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Home! from $3.98 to * WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26,1959 Incorporating- the Hampton Bench Advocate FREE LADIES BAN-LON 100% IMPORTED Sweaters Cashmere Coats int - White - Red - Pii Beige - Blue - Red - Black Beige - Purple - Black Navy - Bamboo Forest Green Sizes 8-18 Sizes 34-40 Reg, $115. to $159 Now Colors Dyed To Match $79.95 BOX PLEATEDw § . 1 w, iv n SKIRTS 1.41 $139.00 rtniM i* »im %. i■» * * m 0 37 Market Street Portsmouth 9 t ■- Hampton Beach, having gu„g as a guest star and in tglent • contests for four years. He (Continued from Page Three) will be on a one-week vacation Slated Next Thursday annual Hampton Beach King and Queen for 1959 will from the theater where he sings pay, scheduled be staged on the bandstand. eight shows, six days a Week. September 3, prom Miss Susan Elaine Hunt, daugh­ Still'tentative is a concert at one of t ie ter of Mrs. Muriel Hunt of 8 p.m. by the Fabulous Fifteen small fry. Hampton, will be crowned Jun­ Collegians of Lowell, Mass. ior Queen and presented *n The schedule of events is 33 ,,, hiShiieht of the day wi trophy. Richard Kidd, Jr., son follows: of Police Officer and Mrs. Ri-i 10:30 a.m. Sand Castle Contest [• je contest in which chil chard Kidd of Hampton, will be I 2:00 p.m. Kiddies’ Parade r -ill have a chance to dis crowned Junior King. 2:30 Indian Pow Wow P their architectural and W eerjng skills. Chamber of A t 4 p.m. the popular baby 3:30 Coronation show will be held at the band­ 4:00 Baby Show erce officials said th' stand, where the cutest baby 7:00 Paul O’Keefe itest would be televised 8:00 Fifteen Collegians nr. Applications are availabl of every Children’s Day at , at the Chamber office, an. Hampton Beaches the free ice jHAMPTON CENTER) iimlfr of children have en cream for all children through d already. M any others 12 years of age., The ice cream BARBER SHOP e been seen practicing on will be served at the play­ HAIRCUTS 1.15 beach and the competitio: ground, courtesy of the Hamp­ undoubtedly be keen. Ther ACROSS FROM THE STATE PARK CREWCUTS ton Beach Village precinct. be two age divisions wit! or FLATTOPS 1.25 e5 for the winners. The ON STATE PIER The feature attraction during ICH1LDREN d Castle contest is sched- LINES AND BAIT FURNISHED the evening will be the appear­ (u n d er 12) to begin near the band- TOILET FACILITIES ance of eight-year-old Paul O’ Keefe, who is the juvenile star) d at 10:30 a.m. FREE PA R K IN G SAT. in the Broadway production of ore trophies and prizes are SHIP TO SHpRE RADIO Open Daily 8 am-6 pm '‘The Music Man.” Paul will ;jng for the beat entries in MISS NEW ENGLAND occupied one end of the royal float in the Festival parade Saturday with Saturday - 7 pm Morning Trip Phone Afternoon Ti Kiddies Parade, which will her page and court The queen, Marjory Jane Macleod, is sitting in the throne, her page is 8:00 A.M. WA 6-2469 1:30 P.M 4 MASTER BARBERS e from the Ashworth hotel Gerald McGrath, 10, of Jamaica Plain. Mass., and her first lady in waiting is Joan Cole of TWO BOATS: VAUCE G” & “RIC ROC" AIR CONDITIONED the bandstand at 2 p.m. Hull, Mass., center, second place winner in the Miss New England contest. >e3 will be stationed along parade route to select the i decorated rolling toys, expected to take part in the Theatre on the bandstand. The ed “ Rumplestiltskin ” THE HUB O F urnes, etc. All sorts of parade. show, called an Indian Pow Following the variety show the coronation of the Junior HAPPY HAMPTON BEACH , carts, tricycles, bicycles, A t 2:30 p.m. a special chil­ Wow will include Indian lore, EVERYTHING UNDER ons, doll carriages, cos-, dren's show will be presented music, marionettes, magic and CHILDREN’S DAY by the Don Coyote Children’s a full-length puppet show call­ (Continued on Page Two) O N E R O O F bs, and noise - makers are Madame-Your BUFFET . NATIONALLY 1*1* LOBSTERS FAMOUS ROAST BEEF LOBSTER-SHRIMP NEWBURG BALLROOM FRIED CHICKEN FALL zsm BAKED HAM CRAB MEAT & SHRIMP SALAI * L .3.T A w aits You At ASSORTED SALADS “That Fascinating Store” FRESH FRUIT BOWL DESSERT & BEVERAGE 1 l . Beach Every Tuesday Night 5 Gift Shop - Dining Room AT THE BALLROOM The Band Box (A L o Regular Menu) /vP XTAwKnrvTinrt Bowling Alleys FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN SPECIALS * - jtA • __i ROAST TURKEYS 7 lb. ave. 3.95 Bath Houses - Parking Area EDDIE MADDEN t n ,A .t — Stuffed and gravy — Larger Sliee to order AND HIS SINGING TROMBONE Be sure to see the finest s T BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY Soda Fountain SATU RD AY OR DAY ®linery in this area. Yoi Fried Clam Stand SEPTEMBER 5 DANCE ASHWORTH HOTEL l tota home! From $3.98 to .. f__MoMArini Hampton Beach Snack Bar TED HERBERT Starting A t Midnight September 6 Of Engineers is presently work­ .1 .,lie Mame" Fine Christie. The result: a pleas­ provementsing on a report in looking;both harbors. t o im­ ing, entertaining and amusing butler, Ito, added much to the! I t was amazing to see what - .evening. playhouse W indup l To humor and gaiety of “ Auntie! Boating traffic w ill be increased Mame”. Two other local thes- If You Like Hampton Beach Robert Winkler was able to COn fa r e made in the harbors, Portray the —- 1 V#. 1 If A Auntie Mem'e, £ plans made their debuts: Roger accomPhsh with 18 set changes. Sfrrow safd, and this fact too pillionsBAuntie of Marne”people j,as];Ve ^.acJe Heaslin M l * T i ------ • .1 — gressman Uhesxer i!/. lueiruw S ? T S ahro r * * * $ 2 The young set designer leaned In The Siunn ler has made a strong protest m anr' hugh through J ? i s indicative of the need of keep- ***ane uon- King, as Emory. Iheavily on simple basic illus­ against the proposal of the fritted page, the celluIoid. *be met to Hampton after an ab- - _ i.u- ~1--A- '" " ions and back drops to create Coast Guard to disestablish the ing the station open fid he spoken word o f *l!m s. This dif- Uthers in the gigantic cast the many fast shifts as Auntie lifeboat station at Hampton and You’ll tik e Hampton All Year Round I tkestre. For the ] ast ,the s an actress Z Qre Sally C.ooke» D°ug Rowe, Mame flipped and flitted all replace it with a manned floor­ MARY ANNETTE . oi stature, who can be witVy, T°m Ha?nen‘ I - ot the s^ on a t ‘tJF an be wittv ™om ^annenian, Robert Wink- over the face of the world. cynical and emotionally touch- ler' i * arie Mangan ing. BEAUTY SALON iarot Morton The costuming was colorful and A Friendly Town In a formal statement to the ing and Miss Donnet measured \ e a s t w in d g r a y s t o n e Playhouse, “Auntie rris, Joe Miss Donnet’s many changes Commandant o f the Coast Guard HOTEL HOTEL Hamptonj/sme” will continue t0"bclag Easy Commuting u«p to the challenge with ala- [ , Alfred of clothing were most effective. Mr. Merrow declared that in his 305 Oc«an Blvd. 81 Ocean Blvd crity and deep understanding. j p/casfire to American theatre Sue Mil- to Large Cities opinion there is a growing need Op p Statue Comer "Kn St. pvs with M arie Donnet p]a ' 'Those who go to see “ Auntie An equally starring perform- < e , Ken for the continuation of the sta­ W A 6-3215 Mame” can expect a long eve­ No State Income tion and that it would appear Specializing In All Typai jh the fabulous title role. ance came from a local young- 1 e Silva, Of Beauty Cultures ning of fun and excitement. Tax because o/ the increase in the An a i t i o .„s production ster, Jeffrey Blake, who com- i number o f both commercial and pleteiy captured the hearts of — H LP G ood S cho olsNo Sales Tax Good SchoolsNo ttleatedrhich requires actress 18 scenes to — 1 pleasure boats that there is a the audience in making his I Metropolitan Convenience In a need fo r added Coast Guard ac­ stage debut as Patrick Dennis. I tivities rather than curtailment. -Auntie Mame” - a Suburban Atmosphere young boy to portray Patrick— This lad exhibited a terrific po- 1 Mr. Merrow submitted letters tential for acting with a great to the commandant which he M large supporting ca, t ■ Margaret M. Junkins deal of poise and excellent ✓ § y ■ had received from the Hampton • NEW & USED BOATS straw costumes, it presented AND MOTORS voice projection. A few days Beach Chamber „ of Commerce, a real challenge^ to General • MARINE SUPPLIES 1 A 1 of playing before a live au­ the Board of Selectmen of Managers John Vari and A1 Home Made Candies Hampton and Rye. Each of the • BOAT « MOTOR dience will smooth up his re­ RENTALS communications Merrow men­ actions to audience response Remember the folks back home with a tioned, is evidence of the deep CHIROPRACTOR and The Hampton Playhouse concern felt by the residents of Dr. W . J. LaBarre will launch another star per-1 the area over the proposed box of famous Junkins Candies Office Hours: 1 5 ] former.
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