THE P0RTL4ND DAILY PRESS, CITY ADVERTISEMENTS educational. PROPOSALS. THE PRESS, A new departure in the history of board- the ing schools is made by the Principal of a Published every day (Sundays excepted) by __MISCELLANEOUS._ CITY OF music READING. Rations and Young Ladies’Institute in Brooklyn. He is PORTLAND. Proposals for Furnishing TUESDAY MOEMSU, JUNE 5. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., desiring private instruction in vocal Ship for Revenue Vessels. to secure the indictment of a HAT^ NEXT! in- Chandlery attempting City Clerk’s Office, March 15,1877. PERSONS REARING are respectfully 1 St., Portland. "IJJNIC Custom House. Portland. Me., man one of At 109 Exchange formed that Mr. W. L. FiTCII is now ready to re- Wo do not read and communi- young who flirted with the girls. The Law in relation to Collector’s Office, June 1, 1877. ) anonymous letters ceive pupils or in classes, at his residence, 58 It is a Year in advance. singly PROPOSALS will be received at till? cations. The name and address of the writer are in easy to foresee that this rash endeavor to Terms: Eight Dollars Tc Brackett corner a St., Spring. aplOdtf SEALEDOffice until 12 o’clock, noon, of WEDNESDAY, m iii subscribers Seven Dollars Year il paid in ad- ONE DOLLAR for a Beautiful all cases not for overthrow DOG LICENSES June 20, 1877, for supplying rations and ship chand- indispensable, necessarily publication time-honored customs will seri- ?a ace. Only but as a Eatsies lery for the nse of the crews and vessels of the United guaranty of good faith. ously injure the popularity of the school. Will be Strictly Enforced. JMrs. E. H. States Revenue Marine Service in this Collection We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- THE MAINE STATE TRESS District for the fiscal year June 1878. ending 30, nications that are not used. H. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk, will give instruction in Vocal Manic, and will Schedules of articles of to be bid for Is published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a WHITE DUCK VEST! ship chandlery Current mill 5 tf continue to Comment. if in advance at receive New Classes for her'"Falks up- will be furnished on application to this office. year, paid $2.00 a year. *™e °** ttreai painter* anil their work*. The is reserved to or all bids if Every attache of the Press furnished right reject any regular is The Joe Johnston movement in to Address Mrs, Fames at the Falmouth Port- deemed for the interest of the Government so to do. Virginia Kates op Advertising: One inch of space, the Proposals for School Supplies. hard hard Ic Hotel, with a Card certificate T. During flacse limes when business is dull, employment land. LOT M. countersigned by Stanley run him for dies le >gtli of column, constitutes a “square.” will he received the. undersigned MORRILL, governor because Johnston by get. wages extremely and scarce, we arc certainly do References.—Rt. Rev. Rev. Dr, Collector. Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week PROPOSALSuntil WEDNESDAY, June Cth, for furnishing low, money very Bishop Neely, ju2S&W2w is not to the not Thomas Hill-. will confer a eligible office, been in af or; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing the Public Schools of Portland for the curient ing a public good by calling attention to the very managers favor upon us by demanding having year my1* dim and the 6tate three years. every other day after first week, 50 cents. with Books, Stationery and other supplies of llie Portland Deering Railroad credentials of every person to represent our Half claiming square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one kind usually furnished by the city for School use, in- Company. journal. The New Hampshire Legislature begins op- W ?ek, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. cluding Wilting and Drawing Paper, Pens aud Pen- Instruction in and English Class- are desired for a line of erations this week. Of Special Notices, one third additional. holders, Slate and Lead Pencils, Crayons, Erasers, Remarkable Bargains in New Spring Clothing building the Senate, Natt Horse Railroad from the corner of Green and Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction Maps, Ink, &c. All proposals will be contingent ical Studies PROPOSALS Iowa Central Railroad. Head will be Portland streets in to a in probably elected aDd Salks,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions upon such appropriations as the City Council may Portland, point Deering, President, AT THE known as will Some time one of the of the of the Mr. Woolson or less, $1.50. make for the above supplies, and the right is reserved given to piivate pupils by the subscriber. Bradley’s Corner. Particulars be ago reporters House, of Lisbon, a coun- furnished on Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State to reject all such proposals as may be deemed con- application. Judicial Court of Maine made an try merchant, Speaker. & DEERING RAILROAD Supreme Press” (which has a large circulation in every part to the interests of the citv. PORTLAND CO.. trary JNO. The “calico fever” has reached the of (he State) for $1.00 per square tor first insertion, •J. W. COLCORD, J. W. By MARSHALL BROWN, Treasurer. observation, replete with sagacity anil the sweet an 1 50 cents for each COLCORD, dtf per square subsequent insertion. Superintendent of Public School Buildings. Boston & Portland Store. my24 wisdom of this world, to the effect that when- girl graduates of California. At a recent Address all communications to Portland, May 29, 1877. my29dtd Clothing PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. 