1. WCS YLS 2019 PROGRAMME 3 1.1 YLS Extension Networking Event 3 1.2 YLS Interactive Workshop 4 1.3 YLS Minister Dialogue 4 1.4 Programme Highlights 5

2. WCS YLS 2019 ATTENDANCE 6 2.1 Break-down numbers per session 6 2.2 List of Attendees 6




6. CLC’s REVIEW 8 6.1 WCS MF YLS Overall Programme 8 6.2 YLS Extension Networking Event at Museum of Antioquia 8 6.3 YLS Interactive Workshop 8 6.4 YLS Minister Dialogue 9


8. ANNEXES 12 Annex A. WCSMF YLS 2019 Survey 12 Annex B. Young Leaders Keynotes & Insights 15



The WCS Young Leaders Symposium is the annual gathering of the WCS Young Leaders. The 6th WCS Young Leaders Symposium was hosted by Medellín, Colombia, from 10 to 12 July 2019. It convened the WCS Young Leaders, a select group of change-makers from diverse sectors to come together to discuss common challenges, exchange best practices and also establish stronger networks amongst city leaders around the world.

Themed "Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Building a High Trust City", the discussions at the WCS Young Leaders Symposium explored the latest innovations and good practices in city governance that help build confidence in cities’ societies and institutions, and how cities should plan for economic and environmental security in an age of unpredictable economic fluctuations and extreme weather events.

1.1 YLS Extension Networking Event

Venue: Museum of Antioquia, Council Room. Time: 4:30 pm - 6.00 pm Chairperson: Low Yen Ling - Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower Chairman of Mayors' Committee and Mayor of South West District

 The WCS YLS Extension Event happened on Wednesday 10 of July from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm at the Museum of Antioquia. It comprised a 30 min tour of the Botero Gallery led by Museum Curator, followed by remarks by the Chairman of the Young Leaders Symposium.

WCS YLS Extension Event at Museum of Antioquia


1.2 YLS Interactive Workshop

Venue: ATTON (Novotel) Hotel, Bar Periférico (Rooftop). Time: 7.30 am - 9.00 am Format: Roundtable, workshop style. Chairperson: Low Yen Ling - Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower Chairman of Mayors' Committee and Mayor of South West District Moderator: Nicholas Fang - Director, Security and Global Affairs, Institute of International Affairs

 The YLS Workshop happened on Thursday 11 July from 7:30 am to 9 am at ATTON (Novotel) Hotel. It comprised a 30 min registration and coffee, followed by a 1 hour workshop. The workshop created an opportunity for participants to share how their endeavours have contributed to building trust in their cities according to the theme, and lessons learnt from their personal experiences.

WCS YLS Workshop at ATTON (Novotel) Hotel

1.3 YLS Minister Dialogue

Venue: Plaza Mayor, Comisiones 5 & 6, Level S. Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Format: Roundtable. Moderator: Nicholas Fang - Director, Security and Global Affairs, Singapore Institute of International Affairs

 The YLS Minister Dialogue with Singapore’s Minister for National Development and Second Minister for Finance, Lawrence Wong discussed how Young Leaders can work more closely with the government to enhance economic, environmental and social confidence in cities based on the following themes: i) Trust as the basis of successful collaboration between stakeholders, and ii) How leaders can collaborate more closely with the government. Moderated by Nicholas Fang, the dialogue included the questions brought up during the Workshop on 11 July, and ended with an open Question and Answer session.


WCS YLS Minister Dialogue at Plaza Mayor

For more photos and videos please follow the link below: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FVJVM7X3WQLja5oN8HuYSy6OZU5CJ9V9

1.4 Programme Highlights

The City transformation Tour: Centre of Medellín and Central-Eastern Areas

The Young Leaders went on site visits to Commune 13 and Commune 10 to witness the urban transformation in Medellin, which was made possible by high levels of trust between citizens and the government, residents’ empowerment through community action and strengthened trust through public spaces. Site Visit No. 1: Commune 13 Date: Thursday, 11 July 2019 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

After the YLS Workshop at ATTON (Novotel) Hotel, the Young Leaders went on a site visit to Commune 13. The tour focused on the infrastructure (the iconic escalators) created around San Javier - Commune 13.

Site Visit No. 2: Commune 10 Date: Friday, 12 July 2019 Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

After the Minister Dialogue, the Young Leaders went on a site visit to Commune 10, one of the most important sectors of the city. The integral plan of the Downtown Area prioritises human mobility, and the creation of public spaces encourages social interaction and promotes environmental .


YL Interjections at WCS Mayors Forum Session 1 & 2

For the first time, the Young Leaders Programme gave the YLs a space to make interjections during Mayors Forum sessions 1 & 2. Their presentations added great value in terms of the relevance, provocativeness and eloquence of the interjections, which highlighted issues ranging from the privatisation of public space to the climate crisis. Other issues included the role of data and technology in building high-trust cities and the creation of a culture of empowerment for citizens. We are considering to retain the YL interjections in the next Mayors Forum.


