It is the time to have some seasonal fun and our hard-working and talented Prenton Theatre Company students had the perfect solution - oh, yes they did!

Their production of ‘A Christmas Carol in Pantomime’ was the ideal tonic, transporting us to a fantasy land of song, dance and comedy. More photographs from the show on page 26.

Prenton High School for Girls | Hesketh Avenue | | Wirral | CH42 6RR Tel 0151 644 8113 | Fax 0151 643 9588 | Email [email protected] Web | Twitter @prentonhigh Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Ayling BA (Hons) NPQH Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Geraldine Fraser BEd (Hons) MSc Head Girl: Niah Harrop | Deputy Head Girls: Anya Headland and Megan McWha Assistant Head Girls: Vicky Davidson, Ellie Fraser and Melissa Howard PRENTON’S PASSION IMPRESSES OUR GUESTS

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Open Evening and Open Day this term. We always enjoy having visitors to our school and our staff and students are very proud to show our guests some of the wonderful things accomplished in our school.

There was a buzz of activity throughout the building and the many Subject Workshops proved to be a big draw – including a café in MFL, an American West murder mystery in History, Mala bead bracelet making in RE, a coding challenge and robotic arms in IT, dancing on custard in Physics, and ice cream making and forensic investigations conducted in Chemistry. Our English department took on a Charles Dickens theme, and there was a chance to make acrylic glasses using our 3D printer in Product Design. There were ‘You’ve been Framed’ cakes in Food Nutrition for visitors to enjoy and an introduction to violin playing and drumming in Music. Guests to the Drama Studio were treated to scenes from Cinderella and High School Musical and for those looking to a physically active future, cheerleading and gym activities were on display in the PE department.

In her speech in the Main Hall, Head Girl Niah outlined the passion that staff and students have in the school, and with over 800 students in the building at one time, we get the impression that Prenton is likely to be a popular choice for many!

Here are just a few of the many positive comments made by our visitors: “In particular, I enjoyed the welcoming “Nice class sizes, the best all-female school atmosphere and was impressed with how in Wirral.” approachable staff and students were.” “The school is positive, inclusive and “There is so much to do for my daughter progressive.” - I liked the fact that there are lots of extra- “There are excellent opportunities for my curricular activities to choose from.” daughter and an excellent curriculum.” “The school was bright, clean, and not too “We met happy, safe, aspirational children big.” who clearly enjoyed learning.” “The children were very polite and we “We were shown around by lovely, helpful, received warm welcomes in every room.” Year 7 students – all the girls did you proud!” “I would be happy for my daughter to come “Seems like an awesome school - thank to Prenton because of its good reputation you to all the staff and pupils for the many and outstanding results.” activities; a lot of effort went into making it a “You develop young leaders – there is a fantastic experience.” nurturing atmosphere and I feel my daughter “A very impressive evening!” ZRXOG¿WLQUHDOO\ZHOODQGEHKDSS\KHUH´ 2 Headlines The autumn term is not only the longest in the academic year but also an important time for our students. All of the hard work and preparations for a smooth transition for our new intake of Year 7 students is put into place, along with supporting existing students in their progression WKURXJKWKHVFKRROWRZDUGVWKH¿QDOJRDOVDQGFKDOOHQJHVRI

This term certainly started on a high note and our overall August GCSE results were once again impressive – matched with some remarkable individual achievements. Our students clearly coped well with the tougher exams in maths and English as their results in these subjects were above the National average. The challenge has been set for our current Year 11 students to raise the bar even further; already we have seen their commitment to their studies in the recent trial GCSE exams.

We welcomed a full intake of Year 7 students in September and I am delighted to say that our school has never been as full as it is now. Prenton is clearly a popular school within our local community, and I am most proud of our reputation for high quality teaching and learning, as well as being a school community that has high aspirations and provides a wide range of DGGLWLRQDORSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDOORIRXUVWXGHQWV2XUVWXGHQWVJURZLQFRQ¿GHQFHDVWKH\OHDUQ OHDYLQJXVLQ

This term we have seen new form representatives elected to leadership positions across the school, our student leaders, alongside our Student Senior Leadership Team, play an essential role in developing many aspects of the school, placing student voice at the heart of our community.

Over the summer, two of our students, Lily-May and Anna, had the wonderful experience of travelling to Japan to represent the UK in an international robotics competition. You will see DIXOOUHSRUWRIWKHLUWULSRQSDJHVDQGEXWWKLVZDVDVLJQL¿FDQWDFKLHYHPHQWIRURXU students, and we are all very proud of them. I sincerely thank all those sponsors - individuals and corporate - who made it possible for them to travel to Japan to compete and put Prenton on the world stage in robotics.

In this edition of High Life you will read about our Celebration and Award Evenings, the IDEXORXV¿UVWFRKRUWWRDFKLHYHWKH'XNHRI(GLQEXUJK%URQ]H$ZDUGWKHPDQ\WHDPDQG individual achievements and successes in sports and the arts as well as the many charities our students tirelessly support. Thank you to everyone for making this term so positive and for supporting our students on the way to so many wonderful achievements.

I wish staff, students and their families, and our neighbours, a happy and peaceful Christmas!


3 Congratulations to our GCSE students! There were lots of happy faces around in August when our ‘Year of 2017’ received their GCSE results. Congratulations to everyone who worked hard to gain so many wonderful grades and good luck for the future - well done, we are very proud of you!

Once again, our students celebrated another strong set of GCSE results with successes across the curriculum. Results in both English and maths were again above national averages when compared with all entries across the UK - with 66% of students achieving at least a grade 4 in English and maths.

Headteacher Mrs Lisa Ayling said on Results’ Day: “We are delighted with the results as a school and for our individual students. The results are once again a testament to our hard working and committed staff and students. We wish our students well as they embark upon their post-16 studies”.

We really encourage visits to our school and will be publishing our Spring Open Events in the New Year – keep an eye on our website: or twitter: @prentonhigh. Otherwise, simply contact the school and appropriate arrangements will be made to welcome you and show you around on a normal working day.

OUR NEW YEAR 7 STUDENTS GOOD RECEIVE A WARM WELCOME When the new academic year started, our new intake of Year 7 students quickly settled in – thanks to their new form tutors and NEWS! Peer Mentors. Student Senior Leadership team member Megan At the end of November, LVSLFWXUHGKHUHLQWURGXFLQJKHUVHOIWR0UV%XUQV¶IRUP we had a one-day short inspection from Ofsted. 7KHLU¿UVWGD\VDZWKHPPHHWLQJXSZLWKIULHQGVPDNLQJQHZ We are delighted to friends, and getting to know their way around their new school. have received their UHSRUWZKLFKFRQ¿UPV Welcome we continue to be a everyone, good school. Their we hope report has been shared you enjoy with parents and is your days at published both on our Prenton! website as well as Ofsted’s.

4 BECOMING NEW BUDDIES AT BUSHCRAFT For the fourth consecutive summer our 2017 Year 7 students ZHUHLQYLWHGWRMRLQXVRQWKH%XVKFUDIWUHVLGHQWLDOWULSWR Cholmondeley Castle, in July.

It was a wonderful opportunity for team-building and to make new friends, prior to starting in September. They enjoyed a number of outdoor adventures and activities – cooking on RSHQ¿UHVVOHHSLQJXQGHUFDQYDVEXLOGLQJVKHOWHUVDUFKHU\ orienteering and tree rope climbing. Cholmondeley offers a unique, safe, environment for the girls to learn new skills and to get to know each other whilst having lots of fun.

CELEBRATION EVENING BRINGS OUT THE PRIDE AT PRENTON It was an evening of celebration and an opportunity to take DIHZPRPHQWVWRUHÀHFWRQDOOWKHZRQGHUIXOTXDOLWLHV that our students have demonstrated over the past academic year. Our 104 prize winners had already shown determination and resilience and, in her introduction, Headteacher Mrs Ayling spoke of the pride we all share in their achievements. “You should feel good about what you have accomplished and enjoy the positive feelings these bring about”, she told a hall of students and their families brimming with pride.

