April 15, 1942 Printed in U.S
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~ "God Shield Ye, Wernlds of the Spring!" April 15, 1942 Printed in U.S. A. Page 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD t **Wt& .. eg arm ,. *&k WfiitMMMJt• = WHAT'J HAPPE-Ml MG • • • The Baptist ~erald KQff • Published semi-monthly on the first and fi fteenth of each month by t he e 'On P alm Sunday evening, Mr. Davis was formerly a member of ROGER WILLIAMS P RESS tDITO.lllAL March 29, the choir of the the Forest P ark Baptist Church of Andrews St. Baptist Church Forest Park, Ill., while he served as 3734 P ayne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. of Rochester, N. Y., presented minister of "the Church Around the Martin L. Leuschner. Editor the cantata, "For He Is Ri sen" Corner." by J oseph Clokey. At the eve • The Rev. A. Husmann of Forest • "f7""""' I B I ning service on March 22 the Park, Ill., the promotional secretary, Cont ents seminary students were in spent E aster Sunday, April 5, with Cleveland, Ohio, A pril 15, 1942 charge with Mr. R. Sf!hmidt t he Temple Ba pt ist Church of Pitts Co ver Design ... .. Cha1·les Coo le \\" hat's Happening .. .. ... .. .. 2 of the g raduating class speak burgh, P a ., preaching at the morning Volume 20 Number 8 ing on "Condemned .. to Life." service, speaking to t he B. Y. P. U. in 1,;tl itorial- "l'ictures That Preach" . .. 3 On that same Sunday morning the la te afternoon meeting, and bring "Art for the Gospel's Sa ke" the sermon topic by the pastor, ing a brief message at the evening ser by :IIae Johnson .. .. .. .. 4 the Rev. Daniel Fuchs, was vice in conj unction with the cantata by PicturesTha t Preach "Goel and the Ma rch of L ife." ".\ :l[ercifu l Fa ith" t he choir. On Sunday, April 12, Mr. by Rev. r aul ~V e n gel . .. ... Husmann served as guest speaker a t 8 Miss Evelyn L u b b er s of "Why Did This Happen to :ICe?" ICTURES always preach! The pr ofoundest impressions of Yankton, So. Dak., daughter of the Bapt ist Church of Scottsbluff, Neb. by Dr. Wi ll iam Kuhn . .. .. 7 life are usually received through our eyes. Our characters M1·. and Mrs. Fred Lubbers A full and very interesting r eport Cha11Ja ins Corner P Ill about his recent experiences in the E<l ited by Chapla in Edwin are largely determined by the things to which we give the of Yankton and the secretary churches of the Canadian Northwest Kraemer ..... .. .. 8 major share of our visual attention. Pictures are, therefore, of the S o u t h D a k o t a Young Peo Con tri bu tor's Page . 9 ple's and Sunday School W orkers' will appear in the next issue of " T he like silent teachers who exert a tremendous influence upon the H erald." "In the Footsteps of Chr is t's Healing Union, and Mr. Melvin Stanicek of lllinlslry" course of our lives. Yankton were recently married. At C 11 a r I e H C oo le of Roxhury, )fm<11., e qn Sunday evening, March 22, the by l\Ii ss E<l ith Koppin .. .... 1 0 tending the couple were two intimate " "h 0!'4C ft l ctu rcH u 1•1>cnr o n t bc fro n t co , ·t-. r Children's Page . ... .. .. 13 Early in Christian history this fact was recognized by those und o u 11ni.:e (I of thl'4 l s>< u e of ' •'J'he Rev. Otto R. Schroeder, interim pastor friends, Edward Keehr and Miss Wynn Dn1ttl1<Ct Jfc rn lcl ," h ul't lnn d e u ,·er:r :-1uc of the Forest Park Baptist Church of Reports from lhe Field .. •. .. , . H who wer e followers of Jesus Christ. Almost all of the earliest Kingsbury, both of Yankton. The Cl.. :-&!i'ful n ud Ju tercNCln g hoh hy of tu nutcur Forest P a rk, Ill., baptized 8 converts Jt b otoJ.:"rU J• b~ · . "Do You Know Tha t . ?" ..... ... 