143 Pearl Street. ever a court wished in the furtherance of jus- graduation day exhibition in Oakland, the dtf girls in calico, as the San Francisco tice to decide a esse a particular way, it could Chronicle COPARTNERSHIP. has it, “presented a pretty picture to which The Entire Stock find reasons and a ENTERTAINMENTS. always good satisfactory diamouds, point lace and more EIGHT DOLLARS—Will bny you a very handsome Oxford Mixed Mel- expensive method. When Judge Dillon came some- duds would not have lent a charm.” Dissolution of Copartnership. ton Overcoat, which certainly would be cheap at Twelve. MUST SOLD ! single The Ladies of Newbury St. Church what late to the conclusion that the bond- The enormous heretofore between Saxon Beauties. BJE circulation of the London copartnership existing rEN DOLLARS—Will buy you a handsome and very stylish looking will hold an THEthe subscribers, under tbe firm name and style We wish to dispose ot the whole stock during the holders ol the Iowa Central Railroad had not journals has been increased the of was Overcoat, the arc and durable and are thoroughly greatly by Curtis, Fobes & Co., dissolved by mutual goods strong 3 Button Kids 81 33. 3 Button $1.00 month of June. We therefore quote a few prices of consent ou been used the he found war. Some of the first day ot May, 1877, by tbe retire- well made. Don’t fail to look them over. Mia*e*’ ‘1 Hutton 75 ventN. goods: justly by trustee, them have gone to enormous .APBOa SALE ment of John B. Curtis. All the business of the firm himself confronted his own that expenses. At the at their church on will be settled the as- by decision, present Telegraph \eads by remaining copartners, who Beauties indeed, and the greatest bargain eve sume all he could not coerce that Tuesday, Jim** 5tli, and couiinue until liabilities. JOHN B. CURTIS. offered. independent sover- the van. Its correspondents swarm all over CHARLES FOBES. S UIT S ! Friday evvuing. the Farmer’s Loan and Trust Com- and Asia. GEORGE C. FOBES. Shetland Shawls eignty, Europe Those on the Turkish The to make on the EIGHT DOLLARS—Will lor a whole PANTS proceeds icpairs church. LAMARTINE J. FOBES. buy you Suit, COAT, But determined that the road aide have their Admission Free. ju4d4t and VEsT. Not cheap made to sell and the pany. having headquarters at Constantino- trash, disappoint buyer where Mr. Notice. but GOOD HONEST goods, stylish looking and Fashionably cot. Harris Gant FOR ONE DOLLAR. ought somehow to be in the hands of its own- ple, Gay, the chief of the corps, Suedes, lives in ambassadorial with AMERICAS GRAND The business of the late firm w ill be continued as rather than in the hands of relatives and state, an inex- NOVELTY. FEN DOLLARS—Will buy you a suit of clothes made from nice heavy ers, haustible bank formerly, under the style of GEORGE C. FoBES 2 Button $1.00, a bargain at $1.50. FULL behind him. The circulation & Co. Scotch Goods, in different figures, all new and very pretty. It is un- SIZE. friends of the in he an- of the myl4d3w legal fraternity Iowa, Telegraph is now close upon 300,000 music; necessary to say that these goods give great satisfaction in We are still selling our hall, wear, nounces that while he will not and canuot co- copies a day. The Standard comes next, and Dissolution of on Monday Tuesday Evenings. Partnership. F WELVE DOLLARS—Will buy you a suit ol clothes fit Tor almost any Joaepbiue Neamless, nNo Trefousae’* Gar- PARASOLS ! erce the trustee, nevertheless he can and bordering 200,000. ■ copartnership heretofore existing between the man to wear, and suitable lor any occasion. After at these ibaldi Kid* at $1-50 per pair, Palais The New York Timers Juno 4 and. 3, looking will remove the trustee il proper cause is Cincinnati corres- THEsubscribers is this day dissolved. Ail custom- will ask the “How is it Dane.” Roial NN cent*. Vicuna Emprea* 75 els. we nave in stock a small lot scotch, Gingham, ers goods you naturally question Milk E us pondent says that the Ohio The celebrated and owing bills are respectfully requested to make J'oseph *4 Button, Colored, Black and ire Parasols, which wo shall offer at shown. Meantime the court hopes that the Democratic state justly great original immediate the payment at their former place of business Opera*, 50 cent* per pair. Gent*’ Kid* following prices: convention has been called at NO. 74 trustee will see Its clear to execute the Columbus, July 3Mo.c3La.xrxo Rentz’s FORE STREET. $1.00, the very beat $1.50 per pair. way BOYS’ AND CHILDREN S CLOTHING a week before the ! 20 IN. 22 IN. 24 IN, decree, as it is perfectly safe in so doing. 2sth, Republican conven- FEMALE Stock ami Good Will ol the Bus. lOO CARTONS tion. It was MINSTRELS, I very large and handsome stock to select from. New and Original With this brad in its the decided to recommend to the iucss For Sale. interesting plank, A brilliant array of Grace and Beauty, presenting Styles. Prices extremely low to suit the times. — OF — $1.00. $1.10. $1.30. trustee first convention that no affirm ative action for soft excellent for the time begins to behold the fiuest Minstrel Scene ever witnessed. opportunity for any one wishing to money be taken; that the old be ANengage in tiro Groceryjand Provision Business. These goods all have handsome Carved Horu and to execute the decree. plank quiet- The Dashing and Peerless daylight, purposes ly dropped, but that the GEO H. WEEKS. Handles, and will after as a parasol be an resumption act be using We the bondholders. It is as- MABEL SANTLEY’S JOSEPH WEEKS. congratulate opposed on the ground that a longer time for LONDON Portland, May 10th, 1877. my21d3w Boston & Portland All Silk Gros Grain, boiled and plain, one to 7 inches Extra Nice Rain tonishing how a eourt can further justice, preparation is required. Sherman’s policy BURLESQUE TROUPE. Clothing Co., broad, retailing at importers’ prices. Umbrella. will be it strongly denounced and a Their first, appearance in in the Mus- when earnestly sets about it. strong point America, great we have a lot of made on the silver ical re-written and localized, entitled Also, large dollar. There will be no Burlesque, 1877. 