CBSC Decision 11/12-0380 CFNY-FM re the Dean Blundell Show (Females, Freezies & Halloween)

The Dean Blundell Show is CFNY-FM’s (102.1 The Edge, ) morning show, which airs weekdays from 5:30 to 10:00 am. It contains the usual songs, news, traffic and weather updates, and banter between the hosts, Dean Blundell, Todd Shapiro and Derek Welsman.

The following conversations occurred on October 11 and 12, 2011, respectively:

October 11, 2011, 7:00 am

Blundell: 102.1 The Edge. It’s, uh, Blink-182, “Up All Night”. Good morning. 7:09. We’re just watching, um, a new morning news, uh, thing on Global. [Shapiro chuckles] Mor-, it’s called The Morning Show. It’s like a morning TV news thing.

Shapiro: Shh. You’re not supposed to talk about the competition. [laughs]

Blundell: They’re not compe-, [laughs].

Welsman: It’s a great name.

Blundell: Yeah. The Morning Show. [affects exaggerated newscaster voice] “Good morning. There’s a lot of people on there that talk like this.” Anyway, um, there’s some hot chicks on it. Like, um, Liza Fromer who used to be on . She’s fairly hot.

Shapiro: Yeah.

Blundell: Great jugs.

Shapiro: Yeah, nice to see her back on TV.

Blundell: Two kids and she’s still got great jugs.

Shapiro: Yeah.

Blundell: And then, uh, some other chick who’s fairly hot in a blue blazer. And then that Daru Dhillon. She used to be on Sportsnet. What a body. Holy crap.

Shapiro: And don’t forget about . [all laugh]

Blundell: [in effeminate voice] “What an ass!” [all laugh]

Shapiro: He’s a super nice guy. Well, he’s just, I guess he’s just on right now to, uh –

Blundell: Yeah.

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Shapiro: To, to –

Blundell: To lend support. Moral support. To watch their morning show. But it’s good. Look at her jugs.

Shapiro: Yeah.

Blundell: Dude, Liza’s jugs haven’t skipped a beat since she, uh, [Shapiro chuckles] since she left Breakfast Television. It’s like six years ago, seven years ago. She left Breakfast Television to squeeze out a couple of kids. Apparently she’s married to a very nice man. Todd, you know him.

Shapiro: Yeah, a very nice, super, super good dude actually.

Blundell: Lucky guy because those jugs just keep goin’.

Shapiro: Yeah.

Blundell: Uh, the jugs don’t quit.

Shapiro: He is, he, he would probably agree he’s a very lucky man.

Blundell: Is he? Would he?

Shapiro: I’m, I’m sure he would. Well, his wife’s back at work.

Blundell: Yeah. [all laugh]

Welsman: Yeah, that’s right. Time for you to go make a buck, babe. [Shapiro laughs] Get back on it.

Blundell: But just great jugs. She’s aged a bit. [Shapiro snickers] Hey, it has been –

Shapiro: I know her. She’s so nice, man.

Blundell: Oh dude, she’s super nice. I, I, I, I don’t think I’ve, I think maybe I’ve met her once.

Shapiro: Oh, okay.

Blundell: ’Member and she was on my list of chicks that I’d like to do?

Shapiro: Yeah! She was, like, number two I think!

Blundell: She was number two on my list of chicks –

Shapiro: Oh yeah.

Blundell: It was a coffee table book I was going to put out called Chicks that Could Touch My Thing.

Shapiro: They were, like, news chicks.

Blundell: Yeah. 3

Shapiro: It was, like, local celebrities. That’s what it was.

Blundell: Yeah, yeah, it was chicks. Yeah, yeah. And Liza Fromer was like number two at the time. She’s down the list now. She’s top ten still, for sure.

Shapiro: Yeah.

Welsman: Who’s number one?

Blundell: On my list?

Welsman: Yeah.

Blundell: I’ve recently had to, uh, go, uh, would you like me to share it with you?

Shapiro: Yeah. [??]

Blundell: Okay, coming up next I’ll share with you my top ten list of chicks that could touch my thing.

Shapiro: Yeah.

