Working Toward the CURE

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Working Toward the CURE Your Local Connection SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 SentineNORTH BRUNSWICK • SOUTH BRUNSWICK l Working toward the CURE Sunita Chaudhary, of S.B., recognized for her work with underserved students BY SAM SLAUGHTER Staff Wrirrr South Brunswick resident has been honored for her work with under- Aserved and under-represented stu- dents. The Office for Diversity and Academic Success in the Sciences at Rutgers recog- nized Sunita Chaudhary, director of Re- search Education at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ), on Sept. 22 for her work with the Continuing Umbrella for Re- search Experience (CURE). "Honestly, I'm surprised," Chaudhary said. "If anyone should get the award, it is the students. I am deeply honored. ... My true reward is getting to see the success of the kids." Each year, Chaudhary mentors 12 new underserved high .school students and Rut- gers University undergraduates. The CURE program spans two years, and in that time the students attend course lectures on cancer biology and also conduct hands-on work in a laboratory setting with CINJ staff re- searchers. SCOTT FRIEDMAN "Most importantly this award is recog- Sarah Cariebach, 4, of South Brunswick, gets a plate spinning with the help of Lisa Appel during the Rejotee Jewish Musk: and Cutture nition of the effort that CINJ faculty men- Festival held at Woodlot Park in South Brunswick on Sunday. IMore photos, page 34. tors put into the research training of the CURE students," she .said. During the program, the students pro- duce a research paper as well as give a 20- N.B. receives award for energy efficiency minute presentation of a topic related to "This is emerging as a very important and the current billing cycle, meter by cancer biology. School district has saved almost $900,000 in costs in two years story in energy conservation in this dis- meter. Taken into account are changes in In 2002, Chaudhary applied for funding, trict." he said. "It's sigtiifvcant not only in weather, building square footage and and by 2003, the program had begun. Since BY JENNIFER AMATO the state of New Jersey but significant portable buildings, added or removed me- then nearly all of the graduates of the Staff Wriier across the country." chanical systems, new technology and the program have gone on to .schooling for Two years ago the district formed an as- length of billing cycles from month to medicine or other medical fields. 1 nergy Education presented the North Brunswick school district with an sociation with Energy Education, a man- month. "The National Institutes of Health >award for a successful energy-saving agement specialty company based in Texas. Within the district, Kuehner has said that started this project elsewhere and we saw E program that has led to environmental con- The company focuses on the behavioral as- heating, cooling, electric and gas costs total how we could also make a difference at our servation and energy savings over the past pects of energy education and conser\'ation about $3 million a year. institute," she said. two years. and evaluates existing equipment within the One important change within the district Before Chaudhary began work on the Ross Kelly, the regional president of the district's facilities. has been shutting off lights when a room is CURE program at 2003, she worked for eastern division of Energy Education, pre- In order to track the savings, the district empty. Another is opening shades to let in over a decadc in medicine in academia. .sented Superintendent of Schools Brian Zy- is using EnergyCAP. an independent third- light and warmth when the weather is cold, For the past seven years, though, chowski. energy specialist Ray Kuehner party software product in compliance with and shutting them to block out the cold or Chaudhary has dedicated her time and ef- and the Board of Education with a plaque the U.S. Department of Energy guidelines extreme summer heat. fort to the CURE program, helping the stu- during the Sept. 22 Board of Education for the International Performance Measure- Kuehner checks Uie buildings during the dents involved not only gain a knowledge meeting. He said the district has had a 20- ment and Verification Protocol. night and holidays, using laser technology of cancer biology, but also become more pcrcent utility reduction in the past two The evaluations are on consump- to check temperature and a HOBO data log- (Continued on page 30) years, totaling almost $900,000. tion comparisons between the base period (Continued on page SO) 2 SENTINEL NS SAVE LOCAUY WITH ONLINE COUPONS • VISIT September 23. 