1877. 189 Middle Street. 50 PIECES demand The Hon. Hiram Price ami others have for more greenbacks. T3irT01\r. A Krtllt.hflrn PGrroanAmlunf a( n:_:_ Silk and Worsted Twilled through the counsel for the trustee made a With all the Delightful Music, Magnificent Cos- TRIMMING SILKS ti Commercial) not Dr. Radfield) writes ftom tumes aiul Scenic Effects; also introducing Serge Parasols, proposition to buy the Iowa Central Railroad the Charming and Graceful ONE PRICE* AND POUTEATTENTION TO ALL. for Suits nml Hals at South Carolina: *‘I have adverted to su- my 8 dtf SI.UO per yard for thirty-three per cent, of the first mort- the jNL’LLE JTIAUIE D£ LA COE R’S which we can offer below cost. premacy of It is Same selling elsewhere at §1.50, gage. Iu other words these gentlemen be- Hampton’s sway. well for Near Troupe of the and honor of the You Can Purchase at 20 IN. 22. 24. lieving, as they had vary fair reason to be- peace State, inasmuch PARISIAN CAN-CAN DANCERS. I 100 CARTONS as the Republicans have Augmented by a lieve, that the bondholders wonld by this succumbed, that his .Superb UorpN of Specially Artists, $1.50. $1.75. $3.00. time be worn out the and unsatisfac- influence is so controlling; to that fact and Forming together the most Marvellous and Attrac- FRENCH FLOWERS by long not to any desire or intention of tive Entertainment in the World. Be sure and see the Parasols we are selling, and the tory litigation before Judge Dillon, who is his party in DAVIS & CO.’S Monture South comprising Wreaths, Clusters, Grasse., prices. tlifl ann-in-lfiw nf tho TTnn TTirom Ppi/>a Carolina to allow the colored men Notwithstanding the immense expense the Daisies, at your ow n prices. Our Whole Stock of Goods at Cost. to equal political rights with or to Prices Will Kcnmiii ns Usual. propose become the owners of the road for themselves, 75 CASES respect the made in For full particulars and list of artists, see small hills. one-third, or to speak more exactly for less obligations the name of Reserved Seats secured one day in advance, with- the State during the of out extra than one-fourth of its cost. This is interest- period reconstruction, charge, at the Box Office. Children's Merino STRAW GOODS is due the A. DAVIS & of which my30d3t S. LEAVITT, Gen’l Agent. Ids, CO. ing testimony as to the value of the road, for spirit quiet prevails and Scale of Prices for the Season: in Canton, and Milana, American and j Nerk and Short Sleeves lor Rough Ready, Mr. Price was the overthrow of the To Iigh in all new very early in the history of the repudiationists. 10 lbs, daily, from June let to Oct. French Chips, shapes, from i35c to $3. let, $6.00 N-E-C-K R-U-F-F-L-I-N-G. that fact, and the further fact that the Fanny Marsh’s Theatre. 15 « “ “ •« litigation appointed commissioner Re- 8.00 The Stock TRIMMED RATS by Judge left without “ Cents- Largest publicans leadership, will .here 20 Twenty-live One ca?e fine Dillon to examine the road and make 10.00 Fancy Ruffling, goods, only 50 report after resign all affairs MISS FANNY MARSH. — a lints and Bonnets Trimmed to into the — OF specialty. C IS N TM a piece. (Six yards in each piece.) These political hands S0leMSffr.an(1} Ice will be delivered earlier than June let, and m Order skillful in thereou. Hence it is a satisfaction to of by milliners attendance at very goods were never offered in Portland at any such great the Hampton Democracy may we look later than Oct. 1st, at the same rates. reasonable charges and satisfaction guaranteed at for an 4th. price before. learn from competent authority that the road assurance that no further violent MONDAyTjUNE If not taken the or ■ lull season, four months, the Ladies’ Merino Vests outbreaks will occur. The for one week of the is still valuable. Moreover the bondholders Repub- Engagement accomplished scale of prices will be lican lamb in South Carolina has ^ctresp — — peace 10 lbs. FDR need have no fear; for while the history of daily, per month, 2,00 FURNITURE, because his woolly head is safely inserted in «• LATNER this 15 2.50 BROS,, DAVIS & CO. road makes it evident that in Iowa no the jaws of the Democratic wolf. This is the « « FIFTY CENTS- ever offered in n Isadora am. 20 3.00 Porflaud, my29 dtf such prejudice prevails against relatives as political situation, and from the day of the Monday and Tuetulay aud customer notice at massacre to this it was evenings, Any leaving town, by giving Above to 539 St. the Hamburg inevitable, Wednesday Mali lie goods particularly adapted the season. may be found at Congress disfigured administration of Jefferson, ace, the office, will be entitled to proper reduction, unless the Government of the United States We earnestly request any lady who is in search of the court has yet evidently now got hold of was to recruit its E3r*Complaints against the drivers for neglect, 1 the above