Calgary wants you! We have lots of exciting information to share about upcoming programs and events. If you are not already receiving our publications, please send us your contact information and we will be sure to bring you up to date on happenings in Jewish Calgary. To sign The strength of a people. The power of community. up today, please contact Elliott Steinberg at 403-252-5801 or [email protected].

a message from Adam

haverim, its reputation as punching well above its The Centre for and Jewish Affairs supporting victims In my last POM message, I weight in terms of services and programs, (CIJA) in its efforts related to advocacy, of terror, welcoming and supporting lone talked about , family. fundraising, infrastructure, and diversity. government and other community relations, soldiers, and for infrastructure, to name a CI highlighted the very special relationships Provincially, we have a peer Federation in anti-defamation and directly battling few things. The JDC works with vulnerable we have with six Canadian communities Edmonton, serving their community in antisemitism, support on our university Jewish populations around the world, and and five Israeli municipalities through our similar ways, and also banding together with campuses, and community security and over the years has aided Jews in the Ukraine, Partnership 2Gether (P2G) initiative. us when provincial strength and unity are relationships with law enforcement. Our Cuba, Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union, In this week’s message, I would like required. Together, Edmonton and Calgary very own Community Relations Committee and many more places where being a citizen, to connect the dots – to look at Calgary Jewish Federations serve Jews in outlying is a local partner of CIJA. Calgary also let alone a Jew, is or has been exceptionally Jewish Federation’s local, provincial, communities in Alberta to the best of benefits from a relationship with Birthright difficult. Through the JDC and The Jewish national, continental, and international our abilities. Israel and March of the Living. Agency, Jewish Calgary has global impact, relationships, to look at how Federation Nationally, we are part of a comprehensive Continentally, we have a direct and meaningful Jewish reach. represents Calgary’s reach to the world, and system, one that includes Federations that relationship with Jewish Federations of We are so fortunate to be part of such brings the world back to Calgary. Through vary in size and capacity, but are united North America (JFNA) and benefit from a broad, complete network, and to have a programmatic partnerships, funding in effort. We are supported by Jewish connections with Federations of all city sizes voice as Jewish Calgary at so many tables. relationships, committee representation, Federations of Canada-United Israel Appeal and locations across North America, as well When able and appropriate, we leverage and more, Jewish Calgary serves thousands (JFC-UIA) which is the central convening as from JFNA’s infrastructure and talent in resources well beyond those we have locally of Jews worldwide, maintains a strong body for Canadian Federations, linking us the areas of marketing, advocacy, leadership and, at the same time, we support others front at home, and builds for the future. together, advocating nationally as a unified development, volunteer training, and more. in the system as best we can. Truly, in this Ultimately, Calgary’s 8,500 Jews benefit from voice, and serving as our connection to The network ties together all aspects of day and age and with the challenges and these relationships, and the world benefits initiatives related to Israel. All initiatives in what we do, and ultimately ensures that opportunities in front of Jewish Calgary from Calgary’s strength and contributions. Israel are vetted for viability, sustainability, Calgary is involved in decision making not and Jewish communities around the On a local level, Federation has six direct and necessity by JFC-UIA’s office in Israel, only in Canada via JFC-UIA, but also in world, Together… we are connected and beneficiary agencies (Akiva Academy, and also deemed 100% compliant with CRA the United States via our involvement in united. Together… our impact is greater. Calgary Jewish Academy, Calgary JCC, regulations before a cent is spent on them. JFNA. We also benefit from JFNA’s Secure Together… we are stronger. Calgary Kollel, Camp BB Riback, Jewish As well, the Israel office is typically able to Community Network and from its Israel Family Service Calgary), works with other leverage donations against government Action Network. B’Shalom, community agencies and synagogues, grants and local/other donors, thereby Internationally and in Israel, our supports chaplaincy, mikvah, and kashrut growing the impact of any contribution relationships extend to the Joint Distribution services, and more. Only due to the exponentially. Committee (JDC) and to The Jewish Agency. partnerships and hard work of all local Finally, as part of the national structure, The Jewish Agency is responsible for MASA Adam Silver organizations does Jewish Calgary maintain Calgary benefits from a relationship with overseas programs, settlement in Israel, CEO, Calgary Jewish Federation

presented by Journey of Discovery Izak Paul AGM Annual General meeting wednesday June 21 Wednesday Calgary JCC 1607 90 Avenue SW JUNE 14

6:45pm CAlgary jcc agm 7:30pm calgary jcc 7:15pm calgary jewish federation agm In his illustrated presentation, Izak will share the fascinating story of how a vacation trip to Prague and Vienna five years ago developed into an emotional journey of discovery as he learned the fate of his paternal grandparents and Federation AGM Agenda includes Election of board members, great-grandparents who were murdered in the Holocaust. This is an updated Community updates, and Shem Tov Awards. version of his presentation given several months ago to the Jewish Historical Society. For information contact Ilana at [email protected] or 403-444-3162.

A Capita Campaig Join in a new summer of JACfit activities. Watch Facebook for other JACfit events throughout the summer, or go to To make a gift to this community project visit for more info.

Shalom Baby Play Group: For the Under Twos Have fun and stay JACFIT Thursday Mornings | 9:45am - Noon | Calgary JCC Last Meeting Before Summer: June 15 July 9 - Hike: Borgeau lake August 6 - Hike: Rockbound Lake July 23 - Hike: Plain of Six Glaciers August 13 - Bike PJ Library® Tot Shabbat: For the Under Threes Friday Mornings | 9:45 - 10:30am | Calgary JCC T O T Questions or carpool? Contact Jordan: [email protected] | 403-444-3146 SH A B B AT Last Meeting Before Summer: June 23 Made possible by your gifts to Federation’s annual UJA campaign For information, contact Kathie at [email protected] or 403-537-8592 PJ Library wants you to CELEBRATING The Canadian Jewish Experience get together with A TRIBUTE TO CANADA 150 your friends this Featuring Guest Speaker: Sandra Morton Weizman summer... and it';s easy! PLUS: Stories About the Jewish Immigrant Experience 1. Think about something fun and we will Jewish that you would like to do. pay you ! Be creative! Try something new! Sunday, June 25, 2017 2. Apply at before June 30. You will hear back 3:00 - 5:00pm | Calgary JCC from us within two weeks. 3. Host your Get Together FREE EVENT • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC by August 30. Join us in celebrating Canada’s Jewish community and its role in the history of our nation. The day will include The rules are the official opening of the travelling 1. You must be an active: exhibit, The Canadian Jewish Experience, which was developed for PJ Library subscriber. the sesquicentennial and opened in Ottawa this spring. Calgarian 2. Your Get Together should include Sandra Morton Weizman did the research and writing for the exhibit. two or more other families She will talk about her research and highlight some of the stories raising Jewish children. told in the exhibit. 3. Fill out a quick report and your cheque for up to US$150 will HAVE be on its way. FUN!

Any questions or need ideas? Contact Kathie at [email protected] or 403-537-8592 EDUCATING FOR A BETTER FUTURE fter three months of learning about the Holocaust and the importance of human rights, A26 Calgary students and their chaperones traveled to Washington, DC. to cement their study with a visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and other important sites. The May 7-12 visit was the culmination of a pilot project for grade 9 and 10 students launched by Calgary Jewish Federation as part of its Holocaust and Human Rights Studies Program.

The students, aged 14 and 15, were from schools all over Calgary and represented diverse ethnicities and cultures. The classes leading up to the trip included guest speakers, films, discussions, games and debates to keep students engaged and thinking about the lessons of Applications for the 2017-2018 the Holocaust and the importance of respecting diversity. The students not only visited the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, but also saw many of Washington’s monuments and memorials Birthright Madrichim (Counsellors) in Training that speak to human rights issues. When they returned to Calgary, the students attended a Program are now available! graduation ceremony, where they were asked to sign a contract, a Memorandum for Personal go to Responsibility, that asks them to stand up for what they believe in, to not be bystanders when they see injustice and to be leaders in the charge to preserve human rights for all peoples.

To me, one of the most disturbing parts of the Holocaust was how ordinary people like us just allowed it to happen. It seems like it could never happen today, but it happened then because ordinary people living in Nazi Germany at the time didn’t stand Our greatest security is our own up for what is right… if we don’t make a conscious effort to recognize our own prejudices, eyes and ears. If you see something think of other people as individual human beings, and stand up for what is right, then the suspicious, report immediately to exact same thing could happen again today. I think that the main thing that I took away police. Also report to leadership of from the program was this: Everybody has a different worldview, and we have to try to If you see something, the institution involved and contact understand and be tolerant of different people’s perspectives. We must make sure that say something. Judy Shapiro at 403-444-3153 or everybody is being treated with respect and dignity, as individual human beings, to make [email protected]. sure that nothing like the Holocaust ever happens again. - Student Participant