Date: Thursday 25 September 2019

Location: Moray Council, Training Room 2 (HQ Annexe)


Moray Council Kevin Price – Traffic Engineer, (Chair) (KP) Diane Anderson – Senior Engineer (DA) Linda Guild – Technical Support Officer (LG) Paul Barron – Senior Engineer (PB) Andrew Ingram – Asset Co-ordinator (AI) Craig Johnston – Asset Inspector (CJ) Brian Kidd – Technical Officer (BK) Kevin Gordon – Asset Inspector (KG) Claire Rowlands – Technical Support Officer (CR) Vince Woods – Technical Supervisor Susan Kearney – Minute Taker (SK)

Utilities David Mair – Scottish Gas Networks (DMa) David Munro – Scottish Gas Networks (DMu) Shaun Christie – Bear Scotland (SC) Hazel Moore – Bear Scotland (HM) Duncan MacLennan – Openreach (DMcL) Darren Pointer - Scottish Water (DP) Irvine Ellis – Scottish and Southern Electricity (IE)


1.0 Introduction & Apologies

1.1 KP thanked all for attending. Introductions were made by those present.

1.2 Formal apologies were received from Derek Smith(Technical Officer), Richard Adam (Network Asset Engineer), Donald MacRae (Public Transport Unit Manager), Daniel Preston (Senior Engineer– Structures), Mike Roberts (Asset Inspector), George Sim (SSE), Lindsay Henderson (Commissioners Office), Graham Davidson - EE, Jamie Reid (Stagecoach), Nathaniel Mair SSE) , Colin Maver(Scottish Water), Fiona McInnes (Scottish Water), David Murdoch ( Network Rail).


2.0 Minutes of Previous Meeting

KP tabled and there were no objections to it being an accurate record of proceedings. All 3.0 Matters Arising 3.1 Notice Periods for Planned Works Traffic Signals

KP stated normally 7 days’ notice required on Minor Works but sometimes they receive shorter notice. KP said they are amenable to help out but stressed that he would like more consideration to be given to the statutory timescales. DMcL, Openreach advised that in England there are different timescales which contractors may not understand when applying in Scotland. KP said that this was good to know. LG stated to DMcL that she has still had to assist with very short notices. All

3.2 Ironworks

Fire hydrants were discussed as Fire Service approval previously holding up some works. KP said he had spoken to Fiona McInnes recently on the issue, who advised that they have done a bit more on the issue but overall it was realised that it was not a significant improvement and the issue is still ongoing. PB said it was a significant strain on their work, CR advised of one defect dating from 2016 and AI said there had been 10 inspections on one particular site. CR said there seemed to be a steady number but it was repeats/follow-ups that absorbed her time. KP and CR to meet and discuss particular jobs on her lists and identify the ones that have not been addressed. KP felt these jobs were dropping off the radar somewhere but expressed he was reluctant to make them all category one to get action. KP/CR

SC and HM Bear Scotland joined the meeting.

3.3 KP thanked the Roads Inspectors for all their works going through timeously. Mobile app for inspectors was mentioned at the last meeting, KP has looked at it and did not think it would fit in with how Moray Council worked.

3.4 National and Local Coring

KP advised Moray has been completed and asked the inspectors if they were aware and how it had gone. CJ raised an issue regarding dirty vehicle and poor signage of works also low visibility of the contractors, KP will raise this with the appropriate staff. KP

3.5 Contact Details

KP said historically Openreach were an issue but SSE has not been

2 compliant recently. LG said Blackhillock/Banff Road was an issue with contacts not having knowledge of the works. It was important to ensure that people named have actual knowledge of the job as the works were nearly stopped yesterday. KP has said that he will cancel jobs if it becomes an issue. IE, SSE will look into it and DMcL Openreach will also investigate if KP raises any issue direct with him. KP advised the Commissioner is seeking to clamp down on this. All

4.0 Minutes of NoSRAUC Meeting – 7th August 2019, Inverness

KP asked all to refer to the 7 August 2019 RAUCS Minutes, as distributed. DMcL of Openreach had attended this along with IE, SSE.

