John Calvin and Natural Philosophy
John Calvin and Natural Philosophy By Lindsay J. Starkey A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (History) at the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON 2012 Date of final oral examination: 6/27/12 The dissertation is approved by the following members of the Final Oral Committee: Lee Palmer Wandel, Professor, History Johann Sommerville, Professor, History Thomas Broman, Professor, History of Science Michael Shank, Professor, History of Science David J. Sorkin, Professor, History, The Graduate Center, CUNY Copyright by Lindsay J. Starkey 2012 All Rights Reserved i Table of Contents Abbreviations ii Abstract iii Introduction 1 1. John Calvin and the Purpose of Natural 15 Philosophy 2. Sixteenth-Century Masters and the Purpose 45 of Natural Philosophy 3. The Heavens 82 4. Meteorological Phenomena 124 5. Water 162 Conclusions: Further Connections between 199 Sixteen-Century Theology and Natural Philosophy Bibliography 205 ii Abbreviations Corpus Reformatorum Ioannis Calvini Opera quae supersunt omnia. 59 vols. Edited by CO Guilielmus Baum, Eduardus Cunitz, and Eduardus Reuss. Halle and Braunschweig: C.A. Schwetschke und Söhne, 1863-1900. Supplementa Calviniana: Sermons inédits. Edited by Erwin Mülhaupt et al. Neukirchen: SC Neukirchener Verlag der Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins, 1961 – . iii Abstract This dissertation explores the connections between sixteenth-century natural philosophy and theology, biblical exegesis, religious polemics, and sermons, arguing for deep connections between “religion” and “science.” It does so through an analysis of John Calvin’s works alongside widely circulated, contemporary natural philosophical texts. Sixteenth-century Christians shared a basic assumption that the universe and all things in it were God’s creation.
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