mentioned articles to give us a call. Goods prepared again armies to PI A ll the idea that a railroad will the war and and low will 0 do bet- carelessness or other J for themselves. S! state LOVE CHASE. any cause, left at the office, will Kid and Lisle Gloves prices speak probably standard, garrison the for mh31 eodSm the receive prompt attention. ter in the hands of its owners than in the express purpose of maintaining — Republi- Wednesday and evenings, The Thursday Yearlv customers in very great variety. • can ascendancy. There it is in a nutshell.” Honey Moon, aud Faint Hem I Never solicited, FRESH ST0Ck7 SUPERIOR hands of the most capable politicians. Won Fair l.ndy. Norris G. Curtis. Artiiur II. Soule. t. a, mm & Have Read This B’riday evening,—Benefit of Miss Isadora dtf co’s, you ! Cameron, mylO LOWEST PRICES. Gen. Sheridan thinks there is too much The Hunchback. Saturday evening, last night QUALITY, News and Other Items. nt Miss Isadora Cameron. Monday .June talk about of the South. He was evening, PARASOLS forgiveness The 11th, last night of the season, and last appearance ot 46 telephone will not work during manifes Exchange St„ at a of colors to a Chi- MISS FANNY juldtf present presentation tations of the northern lights. MARSH._ in unlimited assortment. E. T. McPhail & Go’s on the of Decoration at will Merrill, cago regiment evening One pharmacy in New York state at Prices that astonish every Geneva, Our whole stork is and was called for a being sold one. Day, upon speech. Bold six tons of homoeopathic pills last year. K cgardless of all former Prices. SQUARE, he came forward and said: “I came Walter & Go., & Co’s Finally Andrew Jackson, colored, at Philadelphia, Corey Billings Upright, here to-night to see and hear the presenta- was arrested for forgeries to the amount of $30.- Manufacturers, Wholesale aud Retail & CO. 241 MIDDLE ST., tion of a flag to the Second Regiment, in 600. Dealers in GAVIS^ BOURNE’S which I am interested. I did not expect to At Concord, N. H., Friday, Secretary Evarts offers the Allowing bargains: SQUARE, the PIANO PIANO take part in the exercises. But perhaps it is presented prizes for the athletic contests at ! STOOLS, COVERS, St. Paul’s school Special Bargains $3.75 Ladies’ French Kid, Side Lace. not inappropriate for me to say a few words. “ An TEN PIECES '2.50 Fine I attempt is making ta alter the state Con- We This offer 1 Lot ExiCH Kid, Button Opera Toe. Cabinet went out tc-day to decorate the graves. I FURNITURE. Bay « “ “ •* stitution of so 2.00 Organs, think I Georgia as to establish a public *• shed about as many tears and scat- 1.50 Kid Fox, Button. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS. whipping post. “ tered about as flowers as for 1.50 Serge, Button, Double Sole. many anybody, The suit “ against Peter B. Sweeney was called Drapery aud Decorative Work 1.50 Kid Fox Lace SHEET of those men fell in command. I 300 Marble Boots. MUSIC, many my in New York and 1.25 “ “ “ “ “ yesterday postponed till Wed- — — Top done to erder in the most tasteful and AND have listened to what has been said here satisfactory “ “ “ and Musical Merchandise. nesday. manner. 1.15 Serge “ to-night. Since I shook hands with Gen. 1.00 Hand Sewed Lace Boots. Articles have been signed for a boat race be* which we shall sell in lots of Lee at I have been Samuel Appomattox willing to tween Smith and Ro3s, on the Kennebeccasis, UPHOLSTERY GOODS Thurston, But I will 3 Pairs for GENTS’ CALF FRENCH TIES forgive. only forgive when the on the 24th of July. — AND Fifty Cents, Tables, Library Free for which fell are The National Bank 3 St. Block, Portland. principles they established. Exchange in New York The best ever oflered in Portland. bargain — I don’t think it best to was robbed FROM my22___dtf be too hasty about Saturday afternoon of a package BOUGHT FOR CASH, and WILL TRIMMINGS WE OPEN THIS DAY Great Reduction in Prices. It. I don’t believe in legislating forgiveness. containing from $2000 to $10,000, by a lad who BE SOLD LOWER than can I don’t believe in seized it and escaped. in great variety. talking forgiveness. I don’t he in this 81.30 to S3 the last week of SILK SACQIJES, DAVIS & CO. bought believe in talking so much about it. I don’t Daring largejschools mack* nm/imn kitaiu in rnnn i Airrirm market! erel in the of dlw to I am not a appeared Bay Foody, and large ju2 Gents’ French Hand sewed. belong any party. Republican. Linen and Cambric $6.25 Ties, hauls were made at and riuiiwiiJLUvi tvs hmluw dm Suits, I am not a Democrat. But I think this Digby, Clementsport other places. These goods are not SUODDli. but is The are invited to examine our extended thing too much talked about. It must be public & CUSTOM MADE and WARRANTED. To meet the demands of the times, we have made Col. Butler has written to new and immense stock of Vickery Leighton, George Postmaster vrarerooms, large factory A GREAT REDUCTION in the of our allowed to take its own as other mat- goods. . RICE. HOOFER. All our Furniture in the best order and Tag, put de- ble the of ever before er-in-chief of the Turkish army, with a of strength any Shipping Tag pro- There is always much in eloped dtf livered free — curiosity regard ap21 charge. -FOR duced, and for marking Bales of Wool, Bun- Moldavian Our facilities are such for Cotton, pretty Jewess, the vivandiere of his manufacturing and buy- dles of Iron, Steel. Piping, Heavy and to me uaous oi auiuors, ana juage that we shall not be undersold. Parties Hardware, 'iiig and ing about Gentlemen and other goods subject to rough handling, they