellied Dunnart) 1679. Sminthopsis murina 1680. Sminthopsis sp. 1681. 24259 Sus scrofa (Pig) Y 1682. 24207 Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) 1683. 24185 Tadarida australis (White-striped Freetail-bat) 1684. 24167 Tarsipes rostratus (Honey Possum, Noolbenger) 1685. 25521 Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) 1686. 24158 Trichosurus vulpecula subsp. vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) 1687. 24206 Vespadelus regulus (Southern Forest Bat) 1688. 24040 Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox) Y Reptile 1689. 42368 Acritoscincus trilineatus (Western Three-lined Skink) 1690. Chelodina (Macrochelodina) oblonga 1691. 43380 Chelodina colliei (Oblong Turtle) 1692. 24980 Christinus marmoratus (Marbled Gecko) 1693. 25035 Ctenotus delli (Dell's Ctenotus, Darling Range Heath Ctenotus) P4 1694. 25049 Ctenotus labillardieri 1695. 24939 Diplodactylus polyophthalmus 1696. 25251 Echiopsis curta (Bardick) 1697. 25096 Egernia kingii (King's Skink) 1698. 25100 Egernia napoleonis 1699. 25250 Elapognathus coronatus (Crowned Snake) 1700. 25115 Hemiergis initialis subsp. initialis 1701. 25475 Hemiergis peronii 1702. 25117 Hemiergis peronii subsp. peronii 1703. 25131 Lerista distinguenda 1704. 25154 Lerista microtis subsp. microtis 1705. 42413 Lissolepis luctuosa (Western Swamp Skink) 1706. 25184 Menetia greyii 1707. 25240 Morelia spilota subsp. imbricata (Carpet Python) S 1708. 25192 Morethia obscura

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 25 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 1709. 25252 Notechis scutatus (Tiger Snake) 1710. 24907 Pogona minor subsp. minor (Dwarf Bearded Dragon) 1711. 25511 Pseudonaja affinis (Dugite) 1712. 25259 Pseudonaja affinis subsp. affinis (Dugite) 1713. 25519 Tiliqua rugosa 1714. 25206 Tiliqua rugosa subsp. palarra 1715. 25207 Tiliqua rugosa subsp. rugosa 1716. 25218 Varanus gouldii (Bungarra or Sand Monitor) 1717. 25225 Varanus rosenbergi (Heath Monitor) 1718. Varanus sp. 1719. 25526 Varanus tristis (Racehorse Monitor)

Conservation Codes T - Rare or likely to become extinct X - Presumed extinct IA - Protected under international agreement S - Other specially protected fauna 1 - Priority 1 2 - Priority 2 3 - Priority 3 4 - Priority 4 5 - Priority 5

1 For NatureMap's purposes, species flagged as endemic are those whose records are wholely contained within the search area. Note that only those records complying with the search criterion are included in the calculation. For example, if you limit records to those from a specific datasource, only records from that datasource are used to determine if a species is restricted to the query area.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 26 EPBC Act Protected Matters Report

This report provides general guidance on matters of national environmental significance and other matters protected by the EPBC Act in the area you have selected.

Information on the coverage of this report and qualifications on data supporting this report are contained in the caveat at the end of the report.

Information is available about Environment Assessments and the EPBC Act including significance guidelines, forms and application process details.

Report created: 04/12/15 17:12:59

Summary Details Matters of NES Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Extra Information Caveat Acknowledgements

This map may contain data which are ©Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia), ©PSMA 2010

Coordinates Buffer: 0.0Km Summary

Matters of National Environmental Significance

This part of the report summarises the matters of national environmental significance that may occur in, or may relate to, the area you nominated. Further information is available in the detail part of the report, which can be accessed by scrolling or following the links below. If you are proposing to undertake an activity that may have a significant impact on one or more matters of national environmental significance then you should consider the Administrative Guidelines on Significance.

World Heritage Properties: None National Heritage Places: None Wetlands of International Importance: None Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: None Commonwealth Marine Area: None Listed Threatened Ecological Communities: None Listed Threatened Species: 10 Listed Migratory Species: 6

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act

This part of the report summarises other matters protected under the Act that may relate to the area you nominated. Approval may be required for a proposed activity that significantly affects the environment on Commonwealth land, when the action is outside the Commonwealth land, or the environment anywhere when the action is taken on Commonwealth land. Approval may also be required for the Commonwealth or Commonwealth agencies proposing to take an action that is likely to have a significant impact on the environment anywhere.

The EPBC Act protects the environment on Commonwealth land, the environment from the actions taken on Commonwealth land, and the environment from actions taken by Commonwealth agencies. As heritage values of a place are part of the 'environment', these aspects of the EPBC Act protect the Commonwealth Heritage values of a Commonwealth Heritage place. Information on the new heritage laws can be found at http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage

A permit may be required for activities in or on a Commonwealth area that may affect a member of a listed threatened species or ecological community, a member of a listed migratory species, whales and other cetaceans, or a member of a listed marine species.

Commonwealth Land: None Commonwealth Heritage Places: None Listed Marine Species: 7 Whales and Other Cetaceans: None Critical Habitats: None Commonwealth Reserves Terrestrial: None Commonwealth Reserves Marine: None

Extra Information

This part of the report provides information that may also be relevant to the area you have nominated.

