Greens Email contacts (Current to 2021-02-21)

General General contact address [email protected] Contact point for prospective candidates [email protected] Contact point for media [email protected] Leadership Leader Thomas Trappenberg [email protected] Deputy Leader Jessica Alexander [email protected] Officers President (term ending 2021) Ashley Morton [email protected] President (term ending 2022) Judy N Green [email protected] Governance Director Emanuel Jannasch [email protected] Membership Director Bill Matheson [email protected] Finance Director Keith Towse [email protected] Policy Convenor (term ending 2021) Anthony Edmonds [email protected] Policy Convenor (term ending 2022) Carolyn Marshall [email protected] Other Roles Communications Chair Michael Uhlarik [email protected] Official Agent Keith Towse [email protected] Committees & Groups Executive [email protected] Financial Committee [email protected] Human Resources Working Group [email protected] Officer Elections Team [email protected] Policy Committee [email protected] Provincial Nominations Committee [email protected] Points of Contact - Regions Bedford Basin Convenor Laura Eamon [email protected] Bedford Basin Regional Committee mailing list [email protected] Dartmouth Convenor June Trenholm [email protected] Dartmouth Regional Committee mailing list [email protected] Fundy Shore Convenor Sheila Richardson [email protected] Fundy Shore Regional Committee mailing list [email protected] Halifax Convenor Keith Towse [email protected] Halifax Regional Committee mailing list [email protected] Minas Basin Convenor [email protected] Minas Basin Regional Committee mailing list [email protected] South Shore Convenor Michael Uhlarik [email protected] South Shore Regional Committee mailing list [email protected] Points of Contact - Electoral Districts Annapolis Rep. to the Regional Committee Debbie Stultz-Giffin [email protected] Colchester North Rep. to the Regional Committee Karin de Vries [email protected] Fairview-Clayton Park Rep. to the Regional Committee Brian Boudreau [email protected] Halifax Citadel-Sable Island Rep. to the Regional Committee Brenda Ryan [email protected] Convenor Kirk Dexter [email protected] Halifax Needham EDA Committee mailing list [email protected] Rep. to the Regional Committee Madeline Taylor [email protected] Rep. to the Regional Committee Dave Lowe [email protected] Timberlea-Prospect Rep. to the Regional Committee Harry Ward [email protected] Truro-Bible Hill-Millbrook-Salmon River Convenor Susan Corning [email protected] Truro-Bible Hill-Millbrook-Salmon River EDA Committee mailing list [email protected] Yarmouth Rep. to the Regional Committee Matthew des Vignes [email protected]