Missional Leaders

Information for Applicants

Evangelism and witness is 'not an app, it's the operating system' of the church.

Archbishop introducing the Evangelism debate at General Synod Feb 2016

“Twenty to thirty years ago when the notion [of Church Growth] was coined afresh in the modern era, it focused very much on matters of technique.

To this day we are too easily tempted to follow some formulae which promise that our church will grow – rather than flying in the passion of love for Christ with every sinew of our being, and noting how the slipstream draws others into relationship with him and with all who belong to him.”

Archbishop Justin Welby in the forward of the recent book ‘The Theology of Church Growth’.

“So today I want to encourage us to see each Christian community, be it a church, a chapel, a house group, a chaplaincy, a school, college or Christian union, anywhere Christians come together for worship and prayer, confidently declaring their faith, as vital power houses for the work of God in the world. Places to which we belong, ….expectantly knowing that there we will be resourced, equipped and given courage to go and partake in God's mission.

Rt Revd at her consecration as Bishop of Sherborne. March 2016

In Brief

 The aim is to plant a Missional Community on Old Sarum a new housing estate adjacent to the existing Parish of St Francis, .  Existing work has established mission and outreach work and many warm contacts on the estate.  We want to appoint Missional Leaders, this being a couple/family or a single person, who will work for 20 hours a week in return for free accommodation in a new house. We want people whose heart is to share their home as the focus of a Community of Mission and Prayer.  The aim is not to plant a full blown church but to gather Christians from local churches to pray, serve and work together in the local area.  The community members and new converts will worship in the local Salisbury churches on Sundays.

Old Sarum…The Place and its People

The Old Sarum estate began its life in 2007 when the Section 106 document was written and soon afterwards building began. Built by Persimmon Homes the estate is divided into specific areas with ‘ trendy’ names but most people refer to it all as ‘Old Sarum’. This also encompasses the 180 established homes in the area. The estate, like all new housing has about 33% social or shared housing and the majority of other houses are owner bought and lived in, or rented. The military are large stakeholders with over 100 houses either owned or rented by them. This is likely to grow as soldiers return from Germany. The military are from a wide cross section of regiments.

The main focus for the estate initially was the 210 place primary school which is a Community school but with a Head teacher who is happy for a Christian to come in and offer a weekly Christian values based assembly.

In April 2015 a new Community Centre was opened and it now more of the focus for community events. There are two toddler groups, one on a Monday which is very much community led. A variety of dance and exercise classes happen there as well as Beavers and Cubs, a Wiltshire County Council Youth group and other community activities. The Community Café which started in June 2015, has been a real focus for meeting and is where the community police officer will pop in as will the Army Families Federation Officer.

A shop is currently being built and there are two more play areas to come, with a five a side football pitch and climbing wall. The second phase of building has yet to be started and this will be an exciting opportunity for mission.

The following elements make up Old Sarum  There currently 967 dwellings, with a further 673 to start in spring 2016, and further 470 awaiting planning permission. Total 2200 including establish homes.  County Primary School with a Second School planned for Long Hedge  Nursery School  Alabare Garden Centre  Light Airfield and Aircraft Museum  Army Reserve Base  Salisbury Football Ground  Mormon Church  Around 100 established businesses  A very large, 120 bed, care home The Work So far

Over the past five years the Rev Penny Joyce has worked part time as our Community Enabler in the Old Sarum area establishing many creative community and mission initiatives. Her appointment ends August 2016. Penny first established many community groups, a residents association and community news-sheet. She then established Christian ministry in the form of a monthly Messy Church, two home groups, an Alpha Course, as well as much one to one ministry. As a clergy person she has been a governor in the new school, conducting weekly collective worship and has been chaplain to the Army Reserve at their Old Sarum base.