4.1 The Red Book

This is to be revised, particularly with regard to disability access. KP asked for awareness to maintain pedestrian access and will discuss further in the All


4.2 Code of Practice

KP advised Code of Practice meeting went well and seemed to be working so far. No results produced yet for Moray. DMcL, Openreach had some back from other authorities which were acceptable for the group. KP will speak to anyone where failures identified, this will possibly happen at next NoSRAUC meeting. KP

4.3 Red Book and TM Training

KP asked who carries this out within the Council, AI advised they get a specialised company. Utilities agreed it was the same process with them.

4.4 Developer’s Restriction on Plant

The issue of restriction on plant which developers allow to be laid in new developments was raised – it can cause problems later when road adopted when other utilities request excavations. KP has heard of this happening and it is down to the developer as to which companies he invites into the development. DMcL Openreach said that this happens as they rent duct to different communications providers via their duct lines. Potentially this issue may require RCC regulations. HM, Bear said it could lead to a monopoly situation.

4.5 The Transport Bill

KP stated this is going through at the moment for Summer 2020 completion. He felt there was nothing major in it but Commissioner’s involvement may increase as he could get more powers. He has the power 3 to fine both utilities and authorities and he wanted to highlight this has occurred recently. All

5.0 Minutes of RAUCS Meeting – 4th September 2019 Edinburgh

KP did not attend. He noted that they discussed coring again and pointed out that a review of the SROR (Item 4b) was perhaps of interest.

5.1 Inspections Working Group

KP noted that they are seeking to upgrade what has been done. This will be complete by end of next month so a Code of Practice will be released quite soon. KP stated there should not be any major changes.

5.2 Remits from SRWR Steering Group (Item 6d)

KP asked AI if he knew to submit new areas of interest for Aurora? He was not aware just yet. KP advised the reason for asking was because some areas may not carry over to new system, AI will attend to this when it arises. AI

KP stated that we all work on Symology and this will change to Aurora. It is still on track to happen in May 2020. Discussion took place on training for utilities noticing teams and authorities staff in Spring next year. Aurora training to be undertaken as an online module with no access to real thing until particular modules completed satisfactorily. By the next meeting this should be happening. The cost was described as being free to some utilities initially.

5.3 The Scottish Road Works Commissioner’s Report

Yearly report on Moray Council was described as KP as “generally not too bad”. Some more work on Cat B inspections would be required. KP wanted to make staff aware of this.

6.0 Symology

6.1 KP wanted to remind everyone of Aurora implementation coming and that AI would be mainly involved with this. KP thanked Inspectors for their help. KP is producing inspections for them currently but will train them to do their own inspections and result inputs. As Aurora is starting in May he wants to get the inspectors doing their own inspection work meantime, more training KP/ on this will be forthcoming soon. Inspectors

7.0 Performance Management

7.1 KP circulated results for Q1 and discussed the results. He felt the numbers were not big so there would be no need for FPN’s at the moment. DMu Gas asked to get the list of the ones identified so they can check on 4 them. KP agreed to supply and stated they were mainly noticing failures. KP

7.2 Extensions/Early Starts – KP said these were internal to Moray Council mainly. Ideally, he would like these numbers to be lower and stressed the need to keep on top of this and asked for all staff to assist in this matter. CR stated that weather can be a factor for some works. KP said early starts/extensions for utilities can be reflected on the utility companies. LG said she was trying to get ironworks done before December as a priority, especially if on main winter maintenance routes. Utilities don’t get targets from Commissioner but KP put them on the list for interest.

8.0 Major Works – Moray Council

8.1 A List of Potential Work Programmes and an Openreach Programme of Works had been distributed by KP.

8.2 KP stated the new inspectors have engaged with utilities on site and thanked them for doing this. He said that utilities staff are approachable on site to address issues and it avoids the need to call the office and escalate issues. Openreach have re-programmed their cable pulling works and there is now a conflict with School Brae works. LG asked if they can go into Clifton Road sooner.

