Land between Road and Mill Lane

Buckinghamshire Archaeological Evaluation

for Environmental Dimension Partnership (EDP)

on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd

CA Project: 660938 CA Report: 18076

May 2018

Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane Princes Risborough

Archaeological Evaluation

CA Project: 660938 CA Report: 18076

Document Control Grid Revision Date Author Checked by Status Reasons for Approved revision by A 16/02/2018 AA JS-J Draft For comment MPH B 01/03/2018 AA MPH Revision For issue MPH C 17/05/2018 AA MPH Final For issue MPH

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3



4. METHODOLOGY ...... 6

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2 - 14) ...... 7

6. THE FINDS ...... 12


8. DISCUSSION ...... 17

9. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 19

10. REFERENCES ...... 19



Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000) Fig. 2 Trench location plan showing archaeological features and geophysical survey results (1:2,000) Fig. 3 Plan of trenches 90-95, showing archaeological features (1:500) Fig. 4 Trench 95, section and photographs (1:20) Fig. 5 Trench 93, section and photographs (1:20) Fig. 6 Trench 92, section and photograph (1:20) Fig. 7 Trench 86; plan, section and photograph (1:20) Fig. 8 Trench 87; plan, section and photograph (1:20) Fig. 9 Trench 76, photographs Fig. 10 Trench 77, photograph Fig. 11-14 Trenches 67, 80, 81 and 85, photographs

1 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


Project Name: Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane Location: Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire NGR: 480623 204456 Type: Evaluation Date: 03-19 January 2018 Location of Archive: Buckinghamshire county museum Accession Number: TBC Site Code: LRM17

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in January 2018 on Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Buckinghamshire. Twenty nine trenches were excavated within a series of discrete fields.

The evaluation exposed elements of a substantial rectangular enclosure toward the centre of the site, which had been identified initially in the preceding geophysical survey. Recovered artefacts associated with this enclosure comprised Middle to Late Iron Age pottery and associated animal bone.

Elsewhere, a number of archaeological features not identified by preceding geophysical survey were also exposed and evaluated. Principally archaeological features encountered across the site comprised ditches, pits and the remains of former ridge and furrow agricultural practices; dated from the late prehistoric to post-medieval period. These included a ditch in trench 93 at the north-east end of the site from which a single heavily abraded fragment of Roman box flue tile was recovered. It is highly unlikely, however, that this artefact could be indicative of former settlement within the bounds of the site.

It is likely that the later prehistoric enclosure identified toward the centre of the site represents an element of a distribution of rural, agricultural stock enclosures set within the wider landscape. Ditches and pits to the north-east and south-west of this enclosure could also have a contemporaneous association with the agricultural exploitation of the landscape. Palaeobotanical and mollusc evidence is indicative of a predominantly woodland margin and well-established downland environment, and animal bone remains perhaps indicate stock management and disposal more so than domestic butchery and processing or cooking.

2 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


1.1 In January 2018 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological evaluation for Bloor Homes and under the direction of Environmental Dimension Partnership Ltd (EDP) on Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire (centred at NGR: 80780 04709; Fig. 1). The evaluation was undertaken in advance of the submission of a planning application for the residential development.

1.2 The evaluation was carried out in accordance with a detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2017) and approved by Phil Markham, Senior Archaeological Planning Officer for Buckinghamshire County Council (SAPOBCC). The fieldwork also followed the Standard and guidance for Archaeological Field Evaluation (CIfA 2014). It was monitored by Phil Markham and Eliza Alqassar for BCC, including a site visit on 11 January 2018.

The site 1.3 The proposed development area is approximately 17.9ha, and comprises a group of four mixed pastoral and arable fields. The site is bounded by Longwick Road to the south-west and Mill Lane to the north-east. The south-eastern limit of the site is formed by the Princes Risborough to railway line, with residential development of Princes Risborough beyond and the north-eastern boundary principally by further agricultural fields. The site lies within a gently undulating landscape between 100 and 110m above Ordnance Datum (aOD). This is set within a broadly flat clay vale extending towards Thame and Oxford to the west, with the town of Princes Risborough being at the base of the western slope of the , which lie to the east.

1.4 The underlying bedrock geology of the area is mapped as Upper Greensand formation-siltstone and sandstone, Glauconitic Marl Member-sandstone, and West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation. The only superficial deposits comprise alluvial deposits and small pockets of river terrace sands and gravels along the course of the Mill Brook (British Geological Survey (BGS) 2016. The soils on site are classified in the Soilscape 5 association, as freely draining lime-rich loams (Soilscape 5 Association; LandIS 2016).

3 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


2.1 The Archaeological and historical background of the site has been presented in detail in the geophysical survey report prepared by Headland Archaeology (2016) and an archaeological and heritage assessment prepared by EDP (2016). This concluded that there are no designated heritage assets within the site and only two non-designated heritage assets. These comprise a section of the suggested route of an early medieval period charter boundary (MBC7552) and a piece of early Saxon metalwork found by detectorists (MBC13625). The route of the early medieval period boundary passes through the centre area (site) and the Saxon metalwork was found in the eastern part of the site.

Prehistoric Period

2.2 The results of the geophysical survey suggest there is some archaeological potential within the site. This comprises the possible remains of a D-shaped (or rectangular) enclosure in the central part of the site. It was also suggested there could be some potential for contemporaneity with the Lower Icknield Way to the north, though this is some distance, c.600m, to the north-west of the site.

2.3 In the wider area the desk-based assessment presented no recorded evidence of early prehistoric activity within 1km of the site and ten records of later prehistoric origin, comprising surface finds of Neolithic flints to the west, of which one is an axe head, found in (MBC21480) and a Bronze Age barbed and tanged arrowhead in (MBC21133). Two coins dating to the late Iron Age were also recovered in fields c. 600m distant, by detectorists.

Roman Period

2.4 The possible site of a Roman period building was identified in Monks Risborough during a trial trench evaluation (MBC23642), as was a piece of tile (MBC21860); and three coins were found by detectorists c.600m to the east of the site (MBC2753).

2.5 It seems probable that localised Romano-British settlement activity occurred in the wider area, a continuity of land-use and probable agricultural activity that remained similar to that in the later prehistoric period. Such remains are more likely though to

4 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

focus more to the north of the present site, toward the route of the Lower Icknield Way.

Early Medieval and medieval periods

2.6 Three large boundary ditches and 10th century pottery were recorded during a trial trench evaluation to the east of the site (MBC23643) and locally too there is a claim for the location of a Benedictine cell or monastery nearby (MBC950). The Domesday Book of 1086 records Monks Risborough (MBC24642), associated with the Parish Church of St Dunstan (MBC12114), suggesting the settlement was established at least by the early medieval period. A quarry pit, building footings and associated features were also recorded in Monks Risborough during trial trench evaluation and a watching brief (MBC33540).

2.7 The wider area remained very rural throughout the early medieval and medieval periods, though Princes Risborough exhibits some signs of planned settlement along the High Street (EDP 2016). The site and its immediate surroundings are likely to have remained agricultural throughout, as evidenced by the heavily denuded remains of ridge and furrow agriculture across parts of the site recorded during the geophysical survey and walkover survey (Headland Archaeology 2016; EDP2016). The buried remains of such agricultural activity are likely to represent the predominant evidence within the site.

Post-Medieval and modern periods 2.8 Other than the remains of ridge and furrow agriculture, the practice of which may have extended into the post-medieval period, the majority of recorded heritage assets comprise extant buildings in the wider landscape surrounding the site. Other evidence is represented by the former sites of a water mill (MBC4925) and a possible pottery kiln to the south-east of the site (MBC7553). As in earlier periods the site and its surrounding landscape is likely to have remained in agricultural use, as it does to the present day and buried remains of such agricultural activity are likely to represent the predominant evidence of recent periods within the site.

5 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


3.1 The objectives of the evaluation were to provide information about the archaeological resource within the site, including its presence/absence, character, extent, date, integrity, state of preservation and quality, in accordance with the Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Field Evaluation (CIfA 2014). This information will enable the Buckinghamshire county council to identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset, consider the impact of the proposed development upon it, and to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the development proposal, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG 2012).


4.1 The fieldwork comprised the excavation of 29 trenches each 50m in length by 1.8m in width, in the locations shown on the attached plan (Fig. 2). Following a site visit from SAPO Phil Markham and Eliza Alqassar, a 10m extension to trench 93 was undertaken, as was a 2m extension to trench 76.

4.2 Trenches were set out on OS National Grid (NGR) co-ordinates using Leica GPS and surveyed in accordance with Technical Manual 4: Survey Manual (CA 2014).

4.3 All trenches were excavated by mechanical excavator equipped with a toothless grading bucket. All machine excavation was undertaken under constant archaeological supervision to the top of the first significant archaeological horizon or the natural substrate, whichever was encountered first. Where archaeological deposits were encountered they were excavated by hand in accordance with Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual (CA 2007).

4.4 Deposits were assessed for their palaeoenvironmental potential in accordance with Technical Manual 2: The Taking and Processing of Environmental and Other Samples from Archaeological Sites (CA 2003). One sample was recovered from the fill of ditch 8603 and two samples recovered from fills of ditch 9516. All artefacts recovered were processed in accordance with Technical Manual 3: Treatment of Finds Immediately after Excavation (CA 1995).

