Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns, Chamba Town, Part VI-B
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CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH PART VI.a. ~ SPECIAL SURVEY REPORTS ON SELECTED TOWNS CHAMBATOWN K; l. NEG.· OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS HIMACHAL PRADESH CENSUS OF INDlA 1971 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1971- Series-7-Himachal Pradesh is being published in the following parts: Part Number Subject Covered I-A General Report. I.,B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cui- tural and Migration Patterns. I-C Subsidiary Tables. II-A General Population Tables ('A' Series). II-B Economic Tables ('B; Series)", '. II-CCi) Distribution of Population~ "Religion, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Tables C-VII and C-VIII Parts A & B with annexures and appen dices) . II-CCii) Other Social and Cultural Tables including Mother Tongue and Bilingualism, Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composition, Single Yliar Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels (All 'C' Series tables excepting c-vn and C-VIII Parts A & B; and 'F' S,eries), II-D Migration Tables ('D' ~eries), III Establishment Report and Tables ('E' Series), N Housing Report and Tables CH' Series). V-A Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (,SC'" Series and 'ST' Series). V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Sche- duled Tribes. VI-A Town Dir~ctory. VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. VII Special Report on Graduates and Technical Person nel (All India Report). VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration} For official VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation use only. IX Census Atlas. GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLICATIONS District Census Handbooks 'X-A Town and Village Directory. X-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and Dis- trict Census Tables. (District Census Handbooks in respect of 10 districts of Himachal Pradesh are being published in 20 Volumes i.e. two ·volumes for each district. Parts X-A and X-B are being com bined and Part X-C are being brought out independently). ii ACKNOWLED;:;ZMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION S. R. KAUSHAL AND Junior Investigator PHOTOGRAPHY & D. R. KHANNA Tabulation Officer TABULATION S. R. KAUSHAL Junior Investigat()r USHA LAMBA Computor RAM LAL Computor MAPS AND CHARTS KAUL SINGH THAKUR Cartographer TUKA RAM Draftsman PARMA NAND Draftsman TIPING ~lARE LAL Stenographer GIAN CHAND Junior Stenographer DILARAM U.O.C. TULSI DASS L.O.C. 'PRINTING M. C. JASWAL Assistant J. C. GAUTAM Proof Reader SOHAN LAL Proof Reader iii FIRST DRAFT S. R. KAUSHAL Junior Investigator & D. R. KHANNA Tabulation Officer SUPERVISION AND ASSISTANCE S. L. BAHL Assistant Director C. D. BHATT Assistant Director Late SHRI s. P. SHABI Investigator C. L. SHARMA Investigator EDITING S. K. AGARWAL Deputy Director & K. C. SURr Deputy Director iv CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD PREFACE LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Population; Topography and Physical Environment; Flora and .Fauna; Climate; Rainfall and Humidity; Communication with other places; Pbst and Telegraph offices; Morphology; Wards and Residential Pattern; Castes and Communities; Functional areas; Administrative Area; Industrial Area; Business Area; Educational Area; Residential Area; Land use Pattern; Important Public Places 1 ~26 CHAPTER II HISTORY OF GROWTH OF THE TOWN Brief History of Chamba State; Found ing of Chamba Town by Sahila Varman c:.A.D. 920; Other Myths and Legends connected with the name and· growth of the Town; Size and growth of the Town; Land utilization pattern and population charac teristics of the Town; History of Immigration and Emigration; Partition of India; Impact of Topography on the growth pattern and the growth history . • . • .27-40 CHAPTER III AMENITIES AND SERVICES-HISTORY OF GROWTH AND THE PRESENT POSITION Administrative offices of the Government; Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Chamba; Office of the Superintendent of Police; Public Works Departments; Public Relations and Tourism; Other Important Government Offices; Municipal Committee, Chamba; Public Health and Conservancy; Water Supply; Power and Street Lighting; Roads; Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones; Fire Fighting; Educational Institutions; Detailed Account of Imp()ftant Educational Institutions; Industrial Training Institute; Government v Pages Boys' Higher Secondary School, Chamba; Government Girls' Higher Secondary School, Chamba; Condensed Courses of Education for Adult Women; Bhartiya Public School, Chamba; Government Primary School, Chamba; Medical facilities and Medical Insti- tutions; Family Planning; Private Clinics .. 