St Mary’s Church, Buriton

Minutes of the Parochial Church Council Meeting on 18th March 2021 held on Zoom during Lockdown

We are here to worship God, welcome all, and grow together in faith and love.

Present: Revd Canon Judith Bee (JB), Revd Canon Will Hughes (WH), Win Normington (WN), Richard Marks (RM), Ian Johnston (IJ), Mary Owens (MO), Greg Ford (GF), Moya Cozens (MC), Alison Stevens (AS), Vanessa Dowse (VD), David Symmonds (DS), James Dryden (JD), Simon Nicholls (SN).

1. Welcome and Prayers (JB): Naomi Gordon-Smith taking these Minutes. Congratulations to Katy (PCC Secretary) and Heiko Schwarz on the birth of Josef. JB read from Psalm 138, followed by prayers.

2. Apologies: None

3. Approval of minutes of last meeting: a) RM prefers “No report” rather than “Nothing to add” wording. Action: PCC Secretary b) GF corrected “biogas will run out as demand for it rises” to “biogas supply is unlikely to keep up as demand for it rises” in Eco Church section. c) IJ clarified the “3 Options” in the Approval of Accounts section as follows:

1. Follow the original plan to stop paying the parish share in August and reassess the amount available at the end of the financial year, which turned out to be £4,280. Only donate this additional £4,280. 2. Donate the full outstanding parish share of approx. £12,404, the balance of £8,124 to come from reserves. 3. Donate the full parish share but split it: £4,280 from Unrestricted and £8,124 from reserves, the latter to be placed in a Restricted account for eventual payment once certain conditions were met.

Minutes approved by all and signed virtually by JB.

4. Matters Arising (WN):

TRIO (“The Responsibility is Ours”) campaign to be expanded into a Stewardship campaign, with a wider remit than just money. A Stewardship Group has been established, which will report back to PCC.

5. Safeguarding (MC):

“I will be 'attending' a virtual training on Safe Recruitment on March 31st which is to be delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team There have been no other safeguarding matters to report since the last PCC.”

JB thanked MC for keeping her finger on the pulse.

6. APCM Matters; Regularising PCC Elections (WN)

APCM to be Zoomed from church at 11.15am on Sunday 25th April. Arrangements will be made for those on Zoom to be able to speak to those in the church building. See written reports.

Motion proposed by WN; seconded by DS; All in favour: “The PCC has already decided that all elected members of the PCC can serve for a maximum of two terms of three years and must stand down for one year before being eligible for re-election. In respect of those members who were elected to the PCC before these rules came into force, the PCC agrees that they can, if they wish, stand again at the 2021 APCM and, if elected, can serve for a maximum of up to one further three-year term and must then stand down for one year before being eligible for re-election.”

This means that, excluding Churchwardens, Treasurer, Deanery Synod members and those in the middle of current three-year terms, all other PCC members must apply to be elected for one three-year term at the APCM this year and then have a one-year break. As it is important that the PCC does not lose too many members at once, some may prefer to stand down after one or two years. There is also currently a vacancy for a lay member on this PCC.

7. Ministry and Mission (JB)

Our church and community have been hit hard by several deaths, including those of John Hickman and David Hughes.

John Hickman’s funeral will be held at 10.30am on Monday 29th March. Buriton residents may like to stand outside their homes as the hearse passes. WN noted how welcome John had felt at St Mary’s.

David Hughes’ funeral will be held at 3.30pm on Thursday 25th March. The Bell Ringers will form a Guard of Honour. (The church is closed for private prayer on funeral days.) Graham Cane and his son Harry have taken on the Tower Captain duties, and Matt M. winds the clock. Health & Safety and Lone Worker policies should be sent to all involved. Action: MC and WN

On Tuesday 23rd March, there will be a time of prayer and a bell will be tolled for one minute at 12noon to remember those lost to Coronavirus.

The list of weddings changes as restrictions are imposed or lifted. We currently have 8 booked for 2021.

Now that children have returned to school, JB can stand at the gate but cannot go in without being tested.

Three Family Teatime Services in a row have been cancelled, but there will be one in May. There will be activities for children at Easter and during Holy Week. Action: JB and Charlotte Dryden

People are beginning to return to services in church. As we come out of Lockdown, this needs to be encouraged and any proactive ideas are welcome.

8. Fabric Report (RM)

Seward Room boiler A secondary circuit board has been fitted and the boiler is working normally.

BT telephone line A faculty application has been submitted to the DAC. We should have an answer by the meeting. One quote has been received from R R Kinch in to dig a trench across the car park, under the churchyard wall, through the churchyard to the choir vestry wall. The cost is £5,670 plus VAT.