We currently book the Community every Sunday afternoon. Once a month there is Messy Church and alternatively ‘Sundaes on Sunday’ and ‘Hot Chocolate and Cookies’, depending on the weather! The ‘Grand Easter Egg Hunt’ on Easter Sunday has been part of the DNA of the estate for 3 years now as have other key events. Christians from different churches who live on the estate have met once a term to talk about mission together.

This has been a very significant piece of work ‘breaking up the ground’ and building many contacts. The focus of the next stage will be to build on what God is already doing but with a new local Missional Community to model passionate and radical Christian love and living.

The Vision for a Missional Community.

There are number of St Francis families who have moved onto the estate in order to find larger houses at affordable prices. Their motives for relocation have not really been prompted by mission objectives but they are beginning to light up to the vision and have formed a home group and are serving in a number of ways on the estate. We anticipate that the provision of the house as a Missional Community Base with the right Missional Leaders will draw together this work and encourage those from other churches to be involved too.

The leaders of the Churches of Salisbury have grown together in a real sense of trust as we have worked together in mission. Over twenty years joint ministries have emerged under God’s leadership including a schools project called ‘The Bridge’, the Trussell Trust food bank charity (that has now spread across the nation), Street Pastors, CAP etc. As we have worked together we have begun to see ourselves more clearly as the Lord sees us – as His undivided church.

We want to grow a lightweight and agile missionary community of Christians who live on the estate from across the churches. It will be both deep and wide. It will be a community that connects deeply with God and each other in worship and prayer, and then sows widely in service, love and witness. It will be a community of action - disciples who make disciples. Its common life will focus around a community house, a common meal and a rule of life.

The Missional Community will deliberately not meet on a Sunday mornings but will join in worship with the existing churches. Community members will continue as members of their own local churches, and new Christian disciples will go with them to whatever Salisbury Church suits their needs.

As it won’t be a ‘church’ the new Missional Community will not be burdened with the heavy weight of expectations as to what a church ‘should provide’ (children’s work, youth work, women’s and men’s meetings, counselling, parenting, marriage preparation, baptisms) as this will be available via the Salisbury Churches. Differences of denomination and practise might be a discussion in individual churches but need not overly concern the Missional Community which will focus on the unity brought by a deep heart to connect with God and wide vision of mission to the community and making new disciples. The House

The has purchased a brand new five bedroomed house with large living room and connected dining room. Carpets are all provided (See Appendix A)

This is to be the base of our first Missional Community on the estate. Community life will be anchored by a weekly early evening meal at which singles, couples and families of all ages can eat together, worship together and build community life. It will be open to anyone who lives in Old Sarum and aim to include those with no faith as yet and those just beginning on the journey to faith.

The couple will occupy, rent free, three of the bedrooms with the use of two bathrooms and the other two rooms will be available for other community members who will share a third bathroom, with downstairs common areas being shared. Other community members might be interns from the scheme for people under 30 considering ordination. Alternatively other Christians selected by the couple to join the community may rent the rooms. The rent from the rooms will be administered by St Francis Church and used to support the mission to Old Sarum.

The house will be a base of hospitality, prayer and community for the Missional Community. Whilst open to anyone who lives on the estate there will be a rule of life for those who commit to its missional vision and the whole community will seek to serve the community and share the hope of Jesus Christ on the estate. We would expect the Missional Community to continue the work started with Messy Church families, the Parent Toddler Group, Café, and the Community News sheet and other ministries that have been begun as these are beginning to bear real fruit.

In time we would hope to establish other Community houses on the state and for this to be a model for other parts of Salisbury and further afield.

The Missional Leaders

Whether a couple, family or single person it will necessary to be able to ‘tent make’ and offer an energetic 20 hours a week minimum to the ministry in a sustainable way.

If a couple then it might be might be that just one of the couple may be the person working 20 hours a week or that the work is split between the two of you. However, if the two of you share a session that will be regarded as just one person ‘working’. To be clear we are looking for people who are passionate to give their lives to this community not just twenty hours a week and the boundaries of what is work and what is not will probably be blurred. The twenty hours a week is purely to set a minimum as the house is a major outlay and resource for which we need to be accountable to the Diocese. That said one, or both of you, will need to combine this with other work to ‘tent make’ and create an income.