State and Territory Reserves: None Regional Forest Agreements: 1 Invasive Species: 20 Nationally Important Wetlands: None Key Ecological Features (Marine) None Details

Matters of National Environmental Significance

Listed Threatened Species [ Resource Information ] Name Status Type of Presence Birds Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian Bittern [1001] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, Karrak [67034] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin's Black-Cockatoo, Long-billed Black-Cockatoo Vulnerable Breeding likely to occur [769] within area Calyptorhynchus latirostris Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo, Short-billed Black- Endangered Breeding likely to occur Cockatoo [59523] within area Mammals Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi Woylie [66844] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Dasyurus geoffroii Chuditch, Western Quoll [330] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Pseudocheirus occidentalis Western Ringtail Possum, Ngwayir [25911] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Setonix brachyurus Quokka [229] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Plants Caladenia harringtoniae Harrington's -orchid, Pink Spider-orchid [56786] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Caladenia winfieldii Majestic Spider-orchid [64504] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Listed Migratory Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Migratory Marine Birds Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Name Threatened Type of Presence Migratory Terrestrial Species Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail [642] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Migratory Wetlands Species Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Listed Marine Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Birds Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle [943] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail [642] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Species or species habitat may occur within area Extra Information Regional Forest Agreements [ Resource Information ] Note that all areas with completed RFAs have been included. Name State South West WA RFA Western Australia

Invasive Species [ Resource Information ] Weeds reported here are the 20 species of national significance (WoNS), along with other introduced plants that are considered by the States and Territories to pose a particularly significant threat to biodiversity. The following feral animals are reported: Goat, Red Fox, Cat, Rabbit, Pig, Water Buffalo and Cane Toad. Maps from Landscape Health Project, National Land and Water Resouces Audit, 2001.

Name Status Type of Presence Birds Anas platyrhynchos Mallard [974] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Columba livia Rock Pigeon, Rock Dove, Domestic Pigeon [803] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Streptopelia chinensis Spotted Turtle-Dove [780] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Turtle-dove, Laughing Dove [781] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling [389] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Mammals Canis lupus familiaris Domestic Dog [82654] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Capra hircus Goat [2] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Felis catus Cat, House Cat, Domestic Cat [19] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Mus musculus House Mouse [120] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit, European Rabbit [128] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Rattus rattus Black Rat, Ship Rat [84] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sus scrofa Pig [6] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Vulpes vulpes Red Fox, Fox [18] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Plants Name Status Type of Presence Asparagus asparagoides Bridal Creeper, Bridal Veil Creeper, Smilax, Florist's Species or species habitat Smilax, Smilax Asparagus [22473] likely to occur within area

Genista monspessulana Montpellier Broom, Cape Broom, Canary Broom, Species or species habitat Common Broom, French Broom, Soft Broom [20126] likely to occur within area

Genista sp. X Genista monspessulana Broom [67538] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn, Boxthorn [19235] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Pinus radiata Radiata Pine Monterey Pine, Insignis Pine, Wilding Species or species habitat Pine [20780] may occur within area

Rubus fruticosus aggregate Blackberry, European Blackberry [68406] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Salix spp. except S.babylonica, S.x calodendron & S.x reichardtii Willows except Weeping Willow, Pussy Willow and Species or species habitat Sterile Pussy Willow [68497] likely to occur within area Caveat The information presented in this report has been provided by a range of data sources as acknowledged at the end of the report. This report is designed to assist in identifying the locations of places which may be relevant in determining obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It holds mapped locations of World and National Heritage properties, Wetlands of International and National Importance, Commonwealth and State/Territory reserves, listed threatened, migratory and marine species and listed threatened ecological communities. Mapping of Commonwealth land is not complete at this stage. Maps have been collated from a range of sources at various resolutions.

Not all species listed under the EPBC Act have been mapped (see below) and therefore a report is a general guide only. Where available data supports mapping, the type of presence that can be determined from the data is indicated in general terms. People using this information in making a referral may need to consider the qualifications below and may need to seek and consider other information sources.

For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps.

For species where the distributions are well known, maps are digitised from sources such as recovery plans and detailed habitat studies. Where appropriate, core breeding, foraging and roosting areas are indicated under 'type of presence'. For species whose distributions are less well known, point locations are collated from government wildlife authorities, museums, and non-government organisations; bioclimatic distribution models are generated and these validated by experts. In some cases, the distribution maps are based solely on expert knowledge.

Only selected species covered by the following provisions of the EPBC Act have been mapped: - migratory and - marine The following species and ecological communities have not been mapped and do not appear in reports produced from this database: - threatened species listed as extinct or considered as vagrants - some species and ecological communities that have only recently been listed - some terrestrial species that overfly the Commonwealth marine area - migratory species that are very widespread, vagrant, or only occur in small numbers The following groups have been mapped, but may not cover the complete distribution of the species: - non-threatened seabirds which have only been mapped for recorded breeding sites - seals which have only been mapped for breeding sites near the Australian continent Such breeding sites may be important for the protection of the Commonwealth Marine environment.