41-69 CHAPTER IV ECONOMIC LIFE OF THE TOWN Working force in the Sample Households; Agriculture and Horticulture; Animal Hus bandry; Industry; Sample study of Indus- trial Establishments; Himachal Pradesh s.tate Khadi and Village Industries Board; Trade and Commerce; Sample Survey of Trade and Business Establishments; Analytical Details of Commercial Establishments; Environmental Condition; Imports and Exports; Banking facilities; Other Sectors of the Economy .• 70-126 CHAPTER V ETHNIC AND SELECTED SOCIO-DEMO- GRAP:HIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POPULATION Ethnic Composition of the Population; Religion wise Population in sample households; Sche duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes; Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population in Sample Households; Others; Other Castes in Sample Households.; Distribution of Popula. tion by-Age, Sex and Marital Status; Age, Sex and Education; Inter-Religion Marriage, Inter Caste Marriage, Widow Re-Marriage and Divorce and Re-Marriage; Co-Relates of Age at Marriage; Education by Religion; Non- enrolment in School (Sample Population); Discontinuation of study (Sample Population) 127-153 CHAPTER VI MIGRATION AND .SETTLEMENT OF FAMILIES Migration; Economic activi~ies of Migrants; Migration among sample households; House holds by longest stay of any member; Last residence as related to Place of birth; Place vi Pages of birth/last residence as related to Country / State/District to which belong; Migration Stages of households hailing from outside; Broad Category of the place of origin, time and reason for migration; Characteristics of the places of successive migration; Property at the place from where migrated; Close relations at the place from where migrated; Visit to close relations during the last three years; Unit of migration; Help received from various sources during migration; Problems faced during or after migration 154-189 NEIGHBOURHOOD PATTERN Identification of neighbourhoods; Pucca Tala; Sapri ; Kashmiri ; Sultanpura 190-201 -CHAPTER VIII FAMILY LIFE IN THE TOWN Households by number of members; Com position of households by age and sex; Nature of relation of members of head of household; Type of households; Composition of families by Country, .State, Religibn and Caste; Mem bers staying outside, reason, nature of link with the household 202-209 CHAPTER IX HOUSING AND MATERIAL CULTURE House type, material of wall and roof; House- holds classified by number of members and number of rooms ·occupied; Households classi fied by size and tenuraJ ~tatus; Survey Data Relation of selected houses of selected house holds with adjoining houses in space by loca lity ; Floor position of households and problems faced; Time and cost of construction of select ed houses; Sample houses by predominant material of construction; Households classified by loc~lity and per-capita floor space; Availabi lity of amenities; Tenural status; Existence of furniture; Utensils; Presence. of luxury goods; Dress 210-238 <CHAPTER X SLUMS BLIGHTED AND OTHER AREAS WITH SUB-STANDARD LIVING CONDITIONS vii Pages A general note 239-240 CHAPTER XI ORGANISATION OF POWER AND PRESTIGE Voting behaviour of the population during the last Municipal Election (1967); Neighbour hood; Political Parties in Chamba Town; Trade Unions, Caste and Community Associa- ,tions etC. .. 241-266 CHAPTEll XII LEISURE AND RECREATION, SOCIAL PARTICIPATION, SOCIAL AWARENESS, RELIGION AND CRIME Parks and Play Grounds; Club; Libraries; Cinemas; News Papers; Religious Institu tions and Religious activities; The Arya Samaj, Chamba ; The Kirk Session; Crime behaviour; Sub-Jail, Chamba 267-280 CHAP1'llR XIII LINKAGE AND CONTINUA Urban impact on the surrounding villages and vice versa; Testing of Hypothesis .. 281-312 CHAPTER XIV CONCLUSION 313-316- APPENDIX .. 317-342: viii FOREWORD The Census has become an indispensable instrument of policy and development planning. It ne,ed hardly be stressed that a census is not a mere counting of heads. It is a kind of stock taking as it were, of the nation's human wealth. Census aims at presenting as complete a picture of man as may be possible in his social, cultural and economic setting. Reorganising that its role is to serve the needs of the planner, policy maker, administrator and the academician, the Census Organisation from time to time arranges discussions with the main data users and seeks guidance in planning its operations. However, for a further and more realistic apPlieciation of the data thrown up by the Census on various aspects of the life of the community, it has been realised that more and more empiri cal studies would have to be undertaken. This requirement was kept in view even while planning the 1961 Census. The studies undertaken as ancillary to it, and particularly the socio-economic survey of five hundred and odd villages throughout the country provided insight into the meaning of the statistical data in terms of real life situations.