8.3 KP had received an email from D Preston, Structures. On the list he submitted – Craigellachie Bridge. There will be a need for a convoy system with traffic lights and possible overnight closures for resurfacing. It may be January and could affect gritting. PB said gritters could go past earlier in evening to accommodate.

8.4 VW – ongoing works at Boyd Anderson Drive to continue for a few months. Next major street lighting works will be at Inchbrae, .

8.5 PB said there was nothing major within his section at present.

9.0 Major Works – Utilities

9.1 BT Openreach (DMcL)

Duncan McL referred to his list and said if anyone saw any issues, to contact him.

9.2 SSE (IE)

Overhead line works are handled in Perth so nothing happening as far as Irvine is aware. KP stated and Keith are the only areas at the moment with this work and asked inspectors to keep an eye on this.

5 9.3 Scottish Water (DP)

Four days planned for High St Elgin in October but DP had no information on it. There were project investigations for replacement air valves on A96/A95 but these were short-term checks.

Scottish Gas Network (DMu)

9.4 DMu stated that High Street should be finished by the end of October hopefully. There could possibly be 4 way lights next week but they will be removed for the holidays. He stated there had been traffic light breakdowns a few times during the works.

BK asked re these works and DMu said Scottish Water may need access due to water issue. KP and DMu to meet in the next week regarding Buckie High Street to try and programme in something. KP/DMu

Station Road is due to start in January as Rathburn Street Buckie project has been pulled. Strathlene Road should come forward to November and he will discuss with LG as they will need a road closure. Morven Crescent Findochty should be done as a one way system. DA said that there was a trial of a one way system proposed on this street, so this would work as a trial for observations. Morven Crescent work would be DA/KP agreed nearer the time. Programme to be forwarded to LG so she can DMu/LG have sight of the works.

Pansport Road, Elgin, traffic management may require a closure at Chanonry Road and a one way system to avoid A96 back up, but still being investigated at the moment.

New projects for Scottish Gas are announced in November.

DMa advised that Elgin Road, will be tarred today.

10.0 Major Works – BEAR Scotland (SC)

10.1 SC advised resurfacing Barmuckity scheme to KFC roundabout. Alves crawler lane coming up soon. There is a small section on bypass to be done. In Keith there is the Showfield Site (PB asked for date and advised it will be an overnight closure to be confirmed in next few months) and outside the Ugie Hotel. There was a CCTV survey over the whole of Keith re drainage next week. Another area for resurfacing is the A95 Glentauchers Distillery.

10.2 HM stated that Springfield will be working on the stopping up order at Barmuckity on 14 October and a convoy will start. The works should be off peak and overnight. HM has been getting on well with the contractor in arranging this. 6

10.3 HM mentioned that a sign appeared at Barmuckity re a closure. This was not BEAR doing the work. The contact on Scottish roadworks register should be relevant to the scheme. It transpired that Scottish Water were doing an overnight closure and the sign was subsequently removed. Asked that utilities advise them if they have a notice to display on the trunk roads. All 11.0 Health and Safety

11.1 KP reiterated that the red book was being updated so to be aware re mobility issues at roadworks and stated that sometimes sites can be poor at that. There is a need for ramps at walkways etc. KP said it is going to be a lot tighter for site operatives and inspectors. All 12.0 Traffic Management

12.1 KP stated that the red book would impact Traffic Management as well. All

13.0 Contact Details

13.1 KP said that noticing needs to be right for the people doing the work. Having local contacts helps a great deal and asked that we get it right first time. All

13.2 HM mentioned that on Commissioner’s website the contact details are listed. She felt GDPR may be an issue in that it appears on a Public site. Someone’s personal number was on one and it may be the emergency contact for the authority. KP to investigate. KP

14.0 Public Events

14.1 KP stated that they usually have good advanced warning. The system is working well with assistance from utilities when required.

15.0 AOCB

15.1 HM advised regarding public events, Events TTRO does not give anyone the right, including the police, to stop and direct traffic. A law change would be required. Transport Scotland caused a lot of havoc so have now gone back to what it was in place before; if local police want to assist, they can do. Keith Remembrance day parade is the only such Event they have at moment.

15.2 DMcL stated that PIA duct sharing has been opened up by Ofcom. It can be the case that you may now find other fibre companies doing work, so he wanted to raise awareness of this. BK said similar happens with windfarm cables. KP said it may be an issue for them to oversee.

15.3 PB raised Haugh Road to DP regarding fixing collapsed sewer and 7 Scottish Water denied responsibility. He advised that the public are suffering and asked them for more honesty when investigating. DP advised to send him issues and he will forward onto staff in Scottish Water. He indicated there are staffing changes coming to the Organisation.

KP stated it is difficult to identify road collapses but likelihood is that it is Scottish Water and PB stated a “nothing to do with us” culture and having to prove their apparatus is at fault is not helpful. They had to do CCTV and send to Scottish Water in that case. KP said first point of call should be a camera but PB stated that does not always work. KP to forward details to PB for DP at Scottish Water for contact.

15.4 CR raised the issue of Noticing to DMcL - comments still have Openreach codes and numbers – the whole point of Symology is that everyone should be able to use and read it. The codes should not be on the Streetworks Register. CR normally feeds back to inspectors but this is pointless when it’s just a code. DMcL Openreach said to forward any issues to him. CR then handed over an example for examination. DMcL said it was their own internal process. KP asked if an explanatory note could go on this. DMcL said Moray were the only Council raising this and he has already asked his team to address this. HM said they see them too. The description exists on their internal register. KP asked if he could do something about this. DMcL agreed to further look into it.

15.5 KG raised an issue at Dunnyduff Road, a surcharging manhole. KP will address this as well as Trinity Road and Schoolhill – BK said that he reported one and the reference number was not traced on Scottish Water systems. It was asked if there was only one number to phone (customer services) DP said any issues, send them through to him.

CJ asked about timescales re repairs as some damage is severe. DP can do an inspection and push works through asap. He is unsure what the changes are to be at Scottish Water at the moment.

15.6 CJ mentioned an Openreach manhole on a footpath which was reported in Oct 2018 and was still not done. The data has been untouched since 3 days after recording. DMcL said email him this type of issue for him to check. AI said it was felt this work was falling off the radar and KP said this is an issue with Scottish Water and BT. CR suggested there was no monitoring of high interest work by some utilities. The work number was passed to DMcL. CJ also said about some work at SSE, IE said he needed the information passed to himself (which wasn’t done after the last meeting) as they have had staffing changes so it would be best to put directly to him meantime. DMu said they have similar issues too.

15.7 PB stated that moving forward, inspectors should first raise through proper channels and then the second time round contact their local contact from this meeting directly.

8 15.8 BK stated in Findochty there was a new antenna with Openreach on it. Built in the area of a ditch. DMcL said they don’t have any antenna despite sticker on it stating it was Openreach

15.9 LG shared same concerns re Scottish Water lead renewal works and would have liked someone from Wullie Michie’s team to have attended the meeting to discuss further. She said that the last 3 jobs of theirs had not gone well. There were TM and noticing issues including one outside Council Offices.

Regarding defects these need to go to Fiona McInnes. Courtney has been helpful by promptly accepting recently highlighted defects to allow works to be included under planned Road Closure. DP of Scottish Water asked that she pass a list on to him. KP said in this respect communications were bad and needed to be built up.

15.10 KP said catering was to stop due to financial cut backs. He will try and get coffee and biscuits next time.

16.0 Date of Next Meeting

16.1 KP advised that the next RAUCS meeting is confirmed for 23 April 2020.

16.2 KP thanked everyone for their input and attendance and closed the meeting.