2 GF asked whether a 3-phase electricity supply for an air source heat pump could be put in the same trench. Action: RM to email David Cain at the DAC Cart Shed/ Haven barn The property remains on the market at £575,000. The roof has been temporarily repaired by Tony Taylor following representations to the heritage officer about its poor condition.

Eco Church - Churchyard This sub group is looking at ways to be more environmentally friendly. We consider that instead of mowing the churchyard on a regular basis the grass should be left to grow to encourage wild flowers, insects and birds. It is proposed that ‘pathways’ are cut around the churchyard to allow access to graves and headstones. The grass immediately around the west entrance and to the south door will be cut regularly. The other grass will be strimmed probably in late June and then cut on a more regular basis until autumn. The South Lane cemetery grass will be cut by the Community payback team or by St Mary’s volunteers depending on the relaxation of restrictions.

Honey Bees in S W corner of tower and junction of the south roof We will monitor activity over the next few months to decide what action to take in consultation with the architect and local beekeepers.

Quinquennial This is due during 2021. HMDW now called Hanslip & Co will arrange a date for a survey during the year.

9. Finance Report (IJ)

See written reports.

The three conditions for paying the balance of last year’s parish share are: 1. The provision of a satisfactory diocesan budget 2. The reinstatement of the Deanery Finance Committee 3. The launching of a TRIO campaign in the parish

Progress so far: 1. We await a new diocesan budget which takes account of the planned changes. 2. This committee had a substantial meeting which is encouraging. 3. Stewardship group has been established to get the parish on a better financial footing.

The Churchwardens have had an acknowledgement that their letter to Victoria James about our parish share agreement has been received. They are sad that their request for a timetable has not been answered. Given the current pandemic, WH urged the PCC to reconsider their decision and pay outstanding share.

We are up-to-date with this year’s parish share, having made a voluntary donation of £3,000. We expect to receive fees from funerals and more weddings this year. We are able to put more money from the bank into investments, although this could also be seen as an opportunity for mission spending.

10. Other Reports: a) Eco Church Group (GF)

See written reports.

3 1. Diocese level: Rachel Houlberg is our contact for environmental issues, including the survey. Quinquennials will have a sustainability section. Faculties will be granted to meet 2030 target.

2. Mowing: The objective is to create a churchyard mowing schedule which produces tidy amenity areas and also biodiversity and habitat for wild flowers and insects. We already allow snowdrops and primroses to flourish before cutting the grass in that part of the churchyard. Peter Nixon is on board with this idea; the rest of the mowing team should be consulted after some research. Action RM

Resources include:, Kathy Stearne, Environmental co-ordinator for Lee Abbey, Devon Blackmoor and ’s positive experiences (Brading Church uses sheep)

South Lane Cemetery will continue to be cut as usual by Community Payback Team when restrictions are lifted. Many thanks to Peter, Bob and Richard for doing this work last year.

3. Low Carbon Heating: The current boiler could be replaced with a hybrid or an air source heat pump. Bertie, from a commercial installation company, has agreed to meet RM at the church to do a free informal technical assessment. Non-commercial diocesan assessment is available through Rachel. Nick Tolliday may have a phone conversation with Fran from who has an air source heat pump.

Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund, which is available for schools, does not apply to churches yet. Other grants may be applied for to cover capital costs (including 3-phase electricity supply) and running costs. b) Resources Group

No report. c) Communications Group

No report. d) Worship Group (JB)

See written reports. e) Outward Giving Group

No report.

11. Reports from other bodies a) PACT (VD)

See written reports. b) Deanery and Diocesan Synod (JB)

The weekly Portsmouth Diocese eBulletin is available to the PCC and can be forwarded to other interested people. The latest edition contains articles on “Restructuring central team of diocesan staff” and “Progress in appointment of new Bishop”. The primary driver for the new diocesan plan is 4 “mission-focussed – finance real”, and changes the way we work as church. Various members of the PCC expressed their frustration that central costs seemed to remain the same or increase, while deaneries were expected to lose stipendiary priests to cover an unexpected shortfall in 2019 (before Covid), without sufficient consultation. It was felt that reducing frontline clergy, even though the population is increasing, would result in falling congregation numbers. Sharing of expertise between parishes is a good idea, but so far the diocese has not taken up our offer to be part of the solution. The PCC was asked to suggest proactive ways for more people to be involved in ministry (eg. training as a Reader/ Lay Pastoral Assistant/ Children’s Worker).

WH took part in the discussion as the Rector of St Mary’s - he offered to have a separate talk in his role as Archdeacon with IJ. RM suggested that Portsmouth cannot be the only diocese in with this problem. c) IDWAL (MO)

See written reports.

The Bishop of Dunkwa has been working out how to use WhatsApp and has talked to Mary. He is busy visiting schools, taking masks and gloves. There may be photos for the next PCC meeting.

