Truth-Functional Propositional Logic
Truth-Functional Propositional Logic by SidneyFelder Truth-functional propositional logic is the simplest and expressively weakest member of the class of deductive systems designed to capture the various valid arguments and patterns of reasoning that are specifiable in formal terms. The term ‘formal’ in the context of logic has a number of aspects. (Some of these aspects—those connected with the distinction between form and content—will be discussed a bit later). The aspect concerning us most right nowisthat connected with the capacity to specify meanings and drawinferences by the more or less automatic application of predetermined rules (rules previously either learned, deduced, or arbitrarily stipulated). This involves far more than the substitution of simple symbols for words. The examples to have inmind are the rules and oper- ations employed in arithmetic and High School algebra. Once we learn howtoadd, subtract, multi- ply,and divide the whole numbers {0,1,2,3,...} in elementary school, we can apply these rules, say, to calculate the sum of anytwo numbers, automatically,without thinking, whether we understand whythe rules work or not. The uniformity,simplicity,and regularity of these arithmetical rules, and their applicability with minimal understanding, is shown by the existence of extremely simple artifi- cial devices for effective arithmetical calculation such as the ancient abacus.Before anysystem can be “automated” in this way (that is, before it can be converted into a system for calculation (i.e., a calculus), its various elements must be represented in an appropriate form.For example, if each natural number was represented by a symbol possessing no relationship to the symbol representing anyother number,nomethod could exist for adding twonumbers by operations employing paper and pencil.
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