2010 w V tiom'. m f9 lUlllStCJ m iJiA^ll lie Hallow Both Locations! Our AnImaM ^ ted Haunte 9af. 8t 9un. 12-5 Halloween W^mes & Sc l^umes& INS, P fHWiPKINS, ^MPKINS! 8ai. & 9un. 12-5 PUMPKI Colts Neck Location! FALL i NURSERY-'SALE HOME t CAIDtN .npply). ('Some exclusi SHQWPIACE OPEN 7 DAYS Mon - Sat 8-7, Sun 8-6 RT. 9 N. RT. 34 N. FREEHOLD lOCA COLTS NECK ^ 732-462-2700 •iia Hi wwuf,hrockfarms,com NS 732-462-0900 [/J T 1 MILE NORTH OF RACEWAY MALL 1/4 MILE NO. OF RT 537 INTERSECTION ''' Not tesponslM'iMar lyiioqr^Mcal errors. We reserve the riglit to limit quantities. Sale ^ices ^^trve MliSi lQ(6/td kajItt t September 23, 2010 SAVE LOCALLY WITH ONLiME COUPOMS • VISIT NS SENTINEL 3 Beer fest Local brews featured at Beer on the Pier in Belmar. Page 19 What's happening Check out Just Go to find out what plays, events and conceits are taking place. PHOTOS BY JEFF GRANIT staff Page 38 Above: Muriel Celvanelll (l-r), Gilda Gildenberg and Milly Auerbach greet one another with a hug during the Rrst Ladies of Kendaii Park luncheon at Pierre's in South Brunswick on Sept. 23. The First Ladies is a group of women who were the first residents of the Kendall Park section of town over SO years ago. Below: Carol Schnltzler (l-r), Jeanne Reock, Sandra Behrend and Aura Star reminisce about old times during the luncheon. Defendant testifies Wonuin accused of The First Ladies of Kendall Park share years and years of friendship causing fatal crash denies BY SAM SLAUGHTER the women's explanations of how being intoxicated. Staff Writer > Page4 they came to Kendall Park. The f added together, there would similar set of stories was one of the have been well over 1,000 years impetuses for bringing the group of Iof combined friendship and women together originaUy. stories packed into Pierre's in South The first meeting of the First QUOTE Of THE WEEK Brunswick on Sept. 23. Ladies of Kendall Park occurred 15 Inside the dining room, the First years ago, when a reimion was or- "If you have one good friend in . ganized to bring as many of the life, ifs worth a million dollars. Ladies of Kendall Park, a group of This Is worth more than that.* women composed of some of the original residents back together as first residents of the area, met to possible. — Louise Notarianni enjoy good food and even better Since then, the First Ladies have Page 16 j memories. tried to meet at least once a year, As women streamed in, Arlyne though it doesn't always work out DeSena and Elena Stolzer, the that way. event organizers, greeted each and DeSena made sure to add a every person. caveat to the idea that the women Classified 45 "I haven't seen her in almost 30 are a unified group. Crossword 36 years" was a common remark. "It's not like we're an organiza- Editorials 8 As the women made their way housing, and we provided the "We saw an ad in The New- tion; we're just friends is all we are." she said. Entertainment 38 to the check-in table, street names babies and the mortgage pay- York Times and decided to move "We're a family." Stolzer said. Movie Review 37 were exchanged, provoking mental ments," DeSena joked. there," DeSena said. maps from years past. When many of the ladies moved Obituaries 25 The women came from all over, "We did, too. It's how a lot of us The event also gave First Ladies but many, DeSena pointed out. found out about Kendall Park." in decades ago. they only had them- Police Beat 35 a chance to meet other First Ladies. were from either New York or Stolzer said. selves. their husbands and one an- Real Estate 42 "I'm told we lived on the same Philadelphia. DeSena herself was "The GI Bill was made avail- other. Because other family SporU 41 blocks for years," one woman said, from Philadelphia and her husband able, and that was the only reason members were so far away, the First "and I've never met her." came from New York. we were able to buy a house. We Ladies instead became an entirely Many of the First Ladies moved "When it was time to buy a were able to buy a house for $40 new family. in right after Worid War II, when house, we thought we'd go down" Stolzer said. "TTie thing I think that made our V their husbands returned from the halfway," DeSena said. "I didn't put anything down. We community interesting was that on tiie web war toting their GI Bill of Rights By doing so, the families would didn't have any money," DeSena everybody came from someplace. along with them. A Greater Media Newspaper have a halfway point to meet for added.
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