Head Girl Niah, pictured here, endorsed the Headteacher’s message highlighting pride, along with passion, as the theme for her welcome address. Niah recognised that the awards in themselves were not what drew us here, but the pride the awards create – not just in the students, but also for their parents and the staff. These awards were the result of much hard work and effort and she encouraged students to continue to strive hard so that they can achieve ZKHUHWKH\ZDQWWREHLQOLIH%HIRUHWKHDZDUGVZHUH presented, we enjoyed listening to the Junior Choir, with lead singer Molly, singing their stirring version of the Fight Song.

Congratulations to Olivia and Lauren (pictured) and all our award winners for making it an evening of pride at Prenton!

5 The evening was a wonderful opportunity for An Awards’ Evening RXUVWXGHQWVSDVWDQGSUHVHQWWRUHÀHFWRQ WKHLUODVW¿YH\HDUVDW3UHQWRQ+LJK6FKRRO and to celebrate a wonderful spectrum of to Remember achievements and GCSE success.

We welcomed last summer’s leavers back Thanks to the School Choir and to our Year 11 into school, joined by our current Year 11 GCSE Music students students for our Annual Awards Evening. It for entertaining us, was with great delight that our invitation to be too. The pictures our guest speaker was accepted by former show: guest speaker student Helen Taylor. After leaving us in 2011, Helen Taylor, Mrs +HOHQVWXGLHGIRUKHU$OHYHOVDW%LUNHQKHDG Ayling with Emily Sixth Form College, going on to achieve a Owen, and Chelsea )LUVW&ODVV+RQRXUV'HJUHHLQ%LRFKHPLVWU\ Atkins with Ruby at the University of Liverpool. She is currently Clark studying for her PhD in Chemistry at the University of Manchester, working in antibiotic research and genetic engineering.

In Helen’s inspirational address, she told of her positive experiences whilst at Prenton and the enthusiastic support she had received from the staff, giving her a love for her subject DQGKHOSLQJWREXLOGXSKHUFRQ¿GHQFHWR progress.


Their presentation was a hands-on affair, with participants holding up red or green cards to indicate whether a series of statements were true or false. There were some good tips too on keeping happy – meditate or read a book before going to bed, have a bath with some relaxing music, play with the family cats, meet up and have lots of laughs with friends, walk WKHGRJDQG³,IHHOKDSS\ZKHQP\SKRQHGRHVQ¶WWDNHRYHUP\OLIH´$QGWKHLU¿QDOSLHFHRI advice? “Look after yourself as you would a best friend.” It was a great way to start the day 7R2 – well done and thank-you!

Gold ticket gives a great start to the day


Their hard work and effort over the last half-term gained them a gold ticket to breakfast with their year’s Progress Leader, Miss Roberts. A great way to start the last day before the half-term break! 6 ‘Thank You’ to our Work Experience Hosts!

The opportunity to gain valuable work experience is a wonderful way to be introduced to the world of work. This summer, our Year 10 students spent just over a week with a wide range of businesses – from smaller successful local enterprises to multi-national companies such as Unilever.

Ms Kelly, Student Leadership, thanks all those companies and MPLOY who made this year’s Work Experience possible and for their continued support – we received some wonderful feedback on our students. Newly appointed in July, Head Girl Niah is pictured here during her work experience at Unilever, .

Amy’s Dancing For Cinema Club –

Recognition it’s-Elf!

Our Cinema Club and Duke of Edinburgh Hot on the heels of winning the Jan Smith team of Kira, Lily, Georgia and Lucie have Award at the Louise Forster School of EHHQEXV\EULQJLQJLQVRPHSRSXODU¿OPVIRU Dance earlier this year, Year 9 student Amy students to see. With all funds contributing continues to impress. to the Duke of Edinburgh fundraising pot, ZKHQWKHVHDVRQDOO\VSRRN\¿OPµ&RUDOLQH¶ Amy, whose dedication to dance means she was screened, there were some appropriately trains for over nine hours each week, has scary refreshments provided to get everyone just gained two new awards for her trophy WKURXJKWKH¿OP cabinet. She represents her dance school in competitions held around the area and, As can be seen here, the team helped in the latest one, she has gained a trophy students feel ‘Christmassy’ at the end of recognising her individual dance skills and a November when they showed the 2003 medal for her team dance. $PHULFDQ&KULVWPDVIDQWDV\FRPHG\¿OPµ(OI¶ Congratulations, Amy!

7 OUR SCIENTISTS COURTNEY TEST THE ‘TUBE’! OVERCOMES Well done to Mr Hignett, Subject Leader Science, and teacher of Science Mr HER FEAR 0F3DUOLQZKRHDFK¿QLVKHGWKHWK /HDUQLQJWRKDYHFRQ¿GHQFHLQDQG DQQXDO%750HUVH\7XQQHO.UDFHRQ around areas of water is something worth WKH¿UVWZHHNHQGRI2FWREHU mastering, and one bad experience can take a long time to overcome. The race started in Liverpool with competitors running through the Kingsway Some years ago, someone thought it 7XQQHOHQGLQJDW1HZ%ULJKWRQ$OWKRXJK amusing to throw current Year 10 student not raising money this time, both our Courtney into the water at a water park UXQQHUVZHUHYHU\KDSS\WR¿QLVK±QH[W giving her a fear of water that has taken race possibly a marathon, gentlemen?! some courage to beat. It was with some trepidation that she accepted an invitation to join others from the Shaftesbury Youth Club on a trip along the canals of Cheshire. Mr Robinson However, Courtney had a strategy to help FRPEDWKHUIHDU±VKHWRRNDFDPHUD%\ rises to the keeping busy taking a portfolio of creative photographs during the trip, she not only challenge kept a record of the day for her and the group, but she soon realised that her fear of Many of us have one of those days with water had fast disappeared. its up and downs – but in Mr Robison’s case, it was literally more than most. Shortly afterwards, and safely back on dry land, Courtney was invited to deliver Taking part in the National Three a talk about her day on the barge at the Peaks Challenge our teacher of History one hundred and thirtieth Annual Meeting left the classroom behind him and of the Shaftesbury Youth Club in October. climbed the three highest mountains Courtney says that presenting to a full in Scotland, and Wales. The room of adults that included their President, total distance he covered was 26 miles, Chairman, Treasurer and CEO plus the climbing a total of 9,843 feet vertical Mayor, Cllr Ann McLachlan, helped to ascent – all within 24 hours. overcome another fear as Driving between each summit was well! equally as challenging as the climb XSWKHVXPPLWVRI%HQ1HYLV6FDIHOO Courtney has Pike and Snowdon and, as leader another trip of our Duke of Edinburgh scheme, on the water the pressure was on Mr Robinson to planned – don’t successfully demonstrate all his map- forget to take reading and compass skills. your camera again, Well done, sir! Courtney!


The prospect of troublesome elves was the last thing Catering Manager Jane and her staff need – especially with all those Christmas dinners in prospect - so she asked students to point them out to her staff whenever they see them.

It looks like Year 7 student Phoebe, pictured here, has spotted a couple of our little troublemakers.

Rhiannon becoming a A TIMELY Major Force in MESSAGE Majorettes FROM MISS Well done to Year 7 student Rhiannon, who in Mrs McGarry, Head of Learning Support, her spare time, represents the local Majorette recently spotted the school’s library troupe ‘Royal Onyx’. ¿FWLRQERRNµ6NLQ¶E\$GULHQQH9UHWWRV RQKHUERRNVKHOI%HIRUHUHWXUQLQJLW The skills of a Majorette are to perform a WRWKH/5%VKHUHDGWKHEOXUEZKLFK choreographed dance and movement, at gave her an overwhelming desire to the same time spinning and turning a baton read the book. – often seen with marching bands during parades. Rhiannon, who has been dancing 0UV0F*DUU\XVXDOO\IDYRXUVQRQ¿FWLRQ for ten years practises hard during the week books, so she was pleasantly surprised and, between April and September, enters WR¿QGWKDWVKHKDGUHDGµ6NLQ¶ZLWKLQ competitions with Royal Onyx, against hours and had thoroughly enjoyed it – other troupes around the North West and so much so that she emailed the author 1RUWK:DOHV&RPSHWLWLRQLV¿HUFHVRLW to tell her about her amazing writing and is a wonderful achievement for Rhiannon how she was touched by the story. that she has recently been awarded the Premier Dance Association’s Senior 2 Overall Imagine Mrs McGarry’s delight when Mascot shield author Adrienne responded with her ‘joy and received to know that it is still being read’ and D&HUWL¿FDWHRI that, until she had received the note, Achievement in she had been suffering from ‘writerly recognition of nerves’, so it had arrived at the perfect her skills – to moment! complement the medals she 8QWLO0V9UHWWRV¶QH[WERRNODQGVRQWKH already holds. VKHOYHVµ6NLQ¶E\$GULHQQH9UHWWRVLV Congratulations, DYDLODEOHLQWKH/5% Rhiannon! 9 Treats – and a PLANNING few tricks – in the FOR GCSE Dining Hall