The new Missional Leaders will be full members of St Francis Staff team and will be expected to attend the St Francis weekly staff meetings for support. They will be responsible to the Vicar of St Francis. The Missional Leaders will be expected to be members of St Francis Church and attend the 11am service each week although there will no official duties and these will not be considered paid hours.

The Missional Leader(s) will (for a couple these apply to both partners, and both will be interviewed)

. Be committed and passionate followers of Jesus Christ, showing

o secure biblical faith in accordance with the Evangelical Alliance statement of faith.

o spiritual maturity, self-awareness and a commitment to growth in Christ-like character.

o experience in the ministry and gifts of the Holy Spirit with an openness to different styles of worship and creative methods of prayer.

. Have a passion and vision for others to become committed disciples of Jesus Christ. They must, therefore, be able to;

o be ‘people-people’ and gatherers who can build community amongst others

o communicate and explain God’s word in a manner relevant to today’s culture

o be a positive role models

o mentor and disciple others

o set healthy boundaries in relationships.

The Missional Leader(s) will need to show (for a married couple not all gifts need be shown by both partners)

. Leadership qualities:

o organised and efficient

o collaborative leadership style

o ability to work under pressure and cope with the demands of multiple roles

o motivated and self-disciplined to improve performance

o able to recruit, train, inspire and lead others in mission

o able to communicate the good news appropriately to children and families

. Essential Qualifications and Skills:

o GCSE in English at C or above

o IT literate: fluent in word-processing, presentation programs, and social media

The Missional Leader(s) might be able to offer.

. Desirable qualifications/ skills:

o Qualifications, preferably at degree level, Theology, Biblical Studies, other relevant area

o Musical worship leading gifts

o Skills at cooking and entertaining large numbers of people

o Relevant experience

The Conditions of Service

 A minimum twenty hours a week in return for occupation of a five bedroomed house on the understanding that two of the bedrooms and one bathroom will be for other members of the community. The rest of the house will be shared though it will be for the couple to manage the community in a mature way. Half of the double garage space will be reserved for the storage for ministry items eg. Messy Church etc. The other garage will be for family use.

 The minimum twenty hours work may be split between the partners but in instances when you are together will count as only one of you working. Alternatively one member of the couple may fulfil all the hours. A time sheet will be required to record the hours worked.

 Responsible to the Vicar via a weekly staff meeting and monthly accountability meeting.

 Contracted to St Francis PCC.

 Length of contract: 5 years (with 6 month probationary period). The diocese have committed to fund the house for this period. The project will be reviewed at the end of the fourth year with a view to continuation if the community is flourishing.

 Start Date: 1st July 2016.

 14 days holiday (ie four weeks pro rata)

 The task requires flexibility in working including some evenings, occasional Saturdays and most Sunday mornings.

 An enhanced DBS disclosure will be required.

Application Process

 Please apply on our Application Form including a covering letter as described on the form.  Closing Date for Applications is Friday 6 May  Interviews will be on Saturday 21 May and Sunday 22 May.

Appendix A – the House

Ground Floor

Living room: 14' 8'' x 20' 4'' (4.48m x 6.20m) Dining room: 10' 8'' x 11' 2'' (3.25m x 3.40m) Kitchen: 14' 3'' x 11' 10'' (4.35m x 3.60m) Study: 10' 4'' x 10' 4'' (3.15m x 3.15m)

Bedrooms 3 and 4 plus the bathroom might be used by Interns or other community members. The Master and Bedrooms 2 and 5 with the two en-suite bathrooms would be available for the couple/family.