6 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

4.5 The archive and artefacts from the evaluation are currently held by CA at its offices in Milton Keynes. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner the artefacts will be deposited with Buckinghamshire county museum under accession number (TBC), along with the site archive. A summary of information from this project, set out within Appendix D, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2 - 14)

5.1 This section provides an overview of the evaluation results; detailed summaries of the recorded contexts, finds and environmental samples (palaeoenvironmental evidence) are to be found in Appendices A, B and C respectively.

5.2 The natural geological substrate was varied across site as noted in section 1.4, with a distribution of deposits comprising grey-green clay sand, brown-grey chalk clay and grey-brown sand clay. The natural geological substrate was exposed at depths between 0.3m and 0.9m below present ground level (bpgl). This was overlain by a 0.1m to 0.5m thick layer of subsoil that was in turn overlain by topsoil.

5.3 Trenches 69, 73, 74, 75, 79, 85 and 89 contained no evidence of archaeological remains and are not discussed further. Trenches 68, 70, 72 and 82 contained solely the remains of agricultural furrows correlating with the geophysical survey results. Unless otherwise detailed, all archaeological features were cut into the natural geological substrate and were sealed by subsoil. Unless otherwise detailed archaeological features contained no finds.

Prehistoric and Roman periods

Trench 77 (Figs 1, 2 and 10)

5.4 Ditch 7703, aligned north-west/south-east measured 1.53m wide and 0.56m deep. Primary fill 7704 comprised alight brown grey soft sand clay. Its uppermost fill 7717 comprised a similar though firmer sand clay and contained three sherds of late prehistoric pottery. Ditch 7703 also correlated with the geophysical survey results (2016).

7 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Trench 86 (Figs 2 and 7)

5.5 Ditch 8603, part of the enclosure ditch identified in the geophysical survey results was aligned north-east/south-west, then cornering to run to the south-east and measured 2.96m wide and 1.24m deep. It contained five discrete fills. Primary fill 8604 comprised a light green grey soft sand silt. The secondary fill 8605 comprised green brown sand silt and contained late prehistoric pottery and fragments of animal bone. Fill 8606, a possible dumped deposit, comprised dark green black sand silt with charcoal flecking from which late prehistoric pottery, flint flakes and animal bone were recovered. Upper fill 8607 and 8608 comprised a green brown sand silt and orange brown sand silt respectively.

Trench 87 (Figs 2 and 8)

5.6 Ditch 8703 part of the enclosure ditch identified in the geophysical survey results was aligned north-west/south-east and measured 4.4m wide and >0.82m deep. It contained six discrete fills. The soft sand silt fills of lowermost 8704, 8705, 8706 and 8707 contained no finds. Fill 8708, comprised a mid grey brown soft sand silt from which sherds of late prehistoric pottery and animal bone were recovered. Uppermost fill 8709 comprised a soft sand clay deposit. Ditch 8703 was in turn cut by late, though undated furrow 8710, which measured >2.8m wide and 0.2m deep.

Trench 93 (Figs 2, 3 and 5)

5.7 Two ditches aligned north-west/south-east (9303 and 9307) and a ditch terminus 9305, also aligned north-west/south-east, were revealed in trench 93. Ditch 9303, measured 0.67m wide and 0.06m deep with gently sloping sides and a slightly concave base. Its fill 9304 comprised mid grey friable silt sand. Ditch terminus 9305 measured 0.76m wide and 0.22m deep with shallow concave sides and a slightly concave base. Its fill 9306 comprised mid grey friable sand clay from which five sherds of pottery and a fragment of animal bone were recovered.

5.8 Ditch 9307 measured 2.98m wide and 0.32m deep with moderately sloping concave sides and an uneven base. Its primary fill 9309 comprised blue grey friable sand clay deposit with some iron panning and contained a fragment of Romano-British box flue tile and animal bone. Its upper fill 9308 comprised mid grey brown friable sand clay.

8 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Trench 95 (Figs 2 - 4)

5.9 Four north-west/south-east aligned ditches (9503, 9507, 9512 and 9516) and two pits (9510 and 9514) were revealed in trench 95. Ditch 9503 measured 1.02m wide and 0.27m deep with moderately steep sides and concave base. Its fills 9505 and 9506 comprised brown grey silt clay and friable silt sand respectively. A sherd of late prehistoric pottery was recovered from fill 9506. Ditch 9507 aligned parallel to ditch 9503 measured 0.61m wide and 0.21m deep with moderately steep sides and a concave base. Its primary fill 9508 comprised a similar friable sand clay to fill 9505 as did upper fill 9509 did with fill 9506. Pit 9510 was oval in shape and measured 0.68m wide by 0.58m and was 0.11m deep with shallow concave sides and a concave base. No finds were recovered from its brown grey friable sand silt 9511 though there is some potential for contemporaneity with the parallel ditches 9503 and 9507 close by to the north-east. This may also be so for ditch 9512, which had a similar morphology to ditches 9503 and 9507.

5.10 Pit 9514 was irregular in shape with its full extent unknown. The exposed element measured 6.0m in length and 0.34m in depth. The pit’s primary fill 9518, comprised predominantly a layer of small to medium angular stones; its uppermost fill 9515 comprising dark brown grey friable silt sand from which ten sherds of late prehistoric pottery were recovered along with a quite substantial quantity (c.500g) of animal bone and flint, some of which was burnt. Ditch 9516 measured 1.01m wide and 0.31m deep with steep concave sides and a flattish base. It was cut by pit 9514. Fill 9517 of ditch 9516 comprised light grey friable clay sand from which six sherds late prehistoric pottery and a few flint flakes and a moderate assemblage of animal bone were recovered.

Medieval period

Trench 76 (Figs 2 and 9)

5.11 The excavation of trench 76 revealed pit 7603, ditch 7605 and furrow 7607. Pit 7603 was rectangle - ovoid in plan and measured 4.6m long, 1.31m wide and 0.52m deep. Its single fill 7604 comprised compact grey brown silt sand with frequently occurring flint and gravel with occasional pieces of chalk and charcoal flecks. A single sherd of 12th to 13th pottery was recovered.

9 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Post-medieval period

Trench 67 (Figs 2 and 11)

5.12 Trench 67 revealed a tree throw 6703 and a series of furrows, the latter indicated in the geophysical survey results. Of these furrows 6705 was excavated; furrows 6707, 6709 and 6711 remained unexcavated.

5.13 Furrow 6705, aligned north-east/south-west, measured 1.63m wide and 0.12m deep. Its fill 6706, comprising grey brown compact silt clay, contained two fragments of post-medieval roof tile and a fragment of animal bone.

Trench 71 (Fig. 2)

5.14 Trench 71 revealed three furrows, two of which were evaluated (7103 and 7105); furrow 7107 remained unexcavated. Furrow 7105 was aligned north-east/south-west and measured 0.65m wide by 0.23m deep. Its fill 7106, comprising brown grey silt clay contained two fragments of post-medieval roof tile.

Trench 78 (Fig. 2)

5.15 Trench 78 revealed a series of furrows, indicated in the geophysical survey results. One of these, 7805, was excavated, along with two ditches (7803 and 7807), which remained undated. Furrow 7805 was aligned south-east/north-west and measured 2.3m wide and 0.17m deep. A fragment of late medieval to post-medieval peg tile was recovered from its brown grey firm silt clay fill (7806).

Trench 88 (Fig. 2)

5.16 A series of furrows aligned north-west/south-east were revealed in trench 88. Furrow 8803 measured 2.16m wide and 0.11m deep. It was straight sides and a flat base with a single sand silt fill 8804, from which two sherds of 19th century pottery and fragments of roof tile were recovered.

Trench 92 (Figs 2, 3 and 6)

5.17 A furrow 9203, aligned north-west/south-east, measured 1.26m wide and 0.05m deep. A fragment of late medieval to post-medieval CBM was recovered from its brown grey silt clay fill (9204).

10 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


Trench 76 (Figs 2 and 9)

5.18 Ditch 7605 aligned north-east/south-west measured 2.08m wide and 0.68m deep. Its fill 7606 comprised grey brown compact sand clay with some flint and chalk. It is cut by furrow 7607 which is aligned broadly north/south and measured 4.4m wide and 0.2m deep. Its fill 7608 comprised grey brown silt clay.

Trench 78 (Fig. 2)

5.19 Ditch 7803, aligned south-east/north-west, measured 1.16m wide and 0.5m deep. Its fill 7804, comprising grey brown firm silt clay contained three fragments of animal bone. Ditch 7807, aligned south-east/north-west, measured 1m wide and 0.51m deep. Its fill 7808, comprising a similar grey brown firm silt clay contained one fragment of animal bone.

Trenches 83, 84 (Fig. 2)

5.20 Ditch 8305, remained unexcavated since it was on the same alignment as ditch 8403. Ditch 8403, steep-sided with a flattish concave base, was aligned east/west and measured 1.3m wide and 0.37m deep. Its fill 8404 comprised mid-grey brown mottled dense sandy clay.

Trench 87 (Figs 2 and 8)

5.21 Ditch 8712, aligned north-west/south-east and measured 1.3m wide and 0.54m deep. Its fill 8713 comprised a mixed redeposited natural clay. Ditch 8712 cuts furrow 8714.

Trench 91 (Figs 2 and 3)

5.22 Ditch 9103 was aligned north-west/south-east and measured 1.27m wide and 0.3m deep with moderately steep concave sides and a concave base. Its fill 9104 comprised red brown silt clay. Ditch 9105, aligned east/west, measured 0.5m wide and 0.15m deep. Its fill 9106 comprised grey brown silt sand.

