Present: Cllr S Jarvis (Chairman) Cllr C Adams Cllr A Huxley Cllr G Moore Cllr Mrs J Puddefoot Cllr W Raja

Officers in attendance: Mr K Gray (Town Clerk) Mr M Broughton (Deputy Town Clerk)

1. APOLOGIES To note and agree apologies for absence RESOLVED: To accept apologies from Cllr T Hunter-Watts (work commitments) and Cllr M White (work commitments)


3. MINUTES To receive, accept and sign the Minutes of 5th June 2019. Cllr Raja indicated that his declaration of interest in relation to item 7 and his withdrawal from the meeting for this item hadn’t been noted in the Minutes. Cllr Huxley stated that he had given his apologies for absence in advance for being unable to attend the last meeting but this wasn’t reflected in the Minutes. RESOLVED: That the Minutes be duly agreed and signed as a correct record with the inclusion of the two above matters accordingly.

4. MATTERS ARISING To receive any matters arising from the Minutes/report from the Clerk The Clerk reported that there were no matters arising.

5. DEVOLVED SERVICES To receive an update from the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk indicated that the Council had been offered a two year extension to the devolved services agreement (to 2022) albeit with no additional monies or any reflection of inflationary costs. He had been in contact with parish clerks under the Cluster Lead arrangement and each are happy to contribute additional funding to the town council to continue cutting their grassed areas. Members expressed concerns that the offer was a fait accompli given that it would be difficult to refuse to continue undertaking devolved services when communities depended on ATC to provide a good standard of work and 1

the alternative would mean a significant decrease in the number of cuts per year. The Town Clerk also reminded members that there were a number of vehicles and other equipment leased for the duration of the devolved services works. RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr Jarvis, seconded by Cllr Moore, that the Council i) agree to the two year extension being offered and ii) make clear the Council’s concerns in being expected to take on these works with no additional funding, and on being put to the vote there were 5 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstention, thus the motion was duly carried.

The Town Clerk also advised that the Council would again be undertaking the winter gritting of the Bourg Walk Bridge and tree works for Bucks County Council on a job-by- job request basis.

A member drew attention to his concerns in relation to the lack of tidiness in the town (BCC and AVDC are responsible for these areas), which didn’t compare favourably to other locations he had recently visited. The Chairman reiterated that the Town Council had no direct control over other councils in Aylesbury and how they undertook their maintenance works. The Town Clerk indicated that a full-time member of staff was undertaking weed spraying in an effort to effectively deal with weeds but that the Council had no responsibility for roundabouts and other areas with weed problems. Members were asked to raise issues of concern to any other councils of whom they happen to be members.

6. CEMETERY a) To receive an update on progress of the repairs to the roofs of the two Chapels. The Town Clerk explained that progress had been slower than anticipated although internal scaffolding had been erected and some work had started. It was hoped that the major works would commence shortly. A member raised the issue of cleaning ancient memorials which were otherwise unmaintained, but the Town Clerk stressed the importance of not compromising visual amenity of what was in essence a Victorian cemetery. Members noted the position.

b) To receive and note the newly issued scheme from the Ministry of Justice in relation to child cemetery fees. A briefing paper had been circulated in advance of the meeting. The Town Clerk notified members that this was a change in the law so the Council was mandated to act accordingly. It was expected that the impact of this change shouldn’t affect the Council in an unduly negative way. The position was noted.

c) To consider quotes received for the outstanding driveways re-surfacing and decide who should undertake these remedial works. The Chairman advised that three quotations had been sought but only two had been received and these had been circulated to members with the agenda papers. A quotation of £44,000 had been received from Banbury Construction and of £45,900 had been received by Haydon Hill Paving Ltd. Both quotations were subject to VAT. Members discussed the merits of the two quotations. RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr Jarvis, seconded by Cllr Huxley that Haydon Hill Paving Ltd be selected as the contractors for this project and on being put to the vote it was duly carried that their quotation of £45,900 plus VAT be accepted. The Town Clerk reminded members that this expenditure would need to come from General Reserve which would consequently lead to a further reduction in general reserve to below the recommended minimum figure and he would report this to the next meeting of Full Council accordingly.


7. ALLOTMENTS a) To receive an update on allotment availability A report had been circulated in advance of the meeting which included information on occupancy rates and fees charged, and plot availability per site. The report was noted. The Town Clerk indicated that it may be beneficial at seeking to allocate some of the vacant plots for community cultivation use and to then donate the produce grown to the local food bank. Members expressed firm support for this proposal and a suggestion of growing damsons was made.

b) To review and note a report on the Allotment Awards on 1st August 2019. A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. A member indicated that she had attended the awards and it was a really well attended and successful event and she wished to record thanks to everyone who organised the awards and especially Kim Colbeck, Allotments and Devolved Services Officer.

c) To receive and consider a report regarding security at allotment sites, potential ways to alleviate issues identified and authorise spend as appropriate A report had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Members briefly discussed the issues highlighted at the different sites. The Town Clerk asked members to formulate a proposal to address matters, as suggested in the report. RESOLVED: It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Puddefoot, seconded by Cllr Moore that the two initiatives suggested in the report be adopted and on being put to the vote this was carried unanimously.

d) To receive an update on the provision of structure at The Town Clerk verbally reported that a blanket application for sheds to an agreed maximum size had been submitted to DC under the requirements of the Bedgrove Covenant. The matter was presently still with AVDC for consideration but would be expedited as a decision was required to be taken.


It was noted that the date of the next meeting was scheduled as Wednesday 18th December 2019 at 7p.m.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.43 p.m.
