KANSAS : Species List for Dickinson County, KS

GEESE, SWANS SWIFTS TERNS ____ Snow Goose ____ Chimney Swift§ ____ Caspian Tern ____ Ross's Goose HUMMINGBIRDS ____ Black Tern ____ Greater White-fronted Goose ____ Forster's Tern ____ Ruby-throated Hummingbird ____ Cackling Goose ____ Rufous Hummingbird LOONS ____ Canada Goose* ____ Common Loon ____ Trumpeter Swan RAILS, GALLINULES ____ Virginia Rail CORMORANTS DUCKS ____ Sora ____ Double-crested Cormorant* ____ Wood Duck ____ American Coot§ ____ Neotropic Cormorant ____ Blue-winged Teal ____ Northern Shoveler CRANES PELICANS ____ Gadwall ____ Sandhill Crane ____ American White Pelican ____ American Wigeon ____ Whooping Crane HERONS ____ Mallard* STILTS, AVOCETS ____ American Bittern ____ Northern Pintail ____ American Avocet ____ Great Blue Heron* ____ Green-winged Teal ____ Great Egret PLOVERS ____ Canvasback ____ Snowy Egret ____ Black-bellied Plover ____ Redhead ____ Little Blue Heron ____ American Golden-Plover ____ Ring-necked Duck ____ Cattle Egret§ ____ Killdeer* ____ Greater Scaup ____ Green Heron ____ Semipalmated Plover ____ Lesser Scaup ____ Black-crowned Night-Heron ____ Piping Plover ____ Surf Scoter ____ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron ____ Bufflehead ____ Snowy Plover IBISES ____ Common Goldeneye ____ White-faced Ibis ____ Hooded Merganser ____ Upland * ____ Common Merganser ____ Eskimo VULTURES ____ Red-breasted Merganser ____ Long-billed Curlew ____ Turkey Vulture§ ____ Ruddy Duck ____ Hudsonian OSPREY, HAWKS, KITES, QUAIL ____ Marbled Godwit EAGLES ____ Northern Bobwhite* ____ Ruddy ____ Osprey ____ Stilt Sandpiper ____ Swallow-tailed Kite* TURKEY, GROUSE, PHEASANT ____ Sanderling ____ Wild Turkey§ ____ Golden Eagle ____ Dunlin ____ Northern Harrier§ ____ Greater Prairie-Chicken* ____ Baird's Sandpiper ____ Ring-necked Pheasant* ____ Sharp-shinned Hawk ____ Least Sandpiper ____ Cooper's Hawk* GREBES ____ White-rumped Sandpiper ____ Bald Eagle* ____ Pied-billed Grebe ____ Buff-breasted Sandpiper ____ Mississippi Kite* ____ Horned Grebe ____ Pectoral Sandpiper ____ Red-shouldered Hawk* ____ Eared Grebe ____ Semipalmated Sandpiper ____ Broad-winged Hawk ____ Western Grebe ____ Western Sandpiper ____ Swainson's Hawk§ ____ Short-billed ____ Red-tailed Hawk* PIGEONS, DOVES ____ Long-billed Dowitcher ____ Rock Pigeon* ____ Rough-legged Hawk ____ American ____ Eurasian Collared-Dove* ____ Wilson's Snipe BARN OWLS ____ White-winged Dove ____ Spotted Sandpiper ____ Barn Owl* ____ Mourning Dove* ____ Solitary Sandpiper OWLS CUCKOOS ____ Lesser Yellowlegs ____ Eastern Screech-Owl* ____ Yellow-billed Cuckoo* ____ Willet ____ Great Horned Owl* ____ Black-billed Cuckoo§ ____ Greater Yellowlegs ____ Snowy Owl ____ Groove-billed Ani ____ Wilson's § ____ Burrowing Owl NIGHTJARS GULLS ____ Barred Owl§ ____ Common Nighthawk* ____ Sabine's Gull ____ Long-eared Owl* ____ Common Poorwill ____ Bonaparte's Gull ____ Short-eared Owl ____ Chuck-will's-widow ____ Franklin's Gull KINGFISHERS ____ Eastern Whip-poor-will ____ Ring-billed Gull ____ Belted Kingfisher§ ____ Herring Gull

