Beth Shalom Synagogue Bulletin A Reform Synagogue that Honors Tradition

March 2017• Adar/Nison 5777 Volume 79.06

Chaverim Yekarim, 9111 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70809-2496 A few weeks ago we read about the plague of 225-924-6773 darkness that descended on Egypt. A few weeks from now, next month, we will read about that same plague and perhaps even dip our finger in the wine to symbolize it around our Seder Tables. Rabbi Natan Trief Darkness has always been the plague that most President Mark Hausmann intrigued and surprised me. 1st Vice Pres. Michelle Levy 2nd Vice Pres. Karen Ceppos Our sages teach us that apart from the physical Treasurer Michael Cherry darkness, the true darkness in Egypt was spiritual Secretary Susan Smolinsky in nature. Instead of actually seeing one another, Sisterhood Diane Dean each person looked beyond the other’s plight and pretended as if they didn’t exist. Robin Fletcher In essence, we learn that the Egyptians were responsible for their own darkness Men’s Club John Carlson because of their selfishness and lack of compassion. This universal theme of darkness never seems to go out of fashion. Often, darkness Regular Features does not seem far from descending in our own world. Moreover, it strikes me that it is often for the same reason as demonstrated by the Egyptians...a lack of Rabbi’s Message 1 compassion and a lack of empathy. President’s Corner 2 Nowhere do we feel this more than in the realm of politics. Please do me a favor Greetings from Rayner Center 2 and read a fascinating article in the “Forward” by Larry Brooks. If you just google “A Tribe Divided,” along with “Forward,” you’ll find it immediately. It is a well- BaRTY News 3 written, comprehensive article that talks about the political divide in the South Special Events 5 among Jewish congregations. Moreover, I would love to hear your thoughts! Announcements & Reminders 10 As your rabbi, I can assure you that I will not bring politics overtly into the Donations 11 sanctuary. Though the Trump Administration is talking about repealing the so- called Johnson Amendment, the law that prohibits houses of worship from talking politics directly, it would not affect my position regardless. I firmly believe we Please see our pull-out calendar for need to be a safe space for Jews of varying political persuasions. dates and times of services, special meetings, Religious and Hebrew School And yet, I also feel deeply that we need to foster and encourage conversations that can bridge the divides. After all, we are not only a beit tefilah (House of schedules. Also on the calendar are Prayer) and a beit midrash (House of Study,) we are also a beit knesset (House candlelighting times, weekly parshiot, of Gathering,) where we gather together to talk, share, and connect. Though not as well as congregational birthdays, everyone will agree, perhaps we can model compassionate conversations based anniversaries and yahrzeits. on listening and openness. Only then will we lift the perpetual plague of darkness. Please contact me if you have any ideas or would like to brainstorm on how we can make our shul embody the best of Jewish values. Until then, I send you warmth and blessings. L’Shalom,

Shabbat Does Not End Friday Night1 . . . Saturday is Shabbat, Too! The President’s Corner The month of March at Beth Shalom, may be as busy as The Beth Shalom Synagogue Board of Trustees has made Tishrei (think High Holy days, Sukkot and Simchat Torah)! the fiscally and ecological sound decision to transition to an In March, our little-shul-that-can will celebrate Purim, hold exclusively digital monthly bulletin. This March bulletin will our 33rd Annual Corned Beef Sandwich Sale, and prep for be the last bulletin that we will print. For those individuals our 2nd night Pesach Seder! that still desire a printed copy, please contact the office and Our fun-filled Purim celebration will be at 4:30 PMon arrangements will be made. This will result in a significant Saturday March 11. In addition to a Purim photo booth, a financial savings to the synagogue and follow the trend of puppet show, crafts for the children, and a Purim costume other synagogues across the nation and other institutions as a parade and contest, our Jewish Journeys Purim program will whole. The layout and content of the bulletin will otherwise also fulfill all four of the mitzvot associated with Purim. remain unchanged and will be distributed via email in a PDF We will be (1) collecting gifts for the needy, (2) assembling form on a monthly basis. shaloch manot bags for the congregation, (3) we will hear In addition, The President’s Corner, will be renamed, The the megillah, and (4) we will have a festive potluck dinner Board Message, as it will be penned on a rotating basis from complete with hamantashen! members of the Board of Trustees. Then, just one week later is the annual Corned Beef Sandwich Sale! Lead by the Sisterhood, but involving the L’shalom, entire congregation, it is one of the times outside the major holidays that the Beth Shalom community comes together as one. Let’s all pitch in and have a great time doing so! Greetings fromTheRayner Center