Trench 92 (Figs 2, 3 and 6)

5.23 Ditch 9205 aligned north-west/south-east, pit 9209 and furrow 9203 also aligned north-west/south-east were revealed in trench 92. Ditch 9205 measured 1.34m wide

11 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

and 0.9m deep with very steep slightly concave sides and a slightly V-shaped base. Its primary fill 9208 comprised red brown friable sand clay; its secondary fill 9207, a green brown sand clay and its upper fill 9206 a dark grey brown sand clay from which two fragments of animal bone were recovered. Pit 9209 was broadly ovoid in plan, measured 0.91m wide, 1.05m in length and was only 0.13m deep. Its single fill 9210 comprised red brown friable sand clay.

Trench 94 (Figs 2 and 3)

5.24 Three ditches were recorded, each broadly aligned south-east/north-west (9403, 9406 and 9407). Ditch 9403 measured 1.10m wide and 0.2m deep with shallow concave sides and a concave base. Its fill 9404, comprised brown grey firm silt clay. Ditch 9406 measured 0.92m wide and 0.2m deep with similar concave sides and base and a similar fill 9405; as did ditch 9407, which measured 1.58m wide and 0.32m deep. Its fill 9408 contained one fragment of animal bone.

Trenches 67, 81 (Figs 2 and 11)

5.25 A probable tree throw 6703, irregular/ovoid in plan measured 0.64m in length, was 0.61m wide and 0.19m deep. Its fill 6704 comprised dark grey brown friable sand clay. In addition, a second probable tree throw 8103 with some localised burning was excavated toward the south-east end of trench 81. It measured 0.86m wide and 0.24m deep. Its primary fill 8104 and secondary fill 8105 comprised grey brown silt sand and grey black silt clay respectively.

Trench 90 (Figs 2 and 3)

5.26 Pit 9005 located within southern end of trench, measured 1.08m in length, 1.06m wide and 0.19m deep. It had shallow sloping sides, a concave base and contained a single sand clay fill 9006, which contained two fragments of animal bone.

5.27 A number of undated furrow bases were excavated in trenches 70, 71, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 87.


6.1 Artefactual material was hand-recovered from 18 deposits (fills of furrows, ditches and pits, and from topsoil). The recovered material dates to the prehistoric, Roman and medieval - post-medieval and modern periods. Quantities of the artefact types

12 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

are given in Appendix B. The pottery has been recorded according to sherd count/weight per fabric. Fabric codes for medieval and post-medieval/modern pottery, in Appendix B and in parenthesis in the text, have been devised for the purpose of this report.


6.2 The pottery recovered from the evaluation is recorded in Appendix B and discussed below. Recording of the finds assemblage was direct to an Excel spreadsheet; this forms the basis of Appendix B (Table 1). The pottery was examined by context, using a x10 binocular microscope and quantified according to sherd count and weight per fabric type. The fabrics are described, as noted, in (Appendix B) Table 2 in accordance with the Heritage guidelines (2016). The fabric codes used here for recording have been created for this assemblage.

6.3 The assemblage comprised 41 sherds (372g) of pottery recorded from 13 deposits. All of the pottery was recovered from the fills of pits, gullies and ditches. The condition of the assemblage is moderate to poor; the majority of sherds are heavily abraded and the mean sherd weight is average for a largely prehistoric assemblage (9g).

Late Prehistoric by Pete Banks

6.4 Thirty four sherds (285g) in handmade fabrics are considered to date to the Late Prehistoric period. The majority of sherds (16 sherds, 160g) are made in shell- tempered fabrics and were found in contexts 7177, 8605, 9506, 9515 and 9517. Flint-tempered fabrics are also common (13 sherds, 68g) and were recorded in contexts 8606, 8708, 9306, 9515 and 9517. Two sherds (2g) are made in a fuel ash slag-tempered fabric from the fill of ditch 9305. Three sherds (46g) are made in a flint and shell-tempered fabric. A single rim sherd from a vessel of uncertain form with simple, upright rim, from 8605, the secondary fill of ditch 8603, was recorded in fabric LOCSHF1. Prehistoric flint-tempered pottery dating to the Middle Iron Age (400-100BC) (Booth 2007, 48) is known, from excavations at Whiteleaf Hill, 1.5km north east of Princes Risborough, to date.

13 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Medieval by Jacky Sommerville

6.5 From fill 7604 of pit 7603 is a moderately abraded rimsherd from a jar with an everted rim, in a sandy coarseware fabric (SCW). This fabric compare with Fabric C, subtype b (reddish-brown in colour and relatively fine) identified by Mynard (1975, 106) from excavations at Hunter Street, Buckingham, which is dateable to the 12th to 13th centuries.

Post-medieval/modern by Jacky Sommerville

6.6 A sherd of glazed earthenware (GRE), from topsoil deposit 9500, is dateable to the mid 16th to 18th centuries. Fill 8804 of furrow 8803 produced two bodysherds (27g) in moderate to good condition. Creamware (CRM) was manufactured from the mid to late 18th century and ‘mocha’ ware (MOC) dates to the 19th century.

Lithics by Jacky Sommerville

6.7 A total of 22 worked flints (4g), and 24 pieces of burnt unworked flint (6g), was recovered from bulk soil sampling of three deposits. The worked lithics comprise five flakes and 17 chips, none of which are chronologically diagnostic.

Ceramic building material by Jacky Sommerville

6.8 Fill 9309 of ditch 9307 produced a heavily abraded fragment (73g) of Roman box flue tile. Ceramic building material of late medieval/post-medieval date totals 17 moderately abraded fragments (388g). Single fragments from deposit 8905 and fill 7806 of furrow 7805 are identifiable as peg tile. The remainder comprises flat roof tile and unclassifiable fragments.


Animal Bone by Andy Clarke

7.1 Animal bone amounting to 93 fragments (2143g) was recovered via hand excavation and bulk soil sampling from 15 deposits dating from the Later Prehistoric to the post- medieval period. The material displayed a varying degree of preservation, was highly fragmented with frequent historical and modern damage, rendering 65% of the assemblage unidentifiable to species. However, it has been possible to identify the remains of cattle (Bos taurus), sheep/goat (Ovis aries/Capra hircus) pig (Sus

14 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

scrofa sp.) and horse (Equus callabus) all of which were commonly exploited domestic animals from the Late Prehistoric onwards.

Late Prehistoric

7.2 A total of 78 fragments (1500g) were recovered from deposits 8605, 8606, 8708, 9517 and 9515, the fills of ditches 8603, 8703, 9516 and pit 9514.The remains of cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse were recovered with each species being identified from meat-poor parts of the skeleton such as isolated teeth or the bones of the lower limbs and feet. The majority of the Late Prehistoric assemblage (64 fragments, 511g) was recovered from deposit 9515, the fill of pit 9514. No cut or chop marks were present but the material did display a limited amount of impact damage suggestive of an origin in primary butchery waste. Bulk soil sample 2 was taken from this deposit but did not produce anything identifiable to species. However, 12 fragments (1g) displayed clear signs of being burnt at temperatures not normally associated with cooking. The combination of these two facts does suggest that pit 9514 was being used for the disposal of waste animal bone.


7.3 A single fragment (110g) was recovered from deposit 9309, the fill of ditch 9307. It was identifiable as a partial cattle skull.


7.4 A single fragment (3g) was recovered from deposit 6706, the fill of furrow 6705. It was not identifiable either to element or species.


7.5 A further 13 (530g) fragments were recovered from eight deposits that remain undated. The remains of cattle, pig and horse were present and identified from meat-poor skeletal elements. No evidence of butchery practice in the form of cuts, chop marks or impact damage was observed. However, in terms of preservation and fragmentation the material does display similar characteristics to that seen in the Late Prehistoric assemblage.

15 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Plant Macrofossils by Sarah Wyles

7.6 A series of three environmental samples (60 litres of soil) were processed from a pit and two ditches of late prehistoric date within Trenches 86 and 95 to evaluate the preservation of palaeoenvironmental remains across the area and with the intention of recovering environmental evidence of industrial or domestic activity on the site. The samples were processed by standard flotation procedures (CA Technical Manual No. 2).

7.7 Preliminary identifications of plant macrofossils are noted in Table 1 following nomenclature of Stace (1997). The presence of mollusc shells has also been recorded in Table 2, Nomenclature is according to Anderson (2005) and habitat preferences according to Kerney (1999) and Davies (2008).

7.8 The flots varied in size with low to high numbers of rooty material and modern seeds. The charred material was relatively poorly preserved.

Trench 86

7.9 A small charred assemblage was recorded from fill 8606 (sample 1) of late prehistoric ditch 8603. These remains included a few indeterminate grain fragments, hazelnut (Corylus avellana) shell fragments, hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) stone fragments and charcoal fragments greater than 2mm. This may be representative of dispersed material.

7.10 The high number of mollusc shells recovered from this deposit included those of the open country species Vertigo sp. and Helicella itala, the intermediate species Trochulus hispidus, Cochlicopa lubrica, Cochlicopa lubricella, Cepaea sp. and Punctum pygmaeum, and the shade-loving species Carychium tridentatum, Discus rotundatus, Acanthinula aculeata, Vitrea sp., Aegopinella pura, Aegopinella nitidula, Oxychilus cellarius, Merdigera obscura, Clausilia bidentata, Balea perversa and Cochlodina laminata. The shade-loving species include species which favour open deciduous woodland, such as Acanthinula aculeata, Cochlodina laminata and Merdigera obscura, and the mollusc assemblage may be indicative of a woodland edge/well-established hedgerow/scrub environment in the vicinity of this ditch.