Halloween can be a scary time for our

SUCCESS students, especially when entering the Dining

Hall at lunchtime. Good preparation and organisation is Thanks to our suitably costumed Chartwells vital to succeed in all that we do and, Dining Hall staff, we were treated to a few to help our Year 11 students and their ‘tricks’ - with witches, alien creatures and parents, Year 11 Progress Leader Mr ghosts setting the scene. Fortunately, the Tang and Mr Andrew Newton from treats on the menu outnumbered the tricks Leading Matters held an evening giving - with eyeball biscuits, Ghostbuster cakes, useful strategies for this important year FKRFRODWHEURRPVWLFNVVHYHUHG¿QJHUKRW ahead. dog rolls, and pumpkin burgers and cakes on offer. Thanks for getting us in the spirit of This was the fourth year of our Halloween! ‘Welcome to Year 11’ evening and Andrew’s wide experience in education meant that students and parents could EHQH¿WIURPKLVDGYLFHDQGWLSVIRU success.

The evening was full of advice about effective preparation for the forthcoming GCSE examinations and included practical revision techniques, memory training, and how to avoid stress.

Thank you Mr Tang and Mr Newton! Congratulations to all who exercised their right to vote. IS THEIR FUTURE HISTORY?

Thanks to organiser Ms Craven, twenty- ¿YH

They received lectures on ‘Slavery and Freedom’, ‘The Cold War’, ‘Imagining History: The Pentonville Five Strike Experience’, and ‘Making History’.



Hannah Williams Miss J Robertson, Subject Leader - PE left Prenton two Mr D Richardson, Teacher of Mathematics years ago and, Mrs A Shaw, Science Technician having gained Mr K Kaminski IT Technician her A Levels Governors Mr Chis Pierce and Mrs Paula Condliffe Hughes; and to Mr S Taylor DW%LUNHQKHDG Sixth Form /5% ZKRKDV¿QLVKHGKLVWHUPDV6WDII College, she Governor has started at the University CONGRATULATIONS TO: of Liverpool studying Tropical Mrs Sarah McCoy (nee Murphy) 'LVHDVH%LRORJ\ on her wedding Miss G Churton who gave birth to Not forgetting a baby girl, Sapphire our school ethos, Hannah is determined to use any spare time at Liverpool ‘to make a WELCOME TO: difference’. Miss N Gore, joining us in January as She is already involved with a Liverpool Subject Leader - PE charity, fundraising to tackle poverty and Miss E Jones joining us as Teacher of homelessness in the city. However, she is Mathematics soon to take on a much ‘higher’ challenge Mr C Hughes who has joined us as IT by signing up to climb Mount Kilimanjaro Technician next August. She will be raising funds for &KLOGUHDFK,QWHUQDWLRQDODQGVSHFL¿FDOO\ WELCOME BACK TO: generating money for a project in Tanzania that enables schools to grow Mrs A Winter, Mrs K Kenyon, Mrs grain and develop their own vegetable (%HJXP0UV6&ORVHDQG0LVV( gardens. The project ensures that Hockenhull, each back from their children can enjoy at least one hot meal a Maternity Leave day at school throughout the whole year.

Well done and good luck, Hannah! If you would like to sponsor her, the link to her page is: fundraisers/hannahwilliams3

11 Art Charity & Fundraising

Emma’s and Community inspiring Launching our new design School Charity In its natural habitat, WKHNLQJ¿VKHULV Thanks to our Deputy House Champions usually captured as a Laura, Olivia, Alicia, Gina, Rhiannon and ÀDVKRILULGHVFHQWEOXH Hannah, this year’s new charity has been – however we hope launched – The Cancer Charity. this one will be around for a bit longer! We welcomed Elspeth Wilson, Fundraising Thanks to last year’s Year 11 student Emma, Manager from the Clatterbridge charity, to KHU*&6(¿QDOH[DPSLHFHRIDNLQJ¿VKHU our assemblies when she outlined talk the was chosen for the front cover of this year’s different types of work that they do and student planner. Emma is photographed here the important support they provide to more with her complimentary copy of the planner - than 30,000 patients each year. She also thank you Emma for your inspired design. suggested some successful fundraising ideas and gave everyone an insight into the exciting developments that are happening with the charity over the next few years – including FOCUSSING ON A the new Liverpool hospital currently under construction and which should be ready in LIVERPOOL VIEW 2019. Good luck with the fundraising! Liverpool was clearly in the sights of our ten GCSE Photography students this term when they snapped the city’s many wonderful buildings and environment. We’re Wearing Pink!

7KHLU¿UVWYLVLWWRRNLQWKHFLW\FHQWUHDQG Our school’s dress code the waterfront that included the famous was slightly relaxed for Three Graces. On their second trip they our ‘Wear it Pink’ day took shots around the two cathedrals and organised by Teaching DORQJ%ROG6WUHHW Assistant, Mrs McCoy. Pink accessories could They looked at the different architectural be seen all around school styles, as well as what might be found on – as well as lots of cakes WKHVXUIDFHRIWKHEXLOGLQJVOLNHJUDI¿WL – raising over £400 for textures, reliefs and old posters. They are WKHFKDULW\%UHDVW&DQFHU putting together a range of images that Now! show the architectural diversity in Liverpool but also the condition of the buildings and Together with the ‘Wear it Pink’ event, a Staff WKHFLW\ODQGVFDSH%DFNLQVFKRROWKH\ZLOO %DNH2IIRUJDQLVHGE\WHDFKHURI0DWKV0UV be working on their photographic collages Johns, and a Year 9 Cake Sale also took using Photoshop software. place on the day. 12 IT’S OUR RACE Helping Lucy’s FOR LIFE Pineapple Fund

%HIRUHWKHKDOIWHUPEUHDNVWXGHQWVDQGVWDII When Form 7R1 Charity representative held a series of lunchtime running sessions. Ella-Louise heard about the courageous The aim was to complete as many laps EDWWOHWKDWDORFDOJLUO/XF\ZDV¿JKWLQJZLWK as possible of the Sports Hall or, weather Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), she permitting, the netball courts. Each lap raised persuaded her form to help Lucy’s Pineapple money for Cancer Research UK’s Race for Fund as their chosen charity cause. Life promotion. They organised a cake sale with a difference Well done to our Year 7s who collectively – baking a number of cakes for staff to taste ran the equivalent of 3.2 marathons – and to and giving them the opportunity to vote for Headteacher Mrs Ayling who also joined in which one they preferred. The money raised and completed 30 laps. Pictured here taking will go to helping Lucy receive alternate a quick break are Marita, Abbey, Leah, Tyler treatment as currently, treatment is limited on and Emillia. the NHS. There has been very little research into DIPG and therefore, comparatively little is Thanks to Miss Doyle and Miss Edwards from known about her type of cancer. our PE Department for organising this event which raised £46 for Cancer Research UK, a If you aren’t able to taste these wonderful charity that is close to many in our school. cakes, please help support Lucy by going onto her Just Giving page: lucy-pineapple

The page tells us that the fund is almost half-way to reaching its target and Lucy is currently in Mexico and responding well to their treatment programme. Well done to Ella- Louise and 7R1. Our very best wishes go to Lucy. TOILETRIES FOR TEENS AT CHRISTMAS

Students have been busy preparing Christmas boxes and hampers containing toiletries suitable for teenagers. The boxes containing such items as soap, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, wipes, body spray and skin cleanser will be given to teenagers in need in our local community through Response and Wirral Foodbank before Christmas.