2.1 Break-down numbers per session

TOTAL NUMBER OF YLs 25 WCS YLS Extension Event at Museum of Antioquia 24 WCS YLS Workshop at ATTON (Novotel) Hotel 24 WCS YLS Minister Dialogue at Plaza Mayor 16

2.2 List of Attendees

TOTAL NUMBER OF YLs (Details) 25

N Name Designation Organization

1 Yen Ling Low Mayor of South West District Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower 2 Darel Dexter Uy Mayor Dipolog City 3 Nicholas Fang Director Singapore Institute of International Affairs 4 Szue Hann Tan Managing Director Miniwiz Co. Ltd. 5 Bjorn Low Founder Edible Garden City 6 Chintan Raveshia Cities Leader Arup 7 Anupam Yog Founder & Managing Director Inclusive Citymaking Solutions Pte Ltd.

8 Ulrich Hörning Deputy Mayor City of Leipzig 9 Tom Verbelen Managing Director Government Affairs, Antwerp 10 Daniel Cook CEO Landscape Institute 11 Estibaliz Luengo Celaya Director International Department, City Council 12 Marcus Fernhout Executive Director Cambridge Innovation Centre 13 Zaheer Allam Co-founder & Urban Planner Global Creative Leadership Initiative

14 Javier Lopez-Casarin President Fundacion Reinventando Mexico 15 Lorenzo Martinez VO, CEO & Co-Founder Corrosion y Proteccion Engineering 16 Carlos Escobar Advisor, Urban Design Planning Department, Medellin Mayor’s Office 17 Gustavo Orozco Lince Chief of Staff Cali Mayor’s Office 18 Jhoany Alejandro Valencia Professor ITM (Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano)


19 Daniel Palacios Mejia Director INDER (Institute of Sports and Recreation) 20 Alejandro De Bedout Secretary of Youth Medellin Mayor’s Office 21 Andres Felipe Tobon Secretary of Security Medellin Mayor’s Office 22 Humberto Jose Iglesias Secretary of Mobility Medellin Mayors Office 23 Andres Felipe Bedoya Secretary of Citizen Participation Medellin Mayors Office 24 Paula Andrea Palacio Secretary of Public Infrastructure Medellin Mayors Office Miguel Gamiño Jr Executive Vice President, Mastercard, Global Cities 25 Head of Global Cities


TOTAL STIPENDS (5) $ 21,600

Darel Dexter Uy - Mayor of Dipolog City, Philippines $ 8,000

Szue Hann Tan - Managing Director of Miniwiz Co. Ltd., Singapore $ 3,400

Bjorn Low - Founder of Edible Garden City, Singapore $ 3,400

Anupam Yog - Founder & Managing Director of Inclusive Citymaking Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore. $ 3,400

Zaheer Allam - Co-Founder, Urban Designer of Global Creative Leadership Initiative, Mauritius $ 3,400


Name Designation Organization City / Country

Darel Dexter Uy Mayor Dipolog City Dipolog, Philippines


“After this year's WCS Mayors Forum, I feel recharged as a young city leader and the discussions/topics validated many things in my mind that I have earlier planned to implement in my own city. I likewise appreciate the new and refreshing ideas, too.” -Darel Dexter Uy Mayor of Balanga, Philippines.

“It was a such great experience. The cultural environment and the opportunity to share with people from different places and cultures was awesome. The possibility to talk with people such as the Minister and Mr Khoo and feel that they are very kind, friendly and open persons was a priceless experience.” -Carlos Escobar Advisor for Urban Design, Planning Department, Medellin Mayors Office. 7

“My first participation, it surpassed my expectations and I am inspired from the sessions and the people I met during the forum” -Anonymous

* We received 7 surveys out of 25 as of 3 September 2019. Please refer to Annex A for more details.


6.1 WCS MF YLS Overall Programme

- Organisers appreciated the YLs high quality interjections at Mayors Forum sessions 1 & 2. - The Young Leaders contributed to WCSMF good social media presence and profile in platforms such as: LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. - YLs bonded well with each other as a group in and outside of the event. - Some of the Young Leaders have expressed interest to keep the connections going via WhatsApp, to reunite in Singapore at WCS 2020, and even to host YL Synergy events. - Noteworthy was also the role of the event in connecting YLs from ASEAN and especially Singapore with Mayors and YLs from around the world (Belgium, , Mauritius, Colombia, Mexico, etc.) - While the size of the group was lower than expected, the quality was high in terms of both profile as well as level of engagement. - The programme should try to retain all 3 components in future editions: the YLS Extension Event, Workshop and Dialogue. - The idea of having the YLS Extension networking event at the beginning of the programme and the Minister Dialogue at the end was a good idea.

6.2 YLS Extension Networking Event at Museum of Antioquia

The Extension event at Museum of Antioquia was very well received and contributed to quickly bonding the YLs at Medellin. It should be retained in future editions. The Young Leaders exchanged contact details to continue the relationship after the event.