16 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Trench 95

7.11 Fill 9515 (sample 2) of late prehistoric pit 9514 contained a small number of charred plant remains and charcoal fragments, while only a few charcoal fragments and no charred plant remains were noted in sample 3 from fill 9517 of late prehistoric ditch 9516. Again these assemblages may be reflective of dispersed material.

7.12 The large mollusc assemblages recorded from these assemblages were mainly dominated by shells of land snail species but with a small number of shells of aquatic species also present. The shells noted included those of the open country species Vertigo sp., Pupilla muscorum, Helicella itala, Vallonia costata and Vallonia excentrica, the intermediate species Trochulus hispidus, Punctum pygmaeum and Cochlicopa sp., the shade-loving species Carychium tridentatum, Discus rotundatus, Acanthinula aculeata, Aegopinella pura, Aegopinella nitidula and Cochlodina laminata, and the aquatic species Galba truncatula, Anisus leucostoma, Radix balthica and Pisidium sp. The mollusc assemblages may be indicative of a well- established open landscape with some areas of damper longer grass and possibly scrub in the vicinity.

Summary 7.13 The small charred assemblages recovered in these samples provide very little indication of domestic settlement activities taking place in the vicinity of Trenches 86 and 95 during the late prehistoric period.


8.1 The results of the preceding geophysical survey indicated the likely presence of a D- shaped or rectangular enclosure toward the centre of the site, along with hints of other possible archaeological evidence and the remains of agricultural furrow bases. Prehistoric evidence was confirmed in trenches 77, 86, 87, 93 and 95. Archaeological features dating from the late medieval/post-medieval period were also found in trenches 67, 71, 76, 78, 88 and 92.

Prehistoric period

8.2 A concentrated area of prehistoric activity was revealed toward the centre of site within trenches 78 (where an element of the D-shaped / rectangular enclosure ditch was exposed but unexcavated), 86 and 87. No evidence of the ditch extending into

17 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

trench 81 was evident, which also appears to accord with the geophysical survey results (2016). Ditch 8703, identified in trench 87 and ditch 8603, identified in trench 86 both contained sherds of Late prehistoric pottery. These ditches are both also clearly evident in the geophysical survey results comprising elements of the D- shaped / rectangular enclosure. Ditch 7703, identified in trench 77 to the south-west of the enclosure; and pit 9514 and ditch 9516, identified further to the north-east of in trench 95, also yielded sherds of late prehistoric pottery.

8.3 These elements taken together are likely to be broadly contemporary and to represent a focus of agricultural activity, probably associated with stock management at the edge of the settlement. Palaeoenvironmental evidence also appears to indicate that the site may at this period have occupied a location close to woodland or rough grazing, rather more than an arable fieldscape in close proximity to human settlement. This settlement could have had its focus to the south-west toward an area around Park Mill Farm, Princes Risborough, where evidence of probable settlement was identified during archaeological investigations (Wessex Archaeology 2004). Elsewhere too it is evident that settlement in the Iron Age especially was extensive along the Chilterns Scarp, around the landscape surrounding Princes Risborough, Aylesbury and Milton Keynes for example.

Roman period 8.4 Ditch 9307, identified in trench 93, contained one fragment of Roman box flue tile. This ditch was also recorded in trench 95, as ditch 9516; however, in that example yielded evidence only of late prehistoric pottery. A single fragment of Roman box flue tile does not indicate with any confidence at all a potential for the presence of more extensive remains associated with settlement within the site. Where any such remains may be present these are most likely to be focused to the north of site toward the Lower Icknield Way where Romano-British settlement activity has been recorded. There is some settlement potential in Monks Risborough, c 400m to the east of the site where a fragment of tile was recovered and archaeological evaluation was undertaken

Medieval/Post Medieval 8.5 Trench 76 produced one sherd of 12th to 13th century pottery from rectangular - ovoid pit 7603. This feature may have originated as an extraction pit, then perhaps have served as a water hole. Little else can be inferred at this point. Within the two southern-western fields the geophysical results identified extensive below-ground

18 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

evidence for former ridge and furrow cultivation; a number of these furrow bases were evaluated and remained either undated or yielded a few sherds of post- medieval pottery and CBM.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Alice Amabilino, assisted variously by Anne Templeton, Ralph Brown, Sam Burns, Luke Bateson and Anne Jorgensen-Lindahl. The report was written by Alice Amabilino. The finds and biological evidence reports were written by Pete Banks, Jacky Sommerville, Andy Clarke and Sarah Wyles respectively. The illustrations were prepared by Esther Escudero. The archive has been compiled by Emily Evans, and prepared for deposition by Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Mark Hewson.


Anderson, R. 2005 ‘An annotated list of the non-marine Mollusca of Britain and Ireland’, Journal of Conchology 38, 607-637

APABE (Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England) 2017 Guidance for best practice for the treatment of Human remains excavated from Christian Burial Grounds in England, 2nd Edition.

Barclay A., Booth P., Brown D., Evans J., Knight D. and Wood I. 2016 A standard for pottery studies in archaeology Historic England

BGS (British Geological Survey) 2016 Geology of Britain Viewer Accessed 18 June 2016 Booth P. 2007 ‘Pottery’ in Hey G., Dennis C. and Mayes A. 2007, 48-51

Davies, P. 2008 Snails Archaeology and Landscape Change, Oxford, Oxbow Books

DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) 2012 National Planning Policy Framework

EDP (The Environmental Dimension Partnership) 2016 Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough: Archaeological and Heritage Assessment. EDP2671_06

Hall, R. A. 1975 ‘An Excavation at Hunter Street, Buckingham. 1974’. Records of Buckinghamshire XX(i), 100–33

19 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Headland Archaeology 2016 Land off Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Geophysical Survey. LRPR/01

Hey G., Dennis C. and Mayes A. 2007 ‘Archaeological investigations on Whiteleaf Hill, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire 2002-6’ Records of Buckinghamshire XLVII, 1-80

Hey, G. and Hind, J. 2014 Solent Thames Archaeological Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas. Oxford Wessex Archaeology

Kerney, M.P. 1999 Atlas of the Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Britain and Ireland, Colchester, Harley

Stace, C. 1997 New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Book

Wessex Archaeology 2004 Park Mill Farm, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report

20 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


Trench Context Type Fill of Context interpretation Description L (m) W (m) D (m) Spot-date 67 6700 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. Silty 50 1.8 0.18 Sand. 67 6701 Layer Subsoil Medium Grey-Brown. 50 1.8 0.16 Silty Sand. Moderate small gravels (~0.5 cm d.) 67 6702 Layer Natural Light Green-Grey. 50 1.8 Sandy Clay. 67 6703 Cut Tree bole Irregular, rounded. 0.64 0.61 0.19 Steep sloping sides with sharp break of slope. Concave, uneven base, gentle break of slope. 67 6704 Fill 6703 Natural infilling Dark Grey-Brown. 0.64 0.61 0.19 Friable Sandy Clay. Moderate angular stones (~2-6 cm d.) Frequent charcoal. 67 6705 Cut Furrow NW-SW Linear. >1.8 1.63 0.12 Concave sides, gentle break of slope. Concave base, gentle break of slope. 67 6706 Fill 6705 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. <1.8 1.63 0.12 Compact Silty Clay. 20% angular stones, few chalk fragments. 68 6800 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. 50 1.8 0.22 Sandy Clay, small- medium angular stones.

68 6801 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Sandy 50 1.8 0.32 Clay. Small-medium angular stones. Chalk pieces. 68 6802 Layer Natural Mid Brown-Grey. Silty 50 1.8 Clay, small-medium angular stones.

68 6803 Cut Furrow UNEXCAVATED

68 6804 Fill 6803 Natural infilling Light Brown-Grey. Silty Clay.

69 6900 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. 50 1.8 0.24 Sandy Clay, small- medium angular stones.

69 6901 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Sandy 50 1.8 0.22 Clay, small-medium angular stones. Chalk pieces. 69 6902 Layer Natural Mid Brown-Grey and 50 1.8 Dark Green-Brown. Silty Clay, small-medium angular stones. 70 7000 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. 50 1.8 0.28 Sandy Silt.

21 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

70 7001 Layer Subsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silty 50 1.8 0.42 Clay.

70 7002 Layer Natural Light Beige-Grey. Silty 50 1.8 Clay.

70 7003 Cut Furrow NE-SW Linear. >1 2.56 0.1 Concave, gently sloping sides, gentle break of slope. Concave, uneven base, gentle break of slope. 70 7004 Fill 7003 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. Friable <1 2056 0.1 Silty Clay. Occasional charcoal and angular stones (~2-6 cm d.) 71 7100 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. Clay 50 1.8 0.15-0.2 Silt. Small stones.

71 7101 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown- Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.15 Clay. Chalk incl.

71 7102 Layer Natural Light Brown-Grey. Sand 50 1.8 Clay. Chalk incl.

71 7103 Cut Furrow NE-SW Linear. Concave >2 0.47 0.05 sides and base. Gentle break of slopes.