12. Correspondence: None received.

13. AOB: Gift from Revd Doug Banyard

This is to be used for a Readings Board in church and a shorter purple chasuble.

Meeting closed with “The Grace” at 8.52pm.

APCM: 25th April PCC 2021: 20th May, 15th July, 16th September, 18th November. PCC 2022: 20th January, 17th March

Minutes of the extension to 18th March PCC Meeting held on 26th March 2021on Zoom during Lockdown

Present: Revd Canon Judith Bee (JB), Win Normington (WN), Richard Marks (RM), Greg Ford (GF), Moya Cozens (MC), Alison Stevens (AS), Vanessa Dowse (VD), David Symmonds (DS), Simon Nicholls (SN). Apologies: James Dryden (JD)

Nine members met on Zoom to complete one item of unfinished business as follows:


The PCC agrees to the following works for a faculty application:

1. A trench to be dug from the churchyard wall to house a BT cable to terminate on the wall of the choir vestry.

Cabling will be run from the choir vestry into the bell ringing chamber.

2. To plant a rooted nordic fir Christmas tree in the churchyard to the left of the west entrance.

5 3. To install and secure a 3 seater wooden bench on the south side of the South Lane burial ground.

Proposed RM, seconded WN; all in favour.


6. PCC Terms of Office (WN)

Background Some time ago, the PCC agreed that, in the interests of good governance, there would be defined terms of office for new PCC members. This means that all PCC members elected since then can serve a maximum of two terms of three years and must stand down for one year before being eligible for re-election. The result is that we now have two categories of PCC members: one group is subject to the new rules; and the other group have no limits set on the time they can serve. The Standing Committee has considered this and believes it is both inequitable and poor governance to have these two different sets of rules.

Recommendation To regularise the situation, the Standing Committee therefore recommends the following motion:

“The PCC has already decided that all elected members of the PCC can serve for a maximum of two terms of three years and must stand down for one year before being eligible for re-election. In respect of those members who were elected to the PCC before these rules came into force, the PCC agrees that they can, if they wish, stand again at the 2021 APCM and, if elected, can serve for a maximum of up to one further three year term and must then stand down for one year before being eligible for re-election.”

The PCC will wish to note that the ex officio members of a PCC are the licensed clergy in the benefice and the two Churchwardens. Buriton PCC has previously added the Treasurer to this ex officio list.

9. Finance report: February 2021 (IJ) Unrestricted The first two months of a year are not a very firm basis on which to judge matters. That said, On receipts: All Collections, including the new classifications of Replacement Donations, are holding up reasonably well. Jan, Feb 2018 2019 2020 2021 £4,510 £4,219 £4,173 £3,988

PGS and tax claims have slightly less than halved since last year but this has been balanced to some extent by other contributions. The profile of these donors remains a concern: even after last year’s turmoil, 72% of the PCC’s receipts from planned giving comes from 6 families and Park School. The primary financial ambition of the intended TRIO campaign should be to spread this load far more widely. It is too early to judge the other major contributors – fund raising generally and occasional services – but the indications are reasonably good for both. £575 of dividends have been received from the Endowment and Designated investments. On payments, which continue to be minimised: Parish Share, Diocesan Fees and utilities make up 90% of the PCC’s payments in the first two months. The next largest is honoraria, much of which is being donated. Restricted

7 The PCC is providing the Buriton Village Design Statement group with a temporary haven for its funds (£1,943) while it finds another bank following the closure at short notice of its Nationwide account, a fate suffered by many other similar organisations. The Barclays current account has been dormant for some years and is in the process of being closed.

Designated Nothing to report.

Parish Share The PCC has agreed to continue last year’s policy regarding parish share donations: to donate in full up to the time when the year-end forecast is for a break-even; then to stop; and to reassess its financial position at the end of the year. The PCC retained £8,124 of last year’s parish share, taken from its reserves in its Designated Fund, in a Restricted account against three criteria: the provision of a satisfactory diocesan budget, the reinstatement of the Deanery Finance Committee, and the launching of a TRIO campaign in the parish. The first of these will be the result of the diocesan reorganisation presently taking place: there is little sign of it being acceptable. The Deanery Finance Committee has had its first meeting in two years, which is encouraging. The parish TRIO campaign is being planned.