Dickinson - 1 WOODPECKERS CREEPERS ____ Dark-eyed Junco ____ Red-headed Woodpecker* ____ Brown Creeper ____ White-crowned Sparrow ____ Harris's Sparrow ____ Red-bellied Woodpecker* WRENS ____ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ____ House Wren* ____ White-throated Sparrow ____ Downy Woodpecker* ____ Winter Wren ____ Vesper Sparrow ____ Hairy Woodpecker* ____ Sedge Wren ____ LeConte's Sparrow ____ Northern Flicker* ____ Marsh Wren ____ Henslow's Sparrow§ ____ Pileated Woodpecker ____ Carolina Wren* ____ Savannah Sparrow ____ Song Sparrow FALCONS ____ Bewick's Wren§ ____ American Kestrel* ____ Lincoln's Sparrow GNATCATCHERS ____ Swamp Sparrow ____ Merlin ____ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* ____ Peregrine Falcon ____ Spotted Towhee* ____ Prairie Falcon KINGLETS ____ Eastern Towhee ____ Golden-crowned Kinglet CHATS FLYCATCHERS ____ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ____ Great Crested Flycatcher* ____ Yellow-breasted Chat ____ Western Kingbird* THRUSHES BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES ____ Eastern Kingbird* ____ Eastern Bluebird* ____ Yellow-headed Blackbird ____ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher* ____ Mountain Bluebird ____ Bobolink ____ Olive-sided Flycatcher ____ Townsend's Solitaire ____ Eastern Meadowlark* ____ Eastern Wood-Pewee§ ____ Veery ____ Western Meadowlark* ____ Acadian Flycatcher ____ Swainson's Thrush ____ Orchard Oriole§ ____ Alder Flycatcher ____ Hermit Thrush ____ Bullock's Oriole ____ Willow Flycatcher ____ Wood Thrush ____ Baltimore Oriole* ____ Least Flycatcher ____ American Robin* ____ Red-winged Blackbird* ____ Eastern Phoebe* THRASHERS ____ Brown-headed Cowbird* ____ Say's Phoebe ____ Gray Catbird* ____ Rusty Blackbird ____ Brewer's Blackbird SHRIKES ____ Brown Thrasher* ____ Loggerhead Shrike* ____ Northern Mockingbird* ____ Common Grackle* ____ Great-tailed Grackle§ ____ Northern Shrike STARLINGS VIREOS ____ European Starling* WARBLERS ____ Bell's Vireo§ ____ Ovenbird WAXWlNGS ____ Waterthrush§ ____ Yellow-throated Vireo§ ____ Cedar Waxwing§ ____ Blue-headed Vireo ____ Golden-winged Warbler ____ Warbling Vireo* OLD WORLD SPARROWS ____ Black-and-white Warbler ____ Red-eyed Vireo§ ____ House Sparrow* ____ Tennessee Warbler ____ Orange-crowned Warbler PIPITS JAYS, MAGPIES, CROWS ____ Nashville Warbler ____ American Pipit ____ Blue Jay* ____ Mourning Warbler ____ Sprague's Pipit ____ Black-billed Magpie* ____ Common Yellowthroat§ ____ American Crow* FINCHES ____ American Redstart LARKS ____ House Finch§ ____ Cape May Warbler ____ Horned Lark ____ Purple Finch ____ Northern Parula ____ Red Crossbill ____ Magnolia Warbler SWALLOWS ____ Pine Siskin ____ Bay-breasted Warbler ____ Bank Swallow ____ American Goldfinch§ ____ Blackburnian Warbler ____ Tree Swallow* LONGSPURS ____ Yellow Warbler* ____ N. Rough-winged Swallow* ____ Chestnut-sided Warbler ____ Purple Martin* ____ Lapland Longspur ____ Smith's Longspur ____ Blackpoll Warbler ____ Barn Swallow* ____ Pine Warbler ____ Cliff Swallow* SPARROWS ____ Yellow-rumped Warbler CHICKADEES, TITMICE ____ Grasshopper Sparrow* ____ Black-throated Green Warbler ____ Black-capped Chickadee* ____ Lark Sparrow* ____ Wilson's Warbler ____ Tufted Titmouse§ ____ Lark Bunting§ ____ Chipping Sparrow* GROSBEAKS, BUNTINGS NUTHATCHES ____ Clay-colored Sparrow ____ Summer Tanager* ____ Red-breasted Nuthatch ____ Field Sparrow* ____ Scarlet Tanager ____ White-breasted Nuthatch§ ____ Fox Sparrow ____ Northern Cardinal* ____ American Tree Sparrow ____ Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Dickinson - 2 ____ Blue Grosbeak§ ____ Lazuli Bunting ____ Indigo Bunting* ____ Painted Bunting ____ Dickcissel*

† Fewer than ten Kansas records [ ] Hypothetical species § Probable breeding species * Confirmed breeding species Probable and confirmed breeding species as defined by the Kansas Breeding Atlas Project. This list was compiled from records of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Kansas Breeding Bird Atlas Project, and the Kansas Biological Survey. April 10, 2021 Please report any birds not on this list to Max Thompson, Southwestern College, Dept of Biology, 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156, [email protected] Rare birds noted with † should be reported to the Kansas Bird Records Committee (KBRC) care of Chuck Otte, 11319 Dundon Rd., Milford, KS 66514, [email protected] More information on reporting rare birds can be found at the KBRC home page on the Kansas Ornithological Society’s Web site at: https://ksbirds.org

Please report additions or errors on this list to Chuck Otte, 11319 Dundon Rd., Milford, KS 66514 [email protected] 274 species The taxonomic sequence and nomenclature used in this list follow the Check-list of North American Birds, 7th edition, American Ornithologists Union, 1998, updated through the 61st Supplement, 2020, The Auk, Volume 137, Issue 3, 1 July 2020, ukaa030, https://doi.org/10.1093/auk/ukaa030

Dickinson - 3