71 7104 Fill 7103 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. >2 0.47 0.05 Compact Silty Sand. Small angular stones. Chalk incl. 71 7105 Cut Furrow Concave sides and >2 1.53 0.23 base. Gentle break of slopes.

71 7106 Fill 7105 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. >2 1.53 0.23 Compact Silty Clay. Angular small stones. Chalk incl. 72 7200 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. Clay 50 1.8 0.2 Silt. Small stones.

72 7201 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown- Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.15 Clay. Chalk incl.

72 7202 Layer Natural Light Brown-Grey. Sand 50 1.8 Clay. Chalk incl.

73 7300 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. Clay 50 1.8 0.24 Silt. Small chalk incl. and pebbles

73 7301 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.13 Clay. Small chalk incl.

22 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

73 7302 Layer Natural Light Brown-Grey. Sand 50 1.8 Clay. Chalk and gravel.

74 7400 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown. Silty Clay. 50 1.8 0.25

74 7401 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown Sandy Clay. 50 1.8 0.3 Chalk incl.

74 7402 Layer Natural Mid Brown. Sandy Clay. 50 1.8 Chalk and Flint incl.

75 7500 Layer Topsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silty 50 1.8 0.16 Clay. Occasional chalk incl.

75 7501 Layer Subsoil Mid Yellow-Brown. Silty 50 1.8 0.21 Clay. Occasional Subangular flint.

75 7502 Layer Natural Light Yellow-White. 50 1.8 Chalk Clay. Occasional Flint incl.

76 7600 Layer Topsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silty 50 1.8 0.23 Clay. Occasional chalk incl.

76 7601 Layer Subsoil Mid Yellow-Brown. Silty 50 1.8 0.49 Clay. Occasional Subangular flint.

76 7602 Layer Natural Light Yellow-White. 20 1.8 Chalk Clay. Occasional Flint incl.

76 7603 Cut Pit Rectangular-Oval. Steep 4.6 1.31 0.52 sides, steep break of slope. Concave-Flat, Moderate break of slope. 76 7604 Fill 7603 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. Friable 4.6 1.31 0.52 Silty Sand. Frequent Flint and gravels, occasional chalk and charcoal. 76 7605 Cut Ditch NE-SW Linear. Steep, >1.8 2.8 0.98 concave sides. Rounded, concave base. 76 7606 Fill 7605 Natural infilling Dark Grey-Brown. >1.8 2.8 0.98 Compact Sandy Clay. Small-med Flint, chalk flecks. 76 7607 Cut Furrow NE-SW Linear. Concave >2 1.8 ~2 sides and base, gentle break of slope.

76 7608 Fill 7607 Natural infilling Dark Grey-Brown. >2 1.8 ~2 Compact Silty Clay. 40% angular stones. Chalk fragments.

23 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

77 7700 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.2 Friable Silt. 1% Flint.

77 7701 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.2 Clay. Small chalk incl.

77 7702 Layer Natural Light Sandy Clay. 30% 50 1.8 chalk flecks, 2% Flint.

77 7703 Cut Ditch NW-SE Linear. Sharp >0.7 1.55 0.56 break of slope, straight sides, concave base.

77 7704 Fill 7703 Redeposited natural Light Brown-Grey. Soft >0.7 0.96 0.2 Sandy Clay. 5% chalk, 2% flint incl. ~0.01- 0.05m d. 77 7705 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >0.8 1 0.08 Imperceptible break of slope. Concave sides (~20°) and base. 77 7706 Fill 7705 Redeposited natural Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >0.8 1 0.08 Sandy Silt. 5% Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. Occasional chalk flecks. 77 7707 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 0.63 Imperceptible break of slope. Concave sides (~20°) and base. 77 7708 Fill 7707 Redeposited natural Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 0.63 Sandy Silt. 5% Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. Occasional chalk flecks. 77 7709 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 0.86 Imperceptible break of slope. Concave sides (~20°) and base. 77 7710 Fill 7709 Redeposited natural Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 0.86 Sandy Silt. 5% Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. Occasional chalk flecks. 77 7711 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 0.85 Imperceptible break of slope. Concave sides (~20°) and base. 77 7712 Fill 7711 Redeposited natural Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 0.85 Sandy Silt. 5% Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. Occasional chalk flecks. 77 7713 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 1.3 Imperceptible break of slope. Concave sides (~20°) and base. 77 7714 Fill 7713 Redeposited natural Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 1.3 Sandy Silt. 5% Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. Occasional chalk flecks. 77 7715 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 1.5 Imperceptible break of slope. Concave sides (~20°) and base.

24 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

77 7716 Fill 7715 Redeposited natural Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 1.5 Sandy Silt. 5% Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. Occasional chalk flecks. 77 7717 Fill 7703 Secondary Mid Grey-Brown. Firm >0.7 0.26 Sandy Clay. 5% Angular Flint (0.01-0.06 m d.). Occasional chalk flecks. 78 7800 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown. Silty Clay. 50 1.8 0.3

78 7801 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown. Sandy Clay. 50 1.8 0.1 Chalk incl.

78 7802 Layer Natural Mid Brown. Sandy Clay. 50 1.8 Chalk incl.

78 7803 Cut Ditch SE-NW Linear. Concave >2 1.16 0.5 sides, steep break of slope. Concave base, gradual break of slope. 78 7804 Fill 7803 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. Firm >2 1.16 0.5 Silty Clay. 50% angular small-medium stones.

78 7805 Cut Furrow SE-NW Linear. Concave >2 203 0.17 sides and base, gentle break of slopes.

78 7806 Fill 7805 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Firm >2 2.3 0.17 Silty Clay. 30% small- medium angular stones.

78 7807 Cut Ditch SE-NW Linear. Concave >2 ~1 0.51 sides, sharp break of slope. Concave base, gradual break of slope. 78 7808 Fill 7807 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. Firm >2 ~1 0.51 Silty Clay. 50% angular small-medium stones.

79 7900 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown. Silty Clay. 50 1.8 0.2

79 7901 Layer Subsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Sandy 50 1.8 0.1 Clay. Chalk incl.

79 7902 Layer Natural Light Grey-Brown. 50 1.8 Sandy clay. Frequent chalk incl.

80 8000 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown. Silty Clay. 50 1.8 0.2

80 8001 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown. Sandy Clay. 50 1.8 0.1 Chalk incl.

25 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

80 8002 Layer Natural Mid-Light Brown. Chalky 50 1.8 Clay.

80 8003 Cut Furrow SE-NW Linear. Gently >1 0.9 0.08 sloping sides and break of slope. Concave rounded/flat base, gentle break of slope. 80 8004 Fill 8003 Natural infilling Light Beige-Grey. >1 0.9 0.08 Friable Sandy Clay. Chalk flecks and stone pebbles (~0.5 cm d.). 80 8005 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. Gently >1 1.01 0.1 sloping sides and break of slope. Concave/uneven base, gentle break of slope. 80 8006 Fill 8005 Natural infilling Light Beige-Grey. >1 1.01 0.1 Friable Sandy Clay. Chalk flecks and stone pebbles (~0.5 cm d.). 81 8100 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown. Sandy 50 1.8 0.25 Clay.

81 8101 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown. Sandy Clay. 50 1.8 0.1 Chalk incl.

81 8102 Layer Natural Mid Brown. Sandy Clay, 50 1.8 chalky.

81 8103 Cut Tree throw Circular. Concave sides ~1 0.86 0.24 and base, gradual break of slopes.

81 8104 Fill 8103 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. Firm ~1 0.86 0.24 Silty Sand. 50% small- medium angular stones.

81 8105 Fill 8103 Natural infilling Dark Grey-Black. ~1 0.72 0.15 Firm/Friable Silty Clay. 20% small-medium angular stones. 82 8200 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. 50 1.8 0.2 Friable Sandy Loam. <2% small Flint.

82 8201 Layer Subsoil Light Brown-Grey. Soft 50 1.8 0.1 Silt-Clay

82 8202 Layer Natural Light Yellow-Brown. 50 1.8 Sandy-Clay, Blue Clay deposits.

82 8203 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >9 0.5 UNEXCAVATED.

82 8204 Fill 8203 Natural infilling Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >9 0.5 Clay-Silt.

26 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

82 8205 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. Shallow >22 >1.8 0.16 straight sides, flat base.

82 8206 Fill 8205 Natural infilling Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >22 >1.8 0.16 Clay-Silt.

83 8300 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.3 Friable Sandy Loam. Small stones.

83 8301 Layer Subsoil Light Brown. Silty Clay. 50 1.8 0.25

83 8302 Layer Natural Light Brown. Sandy 20 1.8 Clay. Chalk incl.

83 8303 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 0.4 0.05 UNEXCAVATED.

83 8304 Fill 8303 Natural infilling Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 0.4 0.05 Clay-Silt.

83 8305 Cut Ditch W-E Linear. >2 0.45 UNEXCAVATED. Same as 8403.

83 8306 Fill 8305 Secondary Mid Grey-Brown, >2 0.45 mottled grey patches. Dense Sandy Clay.

84 8400 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.25 Friable Sandy Loam. Small stones.

84 8401 Layer Subsoil Light Grey-Brown. Soft 50 1.8 0.2 Clay Silt.

84 8402 Layer Natural Mid Blue-Grey. Soft 50 1.8 Sandy Silt. Chalky patches.

