1. Who wrote the book of Exodus? MOSES 2. What was the title of the ruler of Egypt during Moses’ time? PHARAOH 3. Who accompanies Moses when he went before Pharaoh to ask for release of the ? AARON, HIS BROTHER 4. How old was Moses when he went before Pharaoh in Ex. 7? 80 YEARS/ FOUR- SCORE 8. How does Ex. chapters 7-14 describe Pharaoh’s heart? IT WAS HARDENED 9. What was the relationship between Aaron and Moses? THEY WERE BROTHERS 10. Acc. to Ex. 7:16, why did Moses tell Pharaoh to let God’s people go? THAT THEY MAY SERVE ME IN THE WILDERNESS *11. What was the first plague on Egypt? WATER TURNED TO BLOOD 12. What did Moses tell Aaron to do in order to turn the rivers to blood? STRETCH HIS ROD OVER THE WATER 13. Which miracles did Pharaoh’s magicians duplicate? ROD TO SERPENT/ WATER TO BLOOD/ FROGS 14. Which was the first plague that Pharaoh’s magicians could not imitate? LICE *15. What was the second plague on the Egyptians? FROGS 16. Which was the first plague from which Goshen was immune? FLIES *17. What was the third plague? LICE *18. What was the fourth plague? FLIES 19. What was the area of land in Egypt where the Israelites lived called? GOSHEN 20. When Moses prayed and asked God to remove the plague of frogs, what did Pharaoh do when he saw they were gone? HE HARDENED HIS HEART 21. How did God put a division between his own people and the Egyptian people during the plagues? HE MADE THE LAND OF GOSHEN IMMUNE FROM CERTAIN PLAGUES 23. How far did Moses tell Pharaoh the Israelites would have to journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to the LORD? THREE DAYS JOURNEY 24. How did the plague of flies get removed from Egypt? BY MOSES ASKING GOD 25. How did Aaron bring on the plague of lice in the land of Egypt? BY STRETCHING HIS ROD OVER THE DUST TO MAKE IT BECOME LICE *26. What was the fifth plague? MURRAIN (CATTLE DISEASE) 27. How many of the Israelites’ cattle died during the plague of cattle disease (Murrain)? NONE 28. How did God tell Moses to bring on the plague of boils? SPRINKLE ASHES FROM THE FURNACE TOWARD THE HEAVEN IN THE SIGHT OF PHARAOH *29. What was the sixth plague? BOILS 30. Why couldn’t the magicians stand before Moses during the plague of the boils? BECAUSE THE BOILS WERE ON THEM *31. What was the seventh plague? HAIL


32. What did God tell Moses to do in order to bring on the plague of hail? STRETCH FORTH HIS HAND TOWARD HEAVEN 33. What came with the plague of hail? THUNDER AND FIRE AND RAIN 34. What crops had the plague of hail ruined? FLAX, BARLEY 35. What crops had not been ruined by the plague of hail? WHEAT AND RYE *36. What was the eighth plague? LOCUSTS 37. A wind from which direction brought the locusts which plagued Egypt? EAST 38. How were each of the plagues lifted? WHEN MOSES ASKED GOD 39. A wind from which direction took the locusts away from Egypt? WEST 40. What sea were the locusts cast into when God sent the west wind? RED SEA *41. What was the ninth plague? DARKNESS 42. How long did the plague of darkness last? THREE DAYS 43. Where was there light in Egypt during the plague of darkness? IN GOSHEN (WHERE THE ISRAELITES LIVED) 44. What did God tell the Israelites to borrow from their neighbors before the last plague on Egypt? JEWLS OF SILVER AND JEWELS OF GOLD AND RAIMENT *45. What was the last plague? DEATH OF FIRST-BORN 46. How did God put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel during the last plague? BY SPARING THEIR FIRST BORN THROUGH A BLOOD SACRIFICE 47. On which day of the month were the Israelites to select the lamb they were sacrificing during the last plague in Egypt? TENTH DAY (OF THE FIRST MONTH) 48. On which day of the first month were the Israelites supposed to kill the lamb they had prepared for the last plague in Egypt? FOURTEENTH DAY 49. What were the Israelites supposed to do with the blood from the lamb? STRIKE IT ON THE TWO SIDE POSTS AND ON THE UPPER DOOR POST OF THEIR HOUSES 50. How were the Israelites supposed to cook their lamb to eat it? ROAST WITH FIRE 51. During the Passover feast, what were the Israelites to eat with their lamb? BITTER HERBS AND UNLEAVENED BREAD 52. How were the Israelites to eat their Passover meal? IN HASTE, WITH THEIR LOINS GIRDED, SHOES ON FEET, STAFF IN HAND (QUICKLY AND PREPARED TO LEAVE) 53. What was the token upon the houses that the death angel should pass over that house? THE BLOOD 54. In the future memorial feasts, how many days were the Israelites to eat unleavened bread in preparation for the Passover? SEVEN DAYS 55. On which days of which month were the Israelites to eat only unleavened bread? FOURTEENTH THROUGH THE TWENTY-FIRST OF THE FIRST MONTH 56. At what time of day did the LORD come through and smite the first born? AT MIDNIGHT 57. How many houses in Egypt did not have a death in them after the last plague in Egypt? NONE 58. About how many Israelite MEN departed from Egypt after the plagues? 600,000 59. Why was the dough not leavened when the Israelites left Egypt? THEY LEFT IN A HURRY