First Floor

Bedroom 1: 16' 5'' x 12' 11'' (5.00m x 3.93m) Bedroom 2: 11' 4'' x 19' 0'' (3.46m x 5.80m) Bedroom 3: 14' 8'' x 9' 3'' (4.48m x 2.83m) Bedroom 4: 11' 5'' x 10' 8'' (3.48m x 3.26m) Bedroom 5: 8' 6'' x 10' 2'' (2.58m x 3.09m)

Appendix B – The Community Centre

The Community Centre has a large hall seating around 80 – 100 people and a smaller hall that can also be divided into two smaller rooms. There is an excellent catering kitchen, a small office, and toilets. Outside there is a patio with sail type shade and a Car Park. Appendix C – St Francis Salisbury

Parish Profile (www.st-francischurch.org.uk)

St Francis is a growing evangelical charismatic church in North Salisbury. In the last ten years we have seen significant growth from a congregation of mainly older ladies to a thriving intergenerational church of 200 adults and 90 children and youth. In addition to St Francis there are three other areas of mission led by members of our team: St Lawrence Church in a nearby village, Awakenings 20s and 30s congregation and an outreach to the new Old Sarum housing estate.

Our Vision - to know Christ and to make him known.

In recent years we have seen many people discovering Jesus and being released into living new lives for him. It is this that fires and excites us. We use a ‘multiplex cinema’ approach to offer worship that connects culturally with different people groups to draw people into an encounter with Jesus. We then mix the generations as we learn and support one another in seeking home groups and courses, and as we reach out in service to our community. As we grow larger we are starting to develop mid-sized missional groups of about 25-35 people as the basis for our outreach and engagement in the community.

St Francis has long had a significant impact in the local community and many locals see it as their church, even if they don’t attend worship. A wide range of groups for every age and stage meet on site. We have excellent buildings with both the main church and associated rooms and the large hall complex being used throughout the week. In the hall we have a church sponsored preschool, and a large youth lounge facility with outside sports court. There is also a small hall and large church office shared by all the staff.

We are planning to go ahead with a large extension to the side of the church providing a coffee bar area and extra rooms for groups to use and this should be complete by Christmas 2016

Our Values

We aim to be...

Christ-centred: grounded in God’s Word and empowered by His Spirit. A place where hearts and minds are touched and challenged by the transforming presence of God.

A community of generous acceptance where barriers fall and unity is pursued.

A body: alive, vibrant and prayerful - not an institution, but a movement of radical love.

A people of action: where each person says ‘God can use me’ and where we live and serve 24/7 to proclaim the good news of God’s love.

Our Context

Salisbury is a lovely Cathedral City with a population of about 50,000. It is good for small, individual shops, as well as larger department stores. There is a swimming pool and leisure centre on the edge of our Parish. It is surrounded by beautiful countryside.

Churches in Salisbury work well together. There is good work amongst the homeless and those with learning difficulties, the Bridge Schools Project, the Trussell Trust Food Bank, Street Pastors, and churches are combined for joint events to serve the community. St Francis hosts a monthly ministers’ prayer meeting and is also the base for Salisbury New Wine network.

St Francis Parish is in the North of the city. The housing is mixed with bungalows, and three and four bed houses, mostly built in the 1930’s. There are also four roads of family council housing. There are 1,725 dwellings with about 6,300 people. There is a Co-op shop and Victoria Park which are both situated opposite the church.

In addition to this St Francis Parish is to incorporate Old Sarum, a new housing estate with around 1000 houses, already built, rising to 2,200 houses by 2020. Rev Penny Joyce a self-supporting pioneer minister on our staff has worked for the last five years building community and establishing Alpha, Home Groups and Messy Church in the new Community Centre. From July 2016 we will be establishing a house of Mission and Prayer on the estate led by lay Missional Leaders who will continue to develop the work that has been started.

St Lawrence Parish is in the attractive ribbon village of Stratford sub Castle. This has a thriving village life centred around the 13th Century church. (250 dwellings, 1000 people).

St Mark’s C of E Junior School and Wyndham Park Infant School are situated on the boundary with St Mark’s Parish. As such, both parishes provide foundation governors and lead collective worship. There is also a C of E controlled primary school in Stratford. South Wilts Girls Grammar School is in the Parish.