uttord regiment, the lovers withdrew into a re- will save on Ladies, Cliildren, maD, who in The Innocents purchasing certainly money by calling the utmost security, and cannot be excelled. figures Abroad, mote where us. i village, they were discovered a year Before buying ask your PRINTER or STA- has undertaken to the world in- Fine Cotton Tags enlighten after. He was Hosiery, TION ER.for our new prices, or call on degraded and reduced ta tbo Real Lisle Thread Hosiery, regard to Mark Twain’s methods of composi- ranks. DENNISON & CO1, 19 Milk St., Boston. Life Co Black Silk Hosiery, tion. The has a of Insurance “Judge” poor opinion Of over GEO. 1. WHlBt & CO., jan29d6m lstp 2600 mail routes in the First Divis- Gauze the work, which, he says, is “a low “publica- ion, New the — — Underwear, TIIE PORTLAND CEMENT embracing Middle OF £ g England, states, No. 46 Street. Gossamer Underwear, tion that can only excite the contempt of Virginia and West Virginia, bids for service, Exchange Fine Wool 3ST. J. rnj'29 d2w Underwear, wise men and the godless laughter of fools.” which were opened on the 10th of March, there NEWARK, Gent’s Night Shirts, $1.25, 'drain PIPE CO.,I He told a reporter how the book was written: are but 52 on which the lowest bidder has nop PHOTOGRAPHER, Gent’s Bathing Suits, $125, S ■'53 he’d lie down on given bonds and executed a contract. Of 214 Middle Street, 1 Lssets Jan. 1 1877.. 75 Boy’s Colored Shirts, 85 els. “Why, his stomach on the there ,.$32,260.324 52 five are in two in Steam, Gas & Water H J.W.STOCKWELL, PROPRIETOR, g floor, with a whisky bottle and a tumbler and Maine, New Hampshire All Linen Kent’s Collars, 20 cents, with rju. tag* and two in Vermont. are unequalled, combining convenience, compact FIE PHOTOGRAPHY A SPECIALTY i nrplns Jail, 1877.... 2,246,052 72 curved linen bands. -5 Manufacture by Hiram Power g little pieces of paper scattered all around the ness, comprehensiveness and beauty. A great vari The President has commenced to examine PIPE, room. And he’d have an old of a lor a ^HYDRALIC CEMENT stump ety of styles, sold at reduced prices, limited Mr. L. takes in stating that he is now Policies in force, 43,307. New St)le* Ijiglit Colored Necktie* for P1PE£ pen- the of pleasure Brass and Iron Plumb- (and Machines for the record James Anderson, the Louisiana period. fully to execute the last new of Pho- Fittings, Gents and Boys. making same) cil, and as his ideas came to him he’d prepared style er's .For Sew craw] to portrait, Goods, Rubber, Hemp and Drains, ers, Culvert*, Wells & carpet-bagger, who has been appointed Consul, Blue for C also. Mtone around from one bit of to and j .... 00 Asbestos Packing, Rubber Navy Parasols Ladies and Ullages Chimneys; Edging paper another, to the Madeira Islands. ttsnrmg $131,846,985 g A Flower Vases. J The record against SAMUEL THUHSTOS, THE PERMANENT Hose, Steam and Water w at knock over anybody that came in the way. him Silk Umbrellas for JLadies and Gentlemen. Factory Junction, Danforth St., and W.© in the Louisiana testimony is very bad, Gauges, Cocks, ~ bnt lishursedto Policy-Miters Gauge Promenade, I remonstrated, but he said it Was his way of of this the President had GENERAL AGENT. W Office at No. 1 Portland Pier, no knowledge at th£ Steam Received and he couldn’t out his ideas time of his ■ Radiators, Force, Beep Centennial! Dnntlnnrt llu writing, bring appointment. in 1876 53 Well and Cistern Drive Moore & -5 Medal & Diploma, ] lUl HHui £2 3 Free street Block, Portland. Carbon .$4,534,752 Pumps, Owen, Bailey. Lldllllj on a difficult subject like our journeyiDg3 in One of the good things which the late Well Points. 33 mchl3 eod3m ®* Legis- Photographs The record ol this Company ju2_utf_ the East except just in that way.” lature of North Carolina did was the Having purchased the NATHAN at DREYFUS’ establish, j troves that, tor security and econ- G. D. mentof two State Normal schools,one fo# >iny, no other has claims PIANOS & ROBINSON, Ir the Shoe and Sole for this superior ORGANS. appears by Leather Re- white and the other for colored teachers, tt* FANCY Might City j o public confidence, Self Acting Lubricators, WOODS, porter that for a long time past the sewing same appropriation being made for each school. for this beautiful style of Photograph, and fitted up for Steam Chests and Cylinders, all sizes, constant JE3L. at he invites all Ins old IVE3RS’ machine have been much This is the first ever made Foot Power Scroll Saws, Designs, great expense, patrons and ly on hand. CATERER, companies making attempt by tbe stats the public generally to call and examine specimens. of North Moll II■ 1 ei’ii Cav tllinAinir I.'»■» lower than the schedule to Carolina to train the inh20 dtf SUCCESSOR TO C. B. SAUNDERS, prices manufac- teachers of her Lathes, Tools &c. LEWIS C. GROVER, President. turers a number of public schools. KNOWLES’ STEAM using large machines. j PUMPS, 11 NO. 619 CONGRESS The President intends to Send for descriptive Price List. JAMES B. PEARSON, Vice President, SQUARE UPRIGHT STREET, They had, in tact, in their business with visit Boston on the PIANOS, 17th of June. The takes to inform the has ostensible object of his vis- RETURN WATER for of of action or pleasure public that he re- manufacturers done about what they are now EDWARD A. STRONG, Secretary, TRAPS, which, purity tone, perfection it will Charles B. Thurston & are not The turned to Portland and is prepared to furnish fami- be to te present at the graduation of hia Co., for Dry Houses, tlie best and beauty, surpassed. with the off