Katamari damacy emulator

Continue Players 1 Year 2003 File Size 817 MB PublisherNamcoSerial #SLUS-21008Graphic9.39Sound9.84Gameplay9.45Overall9.65 (31 votes) Damacy (USA).iso CRC e8ca0330More... MD5 f24b3834d17c837cb625ebdbfe4592 SHA1 e661900e37b23497c2444448484c53d0d56 9a362 Verified 2020-10-11 From PCSX2 Wiki Developer (s): Now ProductionPublisher (s): (JP, USA), Namco Bandai Games (JP), SCEA (USA)Genre: Action, AdventureWikipedia: WikipediaGame review links: IGN Review: 9.0/10, : 86/100Game description: When the king of the entire Cosmos accidentally destroys all the stars in the sky, he orders you, his pint- sized princely son, to put the flicker back in the heavens above. The only way to do that is to roll everything on Earth into lumps so that it can replace what's missing in space. Everything includes cookies, lawnmowers, lampposts, sumo wrestlers, bulldozers, brontosaurus, cruise ships and more. also includes two players fighting mode where you and a friend can see who can grow the biggest ball stuff. Katamari Damacy (Japanese: 塊魂 Katamari Damash, clump soul) is a third-person developed and published by Namco for the PlayStation 2 game console. The game was the result of a school project from Namco Digital Hollywood Game Laboratory and was developed for less than $1 million. In designing Katamari Damacy, the development team sought to preserve four key points: novelty, ease of understanding, enjoyment and humor. The sequel was released with the name on Playstation 2. The game's plot concerns a diminutive prince on a mission to restore stars, constellations and the moon, which were accidentally destroyed by his father, the king of the entire Cosmos. This is achieved by rolling a magical, high glue ball called katamari around various locations, collecting more and more objects ranging from thumbtacks to people in the mountains until the ball has grown big enough to become a star. The player controls the prince, the catamari around houses, gardens and cities, to meet certain parameters set by the King of Total Cosmos. The player uses two analog sticks on the DualShock controller in the same way as the classic Battlezone to control the direction of the catamari rolls. Other controls can be caused by the player to get a quick burst of speed, flip the prince to the other side of the katamari, and more. Test Configurations on Windows: Environment Configuration Comments TestEr Region OS Processor / GPU Review Graphics Sound / Pad NTSC-U ? Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz Geforce 8800 GTX or faster r1736 GSdx 10 r1650 SPU2-X 1.2.0 requires microVU for VU0 and VU1 to remove on-screen debris. The status of the flag hack should be DISABLED. EE 1.5x, INTC Sync, a simple fast-forward loop and one level vu cycle stealing all the work without problems. NTSC-U ? r3113 GSdx r3623 SPU2-X 1.4.0 r3628 LilyPad r2930 CKL NTSC-U ? Intel i5 2500K @3400Mhz GeForce GTX 460 SE 768MB r5423 GSdx r5412 SPU2-X v2.0.0 r5421 LilyPad v0.11.0 r5403 Not very resource-demanding game. Running smoothly, probably on smaller equipment too. The question described below is far from serious. Yuri NTSC-J Windows Intel Core2 Duo E8500 - 3.16Ghz Nvidia GTS 250 512MB 1.1.0 r5628 GSdx 5632 SSE41 SPU2-X 2.0 5559 LilyPad 0.11.0 5403 Still game... No need to patch anymore., Hardware mode does not display some words in speech bubbles and objects attached to the ball do not show ... NTSC-U Windows Intel Core i7 - 3.4Ghz Nvidia GTX 285 768MB 1.1.0 r5754 GSdx 5752 SSE41 SPU2-X 5733 2.0 LilyPad 5403 0.11.0 runs at a speed of 200%. NTSC-U Windows Intel Core i5 - 3.0Ghz Nvidia GeForce 210 512MB 1.2.1 (2-02-14) GSdx 5875 SPU2-X 5830 2.0.0 LilyPad 5822 0.11.0 EE/VU/VU/2/2 The game works correctly, some graphic errors I caught, but an improvement from 1.1., T.E., Graphic errors during Make Star 7, if you move quickly into the water, water texture glitch. It is possible only with water in general. NTSC-U Windows 7 64-bit Intel Core i3-4150 and 3.5Ghz AMD R9 280x 1.4.0 GSSdx MSVC 19.00 AVX SPU2-X 2.0.0 LilyPad 0.11.0 works well. D3D11 HW mode, 2x internal resolution. Very minor random visual glitches, otherwise very good. thejjmax NTSC-U Windows 10 Pro Intel I7 6700k 4.0Ghz Nvidia GTX 980 Ti 6048MB v1.5.0-dev-2645 GSdx MSVC 19.00 AVX2/AVX2, OpenGL (Software) SPU2-X 2.0.0 LilyPad 0.12.1 works at full speed without noticeable slowdowns. Sometimes graphic glitches appear in front of a camera that restricts your view. it happens in less than a second. When you break with katamari to switch direction, the game can repeat the screeching of the screeching of the scurs and sound effect used to the end of the level, it is also present with a splash of sound effect when entering the water. anchorsaway Testing Configurations on Linux: Environment Configuration Comments TestEr Region OS Processor / GPU Review Graphics Sound / Pad NTSC-U ? 