Key Investor Information

This document provides you with key investor information about this fund. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand the nature and the risks of investing in this fund. You are advised to read it so you can make an informed decision about whether to invest. Sustainable Multi-Asset Income a sub-fund of Schroder International Selection Fund SICAV Class A Accumulation EUR (LU2097343110) This fund is managed by Schroder (Europe) S.A., which is a member of the Schroders Group.

Objectives and investment policy Objectives The fund aims to provide a risk profile comparable to a portfolio of 30% equities and 70% bonds. The fund may use derivatives with the aim of The fund aims to provide an income of 3-5% per year by investing in a achieving investment gains, reducing risk or managing the fund more diversified range of assets and markets worldwide which meet the Investment efficiently. The fund may (exceptionally) hold up to 100% of its assets in cash Manager's sustainability criteria. This is not guaranteed and could change and money market investments. The fund may also invest up to 10% of its depending on market conditions. assets in open ended investment funds. Investment policy Benchmark The fund is actively managed and invests at least two-thirds of its assets The Fund's performance should be assessed against the income target of directly or indirectly through derivatives in equities, bonds and alternative asset 3-5% per year and the volatility compared against 30% MSCI AC World Index classes. hedged to EUR, 40% Global Aggregate Corporate Bond Index The fund may invest: hedged to EUR and 30% Barclays Global High Yield excl CMBS & EMD 2% - up to 50% of its assets in sub-investment grade bonds (being securities with Index hedged to EUR. The comparator benchmark is only included for a credit rating below investment grade as measured by Standard & Poor's or performance comparison purposes and does not have any bearing on how the any equivalent grade of other credit rating agencies) and unrated securities. investment manager invests the fund's assets. The fund's investment universe - in excess of 50% of its assets in emerging market debt bonds. is expected to overlap to a limited extent with the components of the - up to 20% of its assets in asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed comparator benchmark. The investment manager invests on a discretionary securities. basis and there are no restrictions on the extent to which the fund's portfolio The fund maintains a higher overall sustainability score than 30% MSCI AC and performance may deviate from the comparator benchmark. The World Index (hedged to EUR), 40% Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate investment manager will invest in companies or sectors not included in the Bond Index (hedged to EUR) and 30% Barclays Global High Yield excl CMBS comparator benchmark. The income target has been selected because the & EMG 2% (hedged to EUR), based on the investment manager's rating investment manager deploys strategies that aim to deliver the level of income system. stated in the investment objective. The comparator benchmark has been The fund does not directly invest in certain activities, industries or groups of selected because the investment manager believes that the benchmark is a issuers above the limits listed under “Sustainability Information” on the Fund's suitable comparison for performance purposes given the fund's investment webpage, accessed via objective and policy. The benchmark(s) does/do not take into account the The fund invests in companies that have good governance practices, as environmental and social characteristics or sustainable objective (as relevant) determined by the investment manager's rating criteria. The investment of the fund. manager may also engage with companies held by the fund to challenge Dealing frequency identified areas of weakness on sustainability issues. More details on the You may redeem your investment upon demand. This fund deals daily. investment manager's approach to sustainability are available in the prospectus and on the website Distribution policy This share class accumulates income received from the fund's investments, capabilities/sustainability/disclosures. meaning it is kept in the fund and its value is reflected in the price of the share class.