6.3 YLS Interactive Workshop

The YLS interactive workshop was very well received. Every YL was heard and had the opportunity to introduce themselves and share projects based on their own experiences. The YLs mentioned how well balanced the tables were in terms of sectorial and geographical distribution. They gained new knowledge by learning from each other, established networking, identify problems, generated ideas reaching in agreement. Learning Point: The session was too short and started too early in the morning. YL team will consider a 2 hr workshop (starting later) for future editions. 8

6.4 YLS Minister Dialogue

The YLS Minister Dialogue was one of the highlights of the overall event, it receive a score of 4.7 / 5. The session was designed for YLs to have an open conversation with Minister of National Development Lawrence Wong on how to work more closely with the government to enhance economic, environmental and social confidence in cities. Minister and the YLs both enjoyed the Dialogue. The format gave YLs a chance to connect with Minister Wong which showed them the importance of submitting their ideas or questions so they can be heard.

Learning Point: Due to its success, the dialogue should be more flexible in terms of time and plan for a 2 hr lunch dialogue.


We did a search across 3 different social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram) and we found that 10 out of 25 Young Leaders did a total number of 81 posts related to the event.





Annex A. WCSMF YLS 2019 Survey



A. The access to the sharing, and the interjection at the Mayors Forum. B. The site visits and lessons learnt and most definitely the interaction with Minister Lawrence (maybe the highlight of the this event). C. The opportunity for networking and also to connect with leaders from all over the world and to hear their insights particularly of interest for Latin America.


D. networking, learning about Medellin social & urban innovation, different backgrounds. E. The WCS YL events were successful in bringing in diverse ideas from city leaders from across the continents. It is a very rare opportunity where leaders sit in one forum and discuss matters that really impacts how they govern their cities. F. My most important achievements were exchange and learning from each Young Leaders experiences of on each particular expertise area. G. The success is that they managed to articulate the ideas of young leaders with existing concepts and create a synergy against knowledge.

A. Pretty satisfied, actually. B. Not being able to interact more at the plenary sessions, but this is understandable as Mayors rarely take the youth seriously. C. The sessions were too short for any in depth discussions. D. Very few woman among participants, gender inclusion. E. None. F. Probably the time for the main meeting at the hotel was a little bit short. G. Everything was successful.

A. Circular Economy and waste management in cities, and globally.

B. The Digital Political Economy of Cities and .

C. More focus on sustainability, circular economy, food security and resiliency.

D. The role of women in governance/the administration and the megatrends/ the internationalization of cities to search for solutions , city diplomacy.

E. More of sharing best practices and ideas from successful city leaders.

F. I would like to discuss ideas in order to tackle global poverty.

G. Influence of climate change on the structuring of strategic city projects.

A. Honoured to be part of the discussions.

B. Very happy and honoured to have attended and contributed.


C. My first participation, it surpassed my expectations and I am inspired from the sessions and the people I met during the forum.

D. They were really interesting, really enriching.

E. After this year's WCS Mayors Forum, I feel recharged as a young city leader and the discussions/topics validated many things in my mind that I have earlier planned to implement in my own city. I likewise appreciate the new and refreshing ideas, too.

F. It was a such great experience. The cultural environment and the opportunity to share with people from different places and cultures was awesome. The possibility to talk with people such as the Minister and Mr Khoo and feel that they are very kind, friendly and open persons was a priceless experience.

G. I felt good, the participation was very enriching.



A. Perhaps a longer duration for the YLS symposium itself.

B. Would be interested to hear from urban thinkers (going beyond governance dimensions) and looking at the intersecting perspectives of urban philosophy and political economy.

C. More fringe events, More parallel tracks on sustainability topics (co-located).

D. Women inclusion.

E. More opportunities for discussion and sharing by leaders (more time).

F. The WCS YL event would be better if the main meeting had more time to develop and share ideas. Maybe a couple hours or an entire morning would be perfect. In order to follow the subject of the main discussion, some YL might do short lectures or presentations about successful experiences related with the field of the discussion. (3 min presentation with slides for the workshop) (for look for the spots, look at the media conference there is a space there for this presentation, without losing the tea break, we can do it before the first networking event, Wednesday before the “museum of Antioquia”) the cities innovative stage, programming some YLS for WCS 2020.

G. Unanswered.

Annex B. Young Leaders Keynotes & Insights

Reflections: World Cities Summit Mayors 1 Forum & Young Leaders Symposium 2019 YLS Report_Szue By: Tan Szue Hann Hann Tan.pdf

2 World City Summit: Young Leader Report By: Zaheer Allam YLS Report_Zaheer Allam.pdf

3 Contribute keynotes from YLS and MF 2019 By: Bjorn Low YLS Report_Bjorn Low.pdf

4 The Medellin Ideal: #NoLookingBack By: Anupam Yog YLS Report_Anupam Yog.pdf