1.3.0.r0 GSdx 0.1.16 SPU2-X 2.0.0 OnePad 1.1.0 Breed808 Trivia Original 굴려라 titles: 塊魂 (SLPS-25360 괴혼) 왕자님! (SCKA-20025) Wide-screen support with .pnatch file from PCSX2 forums or with PS2Wide.net. Search for CRC game. The famous music download logo issues continues to play on cutscene Status: Active Type: Minor Description: After downloading savefile buzz continues on the right side of the stereo mix after downloading cutscene. Bypass: Turn off the switch to 4:3 when playing FMV. Wrong Space Visualization Status: Active Type: Insignificant Description: During Dialogue and cutscenes in Space, background areas that should be black, not a bad layer. Bypass: No PCSX2 1.5.0 (r2155) in OpenGL mode providing PCSX2 1.5.0 (r2155) in OpenGL Software GFX Garbage in Look Status: Active Type: Insignificant description: On the screen, debris appears in some viewing angles during the Constellation View menu, and sometimes during normal gameplay. Detour: VU0/ VU1 Advanced recompiler round mode to positive. Lines on the border of 2D Objects Status: Active Type: A minor description: The outline of 2D objects are visible if you use the upscaling resolution in GSdx. As if they are poorly connected to a small gap. Bypass: Go to Config - Video (GS) - Plug-in Settings and choose Bilinear (forced sprite exclusion) in textural filtering or use native resolution to remove most lines (some lines are still visible in both workarournd). Software mode to remove everything. Music skips or slow Status: Active Type: Minor Description: In the game the music is very slow, or misses while playing. Bypass: Changing the sound sync mode on Async Mix mVU Flag Hack Status: Fixed Type: Serious Description: Katamari Damacy has a strange speed error when this speed hack is enabled. Bypass: Go to the system and turn on automatic gamefixes or don't allow mVU flag to crack into Speedhacks. Gallery Katamari Damacy (SLUS 21008) Katamari Damacy (SLUS 21008) (U) Katamari Damacy (SLPS 25360) (J) Katamari Damacy ROM Download for Playstation 2 (PS2). Katamari Damacy game is available for online play and download only on DownloadROMs. Katamari Damacy ROM to download Playstation 2 requires an emulator to play the game offline. This game is the English (USA) version and is the highest quality availble. ADVERTISEMENT ReviewIn this quirky Japanese game, you have to roll everything and everything in your way to recover space after the king of all cosmos destroys all the stars in the universe while on Bender. Shotoku Stakes this game: 5/5Start by rolling the dice, then you grow big enough to get pencils, then buckets, then cats, bike, schoolgirl, sumo wrestler, cars, houses, boats, skyscrapers, and finally entire islands. By the end of the final level, you're half a mile high, and stuck in the middle of the ocean, because there's nothing left to roll :p Kaitoyuuki stakes this game: 5/5If you don't yet know what this game is all about (seriously?), here's a short (?) description. The father of the stars got a little tipsy and went dancing in the sky, thus destroying most of the universe. You, the child of this irresponsible, lazy, and very demanding, have been accused of creating new planets and stars. How, you ask? With your own magical Katamari, of course! Using this sticky ball as a core, you have to run around and roll up everything you can to make your planet as much as possible, starting with rolling down little things like rocks and mushrooms, and eventually picking up entire buildings. Fun your rear off as you collect the strangest things you could ever think of! C stakes this game: 5/5It's always been one of the favorite games and I'm so excited to play it again with pcsx2. This is the game that got me into artistic games! Also, the soundtrack is just ridiculously good. Page 2 ISOs Sony Playstation 2 Step 1 (list of names starting with the chosen letter) (Total titles available: 4078)Want even more options? View by genre, rating and more with our advanced browser rom! .:P S2 ISO Recommendations:. :: Search Sony Playstation 2 ISOs:. To view PS2 IS Directors, scroll up and select a letter or select a genre view. If you're feeling adventurous, try the advanced rom browser. youtube.com/watch?...Page 2youtube.com/watch?... 2youtube.com/watch?... katamari damacy emulator online. ps2 emulator katamari damacy

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