BEFORE THE SPECIAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE NGARURORO AND CLIVE RIVERS WATER CONSERVATION ORDER AT NAPIER IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (“Act”) AND IN THE MATTER of a Special Tribunal appointed under s202 of the Act to consider an application for a Water Conservation Order THE SPECIAL TRIBUNAL: Richard Fowler (Chair) Alec Neill (Member) Dr Roger Maaka (Member) Dr Ngaire Phillips (Member) John McCliskie (Member) STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF PETER CALLANDER ON BEHALF OF THE HAWKE’S BAY WINEGROWERS’ ASSOCIATION & GIMBLETT GRAVELS WINEGROWERS’ ASSOCIATION STAGE 2 HEARING 25 JANUARY 2019 Counsel instructed: Solicitors acting: J D K Gardner-Hopkins Phone: 04 889 2776 Alison McEwan
[email protected] Phone: 06 835 8939 PO Box 25-160 Fax: 06 835 3712 WELLINGTON PO Box 446 NAPIER - 1 - INTRODUCTION 1. My name is Peter Francis Callander and I have been a Director of Pattle Delamore Partners Limited (PDP) since 1997. I hold the qualifications of BSc (Geology) from the University of Auckland and MSc (Earth Sciences) from the University of Waterloo (Canada). I am a member of the New Zealand Hydrological Society, Water NZ and the USA based National Ground Water Association. I also hold a current certificate for “Making Good Decisions” and serve as an Independent Commissioner on RMA hearings from time to time. I have over 25 years of experience as an environmental scientist specialising in groundwater and surface water resources. Prior to my employment at PDP, I had been employed for seven years by the Canterbury Regional Council (ECan) and its predecessor the North Canterbury Catchment Board.