84 8403 Cut Ditch SW-NE Linear. Sharp 0.8 1.3 0.37 break of slope, steep sides. Flat/concave base. 84 8404 Fill 8403 Secondary Mid Grey-Brown, 0.8 1.3 0.37 mottled grey patches. Dense Sandy Clay.

85 8500 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.25 Friable Sandy Loam. Small stones.

85 8501 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Soft 50 1.8 0.28 Sandy Silt.

27 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

85 8502 Layer Natural Mid Green-Grey. Soft 50 1.8 Sandy Silt, Chalky patches. Occasional Flint 0.01-0.05 m d. 86 8600 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey Brown. 50 1.8 0.24 Friable Sandy Loam. <2% small Flint incl.

86 8601 Layer Subsoil Dark Brown Grey. Soft 50 1.8 0.2 Sandy Clay. Chalk incl.

86 8602 Layer Natural Sandy Clay, patches of 50 1.8 Chalky Clay.

86 8603 Cut Ditch EW-SW Curvilinear. >1 2.96 1.24 Sharp break of slope top, rounded break of slope base. Straight sides, concave base. 86 8604 Fill 8603 Primary Light Green-Grey. Soft >0.4 0.72 0.16 Sandy Silt. 1% Chalk flecks.

86 8605 Fill 8603 Secondary Mid Green-Brown. Soft >1 2.02 0.32 Sandy Silt. 5% Angular Flint (0.01-0.08 m d.).

86 8606 Fill 8603 Deliberate deposit Dark Green-Black. Soft >1 1.42 0.15 Sandy Silt. Frequent Charcoal flecks, occasional Flint (0.01- 0.05 m d.). 86 8607 Fill 8603 Secondary Mid Green-Brown. Soft >1 2.28 0.37 Sandy Silt. 2% Angular Flint (0.01-0.08 m d.). <2% Chalk flecks. 86 8608 Fill 8603 Tertiary Mid Orange-Brown. Soft >1 2.96 0.38 Sandy Silt.

87 8700 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.3 Friable Sandy Loam. Small stones.

87 8701 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Soft 50 1.8 0.08 Sandy Silt.

87 8702 Layer Natural Light Yellow-White. Soft 50 1.8 Chalky Silt. Moderate Chalk fleck incl.

87 8703 Cut Ditch NW-SE Linear. Sharp >1 4.38 >0.82 top break of slope. Base not reached.

87 8704 Fill 8703 Secondary silting Mid Purple Grey. Soft >1 1.56 0.2 Sandy Silt. Moderate Manganese staining, 1% angular Flint (0.01- 0.04m d.). 87 8705 Fill 8703 Primary slumping Light Green-Grey. Soft >1 0.72 0.08 Sandy Silt.

28 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

87 8706 Fill 8703 Secondary silting Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1 0.8 0.1 Sandy Silt. Occasional Manganese staining and angular Flint (0.01-0.04 m d.). 87 8707 Fill 8703 Secondary slumping Light Green-Grey. Soft >1 1.12 0.36 Sandy Silt. 1% angular Flint (0.01-0.04m d.).

87 8708 Fill 8703 Secondary silting Mid Grey-Brown. Soft >1 4.04 0.58 Sandy Silt. 5% angular Flint (0.01-0.08m d.).

87 8709 Fill 8703 Tertiary silting Mid Brown-Grey. Soft >1 3.5 0.3 Sandy Clay. 2% angular Flint (0.01-0.055m d.).

87 8710 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. Gradual >1 4.8 0.2 break of slopes, straight sides, concave base.

87 8711 Fill 8710 Secondary silting Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1 4.8 0.2 Sandy Silt. 2 % angular Flint (0.01-0.04m d.).

87 8712 Cut Modern Service NW-SE Linear. Straight >1.8 1.3 0.54 vertical sides.

87 8713 Fill 8712 Redeposited natural Soft. >1.8 1.3 0.54

87 8714 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 >1.2 0.2 UNEXCAVATED.

87 8715 Fill 8714 Secondary silting Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 >1.2 0.2 Sandy Silt. 2 % angular Flint (0.01-0.04m d.).

87 8716 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 2 UNEXCAVATED.

87 8717 Fill 8716 Secondary silting Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 2 Sandy Silt. 2 % angular Flint (0.01-0.04m d.).

87 8718 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. >1.8 1.2 UNEXCAVATED.

87 8719 Fill 8718 Secondary silting Mid Yellow-Brown. Soft >1.8 1.2 Sandy Silt. 2 % angular Flint (0.01-0.04m d.).

88 8800 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.25 Friable Sandy Loam. Small stones.

88 8801 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Soft 50 1.8 0.18 Sandy Silt.

29 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

88 8802 Layer Natural Light Yellow-White. Soft 50 1.8 Chalky Silt. Moderate Chalk fleck incl.

88 8803 Cut Furrow NW-SE Linear. Shallow >1 2.16 0.11 straight sides, flat base. Imperceptible break of slopes. 88 8804 Fill 8803 Secondary silting Light Grey-Brown. Soft >1 20.16 0.11 Sandy Silt. Occasional Chalk fleck, 2% angular Flint (0.01-0.05m d.). 88 8805 Cut Furrow UNEXCAVATED. >1.8 1.5

88 8806 Fill 8805 Secondary silting Light Grey-Brown. Soft >1.8 1.5 Sandy Silt. Occasional Chalk fleck, 2% angular Flint (0.01-0.05m d.). 88 8807 Cut Furrow UNEXCAVATED. >1.8 1.5

88 8808 Fill 8807 Secondary silting Light Grey-Brown. Soft >1.8 1.5 Sandy Silt. Occasional Chalk fleck, 2% angular Flint (0.01-0.05m d.). 88 8809 Cut Furrow UNEXCAVATED. >1.8 1.6

88 8810 Fill 8809 Secondary silting Light Grey-Brown. Soft >1.8 1.6 Sandy Silt. Occasional Chalk fleck, 2% angular Flint (0.01-0.05m d.). 89 8900 Layer Topsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silt 50 1.8 0.26 clay. Small angular flecks and pebbles.

89 8901 Layer Subsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silt 50 1.8 0.44 Clay. Angular small- medium stones.

89 8902 Layer Natural Light Grey Brown/Mid 50 1.8 Orange-Brown. Silt Sand. Angular small- medium stones. 9 9000 Layer Topsoil Dark Grey-Brown. Silt 50 1.8 0.26 Clay. Small angular stones/pebbles.

90 9001 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.47 Clay. Small pebbles.

90 9002 Layer Natural Mid Orange-Brown. 50 1.8 Clay. Gravel incl.

90 9003 Cut Bioturbation Oval. Gently sloping 0.9 ~0.96 0.11 sides, gentle break of slope. Enueven concave base, gentle break of slope.

30 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

90 9004 Fill 9003 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Friable 0.9 0.96 0.11 Sandy Clay. Rounded pebbles (~0.005-0.01m d.). Manganese present. 90 9005 Cut Pit Oval. Gentle sides, 1.08 1.06 0.19 concave base. Gentle break of slopes.

90 9006 Fill 9005 Natural infilling. Light Grey-Brown. 1.08 1.06 0.19 Friable Sandy Clay. Chalk gravels (0.005- 0.01m d.). Occasional manganese flecks. 91 9100 Layer Topsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silt 50 1.8 0.28 Clay. Small angular rocks.

91 9101 Layer Subsoil Mid Green-Grey/Brown- 50 1.8 0.18 Grey. Sand Clay.

91 9102 Layer Natural Light Grey-Brown/Dark 50 1.8 Grey-Green. Clay Sand.

91 9103 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Concave >2 1.27 0.3 sides, gradual break of slope. Concave base, gentle break of slope. 91 9104 Fill 9103 Natural infilling Mid Red-Brown. Firm >2 1.27 0.3 Silty Clay. 5% angular small-medium stones.

91 9105 Cut Ditch NE-SW Linear. Concave >2 0.5 0.15 sides and base. Gradual break of slopes.

91 9106 Fill 9105 Natural infilling Mid Grey-Brown. Firm >2 0.5 0.15 Silty Sand. 5% angular small-medium stones.

92 9200 Layer Topsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silt 50 1.8 0.3 Clay. Small angular rocks.

92 9201 Layer Subsoil Mid Grey-Brown. Silt 50 1.8 0.18 Clay. Small angular rocks. Chalk incl.

92 9202 Layer Natural Light Brown-Grey. Silt 50 1.8 Clay. Small angular stones.

92 9203 Cut Furrow NE-SW Linear. Concave >2 1.26 0.05 sides and base. Gentle break of slopes.

92 9204 Fill 9203 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Firm >2 1.26 0.05 Silt Clay. 5% small angular stones.

92 9205 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Steep >1 1.34 0.9 sides. Concave slightly V-shaped base. Steep break of slopes.

31 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

92 9206 Fill 9205 Natural infilling Dark Grey-Brown. >1 0.8 0.28 Friable Sandy Clay. Moderate Flint (~0.02- 0.1m d.). Manganese. 92 9207 Fill 9205 Natural infilling Dark Green-Brown. >1 1.17 0.46 Friable Sandy Clay. Moderate angular Flints (~0.02-0.1m d.). Manganese. 92 9208 Fill 9205 Natural infilling Dark Red-Brown. Friable >1 1.34 0.27 Sandy Clay. Occasional Flints (~0.02-0.06m d.). Manganese. 92 9209 Cut Pit Oval/Circular. Gently 1.05 0.91 0.13 sloping sides, concave base. Gentle break of slopes. 92 9210 Fill 9209 Natural infilling Mid Red-Brown. Friable 1.05 0.91 0.13 Sandy Clay. Occasional angular flints (~0.01- 0.04m d.) 93 9300 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. Sand 50 1.8 0.26 Silt. Small angular stones.

