Vidzeme (North ) region 3 cycling routes around Vidzeme How did Vidzeme started? Cycling road EV 11 (idea about cross-border project TourdeLatest) Cycling road EV 11 (idea about cross-border project TourdeLatest) Cycling signs in Latvia (2008) Signs in the forests

Partnership – Project Tour de LatEst (2009-2010)

 Lead partner – Vidzeme Tourism Association  Partners from Estonia:  Valga County Government (covering also 4 counties – Tartu, Viljandi, Jogeva, Valga)  Partners from Latvia:  Ape municipality   Mālpils municipality   Valkas municipality  Latvian tourism development agency Tour de LatEst

1296 km in Latvia and Estonia 8 countries Cycling route map

Joint cycling-tourism map of cycling in 50 000 copies in Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, English, Russian, German and Finnish Cycling Brochure in 7 languages Journalist visit Info stands, Bicycle parking stands The Development of the Cycling Routes

The Idea of the Route

The target audience(s) of the route

The planning of routes and route maps

Real-life testing of the routes

Cooperation within the stakeholders anlong the route

Issuing (printing) the Route Map

Sign-posting of the routes

Promoting the rootes, maintaining the infrastructure 11/20/12 Cycle route signpost Latvia example .

1. EiroVelo (13, 11, 10) 2. National (6,7) 3. Reģional (33,34,17) 4. Local (101- 999)

EuroVelo methodology

Tourism Fairs (Germany)

Monitoring, assessment Why “Bike friendly”? Cycle friendly certifications in Europe

• Germany – ADFC – nation wide scheme – also LUX, BE • Lower Austria – Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH.- regional • Czech Republic – Nadace Partnerství - nation wide • Slovakia – Nadacia Ekopolis - nation wide • Poland – Fundacija Partnerstwo - nation wide Raitis Sijats- Managing Director of Latvian Greenways Association