Our students and Charity representatives thank everyone for their support and also send their appreciation to the Arriva Sports and Social Club who generously donated £100 to our project.


OutRight is a special SANTA-DASHER! campaign for schools across the UK, aimed Congratulations to Year 8 student Rhiannon at empowering and who entered Liverpool’s 14th annual Santa encouraging young Dash in early December. people to speak out about children’s rights It is the third year she has taken part and on World Children’s Day this year’s run has raised nearly £60 so (20 November). It’s a far for her chosen charity Phab, a charity campaign for children and that inspires and supports children, young young people, by children people and adults with and young people and together, we can help and without disabilities create a fairer and safer world for refugee to make more of life children. together.

The campaign is led in school by Mrs Major, Rhiannon is pictured Assistant SENCo, helped by her Year 9 here with her latest English students and all forms will be involved medal, along with in activities that will be held over a number of those she gained from ZHHNV7KH¿UVWDFWLYLW\ZDVWRUDLVHPRQH\ previous years. for UNICEF, so the group set up a ‘pop-up’ sweet sale at break-time – Amy is pictured Well done, Rhiannon! here ready for the rush! Looking to the Future IT’S PATHWAYS’ DAY FOR YEAR 11

We offer a huge ‘thank you’ to all the a Mock Interview with one of our experienced wonderful volunteers from local and volunteers. national businesses, industry, charities, and educational and support establishments, who Our students gave up their valuable time to help on our clearly Year 11 Post 16 Pathways’ day. impressed at least It is such an important time for our Year one of our 11 students, and this red letter day in the interviewers, calendar is designed to prepare them for as he later the decisions they are about to make in the told us: “I have conducted interviews at future. The day provided help and guidance Prenton for a number of years now, and this on: College Applications - as well as a chance group of students have without doubt been WRPHHWUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURP%LUNHQKHDGWK the best prepared I’ve met - and with so many Form College - Mindfulness and Coping with RXWVWDQGLQJDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVRQWKHLU&9V Stress, Selling Yourself to Future Employers, Apprenticeships, Job Market Information and Congratulations to you all!” 14 OPENING THE A PERFECT CV IS DOOR TO THE AIM APPRENTICESHIPS $&9 FXUULFXOXPYLWDH LVRQHRIWKHPRVW important documents we will ever compose The local Apprenticeship Hub aims to – it provides colleges and prospective increase the awareness, the number, and employers with an expected résumé of the quality of apprenticeships available achievement. To help our Year 8 and Year in the region. They support and co- 9 students plan and think about the time ordinate apprenticeship activities to make ZKHQWKH\QHHGWRZULWHWKHLU&9VVWDIIIURP apprenticeships work for businesses and Jobcentre Plus visited school. They provided young people. YDOXDEOHDGYLFHDERXW&9ZULWLQJFROOHJH applications, and the current local job market. Thanks to the Hub, who sponsored the event, we welcomed The Open Door Theatre :LWKSURYLGLQJFRQWHQWIRUVWXGHQW&9VLQ in Education to present a twenty-minute mind, taking up the challenges set by the performance entitled ‘Apprentice?’ highlighting Prenton Promise provide a great way to make WKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGEHQH¿WVWRWKRVH

OUR FUTURE Our Design Technology department regularly produces work that demonstrates the skills ‘Shaping Futures’ is an initiative from and the creativity of students across the Collaborative Partnership school. (MCOP) to encourage even higher numbers to university from around Merseyside. Since joining us in September, our Year 7 students have shown how quickly they have We are delighted that we have been selected DGDSWHGWRWKHZRUNRIFXWWLQJDQG¿OLQJE\ WREHRQHRIWKHVFKRROVLGHQWL¿HGE\0&23 producing a series of colourful giant tags. At to support the aspirations of our students. the end of last term Year 8 students made Thanks to Ms Craven, Year 10 Progress some retro-style clocks, and also rose to the Leader, a six-week programme of study challenge of designing and creating products skills and revision club has been launched to make the most of recycled items, such as IRUWZHQW\¿YHRIRXU

Following a number of weeks in a whirlwind of At the end of their sixteen-hour journey they planning and fundraising, Year 10 students Anna arrived at Nagoya airport in 45-degree heat and Lily-May headed to Japan for the World with humidity to match, and greeted by signs RoboCup Championships at the start of the welcoming them to the RoboCup World summer break. Championships. Although tired from their journey, they were re-energised by the prospect of taking 2QFHWKH\±DQGWKHLUURERW$ODQ±KDGTXDOL¿HG part in a major global competition through their to compete on the world stage in Nagoya, own skills in programming and robotics. An hour- the challenge to get them to Japan started in ORQJWUDLQMRXUQH\IROORZHGJLYLQJWKHJLUOVD¿UVW HDUQHVWDQGWKHLUUHTXHVWVIRU¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUW look at this amazingly different country – with gained momentum. Helped by publicity through its quirky tin-roofed houses, ornate temples and LQWHUYLHZVDW5DGLR&LW\DQGE\WKH%%&1RUWK ÀDVK\KRWHOVWKDWOLQHGWKHWUDFN$VL[PLQXWH West Tonight team coming into school, they were walk from the Sakae subway station to the hotel overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of became a 50-minute navigational challenge the school and staff, family and friends, and their for our intrepid team, but soon they were sponsors –, Wirral Chamber of HQMR\LQJWKHLU¿UVWPHDO±LQDIULHQGO\$XVWUDOLDQ Commerce, Arriva Sports and Social, Prenton restaurant! High School PTA and Urenco. After an early night, they acclimatised with a day Certainly, in the time leading up to our champions of sightseeing before the competition started. $QQDDQG/LO\0D\FDWFKLQJWKH¿UVWRIWKUHH 9LVLWVWR1DJR\D&DVWOHƿVX.DQQRQ7HPSOHDQG ORQJKDXOÀLJKWVWR-DSDQWKH\H[SHULHQFHGD the Port of Nagoya Aquarium (Japan’s version WDVWHRIOLIHLQWKHIDVWODQH%\ZLQQLQJWKH of SeaWorld) provided a wonderful insight into UK RoboCup Championships, they were following Japan’s culture. Even the rain did nothing to in the illustrious steps of seven previous Prenton dampen an epic day, rounded off with a burger in robotics teams. TGI Fridays.

Thanks to our Corporate Sponsors

16 Competition Setup day gave the girls a chance Competition. Egypt had the misfortune of their to familiarise themselves with the train journey to URERWEHLQJVHL]HGDQGGLVPDQWOHGE\RI¿FLDOV 3RUWPHVVHZKLFKIRUWKHQH[W¿YHGD\VZRXOG at Cairo Airport due to security concerns, so a become their routine. On checking-in at the minor miracle was required for our Superstars to venue, it quickly became apparent to Anna and reach the placings. Nevertheless, they all handled Lily-May that ‘Team Prenton’ was not just the the situation with a positive, co-operative, spirit, only all-female team, but also the smallest team working their way through the rounds with good in the world to qualify for the Junior Rescue Line heart and, at the end, generously celebrating the competition! Soon making friends with members success of the winning team. of other international teams, the girls quickly found their robotics ‘groove’ and, together with Against a backdrop of high-speed bullet trains and Alan, settled in really well. steam engines from years gone by, joining the closing party shared with hundreds of teenagers The venue, the size of two aircraft hangars from all over the world in the National Railway DQGDOZD\VDEX]]ZLWKDFWLYLW\ZDV¿OOHGZLWK Museum of Japan was a memorable experience - competitors working on their robots - built to play in spite of the choice of cold burgers and pasta in football, perform medical procedures, undertake a well-meant attempt at catering for the Western household tasks or merely to entertain. The visitors. After a morning of good-byes, the girls Rescue Line on which Anna and Lily-May were relaxed with an afternoon browsing designer ZRUNLQJFRPSOHWHO\¿OOHGWKH1DJR\D)XWVDO shops and shopping malls, taking in the fashions (mini-football) team stadium and once Alan’s of this wonderful country. setup was complete, another early morning start beckoned and the competition was ready to begin Parent Governor and mother to Anna, Mrs Sass, in earnest. who accompanied the girls, spoke of the deep impression that the Japanese had made upon 7KH¿UVWGD\VDZ$ODQDQGWKHJLUOVFRPSHWLQJ them, a community who clearly took their health ZHOO¿QLVKLQJLQWKHWRSRIWKHEHVWWHDPV7KH seriously and treat elders and children with love second day saw Prenton’s highest position - and respect. The team was met with kindness and reaching 13th in the world. At every step of the hospitality throughout the trip; a smile overcoming way, Lily and Anna’s sense of humour shone any language barrier. She was proud to through but, by now, Alan was not able to keep chaperone Anna and Lily-May, whom she praises up with the girls’ enthusiasm and was feeling as two wonderful, talented young women, on their the pressure, the humidity playing havoc with incredible journey, one that will be remembered his battery. That the courses were becoming with fondness, friendship and adventure. They more complicated than anything he had faced thank everyone who helped to make it happen. before added to the challenge! The individual competition was won at the end of day three by Well done ladies, you were a credit to Prenton a well-practiced Iranian team whose members, High School – and to the UK! at the age of 19, were the oldest and most H[SHULHQFHGLQWKHLU¿HOG