60. How long had the Israelites sojourned in Egypt according to Ex 12:40? 430 YEARS *61. Name the ten plagues in order:

1. Water changed to blood (Exodus 7:14-25) 2. Frogs (Ex 8:1-15) 3. Lice (Ex. 8:16-19 4. Flies (Ex. 8:20-32) 5. Murrain—cattle disease (Ex. 9:1-7) 6. Boils (Ex. 9:8-12) 7. Hail (Ex. 9:13-25) 8. Locusts (Ex. 10:1-20) 9. Darkness (Ex. 10:21-29) 10. Death of First-born (Ex. 12:3-51)

62. According to Mon. Night’s devotions, about how many years ago were the Israelites in bondage in Egypt? 3500 63. What specific job had the Egyptians made the Israelites do for them? MAKE BRICKS 64. How man years was Moses exiled in the land of Midian before returning to Egypt to free the Israelites? 40 65. Why had Moses been exiled to the land of Midian? HE MURDERED AN EGYPTIAN TASKMASTER 66. What job did Moses do when he was living in Midian? SHEPHERD 67. What did God send as a direct attack against the false gods in Egypt? THE TEN PLAGUES 68. What was the difference that God made between the Egyptians and Israel during the last plague? THE BLOOD 69. According to Monday night’s devotions, what one word means “the purchase back of something that had been lost, by the payment of a ransom?” REDEMPTION 70. What were the qualifications for the sacrificial lamb? WITHOUT SPOT OR BLEMISH, MALE OF THE FIRST YEAR. 71. What progression was noted in Monday night’s devotions concerning the lamb in Ex. 12:3-5? “A LAMB” “THE LAMB” “YOUR LAMB” 72. What nation is the book of Exodus about? ISRAEL 73. Where are the living in the beginning of Exodus? EGYPT 74. The Passover in Exodus is a foreshadowing of what? THE DEATH OF CHRIST 75. Quote Exodus 34:14: FOR THOU SHALT WORSHIP NO OTHER GOD: FOR THE LORD, WHOSE NAME IS JEALOUS, IS A JEALOUS GOD. 76. According to Pastor Beal’s morning devos, what is a vice? 77. According to Pastor Beal’s morning devos, what is a virtue? 78. According to Pastor Beal’s morning devos, what is jealousy? 79. What was the text of Bro. Long’s message on Monday night? ROMANS 10:9-10 80. Where was Pam Long raised? KALAMAZOO MICHIGAN 81. According to Brother Long’s message on Monday night, where does God want to mark you? IN YOUR HEART