-34.10207 116.15658 Acknowledgements This database has been compiled from a range of data sources. The department acknowledges the following custodians who have contributed valuable data and advice: -Office of Environment and Heritage, New South Wales -Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria -Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania -Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia -Parks and Wildlife Commission NT, Northern Territory Government -Department of Environmental and Heritage Protection, Queensland -Department of Parks and Wildlife, Western Australia -Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT -Birdlife Australia -Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme -Australian National Wildlife Collection -Natural history museums of Australia -Museum Victoria -Australian Museum -South Australian Museum -Queensland Museum -Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums -Queensland Herbarium -National Herbarium of NSW -Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria -Tasmanian Herbarium -State Herbarium of South Australia -Northern Territory Herbarium -Western Australian Herbarium -Australian National Herbarium, Atherton and Canberra -University of New England -Ocean Biogeographic Information System -Australian Government, Department of Defence Forestry Corporation, NSW -Geoscience Australia -CSIRO -Other groups and individuals

The Department is extremely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who provided expert advice and information on numerous draft distributions.

Please feel free to provide feedback via the Contact Us page.

© Commonwealth of Australia Department of the Environment GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia +61 2 6274 1111 YORNUP QUARRY – YORNUP - FAUNA ASSESSMENT – DECEMBER 2015 – V1