A random draw meant that our girls teamed up with Egypt and Slovenia for the ‘Superteam’

Prenton PTA 17 Food Technology

CHEFS PROVIDE SPICES ARE NICE A TASTE OF THE AT COOKING CLUB FUTURE Autumn is a wonderful season, especially because of all the Year 10 culinary stars nicely ripened fruit and Olivia and Ciara were vegetables on offer! our two entrants in the ‘Future Chef For many, autumn Competition’, that took means lots of apples – place in Liverpool in and that is where our December. creative cooks come in. With Cooking Club &LDUDLVVHHQKHUHZLWKMXGJH*DUHWK%LOOLQJWRQ RI¿FLDOO\RSHQIRUWKH - Head Chef at Everton Football Club – her new school year and winning menu means that she will go on to our need for some FRPSHWHLQWKH5HJLRQDO¿QDOVLQ)HEUXDU\ seasonally comforting She cooked Chicken Milanese served with food, our Cooking Club members have pasta, followed by pear poached in steeped teamed up a well-proven combination for their apple juice and cinnamon, served with a ¿UVWGLVK±KRPHJURZQDSSOHVDQGWKHH[RWLF home-made ginger biscuit and mascarpone spice, cinnamon. WRSSLQJ2OLYLDFUHDWHGDPRXWKZDWHULQJ¿VK pie – with haddock, salmon and prawns in a Year 8 student Grace is pictured here proudly roux sauce – with lemon tart for dessert. displaying her evening’s work!

We look forward to some more award winning recipes from you both!


The air was full of all those wonderful spicy aromas that say an extra special baking experience is taking place – preparing a Christmas cake!

As pictured here, our Cooking Club members have been busy stirring up a treat for their friends and families – it’s such a pity we cannot bring you those wonderful accompanying aromas!

18 Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh organiser in school, FIRST STEPS TO GOLD! Mr Robinson, says how proud he is of the students’ commitment in this achievement $WRXU¿UVW'XNHRI(GLQEXUJK$ZDUG and is looking forward to the next stage, for *UDGXDWLRQFHUHPRQ\RYHU%URQ]H them to gain the Silver Award. Awards were presented in front of an admiring audience of parents, carers and their families. Well done everyone, there could be Gold in the hills for you in the future! Joining Jo Roberts from the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme was James Sutton, Hollyoaks actor and supporter of outdoor pursuits, who presented the awards. He was impressed with the high ratio of students completing the course and with their positive attitudes. Their work in, and the giving they provided to, the community was both admirable and important.

English and LRB

The 2018 event has already received HAMPER GENERATES promises from authors Will Hill, Sarah $OH[DQGHU9LUJLQLD%HUJLQ$OLFH%URDGZD\ Simon Green and Non Pratt, recognising the A BOOK BUYING prestige and interest that our Paperback of the Year generates. Students across school BUZZ! will receive more details after half-term about Year 8 students Ellie and Lauren really reading groups and book availability. enjoyed last year’s Wirral Paperback of the Congratulations to Year 8 student Demi-Lee Year, organised by Prenton High School with ZKRZRQWKHUDIÀHDQGWR(OOLHDQG/DXUHQIRU other local secondary schools. their superb fundraising. Thank you, you have GH¿QLWHO\PDGHDGLIIHUHQFH When they heard that we were going to participate in the 2018 event, they wondered what they could do to support our involvement. As there are twelve books shortlisted and a number of copies of each book needed for our readers to judge, Ellie and Lauren set about raising money to help fund their purchase. With parents’ support, they arrived in school with a wonderful, sweet- packed, hamper that promptly started school EX]]LQJDVWKH\ZHQWDURXQGVHOOLQJUDIÀH tickets at every free moment. Their efforts will contribute an extra £110 to our book-buying power! 19 DERXWKHUMRXUQH\WREHFRPLQJDVXFFHVVIXO KATHRYN’S A DXWKRU´±

Do not be deceived by her appearance P.S. Following her visit, we received a note (she models her dress sense between book from Kathryn which we are keen to share: characters Mrs Pepperpot and Tess from Tess of the d’Urbervilles!) as Kathryn is a serious Hello! author and successful businesswoman. Her book ‘More of Me’ was shortlisted for Wirral I wanted to write and thank you for an secondary schools’ 2017 Wirral Paperback of ,1&5(',%/(GD\,IHOWXWWHUO\VSRLOHG the Year. in every way. Your girls are a delight – engaged and enthusiastic and bursting with Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students heard her imagination, it honestly was a joy to spend personal and inspirational story, learning how the day with you all. I will be writing a blog she overcame many obstacles and setbacks post and I’ll send you a link when it’s done in her early life, resiliently and tenaciously because it will feature evidence of how working to attain her goals. Her love of fabulous you all were. reading was an instrumental part in her success and students quickly learned that her With huge fondness which I hope you will enthusiasm for books was infectious. pass on to your wonderful pupils,

Afterwards, four writing competition winners Kathy x and six fund-raising bakers had lunch, provided by our Chartwells Dining Hall staff, Kathryn Evans with Kathryn before she was set to work Nominated for the 2017 Carnegie Medal VLJQLQJ¿IW\FRSLHVRIKHUODWHVWERRN :LQQHURIWKH6&%:,&U\VWDO.LWHDQG WKH(,%))LUVW%RRN$ZDUG Kathryn spent the afternoon session conducting a creative writing workshop with our Year 10 students.

Our thanks go to our ever-supportive PTA for being our main sponsors for the day helping to fund Katherine’s visit, Chartwells, and to Kathryn and Authors Abroad for giving us such an inspiring time.

Here are just a few of the things our students said following her visit:


20 CAKE SALE HELPS Blood Brothers 7KH/5%FRS\RI%ORRG%URWKHUVLVZHOO AUTHOR VISIT read and no wonder – as well as being a set English Literature text for our GSCE students, Thanks to the many wonderful bakers Willy Russell’s popular tale contains a who supported our cake sale to raise compelling cocktail of themes: class division, money towards bringing top children’s poverty, love, and tragedy. author Kathryn Evans to the school in Thanks to Year 8 Progress Leader and October. teacher of English, Mrs Robson, a group of Year 10 and 11 students headed to The Year 8 students Grace, Jessica, Faith, Storyhouse Theatre in Chester to see their Lauren and Ellie are pictured here ODWHVWSURGXFWLRQRI%ORRG%URWKHUV before the sale began GOVERNANCE Earlier this year, we held a parent governor election and were delighted to attract three new Parent Governors – Dr Jeremy Coen, Mrs Alison Sass and Ms Kerry Weston. All three bring a different skill set to the governing body. We are privileged to have such a highly capable and committed governing body!