Recent History

2001 - I was appointed as Vicar of St Francis, and also of St Lawrence in the nearby village of Stratford. Both congregations were largely elderly though St Francis had a history as a family church. The brief for St Francis was to bring in young families and young people. The congregation were willing to pray and take some risks, though some were unprepared for the extent of change necessary!

2002 – We moved the 10.00am ‘hymns and robed choir worship’ to 9.30am to allow the planting of a new congregation meeting at 11.00am with contemporary music and New Wine style. We started with a handful of people and this grew slowly over the next few years.

2006 – The church building was very dilapidated so after some years of preparation we moved out of the church for six months to carry out a £450,000 refurbishment. Although not a wealthy congregation this was funded by congregational giving and greatly built our faith! A further 10% was raised and given away to build the first phase of a Christian Secondary School in Juba, South Sudan.

2007 - We appointed our first staff members; a part time secretary and half time family worker.

2008/9 - We launched a further congregation on Wednesday nights for those in their 20s and 30s

2011 – We appointed Rev Tessa Mann to work three days a week, to lead St Lawrence and the Rev Penny Joyce, a self supporting pioneer minister, to work on Old Sarum housing estate.

2012 – The remodelled and refurbished hall was opened.

2014 – We added a full time youth worker to the team

2016 – Diocese purchase a house to enable St Francis to appoint Missional Leaders.

2016/17 - Construction of £400,000 extension to the main church.


Vicar of St Francis and the Benefice Rev Vicar of St Lawrence Rev Tessa Mann - three days a week Old Sarum Community Ministers Interviews in May (20 hours a week) Full Time Youth Work Leader Dan Inglis Children’s Worker Katie Ollivierre - 20 Hours Worship Leader Dave Fordham – 10 hours Administrator Dave Fordham – 10 hours


A large shared staff office is located upstairs at the front of the Hall.

Activities at St Francis

Bible Teaching Home Groups Alpha Courses Marriage Courses Weekday Prayers and Monthly Midweek Holy Communion Awakenings 20’s and 30’s congregation Choir (9.30am) and Worship Band (11.00am) Youth Groups – Fuse AM, Fuse PM, Shak, Y@7, Our Club Soul Survivor Summer Festival New Wine Summer Festival Family Camping Weekend Ignite (Sunday School) Toddlers' Worship Teddy Bears Parent and Toddler Group Ladybirds Preschool Guides and Scouts Family Events School Assemblies and Schools work Sub Club after School Club at Stratford School Home and Hospital Visits Lay Pastoral Team Holy Communion services in four Care Homes Mothers' Union Strictly Come Ladies Monthly Men's Breakfast, regular Men’s events Women’s Days Flower Arrangers Flower, Produce and Craft Show Harvest Supper, Christmas Party, Social occasions Outreach at Old Sarum Mission Partners here and overseas Links with local churches in our Deanery and Churches Together in Salisbury Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals (with the pastoral care involved in these) Support for the homeless Weekly Sunday Link (notice sheet) Monthly Parish Link delivered free to all 1750 homes in the Parish Church website

The Vicar

I am 55 and have been ordained for 24 years. I am married to Lynn with two girls, Anna (27) and Jess (25). Lynn is Headteacher at Shrewton C of E Primary School. She is a member of the prayer ministry team and supports me in many things, as I support her.

Before ordination I was Chartered Building Surveyor working in London and then Leicester where I met Lynn and we got married. I trained for ordination for three years at Trinity Bristol and served my curacy at St Thomas Edinburgh, the large evangelical Anglican Church in the city at that time. I then went to plant a church on a new housing estate in Basingstoke starting by gathering a handful of people who moved in and worshipping initially in a community centre. After a while we built a Church School with church rooms and facilities attached. The church grew to 140 in the seven years that we were there. Lynn worked full time in the church and community during those years.