Blundell: It’ll be a coffee table book before you know it. And, uh, what you do is, um, when you open, like, it’s a book that turns into, like on Seinfeld, you turn it into a coffee table.

Shapiro: Oh!

Blundell: It’s got legs and stuff.

Welsman: Nice.

Blundell: And then you open it up and in, you know what?

Welsman: It’s a pop-up?

Blundell: It’s a pop-up book.

Shapiro: Yeah?

Blundell: And each chick that can touch my thing is spread eagle.

Welsman: Awesome. Really?

Shapiro: And it has a little tab you can pull to make them move a little bit.

Blundell: Yeah. [all laugh]

Shapiro: I hope, I hope, I hope it doesn’t pop up too high ’cause we’re talking about females here. [all laugh]

Blundell: No, just the legs pop out like this.

Shapiro: Oh. Okay. 4

Welsman: Surprise!

Blundell: Spread eagle. Like they’re skiing.

Shapiro: What about boobies? ’Cause they’re like a V formation.

Blundell: They’re there, dude, they’re there.

Shapiro: Okay. Beautiful.

Welsman: With the set of whatever news show there in the background?

Blundell: Yeah.

Welsman: Oh, that’s nice.

Blundell: Chicks that Can Touch My Thing, comin’ up next.

Welsman: I love this show.

October 12, 2011, 7:00 am

Blundell is reading e-mails from listeners.

Blundell: This is from, uh, it doesn’t say. I think it’s, I think it’s a dude, though. [reads email] “I have a new move for you. It’s called the ‘freezie’. After you finish in a condom, take it off and get [trails off].” Oh, just like a Freezie.

Welsman: No way! No.

Shapiro: Is he talking about freezing it?

Blundell: No.

Welsman: No, he’s talking about [trails off].

Blundell: The way –

Shapiro: Ohhh!

Blundell: Yeah, yeah. [all laugh] The freezie.

Shapiro: Oh that’s pretty funny.

Blundell: I know. That’s awesome. I wish the guy left his name so I could give him full marks for it. But I can’t, it’s just an initial. And then a last name, but we can’t read last names –

Shapiro: No.

Blundell: – unless otherwise pre-consented. So, you know. 5

Welsman: Wow.

Blundell: Congratulations to whoever sent me the move about the freezie. That’s awesome.

Welsman: Freee-zie.

Blundell: Yeah, you take the safe after you’ve just made it busy. You take a previously-busy safe, if you know what I mean?

Shapiro: Yeah.

Blundell: Kids, ask your parents. And then you, you, like a Freezie.

Welsman: Yep. Run the old thumb in.

Blundell: Yep.

Welsman: Beautiful. What a great move, huh?

Shapiro: I don’t know.

Welsman: It’s a great move.

Blundell: Isn’t that awesome?

Shapiro: It’d be funny to watch. [laughter]

Welsman: [affects funny voice] You want a freezie? [laughter] Extra glazed. [all laugh] Have a freezie.

Blundell: That is a sweet move.

Welsman: [affects funny voice] They don’t sell that at the Freezie shop. [all laugh] Yeah. At all.

Blundell: It is a warm Freezie.

Shapiro: [disgusted] Oh, oh, oh. [Blundell laughs] It’s a Warmie. [all laugh]

October 12, 2011, 7:10 am

Blundell: 102.1 The Edge. It’s the Red Hot Chili Peppers and, uh, “The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie”. Good morning. 7:10. Uh, did you guys see these ads? I think they’re on some buses and some, about JesusWeen?

Welsman: What?

Blundell: We talked about it last week. JesusWeen. Have you seen it?

Welsman: No. 6

Blundell: JesusWeen. Bunch of religious freakos, uh, trying to overtake Halloween.

Welsman: No.

Blundell: So there’s, like, JesusWeen dot com. So –

Welsman: I almost just swore. I almost said “Are you f-ing kidding me?”.

Blundell: No. So what I did was, is I –

Welsman: Yeah?