20 paintings of the Christian era were religious in chara cter. Art couple is making their home in Yank For .'CC \ "C rn l y~u rM lie bn:-1 h et•1_1 11 rn t" n1- before an audience that taxed the ton. hcr or t h e floc k Jllll lln1•tlst C h nr<-•h o f church's sea ting capacity. At the same flourished with the sponsorship of the church of that age. .Ju1nnlcn J, ln tn, Uo1'4ton, 1llul'4s., " ·here h e service Dr. Wm. Kuhn brought the ser • Some of the great r eligious masterpieces have come down to • Fx:om April 7 to 9 the annual N orth IH nhi10 n tlenc o n In 1h e chu r c h . H fH 1u-1H Co ming ! t o r be the Hcl·. E. S. J{nllnnd , of " ·horn mon on "Why Did It Happen to Me?" POE'l' OF 'l' llE PEOPLE : us through the cent uries with their spirit ual influence en Dakota P astors' Institute was held in b e 1hl rtk"4 '\"c ry h l,c:bl~· . lfc , ,·orkH UH n a part of which is published in this Bismarck, No. Dak., which was atten t e lle r .Jn t h e FlrHt X'ntJonnl Unnk o! The poems or :Urs. Grace Noll Crowell hanced with every new generat ion. :tl nhlc u, )ln1i1H. issue of "The Herald." On P alm Sun nre eai;erly read by tens of thousands ded by a large g roup of German Bap lie IN 1•ri1,·c r f u 1J y c onsideri ng c uter day evening, March 29, the church or people as they appear in scores of But this love f~ r paintings was abused until it degenerated t ist pastors. P rofessor 0. E. Krueger l n i;: the hrls Unu 1nlnltc t ry, n n d , If Go1l publicallons. 'l'h is "Poet La ureate" of O JH~ DH choir, directed by Mr. Wm. Krogman 'l'exas was chosen a few years ago as of Rochester, N. Y., moderator of our t h e d oor s f o r hhn, b e IJ01H•R to e n seemingly into a worship of the pictures. The P ur itans r eacted r oll Ju t he Jll h l e Jn1< t llute or l.01' .\ u sang the cant ata, "The Seven Last "the American Mother" by the Golden Gener al Conference, was one of the gele1<, C n ll f., lu the Full of th li< ~· eur fo r Rule Foundallon. 'l'his story a bout her violently t o these "picture idols." But Protestants generally W ords of Christ" by D uBois. During faculty member s, conducting a course further li'tud :t·· will feature the i\Iother's Day issue on Holy Week three services were held at May 1st. have recovered a wholesome appreciation for beautiful and of study and p1·eaching at one of the the benefit of the Southwestern Con which Mr. Schroeder brought t imely W OlJ J, D 'l'lll,; " "O JI EX 11.\ \'E S L E P'l' ~ inspiring religious paintings without repeating the abuses of evening services. After the institute messages. Mr. l L Theo<lo rc Sorg of Ncwarlc, N . .J., P rofessor Krueger also served several ference mission project. Lorraine Potz formerly t he treasurer of th e denomina the earlier days. The home, rather than the church, was the nea rby German Baptist churches in a ner prepared the data of this news tion, has t reated a very provocallve item for "The Baptist H erald." • 0~ -::hursday evening, March 19, th eme in a n a rticle which is most llmc place where these pictures were to be h ung to speak to all who deeply apprecia ted ministry. the King s Daughters Society of the iy for th e :llother's Da y number. It crc a le<l consi<l erable excitement when it nntered and left the family hearth. e The First and Second Baptist Church in Durham, Kans., held e On Sunday evening, March 29, the ~ a pti s t n11 pca1·ec1 recently in "The \Vatchman- churches of Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Ca it~ annual supper of noodle soup and 1::xan1lncr .'1 Every home of several decades ago was almost a religious Rev. J ohn Wobig , pastor of the River na da, and the nearby Baptist Church view Baptist Church of St. Paul, Minn., pie from which about $25 were real l'l.AYS Al\"D DRA~r A 'l'IZA ' l' I ONS art gallery. Large and colorful r eproductions of the finest of Wiesentha l have recently extended ized for the group. Mrs. Dave Zimmer About 250 or the best a nd most rece nt ba ptized 9 persons on confession of masterpieces spoke to the members of the family from the a call to Mr. Robert Schreiber of Beth man is the president. On Sunday, plays an<l dra ma tizations wi ll be rccom their faith in Christ, which had been mendc<l fo1· use in ou r churches and lehem, Pa., a member of t his year's Y,oung people's societies. A b1·ief descrip four walls of a living room or dining room. Unfortunately, this made originally during the meetings March 15, the Rev. David Zimmerman g radua ting class a t the Rochester Bap of New Kensington, Pa., preached at tion of each play will be given.