1. What was the name of the first month in the Jewish calendar? ABIB 2. According to Exodus 13:14-15, why was the first-born of men and beast set apart to be the LORD’s? TO REMEMBER HOW THE LORD SLEW THE FIRST –BORN WHEN HE BROUGHT THEM OUT OF EGYPT 3. According to Exodus 13:12, who did God command the Israelites to set apart unto the LORD? THE FIRST BORN OF MAN OR BEAST 4. What land did God NOT lead the Israelites through after they left Egypt? LAND OF THE PHILISTINES 5. Why did God not lead the Israelites through the land of the Philistines on their way out of Egypt? BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT THEM TO SEE WAR RIGHT AWAY AND RETURN TO EGYPT 6. Whose bones did Moses take with him out of Egypt? JOSEPH’S 7. How did God lead the children of Israel during the day after they left Egypt? BY A PILLAR OF CLOUD 8. How did God lead the children of Israel during the night after they left Egypt? BY A PILLAR OF FIRE


1. What three lands surrounded the Israelites when they camped by the Red Sea? PIHAHIROTH, MIGDOL, BAALZEPHON 2. Who told Moses to camp by the Red Sea? GOD 3. Why did God tell Moses he was going to harden Pharaoh’s heart, according to 14:4? THAT I WILL BE HONORED AND THAT THE EGYPTIANS MAY KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD. 4. How many chariots did Pharaoh take with him when he chased after the Israelites? 600 5. Who did the Israelites blame when they saw Pharaoh and his chariots pursuing after them? MOSES 6. In Ex. 14:12, what did the Israelites say was better than dying in the wilderness? SERVING THE EGYPTIANS 7. Fill in the blanks of this quote by Moses to the people when he saw the Egyptians approaching: FEAR YE NOT, STAND ______AND ______THE ______OF THE ______. 8. How did God tell Moses to divide the Red Sea? RAISE HIS ROD OVER THE SEA 9. Why did God tell Moses he was going to harden Pharaoh’s heart? TO GET HONOUR TO HIMSELF… AND THE EGYPTIANS SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD


10. To what position did the angel of the LORD (the pillar of cloud and fire) move after the LORD told the Isarelites to cross the Red Sea? BEHIND THEM (BETWEEN THE EGYPTIANS AND THE ISRAELITES) 11. How did the pillar of cloud / fire act differently when it was before the Egyptians? IT WAS A CLOUD AND DARKNESS TO THEM 12. How does the Bible describe the ground over which the Israelites walked when they crossed the Red Sea? DRY LAND 13. From what direction was the wind that blew all night over the Red Sea? THE EAST 14. What did God do to the chariot wheels of the Egyptians to cause them to get stuck in the midst of the Red Sea? HE TOOK OFF THEIR WHEELS 15. How did God finally defeat the Egyptians at the Red Sea? HE CAUSED THE SEA TO COME BACK OVER THEM AND DROWN THEM 16. How does the Bible describe the waters of the Red Sea while the Israelites were walking through? AS A WALL ON THEIR RIGHT AND LEFT


1. What did Moses and the people do in Ex 15:1-19? THEY SANG UNTO THE LORD 2. What is Miriam’s relationship to Moses? SISTER 3. What other title does the Bible give to Miriam in Ex 15:20? PROPHETESS 4. What instrument did Miriam use to praise the LORD in Ex 15:20? TIMBREL 5. Who did Miriam lead in praise to the LORD? ALL THE WOMEN 6. What wilderness did the LORD lead the Israelites into after the crossing of the Red Sea? WILDERNESS OF SHUR 7. How many days did the Israelites journey into the wilderness of Shur without finding water? THREE DAYS 8. What kind of water did they find at Marah? BITTER 9. Where did the Israelites find bitter water in the wilderness of Shur? MARAH 10. Who showed Moses how to make the bitter water at Marah sweet? GOD 11. What did God show Moses to put into the bitter water at Marah in order to make it sweet? A TREE 12. Where did the Israelites find an oasis of water and palm trees after leaving the waters of Marah? 13. How many wells were at Elim? 12 14. How many palm trees were in Elim? 70