Risk and reward profile Lower risk Higher risk able to pay back the full amount that they owe, which may result in losses to Potentially lower reward Potentially higher reward the fund. Sustainability Risk Factor: The fund has environmental and/or social characteristics. This means it may have limited exposure to some companies, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 industries or sectors and may forego certain investment opportunities, or dispose of certain holdings, that do not align with its sustainability criteria. The risk and reward indicator Therefore, the fund may underperform other funds that do not apply similar The risk category is based upon the fund's risk target and there is no criteria. The fund may invest in companies that do not reflect the beliefs and guarantee that the fund will achieve it. values of any particular investor. The fund's risk category is not guaranteed to remain fixed and may change Credit risk: A decline in the financial health of an issuer could cause the value over time. of its bonds to fall or become worthless. A fund in the lowest category does not mean a risk-free investment. Currency risk: The fund may lose value as a result of movements in foreign The fund is in this category because it can take higher risks in search of higher exchange rates. rewards and its price may rise and fall accordingly. Derivatives risk: A derivative may not perform as expected, may create losses greater than the cost of the derivative and may result in losses to the fund. The Risk factors fund may also materially invest in derivatives including using short selling and IBOR: The transition of the financial markets away from the use of interbank leverage techniques with the aim of making a return. When the value of an offered rates (IBORs) to alternative reference rates may impact the valuation of asset changes, the value of a derivative based on that asset may change to a certain holdings and disrupt liquidity in certain instruments. This may impact much greater extent. This may result in greater losses than investing in the the investment performance of the fund. underlying asset. Performance risk: Investment objectives express an intended result but there is High yield bond risk: High yield bonds (normally lower rated or unrated) no guarantee that such a result will be achieved. Depending on market generally carry greater market, credit and liquidity risk. conditions and the macro economic environment, investment objectives may become more difficult to achieve. Liquidity risk: In difficult market conditions, the fund may not be able to sell a security for full value or at all. This could affect performance and could cause Emerging Markets & Frontier risk: Emerging markets, and especially frontier the fund to defer or suspend redemptions of its shares. markets, generally carry greater political, legal, counterparty, operational and liquidity risk than developed markets. Operational risk: Operational processes, including those related to the safekeeping of assets, may fail. This may result in losses to the fund. ABS and MBS risk: The underlying borrowers of these securities may not be Charges

One-off charges taken before or after you invest The charges you pay are used to pay the costs of running the fund, including the costs of marketing and distributing it. These charges reduce the potential Entry charge 5.00% growth of your investment. The entry and exit charges shown are maximum figures and in some cases Exit charge None you might pay less. You can find out the actual entry and exit charges from This is the maximum that might be taken out of your money before it is your financial advisor. invested or before the proceeds of your investment are paid out. The ongoing charges figure shown here is an estimate of the charges because the fund was launched recently and did not have a year's expenses upon Charges taken from the fund over a year which to calculate the figure. The fund's annual report for each financial year Ongoing charges 1.64% will include detail on the exact charges made. You can find more information about the charges in Section 3 of the fund's Charges taken from the fund under certain specific conditions prospectus. None

Past performance % The fund was launched on 21 January 2020. The shareclass was launched on 21 January 2020.

There are insufficient data to provide investors with a useful indication of the fund's past performance.

A Accumulation EUR (LU2097343110) 30% MSCI AC World Index hedged to EUR, 40% Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Bond Index hedged to EUR and 30% Barclays Global High Yield excl CMBS & EMD 2% Index hedged to EUR

Practical information Depository: J. P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. : This fund is a compartment of an umbrella fund, the name of Further information: You can get further information about this fund, which is at the top of this document. The prospectus and periodic reports are including the prospectus, latest annual report, any subsequent half-yearly prepared for the entire umbrella fund. To protect investors, the assets and report and the latest price of shares from the fund's management company at liabilities of each compartment are segregated by law from those of other 5, rue Höhenhof, L-1736 Senningerberg, Luxembourg, and from compartments. They are available free of charge in Bulgarian, Switches: Subject to conditions, you may apply to switch your investment into English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Flemish, Dutch, another share class within this fund or in another Schroder fund. Please see Finnish, Portuguese and Spanish. the prospectus for more details. Tax legislation: The fund is subject to Luxembourg tax legislation which may Remuneration policy: A summary of Schroders' remuneration policy and have an impact on your personal tax position. related disclosures is at Liability: Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A. may be held liable A paper copy is available free of charge upon request. solely on the basis of any statement contained in this document that is The policy includes a description of how remuneration and benefits are misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent with the relevant parts of the fund's calculated & the identities of persons responsible for awarding the prospectus. remuneration and benefits. Glossary: You can find an explanation of some of the terms used in this document at

This fund is authorised in Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A. is authorised in Luxembourg and regulated by the CSSF. This key investor information is accurate as at 07/09/2021.