Blundell: Uh, I went to the Google machine, googled “”. Here it is. [reads from website] It’s a non-profit organization known as JesusWin. “We are focused on helping people live better lives through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. JesusWeen is a God-given vision which was born as an answer to the cry of many every October 31st. The dictionary meaning of ‘ween’ is ‘to expect’, believe it or not? Therefore, we see October 31st as a day to expect a gift of salvation and re-think receiving Jesus.” So basically they’re just trying to take over Halloween.

Welsman: You know, --

Blundell: And call it JesusWeen. Because then, uh, the religious freak-jobs get their way.

Welsman: The day after Halloween is All Saints Day. They already have a day.

Blundell: Mm hm.

Shapiro: They want two days?!

Welsman: Leave Halloween alone.

Blundell: Sons, sons-of-bitches got Christmas and Easter too.

Welsman: Yeah.

Blundell: Don’t even get me started on those two.

Welsman: And we get that off.

Blundell: Yeah.

Shapiro: Are we allowed, are we allowed dressing up? Are we allowed dressing up on JesusWeen?

Blundell: As the Lord.

Shapiro: Yeah, is that what you do?

Welsman: Your favourite Bible character. 7

Blundell: I would get dressed up as the Lord five seconds before his crucifixion. That would be what I would do. I would get dressed up like that.

Welsman: Wow. That’s a lot of blood.

Blundell: Yeah, that is a lot of blood.

Shapiro: I got a bit of Jesus look goin’ on.

Blundell: Yeah, you do.

Shapiro: I’m good for that one.

Blundell: Yeah. You got the right nationality too.

Shapiro: Yeah, that’s right! [Blundell laughs] Be the king.

Blundell: JesusWeen.

Welsman: That is, people are –

Blundell: Listen to this. [affects effeminate voice] “Our mission is to ensure that JesusWeen becomes a global phenomenon.” First of all, the name’s very gay. “JesusWeen”? Any time that you say “Jesus” and “Ween”, I just think of –

Welsman: Breasts?

Shapiro: Penis. Yeah, it sounds like, no, it sounds like you’re talking about his thingie.

Blundell: Yeah, ’cause you call it a “wenis”, right?

Shapiro: Yeah.

Welsman: Right, right, right, right, right.

Blundell: “So, hey, uh, how’s Jesus’ ween?” “I don’t know. Ask Mary Magdalene.” [Welsman & Shapiro laugh] [Shapiro makes funny noises] “How’s Jesus’ ween?” “I don’t know. Ask one of the 12 disciples.”

Welsman & Shapiro: Oh! [laugh]

Blundell: [affects effeminate voice] “Probably Stephen.”

Welsman: Oh, ha. [laughs]

Blundell: [effeminate voice] “Might’ve been John. Because the rooster crowed three times, if you know what I’m saying.” [all laugh]

Shapiro: They were all together, yeah.

Blundell: [effeminate voice] “Cock-a-doodle-doo, Jesus’ ween.”

Shapiro: You thought that for a while. 8

Blundell: Yeah. Big time. [laughter] What a terrible name –

Welsman: “JesusWeen”.

Blundell: -- for a religious movement. “JesusWeen”.

Welsman: And they created a webs-,

Blundell: Yeah, there’s a whole website.

Welsman: Like, do people not have anything better to do in this world?

Blundell: Oh, there’s a whole explanation of JesusWeen here too. Hang on. Uh, put this in queue for me. Or put it on. Yeah, thanks, John.

[audio clip from JesusWeen website. Woman’s voice: It’s almost October 31st and many families are gearing up for Halloween. But this year a Christian group is encouraging many Christians to give out Bibles and Christian gifts in a friendly way.]

Blundell: You can’t eat a Bible!

Welsman: Yep. Bibles go great right through your window after you get one, though too, eh? [Blundell laughs] Just like eggs.

Blundell: Yeah, they do, they do.

Welsman: So do those apples.

Blundell: It’s not called “trick or prayer”.

[replays audio clip: It’s almost October 31st and many families are gearing up for Halloween. But this year a Christian group is encouraging many Christians to give out Bibles and Christian gifts – ]

Blundell: I’ll say this. This Jesus freak here, I’d knock the shorts off her. She’s pretty hot.

Shapiro: Is she really?

Blundell: Yeah.

[audio clip: – in a friendly way. They hope to have many churches and bookstores benefit, as people buy Christian items and hopefully the gifts will get – ]

Blundell: Oh, the Lord needs to profit. I forgot about that.

Welsman: Yeah, yeah.

Blundell: You gotta go buy some Bibles and Christian trinkets.

[audio clip: -- people interested in joining a church. Their spokesperson said they would love to see JesusWeen in various cities and towns. They also mention enjoying high traffic and good response on discussions on and their Facebook page.] 9

Blundell: It’s a –

Shapiro: Oh my god.

Blundell: Listening to the hots, hot chick say “JesusWeen” makes me laugh. [laughs]

Shapiro: I know.

Welsman: [affects effeminate accent] JesusWeen. JesusWeen

[audio clip: They would like you to talk to your pastors and friends about JesusWeen, an October 31st gift-giving festival.]

Blundell: Hey. The JesusWeen gift-giving.

Shapiro: Yeah. Yeah. You don’t wanna know about that.

Blundell: Yeah. [Blundell & Shapiro laugh]

Welsman: It’s so ridiculous.

Blundell: Maybe that’s what all those priests have been calling it for years.

Welsman: [laughs & affects funny voice] Oh, it’s the Jesus ween. JesusWeen.

Shapiro: It is a holiday, you know. We know who celebrates the holiday.

All: Yeaah.

Welsman: It’s very scary. [Shapiro makes strange laugh noise]

Blundell: JesusWeen. Let me tell you something right now. All you people who are, and this is it. You know, especially the born-again Christians ’cause, uh, I’ve got a brother who’s a reverend. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been to private Christian schools my whole life. My family loves the Lord, which is great and they need it. That’s awesome.

Welsman: Yeah.

Blundell: This is just absolutely nothing but awfulness. This is everything that’s awful about religion.

Welsman: I agree.

Blundell: Everything. And you know why? Because they’re tryin’ to get you to go buy stuff.

Welsman: I know! On a fun holiday!

Blundell: Yeah! Just want all the kids get dressed up like –

Welsman: Yeah!

Blundell: – some kind of little Planet of the Apes deal and he wants to go next door. And he – 10

Welsman: That’s all. Get some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. That’s all they want.

Blundell: That’s it. Caramel candy. They hate those things, dude. But I’m tellin’ you, that’s all this is. Is just, would you, would you stand in front of the candy store? Sugar Mountain? And pre-, and go, “Kids, don’t go in there! That candy’s not for the Lord! It’s for the devil. Gotta have some Lord candy.”

Welsman: Lord candy.

Blundell: I’ll tell you right now, the Lord candy that that person’s talking about is probably available in an altar and you can’t go in there with your parents ’cause [breathes in deeply & sort of whispers] you’ll tell. [chuckles] JesusWeen.

Welsman: The Christians are commercializing a holiday.

Blundell: Can you believe it?

Welsman: It just sounds so strange, though, still.

Shapiro: It does.

Blundell: JesusWeen?

Welsman: Yes.

Blundell: I just think of the Lord’s pecker. That’s all I think about.

Welsman: Stick to All Saint’s Day.

Blundell: Not even! Stick to Christmas.

Shapiro: Yeah, ’cause nobody knows what All Saint’s Day is.

Welsman: Yeah, but, I mean, if they’re, they have to pick a new one, just choose that one.

Blundell: Jesus’s birthday. Why don’t you celebrate that? Don’t try and screw up a candy holiday for the kids.

Shapiro: That’s a great holiday. Leave it alone!

Blundell: I’ll tell you this, you peckerheads!

Shapiro: Yeah?

Blundell: This is a true story too. It’s my favourite day with my kids. I can take all three of my kids and we walk around the block, like, four times. And we hit each house twice. And that’s what they like to do. And I have a great time doin’ it.

Shapiro: That’s fun.

Blundell: ’Cause I walk around with a spirit in my hand. 11

Shapiro: And I like to go clubbing on that night.

Blundell: And get dressed up like a French maid and take one from two dudes.

Shapiro: Yeah. You know, [Blundell laughs] it’s my excuse to be a slut like every other female. [all laugh]