93 9301 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.11 Clay. Frequent pebble incl.

93 9302 Layer Natural Light Brown- 50 1.8 Grey/Orange-Brown. Gravel Clay, Chalk incl.

93 9303 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Gently >1 0.67 0.06 sloping sides, flat/slightly concave base. Gentle break of slopes. 93 9304 Fill 9303 Natural infilling Mid Beige-Grey. Friable >1 0.67 0.06 Silty Sand. Occasional angular Flints (~0.03- 0.06m d.) and Gravel. 93 9305 Cut Ditch NW-SE Linear. Concave >1 ~0.67 0.22 sides, moderate break of slope. Concave-flat base, gentle break of slope. 93 9306 Fill 9305 Natural infilling Mid Beige-Grey. Friable >1 0.76 0.22 Sandy Clay. Flint (~0.03- 0.06m d.). Manganese, gravel. 93 9307 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Gently >1 2.98 0.32 sloping sides, concave rounded/uneven base. Gentle break of slopes. 93 9308 Fill 9307 Natural infilling Mid Grey Brown. Friable >1 2.92 0.22 Sandy Clay. Specks of Chalk and Manganese. Iron panning. Rounded pebbles (0.005-0.01m d.). 93 9309 Fill 9307 Natural infilling Mid Blue Grey. Friable >1 2.92 0.17 Sandy Clay. Iron panning, rounded pebbles (0.005-0.01m d.).

32 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

94 9400 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown Grey. Sand 50 1.8 0.27 silt.

94 9401 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Silt 50 1.8 0.11 Clay. Frequent small pebbles.

94 9402 Layer Natural Light Brown-Grey. Clay 50 1.8 with Chalk incl.

94 9403 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Concave >2 1.1 0.2 sides, gradual break of slope. Concave base, gentle break of slope. 94 9404 Fill 9403 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Firm >2 1.1 0.2 Silty Clay. 80% angular small stones.

94 9405 Fill 9406 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Firm >2 0.92 0.2 Silty Clay. 80% angular small-medium stones.

94 9406 Cut Ditch SE-NW Linear. Concave >2 0.92 0.2 sides, gradual break of slope. Concave base, gentle break of slope. 94 9407 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Concave >2 1.58 0.32 sides and base, gradual break of slopes.

94 9408 Fill 9407 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Firm >2 1.58 0.32 Silty Clay. 50% angular small-medium stones.

95 9500 Layer Topsoil Dark Brown-Grey. 50 1.8 0.24 Sandy Silt.

95 9501 Layer Subsoil Mid Brown-Grey. Silty 50 1.8 0.16 Clay. Frequent pebbles (~0.002m d.).

95 9502 Layer Natural Light brown-Grey. Clay, 50 1.8 Chalk incl.

95 9503 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Moderately >1 1.02 0.27 steep sides, moderate break of slope. Concave base, gentle break of slope. 95 9504 VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID VOID

95 9505 Fill 9503 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Friable >1 0.86 0.12 Sandy Clay. Occasional specks of Chalk. Gravel.

95 9506 Fill 9503 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Friable >1 0.98 0.1 Silty Sand. 50% rocks. Chalk flecks.

33 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

95 9507 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Moderately >1 0.61 0.21 steep sides, concave base. Moderate break of slopes. 95 9508 Fill 9507 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Friable >1 0.51 0.12 Sandy Clay. Occasional Chalk incl.

95 9509 Fill 9507 Natural infilling Mid Beige-Grey. Friable >1 0.61 0.09 Silty Sand. Moderate Flints (~0.03-0.1m d.) and Chalk incl. 95 9510 Cut Pit Circular. Moderately 0.58 0.68 0.11 steep, concave sides, gentle/moderate break of slope. Concave base, gentle break of slope. 95 9511 Fill 9510 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Friable 0.58 0.68 0.11 Sandy Silt. Occasional flint (~0.01-0.03m d.) and Chalk flecks. 95 9512 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Moderately <1 0.86 0.16 steep, concave sides. Moderate break of slope. Rounded, concave base. Gentle break of slope. 95 9513 Fill 9512 Natural infilling Mid Brown-Grey. Friable >1 0.86 0.16 Silty Sand. Occasional Chalk incl. and small pebbles. 95 9514 Cut Pit Irregular/Rounded. >1 >1.69 0.34 Gently sloping sides, uneven, concave base. Gentle break of slopes. 95 9515 Fill 9514 Natural infilling Dark Brown-Grey. >1 >1.69 0.34 Friable Silty Sand. Angular and rounded rocks (~0.04-0.1m d.). Occasional specks of charcoal. 95 9516 Cut Ditch E-W Linear. Moderately >1 1.01 0.31 steep sides. Flat/concave base. Steep break of slopes. 95 9517 Fill 9516 Natural infilling Light Beige-Grey. >1 1.01 0.31 Friable Clayey Sand. Occasional specks of Manganese and Chalk. 95 9518 Fill 9514 Stone layer Mid brown grey, small- 1.1m >0.98 0.05m medium angular stone m

34 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology


Table 1: Finds concordance Context Category Description Fabric Count Weight Spot-date Code/ (g) NRFRC* 6706 Post-medieval ceramic Flat roof tile 2 31 Post-medieval building material 7106 Post-medieval ceramic Flat roof tile 2 28 Post-medieval building material 7604 Medieval pottery Sandy coarseware SCW 1 13 C12-C13 7717 Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised sandy fabric with LOCQSH1 1 13 Late Prehistoric voids Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised flint/shell- LOCSHF2 2 14 tempered fabric 7806 Post-medieval ceramic Peg tile, flat roof tile, 6 131 Post-medieval building material fragments 8605 Late Prehistoric Pottery Reduced coarse flint/shell- LOCSHF1 1 31 Late Prehistoric tempered fabric 8606 Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised coarse flint- LOCF2 3 2 Late Prehistoric tempered fabric <1> Flint Chips 2 <1 <1> Burnt flint 16 2 8708 Late Prehistoric Pottery Reduced flint-tempered LOCF1 2 4 Late Prehistoric fabric 8804 Post-medieval pottery Creamware CRM 1 14 C19 Modern pottery Mocha ware MOC 1 13 Post-medieval ceramic Flat roof tile, fragments 4 55 building material 8905 Late medieval/post- Peg tile 1 108 Late medieval/ medieval ceramic post-medieval building material 9204 Late medieval/post- Fragment 1 4 Late medieval/ medieval ceramic post-medieval building material 9306 Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised flint-tempered LOCF1 2 12 Late Prehistoric fabric Late Iron Age Pottery Oxidised flint- tempered LOCF1 1 3 fabric Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised slag-tempered LOCSL1 2 2 fabric with shelly voids 9309 Roman ceramic building Box flue tile 1 73 RB material 9500 Post-medieval pottery Glazed earthenware GRE 1 11 MC16-C18 Post-medieval ceramic Flat roof tile 1 31 building material 9506 Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised sandy fabric with LOCQSH1 1 10 Late Prehistoric voids 9513 Mollusc 4 10 - 9515 Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised flint-tempered LOCF1 1 15 Late Prehistoric fabric Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised sandy fabric with LOCQSH1 9 107 voids <2> Flint Flakes, chips 17 2 <2> Burnt flint 8 4 9517 Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised flint-tempered LOCF1 3 29 Late Prehistoric fabric Late Prehistoric Pottery Oxidised sandy fabric with LOCQSH1 3 16 voids <3> Flint Flakes, chip 3 2 Industrial waste 1 15

35 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Table 2: Fabric descriptions Fabric Count Weight Period Code (g) Description Late LOCF1 9 63 Flint-tempered fabric Prehistoric LOCF2 3 2 Coarse flint-tempered fabric

LOCQSH1 14 146 Sandy fabric with voids, may also contain clay pellets.