Each of our Governors is also a link governor CANDLELIT CLASSROOM ZKHUHWKHLUVNLOOVDUHPDWFKHGWRDVSHFL¿F area within school. Link Governor roles are HELPS US GO GOTHIC either curriculum based where a Governor works closely, for example, with the Subject With the nights drawing in towards the dark Leaders for Maths, Science and English or winter solstice, many creative minds turn to student focused roles, where a Governor may darker matters. work closely with staff responsible for providing pastoral support to students. These ‘link’ So when Mrs Major’s Year 9 English students roles have enabled Governors to form close were asked to complete their own gothic short working relationships with school staff and gain VWRULHVIRUWKHLU¿QDODVVHVVPHQWVWKH\WXUQHG an in depth understanding of the roles and up for their lesson responsibilities within school and the provision WR¿QGDGDUNHQHG – both academic and pastoral - available to classroom with students. candles, a gothic visual on the wall The appointment of our three new Governors and some gothic follows the departure of two former parent music playing in the Governors, Chris Pierce and Paula Condliffe- background. Hughes together with staff Governor Steve Taylor. All three worked tirelessly as Governors Hopefully the mood and supported the school through periods of was set for some considerable change and challenge. We are extra-spectre work! grateful to them for their unwavering support and huge personal commitment. 21 Humanities GEOGRAPHERS STUDY GETTING TO LIVERPOOL KNOW THE How much do we know about one of the world’s great cities, situated right on our YORK OF YORE doorstep? As part of their GCSE Geography Founded by the ancient Romans, York is course, our Year 11 students headed for a fascinating city steeped in history and of Liverpool with the aim of improving their great interest to students as a site of religious understanding of this famous city. interest. Whilst there, they researched the historical Our Humanities department ran a joint GCSE DQGJHRJUDSKLFDOVLJQL¿FDQFHRI/LYHUSRRO History and Religious Education trip to York and found out more about the main for over thirty Year 10 students this term. opportunities that the city offers and the They toured the Minster, a 13th Century challenges the area faces. Gothic cathedral, viewing its main features and learning about its’ history and religious There was no VLJQL¿FDQFH time to stand still as they Taking the opportunity to dig deeper into visited the Pier York’s darker past, our intrepid students Head, Museum entered the York Dungeons where they had a of Liverpool, ‘hands-on’ and scary tour through the history the Albert and of crime and punishment of days gone by. King’s Docks, the city centre, Chinatown and St. George’s 7KHLUGD\¿QLVKHGZLWKDYLVLWWRWKH-RUYLN Mount - all in one day. Centre - named after the Norse name for York ±JRLQJHYHQIXUWKHUEDFNLQWLPHWRWKH9LNLQJ BROOK WORKSHOP $JHLQ%ULWDLQ INFORMS YEAR 11


Students joined one of seven workshops in rotation, taking a comprehensive look at different aspects of sexual health, gender issues, and mental well-being. There were opportunities to discuss how the law views sex and relationships, body image, and matters around pressure and consent.


Thanks to a PSRE LEARNING! home learning project based on the theme It’s a good time of year to be thinking “Where was God?”, of sunnier climes and, thanks to year our Year 9 students 7H1 students Isobel and Mia, we have demonstrated their been transported to Italy. compassion and creativity through their As part of their Humanities home art and, in one case, by baking a cake. learning, in which students were tasked with constructing a collage /XFLH¶VFDNHGHVLJQZDVLQÀXHQFHGE\WKH Jewish religion during the Holocaust, baked UHÀHFWLQJWKHPDQ\DVSHFWVRI,WDO\ZH FDQUHÀHFWIRUDPRPHQWRQ,WDOLDQOLIH XVLQJD-HZLVKUHFLSHXVLQJPDW]RÀRXU ancient and modern. Her yellow, red and pink icing represented symbols of Jews and other groups targeted by Thank you again Isobel and Mia for the Nazis. Lucie’s supporting work reminded brightening up our day! us that in April 1933 over 30,000 titles written by Jewish authors were burned and, in Latvia in 1941, Jews were forced into synagogues ZKLFKZHUHWKHQVHWRQ¿UH

On a lighter note, Lucie kindly donated her cake for our hard working staff to enjoy with RELIGIOUS their morning coffee. Thank you, Lucie. EDUCATION ART WITH SPIRIT AMBASSADORS The annual Spirited Arts competition is open to schools throughout the UK and it encourages APPOINTED students to incorporate art into Mrs Simpson, Teacher of PSRE and their RE lessons. Humanities has appointed six RE ambassadors for this academic year. We had some outstanding Meeting every Wednesday, our new team entries for the RI

Leading up to Remembrance Day Mr Major, Subject Leader - Humanities, delivered a series of morning assemblies to each year group.

6WXGHQWVZHUHLQYLWHGWRUHÀHFWRQWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIZK\ZH UHPHPEHUWKRVHZKRGLHG¿JKWLQJIRUWKHLUFRXQWU\DQGWKH SDUWLFXODUVLJQL¿FDQFHRIWKHSRSS\0U0DMRUUHDGRXWWKH moving poem written during World War I by Wilfred Owen ZKRZDVHGXFDWHGLQ%LUNHQKHDG ³'XOFHHW'HFRUXPHVW´³,WLVVZHHWDQG¿WWLQJWRGLHIRU your country.” We learned about the industrial scale of the slaughter in the First World War, providing a background to the meaning of the poem’s title. ICT & Computing

+LVOHFWXUHGH¿QHGF\EHUEXOO\LQJDQGDW E-SAFETY MUST ALWAYS what point our input becomes a matter of law-breaking. Students also looked at the COME FIRST differences between what is personal data and how we should behave on social media. Thanks to Mr Simon, Subject Leader - IT and His presentation is part of the school’s Computing, thirty-seven Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 continued commitment to safeguard all our students attended an E-Safety session in the students and to promote safe use of the Drama Studio at the end of November. internet and social media. MFL


24 Music and Drama Mind Matters SEPTEMBER START FOR YOUTH VOICE G.I.R.L.S PROJECT CONFERENCE ON A ten-week Self Development Programme started in September for eight of our Year MENTAL HEALTH 10 students, culminating with three of our students, Molly, Jess and Lani performing their Two Year 10 students Savanna and song at a red carpet event. Neve, along with one Year 9 student Lucy, DWWHQGHG:LUUDO¶V0HQWDO+HDOWK

Thanks to Mrs Jones, teacher of Music and Humanities, and Miss Dunbar, Student Services, for their support in this exciting project.


Once again the School Choir has been round and about in the run-up to Christmas, bringing their own brand of good cheer to the local community.

Shoppers in Liverpool One and the residents of the Park House Nursing Home and the Dundoran Care Home have been among those to enjoy our seasonal entertainment. 25 PTA


The PTA supports the school in many ways, and their members are enthusiastically ‘ever-present’ at our social events and functions. The substantial amount of money raised makes an important contribution in supporting and enhancing our students’ experiences whilst at Prenton. For example, this term they have been instrumental in helping to fund the visit of top author Katherine Evans – and funded these colourful aprons for our DT students.

7KH37$PHHWVHDFKWHUPLQWKHVFKRRO¶V/HDUQLQJ5HVRXUFH%DVHDWSPDQGQHZPHPEHUV and new ideas are always welcome. The meeting dates for the remainder of this academic year are:

Wednesday 17 January 2018 Wednesday 7 March 2018 Wednesday 25 April 2018 Wednesday 13 June 2018

Please come along and see how you can help us - we hope to see you at our next meeting! Pictures from ‘A Christmas Carol’ Thanks everyone for a wonderful show!

26 Prenton Parliament Prenton Daisies

PRENTON SEASON OF MISTS PARLIAMENT - AND GARDEN GETS DOWN TO SURPRISES Our Gardening club members were BUSINESS delighted to be back in the school garden on their return from the summer Our Prenton Parliament representatives break. worked their way through a packed agenda in their November lunchtime meeting, the With great anticipation they headed for second of the term. The sitting was again the vegetable area where there were a chaired by Grace and supported by her few surprises as much had grown over deputy, Imogen. the holidays! Year 9 student Mab is pictured here with the bed of carrots and The meeting prioritised the agenda items courgettes that she planted with fellow handed to Grace in previous weeks, gardener Emily, also in Year 9. They including suggestions regarding school produced a wonderful crop of vegetables uniform and agreeing, after consultation with between them. local homeless charities, that our seasonal fundraising this year will be to provide Christmas ‘toiletries for teens’ boxes. Welcome back to all our gardeners!