HABITAT TREE DETAILS HabitatTrees(DBH>50cm) DatumͲGDA94 Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt001 50H 422247 6226135 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt002 50H 422257 6226131 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt003 50H 422274 6226137 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt004 50H 422276 6226137 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt005 50H 422223 6226130 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 2 SpoutBranch 20+ SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt006 50H 422215 6226146 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt007 50H 422210 6226121 Jarrah 20+ 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt008 50H 422217 6226120 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt009 50H 422213 6226113 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt010 50H 422226 6226113 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt011 50H 422236 6226116 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt012 50H 422228 6226105 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt013 50H 422224 6226098 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt014 50H 422209 6226090 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt015 50H 422200 6226101 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt016 50H 422192 6226101 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt017 50H 422178 6226102 Jarrah 20+ 2 KnotHole <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt018 50H 422181 6226096 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt019 50H 422176 6226095 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt020 50H 422200 6226084 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt021 50H 422207 6226089 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt022 50H 422203 6226079 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 12Ͳ20 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes Tooshallow wpt023 50H 422293 6226371 Marri 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt024 50H 422206 6226072 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt025 50H 422222 6226062 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt026 50H 422232 6226054 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt027 50H 422242 6226040 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt028 50H 422244 6226019 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt029 50H 422240 6226016 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt030 50H 422247 6226016 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt031 50H 422246 6226000 DeadMarri 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt032 50H 422250 6225993 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt033 50H 422246 6225970 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt034 50H 422255 6225963 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt035 50H 422249 6225962 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt036 50H 422253 6225949 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt037 50H 422265 6225952 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt038 50H 422272 6225954 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt039 50H 422281 6225963 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt040 50H 422284 6225978 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt041 50H 422271 6225981 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt042 50H 422286 6225990 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt043 50H 422287 6225986 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt044 50H 422308 6225988 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch <5 Branch <5 Branch <5 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt045 50H 422313 6225996 Jarrah 20+ 1 SpoutTrunk 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt046 50H 422325 6226016 DeadJarrah 10Ͳ15 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt047 50H 422342 6226040 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt048 50H 422367 6226058 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt049 50H 422368 6226062 Jarrah 20+ 2 KnotHole <5 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Fissure 5Ͳ12 Bees NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt050 50H 422374 6226067 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt051 50H 422384 6226065 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt052 50H 422396 6226085 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt053 50H 422402 6226106 DeadJarrah 20+ 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt054 50H 422412 6226130 Marri 20+ 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt055 50H 422414 6226141 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt056 50H 422429 6226154 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt057 50H 422439 6226168 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt058 50H 422441 6226177 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt059 50H 422441 6226181 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt060 50H 422435 6226178 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt061 50H 422442 6226189 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt062 50H 422435 6226198 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt063 50H 422451 6226199 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt064 50H 422452 6226201 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt065 50H 422454 6226221 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt066 50H 422447 6226231 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt067 50H 422455 6226235 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch <5 Branch <5 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt068 50H 422447 6226239 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt069 50H 422430 6226239 Marri 15Ͳ20 2 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt070 50H 422419 6226235 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt071 50H 422424 6226225 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt072 50H 422416 6226225 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt073 50H 422409 6226228 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt074 50H 422405 6226229 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt075 50H 422401 6226233 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt076 50H 422384 6226222 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt077 50H 422263 6226357 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt078 50H 422329 6226179 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt079 50H 422327 6226171 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt080 50H 422312 6226171 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt081 50H 422311 6226170 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt082 50H 422305 6226171 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt083 50H 422307 6226153 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt084 50H 422311 6226147 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt085 50H 422301 6226148 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt086 50H 422310 6226132 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt087 50H 422302 6226123 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt088 50H 422294 6226119 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt089 50H 422306 6226111 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt090 50H 422299 6226110 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt091 50H 422285 6226099 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt092 50H 422279 6226089 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt093 50H 422277 6226094 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt094 50H 422271 6226096 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt095 50H 422271 6226077 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt096 50H 422254 6226090 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt097 50H 422249 6226086 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt098 50H 422256 6226089 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt099 50H 422247 6226083 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt100 50H 422239 6226090 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt101 50H 422231 6226071 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt102 50H 422259 6226062 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt103 50H 422259 6226050 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt104 50H 422268 6226047 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt105 50H 422268 6226020 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt106 50H 422268 6226022 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt107 50H 422278 6226012 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt108 50H 422297 6225999 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt109 50H 422305 6226052 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt110 50H 422293 6226047 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt111 50H 422294 6226056 Marri 10Ͳ15 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt112 50H 422292 6226063 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt113 50H 422311 6226089 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 KnotHole <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt114 50H 422317 6226095 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt115 50H 422346 6226095 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt116 50H 422338 6226078 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt117 50H 422324 6226057 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt118 50H 422361 6226074 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt119 50H 422368 6226088 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt120 50H 422369 6226108 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt121 50H 422372 6226120 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt122 50H 422367 6226123 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt123 50H 422372 6226132 Jarrah 5Ͳ10 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt124 50H 422375 6226135 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt125 50H 422397 6226139 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt126 50H 422403 6226158 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt127 50H 422418 6226176 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt128 50H 422420 6226206 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt129 50H 422395 6226185 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt130 50H 422377 6226174 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt131 50H 422359 6226171 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt132 50H 422354 6226153 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt133 50H 422320 6226130 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt134 50H 422333 6226166 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt135 50H 422455 6226294 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt136 50H 422462 6226291 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt137 50H 422460 6226305 Marri 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt138 50H 422464 6226306 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt139 50H 422463 6226320 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt140 50H 422448 6226326 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt141 50H 422446 6226318 Jarrah 20+ 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt142 50H 422443 6226334 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt143 50H 422444 6226347 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt144 50H 422457 6226343 Marri 20+ 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt145 50H 422468 6226351 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt146 50H 422473 6226378 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt147 50H 422482 6226381 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt148 50H 422483 6226394 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt149 50H 422458 6226396 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt150 50H 422447 6226392 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt151 50H 422440 6226385 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt152 50H 422422 6226382 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt153 50H 422417 6226381 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt154 50H 422414 6226380 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt155 50H 422413 6226397 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt156 50H 422403 6226382 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt157 50H 422351 6226387 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt158 50H 422343 6226395 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt159 50H 422340 6226376 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt160 50H 422308 6226394 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutBranch 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt161 50H 422291 6226389 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt162 50H 422277 6226384 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt163 50H 422249 6226380 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt164 50H 422222 6226371 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt165 50H 422219 6226383 Jarrah 20+ 5+ SpoutTrunk Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 12Ͳ20 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt166 50H 422193 6226384 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt167 50H 422181 6226376 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt168 50H 422162 6226373 DeadJarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt169 50H 422149 6226372 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt170 50H 422150 6226358 Jarrah 20+ 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt171 50H 422167 6226349 