In the month of February, Rayner’s students learned about will display their costumes and their decorated masks. They pets, farm animals, community places and peoples, ABCs will also get to sing songs and use their grogers. and 123s, colors and shapes, Tu B’Shevat, and President’s We will participate in a Mitzvah project during this month. Day. Rabbi Natan came to visit our Pre-K class on February This is an opportunity to teach the importance of sharing 16th to teach us about Tu B’Shevat. We talked about the and giving throughout the community as they collect items importance of trees and Rabbi also did the Shechecheyanu and create a Mitzvah basket. Rayner will also participate in blessing. We had a visit from Mr. James Ernest, of the parent/teacher conferences during the week of March 20th. Louisiana Lions Eye Foundation, Inc., on February 23rd This will be an opportunity for our parents and teachers to who provided free vision screenings for our children. We learn more about their children’s progress in our classrooms. also provided holiday care on February 27th and 28th. Todah Rabbah! In March, we will learn about insects, spring, transportation, and Purim. On Thursday, March 10th the children will march Rabbi Natan, Steven Winkler, Mark Hausmann, Rayner in a Purim parade down the halls of Rayner. The children Learning Center Council, Cathy Melanson

2 Brotherhood

As was mentioned in the last Brotherhood meeting, we need Upcoming events for Brotherhood participation include more participation from current younger members of the the corned beef sandwich sale March 18-21 and Purim Brotherhood, but we need to also bring in younger members March 11-12, which means Shaloch Manos bag delivery. of the congregation as well. The Brotherhood tends to be well-represented at the corned We had a movie night for LSU students awhile back and beef sandwich sale, but more help is needed to deliver the it went over well. So we could do the same for younger Shaloch Manos bags. Delivery will probably be Sunday members of the congregation as a social event to get them March 12. Please try to pitch in on this. interested in be coming more active within the congregation as well as joining the Brotherhood and becoming leaders. Gary Baum Hadassah News

February has been a busy month for Hadassah Baton wonderful suggestions that we can incorporate easily into Rouge. A large contingent of Hadassah women traveled to our daily diets. The program was capped off with the Seder, Birmingham early in the month for the Region’s Mid-Winter written by Barbara Dibartolo of Lake Charles and lead by Board Meeting. Marla Kameny, Susan Smolinsky, De’Anna Linda Weinstein, Baton Rouge. Linda coordinated the Ernst, Sarah Schwartz and Co-Presidents Ruth Katzen and food and all other elements of the Seder and it was a great Marilyn Martell enjoyed a stimulating weekend with a learning experience and taste sensation. We could see how variety of inspirational guest speakers. We got to hear, first powerful and thoughtful our Rabbis were in creating this hand, all of the exciting things that are continuing to happen Seder experience that incorporates all the right things to eat. at Hadassah from Executive Director/CEO, Janice Weinman. Kudos and bravos to everyone who worked so hard to make She gave us all the news, good and not so good, but still this a most memorable event. managed to leave us feeling that Hadassah is definitely on a On February 26, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. we will close out this continued track of success. fabulous month with a book review of the book “All the Next, our local chapter sponsored a Tu B’Shevat Seder. Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. The lovely Hilltop Arboretum was a splendid setting for Please join us for what should be a very stimulating this special event. This year we combined our Seder with a discussion. heart healthy discussion about nutrition and the importance of what we eat. Almost forty men, women and children Please also save the dates of April 21-23 for Hadassah’s Tri- of all ages gathered to eat and learn. Joy Feldman, New Region Event in Charlotte, North Carolina. Marla Kameny, Orleans Hadassah Woman of the Year, attorney turned OVP Hadassah Southern Region, is one of the nutritionist, left us with an important message about how we Co-Chairs and she informs us that this will be a fantastic can empower and heal ourselves through the food choices program with activities and experiences galore. Hope to see we make. Her witty and charming style entranced us. Our you there. own Ellen Bander, Baton Rouge Hadassah Past President, Thank you for all you do for Hadassah. informed us regarding the wonders of fruit. Ellen has retired as a school librarian and has now embraced her new Ruth Katzen Co-President Hadassah Baton Rouge role as a nutritionist and health counselor. She had many Marilyn Martell Co-President Hadassah Baton Rouge Barfty News


This month barfty is planning an event with JYG-sushi, havdalah and a movie. Also NFTY-SO spring conclave in New Orleans.

3 4 5 Anniversaries: 7 Jerry & Karen Ceppos March 2017 15 Joshua & Lindsey Burton 25 Jon & Teri Karlin Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 27 Mark & Linda Posner 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 Birthdays: 30th of Sh'vat, 5777 1st of Adar, 5777 2nd of Adar, 5777 3rd of Adar, 5777 4th of Adar, 5777 5th of Adar, 5777 6th of Adar, 5777 10 Marc Cohn, Ari Burton Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar Essential Judaism: 7 PM Candle lighting 5Y47 PM Parashat Terumah 11 Nancy Singer, Dylan Mintz Deciphering Hebrew Kabbalat Shabbat 6 PM Bagels & Torah: Rabbi 9 AM 14 Hadley Kronick, Noah Bullman Services: Rabbi Natan Natan 16 De’Anna Ernst Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM 17 Rochelle Beychok 18 David Dean Havdalah (50 min) 6Y56 PM 23 Zachary Berkowitz 25 Gil Shaul 27 Aaron Posner 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 30 Chanah Hollander Yahrzeits: 7th of Adar, 5777 8th of Adar, 5777 9th of Adar, 5777 10th of Adar, 5777 11th of Adar, 5777 12th of Adar, 5777 13th of Adar, 5777 Hamantashen Baking 8Y30 AM Federation Board Meet- 7 PM Essential Judaism: The 7 PM Candle lighting 5Y52 PM Erev Purim March 3: Clarice Kaufman, Leo Party ing Jewish Home Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Parashat Tetzaveh Lowentritt, Joseph Braudes, Phil Israel Paradox & 11Y30 AM Services with Rabbi Shabbat Zachor Berlin, Dr. Joseph Dainow, Petra Promise - Israel, Natan & Nick May Bagels & Torah 9 AM Diaspora, and Cur- Gonzales, Sidney Johnson, Bill Katz, Oneg hosted by 8Y30 PM Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM rent EventsReading: Paula Samuels Samuel Schneider, Willie Saltz, Shirley Jewish Journeys - 4Y30 PM Ch 18 Snyder, Mamie Finkelstein, Abraham Purim Celebration, Geisenberger, Belle Moscove, Roeschen Havdalah, and Pot- Sternberg, Herman Goldich 12 13 14 15 16 17 Luck 18 March 10: Corrine Baum, Rose Hirschman, Isaac Posner, Sarah Saul, 14th of Adar, 5777 15th of Adar, 5777 16th of Adar, 5777 17th of Adar, 5777 18th of Adar, 5777 19th of Adar, 5777 20th of Adar, 5777 Will Eiseman, Alex Gordon, Lipmann Purim Shushan Purim Board Meeting 7 PM Essential Judaism: 7 PM Candle lighting 6Y56 PM Parashat Ki Tisa Knurr, Rachel Watsky, Herman Israel: Paradox & 11Y30 AM Streams of Judaism Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Shabbat Parah Bronsweig, Norman Finson, Sam Promise - In- Services with Nick May Bagels & Torah 9 AM Tatar, Saul Wexler, Michael Howard ternational Israel & Oneg hosted by 8Y30 PM Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM The New Middle Beckman, Cecele Fraenkel, Benjamin DeʼAnne Ernst & Don CBSS Making Party 7 PM EastReading: Ch 10 Ortega & Lindsey & Gold, Millicent Rubin, Martin Samuels, Havdalah (50 min) 8Y05 PM Gus Levy, Chelsey Herrington Josh Burton IHO: March 17: Wolff Fellman, Clarinda Daylight Saving Time Begins Ariʼs BirthdaySt Patrick's Day Saltz, Samuel Shook, Mollie Chapman, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Rosalind Geisenberger, Clara Cole, Gertrude Tatar, Domingo Gonzales, Corned Beef Sandwich Sale 24th of Adar, 5777 25th of Adar, 5777 26th of Adar, 5777 27th of Adar, 5777 Eric Gidan, Hyman Kraft, Dan Watsky, 21st of Adar, 5777 22nd of Adar, 5777 23rd of Adar, 5777 Essential Judaism: 7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei Donald Zuckerman, Julia Rutter Synagogue LIfe and Services Shabbat HaChodesh March 24: Lillian Fishbein, Morris Sanctuary Candle lighting 7Y01 PM Bagels & Torah 9 AM Miller, Frida Sternberg, Harry Oneg hosted by 8Y30 PM Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM Spielberger, Maxine Finson, Myer Carin & John Carlson Havdalah (50 min) 8Y09 PM Bishop, Sara Holshouser, Mary Knurr, Sara Strickland, Clarence Swire, Odile Washastrom, Leah Cohn, Amanda Gowens, Abe Switzer, Becky Schnapp, 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Ruth Spielberger, Lillian Berger, Louise Samuels Steeber 28th of Adar, 5777 29th of Adar, 5777 1st of Nisan, 5777 2nd of Nisan, 5777 3rd of Nisan, 5777 4th of Nisan, 5777 5th of Nisan, 5777 March 31: Rebecca Bagalman, Joseph Rosh Chodesh Nisan Essential Judaism: 7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Parashat Vayikra Kleiman, Phyllis Schneider, Leslee Shabbat/Living Jewish Services: Rabbi Natan Bagels & Torah: Rabbi 9 AM Davis, Celia Bogoff, Jerome Epstein, (, tohorat Candle lighting 7Y05 PM Natan Sarah Miller, Trudy Gidan, Joseph haʼmishpacha, etc) Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM Cutler, Cruz Gonzales, Sr, Beatrice Havdalah (50 min) 8Y14 PM Kalish, Jacob Rothman, Murray Weitz, Terry Poole Bullman, Hila Rodriguez April Fools Day 6 March 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

26 27 28 1 2 3 4 30th of Sh'vat, 5777 1st of Adar, 5777 2nd of Adar, 5777 3rd of Adar, 5777 4th of Adar, 5777 5th of Adar, 5777 6th of Adar, 5777 Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar Essential Judaism: 7 PM Candle lighting 5Y47 PM Parashat Terumah Deciphering Hebrew Kabbalat Shabbat 6 PM Bagels & Torah: Rabbi 9 AM Services: Rabbi Natan Natan Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM Havdalah (50 min) 6Y56 PM

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7th of Adar, 5777 8th of Adar, 5777 9th of Adar, 5777 10th of Adar, 5777 11th of Adar, 5777 12th of Adar, 5777 13th of Adar, 5777 Hamantashen Baking 8Y30 AM Federation Board Meet- 7 PM Essential Judaism: The 7 PM Candle lighting 5Y52 PM Erev Purim Party ing Jewish Home Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Parashat Tetzaveh Israel Paradox & 11Y30 AM Services with Rabbi Shabbat Zachor Promise - Israel, Natan & Nick May Bagels & Torah 9 AM Diaspora, and Cur- Oneg hosted by 8Y30 PM Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM rent EventsReading: Paula Samuels Jewish Journeys - 4Y30 PM Ch 18 Purim Celebration, Havdalah, and Pot- 12 13 14 15 16 17 Luck 18 14th of Adar, 5777 15th of Adar, 5777 16th of Adar, 5777 17th of Adar, 5777 18th of Adar, 5777 19th of Adar, 5777 20th of Adar, 5777 Purim Shushan Purim Board Meeting 7 PM Essential Judaism: 7 PM Candle lighting 6Y56 PM Parashat Ki Tisa Israel: Paradox & 11Y30 AM Streams of Judaism Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Shabbat Parah Promise - In- Services with Nick May Bagels & Torah 9 AM ternational Israel & Oneg hosted by 8Y30 PM Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM The New Middle DeʼAnne Ernst & Don CBSS Making Party 7 PM EastReading: Ch 10 Ortega & Lindsey & Havdalah (50 min) 8Y05 PM Josh Burton IHO: Daylight Saving Time Begins Ariʼs BirthdaySt Patrick's Day 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Corned Beef Sandwich Sale 24th of Adar, 5777 25th of Adar, 5777 26th of Adar, 5777 27th of Adar, 5777 21st of Adar, 5777 22nd of Adar, 5777 23rd of Adar, 5777 Essential Judaism: 7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei Synagogue LIfe and Services Shabbat HaChodesh Sanctuary Candle lighting 7Y01 PM Bagels & Torah 9 AM Oneg hosted by 8Y30 PM Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM Carin & John Carlson Havdalah (50 min) 8Y09 PM

26 27 28 29 30 31 1 28th of Adar, 5777 29th of Adar, 5777 1st of Nisan, 5777 2nd of Nisan, 5777 3rd of Nisan, 5777 4th of Nisan, 5777 5th of Nisan, 5777 Rosh Chodesh Nisan Essential Judaism: 7 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 7 PM Parashat Vayikra Shabbat/Living Jewish Services: Rabbi Natan Bagels & Torah: Rabbi 9 AM (kashrut, tohorat Candle lighting 7Y05 PM Natan haʼmishpacha, etc) Shacharit Shabbat 10 AM Havdalah (50 min) 8Y14 PM

April Fools Day 7 1 8 6 … 15 22 29 4 PM 4 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM 9 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 8a31 PM 8a31 8a18 PM 8a18 8a14 PM 8a14 8a27 PM 8a22 PM Earth Day April Fools Day Saturday 5th of Nisan, 5777 Vayikra Parashat Shacharit Shabbat (50 min) Havdalah 12th of Nisan, 5777 Tzav Parashat HaGadol Shabbat Bagels & Torah Shacharit Shabbat (50 min) Havdalah of the Omer 4th day 5777 Nisan, of 19th V (CH''M) Pesach Shacharit Shabbat (50 min) Havdalah of the Omer 11th day 26th of Nisan, 5777 Shmini Parashat Shacharit Shabbat (50 min) Havdalah 5777 of Iyyar, 3rd of the Omer 18th day Tazria-Metzora Parashat Bagels & Torah Shacharit Shabbat (50 min) Havdalah 5777 10th of Iyyar, of the Omer 25th day Shacharit Shabbat - Israel Jewish Journeys Celebration and Hav- dala Bagels & Torah: Rabbi Bagels & Torah: Natan Rabbi Matzah & Torah: Natan with Bagels & Torah Natan Rabbi Mot-Kedo Achrei Parashat Rabbi Bagels & Torah: Natan 7 5 31 21 14 28 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 6 PM 7a18 PM 7a18 7a14 PM 7a14 7a27 PM 7a27 7a23 PM 7a23 7a05 PM 7a05 7a09 PM 7a09 8a30 PM 8a30 Friday 4th of Nisan, 5777 Shabbat Kabbalat Services: Rabbi Natan Candle lighting 5777 Nisan, of 11th Shabbat Kabbalat Services Candle lighting of the Omer day 3rd 5777 Nisan, of 18th IV (CH''M) Pesach Shabbat Kabbalat Services with Rabbi Natan & Nick May Candle lighting of the Omer 10th day 25th of Nisan, 5777 Shabbat Kabbalat Services with Rabbi Natan Candle lighting 5777 2nd of Iyyar, of the Omer 17th day Shabbat Kabbalat Services with Nick May Candle lighting Gary by Oneg hosted Baum 5777 9th of Iyyar, of the Omer day 24th Candle lighting 4 6 13 27 30 20 7 PM 7 Thursday 3rd of Nisan, 57773rd 5777 Nisan, of 10th of the Omer 2nd day 5777 Nisan, of 17th III (CH''M) Pesach Meeting Board of the Omer 9th day 5777 Nisan, of 24th 5777 of Iyyar, 1st of the Omer 16th day Chodesh Iyyar Rosh 5777 8th of Iyyar, of the Omer day 23rd 3 5 12 19 29 26 7 PM 7 PM 7 8a20 PM 2017 Wednesday April April 2nd of Nisan, 5777 Judaism: Essential Shabbat/Living Jewish tohorat (kashrut, haʼmishpacha, etc) of Nisan, 57779th of the Omer day 1st 5777 Nisan, of 16th II Pesach Judaism: Your Essential Move Your Journey, (50 min) Havdalah of the Omer 8th day of Nisan, 577723rd of the Omer 15th day 30th of Nisan, 5777 Chodesh Iyyar Rosh 5777 7th of Iyyar, of the Omer 22nd day 2 4 11 18 25 28 7 PM 7 8a24 PM 8a24 8a20 PM Tuesday 1st of Nisan, 5777 Nisan, of 1st Chodesh Nisan Rosh 8th of Nisan, 5777 5777 Nisan, of 15th I Pesach - Jewish Journeys Passover Candle lighting of the Omer 7th day 22nd of Nisan, 5777 VIII Pesach (50 min) Havdalah of the Omer 14th day 29th of Nisan, 5777 5777 6th of Iyyar, of the Omer day 21st HaAtzma'ut Yom 1 3 17 10 27 24 7a11 PM 7a11 8a24 PM 8a24 Tax Day Tax Monday 29th of Adar, 5777 29th of Adar, 7th of Nisan, 5777 5777 Nisan, of 14th Pesach Erev Candle lighting of the Omer 6th day of Nisan, 577721st VII Pesach Candle lighting of the Omer 13th day 28th of Nisan, 5777 HaShoah Yom 5777 5th of Iyyar, of the Omer 20th day HaZikaron Yom 2 9 16 26 23 30 4 PM 4 Easter 7a15 PM 7a15 Sunday 28th of Adar, 5777 28th of Adar, of Nisan, 57776th 13th of Nisan, 5777 of the Omer 5th day 20th of Nisan, 5777 VI (CH''M) Pesach Candle lighting of the Omer 12th day 27th of Nisan, 5777 Joint Bnai Yom Event HaShoah 5777 4th of Iyyar, of the Omer 19th day

8 9 Announcements & Reminders

Welcome Within Our Congregation Regarding Hospital Visits We welcome any and all to come and In Memoriam ... Murray Davis, father Our Rabbi is eager to keep in touch worship with us at Beth Shalom. of Diane Dean, grandfather of Erin with members of the congregation who and Regan Dean are in the hospital or recuperating at home. Oneg Shabbat As recent legislation prevents hospitals Would you like to host an Oneg from circulating patient’s names, we Shabbat? If so, please contact the rely on you to call the synagogue office synagogue office for information. and let us know when you, a family member or friend are in the hospital and would welcome a visit from Rabbi Natan.

May He who blessed our ancestors grant all who are ill a complete and speedy recovery. Bill Emmich Howard Hershberg Gimmie Brownleader

10 Thank You for Your Generous Donations

General Fund Youth Scholarship fund Synagogue Funds In Honor of: In Honor of: General Fund - supplements dues and fund raising projects of the congregation, To everyone that helped with the Barfty hosting the Refugee teenagers - Men’s Club and Sisterhood. cleanup and prep for Rabbi Natan’s Rhea & Raymond Schneider Building Fund - for the future needs of installation weekend - Gail & Gene the Synagogue building. Sherman In support of Rabbi Natan’s Mose Wander Memorial & Stanley Rabbi’s discretionary fund Stein Education Funds - for materials, installation - Bill Emmich equipment and provide scholarships for Michelle & Gus Levy - Millie Fine In Honor of: Religious and Hebrew School. Linda & Mark Posner - Miller Fine Laurie & Benjamin Maas for participating in the LA Marathon - Rhea & Ray Rosalyn G. Liss Endowment Fund Josh Black for his help with Tu B’Shvat Schneider - to present an award for Academic - Rachel & Mark Hausmann In Memory of: Excellence in the sixth grade of our Bridget Feldbaum for her puppet shows Religious School. Janet Dunham, Susan Smolinsky’s - Rachel & Mark Hausmann mother - Rhea & Ray Schneider Youth Scholarship Fund - to assist in Mimi Bonadona & Francine Fisher for sending our children to Jacob’s Camp, heading up our hamantashen baking NFTY events and Israel and to help with Religious and Hebrew School tuition. - Rachel & Mark Hausmann Celia Strickler for heading up our Alvin B. Rubin Institute for Adult matonet levyonim efforts - Rachel & Education - established by Louis and Rosalyn Liss for Adult Judaic Studies. mark Hausmann Gail & Gene Sherman for delivering Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund - to be used at the discretion of the Rabbi. brown bag lunches to St. Vincent De Paul - Rachel & Mark Hausmann Marks Fellman Memorial Library Fund - to purchase books and equipment In Memory of: and assist in library maintanence. Dauna Emmich - Bill Emmich Mitzvah Fund - used to send Passover Belle Moscove - Carole Jasman Food Baskets and Rosh Hashanah Esther Slipman - Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Packages to our home-bound members. Slipman Synagogue Renewal Fund - newly Sidney Johnson - Carin & John Carlson created fund for the reconstruction of Murray Davis, Diane Dean’s father - Beth Shalom following Hurricane Rita. Rachel & Mark Hausmann Richard Kober Memorial Prayer Book Paula Hoffman Fund - to purchase Mishkan Tefilah siddurim for the congregation. Susan & Lawrence Smolinsky

Fund: Donation Form: ( ) General ( ) Building Amount Enclosed: $ ______Donor: ______( ) Education ( ) Rabbi’s Discretionary Send acknowledgement to: Address: ______( ) Other: ______Name: ______Purpose: Address: ______How would you like this tribute signed? ( ) In Honor of: ( ) In Memory of: ______( ) Speedy Recovery of:

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