Students also had an opportunity to discuss various aspects of the Dining Hall provision with Mr Robbie Patton from Chartwell’s. Thanks go to Mr Patton for attending the meeting, and well done to all the form representatives who completed business in the allotted time!

7KDQNVWR%VWXGHQW(OOLHIRUWDNLQJWKH photograph during one of the debates.

27 Science and STEM

A BRIGHT FUTURE AT UNILEVER HEALTH SKILLS ‘All About STEM’ works on many exciting SHOW STEM projects and, thanks to them and teacher of Science Mr Morrish and Ms Our students have attended the .HOO\6WXGHQW/HDGHUVKLS¿YHRIRXU\HDU Liverpool City Region Health Skills VWXGHQWVKDYHEHHQDWWHQGLQJDµ%ULJKW Show at The Titanic Hotel, sponsored Futures’ course at Unilever. by The Apprenticeship Hub & Shaping Futures in partnership with Merseyside Kira, Eleanor, Natalia, Lucie and Abbie have Health Sector Career and Engagement joined up with teams from other schools on Hub. the project taking place over a number of months. Initially attending workshops and taking part in various activities that introduce them to the range of Unilever departments, they have been gaining an understanding of the variety of processes involved in the making of Unilever products. UNDERSTANDING

Following on, students have been set a THE QUALITIES project brief to create ideas that encourage young people to clean their teeth. Our team will present their work to Unilever OF CUSTARD staff at a judging and celebration event on site next year. They then have the October’s STEM club might also have option of entering their project work into been of interest to members of our WKH1DWLRQDO%LJ%DQJ

Mr Morrish, teacher of Science and STEM club organiser, reports a successful conclusion to proving Newton’s theory – but as soon as the students stopped running, the custard quickly gained its revenge!

28 lesson was space based, with an element of OFFICIALLY APPOINTED fun – talking about how astronauts’ nappies work, what would happen without a helmet in VSDFHDQGGHPRQVWUDWLQJ¿OPWXEURFNHWVDQG AMBASSADORS IN water rockets. Mr Morrish, Teacher of Science who led the project, was delighted with their SCIENCE SUHVHQWDWLRQDQGWKHFRQ¿GHQWZD\WKH\ answered the pupils’ questions. Following their training from the Institute of Physics at University of Liverpool in July, our Well done to everyone, we look forward to Year 10 Science Ambassadors of Chantelle, your next presentation! Libby, Laura, Georgia (pictured), Katie, Abbey, Lacey, Chantise, Jayne and Jadyn, and have received their IOP Science Ambassador badges.

7KHLUWUDLQLQJPHDQWWKDWWKH\TXDOL¿HG to present outreach sessions to younger pupils and they quickly jumped into action by conducting one of our Primary Liaison sessions at the end of the summer term. Their Student Services

Headspace and TEAM LAUNCH Self-Esteem ANTI-BULLYING WEEK workshops. Also included were an All Did you know that bullying is still a concern in Different, UK schools and that many days are missed All Equal nationally by students each year for fear of mementos sale, a cake sale, a poetry being bullied? competition, and a friendship wall. Here they posted notes on what they like about their Helping to highlight the unacceptability of friends and what makes them different. A EXOO\LQJRXURZQ6WXGHQW$QWL%XOO\LQJWHDP friendship workshop in which students created ODXQFKHG$QWL%XOO\LQJ:HHNKHUHLQVFKRRO their own cube, each side posed a question In a series of assemblies with a powerful that was intended to be a conversation starter. message, the team asked students to FHOHEUDWHRXUPDQ\GLIIHUHQFHVDQGWRUHÀHFW Sophie from the online anti-bullying site Kooth on how we treat others. They encouraged us DOVRMRLQHGXVDORQJZLWK.DWULQDIURP%URRN to be mindful how we speak to each other ZKRFRQGXFWHGDQ/*%7GURSLQDQG.D\WH and treat others - not just as individuals, but Walsh for a friendship workshop. also between friendship groups. Students pledged to treat each other with acceptance A busy week indeed – but remember anti- and kindness. bullying never stops! Thank you everyone for producing such a comprehensive and Supporting the work of the student Anti- important programme – together we aim to %XOO\LQJWHDPRXU6WXGHQW6HUYLFHVWHDPV beat the bullies. See #standuptobullying and put together a programme of help and advice #standupspeakout on twitter. sessions each lunchtime with Resilience, 29 REVISION MASTERCLASS PUTTING ANTI- FOR YEAR 11

BULLYING INTO What is the best way to remember that vital quotation in support of a GCSE English Literature question? VERSE The answer to this and many other questions &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRWKHWZHQW\¿YH was given at a revision strategy session ¿QDOLVWVLQRXU$QWL%XOO\LQJWKHPHG especially tailored for our Year 11 students. poetry competition organised by Thanks to Deputy Headteacher Mrs Fraser, 0UV/DUVHQ5HZDUGV %HKDYLRXU the double lesson was packed with tried and Manager. trusted ways to help students prepare for their imminent trial exams and GCSEs next year. Students and staff were invited to the With so many revision techniques on offer, /5%RQHOXQFKWLPHWRYRWHRQWKHLU there was bound to be one that works for you! favourite piece and the winner is soon to be announced on our website. As one student said afterwards: “The session was really interesting and gave me lots of great revision ideas. I know they will be very PROMOTING useful to me, thanks!” ANTI-BULLYING WITH POSTERS

Thanks to Mr Simon, Subject Leader - IT & Computing, our IT students used their software skills to create posters supporting the anti-bullying message. Well done to the WHQ¿QDOLVWVZKRKDGWKHLUSRVWHUVGLVSOD\HG LQWKH/5%)ROORZLQJDEDOORWWRGHFLGH OPEN FOR HEADSPACE everyone’s favourite, congratulations to HeadSpace is a weekly lunchtime group winner Chloe, pictured with second and third where students can talk about anything prize-winners Charlotte and Grace. that is on their mind. The group is facilitated by School Counsellor Michelle Higgins and Mrs McCoy our Learning Support Assistant, but the emphasis is on peer to peer support. Students listen to each other and offer support and advice on different issues. Michelle says: “It is lovely to see young people supporting other young people. Students who come along to this group show such maturity”.

The group is open to anyone in Years 8,9,10 and 11.


POWER 2XUWKDQNVJRWRWKHWHDPIURP0HUVH\%URRN who came into school as part of Sexual Health Awareness Week 2017. TO OUR They presented to a Year 11 assembly promoting healthy relationships and ran a session on resilience and life skills with a PARENTS group of Year 9 students.

%HLQJDSDUHQWZLOORIWHQWKURZXSDQ Their enthusiastic and topical approach unexpected challenge, raising issues that provided much useful information and helped not always have right and wrong answers, to bridge any gaps in knowledge and advice especially once children become teenagers! that students may have needed.

This is where our Student Services team felt they could help, so they a developed a short, informative, programme designed to JXLGHSDUHQWVWKURXJKWKHWHHQDJHµPLQH¿HOG¶ Parents were invited to join our team for an evening in which they looked at different aspects of teenage life today, providing them with a safe forum in which to discuss any concerns or worries.

The session took a close look at adolescence and the struggle our children face growing up. FREE TO MAKE A FUSS They also discussed the trauma of parenting a teen, the art of listening, and encouraged to FUSS (Free Uniform for Secondary be kind to themselves as parents. Schools) outlets supply FREE school uniform and PE kit without judgement It was a really positive night, and the of family circumstances – as well as IHHGEDFNZDVWKDWSDUHQWVUHDOO\EHQH¿WWHG UHGXFLQJWKHWH[WLOHODQG¿OO from getting to know one another and sharing experiences. We hope to be able to hold There are a number of FUSS hubs more of these workshops next year so please around Wirral but they have announced keep an eye on ParentMail and the website. that their permanent Shop-Hub is now RSHQDW%RURXJK3DYHPHQW7KH 3\UDPLGV%LUNHQKHDG RSSRVLWH/OR\GV %DQNDQG+RPH%DUJDLQV RQ7XHVGD\V Wednesdays and Fridays 10.30am to 1.00pm. The shop holds stocks for Primary and Secondary Schools in the %LUNHQKHDGDUHDIRUPRUHGHWDLOVVHH their website:

31 Student Leadership Sport Introducing our LEAH’S GREAT KICK-START! Student Senior After just six Leadership Team weeks of attending Kickboxing Led by Head Girl Niah, our new Student Senior sessions at the Leadership Team introduced themselves Welcome Centre in to students across the school in a series of %LUNHQKHDG/HDK year assemblies at the beginning of term. has landed herself Each member of the team also outlined their a red belt. individual roles and responsibilities, along with their hopes and ambitions for the coming year. Our Year 8 student is now looking Easily recognised around school by their white forward to the next VKLUWV 66/WHDPPHPEHU9LFN\LVSLFWXUHG stage in her chosen sport – going for yellow. here with some Year 7 students), the team are Well fought Leah! keen to be available should anyone need their help, stressing that all Prenton students should feel both safe and happy in school. LADIES NETBALL LEAGUE SUCCESS

It’s been a very encouraging - and active - start to the year for our netball team.