the Factories, &c., cheap- lies and parties with all articles in his line ot busi- doing general public—cut son BENJAMIN C. MILLER, Treasurer, est—warranted to work. These will return from the Harvard Law but he will all the ness. commission of agents and middlemen and School, 3 FREE STREET BLOCK, water of condensation from coils hack into the and some time in B. boiler SMITH AMERICAN Public Private Dinuers, Suppers, spend Boston, and the citizen* J, MILLER, Actuary. against any and without ORGANS, sold the machines at a fair to COAL! pressure, any care from Collations, etc., gotten up in the best of style. advance cover will see him and have a chance to Portland. Maine. the Engineer. French and American Cooks furnished. get acquaint- dtf endorsed by the highest' Musicians, and making a business on their manufactures. my22 W of a profit ed with him. The Agency for NATHAN Ac DICE If FITS’ 75,000 homes pleasant aud attractive, are sold for edding Cake quality and tinish equal to | President intends to make We take in announcing to the and pleasure public that Cash or lush M incurs by any in the country, sent per order safely to any They will now cut off a large portion of their visits to various parts of the we have taken the distance, country during tha in stores for INJECTORS. Ga^Public patronage respectfully solicited, expenses running display, and in W. H. F cut BUSH & SON, 16 d3m COAL & WOOD STAND, B. B. “Tlic Best.” This is the only Injector that will my commissions to agents, and do their business Princess Demidoff, a young Russian lady PECK, lift water 20 feet from a well or eistern.and deliver it General Agents far Maine. more on a cash basis, with the re- wearing the full uniform of a hussar and mount- into the Boiler against any pressure of steam. Every Home Coach.—Season of 1877. generally 170 Commercial is warranted to do all we on a No. St., Injector claim for it They 439 sult to the community at large of sewing ma- ed magnificent charger, rode at the head District will be put in for responsible parties CONGRESS ST., PORTLAND, ME Leaves Ocean House for Portland.7,30 A. M. Agent, upon trial. *• of a of formerly occupied by Send for Illustrated Circulars. .3.20 P.M. chines at about one-half the former price, splendid, regiment cavalry through the Work done in any part of the FAKUIIVGTOX BLOCK. outskirts of Bucharest not JAMES & WILLIAMS, State, and satisfac- and to themselves, no doubt, of a largely In- long ago. She is tion in prices and workmanship guaranteed. nov28___dtf Leaves Falmouth Hotel for Ocean House. .9.15 A. M. 28 .. the daughter of the colonel and and ^intend to keep first-class Coals at lowest So. Exchange ..5.00 P.M. creased manufacture. honorary propri- St-, “ market rates. United States ..9.18 A.M. etor of the who is *• regiment, reported as spend- ..5 03 P.M. PORTLAND. MR. W. H. Gideon Pillow, cx-Confederate General ing $50,000 a year upon it. No Russian eod2ra “Preble House ..920 A. M cavalry niy22 PENNELL, Rubber Hose " •• is I. RAND ALL & CO. ..5.05 P.M. is strongly of the opinion that the proper way so well mounted, the horses averaging six. A. xuc win ui.ukc iia ui:t watu xxiy o Jiiuaj, a UlU) OU, teen No, 17 the Hotels at to rostore between the North hands, comprising chestnuts, Albert I. Randall. Addison Goodhue, SPEC!At. Union leaving the regular hours. good feeling whiten, f SALE Street, browns and For Sprinkling ju2 Fare each way, 75 cents. dim and the South is for the two sections to unite bays, respectively. — Lawns, We have disposed of our Coal business both whole- OF — When Sir Samuel the ME. in Mexico of some land. The Baker, African travel- sale and retail to A. C Kandull A Co., ^PORTLAND, dtf Sidewalks, Win- Pure Milk for robbing con- washing Family Use. er, was leave of of who will continue at the old stand, ot common taking Kamrasi, King Uo- &c. We WOULD respectfully Inform my former patrons sciousness guilt might be a bond We can cheerfully recommend the new firm to all LACE CURTAINS. dows, will sell 50 yoro, that asked as a 1 and citizens in general who a potentate him, particular of our old as will on contemplate change of union, but the of our will customers, they keep constantly Pure in their of milk, that I am to fur- majority people to leave Baker hand one of the and best Coal stocks to be Bone Goods. feet of Hose with and supply prepared favor, Lady behind. This cool largest We shall open Pipe nish a of some other found in the and will also superior quality pure milk at reasonable prefer method of reconciliation. city, guaiautee satisfaction all orders lett at S. request raised Sir Samuel's ire, and in high in- in case. all rates; WINSLOW & CO.’S, 18 every Couplings, complete, Market will Gen. Pillow.thinks we should secure “two bor- J C. W. BELKNAP Square, reccivo prompt attention by me, dignation he told the King that if ever JAMES & Holiday & CO., h« WILLIAMS, Morning, April 16, for where the flattering testimonials oi some now us Manufacturers $5.00 at der Mexican states, thus giving the great made such a request again he would shoot a new lot of of Steam Refined Tripe, have taking will bo slioiwn to those who wish to investi- him. my:4 170 ('cnmiercial Ht, d3w added to their wmMmmsst already extensive business the manu- gate. I shall employ no boys bnt deliver the milk in natural boundary of the Panama and the The was and offered facture of PUittc King surprised, generoua Lace Curtains. Nottingham BONE MEAL* for Cnsilc. Hall’s Rubber person. CYRUS LOWELL, Agent. Laces; PURE GROUND BONE Store, chain of Sierra Madre Mountains to Saltillo, terms in the way of exchange of and Lace Lambrequins and a EerlHzrr dec25 dlw*tf wives, likewise CRACKED RONE for and thence to the Gulf of California.’’ This Sir Samuel did not feel called to Curtain iviuslins. AN Poultry! UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. upon jump at Nutter c are no_w prepared to furnish the above goods in Bros. & Go. mylO dtf recom- tho any quantity and scheme of plunder he enthusiastically bargain. These Laces makes the largest and most complete required warrant them perfectly ssortment of Curtain Goods to ho found m pure. to President Monsieur V. A. an HAVE TIIE the MESSRS. mends Hayes. Alvergoat, instructor of BEST j aarket, and will be sold at to suit the times. KENDALL Ac WHITNEY prices hare our Iron Founders and French, who was bitten a on good* constantly on hand in any DR. LUDWIG by dog Aptil 30th, Connecticut to the new We shall continue our sale ol quantity required, and would be pleased to show legislators object died last week of at them to one atlctidg to calls or hydrophobia Hartford, Ct. Oil any wishing to examine or would professional by Hay NICKEL of and Stove them, Night, in PLATERS. plan winter sessions, complain that It appears that after bitten the eendEamptes whenever required. Please give them being by dog tba in I lie market. It is tree fioni $3.00 ! (Llcensedby the United Nickel Co., of New York, the state house is a dreary place in winter. Professor began to receive notes from friends^ and is LAMBREQUINS C. W. TOWN OR OUT OF TOWN, Oder, NON-EXPLOSIVE. RELUMP (V CO. In summer they say, the capital is much acquaintances and strangers, some Call and examine. my 30 dim AUHUKN, MAINE. assuring | 3. M. & C. H. BOS The above is to correct an erroneous impression. more attractive. They cau lounge about in him that hydrophobia was sure to follow hi* WORTH, S3?“AU Orders will have Attention. Portland, May 27, 1877. my28d4w Prompt lie under the while that to be PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES. lORIVEK FREE AltB> COTTON N't.N. jan8 eod&wlv STu&Th the park, and trees and form wonnds, others, assuming a apl8 dtt gigantic plans for the improvement of the foregone conclusion, gave him directions how to proceed to care himself. These unwise ten- 29 market Scgssns'c, I will rorlcit Live Dollars ReMgeratorsT TO state while they sip cooling beverages. There BUILDERS! ters led him to brood upon his case mv Is a much Detter chance condition, ami any where MOTll AND Sharp’s Preserved Smoked Halibut and Haddies. for junketing too in PKEEHEE EOTIOJV will not remove the I he began a thorough course of PORTLAND, ME. [N Improved Dry Air a very nice article for family use, picnic and have the of an entiro new the summer. But reading upon th« ap25 dtf 'orst Moth and Freckles if used to di- Refrigerators parties, “Sole-Ageucy” the people of Connecticut according my on board vessels at sea. WE CAST IKON SINK, to which wo invite subject of hydrophobia. By from lutions. Price, 25 and 50 ccnfM. in all styles and for insist inquiry a all purposes. 5 For sale by Grocers generally. the attention of all intrested. The trap is so con- that business is much sooner de- Apply with a soft sponge three or four times a prominent physician he learned how day The and beet structed that it is impossible for the sink spout to long tba util the Moth or Freckles which is largest aN*ortmcut la Malue. spatched in winter sessions. disappear, geu- Wm. till up. disease took to manifest and as the iu one week. Sliarp, itself, day rady accomplished Trices as A. N. NOYES A NON., Sent mail on of low as the Lowest, SOI foinnutcinl for to he ^ by receipt price. street, Portland, Me, Gov. Cullom of Illinois has done a sensi- approached symptoms appear grew 14 Exchange direct. Vaeilts '* iu2dtt my22dlm Cloanod, MRS. S. and warranted to give satisfaction. Manufactured constantly more agitated, until he broke down DDK ESS S. F. Ki!€tu<:is, SPENCER, and tor ble in the bill the sale, Wholesale and Retail, by thing vetoing passed by Libby’rt Corner, I>reriiia- my25d0m 20 Brown St, Portland, Me. Maine Medical Association. completely on Tuesday morning. Amoug med- A ■‘•P'-S silver coiu a my 8 dtf A Good Legislature making legfrtender --— Annual ot the Maine Medical Asso- ical men at Hartford the case has awakened — 1 J. F. Meeting Opportunity faults Cleaned and Ashes Re- THEciation will be held in the Port- for the payment of all debts in that state. As MERRILU, City Building, and a number of vis. Aslics Hauled. Oil and 1877. great interest, physicians Vaults Cleatieil moved. and, Juno 12th, 13th 14th, For a until witli $2,500, to make the is not in session the measure No. 60 Cross Me. O. Legislature ited the He had occasional spasms, taken out at short notice, lrom ?l to SC a s. f. Street, Portland, ni)'22il:iwCHAS. HUNT, Secretary, in a patient. bicker, ALL CR! >EliS promptly attended to at money, good paying business fails to become a and the of cord or a addressing 1 ibby’i by calling N. law, probability and at times been violent. Ther# AND $3 load, l»y Address Coruvr, timing. ri. or addn«n K. GUlSUNt B.