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt172 50H 422171 6226349 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt173 50H 422193 6226296 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt174 50H 422212 6226339 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt175 50H 422235 6226350 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt176 50H 422260 6226340 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt177 50H 422285 6226331 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt178 50H 422299 6226329 Marri 5Ͳ10 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt179 50H 422299 6226321 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt180 50H 422311 6226328 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt181 50H 422315 6226321 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt182 50H 422317 6226308 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt183 50H 422327 6226306 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 SpoutBranch 12Ͳ20 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt184 50H 422350 6226299 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt185 50H 422357 6226290 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt186 50H 422320 6226237 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt187 50H 422324 6226225 DeadJarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt188 50H 422380 6226286 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 2 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt189 50H 422398 6226293 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt190 50H 422408 6226273 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt191 50H 422409 6226269 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt192 50H 422406 6226257 Marri 20+ 5+ KnotHole <5 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt193 50H 422415 6226282 Jarrah 20+ 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt194 50H 422412 6226293 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt195 50H 422423 6226290 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt196 50H 422426 6226294 DeadUnknown 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt197 50H 422425 6226292 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt198 50H 422433 6226281 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt199 50H 422452 6226297 DeadUnknown 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt200 50H 422450 6226300 DeadMarri 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt201 50H 422424 6226318 Marri 20+ 4 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt202 50H 422421 6226316 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt203 50H 422412 6226321 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt204 50H 422410 6226313 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt205 50H 422375 6226308 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt206 50H 422370 6226300 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt207 50H 422337 6226323 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt208 50H 422331 6226318 Jarrah 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt209 50H 422339 6226329 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt210 50H 422328 6226347 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt211 50H 422325 6226341 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt212 50H 422335 6226354 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt213 50H 422305 6226367 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt214 50H 422337 6226354 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt215 50H 422347 6226365 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt216 50H 422370 6226342 Jarrah 20+ 3 Fissure <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt217 50H 422383 6226331 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt218 50H 422419 6226339 Marri 10Ͳ15 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt219 50H 422433 6226353 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt220 50H 422455 6226371 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt221 50H 422441 6226374 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 Fissure 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Toolow wpt222 50H 422227 6225923 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt223 50H 422210 6225914 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt224 50H 422214 6225905 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt225 50H 422206 6225905 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt226 50H 422173 6225884 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt227 50H 422173 6225862 Jarrah 20+ 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt228 50H 422153 6225830 Jarrah 20+ 3 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt229 50H 422139 6225838 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt230 50H 422103 6225808 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt231 50H 422099 6225789 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt232 50H 422097 6225771 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt233 50H 422086 6225765 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt234 50H 422070 6225771 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt235 50H 422047 6225731 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt236 50H 422055 6225725 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt237 50H 422028 6225712 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt238 50H 422020 6225703 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt239 50H 422016 6225707 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt240 50H 422011 6225700 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt241 50H 422008 6225694 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt242 50H 421994 6225690 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt243 50H 421978 6225654 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt244 50H 421987 6225673 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt245 50H 421983 6225663 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt246 50H 421974 6225670 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt247 50H 421975 6225675 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt248 50H 421973 6225657 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt249 50H 421967 6225650 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt250 50H 421960 6225658 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt251 50H 421955 6225651 Jarrah 20+ 1 Fissure 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt252 50H 421939 6225644 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt253 50H 421937 6225642 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt254 50H 421907 6225624 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt255 50H 421900 6225618 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt256 50H 421888 6225629 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt257 50H 421891 6225636 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt258 50H 421888 6225624 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt259 50H 421865 6225629 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt260 50H 421866 6225619 Marri 0Ͳ5 5+ SpoutTrunk 20+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns Cockatoos Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt261 50H 421872 6225669 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt262 50H 421890 6225641 DeadUnknown 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt263 50H 421902 6225656 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt264 50H 421918 6225664 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt265 50H 421922 6225674 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt266 50H 422170 6226315 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt267 50H 422163 6226320 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt268 50H 422163 6226312 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt269 50H 422163 6226305 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt270 50H 422153 6226296 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt271 50H 422119 6226286 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt272 50H 422142 6226288 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt273 50H 422146 6226273 Marri 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt274 50H 422137 6226271 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt275 50H 422128 6226282 Marri 20+ 1 KnotHole <5 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt276 50H 422127 6226291 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt277 50H 422130 6226293 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt278 50H 422110 6226291 DeadUnknown 0Ͳ51SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt279 50H 422095 6226281 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt280 50H 422106 6226256 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Fissure 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt281 50H 422100 6226254 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt282 50H 422076 6226271 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt283 50H 422039 6226261 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt284 50H 422034 6226262 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt285 50H 422012 6226252 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt286 50H 422013 6226236 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt287 50H 422039 6226230 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt288 50H 422052 6226211 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt289 50H 422056 6226223 Jarrah 10Ͳ15 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt290 50H 422052 6226209 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt291 50H 422050 6226236 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt292 50H 422058 6226184 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt293 50H 422065 6226167 DeadJarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt294 50H 422047 6226164 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt295 50H 422066 6226163 DeadJarrah 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt296 50H 422087 6226159 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt297 50H 422096 6226152 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt298 50H 422105 6226134 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt299 50H 422111 6226133 Jarrah 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt300 50H 422117 6226136 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt301 50H 422117 6226129 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt302 50H 422119 6226143 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt303 50H 422117 6226111 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt304 50H 422117 6226101 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt305 50H 422134 6226087 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt306 50H 422139 6226051 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt307 50H 422159 6226081 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt308 50H 422186 6226067 Marri 20+ 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt309 50H 422159 6226056 Marri 20+ 2 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt310 50H 422206 6226028 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt311 50H 422196 6226015 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt312 50H 422229 6225989 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt313 50H 422224 6225982 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt314 50H 422229 6225972 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt315 50H 422223 6225965 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt316 50H 422221 6225963 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt317 50H 422215 6225943 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt318 50H 422214 6225940 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt319 50H 422194 6225965 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt320 50H 422172 6225964 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt321 50H 422172 6225935 Jarrah 10Ͳ15 2 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt322 50H 422172 6225912 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt323 50H 422174 6225906 DeadJarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt324 50H 422150 6225905 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt325 50H 422122 6225894 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt326 50H 422122 6225880 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt327 50H 422133 6225872 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt328 50H 422141 6225879 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt329 50H 422109 6225884 Jarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt330 50H 422110 6225870 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt331 50H 422112 6225852 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt332 50H 422075 6225838 Jarrah 20+ 5+ SpoutBranch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 12Ͳ20 SpoutBranch 20+ SpoutBranch <5 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt333 50H 422091 6225830 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt334 50H 422087 6225824 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt335 50H 422087 6225820 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt336 50H 422087 6225803 Jarrah 5Ͳ10 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt337 50H 422078 6225797 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt338 50H 422083 6225790 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt339 50H 422074 6225803 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt340 50H 422076 6225815 Jarrah 20+ 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt341 50H 422057 6225813 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt342 50H 422048 6225824 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt343 50H 422047 6225816 DeadMarri 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt344 50H 422050 6225787 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt345 50H 422048 6225790 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt346 50H 422019 6225779 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt347 50H 422030 6225748 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt348 50H 422032 6225728 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt349 50H 421998 6225752 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt350 50H 421997 6225740 Marri 20+ 4 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt351 50H 421994 6225708 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt352 50H 421980 6225696 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt353 50H 421976 6225697 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt354 50H 421972 6225684 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt355 50H 421955 6225673 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt356 50H 421940 6225686 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt357 50H 421920 6225685 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt358 50H 421889 6225680 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt359 50H 421879 6225703 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt360 50H 421888 6225717 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt361 50H 421863 6225701 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt362 50H 421853 6225717 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt363 50H 421865 6225723 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt364 50H 421878 6225732 DeadMarri 10Ͳ15 2 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt365 50H 421875 6225734 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt366 50H 421890 6225743 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt367 50H 421858 6225745 DeadMarri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt368 50H 421865 6225766 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt369 50H 421860 6225762 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt370 50H 421857 6225783 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt371 50H 421864 6225797 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt372 50H 421872 6225816 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt373 50H 421857 6225866 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt374 50H 421854 6225870 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt375 50H 421855 6225916 DeadJarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt376 50H 421899 6225939 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt377 50H 421886 6225912 Marri 20+ 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt378 50H 421910 6225947 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt379 50H 421900 6225964 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt380 50H 421917 6225977 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt381 50H 421906 6225987 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt382 50H 421884 6225986 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt383 50H 421868 6226010 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt384 50H 421865 6226049 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt385 50H 421864 6226076 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt386 50H 421871 6226099 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt387 50H 421873 6226105 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt388 50H 421889 6226142 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt389 50H 421876 6226152 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt390 50H 421861 6226172 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt391 50H 421856 6226167 Marri 20+ 4 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt392 50H 421868 6226180 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt393 50H 421874 6226194 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt394 50H 421872 6226218 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt395 50H 421872 6226228 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt396 50H 421864 6226227 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt397 50H 421871 6226243 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt398 50H 421861 6226240 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt399 50H 421887 6226245 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt400 50H 421889 6226255 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt401 50H 421871 6226257 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt402 50H 421858 6226271 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt403 50H 421859 6226298 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt404 50H 421857 6226319 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt405 50H 421861 6226330 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt406 50H 421894 6226360 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt407 50H 421912 6226380 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt408 50H 421917 6226384 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt409 50H 421909 6226385 Jarrah 5Ͳ10 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt410 50H 421944 6226382 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt411 50H 421946 6226390 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt412 50H 421949 6226367 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt413 50H 421954 6226364 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt414 50H 421960 6226383 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt415 50H 421970 6226364 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt416 50H 421997 6226371 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt417 50H 422006 6226361 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt418 50H 422004 6226350 Marri 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt419 50H 421997 6226337 Jarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt420 50H 422003 6226336 Jarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt421 50H 422007 6226336 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt422 50H 422031 6226369 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt423 50H 422040 6226365 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt424 50H 422062 6226380 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt425 50H 422073 6226387 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt426 50H 422084 6226377 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt427 50H 422092 6226357 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt428 50H 422098 6226398 Jarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt429 50H 422105 6226388 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt430 50H 422115 6226374 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt431 50H 422117 6226377 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt432 50H 422108 6226366 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt433 50H 422125 6226370 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt434 50H 422114 6226383 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt435 50H 422140 6226371 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt436 50H 422128 6226349 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt437 50H 422115 6226345 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt438 50H 422126 6226330 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt439 50H 422112 6226327 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt440 50H 422105 6226326 Jarrah 20+ 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt441 50H 422115 6226322 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt442 50H 422106 6226308 Jarrah 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt443 50H 422142 6226326 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt444 50H 422090 6226311 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt445 50H 422085 6226318 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt446 50H 422075 6226314 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt447 50H 422070 6226315 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt448 50H 422055 6226305 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt449 50H 422048 6226299 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt450 50H 422018 6226291 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt451 50H 422010 6226300 Jarrah 20+ 2 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt452 50H 422001 6226277 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt453 50H 421982 6226269 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt454 50H 421960 6226260 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt455 50H 421985 6226215 Marri 10Ͳ15 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt456 50H 421981 6226213 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt457 50H 421973 6226208 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt458 50H 422006 6226198 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt459 50H 422014 6226187 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt460 50H 422024 6226188 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt461 50H 422028 6226195 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt462 50H 422034 6226197 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt463 50H 422039 6226200 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt464 50H 422030 6226172 Jarrah 10Ͳ15 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt465 50H 422019 6226171 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt466 50H 422020 6226160 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt467 50H 422032 6226154 Marri 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt468 50H 422036 6226134 DeadUnknown 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt469 50H 422047 6226137 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt470 50H 422052 6226109 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt471 50H 422079 6226108 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt472 50H 422080 6226095 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt473 50H 422082 6226084 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt474 50H 422102 6226100 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt475 50H 422087 6226077 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt476 50H 422095 6226055 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt477 50H 422094 6226050 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt478 50H 422090 6226039 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt479 50H 422100 6226035 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt480 50H 422114 6226034 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt481 50H 422094 6226019 Marri 20+ 2 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt482 50H 422082 6226017 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt483 50H 422032 6226015 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 3 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 12Ͳ20 SpoutTrunk 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt484 50H 422006 6225996 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt485 50H 422024 6225988 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt486 50H 422018 6225981 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt487 50H 421990 6225943 Jarrah 5Ͳ10 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt488 50H 421978 6225930 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt489 50H 421964 6225926 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt490 50H 421969 6225920 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt491 50H 421969 6225911 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt492 50H 421980 6225902 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt493 50H 421968 6225893 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt494 50H 421968 6225895 DeadMarri 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt495 50H 421957 6225874 Marri 15Ͳ20 3 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt496 50H 421941 6225877 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt497 50H 421910 6225890 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt498 50H 421912 6225858 DeadJarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt499 50H 421927 6225848 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 KnotHole <5 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt500 50H 421900 6225814 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt501 50H 421902 6225805 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt502 50H 421884 6225797 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt503 50H 421899 6225766 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt504 50H 421891 6225763 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt505 50H 421934 6225737 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt506 50H 421937 6225717 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt507 50H 421950 6225711 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt508 50H 421944 6225708 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt509 50H 421965 6225716 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt510 50H 421966 6225763 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt511 50H 421971 6225774 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt512 50H 421967 6225781 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt513 50H 421994 6225791 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt514 50H 421999 6225802 DeadMarri 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt515 50H 422010 6225794 DeadMarri 20+ 3 KnotHole <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt516 50H 421954 6225768 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt517 50H 421939 6225766 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt518 50H 421937 6225782 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt519 