LOCSHF1 1 31 Coarse flint/shell-tempered fabric

LOCSHF2 2 15 Flint/shell-tempered fabric

LOCSL1 2 2 Fuel ash slag-tempered fabric with shelly voids

36 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

APPENDIX C: THE PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL EVIDENCE Table 1: Identified animal species by fragment count (NISP) and weight and context

Cut Fill BOS O/C SUS EQ LM MM Ind BB SS Total Weight (g) Late Prehistoric 8603 8605 3 3 380 8603 8606 2 2 6 8703 8708 1 1 130 9514 9515 6 1 1 2 11 10 21 12 64 511 9516 9517 2 2 2 2 8 473 Subtotal 12 5 1 4 13 10 21 12 78 1500 Roman 9307 9309 1 1 110 Post-medieval 6705 6706 1 1 3 Undated 7803 7804 2 1 3 292 7807 7808 1 1 20 8603 8607 1 1 65 9005 9006 1 1 3 9205 9206 2 2 34 9307 9308 1 2 3 78 9407 9408 1 1 33 9512 9513 1 1 5 Subtotal 6 1 2 2 1 1 13 530 Total 19 5 2 6 15 11 23 12 93 Weight 1433 15 68 415 158 22 31 1 1613 BOS = Cattle; O/C = sheep/goat, SUS = pig; EQ = horse; LM= large sized mammal; MM = medium sized mammal; Ind = indeterminate; BBSS = burnt fragments from bulk soil samples

Table 2: Assessment table of the palaeoenvironmental remains

Flot Vol size Root Cereal Charred Charcoal Feature Context Sample (L) (ml) s % Grain Chaff Notes Other Notes for Table > 4/2mm Other Trench 86 - Late Prehistoric Ditch

Corylus avellana shell frags, Indet. Crataegus grain monogyna stone Moll-t 8603 8606 1 20 25 25 * - frag ** frags */** (*****) Trench 95 - Late Prehistoric Pit Indet. grain Corylus avellana Moll-t (****), 9514 9515 2 20 75 70 * - frag * shell frags */** Moll-f (**) Trench 95 - Late Prehistoric Ditch Moll-t (****), 9516 9517 3 20 50 50 - - - - - */* Moll-f (**)

Key: * = 1–4 items; ** = 5–19 items; *** = 20–49 items; **** = 50–99 items; ***** = >100 items, Moll-t = land snails, Moll-f = aquatic snails

37 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

Table 3: Assessment table of the molluscan remains

Area Trench 86 Trench 95 Phase Late Prehistoric Feature Type Ditch Pit Ditch Feature 8603 9514 9516 Context 8606 9515 9517 Sample 1 2 3 Vol (L) 20 20 20 Open country species Vertigo sp. X X X Pupilla muscorum - X X Helicella itala X X X Vallonia costata - X X Vallonia excentrica - X X Intermediate species Trochulus hispidus X X X Cochlicopa lubrica X - - Cochlicopa lubricella X - - Cochlicopa sp. X - X Cepaea spp X - X Punctum pygmaeum X X X Shade-loving species Carychium tridentatum X X X Carychium sp. X X X Discus rotundatus X - X Acanthinula aculeata X X - Vitrea sp. X - X Aegopinella pura X X - Aegopinella nitidula X X - Oxychilus cellarius X - - Merdigera obscura X - - Clausilia bidentata X - - Balea perversa X - - Cochlodina laminata X X - Aquatic species Radix balthica - X X Pisidium sp. - X X Galba truncatula - X X Anisus leucostoma - - X Approx totals Moll-t (****), Moll-t (****), Moll-t (*****) Moll-f (**) Moll-f (**)

Key: * = 1–4 items; ** = 5–19 items; *** = 20–49 items; **** = 50–99 items; ***** = >100 items, Moll-t = land snails, Moll-f = aquatic snails

38 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology



Project Name Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire Short description An archaeological evaluation was undertaken in January 2018.

Twenty nine trenches were excavated within a series of discrete fields. The evaluation exposed elements of a substantial D-shaped / rectangular enclosure toward the centre of the site, which had been identified initially in the preceding geophysical survey. Recovered artefacts associated with this enclosure comprised Middle to Late Iron Age pottery and associated animal bone.

Elsewhere, a number of archaeological features not identified by preceding geophysical survey were also exposed and evaluated. Principally archaeological features encountered across the site comprised ditches, pits and the remains of former ridge and furrow agricultural practices; dated from the late prehistoric to post- medieval period. These included a ditch in trench 93 at the north- east end of the site from which a single heavily abraded fragment of Roman box flue tile was recovered. It is highly unlikely, however, that this artefact could be indicative of former settlement within the bounds of the site.

It is likely that the later prehistoric enclosure identified toward the centre of the site represents an element of a distribution of rural, agricultural stock enclosures set within the wider landscape. Ditches and pits to the north-east and south-west of this enclosure could also have a contemporaneous association with the agricultural exploitation of the landscape. Project dates Project type Field evaluation

Previous work Geophysical survey 2015 (Headland archaeology 2016) Archaeological and Heritage Assessment (EDP 2016)

Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Longwick Road / Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire Study area (M2/ha) Site co-ordinates 480623 204456

PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator Buckingham County Council Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology

Project Manager Mark Hewson Project Supervisor Alice Amabilino

39 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation © Cotswold Archaeology

MONUMENT TYPE Pits, boundary ditches, agricultural field systems, ridge and furrow. SIGNIFICANT FINDS PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive Content (e.g. pottery, (museum/Accession no.) animal bone etc)

Physical Buckingham County Museum Ceramics, animal bone Paper Buckingham County Museum Context sheets, trench recording sheets, photographic registers, permatrace drawings Digital Buckingham County Museum Digital photos BIBLIOGRAPHY

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2018 Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, Princes Risborough, Buckingham: Archaeological Evaluation. CA typescript report 18076

40 4 480000 4 482000 8 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0




N Andover 01264 347630 MILTON Cirencester 01285 771022 KEYNES Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w

BEDFORDSHIRELUTON e [email protected]

Site boundary PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane, OXFORDSHIRE HERTFORDSHIRE Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire


WINDSOR AND DRAWN BY EE PROJECT NO. 660938 FIGURE NO. MAIDENHEAD WOKINGHAM © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CHECKED BY DJB DATE 24/01/2018 BRACKNELL Ordnance Survey 0100031673 FOREST SURREY APPROVED BY MH SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 4480400 4480600 4480800 8 8 8

0 0 0 N 4 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 see Fig.3 0


T93 T90 T95 Site boundary

220460004600 T89 Evaluation trench T91 Archaeological feature

T92 Furrow

T82 Field drain ditch 8305 T84 ditch Overhead electric cable (15m buffer) 8403 Sewer (3m buffer) T83 T85

see Fig.7


Geophysics Survey results after Headland Archaeology, 2017 T74 T73 see Fig.8 ditch 7803 T87 Alscot Lane ditch 7807 T88 T78 220440004400 T75

ditch 7605 furrow 7607

T76 pit 7603 T81 treethrow 8103

railway T67 T77

T70 ditch Westmead 7703 ditch T80 8003 01:2,000 100m ditch 8005 T68

T71 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 T79 Exeter 01392 826185 Little Ham way Cotswold T69 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE T72 Longwick Road Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE 220420004200 Trench location plan showing archaeological features and geophysical survey results


0 N 8 0 0


ditch 9407

ditch 9403 ditch 9406

Site boundary ditch Evaluation trench 9307 B furrow (excavated/unexcavated) 9310 B Archaeological feature ditch 9503 Furrow

ditch terminus ditch Field drain 9305 9512 ditch A A 9507 Section location pit T93 ditch 9303 T95 9510 Overhead electric cable (15m buffer)

T90 pit Sewer (3m buffer) pit 9005 9003

A pit ditch 9514 9516 A



01:500 25m

© Crown copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 ditch Andover 01264 347630 9105 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 ditch Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w 9103 e [email protected] T92 PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill ditch Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire pit 9205 9209 FIGURE TITLE C Plan of trenches 90 to 95, showing C archaeological features furrow

9203 DRAWN BY EE PROJECT NO. 660938 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY DJB DATE 24/01/2018 APPROVED BY MH SCALE@A3 1:500 3 Trench 95, looking south-west (1m scales) Pit 9514 and ditch 9516, looking north-west (1m scale)

Section AA

SE NW SW NE 101.8m AOD


stones pit 9518 9517 9514

ditch Andover 01264 347630 9516 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected] 1:20 01m PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 95, section and photographs


NE SW 101.0m AOD




9309 ditch 9307


Ditch 9307, looking east (1m scale)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 93, section and photograph


NE SW 102.8m AOD




ditch 9205


Ditch 9205, looking east (1m scale)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 92, section and photograph

DRAWN BY EE PROJECT NO. 660938 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY DJB DATE 25/01/2018 APPROVED BY MH SCALE@A4 1:20 6 Trench 86, plan N Section DD

SE NW 104.0m AOD







8604 ditch 8603


D ditch Evaluation trench 8603 Archaeological feature (excavated/unexcavated) Furrow D D D Section location

01:250 10m

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 86; plan, section and Ditch 8603, looking south-west (2m scale) photograph


Trench 87, plan

furrow ditch 8714 8712



Evaluation trench Archaeological feature (excavated/unexcavated) ditch 8703 Furrow furrow 8710 E E Section location

01:250 10m

Furrow 8710 and ditch 8703, looking west (2m scale)

Section EE

SW NE 105.0m AOD



8711 8709

Andover 01264 347630 furrow 8706 Cirencester 01285 771022 8710 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 8707 Archaeology w ditch 8708 e [email protected] 8703 8704 PROJECT TITLE ditch Land between Longwick Road and Mill 8703 8705 Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 87; plan, section and 01m1:20 photograph

DRAWN BY EE PROJECT NO. 660938 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY DJB DATE 25/01/2018 APPROVED BY MH SCALE@A3 1:20 8 Pit 7603, looking north-east (1m scale) Pit 7603, looking south-east (0.5m scale)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Ditch 7605 and furrow 7607, looking north-east (1m scale) Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 76, photographs

DRAWN BY EE PROJECT NO. 660938 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY DJB DATE 24/01/2018 APPROVED BY MH SCALE@A3 NA 9 Ditch 7703, looking west (1m scale)

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trench 77, photograph


Furrow 6705, looking south-east (1m scale) Furrow 8003, looking east (1m scale)

13 14

Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land between Longwick Road and Mill Lane,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

FIGURE TITLE Trenches 67, 80, 81 and 85, Trench 81, looking south-east (1m scales) Trench 85, looking north-east (1m scales) photographs