—Refrigerators made to order of any size or American Soft Capsule Co.’s Metallic Boxed in this city. Address had very A, JLlbbY. Portland P. U. my8 Utf form. Orders by mail or Goods a conflict with the Is myltdtf iuiWU 588 Congress Streel otherwise promptly at- uowrerdy Ad dress Victor E. Mauger, New “C.” THIS OFFICE. general government seems to be little doubt that he was frightened tend to. mayl4d»*jyl York. my8d3m myl9 dtf done away with. to death. Our New York Letter. leaders and united re- Com No 1 Mixed at FOREIGN. party urged action, and firm; 52}c. Oats are a shade May 31, oft Capo May, Bch Washington, Fisher, fm quested in each case that a distinct be firmer; No 1 Mixed 43}con spot; 43Jc seller .June. Pensacola tor Providence. MISCELLANEOUS reply hbls 1006 MISCELLANEOUS BY TELEGRAPH. made publio. Receipts—405 flour, bush wheal, 1216 Mav 31, lat 38 40, Ion 60 35, ship St from The bush bash oats. Nicholas, Mtale at Business—Exceptional Athens, July 4.—The Chamber of com, 10,847 New York lor San Francisco. Deputies Shipments—125 hbls Hour, 115'J bush have adopted a resolution the wheat, 000, Prices—The Crops—Southern Prospects The Turco-Russian War. calling upon bosh com 1606 bush oats. party leaders to come to an to- MAINE. understanding Cleveland, Juno 4.—The Petroleum market —Stocks. about the formation of a min- is SPECIAL NOTICES. day coalition ot steady at 12} for standard White. TmrtIT SPRING 1877 istry in view of the extraordinary circum- New Tore, June 4.—Cotton Russia’s Answer to stances in which is now quiet; Middling un- BINDS New Yoke, June 24 1877. Portland, Saco & Porumouih Railroad. England. placod. lands at llgc. Foot Lullic tor Sale. It is dull here at the of Wilmington, June4.—Cotton is We beg to call i always beginning Portsmouth, June 4.—The annual meeting firmer; Mlddlmz A light running tool, for steel, iron, brass or attention to uplands at10}c. wood, Can lie seen from 7 to 9 p, m. at 2691 Con- the remarkable bargains we are summer, and this year certainly is no excep- of the stockholders of the Saco and Slie Will Make \« Promises Re- CUBA. Portland, Charleston, June 4.—Cotton is gress street. now in Custom tion to the rule. As to business it is uncertain firm; MiddlingK offering Shirts in Portsmouth Railroad was held here of the Bebel A uplands at 10}c. jn2sn3t* C. F. 1)AM. FITZGERALD today. The Condition riu,000 both Fine White anil Fanev. There is a Our and fitful. good deal being done of President the annual garding Constantinople. Sick in the Memphis, June4.—Cotton is Lothrop presented Him; Middlingud-s F celebrated H A I* IM DIM report, Spaniards Hospital. lands at lie. course—the’e must always be in a place in _ which was accepted. The following directors New York, June 4.—Gen. of the trade is Sangerilly ^i,11L! 4.—Cotron and nomi- which the chief pursuit—but not near- were Alfred Cuban revolutionary army, jn ^AV^N,N,AH’ irregular Surgical Instruments, elected: P. Rockwell, S. Lothrop THE TUBES STILL FALLING BACK recently Wash- nal! Middling uplands at 10|e. ly so mncb as nor conditions so sat- ington, states that tbe Cuban army has from ELASTIC SHIRTS WIDE TO i]Vew Store usual, upon Thorndike, W. H. Y. Hackett, Samuel C. Galveston, June 4.—Cotton STOCKINGS, ORDER, armed firm; up-v — 15,000 to 17,000 well aud at Middling — AT isfactory to tbe vender of merchandise. There Geo. P. Geo. ON ERZEBOUM. disciplined lands 10}. Lawrence, King, E, B. Jackson, in its ranks, aud three times the num- Bandages and are a vacant a troops New Orleans, June 4.—Cotton Supporters, Trusses, great many stores, great in the field if strong; Middling" many John B. Brown. The meeting then dissolved. ber could be put they had arms uplands at 11c. idle multitude of If had 268 Middle St., ships and;a of em- and ammunition. they artil- Shoulder people,out THE ASIATIC proper June 4.—Cotton Braces, much CAMPAIGN. aud Americans to help them the strong;Middling uplands ployment. Pretty every description of lery 20,000 ,0~ Spinal Supporters, Club Foot Shoes, &c., 6 for $9.00. near the of Middle and NEW YORK, The Turkish Situation Cubaus could utterly destroy tbe Spaniards in Junction property except the necessaries of life is Desperate. 4“COtt0n iS grad- Cuba. Over 12,0u0 Spanish soldiers are now in MMdhng np- on hand and made to order. is the evcroflered Federal in London, Judb 4.—The Standard’s Constanti- laXDl,oYaioicJ,lne greatest bargain Streets, ually shrinking value, while nearly every hospitals with yellow fever, small &c. maimlactiire nople correspondent says the fate of the cam- pjx, June is by any sliirt in the article Norfolk, 4.—Cotton firm; Middling up- WITH A BULL AND' COAPLETB indispenible, or thought to be, to Revenue Reform. in Asia is settled. The Cubans hold everything outsidethe cities, lands at electkicTbatteries These shirts are made bodily paign practically Mukhtar revolution 10}c. country. STOCK OF sustenance is Pasha is about uud will contiuue the until for sale and to let dear. There is New York, June 4.—The of the to fall back on they gain Augusta, June4,—Cotton is firm; up- by under our own supervisal and ot exceptionally report Erzeroum, their liberties. lands at Middling v from the best is _ lOjc. scarcely any domestic coal committee of revenue reform of the Chamber which, authority, wholly open the very best material; are eiiuul commodity except and caunot be held. The Russians A. G. which of Commerce, made today, recommends 29 are advanc- SCHLOTTEBBECK, in every respect to any shirt man- does not cost more than it did last year. in force towards THE DOMINION. European iflarhets, distinct changes iu the present custom laws ing Diarbeker, and there is Dealer in and Manufacturer of ufactured in the True fit The main is at famine to them from London, June 4-1.00 P. city FANCY GOODS stay, and nothing prevent M.-Consol at SH flour, prices, and regulations. The expressions of opinions getting posses- Trains Slopped by Caterpillar*. for 8UKUICAL IN case sion of the money and account.