CHAPTER 16 1. After the children of Israel left Elim what wilderness did they come into? WILDERNESS OF SIN 2. On what day did the Israelites enter the wilderness of Sin? THE 15TH DAY OF THE SECOND MONTH 3. What was the response of the children of Israel to the Wilderness of Sin? THEY MURMURED (COMPLAINED) AGAINST MOSES AND AARON


!4. What kind of food did the Israelites remember having in Egypt when they were in slavery? FLESH POTS AND WE DID EAT BREAD TO THE FULL 5. Through whom did God speak to the children of Israel? MOSES 6. How many days of the week did God tell Moses he would rain from heaven? SIX 7. How much bread were the Israelites supposed to gather on the sixth day? TWICE AS MUCH AS THEY GATHER DAILY/ 8. How often were the Israelites to gather their bread from heaven? DAILY 9. How did God provide meat for the Israelites in the wilderness? IN THE EVENING QUAILS CAME UP AND COVERED THE CAMP 10. How did God provide bread for the Israelites in the wilderness? HE SENT MANNA ON THE GROUND IN THE MORNINGS 11. How much were the Israelites to gather per person? AN OMER 12. What happened to the manna that was left until the next day? IT BRED WORMS AND STANK 13. What happened to the manna that was not gathered when the sun rose hot? IT MELTED 14. Why did the Israelites not gather manna on the seventh day? IT WAS A SABBATH 15. What happened when the Children of Israel went out on the seventh day to gather manna? THEY FOUND NONE 16. What did Moses instruct the people to do on the Sabbath? STAY IN THEIR HOUSES 17. What did the manna taste like? WAFERS MADE WITH HONEY. 18. What did Moses do to ensure that the children of Israel would remember how God fed them with manna? HE SAVED OUT AN OMER OF MANNA AND PUT IT BEFORE THE LORD 19. How many years did the children of Israel eat manna? 40 YEARS 20. How much is an omer? THE TENTH PART OF AN EPHAH


1. What was the first problem the Israelites faced at Rephidim? NO WATER TO DRINK 2. Against whom did the people complain because there was no water to drink at Rephidim? MOSES 3. Why were the people almost ready to stone Moses at Rephidim? BECAUSE THERE WAS NO WATER TO DRINK 4. How did God provide water at Rephidim? FROM A ROCK AT HOREB THAT MOSES STRUCK WITH HIS ROD 5. What was Moses instructed to do to the rock at Horeb in order to get water from it? STRIKE IT 6. What did Moses call the name of the place where God provided water from a rock? MASSA AND 7. Who came against the children of Israel to war in Rephidim? AMALEK 8. What man did Moses consult concerning matters of war with Amalek? JOSHUA


9. What happened in the battle against Amalek when Moses lifted his rod? THE ISRAELITES PREVAILED 10. When Moses let down his hand, what happened in the battle against Amalek? AMALEK PREVAILED 11. What two men held up Moses’ hands during the battle with Amalek? AARON AND HUR 12. Who was the commander of the Israel’s army in the battle against Amalek? JOSHUA 13. What did God tell Moses to do after the defeat of Amalek? WRITE IT FOR A MEMORIAL IN A BOOK AND REHEARSE IT IN THE EARS OF JOSHUA 14. What name of God did Moses use when he built the altar after the battle with Amalek? JEHOVAH NISSI

PART III CHAPTER 20:1-19 1. Which of the ten commandments contains this phrase: “for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God…” SECOND THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE

TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Ex. 20:3) 2. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image (Ex. 20:4-6) 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (Ex. 20:7) 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Ex. 20:8-11) 5. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee (Ex. 20:12) 6. Thou shalt not kill (Ex. 20:13) 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery (Ex. 20:14) 8. Thou shalt not steal (Ex. 20:15) 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (Ex. 20:16) 10. Thou shalt not covet (Ex. 20:17)


Memorize these Key Verses: Deuteronomy 11:26-28 26. Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; 27. A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: 28. And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.

Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: