Abbreviations and Acronyms
PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 14, 2019 21(1) ISLAMABAD, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2019 PART III Other Notifications, Orders, etc. ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN NOTIFICATION Islamabad, the 9th January, 2019 SUBJECT:—NOTIFICATION OF THE RETURNED CANDIDATES IN RESPECT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 8TH BYE- ELECTIONS IN KP PROVINCE No. F. 27(1)/2018-LGE-KPK(Vol-I).—In exercise of powers conferred upon it under Article 140A of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Section-86 of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local Government Act 2013, read with Rule-41 (4) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local Councils (Conduct of Elections) Rules, 2014, and all other Powers enabling it in that behalf, the Election Commission of Pakistan is pleased to notify hereunder, for information of general public, the names of returned candidates against the vacant seats in various Local Councils of KP Province elected in the Local Government 8th Bye-Election held on 23rd December, 2018 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province:— 21(1-15) Price: Rs. 20.00 [42(2019)/Ex. Gaz.] 21(2) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., JANUARY 14, 2019 [PART III Name of Father/Husband Category of S.No Returned Address Name Seat Candidate DISTRICT PESHAWAR Ward Sikandar Town (Town Council-I) Faqeer 1 Afzal Khan General Gulbahar No.03, Peshawar Muhammad Ward Asia (Town Council-I) Garhi Mir Ahmad Shah, Ramdas, 2 Shah Zeb Muhammad Hanif General Peshawar Ward Yakatoot-I (Town Council-I) Shehbaz Town, Wazir Bagh 3 Bakhtiar Ahmad Sahibzada General Road, Peshawar Ward Akhoonabad (Town Council-I) Haider
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