50H 421946 6225807 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt520 50H 421936 6225830 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt521 50H 421878 6225836 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt522 50H 421870 6225847 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt523 50H 421879 6225870 DeadJarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt524 50H 421887 6225888 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt525 50H 421880 6225893 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 2 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt526 50H 421931 6225907 Marri 15Ͳ20 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt527 50H 421959 6225839 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt528 50H 421967 6225816 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt529 50H 421967 6225815 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt530 50H 421990 6225824 Jarrah 0Ͳ50 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt531 50H 422013 6225824 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt532 50H 422043 6225834 Jarrah 20+ 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt533 50H 422051 6225854 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt534 50H 422090 6225878 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt535 50H 422079 6225899 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt536 50H 422085 6225913 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt537 50H 422084 6225926 Jarrah 20+ 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt538 50H 422102 6225919 Jarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt539 50H 422101 6225940 Marri 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt540 50H 422089 6225967 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt541 50H 422071 6225987 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt542 50H 422068 6225975 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt543 50H 422056 6225978 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch <5 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt544 50H 422053 6225979 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt545 50H 422070 6225986 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt546 50H 422070 6225992 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt547 50H 422007 6226021 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt548 50H 421988 6226043 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt549 50H 421991 6226052 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt550 50H 421973 6226055 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt551 50H 421973 6226073 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt552 50H 421970 6226102 Marri 10Ͳ15 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt553 50H 421966 6226114 DeadUnknown 10Ͳ15 4 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt554 50H 421948 6226140 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt555 50H 421929 6226156 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ KnotHole 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt556 50H 421912 6226192 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt557 50H 421907 6226195 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt558 50H 421902 6226204 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt559 50H 421899 6226214 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt560 50H 421909 6226217 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt561 50H 421903 6226230 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt562 50H 421912 6226240 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt563 50H 421927 6226254 Jarrah 20+ 5+ KnotHole 20+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 12Ͳ20 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt564 50H 421931 6226254 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt565 50H 421914 6226267 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt566 50H 421930 6226292 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt567 50H 421936 6226302 DeadUnknown 20+ 3 KnotHole <5 Branch <5 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt568 50H 421927 6226309 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt569 50H 421922 6226305 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt570 50H 421930 6226316 DeadJarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt571 50H 421969 6226329 Marri 20+ 5+ KnotHole 20+ Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 12Ͳ20 Branch 12Ͳ20 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt572 50H 421979 6226315 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt573 50H 422005 6226321 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt574 50H 422012 6226321 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt575 50H 422031 6226322 Marri 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt576 50H 422048 6226336 Jarrah 20+ 1 KnotHole <5 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt577 50H 422041 6226340 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt578 50H 422040 6226343 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt579 50H 422056 6226347 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt580 50H 422069 6226333 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt581 50H 422084 6226347 Jarrah 20+ 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt582 50H 422143 6226336 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt583 50H 422031 6226296 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt584 50H 421990 6226290 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt585 50H 421977 6226296 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt586 50H 421976 6226300 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt587 50H 421943 6226230 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt588 50H 421957 6226210 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt589 50H 421964 6226196 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt590 50H 421976 6226194 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt591 50H 421992 6226180 Jarrah 20+ 5+ KnotHole <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt592 50H 421997 6226155 DeadMarri 15Ͳ20 3 Branch 5Ͳ12 SpoutTrunk 20+ SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns Yes DepthofHollowsunknown wpt593 50H 421988 6226146 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt595 50H 421973 6226152 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt596 50H 421969 6226149 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt597 50H 421996 6226125 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt598 50H 422013 6226127 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt599 50H 422029 6226094 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt600 50H 422043 6226065 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt601 50H 422036 6226057 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt602 50H 422054 6226037 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt603 50H 422086 6226034 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt604 50H 422018 6226055 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt605 50H 422010 6226103 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt606 50H 421993 6226112 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt607 50H 421925 6226117 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt608 50H 421910 6226116 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 1 KnotHole 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt609 50H 421906 6226126 Jarrah 20+ 1 Fissure 12Ͳ20 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt610 50H 421898 6226119 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt611 50H 421895 6226115 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt612 50H 421901 6226097 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt613 50H 421905 6226073 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt614 50H 421913 6226070 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ SpoutTrunk 20+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns Yes Tooshallow wpt615 50H 421897 6226042 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt616 50H 421936 6226042 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt617 50H 421944 6226048 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt618 50H 421947 6226041 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 2 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt619 50H 421934 6226036 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt620 50H 421937 6225994 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt621 50H 421968 6225999 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt622 50H 421963 6225984 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt623 50H 421947 6225959 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt624 50H 421936 6225910 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt625 50H 421989 6225881 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt626 50H 421988 6225876 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt627 50H 421998 6225865 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt628 50H 421993 6225855 Marri 15Ͳ20 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns Yes wpt629 50H 421978 6225845 Marri 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt630 50H 421995 6225838 DeadUnknown 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt631 50H 422003 6225845 Jarrah 0Ͳ51SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt632 50H 422020 6225866 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt633 50H 422038 6225877 DeadUnknown 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt634 50H 422033 6225916 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt635 50H 422024 6225916 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt636 50H 422051 6225925 Marri 5Ͳ10 0 NoSigns NoSigns No Potential Tree Number Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow Waypoint Hollow HollowType Cockatoo Zone mE mN TreeSpecies Height of HollowType1 Size1 HollowType2 Size2 HollowType3 Size3 HollowType4 Size5 Occupancy ChewMarks Comments Number Size4(cm) 5 Nest (m) Hollows (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Hollow wpt637 50H 422057 6225942 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt638 50H 422067 6225944 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt639 50H 422093 6225946 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt640 50H 422123 6225915 Jarrah 20+ 1 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt641 50H 422146 6225973 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt642 50H 422151 6225986 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt643 50H 422163 6226012 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt644 50H 422160 6226015 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt645 50H 422158 6226028 Marri 0Ͳ51SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Toolow/shallow wpt646 50H 422173 6226024 Jarrah 20+ 3 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt647 50H 422190 6226008 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt648 50H 422210 6225986 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt649 50H 422163 6225977 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt650 50H 422115 6226007 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt651 50H 422112 6226015 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 5+ Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch <5 Branch 5Ͳ12 Branch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt652 50H 422124 6226027 DeadUnknown 10Ͳ15 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Tooshallow wpt653 50H 422111 6225994 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt654 50H 422107 6225991 Marri 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No Toolow/shallow wpt655 50H 422104 6225993 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt656 50H 422090 6225987 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt657 50H 422104 6225979 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt658 50H 422035 6225945 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt659 50H 422009 6225917 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt660 50H 422018 6225897 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt661 50H 422015 6225891 Jarrah 5Ͳ10 1 SpoutTrunk 20+ NoSigns NoSigns No Toolow/shallow wpt662 50H 422011 6225885 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt663 50H 421964 6225953 Jarrah 5Ͳ10 2 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 SpoutBranch 5Ͳ12 NoSigns NoSigns No DepthofHollowsunknown wpt664 50H 421981 6226024 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt665 50H 421935 6226073 Jarrah 10Ͳ15 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt666 50H 421934 6226086 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt667 50H 421904 6226155 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt668 50H 421905 6226163 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt669 50H 421904 6226167 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt670 50H 421885 6226272 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt671 50H 421881 6226278 Marri 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt672 50H 421881 6226294 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt673 50H 421911 6226302 Marri 10Ͳ15 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt674 50H 421893 6226308 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt675 50H 421878 6226334 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt676 50H 421916 6226350 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt677 50H 421933 6226343 Jarrah 20+ 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt678 50H 421944 6226345 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No wpt679 50H 421983 6226346 Jarrah 15Ͳ20 0 NoSigns NoSigns No YORNUP QUARRY – YORNUP - FAUNA ASSESSMENT – DECEMBER 2015 – V1