,QDGGLWLRQWRSOD\LQJ¿[WXUHVDJDLQVW other secondary schools, they play as PETIT DEJEUNER 3UHQWRQ*LUOVLQWKH%LUNHQKHDG/DGLHV RAISES PROM League. Their winter season opened with two emphatic wins - 29-4 against MONEY Zodiac and 19-7 against Dolly Gold. They are currently in fourth position, Year 11 students are saying ‘Merci having played 8 and winning 6. beaucoup’ to Mme Rochet, Subject Leader - MFL, as her French breakfast You can follow our success on the for staff raised £30 towards their Prom. leagues website Her breakfast included croissants, 9LHQQRLVHULHVDQGORWVRIFKRFRODWH making this breakfast treat in school a very popular event!


‘Restart a Heart Day’ is an annual initiative volunteers from the North West Ambulance aimed at training as many people as possible Service and Merseyside Fire Service, in CPR. students practised CPR training on our own mannequins and all attending the day 7KH5HVXVFLWDWLRQ&RXQFLO 8. %ULWLVK+HDUW UHFHLYHGFHUWL¿FDWHVIURPWKH%ULWLVK+HDUW )RXQGDWLRQ%ULWLVK5HG&URVV6W-RKQ Foundation. Our heart ‘restarters’ Emily and Ambulance and the North West Ambulance Aimee are photographed here practising their Service are working together to help train newly learned techniques. as many school children in the UK to know how to save a life – and that is where our PE Well done everyone – your new skills could department comes in. save a life!

We are one of only eleven schools across Merseyside taking part in this national campaign, aimed at increasing the chance of survival following an out of hospital cardiac arrest. Students have joined sessions in the Gym, with CPR training incorporated into timetabled PE lessons over the day.

Run by teacher of PE Miss Doyle, Mrs 6DQGHUVRQRXU+HDOWKDQG6DIHW\2I¿FHUDQG

Cerys is in Safe Hands

Don’t be fooled by the photograph – Amber really does have everything under control!

Thanks to Teacher of PE, Miss Doyle, our Year 8 students Amber and Cerys are each acting the parts of needing and providing life-saving help. Their training is part of a whole-school programme in which each Sports Council representative receives different life-saving skills each week. In turn, they then led a form-time session WHDFKLQJWKHLUSHHUVHPHUJHQF\¿UVWDLG skills - such as how to put someone in the recovery position and how to deliver cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). All in all, it looks like we’re in safe hands.

33 NEW GYMNASTICS TASMIN AND ANNIE COMPETITION ARE CHAMPIONS REALLY TAKES OFF! Congratulations to Year 8 student Tasmin For energetic students who are familiar with whose equestrian skills have been recognised a straddle jump, a full turn and a round off by her riding school recently. WXFNEDFNVRPHUVDXOWRXU¿UVWJ\PQDVWLFV competition has been for you! Tasmin is a member of Thanks to Miss Edwards, Teacher of PE, Foxes Horse lunchtime routines have changed from rolls Riding School in in the Dining Hall to forward rolls in the Ledsham where Gymnasium – and she has been impressed she teams up with with the number of keen gymnasts who have a horse called entered the PE department’s competition to Annie. Together see who is our school’s top performer. they competed in the Foxes Client As we can see here, Year 7 student Georgia’s Dressage league routine is so fast, the camera could not cope! as part of the Good luck, everyone. school’s Winter Championships, winning Tasmin the title of Junior Champion and a splendid trophy. Tasmin, who has been riding for three years, also received a rosette as the school’s Reserve Champion – well done, Tasmin and Annie!


Raising money does not get much tougher than this! In a highly competitive netball match, a OXQFKWLPHJDPHRIVWDIIYHUVXVVWDIIZDVD¿HUFHO\IRXJKWDIIDLU

Although spectators could see that not all rules of the game were being strictly adhered to in this match, it was certainly well supported vocally by students and our own cheerleaders, with lots of encouragement given to both sides. The game ended, diplomatically, in a draw with the eventual winners decided by a penalty shoot-out.

The aching muscles the following day were very much appreciated by our Year 11 students as the game, organised by Miss Doyle, Teacher of PE, raised £45 towards their Prom, to be held in the summer. 34 In the exciting atmosphere at the centre – personalised shirts for each participant, PRENTON a running commentary, stumps that lit up, and music after each over - they reached CRICKETERS WKHVHPL¿QDOVORVLQJDKDUGIRXJKWJDPH to Tunbridge Wells Grammar School who achieved 82 for 3 wickets in their seven overs. ARE AMONG THE Prenton’s reply was 54 for 2 in their innings.

Their achievement makes the Prenton team NATION’S ELITE! fourth-best Under 13 team in the country and the best comprehensive team in the whole of It has been a wonderful year for Prenton High England! School for Girls Under 13 cricket team. Congratulations to the team of: Freya 7KHLU¿UVWDFKLHYHPHQWZDVWREHFRPH:LUUDO (Captain), Jessica, Keira, Lillie, Grace, Cora, Under 13 champions, followed up by gaining Mollie May, Amy and Eloise - an amazing the Cheshire Under 13 champions title. This achievement! TXDOL¿HGWKHPWRFRPSHWHLQWKH1RUWKHUQ Finals in July, unfortunately called off due to rain.

However, luck was on their side as they ZHUHDZDUGHGTXDOL¿FDWLRQWRFRPSHWHLQWKH National Finals. Representing the North of England, they arrived at the England National Cricket Performance Centre at Loughborough along with teams from the Midlands, the South East of England and South West England. UNDER 15S JUST WE’VE HIT THEM TWO RUNS SHORT We hosted the U15 Wirral Indoor Cricket FOR SEVEN! Finals in November, losing out to Upton Hall by just two runs. Many congratulations to our Under 13 Cricket team of Eloise, Amy, Keira, Lillie, 8SWRQEDWWHG¿UVWDQGPDGHIRUIURP Caitlin, Gracie-Mae, Jess, Olivia, Jess their 10 overs, after some excellent bowling and Hollie. DQG¿HOGLQJE\RXUVLGH:HWKHQPDGH for six wickets in our 10 overs, just two runs Our side now joins an elite of Prenton VKRUW,QWKHH[FLWLQJ¿QDOHZHQHHGHG teams as we have now been U13 Indoor from the last ball to win – but we could only Wirral champions for seven consecutive manage 3. Well done to Jessica and Jess years – you’re a knock-out! who both retired on 20 not out.

Well played Freya, Cora, Jessica, Grace, Holly, Jess, Madaleine and Jess.

35 2018 DIARY Spring term 2018

Open Monday 8 January Close (to students) Friday 16 February Half term holiday Monday 19 – Friday 23 February INSET (Staff only) Monday 26 February School closes Thursday 29 March Good Friday Friday 30 March Spring holiday Monday 2 April – Friday 13 April

Summer term 2018

Open Monday 16 April Bank holiday Monday 7 May School closes Friday 25 May Half term holiday Monday 28 May – Friday 1 June Open Monday 4 June School closes Friday 20 July INSET (Staff only) Monday 23 July INSET (Staff only) Tuesday 24 July

Parents - please keep in touch via ParentMail, our website and twitter as some dates may change. | Twitter @prentonhigh