Curriculum Vitae: Martin Scheinin

Professor of Law, Åbo Akademi University, Born 4 November 1954 in , Finland

Academic career (full-time positions) 1986-1992 Researcher, the Academy of Finland 1993-1998 Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, 1997-1998 Visitor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Canada (funded as Senior Scientist by the Academy of Finland) 1998- Armfelt Professor of Constitutional and , and Director of the Institute for , Åbo Akademi University, Finland 2002-2003 Senior Scientist funding by the Academy of Finland (Sabbatical)

University education 1982 Master of Law, 1984 Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry), University of Turku 1987 Licentiate in Laws, University of Turku 1991 Doctor iuris, University of Helsinki

Positions of academic supervision and expertise 1993- Docent of Constitutional Law, University of Helsinki 1993-2006 Official preview or examiner of twelve doctoral thesis projects at Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku, University of Helsinki, University of Essex, University of Oslo, University of Maastricht, University of Tampere, University of Gothenburg and the European University Institute 1996 Member of an Evaluation Board for the Danish Centre for Human Rights 1997-2000 Leader of a Nordic research project "Welfare State and Constitutionalism in the Nordic Countries", funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers 1997- Supervisor for 29 doctoral candidates at Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku, University of Oslo, University of Helsinki and University of Tromsö 2

1999 Member of an Evaluation Board for the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights 2001-2002 Adjunct Professor, Cardozo Law School, New York, USA 1999-2005 Member of ten expert Panels set to assess applications for professorial, director or researcher positions at University of Oslo, European University Institute (Florence), Danish Institute for Human Rights, University of Turku, University of Copenhagen and University of Helsinki 1999-2005 Referee for the Danish, Dutch, Norwegian and South African Research Councils, the Academy of Finland, the Tercentenary Fund of the Bank of Sweden and the Volkswagen Foundation to assess research funding applications 2001-2003 Leader of the research project “Rethinking Legal Strategies on Ethnic Relations”, funded by the Academy of Finland 2004-2007 Leader of the research project “Constitutional Issues of the International Community”, funded by the Academy of Finland 2002- Leader of the Graduate School in Human Rights Research, funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and coordinated by the Åbo Akademi University 2002- Leader of the Nordic Network in Human Rights Research (from 2004 Nordic School of Human Rights Research), funded by the Nordic Research Studies Academy (NORFA/Nordforsk) and coordinated by the Åbo Akademi University 1999-2006 Visiting lectures or courses at University of Gdansk (Poland), University of Maastricht (Netherlands), University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Waikato (New Zealand), University of Lyon III (France), University of Toronto (Canada), York University (Canada), New York University School of Law (USA), Cardozo Law School (USA), University of Lund (Sweden), University of Örebro (Sweden), University of Latvia, University of Padova (), University of Glasgow (Scotland), University of Leiden (Netherlands), Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic), University of Istanbul (Turkey), University of Prishtina (Kosovo), University of Vilnius (Lithuania), Law University of Lithuania, European University Institute (Italy), University of Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), St. Thomas University (Miami), Petrozavodsk State University (Russian Federation), Utrecht University (Netherlands), Humboldt University (Germany), University for Peace (Costa Rica), (South Africa), Bilgi University (Istanbul), University of Tromsø (Norway), University of Geneva (Switzerland), University of Arizona (USA) 1991-2003 Internet-based distance learning courses in human rights law at Åbo Akademi University and in cooperation with University of Toronto (Canada), National University of Singapore, Emory University (USA), York University/Osgoode Hall Law School (Canada), University of Hong Kong, University of Tartu (Estonia), University of Vilnius (Lithuania), Law University of Lithuania, University of Latvia 2003- Adjunct Professor (Professor II) in indigenous peoples’ rights, University of Tromsö, Norway 3

Other positions of trust and part-time functions 1982-83 Secretary to three Government Commissions for constitutional reform, 1989-92 including the Bill of Rights Commission that drafted current Chapter II 1992-93 of the Finnish Constitution 1988- Finnish Advisory Board on Human Rights Affairs, member 1988-1993, vice chairman 1993-1997, permanent expert 1997- 1991-1994 Permanent External Expert of the Ministry of Justice in matters relating to constitutional and international law 1991-2000 Trial observation or other human rights observation missions to Estonia, United Kingdom, Belarus and Moldova, upon request by non-governmental organizations (, International League for Human Rights, local Helsinki Committees) 1997-2004 Member of the Human Rights Committee, established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Committee’s Special Rapporteur on New Communications 2001-2004. 1998- Chairperson of the International Law Association Committee on Human Rights Law and Practice 1997- Expert opinions or studies upon request to the Council of Europe, and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe 1997- Member of the Advisory Board and since 2003 the Executive Committee of the International Training Centre of Indigenous Peoples (ITCIP) 2000- Board member of the Association of Human Rights Institutes, founded by the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights (SIM), the Ludvig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights (Austria), the University of Essex Human Rights Centre (the United Kingdom), the Åbo Akademi Institute for Human Rights (Finland), the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden), the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, the Danish Centre of Human Rights and the Icelandic Centre of Human Rights 2002-2005 Member of a Government Commission for the further development of researcher training in Finland (TUKO) 2005-2008 United Nations Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism