1983 October 22
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I l NZl\SrENE~o:r ''' ---- • confirmed his. moral right torstay in• the Candidates . semi-finals- with. an; ~ , other brilliant super-tournament "vie~ ;J tory, this time two poirits ahead. of . Danish - GM Bent Larsen in Niks;k ' Both sides win . ., , Yugoslavia.r All of the other partici-. FOLLOWIN<;i his "win by· default" pants signed ~ petition askirig that he (since revoked). over Soviet Grand• be reinstated in the world champion• master Garri Kasparov in the Candi• ship cycle, and it was rumoured that dates· semi-final, Soviet · defector Korc_hnoi might be meeting the 20° Viktor Korchnoi was persuaded to year-old Grandmaster for talks in stay on (n Pasadena, California, for Yugoslavia after the tournament. The the 1983 · US Open Championships. following game from Niksic shows Korchnoi tied for first equal with the gap that is yawning between Garri American Larry Christiansen in a re• and his contemporaries; Lubornir cord 844-player field, adding a useful Ljubojevic . of Yugoslavia is currently $1250 to the 25 per cent of his match ranked number three in the world. prizefund that organisers paid out. Yet, as I write before the Fide (World KING'S INDIAN ATTACK Chess Federation) Congress in L. LJUBOJEVIC G.KASPAROV Manila, there is growing dis- 1. e4 cs satisfaction among leading players 2. Nf3 e6 'over the defaults of the USSR con• 3. ,d3 tenders Vassily Smyslov and Kaspa• This (instead of the usual 3.d4) trans• rov from the world championship poses the opening from the Sicilian cycle. Defence to the King's Indian Attack. In an interview given during the US where White anticipates a slow build-up Open, Korchnoi said he was "asto• culminating in a delayed kingside at• nished" at Kasparov's non-appear• tack. ance in Pasadena. "The action runs 3. Nc6 counter t9· the usual Soviet policy of 4. g3 dS 5. Nbd2 96 using sports events as vehicles for en• 6. Bg2 Bg7 hancing the political status of the 7. 0-0 Nge7 Soviet Union. By withdrawing from 8. Re1 b6 the world championship cycle, they 9. c3 h6, cast a shadow over Karpov's title, 10. h4 aSI 11. a4 Ra71 damage the career of Kasparov, and A useful manoeuvre - the rook va• risk their prestige in the chess.world," cates the hl-a8 diagonal (where it could he· was quoted: as saying. Korchnoi later come under ·attack from White' went on to give reasons. why he bishop) and makes ready to scuttle thought the USSR Chess Federation along the second-rank into active· duty. rejected Pasadena as a site for the 12. Nb3 .d4 match, including the possibility of a 13. cXd4 cxd4 later boycott of the Olympic Games 14. Bd2 e5 in Los Angeles. However, his most re- 15. Nc1 • Be6 . markable allegation was that the So• 16. Re2 0-0 viet authorities - perhaps with world 17. Be1 champion· Anatoly Karpov's con• Ljubojevic's pieces are uncomfortably nivance - had deliberately used the tangled. With his next move Kasparov crisis to eliminate Kasparov from the takes the initiative himself on the king's Candidates series. '- wing. While it is quite true that Karpov, 17. fS 18. Nd2 f4 a loyal party member, is politically a 1~ rn fXg3 more desirable champion to Moscow 20. BXg3 gS than Kasparov would be, I find this 21, h~g5 Ng6I theory somewhat unlikely. There are Investing a pawn to speed up the at• chances of an East-West split in Fide tack. with the · additional bonus that and Karpov risks being stripped of Black's queen's rook can shortly swing his title - the champion has already into play. · stated he will not meet a challenger if 22. gXh6 8Xh6 the Soviet defaults stand. More likely, 23. Nf1 Rg71 the Soviets simply objected to being told to play in Pasadena by Fide president Florencio Campomanes, when it had been given as last choice . on their list. However .Campornanes, also in Pasadena during the US Open, was unrepentant: "No member, how• ever . powerful; shall stand above Fide." One thing is clear," the big . financial losers are the Pasadena match· organisers who went steaming ahead even when problems loomed. Expensive multi-colour Kasparov• Korchnoi posters were printed for . 24. Bf2 Be3 25. b3 sale at $25 each. "But I've sold six or seven here," . said Don Richardson, Waiting for the end, but 25.BXe3 c)XeJ 26.NXe.3 Nd4 27.Rj2 Nh4 gives a I one of the four sponsors, . when I spoke to him in Chicago c1c~few weeks· massive attack. and. 25.NXeJ dXeJ after the fiasco. "This match could 26.BXeJ Nh4 27.RJ2 BliJ wins a piece. 25. Nf.4 mean the break-up of Fide, so I guess 26. Resigns people want them as collector's items." .. .MURRAY CHANDLER Meanwhile Garri · Kasparov has .. • .