10.a) Eco Church group report - March 2021 (GF)

General info The new Eco Church group will meet monthly on the last Thursday. Current members are Judith Bee, Nicholas Tolliday, Vanessa Dowse, Richard Marks, Vikki Mason and Greg Ford. The group’s overall aim is to help St Mary’s Buriton become carbon neutral by 2030 by following the Eco Church certification system. Short-term goals are: ● to complete a ‘carbon footprint’ to show the carbon emissions associated with the church’s activities in time for the April 2021 APCM. This would provide a baseline and can be updated annually to track our progress towards the 2030 goal. ● to complete and submit the Eco Church survey to apply for a Bronze certificate by March 2022 or earlier The survey work is being led as follows: ● Worship and teaching - Judith ● Buildings – Richard and Nick ● Land - Richard and Nick ● Community and Global Engagement – Vanessa and Vikki ● Lifestyle – Vanessa and Vikki

Recent activity The group met twice in February and has completed the sections of the carbon footprint calculation on church, energy, and transport. We expect to finish the remaining sections on food, expenditure and waste on 25 March. We are working through the survey, taking a few questions each month. So far, we have discussed: ● food and waste recycling: information for the congregation, whether the church can have its own bins ● emissions for the church buildings: initial talks on options for low carbon heating 8 ● biodiversity plan for the churchyard and south lane cemetery ● Rogation Sundays to be dedicated to climate and environment issues

10.d) Worship Group meeting held on 15.3.21(JB)

Present: Alison, Win, Tom, Moya, Verity, Simon, Judith

Holy Week and Easter

The church will be open for ‘private prayer only’ as usual on Monday, Thursday and Good Friday in Holy Week. A different notice to be put outside the church (if not wet) to emphasise this on Good Friday (bank holiday)

Palm Sunday, Alison to record Passion reading. James to be asked to check if this will work via Zoom for those in the church building. Palms will not be distributed this year (COVID) but Judith has some if anyone want a new one. Congregation to be asked to be inventive and find/make something for use as a palm

Maundy Thursday service at 7pm also on Zoom. No foot washing, no stripping of altar. A vigil will follow for as long as people stay with it. Gill or Judith will arrange for hangings to be removed for the next day. Alison to record hymns to be tested in case they are sufficiently undistorted for use in the church (see above) and for Good Friday. Simon to be back up for piano

Good Friday

Still no plans for families on GF morning

2pm service in church building and on Zoom. Lamentations to be used as in 2016. This service by its nature has lots of silences which may not work so well on Zoom. Judith to announce these each time so people don’t think their internet has frozen. Maybe an image for Zoomers? Maybe a notice to say This is a silence?

Easter morning. No 5.30am service this year,

8am (unusually) and 10am also on Zoom. People will be asked to book earlier in the week.

Family Teatime service

Some concerns over the Family Teatime service which has been cancelled 3 times in a row. Hopefully by May we will be able to restart.

Creation service

The Eco Church group had discussed having a Creation service at some stage in the year. The Worship Group agreed that this would be appropriate on Rogation Sunday

Wave of thanksgiving.

As we come out of the pandemic a wave of thanksgiving. Resources will be on CofE website and other places. Simon to keep look out for these so we are ready.

9 Also RSCM event in July -Alison to advise.

Bell ringing

Some concern was registered about the future of the bell ringers at St Mary’s following David’s sad and unexpected death. No bells are allowed at the moment (COVID) but need to keep eye on this

11.a) PACT REPORT March 2021 (VD)

Petersfield Area Churches Together met via Zoom meeting on 24th February 2021. The purpose of the meeting: A forum for ‘communion’ and communication between PACT churches, PACT organisations and local Christians, to facilitate events aimed at increasing opportunities for joint worship, witness and work between PACT churches. ● PACT Easter Cards will not be viable under COVID-19 restrictions this year, proposals to print in Post was agreed upon. This year the children from Petersfield Infants School will be asked to design the front cover. ● It was agreed to include details in the article reminders about essential services available including the Petersfield Counselling Service and the Food Bank. ● Details of any special services planned would also be printed. ● PACT are in the process of updating and refreshing its current Website. ● PACT discussed that as the usual Walk of Witness could not take place this year that one suggestion was to encourage individual Walks of Witness in the form of Prayer Walks during Good Friday and the Easter Weekend.

11.c) IDWAL Report March 2021 (MO)

The Buriton link with Dominase experienced a communication problem during recent months in that it was difficult to get responses to our emails to St Andrews. I contacted Bishop Paul on another matter and mentioned the problem and the situation has now improved. Our link with St Andrews is through the PCC Secretary who is Jonathon Opong. Jonathon is a nurse and is studying for a second degree at the University of Cape Coast while retaining his duties as PCC Secretary.

In answer to my query about the Corona virus, Jonathon explained that supplies of the vaccine have arrived in Ghana, but the first to be vaccinated were the Prime Minister and the members of his Parliament. It was hoped that the vaccine would begin to be distributed throughout the country by the end of March.

During my conversation with Bishop Paul he asked for my telephone number so that he could communicate using WhatsApp. Apparently, emails are somewhat erratic and do not always get to where they are supposed to go.

The enlargement of St Andrews has been successful. St Marys provided the funds for the wrought iron covers to the windows which ensure that the church remains secure. The congregation at St Andrews was growing fast until the onset of the Coronavirus.

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