This fauna assessment report (“the report”) has been prepared in accordance with the scope of services set out in the contract, or as otherwise agreed, between the Client and Greg Harewood (“the Author”). In some circumstances the scope of services may have been limited by a range of factors such as time, budget, access and/or site disturbance constraints. In accordance with the scope of services, the Author has relied upon the data and has conducted environmental field monitoring and/or testing in the preparation of the report. The nature and extent of monitoring and/or testing conducted is described in the report.

The conclusions are based upon field data and the environmental monitoring and/or testing carried out over a limited period of time and are therefore merely indicative of the environmental condition of the site at the time of preparing the report. Also it should be recognised that site conditions, can change with time.

Within the limitations imposed by the scope of services, the field assessment and preparation of this report have been undertaken and performed in a professional manner, in accordance with generally accepted practices and using a degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by reputable environmental consultants under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made.

In preparing the report, the Author has relied upon data, surveys, analyses, designs, plans and other information provided by the Client and other individuals and organisations, most of which are referred to in the report (“the data”). Except as otherwise stated in the report, the Author has not verified the accuracy of completeness of the data. To the extent that the statements, opinions, facts, information, conclusions and/or recommendations in the report (“conclusions”) are based in whole or part on the data, those conclusions are contingent upon the accuracy and completeness of the data. The Author will not be liable in relation to incorrect conclusions should any data, information or condition be incorrect or have been concealed, withheld, misrepresented or otherwise not fully disclosed to the Author.

The report has been prepared for the benefit of the Client and no other party. The Author assumes no responsibility and will not be liable to any other person or organisation for or in relation to any matter dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report, or for any loss or damage suffered by any other person or organisation arising from matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report (including without limitation matters arising from any negligent act or omission of the Author or for any loss or damage suffered by any other party relying upon the matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report). Other parties should not rely upon the report or the accuracy or completeness of any conclusions and should make their own enquiries and obtain independent advice in relation to such matters.

The Author will not be liable to update or revise the report to take into account any events or emergent circumstances or facts occurring or becoming apparent after the date of the report.